Fota V: Celebrating The Eucharist: Sacrifice and Communion

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Colmans Society for Catholic Liturgy

Est. 2007


Celebrating the Eucharist: Sacrifice and Communion

7th - 9th July, 2011 at The Clarion Hotel, Lapps Quay, Cork City

The Conference will be opened by: His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Signatura Apostolica Raymond Leo Burke was born in Richland Center, Wisconsin. He attended the Holy Cross Seminary in La Crosse, Wisconsin (1962-1968) and The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. where he received the degrees Bachelor of Arts (1970) and Master of Arts (1971). He continued studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University Rome in theology (1971-1975) and canon law (1980-1984). He was ordained to the priesthood by Pope Paul VI on June 29, 1975, at Saint Peter's Basilica. After his ordination to the priesthood, he served at the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman in La Crosse, Wisconsin and taught religion at Aquinas High School in La Crosse. In 1989, Pope John Paul II nominated him Defender of the Bond of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. Nominated Bishop of La Crosse on 10 December 1994, he was consecrated by the Pope on 6 January 1995 at St. Peter's Basilica. During his time in La Crosse, he founded the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe which was dedicated on 31 July 2008. He was promoted to the Archdiocese of St. Louis 2 December 2004 and nominated a member of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in 2006. On 27 June 2007, he was one of several Prelates who reviewed with Pope Benedict XVI the proposed text of the impending motu proprio Summorum Pontificum liberalising the use of the Tridentine Rite. On 6 May 2008, Pope Benedict XVI named Archbishop Burke a member of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, which authentically

interprets canon law, and also a member of the Congregation for the Clergy. On 27 June 2008, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. In October 2009 he was appointed a member of the Congregation for Bishops. Cardinal Burke established the Institute of Sacred Music in Saint Louis during his years as Archbishop of Saint Louis. Cardinal Burke was created a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church by Pope Benedict XVI in the Consistory of 20 November 2010 and assigned the diaconia of SantAgata dei Goti.

The Conference will be chaired by Professor D. Vincent Twomey, S.V.D. D. Vincent Twomey is a member of Ratzinger Schulerkreis. Born in Cork in 1941, Professor Twomey grew up in Cork, where he attended Christian Brothers College. He entered the Divine Word Missionaries in 1963. After philosophical studies at Donamon, Co. Roscommon, and theological studies on the Pontifical University, St Patricks College, Maynooth, he wasordained priest on 6th January 1970. After ordination, he spent a semester in Mnster, Westphalia, studying under Karl Rahner, before transferring to the University of Regensburg to do his doctoral studies under the supervision of the then Professor Joseph Ratzinger. On completing the doctorate in 1979, he taught in the Regional Seminary of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands for three years as Professor of Dogmatic Theology. After this, he was appointed professor at the Divine Word Missionary Theology Faculty at Mdling, near Vienna, Austria. In 1983, he was appointed lecturer in moral theology on the Pontifical University, Maynooth, and was subsequently made Professor. He was also Visiting Professor on the Theology Faculty of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, in the Summer semester 1983. Since 1978, he has been a member of the Ratzinger circle of doctoral and postdoctoral students that meets once a year for a week-end seminar. In 1986, he founded The Patristic Symposium, at Maynooth, to promote the study of Patrology and has organized seven international conferences on the subject. From 1997-2006, he was Editor of the Irish Theological Quarterly. From 2003-2011, he was Coordinator of the

Religious Studies component of the Higher Diploma in Primary Education, Hibernia College, Editor-in-Chief of The Word, 2004-2008. Since September 2006, he is Professor Emeritus. In 2006, he became a member of the Board of Directors of FertilityCare Centers International as well as the Irish and European Boards. Since 2007 he has been Patron of the IONA Institute for Religion and Society, Dublin. In 2008, he was elected a member of the Board of Trustees, Joseph Ratzinger/ Benedict XVI Foundation (based in Munich/Salzburg). In 2009, he was Honorary President of the Classicist Association of Ireland. At present he is Vice-Provincial Superior of the Irish and British Province of the Divine Word Missionaries, and Rector of the SVD House, Maynooth. His publications include: Apostolikos Thronos: The Primacy of Rome as reflected in the Church History of Eusebius and the historico-apologetic writings of Saint Athanasius the Great (Mnster, Westphalia 1981); Christianity and Neoplatonism: Proceedings of the First Patristic Conference, Joint Editor with Thomas Finan (Dublin: 1992); Scriptural Interpretation in the Fathers: Letter and Spirit: Proceedings of the Second Patristic Conference, Joint Editor with Thomas Finan (Dublin 1995); Studies in Patristic Christology: Proceedings of the Third Patristic Conference, Joint Editor with Thomas Finan (Dublin1998); The End of Irish Catholicism? (Dublin, 2003); Benedict XVI. The Conscience of Our Age: A theological Portrait (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2007); The Holy Trinity in the Fathers of the Church: Proceedings of the Fourth Patristic Conference, Joint Editor with Lewis Ayres (Dublin 2007); Der Papst, die Pille, und die Krise der Moral (Augsburg 2008); The Great Persecution AD 303: A Commemoration: Proceedings of the Fifth Patristic Conference. Joint Editor with Mark Humphries (Dublin 2009); Moral Theology after Humanae Vitae (1968) (Dublin 2010); Salvation according to the Fathers of the Church: Proceedings of the Sixth Patristic Conference, Joint Editor with Dirk Krausmller (Dublin 2010); The Holy Spirit in the Fathers of the Church : Proceedings of the Seventh Patristic Conference, Joint Editor with Janet Rutherford (Dublin 2010).

Prof. Dr. Klaus Berger

Divine Worship in the Revelation of St. John. Critical questions for the Western understanding of Liturgy.
Born in Hildesheim in 1940, Prof. Klaus Berger began philosophical studies at Fulda in 1960, moving to Munich in 1962 where he began theological studies as well as studies in oriental languages (Syriac, Amharic, Aramaic, Arabic and Coptic). In 1964, he began doctoral studies at the University of Munich and was awarded that degree in 1967. He continued his studies under Ulrich Wilckens in Berlin and Hamburg 1968-1971. In 1971 he received the Habilitation in Hamburg. Dr. Berger was appointed lecturer in New Testament at the University of Leiden (Netherlands) in 1971 and continued in that position to 1974 when he transferred to the University of Heidelberg as a substitute professor. From 1977 to 2003 he was Professor of New Testament at the University of Heidelberg. Since 2010, he is Professor of New Testament at the Abbey of Maria Wald. Among many academic works, Prof. Berger has published Die Gesetzesauslegung Jesu. Ihr historischer Hintergrund im Judentum und im Alten Testament, Teil 1: Markus und Parallelen (WMANT 40), Neukirchen-Vluyn 1972; Exegese des Neuen Testaments. Neue Wege vom Text zur Auslegung, Heidelberg 1977; Die Auferstehung des Propheten und die Erhhung des Menschensohnes. Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Deutung des Geschickes Jesu in frhchristlichen Texten (StUNT 13), Gttingen 1976; Religionsgeschichtliches Textbuch zum Neuen Testament, (TNT 1), Gttingen 1987 (zusammen mit C. Colpe); Qumran und Jesus. Wahrheit unter Verschlu?, Stuttgart 1992; Qumran. Funde - Texte - Geschichte, Stuttgart 1998; Manna, Mehl und Sauerteig. Korn und Brot im Alltag der frhen Christen, Stuttgart

1993; Das Buch der Jubilen(JSHRZ II/3), Gtersloh 1981; Bibelkunde des Alten und Neuen Testaments, Neues Testament, Heidelberg 1980; Einfhrung in die Formgeschichte, Tbingen 1987; Formgeschichte des Neuen Testaments, Heidelberg 1984; Exegese und Philosophie, (SBS 123/124), Stuttgart 1986; Hermeneutik des Neuen Testaments, Gtersloh 1988/ Tbingen 1999; Historische Psychologie des Neuen Testaments (SBS 123/124), Stuttgart 1991; Theologiegeschichte des Neuen Testaments. Theologie des Neuen Testaments, Tbingen, Basel 1994; Das Neue Testament und frhchristliche Schriften, Frankfurt am Main 1999(new translation, together with C. Nord); Im Anfang war Johannes - Datierung und Theologie des vierten Evangeliums. Paulus, Mnchen 2002; Jesus, Mnchen 2004; Kommentar zum Neuen Testament. Gtersloher Verlagshaus, Gtersloh 2011.

Dr. Mariusz Bilinewicz

Reasonable Worship: Joseph Ratzinger's Theology of Sacrifice

Mariusz Biliniewicz, 30-year-old Polish national. In 2005 obtained MA in Biblical Theology at Pontifical Theological Faculty in Wroclaw (Poland) through research work: "St. Peter and His Position in the Church According to Saint Matthew's Gospel". In 2011 obtained PhD in Systematic Theology at Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Dublin (Ireland) through research work "The Theological Background to the Liturgical Vision of Pope Benedict XVI". Since 2004 lives and works in Dublin.

Fr. Gerard Deighan

Continuity in Sacrifice: from Old Testament to New

Fr Gerard Deighan is a priest of the Archdiocese of Dublin, curate at St Kevins, Harrington St, and diocesan chaplain for the faithful devoted to the extraordinary form of the Roman rite. He read Classics at University College Dublin, and after theological studies at Holy Cross College, the diocesan seminary, he obtained the licentiate in Sacred Scripture, and the candidature for the Doctorate, at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome. He has taught at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute San Anselmo and the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, and currently lectures at the Mater Dei Institute. His principal area of research is the Vetus Latina of Samuel-Kings. He is a past president of the Irish Biblical Association (2008-2011).

Fr. Patrick Gorevan

O sacrum convivium: St Thomas on the Eucharist.

Patrick Gorevan is a priest of the Opus Dei Prelature. He lectures in philosophy in St Patricks College Maynooth and is academic tutor at Maryvale Institute. He has recently written on the ecclesial significance of liturgical translation and on the Eucharist in current Magisterium.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauke

What is the Holy Mass? The Systematical Discussion on the 'Essence' of Eucharistic Sacrifice.
Manfred Hauke was born in 1956 at Hannover (Germany). He spent his youth at Paderborn (Westfalia, Western Germany). He completed his in philosophy and theology (1975-1981) with a doctorate in theology (directed by Leo Scheffczyk whom Pope John Paul II in 2001 created Cardinal). His ordination to the priesthood (1983) was followed by four years of pastoral work as a chaplain in the industrial area of Dortmund, Hagen. In 1987 Hauke became assistant to Anton Ziegenaus, at the University of Augsburg (Bavaria), where he prepared his habilitation in dogmatic theology (1991). In 1993 he was called to the Theological Faculty of Lugano as professor for dogmatic theology. In 2001 he also assumed the chair of patrology. In dogmatic theology, he specializes in mariology. His scientific publications span the whole area of dogmatic theology. He has published monographs e. g. on the Priesthood of Women (doctorate), the doctrine of original sin in the Greek Fathers (habilitation), Confirmation, Feminist Theology, the theology of Cardinal Leo Scheffczyk, the mariological initiatives of Cardinal Mercier and on Mariology. He also does some pastoral work in the German speaking community at Lugano. Since 1992 he is member of the "Pontificia Academia Mariana Internationalis" (PAMI) and since 2005 president of the German Society for Mariology ("Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Mariologie", DAM). He is the editor of the scientific series Collana di Mariologia (since 2002). He is also coeditor for the series Quaestiones thomisticae (since 2007), and the reviews Sedes Sapientiae. Mariologisches Jahrbuch"(since 2004) and Forum Kathol-

ische Theologie (since 2007). He is editor of the review Theologisches (since 2010). Since 1996, he is member of the editorial committee of the Rivista teologica di Lugano (since 2009 also vice-director); member of the Coetus consultorum of Ephemerides Liturgicae (2007); and a member of the Advisory Board of the review of the Theological Faculty of Kosice (Slovachia), Verba Theologica (2010).

Fr. Daniel Jones

The verum sacrificium of Christ and of Christians according to St. Augustine.

Fr. Daniel Jones is a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit, USA, and Associate Professor of Theology, as well as Director of Graduate Seminarians, at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Born in 1953 in Detroit, he received a B.A. from the University of Michigan (history) in 1975, and lived as a member of The Servants of the Word, a lay brotherhood, for 15 years. He served in a variety of apostolates, working in European missions (Brussels and London) for five years, and as a junior high school teacher (Ypsilanti, Michigan) for nine years. During those years he obtained an M.A. in Education and an M.A. in English from Eastern Michigan University. He began priestly studies for the Archdiocese of Detroit in 1992, and received an S.T.B. from the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome) in 1996. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1997, and then received an S.T.L., Diploma, and S.T.D. (2003) in Theology and Patristic Sciences from the Augustinianum Patristics Institute, Rome. In 2004, he published Christus Sacerdos in the Preaching of St. Augustine: Christ and Christian Identity (Frankfurt: Peter Lang). In addition to his responsibilities as a professor, formator, and Director of Graduate Seminarians at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Fr. Jones serves as weekend assistant at St. Anthony Parish in Belleville. He has given numerous retreats and seminars for religious, priests, seminarians, and laity in the USA and abroad.

Fr. Thomas McGovern

The Eucharistic Magisterium of Pope John Paul II: An Overview

Rev Thomas McGovern is a priest of the Opus Dei Prelature working in Dublin. He has a doctorate in theology from the University of Navarre, Pamplona , Spain. He has written three books on the priesthood: Priestly Celibacy Today (1998); Priestly Identity: A Study in the Theology of Priesthood (2002); Generations of Priests (2010). His latest book, The Holy Eucharist: our Passover and our living bread, he expects to be published this summer. He has also published in a number of journals: Irish Theological Quarterly; Josephinum Journal of Theology; Scripta Theologica, National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly; Annales Theologici, Homiletic and Pastoral Review.

Mons. Joseph Murphy

The Mystery of Faith: Divo Barsotti on the Eucharist

Joseph Murphy was born in 1968 and ordained for the diocese of Cloyne in 1993. An official of the Secretariat of State since 1997, he is also chaplain to the Associazione SS. Pietro e Paolo, a lay volunteer assocaition based in the Vatican, and involved in academic formation work at the Pontifical French Seminary in Rome. He holds a B.A. degree from St. Patricks College, maynooth, and a Doctorate in theology from the Gregorian University, Rome, for a thesis God in the Hierarchy of being according to St. Thomas Aquinas: A Study of the Role of the Hierarchy Of Being in Questions 2-13 of the Prima Pars of the Summa Theologiae. He has published in the Irish Theological Quarterly, the French journal Kephas, Legio Mariae, and Pobal D. He also contributed to the Festshrift According to your Word, published in honour of Cardinal Desmond Connell by Four Courts Press in 2007. He is author of Christ our Joy: The Theological Vision of Benedict XVI which has also been published in French translation.

Prof. Dr. Michael Stickelbroeck

The Mystery of Eucharist in the Systematic Theology of M.J. Scheeben

Michael Stickelbroeck was born in Walbeck in the Lower Rhine region on 15th of July 1963. He studied philosophy and theology in Rolduc, Kerkrade (Netherlands) and afterwards in Heiligenkreuz, Austria, where he finished his basic studies. Subsequently began postgraduate study at the University of Augsburg (Bavaria), where he fulfilled his promotional studies with a dissertation directed by Prof. Anton Ziegenaus entitled The trinitarian thought in the work of Bernhard of Clairvaux (1993). He was ordained to the priesthood at 29th of June 1995 in St. Plten (Austria). After this he worked 3 years as chaplain and 4 years as pastor in the parish Hoheneich. Under Prof. Gerhard Ludwig Mller he obtained the Habilitation at the LudwigMaximillinan-University of Munich with a thesis entitled Christology in perspective of the question for being (2001). Since 2002 he is professor in ordinary for dogmatic and ecumenical theology at the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule in St. Plten.

Dr. Oliver Treanor

Eucharist and Church: One Communion in the Triune Body of Christ

Oliver Treanor lectures in Systematic Theology at Maynooth and has published on the Passion (This is My Beloved Son, Darton, Longman and Todd, London), Mariology (Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of the Redeemed, Christian Classics, Baltimore), the 'O' Antiphons of Advent (Seven Bells to Bethlehem, Gracewing, Leominster), and on scripture reading for the laity (The God Who Loved Stories, St Pauls Publications, London). His area of teaching and research at Maynooth is Ecclesiology and Eucharist and Sacraments. His theological studies to doctoral level took place at the studies at the Gregorian University in Rome following a degree in English Literature at Queen's University in Belfast and postgraduate studies there in Philosophy and Education. Latest publication was a chapter contributed to a Festscrift last November on the retirement of two professors from the Maynooth Faculty , entitled "Mary as the Sacramental Matrix of Ecclesial Personhood in Christ" (chapter 6, Having Life in His Name, Veritas, Dublin).

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