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Com Examination October 2008 Auditing & Costing October 2008

Time: 3 Hours Marks: 100 NB: Question Nos. 1 and 6 are compulsory and answer any two from the remaining fromeach section. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Working notes should form part of answer. Answer both the sections in the same answer-book. Section I-(Auditing) Q.1 (a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Auditing? Explain. 10 (b) Discuss the different techniques of Audit. 8 Q.2 (a) What are the qualifications and disqualifications of a Company Auditor? 8 (b) Explain the meaning and objectives of verification. 8 Q.3 (a) State the disclosure requirements relating to "Fixed Assets" as per Schedule-VI of the Companies Act, 1956. 8 (b) What do you mean by Test check? What are its advantages and disadvantages? 8 Q.4 (a) Explain basic principles of Auditing. 8 (b) Scrutinise and comments on the following account appearing in the books of Kalakar Ltd. 8 Preliminary Expenses A/c Date Particulars Amount Date Particulars Amount 10-01-07 To Bank A/c (paid to Raj Printers) 10,000 31-03-07 By Profit and Loss A/c 79,300 15-01-07 To Bank A/c (Natwarlal & Co. Solicitors) 26,500 31-03-07 By Balance C/d 3,17,200 25-01-07 To Equity Share capital (Ramanlal, Promoter) 1,00,000 30-01-07 To Equity Share capital (Rajesh, Promoter) 2,60,000 Total 3,96,500 Total 3,96,000 Q.5 Write short notes on any four of the followings:- 16 (a) Clean Audit Report. (b) Casual Vacancy. (c) Audit in Computer Environment. (d) Vouching of Cash Sales. (e) Audit Certificate. (f) Internal Check. Section II - (Costing). Q.6 Deepali Ltd. submits the following information in respect of its product which passes through three consecutive process viz U, P and A for the month ended 29th February, 2008: 20 Particulars U Process P Process A Process Quantitative Information Basic Raw Material at Rs. 15.00 per k.g. (Kgs.) 60,000 - Output during the month (Kgs.) 46,500 31,000 19,000 Stock of Process Output On 01-02-2008 (Kgs.) 6,000 5,000 4,000 On 29-02-2008 (Kgs.) 7,500 6,000 3,000

Other Additional Information Process Material (Rs.) 2,55,000 5,40,000 4,50,000 Direct Labour (Rs.) 1,45,000 1,05,000 90,000 Machine Overheads 80% of 150% of 40% of Direct Other Process Labour Factory Material Overheads Other Factory Overheads (Rs.) 1,68,000 2,25,000 97,000 Normal Loss (%) 20% 30% 40% Value of Opening Stock per kg. (Rs.) 29 70 145 Scrap Value Per Kg. (Rs.) 12 14 16 The Percentage of normal loss is computed on the number of units entering in the process concerned. Closing stock is to be valued at the respective cost of each process during the month. You are required to prepare: (a) Process Accounts (b) Process Stock Accounts (c) Normal Loss Account (d) Abnormal Loss Account (e) ) Abnormal Gain Account. Q.7 M/s. ABC Enterprises secured a contract for Rs. 45,00,000 and as per the Contract Agreement, the contractee would pay 90% of the work certified immediately upon the Architects Certificate and the balance would paid on completion of the contract. The work was commenced on 01-04-2006. The Actual Expenditure upto 31st March, 2007 and Estimated Expenditure upto,30th September, 2007 are as follows: 15 Particulars Actual Expenditure Upto 31-03-2007 Rs. Estimated Expenditure Upto 30-09-2007 Rs. Direct Materials 10,50,000 9,25,000 Indirect Materials 1,77,500 2,37,500 Direct Wages 2,60,820 2,49,180 Sub-Contract Charges 31,030 16,470 Architect Fees 57,500 90,000 Administrative Overheads 2,14,390 1,37,110 Hiring Charges for Equipments 1,45,610 79,390 Closing Materials at site 1,29,000 Certified Work (Cummulative) 22,50,000 45,00,000 Uncertified Work 56,250 A Special Machinery Costing Rs. 4,00,000 Was purchased for use on the contract. Its estimated scrap value at the end of the contract would be Rs. 40,000. It was decided that the profit to be taken credit for the year ended 31-03-2007 should be that proportion of the estimated net profit to be realised on the completion of the contract which the cash received for

the year bears to the contract price.Prepare Contract Account for the year ended 31-03-2007 and Estimated Contract Account. Q.8 Following is the Summarised Trading and Profit and Loss account of Sheetal Industries for the year ended 31-03-2006. 15 Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. To Opening Stock of Raw Materials 9,000 By Sales (12000 Units) 4,80,000 To Purchases of Raw Materials 2,10,000 By Closing Stock To Carriage Inwards 5,000 Finished Goods (3000 Units) 66,000 To Wages 75,400 Raw Materials 24,000 To Factory Expenses By Interest on Securities 17,000 Paid 52,400 By Profit on Sale of Assets 1,20,000 Add: Outstanding 2,200 54,600 To Administration Overheads 52,500 To Selling and Distribution Overheads 96,000 To Goodwill Written-off 12,500 To Interest on Loans 1,500 To Dividend 2,500 To Income Tax 5,000 To Net Profit 1,83,000 Total 7,07,000 Total 7,07,000 A standard unit was manufactured during the year. The cost accounting records showed the following: (a) Materials consumed @ Rs. 10 per unit produced (b) Direct Wages @ Rs. 6 per unit produced. (c) Factory Overheads were absorbed @ 25% of Prime Cost. (d) Administration Overheads were absorbed @ Rs. 5 per unit produced. (e) Selling and Distribution Overheads, were absorbed @ Rs. 7 per unit sold You are required to prepare the detailed cost statement for the year ended 31-03-2006 and a statement of reconciliation. Q.9 (a) From the following, calculate Labour cost variance Labour Rate variance and Labour efficiency variance: variance : 9 Type of Workers Standared Actual No. of Workers No. of Hours Rate per Hour (Rs.) No. of Workers No. of Hours Rate per Hour (Rs.) Skilled 30 50 4.00 25 50 4.50 Semi Skilled 20 30 3.00 30 30 3.00 Unskilled 10 20 2.00 10 15 2.50 (b) From the following records of Disha Ltd. Calculate. 6 (i) Break-Even Point in Rupees. (ii) Sales required to earn profit of Rs. 72,000. (iii) Profit when sales are Rs. 4,75,000. Rs. Fixed Cost 2,40,000 Variable Cost Per Unit 8.00 Selling Price Per Unit 20.00 Q.10 Write short notes on any three : 15 (a) Features of Marginal Costing. (b) Margin of Safety. (c) Significance of Variance Analysis. (d) Classification of Cost of Function Basis.

(e) Need for Reconciliation for Cost and Financial Records.

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