Ytria - Lotus Notes and Domino Software - Quick Start Guide v4

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T o begin exploring scanEZ's features, select a database to

work with on your Lotus Notes Workspace, then click the

scanEZ icon in the Ytria Toolbar.
! Note: In scanEZ, checkbox
selections work independent
of highlighted selections.
Think of checkbox selections
as ‘sticky’ selections that can
You can select notes (ie documents, design elements, deletion be non-contiguous. Only
stubs, etc) or categories of notes by clicking on their names the commands found in the
in the Selection Tree pane, which is on the left-hand side of Checkbox Selection menu/
the main scanEZ window. The right-hand pane in scanEZ is contextual menu will affect checkbox selections.
Quick St rt contextual—it changes based on what is highlighted in the
Selection Tree.

The scanEZ
You can use it on fields Selection Tree

and documents. It lets

you analyze and modify
databases. You can use it to work with The Item List panel
several documents simultaneously.
With over a hundred powerful tools,
scanEZ is like a full‑service garage for
your Lotus Notes databases.

The Note Info panel

The resizable, editable

main scanEZ screen
vs. the tiny read-only
Document Properties
The main scanEZ screen window in Notes.

The Lotus Notes Document Properties window

Ytria scanEZ gives you far better 1.4 Quick or advanced field searches: When you
1.3a Click the column header
access to field information than Notes to sort items have a document item selected in scanEZ's Item List panel
and Domino. You can use scanEZ to just start typing and a search window will appear—just like
easily manipulate field data in documents. 1.3b Click the filter icon for in a Notes view. You can also click Ctrl + F for advanced field
more sorting options searches with regular expression support.
Here's how:

1.1 Open documents from the Selection Tree:

Simply select a document from the Selection Tree (you
could also select a document directly from your Lotus Notes
client and click the scanEZ icon in the Ytria toolbar).

1.5 Modify, delete or create fields: Just click on

1.2 See all the fields contained in a document
a document field or item to enable editing; right‑click in the
at the same time: The right-hand side of the scanEZ document's window for options that let you Delete a field
window should now show the Item List panel on top or Create a new one.
(which shows the document's fields) and the Note
Info panel below. Notice how much easier it is to read
document information here compared to the Document
Properties window in Notes.

1.3 Sort, filter or group field information: Just

click any of the column headers to sort items or click on the
filter icon to further sort the information. You can also drag
column headers to the grouping area at the top of the
window to group by those criteria. 1.3c  Group by column headers

Ytria scanEZ makes viewing and editing 2.3 Keep track of family ties with Parent/
2 document-level information a snap.
Here's how:
Response tabs: If the document has any responses or is
a response to another document, Parent and or Response
tabs will appear. If the document is a response, a
convenient Go to Parent button will appear in the tab.
2.1 Explore the Note Info tab: When a document
is selected this tab (in the lower-right pane in scanEZ) shows
you all the information you'd see in the Document IDs and
Document Info tabs of the Lotus Notes Document Properties 2.1  The scanEZ Note Info tab
window. Unlike Notes, scanEZ lets you copy this information
to the clipboard.

2.2 Readers/Authors: This tab gives you a quick

rundown, by name, of any readers and authors associated
with a document.
2.2  The scanEZ Readers/Authors tab

Quick Start Guide — scanEZ 2

2.4 Deleting without creating deletions stubs: 2.5 Even more
Whenever you delete a document in scanEZ, you have options in the Document
the option of not creating a deletion stub. Menu: This menu offers a
number of other options that
help you work with

! Note: IBM Lotus Domino Help defines a Deletion

Stub as: “A truncated document that is left in a
database in place of the original document to indicate
to the Replication task that the document should, in
fact, be deleted from all other replicas.”

For a ‘view on the fly’ you can use

3 scanEZ's MySelection virtual folders
and title options. Here's how: 3.1.B  A checkbox
selection in scanEZ
3.2 Changing
C] Many
 dialogs in scanEZ (including those in all the Selection Tree
Search menu options) allow you to add documents titles
to MySelection folders.
3.2.1 Default: This option will use predefined for titles
! Note: You can create as many MySelection virtual (eg Form field for Documents, Type for Designs, etc).
3.1 Put just about anything inside a virtual folders as you like.
folder: MySelection virtual folders let you collect database 3.2.2 Field Name: This lets you choose a field whose
contents together in a sort of ‘view on the fly.’ There are a
values will be used for titles.
few different ways to add documents or other notes to
MySelection folders:
3.2 Title Options to give meaningful names 3.2.3 Formula: With this option, you can enter a
A] For
 individual notes or whole categories you can right to your data: One of scanEZ's most useful features is the formula to generate titles. Formulas here can do things
click to add to a MySelection folder. ability to customize titles used in MySelection folders and that view selection formulas can’t (eg you can use
elsewhere in the Selection Tree. To change titles, you can @getdocfield and @dblookup commands).
B] You
 can use checkboxes to make non-contiguous either: a) select a field in an open document then click the
selections, then click Add to New MySelection in Use Field as Title button or b) click the Change Displayed 3.2.4 Column Value: Choose a view or folder column
the Checkbox Selection menu/contextual menu. Title button and use any of the options listed below. and use its values for titles.

Quick Start Guide — scanEZ 3

3.3 Do things your way with custom 3.3.5 Formula: This allows you to categorize notes 3.4.2 Select Using Regular Expression: You can
re‑categorization for MySelection folders: You can with a formula (eg entering “@Lowercase(subject)” will also use regular expressions (regexes) to grab extremely
also choose how to organize notes in your MySelection by re-categorize the MySelection folder using the Subject specific selections.
right-clicking the virtual folder and choosing ‘Re‑categorize.’ field value in lowercase).
Here are the available options:
3.5 More options for managing virtual folders
3.3.6 Column Value: This option lets you categorize
in the MySelection menu:
3.3.1 Using Current Displayed Title: This option the notes in a MySelection folder by a view or folder
will categorize the notes inside your MySelection by column value.
3.5.1 Rename Selection: This lets you set a new
whatever settings you are using for displayed titles.
name for a MySelection folder.
3.4 Home in on your target with advanced
3.3.2 Flat: This option will remove all categorization
Selection options: Once notes are in collected in 3.5.2 Remove Selection: This lets you delete a
and display the notes flat. MySelection folders, scanEZ offers the following right-click MySelection folder. Since it is a virtual folder, the
(and Checkbox Selection menu) options to narrow down contents will not be deleted or otherwise affected.
3.3.3 Default: This option will categorize notes using your selections:
scanEZ's predefined defaults (eg Form for Documents,
3.5.3 Set as Current Selection: If you have multiple
Type for Designs etc). 3.4.1 Select All with Identical Displayed Title:
virtual folders, this option will let you choose the current
This is a handy feature to use in conjunction with the or active MySelection.
3.3.4 Field Name: This lets you choose a field whose title-changing options. The dialog gives the option of
values will be used for categories. skipping the first match or conversely selecting only
3.5.4 Remove from Selection: This lets you remove
the first match.
checked items from a MySelection folder.

You can use scanEZ for database

4 analysis and modification. Here's how:

4.1 View and edit all your Documents, Profile

Documents and deletion stubs: Unlike the Lotus Notes
client, scanEZ lets you see Profile Documents—you'll find
them in the Selection Tree. You can also create a new
Profile Document by clicking the button pictured below.

Ytria scanEZ puts

conflicts in plain sight.

4.2 The Conflict Solver: This lets you quickly analyze

and fix conflicts in your databases. Using the Conflict Solver
is simple: just select one-or-more conflicts in the Selection
Tree and click the Conflict Solver button (    ). 4.2 Choose what should stay
From here you can look at the fields of each version of the and what should go with the
document in a table and then decide which value to keep. scanEZ Conflict Solver

Quick Start Guide — scanEZ 4

You can scan and modify fields for
5 multiple documents simultaneously with
scanEZ's Diff Panel. Here's how:

Buttons available in scanEZ's Diff Panel

5.1 The Diff button: This lets you check the
consistency of several documents' fields and values. Just
select a collection of documents (ie a folder, a MySelection ! Note: It's often very handy to use the Values
5.3.2 Rename: lets you rename one-or-more fields in all
virtual folder or a category of documents) in the Selection button after you've used the Diff button. By doing documents.
Tree and click the Diff button to compare and contrast this you see the difference between documents in
the fields in the selection. greater detail. If you'd like to make a non‑contiguous 5.3.3 Copy: lets you copy one-or-more fields in all
selection, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking items. documents.
5.2 The Values button: If you click this button
you'll get a spreadsheet-like view of the selected fields 5.3.4 Modify: lets you change a field value in all
(hold down the Ctrl key to select non-contiguous items). 5.3 Other Diff Panel options: documents, either manually or with a formula.
You can choose to use either a Grouping grid (offers
extensive sorting and filtering options) or a Basic grid 5.3.1 Create: lets you create a new field in all the 5.3.5 Delete: lets you delete one-or-more fields in all
(uses less memory) to display field values. selected documents. documents.

There are tons of other great features 6.3.1 Search by UNID

6 in scanEZ. Here are just a few more:

6.3.2 Search by NoteID

6.3.3 Search by NoteID Range: For this feature

6.1 Explore the top-level of a database: If you
you'll be prompted to type the first and the last NoteID
click the database icon at the top of the Selection Tree
of the range you'd like to search.
(this icon takes the name of the open database, so in
the example screenshots it will be called “Factory Repair
6.3.4 Search Design Element by Title
Records”—the name of the demo database used) scanEZ
will give some general information about your database.
6.3.5 Search by Formula: Lets you search using

6.2 The Document Comparator: This feature lets

@Formulas (and save the formulas for future use).
you see all the contents of multiple documents side-by-side
6.3.6 Quick Retrieve Contents of a View or
in a sortable table. There's no limit to the number of
documents you can compare. To use the Document 6.1  Ytria scanEZ gives you access to database Folder: Lets you gather the contents of an existing view
Comparator, select the documents you'd like to look at level information or folder. Because indexed information is used, this
with a checkbox selection and then click the Compare option is usually very fast.
Documents button.
6.3 Ytria scanEZ's Search menu options:
6.3.7 Search using Full Text: For Notes-style Full
Results for all search types are placed in My Selection virtual
Text searches.
folders. Also, you can customize the diplayed titles of any
results (see section 3).

Quick Start Guide — scanEZ 5

6.4 The Document Analyzer: Reads the contents
of your database and helps you find specific information or
anomalies that @formulas cannot.

6.5 The Replication Auditor: It’s like a crystal ball

that lets you see what's going to happen during the next
replication (including mishaps like conflicts). You just need
to click the Audit button to use this feature.

6.6 The Post Replication Auditor: Shows the

state of a database after a replication. This can give you
great insight into replication issues including document
resurrections (ghosts).

6.5  The Replication Auditor in scanEZ

6.8 Instantly apply changes to your Notes.ini

file: Just click the INI button in the scanEZ toolbar for access
to scanEZ's Notes.ini Editor. Any changes will be applied
instantly—you don't need to restart the Notes client.

! Note: The Notes.

6.6  The ghost icon in scanEZ's Post ini Editor is fully
Replication Auditor flags possible functional in the free
resurrections Lite version of scanEZ.

6.7 Database ACL management made easy:

The ACL icon in the scanEZ Selection Tree shows the same
information you'd see in Notes. But there is one big
difference—scanEZ makes it much easier to scrutinize or
edit your ACLs thanks to its spreadsheet-like grid interface.

6.7  With scanEZ database ACL management is simple

and intuitive

Quick Start Guide — scanEZ 6

Ytria aclEZ gives you a bird's eye view of
1 server ACLs. Here's how:

1.1 Once you select a server you can see all its
ACL information: When you first launch aclEZ, you need to
choose a server in the File menu. Once a server is loaded, the
Quick St rt Databases pane (on the left) will list all the databases on the

selected server. Ytria aclEZ will load the ACL information for any
databases checked in this pane. Here is a quick overview of how
aclEZ presents this information: The Group Expander
button in aclEZ
lets you see all the
members of a group
Take complete control The main aclEZ window in an ACL entry

over all your Domino

server ACLs. Ytria aclEZ
gives you a quick overview of all the
The ACL entries pane
ACLs on a ser ver, plus it lets you in aclEZ
mass‑edit settings, manage roles,
explore groups and more.
If you enable the ‘Expand
Nested Groups’ function
in the Options menu of
aclEZ, you'll see all of a
group's members in the
ACL Entries pane. Group
members will have a pink

When you select ACL entries in aclEZ's ACL Entries pane, the database to which they
belong will be shown in boldface in the Databases panel
1.1.1 Ytria aclEZ gives you an in-depth overview 1.1.3 See who has what role: The Roles panel lists
of ACL information: The ACL Entries pane lists all the detailed information about all the roles present in the
selected databases' ACLs. This pane supports grouping— databases whose checkboxes you've ticked in the
just drag a column header to the gray area to sort ACL Databases panel. If you select one-or-more entries in the
information by any category you wish. ACL Entries pane, the Roles panel will tell which names
have a given role assigned to them through the checkbox
in the Role Assignment column. If it's checked, the role is
assigned to the selected names; if unchecked, the role is
not assigned to the names; if the box is filled-in or
indeterminate, the role is assigned to one-or-more but
not all selected names; or if the whole cell is grayed-out, 1.1.4  The aclEZ ACL Entry Presence panel
the role is not available in the selected names. You can
click the Role Assignment checkbox to toggle role 1.1.4 See where an ACL entry is present: The
assignment for the selected names. ACL Entry Presence Panel will reveal whether selected
ACL entries are present in any given database. This panel
Where you have a heterogeneous selection of names,
supports grouping by dragging column headers. Here is
the ‘Names Affected’ column shows which names have a
an example of how you might put this feature to good
particular role available in their ACL.
use: In figure 1.1.4 the selected name in the ACL Entries
The right-click menu in the Roles panel lets you define pane is the “Administrators” group, so in the seven
new roles (with the ‘New Role’ contextual menu option), databases where the Presence is Unchecked there is no
as well as rename or delete existing roles. Administrators group.

1.1.1  Grouping ACL Entries in aclEZ. In this example we

can see that seven selected databases are set to give
Manager Access by default

1.1.2 Quickly make changes to Access levels and

privileges: From the Attributes panel you can make
mass-modifications to Access level and privileges to
groups or individuals selected in the ACL Entries pane.

1.1.3  The aclEZ Roles panel

1.1.2  The aclEZ Attributes panel

Quick Start Guide — aclEZ 2

With aclEZ you get a quick overview of
2 ACL settings; it lets you edit, mass-edit
or even copy and paste ACL entries.
Note: When you modify an agent in agentEZ
you'll see a pencil icon ( ) but in order for
the changes to actually be applied to your server you
Here's how: must click Ctrl+S or select “Apply Changes” in the
File menu.
2.1 See and change all your ACL entries: In the
ACL Entries pane you can also manually adjust access settings.

2.2 You can create new ACL entries: In the ACL

Entries pane you can also add new ACL entries by right-clicking
an entry and selecting New ACL Entry (based on current
selection) in the contextual menu. A window will appear
where you can name this new ACL entry (see Figure 2.2).
The new ACL entry will be created with the same attributes
as the entry that you originally right-clicked. Whenever you
use the New ACL Entry option on a multiple selection, aclEZ
will give the new entry the same attributes as the topmost
entry in the selection.

2.2  This dialog appears for aclEZ's New

ACL Entry (based on current selection)
option 2.1  In the ACL Entries pane you can scroll to the right to see and modify access settings with checkboxes

2.3 Ytria aclEZ lets you copy and paste ACL

entries between databases: If you right-click a name
in the ACL Entries pane there is a Copy Selected ACL
Entries to... option in the resulting contextual menu.
When you click Copy Selected ACL Entries to...
(Figure 2.3a) aclEZ will copy the selected entries' ACL
settings and a dialog box (Figure 2.3b) entitled ‘Copy
Element(s)’ will appear. Use this dialog to choose where
to copy the ACL entries. Please note that ACL entries with
the same name can have very different settings so be
careful to choose the correct entries.
2.3b  The ‘Copy Elements to’ dialog box
2.3a  The ‘Copy Selected ACL Entries in aclEZ. This is where you choose the
to’ contextual menu option in aclEZ databases to which you'll copy ACL settings.

Quick Start Guide — aclEZ 3

Plus there's support for Full Access 3.2 Explore the groups in a Notes Address 3.3 Ytria aclEZ supports Full Access
3 Administration, a tool for exploring
NAB groups, a Global ACL Properties
Book: The NAB Group Navigator can be found in aclEZ's
Tools menu. This feature lets you see all the groups and
Administration: Just click Options>Full Access
Administration to turn on this feature. The aclEZ
viewer and more… Here are just a few of the group members on a server's NAB, including nested groups. implementation of Full Access in no way circumvents Notes
The NAB Group nativator lets you see a server's group security, therefore in order to use Full Access Administration
other features: information in either a ‘Tree’ layout or a grid. in aclEZ (or any of our tools for that matter) you must be
listed as a Full Access Administrator on the server; this is set
3.1 See advanced ACL information for all in Domino Administrator.
databases on a server at once: In the Global ACL
Properties tab you can see all the information you'd find
in the ‘Advanced’ and ‘Log’ tabs in the Lotus Notes Access
Control dialog. But unlike Notes, aclEZ lets you see this
information for many databases at the same time. Just
select all the databases whose advanced ACL information
you'd like to see in the Databases pane and the information
will appear in the Global ACL properties tab, each line
representing the ACL properties on a database. The
information in this tab is laid out in an easy-to-read grid.
You can also right-click one-or-more entries and choose
Edit Element to modify the Administration Server settings
for your selection.
3.3 aclEZ's title bar will remind you if Full Access
Administration is turned on

The Global ACL Properties panel lets you see advanced

ACL information and change administration server

Quick Start Guide — aclEZ 4

Ytria agentEZ lets you see and analyze all 1.1.1 Choose the type of agents to display: Near the
1 the agents on your server. Here's how: top of the Databases panel there is a menu where you can
specify the type of agents to show in agentEZ. Your options
are to display: All agents; Scheduled agents only (the default
setting); “Before new mail arrives” agents only; “After new
mail arrives” agents only; “All documents are created or
modified” agents only; or “When Server Starts” agents only.

1.1 See any agent—even private agents and

agents not running today: When you first launch agentEZ,
you'll be prompted to choose a server. Once a server is loaded,
the Databases panel (on the left) will list all the databases on
1.1.1 Choose which
Quick St rt the selected server. Ytria agentEZ will show the agents for any
databases checked in this panel. If you click the top-level
types of agents to

checkbox, only databases with agents will be checked off—
that's a great way to quickly determine which databases have Also, there is another pull-down menu in this panel that lets
agents. You have a number of options to help you narrow you choose between using the Design Collection or Basic
down your selection and organize agent information: Search to retreive agents. The Design Collection is faster but

See all the agents

on your Domino
server—even those
that aren't scheduled to run today.
Ytria agentEZ lets see the load on your
server, view agent logs, make mass
modifications to agents, sign agents
with your current ID and much more.

The main agentEZ window

the Basic Search option will show private/personal agents.
1.1.2 Quickly see detailed, sortable agent
(NB: The options in this menu won't affect Databases
panel checkbox selections after the fact. If you make a information: In the large main agentEZ pane (aka Grid
change in this menu you should re-select checkboxes for pane) you have access to a wealth of information about
the databases you'd like to work with). the agents contained in the selected databases. This pane
supports multi-layered grouping so you can sort agent
information by numerous variables (eg in figure 1.1.2a
! Note: Because of performance considerations, the agents are grouped by Schedule Type and Agent
agentEZ does not, by default, automatically load agent Schedule).
information. To load the agent information, simply
make a selection and click Ctrl+L. Alternately you 1.1.3 Customize agent data columns in the grid:
can set agentEZ to automatically load detailed agent The Grid Data Composition panel lets you choose which
information in the Options menu. columns of agent data to include in the grid. Disabling
superfluous columns can greatly speed up performance
when dealing with very large sets of agents. Conversely, 1.2a  See detailed agent runtime information in agentEZ
you can use this panel to display a number of columns
that are not shown by default (eg ‘Run on Behalf’ of).

1.2b  For even more information, you can view an

Agent Log
1.1.2a  Sorting by Schedule Type and Agent Schedule
in agentEZ

1.1.3 The Grid Data

Composition panel

1.2 Figure out how much agents are

contributing to your server load (or if they're
running at all): Ytria agentEZ lets you know the duration
of an agent's last runtime via the Last Run Duration column
in the main agentEZ pane. The Last Run Date column,
which appears in the same pane, has a button that will
1.1.2b  Sorting agents by Enable/Disable status in agentEZ open an Agent's log, if you need more detailed information.

Quick Start Guide — agentEZ 2

The Agent Selector lets you Zoom In and Zoom Here you Toggle between displaying
1.3 The Agent Timeline for a visual overview of
highlight an agent in the grid by Out let you change can choose ‘scheduled agents only’ or
clicking it in the timeline the timeline scale a date range ‘all agent in grid’ the agent runtimes: See when and how long agents ran
on your server in the Agent Timeline panel. All the agent
runtimes are displayed in a Gantt chart, so longer bars
correspond to longer agent runtimes. The Agent Timeline
will only show agents displayed in the Grid pane. This
means that any active filters in the Grid pane will remove
agents from the timeline. Please note than detailed agent
information (Ctrl + L) must be loaded in the grid for the
timeline to appear.

1.3 The Agent Timeline panel Agent run durations are indicated

by bars on the timeline

With agentEZ it's simple to modify one 2.1.1 Delete Agent(s): This contextual menu option

2 or more agents. Here's how: allows you to delete any agents selected in the main grid.

2.1.2 Enable/Disable: These contextual menu

options let you enable or disable selected agents.
2.1 Modify agents
with a click of your 2.1.3 Change “Run on”: This contextual menu option
right mouse button:
lets you change the server on which an agent will run.
If you right-click a selection
in agentEZ you have a
number of options for
modifying agents.

Changing the “Run on” setting in agentEZ

Contextual menu 2.1.4 Change Generic Properties: This contextual

options in agentEZ menu option lets you change a number of agent properties. 2.1.4 Change agent properties in agentEZ

Quick Start Guide — agentEZ 3

2.1.5 Change Runtime Properties: This contextual ! Note: When you
2.1.10 Run on Behalf of: This option lets you
menu option lets you edit one-or-more agents' runtime change the Run on Behalf of setting for any selected
modify an agent in
properties. agents. The dialog lets you either select a name from a
agentEZ you'll see a
NAB or find a user in a profile document. The latter
‘pencil icon’ ( ) but
option is useful for setting Out of Office agents to run on
in order for the changes
behalf of the mail file owner.
to actually be applied to
your server you must click
Ctrl + S or select “Sign
and Save all modified”
in the File menu.

2.1.10 The Run on Behalf of dialog box

2.1.5 Change Runtime properties in agentEZ

2.1.11 Rename Agent(s): The option lets you
enter a new name and alias for the agents selected in
the grid.
2.1.6 Sign and Save Selected: This contextual
menu option lets you sign and save an agent with the 2.2 Use Full Access Administration:
current ID. This is a handy way to fix certain agent agentEZ (like all other Ytria tools) supports Full Access
signature issues. Administration. To turn it on you simply click Options>Full
Access Administration. This implementation in no way
2.1.7 Sign with another ID (with signEZ): This circumvents Notes security, so you must be listed as Full
contextual menu option lets you sign and save agents 2.1.7 Using signEZ and agentEZ together to sign Access Administrator in order to use Full Access
selected in the grid with another Notes ID. In order to agents with a different ID Administration in agentEZ.
use this feature you must have a licensed copy of Ytria
signEZ installed. 2.2a  Full Access
in agentEZ
2.1.8 Open in Designer: The option lets you open a
selected agent in Domino designer.

2.1.9 Run Agent on Server: The option lets you run

a selected agent on the server. This feature generates a
command and displays it in a dialog box. From the dialog
box you can click OK to send the command to the
Domino console or Cancel to dismiss it.
2.1.9 Tell the sever to run selected
agents using agentEZ
2.2b  agentEZ's title bar will remind you if Full Access
Administration is turned on

Quick Start Guide — agentEZ 4

Ytria signEZ lets you quickly sign or audit 1.2.1 More options: The options in the bottom of the
1 signatures for multiple documents.
Here's how:
Settings tab are contextual, changing depending on which
Action option is selected above. For a detailed explanation of
available settings, please see the Ytria Help Database at

1.1 Choose which design elements to work with:

Just make a checkbox selection in the Design Elements tab of
the main signEZ window to choose which design elements
Quick St rt you'd like to sign or audit.

guide 1.2 Set your options: In the Settings tab of the main
signEZ window you can choose what you'd like to do with any
selected design elements. The three Action options are: Sign;
Clean and Sign (ie sign plus delete the selected design elements'
Your Notes signature $UpdatedBy fields); and Audit.

nightmares are over.

The Selection Tree in the main signEZ window 1.2  The signEZ Settings tab
Ytria signEZ gives you
complete control over database signing.
It allows you to: delegate signatures
to other users; sign using stored IDs;
The signEZ Design Elements tab is where you
audit signatures; and batch sign multiple select the documents you'd like to work with

databases. And signEZ does all this

without circumventing Notes security.

This button can either be “Sign”, “Clean & Sign”

or “Audit“ depending on what action setting you
choose in the Settings tab
Once you have an ID file stored you can set conditions button (whichever you chose in the Settings tab will
1.3 Choose a signing ID: The Sign Using tab lets
for its use by clicking the Stored ID info button. In the appear) at the bottom of the main SignEZ window. A
you choose options related to signature IDs. This tab is Signature or Audit Status window will appear after signing
divided into three sections: Stored ID information; Sign Stored ID Information window, you can set who has
access to a stored ID and in what databases these users or auditing. This window offers grouping functionality
using another ID; and Sign using current ID. (dragging column headers to sort information) and it also
can sign with this ID.
offers an Export to File option. When exporting, you can
! Note: In signEZ you can sign using another ID and
choose between HTML and plain text.

open databases in Notes or Designer will not close 1.4.1 Remember my settings: If you sign or audit
on you (as they would if you switched IDs in Notes).
any design elements while the Remember my settings
checkbox is ticked, signEZ will create a document in the
signEZ database that will save your signature or audit
1.3.2 Sign using another ID: From here you can settings for future use.
select an ID file to use for signatures. You can sign with
any ID provided you know its password. ! Note: These saved settings will be the defaults
for the database currently open in signEZ. If
1.3.3 Sign using current ID: Here you can opt to
the database already has default settings, clicking
use the currently logged-in ID for signatures. Remember My Settings will overwrite them.

The signEZ Sign Using tab 1.4 Signing and auditing: Once you've made a
The signEZ
selection in the Design Elements tab and set the Remember my
1.3.1 Stored ID information: From here you can
parameters to your liking in the Settings and Sign Using settings checkbox
tabs you're ready to click the Sign, Clean and Sign or Audit
store and manage signature ID files. If you click the Store
a new ID button, you can choose an ID file (you'll be
prompted to enter its password) and once you click Save
it will be placed in the current signEZ database (see 2.1
for more on this database). ID passwords will be
protected using signEZ's AES‑based encryption algorithm.

1.3.1  The signEZ Stored ID Information window allows 1.4  The signEZ Signature
you to delegate design signatures and Audit Status window

Quick Start Guide — signEZ 2

The signEZ database lets you batch
2 sign, analyze signature logs and more.
Here's how:

2.1 The signEZ database: This NSF database is

used as a container for stored ID files, logs (optional) and
Saved Settings documents, plus it serves as a powerful
application in its own right. You can access a number of
signEZ's advanced features through the signEZ database.
This database is either called YtriaEZSuite.nsf (which you
should have if you installed signEZ as part of a suite) or
signEZ.nsf (if you installed signEZ on its own). Whatever .nsf
file you use, it should be placed on a server if you plan on
using it to hold delegated stored IDs or logs.
You can have as many signEZ databases as you like (eg it
may be useful to have separate databases for storing ID files 2.1.1  The Saved Settings view in the signEZ database
and logs, each with different ACL settings), you just need
to use the ‘Link to Another signEZ Database’ command
in the signEZ application's Database menu to switch active

! Note: If you accidentally deleted your signEZ

database, don't worry: you can download a new
copy at Just click the Downloads link
and look for signEZ Template.

2.1.1 The Saved Settings view: This is the first

of the two views in the signEZ database. If you checked
the Remember my settings box, any of the settings used
for signing or auditing will appear here. You can execute
one-or-more saved signing/auditing operations from this
view by selecting the documents then clicking the
Execute (or Execute with Another ID) action bar button.

2.1.2 The Logs view: The other view in the signEZ 2.1.1  The Logs view in the signEZ database
database is used to store signature or audit logs if you
either chose to save logs in the Settings tab in signEZ or
enable forced logging for delegated signing ID users.
And you can extend the power of signEZ with
You don't necessarily need to use a signEZ database
to store your logs—you can set any database to be the 3 LotusScript. Here's how:
log container from the Force Log tab of the Stored ID
Information dialog—but this view is already there for you
if you choose a signEZ database. 3.1 Power-users can craft their own custom signEZ
solutions: Go to for more information.

Quick Start Guide — signEZ 3

Ytria viewEZ gives you total control over
1 view columns. Here's how:

1.1 View columns laid out right before your eyes: If

you make a selection in the main viewEZ screen (all your database's
views and columns will be listed in the Selection Tree) and click
Quick St rt the Columns button you'll arrive at the Columns window.

There are three tabs in the Columns window, and each offers
a different way of looking at a view's columns:

1.1.1 Columns by Position in View: Each header in this

tab represents a design element (ie views or folders). Each cell
Take complete control represents a view column or folder column. The order in which
The main viewEZ window features the Selection Tree (for selecting
the cells appear corresponds to their position in the view. designs) plus a Filter by Property button (lets you narrow down
of your Notes views and You can drag-and-drop or copy/paste view or folder columns design selections using view and/or folder properties).
between design elements on this screen.
folders. Ytria viewEZ
lets you mass-edit view proper ties, 1.1.2 Columns by Links to Shared Columns: This tab ! Note: If you have more than one instance of viewEZ open,
looks very similar to the Columns by Position in View tab you can drag-and-drop view columns between databases.
preview any changes and undo what except it's designed to give a quick overview of where shared
you've done. columns are being used.

1.1.1  The viewEZ Columns by Position in View tab 1.1.2  The viewEZ Columns by Link to Shared Columns tab
formula search options (found in the Search menu and
1.1.3 Columns by Properties: From here you can
the right-click menu). There are options which allow you
see all your columns and folders sorted by their properties to perform regular expression searches for strings or fields
(eg design element type, font size, column width, etc). in column formulas plus there's a very handy Analyze
You can customize this tab to display only the properties Column Formulas option.
you wish to see (just select or de-select items under Grid
Columns in the right-click menu). This tab offers grouping Analyze Column Formulas gives a quick overview of
functionality (drag the column headers to sort). which view columns share the same formula. When this
Additionally, you can export the displayed information feature is engaged, viewEZ will tag cells with a number;
to a text or HTML file with the Export to File command cells with numbers that are alike share the same column
which you'll find in viewEZ's Columns menu. formulas. You can then click Ctrl + T for the Quick Tag
Select feature which selects all columns with a given
column formula.

1.2.1  Mass-edit view columns in viewEZ

1.3.1  Analyze column formulas in viewEZ

1.3.2 Color coded information: In all three tabs

in the Columns window, you have a choice of color
coding schemes for view columns. To cycle between
color schemes, just click the F‑keys below:

1.1.3  The viewEZ Columns by Properties tab > F5: Shared/Not Shared

! Note: you can make non-contiguous selections by

holding down the Ctrl key). > F6: Sort Type

> F7: Family

1.2 With viewEZ you can see and edit several
view columns all at once:
1.2.2  Ytria viewEZ lets you see selected column formulas
side-by-side > F8: Hidden/Not Hidden
1.2.1 Edit or mass-edit view column properties:
Just right-click your selection and choose Column
Properties from the resulting contextual menu. 1.3 Ytria viewEZ gives you lots of view column
information in a single glance: > F9: Modified/Not Modified
1.2.2 Compare column formulas: Again, just
right‑click your selection and pick the Column Formula 1.3.1 Column formula search options: In both the
option in the contextual menu and a window will appear Columns by Position in View or Columns by Link to
where you can compare and contrast the formulas. Shared Column tabs you have access to powerful column

Quick Start Guide — viewEZ 2

1.4 Preview your changes in Lotus Notes in
no time: If you select some cells in either the Columns by
Position in View or Columns by Link to Shared Column tabs
you have access to the Generate Preview of Selected Views
function. You can find this command in the Columns menu.

1.4  Ytria viewEZ lets you preview

your changes in Lotus Notes

An example of a Notes view changed using viewEZ

Change from this...

... to this in a few clicks
Ytria viewEZ gives you the power to
2 mass-edit view formulas and
properties. Here's how:
2.2 Use existing views as templates: You can use
any existing view or folder as a template for updating view/
folder properties. To do so, click the Populate Tab Using
2.1 Access to view Properties and the Another View or Folder button highlighted in figure 2.2;
Programmer's pane options in a single window— the resulting Select a Design dialog will list all the views and
with mass-editing capabilities: If you make a selection folders in your current database (you can also click the
in the main viewEZ window and click Views it will take you Open Database button to load another database for more
to the View Properties window. This window offers all the choices of design elements). Once you've found a view or
options you would find in the Domino Designer View folder you'd like to use, just click the Select button and the
Properties windows plus the formula options found in the ‘template’ design's settings will be applied to the active
Programmer's pane. But unlike Domino Designer, viewEZ View Properties tab.
lets you modify as many views as you want at the same time.

2.2  Select any design and use it as a template for view/

2.1  Mass-edit view properties and formulas in viewEZ folder properties

Quick Start Guide — viewEZ 3

Ytria actionBarEZ lets you scrutinize and
1 modify action properties and formulas.
Here's how:

1.1 A bird's eye view of database actions: Just make a

selection in the main actionBarEZ screen then click the Actions
Quick St rt button and then the Actions window will appear. The Actions
window shows all the actions associated with the selected

guide design elements in a table.

1.1.1 Cells equal actions: In the Actions window, each

cell represents an action. The order in which the cells appear
corresponds with their position in an action bar.
Take control
The selection tree in the main actionBarEZ window
of your Notes
actions and
action bars. Ytria actionBarEZ lets
you completely overhaul the look and
feel of your Notes applications' action
bars in a few simple clicks

1.1  Ytria actionBarEZ lets you quickly

see and edit all the actions in all your
design elements
1.1.2 Headers equal design elements: Each ! Note: you can make non-contiguous selections by
column header in the Actions window represents a
holding down the Ctrl key).
design element (eg views or folders).

1.1.3 Submenus stand out: In actionBarEZ, submenus 1.4 Create shared actions in single step: Just
are delineated by cells with diagonal stripes. drag a cell to the Shared Action column (it's on the far left
of the View by Position in Action Bar tab) and voilà—it
becomes a shared action.

1.5 See exactly where shared actions are

being used: The View by Link to Shared Actions tab
Submenus in actionBarEZ quickly tells you where a shared action is used. This is handy
1.2a  Double-click if you plan on deleting a shared action and want to be sure
a selection in the it's not in use. In this tab, actionBarEZ also flags duplicate
1.1.4 Color schemes: Ytria actionBarEZ offers five
actionBarEZ Actions shared action usage with a brown cell.
color schemes; each scheme tags columns cells with
window to change its
different information about your database's actions. Use functional properties
the following F-keys to cycle between color schemes:

> F5: Shared/Not Shared

> F6: Action Type

> F7: Show Menu/Bar

> F8: Hide Notes/Web/Mobile

> F9: Modified/Not Modified

1.2b  You can modify
multiple actions
simultaneously in
1.2 Change the way your actions work: If you actionBarEZ
select one or more cells in the Actions window and then
double-click your left mouse button, actionBarEZ will open
a window where you can modify action properties. The first 1.3 Drag-and-drop or cut-and-paste actions: In
three tabs are the same as the Action Properties window in the View by Position in Action Bar tab you can completely
Domino Designer. The fourth tab displays either System overhaul your action bars with a few clicks of the mouse. 1.5  See where actions are being shared in actionBarEZ
command; Simple action; Formula; LotusScript; JavaScript; You can drag-and-drop an action to move it to another
or Web JavaScript depending on the action. This tab will design element's action bar. You can also cut, copy, paste
not appear when multiple actions are selected. or delete actions in this tab.

Quick Start Guide — actionBarEZ 2

Give your actions bars an instant 2.1 Mass-edit cosmetic aspects of your action 2.2 Copy action bar properties from another
2 makeover with actionBarEZ.
Here's how:
bars: With actionBarEZ's Action Bars Window you'll have
access to all the options in the Domino Designer Action Bar
database: If you click the Select a Design button in the
Action Bars dialog, you can pick a design element in any
Properties box but with a big added bonus—you can apply database and actionBarEZ will populate the Action Bars
these changes to many action bars at once. To do this, just window based on the settings of this design element. This
make a selection in the main actionBarEZ window and click feature is a great way to ensure that all your databases'
the Action Bars button. You can then make any desired action bars have a consistent look and feel.
changes in the Action Bars window. Your database will
remain unchanged until you click the Apply button.

With actionBarEZ you can overhaul the Ytria actionBarEZ lets you copy action bar
look of many action bars simultaneously properties from other databases
The Action Bars window in actionBarEZ

Quick Start Guide — actionBarEZ 3

Ytria designPropEZ lets you instantly
1 search for design element properties.
Here's how:
 ote: In the Search Properties window designPropEZ
will ignore a design property if its checkbox is marked
with a green square.

A] Select some items in the selection treethen click the

Search button in the main designPropEZ window.
B] In the Search Properties window, tick the checkboxes for
Quick St rt properties you'd like to find.

guide C] Click Search in this window.

D] Voilà—the design properties of the database will appear
in the Search Results window. The Search Results
window supports grouping (the gray header labeled ‘drag
a column header here to group by that content’) to help
you organize the information. You can also export the
data in this window to a number of common file formats.

Search, audit and update design element

properties in designPropEZ.

The designPropEZ Search Properties screen

The designPropEZ main screen

With designPropEZ you can audit all
2 the design element properties in a
database. Here's how:
A] Click the Audit button in the main designPropEZ
B] In the resulting Audit Results window you can drag
a column header (eg Inherit From) into the grouping
area to organize the results of your audit. This is a
quick way to see design element properties across an
entire database. Data from this window can also be

The designPropEZ
Audit screen

You can use designPropEZ to batch You can batch process across several
3 update design element properties.
Here's how:
4 databases with designPropEZ and
LotusScript. Here's how:
 ote: For more information on this feature
see the Ytria Online Help Database:
A] Click the Update button in the main designPropEZ A] Open your designPropEZ installer database (it will be
window. called “designPropEZ.nsf” if you only downloaded
the individual tool and it will be called “YtriaEZsuite.
B] In the resulting Update Properties window, tick off nsf” if you downloaded the entire EZ Suite). The file
the checkboxes for the options you'd like enable. is installed to your Notes directory by default.
Click a checkbox until it is blank if you'd like to
disable an option. B] From the designPropEZ database view you can create,
edit or launch Batch documents.
C] Click Update. If you choose to apply the changes an
Update Results will appear. You can export the data
in this window.

!  ote: In the Update Properties window

designPropEZ will ignore a design property if its
checkbox is marked with a green square.

Quick Start Guide — designPropEZ 2

You can launch databaseEZ from Lotus Notes, Domino Designer, or Domino Administrator with this toolbar.

The Databases panel lists the databases on The Grid Data Composition panel lets you
your server; tick checkboxes for the databases choose which NSF properties to show in the
The main grid shows the databases on
you wish to show in the main grid. main grid.
your server along with their properties.

Get a bird’s-eye-view of global
database properties on a
Domino server—fast.
Ytria databaseEZ lets you
manage NSF properties with
greater speed and precision. And
its troubleshooting tools help The Output panel (not shown) displays The Property Analyzer grid displays the
you quickly find and fix database logs and errors. databases with issues or unusual properties.
issues on your servers. (e.g. duplicate Replica IDs)


With databaseEZ you can
see and edit properties
for all the databases on a
server. Here’s how:
1.1 1.1.1
Analyze global NSF properties Group, sort and filter global database
in a grid: When you launch properties: In the main grid each
databaseEZ, you’ll be prompted database is represented as a row and
to choose a server. Once a each column shows a different NSF
server is selected, the left- property.
1.1.2 Summarized data: Yellow shading indicates properties retrieved using summarized data— they’re shown
hand panel (Databases) lets This grid interface lets you group by nearly instantly.
you click checkboxes for any column headers or perform sorting /
or all databases to show their filtering operations. 1.1.2
properties in the main grid. See summarized data immediately or
load complete information: When you
1.1.1 Grouping by column headers: This example shows a multi-tiered grouping based on three NSF properties. first populate the grid, the majority of
properties will be shown immediately—
these are gathered using summarized
data. What’s more, the use of summarized
data lets you see many properties for
databases to which you have no access.
To show the remaining properties, click
Ctrl+L or Edit>Load Complete
Database Information.
Choose the properties to analyze with
the Grid Data Composition panel:
Roughly 100 database properties can
be shown in the main grid, but to make
things more visually manageable, only
22 are shown by default.
The Grid Data Composition panel lets
you customize the properties shown in
the grid, just tick the checkboxes then
click ‘Apply.’ You can also save your
preferences (or even multiple sets of
preferences) in this panel.

1.1.3 The Grid Data Composition panel: Use checkboxes

to choose the properties to show in the main grid.


With databaseEZ it’s Edit Database Design Properties: Note:
simple to mass-modify This option lets you manage properties Databases changed in the grid are
database properties. that correspond with the Database marked with a ‘pencil’ icon. However,
Here’s how: Design tab of the Database properties changes won’t be written to the server
until you click Server>Apply Changes
dialog in Lotus Notes. (e.g. ‘Show in Open
(Ctrl+S ) or Right-Click>Apply
2.1 Application dialog’ and ‘Template name’). Changes to Selected.
Contextual menu options: The 2.1.3
right-click menu in databaseEZ Edit Database Advanced Properties:
offers numerous options for Also, some properties require that you
This option lets you manage properties perform a compact operation after editing
managing database properties that correspond with the Advanced tab (i.e. “Don’t Maintain unread marks”;
either individually or en-masse, of the Database properties dialog in “Optimize Document Table Map”; “Quota
including the following: Lotus Notes. (e.g. ‘Don’t maintain unread Limit”; “Don’t support specialized
2.1.1 marks’ and ‘Allow soft deletions’). response hierarchy”; and “Compress
database design”). If the compact step is
Edit Database Basic Properties: This 2.1.4 omitted, changes won’t be applied.
option lets you manage properties that Edit Database Miscellaneous
correspond with the Basics tab of the Properties: This option lets you manage
Database properties dialog in Lotus 2.1.5
properties related to User Activity and
Notes. (e.g. ‘Don’t allow URL open’ and Edit Replia ID/ Generate Replica
Replication Settings. (e.g. ‘Record user
‘Disable background agents’). ID(s): You can right-click any database
activity’ and ‘Temporarily disable
in the grid to change its Replica ID.
You can also right-click multiple selected
databases and generate new replica IDs
for them.
Export IND File: This allows you to
export an IND file with the names of all the
databases currently selected in the grid.

Open with…aclEZ/agentEZ/
designPropEZ/scanEZ/signEZ: These
options let you open selected databases
in other Ytria tools.

Like all Ytria software, databaseEZ is fully
compliant with Lotus Notes security. You
must have sufficient access in order to
You can mass-edit global NSF proper- make changes to databases.
ties, see 2.1.1 to 2.1.4 for more.


2.2 3.1.3 3.1.8
Full Access Administration: Inherits from a template that does Launch Analyzer on startup of
Like all other Ytria tools, not exist: This will reveal databases databaseEZ: By checking this option
databaseEZ supports Full Access that are set to inherit from a nonexistent the Property Analyzer dialog will appear
Administration. If you’re listed as template. each time you open databaseEZ.
a Full Access Administrator on the 3.1.4 3.1.9
server you can enable (or disable) Database has a specific percentage Save Settings and Run Analyzer: This
this feature by clicking Options> of quota remaining (%): This will reveal performs the Property Analyzer scan on
Full Access Administration. all databases that have reached or all databases shown in the grid and also
exceeded a given percentage of their saves your settings.
size quota.
3.1.5 Save Settings: Saves property settings
No data change since n days: Shows for the next time you open the Property
any databases where document data Analyzer.
has not changed since before the
given number of days.
Design changed within last n days:
Shows database where the design has
changed within the number of days

With databaseEZ you
The right-click menu in databaseEZ’s main grid. can scan a server for 3.1.7 3.2 The Property Analyzer Results grid: Databases
issues or aberrations, Database has reached a specific found using a Serverwide Property Analyzer scan are
shown in this grid.
Sign/Audit with Another ID (with
here’s how: size: Displays databases that match or
exceed the size given. 3.2
signEZ): This lets you directly sign
or audit the design elements for any 3.1 Property Analyzer grid results:
selected database. This option requires The Serverwide Property If you click Save Settings and
that you also own Ytria signEZ. Analyzer: This utility lets you Run Analyzer, any databases
find databases with unusual that match the entered criteria
2.1.9 or problematic properties; to will appear in the Property
Open in Designer/Open in Notes launch it, click Tools>Property Analyzer grid at the bottom of
Client: These options allow you to open Analyzer. The following property the databaseEZ window. From
selected databases in either the Notes analysis options are available: here you can group, sort or filter
client or Domino Designer.
3.1.1 column headers. You can also
2.1.10 Template name duplicates: This will flag right-click databases to select
Delete database(s): You can use this any identical template names. 3.1 The Serverwide Property Analyzer dialog: You can them in the main grid.
to delete any databases you have scan a Domino server for databases that meet the
3.1.2 conditions entered here.
selected in the grid.
Replica ID duplicates: This will find
databases that share the same Replica ID.


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