Stock Take Check List
Stock Take Check List
Stock Take Check List
Barcode all relevant stock Check list for the nominated day(s) Plan for training of staff if necessary Check all software, resources and PDTs are operational, and have batteries charged o o Test PDTs and software if you only use them once a year dont assume they will work Get extra batteries as a backup Stock sheets, clipboards, pens, sticky notes, markers, staples, paperclips, etc PDTs, battery charger, software loaded & registered Support notes & company procedures Back up support contact numbers in case of emergency failure of equipment
Pre Count and record numbers/measurement of bulk items (edit as they are sold) Pre count and record stock in storage make sure no stock is transferred between storage and other areas after count or make adjustments Clearly mark Goods Received not yet entered as stock and therefore not to be included in the stocktake. Run a Lay-by Detailed report to check that all lay-bys are current and that nothing should be returned to stock Run a Sales Order Detailed report to check all Sales Orders are current and none should be cancelled. Process all Goods Received Invoices for stock to be counted Process all Goods Returned for stock sent back. Process all Sales for stock removed prior to stocktake Process all customer returns for stock instore that will be counted
C:\Users\Lisa\Documents\Lisa's My Docs\Software Training Services\Software Training\MYOB\Stock Take Check List.doc 16/06/2008
On the day Allocate jobs to staff Have 1 person oversee whole operation o o o o Allocate areas to staff Ensure staff check off areas completed on store floor plan Encourage staff to work consistently through their sections. Have a plan for stock that cant be scanned/identified when counting Mark the stock OR move to a dedicated area Allocate someone to deal with it o o o o o o o Count lay-bys and special orders as items in stock Collate the stocktake sheets or PDT downloads. Take all staff on a tour of the shop/storeroom/sheds when finished to make sure no stock was missed mark off a second copy of the floor plan as a double check. Entry of the stocktake. Adjustments for sales made during stocktake count (if any). Review the discrepancy report to check for obvious issues with the recorded count Backup immediately before & after stocktake is committed.
Breathe a sigh of relief and make a commitment to be more organized next time!