How Far I Have Understand The Concept of

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area for the this years (2012) MPWK students attending the S2 programm in Regional Development Planning were: 1. BOLORA 2. BOJONEGORO However, the main concept for the student undertaking the courde (Studio Perencanaan Pengembangan Wilayah (PPW) is to carry out the Sustainable Development of Peripheral-Region under specialised field of Regional Development Planning for the case study area listed above. The main objectives as presented by Dr.-Ing. Wiwandari Handayani for the students to understand and to carry out practical in studing this course is to: Identify problem areas, either partially (sectoral) and comprehensive (multisectoral); Develop a policy framework (conceptual policy framework) for regional development planning in the case of certain thematic; Design phase of the process of planning a regional development initiatives; Use a good and true methods / techniques of analysis to identify and predict the development of aspects that affect the planning of regional development, and Knowing the technical and nontechnical aspects related to regional development planning activities. This because the two case study areas mention above had not been fully developed in terms of soci-economic development. Though the case study areas such as Bojonegoro and Blora had a major project of oil extraction but instead the case study areas were growing backwards in terms of economic development. Therefore, the students specialized in Regional development Planning studying the couse Studio Perencanaan Pengembangan Wilayah (PPW) will do the research to identify issues and do the Regional Development Planning for the case study areas. To carry out the above task, the students in Regional development Planning class were divided into three (3) groups. 1. Economic Group 2. Spatial Planning Group 3. Regional Governance Group. According to the group above, each group will identify issues/problems related to their respective group. That means that the students in Economic group will identify economical issues and do the economic planning for the case study areas and the other two groups will do the same thing. So at the end, all the report will be compile and do the Sustainable Development Plane of Peripheral-Regions.

However, inorder to do that, there are certain step/procedures needed to be followed in order to do the Regional Development Planning for the case study areas. The steps needed in carrying out above objectives are listed below: 1.identify the conditions 2. identification of performance 3. formulate goals 4. define the concept / model prescriptions 5. prepare plan for planning 6. determine data needs 7. surveys, observation discussion 8. compilation of data for analysis 9. Follow-up data according to destination 10. Analysis of data 11. Develop the concept of development 12. Formulate policies 13. Preparation of the strategy 14. Follow-up to formulate recommendations However, before we take the above steps in carrying out research to identify issues and formulate policies to do planning, lets look at the background informatin for the case study areas namely Blora and Bojonegoro so that we can locate/define our BLOCK CEPU REGION so that our forcast will be on the BLOCK CEPU REGION ( this is the areas where mineral oil is currently extracted and the potential areas where oil is found) to do Sustainable Development Plane of Peripheral-Regions. 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. BLORA Blora is a regency (Indonesian: kabupaten) in the northeastern part of Central Java province in Indonesia. Its capital is Blora. This regency is located at the easternmost of Central Java province, and bordered by Bengawan Solo River with East Java province. Blora Regency is located between 111 016' - 111 338'E and 6 528' - 7 248'S, and bordered:

to the north with Rembang Regency and Pati Regency to the east with Bojonegoro Regency, East Java to the south with Ngawi Regency, East Java to the west with Grobogan Regency

Blora regency consists of both low land and hill area between 20280 meters high above sea level. In the north part of regency is dominated by hilly area that forms the series of Northern Limestone Mountain as well as in the south area (Kendeng

Mountain) that stretches from east of Semarang to Lamongan (East Java). The capital of Blora regency is located right on the slope of Northern Limestone Mountain. Half of Blora regency area are forests, especially on the north, east and south region while the central low land is mainly used for agricultural purposes (rice fields). During the dry season, most of the area of Blora regency is short of water supply, either for drinking or irrigation. Meanwhile, it becomes hazardous during the rainy season due to their landslide high risk potencies. This regency consists of several districts as follows:

Banjarejo District Blora as the capital city Bogorejo District Cepu District Japah District Jati District Jepon District Jiken District Kedungtuban District Kradenan District Kunduran District Ngawen District Deso Gedebeg Randublatung District Sambong District Todanan District Tunjungan District

Blora is situated on the Inter-Province road that connecting Semarang as the capital of Central Java Province to Surabaya as the capital of East Java Province via Purwodadi. It's actually the 2nd class road, because most of peoples preferred to choose Semarang-Surabaya via Rembang. Blora also situated on a southern railway connection that linked to most big cities in Java. However, Blora main train station is located in Cepu sub-district therefore peoples often referred Cepu train station.Except two above, Blora just like any other regencies in Java has a local public transportation such as: bemo, becak, etc B. Bojonegoro Bojonegoro Regency (Indonesian: Kabupaten Bojonegoro, older spelling is Kabupaten Bodjanegara) is a regency in East Java, Indonesia, about 110 km west of Surabaya. Bojonegoro is located in the inland part of northern Java plain, on the banks of the Bengawan Solo river, the largest river in Java. Previously known as a major producer of teak and tobacco, Bojonegoro is a the focus of attention in Indonesia as a new oil field has been found in this area. This oil

find is the biggest oil discovery in Indonesia in three decades and one of the biggest reserve in Indonesia. Across the eastern border of Bojonegoro is the Lamongan Regency, to the north is Tuban while to the south is Ngawi, Madiun, Nganjuk and Jombang. Blora is located to the west, in Central Java. The area near the Solo River is fertile and has been settled since early history by the Javanese. However, these settlements never developed into a major urban center, except for several coastal cities. Rather, villages are dependent on a weekly market which rotates among them and bakul (traveling peddlers) who collect and distribute agricultural and manufactured products among the villages. Bojonegoro regency has a population of 1,156,652 people (As of 2000 census). Most of the population work as farmers or foresters. Many still live in poverty, especially in the southern part of the regency, where the soil is less fertile. The major population centre is Bojonegoro town, located on the southern bank of Bengawan Solo river. Agriculture has been the regency's main industry. The Bengawan Solo river provides fertile farming area for rice. The main crops are rice and tobacco, as well as maize. Bojonegoro is also known for its hardwood tree (teak) production. There is an annual Bojonegoro Teak Fair in late January to early February where local craftsmen display their products. Teak is mainly used in shipbuilding and furniture making. Teak forestry faces a major problem in illegal logging, as with other parts of Indonesia. The recent discovery of oil and gas fields in the area is providing new economic opportunities. The oil/gas fields locations include Banyu Urip, Alas Dara, Alas Tua West, Alas Tua East, Jambaran, Cendana (ExxonMobil 45%, Pertamina 45%, local companies 10% - under Joint Operating Agreement) and Sukowati (Operated under Joint Operating Body - Petrochina Pertamina East Java). The Banyu Urip oil and gas field has provenoil reserves of over 250 million barrels (40,000,000 m3), with peak production of about 165,000 barrels (26,200 m 3) per day, accounting for 20 percent of the present national crude oil production. Communities in Bojonegoro has benefited from community development projects by foreign companies like ExxonMobil, which have built houses of worship, schools, community health centers, and infrastructure. However, oil production is becoming a source of controversy. The environmental effects of the oil industry have become a concern of Bojonegoro residents. Some villagers claimed the presence of the oil well has not caused any improvement of the local economy and the village. Since the exploration of the Sukowati oil well in an area measuring five hectares in July 2005, the village's land has become drier and harvest significantly reduced. There is also concern that income distribution inequality could cause social unrest, when compounded with the Indonesian notorious reputation of corruption.

The Map below shows the CEPU BLOCK AREAS

SOURCE: Source: BPS (Indonesian Central Statistical Bureau), 2008 STEP 1. IDENTIFY THE CONDITION ??? ????

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STEP 2. IDENTIFICATION OF PERFORMANCE ...?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????//


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