Nato Satanag 3114 Edicion 08 - 2006

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The document outlines aeromedical training standards for NATO flight personnel, including initial and refresher training requirements. It specifies training topics, procedures, and timelines to promote safety.

The aim is to standardize the minimum aeromedical training required for flight personnel in order to promote safety and efficiency in the operation of military aircraft.

Initial and refresher training requirements are specified for common, fast jet, fixed wing non-fast jet, and rotary wing flight personnel. Training includes topics like hypoxia, decompression, spatial disorientation, G-forces, and aircraft systems.


RECORD OF AMENDMENTS No. Reference/date of Amendment Date Entered Signature

EXPLANATORY NOTES AGREEMENT 1. This NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) is promulgated by the Director NATO Standardization Agency under the authority vested in him by the NATO Standardization Organisation Charter. 2. No departure may be made from the agreement without informing the tasking authority in the form of a reservation. Nations may propose changes at any time to the tasking authority where they will be processed in the same manner as the original agreement. 3. Ratifying nations have agreed that national orders, manuals and instructions implementing this STANAG will include a reference to the STANAG number for purposes of identification. RATIFICATION, IMPLEMENTATION AND RESERVATIONS 4. Ratification, implementation and reservation details are available on request or through the NSA websites (internet; NATO Secure WAN FEEDBACK 5. Any comments concerning this publication should be directed to NATO/NSA - Bvd Leopold III - 1110 Brussels - BEL.




AIR STANDARD 61/117/01 -


AIM 1. The aim of this agreement is to standardize the minimum aeromedical training required for flight personnel in order to promote safety and efficiency in the operation of military aircraft. AGREEMENT 2. Participating Nations agree that: a. Flight personnel shall receive, as a minimum, the initial and refresher aviation medicine training detailed in this STANAG. All flight personnel shall receive the initial aeromedical training described in this STANAG prior to being placed on flying status. All flight personnel will receive the refresher training described in this STANAG on change in the type of aircraft they are operating if they are returning to flight duties having not been engaged actively in operational flying for a period of more than 3 years. All flight personnel engaged in flight operations will receive the refresher aeromedical training described in this STANAG at intervals not exceeding 5 years. However, there may be circumstances where aircrew, having been in engaged actively in operational flying, will require refresher aeromedical training more frequently than 5 years. This may apply particularly to single






NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED seat fast-jet flying. More frequent refresher aeromedical training will be at the discretion of individual Nations. e. Flight personnel are defined as those personnel who hold a medical flight category and who have an essential role in the completion of the flight mission. They work within the aircraft during its flight. Non-constituted crew, such as aeromedical evacuation personnel, are not flight personnel, but they may require some elements of the training described in this STANAG. However, their training is not defined within this STANAG.

GENERAL 3. Initial and Refresher Training. Flight personnel must be given appropriate instruction in the physiological and psychological factors that affect their performance and safety in the flight environment. An initial course of aeromedical training is required either before the start of flying training, or during the early stages of flying training. Refresher training in aviation medicine is required throughout the careers of flight personnel. This refresher training will review the principles of the subject and emphasise those aspects related directly to the type of aircraft and role in which the individual aircrew member will operate. While it is important to review fundamental principles, it is envisaged that refresher training should emphasise the practical application of these principles. Refresher training should also include any improvements in equipment or aircraft safety that are relevant to the aircraft flown by those attending the course. 4. Aircraft Type. The aeromedical instruction, which is to be given to aircrew of different aircraft type (Fast Jet, Fixed Wing Non Fast Jet and Rotary Wing), can vary in important respects. This STANAG, therefore, distinguishes these groups of flight personnel and is divided into common core and aircraft specific requirements. 5. Life Support Equipment and Aircraft Specific Training. Where practicable instruction in the physiological and psychological aspects of flight should be integrated with instruction on the life support and escape equipment which is to be used by the flight personnel. There is considerable merit in aeromedical training courses being aircraft type or group specific with the instruction related directly to the aeromedical features and life support equipment of the aircraft type or group that the students are operating. 6. Instructors. The aeromedical training detailed in this STANAG is to be given by appropriately trained personnel and approved by their National Authority to undertake this type of training. Where possible instructors should have experience of flying operations or hold a flight qualification. Instructors must have practicable knowledge of aviation medicine and human physiology. 7. Medical Fitness for Training. All flight personnel attending for aeromedical training must hold a flying medical category. Additionally, immediately prior to hypobaric chamber exposure or emergency underwater breathing experience, each student is to be questioned concerning his/her medical fitness to undergo such training. This should be carried out by a medical officer with experience of aviation medicine.



NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED 8. Medical Facilities. Medical facilities and a suitably qualified medical officer are to be readily available whenever flight personnel are decompressed in a hypobaric chamber. The medical facility is to include a hyperbaric chamber, or ready access to a hyperbaric chamber, in which the treatment of decompression sickness can be carried out. 9. Written Examination. The National Authority may require testing of students at the end of the course or during the course. Such testing can be formal or informal and should be at the discretion of the National Authority. DETAILS OF THE AGREEMENT INITIAL AVIATION MEDICINE TRAINING OF FLIGHT PERSONNEL COMMON CORE 10. General. The initial aviation medicine training shall consist of academic instruction and practical exercises including exposure to reduced ambient pressure in a hypobaric chamber. 11. Syllabus of the Course. The course is to include the following academic and practical instruction: a. Academic Instruction (1) The Atmosphere. Composition and changes of pressure and temperature with altitude. Relation between volume and pressure of a mass of gas. Concept of partial pressure. Respiration and Circulation. Basic anatomy and physiology of the respiratory and circulatory systems. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the tissues. Changes in the composition of the alveolar gas with altitude. Hypoxia. Causes and effects of altitude hypoxia, including symptoms and signs, times of useful consciousness and factors influencing the intensity of hypoxia. Principles of prevention of hypoxia at altitude, including the use of oxygen in flight. Hyperventilation. Causes and effects of hyperventilation in flight, including symptoms and signs. Actions to be taken when hyperventilation occurs. Gas Expansion/Compression. Effects of change in altitude on gas containing cavities, including middle ear, sinuses, gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Effects of gas trapped in teeth. The effects of barotrauma and its avoidance. Techniques to be used to alleviate the effects of pressure change, such as the Valsalva and Frenzel manoeuvres. The importance of ear clearing manoeuvres should be stressed. -30812E-06st3114Ed8






NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED (6) Decompression Sickness. The mechanism, symptoms and signs, incidence, predisposing factors, and avoidance of hypobaric decompression sickness. The immediate emergency treatment of decompression sickness. Thermal Stress. Principles of heat transfer and regulation of body temperature. Sources of heat in aviation, including environmental (on the ground and in flight), avionics and aerodynamic. Thermal load imposed by flying clothing. Effects of heat, including sweating, discomfort, impaired performance, heat collapse and exhaustion. Reduction of heat strain on the ground and in flight. Sources and effects of cold stress, including wind chill, frostbite, generalized hypothermia and water immersion. Reduction of cold effects on the ground and in flight clothing, insulation and water exclusion. The emergency first aid treatment of heat illness, cold injury and hypothermia. Acceleration Environment in Flight. Physics of acceleration in flight. Terminology of magnitude, direction and duration. Common forms of sources of accelerative forces in aviation - linear, radial and angular accelerations. Protection against G forces in flight, anti-G equipment and the anti-G straining manoeuvre (AGSM). Short Duration Acceleration. Short duration acceleration and deceleration arising in aviation assisted take-off, arrested landing, crashes, buffet, seat ejection, parachute opening and landing. Effects of short duration accelerations, including tolerance. Effects of posture, muscular tensing and restraint systems. Principles of restraint harnesses and other restraint systems. Effects of head impact and principles of head protection. Escape from Aircraft in Flight. Physiological limits to manual escape. Parachute opening shocks and parachute landing. Possible patterns of injury following ejection. The immediate management of post ejection injury. Vision. Anatomy and physiology of the eye and psychophysiology of perception, including range of sensitivity of the eye, dark adaption, central and peripheral vision, acuity, retinal induction, visual contrast, colour vision, empty field myopia, perception time, dynamic visual sharpness, depth perception, air-to-ground target acquisition and collision avoidance. Visual illusions, both during the day and at night, and those illusions that are rotary wing specific. Hazards to vision in flight and the principles of protection against hazards, including solar glare, birdstrike, canopy fragmentation devices, windblast, lasers and nuclear flash. The effects of hypoxia and G forces on vision. Night vision goggles, their advantages and limitations. Face protection.








NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED (12) Hearing. Physical nature of sound and the decibel scale. Anatomy and physiology of the ear. Effects of noise, including temporary and permanent hearing loss, interference with communication, impaired performance and fatigue. Methods of reducing noise hazard. Principles of personal noise protection and an individuals responsibility for this protection. Noise exposure in everyday life. Vibration. Physics of vibration and sources in aviation. Effects of whole body vibration, including those on vision, performance of motor tasks and speech, fatigue and motion sickness. Avoidance of the effects. Orientation and Disorientation. The anatomy and physiology of vestibular apparatus. Mechanisms of orientation on the ground and in flight. Spatial disorientation in flight, definition and mechanisms. Common types of disorientation in flight illustrated by examples. Factors leading to disorientation and its avoidance. The management of disorientation. Instruction is to comply with the document Air Standard 61/117/01. Air Sickness. Causes, incidence and causal mechanisms. Factors affecting susceptibility and adaptation to the flight environment. Prevention and treatment. Human Performance. Human information processing, including sensory filtering, limitations on processing, stored motor programmes and short and long-term memory. Attention, expectancy and motivation with emphasis on errors of perception. Causes, effects and avoidance of "mental" stress. The vital role of Crew Resource Management (CRM). Combat stress and the causes of both physical and mental stress due to extended working periods. The range and types of stress related illness in air operations. Toxic Substances. Major toxic substances in aviation, their effects and avoidance, including fuels, lubricants, products of combustion and fire extinguishing agents. Principles of action in the event of toxic contamination of the cabin atmosphere. Implications of pre-flight exposure to toxic substances. Health Promotion. Personal health factors and performance in flight, in peace and war, and in survival situations. Diet and weight. Exercise and physical fitness. Circadian rhythms and disturbances of rest/work cycles. The deleterious effects of alcohol and tobacco in the flying environment. The recognition of illness and the importance of reporting such illness. The dangers of malaria, HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. The risks of self-medication in the flying situation. The role of the flight surgeon/flight medical officer.









NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED (19) Medication in Aircrew. Information on drugs likely to modify the state of wakefulness or sleep. Drugs likely to modify vigilance or psychomotor/cognitive performance. The use of OTC medicines by aircrew. Medication with 'fitness enhancing' drugs and their dangers. Flying Clothing. Concept of flying clothing and its protective and functional role. Clothing for protection against cold, wet and fire. Principles of layering and integration of garments, particularly with respect to a thermal barrier against cold and fire threat. Importance of fit. Use of unapproved items. Care of personal flying clothing. Survival and First Aid. The medical aspects of survival with an overview of the peculiar problems arising in special situations. The essentials of first aid as they relate to aircraft incidents and accidents. The contents and use of the aircrew first aid pack. Survival in maritime, desert, jungle and arctic conditions. Some Nations may deliver this training as an essential component of other courses.




Practical Instruction (1) Experience of Change of Pressure and Hypoxia. Each student is to undergo an exposure to reduced pressure in a hypobaric chamber. The effects of changing ambient pressure upon the gas containing cavities, especially the ears and sinuses, are to be demonstrated to him/her. He/she is to be instructed in the techniques for introducing gas into the middle ear and sinuses during descent. He/she is to be given personal experience of the effects of the hypoxia. Experience of Spatial Disorientation. The academic instruction on spatial orientation and disorientation should be reinforced by the practical demonstration of the effects of vestibular stimulation using a rotating chair or suitable disorientation device to provide each student with a personal experience of some of the more common illusions. Experience should comply with the proposed document Air Standard 61/117/14.


FAST JET SPECIFIC 12. Syllabus of the Course. The course is to include the following additional items of academic and practical instruction: a. Academic Instruction (1) Hypoxia. Pressure breathing at high altitude and the advantages/disadvantages of 100% oxygen. Decompression Sickness. Prevention and immediate treatment of the condition in flight. -60812E-06st3114Ed8



NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED (3) Oxygen Equipment. Principles of aircraft oxygen equipment, including methods of storage, control of flow and pressure, masks and emergency oxygen supplies, illustrated by reference to the oxygen system fitted to the aircraft to be flown by the flight personnel on the course. Principles of pre-flight and in-flight checks of oxygen system and emergency drills, including failure of supply, decompression, toxic fumes in the cabin. Cabin Pressurisation. Physiological requirements for cabin pressurisation. Principles of cabin pressurisation and typical cabin altitude/aircraft altitude relationships. Causes and effects of rapid decompression. Emergency procedures following loss of cabin pressurisation. Sustained +G Acceleration. Effects of long duration +G acceleration on the circulation and consequences in the eye and central nervous system, including grey-out, black-out, loss of consciousness, including +G induced loss of consciousness (GLOC). Discussion of 'near or almost GLOC'. Tolerance of +G acceleration, including the effects of physical fitness, hypoxia, hyperventilation, thermal stress, alcohol, illness and previous experience/exposure. Protection against the effects of sustained +G posture, muscle tensing, AGSM. Detailed instruction in the performance of AGSM. Consideration of anti-G equipment including pneumatic anti-G trousers and jerkin, anti-G valves and hydrostatic methods of anti-G protection. Pressure breathing for G protection. Sustained G Acceleration. Effects of G acceleration on vision, performance and consciousness. Escape from Aircraft in Flight. Aeromedical aspects of ejection, including effects of acceleration forces during ejection, man/seat separation, parachute deployment etc. The pattern of ejection injury. The mechanical causes of back injury on ejection, their avoidance and treatment. Q forces, facial and flail injuries.






Practical Instruction (1) Experience of Change of Pressure and Hypoxia. Each student is to undergo an exposure to reduced pressure in a hypobaric chamber to a simulated altitude of 25,000 feet. During this exposure he/she is also to be instructed in the operation of the oxygen equipment which he/she is to use in flight. Training in Pressure Breathing. If the aircraft in which the student flies operates above 35,000 feet, each student is to receive training in pressure breathing wearing a pressure demand mask at breathing pressures up to 30mm Hg. This training is to be followed by exposure to simulated high altitude in a hypobaric chamber. The maximum -7-




NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED altitude should be held for at least 30 sec. The risk of decompression sickness will be reduced in this training procedure by breathing 100% oxygen for an appropriate period at ground level prior to the exposure. (3) Experience of Rapid Decompression. Where the student is to fly in a pressurised aircraft he/she is to receive personal experience of a rapid decompression in a hypobaric chamber. Ideally the initial and final altitudes and the rate of the decompression should be representative of the aircraft in which the student is to fly. The duration of the pressure change of the rapid decompression should be 2-4 sec for low differential pressure cabins and 10-14 sec for high differential pressure cabins. Centrifuge Training. All fast jet aircrew should receive centrifuge training to demonstrate the effects of G and to practice the anti-G manoeuvres using both physiological techniques, such as AGSM and muscle straining, and the appropriate anti-G protective equipment. Wherever possible the centrifuge profile used during training should replicate the performance of the aircraft to be flown by the trainee.


FIXED WING NON FAST JET SPECIFIC 13. Syllabus of the Course. The course is to include the following additional items of academic and practical instruction: a. Academic Instruction (1) Decompression Sickness. Prevention and immediate treatment of the condition in flight. Oxygen Equipment. Principles of aircraft oxygen equipment, including methods of storage, control of flow and pressure, masks and emergency oxygen supplies, illustrated by reference to the oxygen system fitted to the aircraft to be flown by the flight personnel on the course. Principles of pre-flight and in-flight checks of oxygen system and emergency drills, including failure of supply, decompression, toxic fumes in the cabin. Cabin Pressurisation. Physiological requirements for cabin pressurisation. Principles of cabin pressurisation and typical cabin altitude/aircraft altitude relationships. Causes and effects of rapid decompression. Emergency procedures following loss of cabin pressurisation.





NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED b. Practical Instruction (1) Experience of Change of Pressure and Hypoxia. Each student is to undergo an exposure to reduced pressure in a hypobaric chamber to a simulated altitude of 25,000 feet. During this exposure he/she is also to be instructed in the operation of the oxygen equipment which he/she is to use in flight. It will be for the National Authority to decide whether decompression from 8,000 feet to 25,000 feet will require preoxygenation. Experience of Rapid Decompression. Where the student is to fly in a pressurised aircraft he/she is to receive personal experience of a rapid decompression in a hypobaric chamber. Ideally the initial and final altitudes and the rate of the decompression should be representative of the aircraft in which the student is to fly. The duration of the pressure change of the rapid decompression should be 2-4 sec for low differential pressure cabins and 10-14 sec for high differential pressure cabins.


ROTARY WING SPECIFIC 14. Syllabus of the Course. The course is to include the following additional items of academic and practical instruction: a. Academic Instruction (1) Sustained +G Acceleration. The difference in the flying environment between attack and non-attack helicopters (medium G/low G). Crash Worthiness and Survivability. Aeromedical aspects of escape from helicopters, including underwater escape. Design features to improve crash worthiness of RW aircraft. Thermal Stress and Cold Protection. Aircrew clothing. Electrically heated gloves and socks. Immersion protection. NBC protection. Vibration and Noise. Vibration in helicopters, pathological sequelae. Active noise reduction. Sound proofing. Communication in helicopters. Oxygen Equipment. Any specific oxygen system that may be required for the operation of the RW aircraft at altitude.







NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED b. Practical Instruction (1) Experience of Change of Pressure and Hypoxia. Each student is to undergo an exposure to reduced pressure in a hypobaric chamber to an appropriate simulated altitude. The demonstration of hypoxia in rotary wing aircraft is particularly important as operations may take place where ground level is at high altitude. Experience of Under Water Escape. It is essential that each student is given personal experience of under water escape from a helicopter using a suitable under water escape training device which may include the use of underwater breathing apparatus. The importance of disorientation during this training should be stressed.


REFRESHER AVIATION MEDICINE TRAINING OF FLIGHT PERSONNEL COMMON CORE 15. General. The refresher training course shall consist of academic instruction and practical exercises. As stated earlier refresher training includes both regular refresher training and training on change of aircraft type; Nations may wish to differentiate between these types of training. While general principles should be reinforced during refresher training, it is more important to emphasise the practical aspects of training and to give practical experience based on the underlying principles. 16. Syllabus of the Course. The course is to include the following academic and practical instruction: a. Academic Instruction (1) Altitude and Oxygen Equipment. Revision of causes, mechanism, significance and avoidance of hypoxia, hyperventilation and decompression sickness. Vision. Limitations of vision in aviation; techniques for improving visual performance; visual protection devices including laser protection. Night vision goggles. Spatial Disorientation. Revisions of mechanisms underlying disorientation and of management of disorientation in flight, in accordance with Annex A. Discussion of recent incidents of disorientation and the lessons to be learnt from them. Thermal Stress. Revision of effects of heat and cold on performance and survival. Protection against, and alleviation of effects of, hot and cold stress. Flying Clothing and Escape Systems. Aeromedical aspects of the flying clothing, escape system and survival equipment to be used in the aircraft the flight personnel are to operate. - 10 0812E-06st3114Ed8








Aircrew Health. Discussion of fatigue and anti-fatigue protocols, workload, circadian rhythms, work scheduling, sleep and use of hypnotics, physical and mental fitness.


Practical Instruction (1) Experience of Hypoxia. Each student should receive personal experience of hypoxia at a simulated altitude of 25,000 feet. It should be given with the student wearing his/her personal oxygen equipment. Experience of Rapid Decompression. Where the student is to fly in pressurised aircraft he/she is to be decompressed rapidly in a hypobaric chamber through a relevant pressure change and at a relevant rate wearing his/her personal oxygen equipment. Experience of Spatial Disorientation. Experience should comply with the coversheeted proposed Air Standard 61/117/14, at Annex B. and be related to the aircraft flown by the student.



FAST JET SPECIFIC 17. Syllabus of the Course. The course is to include the following additional items of academic and practical instruction: a. Academic Instruction (1) Altitude and Oxygen Equipment. Principles of the relevant aircraft oxygen system; its performance, operation and routine and emergency use. Sustained +G Acceleration. Effects of sustained +G, causes of reduced tolerance and methods of alleviating them.



Practical Instruction (1) Pressure Breathing. If the student flies in an aircraft that can climb to above 35,000 feet, each student is to receive refresher training in pressure breathing at pressures up to 30 mm Hg. This training is to be followed by exposure to simulated high altitude in a hypobaric chamber. This maximum altitude should be held for at least 30 sec. The incidence of decompression sickness may be reduced in this training procedure, by breathing 100% oxygen for an appropriate period at ground level prior to the exposure.

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NATO/PfP UNCLASSIFIED (2) Centrifuge Training. This will not normally be undertaken as part of the practical phase of refresher training. However, those Nations flying the latest generation of agile aircraft may wish to repeat centrifuge training as part of their regular refresher training for fast jet aircrew.

FIXED WING NON FAST JET SPECIFIC 18. Syllabus of the Course a. Academic Instruction. The course is to include the following item of academic and practical instruction: Altitude and Oxygen Equipment. Principles of aircraft oxygen system, its performance, operation and routine and emergency use. b. Practical Instruction. This is as detailed under the Common Core Continuation Aviation Medicine training.

ROTARY WING SPECIFIC 19. Syllabus of the Course. The course is to include the following academic and practical instruction: a. Academic Instruction. (1) Disorientation. A review of the features of spatial disorientation unique to rotary wing aircraft. Rotary Wing Operations. A review of all factors specific to rotary wing operations including thermal stress and cold protection, vibration and noise, escape, including underwater escape, and any specific oxygen system required for the operation of the rotary wing aircraft at altitude.



Practical Instruction. Personal experience of underwater escape from a helicopter using a suitable underwater escape training device which may include the use of underwater breathing apparatus.

IMPLEMENATION OF THE AGREEMENT 20. This STANAG is implemented when a nation has established aeromedical training programmes for flight personnel in accordance with the requirements of this STANAG.

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