Oldprinciplesavesenergy Teachernotes

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Topic number 11.

3 Change of state

An old principle saves energy

In this activity students read a short passage then answer questions on latent heat and specific heat capacity. The calculations should improve their comprehension and estimation skills, as well as their communication skills as they have to write a brief account for a sales brochure for a condensing gas boiler.

Teacher notes
Students may need to be taught the difference between heat and temperature and the difference in molecular separation in liquids and gases or invited to read Topic 11.1 of the textbook. There is no need to cover the first law of thermodynamics, just to establish the difference between internal energy and temperature. Latent heat and specific heat formulae should be known.

Answers to questions
1 a) A spark contains little internal energy but has a high temperature. Explain the difference between internal energy and temperature. You might like to list some of the differences between temperature and heat. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a substance whereas internal energy is the total kinetic energy and potential energy of the molecules in a body. Strictly, heat is not contained in a body but is the change in internal energy of a body that occurs in processes such as conduction through the walls of the container. Differences might include: heat flows from hot to cold bodies, addition of heat causes a rise in temperature. The spark contains little internal energy because it has few molecules but each molecule has a large amount of kinetic energy because of the high temperature. b) When water vapour at 100 C condenses to liquid at 100 C latent heat is given out. Explain in terms of the molecules involved why latent heat is given out even though the temperature is constant. As the molecules condense because the temperature is constant the average kinetic energy and speed do not change, thus the latent heat does not come from any change in kinetic energy. However, the molecules come closer as they condense, work is done by the intermolecular forces and their potential energy decreases. This decrease in potential energy is the source of the latent heat. a) The specific latent heat of vaporisation of water is about seven times larger than the specific latent heat of fusion of water. Suggest why, in terms of the molecules involved. As a solid melts the distance between the molecules increases slightly but when the liquid changes to gas there is a very large change in the distance between the molecules. Thus, more work has to be done to change from liquid to gas than from solid to liquid.

AQA Physics A A2 Stretch and challenge teacher notes Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

Topic number 11.3 Change of state

2 A condensing boiler runs on full power, heating water from a temperature of 50 C to 70 C. In each second, 15 kJ of thermal energy are produced from the burning gas. Also produced are 5.6 103 kg of hot gases which emerge from the chimney at a temperature of 55 C and an extra 6.8 104 kg of water vapour which condenses in the boiler. The specific latent heat of vaporisation of water = 2.3 106 J kg1 The specific heat capacity of hot gases leaving chimney = 1000 J kg1 K1 The specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg1 K1 a) Calculate how much latent heat is produced in each second as the water vapour condenses. Q=ml = 2.3 106 6.8 104 = 1.6 103 J b) Calculate how much thermal energy (heat) is produced per second as the condensed water cools from 100 C to 55 C, the temperature that it emerges from the boiler. Q= mc(T2 T1) = 6.8 104 4200 (100 55) = 129 J c) Even in the condensing boiler some energy is wasted. Although the boiler and pipes are insulated, 5% of the thermal energy produced is conducted into the boiler housing and is not used to warm the water. Some energy is also lost as the hot gases leave the chimney. These gases have been heated from 25 C to 55 C. Calculate the total energy wasted per second by these two methods. Heat that could be removed from hot gases if cooled from 55C to 25C Q = mc(T2 T1) = 5.6 103 1000 (55 25) = 168 J Energy wasted through insulation = 0.05 15 103 = 750 J Total energy wasted = 750 + 168 = 918 J d) The water pumped through the boiler is heated from 50 C to 70 C. Use your answer to c) to estimate the mass of water that is pumped through the boiler each second. Energy available per second = 15 000 918 = 1.41 104 J mass of water = Q 1.41 10 4 = = 0.17 kg cT 4200 20

AQA Physics A A2 Stretch and challenge teacher notes Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

Topic number 11.3 Change of state

e) The condensing boiler is more efficient than older boilers which do not allow water vapour to condense. Write a paragraph for a sales brochure explaining how much more efficient the condensing boiler is. You will need to calculate the efficiency of the condensing boiler using your answer to c) and then calculate the efficiency of a similar non-condensing boiler where more energy is wasted, as calculated in a) and b). 15 000 918 = 94% With the condensing boiler the efficiency = 15 000 A similar non-condensing boiler has efficiency Examples of quotes from sales brochures: Choosing a heating system with a high efficiency condensing boiler with the correct heating controls can make a huge difference to your heating bills over time. By recovering and using heat that would otherwise be lost up the flue the best high efficiency boilers can operate with efficiencies in excess of 90%, an extra 10% over non-condensing boilers. Recovering the heat from the flue reduces the temperature of the flue gases to a point where water vapour produced during combustion is condensed out, thus the name high-efficiency condensing boiler. Although high-efficiency boilers require a higher initial investment, they are very economical, and repay the extra initial cost in fuel savings. 3 a) If the water is pumped the wrong way through the boiler it is still warmed, but not as much as if pumped the right way. Explain why. The hot gases passing out of the boiler are in contact with pipes that are above 55 C and so condensation will not occur. The minimum temperature of the hot gases is 70 C and so more energy must also be lost as internal energy of the gases. This is also an example of a counter-flow heat exchanger which is more efficient. b) To save money, some people turn off radiators in rooms that are not in use. Explain why this could actually stop the condensing action, decrease the efficiency of the condensing boiler and cost more money. Turning off a radiator reduces the flow rate and the cooling achieved as the water runs through the radiators. The water returning to the boiler will be hotter than before. If the temperature rises above 55 C then the water vapour will not condense in the second stage and thus latent heat is not used and the 11% extra energy is not available.

( 15 000 918 1600 129) = 82%

15 000

AQA Physics A A2 Stretch and challenge teacher notes Nelson Thornes Ltd 2009

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