Five Basic Facts: "What Is Your Name?"

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Five Basic Facts These five questions will help you get to know people.

They are simple questions with simple answers and provide information so you can ask more questions. What is your name? Where do you live? What do you do? Are you married? Where are you from? More questions for ... These questions help to continue the conversation after your first question. "What is your name?" It's a pleasure to meet you. Where are you from? That's an interesting name. Is it Chinese / French / Indian, etc.? "Where do you live?" How long have you lived there? Do you like that neighborhood? Do you live in an apartment or house? "What do you do?" Which company do you work for? How long have you had that job? Do you like your job? What's the best / worst thing about your job? What do you like best / least about your job? "Are you married?" How long have been married? Where did you get married? What does your husband / wife do? Do you have any children? "Where are you from?" Where is ....? How long did you live there?

What is XYZ like? Do you like living here? Hobbies / Free Time These questions will help you continue conversations and find out more about people's likes and dislikes. What do you like doing in your free time? Can you play tennis / golf / soccer / etc.? What kind of films / food / vacations do you enjoy? What do you do on weekends / Saturdays? More questions for ... These questions will help you ask for more detail. "What do you like doing in your free time?" How often do you (listen to music, eat out in restaurants, etc.)? Where do you (listen to music, eat out in restaurants, etc.) in this town? Why do you like (listening to music, eating out in restaurants, etc.) so much? "Can you play tennis / golf / soccer / etc.?" Do you enjoy playing tennis /golf /soccer /etc.? How long have you played tennis /golf /soccer /etc.? Who do you play tennis /golf /soccer /etc. with? "What kind of films / food / vacations do you enjoy?" What's the best place to see /eat / go on vacations? What's the best type of film /food / vacation, etc. in your opinion? How often do you watch films / eat out / go on vacation? "What do you do on weekends / Saturdays?" Where do you go to ...? Could you recommend a good place to (go shopping / take my children swimming / etc.)? How long have you done that?

Useful English Phrases at the Airport

1) Buying a ticket I'd like to reserve two seats to New York. Will that be one way or round trip? How much is a round trip ticket? It's $819. Will you pay by check or by credit card? Here's my Visa Card. Can we get an aisle seat please? You can choose your seat when you check in. 2) Checking In Can I see your ticket and passport, please? Here they are. Can we get one seat near the aisle? Yes, that's no problem. You're in seats 27B and 27C. Thanks. Where do we go next? Go to Gate A8, straight ahead then turn left.

3) On the Airplane Would you like something to drink? Could I have Coke with no ice? Here you are. Please fill out this form before the plane lands. What is this form for? It's a Customs and Immigration form. You will use that in the airport before you can enter the country. 4) The Arrival Thank you for flying East West Airlines! I had a good trip. Thanks for your help. It was our pleasure and we hope to see you again. 5) Getting through Customs Do you have anything to declare? I just have one bottle of wine. It's a gift for my friend. How much wine is in the bottle? It contains 750ml.

That's fine. Have a nice stay. 6) Getting your luggage At which carrousel will our luggage be? At number 5, over there. Great! I'll get a cart right away. Be sure you have your luggage ticket. Yes, it's right here attached to my plane ticket. 7) Going through Immigration What's in the small bag? I have a laptop computer and some books. Could you open it please and turn on your computer. Sure. It will take a few moments to boot up. Okay, everything seems okay. You can go. 8) Get out! Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? Go down to the end of the hall and the taxis are waiting just outside. Thank you! Karin and Ken were going to Atlanta. They called the from Karin's house. Because the , Karin ran

driver was late, they got a little bit worried. When they finally got to the inside the . She and Ken were taking separate

. Because she had gotten an , she didn't need to .

, she didn't need to get a check any

. Since she only had a

. She got through the line at .

, and went directly to

She was just in time to catch her

Use These Words:

airport baggage boarding pass carry-on bag e-ticket flight flights shuttle terminal the gate the X-ray machine
air hostess air traffic control azafata control de trnsito areo

aircraft avin, aeronave airline aerolnea airline counter mostrador airport aeropuerto aisle seat asiento del lado del pasillo animal in hold animal vivo en la bodega arrivals llegadas arrivals are delayed las llegadas estn demoradas arrivals are on schedule las llegadas estn en horario baggage / luggage equipaje baggage allowance lmite de equipaje baggage carousel (US) cinta transportadora de equipaje baggage claim reclamo de equipaje baggage compartment compartimiento para equipaje boarding pass pase de abordo briefcase maletn, portafolios bumpy flight vuelo turbulento cabin cabina carry-on luggage equipaje de mano checked luggage equipaje facturado check-in desk mostrador de facturacin cockpit cabina del piloto concourse explanada connecting flight conexin control tower torre de control copilot copiloto crew tripulacin customs aduana customs official funcionario de aduana delayed demorado departure lounge saln de espera departures salidas departures are delayed las salidas estn demoradas departures are on schedule las salidas estn en horario direct flight/ non-stop flight vuelo directo domestic flight vuelo de cabotaje duty free libre de impuestos emergency exit salida de emergencia emergency landing aterrizaje de emergencia excess baggage exceso de equipaje excess baggage charge recargo por exceso de equipaje final destination destino final flight attendant azafata, auxiliar de vuelo flight number nmero de vuelo gate puerta immigration inmigracin immigration official funcionario de inmigracin in-flight manual manual de la tripulacin international flight vuelo internacional jet bridge manga, pasarela jet lag descompensacin por la diferencia horaria landing aterrizaje layover hotel hotel de pernocta life vest salvavidas loudspeakers altoparlantes

luggage / baggage equipaje luggage allowance lmite de equipaje luggage compartment compartimiento para equipaje luggage conveyor belt (GB) cinta transportadora meal tray bandeja de comida meeting point punto de encuentro on schedule en horario one-way trip viaje de ida overbooking sobreventa (de asientos) overweight sobrepeso passengers lounge saln de espera pilot piloto plane avin registered luggage equipaje certificado, despachado restroom / lavatory sanitarios round trip viaje de ida y vuelta runway pista scales balanzas seat asiento seat belt cinturn de seguridad shuttle bus autobs de traslado stopover escala suitcase maleta stewardess azafata (old fashioned) take-off despegue timetable listado de horarios time of arrival hora de llegada actual time of arrival (ATA) hora de llegada real time of departure hora de salida actual time of departure (ATD) hora de salida real to frisk cachear to board abordar to check in facturar el equipaje to fasten the seatbelt abrocharse el cinturn de seguridad to land aterrizar to put out the cigarettes apagar los cigarrillos to take off despegar take-off despegue terminal terminal tourist turista travel agency agencia de viajes trolley carrito turbulence turbulencia visa visado, visa window seat asiento del lado de la ventanilla wind directional indicator manga indicadora de direccin del viento

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