Savings: Season's

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Seasons Savings

Special IATSE discounts make your holiday shopping a joy.

During the holiday season and all through the can save on great gifts and take advantage of exciting offers available only to IATSE members. Here are some of the ways your IATSE membership can help you delight everyone on your listwhile getting the BEST VALUE for every gift dollar you spend! Computer and Internet Deals
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For more information about benefits and savings available to IATSE members visit

IATSE Seasons Savings Ad11/07


E X E C U T I V E Thomas C. Short International President Edward C. Powell International VicePresident Emeritus O F F I C E R S James B. Wood General SecretaryTreasurer Michael W. Proscia General Secretary Treasurer Emeritus Brian J. Lawlor 8th Vice President 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor New York, NY 10018 Michael F. Miller, Jr. 9th Vice President 10045 Riverside Drive Toluca Lake, CA 91602 John T. Beckman, Jr. 10th Vice President 1611 S. Broadway, #110 St Louis, MO 63104 Daniel DiTolla 11th Vice President 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor New York, NY 10018 John Ford 12th Vice President 326 West 48th Street New York, NY 10036 John M. Lewis 13th Vice President 22 St. Joseph Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4Y 1J9

F O U R T H Q UA R T E R , 2 0 07

N U M B E R 618



8 14 20

President Short Receives Silver Medallion Award

MP&TFs Recognition of Outstanding Humanitarian Achievement

4 5 6 9

Presidents Newsletter General SecretaryTreasurers Message IATSE & Labor Movement News Local News & Views

26 On The Road 28 On Stage, In Focus 30 Crew Shots 32 On The Show Floor 33 In Memoriam 37 Directory of Local Secretaries and Business Agents

Getting It Right
IATSE National Benefit Office in New York City

Timothy F. Magee 1st Vice President 20017 Van Dyke Detroit, MI 48234 Michael Barnes 2nd Vice President 2237 Hartranft St., Philadelphia, PA 19145 J. Walter Cahill 3rd Vice President 483 Penwood Drive Edgewater, MD 21037 Thom Davis 4th Vice President 2520 West Olive Avenue Burbank, CA 91505 Matthew D. Loeb 5th Vice President 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor New York, NY 10018 Anthony M. DePaulo 6th Vice President 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor New York, NY 10018 Damian Petti 7th Vice President 201-208 57th Ave., S.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2H 2K8

T R U S T E E S Thomas J. Cleary 20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 1032 Chicago, IL 60606 C. Faye Harper 615 James P. Brawley Dr., N.W. Atlanta, GA 30318

Special General Executive Board Meeting

Los Angeles, California, October 21, 2007

23 From The Desktop 24 On Location

George Palazzo 1811 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506

C L C D E L E G AT E Donald K. Ramsden 217-3823 Henning Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5C 6P3 G E N E RAL CO U N S E L Steven B. Spivak G E N E R A L O F F I C E 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10018 Tele: (212) 730-1770 FAX: Office of the President (212) 730-7809 FAX: General Secretary-Treasurer (212) 921-7699 WEST COAST OFFICE 10045 Riverside Drive Toluca Lake, CA 91602 Tele: (818) 980-3499 FAX: (818) 980-3496

If you are interested in purchasing this Promotional Poster, please send your Check/Money Order payable to IATSE, to the IATSE General Office to the attention of Assistant to the Editor MaryAnn Kelly. This Poster is available in two (2) sizes: 13 x 20 (Show Card) for $7.50; or 27 x 38 (Movie Poster) for $12.50. The prices include shipping and handling.


Please send your Bulletin submissions to [email protected] All digital photos should be taken with a camera that is at least 3 megapixels or higher, and set on the highest quality/resolution setting. JPEG or TIFF file formats only please. Please do not crop or otherwise modify photos the original version usually has the highest quality.

W W W . I A T S E I N T L . O R G
James B. Wood Editor Arthur Bracco Staff Writer David Geffner Special Asst. to the Editor MaryAnn Kelly Assistant to the Editor

C A N A D I A N O F F I C E 22 St. Joseph St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 1J9 Tele: (416) 362-3569 FAX: (416) 362-3483 I.A.T.S.E. CANAD IAN RETIREMENT PLAN OFFICE 22 St. Joseph St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 1J9 Tele: (416) 362-2665 FAX: (416) 362-2351 I.A.T.S.E. NAT I O NAL B E N E FIT FU N DS OFFICE 417 Fifth Avenue, Third Floor, New York, NY 10016 Tele: (212) 580-9092 Toll free: (800) 456-FUND FAX: (212) 787-3607

The OFFICIAL BULLETIN (ISSN-0020-5885) is published quarterly by the General Secretary-Treasurer of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, (IATSE), 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10018. Telephone: (212) 730-1770. FAX (212) 921-7699. Email: [email protected] Material for publication must be received before the first day of January, April, July, and October, to meet deadlines, respectively, for the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Quarter issues. POSTMASTER: Send address change to the OFFICIAL BULLETIN, 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10018. Entered as periodical postage paid matter at the Post Office at New York, NY and additional locations. Canadian Publications Mail Agreement No.: 40845543. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses To: B&M Mailing Services Limited, 35 Van Kirk Drive, Unit 15, Brampton, Ontario L7A 1A5. E-mail: [email protected] Subscriptions: IATSE members receive the OFFICIAL BULLETIN as part of their IATSE membership services. Nonmembers may subscribe for $3.00 per year.

Election 2008Coming Into Focus

A New Year, A New System


This is to advise that the regular MidWinter Meeting of the General Executive Board is scheduled to be held at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, 1500 Epcot Resorts Boulevard, Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830 at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, January 14, 2008, and will remain in session through and including Friday, January 18, 2008. All business to come before the Board must be submitted to the General Office no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. Local Union representatives planning to attend the meeting must make hotel reservations with the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort by calling the hotel directly at 407-934-4000 or 888-828-8850. Guest room rates for the IATSE is $199.00, single or double occupancy, plus applicable taxes. In order to ensure that you receive the preferred room rate established for our meeting, you must identify your affiliations with the IATSE. Reservations can also be made through the IATSE Web site ( Cut Off Date: December 21, 2007

With the 2008 elections just twelve short months away, its time for those of us who care about creating a better America for working people to get up, get out, and make sure our voices are heard loud and clear. The candidates campaigns have been in progress for quite a while now, and with the primaries almost upon us, things are moving into high gear. Now, at the primary stage, is when the issues that end up defining elections often come into focus. It is absolutely crucial that union members make sure that candidates at all levels know that they have to take us, our families, and our concerns into account. As you know, the excesses of the current administration and the corporate interests that support it have put the economy in a dismal state. Difficult times for many Americans are at hand. Many of our brothers and sistersin our industry, and in othersare facing strikes, lockouts, and downsizing. Something has to change, and we have to change it. With your help, the ball got rolling in the right direction in the 2006 elections. But that was just a starteven with a Democratic majority in Congress, the Employee Free Choice Act failed to pass. Meanwhile the NLRB has struck blow after blow against the labor movementmost recently by eviscerating the voluntary recognition process. Fortunately, the momentum in the country at large has finally begun to shift our way. But that doesnt mean we can sit back and hope things turn out right. We all know that there are very powerful forces arrayed against us, who would be very happy to see things stay the way they are. We saw what happened in 2004. We have to do everything we can to make sure that this time, people dont get scared and distracted into voting for people who only understand the needs of corporations and the very wealthy. With new leadership in Washington, there will once again be a chance to start turning the tide backto replace stagnating wages and diminishing worker rights with prosperity for all and a fair chance for everyone who wants to work and have their work respected. We can make this happen, but not without a lot of effort, starting now. The Iowa primaries are just a few weeks away, on January 3 for the Republicans and January 14 for the Democrats. Many more states have their primaries on Super Tuesday, February 5. Make sure you and friends and families are registered. Volunteer, go to rallies, make phone calls. None of us can afford to let this opportunity slip away.

As the year draws to a close, the desire to wrap things up grows

stronger. Projects that were started, but not yet completed take on a greater sense of urgency as December 31st approaches. In the General Office it is no different. One of the major projects that has been ongoing during this past year is working with programmers to develop a completely new computer system that will help us track the information we need in a more accurate and productive manner. In our effort to continually improve the level of service we give to our local unions, this is the next logical step. By combining our old Member and Roadman applications into one consolidated system, all critical information about members and their local unions will be stored in one single repository. There will be no more duplicate data entry, which will facilitate the accuracy of our data and increase the level of our efficiency. By early next year, we expect to launch this new system in the General Office. Our staff will have the benefit of working with a robust system with increased reporting and tracking capabilities that will use far less paper. Many entries in files and on the Web site that now need to be handled manually will be performed automatically, freeing up more time for our staff to handle the needs of our members and their local unions. From a local union point of view, the benefits and efficiencies of the new system will also be dramatic. By Web-enabling the system, we will be making it possible for local union Secretaries and Treasurers to change much of their communication with the International from a paper environment to that of an online environment. Locals will be able to file Quarterly Reports, update member information and place orders for stamps and supplies, all online over a secure network connection. Once the system is fully operational we will be making it available to our local unions. It is expected that by the end of the First Quarter of 2008 we will begin granting access to local unions that have indicated an interest in using the new system. This will be done on a first come, first serve basis. If you are a local union Officer that wants to get your local on the new system you should send an email to [email protected] and reserve your place in line. It will take a number of months before we are able to grant access to all interested locals because we will need to work with each one to ensure their familiarity with the system and the accuracy of their data. However, by the latter part of 2008 we expect that we will have worked our way through what is expected to be a fairly lengthy list.


In late November, the General Office began mailing the 2008 membership cards and supplies to those local unions that were in good standing with the International. Throughout December, we have continued to send supplies to local unions that have satisfied the good standing requirements. If your local union has not received their 2008 supplies, the Secretary and/or Secretary-Treasurer should contact the General Office immediately to determine what obligations have not been fulfilled.

As a reminder, delegates to the 65th Quadrennial Convention voted to increase the per capita tax for local unions by two dollars ($2.00) effective 1/1/08. Therefore, effective that date, the quarterly per capita will increase to $44. The per capita for Special Department local unions will remain unchanged.

Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007

The Actors Fund Celebrates its 125th Anniversary


Madrid, October 1 7-19, 2007
At the 5th UNI-MEI World General Assembly held in Madrid, Spain, hundreds of representatives from unions around the globe attended this 3-day conference with the agenda to discuss UNI-MEIs latest organizing efforts, elect new leadership and pledge to reinforce the fight against piracy, which threatens the national and global media and entertainment industries. Representing the IATSE were International President Thomas C. Short, International Vice Presidents Matthew Loeb and Daniel Di Tolla, Assistant to the President Debbie Reid, Director of Canadian Affairs John Lewis, International Representatives Scott Harbinson, Ron Kutak and Christine Greenlaw, and IATSE Canadian Counsel Bernard Fishbein.

The Actors Fund continues as the oldest, and largest, non-profit organization in the country continuously providing crucial and essential services to all professionals in the entertainment community. Since our founding by such people as Edwin Booth (the brother of John Wilkes Booth) and P.T. Barnum, and early support from the likes of Buffalo Bill Cody and Fanny Davenport, The Fund has been a leader in creating, providing and distributing resources for all members of the performing arts community. The anniversary year has been filled with events that honor our rich history of human service and raise awareness within the communities that need us most. The Fund has always been a magnet for the participation of many major names in entertainment, from inaugural year events with Sarah Bernhardt to the support through the years of great entertainers like Helen Hayes, George M. Cohan, Katharine Hepburn, Colleen Dewhurst and Enrico Caruso. This anniversary year celebrates the spectacular tapestry of entertainers and industry professionals woven through the last 125 years, offering a unique history of entertainment in America since 1882. A number of honors and awards marked the impact The Fund has had on the entertainment community. On May 7th, The Fund was honored with a special Lucille Lortel Award for Outstanding Body of Work and on May 24th the Outer Critics Circle recognized the Funds

125 year history at their award ceremony in New York City. And, at the Theatre World Awards on June 5th, The Fund received special recognition for 125 years of service to the entertainment community. This fall The Fund will be honored regionally by prestigious performing arts organizations including the Ovation Awards in Los Angeles, the Jeff Awards in Chicago and the Barrymore Awards in Philadelphia. In addition, The Fund hosted numerous 125th Anniversary special events in 2007, which kicked off on April 30th which was declared Actors Fund Day in New York City with the 125th Anniversary Gala sponsored by People magazine at the Waldorf-Astoria. In June, The Actors Fund was thrilled to host a Life of an Actor panel discussion featuring industry veterans Harvey Fierstein,

Christian Hoff and Michael Berresse at the 92nd Street Y. In September, The Fund presented The Actors Fund Medal of Honor to Studs Terkel at a ceremony in Chicago in recognition of his position as an artistic and cultural icon. On October 15th, Actors Fund President Brian Stokes Mitchell took to the stage of Carnegie Hall for a sold out gala anniversary concert that included appearances by special guests Nikki Renee Harris, Heather Headley, Reba McEntire, Phylicia Rashad, and The Broadway Inspirational Voices. The evening also featured Patti LuPone presenting John Breglio with The Actors Fund Medal of Honor in recognition of his work on The Funds behalf and his dedication to the entertainment community. The Actors Fund was also featured in a special issue of Variety.

President Short acting as Chairman of an Executive Committee Meeting alongside UNI-MEI Director Jim Wilson (right)

From left to right, Assistant to the President Debbie Reid, Suzanne Baekgaard, representative of FAF, Denmark, and International Representative Christine Greenlaw.

Actors Fund President Brian Stokes Mitchell and Entertainer Reba McEntire backstage before The Actors Fund's October 15th gala benefit concert at Carnegie Hall.

During a Conference Break, President Short sits with the UNI-MEI Delegates from Egypt

Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007

Motion Picture & Television Fund Honors President Short

Los Angeles Local Celebrates Milestone

International President Thomas C. Short was honored by the Motion Picture & Television Fund (MPTF) with its Silver Medallion Award at its third annual A Fine Romance fundraiser held Saturday, October 20th at the Sony lot in Culver City. The event, hosted by Catherine Zeta-Jones and Hugh Jackman, honored President Short for his efforts on behalf of the Fund and service to the organization. President Short is also on the Corporate Board of Directors of the Fund. The event, chaired by Jim and Ann Gianopulos, raised over $1 million. Director Taylor Hackford introduced President Short, whose remarks were followed by performances by Vanessa Williams, Shirley MacLaine,

Raul Esparza, Kristin Chenoweth, Anika Noni Rose, Dick Van Dyke, Chita Rivera, Jamie Campbell Bower and Jennifer Hudson. The Silver Medallion Award was established in 1942 to recognize outstanding humanitarian achievement for the Motion Picture & Television Fund and the entertainment industry at-large. Past recipients include Lew Wasserman, Jean Hersholt, Gregory Peck, Jules Stein, Mary Pickford and Kirk and Anne Douglas. President Shorts vision has enabled MPTF to bring our concept of taking care of our own into contemporary times where healthcare, prevention and wellness are critical components to the quality of life of President Short with Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of Dreamworks Animation SKG.

people in the entertainment industry, said David Tillman, M.D., president and CEO of the Motion Picture & Television Fund. In his combined role as International President of I.A.T.S.E. and MPTF board member, he has strengthened MPTF and enabled us to expand our mission beyond the walls of our campus to serve not only members of the I.A.T.S.E. but also everyone in the industry. Under President Shorts guidance, activity at our health centers has doubled and we have developed and deployed a disease management program. His contributions to MPTF are immeasurable and we cannot think of a more worthy recipient for the Silver Medallion Award.

On September 15, 2007, First Aid Employees Local 767 celebrated its 65th Anniversary with a picnic for the Locals officers and members.

In front of Vice President Mark Geralds fire engine, officers and members of Local 767.


President Short receiving the Silver Medallion Award from presenter Taylor Hackford

Photo Credit: Danny Feld, Local 600

President Short (right) with Taylor Hackford (who presented the award) and Co-Host of the event Hugh Jackman

Local 38 honored a group of senior members at their annual Fergie's Feast Picnic in August 2007. Pictured left to right: Edward Allen, Philip Tippy Johnson, Lawrence Biehl, Robert McKenzie, Joseph "Pat" Giluly and International Vice

President Tim Magee. Brother Johnson was presented with his Retirement Gold Card, the others received their 50-year membership scrolls. Vice President Tim Magee presented the honors.

Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007

Locals 48 and B-148 were participants in the Akron/Summit County Labor Day Parade in Ohio. The float bearing the We Are Entertainment marquee won Third Place for Best Float.


Local 134 builders from left to right: John Tricks, Ben Floodman, James Lee, Trenton Winslow (on loan from Local 16/Island Creative), Charlie Ness, Mike Patnaude, James Simon, John DeWolf, Randy Merten, and Mac Kaplowitz. Photo by Dale Maggio, steward, Local 134.

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IATSE Local 67 President, John Pomeroy (right) presenting a check to Jeff Chelesvig, President & CEO of the Civic Center of Greater Des Moines for a contribution the Local has made to the Musical Chairs Campaign at the Civic Center. Local 67 felt it was important to give back to their community and what better way to support the arts at a venue the Local currently has a contract with.

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Exhibition Employees Local 829 protested Unfair Labor Practices against Metropolitan Pavilion in New York City. The day ended with a successful signed contract.

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Fourth Quarter 2007 11


Official Bulletin

By David Geffner
includes tens of thousands of employees, the National Benefit Funds has no strict standards on how each contract can differ, and, consequently, how detailed and complicated each one can get. Its simple cause and effect, Zeisler says. The best way to bring more participants into the base is to give the IATSE locals maximum flexibility and allow for plans so nuanced that they require a large team of experienced benefit professionals to administrate. Structure, staff, and technology had to reflect our tremendous growth. After getting the blessing of the 14 trustees who oversee the Funds seven on the union side and seven on the employer side Zeisler met with reps from comparable entertainment industry funds to shape a workable model for change. We talked to AFM, AFTRA, Actors Equity, and the Motion Picture Industry Plan, to analyze their organizations, she recalls. Those are all union funds with similar structures within our same industry, and they were generous in sharing information. The next step was hiring a neutral third party to overhaul our technology. Enter WinMill software, Manhattanbased consultants whose niche is designing computer systems for union benefit funds. WinMill spent five months on-site learning the heart of the groups operation. Then they sat down with Zeisler to help craft a tenyear plan that included new software and phone systems and projections for increased staffing. We wrote a 120 page document called an RFP (request for proposal) that outlined all of their business processes and what needed to be changed, explains WinMills president, Kevin Kilgore, a one-time managFourth Quarter 2007

Anne J. Zeisler, Executive Director of the IATSE National Benefit Funds, stares into a thick vanilla-colored folder filled with hand-written letters from plan participants and, for the first time all day, is at a loss for words.
The Bronx-born Zeisler, whose father was a milkman with Local 584 dairy-workers and whose mother was a store worker, has a quick-witted delivery and intellectual toughness that screams New York native. But gazing at so many personal accounts of how her team of more than sixty employees has affected individual lives, has left her speechless. You asked me how we know the changes weve made in this office are having an impact, Zeisler says softly, as my daylong visit to their new facility, a few blocks south of the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue, draws to a close. This is how we know. She spreads the many letters out across a nearby conference table. The plan particiAnne J. Zeisler, Executive Director of the IATSE National Benefit Funds pants actually take the time to tell us were getting it right. Getting it right for Zeisler and a farreaching team of associates that includes her own department heads, union and employer trustees, staffing consultants and technology vendors, and a team of professional advisors that includes attorneys, accountants and actuaries, has been challenging, to say the least. The IATSE National Benefit Funds, made up of multi-employer funds for pension, health & welfare, annuity, vacation and 401(k), has experienced growth on a magnitude never-before-seen in its history (see graph on page 18). From 2001 until the end of 2006, employer contributions into the National Benefit Funds, which covers workers across all spectrums of the Alliance - from Broadway road shows in Indiana, to low-budget films in Louisiana to sporting events and trade shows in Las Vegas increased by 163 percent; participants in the Health & Welfare Fund alone went from 8,900 members and dependents to more than 27,500, a jump of 209 percent in five years. The biggest engine for skyrocketing enrollment has been the success of IATSE organizers. You can point to a lot of factors as to why the Funds have taken off, Zeisler told me. Added productions in film and television, a strong economy, more opportunities in trade shows and theme parks. But at the end of the day it comes down to organizing. President Shorts mantra has been lets get everyone we can into a plan so even the newest of our members have health coverage, and, more importantly, something other than social security to fall back on when they retire. The sharp rise in enrollment was the good news when Zeisler came onboard four years ago. The flipside of all that rapid growth was how best to increase staffing levels, update outdated technology, and replace a facility designed for a much smaller participant base. There were 24 employees working in an 8,400 square-foot office when I came in, and the staff was overwhelmed by all the complex new benefit plans [and the contracts that support them], Zeisler adds. It was impossible to keep pace. Unlike many other large union plans, whose base
Official Bulletin

er for consulting giant Accenture. The RFP was sent out to the top eight vendors who identified whether they would create new software from scratch or modify one of their existing packages, and how much it would all cost. Everyone put their heads together to decide which vendor provided the best ROI (return on investment) and the wheels were put in motion with Syntonic Systems, Inc. Given how frequently the contracts and plans change at this Fund, and how difficult it is to write code that reflects such nuanced language, the goal was to build a very robust system. Thirty percent of the new software is in, with the remaining 70 percent coming on-line in 2008. Kilgore, who has overseen similar overhauls for other union funds, says adapting data two decades old into a modern computer system was challenging. The office was really backlogged when we came in, he continues, so helping Anne bring on more staff was the first priority. In the Jackie Dowling, Director of Benefits (fifth from the left) and the Benefits Department.

course of weeding through old data, which had gone through several migrations to various computer systems, we found gaps and holes, or areas where there was no data at all and had to be recreated. Its time-consuming, but par for the course. Eliminating a sixmonth backlog of remittance reports (and drastically cutting down the time it took for employer contributions to reach the accounts of participants) was Zeislers first goal, irrespective of how quickly WinMill could get new computer systems on-line. What participants need to understand is that the money employers contribute into their various plans does not instantly show up in their accounts, or get paid to their health providers the same day they worked, says Zeisler. It takes 30 days before the check even reaches our office, and anywhere from 2-4 weeks for us to process. Once our new computer systems are all on-line in 2008, we plan to shave another week off that cycle. Participants are now



Launch of Static Web site with general information and downloadable documents Web site is upgraded to accept online credit card co-payments for Plan C Health Coverage

Left to right: James Takami, Director of Finance, Andrew Serrano, Audit & Collections Supervisor, and Rosalina Roldan, Accountant Supervisor looking at about 2 months from the day they work until their money shows up, which is an excellent turn-around period in any industry. Zeisler is quick to credit any successes to her management team. Structured like a small corporation, the IATSE National Benefit Funds now has directors heading up five key departments: Benefits, Contracts and Contributions, Finance, Human Resources and Administrative Services, and Information Technology. Each department has divisions led by supervisors, who oversee staff members in areas like contract analysis, collections, facilities, and computerized scanning and imaging of employer contribution reports and contracts. (By the end of 2008, when Syntonic delivers the remainder of the outstanding computer systems, the Funds will be fully paperless. Documents like marriage licenses and birth certificates for dependents will be scanned into a permanent digital record that participants can view on the Funds secure website.) On WinMills recommendation, the Fund staff was increased to 65 employees. That allowed for a new call center, with dual station computer monitors that let supervisors instantly add personnel to handle waiting calls, and for participants computer records to pop up onscreen when service reps pick-up the phone. (Call center employees are devoted exclusively to answering and responding to calls from Plan participants and providers, dentists, doctors,

-Anne J. Zeisler
pharmacies, as well as IATSE Local reps and participant beneficiaries.) The key for us is good communication and helping the participants understand what each of these plans does and how best to select them, notes Jackie Dowling, Director of Benefits, whos been working for different New York City-based union funds since 1990. The most common questions we get are issues of eligibility and how employer contributions tie into participant CAPP accounts. The volume of phone calls, which can reach several hundred a day during periods of great change [like the recent Plan C3 thats been added on the health and welfare side] is always a challenge because we want to make sure we service everyone. Dowling says that if there were one message she has her staff send out [to plan members] it is: open and read your mail. People ignore their quarterly statements, for example, and then call us a month later in a panic because their health coverage has lapsed, says Dowling. Our goal is to have everyone participating in their benefits plans just as they do with their checking or credit card accounts. Managing the flow of money at the National Benefit Funds, which will take in more than $120 million in contributions in 2007, or roughly several thousand checks each week, is the job of James Takami, Director of Finance. Takami, who used to work on the regulatory side of Wall Street, says tracking all those checks remains a challenge at least until the new computer systems are finalized next year. We pay out about $50 million in benefits, he observes, and undertake collections operations. Its vital we maintain solid internal controls over how all that money is received and paid out. Eventually well move to a lockbox system, where contributions are delivered directly to the bank and everything is done online through secure networks and servers. Takami notes that the National Benefit Funds are in better financial shape than any other period in their history. Total assets through October of 2007 were more than $544 million a 66 percent increase from six years ago. The Pension Fund is fully funded, meaning all 10,000 individuals due to be vested, along with all those currently vested will receive their retirement benefits regardless of any mitigating economic circumstances. Likewise for the Annuity Fund, which includes two 401(k) plans and has enjoyed more participant self-direction than comparable annuity funds in other industries. Joel Segal, Director of Information Technology, is another executive who, like incoming Director of Contracts and Contributions Michael Fife, elected to transpose his corporate skills onto union benefits. Segal was home celebrating the birth of his first child when I visited, so information technology specialist Victor Matos explained how he and Segal have helped Fund
Official Bulletin

Contracts and Contributions Department. employees adapt to the new workflow. All the new software is Windowsbased, so the learning curve was less steep than youd imagine, he says. Matos describes the new in-house computer network he and Segal oversee as totally HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) compliant and fully secure. We can customize different levels of access based on an employees role in the organization, adds Matos. And with all our documentation now being digitally scanned, customer service reps can actually retrieve individual letters from members that have been imaged into the network. The new system can also create an unlimited amount of letter templates, which the staff designs to suit their individual departments. Kilgore says that while all this sophisticated back-office software has been WinMills prime focus, its the website thats had the biggest impact. The site was only a tangential part of our job, Kilgore explains. But its become vital to members because it is the face of the Funds they see every day. Website improvements now allow participants to create their own passwords and log into a secure server, where they can make health care copayments on-line (a huge boost for freelance employees frequently on the road). They can check their CAPP [contributions available for premium payments] accounts and work histories, and download any forms they need. Probably 60 percent of their general
Fourth Quarter 2007

The Funds move to 417 Fifth Avenue location New VOIP phone system (Phase I) launched.

interaction with the Fund can now be done on-line, Kilgore boasts. Upcoming website launches in 2008 will allow participants to add or change beneficiaries, submit pension application requests, and see vacation benefit summaries and pension payment histories right on-screen. This group put forth a vision for how they wanted to expand, Kilgore summarizes, and it was based as much on the future as the present. Creating an enhanced Website and tying it into a VoIP [Voice over Internet Protocol] automated phone system is very forward thinking; it gives the participants access to more information, and, based on our experience, thats exactly what they want. Cutting-edge technology is just one of the keys to Zeislers philosophy that the benefit industry is about helping people, and people come first. This emphasis on humanism is most obvious when you walk into the groups new facility at 417 Fifth Avenue. Benefit administrators are hardly known for their visual flair, unless youre talking about an organization intent on honoring the entertainment industry employees who pay their salaries. The 35,000 square-foot space was designed for the maximum amount of flexibility, with moveable walls and partitions to accommodate increased staffing, and a large sub-lease quadrant in the event of contraction. The lobby is just plain fun filled with brightly colored posters from theater, films, and television programs supported by plan members, with a

New call center is launched. Premiere issue of "Behind the Scenes" newsletter issued to all participants

Funds begin scanning and imaging of documents Special issue of Behind The Scenes sent out announcing new Health and Welfare Plan C-3 Participants can access CAPP balances, work history and payment status via NBF Web site. Participants can access CAPP balances, work history and payment status through NBF Phone System (Phase II). All participants will be able to access work history on the Web site.

The Funds will launch capability through the phone system to allow all plan participants to access some work history information (Phase III) Participant will be able to change beneficiary information online and submit pension application requests. Participants will be able to view vacation benefit information, pension payment history as well as various self service features for IATSE Local Union Offices.

H E A LTH A N D W E LFA R E F U N D C O M PA R I S O N 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 2001

Participants Dependants


A N N U IT Y F U N D C O M PA R I S O N 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 2001

Annuity Fund Participants


P E N S I O N F U N D C O M PA R I S O N 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2001

Pension Fund Participants Earning Credits

Pensioners and/or Beneficiaries Receiving Monthly Benefits

miniature stage light (with barn doors) shining a cut-out of Broadway marquees behind receptionist Monica Flemings desk. A secure and soundproof area off the lobby contains boardroom space: three conference rooms can be configured for small group training or large-scale meetings; a self-contained kitchen and restroom area, as well as soundproof break-out rooms complete a conference facility that has already been rented to outside groups to offset building rent. (The Funds landlord contributed $1.8 million toward the build-to-suit, and 12 months free rent.) All aspects of the build-out were done to meet or exceed HIPAA standards relating to health care plan privacy; access to rooms where a members personal info is accessible scanning and imaging, digital archiving, hard copy files or claims is strictly controlled and protected via electronic pass-keys. Architects Meridian Design, Inc., brought in many environmentally friendly features that did not inflate the budget. Green elements include a floor made from recycled rubber, low-energy consumption compact fluorescent lights, cotton insulation, and a spray-on sound absorptive insulation that creates better indoor acoustic quality and thermal control. Theres really no comparing this to our former facility, observes Ron Smith, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services. Its not simply the increased amount of working space, although thats a huge part. This space is just a fun, bright, and lively place, with a clear concern for the staff that goes down to the smallest details. Smith says he has been an HR professional in the financial services industry his whole career. Everything from a 12-person staff to 30,000 people at Dean Witter, and the same HR principles apply: when people are happy and comfortable in their working space, morale and productivity rise. This new building has made it easier for me to keep everybody happy. What may be most impressive about the new look of the National Benefit Funds from staffing, to technology, to design is that all the changes were done under budget and on schedule. While everyone involved calls it a team effort, it was Zeislers eyes-on-the-prize approach to leadership that kept the organization ontrack. Talking one-on-one with Zeisler, its hard to imagine any other benefits executive better suited to the job. She started her career processing individual health claims thirty years ago at Aetna Insurance, where, she says, all the hours each day spent on the phone with members convinced her that benefits was a service industry, actuaries and big corporations aside. After a short stint at Guardian Insurance, Zeisler was introduced to multi-employer union benefits at the Amalgamated Textile and Clothing Workers National health benefits office. It was my first exposure to ERISA (Employee
Official Bulletin

Retirement Income Security Act), and agencies like the Department of Labor and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), which carefully regulate multi-employer funds as outlined in the Taft-Hartley Act, Zeisler explains. Union funds have more federal regulations than singlepayer corporations, and those federal controls provide for equal application of benefits for all employees, whether youre a garment worker in a factory or the president of the entire union. The emphasis is on the individual working person, not high-paid corporate executives with a sense of entitlement. I knew, almost immediately, I had found my niche. What eventually led Zeisler to the IATSE National Benefit Funds office was an eight-year position heading up different funds for the New York Citys Pointers-Cleaners-Caulkers union (now merged with the bricklayers union), which specializes in brick restoration. Zeislers work with the building trades broadened her knowledge beyond health and welfare into pensions, annuities, 401(k) and vacation funds. In 1995, she accepted a job with IATSE Local 52 to bring the unions benefits in-house, away from a third-party administrator. It was a start-up operation that came around once-in-a-lifetime. When Local 52 merged their plans with the Motion Picture Industry Pension & Health Plans, she continues, I accepted an offer from President Short to direct the IAs National Benefit Office. I knew it would be the biggest challenge of my career, given the enormous growth the Funds have experienced. But it felt like all of my past experience had been leading up to this job. We handle some of the most complex and diverse Plans in any industry, and the focus is always people first. Its been my mantra since the day I arrived here our salaries are paid by the people we serve and everything weve done from the computer systems, to the website, to our growing staff and facility is about making the participants interactions with the benefits theyve earned, an easier and more informed experience. IATSE National Benefits Funds Office Staff

Finance Department.

Human Resources and Administrative Services Department.


Fourth Quarter 2007


CALL TO ORDER In accordance with Article Eleven, Section 2 of the International Constitution, a Special Meeting of the General Executive Board of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada, AFL-CIO, CLC, convened at 10:00 a.m. in Terrace Room D of the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Universal City, California on Sunday, October 21, 2007.

MICHAEL F. MILLER, JR., Tenth Vice President JOHN T. BECKMAN, JR., Eleventh Vice President DANIEL E. DI TOLLA, Twelfth Vice President/ Director of Organizing JOHN FORD, Thirteenth Vice President In addition to the members of the Board, those present included Assistant to the President Deborah A. Reid and Director of Canadian Affairs John M. Lewis. AMERICAN RIGHTS AT WORK President Short reported to the Board that American Rights At Work (ARAW) is a national workers rights organization established in 2003 and whose mission it is to inform the American public about the struggle to win workplace democracy for workers across the country. It was reported that President Short met with ARAW Executive Director Mary Beth Maxwell in New York and at that time discussed some of the issues and challenges facing members of the IATSE, as well the Internationals

willingness to continue to support the efforts of American Rights At Work subject to the approval of the General Executive Board. It was noted that a number of labor organizations among the affiliates of both the AFL--ClO and Change To Win have been enrolled with ARAW as Sustaining Unions thereby making annual contributions. By motion, seconded and carried the Board approved an annual contribution be made by the IATSE to American Rights At Work in the amount of $5,000. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS General Secretary-Treasurer James B. Wood reported to the Board that after discussions with President Short, it has been determined that it is necessary for the International to have membership applications translated and printed in Spanish. The International currently prints applications in English and French. Due to the vast amount of organizing efforts of the International, the printing of a Spanish version of our membership applications was considered appropriate. The Board President Short swears in newly-elected International Vice President John Lewis

approved the printing of membership applications in Spanish. LOCAL NO. 224, WASHINGTON, D.C. With the consent of the General Executive Board, a Declaration of Emergency was issued by the International President in Local No. 224 due to the Locals failure to comply with a directive issued by the International President that placed its jurisdiction and membership in imminent danger. Acting in his capacity as Trustee of the Local, International Vice President J. Walter Cahill reported to the Board on the activities within the Local since the trusteeship was imposed on October 5, 2007. Vice President Cahill reported that there were currently only 16 members in the local union. Recommendations concerning a possible merger of the Local will be made as the Trusteeship continues in effect. LOCAL NO. 298, SHREVEPORT, LA West Coast Counsel James G. Varga reported to the Board on the developments involving Local 298 and collective bargaining with the Strand Theatre in Shreveport, Louisiana. As reported at the last General Executive Board meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the NLRB that the Strand Theatre violated the National Labor Relations Act when it withdrew recognition of Local 298 after the last contract between the two parties had expired. The matter is now in the Compliance Stage before Region 2 of the NLRB for enforcement of the Boards back pay award. Meanwhile, the Strand Theatre did call Local 298 to fill the call for a show performed by

From left to right: General SecretaryTreasurer James Wood, International Vice President/ Director of Canadian Affairs John Lewis and International President Thomas Short

ROLL CALL General Secretary-Treasurer James B. Wood called the roll and recorded the following members present: THOMAS C. SHORT, International President JAMES B. WOOD, General Secretary-Treasurer TIMOTHY F. MAGEE, First Vice President MICHAEL BARNES, Second Vice President J. WALTER CAHILL, Third Vice President THOM DAVIS, Fourth Vice President MATTHEW D. LOEB, Fifth Vice President/Director of Motion Picture and Television Production Department ANTHONY DE PAULO, Sixth Vice President/Co-Director of Stagecraft MIMI WOLCH, Seventh Vice President DAMIAN PETTI, Eighth Vice President BRIAN J. LAWLOR, Ninth Vice President/ Co-Director of Stagecraft

the Harlem Choir at the Strand on October 13, 2007. This was the first show call to the Locals hiring hall since the labor dispute with the Strand began in 2004. In addition the head electrician has also been called back to work. International Representative Don Gandolini advised that future calls will be made through the hiring hall, and that the parties will be negotiating for a new successor collective bargaining agreement. Coupled with this report, General Secretary-Treasurer James B. Wood advised the Board that the Local has requested the International to consider forgiveness of delinquent per capital taxes. It was noted that the Locals sole contract rested with the Strand and during the labor dispute no calls were made from the Locals hiring hall. The Local is approximately $11,000 in arrears in per capita tax payments. By motion duly seconded and carried it was resolved to forgive Local 298 its indebtedness and to require that the Local commence paying per capita taxes beginning January 1, 2008. LOCAL NO. B-1 TORONTO, ON 73, A state of emergency was declared

by the International in Local B-173 on July 31, 2007, and a trusteeship imposed on the Local in August 2007 after a hearing was duly conducted in accordance with the International Constitution. International Representative Christine Greenlaw was appointed by President Short to serve as Trustee of the Local during trusteeship. Director of Canadian Affairs John M. Lewis reported to the Board that during the trusteeship an organizing effort was undertaken to gain certification for a unit of information desk clerks at facilities operated by Hamilton Entertainment Facilities, Inc. In addition, since trusteeship, two of the Locals collective bargaining agreements have been re-negotiated, and a new Constitution and Bylaws is being drafted. Further developments will be reported at the next meeting of the General Executive Board. LOCAL NO. B-751, NEW YORK, NY President Short stated that New York Local B-751 has been in trusteeship since March 2007 and that International Representative Daniel Mahoney has been serving as the


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


Trustee of that Local. General Secretary-Treasurer James B. Wood reported to the Board that the Trustee has thus far paid $17,000 in back taxes owed to the IRS, and the balance owed in the amount of $8,500 is being paid off at the rate of $1,500 per month. The Local was successful under the guidance of Trustee Mahoney in organizing a new venue where the individuals voted in favor of IATSE representation by a vote of eleven to zero. General SecretaryTreasurer Wood advised the Board that a recommendation regarding the future status of Local B-751 would be forthcoming at the next Winter Board Meeting.

RESIGNATION OF INTERNATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT MIMI WOLCH International Vice President Mimi Wolch presented a letter of resignation to President Short and the General Executive Board. President Short stated that he reluctantly accepted Mimis resignation and thanked her for all the dedicated work she performed for the International, the Board and the members of her home local No. 873 in Toronto, Ontario. In particular, President Short noted Vice President Wolchs invaluable service in helping to negotiate term contracts covering features and television productions in Canada.

ELECTION OF JOHN M. LEWIS AS INTERNATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT In order to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mimi Wolch from her position on the General Executive Board as Vice President, the Board, by secret ballot, unanimously elected Brother John M. Lewis of Local No. 411, Province of Ontario. Brother Lewis also serves the International as its Director of Canadian Affairs. ADJOURNMENT Having completed all business properly brought before it, the Special Meeting of the General Executive Board adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

The ILCA judges comments: Simple & strong graphic sense; very clean design; elegant, with good use of drop downs; up-to-date.


New Representative Appointed
In recognition of the large gains in membership over the last few years on Canadas west coast, and British Columbia in particular, International President Thomas C. Short, with the support of the General Executive Board, approved the establishment of an IATSE Canadian West Coast Office. The IATSE Canadian West Coast Office was opened on November 1, 2007 and is located at 1000 355 Burrard Street in downtown Vancouver. It is housed in the Marine Building, which opened in 1930 and is the citys finest example of art deco architecture. The office will be staffed by newly appointed International Representative Julia Neville, who is a member of both the Directors Guild of Canada and a 20-year member of IATSE Local 891. Julia served on Local 891s Executive Board in the capacity of Corresponding Secretary and is currently a Health and Welfare Trustee. She has worked for a number of years as a Production Manager on motion picture and television productions; notably, Flight 93, which was nominated for an Emmy (Best Dramatic Program, Longform), in 2006, and Da Vincis Inquest, which was nominated for a Gemini (Best Dramatic Series) in 2004. According to President Short, It is our intention to use the IATSEs enhanced presence in western Canada to take advantage of organizing opportunities in legitimate theatre, trade and convention work, the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games and the shops and rental houses that service the motion picture and theatrical industries. Julia brings with her an understanding of issues from the perspective of both the working member and production, which will undoubtedly prove beneficial as we move forward with these new opportunities. Julia Neville


IATSEs Strategic Alliance Partner


Official Bulletin

Third Quarter 2007 Fourth Quarter 2007



The organizing equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel is obtaining agreements from producers of political spots and Web site content. First, both Republican and Democrat alike are trying to put their best foot forward. Being caught up in an organizing confrontation is the sort of drama all candidates seek to avoid. The core economic issue of IATSE agreements is benefits. Coincidently, the core issue of many campaigns happens to be healthcare and retirement (Social Security). Candidates can ill afford to be seen as supporting reform or even the status quo and denying health and retirement benefits to those workers making their campaign commercials. There have been instances when campaign spot producers have asserted that their employees were not employees, but 1099 independent contractors. This is also a politically volatile issue as misclassifying employees as contractors cheats the US Treasury out of millions in tax revenue every year. This is not the sort of thing any campaign wishes to see discussed in the news. The political season is upon us. Register to vote and become involved. Hold politicians personally accountable to the lofty ideals expressed in their campaign rhetoric.


This is an extremely important part of Union Membership. So important is this point, that many IATSE Locals even have in their Constitution and Bylaws specifically stated obligations of their members requirement to report such work. The Locals need this vital information in order to properly police, protect, and organize work in their jurisdiction on behalf of their members. Members who choose to work non-union and fail to report such work: Receive no contributions into their union benefit plans (Health and Pension). Have no protections given by a collective bargaining agreement, meaning no one to help if you have an on-the-job problem. Weakens your Locals position with its current employers overall. Makes it much harder for the Local to organize future employers. Helps to foster a non-union workforce that is in direct competition with union jobs meaning your job. Members can (and should be encouraged to do so) help their Local by reporting such work. It is should be understood that when reporting this work that the Locals treat this source of information with the strictest of confidence. Make the time to report such work to your Local Union.

It is not uncommon to come across a film crew where the workers have been given a deal to be treated as an independent contractor instead of being properly paid, like the employee they are. Whats the problem, you might ask, especially since the deal seems to make sense, such as getting a flat rate and no taxes taken out of the paycheck puts more money in the pocket. This is a fallacy, and you could get hurt. The employer tries to save money by avoiding payroll taxes, and thereby cheats the government, and cheats you out of hard fought contractual and or statutory protections and benefits. Do not allow an employer to deny you your employee status. For your own protection and welfare you should insist on being treated and paid as an employee, not an independent contractor. This is not necessarily an overtime issue, although it could be. For example, this phenomenon is frequented upon in organizing campaigns when workers explain to the organizers the horror stories of wages, hours and working conditions when not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Most deal memos offer wages that when broken down comply with Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements to pay overtime after forty hours in a week. Guaranteed weeks under a collective bargaining agreement factor in the proper rates of pay for hours worked or guaranteed to comply with FSLA. But when your employer treats you like an indepen-

dent contractor, instead of an employee, a new host of issues arise. Most states laws designed for the protection of workers such as minimum wages, hours of work, meal breaks, rest breaks apply only to employees, not to independent contractors. Collective bargaining agreements apply to employees, not contractors. The protections found in Section Seven of the National Labor Relations Act, including the right to organize, apply to employees, not to independent contractors. When an employer fails to issue a paycheck with the proper deductions taken out, no payment is made to Social Security, Medicare, or to state disability, or state unemployment, or to the IRS, or the state tax agency. Even if you pay taxes when the 1099 form is issued, you might face jeopardy for failing to pay estimated taxes, or at the least increasing exposure to audit by raising a red flag on the IRS computer radar screen. The same can be true for state taxes. The contributions to FICA and SDI can not be made up. There is the possibility that you could fail to qualify for the minimum earnings reported if and when you claim the benefits from these kinds of programs. Further, the employer is probably not reporting you on the company worker compensation policy thereby leaving you uncovered should you be injured while on the job. Perhaps the most significant problem arising when you are being treated as an independent contractor is

the inability of the trust fund to accept contributions on your behalf. To qualify for benefit contributions you must be an employee employed and covered under the terms and conditions of a collective bargaining agreement. An independent contractor is not an employee, thus contributions can not be paid into the trust fund on your behalf if the employer has misclassified you. How do you tell an independent contractor from an employee? Some states, such as California, begin with a presumption that a worker is an employee. Then the circumstances peculiar to the workplace and nature of work to be performed must be analyzed. The answer generally comes down to how much control is maintained by the employer over the performance of the job. The most significant factor to be considered is whether the person to whom the service is being rendered has control or the right to control the worker both as to the work done and the manner and means in which it is performed. The fact that the individual is issued a 1099 form rather than a w-2 form is not determinative with respect to independent contractor status. If you have concerns about how you are being paid, or if you think the employer has misclassified you, you should report this to your business representative. Together, you and the Union can correct this situation including pursuing administrative remedies with the state labor commissioner.


With the stroke of a pen, your state or territory can become the next international production hotspot, by offering even richer incentives to motion picture and television producers. That might be fine for you, but what if you live in the state next door and have a government that doesnt play the game? What then? Thats the new paradigm in the industry. Which state will give the most money away to the producers for the privilege of having them shoot in that region. Industry professionals living in regions that have been negatively affected by incentives offered by other states or locales and have managed to survive have largely survived due to the commitment to organize indigenous production. Whether commercials, industrials, documentaries, music videos or webcasts, time and again we see a correlation between organizing indigenous production and the long term economic health of members in a given region. Our members need benefit contributions on every job, not just the big Hollywood features. And while you may be fortunate enough to live in an area that is enjoying the benefits of tax incentives, know that you could be on the outside looking in with the stroke of a pen.


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


Are You in a Right to Work State?

Right to Work laws may also be called open shop laws. Currently, there are twenty-one Right to Work States, which are located in the table below. In Right to Work states, workers enjoy all the benefits the Union negotiates on their behalf, but workers are not required to belong to the Union or pay their fair share of the costs involved in keeping it running. Operating in a Right to Work state does not diminish the Unions right to organize or the right to bargain contracts. On the contrary, it is more important than ever in these locations that the Union obtain signed collective bargaining agreements with all of its employers. These contracts may recognize the Unions hiring hall as the sole and exclusive source of needed workers. It is not illegal to have an exclusive hiring hall in a Right to Work state. Some employers may claim that an exclusive hiring hall, in which all employees are referred to jobs

through the Union, is a form of Union Security. It is not. An exclusive hiring hall has to serve everyone, whether a Union member or not. Since hiring halls are not a form of Union Security, they cannot be prohibited or regulated in Right to Work states. Likewise, dues check-off provisions, a system of dues collection in which the employer agrees to deduct union dues and representation fees from members paychecks and forward the money directly to the union are legal in Right to Work states, provided that the employer agrees, and that money is deducted only for those employees who have signed a form, authorizing said deduction. Of course, many other contractual provisions, which are permitted across the country, are also permitted in Right to Work states. This includes grievance and arbitration provisions for the purpose of dispute resolution. Operating in a state with Right to Work laws presents an additional challenge to Local Unions, but this

challenge is not insurmountable. While workers in such states cannot be obligated by Union Security clauses to join the union, people join organizations when they believe they will be better off for it. According to David Prosten in The Union Stewards Complete Guide, in survey after survey, union members in open shops say they joined because someone they knew approached them. And nonmembers say the leading reason they dont join is because no one ever directly asks them to. There is strength in numbers. You will never get the nonmembers to join unless you ask them to do sooneon-one. Armed with the facts and with good legal advice a strong contract and a healthy union are possible. Local Union officers should check with a qualified Labor attorney in their locale for the most correct and current information for your local. Negotiating assistance may also be available from the IATSE General office.

Tony Awards Honor IATSEs Gilbert, Mazzella

New York, NY IATSE members Alyce Gilbert and Neil Mazzella were among four honorees to receive the 2007 Tony Honors for Excellence in Theatre. The Tony Honors recognize contributions in the field of theatre by individuals and organizations not eligible in any of the established Tony categories. Alyce Gilbert is a longtime wardrobe supervisor, who has worked both on and off-Broadway for nearly 40 years. She is currently the wardrobe supervisor on Wicked, responsible for maintaining over 300 costumes and supervising a department of 11. Her Broadway credits include A Chorus Line, Ballroom, Dreamgirls, Grand Hotel, The Will Rogers Follies, and Stephen Sondheims Passion. She has worked on dozens of off-Broadway productions, including many shows with designer Theoni V. Aldredge and for Joseph Papps Public Theatre. Neil Mazzella is the proprietor of Hudson Scenic Studios. He has built scenery for over 200 Broadway and touring productions and has been an unsung hero to many producers, directors, and designers over the past two decades. Hudson Scenic, which is now 26 years old and has been primarily known for production design, scenic fabrication and automation services, began a lighting division in 2005. Among Mazzellas numerous credits include the recent Broadway productions of Mary Poppins, Spring Awakening, The Apple Tree, The Year of Magical Thinking, and the Broadway premiere of Talk Radio. Touring shows include the Orlando production of Finding Nemo The Musical, Spamalot in Las Vegas, and The Color Purple in Chicago. He is also a visiting artist in the Department of Design at the Tisch Institute of Performing Arts. The other two Tony Honors will be received by dance replicateur Gemze De Lappe and music coordinator Seymour Red Press. The announcement was made by the Tony Awards Administration Committee, and was presented at a luncheon on Tuesday, October 20th at Tavern on the Green. The Tonys are presented by the League of American Theatres and Producers and the American Theatre Wing.

IATSE Union Plus Flower Service

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Telefloras Snowflake Ornament Bouquet 07X700 Filled with red roses and faux berries, its an adorable gift that can be used for candy or cookies and displayed every holiday season. Regular Price: $49.95 | Union Member Price: $39.96

RIGHT TO WORK STATES Alabama Arizona Arkansas Florida Georgia Idaho Iowa Kansas Louisiana Mississippi Nebraska Nevada North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Wyoming

Telefloras Gingerbread House Bouquet 07X500 Filled with mixed carnations, faux berries and evergreens, its a holiday treat to be enjoyed forever. Regular Price: $59.95 | Union Member Price: $47.96

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There is an additional $11.99 service fee on each order. 20% discount applies to product only. FC7387


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


A Fond Farewell for a Master of his Craft

On August 25, 2007, a retirement party took place at Local 80s office for Brother Edmond Wright. Brother Wright was sworn in as a member of Local 80 on April 1, 1973. During his career he worked in all the classifications represented by Local 80. He was not only known as a master of his craft, but also as a mentor for young people entering the union. Wright became an Assistant to the Business Representative of Local 80 in 1999. During his tenure he became known as a fierce advocate for the members he represented, and trusted and respected by the employers. Also present were International Vice President-in-Charge of the West Coast Office Michael Miller Jr., and International Trustee George Palazzo, who had worked closely with Edmond in his position as a representative of Local 80. On behalf of IATSE and Local 80, we wish him all the best in his much deserved retirement. Brother Wright with International Vice President Thom Davis.

This summer, Presidential-candidate Senator Hilary Clinton addressed the National Council of La Raza, the largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, at the Miami Beach Convention Center. Senator Clinton had a photo op with Brother Benjamin Centoducati, who was the Camera Operator. Other Floridabased members working the event were Brothers Thomas Harmon (Sound man), Rocco Quaglia (Video Operator) and Richard Piedman (Camera Operator) for the event. Brother Centoducati is also the Political Coordinator for Locals 500 and 600 in Florida.


Local 471, Ottawa, honored Brother Francis OLeary with a presentation of his Gold Card. Brother OLearys career spanned over 50 years and he was a charter member of Local 471. Congratulations!

Winnipeg Local Honors Longtime Member

At the 12th Annual Billy Murphy Memorial Local 63 Golf Tournament and Dinner, Local 63 honored Brother Ian McTavish, who celebrated his 50 year membership with the Local.

Pictured left to right: Brother Patrick OLeary (member of Local 471), Francis wife Helen, and Brother Francis OLeary.

Pictured here from left to right: Brother Ian McTavish, I.A.T.S.E. District 12 Secretary/ International Representative Barny Haines and Stuart Aikman, Secretary I.A.T.S.E. Local 63.


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


Cast and crew for the World Premiere production of "Radio Daze" by Joo Canhoto. Stage Crew and Technical Director are members of IATSE Local 118, Vancouver, BC

Pictured here are Local 150 projectionists right before working behind the scenes at AFI's 40th Anniversary.

Disney's "The Little Mermaid" had its pre-Broadway run at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House in Denver, Colorado, beginning previews on July 27th and officially opening on August 23rd. "The Big Fish" (affectionately known by the crew) ended its run on September 9th, off to New York, where it is currently playing at the Lunt-Fontanne Theater. Photo credit: Richard Balkema.

Local 122 in San Diego is proud to announce the first national tour of Avenue Q. After several weeks of prep and rehearsals, theyre off and running for what should be a very successful tour. Pictured is both the local(L) and touring crew(T). Sitting stage right is Merry Brittingham(L, Electrician), Daniel Scheivert(T, Asst Audio Eng), Richard Camuso(T, Head Audio Eng, kneeling), Roeya Bannuazizi(T, Co. Mgn), Steve Cooksey(T, Head Electrician), Marcus Polk(L Electrician), Troy Castelblanco(L Master Electrician), Chris Throson(L, Asst Flyman), James Masacek(L, Master Carp), Leslie Bindeman(T, Head Spot, kneeling), Ned Krumery(L, Master Props) Mark Meyer(L. Asst. Props), David Masacek(L, Flyman), Nick Rouse(T, Master Props), Meghan Bourdeau(L, Asst.Co.Mgn), Loren Rogers(L, Head Audio), Marion Dewitt(T, PSM), James Darrah(T, ASM, kneeling), Kristine Hummel(T, Puppet Wrangler), Andrew Young(L, Carp), Joel Rosen(T, SM),Bob Hendren(T, Prod. Asst, sitting), up in the set are Jeff Sharratt(T, Head Carp) and Tyler Smutz(T, Flyman) Absent from the picture are Michael Hannah (T, Wardrobe Supervisor) and Nola Walkup(L Wardrobe Asst)

Crew members of Local 158 servicing the Joffrey Ballet.

Local 51 members on the set at the Houston Ballet. Front Row right to left; Anthony Pusateri, Louis Caldarera, Ralph Unger, Larry Lewis, Mark Rhoads. Back Row right to left; Ron Ellis, Braddock Davidson, Adam Rushefsky, Ed Hamala, George Peine, Tyler Gavin, Barry Thomas, Terri Batcheller, Jeff Fiaschetti, Danny Ramirez, Mike Grawl


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


South Florida Local Works International Boat Show









Harry Brennan August 5, 2007 John Deverna July 24, 2007 Ephraim Dunsky September 14, 2007 Erwin Harris September 10, 2007 Michael Hutzler May 17, 2007 Herbert Hyman September 18, 2007 Francis McCarthy August 14, 2007 Douglas Milne July 12, 2007 Daniel Paulos July 12, 2007 Herbert Rosenman August 7, 2007 Michael Ruggiero July 5, 2007 Robert Beckman September 24, 2007 Reinhold Freitag September 27, 2007 Alexander Steins July 28, 2007 John Svesse August 19, 2007

One One One One One One One One One One One 6 8 8 9 22 27 28 31 33 33 33 44 44 44

Charles Evans June 8, 2006 Richard Galbreath August 31, 2007 John Graffeo July 20, 2007 Thomas Guerra July 9, 2007 James Hale July 7, 2007 Foster Huber June 12, 2007 Paul Marco May 14, 2006 Roger Meryett September 4, 2007 Theodore Mossman July 1, 2007 G.S. Newby July 5, 2007 James Rugg February 13, 2004 Charles Stevens August 19, 2007 Frank Trott July 24, 2007 Robert Morris March 2007 Everett Reid 1997 Patrick Hearst July 20, 2007 Harry Klatt September 5, 2007 Peter J. McBrearty September 7, 2007 Joshua Shapiro July 15, 2007 Fred Barnett May 9, 2007 William Batulis May 16, 2007 Tom Finnen May 25, 2007 Robert Shearer April 3, 2007 Lonnie Simpson September 29, 2007 Steven Judd May 2, 2007

44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 50 50 52 52 52 52 58 58 58 58 69 78

Diana Helen Beaird May 15, 2007 Mario Jackson May 10, 2007 Thomas E. Slocum April 26, 2007 James DuBois May 22, 2007 Robert V. Olive May 9, 2007 Jack Rodgers June 26, 2007 Carl Burke September 22, 2007 Brian Branigan September 9, 2007 James R. Parsons June 11, 2007 Carl Recktenwald May 20, 2007 Bernie Beard May 12, 2007 James Parsons June 2007 Walter Roholbt July 16, 2007 Ronald Scruggs August 27, 2007 John Stendel May 24, 2007 Harold Welch April 21, 2007 Jack Carter September 20, 2007 Gladys Rodgers September 12, 2007 Jack Detournillon May 29, 2007 Erika Maciula June 16, 2007 Warren H. LeCompte July 1, 2007 Amelia Hochberg June 27, 2007 James G. Martin July 1, 2007 James B. Perdue May 29, 2007 James Matheson April 6, 2007

80 80 80 84 93 99 102 126 134 134 138 158 181 197 199 199 201 274 333 333 442 476 477 477 484

Roberta Anderson August 31, 2007 Charles Venners May 14, 2007 Amelie Proulx April 16, 2007 Bernier Richard August 16, 2007 James Quinn September 28, 2007 Donald Cook April 12, 2007 Amelia DeDomenico March 4, 2007 John Farris April 25, 2007 Gilbert Geller May 7, 2007 Thomas Geren October 29, 2005 Dale Sigler April 25, 2007 William Tomkin June 24, 2001 James B. Perdue May 30, 2007 Steve Koppenhauer August 5, 2007 James Ford, Jr. June 10, 2007 Joan Biel July 1, 2007 Jeffrey L. Bushelman May 16, 2007 Brian M. Chic June 21, 2007 Donald L. Chu August 8, 2007 Joel Fein September 22, 2007 Louis J. Ferrara July 1, 2007 Barbara Issak July 21, 2007 Mark F. Kamps July 21, 2007 Robert J. Kopka February 26, 2005

500 504 523 523 534 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 631 635 695 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700

South Florida Local 500 members worked the "Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show". The International Boat show is the largest boat show in the world and all labor on the show is performed by members of Local 500. The show features marine-related products and services, including over 1,500 boats ranging from seven-foot inflatable dinghies to over 170-foot motor yachts. Show attendees come from all 50 states and over 30 foreign countries. From left to right: Alan Glassman (Business Agent), Gary Darling Jr., Edwin Santiago (Job Steward).

Support the IATSE-PAC

Please complete this form and return it with your contribution to the IATSE General Office. Thank you.

*If you are currently between jobs, but usually work for a variety of entertainment industry employers, you may state Various Entertainment Employers. All contributions to the IATSE-PAC are voluntary, and not tax-deductible. A persons contribution to the IATSEPAC may not exceed $5,000.00 per year. The contribution amounts listed are suggestions only, and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amount. Federal Law requires the IATSE-PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and the name of the employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200.00 in a calendar year. The amount contributed, or the decision not to contribute, will not be the basis for the IATSE or any of its locals to benefit or disadvantage the member or his/her family. Neither the IATSE nor any of its locals will retaliate against a member for deciding not to contribute, or based upon the amount of the contribution.

David Worley September 15, 2007 Otto Hagele July 29, 2007 Peter James Mourlas June 9, 2007 D. Aldon Ferrara June 3, 2007 Michael R. Boisclair August 25, 2007 Richard L. Keyes March 12, 2006 Larry W. Trimble September 11, 2007 Scott Belshe September 23, 2007 Ronny Breedlove July 6, 2007 Orie Carafagno July 13, 2007

YES! I want to support the IATSE-PAC and its efforts to make the voices of IATSE members heard in Washington. I enclose my voluntary contribution to the IATSE-PAC of:
_____ $25.00 _____ $50.00 _____ $100.00 $_____ (Other)

Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Occupation:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Local No.:______________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Employer*: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007










Henry R. Bud Molin May 21, 2007 Timothy OMeara May 16, 2007 Scott C. Perry January 15, 2007 Robert N. Reese, Sr. April 4, 2007 Bobbie L. Sharpiro July 8, 2007 Richard A. Sperber June 17, 2005 Ross Taylor June 17, 2007 Dayton Anderson August 28, 2007 Ron Barry July 27, 2007 Jerry Bono August 31, 2007 Patricia Zinn Etheridge August 1, 2007 Gerard A. Ary September 4, 2007 Herman J. Collier March 22, 2007

700 700 700 700 700 700 700 705 705 705 705 728 728

Rodney P. Everson January 28, 2004 Sanford Hoffman May 31, 2007 William C. Lindner March 8, 2007 Donald G. Morgan February 8, 2006 Lawrence E. Peets March 4, 2007 Edward M. Savarese July 31, 2007 Robert J. Smith April 20, 2007 James E. Sullivan June 19, 2007 Raymond Watters July 28, 2007 Donald M. Wolak July 19, 2007 Bill Ross Stanley Leseritz May 16, 2007

728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 728 729 750

John B. Sheehan May 23, 2007 Stephanie Cheretun June 22, 2007 Travis D. Gowen July 7, 2007 George Jenkins John W. Starliper September 2007 William French June 30, 2007 Warren Gindhart June 30, 2007 Wayne Marr April 20, 2007 Robert Reynolds April 20, 2007 William Rhoda April 20, 2007 Frances Russell July 11, 2007 Marcel LaPorte April 24, 2007

751 764 780 800 819 838 838 856 856 856 857 873

Gerald Pynn April 27, 2007 Shauna Hanna October 1, 2007 Bill Newbery August 28, 2007 Thomas White October 21, 2007 William M. Stone August 6, 2007 George Jenkins April 6, 2007 Benjamin Kasazkow May 25, 2007 James Primm April 30, 2007 Sara Linnie Slocum December 26, 2006 Thomas Bailey Ray Peter Walter Townsend November 8, 2006


Remembering Joe Harris









B38 B38 ACT

Brother Joe Harris, gold card member of Theatrical Wardrobe Union Local 784, passed away June 9, 2007. Brother Harris was born in 1924 in Oklahoma City. After serving in the Navy during World War II, he graduated from UC Berkeley and began a 30-year career teaching English and drama at San Francisco's George Washington High School. In 1961, he heard from a friend in the wardrobe union that the company needed dressers. Because the rehearsals were held at night, he was able to balance the requirements of the job with his teaching responsibilities. His career as a dresser then spanned over 40 years, most of which was at the San Francisco Opera. As a dresser, Brother Harris' duties went far beyond the costume changes. He shepherded singers delicate egos through difficult outings as well as triumphant ones. He defended their dressing rooms against intruders and was even known to sneak on stage during a performance to deliver a much needed cup of water to a thirsty singer. Over the years he worked with singers ranging from the little-know to the major stars. When he retired in 2004, the Opera awarded him with the San Francisco

Opera Medal, an honor never before bestowed on someone from the wardrobe department. When Placido Domingo received his Opera medal, he mentioned Joe as one of the people who always made the San Francisco Opera feel like home for people who were always on the road.


It is with extreme sadness and regret that Local One notified the General Office with the passing of Brother Francis J. Lavaia, who suffered a fatal heart attack while serving his Union on the picket line at the Minskoff Theatre, November 16, 2007. The entire Lavaia family is one of the most respected and dedicated Local One families, holding positions of high esteem throughout the jurisdiction. Brother Lavaia received his Local One Membership Card on November 11, 1971. The Lavaia family also have the proud distinction of being a three generation Local One family. Brother Lavaia, needless to say, will be sorely missed by all and remembered forever. On September 9, 2007, Brother Brian Branigan, former Business Representative of Local 126, Fort Worth, Texas, passed away. He was 35. Brother Branigan was born in Amarillo, Texas. He graduated from Randall High School. He attended West Texas A&M University, Oklahoma University and TCU. Branigan worked as a Sound Technician for the play "Texas". He also worked at Casa Manana, the Bass Hall Performance Center and was currently employed by the Dallas Theater Center. He worked extensively in the DFW area as both a Sound Designer and Engineer. He also spent years on the road touring all over the US and Canada as the Sound Engineer for all 3 "Greater Tuna" productions and the National Broadway tour of "Saturday Night Fever". Brother Branigan was a very loving son, brother and uncle. He will be dearly missed by his family and friends.


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


Remembering Sandra Berke-Jordan

Local Secretaries and Business Agents

(Unless otherwise specified, street address or post office box number listed is in city shown in bold-face type after local number.) Reference Letters: ADG&STGA Art Directors Guild & Scenic, Title and Graphics Artists AG&AOE&GA Animation Guild and Affiliated Optical Electronic and Graphic Arts AMPE Airline Motion Picture Employees APC Affiliated Property Craftspersons ATPAM Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers C Camerapersons CDG Costume Designers Guild CHE Casino Hotel Employees E,S&CST Electronic, Sound & Computer Service Technicians EE Exhibition Employees EE/BPBD Exhibition Employees/Bill Posters, Billers and Distributors FAE First Aid Employees ICG International Cinematographers Guild LF/VT Laboratory Film/Video Technicians LF/VT/C Laboratory Film/Video Technicians/Cinetechnicians M Mixed MAHS Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists MAHSG Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild MPC Motion Picture Costumers MPEG Motion Picture Editors Guild (inclusive of Editors and Story Analysts) MPP,AVE&CT Motion Picture Projectionists, Audio Visual Engineers and Computer Technicians MPP,O&VT Motion Picture Projectionists, Operators and Video Technicians MPP,O,VT&AC Motion Picture Projectionists, Operators, Video Technicians & Allied Crafts MPP,O,VT&CT Motion Picture Projectionists, Operators, Video Technicians & Computer Technicians MPP, VT&CT Motion Picture Projectionists, Video and Computer Technicians MPSAC Motion Picture Studio Arts Craftspersons MPSELT Motion Picture Studio Electrical Lighting Technicians MPSG/CS Motion Picture Studio Grips/Crafts Service MPSP&SW Motion Picture Set Painters & Sign Writers MPSPT Motion Picture Studio Production Technicians MPST Motion Picture Studio Teachers and Welfare Workers MPVT/LT/AC&GE Motion Picture Videotape Technicians/ Laboratory Technicians/Allied Crafts and Government Employees O Operators PC,CP&HO Production Coordinators, Craftservice Providers and Honeywagon Operators PST,TE,VAT&SP Production Sound Technicians, Television Engineers, Video Assist Technicians and Studio Projectionists S Stage Employees SA&P Scenic Artists and Propmakers

On October 21st, Sandra (Sandy) Berke-Jordan died of natural causes at her home in Van Nuys, California. She was 70 years old. Sandy was born in Brooklyn, and moved west to attend San Diego State University. Graduating in 1961, she was very active in the theatre scene. She was known for performing as well as production work. She joined the IATSE in 1967 as a member of Motion Picture Costumers Local 705, and went on to lead a remarkable career. Her credits include films such as The Godfather: Part II, Heavens Gate, The Deer Hunter, Splash, and Pee Wees Big Adventure. Sandy played a central role in running Local 705, beginning in 1992 when she was elected to office as the Assistant Business Representative. From 1993 to 2000, she served as Business Representative. From 2000 until her death, she served as President. Her dedication prompted Local 705 to say that she was the heart, soul, blood and guts of the union. During her presidency, Sandy served four consecutive terms on the California Film Commission. She was a trustee and director of the Motion Picture Industry Pension and Health Plans. Sandy was recognized throughout the film industry for her contributions to the lives of working men and women. She received awards from both the Coalition of Labor Union Women and the Harry Bridges Institute. International President Thomas C. Short presented her with the Presidents Award in 2001. In 2004, Local 705 presented her with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Sandy is survived by her husband R. Paul Jordan, her brothers Jody and David, stepsons Jeff and Gregg,

two granddaughters Kaylie and Sarah, and other family members. The family requests that memorial donations in Sandys name be made to the Motion Picture & Television Fund, PO Box 51151, Los Angeles, CA 90051-9727.

SDMM Set Designers & Model Makers S&FMT Sound & Figure Maintenance Technicians SM Studio Mechanics SM&BT Studio Mechanics & Broadcast Technicians SS,CC,A&APSG Script Supervisors, Continuity Coordinators, Accountants and Allied Production Specialists Guild SS,PC,CC&PA Script Supervisors, Production Coordinators, Continuity Coordinators and Production Accountants TBR&SE Television Broadcasting Remote & Studio Employees TBSE Television Broadcasting Studio Employees T&T Treasurers & Ticket Sellers TW,MA&HS Theatrical Wardrobe, Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists TWU Theatrical Wardrobe Union USA United Scenic Artists

S 078 BIRMINGHAM-Lewis Shannon, P.O. Box 10251, Birmingham, 35202. (205-251-1312) (Fax: 205-458-8623) Bus. Agt.: Allen Langston. S 142 MOBILE-Jonathan Mudrich, 55490 State Hwy. 59, Stockton, 36579. (251-689-6793) (Fax: 251-937-0066) Bus. Agt.: Jonathan Mudrich. M 900 HUNTSVILLE-David Hendricks, 820 West Arbor Drive, Huntsville, 35811. (256-551-2243) (Fax: 256-533-6686) Bus. Agt.: Brian Boggs.

S 918 ANCHORAGE-Ann Reddig, P.O. Box 103904, Anchorage, 99510-3904. (907-278-3146) (Fax: 907-278-3145) Bus. Agt.: Brian MacMillan.

S 336 PHOENIX/PRESCOTT-Pamela Boyd, 1425 E. Washington St., Suite B, Phoenix, 85034-1181. (602-253-4145) (Fax: 602-253-2103) Bus. Agt.: Bill Hennessy. M 415 TUCSON-Teresa Driver, P.O. Box 990, Tucson, 85702. (520-882-9126) (Fax: 520-882-9127) Bus. Agt.: William E. Delaney. SM 485 STATE OF ARIZONA-Rose S. Lujan, 4741 W. Mallow Lane, Tucson, 85743. (520-743-8407) (Fax: 520-7438427) Bus. Agts.: (North) William J. Randall; (South) Ray Padilla. TBSE 748 STATE OF ARIZONA-Toby J. Finch, P.O. Box 1191, Phoenix, 85001. Bus. Agt.: Greg Thomas. TWU 875 PHOENIX-Kay Harmon, 11328 E. Renfield Avenue, Mesa, 85212. (480-380-3933) Bus. Agt.: Betty Sites, 19658 E. Canary Way, Queen Creek, AZ (480-827-8582) (Fax: 480-464-8262).

Sister Jordan was a recipient of the International Presidents Award at the 2001 Convention in Chicago. She always stated it was her proudest achievement.

The Trustees of the Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/Harold P. Spivak Foundation would like to take this opportunity to thank all the friends, colleagues, members and officers that have made donations in memory of their dearly departed. For those of you who would like to make a donation, please send your check to the IATSE General Office to the attention of the Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/ Harold P. Spivak Foundation.

M 204 LITTLE ROCK-Ray Culvey, 11324 Arcade Drive, Suite 17, Little Rock, 72212. (501-227-7301) (Fax: 501-2277404) Bus. Agt.: Russell G. Hardy.

S 016 SAN FRANCISCO/MARIN COUNTY/SANTA ROSA/LAKE MENDOCINO/PALO ALTO/SONOMA COUNTY/ NAPA COUNTY/ SAN MATEO COUNTYFrancis X. Crowley, 240 Second Street, 1st Floor, San Francisco, 94105. (415-441-6400) (Fax: 415-243-0901) Bus. Agt.: Francis X. Crowley.

S 033 LOS ANGELES/LONG BEACH/PASADENA/ SANTA MONICA-Jane E. Leslie, 1720 W. Magnolia Boulevard, Burbank, 91506-1871. (818-841-9233) (Fax: 818-567-1138) Bus. Agts.: (TV) Peter Marley; (Legit) James M. Wright. APC 044 HOLLYWOOD-Elliot Jennings, 12021 Riverside Drive, North Hollywood, 91607. (818-769-2500) (Fax: 818-7691739) Bus. Agt.: Edmond Brown. S 0 5 0 S A C R A M E NTO / C H I C O / STO C K TO N/ MARYSVILLE-Betsy Martin, 410 N. 10th Street, Sacramento, 95814. (916-444-7654) (Fax: 916-444-2263) Bus. Agt.: John Kelly. MPSG/CS 080 HOLLYWOOD-Rick Schunke, 2520 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 200, Burbank, 91505-4529. (818-526-0700) (Fax: 818-526-0719) Bus. Agt.: Thom Davis. S 107 ALAMEDA COUNTY/OAKLAND/BERKELEY/CONTRA COSTA COUNTY/SOLANO COUNTY/RICHMOND-Marc Campisi, 8130 Baldwin Street, #124, Oakland, 94621. (510-351-1858) (Fax: 510-430-9830) Bus. Agt.: Charma Ferreira. TBSE 119 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA-Daniel Nicholson, P.O. Box 911, San Carlos, 94070. (510-206-7987) Bus. Agt.: Jason Knapp. S 122 SAN DIEGO-Trevor Hay, 3737 Camino del Rio South, Suite 307, San Diego, 92108. (619-640-0042) (Fax: 619-6400045) Bus. Agt.: Carlos Cota. M 134 SAN JOSE/SANTA CLARA-David Levinson, P.O. Box 28585-Parkmoor, San Jose, 95159-8585. (408-294-1134) (Fax: 408-294-1250) Bus. Agt.: Donald Ricker. O 150 LOS ANGELES/SAN BERNARDINO/RIVERSIDE/POMONA/REDLANDS/LONG BEACH- Martin Borne, P.O. Box 5143, Culver City, 90231-5143. (818-5571677) (Fax: 310-398-9445) Bus. Agt.: Carl Belfor. S 158 FRESNO/MODESTO/STOCKTON-Scott Ellis, P.O. Box 5274, Fresno, 93755. (559-224-3151) Bus. Agt.: Eddie Williams (559-432-3277). O 166 SAN FRANCISCO/SAN MATEO/PALO ALTO/MARIN COUNTY-Mark Woodall, 1221 E. Cypress Avenue, Spc. 29, Redding 96002 (530-224-9994). Bus. Agt.: Donald E. Johanson, 4909 Railroad Flat Road, Mountain Ranch, 95246. (209-754-9966) (Fax: 209-754-9977). O 169 ALAMEDA/SOLANO/NAPA AND CONTRA COSTA COUNTIES-Jason Mottley, P.O. Box 29284, Oakland, 94604-9284. (415-515-3387) Bus. Agt.: Jason Mottley. M 215 BAKERSFIELD/VISALIA-Alisha Fadden, P.O. Box 555, Bakersfield, 93302. (661-862-0215) (Fax: 661-863-0569) Bus. Agt.: Lynn Gillette. O 297 SAN DIEGO COUNTY-Gary Livengood, 4579 Lisann Street, San Diego, 92117. (858-270-1196) Bus. Agt.: Dale Hyder. M 363 LAKE TAHOE and RENO, NV. (See Nevada) M 442 SANTA BARBARA TRI-COUNTIES(SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA/SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTIES)-Paul Kaessinger, P.O. Box 413, Santa Barbara, 93102. (805-898-0442) (Fax: 805-937-3372) Bus. Agt.: Kevin ODea. SM 495 SAN DIEGO-Devin Morris, 1717 Morena Blvd., San Diego, 92110-3635. (619-275-0125)(Fax: 619-275-2578). Bus. Agt.: Jack Shepherd. M 504 ORANGE COUNTY/PARTS OF CORONAAndrew Kinnon, 671 S. Manchester Avenue, Anaheim, 928021434. (714-774-5004) (Fax: 714-774-7683) Bus. Agt.: Leslie Blanchard. ICG 600 INTERNATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHERS GUILD-(See also Florida, Illinois and New York) Alan Gitlin; National Executive Director, Bruce Doering; Western Region Director, Steve Flint, 7755 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, 90046. (323-876-0160) (Fax: 323-876-6383) Eastern Region Director, Chaim Kantor (New York: 212/647-7300); Central Region Director, Larry Gianneschi (Chicago/ Orlando: 407/295-5577).


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


M 611 WATSONVILLE/SANTA CRUZ/ SALINAS/ GILROY/ HOLLISTER/ MONTEREY/ PACIFIC GROVE/SEASIDE-Steve Retsky, P.O. Box 7571, Santa Cruz, 95061. (831-458-0338) (Fax: 831-401-2379) Bus. Agt.: Bob Williamson. S 614 SAN BERNARDINO/ RIVERSIDE/ BARSTOW/ POMONA/ REDLANDS/ ONTARIO/ BISHOP-Windy J.M. Arias, P.O. Box 883, San Bernardino, 92404. (909-8881828) Bus. Agt.: Robert Szoke. LF/VT/C 683 HOLLYWOOD-Marvin Davis, 9795 Cabrini Dr., #204, Burbank, 91504. (818-252-5628) (Fax: 818-2524962) Bus. Agt.: Scott George. PST,TE,VAT&SP 695 HOLLYWOOD-Elizabeth Alvarez, 5439 Cahuenga Boulevard, North Hollywood, 91601. (818-9859204) (Fax: 818-760-4681) Bus. Agt.: Jim Osburn. MPEG 700 MOTION PICTURE EDITORS GUILD (see also New York)-Diane Adler; Exec. Dir.: Ron Kutak; Asst. Exec. Dir.: Catherine Repola. 7715 Sunset Blvd., #200, Los Angeles, 90046, (323-876-4770) (Fax: 323-876-0861); Asst. Exec. Dir. (New York): Paul Moore (212-302-0700) (Fax: 212-302-1091). MPC 705 HOLLYWOOD- Paul DeLucca, 4731 Laurel Canyon Blvd, #201, Valley Village, 91607-3911. (818-4875655) (Fax: 818-487-5663) Bus. Agt.: Buffy Snyder. MAHSG 706 HOLLYWOOD-John Jackson, 828 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank, 91505. (818-295-3933) (Fax: 818295-3930) Bus. Agt.: Tommy Cole. M 707 PALM SPRINGS/PALM DESERT/HEMET/ BANNING/ELSINORE/29 PALMS-Mark Forsyth, P.O. Box 2810, Rancho Mirage, 92270. (760-342-6002) (Fax: 760-3466002) Bus. Agt.: Mark Forsyth. MPSELT 728 HOLLYWOOD-Patric Abaravich, 14629 Nordhoff Street, Panorama City, 91402. (818-891-0728) (Fax: 818-891-5288) Bus. Agt.: Patric Abaravich MPSP&S-W 729 HOLLYWOOD-George Palazzo, 1811 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, 91506-1314. (818-842-7729) (Fax: 818-846-3729) Bus. Agt.: George Palazzo. FAE 767 LOS ANGELES-Margaret Budd-Loa, P.O. Box 6309, Burbank, 91510-6309. (818-842-7670)(Fax: 818-9823364). Bus. Agt.: Rana Jo Platz-Petersen (310-352-4485)(Fax: 310-352-4485). TWU 768 LOS ANGELES/LONG BEACH/PASADENA/SANTA MONICA/CERRITOS-Mary B. Seward, 13245 Riverside Dr., #300, Sherman Oaks, 91423. (818-789-8735) (Fax: 818-789-1928) Bus. Agt.: Ann Kelleher. TWU 784 SAN FRANCISCO/OAKLAND/BERKELEY/SAN MATEO/CUPERTINO/SAN JOSE/CONCORD-Andrea Pelous, 1182 Market Street, Suite 213, San Francisco, 94102. (415-861-8379) (Fax: 415-861-8384). Bus. Agt.: David Besser. MPSAC 790 HOLLYWOOD-Camille Abbott, 13245 Riverside Dr., Suite 300-A, Sherman Oaks, 91423. (818-7846555) (Fax: 818-784-2004) Bus. Agt.: Marjo Bernay. TBSE 795 SAN DIEGO-David Robertson, 3755 Avocado Blvd., PMB 437, La Mesa, 91941. (619-335-0795). Bus. Agt.: Darin Haggard. ADG&STGA 800 LOS ANGELES (See also Illinois, New York and North Carolina)-Lisa Frazza, 11969 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 200, Studio City, 91604. (818-7629995) (Fax: 818-762-9997) Bus. Agt.: Scott Roth (Executive Director), John Moffitt (Assoc. Exe. Director). USA829 CALIFORNIA REGIONAL OFFICE (See Also New York) - 5225 Wilshire Blvd., #506, Los Angeles, 90036. (323-965-0957) Bus. Agt.: Charles Berliner. AG&AOE&GA 839 HOLLYWOOD-Jeffrey N. Massie, 4729 Lankershim Boulevard, North Hollywood, 91602-1864. (818766-7151) (Fax: 818-506-4805) Bus. Agt.: Steven Hulett.

SDMM 847 HOLLYWOOD-Suzanne Feller-Otto, 13245 Riverside Dr., #300-A, Sherman Oaks, 91423. (818-784-6555) (Fax:818-784-2004) Bus. Agt.: Marjo Bernay. T&T 857 LOS ANGELES/ORANGE COUNTIES-Eric Bolton, 13245 Riverside Dr., #300C, Sherman Oaks, 91423. (818990-7107) (Fax: 818-990-8287) Bus. Agt.: Sergio A. Medina. SS,CC,A&APSG 871 HOLLYWOOD-James Keough, 11519 Chandler Blvd., N. Hollywood, 91601. (818-509-7871) (Fax: 818-506-1555) Bus. Agt.: Missy Humphrey. TWU 874 SACRAMENTO AND VICINITY-Nora Roberts, P.O. Box 188787, Sacramento, 95818-8787. Bus. Agt.: Linda Whitten (916-832-3396) (Fax: 916-991-7323). MPST 884 HOLLYWOOD-Susan Reccius, P.O. Box 461467, Los Angeles, 90046. (310-652-5330) Bus. Agt.: Polly Businger. CDG 892 HOLLYWOOD-Ann Somers Major, 11969 Ventura Blvd., 1st Floor, Studio City, 91604. (818-752-2400) (Fax: 818752-2402) Bus. Agt.: Cheryl Downey (Executive Director); Rachael Stanley (Asst. Executive Director). TWU 905 SAN DIEGO-Linda Boone Hodges, P.O. Box 124741, San Diego, 92112-4741. (619-885-0095) (Fax: 619299-1009) Bus. Agt.: Michael Regna. AMPE 916 LOS ANGELES-Conrad Villaflor, 17410 Fontlee Lane, Fontana, 92335-5925. (909-823-1695).Bus. Agt.: Myrel Hodge. S&FMT 923 ANAHEIM-Mark Russ, P.O. Box 9031, Anaheim, 92812-9031. (714-342-1255) Bus. Agt.: Michael Rao.

S 056 MONTREAL, QC-Daniel Desjardins, 3414 ave du Parc, Ste. 320, Montreal, QC, H2X 2H5. (514-844-7233) (Fax: 514-844-5846) Bus. Agt.: Gordon Page. S 058 TORONTO, ON-Joel Thoman, 5 Lower Sherbourne, Ste. #201, Toronto, ON, M5A 2P3. (416-364-5565) (Fax: 416364-5987) Bus. Agt.: William Hamilton. M 063 WINNIPEG, MB-Stuart Aikman, 202-128 James Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0N8. (204-944-0511) (Fax: 204944-0528) Bus. Agt.: John Gallagher. M 105 LONDON/ST. THOMAS/SARNIA, ON-Brad Stephenson, P.O. Box 182, Station Ctr. CSC, London, ON, N6A 4V6. (519-433-5742) (Fax: 519-433-5742) Bus. Agt.: Terry Barker. S 118 VANCOUVER, BC-Mike Phelan, Suite #202 - 601 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 2P1. (604-685-9553) (Fax: 604-685-9554) Bus. Agt.: Alex McGibbon. S 129 HAMILTON/BRANTFORD, ON-Cindy Jennings, P.O. Box 57089, Jackson Station, Hamilton, ON, L8P 4W9. (905-577-9193) (Fax: 905-525-6657) Bus. Agt.: Gary Nolan. S 168 VANCOUVER ISLAND, BC-Brendan Keith, P.O. Box 5312, Station B, Victoria, BC, V8R 6S4. (250-381-3168) (Fax: 866-618-3848). Bus. Agt.: Anton Skinner. MPP,O&VT 173 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO-Philip DeBlasi, 13 Carr Drive, Ajax, ON, L1T 3E1 (416-697-0330) (Fax: 905-428-0763). Bus. Agt.: Rob McPherson. S 210 EDMONTON, AB-Heather Wood, 10428-123 Street, Edmonton, AB, T5N 1N7. (780-423-1863)(Fax: 780-426-0307) Bus. Agt.: Randy Tomiuk. S 212 CALGARY, AB-Vince Bevans, 201-208 57th Avenue, S.W., Calgary, AB, T2H 2K8. (403-250-2199) (Fax: 403-2509769) Bus. Agts.: (Prod.) Tom MacRae; (Stage) Geoff Frizzell. O 262 MONTREAL, QC-Gilles Cote, 3173 rue St. Jacques, Bureau E, Montreal, QC, H4C 1G7. (514-937-6855) (Fax: 514846-0165) Bus. Agts.: (Proj.): Nabil Hanna; (FOH) Steve Moullois. M 295 REGINA/MOOSE JAW, SK- Norm Daschle, 2011808 Smith Street, Regina, SK, S4P 2N4. (306-545-6733) (Fax: 306-545-8440) Bus. Agts.: (Film) Scott Storm; (Stage) Ken Grad.

M 300 SASKATOON, SK- Greg McKinnon, P.O. Box 1361, SK, S7K 3N9. (306-343-8900) (Fax: 306-343-8423) Bus. Agt.: Greg McKinnon. M 357 KITCHENER/STRATFORD/CAMBRIDGE/ GUELPH/WATERLOO, ON-Les MacLean, P.O. Box 908, Stratford, ON, N5A 6W3. (519-746-7474) (Fax: 519-746-3030). Bus. Agt.: Larry Miller. PC, CP&HO 411 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO-Robert Shea, 629 Eastern Avenue, Bldg. C, #300, Toronto, ON, M4M 1E4 (416-645-8025) (Fax: 416-645-8026) Bus. Agt.: Robert Shea. M 461 ST. CATHARINES/WELLAND/NIAGARA FALLS, ON- Joseph Paonessa, P.O. Box 1594, Niagara On Lake, ON, L0S 1J0. (905-932-4461) Bus. Agt.: Jacob Smits. S 467 THUNDER BAY, ON-James Austin, P.O. Box 28018, Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 6R5. (807-627-1460). Bus. Agt.: Terry Smith, 243 Ford St., Thunder Bay, P7C 4L5. (807-623-7927). M 471 OTTAWA/KINGSTON/BELLEVILLE, ONJames Reynolds, P.O. Box 1373, Station B, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5R4. (613-947-7000 x450) (Fax: 613-233-6454) Bus. Agt.: Mark Hollingworth. MPSPT 514 PROVINCE OF QUEBEC-Claude Rainville, 705 rue Bourget, Bureau 201, Montreal, QC H4C 2M6. (514937-7668) (Fax: 514-937-3592). Bus. Agt.: Michel Charron. M 523 QUEBEC, QC-Robert Masson, 2700, Jean Perrin, #490, Quebec, QC, G2C 1S9. (418-847-6335) (Fax: 418-8476335) Bus. Agts.: (Stage) Guy Journeault; (Proj.) Dominic Bernier; (Wardrobe) Rina Campion. M 580 WINDSOR/CHATHAM, ON-Franco Ieropoli, 538430 Pelissier Street, Windsor, ON, N9A 4K9. (519-965-3732) (Fax: 519-256-4896) Bus. Agt.: Blake Beard. M 634 SUDBURY/NORTH BAY, ON-Keith Clausen, P.O. Box 68, Naughton, ON, P0M 2M0. Bus. Agt.: Jamie Adamson (705-788-2447) (Fax: 705-788-2448). ICG 667 EASTERN CANADA-Vanessa Ireson, 9 Gloucester St., Toronto, ON, M4Y 1L8. (416-368-0072) (Fax: 416-368-6932) Bus. Agt.: Richard J. Perotto. C 669 WESTERN CANADA- Stephen McKnight, 3823 Henning Drive, Suite 217, Burnaby, BC, V5C 6P3. (778-3301669) (Fax: 778-330-1670) Bus. Agt.: Donald Ramsden. M 680 HALIFAX/DARTMOUTH, NS/SAINT JOHN/ MONCTON/FREDERICTON, NB- Colin Richardson, P.O. Box 711, Halifax, NS, B3J 2T3. (902-455-5016) (Fax: 902-4550398) Bus. Agt.: Colin P. Richardson. TW,MA&HS 822 TORONTO, ON-Kim Cunik, 1-13 Gertrude Place, Toronto, ON, M4J 1R1. (416-461-1393) (Fax: 416-461-3375) Bus. Agt.: Cheryl Batulis, 54 Baycroft Lane., Aurora, L4G 4R2. (905-726-8668) (Fax: 905-713-1496). SA&P 828 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO-Ellie Arscott, P.O. Box 22562-300 Coxwell Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4L 2A0. (416438-3388) (Fax: 416-462-1695) Bus. Agt: Katherine Lilley. M 848 SYDNEY/GLACE BAY, NS-David Bailey, 28 Norwood Street, Glace Bay, NS, B1A3M5. (902-849-4957) Bus. Agt.: David Bailey. MPSPT 849 ATLANTIC CANADA-Robert Grani, 15 McQuade Lake Cresent, 2nd flr., Halifax, NS, B3S 1C4. (902425-2739) (Fax: 902-425-7696) Bus. Agt.: Charlotte Shurko MPSPT 856 PROVINCE OF MANITOBA-Joe Laurin, 454 Edmonton St., Winnipeg, MB, R2C 4K6. (204-953-1100) (Fax: 204-953-1109) Bus. Agt.: Joe Laurin. TWU 863 MONTREAL, QC-Maud Bergeron, 390 rue des Hirondelles, Beloeil, PQ, J3G 6G9. Bus. Agt.: Silvana Fernandez (514-944-2673). MPSPT 873 TORONTO, ON-Mimi Wolch, 1315 Lawrence Ave., East, Unit 104, Toronto, ON, M3A 3R3. (416-368-1873) (Fax: 416-368-8457) Bus. Agt.: Mimi Wolch.

MPSPT 891 VANCOUVER, BC/YUKON TERR-Kelly Moon, 1640 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC, V5K 4V4. (604-6648910) (Fax: 604-298-3456) Bus. Agt.: Kathleen Higgins. M 898 ST. JOHN'S, NL-Todd Leawood, P.O. Box 947, Mount Pearl, NL, A1N 2X3. (709-745-8653) (Fax: 709-7457374) Bus. Agt.: Con Hayward. M 906 CHARLOTTETOWN, PE-Rich Wilson, P.O. Box 2406, Charlottetown, C1A 8C1. Bus. Agt.: Damon Compton. TWU 924 STRATFORD, ON-Sharon Parker, P.O. Box 21151, Stratford, ON, N5A 7V4. Bus. Agt.: Mary-Lou Robertson (519-949-4040).

S 022 WASHINGTON-John Page, 11247-B Lockwood Drive, Silver Spring, MD, 20901-4556. (301-593-4650) (Fax: 301-681-7141) Bus. Agt.: John Brasseux. MPP,O&VT 224 WASHINGTON METRO. AREATrustee: International Vice President Walter Cahill, 483 Penwood Drive, Edgewater, MD 21037 (410-956-2457) (Fax: 410-956-2540). SM&BT 487 MID-ATLANTIC AREA-David OFerrall, 1414 Key Highway, Suite 201, Baltimore, MD 21230. (410685-4141) (Fax: 410-685-3939) Bus. Agt.: Rosemarie Levy. TWU 772 WASHINGTON-Shannon Lanham, 74 Stinson Court, Martinsburg, WV 25401. (304-262-8501) (Fax: 304267-4030). Bus. Agt.: Jessica Evans. E,S&CST 815 WASHINGTON-Robert E. McFadden, 2512 Cliffbourne Pl., N.W., #2a, Washington, 20009-1512. (202-2659067) Bus. Agt.: Samuel J. Mc Fadden. TBSE 819 WASHINGTON-P. Renee Moore, P.O. Box 5645 Friendship Sta., Washington, 20016. (202-966-4110) Bus. Agt.: David Lee. T&T 868 WASHINGTON-Peter Clegg, P.O. Box 58129, Washington, 20037. (202-491-6206) Bus. Agt.: Michael Gilotte.

AG&AOE&GA 843 ORLANDO-Brian J. Lawlor, 5385 Conroy Road, Suite 201, Orlando, 32811. (407-422-2747) (Fax: 407-843-9170) Bus. Agt.: Brian J. Lawlor.

M 320 SAVANNAH-Michael Little, 1513 Paulsen St., Savannah, 31401. (912-232-2203)(Fax: 208-979-8533) Bus. Agt.: Wayne Roelle. SM 479 STATE OF GEORGIA (Except Savannah and Vicinity)-Suzanne L. Carter, 1000 Iris Drive, Suite F, Conyers, 30094. (770-483-0400) (Fax: 770-483-0999) Bus. Agt.: Michael Akins. SM 491 SAVANNAH, GA/STATES OF NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA-Andrew Oyaas, 1707 Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401. (910-343-9408) (Fax: 910-3439448) Bus. Agt.: Jason Rosin. S 629 AUGUSTA-Rebecca Skedsvold, 2314 Washington Road, Augusta, 30904. (706-733-4139). Bus. Agt.: Bruce Balk. M 824 ATHENS-Margi Flood, P.O. Box 422, Athens, 30603. (706-549-8244) (Fax: 706-549-0828) Bus. Agt.: Peter Fancher. EE 834 ATLANTA- C. Faye Harper, 500 Bishop Street, NW, Suite F-1, Atlanta, 30318. (404-875-8848) (Fax: 404-8754578) Bus. Agt.: C. Faye Harper. TWU 859 ATLANTA-Amy Cochran, 2970 Leah Lane, Douglasville, 30135. (770-714-6927) (Fax: 678-838-1456) Bus. Agt.: Sue Cochran. S 927 ATLANTA-Neil Gluckman, 659 Auburn Ave., NE, #221, Atlanta, 30312. (404-870-9911) (Fax: 404-870-9906) Bus. Agt.: Neil Gluckman.

S 007 DENVER/BOULDER-James Taylor, 1475 Curtis Street, Denver, 80202. (303-534-2423) (Fax: 303-534-0216) Bus. Agt.: James E. Taylor. S 047 PUEBLO-Bob Krasovec, P.O. Box 1488, Pueblo, 81003. (719-320-6220) Bus. Agt.: Saul Trujillo, 27850 Hwy. 50 East, Pueblo, 81006. M 062 COLORADO SPRINGS-Bryan Patrick, 219 W. Colorado Avenue, Suite 102, Colorado Springs, 80803. (719520-1059) (Fax: 719-520-1090) Bus. Agt.: John R. Young. S 229 FORT COLLINS, CO./CHEYENNE/LARAMIE, WY.-Dan Schoonover, P.O. Box 677, Fort Collins, 80522. Bus. Agt.: David Denman (970-226-2292) (Fax: 970-490-2292). TWU 719 DENVER-Elisa Spadi, 12010 West 52nd Place, Unit #7, Arvada, 80002. (303-431-7561) Bus. Agt.: Steve Davies (303-829-1567) (Fax: 303-948-3414).

M 060 PENSACOLA/PANAMA CITY/DESTIN-Intl Representative-in-Charge: Ben Adams, 1510 North Fern Creek Avenue, Orlando, 32803 (407-704-2788) (Fax: 407-704-2787). M 1 1 5 J A C K S O N V I L L E / TA L L A H A S S E E / GAINESVILLE-Nick Ciccarello, P.O. Box 462, Jacksonville, 32201. (904-399-5201) (Fax: 904-399-5248) Bus. Agt.: Bruce L. Hudgens. M 321 TAMPA/CLEARWATER/LAKELAND/ST. PETERSBURG-Howard Stein, 7211 N. Dale Mabry, #209, Tampa, 33614. (813-931-4712) (Fax: 813-931-7503) Bus. Agt.: Paul Paleveda. M 412 BRADENTON/SARASOTA-Jeff Bruski, P.O. Box 1307, Tallevast, 34270. (941-359-1254) (Fax: 941-359-1254) Bus. Agt.: Roy Sorensen (941-360-9672). SM 477 STATE OF FLORIDA-George Cerchiai, 10705 N.W. 33rd Street, #110, Miami, 33172. (305-594-8585) (Fax: 305597-9278) Bus. Agt.: Jack Nealy. M 500 SOUTH FLORIDA-Alan Glassman, 4520 N.E. 18th Avenue, 3rd floor, Fort Lauderdale, 33334. (954-202-2624) (Fax: 954-772-4713). Bus. Agt.: Alan Glassman. M 558 DAYTONA BEACH-Vikki Lynn Hill, P.O. Box 534, Daytona Beach, 32115. (386-767-2022) (Fax: 386-767-2022) Bus. Agt.: Don Steadman. ICG 600 INTERNATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHERS GUILD-(See also California, Illinois and New York) Alan Gitlin; National Executive Director, Bruce Doering; Central Region Director, Larry Gianneschi, 7463 Conroy-Windermere Rd., Suite A, Orlando, 32836. (407-295-5577) (Fax: 407-295-5335). Illinois Office: 1411 Peterson Avenue, Suite 102, Park Ridge, IL 60068. (847-692-9900) (Fax: 847-692-5607). M 631 ORLANDO/CAPE CANAVERAL/COCOA/ MELBOURNE/LAKE BUENA VISTA-Kimberly A. Bowles, 5385 Conroy Road, Suite #200, Orlando, 32811-3719. (407422-2747) (Fax: 407-843-9170) Bus. Agt.: William Allen, Jr. S 647 NAPLES/FT. MYERS/MARCO ISLAND-Bill Utterback, P.O. Box 700, Estero, 33928. (239-498-9090) (Fax: 239-282-1346) Bus. Agt.: Maria Colonna (239-498-9090). MPVT/LT/AC&GE 780 (See also Illinois)-Andrew J. Younger, 3585 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Suite 4, Merritt Island, FL 32953. (321-453-1018) (Fax: 321-453-1178) Bus. Agt.: Andrew J. Younger. EE 835 ORLANDO-Richard Vales, 4403 Vineland Road, Quorum Ctr. B4, Orlando, 32811. (407-649-9669) (Fax: 407649-1926). Bus. Agt.: Richard Vales.

SM 052 STATES OF CONNECTICUT/NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY/NORTHERN DE. /GREATER PA.William McGavin, 326 W. 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. (212-399-0980) (Fax: 212-315-1073) Bus Mgr.: John Ford; Bus. Reps.: John Fundus and William Lowry, Jr. S 074 NEW HAVEN/WATERBURY-Catherine Moore, P.O. Box 9075, New Haven, 06532. (203-773-9139) (Fax: 203-7739139) . Bus. Agt.: Anthony J. Miconi, III. S 084 HARTFORD/NEW LONDON/NORTHERN CONNECTICUT- Joseph Davis, 1145 D New Britain Ave., West Hartford, 06110. (860-233-8821) (Fax: 860-233-8827). Bus. Agt.: Charles Buckland, IV. S 109 BRIDGEPORT/STRATFORD/FAIRFIELD-Fred Phelan, P.O. Box 1294, Stratford, 06615. (203-260-6756) (Fax: 203-333-3077). Bus. Agt.: Gardner Friscia. M 133 GREENWICH/DANBURY/NORWALK/STAMFORD/WESTPORT/BRIDGEPORT- Daniel Kirsch, P.O. Box 6699, Stamford, 06904. (203-975-0133) (Fax: 203-9750133) Bus. Agt.: Jon Damast. SS,PC,CC&PA 161 NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY/ CONNECTICUT-Wendy Mooradian, 630 9th Avenue, #1103, New York, NY 10036. (212-977-9655) (Fax: 212-977-9609) Bus. Agt.: Lynne Twentyman.

M 665 HONOLULU-Eric Minton, 949 Kapiolani Street, #100, Honolulu, 96814. (808-596-0227) (Fax: 808-591-8213). Bus. Agt.: Donovan Ahuna

M 093 WALLACE/KELLOGG, ID/SPOKANE, WA- Jill Scott, P.O. Box 1266, Spokane, 99201. (509-230-5455) (Fax: 509-891-7380) Bus. Agt.: Jacel Evans. Bus. Rep.: Pat Devereau (509-999-5073) (Fax: 208-623-6496). S 099 BOISE/NAMPA/CALDWELL/TWIN FALL/SUN VALLEY, ID/STATE OF UTAH-Sarah Wood, 526 West 800 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84101. (801-359-0513) (Fax: 801532-6227) Bus. Agt.: Patrick Heltman. EE 838 SOUTHERN IDAHO/SALT LAKE CITY, UTIntl Representative-in-Charge William E. Gearns, 230 West 200 South, Suite 2220, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 (801-320-0701) (Fax: 801-320-0715).

S 002 CHICAGO-Thomas J. Cleary, 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1032, Chicago, 60606. (312-236-3457) (Fax: 312-2360701) Bus. Agt.: Craig P. Carlson. S 085 ROCK ISLAND/MOLINE, IL/DAVENPORT, IABrad Frazee, P.O. Box 227, Davenport, IA 52805. (563-5793526) Bus. Agt.: Joseph Goodall. MPP,AVE&CT 110 CHICAGO-Steve Altman, 230 West Monroe St., Suite 2511, Chicago, 60606. (312-443-1011) (Fax: 312-443-1012) Bus. Agt.: Steve Altman. S 124 JOLIET-Tim Kelly, P.O. Box 333, Joliet, 60434-0333. (815-546-0124) Bus. Agt.: Lorin Lynch. S 138 SPRINGFIELD/JACKSONVILLE-Richard Meidel, P.O. Box 6367, Springfield, 62708. (217-787-5440) (Fax: 217787-5440) Bus. Agt.: Noel Dalbey, 2121 Westview Drive, Springfield, 62704. (217-787-5440) (Fax: 217-787-5440).

SM 052 STATES OF NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY/CONNECTICUT/NORTHERN DE. /GREATER PA.- William McGavin, 326 W. 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. (212-399-0980) (Fax: 212-315-1073) Bus Mgr.: John Ford; Bus. Reps.: John Fundus and William Lowry, Jr. S 284 WILMINGTON-Eva Lynne Penn, P.O. Box 1503, Wilmington, 19899-1503. (302-652-4626) Bus. Agt.: Michael Harrington.


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


M 193 BLOOMINGTON/ NORMAL/ SPRINGFIELD/ JACKSONVILLE/ MACOMB/ PEORIA-Laura Prather, P.O. Box 172, Bloomington, 61702-0172. (618-558-4281) Bus. Agt.: Tim Noe. M 217 ROCKFORD-Kim Whitmore, P.O. Box 472, Rockford, 61105. (815-637-2171)(Fax: 815-484-1085). Bus. Agt.: Tonya Austin. O 374 JOLIET/KANKAKEE-Mark Alfeo, 1518 Bates Road, Joliet, 60433. (815-353-1483) Bus. Agt.: Mark Alfeo. M 421 HERRIN/CENTRALIA, IL/CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO-Steven Dyer, P.O. Box 47, Metropolis, 62960. (618-5245990) Bus. Agt.: Michael Schmidt (618-967-2394). SM 476 CHICAGO-Mark A. Hogan, 6309 N. Northwest Highway, Chicago, 60631-0490. (773-775-5300) (Fax: 773775-2477) Bus. Agt.: Mark A. Hogan. M 482 CHAMPAIGN/URBANA/DANVILLE/ RANTOUL/CHARLESTON/DECATUR-Monica J Cox, P.O. Box 3272, Urbana, 61803-3272. (217-621-2630) Bus. Agt.: Kevin G. McGuire (217-621-2630). ICG 600 INTERNATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHERS GUILD-(See also California, Florida and New York) Alan Gitlin; National Executive Director, Bruce Doering; Central Region Director, Larry Gianneschi, 1411 Peterson Avenue, Suite 102, Park Ridge, IL 60068. (847-692-9900) (Fax: 847-692-5607). Florida Office: 7463 Conroy-Windermere Rd., Suite A, Orlando, FL 32836. (407-295-5577) (Fax: 407-295-5335). T&T 750 CHICAGO-Michael P. Keenan, 446 N. Edgewood, La Grange Park, 60526. (708-579-4305) (Fax: 708-579-4313) Bus. Agt.: Ira S. Alper (847-509-8714) (Fax: 847-509-0587). TBSE 762 CHICAGO-International Vice President-inCharge: Daniel DiTolla, 1430 Broadway, 20th floor, New York, NY 10018 (212-730-1770) (Fax: 212-730-7809). TWU 769 CHICAGO-Cheryl Ryba, 1250 Hunters Ridgewest, Hoffman Estates, 60192. (847-732-6326) (Fax: 815-836-3407) Bus. Agt.: Shirley Berling. MPVT/LT/AC&GE 780 CHICAGO (see also Florida)-Andrew J. Younger, 6301 N. Northwest Highway, Chicago, IL 60631. (773-775-5020) (Fax: 773-775-5771) Bus. Agt.: Andrew J. Younger. ADG&STGA 800 CENTRAL OFFICE (See also California, New York and North Carolina) - Gary Baugh, 5256 N. Magnolia, Chicago, IL 60640. (773-805-1521). USA829 ILLINOIS REGIONAL OFFICE (See also New York) - 203 North Wabash Avenue, #1210, Chicago, 60601. (312-857-0829) Bus. Agt.: J. Christopher Phillips.

O 163 CLARKSVILLE, IN/LOUISVILLE, KY-Kent L. Green, 125 West Carter Avenue, Clarksville, IN, 47129. (812282-2716) Bus. Agt.: Larry W. Hopewell, 4703 Wolford Drive, Floyds Knobs, IN, 47119. (812-923-1295). M 187 SOUTH BEND/MISHAWAKA/ELKHART/ GOSHEN/PLYMOUTH/CULVER, IN/NILES, MICatherine Smith, P.O. Box 474, South Bend, IN 46624. (574292-1871) (Fax: 574-273-4951) Bus. Agt.: Laura Sears. O 194 INDIANAPOLIS/ KOKOMO/ LOGANSPORT/ PERU/WABASH/ RICHMOND/ MUNCIE/ PORTLAND-Stephen A. Beeler, P.O. Box 7055, Greenwood, 46142. (317-507-0717) (Fax: 317-888-5252) Bus. Agt.: Stephen Blair. O 373 TERRE HAUTE-Richard Munn, P.O. Box 373, Terre Haute, 47808. Bus. Agt.: Richard T. Munn, 8774 N. Kennedy Cir. Dr., Brazil, 47834. (812-446-2722) M 618 BLOOMINGTON/BEDFORD/COLUMBUS/ FRENCH LICK-Mark R. Sarris, 1600 N. Willis Dr., #192, Bloomington, 47404. (812-331-7472) Bus. Agt.: Mark R. Sarris. EE 836 INDIANAPOLIS-Jean Winegard, 1407 E. Riverside Drive, Indianapolis, 46202. (317-638-3226) (Fax: 317-6386126) Bus. Agt.: Jean Winegard. TWU 893 INDIANAPOLIS/BLOOMINGTON-Joanne M. Sanders, 5144 N. Carrollton Avenue, Indianapolis, 462051130. (317-283-6040) (Fax: 317-283-2890) Bus. Agt.: Joanne M. Sanders.

M 369 ASHLAND, KY/HUNTINGTON, WV/IRONTON, OH-Judy M Chapman, P.O. Box 192, Huntington, WV, 25707. Bus. Agt.: Chestle St. Clair. TWU 897 LOUISVILLE-Lisa Green, 5204 Saint Gabriel Court, Louisville, 40291. (502-491-1071) (Fax: 502-491-1071) Bus. Agt.: Rita Gagliardi.

S 039 NEW ORLEANS-Michael Ray, P.O. Box 19289, New Orleans, 70179. (504-486-5769) (Fax: 504-342-2216) Bus. Agt.: Henry Guzman. M 260 LAKE CHARLES/ALEXANDRIA/PINEVILLE/ FORT POLK- George J. Hollier, 3702 Lakeview Drive, Lake Charles, 70605. (337-598-3455) (Fax: 337-598-3455). Bus. Agt.: Todd J. Johnson. S 298 SHREVEPORT-Intl Representative-in-Charge: Don Gandolini, 2308 Metairie Heights Avenue, Metairie, 70001 (504494-1336) (Fax: 504-834-1336). SM 478 STATE OF LOUISIANA/SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI-Chandra Miller, 432 N. Anthony St., Suite 305, New Orleans, LA 70119. (504-486-2192) (Fax: 504-483-9961) Bus. Agt.: Michael McHugh. M 540 BATON ROUGE-Patrick A. Acampora, 1852 Hobbiton Rd., Baton Rouge, 70810. (225-275-1891) (Fax: 225578-4135) Bus. Agt.: H. Hayes Taylor, 16632 Mockingbird Lane, Baton Rouge, 70819. (225-933-9256). M 668 MONROE-Dan Saterfield, 400 Lee Joyner Expwy., Monroe, 71201. (318-329-2343). Bus. Agt.: Ross Slacks. TWU 840 NEW ORLEANS-Belinda Monistere, 11186 Tuttle Road, Hammond, 70403. Bus. Agt.: Bonnie Haase (225-2943024) (Fax: 225-294-3024).

S 042 SIOUX CITY, IA/OMAHA/FREMONT, NE-Bill Lee, P.O. Box 351, Omaha, NE 68101. (402-934-1542) (Fax: 402-504-3571). Bus. Agt.: Bob Lane S 067 DES MOINES/AMES/WAUKEE/MASON CITYMaryJo Williams, 897 85 Place, Pleasantville, 50225. (641-8424703) (Fax: 515-457-8235) Bus. Agt.: Ryan Anderson. S 085 DAVENPORT, IA/ROCK ISLAND/MOLINE, ILBrad Frazee, P.O. Box 227, Davenport, IA 52805. (563-5793526) Bus. Agt.: Joseph Goodall. M 690 IOWA CITY/CEDAR RAPIDS/WATERLOO/ DUBUQUE-Thomas E. Poggenpohl, P.O. Box 42, Iowa City, 52244-0042. (319-331-7136) (Fax: 319-643-3446) Bus. Agt.: David Caplan. TWU 831 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA/OMAHA, NE-Alice M. George Holmes, 22108 Trailridge Blvd., Omaha, NE 68104 . (402-289-1914)(Fax: 402-334-2915) Bus. Agt.: Betty Haffner.

M 083 NORTH ADAMS-David Blair, 172 Notch Road, North Adams, 01247-3614. (413-664-4669) Bus. Agt.: David Blair. M 096 WORCESTER-Mark Apholt, P.O. Box 582, Worcester, 01613. (508-929-0378) (Fax: 508-929-0385) Bus. Agts.: (Stage) Donald R. Apholt, Jr., P.O. Box 212, Oakham, 01068. (508-882-3339); (Proj.) Thomas McGauley, 53 Townsend St., Worcester, 01609. (508-756-8417). O 182 BOSTON/LYNN/SALEM/WALTHAM/BROCKTON-Stephen Livernash, P.O. Box 390234, Cambridge, 02139 (617-426-1540) Bus. Agt.: Ken Eisenberg. O 186 SPRINGFIELD/HOLYOKE/PITTSFIELDGeraldine Hanley, 194 Kendall Street, Ludlow, 01056. (413583-5170) Bus. Agt.: Kenneth A. Hanley. M 195 LOWELL, MA./NEW HAMPSHIRE-Deborah Terreson, P.O. Box 1011, Portsmouth, NH 03802. Bus. Agt.: Joyce Cardoza (603-654-4097) (Fax: 603-654-4098). M 232 NORTHAMPTON/AMHERST-Paul Yager, P.O. Box 96, Deerfield. 01342. (413-687-3679) Bus. Agt.: Ted Hodgen. SM 481 NEW ENGLAND AREA-James McDonald, 100 Tower Office Park, Suite E, Woburn, MA 01801. (781-376-0074) (Fax: 781-376-0078) Bus. Agt.: Chris ODonnell. T&T 753 BOSTON-Diane M. Blaskovich, 8 Admirals Lane, Salem, 01970. (978-744-7976) (Fax: 978-744-7976) Bus. Agt.: Stephen Colburn. TWU 775 BOSTON-Carol F. Colantuoni, 9 Randolph Road, Stoneham, 02180. (781-438-6338)(Fax: 781-438-6338) Bus. Agt.: Carol F. Colantuoni. M 792 PLYMOUTH/CAPE COD-Robert Woodward Jr, 18 West Pond Road, Plymouth, 02360. (508-747-0248) Bus. Agt.: Maureen Crockett, Box 180 Newton Jct., New Hampshire, VT 03859. (603-382-7348).

SM 812 DETROIT-John DeMonaco, 20017 Van Dyke, Detroit, 48234. (313-368-0825) (Fax: 313-368-1151) Bus. Agt.: John DeMonaco.

SM&BT 487 MID-ATLANTIC AREA-David OFerrall, 1414 Key Highway, Suite 201, Baltimore, MD 21230. (410685-4141) (Fax: 410-685-3939) Bus. Agt.: Rosemarie Levy.

T&T 774 ST. LOUIS-Mary Althage, 1032 Fairmount, St. Louis, 63139. Bus. Agt.: Angie Walsh, (314-647-9424). TWU 805 ST. LOUIS-Kim Stone, 3937 Walsh Street, St. Louis, 63116. (314-351-7184) (Fax: 314-351-3455). Bus. Agt.: Karen Stone, 2433 Romaine Creek, Fenton, MO 63026 (636282-2350) (Fax: 636-282-2293). TWU 810 KANSAS CITY-Lyn Ane Goodman, 11105 E. 50th Terrace, Kansas City, 64133. (816-353-4707) Bus. Agt.: Desiree Baird-Storey (913-362-0347).

S 013 MINNEAPOLIS/ST. CLOUD/LITTLE FALLS/ BRAINERD/ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE OF ST. BENEDICT/ST. PAUL-Royce Jackson, 312 Central Ave. S.E. Rm 398, Minneapolis, 55414. (612-379-7564) (Fax: 612379-1402) Bus. Agt.: Dirk Ostertag. S 032 DULUTH-James Rigstad, 2011 Garfield Avenue, Superior, WI 54880-2310. (715-392-5805) (Fax: 715-392-8922) Bus. Agt.: Pat Morrissey, 5219 N. Shore Dr., Duluth, 55804. (218-525-0519). MPP,O&VT 219 MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL/ST. CLOUD/LITTLE FALLS/BRAINERD/ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY-Davin C. Anderson, 6066 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 1161, Minneapolis, 55430-2316. (612-706-1450) Bus. Agt.: Davin C. Anderson. M 416 ROCHESTER/AUSTIN/MANKATO/WINONAEdward D. Searles, P.O. Box 9095, Rochester, 55903-9095. (507-288-5197) Bus. Agt.: Paul Sund. SM 490 STATE OF MINNESOTA-Wendy J. Carr, 312 Central Avenue SE, #398, Minneapolis, 55414. (612-627-0490) (Fax: 612-627-9734) Bus. Agt.: William Devins. M 510 MOOREHEAD, MN/FARGO, ND-James Torok, P.O. Box 574, Fargo, ND 58102. Bus. Agt.: James Torok.

M 240 BILLINGS-Deborah Richard, P.O. Box 545, Billings, 59103. (406-962-3493). Bus. Agt.: Dave Bakker (406-855-1664). M 339 MISSOULA/KALISPELL/BUTTE/ANACONDA/GREAT FALLS/HELENA-Michael Kronovich, 2022 Smelter Avenue, Black Eagle, 59414. (406-452-0307) (Fax: 406-727-2235) Bus. Agt.: Neil Sheldon.

S 042 OMAHA/FREMONT, NE/SIOUX CITY, IA-Bill Lee, P.O. Box 351, Omaha, NE 68101. (402-934-1542) (Fax: 402-504-3584). Bus. Agt.: Bob Lane. M 151 LINCOLN-Eugene Trausch, P.O. Box 30201, Lincoln, 68503-0201. (402-465-5045) (Fax: 402-464-8100) Bus. Agt.: Tony Polanka. O 343 OMAHA-Lynn D. Rogers, P.O. Box 31653, Saddle Creek Station, Omaha, 68132. Bus. Agt.: Jeffrey K. Jenkins (402-676-9166). TWU 831 OMAHA, NE/COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA- Alice M. George Holmes, 22108 Trailridge Blvd., Omaha, NE 68104 (402-289-1914) (Fax: 402-289-1914) Bus. Agt.: Betty Haffner.

S 114 PORTLAND/LEWISTON/AUGUSTA/BANGORDoug Born, P.O. Box 993, Portland, 04104 (207-657-7100). Bus. Agt.: Dave Herrman. TBSE 926 AUBURN-Sarah Quaintance, 99 Danville Corner Rd, Auburn, 04210. Bus. Agt.: Steve Jacobs.

M 026 GRAND RAPIDS/MUSKEGON/BATTLE CREEK/KALAMAZOO/HOLLAND/ST. JOSEPHMatthew Taylor, 131 Caledonia, N.E., Grand Rapids, 49505. (616-742-5526) (Fax: 616-742-1088) Bus. Agt.: Stasia Savage. S 038 DETROIT/PONTIAC/MT. CLEMENS/PORT HURON-Edwin J. Miller, 20017 Van Dyke, Detroit, 48234. (313368-0825) (Fax: 313-368-1151) Bus. Agt.: Timothy Magee. M 187 NILES, MI/SOUTH BEND/ MISHAWAKA/ ELKHART/ GOSHEN/ PLYMOUTH/ CULVER, INCatherine Smith, P.O. Box 474, South Bend, IN 46624. (574292-1871) Bus. Agt.: Laura Sears. MPP, VT&CT 199 DETROIT-Paul Bratfish, 22707 Dequindre Road, Hazel Park, 48030. (248-399-7864) (Fax: 248-399-7866) Bus. Agt.: Donald M. Lewis. S 201 FLINT/OWOSSO-Edward Hinderer Jr., 967 Mann Avenue, Flint, 48503. (810-767-1580) Bus. Agt.: William Hinderer, 4272 Round House Rd., #6, Swartz Creek, MI 48473 (810-635-4267). M 274 LANSING/EAST LANSING/JACKSON/SAGINAW/CADILLAC/NORTH CENTRAL MICHIGAN/ TRAVERSE CITY/ALPENA- Joel Wilkins, 419 S. Washington Square, Suite 103, Lansing, 48933. (517-374-5570) (Fax: 517-374-5589) Bus. Agt.: Carl Gratkowski. M 395 ANN ARBOR/MONROE-Derek Dubyak, P.O. Box 8271, Ann Arbor, 48107. (734-845-0550) (Fax: 734-482-0380). Bus. Agt.: Cal Hazelbaker. MPP,O& VT 472 FLINT/OWOSSO-Harold Skinner, II, P.O. Box 90605, Burton, 48509-9998. (810-743-9475) (Fax: 810-743-2826) Bus. Agt.: Guy Courts. T&T 757 DETROIT-Jean Lakies, 27605 Ursuline, St. Clair Shores, 48081. (586-776-4655) Bus. Agt.: Frederick Schefsky. TWU 786 DETROIT-Diane McDoniel, 27830 Jefferson, St. Clair Shores, 48081. (586-771-3870) (Fax: 586-771-3870) Bus. Agt.: Beverly Llombart.

SM 478 SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI/STATE OF LOUISIANA-Chandra Miller, 432 N. Anthony St., Suite 305, New Orleans, LA 70119. (504-486-2192) (Fax: 504-483-9961) Bus. Agt.: Mike McHugh. SM 492 NORTHERN MISSISSIPPI/STATE OF TENNESSEE-Theresa Morrow, P.O. Box 90174, Nashville, TN 37209. (615-386-3492) (Fax: 615-460-7492). Bus. Agt.: Beka Gregory. M 589 JACKSON/VICKSBURG/NATCHEZ-Jill Lucas, 1665 Hwy 51, Madison, 39110-9097. (601-856-4374) (Fax: 601-856-2197) Bus. Agt.: Jill Lucas. M 616 MERIDIAN-Jerry Tucker, Jr., P.O. Box 2903, Meridian, 39302-2903. (601-481-5942). M 674 BILOXI/GULFPORT-William A. Collins, 10094 Road 312, Pass Christian, 39571. (228-255-3301) Bus. Agt.: David Ashby.

M 363 RENO/LAKE TAHOE-Charlotte Picerno, 30 Mary St., #14, Reno, 89509. (775-786-2286) (Fax: 775-786-7150) Bus. Agt.: Craig Marshall. M 720 LAS VEGAS-Deidra Prestridge, 3000 S. Valley View Boulevard, Las Vegas, 89102. (702-873-3450) (Fax: 702-8734703). Bus. Agt.: Jeff Colman.

S 019 BALTIMORE-Steve Wallace, 1111 Park Avenue, Suite L-102, Baltimore, 21201-5651. (410-728-6527) (Fax: 410-7286849) Bus. Agt.: Bruce Holtman. MPP,O&VT 181 BALTIMORE-L. Dave Foreman, 2701 W. Patapsco Ave., #110, Baltimore, 21230. (410-788-2856) Acting Bus. Agt.: Karl O. Gilbert. SM&BT 487 MID-ATLANTIC AREA-David OFerrall, 1414 Key Highway, Suite 201, Baltimore, MD 21230. (410685-4141) (Fax: 410-685-3939) Bus. Agt.: Rosemarie Levy. M 591 HAGERSTOWN, MD/FREDERICK, MD/WAYNESBORO, PA/WINCHESTER, VA/MARTINSBURG, WV-Michael E. Clem, 10300 Moxley Road, Damascus, MD 20872. (301-774-5389). Bus. Agt.: John Nichols. TBSE 833 BALTIMORE-William E. Todd, Jr., P.O. Box 4834, Baltimore, 21211. Bus. Agt.: William Poplovski, 3400 Dunran Road, Baltimore, MD, 21222 (443-831-8181). TWU 913 BALTIMORE- Suzanne Herbert-Forton, 301 Stonewall Rd., Catonsville, 21228. Bus. Agt.: Marybeth Chase, 7427 Watersville Rd., Mt. Airey, 21771. (410-340-0049).


SM 481 NEW ENGLAND AREA- James McDonald, 100 Tower Office Park, Suite E, Woburn, MA 01801. (781-376-0074) (Fax: 781-376-0078) Bus. Agt.: Chris ODonnell.

S 031 KANSAS CITY/TOPEKA/LAWRENCE/EMPORIA, KS/KANSAS CITY-ST. JOSEPH, MO-Dan Pfitzner, 1613 Summit, Kansas City, MO 64108. (816-842-5167) (Fax: 816-842-9481) Bus. Agt.: Gary L. Thomas. M 190 WICHITA/HUTCHINSON/EL DORADO-Anne Bailey, P.O. Box 3052, Wichita, 67201. (316-267-5927) (Fax: 316-267-5959) Bus. Agt.: Trucia Quistarc. M 464 SALINA-Susan Tuzicka, P.O. Box 617, Salina, 674010617. (785-826-6160). Bus. Agt.: Bill Tuzicka.

S 030 INDIANAPOLIS/KOKOMO/RICHMOND/ EARLHAM COLLEGE /LOGANSPORT/ PERU/CONNORSVILLE/ANDERSON/MUNCIE/PORTLANDHaldon Whitehouse, 1407 East Riverside Drive, Indianapolis, 46202-2037. (317-638-3226) (Fax: 317-638-6126). Bus. Agt.: Haldon Whitehouse. S 049 TERRE HAUTE-David D. Del Colletti, 210 Terre Vista Drive, Terre Haute, 47803. (812-243-0524) (Fax: 812-2373954) Bus. Agt.: David Target. S 102 EVANSVILLE-Mark Fehr, 1130 E. Deleware, Evansville, 47711. (812-467-0287) (812-479-9288). Bus. Agt.: Steve Vanmeter (812-467-0287). M 125 LAKE PORTER/LA PORTE COUNTIES/FORT WAYNE/LAFAYETTE/ FRANKFORT/CRAWFORDSVILLE Greg Palmer, 2905 DeKalb St., Lake Station, 46405. (219313-1136) (Fax: 219-962-1250) Bus. Agt.: Steve Choate. S 146 FORT WAYNE-James Seely, P.O. Box 13354, Fort Wayne, 46868. (260-403-1033) Bus. Agt.: John H. Hinen, Jr.

M 195 LOWELL, MA./NEW HAMPSHIRE-Deborah Terreson, P.O. Box 1011, Portsmouth, NH 03802. Bus. Agt.: Joyce Cardoza (603-654-4097) (Fax: 603-654-4098). SM 481 NEW ENGLAND AREA-James McDonald, 100 Tower Office Park, Suite E, Woburn, MA 01801. (781-376-0074) (Fax: 781-376-0078) Bus. Agt.: Chris ODonnell. S 919 HANOVER/LEBANON, NH/BURLINGTON, VTLeslie Day, P.O. Box 951, Burlington, 05402-0951 (802-8650570). Bus. Agt.: Maryam Mangan.

S 006 ST. LOUIS-Norma L. West, 1611 S. Broadway, Suite 110, St. Louis, 63104. (314-621-5077) (Fax: 314-621-5709) Bus. Agt.: John T. Beckman, Jr. S 031 KANSAS CITY/ST. JOSEPH, MO/KANSAS CITY/TOPEKA/LAWRENCE/EMPORIA, KS-Dan Pfitzner, 1613 Summit, Kansas City, 64108. (816-842-5167) (Fax: 816-842-9481) Bus. Agt.: Gary L. Thomas. MPP,AVE&CT 143 ST. LOUIS-Miron Vulakh, 6978 Chippewa, Suite 1, St. Louis, 63109. (314-351-5600)(Fax: 314351-5600) Bus. Agt.: William Watkins. M 421 CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO/HERRIN/CENTRALIA, IL-Steven Dyer, P.O. Box 47, Metropolis, 62960. (618-524-5990) Bus. Agt.: Michael Schmidt (618-967-2394). SM 493 ST. LOUIS- Cat Cacciatore, P.O. Box 410151, St. Louis, 63141. (314-614-0591) (Fax: 314-469-4931) Bus. Agt.: Gary Hansen.

S 017 LOUISVILLE/FRANKFORT/DANVILLE-James Tomes, 119 W. Breckenridge Street, Louisville, 40203. (502587-7936) (Fax: 502-587-3422) Bus. Agt.: James R. Madison. O 163 LOUISVILLE, KY/CLARKSVILLE, IN-Kent L. Green, 125 West Carter Avenue, Clarksville, IN 47129. (812282-2716) Bus. Agt.: Larry W. Hopewell, 4703 Wolford Drive, Floyd Knobs, IN 47119. (812-923-1295). M 346 LEXINGTON-Merrill Richardson, P.O. Box 5, Lexington, 40588. (859-221-1921) Bus. Agt.: Donald A. Burton.

S 008 CAMDEN/MERCER COUNTY, NJ/PHILADELPHIA, PA-Andrew Nolan, 2237 Hartranft Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145. (215-952-2106) (Fax: 215-952-2109) Bus. Agt.: Michael Barnes. S 021 NEWARK-Jacky Riotto, 2933 Vauxhall Rd., Millburn Mall, Vauxhall, 07088. (973-379-9265) (Fax: 908-964-0243) Bus. Agt.: William Lynch (908-227-2204).

S 011 BOSTON/WALTHAM-Richard T. McLaughlin, 90 Tyler St., 1st floor, Boston, 02111. (617-426-5595) (Fax: 617426-6252) Bus. Agt.: Richard T. McLaughlin. S 053 SPRINGFIELD/PITTSFIELD-Valentino Larese, P.O. Box 234, Springfield, 01101. (413-739-1145) (Fax: 413-7391145) Bus. Agt.: Kenneth Mattoon, Jr.


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


SM 052 STATES OF NEW JERSEY/ NEW YORK/CONNECTICUT/NORTHERN DE. /GREATER PA.-William McGavin, 326 W. 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. (212-399-0980) (Fax: 212-315-1073) Bus Mgr.: John Ford; Bus. Reps.: John Fundus and William Lowry, Jr. S 059 JERSEY CITY-Warren Gonzales, P.O. Box 3122, Secaucus, 07096. (973-572-2226) (Fax: 201-330-7998). Bus Agt.: Warren Gonzales. M 077 ATLANTIC CITY/VINELAND-Thomas M. Bambrick, Jr., P.O. Box 228, Linwood, 08221. (609-909-1727) (Fax: 609-909-9591) Bus. Agt.: Eric Berry. S S,P C,C C&PA 16 1 N E W YO R K/ N E W JERSEY/CONNECTICUT-Wendy Mooradian, 630 9th Avenue, #1103, New York, NY 10036. (212-977-9655) (Fax: 212-977-9609) Bus. Agt.: Lynne Twentyman. M 534 MIDDLESEX/MERCER/UNION COUNTIES/ OCEAN COUNTY/ASBURY PARK/LONG BRANCHCarl Spataro, P.O. Box 722, New Brunswick, 08903. (732-5659200) (Fax: 732-565-9300) Bus. Agts.: Craig Werner (732-5394560); (Proj.) Jay Lynn (732-616-6337). M 536 RED BANK/FREEHOLD-Edward Baklarz, 231 Atlantic St., #70, Keyport, 07735. (732-264-5678) Bus. Agt.: Charles Cox. M 632 NORTHEAST NEW JERSEY- Judy Feltus, 36 Bergen Street, Hackensack, 07601. (201-457-1632) (Fax: 201-457-3362) Bus. Agts.: (Stage) Joe Villani; (Proj.) Miguel Rodriguez. TWU 799 CAMDEN, NJ/PHILADELPHIA, PABeverly S. Nolan, 200 Plymouth Place, Mercantville, NJ 08109. (856-662-8242) (Fax: 215-643-6705) Bus. Agt.: Elisa Murphy (215-643-1282). CHE 917 ATLANTIC CITY- Daniel Bauer, 4119 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, 08401. (609-345-0550) (Fax: 609-3454554) Bus. Agt.: Marc Zarych.

M 153 LAS CRUCES, NM/EL PASO, TX-Ignacio Flores, 609 Robinson, El Paso, TX 79902. (915-544-6818) (Fax: 915544-8323) Bus. Agt.: Paul H. Enger. M 423 ALBUQUERQUE/ROSWELL/SANTA FE-Ross Krantz, P.O. Box 81376, Albuquerque, 87198. (505-250-0994) (Fax: 505-255-1970) Bus. Agt.: Brian Shaffer. SM 480 STATE OF NEW MEXICO-Herb DeWing, 1418 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe, 87505. (505-986-9512) (Fax: 505-9869513) Bus. Agt.: Jon Hendry. TWU 869 ALBUQUERQUE-Susan Jones, 8159 Ventana Azul Ave., NW, Albuquerque, 87114. (505-897-6836) Bus. Agt.: Ann Schreiber (505-247-8474).

S 001 NEW YORK/WESTCHESTER-PUTNAM COUNTIES-Robert Score, 320 W. 46th Street, New York, 10036. (212-333-2500) (Fax: 212-586-2437) Bus. Agts.: (Theatre) Kevin McGarty and Michael Wekselblatt; (TV) Robert C. Nimmo and Edward J. McMahon, III. S 004 BROOKLYN and QUEENS-Terence K. Ryan, 2917 Glenwood Road, Brooklyn, 11210. (718-252-8777) (Fax: 718421-5605) Bus. Agt.: Pete Fitzpatrick. S 009 SYRACUSE/ROME/ONEIDA/UTICA-Penny Gilbert, P.O. Box 617, Syracuse, 13201-0617. Bus. Agt.: Robert R. Merola (315-469-0057) (Fax: 315-469-0217). S 010 BUFFALO-Charles Gill, 82 Southcrest Avenue, Cheektowaga, NY 14225 (716-634-5529) (Fax: 716-634-5529). Bus. Agt.: Gary Syracuse, Jr., 266 Sterling Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14216 (716-822-2770).

S 014 ALBANY/SCHENECTADY/AMSTERDAM-Gail E. Farley, P.O. Box 11074, Albany, 12211. (518-427-1580) (Fax: 518-477-6677) Bus. Agt.: James Anziano. S 025 ROCHESTER-Michael J. Ventrella, 140 Metro Park, Suite 4, Rochester, 14623. (585-427-8974) Bus. Agt.: Thomas F. Mason. M 029 TROY-Richard M. Regnier, Sr., Rd#5-363 Currybush Road, Schenectady, 12306. (518-377-9080) (Fax: 518-3723176) Bus. Agt.: Richard M. Regnier, Sr. S M 0 5 2 S TAT E S O F N E W YO R K / N E W JERSEY/CONNECTICUT/NORTHERN DE. /GREATER PA.-William McGavin, 326 W. 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. (212-399-0980) (Fax: 212-315-1073) Bus Mgr.: John Ford; Bus. Reps.: John Fundus and William Lowry, Jr. S 054 BINGHAMTON-Mark A. Hoskins, 9 Lindbergh Street, Johnson City, 13790. (607-729-5057) (Fax: 607-7296869) Bus. Agt.: William Carroll, P.O. Box 271, Binghamton, 13905. (607-427-6336). TBSE 100 NEW YORK-Intl Representative-in-Charge: Daniel DiTolla, 1430 Broadway, 20th floor, New York, NY 10018 (212-730-1770) (Fax: 212-730-7809). M 121 NIAGARA FALLS/BUFFALO-John Scardino Jr., 47 Coburg Street, Buffalo, 14216. (716-834-6372) (Fax: 716836-3084) Bus. Agt.: John Scardino, Jr. SS,PC,CC&PA 161 NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY/CONNECTICUT-Wendy Mooradian, 630 9th Avenue, #1103, New York, NY 10036. (212-977-9655) (Fax: 212-977-9609) Bus. Agt.: Lynne Twentyman, 140 West 86th Street, #12B, New York, NY 10024. O 253 ROCHESTER-James Reilly, P.O. Box 10422, Rochester, 14610-0422. (716-352-5174) (Fax: 716-235-7262) Bus. Agt.: John Cooley, 295 Buckman Road, Rochester, 14626. (716-621-4192) M 266 JAMESTOWN/CHAUTAUQUA, NY/WARREN COUNTY, PA-Eric Bolling, 80 McDaniel Avenue, Jamestown, NY 14701. (716-664-9448) Bus. Agt.: Gordon R. Pugh (716-761-6944). M 289 ELMIRA/HORNELL/WATKINS/ITHACA/ CORNING/CORTLAND/BINGHAMTON-Florence Lovell, P.O. Box 1147, Elmira, 14902. (607-733-1290) Bus. Agt.: David Bailey, 713 Riverside Ave., Elmira, 14904. (607-733-7159). MPP,O,VT, & AC 306 NEW YORK-Hugo F. Capra, 545 West 45th St., 2nd flr., New York, 10036. (212-956-1306) (Fax: 212-956-9306) Bus. Agts.: (Proj.) Barry Garfman; (Stage) Miriam Pollock. M 311 MIDDLETOWN/NEWBURGH/ KINGSTONFranklin DenDanto, P.O. Box 192, Washingtonville, 10992. (845-374-3313) (Fax: 845-692-0020) Bus. Agt.: Michael R. Brennan, 6 Virginia Street, Middletown, NY 10941 |(845-692-4358). O 324 ALBANY-Stanley Blakeman, 171 East Side Drive, Ballston Lake, 12019. Bus. Agt.: John K. Hill (518-399-2085). S 340 NASSAU/SUFFOLK COUNTIES OF LONG ISLAND-Robert Sullivan, P.O. Box 160, Jericho, 11753. (516781-0594) (Fax: 212-391-8320) Bus. Agt.: Brian J. Frankel. M 353 PORT JERVIS/SULLIVAN COUNTY-John B. Senter, III, P.O. Box 1432, Monticello, 12701. (212-677-5711) Bus. Agt.: John B. Senter, III. M 499 POUGHKEEPSIE-Michael Finamore, P.O. Box 499, Narrowsburg, 12764. (914-489-2439)(Fax: 208-441-6915) Bus. Agt.: Sandi Bohle, 180 Downs Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (914-489-2439).

M 524 GLENS FALLS/SARATOGA-Bob Medve, 12 Sunset Drive, Queensbury, 12804. (518-745-5954) (Fax: 518-745-5954) Bus. Agt.: Edward Smith (518-623-4427) (Fax: 518-623-4427). M 592 SARATOGA SPRINGS-James Farnan, 47 County Route 76, Stillwater, 12170. (518-587-9160). Bus. Agt.: Paul C. Koval, 196 County Road 67, Stillwater, 12170. ICG 600 INTERNATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHERS GUILD-(See also California, Florida and Illinois) Alan Gitlin; National Executive Director, Bruce Doering; Eastern Region Director, Chaim Kantor, 80 Eighth Ave., 14th Fl., New York, NY 10011. (212-647-7300) (Fax: 212-647-7317). MPP, O&VT 640 NASSAU/SUFFOLK COUNTIES OF LONG ISLAND-Michael P. Smith, 103 Cooper Street, Babylon, 11702. (631-422-8663) (Fax: 631-587-4722) Bus. Agt.: Robert B. Gottschalk, Jr. M 645 ROCKLAND COUNTY-Ronald Jacobsen, 12 Kim Marie Place, Newburgh, 12550. (845-568-0786) Bus. Agt.: Glenn Stroud. MPEG 700 MOTION PICTURE EDITORS GUILD (see also California)-Diane Adler; Exec. Dir.:Ron Kutak, 7715 Sunset Blvd., #200, Los Angeles, CA 90046. (323-8764770) (Fax: 323-876-0861) Asst. Exec. Dir.: Paul Moore, 145 Hudson Street, Suite 201, New York, NY 10013. (212-302-0700) (Fax: 212-302-1091). LF/VT 702 NEW YORK-William Andrews, 542 Eastbrook Road, Ridgewood, NJ 07450. (212-869-5540) (Fax: 212-3021091) Bus. Agt.: Joseph Truglio(201-447-0753). M 749 MALONE-Michael S. Brashaw, 601 Ford Street, Ogdensburg, 13669. (315-393-2873) (Fax: 315-393-2880) Bus. Agt.: Samuel Rapin. T&T 751 NEW YORK- Gene McElwain, 1430 Broadway, 8th floor, New York, 10018. (212-302-7300) (Fax: 212-9448687) Bus. Rep.: Gene McElwain. TWU 764 NEW YORK AND VICINITY-Jenna Krempel, 545 West 45th Street, 2nd flr., New York, 10036. (212-9573500) (Fax: 212-957-3232) Bus. Agts.: (Legit) Francis Gallagher; (Film) James P. Hurley. TWU 783 BUFFALO-Patricia J. Marchewka, 124 Brentwood Drive, So. Cheektowaga, 14227-3271. (716-8120783) Bus. Agt.: Mary Jo Witherell, 27 Warburton Pl., Buffalo 14223 (716-812-0783). T&T 788 ROCHESTER- Floyd R. Schilstra, 1142 Bay Road, Webster, 14580. Bus. Agt.: Jack E. Klingenberger. TBSE 794 NEW YORK-David Hodges, P.O. Box 154, Lenox Hill Station, New York, 10021. (646-596-3539) (Fax: 212-7348138) Bus. Agt.: Timothy Daughtry. MAHS 798 NEW YORK-Joseph Cuervo, 152 West 24th Street, New York, 10011. (212-627-0660) (Fax: 212-627-0664). Bus. Agt.: Martin Schulman. ADG&STGA 800 NORTHEAST OFFICE (See also California, Illinois and North Carolina)-Stephen Hendrickson, 280 Riverside Drive, #14A, NewYork, NY 10025. (646-285-2699). TBSE 821 ELMIRA-David Rockwell, P.O. Box 105, Gillett, PA 16947. EE/BPBD 829 NEW YORK-John V. McNamee Jr, 386 Park Avenue South, 13th floor, New York, 10016. (212-6791164) (Fax: 212-679-1421). M 842 ONEONTA/COOPERSTOWN/SIDNEY/DELHI/ COBLESKILL/WALTON- Francis OBrien, 1504 Burnt Hill Road, West Fulton, 12194. (518-827-8428). Bus. Agt.: William Pierce.

TWU 858 ROCHESTER-Kathleen Olson, 21 Wimbledon Rd., Rochester, 14617. (585-338-7915). Bus. Agt.: Anne Bowes. ATPAM 18032 NEW YORK-Gordon G. Forbes, 1560 Broadway, Ste. 700, New York, 10036. (212-719-3666) (Fax: 212-302-1585). Bus. Agt.: Thomas Walsh. USA 829 NEW YORK REGIONAL OFFICE-Carl Baldasso, 29 West 38th Street, 15th flr., New York, NY 10018. (212-581-0300) (Fax: 212-977-2011) Bus. Agt.: Michael McBride.

M 278 ASHEVILLE-Roger I. Briant, P.O. Box 2071, Asheville, 28802. (828-667-3220) (Fax: 828-667-2047) Bus. Agt.: Blaque H. Fowler. M 322 CHARLOTTE/GREENVILLE- Randy Raynard, 4037 E. Independence Blvd., #250, Charlotte, 28205. (704537-8329) (Fax: 704-367-9436) Bus. Agt.: Bruce T. Grier (704367-9435). M 417 DURHAM/CHAPEL HILL/RALEIGH-Karen McClanahan, P.O. Box 28152, Raleigh, 27611. (919-422-0866) (Fax: 919-477-5833) Bus. Agt.: Rob McIntire. SM 491 STATES OF NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA/SAVANNAH, GA-Andrew Oyaas, 1707 Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401. (910-343-9408) (Fax: 910-3439448) Bus. Agt.: Jason Rosin. M 574 GREENSBORO/BURLINGTON/HIGH POINTNeil Welch, Jr., P.O. Box 8575, Greensboro, 27419. (336-4510390) (Fax: 336-638-3625) Bus. Agt.: Bill Daves, 4025 Lamond Drive, Winston-Salem, 27101. (336-852-0660). M 63 5 W I N STO N-S A LE M/LE X I N GTO N/ THOMASVILLE-Bland Wade, P.O. Box 15338, WinstonSalem, 27113-0338. (336-399-7382) (Fax: 336-770-1448) Bus. Agt.: Patrick O. Kelly. ADG&STGA 800 SOUTHEAST OFFICE (See also California, Illinois and New York) - John D. Kretschmer, 605 Fitzgerald Dr., Wilmington, NC 28405. (910-443-3838).

S 066 DAYTON/SPRINGFIELD/DARKE/MIAMI AND CHAMPAIGN COUNTIES-Keith J. Thomas, P.O. Box 75, Dayton, 45401. (937-279-3129) (Fax: 937-279-6185) Bus. Agt.: Kennith G. Rice. S 101 NILES/WARREN/YOUNGSTOWN-Larry Mrus, P.O. Box 362, Youngstown, 44501. (330-747-9305)(Fax: 330755-1531) Bus. Agt.: John Osborn. MPP,O&VT 160 CLEVELAND/ASHTABULA/ LORAIN/ELYRIA/SANDUSKY/ERIE COUNTY-John Galinac, 8358 Munson Road, Suite 104, Mentor, 44060. (440255-3160) (Fax: 440-255-3119) Bus. Agt.: John Galinac. SM 209 STATE OF OHIO-Jonathan Andrews, 1468 West 9th St., Western Reserve Bldg., Suite 200, Cleveland, 44113. (216-621-9537) (Fax: 216-621-3518) Bus. Agt.: Kenneth McCahan. M 369 IRONTON,OH/HUNTINGTON, WV/ASHLAND, KY-Judy M Chapman, P.O. Box 192, Huntington, WV 25707. Bus. Agt.: Chestle St. Clair. TWU 747 COLUMBUS-Sandy Higginbotham, 723 Waybaugh Dr., Gahanna, 43230. Bus. Agt.: C. Wayne Cossin, 1954 Indianola Ave., Columbus, 43201 (614-298-8071). T&T 756 CLEVELAND-Glenn Barry, 17157 Rabbit Run Dr., Strongsville, 44136. (440-238-7711) (Fax: 440-238-6963) Bus. Agt.: Erin Patton. TWU 864 CINCINNATI-Mary Ann Wheeler, 2643 Highland Avenue, Cincinnati, 45219. (513-861-5300) (Fax: 513-8615301) Bus. Agt.: Peter A. Diamond. TWU 883 CLEVELAND-Diane Burke, 4689 Georgette Ave., N. Olmsted, 44070. (440-734-4883) (Fax: 440-734-3588) Bus. Agt.: Diane Burke. TWU 886 DAYTON-Sharleen Rafferty, P.O. Box 124, Dayton, 45401-0124. (937-277-7499). Bus. Agt.: Cynthia Closser.

SM 488 PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Nancy Yeo, 4949 S.E. 26th Ave., Portland, OR 97202. (503-232-9552) (Fax: 503-2329552) Bus. Agt.: (Oregon) Charles A. Carlsen; (Washington) Robert Riggs. TBR&SE 793 PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Mark Willison, 2800 1st Avenue Ave., Seattle, WA, 98121. (206-245-6305). Bus. Agt.: Thomas Simons.

S 003 PITTSBURGH/NEW CASTLE-Shawn W. Foyle, P.O. Box 352, Pittsburgh, 15230. (412-281-4568) (Fax: 412281-4571) Bus. Agt.: D. Joseph Hartnett. S 008 PHILADELPHIA, PA/CAMDEN/MERCER COUNTY, NJ-Andrew Nolan, 2237 Hartranft Street, Philadelphia, 19145. (215-952-2106) (Fax: 215-952-2109). Bus. Agt.: Michael Barnes. S M 0 5 2 S TAT E S O F N E W YO R K / N E W JERSEY/CONNECTICUT/NORTHERN DE. /GREATER PA.- William McGavin, 326 W. 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. (212-399-0980) (Fax: 212-315-1073) Bus Mgr.: John Ford; Bus. Reps.: John Fundus and William Lowry, Jr. S 082 WILKES BARRE-Michael Marancik, P.O. Box 545, Wilke-Barre, 18703 (570-824-1665) (Fax: 570-824-6060). Bus. Agt.: Joseph K. Jacobs, Jr. (570-824-4260). S 097 READING-David Neel, P.O. Box 7511, Reading, 196037511. (610-685-9797) (Fax: 610-374-7284) Bus. Agt.: Russell Hoffman (610-775-8145). S 098 HARRISBURG/HERSHEY/CARLISLE-Joseph Spackman, P.O. Box 266, Hershey, 17033-0266. (717-9914411)(Fax: 717-657-1151) Bus. Agt.: Ted Weimer. S 113 ERIE-Sonia Ferrante, P.O. Box 557, Erie, 16512. (814866-0198) Bus. Agt.: Kenneth Marchant. M 152 HAZELTON-Nicholas St. Mary, P.O. Box 24, Hazleton, 18201. (570-459-1602) (Fax: 570-453-0887) Bus. Agt.: Nicholas J. St. Mary. S 200 ALLENTOWN/EASTON/STROUDSBURG/ BETHLEHEM-Matthew Calleri, P.O. Box 1723, Bethlehem, 18016. (610-867-0658) (Fax: 610-867-0658) Bus. Agt.: Eric Wills. M 218 POTTSVILLE/MAHANOY CITY/SHENANDOAH/LANSFORD/SHAMOKIN-Alex Paskey, 215 W. Columbus St., Shenandoah, 17976. (570-462-3578) Bus. Agt.: Robert Spiess, 77 Rose Avenue, Port Carbon, 17965. (570-6225720). M 266 WARREN COUNTY, PA/JAMESTOWN/ CHAUTAUQUA, NY-Eric Bolling, 80 McDaniel Avenue, Jamestown, NY 14701. (716-664-9448) Bus. Agt.: Gordon R Pugh (716-761-6944). M 283 HANOVER/YORK COUNTY/GETTYSBURG/ LANCASTER COUNTY-Judi S. Miller, P.O. Box 7531, York, 17404. (717-846-4314). Bus. Agt.: Charles Reynolds. M 329 SCRANTON/PITTSTON-Patricia Martin, 1250 ONeill Highway, Dunmore, 18512. (570-947-6638) Bus. Agt.: Gary Lippi (570-282-6460). SM 489 GREATER PITTSBURGH AREA-Cassie Ross Eccles, P.O. Box 100056, Pittsburgh, 15233. (412-403-4890) (Fax: 412-820-2621) Bus. Agt.: Jean-Pierre Nutini. M 5 9 1 W AYN E S B O R O, PA/H A G E R STO W N, MD/FREDERICK, MD/WINCHESTER, VA/MARTINSBURG, WV-Michael E. Clem, 10300 Moxley Road, Damascus, MD 20872. (301-774-5389). Bus. Agt.: John Nichols. M 627 SOUTHWEST PENNSYLVANIA (excluding West Alexander)-Patrick Gianella, 321 Fingal Street, Pittsburgh, 15211. (412-431-0264) (Fax: 412-431-0264) Bus. Agt.: Patrick A. Gianella.

S 112 OKLAHOMA CITY-Scott Hartzog, P.O. Box 112, Oklahoma City, 73101-0112. (405-232-4793) (Fax: 405-2312778) Bus. Agt.: Rick Carpenter. S 354 TULSA/PONCA CITY-Kerry Grisham, P.O. Box 354, Tulsa, 74101. (918-496-7722) (Fax: 918-496-7725) Bus. Agt.: Steve Brown. M 387 LAWTON/OKLAHOMA CITY-Homer L. Hawkins, 4226 SE Ford Road, Lawton, 73501. (580-355-1599) Bus. Agt.: Barry Leday. TWU 904 TULSA- Barbara Cosper, P.O. Box 563, Tulsa, 74101. (918-369-9041) (Fax: 918-369-9041) Bus. Agt.: Marcia Holland (918-369-3687).

M 510 FARGO, ND/MOOREHEAD, MN-James Torok, P.O. Box 574, Fargo, ND 58107. Bus. Agt.: James Torok.

S 005 CINCINNATI/HAMILTON/FAIRFIELD/ SPRINGDALE/OXFORD-Kevin G. Eviston, 35 E. 7th Street, Suite 501, Cincinnati, 45202. (513-721-1302) (Fax: 513-7210023) Bus. Agt.: Thomas Guidugli. S 012 COLUMBUS/NEWARK/MARYSVILLE/ DELAWARE-Kevin Campbell, 566 E. Rich Street, Columbus, 43215. (614-221-3753) (Fax: 614-221-0078) Bus. Agt.: Richard Shack, 2581 East Fifth Avenue, Columbus, OH 43219. S 024 TOLEDO/LIMA/MARION/BOWLING GREEN/ TIFFIN/FINDLAY- Manny Littin, 435 S. Hawley Street, Toledo, 43609. (419-244-6320) (Fax: 419-244-6325). Bus. Agt.: Robert Revells. S 027 CLEVELAND/ASHTABULA/LORAIN/ELYRIA/ SANDUSKY/ERIE COUNTY- Michael Lehane, 1468 West 9th St., Suite 200, Cleveland, 44113. (216-621-9537) (Fax: 216621-3518) Bus. Agt.: Dale W. Short. S 048 AKRON/CANTON/MASSILLON/ALLIANCE/ MANSFIELD-Helen Louie, 678 North Main Street, Akron, 44310. (330-374-0480) Bus. Agt.: Helen Louie. M 064 STEUBENVILLE, OH/WHEELING, WV-Tony Assaro, P.O. Box 292, Wheeling, WV 26003-0041. (304-6392517) (Fax: 304-242-6134) Bus. Agt.: Frank Scarnecheia.

M 028 PORTLAND/SALEM-Robin Hoffmeister, 4949 S.E. 26th Ave., Portland, 97202. (503-295-2828) (Fax: 503-2307044) Bus. Agt.: Chris Bateman. SM 488 PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Nancy Yeo, 4949 S.E. 26th Ave., Portland, OR 97202. (503-232-9552) (Fax: 503-2329552) Bus. Agt.: (Oregon) Charles A. Carlsen; (Washington) Robert Riggs. M 675 EUGENE/CORVALLIS/BEND-Ruth M. Atcherson, P.O. Box 12217, Eugene, 97401. (541-344-6306) (Fax: 541344-6306) Bus. Agt.: Mike Carpenter. TBR&SE 793 PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Mark Willison, 2800 1st Avenue Ave., Seattle, WA, 98121. (206-245-6305). Bus. Agt.: Thomas Simons.


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


M 636 LEWISTOWN/STATE COLLEGE/HUNTINGTON/ALTOONA/WILLIAMSPORT/JOHNSTOWN/ I N D I A N A/S U N B U RY/LE W I S B U R G/B LO O M SBURG/SELINSGROVE/INDIANA-Kathryn Lake, P.O. Box 394, State College, 16804-0394. (814-883-0769) (Fax: 814353-8379). Bus. Agt.: Fred Park, Jr. T&T 752 PHILADELPHIA-Jerry Kelly, P.O. Box 976, Bala Cynwyd, 19004-0976. (215-431-5184) Bus. Agt.: Daniel Ahearn. TWU 787 PITTSBURGH-Deborah Termini, 9 Beltzhoover Ave., Pittsburgh, 15210-1009. (724-733-3082) (Fax: 412-4717787) Bus. Agt.: Judith A. Cupps. TWU 799 PHILADELPHIA/CAMDEN, NJ-Beverly S. Nolan, 200 Plymouth Place, Mercantville, NJ 08109. (856662-8242) (Fax: 215-643-6705) Bus. Agt.: Elisa Murphy (215-643-1282) TBSE 804 PHILADELPHIA-Thomas Baginski, 6242 Wissahickon Avenue, Philadelphia, 19144. Bus. Agt.: Michael Reehm. TBSE 820 PITTSBURGH- James Bruwelheide, P.O. Box 110035, Pittsburgh, 15232. (412-622-1420) Bus. Agt.: Marji Murphy. T&T 862 PITTSBURGH-Nancy Regan, 655 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, 15222. (412-456-7026) Bus. Agt.: Luke Doyle. TBSE 902 JOHNSTOWN/ALTOONA- Bob Hess, 49 Old Hickory Lane, Johnstown, 15905. (814-255-7600) Bus. Agt.: Joe McGinty.

S 046 NASHVILLE-Deborah McCarley, 211 Donelson Pike, #202/203, Bldg A, Nashville, 37214-2932. (615-885-1058) (Fax: 615-885-5165) Bus. Agt.: James Robertson. S 069 MEMPHIS-Scott Andrews, 3340 Poplar Avenue, Suite 129, Memphis, 38111. (901-327-4994)(Fax: 901-3278626). Bus. Agt.: Lonnie Simpson. S 140 CHATTANOOGA-R.E. Hobgood, P.O. Box 132, Chattanooga, 37401. (423-400-8696) (Fax: 423-876-7985) Bus. Agt.: Chris Keene. S 197 KNOXVILLE/MARYVILLE/ALCOA/GATLINBURG-Charles J. Flenniken, P.O. Box 946, Knoxville, 37901. (865-256-6001) (Fax: 865-609-0750) Bus. Agt.: Ronald Carrell. SM 492 STATE OF TENNESSEE/NORTHERN MISSISSIPPI- Theresa Morrow, 4610 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN 37209. (615-386-3492) (Fax: 615-460-7492). Bus. Agt.: Robert Hill. M 699 JOHNSON CITY/KINGSPORT, TN/BRISTOL, VA-Earl Hughes, 418 Green Lee Road, Johnson City, TN 37601. (423-791-0868) (Fax: 423-929-2840) Bus. Agt.: Shelby Gene Coffey. TWU 825 MEMPHIS-Dorothy L. Clark, 1472 Kinilwood, Memphis, 38134. (901-386-3429) (Fax: 901-382-7832) Bus. Agt.: Dorothy Clark. TWU 894 KNOXVILLE-Leslie Percelly, P.O. Box 14653, Knoxville, 37914. (865-659-9701) (Fax: 865-922-8608) Bus. Agt.: Roland Harkness. TWU 915 NASHVILLE-Jodie Clark, P.O. Box 383, Hermitage, 37076. Bus. Agt.: Judy Resha (615-851-6055).

M 604 CORPUS CHRISTI/HARLINGEN/McALLEN/ BROWNSVILLE-Jesse G. Gonzales, P.O. Box 969, Corpus Christi, 78403. (361-853-2276) (Fax: 361-853-7269) Bus. Agt.: Henry Reyes. TBSE 796 STATE OF TEXAS-Bradley Mitten, 6906 Pine Fern Lane, Spring, 77379. (281-799-0707) Bus. Agt.: Kevin Allen. TWU 803 DALLAS/FORT WORTH-Sophia Shelton, 2805 Canton Street, Dallas, 75226. Bus. Agts.: (Dallas) Patsy F. Neumann (214-352-8418)(Fax: 214-352-8418); (Fort Worth) Masako Parshall (817-244-3123) (Fax: 817-244-9523). M 865 ODESSA/MIDLAND/LUBBOCK-Lamont Furlow, 9372 W. University Blvd., Odessa, 79764. (915-381-2500) (Fax: 915-530-2223) Bus. Agt.: Lamont Furlow. TWU 896 HOUSTON-Kathleen Pecha, P.O. Box 130774, Houston, 77219-0774. (281-686-5548) (Fax: 713-928-6731) Bus. Agt.: Glinda Anderson. AMPE 920 DALLAS/FORT WORTH-Paul Thompson, 4841 W. Royal Lane, Irving, 75063. Bus. Agt.: David Dick.

M 699 BRISTOL, VA/JOHNSON CITY/KINGSPORT, TN- Earl Hughes, 418 Green Lee Road, Johnson City, TN 37601. (423-791-0868) (Fax: 423-929-2840) Bus. Agt.: Shelby Gene Coffey.

TWU 777 MILWAUKEE-William Balfanz, 3619 N. 86th Street, Milwaukee, 53222-2816. (414-462-6214). Bus. Agt.: Beverly Jaeger, S85 W18384 Jean Ct., Muskego, 53150 (262679-2806) (Fax: 262-679-2806)

S 015 SEATTLE/EVER ETT/OLYMPIA/AN ACORTES/MARYSVILLE/TACOMA/BREMERTON/ BELLINGHAM/MT. VERNON/SEDRO WOOLEY/PORT ANGELES/BURLINGTON/CONCRETE/ STANWOOD/LONGVIEW-Noel Clayton, 2800 1st Avenue, Room 231, Seattle, 98121. (206-441-1515) (Fax: 206-448-5325) Bus. Agts.: (Stage) William Wickline; (Proj.) Brian Whitish. M 093 SPOKANE, WA/WALLACE KELLOGG, ID-Jill Scott, P.O. Box 1266, Spokane, WA 99201. (509-230-5455) (Fax: 509-891-7380) Bus. Agt.: Jacel Evans. Bus. Rep.: Pat Devereau (509-999-5073) (Fax: 208-623-6496). SM 488 PACIFIC NORTHWEST- Nancy Yeo, 4949 S.E. 26th Ave., Portland, OR, 97202. (503-232-9552) (Fax: 503232-9552) Bus. Agt.: (Oregon) Charles A. Carlsen (503-2321523); (Washington) Robert Riggs. TBR&SE 793 PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Mark Willison, 2800 1st Avenue Ave., Seattle, WA, 98121. (206-245-6305). Bus. Agt.: Thomas Simons. TWU 887 SEATTLE-Rita M. Brown, 2800 1st Avenue, #229, Seattle, 98121. (206-443-9354) (Fax: 206-448-5325) Bus. Agt.: Delia Mulholland.

S 229 CHEYENNE/LARAMIE, WY/FORT COLLINS, CO-Dan Schoonover, P.O. Box 677, Fort Collins, CO 80522. Bus. Agt.: David Denman (970-226-2292) (Fax: 970-4902292). M 426 CASPER-Robert H. Wilson, P.O. Box 353, Casper, 82602-0353. (307-234-3970) Bus. Agt.: Gary R. Vassos.

T B898 ST. JOHN'S, NL-Todd Leawood, P.O. Box 947, Mt. Pearl, NL, A1N 2X3. (709-745-8653) (Fax: 709-745-7374) Bus. Agt.: Todd Leawood. T B906 CHARLOTTETOWN, PE-Larry Arbing, 145 Richmond St./Conf Ctr Arts, Charlottetown, PE, CIA 1J1. (902628-1864) (Fax: 902-566-4648).

T B7 DENVER-Jan Miller, 1475 Curtis St., Denver, 80202. (303-534-2423) (Fax: 303-534-0216). T B30 DENVER-Jim Curran, P.O. Box 21735, Denver, 802210735.

S 099 STATE OF UTAH/BOISE/NAMPA/CALDWELL/TWIN FALL/SUN VALLEY, IDAHO-Sarah Wood, 526 West 800 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84101. (801-3590513) (Fax: 801-532-6227) Bus. Agt.: Patrick Heltman. EE 838 SALT LAKE CITY, UT/SOUTHERN IDAHOIntl Representative-in-Charge William E. Gearns, 230 West 200 South, Suite 2220, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 (801-320-0701) (Fax: 801-320-0715).

Local Secretaries and Business Agents of the Special Department Locals

(Unless otherwise specified, street address or post office box number listed is in city shown in bold-face type after local number.)Reference Letters: AAE Amusement Area Employees AE Arena Employees AFE Arena Facility Employees AMTS Admissions, Mutual Ticket Sellers B Back Room, Film Exchange Employees BPTS Ball Park Ticket Sellers F Front Office, Film Exchange Employees MT Mail Telephone Order Clerks T Theatre Employees - Special Departments TSA Ticket Sales Agents

TSA B868 WASHINGTON-June Carter, c/o Cocome, 2500 Virginia Ave., N.W., #308, Washington, 20037. (202-4168521) Bus. Agt.: Antonio Bullock.

AFE AE937 TAMPA-Intl Representative-in-Charge: Ben Adams, 1510 North Fern Creek Avenue, Orlando, 32803 (407704-2788) (Fax: 407-704-2787). AE AE938 JACKSONVILLE-Mac Brown, P.O. Box 47336, Jacksonville, 32247-7336 (904-483-6292) Bus. Agt.: Gerald Albert.


M 494 PUERTO RICO/U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS-Angel Lopez, Chile Street, #259, San Juan, PR 00918 (787-7644672) (Fax: 787-756-6323).Bus. Agt.: Armando Cruz.

M 064 WHEELING, WV/STEUBENVILLE, OH-Tony Asssaro, P.O. Box 292, Wheeling, WV 26003-0041. (304-6392517) (Fax: 304-242-6134) Bus. Agt.: Frank Scarnecheia. S 271 CHARLESTON-Craig Calhoun, P.O. Box 75323. Charleston, 25375 (304-561-7910) (Fax: 304-357-7556). Bus. Agt.: Brock Comer. M 369 HUNTINGTON, WV/ASHLAND, KY/IRONTON, OH-Judy M. Chapman, P.O. Box 192, Huntington, WV 25707. Bus. Agt.: Chestle St. Clair. M 578 NORTH CENTRAL WEST VIRGINIA-R.A. Nethken, P.O. Box 293, Morgantown, WV 26507. (304-2967549) Bus. Agt.: Peter McCumber. M 591 WINCHESTER, VA/HAGERSTOWN, M D/F R E D E R I C K, M D/W AYN E S B O R O, PA/MARTINSBURG, WV-Michael E. Clem, 10300 Moxley Road, Damascus, MD 20872. (301-774-5389) Bus. Agt.: John Nichols.

T B46 CHICAGO, IL/MILWAUKEE, WI- Steve Altman, 230 West Monroe St., Suite 2511, Chicago, 60606. (312-4431011) (Fax: 312-443-1012) Bus. Agt.: Anthony M. Spano.

M 023 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND-John Brennan, 58 Sampson Avenue, N. Providence, 02911. (401-231-6414) Bus. Agt.: Patrick Ryan, 6 Driftwood Drive, Barrington, RI 02806. SM 481 NEW ENGLAND AREA-James McDonald, 100 Tower Office Park, Suite E, Woburn, MA 01801. (781-376-0074) (Fax: 781-376-0078) Bus. Agt.: Chris ODonnell. TW, MA & HS 830 STATE OF RHODE ISLANDDeborah Voccio, P.O. Box 8, Coventry, 02816. (401-826-2974) (Fax: 401-826-2974) Bus. Agt.: Frances Howe, 85 Pine Hill Road, North Scitvate, 02857. (401-647-9333).

S 051 HOUSTON/GALVESTON-Scott Firth, 3030 North Freeway, Houston, 77009. (713-697-3999) (Fax: 713-6970222) Bus. Agt.: Butch Lange. S 076 SAN ANTONIO-Carl Lenhart, 206 San Pedro, #306, San Antonio, 78205 (210-223-1428) (Fax: 210-225-6115) Bus. Agt.: Raymond G. Sewell. S 126 FORT WORTH/ARLINGTON/DENTON/ GAINESVILLE/GRAPEVINE-Jim Brady, P.O. Box 185178, Fort Worth, 76181. (817-284-8596) (Fax: 817-284-0968) Bus. Agt.: Dean Horan. S 127 DALLAS/GRAND PRAIRIE/MCKINNEY-George Shaw, 2805 Canton Street, Dallas, 75226. (214-742-4741) (Fax: 214-747-4792) Bus. Agt.: Carl Labry. M 153 EL PASO, TX/LAS CRUCES, NM-Ignacio Flores, 609 Robinson, El Paso, 79902. (915-544-6818) (Fax: 915-5448323) Bus. Agt.: Paul H. Enger. M 183 BEAUMONT/PORT ARTHUR/ORANGE-Marie Pinner, 681 Ridgewood Drive, Pt. Neches, 77651. (409-6261880) (Fax: 409-729-0578) Bus. Agt.: Larry Allen. M 205 AUSTIN-Bon V. Davis, II, P.O. Box 142, Austin, 78767. (512-371-1217) (Fax: 512-452-1507) Bus. Agt.: Jon Maloy. O 330 FORT WORTH/DENTON/GAINESVILLEColeman Bennett, P.O. Box 146, Weatherford, 76086. (817598-1517) Bus. Agt.: Coleman Bennett. M 331 TEMPLE/KILLEEN/BRYAN/WACO-Gerald Howard, P.O. Box 424, Killeen, 76540. (254-634-8005) (Fax: 254-754-5544). Bus. Agt.: William Sproul. M 378 WICHITA FALLS-Richard Lehman, 3188 Rifle Range Road, Iowa Park, 76367. (940-592-9753) Bus. Agt.: Richard Lehman. SM 484 STATE OF TEXAS-Kurt Kornemann, 1514 Ed Bluestein Blvd., #106, Austin, 78721. (512-385-3466) (Fax: 512-385-3370) Bus. Agt.: Ken Rector.

SM 481 NEW ENGLAND AREA-James McDonald, 100 Tower Office Park, Suite E, Woburn, MA 01801. (781-376-0074) (Fax: 781-376-0078) Bus. Agt.: Chris ODonnell. S 919 BURLINGTON, VT/HANOVER/LEBANON, NHLeslie Day, P.O. Box 951, Burlington, VT 05402-0951 (802-8650570). Bus. Agt.: Maryam Mangan.

T B194 INDIANAPOLIS-Stephen P. Blair, P.O. Box 7055, Greenwood, 46142. (317-507-0717) (Fax: 317-888-5252) Bus. Agt.: Stephen Blair.

T B18 SAN FRANCISCO-Tom Mannion, 965 Mission St., Suite 207, San Francisco, 94103. (415-974-0860) (Fax: 415974-0852) Bus. Agt.: Tom Mannion. T B32 SAN JOSE-SANTA CLARA COUNTY-Carol Jossi, P.O. Box 2832, Santa Clara, 95055. (408-260-7324) Bus. Agt.: Linda Royval. T B66 SACRAMENTO-Juanita Ruiz, P.O. Box 19063, Sacramento, 95819. (916-486-4809) (Fax: 916-482-8178) Bus. Agt.: Richard Allen. AAE B192 HOLLYWOOD-Donna Covert, 10999 Riverside Dr., #301, N. Hollywood, 91602. (818-509-9192) (Fax: 818509-9873) Bus. Agt.: Donna Covert. CALIFORNIA SPECIAL BRANCH-Michael Miller, Jr., 10045 Riverside Drive, Toluca Lake, 91602. (818-980-3499) (Fax: 818-980-3496). T B4 BOSTON-Florence Lewis, P.O. Box 120277, Lafayette Station, Boston, 02112. (617-328-4128)(Fax: 617-868-8194) Bus. Agt.: Beverly McCormack. AFE B935 WORCESTER-Mike McKenzie, 40 Cudworth Road, Webster, 01570 (508-943-3626). Bus. Agt.: Ivar Carlson (508-248-0845).

M 055 ROANOKE/SALEM/DANVILLE/LYNCHBURG/BLACKSBURG/RADFORD/STAUNTON-Russell Prusak, P.O. Box 12424, Roanoke, 24025. (540-362-5164) (Fax: 540-853-2748). Bus. Agt.: James A. Nelson. S 087 RICHMOND/PETERSBURG/ CHARLOTTESVILLE/EMPORIA-Mark Garmon, P.O. Box 100, Sandston, 23150-0100. Bus. Agt.: John Fulwider (804-7461601)(Fax: 804-746-1601). M 264 NEWPORT NEWS/HAMPTON/WILLIAMSBURG-Gregory S. Mitchell, P.O. Box 9124, Hampton, 23670. (757-838-9045) (Fax: 757-838-9045) Bus. Agt.: Amia Cannon, 106 Twin Oaks Drive, Hampton, 23666. (757-826-9191). S 285 NORFOLK/CHESAPEAKE/PORTSMOUTH/ VIRGINIA BEACH-Cheryl Ilardi, 720 Sendero Court, Chesapeake, 23322. (757-237-5058) (757-410-9897). Bus. Agt.: Dale Lee Evans. SM&BT 487 MID-ATLANTIC AREA-David OFerrall, 1414 Key Highway, Suite 201, Baltimore, MD 21230. (410685-4141) (Fax: 410-685-3939) Bus. Agt.: Rosemarie Levy. M 5 9 1 W I N C H E S T E R , V A / H A G E R S TO W N , MD/FREDERICK, MD/WAYNESBORO, PA/MARTINSBURG, WV-Michael E. Clem, 10300 Moxley Road, Damascus, MD 20872. (301-774-5389). Bus. Agt.: John Nichols.

M 333 CHARLESTON/MYRTLE BEACH-Michael Coffey, P.O. Box 31921, Charleston, 29417-1921. (843-744-4434) (Fax: 843-744-7336) Bus. Agt.: Greg Eddins. M 347 COLUMBIA- Trustee: Intl Representative Scott Haskell, 225 Cherry Tree Lane, Walterboro, 29488. (843-5386641) (Fax: 843-538-4039). SM 491 STATES OF SOUTH AND NORTH CAROLINA/SAVANNAH, GA-Andrew Oyaas, 1707 Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401. (910-343-9408) (Fax: 910-3439448) Bus. Agt.: Jason Rosin.

S 018 MILWAUKEE/WAUKESHA-James Luljak, 230 W. Wells St., Ste. 405, Milwaukee, 53203. (414-272-3540) (Fax: 414-272-3592) Bus. Agt.: Peter Misko. M 141 LaCROSSE-Trygve Zielke, 2817 31st Street South, La Crosse, 54601. (608-787-7667) (Fax: 608-787-0610) Bus. Agt.: William Timm. O 164 MILWAUKEE-Donald Hoyt, 3260 North 95th Street, Milwaukee, 53222. (414-449-9444) (Fax: 414-259-9640) Bus. Agt.: Glenn Radtke. M 251 MADISON/COLUMBIA/SAUK COUNTYJustina Vickerman, 418 Farley Avenue, Madison, 53705. (608358-2650) (Fax: 608-238-3492) Bus. Agts.: (Stage) Chris Gauthier; (Oper.) Tim Romano. M 470 O S H K O S H/F O N D D U L AC/G R E E N BAY/WI S C O N S I N RA P I D S/ M A R S HF I ELD/ WAUSAU-Virgil Myers, P.O. Box 3351, Oshkosh, 54903. (920-688-3272)(Fax: 920-688-1407) Bus. Agt.: Stephen Dedow.

T B179 DETROIT-Frances Hemler, 26803 Warner, Warren, 48091. (586-481-3479) (Fax: 586-759-0787). Bus. Agt.: Daniel Hemler.

T B 2 6 M I N N E A P O L I S - S T. PA U L -International Representative-in-Charge: Michael David, 131 Caledonia NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 (616-437-7123).

S 220 SIOUX FALLS-Sue Mott, P.O. Box 2040, Sioux Falls, 57101. (605-359-3977) (Fax: 605-297-0082). Bus. Agt.: Jeff Gortmaker. M 503 MITCHELL/HURON-Wade R. Strand, 25798 409th Street, Mitchell, 57301. (605-996-7533) Bus. Agt.: Tony Palli (605-996-1591). M 731 RAPID CITY/BLACK HILLS AREA-Keith Koball, P.O. Box 2358, Rapid City, 57709. Bus. Agt.: Jim Bickett (605342-7024).

T B2 ST. LOUIS-Penny Cato, 1611 S. Broadway, Suite 108, St. Louis, 63104 (314-647-6458). Bus. Agt.: Robert Young, 2647 Meadowlane Drive, Granite City, IL 62040. (618-7970403).

T B173 TORONTO/HAMILTON-Trustee: International Representative Christine Greenlaw, 22 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, M4Y 1J9 (416-362-3569) (Fax: 416-362-3483). T B848 GLACE BAY, NS-David Bailey, 28 Norwood Street, Glace Bay, NS, B1A 3M5. (902-849-4957) Bus. Agt.: Patricia Pace, 26 Pitt St., Glace Bay, NS, B1A 2B7.

T B90 ROCHESTER-Rick Welch, 145 Branchbrook Dr., Henrietta, 14467. (585-370-8236)(Fax: 585-321-3656).


Official Bulletin

Fourth Quarter 2007


MT B751 NEW YORK-Trustee: Daniel Mahoney, 1430 Broadway, 20th floor, New York, 10018. (212-730-1770) (Fax: 212-730-7809). BPTS F72 NEW YORK-Michael McCarthy, 2192 McArthur St., East Meadow, 11554 (516-458-5106) (Fax: 516-796-8274). Bus. Agt.: Michael McCarthy. AFE AE936 ALBANY-Gary Moses, 51 South Pearl Street, Albany, 12207. (518-487-2267) (Fax: 518-487-2013) Bus. Agt.: Robert Kirkpatrick.

T B148 AKRON-Gary Sleeman, 543 Button Road, Bedford, 44146. (440-232-1858) Bus. Agt.: Omar Banks. AMTS B754 CINCINNATI-Cara Patton, P.O. Box 593, Amelia, 45102. (513-385-2429) (Fax: 937-444-3923) Bus. Agt.: Robert Fields.

T B29 PHILADELPHIA-Michael Messina, P.O. Box 54508, Philadelphia, PA 19148. (215-510-5949) Bus. Agt.: Damien Luckers.

T B60 OKLAHOMA CITY- Gary Jaques, 4204 S.E. 49th St., Oklahoma City, 73135. (405-677-4724) Bus. Agt.: Dillon Anders.

T B184 HOUSTON-Jancy Lewis, 3030 North Freeway, 77009. (713-697-3999) (Fax: 713-697-0222) Bus. Agt.: Kelilah Johnson.

T B27 CLEVELAND-John Farabaugh, 1468 West 9th St., Suite 200, Cleveland, 44113. (216-621-9537) Bus. Agt.: Toni Burns. T B38 CINCINNATI-Jay Brewer, 252 Stokesay St., Ludlow, KY 41016. (859-291-3393) Bus. Agt.: Jerry Schneider.

T B20 PORTLAND-Bambi Ooley, 4949 S.E. 26th Ave., Portland, 97202. (503-230-1138) (Fax: 503-230-7044) Bus. Agt.: James Adkins.

T B46 CHICAGO, IL/MILWAUKEE, WI- Steve Altman, 230 West Monroe St., Suite 2511, Chicago, IL 60606. (312443-1011) (Fax: 312-443-1012) Bus. Agt.: Anthony M. Spano.

District No. 1 (Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington & Alaska)-Bill Wickline, 2800 1st Avenue, Room 231, Seattle, Washington 98121. (206/441-1515) (Fax: 206/448-5325). Web Site: District No. 2 (California, Nevada, Arizona & Hawaii)-Missy Humphrey, 10061 Riverside Drive, Suite 825, Toluca Lake, California 91602. (818/762-9995) (Fax: 818/762-9997) Web site:; E-mail: [email protected] District No. 3 (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island & Connecticut)-James E. Flanders, 90 Tyler Street, 1st floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02111. (617/426-5595) (Fax: 617/426-6252). District No. 4 (Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and District of Columbia)- John Page, 11247 B Lockwood Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland 20901. (301/593-8354) (Fax: 301/681-7141) E-mail: [email protected] District No. 5 (Wyoming, Colorado, Utah & New Mexico)-Susan N. Jones, 8159 Ventana Azul Ave., NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87114. (505/897-6836). District No. 6 (Texas, Oklahoma & Arkansas)-Stuart Hale, 4821 Elsby, Dallas, Texas 75209. (214/352-2046) (Fax: 214/747-4792). District No. 7 (Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina. South Carolina, Mississippi & Louisiana)-Scott Haskell, 225 Cherry Tree Lane, Walterboro, South Carolina 29488 (843/538-6641)(Fax: 843/538-4039).\ District No. 8 (Michigan, Indiana, Ohio & Kentucky)-Robert Bakalar, 5930 E. 1028 N., Demotte, IN 46310 (219/345-3352) (Fax: 219/345-3362). E-mail: [email protected] District No. 9 (Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska & Kansas)-Thomas Cleary, 20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 1032, Chicago, Illinois, 60606 (312/236-3457)(Fax: 312/236-0701). E-mail: [email protected] District No. 10 (New York, New Jersey)-John K. Hill, 171 East Side Drive, Ballston Lake, New York, 12019 (518/399-2085)(Fax: 518/384-1817). E-mail: [email protected]. District No. 11 (Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & Newfoundland)-Cheryl Batulis, 54 Baycroft Lane, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 4R2 (905/726-8668) (Fax: 905/713-1496) E-mail: [email protected] District No. 12 (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta & British Columbia)-Barny Haines, 202-128 James Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3BON8 (204-943-4634) (Fax: 204-943-8394). E-mail: [email protected] District No. 14 (Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands)-Kimberly Bowles, 5385 Conroy Road, Suite 200, Orlando, Florida, 32811 (407-422-2747) (Fax: 407843-9170) E-mail: [email protected]

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