Contraction and Convergence

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Conservation Focus

Economic Growth, Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss:

Distributive Justice for the Global North and South
Department of Environmental Studies, St. Lawrence University, 23 Romoda Drive, Canton, NY 13617, U.S.A.,
email [email protected]

Abstract: Economic growth-the increase in production and consumption of goods and services-must be
considered within its biophysical context. Economic growth is fueled by biophysical inputs and its outputs
degrade ecological processes, such as the global climate system. Economic growth is currently the principal
cause of increased climate change, and climate change is a primary mechanism of biodiversity loss. Therefore,
economic growth is a prime catalyst of biodiversity loss. Because people desire economic growth for dissimilar
reasons-some for the increased accumulation of wealth, others for basic needs-how we limit economic growth
becomes an ethical problem. Principles of distributive justice can help construct an international climate-
change regime based on principles of equity. An equity-based framework that caps economic growth in
the most polluting economies will lessen human impact on biodiversity. When coupled with a cap-and-trade
mechanism, the framework can also provide a powerful tool for redistribution of wealth. Such an equity-based
framework promises to be more inclusive and therefore more effective because it accounts for the disparate
developmental conditions of the global north and south.

Keywords: biodiversity, climate change, distributive justice, economic growth, equity, per capita emissions
Crecimiento Económico, Cambio Climático, Pérdida de Biodiversidad: Justicia Distributiva para el Norte y el Sur
Resumen: El crecimiento económico – incremento en la producción y consumo de bienes y servicios – debe
ser considerado dentro de su contexto biofı́sico. El crecimiento económico esta alimentado por los insumos
biofı́sicos y sus productos degradan los procesos ecológicos, como el sistema climático global. El crecimiento
económico es la principal causa actual del incremento de cambio climático, y el cambio climático es un
mecanismo primario de la pérdida de biodiversidad. Por lo tanto, el crecimiento económico es un catalizador
primario de la pérdida de biodiversidad. Debido a que la gente desea el crecimiento económico por razones
disimilares – algunos por el incremento de la acumulación de capital, otros por necesidades básicas – la forma
en que se limita el crecimiento económico se vuelve un problema ético. Los principios de la justicia distributiva
pueden ayudar a construir un régimen internacional de cambio climático basado en los principios de equidad.
Un marco de referencia basado en la equidad que encapsula el crecimiento económico en las economı́as más
contaminantes reducirá el impacto humano sobre la biodiversidad. En combinación con un mecanismo de
lı́mites y canje, el marco también puede proporcionar una herramienta poderosa para la redistribución de
la riqueza. Tal marco basado en la equidad promete ser más incluyente y, por lo tanto, más efectivo porque
considera la disparidad en las condiciones de desarrollo del norte y del sur.

Palabras Clave: biodiversidad, cambio climático, crecimiento económico, emisiones per cápita, equidad, justi-
cia distributiva

Introduction to attain higher levels of affluence. These disparate de-

sires must be considered when confronting the issue
People around the world desire economic growth for of economic growth and biodiversity conservation. Be-
different reasons, some to attain basic needs and some cause economic growth is the increase in production and

Paper submitted March 26, 2008; revised manuscript accepted June 10, 2008.
Conservation Biology, Volume 22, No. 6, 1409–1417

C 2008 Society for Conservation Biology
DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.01091.x
1410 Distributive Justice and Climate Change

consumption of goods and services, and goods and ser- limits to economic growth. Scientific efforts help deter-
vices are directly or indirectly made of biophysical matter mine the causal mechanisms of biodiversity loss and envi-
that flows through the economic system, the impact of ronmental deterioration, and these determinations even-
economic growth on the natural world increases with tually comprise a powerful mode of persuasion in the
size of the economy. policy process. Science itself, however, cannot ensure ac-
Curbing economic growth in any culture will not be tion. Science can help reveal the causal factors of climate
easy; capping it will be very difficult. Powerful social ac- change and the likely impacts and vulnerabilities, but it
tors that benefit from economic growth assume these does not provide a basis for making choices among pol-
ambitions are universal. Economic growth as a public icy options. Other impulses, such as ethics, are needed
policy has powerful constituencies, including corporate to guide responsible action and to resolve conflicts be-
coalitions, politicians who serve their interests, high- tween values and principles. Furthermore, science and
ranking economists, and institutions of international fi- ethics often work synergistically. Issues of equity, par-
nance. Perpetual economic growth is the purported rem- ticularly the just distribution of wealth, often arise from
edy for poverty alleviation, technological advancement, studying limited and deteriorating biophysical factors.
and the very idea of social progress. But when economic Although dominant economic theory includes the as-
growth is placed in its biophysical context, a conundrum sumption that economic growth provides the resources
emerges—perpetual economic growth is an impossibil- necessary for environmental protection and a vehicle for
ity (Daly & Townsend 1993). Long before it is limited by social equality, this assumption falls apart when biophys-
its biophysical environment, it causes numerous social ical limits are acknowledged. Science is needed to deter-
problems that eventually outweigh its social merits. This mine environmental limits and thresholds, and ethics is
reality must be confronted. The question I consider here needed to ensure human actions move society toward so-
is how to limit economic growth in an ethical manner. cial equity. The need to identify environmental limits and
As Lawn (2008 [this issue]) explains, macroeconomic develop equitable policy is becoming especially evident
policy instruments are not currently designed to cap eco- with regard to climate change.
nomic growth; in fact, their purposes are quite the con- Climate change is an umbrella crisis in that it has social,
trary. Macroeconomic policy will not necessarily achieve economic, political, and ecological impacts, including
ethical outcomes either. Although macroeconomic pol- biodiversity loss. It is also a crisis that exposes the need
icy may be reformed as economic growth becomes to integrate the politics of reason and equity. The negoti-
more problematic, one must also look elsewhere for pol- ating body that developed the Kyoto Protocol, the United
icy tools to limit growth. Codifying limits to economic Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
growth into law can be effective if it is guided by science (UNFCCC), has a core commitment to strive to reconcile
and ethics with a sensitivity to ecological thresholds and north–south equity concerns with scientific findings of
distributional equity. the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The conflict between economic growth and biodiver- and its Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological
sity conservation is often described by those working in Advice. I used the scientific work of the IPCC and the eth-
the conservation field as a trade-off between humans and ical foundations of the UNFCCC to frame my argument.
nonhumans in a competition for natural resources for sur- Taken together, they offer a chance for biodiversity con-
vival (Czech et al. 2000). This conflict can also be seen servation by limiting economic activity in the diverse and
between groups of humans when competing economies prolific sectors that emit greenhouse gases (GHGs) and,
scour the globe for resources and prevent their com- given the integration of economic sectors, by limiting
petitors from acquiring more favorable positions, what growth of the economy at large while acknowledging
Ophuls (1977) calls the politics of scarcity. Claims on the relative contribution of economies that pollute less.
open-access natural resources in the atmosphere, high
seas, and even outer space, and human-contrived open-
Economic Growth, Climate Change, and Biodiversity Loss
access resources, such as information, are staked out and
gradually privatized into the market by privileged and In their Fourth Assessment Report the IPCC compiles and
powerful interests. These interests are supported by cur- assesses climate-change literature from 1970 to 2005. Re-
rent institutions of global economic activity and policy. garding biodiversity, they affirm, “recent warming is al-
The politics of scarcity seem insurmountable, and it is ready strongly affecting natural biological systems” (IPCC
difficult to envision an alternative. 2007a). Observed changes in terrestrial systems include
Other traditions, however, can become more promi- shifting species ranges, in particular poleward and eleva-
nent for allocating resources. For example, parallel to the tional range shifts; increased wildfire risk; and phenolog-
politics of scarcity are the politics of reason and the poli- ical changes in species, such as timing of growth and
tics of equity. Applying reason through science-based de- migration, length of growing season, and changes in
cision making requires one to acknowledge the impacts abundance (IPCC 2007a). Changes have also been
of economic growth on biodiversity and to acknowledge observed in aquatic systems, including phenological

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changes in species; poleward shifts in the range of species inations, evidence shows technological improvements
(plankton have moved 10◦ north in the last 40 years); have been overtaken by economic growth. Whereas the
coral bleaching; and, perhaps most disturbingly, ocean energy intensity embodied in goods and services de-
acidification that has affected corals, plankton, and ben- creased by 33% between 1970 and 2004, increased use
thic marine organisms (IPCC 2007a). Ocean pH has de- of carbon-based energy from economic and population
clined by an average of 0.1 units since 1750 (IPCC 2007a). growth vastly outstripped gains in efficiency, with GHGs
The full ramifications of ocean acidification are unknown. emissions growing by 70% over the same period (IPCC
Similar effects have been observed in lakes and rivers 2007b). The main driver of increased GHGs from 1970
(IPCC 2007a). Of the 28,671 observed biological changes to 2004 was global economic growth, which grew by
reviewed by the IPCC, 90% are consistent with what one 77% over the period (IPCC 2007b). Even if technological
would expect to see with global warming (IPCC 2007a). improvements can lessen GHG production, the activities
The projected impacts on biodiversity are even more required to research and produce these technologies re-
troubling. The most vulnerable terrestrial ecosystems— quire surplus production in other sectors that will have an
tundra, boreal forest, mountain, and Mediterranean-type additional impact on ecosystems and biodiversity (Czech
ecosystems; mangroves and salt marshes; coral reefs and 2008 [this issue]).
sea ice biomes—are virtually certain (>99% probability) Although much uncertainty remains about individual
to experience “severe” impacts (IPCC 2007a). Endemic species and ecosystems, it is well established that the
species are the most vulnerable. Some species and com- overall impact of climate change on biodiversity has been
munities will benefit from increasing net primary pro- and will be negative. It is also well established that eco-
ductivity in systems (e.g., savannas, species-poor deserts nomic growth is the main driver in increased GHG emis-
in some regions), but ecosystems are unlikely to be able sions. Therefore, by inference, economic growth is the
to adapt by 2100 to atmospheric CO 2 levels higher than main driver of climate-change-related biodiversity loss.
any time in the last 650,000 years and to temperatures The issue at hand, then, is how to limit economic
higher than in the last 740,000 years (IPCC 2007a). These growth in an ethical manner to minimize biodiversity
conditions will be “characterized by threshold-type re- loss. Traditional economic instruments are insufficient
sponses, many irreversible on time-scales relevant to hu- for the task. To address this enormous challenge, one
man society, such as biodiversity loss through extinction, must turn to ethics.
disruption of species’ ecological interactions, and major
changes in ecosystem structure and disturbance regimes”
(IPCC 2007a). Overall, the IPCC states with high confi-
dence (80% chance) that there will be up to a 30% in- Ethical Principles
crease in risk of extinction with 1 ◦ C warming and more
than 40% extinction with 4 ◦ C warming (IPCC 2007a). A convergence of ethical principles can point to a res-
Economic growth drives climate change, and atten- olution. Ethical principles from the field of distributive
dant biodiversity loss, and the rate at which it does so justice are particularly useful. Inspiration in this field is
increases with size of the economy. Producing a dollar’s drawn from political philosopher John Rawls, and in par-
worth of goods or services in the United States yields, on ticular his seminal work on justice (Rawls 1971). Rawls
average, 0.36 kg of CO 2 e (all GHGs weighted for their develops a theory of distributive justice from the basic
global warming potential compared with CO 2 ) at the site rights of life, liberty, and personal security that can be
of production and 0.83 kg when supply-chain emissions used to address economic growth and biodiversity loss.
are included (Suh 2006). According to Canadell et al. His theory, called “justice as fairness,” is instructive be-
(2007), economic growth accounts for approximately cause it offers a solution to the problem of economic
65% of the increase in GHGs in the atmosphere (17% growth that is amenable to developing countries. Rawls
of which comes from an increase in carbon intensity and suggests social structures should be developed that ac-
∼18% of which comes from decreased environmental knowledge each person has equal rights that are compa-
sink efficiency). Growth rates in CO 2 emissions increased rable to the rights of others; social and economic condi-
from 1.3%/year in the 1990s to 3.3%/year between 2000 tions should be arranged so there is equal opportunity
and 2006. Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmo- for all; and the greatest benefit of social action should
sphere are growing at 1.93 ppm/year, the highest rate be granted to those who are the least advantaged (Rawls
of increase on record. These new findings exceed IPCC’s 1971).
highest emissions scenarios. Additionally, midrange emis- Although Rawls’ principles are intended for national
sions scenarios predict global emissions will grow by 60% ethical obligations, not international relations, there are
between 2000 and 2025 (Baumert & Pershing 2004). parallels that can be drawn to international climate pol-
Although technological efficiency improvements that icy. Four principles of international policy that are perti-
allow economies to grow without any additional burden nent to the discussion here are: polluter pays; provision of
on the environment have a powerful grip on our imag- basic needs; ability to pay; and common but differentiated

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1412 Distributive Justice and Climate Change

responsibilities. These principles can help guide specific as a principle to work with. Equity, therefore, is codi-
policy approaches and help construct just and equitable fied in the institutions that develop international envi-
legal structures and policy outcomes (Brown et al. 2006). ronmental policy, including climate-change policy. These
In a bellwether article, Shue (1999) applies ethical prin- institutions are designed to facilitate equity in their
ciples to how the costs of global environmental issues operations.
should be distributed. He develops three ethical postu- There are three fundamental ethical positions to draw
lates that can be directly applied to the principles men- from this body of literature that have direct relevance
tioned above. to economic growth and biodiversity loss: each coun-
try has an equal right to develop; each country has
1. If climate change costs are imposed on the south with-
equal rights to the atmospheric commons; and in the
out their consent by industrialized countries in the north,
context of existing international inequality, the global
then the south has the right to demand the north “shoul-
south should be granted “atmospheric space” to pur-
der the burdens” of mitigation and adaptation. This is
sue economic growth. Principles of equity, from the-
consistent with the polluter pays and common but dif-
ory to practice, provide a powerful position from
ferentiated responsibilities principles.
which to negotiate policy on the disastrous effects of
2. The north should contribute more to mitigate climate
economic growth and climate change on biodiversity
change because it has the most resources. Shue (1999)
suggests this position is logically irreducible. It is consis-
tent with the ability to pay principle.
3. With unequal capacity to mitigate and adapt to cli-
mate change, the south should at least be guaranteed an Ethical Framework to Cap Harmful Economic
“adequate minimum” to meet basic needs. An adequate
minimum guarantee requires a right to development if
such a minimum has not been achieved. This is consis-
Frameworks used to address climate change that are
tent with the provision of basic needs principle.
based on ethical foundations, especially those based
When there are disproportionate benefits to the north on equity, are receiving much attention in the climate-
and harm to the south derived from GHG emissions change community. They particularly resonate with
and economic growth and where the capacity to re- those representing the global south. An ethical frame-
spond to climate change is disproportionately limited, work can be developed into a model that shows how
extra burdens on the “producer of the inequality” are economic growth can be capped, and even reduced, at
ethically justified (Shue 1999). Furthermore, progres- least in some sectors.
sive burdening rates (i.e., a higher imposition of bur- Per capita schemes are in a class of climate-change mit-
dens on the more affluent) are justified. Acknowledg- igation proposals that are based on equity. The Centre for
ing and incorporating these principles into law can help Science and Environment (CSE) was an early proponent
maintain equity as a core commitment of climate-change of a per capita approach to climate-change mitigation
policy. (Agarwal & Narain 1991). The CSE finds that GHG emis-
The principle of equity is more than rhetorical argu- sions have been and continue to be emitted unequally
ment, it is a founding principle of international law and from different countries (Table 1), and they point out that
policy. Equity is codified, for example, in the charter although the chemical composition of the GHG emissions
of the United Nations, the Stockholm Declaration, the from different sources is the same and the molecules
Brundtland Commission’s report “Our Common Future,” themselves mix evenly in the atmosphere, the type of
the UN Rio Declaration, and the UNFCCC (Rosales 2008). activities from which they derive vary significantly ac-
For example, the Charter of the United Nations states, cording to their necessity to meet basic needs. Emissions
“We the peoples of the United Nations Determined. . . to from luxury activities, such as recreational boating, can-
reaffirm faith in. . . the equal rights of men and women not be equated with growing rice for a family. Because
and of nations large and small” (UN 1949). The Rio Decla- GHG emissions are associated with varying degrees of
ration adds, “The right to development must be fulfilled luxury and survival, CSE envisions a global per capita
so as to equitably meet developmental and environmen- emissions quota. These quotas could be tradable, but
tal needs of present and future generations” (UN 1992). only after equal entitlements to the atmospheric com-
And the UNFCCC maintains, “The Parties should protect mons were allotted. Other scholars have since adopted
the climate system for the benefit of present and future this ethical foundation and further developed proposals
generations of humankind, on the basis of equity and for per capita GHG trading (e.g., Byrne et al. 1998; Gupta
in accordance with their common but differentiated re- & Bhandari 1999).
sponsibilities and capabilities” (UNFCCC 2002). Elaborating on a concept developed by Carley and Spa-
Although the definition and intent of equity in these pens (1998) and Athanasiou and Baer (2002), for exam-
documents are necessarily ambiguous, equity is laid out ple, initially framed global inequity in terms of space.

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Table 1. Contribution of CO 2 from fossil fuels and cement from the After examining climate-change mitigation options for
top 20 emitters of greenhouse gases (Baumert & Pershing 2004). the post-Kyoto Protocol era, a group of scholars con-
Cumulative Cumulative cludes, “An equal per capita allocation would be con-
emissions emissions Percent sistent with principles of justice because: (a) it treats
Country 1850–2000 1990–2000 change all individuals as equals and therefore is consistent with
most theories of distributive justice, (b) it would imple-
United States 29.8 23.5 −21
Russia 8.3 7.8 −5 ment the ethical maxim that all people should have equal
Germany 7.5 4.0 −46 rights to use the global commons, (c) it would implement
China 7.3 13.8 89 the widely accepted ‘polluter pays’ principle, and (d) it
United Kingdom 6.5 2.5 −61 would recognize the need of developing countries to in-
Japan 4.1 5.2 28 crease their emissions to meet the basic needs of their
France 3.0 1.6 −45
Ukraine 2.3 2.1 −8 citizens” (Brown et al. 2006).
Canada 2.1 2.1 −3 Due to the widely disproportionate nature of global
Poland 2.1 1.5 −27 GHG emissions, the principles of polluter pays, ability to
India 2.0 3.7 80 pay, and shared but differentiated responsibilities com-
Italy 1.6 1.9 18 pel one to acknowledge the disparate responsibility for
South Africa 1.2 1.5 27
Australia 1.1 1.3 24 climate change and to use it as a foundation for action.
Mexico 1.0 1.5 60 In this disparity one can read the histories of economic
Spain 0.9 1.1 30 growth and the development of the global north and
Brazil 0.8 1.2 60 south (Table 1). This history of unequal growth and in-
South Korea 0.7 1.7 138 equity is often overlooked, disregarded, or dismissed by
Iran 0.6 1.1 93
Argentina 0.5 0.5 14 northern scholars. After an extensive review of the eq-
Developed 77 62 −20 uity literature on climate change and the IPCC’s Third
Developing 22 38 73 Assessment Report of 2001, Müller (2002) concludes that
the majority of the literature completely misses the eq-
uity concerns of the south. Most of the discussion is on
They suggest that the remaining atmospheric space for emission targets, as opposed to unequal impacts and re-
the south to develop is scarce. Because the provision of sponsibility and the gaping divide in per capita emissions
basic needs in the south involves increased GHG emis- (Fig. 1).
sions, southern countries will not accept a global treaty Because GHGs mix evenly in the atmosphere, it is
that will limit their atmospheric space, especially when possible to reduce emissions in one location and have
the space has been filled by way of economic growth a global impact. This fact has been taken advantage of by
in the affluent north. Athanasiou and Baer (2002) base the north in developing offset projects in the south as a
their proposed scheme on equal rights to the atmospheric way to avoid structural change and the tempering of eco-
commons. They argue that an equal-rights approach is ef- nomic growth. The south can use this fact and that their
fective for two reasons: it accounts for the tremendous share of GHG emissions is minimal to get compensation
ecological debt northern countries owe for using up the for their often enormous carbon sinks and environmen-
space, and it is more politically acceptable for southern tally benign development choices to rectify their unequal
governments because their right to develop is retained. share of atmospheric space (Fig. 1).
Their rights-based approach centers on principles of eq- To set up a global per capita scheme, it makes sense to
uity and fairness; “atmospheric overusers have to pay for take advantage of the political and economic infrastruc-
their overuse of the atmospheric space” (Athanasiou & ture already developed under the Kyoto Protocol and to
Baer 2002). The lack of available space, however, occa- build on its tradable allowances framework, in this case
sioned these scholars to rethink their support of a per tradable emissions credits. To set up such a scheme, three
capita approach (Baer et al. 2007). steps are required: set a cap, allocate credits, and institute
The most developed per capita scheme has been pro- trading rules.
posed by Meyer (2007) at the Global Commons Institute. First, any tradable-permits scheme is only as effective
His model, called contraction and convergence, shows as the associated cap. Assuming the scheme is robust
how to negotiate a long-term target for overall GHG re- enough for parties to comply, the cap determines its
ductions (contraction) and establish a GHG budget on overall environmental effectiveness. As in the contrac-
a per capita basis. Greenhouse gasses then converge on tion and convergence model mentioned above, caps can
a negotiated per capita level of emissions for all coun- be set high initially, so that parties will accept the frame-
tries. Much like emissions trading, unused entitlements work, and then decreased over time to match ecologi-
are tradable (i.e., if a country emits GHGs below its ne- cal thresholds. Although a flexible cap does not immedi-
gotiated cap, it can sell the remaining entitlements on a ately satisfy the ethical principles (such as polluter pays)
global market). outlined above, it does consider that countries will not

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CO2 per capita (tonnes)







UNFCCC member countries

Figure 1. Per capita CO 2 emissions for 149 UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
member countries. Roughly 30% of the countries reported their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since 2000, and
the rest reported them in the 1990s, with the vast majority of those reporting in 1994 (UNFCCC 2007). Population
figures for the year GHGs were reported are used to calculate per capita amounts (U.S. Census Bureau 2007a).
Data points for Guinea-Bissau (−10,110 t per capita) and Gabon (−477 t per capita) are not included because
they exceed the range shown on the y-axis. These two countries are large net carbon sinks due to their removal of
CO 2 from land uses and forestry.

accept a treaty in which caps are seen as too onerous Global CO 2 emissions in 2000 were roughly 33 Gt
or unachievable. Adjustable caps can be included for po- (IPCC 2007c). An 85% decrease in CO 2 emissions from
litical expediency as a means to arrive at ethical respon- 2000 levels would be approximately 5 Gt. To avoid dan-
sibility. In general, lower caps will result in less climate gerous climate change, as defined by the IPCC and given
change and more biodiversity conservation. 2000 population totals (U.S. Census Bureau 2007b), hu-
The IPCC’s Third Assessment Report concludes that manity would have to reduce its emissions to 0.8 t of CO 2
the most serious effects of climate change can be avoided per capita per year by 2050 (Fig. 2, dashed). Countries
if warming stays below 2 ◦ C (IPCC 2001). The Euro- currently emitting at this level are Pakistan, the Philip-
pean Union has adopted this threshold as a target (Coun- pines, Solomon Islands, and Niger. Of the 149 countries
cil of the European Union 2005). Hansen et al. (2007), in this data set, 68 with altogether nearly 800 million
however, argue that 1 ◦ C is the threshold. Identifying people, fall at or below this threshold.
this threshold is important because the ultimate objec- Staying at or below this threshold emissions level will
tive of the UNFCCC (Article 2) is to avoid “dangerous not prevent climate change. Rather, the threshold is an
anthropogenic interference with the climate system” estimate of GHG emissions levels needed to avoid danger-
(UNFCCC 2002). Article 2 also states that greenhouse ous climate change as defined by the IPCC and UNFCCC.
gas concentrations should be “achieved within a time- If we are to avoid dangerous climate change, we need to
frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally be aware there is not much atmospheric space left for
to climate change, to ensure that food production is not GHG emissions.
threatened and to enable economic development to pro- After a cap is determined (in this case 0.8 t CO 2 /year),
ceed in a sustainable manner” (UNFCCC 2002). Of key the ethical principles laid out above to allocate credits
importance is ensuring that ecosystems are able to adapt can be adopted. Consistent with the principles of polluter
to climate change. Although admittedly conservative and pays and shared but differentiated responsibilities princi-
“underestimated due to missing carbon cycle feedbacks” ples, countries that emit above 0.8 t CO 2 /year would be
(footnote IPCC 2007c), the IPCC estimates that at least responsible for either reducing their per capita emissions
85% cuts in CO 2 emissions from 2000 levels by 2050 are to the ecological threshold or buying credits from those
required to keep warming below 2◦ C (IPCC 2007c). countries that are already below the threshold. Either

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Figure 2. Per capita carbon

dioxide emissions for selected
countries. Dashed line is the
resulting 0.8 t CO 2 per capita
threshold needed to achieve
Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change assessment
figures of 85% CO 2 emissions cuts
by 2050 to keep global
temperature increase below 2 ◦ C.
Countries below the dashed line
would be able to sell GHG credits
equal to the amount below the
line to those countries above line.
Countries with emissions above
the line would be required to
reduce their emissions or buy
credits equal to the amount they
are above the line.

way, those above the threshold bear the costs. In addi- However, for purposes of biodiversity conservation,
tion, this approach is consistent with the ability-to-pay maintaining the capacity of ecosystems, communities,
principle, whereby those that have benefited from using and species to adapt to climate change is also a concern.
more than their fair share of atmospheric space for eco- Therefore, it is incumbent on conservation biologists to
nomic growth will have accumulated the wealth to pay identify ecological thresholds to augment the develop-
for the credits or to invest in mitigation. The resulting ment thresholds in the political discourse pertaining to
redistribution of wealth from those countries above the caps and tradable permits. The importance of biodiversity
threshold to those below would be significant. in maintaining the development capacity of all economies
The principle of basic needs is more difficult to ap- should also be emphasized.
ply. Because Pakistan, the Philippines, Solomon Islands, Developing trading rules appropriate for all peoples
and Niger represent levels of development equal to 0.8 t also has ethical implications. The rules developed for
CO 2 /year, it could be argued that the threshold is not high the Kyoto Protocol-the Marrakech Accords-are so com-
enough. This fact is not lost on once-ardent advocates for plex they effectively exclude most people on the planet
per capita schemes. Baer et al. (2007), for example, step from participation. Specialized technical knowledge is
back from their previous support of per capita schemes required to calculate GHG emissions according to the
and refocus on the conditions necessary for a human life standards necessary and to proceed through the ver-
beyond basic needs, yet well below affluence. They now ification process of the UNFCCC. A southern farmer,
focus on “greenhouse development rights” that establish for example, who intentionally preserves forest along a
a development threshold of $9000/year (calculated with river bank probably will not have the capacity to par-
purchasing power parity, which equalizes the value of ticipate in a global credit-trading market. As developed
global currencies according to the amount of money it thus far, the carbon market established by the Kyoto Pro-
would cost to buy a similar basket of goods in each coun- tocol benefits those already benefiting from economic
try) (Baer et al. 2007). They justify this $9000 threshold globalization (Lohman 2006). This violates ethical prin-
on the basis of who has the capacity to develop. Those ciples of distributive and participatory justice. Trading
who do not have the capacity to develop should not bear rules that start with ethical principles need to acknowl-
the extra burden of climate-change mitigation. Their po- edge these difficulties. Therefore, governments must en-
sition is consistent with the ethical principle of ability to sure the opportunity to participate is open to everyone
pay. and the benefits of participation are equally shared and

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1416 Distributive Justice and Climate Change

not just going to those who already have the capacity to began at the Earth Summit in 1992, and earlier with the
benefit. establishment of the IPCC in 1988, are moving political
leaders toward the realization that economic growth is
the main driver of climate change and biodiversity loss.
The politics of scarcity may yet be tempered by the poli-
Conclusion tics of science and equity.

The atmospheric space for safe levels of GHG emissions

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