MS With Jelly Beans in OH

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Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

Ohio Standards Lesson Summary:

Connection: Students will be given an overview of isotopes and the
Physical Sciences
concept of determining atomic mass. Models will be used to
discover weighted averages of atomic masses and
Benchmark B radioactive isotope emissions. Students will then
Recognize that some investigate a real world application by researching one
atomic nuclei are unstable radioisotope used in medical treatment and/or diagnosis
and will spontaneously
break down.
and incorporating this information into a class-generated
Indicator 10
Explain the characteristics Estimated Duration: Two hours
of isotopes. The nuclei of
radioactive isotopes are
unstable and will
spontaneously decay
emitting particles and/or Commentary:
wavelike radiation. It This lesson will provide students with hands-on
cannot be predicted exactly opportunities to see how relative atomic masses are derived
when, if ever, an unstable while reinforcing prior knowledge of atomic structure. To
nucleus will decay, but a provide a real-world connection and to extend their
large group of identical
nuclei decay at a understanding of the behavior of radioisotopes, students will
predictable rate. investigate their use and value in treating and diagnosing
various medical conditions.

This lesson was field tested by teachers across the state of

Ohio. Some of the teacher comments about this lesson were:

• “I think it increased their (student) understanding of how

relative atomic masses are derived and helped reinforce
certain portions of atomic structure.”
• “…. weighted averages can be difficult to teach – good
• “I like the rigor and accuracy – excellent for the
benchmark and indicator for which it is written.”

Have students complete Attachment A, Pre-Assessment to
check for understanding.

Scoring Guidelines:
Use Attachment B, Pre-Assessment Key to assess student
work. Use the results of the pre-assessment to determine how
much review is necessary.

Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

Distribute copies of Attachment C, Post-Assessment, to students for directions for the
newsletter article on the use of radioisotopes in the medical field.

Instructional Tip:
The emphasis of this post-assessment should be on the chemical properties of radioisotopes
and their decay rates. The medical context helps students understand the practical
application. Scoring of the newsletter article should ensure that students understand the
properties of radioisotopes.

Scoring Guidelines:
See Attachment C, Post-Assessment Scoring Guidelines, to assess student work.

Instructional Procedures:

Part 1: Modeling Isotopic Mixtures of Elements

1. Review, as needed, the concept of isotopes.
2. To introduce the topic of weighted averages, have students work through the Example of
in Attachment E, Weighted Average found.
3. Conduct a whole-class discussion about weighted grade point averages. Help students
understand that the average is affected when one component is “heavier” (counts more)
than other components.
4. Build on the grade point average (GPA) example to help students understand that atomic
masses for elements are weighted averages of the masses of the isotopes of the element.
The average mass depends on both the masses of each isotope and the relative
proportions of each that occur naturally.
5. Use “isotopic” pennies, beans or candies such as jelly beans to represent isotopic
6. Provide the student groups with mixtures of pennies (both pre-1982 and post-1982),
candies or beans that are stored in plastic containers or plastic sandwich bags. Have
students use Attachment D, Modeling Isotopes to calculate the average mass of the
particles. This calculation is analogous to determining the atomic mass.

Instructional Tip:
• Pre-1982 and post-1982 pennies have different metallic composition and therefore have
different masses.
• Jelly beans and lima beans come in assorted sizes.
• Modeling of metals can also be done using different sized nails.

7. Conduct a whole-class discussion to make sure students make the connection between the
analogy (pennies representing isotopes) and atomic masses. Include the following
questions in the discussion:

Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

• In what ways was your “isotopic mixture” a good analogy or model for actual
isotopes? (Answer: The individual units of the mixture were the same substance (all
beans, pennies, nails, etc.), but the masses varied.)
• In what ways is this analogy or model misleading or incorrect? (Answers will vary
depending on the type of material used for the mixture. Isotopes have different masses
because they have different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. Beans have different
masses because they have different sizes. Pennies have different masses because their
compositions are different (made of different metals). It is not possible to visually sort
• Name another common item that can serve as a model for isotopes? (Answers will
vary but might include such things as seeds, candies or screws.)

8. Have the students determine the average atomic mass of an element by using the
following data for copper. (Answer: 0 .69x63 + 0.31x65 = 63.6)
• Cu-63 (69%)
• Cu-65 (31%)

Part Two: Modeling Radioactive Emissions

9. Discuss with students the concept of radioisotopes. Include in the discussion the
following questions:
• What are radioactive isotopes (radioisotopes)? (Answer: Isotopes that have too many
or too few neutrons, relative to the number of proton, for stability. The unstable
nucleus undergoes radioactive decay to achieve greater stability.)
• Why do things become less radioactive as time goes by? (Answer: Through
radioactive decay, the isotopes become stable.)
• What eventually happens to unstable radioisotopes? (Answer: They are eventually
transformed into stable non-radioactive isotopes of a different element.)
• Name one radioactive detection instrument. (Answer: Geiger Counter)
10. To simulate the decay of radioactive isotopes, have available to the students packing
peanuts and two by four inch paper strips, which will be used to model the difference in
mass, penetration and speed of emitted particles. Point out that different types of
particles are associated with different amounts of energy.
11. Have the students write the symbols for two protons and two neutrons on the packing
peanut. Ask the students to identify this arrangement (a helium atom). Tell them that this
represents an alpha particle. Ask the students to throw the packing peanuts onto the lab
table and comment on the impact of the collision. Point out that alpha particles are
relatively slow-moving and cannot penetrate skin.
12. Have students draw a large circle on the left end of the paper strip and label it as a
neutron. Tell students to draw an arrow from the circle to the right side of the paper and
draw a tiny circle at the tip of the arrow. Have them label the tiny circle as a beta particle
(an electron). In the large circle show that the neutron has changed into a proton by
having the students cross out the word neutron and replacing it with the word proton.

Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

13. Ask the students to tear off the end of paper that has the tiny circle and crumple it. Tell
them to throw it onto the lab table and comment on the impact of the collision. This
represents the release of a beta particle (a fast-moving electron) with a proton left behind
(because the neutron changed into a proton). Point out that the beta particles emitted have
a much higher energy and can penetrate the skin.
14. Explain to the students that just as they still have energy after throwing the objects, a
nucleus can still contain excess energy after emitting an alpha or beta particle. Explain
that this energy can be released as highly energetic gamma rays (electromagnetic energy
that is similar to light, but with much more energy). Explain that gamma rays can travel
much longer distances and can easily penetrate some objects, including human bodies,
unlike alpha (packing peanuts) or beta (crumpled paper) radiation.

Instructional Tip:
If possible, demonstrate the penetrating ability of alpha, beta and gamma radiation, using a
Geiger counter, radioactive disks and barriers of paper, cardboard, glass and lead. The disks,
which can be bought from most scientific supply companies, provide a safe way to
demonstrate radioactivity in the classroom.

Differentiated Instructional Support:

Instruction is differentiated according to learner needs to help all learners either meet the
intent of the specified indicator(s) or, if the indicator is already met, to advance beyond the
specified indicator(s).
• Provide students the opportunity to work together in cooperative groups.
• Provide students the materials to construct models of the nuclei of isotopes such as C-12
and C-13 to help them distinguish between protons and neutrons.
• Provide students with examples of how “weighted averages” are applied in real-life
• Provide students with a list of various comparisons of isotopic mixtures to develop
• Provide interested students the opportunity to research the use of radioimmunoassays
(RIAs) for the treatment of disease in its early stages.

• Have students design a “how it works” poster to summarize how a Geiger counter works.
• Have students explore the use of radioactive isotopes for dating the authenticity of
paintings and/or artifacts.

Homework Options and Home Connections:

Have students query family members and friends about their knowledge or experience with
devices that use radioisotopes such as the MRI or CAT Scans for imaging internal organs,
then generate a report of their findings.

Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

Materials and Resources:

The inclusion of a specific resource in any lesson formulated by the Ohio Department of
Education should not be interpreted as an endorsement of that particular resource, or any of
its contents, by the Ohio Department of Education. The Ohio Department of Education does
not endorse any particular resource. The Web addresses listed are for a given site’s main
page, therefore, it may be necessary to search within that site to find the specific information
required for a given lesson. Please note that information published on the Internet changes
over time, therefore the links provided may no longer contain the specific information related
to a given lesson. Teachers are advised to preview all sites before using them with students.

For the teacher: Pennies (pre-1982 and post-1982), beans, or candies, Geiger counter,
radioactive disks, sheets of cardboard, glass and lead.

For the students: Calculator, radioisotope “mixtures”, balance, packing peanuts, two by
four inch sheets of paper.
• atomic mass
• atomic number
• isotope
• mass number
• radioisotope
• radioactive dose
• relative abundance
• Geiger Counter

Technology Connections:
Use the Internet to access Web sites for the Post-Assessment. One possible site is the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

Research Connections:
Marzano, R., Pickering, D., Pollock, J. Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-Based
Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, Alexandria, Va.,: Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development. 2001

Identifying similarities and differences enhances students’ understanding of and ability

to use knowledge. This process includes comparing, classifying, creating metaphors and
creating analogies and may involve the following:
• Presenting students with explicit guidance in identifying similarities and differences;
• Asking students to independently identify similarities and differences;
• Representing similarities and differences in graphic or symbolic form.

Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

Nonlinguistic representations help students think about and recall knowledge. This
includes the following:
• Creating graphic representations (organizers);
• Making physical models;
• Generating mental pictures;
• Drawing pictures and pictographs;
• Engaging in kinesthetic activity.

General Tips:
• The word “isotope” comes from the Greek. It was coined in 1910. “Iso” means the same
or equal and “topos” means place. Isotopes are therefore atoms of the same element
(same position on the Periodic Table) that have different masses.
• Isotopes are common to all elements but some don’t occur in nature. Elements found in
nature are a mixture of isotopes. All isotopes of an element behave virtually in the same
way chemically, because the number of protons and electrons remains the same.
Isotopes, therefore, have no effect on bonding. A mass spectrometer is an instrument that
determines masses and relative abundances of isotopes.
• Some elements on the Periodic Table are radioactive and the nuclear decay is so rapid
that the atomic masses can’t be accurately measured.

Attachment A, Pre-Assessment
Attachment B, Pre-Assessment Key
Attachment C, Post-Assessment
Attachment D, Modeling Isotopes
Attachment E, Example of Weighted Averages

Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

Attachment A
Name __________________
Date ___________________
1. Use the Periodic Table to complete the following data table:
Atomic Total Total Mass
Isotope Symbol
Number Protons Neutrons Number*










*Number of nuclear particles (protons plus neutrons)

2. Distinguish between the atomic number and the mass number.

3. What is an isotope?

4. What is the difference between an isotope and a radioisotope?

5. Identify examples of isotopes that are radioactive.

Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

Attachment B
Pre-Assessment Key


Atomic Total Total Mass

Isotope Symbol
Number Protons Neutrons Number*
Hydrogen-2 1 1 1 2 H-2
Lithium-7 3 3 4 7 Li-7
Oxygen-16 8 8 8 16 O-16
Oxygen-17 8 8 9 17 O-17
Oxygen-18 8 8 10 18 O-18
Potassium-39 19 19 20 39 K-39
Potassium-41 19 19 22 41 K-41
Rubidium-87 37 37 50 87 Rb-87
Platinum-190 78 78 112 190 Pt-190
Thorium-232 90 90 142 232 Th-232

*Number of nuclear particles (protons plus neutrons)

2. The atomic number is the number of protons in an atom. The mass number is the sum of
the protons and neutrons in an atom. Electron mass is so small that it is not considered.

3. An isotope is two or more atoms of a chemical element with the same atomic number and
nearly identical chemical behavior, but with differing mass numbers and different
physical properties.

4. A radioisotope is an unstable isotope that emits radiation spontaneously. Point out that
not all isotopes are radioactive and undergo decay. For example, there are three isotopes
of oxygen, O-16, O-17 with one extra neutron and O-18 with two extra neutrons, and
none are radioactive nor undergo decay.

5. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: 3H, 14C, 32P, 35 S, 64
Cu, 99mTc,
123 67
I, Ga

Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

Attachment C
Radioisotopes have provided many benefits in the medical field. Your assignment is to
research one of the different types of medical treatments or diagnostic procedures that use
radioisotopes. Focus on either a disease or a diagnostic procedure to write an article for the
class newsletter titled “Radioisotope News.”
1. Identify a disease or condition benefited by radioisotopes.
2. Identify the radioisotope used and its chemical properties.
3. Trace the history of the treatment or diagnostic procedure.
4. Describe recent developments and updates of the treatments or diagnostic procedures.
5. Include statistics about success rates or benefits.
6. Submit a one-page article for the class-generated newsletter.

Post-Assessment Scoring Guidelines

Your work will be assessed with the guidelines outlined in the chart below.
Parameter Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Depth of Scientific information Scientific Scientific Scientific information
Understanding about medical treatments information about information about about medical
and diagnostic procedure medical treatments medical treatments treatments and
using radioisotopes is and diagnostic and diagnostic diagnostic procedure
accurate, and thoughtfully procedure using procedure using using radioisotopes
explained. radioisotopes is radioisotopes has has major
accurate. occasional inaccuracies or is
inaccuracies or is overly simplified.
Written Scientific information Scientific Scientific Scientific information
Communication about medical treatments information about information about about introduction of
and diagnostic procedure medical treatments medical treatments medical treatments
using radioisotopes is and diagnostic and diagnostic and diagnostic
communicated clearly and procedure using procedure using procedure using
precisely but may also radioisotopes is radioisotopes has radioisotopes is
include communicated some clarity. unclear.
inventive/expressive clearly. Presentation of Presentation of
dimensions. Presentation of content has some content lacks focus
Presentation of content is content is focused focus and and organization
effectively focused and and organized using organization using using a variety of
organized using a variety a variety of sources. a variety of sources.
of sources. sources.
Relevance to Relevant applications to Applications to Applications to Applications are
Society societal issues are societal issues are societal issues are unclear or absent.
identified and thoughtfully identified. Statistics suggested or Statistics about
described. Statistics about about success rate or implied. Statistics success rate or
success rate or benefits are benefits are about success rate benefits are unclear
discussed and analyzed, discussed, and or benefits are or not mentioned.
and impact is evaluated. impact is suggested.
Adapted from Council of Chief State School Officers State Collaborative on Assessment and Student
Standards (SCASS) Science Project, April 1997.

Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

Attachment D
Modeling Isotopes

1. Separate the items into two groups (two isotopes) by size, or pre-1982 or post-1982
pennies. These groupings will now be referred to as Isotope #1 and Isotope #2.

2. Assign a name to your item (isotope), such as Pennium, Beanium or Jellium.


Isotope #1 Isotope #2 Total #1 + #2

3. Total number of items per group _________ _________ ___________

4. Mass of each group _________g _________g ___________g

5. Average mass _________g _________g ___________g

(Mass /Total number of items)

6. Compare the average masses.

a. Explain why the average masses of the two isotopes are different.

b. Explain the relationship between the total average mass and the average masses of the
two isotopes.

c. Predict the effect on the total average mass of changing the number of items of
isotope # 2.

Isotope #1 Isotope #2

6. Percent abundance (parts per 100) _________% _________%

(Total number of items in each group/Total #1 + #2 times 100)

7. Relative abundance (parts per 1) _________ _________

(Divide percent abundance by 100)

8. Relative mass _________g _________g

(Multiply relative abundance by average mass)

9. The average mass of the two isotopes is __________g

(Add both relative masses.)

10. Compare the average masses of the two isotopes calculated in step nine with the total
average mass calculated in step five. Explain the relationship.

Just an Average Atom – Grade 12

Appendix E
Example of Weighted Average

1. Consider the grades that were earned by two students.

Bill’s Grades:
Course Credit Grade Points
A.P. Biology 2 A 4 2x4=8
Algebra II 1 B 3 1x3=3
English IV 1 B 3 1x3=3
French IV 1 B 3 1x3=3
Business Tech 1 C 2 1x2=2
Total 6 15 19

Bob’s Grades:
Course Credit Grade Points
A.P. Biology 2 C 2 2x2=4
Algebra II 1 B 3 1x3=3
English IV 1 B 3 1x3=3
French IV 1 B 3 1x3=3
Business Tech 1 A 4 1x4=4
Total 6 15 17

2. Calculate the Grade Point Average (GPA) for each student using the total points earned
and the number of classes they took.

3. Calculate the Grade Point Average (GPA) for each student using the total weighted
points earned and the number of credits earned.

4. Explain the similarities and differences in the above calculations. What is the effect on
the GPA of weighting the grades?

2. For both students the GPA is 3.00 (15/5).
3. For Bill the GPA is 3.17 (19/6) and for Bob the GPA is 2.83 (17/6).
4. The students both have the same unweighted GPAs because they both have one A,
one C and three B’s. Bill’s weighted GPA is higher than Bob’s because he made an
A in the class that was weighted (counted as two credits).


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