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DHMCT Ist Year 01.

Foundation Course In Food Production

Sl.No. 1. a. b. c. d. e. 2. a. 3. a. b. c. d. e. 4. a. b. c. 5. a. b. 6. a. b. 7. a. b. c. d. e. 8. Topic INTRODUCTION TO COOKERY
Levels of skills and experiences Attitudes and behavior in the kitchen. Personal hygiene Uniforms & protective clothing Safety procedure in handling equipment.

CULINARY HISTORY Origin of modern cookery HIERARCHY AREA OF DEPARTMENT AND KITCHEN Classical Brigade Modern staffing in various category hotels Role of executive Chef Duties and responsibilities of various chefs Cooperation with other departments KITCHEN ORGANIZATION AND LAYOUT General layout of the kitchen in various organizations Layout of receiving areas Layout of service and wash up. EQUIPMENT AND FUEL Various fuels used: - Advantages and disadvantages of each. Different equipments used in food production BASIC MENU PLANNING Types of Menu Menu Planning Principles Aims & Objects of Cooking Foods Aims and objectives of cooking food Various Textures Various consistencies Techniques used in pre-preparation Techniques used in preparation

Basic Principles of Food Production Vegetable and Fruit Cookery Introduction classification of Vegetables Pigments and co lour changes Effects of heat on vegetables Cuts of vegetables Classification of fruits Uses of fruit in cookery Salads and salad dressings (ii) Stocks Definition of stock Types of stock Preparation of stock Recipes Storage of stocks Uses of stocks Care and precautions

(iii) Soups Classification with examples Basic recipes Consomms Garnishes and accompaniments Sauces a. Classification of Sauces b. Recipes of mother sauces c. Derivatives Meat Cookery a. Introduction to meat cookery b. cuts of beef/veal c. Cuts of lamb/muttons d. Cuts of pork e. Variety meats(offals) Egg Cookery a. Introduction to egg cookery b. Structure of an egg c. Selection of an egg d. Uses of egg in cookery e. Methods of cooking egg (vii) a. b. c. d. e. Fish Cookery Introduction to fish cookery Classification of fish with examples Cuts of fish Selection of fish and shell fish Cooking of fish (effects of heat)

Rice, Cereals & Pulses a. Introduction b. Classification and identification c. Cooking of rice, cereals and pulses d. Varieties of rice and other cereals 9. Methods Of Cooking Food a. Roasting b. Grilling c. Frying d. Baking e. Broiling f. Poaching g. Boiling

Principles of each of the above Care and precaution to be taken Selection of food for each type of cooking

Bakery (I) Pastry a. Short crust b. Laminated c. Choux d. Hot water/Rough puff Recipes and methods of preparation Differences Uses of each Pastry Care to be taken while preparing pastry


Role of each ingredient Temperature of baking pastry (ii)Simple Breads a. Principles of bread making b. Simple yeast breads c. Role of each ingredient in bread making d. Making temperature and its importance (iii)Pastry Creams a. Basic pastry creams b. Uses in confectionary c. Preparation and care in production 11. a. b. c. 12. CULINARY TERMS List of culinary(common and basic) terms Uses in confectionary Preparation and care in production

COMMODITIES (i) Flour Structure of Wheat Types of Wheat Types of Flour Processing of Wheat Flour Uses of Flour in Food Production Cooking of Flour(Starch)

Shortening ( Fats & Oils) a. Role of Shortenings b. Varieties of Shortening c. Advantages and Disadvantages of using various Shortening d. Fats & Oils Types, Varieties, Storage Raising Agents a. b. c. Classification of Raising Agents Role of Raising Agents Actions and Reaction

(iv) Sugar Importance of Sugar Types of Sugar Cooking of Sugar- various Uses of Sugar 13. BASIC COMMODITIES (i) Milk a. Introduction b. Processing of Milk c. Pasteurization Homogenization d. Types of Milk Skimmed and Condensed e. Nutritive Value
(ii) Cream

a. b. c.

Introduction Processing of Cream Types of Cream

(iii) Cheese Introduction

b. c. d.


Processing of Cheese Types of Cheese Classification of Cheese Curing of Cheese Uses of Cheese

(iv) Butter a. Introduction b. Processing of Butter c. Types of Butter 14. BASIC INDIAN COOKERY Condiments & Spices a. Introduction to Indian food b. Spices used in Indian cookery c. Role of spices in Indian Cookery d. Indian equivalent of spices(names) Masalas a. Blending of spices and concept of masalas b. Different masalas used in Indian cookery *Wet masalas *Dry masalas c. Composition of different masalas d. Varities of masalas available in regional areas e. Special masala blends (iii) Thickening Agents a. Role of thickening agents in Indian cuisine b. Types of thickening agents 15. FRENCH a. La material de cuisine(The kitchen and its utensils) b. Hierarchy of kitchen personnel c. Methods of cooking d. Egg & Farinaceous e. Cuts of vegetables f. Cuts of fish g. Cuts of meat Lamb/Mutton Pork Beef Veal Simple menu terminology 7 grammar Note: Should be taught along with the relevant topics

07151. PRACTICALS Ist Term Sl.No. Topic 1 Introduction to cookery Demonstration classes & simple application by students PART-A BASIC WESTERN CUISINE Vegetables a. Varieties of Vegetables b. Classification c. Cuts of Vegetables: Julienne Jardinire Mignonette Dices

Cubes Macedoine Paysanne Shred Scrambled Omlette(plain,stuffed) En cocotte(eggs,benedict) Starch (rice,pasta,potato) ii. Fish Mongery i. Identification & classification of fish e.g. flat fish(Pomfret, Black Pomfret and Sole) Round fish(Surmai, Rawas, Mackerel ) Shellfish (Clams, Mussels, Shrimps, Crabs, Lobsters ) Cephalopods (Squid, Cuttle, Fish) Cuts of Fish e.g. Fillet, Darne, Troncon, Paupiette, Goujons Preparation of simple fish Dishes such as Saumon frille Pomfret Meuniere Sole Nornay Fish Orly Fish Colbert fish a langlaise Poultry Cuts of Poultry Preparation and jointing of Chicken Preparation of Simple Dishes such as Lamb and Pork Chops Tornado, Fillet, Steak and Escalope Roast leg of Lamb Stew PART-B BAKERY & PATISSERIE Bread making a. b. c. d. e. f. Simple Cakes Demonstration and Preparation of simple cakes,recipes Sponge, Genoese,Fatless,Swiss roll Fruit Cake Rich Cakes Dundee, Madeira Pastry a. b. c. d. Demonstration and preparation of dishes using varieties of Pastry Short Crust Jam tarts, Turnovers Laminated- Palmiers, Khara Biscuits, Danish Pastry, Cream Horns Choux Paste- Eclairs, Profiteroles Simple Cookies Demonstration and Preparation of simple cookies like Nan Khatai, Demonstration + Preparation of Simple and enriched bread Recipes Bread Loaf (White and Brown ) Bread rolls (Various shapes) French Bread Brioche

Golden Goodies, Melting moments, Swiss tart, Tri Colour Biscuits, Chocolate chip Cookies , Chocolate Cream Fingers,Bachelor Buttons Hot/Cold Desserts a. b. Caramel Custard, Bread and Butter Pudding, Queen of Pudding, Scuffle- Lemon/Pineapple, Mouse Chocolate Coffee,Bavaroise, Diplomat Pudding, Apricot Pudding Steamed Pudding- Albert Pudding, Cabinet Pudding. PART-C BASIC INDIAN CUISINE Rice, Cereals,& Pulses Identification of various varieties of rice, cereals and pulses Simple preparations such as Boiled rice( draining & absorption method ) Fried rice Various simple dal preparation Wheat products like chappaties,parathas,phulkas,pooris Indian Masalas Composition of basic Indian masalas Green White Brown Tandoori Preparation of these and incorporation in simple dishes such and Vindaloo, korma, tikka, safed mas, navrattan korma. Thickening, coloring and souring agents

(i) a. b.

(ii) a. b. c.

2nd Term Topic Individual Student Practical Practical classes to incorporate simple menus both Indian and Continental comprising of following dishes. Each institute to formulate their own combination a. Soups Cream-vegetable, spinach, tomato, green peas Consomme with garnishes like royale, Carmen, madrilne, Clermont, Celestine National soups- Oxtail, Mulligatawny, Minestrone, Vichyssoise b. Fish Fish Orly, langlaise, Colbert, meuniere, poached fish, grilled fish, baked fish, such as Florentine, Mornay , Portuguese Salads- basic simple salads & dressings Cole slawsalade nicoise Russian Salad beetroot salad Potato salad fruit salad Carrot &vcelery waldorf salad Cold Sweet- honeycomb mould, butterscotch sponge, coffee mousse, lemon sponge, trifle, blancmange, chocolate mousse, lemon souffl g. Hot Sweet- bread & butter pudding, caramel custard, Albert pudding, Christmas pudding. Indian sweets simple oneschicoti, gajjar halwa, kheer Indian rice- dishes such as jeera pulao, vegetable pulao, lemon rice, aloogobi ki thehari, khichdi



Indian breads- chapattis, pooeis, parathas, missi roti Indian meat/ chicken dishes- korma, baffat, sfed mas, shahjehani, jhalfrazie, hussainey curry, rogini, Tandoori chicken

DHMCT Ist Year

07102. Foundation Course In Food & Beverage Service

S.No 1. Topic THE HOTEL & CATERING INDUSTRY A. Introduction to the Hotel Indusrty and Growth of the head Industry of India. B. Role of Catering establishment in the travel / tourism industry. C. Types of F&B operations. D. Classification of Commercial ,Residential/Non Residential E. Welfare Catering Industrial/Institutional/Transport such as air, road, rail/Sea F. Structure of the catering industry a brief description of each.

DEPARTMENTAL ORGANISATION & STAFFING A. Organization of F&B department of hotel. B. Principal staff of various types of F&B operations C. French terms related to F&B staff D. Duties & responsibilities of F&B staff E. Attributes of a waiter F. Inter-departmental relationships (Within F&B and other department) 03 I-FOOD SERVICE AREAS A. Specialty Restaurants B. Coffee Shop Service C. Cafeteria Service D. Fast Food Service E. Room Service F. Banquet Service G. Bar Service H. Vending Machines II- ANCILLIARY DEPARTMENTS A. Pantry B. Food pick-up area C. Store D. Linen room E. Kitchen stewarding 04. PRACTICAL F&B SERVICE EQUIPMENT A. Familiarization of - Cutlery - Crockery - Glassware - Flatware - Hollowware - All other equipment used in F&B Service *French terms related to the above Care & maintenance of equipment including cleaning/polishing of EPNS - Plate Powder method - Polivit method - Silver dip method - Burnishing machine


MEALS & MENU PLANNING A. Origin of Menu B. Objectives of Menu Planning C. Types of Menu D. Courses of French Classical Menu Sequence Examples from each course Cover of each course Accompaniments E.

French Names of dishes Types of meals

Types of meals Early Morning Tea Breakfast (English, American Continental, Indian ) Brunch Lunch Afternoon/High tea Dinner Supper

METHODS OF SERVICE Mise- en-scene & mise-en-place PRACTICAL A. Table laying for different meals B. Restaurant reservation C. Receiving and seating the guest D. Talking the order E. Procedure of service at table ( Silver service and pre-plated service) F. Presentation & En cashing the bill G. Room Service (tray and trolley) H. French for receiving and greeting the guest and seating the guest I. French related to taking order and description of dishes


SIMPLE CONTROL SYSTEM A. KOT/Bill Control System B. Making bill C. Cash handling equipment D. Record keeping NON- ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Classification ( Nourishing, Simulating and Refreshing beverages ) A. Tea - Origin & Manufacture - Types & Brands PRACTICAL Preparation & Service B. Coffee - Origin & Manufacture - Types & Brands


PRACTICAL Preparation & Service of different types of coffee C. Juices and Soft Drinks PRACTICAL Service of Juices and Soft Drinks Mock tail making Brand Names of Juices, Soft Drinks, Mineral Water, Tonic Water D. Cocoa & Malted Beverages - Origin & Manufacture PRACTICAL Preparation & Service TOBACCO A. History B. Processing for cigarettes, pipe tobacco & cigars C. Cigars shapes/ sizes/ colours D. Storage of cigarettes & cigars PRACTICAL Service of Cigars & Cigarettes

DHMCT Ist Year

07103. Foundation Course In Front Office Operation



A. Tourism and its importance. Hospitality and its origin Hotels, their evolution and growth Brief introduction to hotel core areas with special reference to Front Office


CLASSIFICATION OF HOTELS A. Size B. Star C. Location & clientele D. Ownerships basis E. Independent hotels F. Management contracted hotel G. Chains H. Franchise/ Affiliated I. Supplementary accommodation J. Times shares and condominium TYPES OF ROOMS B. C.
Double Twin




A. B. C. D. Function areas Front office hierarchy Duties and responsibilities Personality traits

TARIFF STRUCTURE Basis of charging Plans, competition, customers profile, standards & amenities Hubert formula Different types of tariffs Rack rate Discounted Rates for corporate, Airlines, Groups & Travel Agents HOTEL ENTRANCE, LOBBY AND FRONT OFFICE Layout Front office equipment ( non automated, semi automated and automated) 7. FRONT OFFICE AND GUEST HANDLING Introduction to guest cycle Pre arrival Arrival Stay

Departure and after departure

RESERVATION Importance of reservation Modes Channels and sources( F I T s, Travel Agents, Airline, G I T s) Types of reservation( Tentative, confirmed, guaranteed etc.) Systems( non automatic, semi automatic, fully automatic) Cancellation, Amendments and overbooking 9. ROOM SELLING TECHINIQUES Up selling Discounts Preparing for guest arrivals at Reservation and Front office Receiving of guests Pre- registration Registration ( non automatic, semi automatic and automatic ) Relevant records for F I Ts ,Groups, Air Crews & VIPs ) Functions Procedures and records DURING THE STAY ACTIVITIES Information services Message and mail handling Key Handling Room selling technique Hospitality desk Complaints handling Guest handling Guest history 13. 14. FRONT OFFICE CO- ORDINATION WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS OF HOTEL GUEST ACCOUNTING( MANUAL) Guest weekly Bill Visitors tabular ledger Understanding and uses of accents, orthographic signs & punctuation Knowledge of cardinaux Days, Dates Time, Month and seasons




07153. Foundation Course In Front Office

B. Appraisal of front office equipment and furniture (Rack, counter bell desk ) Filling up of various Performa

Welcoming of Guest D. E. Telephone handling Role Play Reservation Arrivals Luggage handling Message and mail handling Paging Fidelio Training (in computer lab) SUGGESTIVE LIST OF TASK FOR FIDELIO FRONT OFFICE OPERATION SYSTEM SL.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TOPIC Fidelio training Hot Function keys How to put message in Fidelio How to put a locator in Fidelio How to check in a first time guest How to check in an existing reservation How to check in a day use How to issue a new key How to verify key How to cancel a key How to issue a duplicate key How to extend a key How to print and prepare registration cards for arrival How to Programmed keys continuously How to Programmed one key for two rooms How to re- Programmed a key

DHMCT Ist Year

07104. Foundation Course In Accomodation Operation



A. Role of housekeeping in Guest satisfaction and Repeat Buisness.

02. ORGANISATION CHART OF THE HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT A. Hierarchy in small, medium, large and chain hotels B. Identifying housekeeping responsibilities C. Personality trails of housekeeping management personnel D. Duties and responsibilities of housekeeping management personnel E. Layout of the housekeeping department 03. CLEANING ORGANISATION A. Principle of cleaning, hygiene & safety factors in cleaning B. Methods of organizing cleaning C. Frequency of cleaning daily, periodic, special D. Design feature that simplify cleaning E. Use & care of equipment 4. PEST CONTROL Areas of infestation Preventive measures & control measures 5. CLEANING AGENTS General criteria for selection Classification. Polishes Floor seats Use, care & storage Distribution & control Use of eco-friendly products in housekeeping 6. COMPOSITION, CARE & CLEANING OF DIFFERENT SURFACES A. Metals B. Glass C. Leather, leatherettes, Rexene D. Plastic E. Ceramics F. Wood G. Wall finishes H. Floor finishes TYPES OF BEDS & MATTRESSES KEYS A. Types of keys B. Computerized key cards C. Key control ROOM LAYOUT & GUEST SUPPLIES A. Standard rooms, VIP ROOMS B. Guests special requests

AREA CLEANING Guest rooms Front of the house Areas Back of- the house Areas Work routine and associated problems eg. High traffic areas, faade, Cleaning etc. ROUTINE SYSTEMS AND RECORDS OF HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT Reporting staff placement Room Occupancy Report Guest Room Inspection Entering Checklists, Floor Register, Work Orders, Log Sheet Lost and Found Register and Enquiry file Maids report and housekeepers Report Handover Records Guest Special Requests Register Record of Special Cleaning Call Register VIP Lists INTER DEPARTMENTAL RELATIONSHIP With Front Office With Maintenance With Security With Stores With Accounts With Personnel Use of Computers in House Keeping department 1 2 3 PRACTICAL Room Layout and Standard Supplies Cleaning Equipment Cleaning of different surfaces - Daily - Periodic - Special tasks MaidTrolley Setting up a trolley Bed making Daily cleaning of guestroom & bathrooms Public Area Cleaning Guests Room Inspection

4 5 6 7

DHMCT Ist Year



Objectives : The basic objective of the course is to introduce the student to the world of computers and computer technology to introduce the student to the basic concept of Operating System, Word Processing, DataBase Presentation & Networking. 01. COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS - THEORY INFORMATION CONCEPTS AND PROCESSING A. Definitions


Need, Quality, and Value of Information. Data Processing Concepts.

ELEMENTS OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM A. Definitions B. Characteristics of Computers C. Classification of Computers D. Limitations HARDWAREB FEATURES AND USES A. Components of a Computer B. Generation of Computers C. Primary and Secondary Storage Concept D. Data Entry Devices E. Data Output Devices SOFTWARE CONCEPTS A. System Software B. Application Software C. Language Classification D. Compilers and Interpreters 02. OPERATING SYSTEM/ ENVIRONMENTS- THEORY BASICS OF MS- DOS A. Internal Commands B. External Commands INTRODUCTION TO WINDOWS A. GUI Features B. What are Windows and windows 95 and above ? C. Parts of a typical windows and their functions WINDOWS OPERATIONS- PRACTICAL A. Creating Folders B. Creating Shortcuts C. Copying Files / Folders D. Renaming Files / Folders E. Deleting Files F. Exploring Windows G. Quick Menus

03. MS-OFFICE- 97 MS WORD- PRACTICAL CREATING A DOCUMENT A. Entering text B. Saving the document C. Editing a document Already Saved to Disk D. Getting around the Documents E. Find and replace Operation F. Printing the Documents FORMATTING A DOCUMENT A. Justify Paragraphs B. Changing a paragraphs Indents C. Setting tabs and Margins D. Formatting Pages and Documents E. Using Bullets and Numbering F. Headers ? Footers G. Pagination SPECIAL EFFECTS A. Print Special effects e.g. Bold, Underline, Superscripts, Subscripts B. Changing Fonts C. Changing Case CUT, COPY AND PASTE OPERATION A. Marking Blocks B. Copying and Pasting a Block C. Cutting and Pasting a Block D. Deleting a Block E. Using Find and Replace in a Block USING MS-WORD TOOLS A. Spelling and Grammar B. Mail Merge C. Printing Envelopes and Lables TABLES A. Create B. Delete C. Format GRAPHICS A. Inserting clip arts B. Stmbols( Borders/Shading) C. Word Art PRINT OPTIONS A. Previewing the document B. Printing a whole document C. Printing a Specific Page D. Printing a Selected Page E. Printing Several Documents F. Printing More than One Copies

MS OFFICE 97 MS EXCEL PRACTICAL A. How to use Excel B. Starting Excel C. Parts of Worksheet D. Navigating in a Worksheet E. Getting to know mouse pointer shape CREATING SPREADSHEET A. Starting a new Worksheet B. Entering the three different types of data in a worksheet Creating simple Formulas Formatting data for Decimal points Editing data in a Worksheet Using Auto fill Blocking Data Saving a Worksheet Exciting Excel MAKING THE WORKSHEET LOOK PETTY A. Selecting cells to format B. Trimming tables with Auto Format C. Format Cells for :Currency Comma Percent Decimal Date D. E. Changing Columns width and row height Aligning text Top to bottom Text wrap Re ordering Orientation Using Borders

C. D. E. F. G. H. I.


GOING THROUGH CHANGES A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Opening worksheet files for editing Undoing the mistakes Moving and copying with cut, copy and paste Deleting cell entries Deleting columns and rows from worksheet Inserting columns and rows in a worksheet Spell checking the worksheet

PRINTING THE WORKSHEET A. Previewing pages before printing B. Printing from standard toolbar C Printing a part of the worksheet D. Changing the orientation of the printing E. Printing a whole worksheet in a single pages F. Adding a header and footer to a report G. Inserting page breaks in a report


Printing the formulas in the worksheet

ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF A WORKSHEET A. Splitting worksheet window into two four panes B. Freezing columns and row on screen for worksheet title C. Attaching comments to cell D. Finding and replacing data in the worksheet E. Protecting a worksheet F. Function commands MAINTAINING MULTIPLE WORKSHEET A. Moving from sheet in a worksheet B. Adding more sheet to a worksheet C. Deleting sheets from a worksheet D. Naming sheet tabs other than sheet1, sheet2 and so on E. Copying or moving sheets from one worksheet to another CREATING GRAPHICS/CHART A. Using chart wizard B. Changing the chart with the chart toolbar C. Formatting the charts axes D. Adding a text box to a chart E. Changing the orientation of a 3-D chart F. Using drawing tools to add graphics and worksheet G. Printing a chart with printing the rest of the worksheet data. EXCELS DATABASE FACILITIES A. Setting up a database B. Sorting records in the database 05. MS OFFICE 97 MS POWER POINT A. Making a simple presentation B. Using Auto content Wizards and Templates C. Power points five views D. Slides Creating Slides, re-arranging, modifying Inserting pictures, objects Setting up a slide show E. Creating an Organiztional Chart NETWORKS - THEORY A. Network Topology Buss Star Ring B. Network Application C. Types of Networking LAN MAN WAN D. Networking Configuration Hardware Server Nodes E. Channel Fiber optics Twisted Co- Axial F. Hubs G. Network Interface Card



Arc net Ethernet Network Software Novel Windows NT

DHMCT Ist Year



01. BASIC ASPECTS : A. Definition of the terms Health, Nutrition and Nutrients. B. Importance of Good (Physiological, Psychological and Social function of
C. Food ) in maintaining good health. Classification of nutrients

02. ELEMENTS OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM A. Definition of Energy and Units of its measyrement (Kcal) B. Energy contribution from macronutrients( Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fat) C. Factors affecting energy requirements D. Concept of BMR, SDA, Thermodynamic action of food E. Dietary sources of energy F. Concept of Energy balance and the health hazard associated with underweight, Overweight 03. MACRO NUTRIENTS : Carbohydrates Definition Classification (mono, di and polysaccharides) Dietary Sources Function Significance of dietary fiber (prevention/treatment of diseases) LIPIDS : Definition Classification L: Saturated and unsaturated fats Dietary Sources Functions Significance of Fatry acids (PUFAs, MUFAs, SFAs, EFA) in maintaining health Cholesterol Dietary sources and the Concept of dietary and blood cholesterol PROTEINS: Definitons Classification base upon amino acid composition Dietary sources Functions

Methods of improving quality of protein in food( special emhasis on Soya Proteins and whey proteins) MACRO NUTRIENTS : A. Vitamins Definition and Classification(water and fats soluble vitamins) Food Sources, function and significance of Fat soluble vitamins (Vitamins A.D.E.K) Water Soluble vitamins (Vitamins C, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Cyanocobalamin Folic acid) B. MINERALS Definition and Classification( major and minor) Food Sources, function and significance of Calcium, iron, sodium, iodine & fluorine WATER: Definition Dietary Sources( visible, invisible) Functions of water Role of water in maintaining health(water balance) BALANCED DIET : Definition Importance of balanced diet RDA fore various nutrients age, gender,physiological state

MENU PLANNING : Planning of nutritionally balanced meals based upon the three food group system Factors affecting meal planning Critical evaluation of few meals served at the institutes/ Hotels based on the principle of meal planning Calculation of nutritive value of dishes/meals MASS FOOD PRODUCTION : Effect of cooking on nutritive value of food(QPF) NEWER TRENDS IN FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY IN RELEVANCE TO NUTRITION AND HEALTH Need for introducing nutritionally balanced and health specific meals Critical evaluation of fast foods New products being launched in the market( nutritional evaluation) REFERENCES: Human Nutrition by : Guthrice HA and Picciano MF 1995(Mosby Pub. Co. Perspectives in Nutrition by : Wardlaw MW and insel Pm 1993(Mosby Pub. Co. Toronto Food facts & Principles by : Manay & Shalakshara swamy New Age int.2001 Mudambi & Rajgopal Fundamentals of food and nutrition 4th edition2001 PRINCIPLE OF FOOD SCIENCE TOPIC Definition and scope of food science and its inter relationship with food Chemistry, food microbiology and food processing A. B. CARBOHYDRATES : Introduction Effect of coking( Gelatinesation and Retrogradtion)

C. D. A. B. C. D. E. F. A. B. C. D. ` E.

Factors affecting texture of carbohydrates( Stiffness of CHO gel & Dextrinization) Uses of Carbohydrates in food preparations FATS & OILS : Classification(based on the origin and degree of saturation) Autoxidation(Factors and prevention measures) Flavor reversion Refining, Hydrogenation & winterization Effect of heating on fats & oils with respect to smoke point Commercial uses of fats(with emphasis on shortening value of different fats ) PROTEINS : Basic structure and properties Type of proteins based on their origin (plant/animal) Effect of heat on proteins(Denaturation, Coagulation) Functional properties of proteins( Gelatin, Emulsification, Foam ability, Viscosity) Commercial use of proteins in different food preparation( like Egg Gel, Gelatin Gel, Cakes, Confectionary items Meringues, Souffles, Custards, Soups, Curries etc. ) FOOD PROCESSING : Definition Objectives Types of treatment Effect of factor like heat, acid, alkali on food constituents EVOLUTION OF FOOD Objectives Sensory assessment of food quality Methods Introduction to proximate analysis of food constituents Rheological aspects of food EMULSIONS : Theory of Emulsification Types of Emulsion Emulsifying agents Role of emulsifying agent in food emulsions COLLOIDS : Definition Application of Colloids system in food preparation FLAVOUR : Definition Description of food flavors (tea, coffee, wine, meat, fish, spices)

A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. E. A. B. C. D. A. B. A. B.

BROWNING : Types(enzymatic and non-enzymatic) Role in food preparation Prevention of undesirable browning REFRENCES : 1. Food Science by Potter & Hotchkiss 2. Principles of food science by Borgstrom and Macmillon 3. Food Chemistry by Fennima 4. sensory Evaluation by Ameriene(Academic Press) 5. Handbook of analysis and Quality Control for fruits and vegetables by Rangana

S.(Tata McGraw Hill)



01. INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING A. Meaning and Definition. B. Types and Classification

C. D. E. Principles of Accounting. Systems of accounting Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP)

02. PRIMARY BOOKS(JOURNAL) A. Meaning and Definition B. Format of journal C. Rules of Debit and Credit D. Opening entry, simple and compound entries E. Practices 03. SECONDARY BOOK(LEDGER) A. Meaning and Uses B. Formats C. Posting D. Practicals 04. SUBSIDARY BOOKS A. Need and use B. Classification Purchase Book Sales Book Purchase returns Sales returns Journal proper Practicals 05. CASH BOOK A. Meaning B. Advantages C. Simple, Double and Three Column D. Pretty Cash Book with Imp rest System(Simple and tabular forms) E. Practicals 06. BANK RECONCILATION STATEMENT A. Meaning B. Reasons for difference in pass Book and Cash Book Balances C. Preparation of Bank reconciliation Statement D. No Practical 7. TRIAL BALANCE A. Meaning B. Methods C. Advantages D. Limitations E. Practical

FINAL ACCOUNTS A. Meaning B. Procedure for preparation of final Accounts C. Difference between Trading accounts, Profit & Loss Accounts and Balance Sheet D. Adjustments ( Only four) Closing Stock Pre-paid expenses Outstanding Expenses Depreciation 9. CAPITALAND REVENUE EXPENDITURE A. Meaning B. Definition of Capital and Revenue Expenditure NOTE : USE OF CALCULATORS IS PREMITTED



C. D. E. F. Nature Models Barriers to communication Overcoming the barriers

02. LISTENING ON THE JOB A. Definition B. Levels and types of listening C. Listening barriers D. Guidelines for effective listening E. Listening computerization and note making 03. EFFECTIVE SPEAKING A. Restaurant hotel English B. Polite and effective enquiries C. Addressing a group D. Essential qualities of a good speaker E. Audience analysis F. Defining the purpose of a speech, organizing the ideas and delivering speech 04. NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION A. Definition, its importance and its inevitability B. Kinesics : Body movements, facial expressions, posture, eye contact etc. C. Proteomics : The communication use of space D. Paralanguage : Vocal behavior and its impact E. Communicative use of artifacts furniture, plants, colors, architects etc. 05. SPEECH IMPROVEMENT A. Pronunciation, stress, accent B. Important of speech in hotels C. Common phonetic difficulties D. Connective drills exercises E. Introduction of frequently used foreign sounds 06. USING THE TELEPHONE A. The nature of telephone activity in the hotel industry B. The need for developing telephone skills C. Devloping telephone skills


01.Food Production Operations

THEORY Sl.No. 01.
A. B.


Equipment required for mass/volume feeding Heat and cold generating equipment

C. D.

Care and maintenance of this equipment Modern developments in equipments manufacture

MENU PLANNING A. Basic principles of menu planning- recapitulation B. Points to consider in menu planning for various volume feeding outlets such as Industrial, institutional, Mobile Catering C. Planning menus for School/college students Industrial workers Hospitals Outdoor parties Theme dinners Transport facilities, cruise lines, airlines, railway D Nutritional factor for the above INDENTING Principles of Indenting for volume feeding Portion size of carious items for different types of volume feeding Modifying recipes for indenting for large scale catering Practical difficulties while indenting for volume feeding PLANNING Principles of planning for quantity food production with regard to Space allocation Equipments selection Staffing 02. VOLUME FEEDING A. Institutional and Industrial Catering Types of Institutional & Industrial Catering Problems associated with this type of catering Scope for devlopement and growth B. Hospital Catering Highlights of Hospital Catering for patients, staff, Visitors Diet menus and nutritional requirements C. Off Premises Catering Reasons for growth and devlopement Menu planning and Theme Parties Concept of a Central Production Unit Problems associated with off-premises catering D. Mobile Catering Characteristics of rail, airline( Flight Kitchens and sea Caterings ) Branches of Mobile Catering E. Quantity Purchase & Storage

Introduction of purchasing Purchase system Purchasing specifications Storage 03. REGIONAL INDIAN CUSINE A. Introduction to Regional Indian Cuisine B. Heritage of Indian Cuisine C. Factor that effect eating habits in different part of country D. Cuisine and its highlights of different states/communities to be discussed under :Geographic location Historical background Seasonal availability Special equipments Staple diets Specialty cuisine for festivals and special occasions STATES Andhra Pradesh, Bengal, Goa, Karnataka, Kashmir, Kerela, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, North Eastern States, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh/ Uttarakhand COMMUNITIES Parsee, Chettinad, Hyderabadi, Lucknowi, Avadhi, Malbari/Syrian Chritian and Bohri DISCUSSIONS Indian Breads, Indian sweets, Indian snacks REFERENCE BOOKS : Quantity food production Taste of India Flavours of India Heritage of India Prashad Cooking Delights of the Maharajas


To formulate 36 stes of menus from the following dishes and to include more dishes from the respective regions.

Awadh Bengal Goa Gujarat Hyderabad Kashmiri Maharastra Punjabi Rajasthan South India( Tamilnadu, Karnatka, Kerela )


02. Food & Beverage Service OPERATION

THEORY S.No 01. Topic ALCHOLIC BEVERAGE E. Introduction and Definition B. Classification. WINES A. Definition. B. Classification with example - Tables / Still / Natural - Sparkling - Fortified - Aromatized C. Production of each classification D. Principles wine regions and wines of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, USA, Australia E. New World Wines (Brand Name) India, Chile, South Africa, Algeria, New Zealand F. Food and wine Harmony G. Storage of wine H. Wine Terminology (English & French) PRACTICAL Service of wines Red wine, White/Rose wine, Sparkling Wines, Fortified Wine, Aromatized Wines 03 BEER A. Introduction and Definition B. Types of Beer C. Production of beer D. Storage E. Room Service PRACTICAL Service of Bottled Canned Beer, Draught Beer 04. SPIRTS A. Introduction and Definition B. Production pf Sprint-Pot-Still Method, patent Still Method C. Production of Whisky, Rum, Gin, Brandy,Vodka,Tequila D. Different Proof Sprits America Proof, Gay Iussac


Service of Spirts(Whisky, Vodka, Rum, Gin, Brandy, Tequila) 05. APERITIFS A. Introduction & Definition different Types of Aperitifs PRACTICAL

Service of Different types of Aperitifs


LIQUEURS A. Definitions B. Production of Liqueurs C. Names of liqueurs & country of origin and predominant flavour D. Service PRACTICAL Service of Liqueurs


REGIONAL CUISINE PRACTICALS A. Menu writing of regional dishes B. Table laying of regional dishes C. Service of regional dishes



THEORY S.No 01. Topic COMPUTER APPLICATION IN FRONT OFFICE OPERATION A. Fidelio/ DS/Shawman B. Amadeus FRONT OFFICE(ACCOUNTING) A. Accounting fundamentals. B. Guest and non- guest accounts. C. Accounting System (Non automated, semi automated and fully automated) CHECK OUT PROCEDURES A. Guest accounts settlement Cash and credit Indian currency and foreign currency Transfer of guest accounts Express checkout CONTROL OF CASH AND CREDIT NIGHT AUDITING A. Functions B. Audit procedures (Non automated, semi automated and fully automated) FRONT OFFICE AND GUEST SAFETY AND SECURITY A. Importance of Security systems B. Safe Deposit C. Key control D. Emergency situations (accident, illness, theft, fire, bomb)



04. 05.



FRENCH A. Expressions de politesse et les commander et Expression dencouragement B. Basic conversation related to front office activities such as Reservation (personal and telephonic ) Reception (Doorman, bellboys, receptionist etc.) Cleaning of room and change of room etc.


Hands on practices of computer application(Hotel Management System )related to Front Office procedures such as Reservation, Registration, Guest History, telephones, Housekeeping, Daily transactions ) Front Office Accounting procedures Manual accounting Machine accounting Payable , Accounts Receivable, Guest History, Yield Management, Role pay Situation Handling


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

How to make a reservation How to create and update guest profiles How to create a guest folio How to print guest folio How to make sharer reservation How to feed remarks in guest history How to add on reservation How to add a sharer How to amend a reservation How to cancel a reservation. How to make a group reservation. How to make a room change on system. How to logon cashier code How to close a bank at the end of each shift. How to put a routine instruction. How to process charges in. How to process a guest checkout. How to check out a folio. How to process deposit for arriving guest. How to process deposit for in house guest. How to check room rate variance report. How to process part settlement. How to tally allowance for the day the at night. How to tally paid outs for the day at night. How to tally forex for the day at night.



THEORY S.No 01. Topic LINEN ROOM A. Activities of the Linen room B. Layout and equipments in the Linen room. C. Selection criteria for various Linen items & fabries suitable for this purpose. D. Purchase of Linen. E. Calculation of Linen requirement. F. Linen control- procedures and records. G. Stocktaking- procedures and records. H. Recycling of discarded linen. I. Linen Hire. UNIFORMS A. Advantages of providing uniforms to staff.. B. Issuing and exchange of uniforms, type of uniforms. C. Selection and designing of uniforms. D. Layout of the uniform. SEWING ROOM A. Activities and areas to be provided. B. Equipment provided. LAUNDRY A. Commercial and On-site Laundry. B. Flow process of Industrial Laundering- OPL. C. Stage in the Wash Cycle. D. Laundry Equipment and Machines. E. Layout of the Laundry. F. Laundry Agents. G. Dry cleaning. H. Guest Laundry/Valet service. I. Stain Removal FLOWER ARRANGEMENT A. Flower arrangement in Hotels. B. Equipment and material required for flower arrangement. C. Conditioning of plant material. D. Styles of flower arrangements. E. Principles of design as applied to flower arrangement. INDOOR PLANTS A. Selection and care







01. 02. 03. 04. 05. Layout of Linen and Uniform Room/ Laundry Laundry Machinery and Equipment. Stain Removal. Flower Arrangements. Selection and designing of Uniforms.



THEORY S.No 01. Topic FOOD COST CONTROL A. Introduction of Cost Control. B. Define Cost Control. C. The Objective and Advantages of Cost Control. D. Basic costing. E. Food costing. FOOD CONTROL CYCLE A. Purchasing Control. B. Aims of Purchasing Policy. C. Job Description of Purchase Manager/Personnel. D. Types of Food Purchase. E. Quality Purchasing. F. Food quality Factor for different commodities. G. Definition of Yield. H. Test to arrive at standard yield. I. Definition of Standard Purchase Specification. J. Advantages of Standard yield and Standard Purchase Specification. K. Purchasing Procedure. L. Different Method of Food Purchasing. M. Sources of supply. N. Purchasing by Contract. O. Periodical Purchasing. P. Open Market Purchasing. Q. Standing Order Purchasing. R. Centralized Purchasing. S. Methods of Purchasing in Hotels. T. Purchase order forms. U. Ordering Cost. V. Carrying Cost. W. Economic Order Quantity. X. Practical Problems. RECEVING CONTROL A. Aims of Receiving. B. Job Description of Receiving Clerk/Personnel. C. Equipment required for receiving. D. Documents by the Supplier (including format) E. Delivery Notes. F. Bills/Invoices. G. Credits Notes. H. Statements I. Record maintained in Receiving Department. J. Goods Received Book. K. Daily receiving report. L. Meat Tags. M. Receiving Procedure. N. Blind Receiving. O. Assessing the performance and efficiency of receiving department. P. Frauds in the Receiving Departments. Q. Hygiene and cleanliness of area. .




STORING & ISSUING CONTROL A. Storing Control. B. Aims of Store Control. C. Job Description of Food Store Clerk/Personnel. D. Storing Control. E. Conditions of facilities and Equipment. F. Arrangements of Food, G. Location of storage Facilities. H. Security. I. Two types of foods received direct stores. (Perishables/non perishables) J. Stock Records Maintained Bin Cards Stock Record Cards/Books K. Stock Control L. Issuing control M. Requisitions N. Transfer Notes O. Perpetual Inventory Method P. Pricing on Commodities. Q. Monthly Inventory/Stock Taking R. Stock Taking and comparison of actual physical inventory and Book value. S. Stock levels T. Practical Problem U. Hygiene & Cleanliness of area. PRODUCTION CONTROL A. Aims and Objectives. B. Forecasting. C. Fixed of standards. Definition of standards (Quality & Quantity) Standard recipe (Definition, Objectives and various tests) Standard Portion Size (Definition, Objectives and equipment used) Standard Portion Cost (Objectives and Cost Cards) D. Computation of staff meals A. B. C. D. Sales ways of expressing selling, determining sales price, Calculation of selling price Matching costs with sales Billing procedure cash and credit sales Cashiers Sales summary sheet







THEORY S.No 01. 02. Topic Basic introduction to food safety, Food hazards and risks, Contammas and Food Hygiene MICRO- ORGANISMS IN FOOD A. General characteristic of Micro- Organisms based on there occurrence and structure. B. Factors affecting there growth in food (intrinsic and extrinsic) C. Common food borne micro-organisms a. Bacteria (Spores/Capsule) b. Fungi c. Viruses d. Parasites FOOD SPOILAGE AND FOOD PRESERVATION A. Types and causes of spoilage. B. Source of Contamination. C. Spoilage of different products (milk and milks products, cereals and cereals Products, meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables, canned products) D. Basic principles of food preservations. E. Methods of preservation (High temperature, Low temperature, Drying, Preservatives and irradiation) BENEFICIAL ROLE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS A. Fermentation and role of lactic and bacteria B. Fermentation in foods (Dairy foods, Vegetables, Indian foods Bakery products and Alcoholic beverages) C. Miscellaneous (Vinegar and antibiotic) FOOD BORNE DISEASES: A. Types (infections and intoxications) B. Common diseases caused by food borne pathogens. C. Preventive measures FOOD ADDITIVES: A. Introduction B. Types (Preservative, Anti oxidants, Sweeteners, Foods colors and flavors, Stabilizers and emulsifiers) FOOD CONTIMINANTS AND ADULTERANTS : A. Introduction to food standards. B. Types of food contaminants Pesticides residues, Bacterial toxins or mycotoxins, Sea food toxins, Metallic contaminants, residues from packaging material) C. Common adulterants in food. D. Method of their detections( Basic Principles) FOOD LAWS AND REGULATIONS: A. National PFA Essential commodities Act(FP, MPO,etc.) B. International Codex Alimentarius, ISO







C. D. 09.

Regulatory Agencies-WTO Consumer Protection Act.

QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Introduction to concept of TQM,GMP and Risk Assessment B. Relevance of Microbiological standards for food safety. C. HACCP(Basic Principle and implementation) HYGIENE AND SANITATION IN FOOD SECTOR : A. General Principles of food hygiene B. GHP for commodities, equipment, work area and personnel. C. Cleaning and disinfection (Method and agents commonly) D. Waste water and waste disposal. RECENT CONCERNS: A. Emerging pathogens. B. Genetically modified foods. C. Food Labeling. D. Newer trends in food packaging and technology. E. BSE (Bovine Serum Ecephthalopathy) REFERENCES: 1. Modern Food Microbiology by jay j. 2. Food Microbiology by Frazier and Westhoff. 3. Food Safety by Bhat and Rao. 4. Safe food handling by Jacob M. 5. Food Processing by Hobbs Betty. 6. PFA Rules.





THEORY S.No 01. Topic UNDERSTANDING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MANAGEMENT A. Management: Concept and Functions B. Entrepreneurship : Concept and Functions C. Corporate Forms in Tourism D. Management issues in Tourism UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY A. Understanding Organizations. B. Planning and Decision Making C. Organizing D. Monitoring and Controlling ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR ISSUES A. Small Group Behavior B. Inter Personal Behavior. C. Inter Group Behavior D. Supervisory Behavior MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS A. Human Resource Management B. Financial Management C. Operation Management D. Marketing Management E. Information Technology and Management MANAGING FINANCIAL OPERATIONS: A. Understanding P &L statements B. Understanding Balance Sheet. C. Profitability Analysis D. Project Formulation and Appraisal MANAGERIAL PRACTICES IN TOURISM - I: A. Tour Operator B. Travel agencies C. Hotels D. Public Relations MANAGERIAL PRACTICES IN TOURISM: A. Food Service B. Tourist Transport C. Airlines D. Airports. CONVENTION PROMOTION AND MANAGEMENT: A. Convention Industry B. Planning Conventions C. Management and Implementation of Conventions










THEORY S.No Topic This course is assigned 8 credits and requires about 240 hours of study on your part at making you aware of how a communicative situation influences the choice of structure and communication, formal and informal conversation, official communication diaries, notes and use of English for i.e. Print, TV and Radio 01. LETTERS A. Some concepts in communication B. Formal Letters -1 C. Formals Letters - 2 D. Informal Letters 1 E. Informal Letters - 2 CONVERSATION A. Formal Conversation - 1. Face to Face 1 B. Formal Conversation 2 Face to Face - 2 C. Informal Conservation 1 Face to Face 1 D. Informal Conservation 2 Face to Face 2 E. Discussion F. Telephone Conservation OTHERS FORMS OF OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION A. Memoranda B. Reports 1. C. Reports 2. D. Minutes of Meetings. E. Telegrams and Telexes. INTERVIEWS AND PUBLIC SPEAKING A. Interviews B. Debates C. Discussions D. Speeches E. Seminar talks DIARIES ,NOTES,TABLES AND FIGURES : A. Diaries : Private B. Diaries : General. C. Travelogues D. Notes E. Tables, Charts and Graphs MASS MEDIA : PRINT A. Writing for Newspaper - 1 B. Writing for Newspaper - 2 C. Articles for Journal D. Advertising - 1 E. Advertising 2







WRITING FOR RADIO: A. Writing for Radio - 1 Movements of The Sounds B. Writing for Radio - 2 Movements of The Sounds C. Writing for Radio - 3 D. Radio Drama 1 E. Radio Drama 2 BASS MEDIA : TELEVISION A. Television Script B. Television Drama C. Documentary and Future Programs D. Interview E. Media Contexts and Words 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Letters (Block 1) Conversation : Role Relations and Tone in conversations (Block 2) Making a Public Speech (Block 4) Debating Skills(Block 4) Appearing for interview (Block 4) Visualizing and T.V script introduction to T.V production techniques (Block 8)





THEORY S.No 01. Topic HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING A. Micro B. Macro HRD applications in Hotel Industry Releveance of HRD in Hotel Industry PERSONNEL OFFICE A. Functions B. Operations Hotel Environment and Culture : A. Concepts B. Scope. C. Limitations Job Analysis ans Description Job Evaluation Methods Task Analysis Demand and Supply Forecasting Human Resource Information System Human Resource Audit Human Resource Accounting Practices Recruitment and Selection Attracting and Retaining Talents Strategic Interventions Introduction and Placement Staff Training and Development Training Methods and Evaluation Motivation and Job Enrichment Motivation and Productivity Career Planning Employee Counseling Performance Monitoring and Appraisal Transfer, Promotion, and Reward Policy

02. 03 04.


06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Compensation and Salary Administration Employee Benefits and Welfare Schemes Labour Law and Regulations ton Hotel Industry Gender Sensitivities Emerging trends and Perspectives Description Issues Disciplinary Issues Employee Grievance Handling Impacts of Merger and Acquisitions on Human Resource Practice



THEORY TOPICWISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topic No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TOPIC Planning & Operating Various F&B Outlet Charcutierie Appetizers & Garnishes Sandwiches Use of Wine of Herbs in Cooking International Cuisine Chinese Bakery & Confectionery Production French Total DETAILED CONTENTS Topic LARDER 1.1 LAYOUT a. Introduction of Larder Work b. Definition c. Equipment found in the larder d. Layout of typical larder with equipment and various sections. 1.2 TERMS & LARDER CONTROL a. Common terms used in the Larder and Larder Control b. Essentials of Larder Control c. Importance of Larder Control d. Devising Larder Control Systems e. Leasing with other Departments f. Yield Testing DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE LARDER CHEF a. Functions b. Hierarchy of Larder Staff c. Sections of the Larder d. Duties & Responsibilities of Larder Chef Pds 08 22 05 06 06 16 08 10 10 05 96

S.No 01.



CHARCUTIRIE 2.1 SAUSAGE a. Introduction of Charcutierie b. Sausage Types & Varieties c. Casings Types & Varieties d. Fillings Types & Varieties e. Additives & Preservatives 2.2 FORCEMEATS a. Types of forcemeats b. Preparation of forcemeats c. Uses of forcemeats BRINES, CURES & MARINADES a. Types of Brines b. Preparation of Brines c. Methods of Curing d. Types of Marinades


e. f. 2.4

Uses of Marinades Difference between Brines, Cures & Marinades

HAM, BACON & GAMMON a. Cuts of ham, Bacon & Gammon b. Difference between Ham, Bacon & Gammon c. Processing of Ham & Bacon d. Green Bacon e. Uses of cuts GALANTINES a. Making of galantines b. Types of Galantine c. Ballontines PATES a. Types of Pate b. Pate de foie gras c. Making of Pate d. Commercial pate and Pate maison e. Truffle- source, Cultivation and uses and Types of Truffle MOUSSE & MOUSSELINE a. Types of Mousse b. Preparation of Mousse c. Preparation of Mousseline d. Difference between mousseline and mousse CHAUD FROID a. Meaning of Chaud Froid b. Making of Chaud froid & Precautions c. Types of chaud froid d. Uses of Chaud froid ASPIC & GELEE a. Definition of Aspic and Geiee b. Difference between the two c. Making of Aspic and Gelee d. Uses of aspic and Gelee QUENELLES, PARFAITS, ROULADES Preparation of Quenelles, Parafaits and Roulades






2.10 03.

APPETIZERS & GARNISHERS a. Classification of Appetizers b. Examples of Appetizers c. Historic importance of culinary Garnishes. SANDWICHES a. Parts of Sandwiches b. Types of Bread c. Types of filling classification d. Spreads and Garnishes e. Types of Sandwiches f. Making of Sandwiches g. Storing of Sandwiches USE OF WINE OF HERBS IN COOKING a. Ideal uses of wine in cooking b. Classification of herbs c. Ideal uses of herbs in cooking




INTERNATIONAL CUISINE a. Geographic location b. Historical background c. Staple food with regional influences d. Specialties e. Recipes f. Equipment & Basic of Cuisines Great Britian France Italy Spain & Portugal Scandinavia Middle East Oriental Mexican Arabic CHINESE a. b. c. d. e. Introduction to Chinese foods Historical background Regional cooking styles Methods of cooking Equipment & utensils



BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY ICINGS & TOPPINGS a. Varieties of icing b. Using of Icings c. Difference between Icings & Toppings d. Recipes FROZEN DESSERTS a. Types and Classification of Frozen desserts b. Ice Creams- Definitions c. Methods of preparation d. Additives and preservatives used in Ice - Creams manufacture MERINGUES a. Making of Meringues b. Factors affecting the stability c. Cooking Meringues d. Types Meringues e. Uses of Meringues BREAD MAKING a. Role of Ingredients b. Bread faults c. Bread Improvers d. Bread making methods CHOCOLATE a. History b. Sources c. Manufacture & Processing of Chocolate d. Types of Chocolate e. Tempering of Chocolate f. Cocoa butter, white Chocolate and its Application


PRODUCTION 9.1 PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT a. Kitchen Organization b. Allocation of work-job description, duty rosters c. Production planning d. Production Scheduling e. Production Quality & Quality Control f. Forecasting Budgeting g. Yield Management h. Planning Kitchen layouts 9.2 PRODUCT & RESEARCH DEVLOPMENT a. Testing New Equipment b. Developing New Recipes c. Food Trails d. Organoleptic & Sensory Evaluation Culinary French Classical recipes (recettes classique) Historical Background of Classical Garnishes Offals/ Games Larder Terminology & Vocbulary


FRENCH a. b. c. d. e.

REFERENCES :The Larder Chef- M.J.Leto & W.h.K.Bode ,ButterWorth Heineman Professional Chef Art of Garde manger- Frederic H.Semerschmid Classical Food Preparation & Presentation- W.H.K.Bode The creative art of garnishes Yvette Stachowiak Baking Martha Day Professional Pastry Chef Bo Friberg, John Wiley Classical Recipes of the world Smith, Henry Larousse Gastronomikue Paul Hamlyn

PRACTICAL S.NO 1 2 3 Topic Three course Minus to be formulated featuring International Cuisine FRENCH ORIENTAL a) Chinese b) Thai ITLY,GERMANY,SPAIN,GREECE,MEXICAN,MEDITERANIAN & LEBANESE SUGGESTED MENUS FRENCH MENU 01 Consomme Carmen Poulet Saute Chasseur Pommers Laretta Haricots Verts Salad de Betterave Brioche Bada au Rhum Bisque Decrevisse Escalope De veau viennoise Pommes Batailes Courge Provencale Epinards au Gratin Crme Du Barry Darne De saumon Grille Sauce paloise Pommes Fondant Petits Pois A La Flamande French Bread Tarte Tartin Veloute Dame Blacnhe Cote De Porc Charcuterie Pommes De Terre a La Crme Carotte Glace Au Gingembre Salade Verte Garlequin Bread Chocolate Cream Puffs Cabbage chowder Poulet A La Rex Pommes marquises Ratatouille Salade De Carottees Et Celeris Clover Leaf Bread Savarin des Fruits Barquettes Assortis Stroganoff De Beouf Pommes Persilles Salad de Chou- Cru Garlic Rolls Crepe Suzette Hours 40% 20% 40%







Duchesse Nautua Poulet Maryland Croquette Potatoes Salade Nicoise Brown bread Pate Des Pommes Kromeskies Filet De Sols Walweska Pommes Lyonnaise Funghi Marirati Bread Sticks Souffle Milanaise Vol-Au-Vent De Voaille Et Jambon Homard Thermidor Salad Waldorf Vienna Rolls Mousse Ar Chocolat Carbe En Coquille Quiche Lorraine Salade de Viande Pommes parisienne Foccacia Crme Brulee




Plus 4 Buffets Cold Buffet Hot continental Indian Continental CHINESE MENU 01 Prawan Ball Soup Fried Wantons Sweet & Sour Pork Hakka Noddles Hot & Sour Soup Beans Sichwan Stir Fried Chicken & Peppers Chinese Fried Rice Sweet Corn Soup Chao Mai Tung- Po- Mutton Yangchow Fried Rice Yanton Soup Spring Rolls Stir Fried Beef & Celery Chow Mein Prawns in Garlic Sauce Fish Szechwan Hot & Sour Cabbage Steamed Noddles





INTERNATIONAL SPAIN Gazpocho Pollo En Pepitora Paella Frittata De Patata Pastel De Mazaana Minestrone Ravioli Arabeata Fettocine Carbonara Pollo Alla Cacciatore Medanzane Parmigiane Grissini Tiramisu


GERMANY Linsensuppe Sauerbaaten Spatzale German Potato Salad Pumpernicklr Apfel Strudel U.K Scotch Broth Roast Beef Yorkshire Pudding Glazed Carrots & Turnips Roast Potato Yorkshire Curd Tart Crusty Bread Soupe Acogolemeno Moussaka A La Greque Dolmas Tzaziki Baklava Harlequin Bread BAKERY & PATISSERY PREPARATION MUST INCLUDE - Decorated Cakes - Gateaux - International Breads - Sorbets, Parfaits - Hot/ Cold Desserts DEMONSTRATION OF CHARCUTERIE Galantines Pate Terrines Mousselines



THEORY TOPICWISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topic No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TOPIC Planning & Operating Various F&B Outlet F&B Staff Organisation Managing F&B Outlets Function Catering Buffets Gueridon Service Bar Operators Cocktails & Mixed Drinks Kitchen Stewarding Total DETAILED CONTENTS Topic PLANNING & OPERATING VARIOUS F&B OUTLET a. Physical Layout of functional areas and ancillary areas b. Objective of a good Layout c. Steps in planning d. Factors to be considered while planning e. Calculating space requirement f. Various set ups for seating g. Planning staff requirement h. Menu planning i. Constraints of menu planning j. Selecting and planning of heavy duty and light equipment k. Requirement of quantities of equipment required like Crockery, Glassware, steel or silver etc l. Supplies & manufactures m. Approximate cost n. Planning Dcor, furnishing fixture etc. F&B STAFF ORGANISTION a. Categories of Staff b. Hierarchy c. Job description and specification d. Duty roaster MANAGING F&B OUTLET a. Supervisory Skills b. Developing efficiency c. Standard Operating Procedure FUNCTION CATERING 4.1 BANQUETS a. History b. Types c. Organization of Banquet department d. Duties & responsibilities e. Sales f. Booking procedure g. Banquet menus h. Banquet Planning & Preparing Checklist 4.2 L 10 06 04 12 12 10 04 04 02 64 P ------------------128

S.No 01.




4.3 a. b. c. d. e. 4.4 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 05

BANQUETS PROTOCOL Space Area Requirement Table Plans / Arrangement Misc-en-Place Service Toasting INFORMAL BANQUET Reception Cocktail Parties Convention Seminar Exhibition Fashion Shows Trade fair Wedding Outdoor Catering

BUFFETS a. Introduction b. Types of Buffet c. Area requirement d. Planning & Organization e. Sequence of food f. Menu Planning g. Factors to plan buffets h. Display i. Sit Down j. Fork, Finger & Cold Buffets k. Breakfast Buffet l. Equipment m. Supplies n. Checklist GUERIDON SERVICE a. History of Gueridon b. Definition c. General Consideration d. Advantages & Disadvantages e. Types of Trolleys f. Factors to Create impulse, Buying- Trolley, open Kitchen g. Gueridon Equipment h. Gueridon ingredients BAR OPERATORS a. Types of Bar



Cocktel Dispense b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 08.

Area of Bar Front Bar Back Bar Under Bar(Speed rack, Garnish Container, Ice Well etc.) Bar Stock Bar Control Bar Stuffing Opening and Closing duties

COCKTAILS & MIXED DRINKS a. Definition & History b. Classification

c. Recipe, Preparation and service of Popular Cocktails Martini Dry & Sweet Manhattan Dry & Sweet Dubonnet Rob Roy Bronx White Lady Pink Lady Side Bar Bacardi Alexandra John Collins Tom Collins Gin FIZZ Pimms Cup mo. 1,2,3,4,5 Flips Noggs Champagne Cocktail Between the Sheets Daiqulri Bloody Mary Screw Driver Tequila Sunrise Gin Sling Planters Punch Singapore Sling Pinacolada Rusty Nail B&B Black Russian Margarita Gimlet Dry & Sweet Cuba libre Whisky Sour Blue Lagoon Harvey Wall Banger Bombay Cocktail 10. KITCHEN STEWARDING Importance Opportunities in Kitchen Steward Record Maintaining Machine used foe cleaning and polishing Inventory PRACTICAL Using and Operating Machines

ADVANCE FOOD & BEVERAGE OPERATIONS PRACTICAL 1. Planning & Operating Various F&B Outlet. 2. F&B Staff Organisation 3. Managing F&B Outlet 4. Calculation of Space for Banquets, Banquets Menu & Service 5. Setting of Various Types of buffet 6. Preparing Items on Gueridon Trolley Crepe Suzette Banana Au Rhum Peach Flambe Rum Omlette Steak Dlane Pepper Steak 7. Designing and Setting the Bar for above Sub Topics 8. Preparation of cocktails 9. Using and Operating Machines REFERENCES :1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Food & Beverage Service Lillicrap & Cousins Modern Restaurant Service John Fuller Introduction to F& B Service Brown, Heppner & Deegan The Waiters Handbook Hepner Menu Planning for the hospitality industry Johnkivela Wine to Bottle Simon woods Bar attendants Handbook George Ellis The New yark Bartender guide to cocktails & mixed drinks Walton Profitable Menu Planning John Drysale Bar & Beverage book Costa Katsigris, Maryporter


THEORY TOPICWISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topic No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TOPIC Planning & Evaluating Front Office Operations Budgeting Computer Application in Front office Operation Yield Management French Total DETAILED CONTENTS Topic PLANNING & EVALUATING FRONT OFFICE OPERATIONS a. Forecasting Techniques b. Forecasting Room availability c. Useful forecasting data % of Walking % of Overstaying % of Understanding d. Forecast Formula e. Sample Forecast Forms BUDGETING a. Making of Front office Budget b. Factors affecting Budget Planning c. Capital Operation Budget for Front Office d. Refining Budgets e. Forecasting room Revenue COMPUTER APPLICATION IN FRONT OFFICE OPERATION a. Hotel Management System(HMS) b. Property Management System(PMS) c. Amadeus YIELD MANAGEMENT a. Concept and Importance b. Applicability to Rooms division c. Capacity Management d. Discount Allocation e. Duration Control f. Measurement yield g. Potential High & Low demand tactics h. Yield Management Team i. Yield Management Team FRENCH Conversation with guests L 14 14 14 12 10 64 P ----------128

S.No 01.





a. b.

Providing Information to guest about the Hotel, City Sight Seeing, Car Rentals, Historical Places, Banks, Airlines, Travel agents, Shopping Centre and Worship Places etc. Departure( Cashier, Bills section and Bell desk )


Hands on practice of computer application( Hotel management System)related to front office procedures such as Night Audit Income Audit Accounts SUGGESTIVE LIST OF TASKS FOR FRONT OFFICE OPERATION S.No.

Topic HMS Training-Hot Function Keys How to put message How to put a locator How to check in a first time guest How to check in an existing reservation How to check in a day use How to issue a new key How to verify key How to cancel a key How to issue a duplicate key How to extend a key How to print and prepare registration cards for arrivals How to programme keys continuously How to programme one key for two rooms How to re-programme a key How to make a reservation How to create and update guest profiles How to update guest folio. How to print guest folio How to make sharer reservation How to feed remarks in guest history How to add sharer How to make add on reservation How to amend a reservation How to cancel a reservation How to make group reservation How to make a room change on the system How to log on cashier code How to close a bank at the end of each shift How to put a routing instruction How to process charges How to process a guest check out How to check out a folio How to process deposit for arriving guest How to process deposit for in house guest How to check room rate variance report How to process part settlements How to tally allowance for the day at night

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.

54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

How to tally forex for the day at night How to tally paid outs for the day at night How to pre-register a guest How to pre-register a guest stay Handle deposit and check ins with voucher How to post payment How to print checked out guest folio Check out using foreign currency Handle settlement of city ledger balance Handle payment for room only to Travel agent Handle of banquet event deposits How to prepare for sudden system shutdown How to checkout standing batch totals How to do a credit check report How to process late charges on third party How to process late charges to credit card How to check out during system shutdown Handling part settlements for long staying guest How to handle paymaster folios How to handle hills on hold


THEORY TOPICWISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topic No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. TOPIC Planning & Organizing The House Keeping Department Housekeeping in Institutions & Facilities Other than Hotels Contract Services Safety And Security Energy and Water Conservation in Housekeeping Operations Interior Decoration Layout of Guest Rooms New Property Countdown Total DETAILED CONTENTS S.NO 01. TOPIC PLANNING & ORGANISING THE HOUSE KEEPING DEPARTMENT a. Area inventory list b. Frequency schedules c. Performance and Productivity standards d. Time and Motion study in House Keeping Operations e. Standard Operating Manuals Job Procedures f. Job allocation and work schedules g. Calculating staff strengths & Planning duty h. Rosters, team work and leadership in house keeping i. Training in HKD, devising training programmes for HK Staff j. Inventory level for non recycled items k. Budget and budgetary controls l. The budget process m. Planning capital budget n. Planning operation budget o. Operating budget- controlling expenses- income statement p. Purchasing systems methods of buying q. Stock records issuing and control L 18 12 10 10 04 20 12 10 96 P ----------------128

02. HOUSEKEEPING IN INSTITUTIONS & FACILITIES OTHER THAN HOTELS 03. CONTRACT SERVICES a. Types of contract service b. Guidelines for hiring contract services c. Advantages & disadvantages of contract services 04. SAFETY AND SECURITY a. Safety awareness and accident prevention b. Fire safety and fire fighting c. Crime prevention and dealing with emergency situation


06. INTERIOR DECORATION a. Elements awareness and accident prevention b. Colour and its role in dcor types of colour schemes c. Lighting and Lighting fixtures d. Floor finishes e. Carpets f. Furniture and fittings g. Accessories 07 LAYOUT OF GUEST ROOMS a. Sizes of rooms, size of furniture, furniture arrangement b. Principles of Design c. Refurbishing and redecoration NEW PROPERTY COUNTDOWN a. Designing Interior b. Furnishing a room c. Floor Furnishing d. Making a room for sale e. Preparing final inventory


REFERENCES :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Professional Housekeeper Tucker sehneider Professional Management of house Keeping Operations Martin jones Housekeeping Management for Hotels Rose mary hurst Hotel, Hostel & Hospital Housekeeping Joan C Branson Managing Housekeeping operations Margaret Kappa Accommodation & Cleaning Services Vol-1& Vol-2 David, Alle PRACTICAL Topic First aid a. First aid kit b. Dealing with emergency situation Special Decorations Layout of a guest room Team cleaning Hours 32


2. 3. 4. 5.

24 24 24

Devising training modules/standard operating procedures/inspection check list 24


THEORY TOPICWISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topic No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. TOPIC Cost Dynamics Sales Concepts Inventory Control Beverage Control Sales Control Budgetary Control Variance Analysis Breakeven Analysis Menu Merchandising Menu Engineering MIS Total DETAILED CONTENTS S.NO 01. TOPIC COST DYNAMICS a. Elements of Cost b. Classification of Cost SALES CONCEPTS a. Various Sales Concept b. Uses of Sales Concept INVENTORY CONTROL a. Importance b. Objective c. Method d. Levels and Technique e. Perpetual Inventory f. Monthly Inventory g. Pricing of Commodities h. Comparison of Physical and perpetual Inventory BEVERAGE CONTROL a. Purchasing b. Receiving c. Storing d. Issuing e. Production Control f. Standard Recipe g. Standard Portion Size h. Bar Frauds L P 2 -Pds 02 02 10 09 06 05 06 08 06 06 04 64




i. j. 05.

Books maintained Beverage Control

SALES CONTROL a. Procedure of Cash Control b. Machine System c. ECR d. NCR e. Preset Machines g. h. i. Reports Thefts Cash Handling




BUDGETARY CONTROL a. Define Budget b. Define Budgetary Control c. Objective d. Frame Work e. Key Factors f. Types of Budget g. Budgetary Control VARIANCE ANALYSIS a. Standard Cost b. Standard Costing c. Cost Variances d. Material Variances e. Labour Variances f. Overhead Variances g. Fixed Overhead Variance h. Sales Variance i. Sales Variance j. Profit Variance BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS a. Breakeven Chart b. P V Ration c. Contribution d. Marginal Cost e. Graphs MENU MERCHANDISING a. Menu Control b. Menu Structure c. Planning d. Pricing of Menus e. Types of Menus f. Menu as Marketing Tool g. Layout h. Constraints of Menu Planning MENU ENGINEERING a. Definition and Objectives b. Methods c. Advantages MIS a. b. c. Reports Calculations of actual cost Daily Food Cost






d. Monthly Food Cost e. Statistical Revenue Reports f. Cumulative and non-commutative REFERENCES :1. 2. 3. 4. Food & Beverage Management Bernard & Sally Stone Food & Beverage Controls Richard Principles of food, beverage & labour cost control Paul. R. Dittmer Food & Beverage operation cost control system management Charles Levinson DHMCT IIIrd Year


THEORY TOPICWISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topic No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. TOPIC HOTEL DESIGN FACILITIES PLANNING STAR CLASSIFICATION OF HOTEL HVAC PLANNING & CONSIDERATION STORES LAYOUT AND DESIGN ENERGY CONSERVATION CAR PARKING PLANNING FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED PROJECT MANAGEMENT PREMISES PLANNING, PLANNING LANDSCAPE WASTE WATER MANAGEMENT Total DETAILED CONTENTS S.NO 01. TOPIC HOTEL DESIGN a. Design Consideration b. Attractive Appearance c. Efficient Plan d. Good Location e. Suitable material f. Good workmanship g. Sound financing h. Competent Management FACILITIES PLANNING The systematic layout planning pattern(SLP) (i) Planning Consideration a. Flow process & Flow Diagram b. Procedure for determining space considering the guiding factors for guest room/public Facilities, support facilities & services, hotel administration, internal roads/budget hotel/ (ii) a. b. c. d. 03. Architectural consideration Difference between carpet area plinth area and super built area, their relationships, reading of blue print(plumbing, electrical, AC, ventilation, FSI, FAR, Public Areas) Approximate cost of construction Approximate operating areas in budget type/ 5star types hotel approximate other operating areas per guest room. Approximate requirement and Estimation of Water/Electrical load ,gas, ventilation L P 3 -Pds 12 24 08 04 08 08 04 04 12 06 06 96


STAR CLASSIFICATION OF HOTEL Criteria foe star classification of hotel (five, four, three, two, one & heritage)

04. 05.

HVAC PLANNING & CONSIDERATION STORES LAYOUT AND DESIGN a. Stores layout and planning (dry, cold and bar) b. Various equipment of the stores c. Work flow in stores ENERGY CONSERVATION a. Necessity for energy conversation b. c. Methods of conservation energy in different area of operation of a hotel. Developing and implementing energy conservation program for a hotel.


07. 08. 09.

CAR PARKING Calculating of Car park area for different types of Hotel. PLANNING FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED PROJECT MANAGEMENT a. Introduction to Network analysis b. Basic rules and procedure for network analysis c. C.P.M and PERT d. Comparison of CPM & PERT e. Classroom exercises f. Network crashing determining crash cost, normal cost PREMISES PLANNING, PLANNING LANDSCAPE WASTE WATER MANAGEMENT

10. 11.

REFERENCES :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hospitality Facility management David M. Stipanuk How things work The universal Encyclopedia of Machines, Vol-1 & 2 The Management of maintenance & Engineering system in Hospitality Industry Frank D. Boresenik Air Conditioning Engineering - Edword Adnold Building constriction Sushil Kumar The Complete Guide to DIY and home maintenance Mike Lawrence



THEORY TOPICWISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topic No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TOPIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MEANING & SCOPE FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION RATIO ANALYSIS FUNDS FLOW ANALYSIS CASH FLOW ANALYSIS FINANCIAL PLANNING MEANING & SCOPE CAPITAL EXPENDITURE WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT BASICS OF CAPITAL BUDGETING Total DETAILED CONTENTS S.NO 01. TOPIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MEANING & SCOPE a. Meaning of business finance b. Meaning of financial management c. Objective of financial management FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION a. Meaning and types of financial statements b. Techniques of financial analysis c. Limitation of financial analysis d. Practical Problems RATIO ANALYSIS a. Meaning of ratio b. Classification of ratios c. Profitability ratios d. Turnover ratios e. Financial ratios f. Du Pent Control Chart g. Practical Problem FUNDS FLOW ANALYSIS a. Meaning of funds flow statement b. Uses of funds flow statement c. Preparation of fund flow statement d. Treatment of provision for taxation and proposed e. Dividends (as non-current liabilities) f. Practical problems CASH FLOW ANALYSIS L P 3 -Pds 04 10 18 16 16 08 06 06 12 96





a. b. c. d. 06.

Meaning of cash flow statement Preparation of cash flow statement Difference between cash flow and fund flow analysis Practical problems

FINANCIAL PLANNING MEANING & SCOPE a. Meaning of Financial Planning b. Meaning of Financial Plan

Capitalization Practical problems 07. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE a. Meaning of Capital Structure b. Factors determining working capital needs. c. Point of indifference d. Practical Problems WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT a. Concept of Working Capital b. Factors determining working capital needs. c. Over trading and under trading BASICS OF CAPITAL BUDGETING a. Importance of Capital Budgeting b. Capital Budgeting appraising methods c. Payback period d. Average rate of return e. Net present value f. Profitability index g. Internet rate of return h. Practical problems



REFERENCE :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Financial Management Dr. Mittal & Dr. Aggarwal Financial Analysis Dr.S.N.Maheshwari Financial Management J.M.Pandey Analysis of Financial Statement T.S. Grewal Financial & Cost Control Techniques in Hotel & Catering Industry Dr. J.M.S.Negi Introduction to financial management I.M.Pandey



THEORY TOPICWISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topic No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOPIC ORGANIZATION STRATEGY ENVIRONMENT & INTERNAL RESOURCE ANALYSIS STRATEGY FORMULATION STRATEGY ANALYSIS & CHOICE (ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES) POLICIES IN FUNCTIONAL AREAS STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW & EVALUATION Total DETAILED CONTENTS S.NO 01. TOPIC ORGANIZATION STRATEGY a. MISSION Mission statement Elements and its importance b. OBJECTIVES Necessity of formal objectives Objective Vs Goal c. STRATEGY Adaptive Search Intuition Search Strategic Factors Picking Niches Entrepreneurial Approach ENVIRONMENT & INTERNAL RESOURCE ANALYSIS a. Need for environmental Analysis b. Key Environmental Variable factors c. Opportunities and threats Internal resource analysis d. Functional Areas Resource Development Matrix e. Strengths and Weaknesses Marketing Finance Production Personnel Organization STRATEGY FORMULATION a. STRATEGY (GENERAL ALTERNATIVES) Stability Strategies L P 2 -Pds 08 12 16 16 04 08 64




Expansion Strategies Retrench Strategies Combination Strategies COMBINATION STRATEGIES Forward integration Backward integration Horizontal integration Market penetration Market development Product development Concentric diversification Conglomerate diversification Horizontal diversification Joint Venture Retrenchment Divestitute Liquidation Combination


STRATEGY ANALYSIS & CHOICE (ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES) a. FACTORS INFLUENCING CHOICE Strategy Formulation b. INPUT STAGE Internal factor evaluation matrix External factor evaluation matrix Competitive profile matrix c. MATCHING STAGE Threats opportunities weakness- strengths matrix( SWOT) Strategic position and action evaluation matrix (SPACE) Boston consulting group matrix(BCGM) Internal External matrix Grand Strategy matrix d. DECISION STAGE Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix(QSPM) 05. POLICIES IN FUNCTIONAL AREAS a. Policy b. Product Policies c. Personnel Policies d. Financial Policies e. Marketing Policies f. Public Relation Policies STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW AND EVALUATION a. Mckinsy 7-S Framework b. Leadership and Management Style c. Strategy Review and Evaluation Review underlying bases of Strategy Measure Organizational Performance Take Corrective actions REFERENCE : Strategic Hotel & Motel Marketing Hart & Troy




THEORY TOPICWISE DISTRIBUTION OF PERIODS Topic No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. TOPIC UNDERSTANDING ENTERPRENEURSHIP & MANAGEMENT MARKET ANALYSIS DEVLOPMENTAL ROLE OF MARKETING MARKETING MIX MARKETING MIX : SPECIFIC SITUATIONS DESTINATION MARKETING ACCOMMODATION MARKETING TRANSPORT AND TRAVEL SERVICES MARKETING Total DETAILED CONTENTS S.NO 01. TOPIC UNDERSTANDING ENTERPRENEURSHIP & MANAGEMENT a. Introduction to Tourism Marketing Approaches, Relevance and Role b. Market Segmentation c. Tourism Markets : International and Domestic MARKET ANALYSIS a. Marketing Research b. Competitive Analysis and Strategies c. Forecasting for Tourism and its Products d. Role of Technology in Tourism Marketing DEVLOPMENT ROLE OF MARKETING a. Role of Public Organization b. Role of Local Bodies c. Role of NGOs d. Socially Responsible Marketing e. Social Marketing MARKETING MIX a. Product Designing b. Pricing Strategies c. Promotion Strategies d. Distribution Strategies e. The Fifth P: People, Process, and Physical Evidence L P 4 -Pds 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 128





MARKETING MIX : SPECIFIC SITUATIONS a. Familiarization Tours b. Seasonal Marketing c. Tourism Fairs and Travel Markets DESTINATION MARKETING a. Regions, Cities, Leisure Spots b. Events, Activates, Individuals c. Shopping, Education and Culture d. Marketing Local Foods ACCOMMODATION MARKETING a. Star Category Hotels b. Alternate Accommodation c. Supplementary Accommodation d. Linkage in the Trade TRANSPORT AND TRAVEL SERVICES MARKETING a. Airlines Marketing b. Tourist Transport Marketing c. Travel Agency Marketing d Tour Operators Marketing




REFERENCE :01. Service marketing Zeital Valerire- A and Mary jo Baiter 02. Delivery quality service Zeithmal, Pasasuraman 03. Tourism Management & Marketing - Bhatia 04. Service Marketing S.M.Jha 05. Tourism marketing & Devlopment - Chawla 06. Tourism Marketing - Sinha 07. Marketing for Hospitality Industry Robert 08. 09. Marketing Leadership in Hospitality Tourism - Robert Lewis Marketing for Hospitality Tourism - Kotler

10. Service Marketing Love Lock, chirstoper -2

DHMCT IIIrd Year PROJECT WORK The purpose of research to seek answers to problems through the application of scientific methodology, Which gurantees that the information is reliable and unbiased. This information is utilized to make conclusions and recommend solutions. Good research depends on addressing key points based on a checklist approach. Some elementary factors need to be kept in mind while preparing a research and deciding the topic, these could be based on its relevance, feasibility, coverage, accuracy and research objectivity and ethics. Based on the above principles, the research project would be prepared by a student under guidance of a faculty member, familiar with the scientific research methodology. The research would clearly spell out the objects, its findings, the methodology adopted, a conclusion and recommendations. The research project will then be presented to a panel of internal and external examiner through a report and viva voce. Two hours per week have been allocated for guiding students in undertaking the research project. In the 3rd Year the student will undertake practical field research and preparation of the project. At term end the research project will be presented before panel. The research project will carry weightage of 100 marks.

GUEST LECTURE & SELF STUDY As per the teaching scheme, two hours per week have been allocated for inviting Guest Lecture from the hotel industry who would give a first hand input in the operational areas of hospitality management and allied service sectors. It would be mandatory to conduct at least 15 guest lectures per academic year for the benefit of 3rd year students who are to be prepared for entry to the Hotel industry. Relevant topics may be identified for guest lectures, creating a good academic interface with the hotel industry. Besides , student must be encouraged to undertake self study assignments, including inputs from internal and external libraries, internet access, field visits, etc.

LIST OF EQUIPMENT For Diploma in HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CATERING TECHNOLOGY Subject FOOD PRODUCTION S.No EQUIPMENTS S.No EQUIPMENT 1. Microwave Oven 31. Degchi Brass 2. O.T.G 32. Kadhai Iron 3. Convection Oven 33. Idli Steamer 4. Brat Pan/ Tiltiing Pan 34. Chapati Puffer 5. Griddle 35. Puri Machine Manual 6. Cold counter/ Sandwitch unit 36. Non Stick Pan 7. Reach in Cooler 37 Fry Pan 8. Deep Freezer 38. Fish Slicer 9. Salamander 39. Perforated Ladle 10. Slicing Machine 40 Saute Pan 11. Precision Scale 41. Conical Stainer 12. Pasta Machine 42. Soup Stainer 13. Food Mixer & Grinder 43. Food Mill 14. Rice Boiler 44. Colander 15. Deep fat Fryer 45. Peeler 16. Stock Pot 46. S.S.Degchi with Lid 17. Food Waste Disposal Unit 47. S.S.Bowl Round Bottom 18. Tandoor 48. Brass Pan 12 in. with lid 19. Potato Peeler 49. Brass Pan 15 in. with lid 20. Meat Mincer 50. Alluminium Pan with lid 21. 4 Burner Gas range 51. Palta 22 Working Table with sink 52. Round Karahi 18 in. 23. Meat Fork 53. Perforated Spoon Iron 24. Filleting Knife 54. Meat Strainer 25. Butcher saw 55. Steel Trays 26. Cleaver 56. Alluminium Trays 27. Fish Scissor 57. Rice Server 28. Chef Knife Kit 58. Working Table S/S 29. Carving Knife 59. Sauce Pan Brass 30. Mandolin 60. S/s Ring

LIST OF EQUIPMENT For Diploma in HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CATERING TECHNOLOGY Subject FOOD PRODUCTION S.No EQUIPMENTS S.No EQUIPMENT 61. Egg Beater 111. Quinche Mould 62. Grater 112. Praline Mould 63. Plastic Container 113. Choclate Mould 64. Grinding Stone 114. Easter Egg Mould 65. Leaver S/S 115. Slotted S/S Spoon 66. Hot Water Boiler 116. S/S Bowl Flat Bottom 67. Venting Hood in Kitchen 117. Egg Slicer 68. Bulk Range Burner 118. Lemon Squeezer 69. Wet Grinder 119. Tin Opener 70. Mixer 120. Mug S/S 71. Oven 121. Cold Counter 72. Larder Sink 122. Dough Mixer with Attachment 73. Work table S/S 123. Grater 74. Butchers Log 124. Wooden Spoon 75. Oven with Plate 125. Spahula 76. Prooving Cabinet 126. Pastry Brush 77. Ice Cream Machine 127. Saute Pan 78. Chopping Board 128. Measuring Jug 79. Refrigerated Marble Top Pastry Bench 129. Cake Stand 80. Sugar Thermometer 130. Comb 81. Parisienne Scoop 131 Scrapper 82 Groover 132. Table Spoon 83. S/S Knife palate 133. Fork 84. Sacrometer 134. Tea Spoon 85. Pastry Pincher 135. Measuring Spoon set 86. Whipper 136. Sieve 87. Long Handle Spoon 88. Halwai Kadai 89. Jalebi Kadai 90. Draining Spoon Long Handle 91. Wooden Spoon long Handle 92. Bread Mould 93. Cake Tin Round 94. Cake Tin Rectangular 95. Baking tray 96. Underline Tray 97 Jelly Mould 98. Barquette mould 99. Tarlette Mould 100 Flan Ring

101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110.

Savarin Mould Muffin Tray Brioche Mould Dough Nut Cutter Fancy Mould Assorted Pipping Bags Nozzle Set Assorted Cooling Rack Rolling pins Serrated Rolling Pins

LIST OF EQUIPMENT For Diploma in HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CATERING TECHNOLOGY Subject ACCOMMODATION S.No EQUIPMENTS S.No EQUIPMENT 137. Model room Suite 164. Hot Water Supply 138. A/C 165. Toilet Roll Holder 139. Single Bed 166. Tower Rails 140. Single Bed Sheets 167. Vaccum Cleaner 141. Bed Sheets 168. Carpets 142. Bed Cover 169. Maids Trolley 143. Blankets 170. Sink 144. Bed Side lamp 171. Laundry Table 145. Ward Robe 172. Laundry Trolley 146. Desk 173. Washing Machine with 5Kg. 147. Desk lamp 174. Steam Press 148. Bathroom Mirror 175. Ironing Board 149. Full Length Mirror 176. Dry Cleaning Machine 150. Luggage Rack 177. Linen- Rack 151. Arm Chair 178. Linen Table 152. Coffee Table 179. Table/ Chair 153. Study Lamp 180. Almirah for Equipment 154. Upright Chair 181. Almirah for Material Supply 155. Curtain with Upholstered Palmets 182. Flower Vases(Different Sizes) 156. Picture 183. Bucket/Tub 157. Picture Lamp 184 Ironing Rails 158. Telephone 185. Shower Caps 159. Television 186. Room ammenties 160. Door Mats 187. Bathroom Ammenities 161. Bathroom Mats 188. Mops & Brooms 162. Shower Curtains 163. Exhaust

LIST OF EQUIPMENT For Diploma in HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CATERING TECHNOLOGY Subject F & B SERVICE S.No EQUIPMENTS 189. Restaurant Table 190. Restaurant Chairs 191. Side Board 192. Hot Plane 193. Hot Counter 194. Bain Marie 195. Food landing Table 196. Bar Counter 197. Assorted plates 198. Soup Bowls 199. Cereal Bowls 200. Sauce Boat EPNS 201. Sauce Container Ceramic 202. EPNS Cutlery 203. SS Cutlery 204. Glass ware(Assorted) 205. Tea cup & saucers 206. Tea Cups 207. Demitase 208. EPNS Jugs 209. EPNS serving dishes 210. EPNS Salvars 211. EPNS Butter dishes 212. SS butter dishes 213. Nut Cracker 214. Bottle opener 215. Cork Screw 216. Bottle Rack 271. Bottle Holder 218. Ice Bucket

LIST OF EQUIPMENT For Diploma in HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CATERING TECHNOLOGY Subject FRONT OFFICE S.No EQUIPMENTS 219. Room Rack 220. Information Rack 221. Date & Time Stamping M/C 222. Reservation Rack 223. Call Bell 224. Telephone 225. Registration Card Holder 226. Guest Folio Tray 227. Cash Box 228. Credit Card Imprinter 229. Calculator 230. Printer 231. Computer 232. Collar Mike Set 233. Speaker 234. Parking Mike 235. Bell desk 236. Guset Relation Executive Desk 237. Mail & Key Rack 238. Duplicate Key Rack 239. Guest History Filling Cabinet 240. Notice Board 241. Reservation Filling Cabinet 242. Reservation Office Table & Chair 243. Fixtures 244. Wall Clock 245. Computer Lab 246. Computer P- IV 247. Computer Table & Chairs 248. Server 249. Server Room Furniture 250. Telephone 251. Printer LIST OF EQUIPMENT For Diploma in HOTEL MANAGEMENT & CATERING TECHNOLOGY Subject OFFICE EQUIPMENTS S.No EQUIPMENTS 252. Telephones 253. OHP 254. LCD

255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265.

LCD Screen VCD Audio System Amplifier Faculty Table and Chairs Student Chairs Black Board White Boards Notice Boards Almirahs Locker Almirah(with 12 cabinets)

EXPERTS The following experts contributed in the revision of final year curriculum for diploma in Hotel Management & Catering Technology during the different workshops & finally held on 6 th July 2006 at Uttaranchal Technical Education, Roorkee. 1. 2. 3. Shri. J.S.DOBAL, Joint Director Technical Education Uttaranchal, Srinagar,Garhwal Shri D.D. Pandey, Joint Secretary Uttaranchal Board of Technical Education,Roorkee Shri Pankaj Gupta Chairman Indian Industries Association,Uttaranchal M.D., Satya Industries, Mohabbewala,Dehradun Shri Akhilesh Verma, Dy. Secretary,(State Coordinator) Uttaranchal Board of Technical Education,Roorkee Shri R.C.Pandey,Principal Government Hotel Management & Catering Institute, Dehradun Shri V.K.Srivastava, Principal Government Hotel Management & Catering Institute, Almora Shri S.K.Singh, Principal/ A.D Amrapali Institute of Hotel Management, Haldwani

4. 5.



8. Shri Neeraj Aggarwal, HOD Deptt of Hotel Management & Catering Technology Graphic Era Institute of Technology, Dehradun

HOTEL/INDUSTRIAL TRAINING/ FIELD EXPOSURE ( FORMAT I ) 1. i ) Name of Student.. ii) Branch & Year iii) Project & Its Specification.. i) ii) Date of Reporting Date of Leaving..

2. 3.

Name of the Hotel Industry Address.. Tel.No.Fax.E-mail. Details of Hotel Industry Section of the Hotel visited and activities in different departments Details of Machines & Tools with Specs & Model N. used in different departments of the Hotel . Work procedure in the section visited Specifications of the product of the section and items used Status of repair and maintenance section Details of the different Sections . Details of Quality Control measures taken. Description of any breakdown and its restoration. Use of PC if any Visit of Hotel units store, manner of keeping store items, its receiving & distribution Details of format for requisition book, stock entry register.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Safety measures & installed equipments on work place & working conditions in general comfortable, convenient & hygienic. ..

Signature of student

TRAINEES ASSESSMENT REGARDING FIELD EXPOSERE ( FORMAT II ) 1. i ) Name of Student.. ii) Branch & Year iii) Project & Its Specification.. i) ii) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Date of Reporting Date of Leaving.. Attendance. Sense of responsibility Readiness to work/learn. Obedience Skill Acquired. Project Evaluation Grading.

2. 3.

4. 5.

Name of sections of the Hotel unit the trainee has attended during his training/ exposure Trainees Performance & Utility of Project in the Hotel Industry : . Any thing specific .. . .


Date :-

Signature of The Supervisor/ Manager

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