Text of Sacraments

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Thomas Mannooramparampil



The newly approved text of the sacraments came into use on 6th
January 2004. Our aim is to have a general glance at the formation
process of the text and evaluate it.


East Syrian sacramental texts had been in use among the

St. Thomas Christians till the 16lh century. In 1585 the Goan Council
decided to translate the Rituale Romanum of the Latin rite into Syriac in order to
be given to the Church of Thomas Christians Fr. Roz S J. translated it into
Syriac with the particularities of the diocese of Braga in Portugal and supplied
it to the priests at the Diamper synod in 1599. It was this text which
was printed in 1775 and reprinted in 1845 with the addition of some
sacramentals that were in use in Malabar till the restoration of the

This rite separated confirmation from baptism and limited

the power of conferring it to bishops and to the priests who had special
permission for the same in accordance with the Latin discipline.
Though the rite of baptism for adults was printed in Rome and
published, it did not come into use. Mar Louis Pazheparampil
translated a new rite for confirmation from the Roman rite and used it. It
is believed that the Syriac translation of the Latin rite of the blessing
of marriage was of Fr. Roz S.J. The special blessing for the
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 2

newly wed was given in it outside the Qurbana. Bishop Leonard-

Marcelline Statute of 1879 prescribed that it had to be conferred during
the Qurbana- Therefore very often the then newly wed had to go to
the Church on the next day of marriage to receive the blessing.
This law was made compulsory even before Leonard
Metropolitan went to Rome for the First Vatican Council. He
translated the Propria of the Latin rite of marriage into Syriac, printed it in
Rome in thin paper and pasted it in the appropriate place of certain
copies of the second edition of the Malabar Taksa.

He added the rite of extreme unction which Fr. Roz had distributed in the Diamper
Synod, the prayers for commending the souls of the dying to God and the
formula of conferring Apostolic blessing to the dying. It was used till the
restoration of the liturgy. It was explicitly mentioned in the text that a priest
requires the permission of the bishop to impart such an apostolic blessing. The
Latin code 468/2 gave this permission to priests who assist the sick. There
remained the question whether this common permission was applicable to
Malabar priests also. Mar Jacob (1505-1550/2) translated the Latin rite for
confession from Latin to Syriac and Mar Joseph made some small
changes in that translation .It seems that it was the translation of Fn Roz that was
used here till the restoration of the liturgy.


It was a historical event that Pope Pius XI on the first of

December 1934 gave His historic decision to restore the liturgy of the
Malabar Church to its pristine purity. On March 10,1954 a three member
committee consisting of Fn Raes S.J., Fr. Cyril Korolovsky and Fr. Placid
Podipara C.M.I. was appointed in Rome to restore the text of the
liturgy. On November 17, 1965 the Latin translation of the texts of the
sacraments of confession, anointing of the sick and marriage with their
notanda (explanation) and their Malayalam translation were given from

The SMBC1 held on Feb. 10, 1966 decided to ask CLC 2

to study the above mentioned documents and to prepare the texts
1. SMBC = Syro-Malabar Bishops' Conference
2. Centra! Liturgical Committee
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 3

the sacraments, and to request the Holy See to send to it the texts of
the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. It also decided that the
discipline regarding the administration of the sacrament of
Confirmation be revised along with our ritual for the same. For the
time being, priests may administer the sacrament only after the
children have reached the age of reason as is now the custom. The
sacrament may be conferred earlier in case of danger of death. On
March 14,1966 the Chairman of the Episcopal Commission for
liturgy sent to all the bishops the draft texts of the sacraments of
penance, anointing of the sick and matrimony. The agenda for SMBC
dated 23,3.1966 includes discussion on these sacraments. It gives in
bracket; "Request has been made to the Sacred Congregation to send
all the texts already prepared by the commission in Rome so that they
may be studied by our commission and co-ordinated". The SMBC
also sought explanation regarding the sources of these texts. It was
suggested in the SMBC of 23rd March, 1966 that the revision and
vernacularisation of the liturgy must be completed within the next
three years if possible and that a few priests devote their full time to
the work. It was also reported that Rev.Fr. Abel CMI had been
appointed General Choir Director and that each Diocese must have a
diocesan director of the choir. They all should occasionally meet
together and do the needful for the perfection and co-ordination of the
liturgical music. A number of suggestions were made for the
abbreviation and modification of the draft text of the sacraments of
penance, anointing of the sick and matrimony. The suggestions were
noted down so that they might be passed on to the liturgical
committee which would be making a more profound study of the
texts. On 23rd March the Convener of CLC sent the texts of the three
sacraments to all the members of the CLC. On March 5, 1966 the
Oriental Congregation sent the texts of the sacraments of Baptism and
Confirmation in Latin, their Malayalam translation and the
explanation of the texts in Italian. Introduction to the restored texts of
Matrimony, penance and anointing of the sick was sent from Rome
on 2.3 1966 and was forwarded to the bishops on 12,9.66. The letter
of Mar Parecattil to the Hierarchs of the Syro-Malabar Rite on Sept.
12,1966 states; "Please find enclosed herewith a copy of the proposed
text of the ceremonies of Baptism,
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 4

forwarded by the Sacred Congregation .A copy of the same has been

handed over to our liturgical Committee for their scrutiny, study and
comments. It will be good if the ceremonies are examined by other
priests and laymen as well, so that our liturgical functions may be
acceptable and appealing to all. I believe that final decisions shall be
taken only after having carefully assessed the utility and value of the
restored texts in the light of the Council Directives".

The explanatory note from Rome on the sacraments of confession,

anointing of the sick and marriage says: The Latin text was studied
and approved by the Commission in its sessions on 22 and 29 March,
12 and 19 April and 10 May 1955. Since it is the question of
sacraments it is opportune to report in particular that which concerns
the matter and form of these sacraments.


Two things before the marriage are the agreement of marriage and
the blessing of marriage dress and of the crowns. These can be done
according to the desire of those who marry. There are two parts for
the blessing of marriage.

1. Those who get married should express their consent in the present
2. They are to be crowned and should receive the imposition of
They are given sweets in the church or in its vicinity after the
final blessing or after the Qurbana. A priest should bless this food

The papal document on marriage Crebrae allatae sunt

(Feb.22,1949) canon 85, 86 prescribe that the priest after making sure
of the consent of the bride and bridegroom by asking them whether
they wish to be bound mutually give them blessing. Two , formulae
are given for the rite of betrothal. The first one has been influenced
by the Latin rite and the second one was adapted from the Chaldean
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 5


The commission chose one formula from the five formulas of the
Chaldean Pontifical which clearly expresses pardon of sins. It is not
in the indicative form but in optative form: "Lord, let Thy grace and
mercy descend and absolve Thy servant from all sins".

Anointing: gingeli

This sacramental formula was framed taking elements from the

Chaldean rite. Matter is olive oil. Since olive oil is not produced in
India, coconut oil and gingeli oil are available there; the commission
discussed whether it is convenient to prescribe olive oil. They may
have to import olive oil as they import wine.

As regards the blessing of oil several documents -Pope Clement

VIII ( 1595) -prove that it need not necessarily be blessed by bishop.
The celebrant can bless it during the rite of the administration of the

The explanatory note dated on March 2, 1966 and forwarded by

the bishop of Ernakulam to all the bishops on 12.09.1966 says: "On
Nov. 17, 1965 the liturgical commission in charge of preparing the
restored text of the Syro-Malabar Liturgy proposed to initiate the
reform of the Ritual and with this scope it presented the restored rites
of three sacraments: marriage, penance and anointing of the sick.
Today the same commission presents the restored rite of two
sacraments: Baptism and confirmation, which in Orient are celebrated
in one sole ceremony and there the mode of giving it and communion
outside the Mass are added".

Such a project was prepared in 1955, as is seen in the words of

the meetings of the commission on 15,22, Feb. and 1,8,15,22 March

At that time an edition of an ordinary rite and of a shortened rite

was aimed at the sacraments of baptism ad confirmation. Today we
are persuaded that only a short rite, still shorter than that which had
been prepared may be in the stage of being substituted for that of the
Western rite (translated in Syriac) today in use in the Syro-Malabar
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 6

However, the characteristics of the Chaldean liturgy have been

preserved; thus in baptism the benediction of baptismal water is to be
in every ceremony and the benediction of oil is necessary for pre-
baptismal anointing These two benedictions,longest in the ordinary
rite, have been abbreviated to the maximum: an epicletical prayer not
too long, preceded by a short introduction.

The Chaldean rite has preserved one of the more ancient ways of
baptizing .The one who is to be baptized is placed in water or he
descends there till his neck, and the priest putting his hand on his
head immerses him three times. This way of baptizing is described in
the Catechism of Theodore of Mopsuestia and figured in the oriental
icons which represent the baptism of the Lord in Jordan. We preserve
in the text that way of doing, because it is in the characteristic of the
rite. Knowing that now in India with the children of a few days after
the birth that way of baptizing is impracticable, we permit to do the
triple infusion of water on the head of the baptismal candidates
without putting them in the water till the neck.

More difficult problem to be solved is met in the rite of

Confirmation. Ancient and genuine rite of Chaldean Church has
given always an exceptional importance to pre-baptismal anointing as
it appears in the writings of St. Ephrem, of Narsai and others. Only in
the 7Ih century after the reform of Patriarch Ishoyahb, a post
baptismal consignation on the forehead of the neophytes appears,
which in some documents, not in all, is made with oil. Besides, this
oil is not holy chrism used in other oriental and occidental rites for
the post -baptismal anointing and the formula which accompanies the
consignation does not express conveniently the particular grace of
that sacrament but appears rather as a general conclusion of the
baptismal rite. Special attention is made to the word of the phrase
which stands in the past time: "baptized and perfected in the name of
the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, for ever, Amen".

From the other part, after baptism in the imposition of hands on

the neophytes also, while pronouncing a rather long prayer in which
some expressions which could signify the sacramental grace of
confirmation are found, the priest speaks of truly Christian life: "We
confide that your grace (Lord), may protect them (*neophytes) in
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 7

chastity of life and purity of works, that they may present themselves
full of faith and justice by the venerable advent of Christ our
Saviour". The ecumenical council and the Holy Father could
delineate that the matter sufficient for the sacrament of Confirmation
be the imposition of hands alone (without the accompaniment of any
consignation or anointing and that the sacramental form has been
expressed with words it reports) see above.

Such a declaration is authoritative (which had been much desired)

and necessitated by long preparatory studies and not by easy
procedure. Our commission therefore keeping the imposition of
hands has decided to present as sacramental matter of Confirmation
the holy chrism blessed by bishop and as form that which is found in
the Ritual of the Maronites (Beirut). They are substantially equal to
the formula kept in the manuscripts of the Syrian rite and of the
Maronite rite collected in Denzinger.

Behold the proposed formula: "By the charity of Christ God,

sweet smell of true faith and seal of the fullness of the grace of the
Holy Spirit (name) is signed in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, for ever. Amen.1

Regarding the rite of giving Holy Communion outside the Mass,

it does not make repeat the rite of the Holy Communion during the
holy Mass, making it precede the one rubric and making it followed
by a conclusion which also is derived from the Mass.

The proposed rites do not present other special difficulties. The

commission dares therefore hope that the sacred Congregation
accepts the project given for its decision and that a Malayalam
version of these ceremonies could be proposed to the hierarchy of the
Syro-Malabar Church as has been made for the three sacraments of
matrimony, penance and anointing of the sick"

The First Draft

In a letter of Cardinal Parecattil to all the bishops on 8.2.66 he

informed that a committee of three under the Msgr. Kurian
Vanchipurackal had been appointed to frame the draft of the
sacraments. It was mentioned in the SMBC of Feb. 10, 1966 that
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 8

the above said committee had not given their report .Therefore on
March 30,1967 the work was entrusted to a new committee under
Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry with Msgr. Kurian Vanchipura as
convener. A text of the sacraments under the title "Liturgy of the
Syro-Malabar Church" was printed in Malayalam in 1968 and
circulated among the Bishops and others.
Comparison with the Latin text
Latin Text Malayalam Text
A. Holding hands-prayer, Onitha, 1. Formula agreement. The place of
blessing of dress and crowning. blessing dress and crown is Changed.

B. Rite of marriage Our Father, prayer Ps 45, prayer

1. Our Father, Ps 45, prayer, Onitha
2. Kindling candles on the table while
2. "This is the bread which is coming to
this world.... Lord of all, readings,

3. Blessing of tali, asking consent,

3. Asking consent, blessing of Tali, priest makes hold their right hand
tying of tali Blessing of ring (this is together.Placing urara on their hands
given by bridegroom To bride, bride- prays, tying of tali, blessing of ring,
groom gives mantrakodi to Bride or priest gives ring to bridegroom who
puts on her head, crowning puts it in her finger. If there are two
rings, bride puts a ring in his finger,
blessing of mantrakodi, priest gi ves it
to bridegroom who puts it on her head.
Instead of chain (mala) flower garland
or varanamaliyam is put on her neck. If
Crown is used instead mala, it is blessed
saying the prayer if they are crowned.
At the same time, onita is sung.

4. If convenient, the priest holding the 4. Karozutha, prayer, blessing,

Malayalam Text crowns and puts them prayerover bridegroom, making sign of
on the table. He says the prayer on the the cross on them and sprinkling hanana
bridegroom, and then on the bride. water on them. The huttamma is
different from that of the Latin text.

5. If there is Qurbana, it begins with 5. Propria of the Qurbana

Lord of all. Propria are given. If there is
no Qurbana, the rite ends with the final
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 9

The Latin text gives shortened form of the agreement which is

called kai pidutham (holding hands). The stewards of the bride and
bridegroom come to the parish priest and make the matrimonial
agreement before him and before those who are present. This
ceremony takes place in the presbytery or in the sacristy of the Church.
On the eve of marriage, manthrakodi and other nuptial dresses
and the crowns generally of flowers are brought to the house of the
parish priest who blesses them. The parish priest can also go the
house of the marriage parties and bless these things. The Malayalam
text does not give this rite of agreement.
The texts of marriage are as a whole faithful to the Latin text
given from Rome. Both texts have made ring optional. The articles
for the use of marriage rite are placed on a small table placed in
front of Questroma. The Latin text says that the spouses come and
stand in front of the table, bridegroom on the rite side and bride on
the left, facing east. Malayalam text says that they stand there facing
the altar. The priest begins the ceremony in the sanctuary facing the
altar, comes to the small table at the time of the psalm and continues
the rest of the ceremony.
The Malayalam text gives the following instructions which are
not found in the Latin text:
1. The rite of marriage can be done with or without the Holy
2. If there is Qurbana the gifts are prepared on a small table
during the karozutha. The spouses place the small particles of Host
in the paten for their holy communion. Before the conclusion of the
karozutha the celebrant washes his hands, brings the gifts to the
altar and performs the rite of offertory. Holy Communion can be
given in two species. Instead of the usual huttamma the final prayer
of the rite of marriage is recited.
3. Kalabham and panineer can be used for the rite of marriage.
4. The parties can choose either varanamalyam or crown or
Rosary. Two sets of the chosen items should be entrusted to the
priest in advance.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 10

5. In order to kindle the light during the Lakumara, signifying

Christ who is the light of the world, a candle or koluvilakku should
be placed on the small table.
6. The priest who blesses the marriage should be present in the
Qurbana from the beginning, wearing the vestments, if some body
else celebrates the Qurbana in Malayalam.
7. If the Qurbana is not in Malayalam, it should begin from the
beginning and not from the offertory.
8. The hymns are in Kamatic tune.

The prayers for those who are under censure are left out in the
Malayalam draft.

Anointing of the sick

The Malayalam text has added several prayers such as the
prayer before Lakumara, scriptural readings, prayers of the
anointing the different parts of the body, karozuthas, blessings at the
time of death etc.
1. The rites for the service for the sick are confession, holy
communion and anointing of the sick
2. Even if one does not confess, first absolving prayer is to be
pronounced. Only after that, Holy Communion or anointing of the
sick is administered.
3. If the sick does not die immediately after the anointing, he
can be given absolution or prayers for the dying are said over him
at the time of death.
4. If there is no oil blessed by the bishop, priest can bless it in
the Church. Blessing oil in houses is limited to extraordinary
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 11

Malayalam draft is a faithful translation of the Latin text. But in
the Latin text there is giving of candle. There are also no prayers for
giving dress and candle. Chrismation is conferred after the procession
with the singing of trisagion.
The Malayalam text has added prayers to give dress and candle.
The hymn sung during the procession to the sanctuary is new. If the
receiver of baptism is a child, the following parts are added to the
Latin text. The celebrant says: "peace be with you". In order to
show that the baptized is received into the community, others also
give peace: "Dear brothers, ...". Thus the karozutha and its
concluding prayer can be recited. If the baptized is capable of
recognizing the Holy Eucharist; it is given to him following the ordinary
rite. The huttamma is new. Confirmation is not given. The rite of
baptism for the dying is also specially given.
The Malayalam draft gives the following guidelines for baptism:
1. The common norm is that the oil of catechumen and water
are to be specially blessed for each baptism.
2. Yet, for the sake of convenience the oil blessed by bishop
need be used. The water once blessed can be used for several times.
3. If the priest who baptizes blesses the oil, instead of pouring
myron into the water in the form of the cross, after dipping his finger
into the myron he makes the sign of the cross in the oil. In the same
way, when the water is blessed, instead of pouring oil into it, it is
enough that he dips his finger in the oil and makes the sign of the
cross with that finger.
4. Baptism is conferred, by pouring water on the head. On
solemn occasions, if there is special prescription from the bishop
the child can be made to sit in the baptismal pond and pour water on
its head or immerse it in water three times to confer baptism.
5. If it is adult baptism, Ps 51 is recited after the epistle.
6. When the priest gives baptism to the children in danger of
death, it is good to confer also Confirmation. In that case, it can be
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 12

conferred by reciting only the formula for giving Confirmation. For

the adult, Holy Communion also can be given.
7. Giving white dress to each child is also to be encouraged.
8. The children baptized at home, if they are out of danger of
death, are to be brought to the church and complete the rite of baptism
and register its name.

Suggestions for a revised text

Since the first draft did not satisfy many people a new committee
was appointed to prepare the text on the basis of the given draft and
the Latin text. The committee prepared a revised draft and circulated
it for study. Suggestions for improvements and modifications in it
were called for. Many dioceses submitted their suggestions For
example we may mention some suggestions from the diocese of

1. A formula of promise is to be added, in which the bridegroom
and bride should, putting their right hands on the Bible, promise
marriage fidelity to each other.
2. In the sacraments especially in Baptism and Confession the
sacramental formula should be given in indicative form.
3. In the rite of marriage, blessing and giving ring need not be
made compulsory. Nothing about them need be mentioned in the
4. Instead of hannana water, panineer may be used. But
kalabham, Chandanam, sweets, crowns, varanamalyam (marriage
garland), etc. are not to be used. Nothing about them should be
mentioned in the text
5. The custom of giving rosaries should be continued. The priest
blesses them by saying the prescribed prayers and gives them to
bride and bridegroom.
6. The prescription that one who celebrates the Qurbana in
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 13

connection with the rite of marriage (if he is not the one who
administers marriage rite) should be there from the beginning of the
rite and he should be allowed to use the propria of the Qurbana for
7. Nothing is to be mentioned about the newly wed placing host
in the paten.
8. There is no need of kindling oil lamp or candle on the small
9. Local differences for tying tali and giving mantrakodi need
not be mentioned.
10. The tune for the hymn Mass should be such that every body
is able to sing.
11. Do not reve the ancient custom of holding hands of the
guardians of the candidates of marriage {kai pidutham) in the rite
of agreement of marriage.(betrothal). The rite of betrothal can be
thus: The priest wearing urara comes and stands in the middle of
the Church before the candidates of marriage. He asks them to
express their consent and when they have done so he recites the
formula of blessing
12. The consent is asked thus "(name) with free mind and full
heart, according to the law of Christ and the procedure of the Church
(name) do you accept him (or her) as husband (wife)?
Answer: I accept.
13. The beginning of every rite of sacraments should be "sthuthi
to God in the highest1". It should begin with the prayer "Our Father".
This prayer should be the same everywhere.
14. The epistle should be till "flesh of flesh".
15. Before the Gospel reading "The Gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ written by St. Mathew" should be added.
16. When consent is asked, instead of the address 'brother or
sister', he calls the name of the candidate.
17. Psalm prescribed for blessing mantrakodi is to be omitted.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 14

1. Nothing need be said about dress. As usual giving of white
cloth is enough. Omit the use of chandanathiri
3. The rubrics after exorcism should be omitted.
4. Make clear which the official vestments are.
5. Omit in the Gospel reading "go and preach the Gospel in the
whole world".
6. In the formula of giving baptism one Amen is sufficient.
7. There should be uniformity in the creed to be said in all the

CLC reconstituted
On the first of January 1968 the CLC was reconstituted by
adding one member each from every diocese. Thus a new committee
with 19 members was formed. Though they might be perhaps eminent in
other fields, most of them were not experts in liturgy. If we evaluate later
course of developments in liturgy, the appointment of Abel as Choir
Director and the formation of the new CLC can be considered as an
important step towards diverting liturgical restoration and reform to a new
direction. The remark of Mar A.D. Mattam is worth attending: "The
main reason for such a change is that before making any change in
liturgy theological, historical and pastoral study had not been done"
Each one proposes suggestion without any study. This is also the
outcome of having enlarged the CLC by incorporating new members who
have no knowledge of the liturgy or who evaluate matters only in the
light of Latin liturgy".
The decision No 19 of the SMBC held on 12-14,August 1974 was
to appoint liturgical experts instead of diocesan representatives: "To
bring more experts into the liturgical committee, the bishops may
substitute them in place of the present diocesan representatives
according to the precedence followed so far". Mar Januarius writes to
Mar Kunnacherry on June 4, 1973 on working scheme for the Syro-
Malabar liturgy. The first step suggested is to dissolve the CLC:
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 15

"The existing committee for Liturgy should be dissolved since they

have played the part and we thank them for their valuable
contributions. Any further involvement of this committee is not
desirable in the given context as faith in them is apparently vanishing".
In the Roman Synod of 1980 on August 26lh Archbishop Mar
Joseph Powathil spoke thus: "I was a member of that Central
Liturgical Committee and I remember how the committee has been
unnecessarily expanded some time before 1968 to make the role of the
experts very insignificant." Those who have studied their own liturgy
and are interested in it should become members in CLC which is the
highest body under the synod which deals with important liturgical matters
and also in diocesan liturgical committees. It is observed that by avoiding
those who have even doctorate in liturgy or oriental theology certain
dioceses and religious congregations send as their representatives
those who are known for their anti-orientalism or those who find eligibility
as friends or supporters of the ideology of the superiors concerned. Instead of
framing genuine liturgy such people try to represent the ideology of
their superiors. Another cause of the failure of CLC is that the members
are very often changed. The new members do not have any idea of what
happened till they became members. Since they do not know what has
happened before hand, they cause very often objections, disputes and
unnecessary discussions.
The main reason why Syro-Malabar Church could not profit from
the service of the liturgical experts who hold high academic
qualifications is that they are unanimous in their liturgical stand and
therefore are seen as opponents by the so-called anti-oriental majority of
bishops. This is interpreted to be the reason why they could not find a
liturgical expert with doctorate in the board of directors of the newly
founded Liturgical Research Centre.
A letter written by Mar Sebastian Valloppilly to Cardinal Philippe, the
Prefect of the Oriental Congregation throws light on the same subject:
"It is to be said that there are in fact many people who have studied
liturgy. All the liturgy scholars have the same idea regarding the reform
of our liturgy. But their opinion is not always attended to. Therefore I
request the Congregation to examine the texts before approving
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 16

In spite of all these observations and suggestions on the CLC

members, we can notice that the same trend of filling it with members
who have no special knowledge of one's own liturgy and very often
have aversion towards it continues. The only qualification expected
from such members, it seems, is that they should represent the mind of
the bishop or superior who sends them. It is not the knowledge and
experience that matter but loyalty to the superior. Although several
dioceses and religious Congregations have well qualified members
with doctorate in liturgy and in oriental matters they are not found in the
CLC while some others with no special studies in this field and oppose
liturgical renewal according to the teaching of Vatican II are nominated
to this committee. We may observe that some well known scholars in
liturgy are not seen in any official bodies which handle liturgy or any
related matters. If people without sufficient study or oppose liturgical
restoration form the majority, CLC can become a channel of anti-
orientalism in liturgical and oriental matters. If some body dares to
express his view fearlessly and stands firm, he may be slowly
eliminated from CLC or cornered in such a way that he is isolated or
neglected in the CLC. For many what is important is their career and not
what is good for an oriental Church. So it is important to please the
superior and to side with the majority who handle the power and
award chances of future. It is a sad fact that such an unethical situation
exists also in the Church as in any other society.

The liturgical Background of Bishops and priests

The bishops and the superiors of the Religious Orders who sent the
members of CLC are responsible for the accusations against the
members. Mar Sebastian Valloppilly writes to the Oriental
Congregation on 26.08.1980 about the bishops who approved the text
of the 1968 Qurbana and the 1969 text of the sacraments: I may add in
this connection that of the seven bishops who gave imprimatur: two were
ex alumni of the propaganda college, Rome, three including myself ex
alumni of the Papal seminary, Kandy and two from the Pontifical
seminary Alwaye. In the first two seminaries hardly anything was
taught about the Syro-Malabar liturgy and very little in the third one.
The new priests coming out from these seminaries
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 17

were fully Latin oriented if not entirely Latinized". We should admit

with all humility that most of the priests and religious have got Latin
formation in seminaries, houses of religious institutes and theological
faculties. If the mind of the majority is the criterion of the nature of
liturgical restoration and renewal it would be better to introduce the
Latin liturgy in the Syro-Malabar Church rather than introducing
hybrid liturgy. A good number of such people consider the pre-
Diamper liturgy and even the Latin liturgy as the most ideal one for the
Malabar Church and therefore to resist the restoration of the original
liturgy is taken to be a mark of the love for the Church.

The working of liturgical Committee

The letter of Fr. Chavelil to bishops on 17th June 1968 states: "I
hope that Fr. Jacob Vellian has already forwarded to your
Excellency copies of the restored sacraments, to be given to the
members of the diocesan liturgical committee. Even though this text
was meant for public circulation, according to the unanimous opinion
of the members, the central committee has decided not to give it out
without making some necessary corrections. So a sub-committee was
constituted to rewrite certain prayers and to make changes in the
rubrics in consultation with diocesan committees. So I request your
Excellency to instruct the convener of the diocesan liturgical
committees to send to Fr. Vellian the opinion of the committees
before the 30th1 of this month."
On 16.07.68, Fr. Vallamattam writes to the members of
Kothamangalam Diocesan Liturgical committee on the rite of
sacraments: "1 am sending a copy of the newly prepared draft for your
study. It is proposed to discuss the issue at the first meeting of the
committee to be held at the Bishop's house onl3.07.68".This committee
submitted a number of suggestions to the Bishops on l5th July.
On 17.07.1968 Fr. Vellian writes to Fr. Vallamattam3 "The
suggestions on sacraments were sent to Fr, Abel yesterday. The sub-
committee for preparing the text of the sacraments was held last
week. I gave all suggestions there. Fr. Abel has been asked to

3 Translation from Malayalam

Thomas Mannooramparampil . 18

prepare the new text and print it before the first of August and send it to
the members of the committee and the members of the Diocesan
committee members. The meeting is on 8th. I do not think that it was of
any use that the text which I prepared was studied and suggestions were
given, since new text is prepared. Let us see whether the suggestions
are received when it comes".
The letter of Fr. Chavelil on July 20 1968 says: "The next meeting of
Liturgical committee will be held on Thursday 8 ih August. The
following items are included in the agenda: sacraments, Ash
Wednesday, holy Week functions, consecration of the Church and
Propria and karosootha. Will you please contact diocesan liturgical
committee and get the opinion of the members regarding the first four
points mentioned above? A copy of the sacraments prepared by the sub-
committee will be sent to you before the first of August". On 25 July
1968 Mar Parecattil writes to all bishops: "By the end of this week you
will be receiving from Mar Louis Press, Ernakulam fifteen copies of
the revised draft of the sacraments which will again be scrutinized by the
Central Liturgical Committee, which is to meet on August 8Ih 1968 at the
Pontifical Seminary, Alwaye. Before that I should like to know your
comments on the same, which please forward directly to Rev. Fr.
James Chavely, St. Joseph's Seminary Alwaye -3, so that they may
reach him on or before August 5 lh ".

The text of Fr. Abel

The text prepared by Fr. Abel contained the rites for child baptism, for
Confirmation, anointing of the sick and marriage. As appendices it gives
the rite of blessing saith (holy oil), the rite of blessing oil for anointing
of the sick, the rite for conferring baptism and confirmation for those
who are in danger of imminent death, betrothal and instruction on
marriage which can be read instead of sermon after the Gospel reading.
The promise of fidelity in the marriage rite appears for the first time in this
text. The text of Fr. Abel was sent on 03.08.68 to diocesan centres. The
response from Palai diocese rejected the draft because of three
1. It differs from the text given from Rome
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 19

2. The present draft does not agree with the early draft.
3. It differs from the Chaldean structure of the sacraments.
Cardinal Parecattil admitted these facts and tried to justify them. On
3.8.68 the diocesan liturgical committee of Kothamanaglam drafted
the suggestions for the CLC. The CLC meeting held on 7.8.68 at
Alwaye discussed this draft of Fr. Abel. Fr. Valiamattam and Fr. Silas
were asked to examine this text. The CLC held on 19, 20 Sept. 1968 at
Mangalapuzha presided by Cardinal Parecattil, discussed the
suggestions from dioceses and put to vote.

Whether question is needed at the beginning of the baptismal rile,
Yes 8/18; no 10/18; may be optional 1. Trisagion may be sung on
reaching the altar- unanimous.

"May God help you to confess your sins" - 5/18 "May the merciful
God bless you" -13/18.

Anointing the sick

Laku mara is optional. It is to be printed - 9/18; Not to be printed -8/18;
one neutral. Organs to be anointed - unanimous. Special prayer for
anointing each organ - 11/18; No - 7/18. There should be special prayers
for anointing the organs of priests -12/18; not necessary - 6/18.

Ring is made optional. No - 4/18.Varanamalyam is optional. No -
4/18. There is no objection to give either ring or garland or both.
Psalm to be compulsorily introduced after our Father - 10/17.
Water blessed early may be used -16/17. No anointing of
mailanchiyideel I- 10/17; There can be mailanchiyideel - 7/17. Add
intercessory prayers - 17/17. Adult baptism - certain additional
prayers, questions etc. to be followed -17/17.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 20

Fr. Vellian, Fr. Silas, Fr. Valliamattam and Fr. Chavelil examined on
23.10.68 the draft prepared in accordance with the decision of the
CLC on 19-20 September.
Fr. Vallamattam and Fr. Silas CMI were appointed to check the
text of the sacraments. The 1968 text was accepted despite the
objection of several experts. Cardinal Parecattil claims that Fr.
Chavelil got the imprimatur of all bishops except of those of Mar
Sebastian Valloppilly and Mar Parecattil 4. It means that SMBC as a
body did not approve this text. It was printed in December 1968 and
was published by the CLC on 11.02.1969. It began to be used by many
without understanding the real nature of it which has not been approved
even ad experimentum by SMBC or Rome. From 1981 onwards Fr.
Abel claimed copy right for this text. Fr. Abel lost his claim for the
copy right of the burial services in the legal battle. It was widely
believed that he lost the copy rights of all the books for which he
claimed the right. Later the CMI Congregation handed over this right
to the synod. In the light of the past experience the synod from 28 Oct
till 15 Nov. 1996 authorized the curia to obtain the copy rights for all
the liturgical texts to be used in the Syro-Malabar Church from the
competent civil authorities.

Objections raised
The text was heavily criticized because it did not reflect the
genius and theology of the East Syrian sacraments and was different in
structure. To use a text without the formal approval of SMBC and of the
Holy See was a serious indiscipline.
The diocesan Liturgical Committee of Kanjirapally proposed the
following for the SMBC: "It is remarked that the present texts of the
Sacraments, Holy Week ceremonies etc. are not according to the real
liturgical spirit and traditions of our Rite. Hence, the Bishops' Conference
is requested to set right the situation". On CLC it says: "The work of the
restoration of our liturgy as envisaged by the Council Vatican II must be
entrusted to a Committee of experts in Oriental Liturgy, Theology,
traditions, Church History, pastoral Theology etc.

4 Liturgy as I see it,p.179

Thomas Mannooramparampil . 21

Hence, a reconstitution of the present central Liturgical Committee of

the Syro-Malabar Church is highly necessary including experts from
abroad. For the efficient and quick work of the C.LC, there should be
clearly formulated and approved norms". (No. 9).
Bishop Vallopally writes on June 29,1974 on the SMBC of 1974:
"Since the subject of the meeting is liturgy, the members of the
Liturgical Committee should be invited to attend the meeting at least one
day, preferably on the second day. If the present Liturgical
Committee is not competent it should be reorganized. Once a
committee is appointed their voice should be heard and respected.
Since the members of the Conference are not experts on Liturgical
matters, some experts should be appointed to advise the Conference on
liturgical matters".

1974 SMBC
The request of Mar Sebastian Vayalil to hold a special meeting of
SMBC to discuss the liturgy was accepted. As a preparation for it
suggestions and opinions regarding liturgy and the evaluation of the
liturgical activities till then were invited from dioceses. On this special
meeting Mar Sebastian Vayalil writes: "Discussions were held
efficiently and zealously. Some members tried to postpone an y
decision by raising objections. On August 14, the last day of the
meeting, I insisted: "Today before we disperse a decision should be
taken. Mar Joseph Powathil the bishop of Kanjirapally and the eparch
of Satna fully agreed to this appeal. Others also, understanding
the situation fully agreed5. One of the strong demands nf the Fathers was
that the text of the sacraments must follow the text given by the Holy
See. Hence a thorough revision of the existing text was needed. Some of
the relevant decisions of the SMBC were the following:
- Regarding the reform of the liturgy, the Conference decided that
restoration, revision and adaptation of the liturgy should go togethcr,
keeping the identity of the rite and having in view its organic growth in the
light of Vatican decrees.

•• Nintee Vazhikal Etra Sundaram 472

Thomas Mannooramparampil . 22

- It was further resolved that hereafter the Bishops' conference

alone should give approval for liturgical texts, subject to the approval
of the Holy See. The individual ordinaries may publish para-liturgical
texts, after hearing the diocesan liturgical committee.
- The Central Liturgical Committee may form sub-committees
for a) Holy Mass b) Sacraments and Sacramentals c) Pontifical
d) Breviary e) Calendar f) Experimentations in Liturgy. These
subcommittees may also co-opt Consultators.
- The findings of the sub-committees should go to the Central
Liturgical Committee for their evaluation and presentation to the
Bishops' Conference for final approval.

A new sub-committee
Basing on this decision of 1974 August 14, a committee under the
chairmanship of Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry was appointed to prepare
a new text of the sacraments on the basis of original sources.

The letter of a member

On 1 January 1977, a member of the inter-diocesan committee
wrote to Pope Paul VI. I quote some relevant parts on the sacraments:
"After the Council things became worse. Cardinal Parecattil
introduces his own reform. In 1968, the Eucharistic Liturgy, reformed by
the Sacred Oriental Congregation was again reformed with the result
that it became a deformed liturgy... Besides this, the ritual of the other
sacraments was also drawn up and the texts of these are not based on
the older sources as the Council decree suggests. On the other hand
the pre-conciliar practices of the Western Church have found their way
into these books. Cardinal Parecattil, acting so it seems, on his own
individual initiative and on the advice of a few of his priests, has
published many liturgical books in the local language. The other bishops,
however, were not and are still not consulted on these matters. I know
this as a member of the Liturgical Committee of the Archdiocese of
Changanacherry and also of the inter-diocesan committee. Your
Holiness can verify this fact and the truth of this statement from the
bishops themselves'1.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 23

In spite of the command of Pope Pius XI to go to the Chaldean

traditions, Cardinal Parecattil has drawn up a new Pontifical with
many Latin Innovations and it is in such a rite that he uses for
ordination and episcopal consecration services.
Further, there is being used in some places another text for the
Eucharistic Sacrifice called the "Indian Mass". Some time back the
Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship forbade the use of such texts
and this prohibition had been published by the Secretary of the Catholic
Bishops' Conference of India. However, the Cardinal encourages the
use of such a 'Mass' in the Dharmaram College, Bangalore 29,... For
the continued use of this type of 'Liturgy' they argue that since the
Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship has no jurisdiction over
Eastern churches, the prohibitions are not binding on us. But the
question is: who gave him permission to use such texts for the
Liturgy? Is Cardinal Parecattil competent for it? To my knowledge the
Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Churches has never given such
The motive for the 'Indian Mass' is, they say, to adapt to the
Indian culture. However this adaptation is very selective and
superficial. For example, in spite of the loud and fervent advocations of
Indianization nothing so far is done to conform to the spirit of
penance and renunciation, so dear to the Hindus.
The blind copying of Hindu practices has provoked derision from the
part of the thinking Hindus. Just to give one of many examples, Mr.
Soma Varma Raja, a high class Hindu belonging to a royal family and at
present Professor and Head of the Department of the Malayalam
language at Bharata Mata College, Ernakulam ... spoke to me last year
with disapproval of the meaninglessness of such 'external shows' as
he put it.
Because of the confusion existing everywhere our bishops sat
together more than two years back and made arrangements for the
creation of various committees for preparing the texts for the different
sacraments. I am working in two such committees. I have, right at
the beginning, pointed out that the work of the committee has to be
submitted to Rome for approval. The reason for my contentions is
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 24

that the Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Churches has already
given the texts of the sacraments to our bishops and to outdo the Act of
the Sacred Congregation is beyond the power of the bishops. Still, after
the setting of the Committees, Cardinal Parecattil published some
books of a liturgical nature (e.g. a much contestable Breviary).
On all these problems I have consulted with some of our bishops
and eparchs. They are apparently in a difficult and delicate situation and
are keeping silent just to avoid confrontation with Cardinal and thus
causing scandal...."

The letter of the Oriental Congregation and the reaction

Probably basing on this memorandum The Oriental Congregation
wrote on 3rd January 1977 to all the members of SMBC as 'reserved
matter' regarding the reform of the liturgy. Cardinal Parecattil writes to
other bishops on this letter: "I presume it is the result of the complaints
gone from some quarters...It may be noted that at the meeting of the
Syro-Malabar Bishops' Conference held here from 12Ih to 14 the
August 1974, the Central Liturgical Committee was authorized to
form six sub-committees with a Bishop each as "President and
Animator". These sub-committees could co-opt consultors who, as
such can have no power of voting. A time limit of one year was fixed for
the study of the various subjects. However, the calendar was to be
prepared within three months; so also the guidelines for the
experimentation centers. But, so far only from one or two such
committees I have received some reports and I am wondering if the
sub-committees are now functioning at all. In any case the time allotted
to them has expired.... The slow progress of the liturgical renewal is,
at least, partly, due to the fact that the sub-committees, with the
exception of the one for calendar, failed to execute the task they
undertook.... Regarding the new liturgical texts the resolution of the
Conference reads as follows: "It was further resolved that hereafter the
Bishops' Conference alone should give approval for liturgical texts,
subject to the final approval of the Holy See". He therefore argued that
he had not given approval after the 14lh August 1974 and that all
unauthorized liturgical texts which began to be used before that date could
continue to be used. An individual
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 25

bishop cannot give approval to a text of the sacraments and therefore the
decision of SMBC cannot be misinterpreted to allow the continued use of
texts of the sacraments which lack the approval of the legitimate
authority of the Church which is the Holy See. The question now asked is,
if the texts of the sacraments are invalid, what is the validity of their
administration? Experts of canon law believe that although the texts are
invalid their administration is valid on the ground that the priesthood of
the celebrant is valid. So the administration is not legitimate but valid.
Mar Parecattil who was the Chairman of the liturgical
Commission throws light on the culpable inertia of the members of the
subcommittees who were entrusted with the preparation of the
different items of the sacraments. He asks whether the
subcommittees function at all. This question could be raised very
often throughout the past history of the preparation of the liturgical
texts. When the question of the preparation of a text came, a
subcommittee for the same was appointed under a convener. After a
long time the CLC was again held for some other purpose and another
committee was appointed. Thus several committees are appointed
and there was often no question whether the committees functioned at
all and how much a subcommittee worked. There are certain people
who were always made conveners, but never cared to work or made
the committee to function. Even if a committee did the work and the
text was handed over to the responsible person, there was no
immediate discussion on it. After years when the question of the text
came, the text already prepared was forgotten or neglected and a
fresh one was appointed again to prepare the text. The real reason for
such a situation is that the members of such committees are mainly
occupied with other duties and offices and do not take the work in the
subcommittee seriously. Secondly these members are not duly qualified
for the same. The third possible reason is the delaying tactic to hinder the
genesis of liturgical texts which will replace the unauthorized ones.
The supporters of the unauthorized texts created the impression that
they are the best ones and believed that by their continued use and
propaganda in favour of them they can gain legitimate approval. For
example, take the case of the texts of the sacraments. Although a
subcommittee was
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 26

appointed in 1974, the draft they prepared appeared only in

1985. Another example is the Pontifical. A committee was appointed
under Mar Sebastian Valloppilly to prepare the text. This committee,
according to His Excellency, submitted to him only a hand written copy
of the Episcopal Consecration till 1981. Since I was asked by him I
translated from the Syriac original the rites of ordinations till priesthood
( 1982), the rite of the Episcopal consecration(1983) and the
Consecration of Church with related items such as the consecration of
dappa etc. (1982) and the rite of blessing the Holy Oil (1982). They
were printed in four volumes and were sent to all bishops and the
members of CLC in 1981 and 1982 and 1983. The hymns for these
rites were also printed and sent to them. But we do not hear about them
anywhere till the CLC meeting on 13, 14 March 1991, in which a fresh
committee was appointed to collect the sources.

Anonymous text
On September 1, 1985 a draft of the sacraments was sent to the
members of the Central Liturgical committee. It was really an
anonymous text without mentioning the author, place and the date of
publication. It seems to be the text prepared by the subcommittee
appointed after the 1974 SMBC. Some of the notable points of the
texts are the following:
1. For baptism the text proposes one for children and another
for the grown up. These two differ chiefly from the beginning of the
rite till going to the baptistery
2. Every month a day can be fixed for baptism. Children to be
baptized are baptized together with the participation of the parish
community. The text proposes the following feast days suitable for
baptism: Denha, Presentation of Our Lord in the temple, Annunciation,
Hol y Sat urda y, Pent ecost, Sa cred Heart fea st, Dukrana of
St.Thomas, Ascension of Lord, Finding of the Cross, Mission Sunday,
All Saints' Day and the feast of Holy Infants.
3. The rite of Chrismation is given separately
4. A text for individual confession and another text for penitential
rite are given.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 27

5. Rites for betrothal, baptism at home, blessing the sick, rite for
giving Holy Communion to the sick, visit of the sick, giving viaticum aud
administering anointing of the sick with viaticum are also included in the
The draft was discussed in the CLC held on 09.10.1985. Since
there was nobody to answer the questions raised by the members, it was
rejected in the same meeting.

Another committee
And a special committee consisting of Fr. Jacob Vellian, Fr.
Thomas Mannooramparampil and Fr. Thomas Elevanal was
appointed in the same meeting to collect the sources and
commentaries on the Syro-Malabar Sacramentary. The report of
SMBC on December 3,1990 ;'No 14: The Chairman of the episcopal
Liturgical Commission said that he has not received any draft of the
sacraments , pontifical etc prepared by the subcommittees which were
working on it in the past. The commission was authorized to appoint, if
necessary, new sub committees and to proceed with the preparation of
the sacraments, pontifical etc."
The convener made available to the CLC the Malayalam texts of
Baptism and Matrimony by the Nestorians.

Joint letter of some CLC members

In the meeting of the CLC on 13.3.1991 some CLC members gave
a letter to the Chairman reminding that the convener had promised
the following materials:-
1. Koodasakal -a printed draft of 108 pages.
2. The text of the sacraments in Latin sent from Rome.
3. The texts in Malayalam of the sacraments of Baptism and
Matrimony used by the Nestorians of Trichur.
They made the following observations:
I. Koodasakal is a draft which had been rejected in the previous
meeting of the CLC in which a new sub-committee was appointed for
the preliminary studies and for proposing a new draft.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 28

2. Latin Text: The Latin text sent from Rome is only an

abbreviated one in the form of a guideline. Hence, it cannot be taken
as a complete text.
3. The texts of the Nestorians of Trichur are inadequate for a
proper study. Hence, it would be very useful and proper to provide
the Syriac texts by the Chaldeans and Nestorians with their translations
and studies.
They gave the following suggestions:
1. The texts of the sacraments have to be prepared in the light
of original and authentic liturgical sources. Its original structure,
content and theology should not be mutilated or impoverished.
2. The official text should be full and complete in which the
possibility for option may be indicated without violence to its basic
3. The Roman directives, the code of canon Law for the Oriental
Churches and the texts of the East Syrian Church have to be respected
, in the preparation of the new text.
4. In order to speed up the work more effectively the original
sub-committee may be divided into three committees opting new
members into their competence
5. The enarxis and the Liturgy of the Word of all the sacraments
should follow a common liturgical pattern of our Syro-Malabar Church.

In th e sam e m eeting the Chairman Mar Seba stian
Mankuzhikary brought to the attention of the members the history of
the draft of the sacraments made available to the members. He
went through the CLC report of October 1985 which had already
made an initial discussion on the draft. Then the house decided to
appoint sub-committees to draft the new text of the sacraments
a) A Sub-committee for Baptism and Confirmation (Fr. Jacob
Vellian-Convener, Fr. Silas CMI and Fr. James Chavely),
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 29

b) A sub-committee for Matrimony (Fr. Thomas

Mannooramparampil-convener, Fr. Abraham Parampil, Fr. Mathew
Valiamattam and Msgr. Joseph Veliyath)
c) A subcommittee for penance and sacrament of the sick (Fr.
John Theckanath-convener, Fr. Thomas Elevanal and Fr. Bosco
Puthur and Fr. Joseph Perumthottam)
The following terms of reference were fixed for the sub-
a). The sources shall be made available to the respective sub-
committee members and the General Convener.
b). The sources are to be translated into English or Malayalam if
they are in any other language.
c). A brief commentary on the sources, their variations etc are to
be prepared.
d). A draft of he respective sacraments in Malayalam too is to be
Another sub-committee consisting of Fr. Abraham Parampil
(Convener), Fr. Jose Poovannikunnel and Fr. Norbert Edattukaran will
make a study on the sacramental theology of our Church and make
available their findings to the conveners of the sub-committees and the
general convener by the end of April 1991.
This fourth committee did not submit the study on the sacramental
theology. The sub-committees had to make the drafts available by the
middle of August 1991 to be circulated among the CLC members.

A new Draft
The subcommittees claimed to use the following sources:
1. Baptism and confirmation. Latin text from Rome, Syriac text
of the Chaldeans, Malayalam text of the Nestorians and English
translation in G.P. Badger, Nestorians and Their Rituals.
2. Matrimony: Latin text (Rome), Italian translation of the
Chaldcan sacrament of matrimony (P. Jousif), English translation in
G.P. Badger, "Ncstorians and Their Rituals".
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 30

3. Penance: Latin text (Rome).Italian translation of the 'Order

of Penance (P. Jousif), Rite of Absolution (Darma), The Liturgy of
the Eastern Penance (L. Ligier).
4. Sacrament of the sick: Latin text (Rome) and Antiochean
August 12,1991 Fr. Narikulam writes to Fr. Mannooramparampil, the
convener of sub-committee for Matrimony: "According to the
decision of the Liturgical Committee held on March 1991 the sub-
committee for the sacraments are to submit the draft".
The newly prepared text was discussed in the CLC held in Sept 25-
26, 1991. After an exchange of views on the draft of Baptism and of
Confirmation, the House took the following decisions:
1. The structure of the enarxis and the Liturgy of the Word
should be as in the Qurbana. However, on certain occasions some
elements of the enarxis may be omitted.
2. The sacramental action may be placed after the Liturgy of
the Word.
3. Texts for child baptism and Adult baptism should be prepared
4. The text of Adult Baptism may be prepared in view of
incorporating the system of catechumanate.
5. These texts are to be prepared in view of administering the
Sacrament of Baptism both alone and within the Qurbana.
6. The text of Adult Baptism may be prepared in such a way
that the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and
Eucharist) can be given together.
After going through the draft of matrimony the members
proposed many amendments with regard to the structure, content and
language. The crowning ceremony is to be left optional. Regarding the
private confession, it was suggested to incorporate the prayers given in
the Latin draft sent from Rome. At the same time, the prayers of the
present draft also may be retained with certain modifications. The
formula for absolving a penitent in danger of death should be
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 31

added to the text. The draft of the sacrament of the sick has to be
revised in the light of the suggestions given by the members.

Adhoc committee
An ad hoc committee was appointed to prepare the next draft. The
members of this committee were Fr. Paul Manavalan, Fr. Thomas
Elevanal, Fr. Domitian Manickathan and Fr. Antony Narikulam. The
report says: "Besides, the conveners of the three sub-committees Fr.
Jacob Vellian, Fr. Thomas Mannooramparampil and Fr, John
Theckanat will join the adhoc committee to prepare the texts of the
respective sacraments. The second draft will be circulated among the
CLC members for their observations and suggestions. After obtaining
them, a third draft will be prepared to be sent to the Bishops for their
study and approval".

Special Commission for Liturgy

On March 31,1993 the Oriental Congregation for the Oriental
Churches writes: "The Congregation, in fact, is urged to remind the
Syro-Malabar Episcopate that, for a more authentic rooting in the
tradition and for the necessary adaptation to the demands of the
contemporary world, the question of the revision of the liturgical
patrimony of that Church, remains as on the primary duties on its path:
it is all the more important, given the fact that it has been raised to
the status of a Major Archiepiscopal Church. For this reason the Holy
See wants to keep up particularly close connection of coopcration with
the Bishops, in view of taking the decisions in such matters that are
within your competence.
For this purpose it (the Congregation) intends to reconstitute as
early as possible a Special Commission for the Syro-Malabar Liturgy, in
its own circle, which can stimulate, encourage, follow and evaluate the
work of the Major Archiepiscopal Commission for Liturgy.
As soon as the commission is constituted, it will make an
evaluation of the general situation and will send a list of priorities, in
such a way that the work of reform in the other sectors of liturgy will
be done".
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 32

Second draft and third draft

But without convening this committee the secretary of the
Episcopal commission drew up the expected draft and sent to CLC
members and requested to send their suggestions and observations to
the Pontifical delegate Mar Abraham Kattumana.
The secretary writes to CLC members on 20.4.93 giving the
reason why he did so: "The other day I was asked by the Pontifical
Delegate, Archbishop Abraham Kattumana, to make the draft of the
sacraments available for discussion in the forthcoming synod to be
held on May 20-25, 1993. Since there is no time to convene the ad hoc
committee and prepare the draft as per decision of the CLC, I have
incorporated the suggestions of the CLC members in the second draft..."
The reason given for avoiding the ad hoc committee is not convincing
since there was ample time to convene this committee. So the draft
was not the work of CLC.
I wrote to the Pontifical delegate on 8.5.93 on this problem: "1 find
that the texts which have been circulated differ from those which were
prepared by the subcommittee. The style of the prayers is not oriental.
Their contents differ from the original prayers and are theologically
poor. They seem to be the readjustments of the texts which are now in
use. The use of the indicative form cannot be justified. Orientals use
declarative or optative form. A text for the betrothal has been
prepared by the subcommittee. It has to come together with the text
for the marriage.
I strongly believe that the texts should be discussed and finalized by
the Central Liturgical Committee before they are submitted to the
legitimate authority. Since they are defective and therefore
unacceptable a few written suggestions may not serve the purpose.
'The reply of the Pontifical Delegate actually avoided the real problem of
avoiding the ad hoc committee. He wrote to me on May 13, 1993 thus:
"As you know, the SMBC liturgical commission is no more competent
to prepare the third draft on the sacraments. I preferred therefore to
receive the material already prepared by the commission and to circulate
among the Bishops so that they can study the texts and make their
observations in the synod. In the light of those
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 33

observations a new draft will be prepared by the new liturgical

commission which will be elected in the forthcoming synod". If the
secretary can prepare the draft why cannot the CLC or ad hoc committee?
In the light of the proposed changes a second draft was prepared and
submitted to the Pontifical Delegate in April 1993 which was sent to the
members of the Synod as well as to the members of the CLC. The CLC
held on 28-29 July 1993 discussed this draft. The report says: "The
second draft of the sacraments was taken up for discussion. Fr. Antony
Narikulam, the secretary, explained the genesis of he second draft. After a
brief exchange of views the House decided to split into three groups to
discuss the drafts of Baptism and Confirmation, Matrimony, Sacraments
of Penance and the sick respectively.... Many amendments were proposed
in the group and general discussions. Almost all the amendments were
accepted unanimously. There was divergence of opinion about the use of
the sacramental formula in Baptism and Penance. One group strongly
argued for the indicative form and the other for optative or declarative
form. Finally it was decided to leave the matter to the Bishops' Synod for
a decision. Another point to be cleared is whether the embolism said after
the Lord's Prayer is variable or not. The need of conferring the sacrament
of Confirmation separately from Baptism is a felt need in our Church.
Whether this goes against the caonical regulations or not is a matter to be
taken up with the legitimate authorities. The house entrusted an ad hoc
committee consisting of Fr. Thomas Elevanal, Fr Paul Manavalan and Fr.
Antony Narikulam to incorporate the decisions and suggestions of the
members into the third draft. The sub-committee conveners too will join
this ad hoc committee to finalize the third draft of the sacraments of
Baptism and Confirmation, and Matrimony respectively. Experts in
Malayalam language may be invited to help the ad hoc committee." An
ad hoc committee was again entrusted with the task of incorporating the
decisions and suggestions of the members into the next draft. It was this
draft which was submitted to the synod.

The letter of the Holy Father to the Syro-Malabar Bishops

Holy Father writes on 25lh Oct. 1993: " It is a source of

regret to see rekindled controversies against the legitimate Pastors
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 34

and even against the Holy See, addressed in a tone quite different
from that which befits affectionate sons of the Church.. In particular the
liturgy of the Church, which is the source of true communion, cannot
be a motive for opposition.
The Supreme Pontiff therefore calls upon the Bishops of the
Syro-Malabar Church to be always and in every way workers for
peace, in order to merit the blessedness promised by the Lord, and to
intervene strongly wherever pressure groups may have sown division
among Christ's flock.
The directives of the Holy See, worked out in the honest pursuit of
the authentic good of the Syro-Malabar Church, should be observed and
carried out in a constructive spirit, without unhelpful murmurings or
sterile opposition. With humility and charity the Pastors of the Syro-
Malabar Church should work together so that the Church can move
forward ever more decisively and clearly, in conversion of heart and
the sincere search for good, in order to live out the authentic patrimony of
Eastern Christianity, with prudence but clarity of objectives,
cultivating not with a spirit of division but with impartial attention what
the Fathers, the liturgy and the Tradition have preserved as a living
legacy....". This letter has helped to hinder open objections and
controversies But at the same time, in the preoccupation to make
everything unanimous there were only discussions on particular points
without voting in official bodies. The result is that texts approved in this
way need not and do not do full justice to the original texts, their
theology and spirituality. Although all the texts are officially passed as
unanimous, they are not in fact unanimous. The best proof for it is
seen in the correspondences of bishops with Rome. Some bishops are
said to have informed Rome of their objection to certain points in the
sacramentary even after having passed it in the synod.

Remarks on the draft

If we compare the draft texts with the Latin text from Rome and
other sources like the Chaldean and the Nestorian it becomes evident
that the new texts are not faithful to the original. So it is not
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 35

a real restoration of our authentic sacramental system. This is against

the principles of liturgical restoration. In the preparation of the draft
texts sources mentioned are not fully taken into consideration.
The structure is defective. Each sacrament has its own identity
and completeness. At the same time all the sacraments are culminated
in the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist begins with lakumara after
the administration of the sacrament. .,
. The general tone and style of prayers are Latin. The epicletic
form of prayer should be maintained. For example, prayer of blessing
and oil of baptism.

All the important elements of the Chaldean and Nestorian
sources are not included in the draft. For example, ring and crown.
- Structure: Structure is different. In the traditional structure, if
there is the Qurbana after the rite of marriage, it begins with the
Onitha d' quanke or lakumara. Enarxis is not repeated. But in the
draft the liturgy of the Word is given first and the rite of marriage is
added after the karozutha. In the Latin rite liturgy of the Word is
considered to be a preparation for services. In the Oriental traditions
liturgy of the Word is considered to be part of the celebration itself.
- Qanona of marmitha, kindling of candles, proclamation of
the deacon, joining the hands of the couples, use of the holy water,
asking question to the witnesses, making the promise of fidelity,
giving the mantrakodi, and giving the rosary are not given in
the Latin text.
Almost all prayers are free compositions.

Out of the three blessings in the draft the first two are not given in
the Latin in text. The third in the draft is partially faithful to the Latin

Out of the three prayers of absolution in the draft two are not
given in the Latin text. The third is a part of the Latin text.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 36

- Prayers of absolution for censures given in the Latin text should

be restored

Prayer of dismissal in the draft is the development of the idea of

the corresponding prayer in the Latin text. Taksa d'husaya is to be
translated and used in the Church.

Anointing of the sick

The Latin text remains as an independent text without the liturgy
of the Word. The new draft begins with the liturgy of the Word. No
prayer in the draft is a faithful translation from the Latin text.
Sacraments of initiation should be administered together. It is the
prescription of CCEO 695. Deprecatory form should be used as in
the characteristic formula of the Orientals.

- Prayers of the draft are not in conformity with the Latin text.
- Various theological implications are left out in the prayers of
the draft when compared to the Latin text.
- The rich symbolism is much lost and the diaconal ministry is
much reduced.
- The onithas are much abandoned.
- G 'hantha prayers before the blessings of water and oil should
be reinstated.
- Anointing should be done as is prescribed in the Latin text.
- Use of holy water is not seen anywhere in the Latin text.
- Communion could be given after "Our Father
- The coronation ceremony is left out.

Approval by the Synod

The texts of baptism and Chrismation were approved in the
November session of the synod in 1993. The report of the first
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 37

assembly of the Second Synod of Bishops says: "The third

main item on the agenda was the draft texts of the rite of
Baptism and confirmation. As members of the Commission for
Liturgy and resource personnel Rev Drs. Antony Narikulam,
Jacob Vellian, Thomas Mannooramparampil and John
Theckanath were present for the discussion. As regards the
joint administration of the three sacraments of initiation the
final decision was to administer baptism and confirmation
together while the Holy Communion was to be administered
separately for the time being. For the missions, however, a
certain amount of freedom was left in the joint administration
of Baptism and Confirmation. Regarding the rite of baptism of
adults a considerable amount of freedom was left to the local
hierarchs. The text was approved by the synod with the
proposed modifications. It was also decided not to reopen
discussion on the text.
The rite of Confirmation was prepared in such a way that it
could he administered either jointly with baptism or
separately. It was pointed out that a separate text was
necessary taking into consideration the circumstances where
baptism may be administered separately as well as the fact that
there are many children who are baptised but yet to be
confirmed. The text of confirmation also was approved with
modifications and with the decision not to reopen discussions
on it". The session of the synod on November 25,26,27, 28 and
1 December 1993 "The remaining part of the draft of baptism
of infants was discussed and approved with modifications. The
questions of the creed in the baptismal rite was decided in
favour of recitation by the community. As to the question, if
communion also could be administered to the child baptized,
the answer of the house was not favourable. The draft of the
rite of baptism of adults was taken up for discussion. Though
one of the Fathers pointed out that such a ritual was not
needed for Kerala the general opinion that a ritual was
necessary was accepted by the house. The Fathers from the
mission dioceses found the structure, particularly the first
three parts, of the text not well suited for their local situations.
Therefore they were given freedom to adapt them to the local
situations if needed, while the fourth part, namely, the rite of
baptism was to be followed us in the draft.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 38

In the afternoon session the draft of the rite of Chrismation

was discussed and passed with modifications.
By way of information the pontifical Delegate read out the
relevant parts from an instruction of the Holy See which
required all liturgical texts, even those to be used ad
experimentum to get the prior approval of the Holy See. As
regards the liturgy of the Hours that is being used ad
experimentum it was pointed out that the SMBC gave the
permission to print it, but without discussing the text in its
The report of the synod on 22.3.1994 says: "The draft of the
sacrament of reconciliation was taken up for discussion. As
expert Fr. Antony Narikulam, Jacob Vellian, Thomas
Mannoramparampil and Jacob Theckanath were invited to the
session. The draft was approved with the decision that it could
be incorporated into a longer text for a general penitential
service because such a service had existed in the Syro-Malabar
Church. Proposals to add general instructions also were
accepted. The drafts of the sacraments of the anointing of the
sick and of marriage too were discussed and were approved
with modification. The texts were considered final except for
certain prayers specified for amelioration. "The other
sacraments were approved in March 1994. The synod held on
October 28 - Nov 15, 1994 again discussed the texts, approved
them and decided to send them to Rome for necessary
"recognitio". On 6"' November 1996, the synod gave also its
approval to publish the sacraments in a booklet form
experimentally as soon as the required permission is obtained
from the competent authorities in Rome". On 3rd November
1998 in the Synod the Apostolic Administrator shared with the
synod members the information he got regarding the text of
the sacraments. He was told that there was difference of
opinion among the consulters of the congregation in this
matter. Therefore a pontifical commission has been appointed
to look into the matter. Apostolic Administrator was asked by
the Congregation to choose two experts to collaborate with the
pontifical commission. The text was sent to Rome on 25'h
November 1997.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 39

Further Discussions
VI Synod (1998) held 19-20, March 1998 at Nav Sadhana, Varanasi.
The Apostolic Administrator acknowledged four documents from
the Holy See The first was a letter from the Prefect of the Oriental
Congregation saying: 1). that the full exercise of the faculties foreseen
in the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orienialium in liturgical matters
be conferred on the Synod of Bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church.2).
One of the decisions was "to entrust the commission for Liturgy and
two persons from each of the idea groups to study the material already
collected concerning the views of the faithful on Liturgy".
The synod held from3-14 November 1998 says: "As regards
the approval of the text of the sacraments submitted to the
Congregation for the Oriental Churches more than a year ago the
Apostolic Administrator informed the bishops that according to the
information he received from the Congregation a Pontifical
Commission will soon be constituted to study the matter further -He
said also that two experts from the Syro-Malabar Church will be
included in this commission.."

The suggestions from Rome

The special commission finalized the text. As a result The
Oriental Congregation sent on March 31, 2000 the following
suggestions for the consideration of the synod.
A. Baptism of infants: General instructions
1 & 3: Should read "previously blessed oil may be used only in
case of emergency" instead of "yet taking into consideration the
long, standing tradition and pastoral need in the Syro-Malabar Church
previously blessed oil may be used".
2 & 4: should read "except in case of emergency the water
needcd for baptism is always to be blessed on the occasion of the
baptism itself.
3&4 should read: ...must be done with the Holy Gospel book".
Holy Bible is not the name of a Christian liturgical book in any Catholic
tradition of East or West.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 40

The Rite of Baptism

4. Page 3: The traditional first anointing is to be inserted before
the procession to the bema. This anointing is done with previously
blessed oil from earlier baptisms. The formula is "(Name), you are
signed with the oil of anointing in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen".
5. Page 4; It should be clearly indicated that following the
Trisagion the traditional prayer before the readings (= O Lord Our
God, enlighten) is to be recited, as in the 1969 Ernakulam Ritual.
6. Pages 5-6: The traditional eastern response to the karozutha
is "Lord, have mercy". The one in the text, "Lord hear our prayer",
an obvious latinization, is not to be admitted.
7. Page 6: The karozutha II is to be added and it should conclude
with the traditional "prayer of inclination". Though recommended,
and is to be preserved as part of the basic structure of the traditional
litanies of the Syro-Malabar rite, it need not always be taken, when
time is short.
8. Page 6: During the procession to the font it would be suitable
to sing the traditional baptismal Onitha d-raze of the rite of baptism
"Holy and awesome is His Name, His greatness without limit. Your
baptism with water has sanctified our souls".
The blessing of the oil and water
9. Pages 7ff: Change the rubrics where necessary to show that
the oil is always to be blessed during the rite, except in emergencies.
10. Page 7: The omission of the traditional Ghantha (Preface)
and Sanctus destroys the traditional "anaphoral" structure of the
rite. It might be considered suitable to include at least an abbreviated
form of the traditional, Ghantha (= from your grace, O our maker...")
plus the Sanctus, inserted after; Deacon: "peace be with us".
11. Page 8: Since the oil is always to be blessed, the rubric and
prayer may be omitted.
12. Page 8: In the second prayer over the water, the beautiful
and traditional image of the womb, from the baptismal Gospel of
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 41

Jn 3 should be retained as in the original Syriac prayer: "The water

which gives remission of sins...and is mixed with the holy oil so it
may become a new womb giving birth spiritually through the baptism
nl" forgiveness,"

13. Pages 8-9: The traditional method of baptism throughout
antiquity and in traditions of the Christian East is by immersion.
Consequently, the rubrics following the title "Baptizing" are to be
changed as follows. The first rubric: 'The celebrant pouring "water"
thrice, at the name of each Person of the Holy Trinity. Or else the
child may be made to sit...poured on the child's head thrice, at each
mention of one the three persons of the Holy Trinity". This second
way is especially suitable when the child is already several months
old and too big to be conveniently immersed by the other method.
14. Page 8: The baptismal formula should begin "(N) is baptized
In the name .. .unless the Malayalam language requires the inversion
as in the text. And "Amen" is to be exclaimed by all thrice, after
each name of the Holy Trinity.

Chrismation (Confirmation) and Crowning

l5.page 9: After the conferral of the candle , ending : " May
Jesus the light ... Amen" , the text of the sacrament of Chrismation
(referred to to in the proposed text by the latinizing term "Confirmation",
which is to be changed to the correct Eastern term "Chrismation"
here and in all instances) is to be inserted, beginning with the
karozutha on page 3 in the proposed "Confirmation" text, and
ending with the "Amen" on page 5, line 11, of the same text.
16). The form of Chrismation (= proposed form for
the "Confirmation") rite, page 5, lines 1-2 must be changed to
the traditional East-Syrian and Syro-Malabar formula: Priest "N"
has been baptized and is (now) perfected in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, forever. People: "Amen".
17. After Chrismation, the ancient and traditional crowning could
be suitably restored, with the traditional formula or some variant
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 42

considered suitable to both the Biblical themes of the newly -baptized

as bridegroom (bride) baptized into Christ the heavenly bridegroom
(Mt.25:1-13) and Indian culture. The traditional formula is: "May the
crown of (Name) be unto joy and exultation and for days of rejoicing,
now and for ever. Amen".
18. Then the baptismal rite continues as on p. 10 with the rubric
"{after the anointing....}" The above correction in Parasl6-16 is
obligatory and admits of no exceptions whatever, regardless of present

Holy Communion
19. Immediately following the administration of Chrismation i.e.,
after "Amen" on page 10 of the proposed baptismal rite, line 15,
rubrics are to be added to indicate that Holy Communion under both
species always and without exception is to be administered to the
neophyte(s) with the customary formula, (unless the rite takes place
during the Qurbana in which case communion is to be first to the
newly baptized at the time of communion, before all others
communicate) This change, too, is obligatory and admits of no
20. In the case of an infant too small to consume even a small
particle of the consecrated Body of Christ intincted in the Precious
Blood, Holy Communion may be administered by the priest dipping a
communion spoon or the index finger of his right hand into the Precious
Blood and moistening the infant's tongue with it.
B. The Rite of the Sacrament of Penance: General Instructions
1. P.1. The form and structure of this highly praiseworthy
common reconciliatory service cannot be left to the whim of
individuals but must be prepared as a common rite, using traditional
elements from the Rite of Reconciliation in the east -Syriac tradition
and from the Liturgy of the Word of the Qurbana. Note that an anointing
with blessed oil is a suitable and traditional part of such a rite.
2. P. 4. Omit "Generally" and at the end add this sentence:
"For the common reconciliatory service the priest must vest in the
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 43

vestments commonly used for the administration of the Sacred

Mysteries (baptism, Marriage etc.).
C. The Rite of Anointing the Sick: General Instructions
1. What is said above for the Mystery of Penance regarding
the possibility of a common rite is applicable here too, and such an
instruction should be inserted into the text.
2. P..2. what was said concerning the Rite of Baptism for Infants
here and throughout this and all other texts: "Bible" is not the name
of a liturgical book in any catholic rite of East or West, and the
corret name (Evangeliary or Gospel book or Gospel lectionary) is to
be substituted in every instance, here and elsewhere in all texts that
have been submitted for Judgement.
3. P.3: should be corrected to read: "It is fitting that the oil for
anointing be blessed at each administration of the sacrament, for
which the necessary arrangements must be made."
4. P.6: Here too, what was said concerning the karozutha II in
Rite of Baptism for Infants applies mutatis mutandis. Furthermore,
if karozutha I commemorates the Pope before the local eparchial
hierarch, it should also commemorate the Major Archbishop.
5. Pp.7 and 12: The text of the form of the sacramental anointing
should be exactly the same in both cases, and the reading on p. 12 (".. ,to
obtain spiritual and bodily healing.. .".rather than health), is preferable.
D ) . The Rite of Holy Matrimony: General instructions
1. What has been said already about the term "Bible" applies
here too and throughout.
2. P.7. What was said earlier regarding adding Karozutha II
in Rites of Baptism for infants and Anointing of the Sick applies,
Mutates Mutandis, here too.
3 P 9: the prayer of Blessing of the Mantrakodi seems rather
banal and without any biblical thematic. Perhaps variant prayers could
be added, such as the Iraditional prayer for the blessing of the crowns
(Clothe, O Our Lord and God, your espoused Church with the habit
of your glory...").
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 44

4. P.10: in the pledge, the word "swear" is too strong, and

must be changed. The Christian marriage Rite is a covenant, and
does not include an "oath", but rather a "Pledge" or a
commitment" or "promise". The word "swear" is too juridical -
and furthermore is in no way traditional.
E. The Rites of Christian Initiation for adults
1. What was said above regarding the Rite of Baptism for
Children (i.e. the entire Christian Initiation ritual including Chrismation
and Eucharist) is, mutates mutandis, applicable here too, especially
regarding all corrections indicated in the texts of the formulae.
2. In general, in the present proposed Rite for Adults, the
beginning of Stages 1,11,111 is too abrupt, just as is true in the new and
excellent RCIA (or Roman Rit e of Christian Initiation for
Adults). Since the abruptness is not customary in Eastern
services, it would be better to preface the present beginning of each
of these Stages I-III with some of the usual opening elements of
Syro-Malabar services (e.g., "Glory to God in the highest ..."
repeated, then "Let us pray. Peace be with us") followed by a
moment of silence or an opening prayer - but not the "Our Father",
which must not be used until later, after the Lord's prayer has been
transmitted to the candidates.

Stage One
3. p. 1; Since one of the first elements of the ancient East-Syriar
"Rite of Adult Baptism" comprised the writing down of the candidates'
names, it might be suitable for the question to be: " What is your
name?" as in the RC1A. Then if new Christian names are to be
given to the candidates who already have non-Christian names, the
celebrant might respond to the candidate's reply with " You shall
henceforth be called N" - of course only after having heard
beforehand from the candidates themselves what Christian name
they wish to choose.
4. p.5: The ancient opening Rite concluded with a procession
to the (closed) doors of the baptistery. Where there is a baptistery or
its equivalent in the Church or nearby in a separate building,
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 45

one might suitably conclude with such a procession, to the chant of

an "Onitha or psalm plus refrain with reference to a theme like the
"opening unto us of the doors of salvation", and a concluding prayer.

Stage Two
5. As was already noted about the Rite of Baptism for children,
the traditional response to the karozutha petitions is "Lord, have
mercy", which must be retained here as well.

Stage Three
6. p. 12: What was said about the karozutha (the response; the
addition of Karozutha II) in the rite for children applies here too.

Stage Four
7. All the corrections will respect tc the formulae, etc., already
made regarding the Rite of Baptism for Infants, apply here too.
8. p. 18: In the rubric entitled General instructions for the Act
of Baptising, what is said above in the Rite for Children (A.P. 13)
concerning placing baptism by immersion as the first option is to be
applied here too. The same rubric should also contain a reference to
the possibility of baptizing adults by immersion in "living water", i.e. in
a river indeed, one should envisage the construction of suitable
baptisteries, at least in cathedral churches, to permit the baptism of
adults by immersion, as had already been done since Vatican II in
numerous churches in the West.
9 Nothing is said in a separate way concerning the
proposed Rite of Confirmation, because no such rite separate from
the other rites of Christian Initiation exists - nor will one be allowed
to exist-to the authentic traditions of the Christian East. Chrismation
may be administered separately only when some emergency,
unusual, or abusive and anomalous situation requires that
Chrismation be
"supplied" to a candidate who should have received the
sacrament of Baptism but did not. In such cases the sacrament is
administered as indicated above about Initiation of Infants/adults,
omitting whatever
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 46

pertains exclusively to Baptism, and always including the reception

of the Eucharist under both species, as already indicated.
In the session of Synod held from 10 to 22 July 2000 the Major
Archbishop made it clear that the Congregation would approve the
Malayalam text if passed unanimously by the synod. The synod
decided to ask the Major Archbishop to write to the Congregation to
give approval for using the texts on an experimental basis.

Final Approval
Integrating the above given suggestions from the Holy See, the
synodal commission published a draft for the study and discussion:
Kudasokal published by Syro-Malabar Synodal commission for
liturgy, June 2001. On Nov.5-17, 2001 the synod finalized the text,
suggesting five modifications in the Roman document of 3 rd March
2000. lt was sent to Rome for further approval on 14th December
2001. Oriental Congregation approved the text on 22 June 2004.
Regarding the suggested modifications the reply of Rome is dealt
with in the letter of the Major Archbishop to the bishops on July 10,
The letter of the Major Archbishop to all the Bishops
of the Syro-Malabar Church
Your Grace/Excellency,
1 am glad to inform you that the Holy See has given the "prior
review" {recognitio) to the text of the sacraments which had the
consent of the Syro-Malabar Bishops' Synod .With regard to the
five points submitted to the Synod held from 5-17 November 2001,
the Holy See has decreed the following:
1. To the question whether the previously blessed oil could be
used for the first anointing in baptism, the Congregation replied thus:
Since the blessing of oil consists in a single prayer, only nine lines
long, it taxes the imagination to fathom the possible "valid pastoral
reasons" that demand the use of previously blessed oil. But the change
is accepted since the Synod desires it.
2. To the proposal of the synod to leave the traditional first
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 47

anointing in baptism as optional, the Congregation replied that this

anointing is obligatory.
3. To the proposal to retain all three forms of administering
baptism, namely, immersion, infusion and pouring water over the
head, the Congregation replied thus: "According to the desire of the
Synod, the option of baptizing by pouring may be added as a third
option. Thus the order of the rubric should be re-arranged as
indicated in paragraph 13 of "Observation of the Congregations for
the Oriental Church on the revised text of the sacraments in the
Syro-Malabar Church", Prot 200/93 of 31s1 March 2000, placing this
option in this order a) baptism by immersion -and let the rubric
state that this, as the true tradition, is preferred; b) by sitting the
child in the font and pouring the water over his/her head) by pouring
as in the original first rubric. Thus, to meet the desires of the Synod,
none of the three options is forbidden, but their order is re-arranged
so as to give precedence where it belongs to the age-old universal
tradition of Baptism, in accord with the constantly reiterated
insistence of the
Holy See for generations and not to the latinisation of Eastern usage
which the Holy See has incessantly condemned.
4. The proposal of the Synod not to ask the Christian name in
adult baptism in the first stage, but rather in the fourth stage was
accepted by the Congregation.
5). The proposal of the Synod not to have the anointing during
the general penitential service was accepted by the Congregation
The final text integrating the amendments from Rome was
published by the Major Archbishop through a decree on the first
December 2004.

Promulgation of the Text of sacraments

After due consultation and deliberation in the concerned forums and
wi t h the approval of the Synod of bishops ofthe Syro-Malabar
Church in its sessions held from 28"' October to 15"' November
1996 and from 5th November 2001 and after having obtained the
Recognition of the congregation for the Oriental Churches on 22
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 48

June 2004, the undersigned Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil, C.Ss.R.,

the Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Church hereby
promulgates the text of the sacraments appended to this decree,
namely, Child Baptism and Chrismation, Adult Baptism and
Chrismation, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Sacrament of Matrimony
and Sacrament of Anointing of the sick, to be effective from 6[h
January 2005 and with the same Act declares that all other texts
hitherto in use for administering the above-mentioned sacraments
stand abrogated from 6th January 2005.
All contrary dispositions, notwithstanding.
Given from the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Curia at
Mount St.Thomas on 1 s' December 2004
+Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil, C.Ss.R. Major
Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Church
The commission for liturgy has published the Taksa of the
sacraments. Two separate books for the use of the community are
published namely (1) the text of the sacraments of Child Baptism
and Chrismation, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Sacrament of
Matrimony and sacrament of Anointing of the sick (ii) the text of he
Adult Baptism and Chrismation.

1. The intervention of Rome has helped to retain important
oriental characteristics of the texts of the sacraments
2. A comparative study of the texts of the sacraments with
their respective sources, Latin text from Rome and the Nestorian
and Chaldean liturgy reveals that the present texts are not the true
translation but an adjustment. It is not a restoration of the original
texts but a free formulation with new prayers and rites. Important
prayers that have been used for centuries in the administration of
the sacraments have a special significance as part of the heritage of
the Church and the source of theology. They are helpful for proper
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 49

catechism. Therefore these prayers should not be treated lightly and

changed to suit one's own taste or individual way of thinking.
3. The original Syriac text should be the basic text of each
sacrament. The complete form of each sacrament should be made
available. Even for scientific study and evaluation this is essential.
4. The structure is different. Each text of the sacrament has
its identity and completeness. To bring all the sacraments under the
same pattern, as is done in texts will destroy the structure of each
sacrament and distort the symbolisms and genius specific to each.
When a sacrament is administered together with Qurbana, it begins
with 'Lord of all'. But the new text gives the liturgy of the Word first
and after the karozutha after the Gospel the rite proper begins.
5. The prescription of three readings is not Syro-Oriental
6. Hymns should be in Syriac tone and style, and should be
faithful to the original. On 15th Feb. 2004, the CD of the songs of the
recently promulgated liturgy of the sacraments was given to the
members of the CLC. There is widespread complaint that the hymns
of the sacraments and the tunes were not discussed in the CLC and
the Synod. Neglecting the Syriac tunes the songs are given new
tunes with which people are not familiar and are difficult for the
ordinary people to sing. When the hymns for the Holy Qurbana were
set the understanding was that the hymns of all the items of the
liturgy are to be in the Syriac tunes. In the Research seminar on the
Liturgical Music of the Church held 19-21,2005, 10ih the suggestion
was to preserve the Syriac patrimony in the Liturgical Music. At the
same time there should be provision for Karnatic and Hindustani
7. The use of holy water is not given in the Syriac text.
8. It is a very welcome matter that depreciative form is used
in sacramental formulas.
9. The new text encourages that the three sacraments of
initiation are conferred together, although a fraction of the church is
now happy over it. The oriental Canon Law art.951 ordains that
baptism and Chrismation are to be given together. All the oriental
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 50

Churches -both Catholic and non-Catholic - follow the tradition of

conferring the two sacraments together. Baptism is the sacrament
of rebirth and Chrismation that of growth. Chrismation is considered
the fulfillment of baptism: "(name) has been baptized and is (now)
perfected in the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy
Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen" This formula expresses this idea.
The present text says that the Holy Communion is to be given to the
baptized as soon as possible after the baptism. This is in conformity
with CCEO 697: "Sacramental initiation in the mystery of salvation
is the reception of the Divine Eucharist, and thus the Divine Eucharist
is administered after baptism and Chrismation with holy Myron as
soon as possible according to the norms of the particular law of each
Church sui Juris". The church should be proud that most of the
priests try to confer the three sacraments of initiation together. The
feeling of the minority is reflected in the report of CLC held on 28-
29 July 1993: "The need of conferred the sacrament of baptism is a
felt need in our Church. Whether it goes against the canonical
regulation is a matter to be taken up with the legitimate authorities".

Baptism of the grown up

This is a new rite. Till now the Church had no such a rite.
1. It is divided into four stages.
2. The recommendation that it is conferred with the participation
of the parish community throws light of the communitarian nature of
the sacrament.
3. The suggestion for the baptismal fond is praiseworthy
4. All the elements including the crowning have been given in
the rite.
5. The three sacraments of initiation are conferred together.
If we examine each text separately we find:
1. Marriage- the structure of the Latin text is not followed.
- Form of prayer has been changed.
- Prayers are almost entirely new.
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 51

2. Baptism - Prayers of the draft are not in conformity with the

Latin text
- Various theological implications are left out in the prayers
if compared with the Latin text. G'hantha prayers before
the blessings of water and oil should be reinstated. Anointing
should be done as is prescribed in the Latin text.
Use of holy water is not seen anywhere in the Latin text,
Communion could be given after 'Our Father'.
3 Reconciliation. The draft does not have any conformity with
the Latin text except in a very few places.
4 Anoiniting of the sick. No conformity with the Latin text. The
intorductory part is an addition. Prayers and psalms etc are entirely
different from the Latin text.
English translation of the texts of the sacraments was prepared
by the secretariat and was sent to the Fathers of the Synod for
observation before the approval in the session of the synod in August
2006. They have also come into use in the Church.
lt is very evident that the present approved texts of the
sacrments are not at all faithful to the liturgical heritage of the Syro-
Malabar Church. Yet, the Church as whole has accepted them as
compromise texts with the hope that they will be revised in future so
as to recover the lost liturgical identity of the Church. It is also a sad
fact that some priests of some dioceses or even all the priests of
certain dioceses with the tacit or explicit consent of their own
hierarchs continue to use the unauthorized texts of Fr. Abel or the
texts of their own creation.
The original Syriac text should be the basic text of each sacrament.
The complete form of each sacrament is to be translated and made
available. A simple text can serve the ordinary purpose. But this should
follow the order and texts of the Latin text from Rome.
Rev. Dr. Thomas Mannooramparampil
Professors (Emerites), Powrasthya Vidyapittam
Thomas Mannooramparampil . 52


Prayer Songs on Paradise, 2
(continued from page 354)
12. Noah made the animals live in the
lowest part of the Ark; in the middle
part he lodged the birds, while Noah
himself, like the Deity, resided on the
upper deck. On Mount Sinai it was the
people who dwelt below, the priests
round about it, and Aaron halfway up,
while Moses was on its heights and the
Glorious One on the summit.
(continued in page 424)

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