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Micro Controllers Lab Final - DSCE

The document summarizes the steps to create and compile a project using μVision2 for an AT89C51ED2 microcontroller. It includes: 1) Opening μVision3, creating a new project selecting the AT89C51ED2 device, adding source files to the project. 2) Configuring target options like crystal frequency and debug settings like COM port. 3) Building the project and debugging, running, and halting program execution. 4) Example programs are provided to demonstrate data transfer, exchange, sorting arrays, and finding the largest element in an array using assembly language.
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Micro Controllers Lab Final - DSCE

The document summarizes the steps to create and compile a project using μVision2 for an AT89C51ED2 microcontroller. It includes: 1) Opening μVision3, creating a new project selecting the AT89C51ED2 device, adding source files to the project. 2) Configuring target options like crystal frequency and debug settings like COM port. 3) Building the project and debugging, running, and halting program execution. 4) Example programs are provided to demonstrate data transfer, exchange, sorting arrays, and finding the largest element in an array using assembly language.
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Microcontrollers lab

PROCESSOR used is Atmel AT89C51ED2 - micro controller that has 64Kbytes of onchip program memory. It is a version of 8051 with enhanced features. T 89C51ED2 operates at 11.0592 MHz A PROCESSOR FEATURES ON-CHIP MEMORY: CODE MEMORY: 64K Bytes of flash. DATA MEMORY: 256 Bytes of RAM, 1792 Bytes of XRAM, 2K Bytes of EEPROM. ON-CHIP PERIPHERALS 3 16-bit Timers/Counters, Watch Dog Timer, Programmable Counter Array (PCA) on Port1 i.e. PWM and Capture & Compare, SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) on Port1,Full duplex enhanced UART. INTERRUPTS Nine sources of interrupt (both external and internal). Two External interrupts INT0 and INT1 are provided with push button switches; these can also be used as general-purpose switches. I/O (Port) Lines Four 10-pin connectors for all the 32 I/O lines. P0, P1 and P2 Port lines are available on a 26-pin connector, 16X2 LCD & SERIAL I/O are also available.

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Creating and compiling a Vision2 project

1. Double Click on the Vision3 icon on the desktop. 2. Close any previous projects that were opened using Project->Close. 3. Start Project New Project, and select the CPU from the device database (DatabaseAtmel- AT89C51ED2). (Select AT89C51ED2 or AT89C51RD2 as per the board).On clicking OK, the following option is displayed. Choose Yes.

4. Create a source file (using File->New), type in the assembly or C program and save this (filename.asm/ filename.c) and add this source file to the project using either one of the following two methods. (i) Project-Components,Environmentand Books->addfiles-> browse to the required file -> OK OR (ii) right click on the Source Group in the Project Window and the Add Files to Group

option. 5. Set the Target options using -> Project Options for Target opens the ision2 V Options for Target Target configuration dialog. Set the Xtal frequency as 11.0592 Mhz, and also the Options for Target Debug use either Simulator / Keil Monitor- 51 driver.

If Keil Monitor- 51 driver is used click on Settings -> COM Port settings select the COM Port to which the board is connected and select the baud rate as 19200 or 9600 (recommended). Enable Serial Interrupt option if the user application is not using on-chip UART, to stop program execution.

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6. Build the project; using Project -> Build Project. Vision translates all the user application and links. Any errors in the code are indicated by Target not created in the Build window, along with the error line. Debug the errors. After an error free build, goto Debug mode

7. Now user can enter into Debug mode with Debug- Start / Stop Debug session dialog. Or by clicking in the icon.

8.The program is run using the Debug-Run command & halted using Debug-Stop Running. Also the (reset, run, halt) icons can be used. Additional icons are

(step, step over, step into, run till cursor). 9. If it is an interface program the outputs can be seen on the LCD, CRO, motor, led status, etc. If it is a part A program, the appropriate memory window is opened using View -> memory window (for data RAM & XRAM locations), Watch window (for timer program), serial window, etc. Note: To access data RAM area type address as D:0020h. Similarly to access the DPTR region (XRAM-present on chip in AT89C51ED2) say 9000h location type in X:09000H.

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SUBJECT: MICROCONTROLLERS LAB EXAM HOURS: 3 EXAM MARKS: 50 I. PROGRAMMING 1. Data Transfer - Block move, Exchange, Sorting, Finding largest element in an array 2. Arithmetic Instructions - Addition/subtraction, multiplication and division, square, Cube (16 bits Arithmetic operations bit addressable) 3. Counters 4. Boolean & Logical Instructions (Bit manipulations) 5. Conditional CALL & RETURN 6. Code conversion: BCD ASCII; ASCII Decimal; Decimal - ASCII; HEX - Decimal and Decimal - HEX 7. Programs to generate delay, Programs using serial port and on-Chip timer /counter II. INTERFACING: Write C programs to interface 8051 chip to Interfacing modules to develop single Chip solutions 8. Simple Calculator using 6 digit seven segment display and Hex Keyboard interface to 8051 9. Alphanumeric LCD panel and Hex keypad input interface to 8051 10. External ADC and Temperature control interface to 8051 11. Generate different waveforms Sine, Square, Triangular, Ramp etc. using DAC interface to 8051; change the frequency and amplitude 12. Stepper and DC motor control interface to 8051 13. Elevator interface to 8051

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1) Write an assembly language program to transfer n =10 bytes of data from location 8035h to location 8041h (without overlap). ORG 0000H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV DPH,#80H MOV R0,#35H //source address MOV R1,#41H //destination address MOV R3,#05H //count BACK: MOV DPL, r0 MOVX A,@dptr MOV DPL, R1 MOVX @dptr,A INC R0 INC R1 DJNZ R3, BACK HERE: SJMP HERE END RESULT: Before Execution: 10 locations X:8035h are filled up with data.

After Execution: 10 locations X:8041h are filled up with data from 8035h.

1. Initialize registers to hold count data & also the source & destination addresses. 2. Get data from source location into accumulator and transfer to the destination location. 3. Decrement the count register and repeat step 2 till count is zero. Note: For data transfer with overlap start transferring data from the last location of source array to the last location of the destination array.

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2) ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAM TO EXCHANGE A BLOCK OF DATA. Write an assembly language program to exchange n = 5 bytes of data at location 0027h and at location 0041h. ORG 00H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV R0,#27H //source address MOV R1,#41H //destination address MOV R3,#05H //count BACK: MOVX A,@r0 MOV r2,a MOVX a,@r1 MOVX @r0,a MOV a, r2 MOVX @r1,a INC R0 INC R1 DJNZ R3, BACK HERE: SJMP HERE END Aliter using XCH command. ORG 0000H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV R0,#27H //source address MOV R1,#41H //destination address MOV R3,#05H //count BACK: MOVX A,@r0 MOV r2,a MOVX a,@r1 XCH a, r2 MOVX @r1,a XCH a, r2 MOVX @r0,a INC R0 INC R1 DJNZ R3, BACK HERE: SJMP HERE END RESULT: Before Execution: 5 locations at X:0027h & X:0041h are filled up with data.

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After Execution: The data at X:8027h & X:8041h are exchanged.

1. Initialize registers to hold count data (array size) & also the source & destination addresses. 2. Get data from source location into accumulator and save in a register. 3. Get data from the destination location into accumulator. 4. Exchange the data at the two memory locations. 5. Decrement the count register and repeat from step 2 to 4 till count is zero. 3) ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAM TO SORT NUMBERS. //BUBBLE SORT PROGRAM Write an assembly language program to sort an array of n= 5 bytes of data in Descending order stored from location 9000h.(use bubble sort algorithm) ORG 0000H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV R0,#05 L1: MOV dptr, #9000h MOV A,R0 MOV R1,A L2: MOVX a, @dptr MOV B, A INC dptr MOVX a, @dptr CLR C MOV R2, A SUBB A, B JC NOEXCHG MOV A,B MOVX @dptr,a DEC DPL MOV a,R2 MOVX @dptr,a INC DPTR NOEXCHG: DJNZ R1,L2 DJNZ R0,L1 here: SJMP here END

//count n-1 -ARRAY SIZE-n- Pass Counter //array stored from address 9000h //initialize exchange counter //GET NUMBER FROM ARRAY //& STORE IN B //next number in the array //reset borrow flag //STORE IN R2 //2nd - 1st no.no compare instruction in 8051 // JNC - FOR ASCENDING ORDER //EXHANGE THE 2 NOES IN THE ARRAY //DEC dptr-INSTRUCTION NOT PTRESENT

//decrement compare counter //decrement pass counter

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1. Store the elements of the array from the address 9000h 2. Initialize a pass counter with array size-1 count (for number of passes). 3. Load compare counter with pass counter contents & initialize DPTR to point to the start address of the array (here 9000h). 4. Store the current and the next array elements pointed by DPTR in registers B and r2 respectively. 5. Subtract the next element from the current element. 6. If the carry flag is set (for ascending order) then exchange the 2 numbers in the array. 7. Decrement the compare counter and repeat through step 4 until the counter becomes 0. 8. Decrement the pass counter and repeat through step 3 until the counter becomes 0. RESULT: Before Execution:Unsorted Array at 9000h

After Execution: Sorted Array (Descending order) at 9000h

4) Write an assembly language program to find the largest element in a given string of n = 6 bytes at location 4000h. Store the largest element at location 4062h. ORG 0000H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV R3,#6 //length of the array MOV DPTR,#4000H //starting address of the array MOVX A,@DPTR MOV r1,a NEXTBYTE: INC DPTR MOVX A,@DPTR CLR C //reset borrow flag MOV R2,A //next number in the array SUBB A,R1 //OTHER Num - PREVIOUS LARGEST no. JC skip // JNC for smallest element MOV A,r2 //UPDATE larger number in r1 MOV R1,A skip:DJNZ R3,NEXTBYTE MOV DPL, #62H //LOCATION OF THE RESULT-4062H MOV A,R1 //LARGEST NUMBER MOVX @DPTR,A //STORE AT #4062H OVER: SJMP OVER END Dept of Medical Electronics, D.S.C.E, Bangalore-78 8

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Store the elements of the array from the address 4000h Store the length of the array in r3 and set it as counter. DPTR is loaded with starting address of the array. Store the first number of the array in r1 (r1 is assigned to hold the largest number). Increment DPTR. Subtract the number pointed by DPTR from the contents of r1 (to compare whether the next array element is larger than the one in r1). 7. If the element pointed by DPTR is larger then load the larger number into r1. 8. Decrement the counter and repeat steps through 5 until the counter becomes 0. 9. Store the largest number in r1 in address 4062h RESULT: Before Execution:

After Execution: Location 4062 has the largest element.

ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAM ILLUSTRATING ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION . 5) Write an ALP to perform the following: If x=0-perform w + v; else if x=1-perform w-v; else if x=2-perform w*v; elseif x=3-perform w/v, where w & v are eight bit numbers. ORG 0000H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV R0, #40H MOVX A,@R0 MOV R1, A //R1 HAS CONDITION X INC R0 MOVX A,@R0 MOV B, A //B HAS 1ST NUMBER-v INC R0 MOVX A,@R0 //A HAS 2ND NUMBER-w CJNE R1,#00,CKSUB ADD A,B //PERFORM ADDITION MOV B,#00 //B HAS CARRY JNC SKIP MOV B,#01H SKIP:SJMP LAST CKSUB: CJNE R1,#01,CKMUL CLR C //RESET BORROW FLAG Dept of Medical Electronics, D.S.C.E, Bangalore-78 9

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SUBB A,B MOV B,#00 //B INDICATES BORROW JNC SKIP1 MOV B,#0FFH //FF INDICATES NEGATIVE NUMBER SKIP1:SJMP LAST CKMUL: CJNE R1,#02,CKDIV MUL AB //16 bit product in AB with A having lower byte SJMP LAST CKDIV: CJNE R1,#03,OTHER DIV AB //Quotient in A & remainder in B SJMP LAST OTHER:MOV A,#00 MOV B,#00 LAST: INC R0 MOVX @R0,A INC R0 MOV A,B MOVX @R0,A HERE:SJMP HERE END Algorithm 1. Store the condition x in r1. 2. Load the first and second numbers to A and B registers respectively 3. Compare the contents of r1 and perform the operations add, sub, etc accordingly. 4. Store the result present in A and B registers to the appropriate memory locations. RESULT:Before Execution: ADD SUB

After Execution: ADD

After Execution: SUB

Before Execution: MUL

After Execution: MUL

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ASSEMBLY PROGRAM ILLUSTRATING SQUARE AND CUBE OPERATIONS. //cube is an example of 16-bit arithmetic operation //depending on flag condition, square or cube is performed // Flag is a bit in the bit addressable RAM, say 1st bit of location 20h is used, then bit address is 01 6) An eight bit number X is stored in external memory location 9000h. Write an ALP to compute (i) the square of the number X if LSB of data RAM 20h (bit address 01H) is set (ii) the cube of the number X if LSB of data RAM 20h (bit address 01H) is reset. Store your result at locations 9001, 9002, 9003h. ORG 0000H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV DPTR,#9000H MOVX A,@DPTR //GET NUMBER-X MOV R0,A //STORE IN R0 MOV B,A MUL AB //SQUARE IT-X^2 CLR C //FOR STORING RESULT JB 01,LAST //IF BIT 01 IS SET THEN END, ELSE DO CUBE PUSH B //STORE UPPER PART OF SQUARE MOV B,A //B-LOWER PART OF X^2 MOV A,R0 //A-X MUL AB //X*LOWER X^2 INC DPTR MOVX @DPTR,A //STORE PARTIAL RESULT MOV A,B MOV R2,A //UPPER PART OF X*LOWER X^2 IN R2 POP B //GET BACK UPPER PART OF SQUARE MOV A,R0 //A-X MUL AB //X*UPPER X^2 ADD A,R2 //ADD TO PARTIAL RESULT LAST:INC DPTR MOVX @DPTR,A MOV A,B ADDC A,#00 //ADD CARRY TO B(FOR SQUARE RESULT, C=0) INC DPTR MOVX @DPTR,A HERE:SJMP HERE END RESULT: CUBE OF 56H IS 9B498 WHICH IS STORED AS 98, B4, 09 (LOWER BYTE FIRST)

To get square make the D1 bit of data memory 20h high, say FF,02,06,etc. The bit address is 01. Similarly bit address 78h correspond to D0 bit 0f data ram location 2Fh.

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Algorithm 1. Store the eight bit number x in A, r0 & B registers. 2. Multiply A and B registers to obtain the square (say SQH:SQL) of the number x. 3. Check if bit 01 is set. If set go to end (storing the result), else do the cube operations. 4. The high part of the square result (SQH) is stored on the stack. 5. Multiply the low part of the square result (SQL) with x (partial cube result). 6. Store the low part of the above result at 9001h & the high part in R2. 7. Retrieve the high part of the square result (SQH) stored on the stack & multiply with x. 8. Add the low part of the above result (SQH*X) with R2 and store in 9002h. 9. Add the high part (SQH*X) with the resulting carry and store in 9003.


7) Two eight bit numbers NUM1 & NUM2 are stored in external memory locations 8000h & 80001h respectively. Write an ALP to compare the 2 nos. Reflect your result as: if NUMI<NUM2, SET LSB of data RAM 2F (bit address 78H) IF NUM1>NUM2, SET MSB OF 2F(7FH). if NUM1 = NUM2-Clear both LSB & MSB of bit addressable memory location 2Fh ORG 0000H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV DPTR,#8000H MOVX A,@DPTR MOV R0,A INC DPTR MOVX A,@DPTR CLR C SUBB A,R0 JZ EQUAL JNC BIG SETB 78H SJMP END1 BIG:SETB 7FH SJMP END1 EQUAL:CLR 77H CLR 7FH END1:SJMP END1 END Algorithm: 1. Store the elements of the array from the address 4000h 2. Move the first number in r0 and the second number in register A respectively 3. Clear carry flag and subtract the two numbers, if the carry flag is 0(if the nos are equal), Clear both LSB & MSB of bit addressable memory location 2Fh

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4. If the carry bit is set then Set MSB of 2F(7FH), else LSB of data RAM 2F (bit address 78H). RESULT: 1) Before Execution: X:08000h = 45 & X:8001 = 35 After Executuion: D:02FH =01 2) Before Execution: X:08000h = 25 & X:8001 = 35 After Executuion: D:02FH =80 3) Before Execution: X:08000h = 45 & X:8001 = 45 After Executuion: D:02FH =00

8) ASSEMBLY PROGRAM ILLUSTRATING LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS (BYTE LEVEL) 3 eight bit numbers X, NUM1 & NUM2 are stored in internal data RAM locations 20h, 21h & 22H respectively. Write an ALP to compute the following. IF X=0; THEN NUM1 (AND) NUM2, IF X=1; THEN NUM1 (OR) NUM2, IF X=2; THEN NUM1 (XOR) NUM2, ELSE RES =00, RES IS 23H LOCATION ORG 0000H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV A, 20h //donot use #, as data ram 20h is to be accessed MOV R1,A //X IN R1 MOV A,21H //A -NUM1 CJNE R1,#0,CKOR ANL A, 22H SJMP END1 CKOR:CJNE R1,#01,CKXOR ORL A, 22H SJMP END1 CKXOR:CJNE R1,#02,OTHER XRL A, 22H SJMP END1 OTHER: CLR A END1: MOV 23H,A //STORE RESULT HERE: SJMP HERE END Algorithm: 1. Point to the data RAM register 20h and store the condition x. 2. Point to 21h and 22h and move the first number to A register. 3. Compare the contents of r1 and perform the operations accordingly. 4. The result will be stored in 23H register. RESULT: 1)Before Execution: D:020H =00, 21=0f, 22 = 12 After Execution D:023H = 02 2)Before Execution: D:020H =01, 21=0f, 22 = 12 After Execution D:023H = 1F 3)Before Execution: D:020H =02, 21=0f, 22 = 12 After Execution D:023H = 1D 4)Before Execution: D:020H =34, 21=0f, 22 = 12 After Execution D:023H = 00 Dept of Medical Electronics, D.S.C.E, Bangalore-78 13

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The above program can also be written as shown below (using indirect addressing) ORG 0000H SJMP 30H ORG 30H mov r0,#20h MOV A,@R0 //ON CHIP DATA RAM-DONOT USE MOVX MOV R1,A //X IN R1 INC R0 MOV A,@R0 //A -NUM1 INC R0 // R0 POINTS TO NUM2 CJNE R1,#0,CKOR ANL A, @R0 SJMP END1 CKOR:CJNE R1,#01,CKXOR ORL A, @R0 SJMP END1 CKXOR:CJNE R1,#02,OTHER XRL A, @R0 SJMP END1 OTHER: CLR A END1:INC R0 MOV @R0,A //STORE RESULT HERE:SJMP HERE END Boolean variable instructions are also called as bit level logical instructions 9) 3 eight bit numbers X, NUM1 & NUM2 are stored in internal data RAM locations 20h, 21h & 22H respectively. Write an ALP to compute the following. IF X=0; THEN LSB OF NUM1 (AND) LSB OF NUM2, IF X=1; THEN MSB OF NUM1 (OR)MSB OF NUM2 , IF X=2; THEN COMPLEMENT MSB OF NUM1 STORE THE BIT RESULT IN RES, WHERE RES IS MSB OF 23H LOCATION ORG 00H SJMP 30h ORG 30h MOV R0,20H //R0-X CJNE R0,#0,CK1 MOV C,08H //LSB OF NUM1 (21H) - BIT ADDRESS -08 ANL C,10H //LSB OF NUM2 (22H) - BIT ADDRESS -10 SJMP LAST CK1:CJNE R0,#1,CK2 MOV C,0FH //MSB OF NUM1 (21H) - BIT ADDRESS -0F ANL C,17H //MSB OF NUM2 (22H) - BIT ADDRESS -17 SJMP LAST CK2:CJNE R0,#2,CK3 CPL 0FH MOV C,0FH //MSB OF NUM1 (21H) - BIT ADDRESS -0F SJMP LAST CK3:CLR C LAST:MOV 1FH,C //RES IS MSB OF 23H LOCATION -1FH HERE:SJMP HERE

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END RESULT: 20h = 00 => AND OF LSBs=1 (hence 80 in 23h location)

20h = 01 => OR of MSBs = 0 (hence 00 in 23h location)

20h = 01 =>complement of MSB of 21h location. Hence 21h is changed to A1 and 23h location has 80h Before Execution After Execution

Algorithm: 1. Move the condition X (from 20h location) into R0 register. 2. If X=0; then move LSB bit of 21h to carry flag and AND Carry flag with LSB bit of 22h. Goto step5 3. If X=1; then move MSB bit of 21h to carry flag and OR Carry flag with MSB bit of 22h. Goto step5 4. If X=0; then complement MSB bit of 21h and move it to carry flag. Goto step5 5. Store Carry flag at MSB bit of 23h location.

ASSEMBLY PROGRAM ILLUSTRATING HEX UP/DOWN COUNTERS. //counter program - hex/binary counters 10) Write an ALP to implement (display) an eight bit up/down binary (hex) counters on watch window. Note: to run this program, after selecting DEBUG session in the main menu use View-> Watch& call Stack window, in the Watches select watch 1(or 2) and press F2 and enter a (for accumulator A) ORG 0H SJMP 30H ORG 0H MOV a,#00 BACK: ACALL DELAY INC a //dec a for binary down counter JNZ BACK HERE:SJMP HERE DELAY: MOV r1,#0FFH DECR1:MOV r2,#0FFH DECR: MOV r3,#OFFH Dept of Medical Electronics, D.S.C.E, Bangalore-78 15

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DJNZ r3,$ DJNZ r2,DECR DJNZ r1,DECR1 RET END RESULT: Accumulator A is incremented in binary from 00, 01,0209,0A, 0B, ,0F,10,11,FF

Algorithm: 1. Move 00 to A register 2. Call the delay subroutine for 1 second, in delay program move FFH to registers r1, r2 and r3, loop and decrement until 0. 3. Increment A register(decremant for down counter) ASSEMBLY PROGRAM ILLUSTRATING BCD UP/DOWN COUNTERS. //counter program BCD up/down counters 11) Write an ALP to implement (display) an eight bit up/down BCD counters on watch window. ORG 0H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV a,#00 BACK:ACALL DELAY ADD a,#99H //ADD 01 for BCD up counter DA A //for bcd counter JNZ BACK HERE:SJMP HERE DELAY:MOV r1,#0FFH DECR1:MOV r2,#0FFH DECR:MOV r3, #0FFH DJNZ r3,$ DJNZ r2, DECR DJNZ r1, DECR1 RET END Algorithm: 4. Move 00 to A register

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5. Call the delay subroutine for 1 second (in delay program move FFH to registers r1, r2 and r3, loop and decrement until 0). 6. Increment A register(add 99h for down counter) 7. Decimal adjust accumulator for the BCD up/down counter. RESULT: Accumulator A is incremented in BCD from 00, 01, 0209, 10, 11,99.


Program illustrating serial ascii data transmission (data-yE) Note-to use result of this program, after selecting DEBUG session in the main menu use View-> serial window #1. On running & halting the program, the data is seen in the serial window. 12) Conduct an experiment to configure 8051 microcontroller to transmit characters (yE) to a PC using the serial port and display on the serial window. ORG 0H SJMP 30H ORG 30H MOV TMOD,#20H //timer 1; mode 2 MOV TH1,#-3 //-3=FD loaded into TH1 for 9600 baud, 11.0592MHz. MOV SCON,#50H //8-bit, 1 stop bit, REN enabled SETB TR1 //Start timer 1 AGAIN:MOV A,#y //transfer y ACALL TRANS MOV a,#E //transfer E ACALL TRANS AGAIN1:SJMP AGAIN1 TRANS: MOV SBUF,a //load SBUF HERE:JNB TI,HERE //Wait for last bit to transfer CLR TI //get ready for next byte RET END RESULT: yE is printed on the serial window each time the program is executed. Theory: In serial transmission as opposed to parallel transmission, one bit at a time is transmitted. In serial asynchronous transmission, the data consists of a Start bit (high), followed by 8 bits of data to be transmitted and finally the stop bit. The byte character to be transmitted is written into the SBUF register. It transmits the start bit. The 8-bit character is transferred one bit at a time. The stop bit is transferred. After the transmission, the TI flag = 1 indicating the completion of transmission. Hence in the subroutine wait until TI is set. Later clear the TI flag and continue with transmission of the next byte by writing into the SBUF register. (The program can also be written in interrupt mode). The speed of the serial transmission is set by the baud rate which is done with the help of timer 1. (Refer Ayala). Timer1 must be programmed in mode 2 (that is, 8-bit, auto reload). Baud rate Calculation: Crystal freq/ (12*32) = (11.0592MHz)/(12*32) = 28800. Serial communication circuitry divides the machine cycle frequency(11.0592MHz)/(12) by 32 before it is being used by the timer to set the baud rate. To get 9600, 28800/3 is obtained by loading timer1 with -3 (i.e., FF 3 = FD) for further clock division. For 2400 baud rate, 28800/12 => -12 = F4 in TH1. Dept of Medical Electronics, D.S.C.E, Bangalore-78 17

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Algorithm: 1. Initialize timer 1 to operate in mode 2 by loading TMOD register. 2. load TH1 with -3 to obtain 9600 baud. 3. Initialize the asynchronous serial communication transmission (SCON) register. 4. Start timer1 to generate the baud rate clock. 5. Transmit the characters y & E by writing into the SBUF register and waiting for the TI flag.


Program illustrating timer delay 13) Generate a 1second delay continuously using the on chip timer in interrupt mode. ORG 0H //Reset Vector SJMP 30H ORG 0BH //TF0 vector SJMP ISR ORG 30H MOV a,#00 MOV R0,#0 MOV R1,#0 MOV TMOD,#02H //00000010-Run timer0 in mode 2 MOV TH0,#118 //Set up timer 0 to overflow in 0.05msec MOV IE,#82H //%10000010 Enable timer0 interrupt SETB TCON.4 //Start the timer0 HERE:SJMP HERE ISR: CLR TCON.4 //Disable timer0 INC r1 //r1*r2 = 100*200 = 20000 * 0.05msec = 1sec CJNE r1,#100,SKIP MOV r1,#00 INC r0 CJNE r0,#200,SKIP MOV r0,#00H INC a SKIP: SETB TCON.4 //Enable Timer RETI //Return from interrupt subroutine END

RESULT: Accumulator A is incremented in binary from 00, 01,0209,0A, 0B, , 0F, 10, 11, FF every 1 second (for 33MHz clock setting & every 3 seconds for 11.0598MHz)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Set up timer0 in mode 2 operation Load TH1 with 118 to generate an interrupt every 0.05msec. Reset registers a, r1 & r0. Repeat step 4 continuously On interrupt; ISR at 000B loaction goes to step 6 disable timer0 Update r1 & r0 Check if 20000 interrupts (=1 sec) over. Yes increment accumulator a.

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9. enable timer & return from ISR.

Timerdelay = 12*(257-delay)/frequency Timerdelay=0.05msec Delay=256-((timerdelay * frequency)/12) =256-(0.05*10 -3 * 33*106)/12 =256-137.5 =118.5 //loaded in TH0 To get 1sec delay 1/0.05msec = 200*100 in the ISR (assuming 33 MHZ crystal frequency. For 11 MHz, the calculations change).

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8. CONVERSION PROGRAMS 14) Write an ALP to implement decimal to hex conversion ORG 0000H SJMP 30h ORG 30h MOV DPTR,#40H memory 40h MOVX A, @DPTR ANL A, #0F0H SWAP A MOV B,#0AH MUL AB MOV r1,a MOVX A,@DPTR ANL A,#0FH ADD A,R1 INC DPTR MOVX @DPTR,A HERE:SJMP HERE END

//2-digit decimal number to be converted is given in data //obtain upper decimal digit //bring to the units place //MULTIPLY tens digit with #0A-toget tens in hex //temporarily store the converted tens value //get the decimal number again //obtain the units digit //add to the converted tens value //increment data address //converted hexadecimal number in next location

RESULT: before execution- X:0040H = 45 (Decimal/BCD) After Execution: X:0041h = 2D (hex value) Algorithm 1. Move the decimal data to be converted from external memory 40h to accumulator. 2. AND A reg with 0f0h and obtain the upper MSB of the decimal digit and swap the LSB and MSB of accumulator to bring the same to units place. 3. Move 0ah to B register and multiply with A reg to convert to hex value, store the converted tens value in r1 4. Get the LSB of the decimal number and add to the converted tens value 5. point to the next memory location and store the result (hexadecimal). 15) Write an ALP to implement hex to decimal conversion ORG 0000H SJMP 30h ORG 30h MOV DPTR,#9000H MOVX A,@DPTR //Get hex number MOV B,#10 DIV AB //divide by 10 (0AH) INC DPTR XCH A,B MOVX @DPTR,A //Store the remainder (in B) In units place XCH A,B MOV B,#10 //Divide the quotient in A by 10 DIV AB

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//Store the remainder (in B) In tens place //Store the quotient (in A) in hundreds place

RESULT: 9000H FF (HEX NUMBER) 9001 to 9003 unpacked BCD number (decimal)- 5,5,2 (i.e., 255 stored Lower digit first)

Algorithm 1. Move the hex data to be converted to accumulator. 2. Move 10 to B register and divide with A reg to convert to ascii value 3. Store the converted LSB value in r7 4. Repeat the step 2 to obtain the converted MSB value 5. Store the same in r6 16) Write an ALP to implement BCD to ASCII conversion ORG 0000H SJMP 30h ORG 30h MOV R1,#50H MOV A,@R1 //get BCD data byte from RAM location 50h MOV R2,A //Store in R2 ANL A,#0FH //Get the lower nibble ORL A,#30H //Add/or with 30h i.e., 0-9 converted to 30-39h INC R1 MOV @R1,A //Store the lower digit's ASCII code MOV A,R2 //Get back the number SWAP A //Swap nibbles in A ANL A,#0FH //Get the upper BCD digit ORL A,#30H //Convert to ASCII INC R1 MOV @R1,A //Store the upper digit's ASCII code here: sjmp here END RESULT: The BCD code 28 at D:0050h is converted to 2 ASCII codes-38h 32h

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Algorithm : //Converts the BCD byte in A into two ASCII characters. 1. Move the BCD data to be converted to accumulator. 2. Get the lower nibble(BCD digit) & ADD (or ORL) with 30h 3. Store the converted ASCII value 4. Get the higher nibble(tens BCD digit) & ADD (or ORL) with 30h 5. Store the converted ASCII value 17) Write an ALP to implement hexadecimal to ASCII conversion //This program also illustrates conditional branching (JNC), call and return instructions. ORG 0000H SJMP 30h ORG 30h MOV R1,#50H MOV A,@R1 //get hexadecimal data byte from RAM location 50h MOV R2,A //Store in R2 ANL A,#0FH //Get the lower nibble ACALL ASCII //Convert to ASCII INC R1 MOV @R1,A //Store the lower digit's ASCII code MOV A,R2 //Get back the number SWAP A //Swap nibbles in A ANL A,#0FH //Get the upper BCD digit ACALL ASCII INC R1 MOV @R1,A //Store the upper digit's ASCII code here: sjmp here ASCII:MOV R4,A //Store a CLR C SUBB A,#0AH //Check if digit >=0A MOV A,R4 JNC SKIP ADD A,#07H //Add 07 if >09 SKIP:ADD A,#30H //Else add only 30h for 0-9 RET END RESULT: The BCD code 2C at D:0050h is converted to 2 ASCII codes-43h(for 0B) & 32h (for 02) Another Example-BA

Algorithm : //Converts the hexadecimal byte in A into two ASCII characters. 1. Move the hexadecimal data to be converted to accumulator. 2. Get the lower nibble & call ASCII routine Dept of Medical Electronics, D.S.C.E, Bangalore-78 22

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3. Store the converted ASCII value 4. Get the higher nibble & call ASCII routine 5. Store the converted ASCII value ASCII subroutine 1. If digit greater than 09,(for A-F) add 07h & 30h 2. Else (i.e., for 0-9) add only 30h 3. return 18) Write an ALP to implement ASCII to hexadecimal conversion ORG 0000H SJMP 30h ORG 30h MOV R1,#50H MOV A,@R1 //get ascii byte from RAM location 50h CLR C SUBB A,#41H MOV A,@R1 JC SKIP CLR C SUBB A,#07H SKIP:CLR C SUBB A,#30H INC R1 MOV @R1,A //Store the hex code here: sjmp here END RESULT: The ASCII code 45 at D:0050h is converted to hexadecimal -0E at 51h

Note: For this program the input data should be only in the range 30h-39h & 41h to 46h. Algorithm : //Converts the ASCII characters into hexadecimal number. 1. Move the ASCII character to be converted to accumulator. 2. If character is greater than 41h,(for A-F), then subtract 07h & 30h 3. Else (i.e., for 0-9) subtract only 30h 4. Store the converted hexadecimal number.

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Hardware Interfacing
1. Waveform Generation using Dual DAC 2. Stepper Motor interface. 3.4X4 hexadecimal Keyboard interface 4. DC motor interface 5. Calculator using Keyboard and Seven segment display. 6. Elevator control. 7. Temperature sensor. Features of Embedded C C is a simple programming language and so very easy to code. Embedded C has most features of C-language with more stress on certain bit manipulative instructions. 8 This feature makes it easy to write program for C and P. CRO 0 Keil is a versatile software with a cross compiler that will convert the C program to assembly language and thus the program can Dual be executed on the desired target (say 5 P0 Xout 8051).



Some of the bit manipulative instructions used are Symbol Operation C & Bitwise AND | Bitwise OR ~ Bitwise NOT >> Shift Right << Shift Left ^ P0.0 1.Dual Dac Interface to generate a.Square waveform b.Triangular Waveform c.Ramp waveform d.Sine waveform

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1.aAlgorithm for Square wave generation Let initial, amplitude of the square wave be 2.5v(7F) and frequency count 100. Output the values 00h(0ff) and 7fh(on) Values through P0. If amplitude key is pressed then increase the voltage in steps of 0.15v(8). If the frequency key is pressed increment the count in steps of 50. If the count exceeds 1000 reset it back to 100. Every time amplitude and frequency changes output the value thro P0 and note the waveform on CRO. Program for square wave #include <REG51xD2.H> sbit Amp = P3^3; /* Port line to change amplitude */ sbit Fre = P3^2; /* Port line to change frequency */ void delay(unsigned int x) /* delay routine */ { for(;x>0;x--); } main() { unsigned char on = 0x7f,off=0x00; unsigned int fre = 100; while(1) { if(!Amp) /* if user choice is to change amplitude */ { while(!Amp); /* wait for key release */ on+=0x08; /* Increase the amplitude */ } if(!Fre) /* if user choice is to change frequency */ { if(fre > 1000) /* if frequency exceeds 1000 reset to default */ fre = 100; while(!Fre); fre += 50; } P0=on; P1=on; delay(fre); P0 = off; P1 = off; delay(fre); }} /* wait for key release */ /* Increase the frequency */ /* write amplitude to port */ /* clear port */

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1.bAlgorithm for Triangular wave generation Output the initial value 00 through P0. Increment it in steps of 1 until a count value of FFh (5V) is reached. Every time repeat step 1. Decrement it in steps of 1 until a zero value is reached and repeat step 1. Program for triangular wave: #include <REG51xD2.H> main() { unsigned char i=0; P0 = 0x00; /* P0 as Output port */ while(1) { for(i=0;i<0xff;i++){ /* Generate ON pulse */ P1 = i; P0 = i; } for(i=0xfe;i>0x00;i--) /* Generate OFF pulse */ {P0 = i; P1 = i;} } } 1.c.Algorithm for Ramp wave generation Output the initial value 00 through P0. Increment it in steps of 1 until a count value of FFh (5V) is reached. Every time repeat step 1. Repeat step 1 & 2 continuously. Program for Ramp waveform #include <REG51xD2.H> main () { Unsigned char i=0; P0 = 0x00; /* P0 as Output port */ while (1) { for (i=0;i<0xff;i++) /* Generate ON pulse */ { P1 = i; P0 = i; } } }

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1d.Algorothm for Sine wave Compute different step values ( = 20o,15o) of sine using the equation V= 2.5V +2.5Vsin. . Output the values thro P0. More the steps smoother will be sine wave. E.g.: = 0o V= 2.5V +2.5Vsin = 2.5V The value sent to DAC is 25.6X5V= 128. Program for sine wave #include <REG51xD2.H> main() { static int a[13]={128,192,238,255,238,192,128,64,17,0,17,64,128}; unsigned char i=0; P0 = 0x00; /* P0 as Output port */ while (1) { for(i=0;i<13;i++) /* Output different values */ { P0 = a[i]; } } } 2.Stepper Motor Stepper motor unlike DC motor rotates in steps. Stepper motor has 4 coils which forms the stator and a central rotor. Rotation depends on excitation of stator coils. step coil A coil B coil C coil D 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 Anyone of these values forms the initial value. To get 360o revolution 200 steps are required. Step angle= 360o /200 = 1.8o. (difference between 2 teeth). Algorithm for Stepper Motor Configure P0 as output. Apply the initial excitation of 11 to motor coils through P0. For clockwise motion -Rotate right once the excitation and repeat step 2. For anticlockwise motion -Rotate left once the excitation and repeat step 2.

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PS PS 8051C P0 FRC 26pin Cable Stepper Motor Interface Card Stepper Motor

//Program for stepper motor interface #include <REG51xD2.H> void delay (unsigned int x) /* Delay Routine */ { for(;x>0;x--); return; } Main ( ) { unsigned char Val, i; P0=0x00; Val = 0x11; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { P0 = Val; Val = Val<<1; /* Val= Val>>1; for clockwise direction*/ delay (500); } } 3. 4X4 HEX Keyboard Algorithm for Keyboard Interface Configure P1 as output port to scan the rows and P0 as input port to read the column values. First select the last row by grounding that row. Scan the columns of entire row if a key is pressed in that row then one of the column reads 0. If now key is pressed in the selected row all 1s is returned. So scan next row. Repeat the action until all rows are scanned.

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PS PS 8051C P0 FRC 26pin Cable 4X4 Keyboard Interface Card

4X4 Hex


//Program for 4X4 hex keypad. #include < REG51xD2.H> #include <intrins.h> #include "lcd.h" unsigned char rows,columns,result,abhi; unsigned char temp = 0; void delay() { unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i <= 20000; i ++); } void Display() { if(result > 0x09) { result += 0x37; WriteChar(result); } else { result += 0x30; WriteChar(result); } } void KeyScan() { again: columns = 0x77; rows = 0x04; result = 0x0c; next: P1 = columns; columns >>=1; if(CY) columns = columns |0x08 ; temp = P0; temp = (temp & 0x0f); Dept of Medical Electronics, D.S.C.E, Bangalore-78 29

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if(temp != 0x0f) { rot: temp >>= 1; if(!CY) { ClrLcd(); return; } else { result += 1; goto rot; } } else { result -= 0x04; rows --; if(rows == 0) goto again; else { goto next; } } } void main() { P0 = 0xff; P1 = 0x00; InitLcd(); WriteString ("KEY PRESSED="); while(1) { KeyScan(); WriteString ("KEY PRESSED="); Display(); } } 4.DC Motor Algorithm for DC motor interface Configure P0,P1 as output port and P3 as input port. Let initially the motor rotate with half speed count 7fh. If INR button is pressed reduce the count because the speed is inversely proportional to count.

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If DEC button is pressed increase the count.

PS PS 8051C P0 FRC 26pin Cable P3.2(inr) P3.3(dec) DC Motor Interface Card

DC Motor

Program for DC motor #include <REG51xD2.H> sbit inr= P3^2; //speed increment switch sbit dcr= P3^3; //speed decrement switch main() { unsigned char i=0x80; P0 = 0x7f; /*Run the motor at half speed.*/ while (1) { if (!inr) {while (!inr); if(i>10) i=i-10; //increase the DC motor speed } if(!dcr) { while(!dcr); if(i<0xf0) i=i+10; //decrease the DC motor speed } P0=i; } } 5.Calculator using Keyboard and 7-segment display Algorithm Read the numbers n1 and n2 from keyboard and display them on seven segment. Read the operand from the keypad if key pressed is B (+), C(-),D(*),E(/) then respective operation is performed. Result is displayed on 2 digit seven segment display. If any time the key pressed value returned as 10h then clear the LCD. 31

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8051C P0 FRC 26pin Cable Keypad

7 Seg Display Program for calculator #include <REG51xD2.H> void DispChar(unsigned char ch); void ClrLED(); unsigned char getkey(); unsigned char getnum(); unsigned char getOp(); sbit Clk = P3^4; /* Clock line for 7 segment display */ sbit Dat = P0^0; /* Data line for 7 segment display */ main() { unsigned char tmp=0x0ff,n1=0,n2,Op,Res; unsigned char NumTab[10] = { 0x0c0,0x0f9,0x0a4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0x0f8,0x80,0x90 }; unsigned char OpTab[4] = { 0x88,0x0Bf,0xc8,0x0a1}; bit Neg=0; ClrLED(); /* Clear 7 segment display */ while(1) { Neg = 0; /* Negative flag */ n1=getnum(); /* Get 1st number */ Op = getOp() - 0x0B; /* Get Opcode. 0x0b is keycode of '+'(see keyboard schematics)*/ n2=getnum(); /* Get 2nd number */ while(getkey()!=0x13); /* wait for '=' key */ ClrLED(); switch(Op) /* Perform corresponding operation */ { case 0: Res = n1 + n2; break; case 1: if(n2>n1) /* check for negativity */ Dept of Medical Electronics, D.S.C.E, Bangalore-78 32

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{ Neg = 1; Res = n2 - n1; break; } Res = n1 - n2; break; Res = n1 * n2; break; case 3: Res = n1 / n2; break; } DispChar(NumTab[Res%10]); /* Display number */ DispChar(NumTab[Res/10]); if(Neg) /* if negative result display '-' */ DispChar(0x0Bf); }} void DispChar(unsigned char ch) /* Routine to display char on 7 segment */ { unsigned char i,tmp; P0=0x00; for(i=0;i<8;i++) /* for all bits */ { tmp = ch & 0x80; if(tmp) /* write data depending on MSB */ Dat = 1; else Dat = 0; Clk = 0; /* Give Clk Pulse for synchronization */ Clk = 1; ch = ch << 1; /* Get next bit */ } } void ClrLED() { unsigned char i; for(i=0;i<4;i++) DispChar(0x0ff); /* 0xff for clear segment ( see 7 segment manual for more info) */ } unsigned char getkey() { unsigned char i,j,indx,t; case 2: P2 = 0x00; /* P2 as Output port */ P0 = 0x0ff; indx = 0x00; /* Index for storing the first value of scanline */ while(1) { for(i=1;i<=4;i<<=1) /* for 4 scanlines */ { P2 = 0x0f & ~i; /* write data to scanline */ t = P0; /* Read readlines connected to P0*/ t = ~t;

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if(t>0) {

/* If key press is true */ for(j=0;j<=7;j++) /* Check for 8 lines */ { t >>=1; if(t==0) /* if get pressed key*/ { return(indx+j); /* Return index of the key pressed */ } } } indx += 8; /* If no key pressed increment index */

} }} unsigned char getnum() /* Method for getting number */ { unsigned char tmp; while(1) { tmp = getkey(); if(tmp < 0x0a || tmp==0x10) /* if pressed key is number, return */ return(tmp); }} unsigned char getOp() /* Method for getting Operator */ { unsigned char tmp; while(1) { tmp = getkey(); if((tmp > 0x0a && tmp <0x0f)|| tmp==0x10) /* if pressed key is a Operator, return */ return(tmp); }} 6.Elevator Algorithm for elevator interface Read the floor request through input port P1. If the current floor and requested floor are the same no change light up the corresponding LED through P0. If the requested floor greaterthan current moving up of the lift is indicated by glowing of LEDs from current floor to the requested. If the requested floor lesserthan current moving down of the lift is indicated by glowing of LEDs from current floor to the requested.

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PS PS 8051C P0 FRC 26pin Cable Elevator interface

Program for Elevator #include <REG51F.H> void delay(unsigned int); main() { unsigned char Flr[9] = {0xff,0x00,0x03,0xff,0x06,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x09}; unsigned char FClr[9] = {0xff,0x0E0,0x0D3,0xff,0x0B6,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x79}; unsigned char ReqFlr,CurFlr = 0x01,i,j; P0 = 0x00; P0 = 0x0f0; while(1) { P1 = 0x0f; ReqFlr = P1 | 0x0f0; while(ReqFlr == 0x0ff) ReqFlr = P1 | 0x0f0; /* Read Request Floor from P1 */ ReqFlr = ~ReqFlr; if(CurFlr == ReqFlr) /* If Request floor is equal to Current Floor */ { P0 = FClr[CurFlr]; /* Clear Floor Indicator */ continue; } /* Go up to read again */ else if(CurFlr > ReqFlr) /* If Current floor is > request floor */ { i = Flr[CurFlr] - Flr[ReqFlr]; /* Get the no of floors to travel */ j = Flr[CurFlr]; for(;i>0;i--) /*Move the indicator down */ { delay(25000); }} else /* If Current floor is < request floor */ { i = Flr[ReqFlr] - Flr[CurFlr]; /* Get the no of floors to travel */ j = Flr[CurFlr]; for(;i>0;i--) /* Move the indicator Up */ { P0 = 0x0f0 | j; Dept of Medical Electronics, D.S.C.E, Bangalore-78 35

Microcontrollers lab

j++; delay(25000); } } CurFlr = ReqFlr; P0 = FClr[CurFlr]; } } void delay(unsigned int x) { for(;x>0;x--); } 7.Temperature Sensor

/* Update Current floor */ /* Clear the indicator */

PS PS 8051C P0,P2,P3 FRC 26pin Cable Temp Sensor Interface Heat Source

The interface card has a DAC to convert the actual temperature to digital this is compared with reference temperarture. Realay also a part of interface card will turn on and off to indicate if the actual temperature is above or below reference. Algorithm for Temperature sensor
1. Configure P0 and P1 as o/p, P3 as input port. 2. Set up a counter with intial value 0xff send it to dac thro P0 after a delay check if comparator o/p has gone low. 3. If low compare with set value if actual greaterthan set turn on the relay else turn off. Program for temperature sensor. #include <REG51xD2.H> sbit Cmp_Out = P3^4; sbit Rel_Con = P0^0; #define Dac_Data void delay() { int l; P1 /*Input Bit for Comparator output*/ /*Relay controller Bit i.e Heater Power supply control*/ /*1- Supply OFF, 0-Supply ON*/ /*DAC input Data PORT i.e. P1*/

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/*Move 00h to Dac input*/ /*make P0 as output*/ /*DAC input Data counter*/ /*Increment the DAC input Data*/ /*Move the DAC data to DAC*/ /* Check comparator output for low */ /*Compare with the set value i.e.0x20*/ else Rel_Con = 0; } /* Relay ON, Supply OFF */

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