Call Papers Digital Storytelling Publication 2013

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com UniversitatdeValncia(Spain)

Digitalstorytelling/RelatoDigital CALLFORPAPERSFORPUBLICATION 2013

Editors:CarmenGregoriSignes,BarryPennockSpeck, MaraAlcantudDaz,AnnaBrgidoCorachn email:[email protected] _______________________ AreyouworkingwithDigitalStorytelling? TheUniversitatdeValenciawillbepublishingtwobooksonDigitalStorytelling.Wewouldlike to get as many contributions as possible from authors all over the world. The publication is

Ests trabajando en Relato Digital? La Universidad de Valncia publicar dos libros y un CD romsobreRelatoDigital.Nosgustaratenercolaboracionescomoseaposibleydeautoresde diversaspartesdelmundo.Lapublicacinestabiertaatodosaquellosquedeseenpresentar sutrabajoparaquesevalor.

English Espaol CALLFORPAPERS 1. *Videoposters (CDROM), accompanied by a written 1000word description of the project. 2. Experiencing Digital Storytelling. Detailed descriptions of activities and projects basedonpracticalapplicationsofdigitalstorytelling.[20002500words] 3. Papersbasedonresearchintodigitalstories.[35005000] *Option1.ACDrompublication.Thisoptioncanbechosenbythoseparticipantswhodonot wishtoincludetheircontributioninoptions2&3orthosewhodliketopublish theircontributioninavideoposterformat.

[email protected] UniversitatdeValncia(Spain) *Options2&3.Publications2&3willbeassessedbyexperts.The Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish articles which have not been positively assessed (this option does not imply exclusion from publication in option1). Authorswhowishtopublisharesearcharticlebasedontheirvideopostercandosoaslongas the description of their videoposter does not coincide exactly with the text included within thearticle(seeeditingnotesforPublication2&3).

Option1.Videoposters Deadlineforsubmission:20thofMay2012
Languages=Espaol,English,Valenci,Catal Wordlimit:1000words ThispublicationwillbepublishedasaCDROMandwillinclude: Videopostersaccompaniedbyawrittenexplanation(maximum1000words)aboutthe projectdescribedinthevideoposter. Thisformatcanbealsochosenbyallofthoseparticipantswhowanttheirpublication to be published only in a CDrom format. In this case, they would have to give the paper that they presented in videoposter format, and attach a description of maximum1000words. Thedescriptionofthewrittenvideopostershouldincludethefollowinginformation: Aimsoftheproject(includepossibleaddressees): Participants: Methodology: Results: Bibliography: Pleasefollowthestylesheetincludedbelow

Wordlimit:20002500 Languages=Espaol,English,Valenci,Catal

[email protected] UniversitatdeValncia(Spain) The papers published here will include detailed descriptions of activitiesandprojectsbasedonpracticalapplicationsofdigitalstorytelling.[20002500words] Thedescriptionforthewrittenprojectshouldincludethefollowinginformation: Aimsoftheproject(includepossibleaddressees): Participants: Methodology: Results: Bibliography:

Wordlimit:30005000 Languageofpublication:English Research articles which will be published within one or two (peerreviewed) collections, dependingonthetopicandnumberofcontributionswhichareeventuallypresented. ThelanguageofthepublicationswillbeEnglish.Nonnativeauthorsshouldmakesurethatthe definitive version of their article is proofread by a native speaker and that it complies in a consistentmannerwiththespellingrulesofeitherBritishorAmericanEnglish. Thepublicationwillbeinthe<<EnglishintheWorld>>Series.UniversitatdeValnciaPress ThisisthetitleofaseriesoftheUniversityofValenciaPresswhichbegantopublishwithinthe generalareaofEnglishstudies.Theserieshassinceitsinceptionattemptedtobringtogether varioussubdisciplineswithinlinguisticandculturalstudieswhichhaveafunctionalorientation andwhichemphasisethesocialandculturalcontextsoflanguageuse,especiallywithintheso called new media. Now the series embraces research into cutting edge areas of inquiry not onlyinEnglishbutinotherlanguages.

[email protected] UniversitatdeValncia(Spain) OPCIONESPARAPUBLICAR 1. *Videoposters(Cdrom)condescripcinescritade1000palabrasdelproyecto. 2. ExperiencingDigitalStorytelling.Descripcindetalladadeactividadesyproyectos basadosenunusoprcticodelrelatodigital. 3. Investigacin.Artculoscientficos *Publicacin1.CDrom.Aestaopcinpodrnpresentarsetodosaquellosparticipantesqueno quieran incluir su contribucin en 2 & 3; o aquellos que quieran publicar su contribucinenformatovideoposter. *Publicaciones 2 & 3. Las publicaciones 2 & 3 sern evaluadas por expertos. El Consejo de Redaccinsereservaelderechodenopublicaraquellosartculoscuyovalor cientficoseconsidereinsuficiente. Aquellos autores que quieran optar a publicar un artculo de investigacin basado en su videopostery/o proyecto pueden hacerlo siempre que la descripcin del videoposter no coincidaexactamenteconeltextoincluidoenelartculo(vernotasdeedicinparaPublicacin 2&3)

Publicacion1.Videoposters Fechadeentrega:20mayo2012
Estapublicacinserenformatodigital(cdROM)eincluir: Videoposters+unaexplicacinporescritode1000palabrasmx.sobreelproyectoque sedescribeenelvideoposter. Puedenoptaraestapublicacinaquellosparticipantesquedeseenquesupublicacin sepubliqueenCDrom.Enestecasotendranquerehacersuponenciaenformade videoposteryadjuntarunadescripcinde1000palabrasmximo Ladescripcindelvideoposterescritodebecontenerlasiguienteinformacin: Objetivosdelproyecto(incluirposiblesdestinatarios): Participantes: Metodologa: Resultados: Bibliografa:

[email protected] UniversitatdeValncia(Spain)

Publicacin2.ExperiencingDigital Storytelling Fechaentrega21julio2012

Nmerodepalabras:20002500 Idiomas=Espaol,English,Valenci,Catal Lostrabajosquesepubliquenenestacoleccinserndescripcionesdetalladasdeactividades yproyectosbasadosenaplicacionesprcticasderelatodigital. Ladescripcindelproyectoescritodebecontenerlasiguienteinformacin: Objetivosdelproyecto(incluirposiblesdestinatarios): Participantes: Metodologa: Resultados: Bibliografa:

Publicacin3.ArtculosCientficos Fechadeentrega:15septiembre2012
Nmerodepalabras35005000 Languageofpublication:English Artculos de investigacin que sern publicados en una o dos colecciones (peer reviewed), dependiendodelatemticaynmerodelascontribucionesquefinalmentesepresenten(ver instruccionesarribaeningls). ******************************************* PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITAT de VALNCIA STYLE SHEET FOR SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS For contributors to collective volumes 1. TEXT. Formal aspects Texts should be submitted electronically. If the operating system is Macintosh, the Microsoft Word programme shoud be used; if PC, Word for Windows. Lines should be

[email protected] UniversitatdeValncia(Spain) double space, on consecutively numbered sheets, written on a single face and wide margins. The first page of each article should include a brief abstract (100 - 200 word summary). The abstract should be indented and should not contain bibliographical references in parenthetical form. After the abstract, at least 5 key words, which describe the content of the article. Each key word or phrase should from the previous and following key words by commass. Any variations you feel you need to introduce should be approved previously by the technical staff of the Publishing Company.


Recommended length for articles: 3500-8,000 words

Copyright Information Contributors are responsible for observing the laws of copyright when quoting or reproducing material. The author is responsible for seeking permission for the use of copyright material.

2. GRAPHIC MATERIAL. Original documents should be presented separate from the main text but indications should be given where they should appear within the text (captions, for example, should be within the text). This material (diagrams, tables, line drawings, photographs...) should be subject to analysis within the text and avoided when purely ornamental. They should be submitted as reproducible material, photographs, drawings and pictures in Tiff format, 300dpi (dots per inch).

3. SECTIONS Chapters should be reasonably divided into sections and, if necessary, subsections, (no more than three levels, if possible). Subsection headings should be used only if absolutely necessary. They must be preceded by Arabic numerals separated by a full stop (e.g. 1.3). 4. TYPOGRAPHY. Capital letters should only be used when strictly necessary. Small capital letters should not be used. Italics may be used to mark foreign or unfamiliar words or short sentences. In the bibliography italics are used for book titles. Hyphens should be used for compound words, etc. Dashes should function to separate parenthetical phrases. In the latter case, if there is a full stop after the sentence or phrase, no dash at the end will be used. You should use only one type of spelling, British, American, Australian, etc. Do not use more than one type. Be consistent with date format.

[email protected] UniversitatdeValncia(Spain) 5. QUOTATIONS. Quotation marks. When pertinent, the following gradation should be used: << >> Quotations of no more than three lines should be inserted in the regular text marked by double quotation marks and with the source reference supplied. Quotations longer than three lines should be indented and set off from the regular text, double line space above and below with the source of quotation added at the end. No quotation marks are required. Elisions within the quotation should be indicated with three dots enclosed in brackets. Similarly, cuts by the author in the quotation should also be enclosed in brackets. When quotations belong to footnotes, they should be enclosed in quotation marks. When using italics to emphasize in a quotation, you must indicate this explicitly in square brackets. 6. FOOTNOTES. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and should not be used to provide bibliographical references that can be given in parenthetical form within the text. Contents in notes may be explicative on the part of the author, translator or editor. In the two latter cases it should be indicated with parentheses. Notes should be indicated within the original in Arabic numerals (above or in parentheses) and always after the word affected. If there is any other punctuation mark after the word in question, the footnote indication should go after the punctuation mark. 7. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES. The reference section should list all, but only, references cited in the main text. Any concepts, examples or text by another author should be referred to. You should use the first surname, year of publication and if needed, page number(s) enclosed in parentheses within the regular text:. (Hymes 1956: 43-44) Numbers from one to nine should be written as words.

When the author has previously appeared in the text, only the year of publication and, if needed, page number(s) should be enclosed in parentheses.

As Hymes (1956: 43-44) pointed out ...

Volumes should appear after the year of publication and followed by a colon. Weber (1969, I: 180)

It is highly advisable to group references as much as possible enclosed in parentheses in order to facilitate reading with the year of publication and, if needed, page number(s) chronologically arranged and separated with a semicolon: (Gilbert 1953; Mustanoja 1958; Carter and McCarthy 1988; Green 1996.


[email protected] UniversitatdeValncia(Spain) The bibliography should be listed alphabetically at the end of the text. Authors names and surnames should be written in small letters (except for initials) In case there are several works by the same author, they should be listed chronologically. If an author appears in collective as well as individual works, individual works should be given first. Bibliographical data will be as follows:

Books: Surname, full first Name (avoid initials when possible). (year of publication). Title of work in italics and subtitle, if any, preceded by a period. Place of publication, colon: publishing house, (collection, if needed).

Vilar, Pierre (1980). Iniciacin al vocabulario del anlisis histrico. Barcelona: Crtica.

If needed, editors surname and full first name, followed by the abbreviation ed., period, place of publication, colon and publisher:

Lopez Folgado, Vicente (2010). <<A musical comedy without music>>. In Carmen Valero (ed.). Dimensions of Humor. Explorations in Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies and Translation. Valencia: Ediciones Universitat de Valencia.

If there are several publications by the same author the same year, they should be distinguished in small italics next to the year of publication (1982a, 1982b ...). In case there are several authors, the first author should appear in the aforesaid manner and the rest should be given with their first names and surnames in succession. When there are more than three authors the first author accompanied by the expression et ali / et al. should appear:

Caldas-Coulthard, Carmen Rosa and Malcolm Coulthard (eds.) (1996). Texts and Practices. Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis. New York / London: Routledge.

Articles in Journals: Surname, Name (year). <<Title>>. Journal number, pages linked by a hyphen:

Mills-Vallicrosa, Josep Maria (1922). <<Els textos dels historiadors musulmans relatius a la Catalunya carolngia>>. Quaderns dEstudi 14, 125-161.

[email protected] UniversitatdeValncia(Spain) Daily newspapers. It is not necessary to provide the number. The date of publication will be sufficient: Heller, Agnes (1997). <<Les dones i la poltica>>. Avui. 4 de gener.

Titles of magazines and miscellanies also appear traditionally as acronyms or abbreviations:

ACECNA I [Actes del I Col.loqui dEstudis Catalans a Nord-amrica]

Articles or chapters in books: Surname, first full Name. (year) <<Title>>, use inverted comas not italics. In Surname, Name (ed.) Book title. Place of publication: Editorial, pages linked by a hyphen, 10-27:

Gunnarson, Britt-Louise (2000). <<Anlisis aplicado del discurso>>. In Van Dijk, Teun A. (ed.). El discurso como interaccin social. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

In addition, the following considerations should be observed:

Volumes: the number of volumes the work consists of should appear in Arabic numerals after the publishing house and followed by the abbreviation vol. always in singular:

Moliner, Maria (1987). Dictionary of Spanish Usage. Madrid: Gredos, 2 vol.

If the volume is the one we are making reference to, it should appear with a Roman numeral after thetitle:

Valor, Enric (1975). Complete works I. Valencia: Gorg.

When the authorship corresponds to an institution, its name should appear in capital letters: Valncia:

UNIVERSITAT DE VALNCIA (1996). Catleg de Publicacions 1996. Servei de Publicacions.

Place: the citys name should appear in the main language of the publication. In case of two places, there should be a separation with a forward slash: Madrid / Mxic.

[email protected] UniversitatdeValncia(Spain) Editorial: the word Editorial or similar terms should be omitted, except in the case that they make up the editorials name: Alianza Editorial.

Co-editions: they should be separated by a forward slash: (Edicions 62 / Orbis).

On-line publications Increasingly, sources found on the internet are being used. If you use them, you should record the same information as the examples noted above, or as much of it as is available. For example:

Catesby Jones, Anne. 2004. <<Translating SOPs in a pharmaceutical manufacturing environment>>. Translation Journal 8(2). (Accessed 22 December, 2006). Leong, Ping Alvin: <<Delimiting the Theme of the English Clause An Inference Boundary Account>>. < /LeongPing.pdf> (Accessed 22 December, 2006).

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