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, 2012, 1(1), 65-69



Tomesh Verma1, Raj Kumar Sahu1

CSIT, Durg C.G., India

Face recognition has been the most widely used application of image analysis. Its popularity is due to wide range of commercial and law enforcement applications and presence of latest techniques. It also has several applications in areas such as content-based image retrieval, video coding, video conferencing, crowd surveillance, and intelligent humancomputer interfaces. But current systems are having laggings, which still needed to be worked upon like illumination and pose variations.This paper is a study of various techniques being used for face recognition. A face recognition system includes three steps face detection, feature extraction and face recognition. This paper includes various recognition techniques and descriptions of representative methods. The majority of face recognition methods have been developed by scientists with a very technical background such as biometry, pattern recognition and computer vision. The concepts and practical issues relating to the application of each step of a face recognition system and their various strategies are given, without going into technical details.

KEYWORDS: Challenges, face detection, face recognition, PCA, HMM, LDA.

Face Recognition, as the most successful applications of image analysis and understanding, has recently received significant attention. Recognition implies the tasks of identification or authentication. Identification involves a one-to-many comparison to fetch unknown identity from a set of known possibilities. Authentication involves a one-to-one comparison to verify a claimed identity. Furthermore, closely related to recognition is classification where the problem is to identify a group of individuals as sharing some common features. Their applications include security monitoring, automated surveillance systems, access control, mug shot identification, suspect versus perpetrator verification, facial reconstruction, victim and missing person identification, design of human computer interfaces, multimedia communication, medical diagnosis and treatment planning.

In a face recognition system, 3 steps includes: Face detection, feature extraction & face recognition. In any system, challenges are race, age, gender, facial expression, or speech may be used in narrowing the search. In order to solve this problem, segmentation of faces (face detection) from cluttered scenes, feature extraction from the face regions, recognition, or verification is used. In identification, the input to the system is an unknown face, and the system reports back the determined identity from a database, whereas in verification problems, the system needs to confirm or reject the claimed identity. The first step in any automatic face recognition systems is the detection of faces in images.After a face has been detected, the task of feature extraction is to obtain features that are fed into a face classification system. Depending on the type of classification system, features can be local features such as lines or facial features such as eyes, nose, and mouth. Face detection may also employ features, in which case features are extracted simultaneously with face detection. Feature extraction is also a key to animation and recognition of facial expressions.

Figure 1. Configuration of a face recognition system [1].


International Journal of New Innovations

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