Bone: Calcaneus
Subtalar Joint
Left calcaneus, lateral surface. Latin Gray's MeSH Os calcis subject #63 263 Calcaneus [2] [1]
In humans, the calcaneus (from the Latin calcaneum, meaning heel[3]) or heel bone is a bone of the tarsus of the foot which constitute the heel. In some other animals, it is the point of the hock.
Human anatomy
In humans, the calcaneus is the largest of the tarsal bones and the largest bone of the foot. In it, several important structures can be distinguished:[4] The posterior half of the bone is the tuber calcanei. On its lower edge on either sides are its lateral and medial processes (serving as the origins of the abductor hallucis and abductor digit minimi). The Achilles tendon is inserted into a roughened area on its superior side, the cuboid bone articulates with its anterior side, and on its superior side are three articular surfaces for the articulation with the talus bone. Between these superior articulations and the equivalents on the talus is the tarsal sinus (a canal occupied by the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament). On the medial side of the bone, below the middle talar facet, is the sustentaculum tali (which serves for the attachment of several other ligaments). On the lateral side is commonly a tubercle called the peroneal trochlea, under which is a groove for the tendon of the peroneus longus. [4] In the calcaneus, an ossification center is developed during the 4-7th intrauterine month. [4] With normal axial alignment in the hindfoot, the axes of the tibia and calcaneus lie on a vertical line (pes rectus). If the calcaneal axis is turned medially the foot is in an everted position (pes valgus), and if it is turned laterally the foot is in an inverted position (pes varus). [5]
The calcaneus has two articulations, being part of the Proximal intertarsal joint and the Talocalcaneal joint. As in humans it is the insertion of the gastrocnemius and superficial digital flexor tendons. The point of the calcaneus is covered by the calcanean bursa.
Additional images
Talocalcaneal and talocalcaneonavicular articulations exposed from above by removing the talus.
Oblique section of left intertarsal and tarsometatarsal articulations, showing the synovial cavities.
Bones of foot
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] http:/ / education. yahoo. com/ reference/ gray/ subjects/ subject?id=63#p263 http:/ / www. nlm. nih. gov/ cgi/ mesh/ 2007/ MB_cgi?mode=& term=Calcaneus Mosbys Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary, Fourth Edition, Mosby-Year Book Inc., 1994, p. 242 Platzer (2004), p 216 Thieme Atlas of Anatomy (2006), p 410
Platzer, Werner (2004). Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. 1: Locomotor System (5th ed.). Thieme. ISBN3-13-533305-1. Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System. Thieme. 2006. ISBN1-58890-419-9.
External links
lljoints ( at The Anatomy Lesson ( net/~wnor/homepage.htm) by Wesley Norman (Georgetown University) ( posterioranklejoint (http://
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