4th ICET - Temasek Primary

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UMPC: Mobile Learning

through Adventures with

Cartoon Characters

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives

• multi-subject, pupil-centered approach

• can be applied to all levels of learner
• task-based learning
• collaborative learning
• problem-based learning

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
What is an UMPC?
• Ultra-Mobile Personal
• a hold-in-your-hands computer
• offers the freedom & flexibility
to communicate with others
• enjoy digital media
• access information anytime
and anywhere

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
What is mobile learning?


with portable technologies across subject mastery

Learning that happens across locations, or takes

advantage of learning opportunities offered by
portable technologies.

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Cartoon Characters

• sketch / drawing
• similar to illustrations /
• often used in reference to
programs for children

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Encompasses abilities:
• capacities to reason
• plan
• solve problems
• think abstractly
• comprehend ideas
• use language

• T adapt instruction to address different intelligences

• content should be represented in ways that capitalise
on as many of the intelligences as possible
• efforts on helping students understand their strengths
weaknesses in each of the dimensions

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Why did we combine UMPC, cartoon
characters, mobile-learning and MI into
our lesson?

It is in line with MOE’s IT

Masterplan 2.

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
•T as facilitators • part of a community of practice
• organises & sources for knowledge
•interpreters of Ps’ learning
• practices grounded in theory
• creates & produces knowledge • co-learners • ethical & legal use of IT
• engages in collaborative learning • co-investigators
• experimental & innovative use of
• engages in authentic learning IT in teaching and learning
• actively involved in action
• customisable & ENGAGED research
immediate feedback
• multi-modal, multi-sensory
LEARNING • customise & • lifelong learning
create rich digital
learning content
• anytime, anywhere learning • multi-modal, multi-sensory
• infusion of IT into curriculum


• enhanced connections between curriculum, instruction
& assessment
• responsive, dynamic curriculum
• embedded assessment in instruction
Temasek Primary School ~
Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Profile of pupils
English lesson (Fractured fairy tales)
• Age: 10 years old
• Level: Primary 4
• Ability: Mixed
• No. of boys: 9
• No. of girls: 7

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Profile of pupils
Malay language lesson (Folktales)
• Age: 12 years old
• Level: Primary 6
• Ability: Mixed
• No. of boys: 6
• No. of girls: 8

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Where can they get
• Indoors
– Classrooms
– Special rooms (AV Room, Science lab and etc)

• Outdoors
– School compound
– During learning journeys

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Step-by-step guide to creating your own lesson
Step 8: Pupils write reflection with regards to the activity

Step 7: Presentation of completed tasks

Step 6: Pupils will need to complete task using UMPC at all times

Step 5: Transfer PowerPoint presentation to UMPCs

Step 4: Plan tasks requiring movement around various places

Step 3: Derive story using cartoon characters involving PBL/TBL

Step 2: Source for cartoon characters

Step 1: Discuss lesson idea during LC/PDM

A big hello to the smart pupils of Ms
Wati. I’m Troy and pleased to meet
She has given me 5
challenging tasks to
As you’ve already know, I’m in
need of your big favour to win
Princess Gabriella’s heart.

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Now, we need to
proceed to
Room ST-01-01 for
our first task.

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Look for a CD player Don’t forget to save
in the room. the file, ok!
Ahhh, there it is.

You will need to listen to

a song from the player.

Finally, complete the lyrics

to the song found in
the file named
Room ST-01-01 in UMPC2.
Do type in your answers
there too.

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Hmm, it’s not that
challenging after all
isn’t it? Hehe

Now, let’s go and meet

Sharpay for the next task.

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Troy had designed some emperor’s
suits for Princess Gabriella’s father.
However, she was not at all pleased
with his creations. She wanted a
more attractive suit.

Open the file Room

CL-03-05 in UMPC2.
Use the ‘AutoShapes’
function to design the
emperor’s suit. You can
only use the readily-
available shapes to
design the suits. Let’s
look at the 5 suits he
had created. Temasek Primary School ~
Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Attractiveness Makes excellent use Makes good use of Makes use of font, Use of font, colour,
of font, colour, font, colour, graphics, colour, graphics, graphics, effects etc.
graphics, effects, etc. effects, etc. to effects, etc. but but these often
to enhance the enhance to product. occasionally these distract from the
product. detract from the presentation content.
presentation content.

Originality Product shows a Product shows some Uses other people's Uses other people's
large amount of original thought. Work ideas (giving them ideas, but does not
original thought. shows new ideas and credit), but there is give them credit.
Ideas are creative insights. little evidence of
and inventive. original thinking.

Presentation Well-rehearsed with Rehearsed with fairly Delivery not smooth, Delivery not smooth
smooth delivery that smooth delivery that but able to maintain and audience
holds audience holds audience interest of the attention often lost.
attention. attention most of the audience most of the
time. time.

Workload The workload is The workload is The workload was The workload was
divided and shared divided and shared divided, but one not divided OR
equally by all team fairly by all team person in the group is several people in the
members. members, though viewed as not doing group are viewed as
workloads may vary his/her fair share of not doing their fair
from person to the work. Temasek
share ofPrimary School ~
the work.
person. Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Video Presentation

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Feedback on lesson

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Survey Findings
Survey: UMPC - Mobile Learning through
Adventures with Cartoon Characters


Percentage of pupils

75 75 77
69 69 69



Group dynamics Info search Oral skills ICT Cartoon cha.


Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Issue/challenges encountered

• Limited battery life (approximately 1.5 hrs)

– To get extended battery life (up to 8 hrs)
• Inavailability of wireless internet access
– School is going wireless next year onwards
• Pupils’ time management
– Pupils took too much time to complete on a certain
task, leaving them with less time to complete the rest
of the tasks

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Teachable moments
• Some pupils were still not able to locate certain
locations in the school, despite being here for 4 –
6 years.
• The lesson teaches pupils on the importance of
following instructions and order of steps when
completing a task.
• Pupils had to figure out on their own the exact
location of the USB port in the UMPC.

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
• Moreno, R., & Mayer, R. (2000). A learner-centered approach to
multimedia explanations: Deriving instructional design principles from
cognitive theory.
• Levie, W.H, & Lentz, R. (1982). Effects of text illustrations: A review of
the research. Educational Communications and Technology Journal,
30(4), 195-232.
• Linda L. Lohr. (2003). Creating Graphics for Learning and Performance:
Lessons in Visual Literacy.
• Dr. Spencer Kagan & Miguel Kagan. (1998). Multiple Intelligences: The
complete MI Book.
• Paul Eggen & Don Kauchak. (2004). Educational Psychology: Windows on
• Gigi Carlson. (2004). Digital Media in the Classroom.
• http://www.intel.com/products/mid/index.htm#anchor3
• http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-an-umpc.htm
• http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/umpc/default.m
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illustration
• http://www.nospank.net/stillwtr.htm
• http://groups.google.com/group/sci.psychology.misc/browse_thread/thr
Temasek Primary School ~
Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
Thank you for your kind

Temasek Primary School ~

Engaging Minds, Enriching Lives
All rights reserved
Temasek Primary School
Nur Ain Binte Mohamed Amin
[email protected]
Vikirawati Binte Mohammad Nordin
[email protected]

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