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Design of Strip Footing 2014

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Project: My Project Example

Project No.:

Calc Title: Design of Strip Footing SF1

Sheet no. 1
Calc. by RVino

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Design of Strip Footing to CSA A23.3
Footing Definition

Wall and footing details
Wall thickness t = 200 mm
Offset of wall from centroid xoff = 100 mm
Width of footing w = 1200 mm
Length of footing (one meter strip) L = 1000 mm
Thickness or height of footing h = 250 mm
Clear cover to reinforcement cc = 75 mm
Material details
Yield strength of reinforcement fy = 400 MPa
Compressive strength of concrete fc = 25 MPa
Concrete density c = 24 kN/m

Factored soil bearing resistance qu = 137.5 kN/m
Resistance factor for concrete (cl. 8.4.2) |c = 0.65
Resistance factor for steel (cl. 8.4.3) |s = 0.85
Modification factor for conc. density (cl. 8.6.5) = 1.0

Project: My Project Example

Project No.:

Calc Title: Design of Strip Footing SF1

Sheet no. 2
Calc. by RVino

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Factor for shear resist. of cracked conc. (cl. 11.3.6) | = 0.21
Design Load Diagram

Design Loads (Unfactored)
Dead load acting on wall Pdl = 60 kN
Live load acting on wall Pll = 60 kN
Shear dead load acting on wall Vdl = 0 kN
Shear live load acting on wall Vll = 0 kN
Dead load moment on wall Mdl = 0 kNm
Live load moment on wall Mll = 0 kN

Project: My Project Example

Project No.:

Calc Title: Design of Strip Footing SF1

Sheet no. 3
Calc. by RVino

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Concrete Section Diagram

Footing Cross Section Longitudinal Section

Reinforcement details (CSA A23.3-04, cl. 7.8.1)
Cross sectional area of one-meter strip ftg Ag = L h = 250000 mm
Diameter of main steel bar Dx = 16 mm
Number of bars provided per meter strip nx=2
Area of steel provided per meter strip Asx = t/4 Dx
nx =402 mm

Reinforcement details in longitudinal direction (CSA A23.3-04, cl. 7.8.1)
Cross sectional area of footing Ag.y = w h = 300000 mm

Diameter of longitudinal steel bar Dy = 16 mm
Number of bars provided ny=3
Area of steel provided Asy = t/4 Dy
ny =603 mm
Min. req. depth above bottom reinf. (cl. 15.7) dmin = 150 mm
Available depth of above bottom reinf. (cl. 15.7) dabove = h - cc - Dx= 159.000 mm
Effective depth of main reinf. (cl. 15.7) d = h - cc - Dx/2= 167.000 mm
Effective depth of longitudinal reinf. d = h - cc - Dx Dy/2= 0.151 m

Project: My Project Example

Project No.:

Calc Title: Design of Strip Footing SF1

Sheet no. 4
Calc. by RVino

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Loading calculation details
Weight of footing Pfoot = c w L h = 7.20 kN
Factored axial load on wall Pu.wall = 1.25 Pdl + 1.5 Pll = 165.00 kN
Factored axial load on footing Pu= 1.25 (Pdl + Pfoot) + 1.5 Pll = 174.00 kN
Factored shear load on wall Vu = 1.25 Vdl + 1.5 Vll = 0.00 kN
Unfactored dead load moment on wall Mdl = 0 kNm
Unfactored live load moment on wall Mll = 0 kNm
Factored moment on wall Mu = 1.25 Mdl + 1.5 Mll = 0.00 kNm
Find net eccentricity by taking moments about the centreline of the footing

Net eccentricity eu = (Pu xoff + Mu + Vu h) / Pu eu = 100 mm
Limiting eccentricity elim = w / 6 = 200 mm
Check for maximum bearing pressure
Area of footing provided Aprov = w L = 1200000 mm

Minimum factored soil pressure qs.min = (Pu (1 - 6 eu / w)) / Aprov = 72.500 kN/m

Maximum factored soil pressure qs.max = (Pu (1 + 6 eu / w)) / Aprov = 217.500 kN/m

Minimum factored load intensity qu.min = (Pu (1 - 6 eu / w)) / Aprov = 72.500 kN/m

Maximum factored load intensity qu.max = (Pu (1 + 6 eu / w)) / Aprov = 217.500 kN/m

Check for shear capacity
Effective shear depth dv = max (0.9 d, 0.72 h) = 180 mm

Project: My Project Example

Project No.:

Calc Title: Design of Strip Footing SF1

Sheet no. 5
Calc. by RVino

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Critical Shear Distance

Bearing Pressure Diagram

One way action at distance d from face of wall along (CSA A23.3, cl. 11.3.4)
Distance from left edge to d from wall face wdl = w / 2 + xoff - t / 2 d = 449 mm
Distance from right edge to d from wall face wdr = w / 2 - xoff - t / 2 d = 249 mm
Bearing pressure at d from left face of wall qdl = qu.min + (qu.max - qu.min) wdl / w = 126.754 kN/m

Bearing pressure at d from right face of wall qdr = qu.min + (qu.max - qu.min) (w wdr) / w = 187.412 kN/m

Shear at d from left face of wall Vwall.l = (qdl + qu.min) wdl / 2 = 44.7 kN/m
Shear at d from right face of wall Vwall.r = (qdr + qu.max) wdr / 2 = 50.4 kN/m
Max shear at d from face of wall Vu = max (Vwall.l , Vwall.r) L = 50.4 kN
Available shear capacity of concrete Vc = |c | min (\(fc 1 MPa), 8 MPa) L d = 103.06 kN
Shear_Check=if(Vu<= Vc, Vu<= Vc therefore OK,Redesign)
Shear_Check =" Vu<= Vc therefore OK"

Ultimate moments
Factor of depth of comp. stress block (cl. 10.1.7) |1 = max (0.67, 0.97 0.0025 fc / 1 MPa) = 0.91
Ratio of avg stress to conc. strength (cl. 10.1.7) o1 = max (0.67, 0.85 - 0.0015 fc /1MPa) = 0.81
Distance of left wall face from left edge Wel= w / 2 + xoff - t / 2 = 600 mm
Distance of right wall face from right edge Wer= w / 2 - xoff - t / 2 = 400 mm
Bearing pressure at left face of wall qwall.l = qu.min + (qu.max - qu.min) Wel/ w = 145.000 kN/m

Bearing pressure at right face of wall qwall.r = qu.min + (qu.max - qu.min) (w - Wer) / w = 169.167 kN/m

Moment at left face of wall Mwall.l = (qu.min Wel
/ 2) + (qwall.l - qu.min) Wel
/ 6 = 17.4
Moment at right face of wall Mwall.r = (qwall.r Wer
/ 2) + (qu.max - qwall.r) Wer
/ 3 = 16.1
Maximum moment at face of wall Muy = max (Mwall.l, Mwall.r) L = 17.4 kNm
Moment resistance factor Kry = Muy / (L d
) / 1 MPa = 0.763
Distance from face of wall to edge abx = w / 2 - xoff - t / 2 = 400 mm
Clear span to overall depth ratio (cl.10.7.1) abx / d = 2.65

Check for area of main reinforcement
Quadratic equation to find percentage of steel(CAC concrete design handbook, eq. 2.14)
Ax = (|s
(fy / 1 MPa)
) = 115600.00
Bx = - (|s fy 2 o1 fc |c / (1 MPa)
) = -8978.12
Cx = (2 o1 fc |c Kry) / (1 MPa) = 20.15
Root_1 = (Bx
- 4 Ax Cx)
Percentage of main steel required x = (- Bx - \(Bx
- 4 Ax Cx)) / (2 Ax) = 0.00231
Area of main steel required for bending As.x.bend = x L d = 349 mm

Minimum area of main steel As.min.x = 0.002 Ag_x = 500 mm

Area of steel required As.x.req = max (As.min.x, As.x.bend) = 500 mm

Area of steel provided Asx = 402 mm

Minimum allowable strain cty.all = 0.005
Depth of equivalent rectangular stress block ax = |s Asx fy / (o1 |c fc w) = 9 mm
Balanced neutral axis depth cx = ax / |1 = 0.010
Strain in steel cty.x = 0.0035 ((d - cx) / cx) = 0.052

Check for area of steel in the longitudinal direction
Minimum area of steel required As.min.long = 0.002 Ag.y = 600 mm

Area of steel required along As.y.req = As.min.long = 600 mm

Area of steel provided along Asy = 603 mm

SteelAreaCheck=if(Asy >= As.y.req,Asy >= As.y.req therefore OK,Redesign)
SteelAreaCheck="Asy >= As.y.req therefore OK"

Design Summary
Footing Dimension
Wall thickness t = 200 mm
Offset of wall from centroid xoff = 100 mm
Width of footing w = 1200 mm
Length of footing (one meter strip) L = 1000 mm
Thickness or height of footing h = 250 mm
Clear cover to reinforcement cc = 75 mm

Main Reinforcement details
Diameter of main steel bar Dx = 16 mm
Number of bars per meter strip nx=2

Reinforcement details in longitudinal direction
Diameter of longitudinal steel bar Dy = 16 mm
Number of bars ny=3

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