Design of Corbel 1

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design of corbel (1)

input data
dimentions data b=corbel width h=corbel hight (from conc. Face to cl of rft.) distance from the vertical concentrated load to face of support concrete & steel data concrete cubic strength concrete yeild strength fc fy 30 400 Mpa Mpa b h con.cover a 500 500 50 200 mm mm mm mm

1 0.85 0.75 normal weight concrete sand light weight concrete all light weight concrete

=coefficient of friction
1.4 1 0.6 0.7 concrete cast monolithic concrete placed against roughened hardened concrete concrete placed against concrete anchored to structural steel

loads data ultimate vertical force Vu 553564 N

select from the above tables
concrete selender strength corbel depth to reinforcement center ultimate vertical force ultimate horizontal force Nuc=0.2*Vu ultimate moment: Mu=Vu*a+Nuc*(h-d) 1 Mpa mm N N N mm / 1.4

fc' d Vu Nuc Mu

24.9 450 553564 110712.8 116248440

limitation check
(.2fc')*b*d *5.5*b*d check that: 952425 N 1051875 N Vu(.2fc')*b*d Vu*5.5*b*d


shear friction reinforcement

coefficient of friction Avf =Vu/(0.85 *fy*) Avf = An=Nuc/ fy An = 326 mm2 1163 mm2 1.4

tension reinforcement

flexural reinforcement
Af=Mu/(*fy*.85*d) Af = As = 844 greater of mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 location= 300 mm2 mm2

primary tension reinforcement

1) (2/3)*Avf+An 1101 2) Af+An 1170 1170 As = Ah=(1/3)Avf (closed stirrups horizontal) 388 Ah =

check of As&Ah minimum

min=0.04*(fc'/fy) 0.00249 =As/(b*d) 0.005199294 Ahmin =0.5*(As-An) Ahmin 422 As chosen = Ah chosen = min =

if mm2 mm2 1170 422



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