Messages & Codes
Messages & Codes
Messages & Codes
Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Notices on page v.
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trademarks and Service Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . About This Book What Is in This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Chapter 1. NetView FTP Messages Message Format . . . . . . . . . . Special Characters in Messages . . Changing Message Text . . . . . . List of Messages . . . . . . . . . .
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Chapter 2. NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and NetView FTP ABEND Codes . . . . . . . . . . NetView FTP Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . NetView FTP Reason Codes . . . . . . . . . . Glossary
Reason Codes
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Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 The NetView FTP Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBMs product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of IBMs intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, is the users responsibility. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of Licensing, IBM Corporation, 500 Columbus Avenue, Thornwood NY 10594, U.S.A.
Message Format
The message format is: DVGnnnc messagetext, where nnn is the message number and c is the message type code. The message type code is as follows: I Information; no action is required.
W Warning; action might be required depending on the situation. A Action; action must be performed to continue or restart the task. Depending on the output device line-length and the message length, a message can occupy more than one line. If a message occupies more than one line, NetView FTP repeats the number on every line, as follows: DVGnnnc DVGnnnc . . . DVGnnnc messagetext part1 messagetext part2 messagetext partn
If a message is too long to fit on one line of the device to which it is sent, the message is split into two or more output lines. A delimiter (comma or blank) breaks each line of a message text near the (device-dependent) end of the output line. A long message, therefore, requires more lines on a terminal than on a printer, although the message text is identical.
The messages that are displayed on the terminal or are printed out are, therefore, not necessarily in the form in which they appear in this book.
List of Messages
DVG001I NETVIEW FTP release; SERVER srvname STARTED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; MAINTENANCE LEVEL = mlevel Explanation: A server started. DVG003I
User Action: If the return code is 0, no action is required. If the return code is not 0, refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109 to find out what it means. To help you find out what caused the error, look at all the messages NetView FTP issued. After you find the messages that correspond to the error, take the user actions they prescribe.
release srvname
Release level of transfer program. Server name (MVS or VSE), or user ID or resource ID of the file service component (VM).
FILE TRANSFER ENDED FOR REQUEST NUMBER identifier ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; RC = retcd; RSN = rsncd Explanation: A server issues this message at the end of a file transfer.
yy/mm/dd Date that the server started: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the server started: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. mlevel
Program maintenance-level information; maintained by your system administrator.
Request number or name. This can be zero if there is no valid file-transfer request when the message is issued.
yy/mm/dd Date that the file transfer ended: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the file transfer ended: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. retcd rsncd
File-transfer return code. File-transfer reason code.
NETVIEW FTP release; SERVER srvname ENDED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: A server stopped running.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: If the file-transfer return code is 0, no action is required. If the return code is not 0, refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109 to find out what it means. The return code 1000 is issued when the remote system does not issue reason codes. For example, if a request to a remote NetView FTP/400 system is rejected, the remote system issues return code 16; but no reason code. NetView FTP sets the reason code in the server log to 1000. If the return code is > 1nnn, an error occurred on the remote server. The local server was informed by the remote server that an error occurred at the remote system. The reason code for the error at the remote system is represented by the number nnn, which is one of the reason codes listed in NetView FTP Return Codes on page 109. To help you find out what caused the error, look at all the messages NetView FTP issued. After you find the messages that correspond to the error, take the user actions they prescribe.
release srvname
Release level of transfer program. Server name (MVS or VSE), or user ID or resource ID of the file service component (VM).
yy/mm/dd Date that the server stopped: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the server stopped: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. retcd
Server return code.
The server return code shows whether any errors occurred while the server was stopping. System Action: The server stops.
04 DVG004I FILE TRANSFER STARTED ON LOCAL REQUEST HANDLER FOR REQUEST NUMBER reqnum ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss Explanation: A server obtained a file-transfer request from the request queue. The server activates a local-request handler to carry out the file transfer.
The RUNUMCR, BYTECR, and TIMECR parameters are mutually exclusive. You can specify only one of these parameters. The value specified for the AVLSESS parameter exceeded the value specified in the MAXSESS parameter or the MAXSESS default parameter. The value specified for the AVLLRH or AVLRRH parameter exceeded the value specified for the AVLSESS parameter or the AVLSESS default value. If the value specified for SRVMODE is SINGLE, then the server can hold only one session at a time. Therefore the values specified for the AVLSESS and MAXSESS parameters must be 1. If ALL is specified for the NVEVENT parameter, no other NVEVENT values can be specified. Duplicate events were specified for the NVEVENT parameter. If you use parameters PRETRAN, POSTTRAN, or both, you must not use the PPEXIT parameter. To start a partition, server initialization control statements for at least one server must be specified. You must specify server initialization control statements for at least those servers you specified in the STARTSRV parameter of the partition initialization control statement. Duplicate numbers were specified for the STARTSRV parameter. A SRVSUF parameter must precede other server parameters. LRD filestore entry for the OSI server is missing.
Request number.
yy/mm/dd Date that the file transfer started: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the file transfer started: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None. 07
OPEN ON name WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL 08 Explanation: A NetView FTP component could not open one of the files necessary for its processing.
ddname (for MVS) or file name (for VSE) of the file in error.
09 10
System Action: If the server group table is opened, processing continues. Otherwise, the NetView FTP component terminates. User Action: Correct the error and restart the NetView FTP component. Refer to the system messages in the failed components job log.
ERROR DURING SERVER INITIALIZATION PARAMETER HANDLING; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: An error occurred when a server processed its initialization control statements during startup.
One of the following: 01 02 03 No server initialization control statements were specified. No LUNAME parameter was specified; this is mandatory. Duplicate class values were specified in the CLASS parameter.
14 100
System Action: The server or partition that the server runs in stops. User Action: Correct the error and restart the server or partition.
13 If you specify space units to be BLK, then: For non-VSAM files at MVS locations, you must also specify an average length and a primary space quantity. For VSAM at VSE and VM locations, you must also specify a primary space quantity. The average length is ignored. 14 You can specify an average length, a primary space quantity, a secondary space quantity, or a number of directory blocks only if a space unit is specified. You can specify space parameters only if the disposition of the receiving data set is not OLD, MOD, or SHR. If you specify space units as REC, then: For non-VSAM files on an MVS system with SMS active, you must also specify a primary space quantity and an average length. For VSAM files, you must also specify a primary space quantity. For non-VSAM files at VM and VSE systems, this specification is not valid. If a file type is not specified, you must specify a primary space quantity. 17 Some of the parameters you specified when trying to modify a request were incorrect or missing. When modifying a submitted request, you can change the server class or request priority, or you can hold or release the request. You must not hold or release an entire class by omitting the request number. If you specify the name of a VSAM catalog, you must also specify a VSAM password for that catalog (MVS). If a non-VSAM data set is to be transferred to a new VSAM KSDS, you must specify the key length for the receiving data set. For new VSAM receiving data sets, you must specify at least a model cluster or a volume serial number.
ERROR DURING FILE-TRANSFER REQUEST VALIDATION; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: An error occurred when NetView FTP processed one of the parameters of a file-transfer request. Note: If a parameter is not coded, the default used might be incompatible with other coded parameters.
One of the following: 01 02 No file-transfer request parameters found. You must identify a remote location by specifying either an LU name or the name of a server group, but not both. Neither was specified. You must identify a remote location by specifying either an LU name or the name of a server group, but not both. Both were specified. You must specify either a data-set name or a ddname for the sending data set. You specified a remote LU name and a local LU name and both had identical values. Incorrect disposition found for the sending data set. The disposition MOD or REG is valid only for a single PDS member. Only dispositions OLD or NEW are valid for unlabeled tapes at the receiving location. A not-after date and time must be greater than the corresponding not-before date and time. If you specify data-set type USER, you must also specify the name of a user-written file handler. Only dispositions OLD and NEW are valid for VSAM data sets. For MVS, CAT and SHR are also valid. If you specify space units to be CYL or TRK, then: You must also specify a primary space quantity. You cannot specify an average length. 20 18
06 07
21 The sum of the key length and key offset exceeds the maximum record size. The specification for the sending or receiving data set is incompatible in one of the following ways: The receiving data-set type is not PO and the sending data set is PO, but you did not specify a single member notation for the sending data set, for example, SFILEID='PDS.DATA.SET(MEMBER)'. The sending data-set type is not PO and the receiving data set is PO, but you did not specify a single member notation for the receiving data set, for example, RFILEID='PDS.DATA.SET(MEMBER)'. If more than one member of a PDS is to be transferred, the data-set type of both the sending and receiving data sets must be PO. If more than one member of a PDS is to be transferred, the data-set type of both the sending and receiving data sets must be PO. 23 If several members of a PDS are to be transferred, the data-set type of both the sending and receiving data sets must be PO. Parameters for user-written file handlers are valid only for data sets with the data-set type USER. VSAM parameters are valid only for VSAM data sets. If you specify record format VS or VBS for one data set, you must specify record format VS or VBS for the other data set. The space units BLK are not valid for VSAM data sets on MVS. The parameters specified were incompatible. One of the following combinations was specified: User-written file handler parameters and a file organization other than USER VSAM cluster parameters and a file organization other than VSAM 29
Several PDS members and a file organization other than PO. With the exception of the following, these parameters must not be mixed: VSAM cluster parameters with SFS Directory Access parameters (sending) SFS Directory Access parameters (sending) with SFS Directory Access parameters (receiving). File Process Option MERGE is valid only for PDS, VSAM KSDS, or VSAM RRDS. Either retention period or expiration date is allowed, but not both. Record delimiter and End-of-file option are valid only for record-oriented files. Name of a member to be selected or excluded is missing. Either selection or exclusion of members is allowed, but not both. Specify a VSAM catalog for a data set at an MVS location only if a new VSAM cluster is to be defined at that location. The file type specified was incorrect. Specify either a GDG model ID or a user catalog ID, but not both. Specification of receiving SFS directory access parameters is only allowed for physical sequential data set stored on a DASD. Specification of sending SFS directory access parameters is only allowed for physical sequential data set stored on a DASD. Incorrect tape device type specified for the first four characters. Incorrect tape device type suffix specified (char-position 5,6). The specified tape device type, TAPEDC, is not allowed. The Tape Device Type parameter specified an unlabeled tape that requires the specification of the Tape Density parameter.
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43 Track Number and Tape Density for the specified tape device type are inconsistent. For a receiving file to be SAM ESDS the receiving node must be a VSE system. For a receiving file to be SAM ESDS the data organization must be nonindexed. For a receiving file to be SAM ESDS with the specified logical record size the record format must be fixed blocked. If XMODE=FROM is specified, specify the sending data-set type. KSDS option REPKEY is not valid for file status option MUSTNOTEXIST. SFS subdirectories must be specified continuously. For example, you cannot specify subdirectories 1 to 3, then leave subdirectory 4 blank, and then specify subdirectory 5. If GENERIC is specified, SMS Security Model must also be specified. You cannot specify both SMS REFDD and SMS LIKE parameters. The following parameters are not valid with SMS: Receiving DISP = OLD Receiving file status option MUSTEXIST (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) Receiving ddname. 53 Do not specify average record multiplier if space units other than REC are specified. Specify both APPC user ID and password parameters. Specify both Data Encryption and Encryption Label parameters. If the parameter specifies a Linear Data Set (LDS), the average and maximum record length, if specified, must be 4096. Specify a secondary space quantity only if you also specify a primary space quantity. An OSI parameter was specified for an SNA request. For the CHANGEPW function, both the old and new passwords must be specified. 300 310 500 105 106 107 108 109 110 120 130 200 104 62 60 Specify Coded Character Set Identifiers (CCSIDs) only if character data conversion is requested. The end-of-processing option DELETE is not valid for the following: File access option SHARED Single member processing. A file ID for the receiving file must be specified if the file status option is MUSTEXIST and the sending file ID cannot be used to generate a file ID. Workstation ID is mandatory for remote AIX*. String significance and maximum string length incompatible. Document type and universal class incompatible. Access control action element value not allowed. The specified access control action elements do not allow sufficient access rights to perform the read or read attribute transfer option for COPY function. The specified access control action elements do not allow sufficient access rights to perform the read, read attribute, or delete transfer option for MOVE function. Document type is not valid. Maximum string length is not valid. String significance is not valid. Universal class is not valid. Permitted actions do not match. Data-set name is not valid. Data set is not available. Data set I/O error. User has insufficient RACF* authority. This code may also indicate that the file does not exist. OSI/File Services has insufficient RACF authority. This code may also indicate that the file does not exist. A request that has already been terminated cannot be canceled. Request temporarily returned to the queue handler. User filestore capability insufficient.
54 55 56
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510 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 Filestore access rights violated. Specified document type does not correspond to LRD entry. Maximum string length does not correspond to LRD entry. String significance does not correspond to LRD entry. Universal class does not correspond to LRD entry. Filestore capability is insufficient. Filestore access is not allowed. File missing in LRD and it cannot be added. 05 04 03
For fixed unblocked records, specify either a logical record length and no physical block size, or both a physical block size and a logical record length that are equal to each other. For variable and variable-blocked records, the physical block size must be at least 4 bytes greater than the logical record length. The logical record length can be any integer from 5 to 32 756 (MVS and VM) or 5 to 32 763 (VSE). Specify a logical record length and physical block size only if you specify a record format. The logical record length for VS or VBS records and the physical block size for VBS records can be any integer value from 5 to 32 756. You must specify a logical record length and physical block size for VBS and VS records. The file transfer was not successful because: If the record format of the receiving data set is F or FB, the length of each record of the sending data set must equal that of each record of the receiving data set. If the record format of the receiving data set is not F or FB, the logical record length of the sending data set must be equal to or less than that of the receiving data set.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request. 07 06
PARAMETER ERROR; RECORD FORMAT = recfm; BLOCK SIZE = blk; LOGICAL RECORD LENGTH = lrecl. INVALID COMBINATION OF DCB PARAMETERS SPECIFIED; PARAMETER TYPE = type; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: There is an error in the parameters listed in this message.
Physical block size. Logical record length. Record format. One of the following: S R Parameter applies to sending location. Parameter applies to receiving location.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
One of the following: 01 A record format was specified, but neither a physical block size nor a logical record length was specified. For fixed-block records, physical block size and logical record length must be specified so that the physical block size is equal to or a multiple of the logical record length.
23 No comma was coded after a parameter value in a list of values enclosed in parentheses. The list of parameters is followed by a blank. Check for unpaired quotes or other errors in coding. A blank immediately followed the equal sign of a NetView FTP control statement. Unmatched quotes. Parameter values cannot contain an odd number of quotes. Number of opening parentheses not equal to number of closing parenthesis. A numeric parameter exceeds the range of allowed values. A parameter value is incorrect. Opening parenthesis not immediately behind the operator. A parameter value was coded with an incorrect length or a comma was missing. Note: NetView FTP checks for the correct length of a value before checking the correctness of the value. For example, coding the keyword XMODE=RECEIVER causes NetView FTP to issue a return code of 30 rather than 28. NetView FTP also issues return code 30 when a hexadecimal value is coded with an odd number of characters. 31 A parameter value that must be coded within single quotes was not. Too many values were coded for a parameter, or a closing parenthesis was missing. Closing parenthesis follows immediately after opening parenthesis. A closing parenthesis was missing or a blank was in the wrong place. At least one parameter value too low. At least one parameter value too high. At least one parameter length too low. At least one parameter length too high. Parameter length not correct (not part of a list of correct length). Closing parenthesis before opening parenthesis.
PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword IN ERROR; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: The keyword shown in this message corresponds to a parameter. Either that parameter or its value was in error. If NetView FTP is not able to determine which parameter is in error, it leaves keyword blank.
One of the following: 01 02 03 Program error. Program error. More values than are allowed were specified for a parameter. The end-of-data delimiter may be missing from a batch job. A program error occurred in the NetView FTP batch job interface routine. Contact your system administrator. A keyword contains a character that is not A to Z, or 0 to 9. Check for errors in the coding of keywords, or errors that can cause something to be wrongly identified as a keyword. The keyword is not followed by any value. The keyword is not a NetView FTP keyword. The same keyword or its alias was already coded. The parameter has not exactly one operator. If more than one value is specified, the values must be enclosed in parentheses. No keyword found before the operator. Opening parenthesis or closing parenthesis or comma is specified before the operator. Only a keyword is allowed before the operator. A program error occurred in the NetView FTP batch job interface routine. Contact your system administrator. Check for unpaired quotes or other errors in coding. 22 A parameter value that is not coded within single quotes contains a character that is not one of the following: A to Z, 0 to 9, @, #, $. Check for missing quotes or other errors in coding. 27 28 29 30 26
13 14 15 16 17
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35 36 37 38 39 40
41 A parameter value was coded with an opening quote but no closing quote. Number of value too high or low. Program error. NetView FTP stores parameter information in tables. The size of the tables is adequate for correctly specified parameters. An error caused the tables to be filled before NetView FTP could check all the parameters. A parameter value that must be coded within single quotes was not. At least one parameter value not part of a list of valid values. At least one parameter value not numeric. Hexadecimal notation of a value incorrect: at least one digit not a to f,A to F,0 to 9. Program error. Syntax error. If you cannot find the reason for the error and if the error persists, contact your IBM* Support Center. File ID contains both blanks and periods. The sequence of opening and closing parentheses is incorrect. The file ID must end with a closing parenthesis. A part of the file ID contains more than 8 bytes. The file ID ends with a separator sign. The file ID contains blanks. The file ID contains a nonalphanumeric character. The GDG number is too long. The GDG number is too short. The GDG number is not numeric. Invalid notation of a member or a GDG. The value begins with a nonalphanumeric character. Invalid CMS notation: one or more parts of a file ID contain more bytes than allowed. Maximum length is: 8 bytes 8 bytes 2 bytes 255 For file name For file type For file mode. DVG012I System Action:
42 43 44
NetView FTP V2.2 MVS NetView FTP rejects the request. All other parameters are checked too. NetView FTP other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS If the error code is 1, 2, 3, 11, 21, 24, 34, 41, 43, 44, 51, 52, or 255, NetView FTP rejects the request without checking any further parameters. If the error code is another number, NetView FTP checks the other parameters in the request before it rejects the request. User Action: NetView FTP V2.2 MVS For error codes other than 1, correct the error and resubmit the request. For error code 1 contact your IBM Support Center. NetView FTP other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS For error codes other than 1, 2, 43, 51, and 255, correct the error and resubmit the request. For error codes 1, 2, 43, 51, and 255, contact your IBM Support Center.
46 47 50
51 52
KEYWORD keyword1 NOW REPLACED BY KEYWORD keyword2; BUT STILL ACCEPTED Explanation: With NetView FTP V2.2 MVS, the keyword indicated by keyword1 has been replaced by the keyword indicated by keyword2. keyword1 is still accepted. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None. You might, however, want to change your file-transfer requests accordingly.
61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75
PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword IS NOT PERMITTED FOR THE FILE ORGANIZATION = type Explanation: A request specified at least one parameter that is incorrect for the file organization it specified. Either the parameter whose keyword is shown in the message, or the file organization specified in the request, is in error. Note: If a parameter is not coded, the default used might be incompatible with other coded parameters.
keyword type
The batch job interface keyword. File organization can be one of the following: VSAM PS PO VSAM data set Physical sequential data set Partitioned organized data set.
Program error.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request. 09 If you specify only a user ID and no password, NetView FTP ignores the security parameters. Specify only the security parameter user ID without a password if the remote file-transfer program is FTP V2.2 VSE. This transfer program uses the specified user ID to notify an ICCF user at the end of a file transfer. NetView FTP ignores the value for the PDS option if: A single member of a PDS is specified A member selection list of a PDS is specified. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
PARAMETER INCOMPATIBILITY; PARAMETER TYPE = type; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: A parameter for the data set indicated by type has the incompatibility indicated by error-code.
One of the following: S R Parameter applies to sending data set. Parameter applies to receiving data set. DVG015I
One of the following: 01 Unless dynamic allocation is to be used, NetView FTP ignores the Volume Serial Numbers parameter for MVS locations. NetView FTP ignores the DCB parameters specified for PDS members with dispositions OLD or MOD. Specify DCB parameters for the sending data set only if it is at a VSE location or if it is stored on unlabeled tapes at an MVS location. Otherwise, NetView FTP ignores the DCB parameters you specify. Unless dynamic allocation is to be used, NetView FTP ignores any DCB parameters you specified for data sets at MVS locations. NetView FTP ignores any disposition specified other than OLD or NEW for filetype VSAM at a VSE node. NetView FTP ignores any key length, key offset, or KSDS option you specify for non-KSDS VSAM data set. NetView FTP ignores the parameters for a new VSAM file unless the disposition of the receiving data set is NEW. NetView FTP has internally changed the server running mode value from single to continuous. A VM system only recognizes continuous servers.
PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword IS NOT PERMITTED FOR THE TYPE type Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword IS NOT PERMITTED FOR THE FILE ORGANIZATION = type; LABEL TYPE = lab-type Explanation: A request specified at least one parameter that is incorrect for the data-set type it specified. Either the parameter whose keyword is shown in the message, or the data-set type specified in the request, is in error. Note: If a parameter is not coded, the default used might be incompatible with other coded parameters.
keyword type
The batch job interface keyword. Data-set type or file organization can be one of the following: VSAM PS VSAM data set Physical sequential data set stored on DASD (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) Physical sequential data set stored on DASD or tape (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS); the label type of the tape is indicated by lab-type Partitioned organized data set Physical sequential data set stored on labeled tape Physical sequential data set stored on unlabeled tape.
Label type of the tape (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) SL NL Labeled tape Unlabeled tape.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
System Action: The file-transfer request is checked, but not processed, because you specified TESTRUN=YES in your request. User Action: To have the file-transfer request processed, specify TESTRUN=NO.
FUNCTION function IS NOT PERFORMED BECAUSE OF INCORRECT INPUT Explanation: A queue handler command was issued and the Function parameter had the value function. However, at least one of the NetView FTP control statements in your request was in error.
PARAMETER ERROR; PARAMETER TYPE = type; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: Self-explanatory.
One of the following: S R Parameter applies to the sending data set. Parameter applies to the receiving data set.
The value of the Function parameter, as used with the batch job interface. Possible values are: ADD DELETE MODIFY QRYADM QUERY QRYALL DELALL DELFIN FORCEDEL RESTART CHANGEPW (VSE) REBUILD (VSE).
One of the following: 01 If the data-set type is PO, a request must specify either a member name or a ddname, but not both. You did not specify either a member name or a ddname. If the data-set type is PO, a request must specify either a member name or a ddname, but not both. You specified both a member name and a ddname. A request specified an incorrect combination of VM Link parameters. The specification of the internal address and filemode is only valid for FTP V2.2 for VM. If a request specifies a node ID for the recipient of a file-transfer report, it must also specify a user ID. The user ID is missing. A request must specify a volume serial number for a data set that is to be dynamically allocated when one of the following is true: The file to be sent is stored on tape. The file to be received on a VSE system is stored on a labeled tape. The file to be sent or received on an MVS system is not cataloged. The file to be received on a tape on a VM system exists already (disposition = OLD). The file to be received is a new VSAM cluster for which no model name or SMS parameter (MVS) is specified.
System Action: The function is not performed. User Action: This message is accompanied by other messages indicating the control statement in error. When you have corrected the error, reissue the queue handler command.
04 DVG017I FUNCTION function IS NOT PERFORMED BECAUSE OF TEST RUN Explanation: A queue handler command was issued and the Function parameter had the value function. 05
The value of the Function parameter, as used with the batch job interface. Possible values are: ADD DELETE MODIFY QRYADM QUERY QRYALL DELALL DELFIN FORCEDEL RESTART CHANGEPW (VSE) REBUILD (VSE).
06 A request must specify a volume serial number for a data set that is to be dynamically-allocated, has the disposition NEW or CAT, and is stored on a tape at an MVS location. A request specified an incorrect relative generation number for a generation data set. Record formats VS and VBS are not valid for the data-set type specified in the request. The relative generation number or member name specified as part of the data-set name had an incorrect length. The data-set name included parentheses, but no relative generation number or member name. You cannot specify both the following: Parentheses as part of the value of the Data-Set Name parameter. This indicates that you are specifying a relative generation number or a member name as part of the data-set name. A member name for the Member Name parameter. 12 A relative generation number or member name was specified as part of the data-set name, but is not allowed for the data-set type specified in the request. The data-set name included an opening parenthesis but no closing parenthesis. The data-set name included a closing parenthesis but no opening parenthesis. You can specify either the name of a single PDS member or a list of PDS members, but not both. You specified a combination of access security parameters that is not valid. You cannot specify a value for one access security parameter (for example, user ID) and have NetView FTP retrieve another parameter (for example, password or group ID) by specifying an asterisk. Refer to the NetView FTP Parameter Reference for more information about access security parameters. A model DSCB is valid only for GDGs, so the data-set type must be PS or LAB. 24 18 If OS/400* is sending, you must specify the library name, file name, and member name. For one data set you cannot specify both OS/400 file parameters and MVS data-set parameters. If OS/400 member name or file type is specified, you must also specify library name and file name. If Post-Transfer Job library name is specified, you must also specify the job name. If Post-Transfer Program is specified (APX section created), you must specify Post-Transfer Program Name APXPGNME. If Post-Transfer Program data-area length is greater than zero, you must also specify the program name and parameter data area. For non-VSAM files, only one volume serial number can be specified for a VM node. Specify library name, file name, and member name when you specify OLD for a receiving OS/400 file. Specify the APPC user ID and password when you transfer a file to or from OS/400. Shared file parameters are not allowed for VM/XA*. If you specify a member name, you must also specify a file name. The end-of-processing option DELETE is not valid for the file access option SHARED. The end-of-processing option DELETE is not valid for single member processing.
27 28
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
FILE TRANSFER STARTED ON REMOTE REQUEST HANDLER ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss Explanation: A server received and accepted a session initiation request from a remote server. The server activates one of its remote request handlers to perform the file transfer.
System Action: The transfer ends. The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request: If the value is YES, NetView FTP gives the request the status waiting; the request is reprocessed later. If the value is NO, NetView FTP gives the request the status finished; the request is not reprocessed later. User Action: If the status of the file-transfer request is: Waiting, no action is required. Finished and you want the file transfer to be reestablished, correct the error and resubmit the file-transfer request. Finished and you do not want the file transfer to be reestablished, no action is required.
yy/mm/dd Date that the file transfer started: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the file transfer started: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
text string
Explanation: This message is used by NetView FTP to print text string.
text string
One of the following: Parameter input, read by NetView FTP, passwords suppressed. Separator lines to improve readability of NetView FTP message output. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
REQUEST-UNIT SIZE OF oldsize IS REDUCED TO newsize Explanation: The Request Unit (RU) size specified for a server is one of the following: Not an acceptable value, but is between two acceptable values. Not a value that can be handled by your network resources.
oldsize newsize
SERVER FAILED TO RECOVER A SESSION; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: The session with a remote server was interrupted by an ACF/VTAM* event. The local server tried to start the session again, but failed for the reason indicated by error-code.
One of the following: 01 The session could not be established during the time interval that allows automatic session recovery. An ACF/VTAM event occurred which makes it impossible to recover the session. The transfer was terminated, because either the user deleted the file-transfer request or the server was stopped. The server tried to recover the session, but the remote server was no longer active for this transfer.
System Action: The server changes the value specified to the next lower acceptable value. Processing continues. If the change was made due to SNA RU size inconsistencies, the change remains in force until the end of the servers processing. If the change was made due to network resource shortages, the change applies only for the current file transfer; after the file transfer ended, NetView FTP reestablishes the original value. User Action: None.
SERVER serverid READY Explanation: The server with the specified server ID is ready to obtain requests.
One of the following: The job name of the procedure (MVS) The server prefix plus the server suffix (VSE) The user ID of the distribution service machine (VM).
SESSION NOT STARTED WITH luname; REMOTE SERVER WAITING FOR RECOVERY Explanation: When trying to start a new session, a server detected that the remote server was waiting for recovery of an interrupted session.
SESSION NOT STARTED WITH luname; LOGICAL UNIT NAME IS UNUSABLE; RETURN CODE IN RPL = rcrpl; FEEDBACK FIELD IN RPL = fdbk; SENSE CODE IN RPL = sensecode Explanation: The server tried to establish a session with the logical unit named in the message but the name was permanently not available. Possibly the LU name is not defined in ACF/VTAM.
System Action: If the file-transfer request specifies the name of a server group, NetView FTP tries to establish a session with another logical unit in the server group. If there are no more untried logical units left in the server group or if the request specified a remote LU name, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to waiting. User Action: None.
LU name, as specified in the file-transfer request or retrieved from the server group table. ACF/VTAM return code in RPL. ACF/VTAM feedback code in RPL.
rcrpl fdbk
LU name of the server at the remote location. ACF/VTAM return code in RPL. ACF/VTAM feedback code in RPL.
SESSION STARTED WITH luname AT hh:mm:ss USING AN LU TYPE 0 SESSION Explanation: A server established an SNA session with a remote server using an LU type 0 session.
SESSION NOT STARTED WITH luname; REMOTE SERVER COULD NOT ACCEPT ANOTHER SESSION Explanation: The remote server cannot accept the session because it already reached its limit for remotely initiated sessions. It is either busy with other file transfers, or is already in a termination state because it reached its termination time, or because an operator intervened. The remote server is regarded as temporarily not available.
DVG031I SESSION NOT STARTED WITH luname; NO STORAGE FOR REQUEST UNIT AVAILABLE AT REMOTE SYSTEM Explanation: The remote server was unable to get virtual storage for the RU to be transferred.
System Action: If the session was being established for the first time and: If the file-transfer request specifies the name of a server group, NetView FTP tries to establish a session with another logical unit in the server group. If there are no more untried logical units left in the server group or if the request specified a remote LU name, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to waiting. If the session was being reestablished during automatic session recovery, the transfer ends. The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request: If the value is YES, NetView FTP gives the request the status waiting; the request is reprocessed later. If the value is NO, NetView FTP gives the request the status finished; the request is not reprocessed later. User Action: If the status of the file-transfer request is: Waiting, no action is required. Finished and you want the file transfer to be reestablished, correct the error and resubmit the file-transfer request. Finished and you do not want the file transfer to be reestablished, no action is required.
System Action: If the session was being established for the first time and: If the file-transfer request specifies the name of a server group, NetView FTP tries to establish a session with another logical unit in the server group. If there are no more untried logical units left in the server group or if the request specified a remote LU name, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to waiting. If the session was being reestablished during automatic session recovery, the transfer ends. The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request. User Action: If the status of the file-transfer request is: Waiting, no action is required. Finished and you want the file transfer to be reestablished, correct the error and resubmit the file-transfer request. Finished and you do not want the file transfer to be reestablished, no action is required. If the problem persists, ask your system administrator to check the messages at the remote location. DVG033I
SESSION NOT STARTED WITH luname; REMOTE SERVER WAS RUNNING IN SINGLE MODE AND COULD NOT ACCEPT ANOTHER SESSION Explanation: The remote server is running in single mode. It cannot accept the conversation because it is already in a session, or is not available for remotely initiated sessions.
System Action: If the session was being established for the first time and: If the file-transfer request specifies the name of a server group, NetView FTP tries to establish a session with another logical unit in the server group.
If there are no more untried logical units left in the server group or if the request specified a remote LU name, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to waiting. If the session was being reestablished during automatic session recovery, the transfer ends. The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request: If the value is YES, NetView FTP gives the request the status waiting; the request is reprocessed later. If the value is NO, NetView FTP gives the request the status finished; the request is not reprocessed later. User Action: If the status of the file-transfer request is: Waiting, no action is required. Finished and you want the file transfer to be reestablished, correct the error and resubmit the file-transfer request. Finished and you do not want the file transfer to be reestablished, no action is required. Note: Before the request is rescheduled, check with your system administrator to make sure that the remote server is restarted and is ready to serve sessions initiated at remote locations. DVG038I THE REMOTE SERVER HAS AN INSUFFICIENT FTP LEVEL; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: A server issues this message if it detects that the remote server has an incompatible FTP level, or if it detects that the remote transfer program is not NetView FTP or FTP V2. Note: A compatibility PTF must be installed for FTP V2 to be able to communicate with NetView FTP.
REMOTE REQUEST HANDLER IS PROCESSING REQUEST NUMBER reqnum Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: REMOTE REQUEST HANDLER IS PROCESSING REQUEST NUMBER = reqnum; REQUEST NAME = reqname Explanation: The remote request handler subtask of the server is processing the file-transfer request with the number reqnum and the request name reqname. Blanks instead of reqnum or reqname indicate that the corresponding value is not available. The request was obtained by a remote server from its request queue. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
DVG035I AUTOMATIC SESSION RECOVERY IN PROGRESS AT hh:mm:ss WITH luname Explanation: ACF/VTAM notified the server that the session with the remote server was interrupted. The local server attempts to recontact the remote server. One of the following: 01 02 03 The remote transfer program is not NetView FTP or FTP V2. The remote transfer program is FTP V2 for MVS and VSE. The remote transfer program is FTP V2 for VM or a compatible release.
hh:mm:ss Time that session recovery started: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. luname
LU name of the remote server.
System Action: The server will try to restart the session with the remote server. If successful, the file transfer continues from the point at which the break occurred. If not successful, the file transfer ends. User Action: None.
System Action: The remote transfer program either issues the FTP V2 message DVG034I with sense code 10050000 or shows an ACF/VTAM RECEIVE error. If the file-transfer request specifies the name of a server group, NetView FTP tries to establish a session with another logical unit in the server group. If there are no more untried logical units left in the server group or if the request specified a remote LU name, NetView FTP rejects the file-transfer request and changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Check that the location that was contacted is a NetView FTP or FTP V2 location. If it is not, correct and resubmit the request. If it is, contact your system administrator.
SESSION NOT STARTED WITH luname; INCOMPATIBLE NETVIEW FTP LEVEL Explanation: A server issues this message if it detects that the remote server has an incompatible NetView FTP level.
System Action: NetView FTP does not start the session, rejects the file-transfer request and changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Check that the location that was contacted is at least either a NetView FTP V2 MVS, NetView FTP V1 VM, NetView FTP V1 VSE, NetView FTP/400, or NetView FTP for Workstations location. If it is not, correct and resubmit the request. If it is, contact your system administrator.
REMOTE SERVER luname COULD NOT ACCEPT A SESSION Explanation: The remote server cannot accept a session initiation request. Possible reasons are: The remote FTP V2 VM is not running in remote request server mode. The remote FTP V2.2 MVS or FTP V2.2 VSE is not running in resident session partner mode. If NetView FTP is to transfer a file to or from an FTP V2 location, the remote FTP V2 must be either a remote request server (VM) or a resident session partner (VSE or MVS).
Possibly there is an existing member on the receiving data set with the same name. If you did not specify DISP=MOD, the receiving data set could have overflowed. NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. Error occurred in queue handler; the queue handler stops. User Action: For an error during a file transfer, correct the error and resubmit the request. For error in queue handler, correct the problem and restart the queue handler.
LU name of the remote server as specified in the file-transfer request or retrieved from the server group table.
System Action: If the file-transfer request specifies the name of a server group, NetView FTP tries to establish a session with another logical unit in the server group. If there are no more untried logical units left in the server group, or if the request specified a remote LU name, NetView FTP rejects the file-transfer request and changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Check the specified LU name or, if the name of a server group was specified, check the server group table for valid values. If the problem persists, contact the remote location for information about the remote servers.
I/O ERROR FOR QSAM macro; UNIT = unit; DEVICE = device; DD-NAME = ddname; OPERATION = operation; ERROR DESCRIPTION = errordesc; PHYSICAL RECORD ADDRESS = bbcchhr Explanation: An I/O error occurred in one of the NetView FTP components while NetView FTP was processing the data set via QSAM.
QSAM macro that is in error: CLOSE GET OPEN PUT. unit Unit address. device Device type. ddname Symbolic name of the DD statement. operation Operation attempted. errordesc Description of error. bbcchhr Direct access address of record in error. System Action: If the error occurs independently of a file transfer, the NetView FTP component that issued the message stops. If the error occurs during a file transfer, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished; the server does not stop. User Action: See the SYNADAF macroinstruction in the Administration Macroinstruction Reference for your operating system.
System Action: Error occurred during a file transfer; the file transfer ends. If the error occurred in a server and the function was OPEN, it is probably due to one of the following: The data-set type in the request does not match the file type of the data set. The data set does not exist. This is usually a result of using the default data-set type. Insufficient storage in the MVS region, the VM machine that the NetView FTP component runs on, or the VSE partition. An authorization problem. If the function was CLOSE, check to see if you specified DISP=MOD for a PDS member. DVG042I
I/O ERROR FOR SAM macro; TRANSMIT INFO = trans; CSW STATUS = status; TYPE CODE = code; CCW ADDRESS = ccw; COMMAND CODE = cmdcd; RELATIVE BLOCK NUMBER = rbn Explanation: An I/O error occurred while processing the SAM file.
trans status
SAM macro that encountered the error. Can be one of the following: GET PUT. Transfer information from CCB. CSW status from CCB.
code ccw ccd rbn
Type code from CCB. Address of CCW from CCB. Command code of the current CCW. Relative block number from DTF.
System Action: Transfer ends. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request. For an explanation of the fields from the CCB, see VSE/ESA Version 1 System Macros Reference or VSE/AF 4.1.1 Macro Reference. If you cannot solve the problem, contact your IBM Support Center.
LOGICAL ERROR FOR VSAM macro; REGISTER 15 RETURN CODE = reg15; FUNCTION CODE IN RPL = rcrpl; FEEDBACK FIELD IN RPL = fdbk; DD-NAME = name Explanation: During processing of a VSAM data set, a logical error occurred.
PHYSICAL ERROR FOR VSAM macro; REGISTER 15 RETURN CODE = reg15; VSAM RETURN CODE IN RPL = rcrpl; FEEDBACK FIELD IN RPL = fdbk; DATE = yyddd; TIME = hhmmssth; RELATIVE BYTE ADDRESS = rba; COMPONENT TYPE = comp; VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER = ser; JOB = job; STEP = step; UNIT = cuu; DEVICE = devtyp; DD-NAME = ddname; COMMAND CODE = op-OP; ERROR MESSAGE = errmsg; PHYSICAL RECORD ADDRESS = bbcchhr Explanation: During processing of a VSAM data set a physical error occurred.
VSAM macro that encountered the error: ERASE GET POINT PUT.
VSAM macroinstruction that encountered the error: ERASE GET POINT PUT.
Contents of register 15 in hexadecimal format; returned by VSAM. VSAM function code in RPL for alternate index processing, in hexadecimal format. VSAM feedback code in RPL, in hexadecimal format.
Contents of register 15; returned by VSAM. VSAM return code in RPL. VSAM feedback code in RPL. Date that the error occurred: yy=year, ddd=day. Time that the error occurred: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second, th=tenth, and hundredth of a second.
System Action: If the error occurs independently of a file transfer, the NetView FTP component that issued the message stops. If the error occurs during a file transfer, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished; the server does not stop. User Action: Analyze the problem using one or more of the following:
rba comp
MVS/DFP V3: Macro Instructions for VSAM Data Sets MVS/XA VSAM Administration Macro Instruction Reference Using VSE/VSAM Commands and Macros.
If a NetView FTP component stopped, fix the problem and restart the component. If a file transfer ended, fix the problem and resubmit the file-transfer request.
Volume serial number. Job name. Step name. Device address. Direct access: DA always appears in this message. Symbolic name of the DD statement. Command code from CCW followed by characters -OP. VSAM error message. Direct access address of record in error.
System Action: If the error occurs independently of a file transfer, the NetView FTP component that issued the message stops. If the error occurs during a file transfer, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished; the server does not stop.
User Action: Analyze the problem using one or more of the following:
MVS/DFP V3: Macro Instructions for VSAM Data Sets MVS/XA VSAM Administration Macro Instruction Reference Using VSE/VSAM Commands and Macros.
If a NetView FTP component stopped, fix the problem and restart the component. If a file transfer ended, fix the problem and resubmit the file-transfer request.
I/O ERROR FOR BPAM macro; UNIT = unit; DEVICE = device; DD-NAME = ddname; OPERATION = operation; ERROR DESCRIPTION = description; PHYSICAL RECORD ADDRESS = bbcchhr Explanation: An I/O error occurred while processing the BPAM data set.
DVG045I VSAM macro ERROR; REGISTER 15 RETURN CODE = reg15; VSAM ERROR CODE = errcode; DD-NAME = name Explanation: During processing of a VSAM data set, an error occurred.
BPAM macro that is in error: READ WRITE. Unit address. Device type. Symbolic name of the DD statement. Operation attempted. Description of error. Direct access address of record in error.
System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: For more information, see one or more of the following:
MVS/DFP V3: Macro Instructions for non-VSAM Data Sets MVS/XA Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference.
DVG048I I/O ERROR DURING SEQUENTIAL FILE PROCESSING; THE FOLLOWING SYSTEM MESSAGE WAS FOUND IN THE SYNADAF MESSAGE BUFFER message Explanation: This message occurs when an error is detected during the processing of a physical sequential file.
Contents of register 15 returned by VSAM. VSAM error code. If the transfer program runs under MVS, then this is the ddname used to allocate the data set. Otherwise it is the file name. It is either the name specified in the file name parameter or, if dynamic allocation is used, the one generated by the server involved in the file transfer.
System Action: If the error occurs independently of a file transfer, the NetView FTP component that issued the message stops. If the error occurs during a file transfer, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished; the server does not stop. User Action: Analyze the problem using one or more of the following:
MVS/DFP V3: Macro Instructions for VSAM Data Sets MVS/XA VSAM Administration Macro Instruction Reference Using VSE/VSAM Commands and Macros.
If a NetView FTP component stopped, fix the problem and restart the component. If the file transfer ended, fix the problem and resubmit the file-transfer request. The most common VSAM error code is 74. This means that you should perform a VSAM VERIFY on the data set, as it has not been closed since the last time it was accessed.
MVS/ESA Messages and Codes MVS/XA Messages and Codes VM/ESA System Messages and Codes VM/XA SP System Messages and Codes Reference.
System Action: If the error is detected during the transfer of a file that is related to a source or target file, the file transfer is broken off. If the error is related to the FTP reader, printer, or log files, and a file transfer is in progress, NetView FTP stops after the file transfer is completed. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
ERROR DURING RESTART PROCESSING FOR file; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: An error occurred when NetView FTP tried to position a data set to the recorded checkpoint.
file error-code
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Check whether you have chosen the correct VSAM KSDS option.
System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Do one of the following: For error code 01, use a server that is started in a larger address space, requesting a restart from the recorded checkpoint. In this case, contact your system administrator. For error code 02 or 04, add a new file-transfer request to the request queue to perform the file transfer, specifying that the file transfer must be started from the beginning of the receiving data set (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS), or restart the file transfer with RSTPNT=BEGIN to transfer from the beginning of the data set (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS). DVG052I
A RECORD WITH THE SAME KEY BUT DIFFERENT CONTENT WAS FOUND IN THE RECEIVING KSDS WHILE UPDATING IT USING THE KSDS OPTION "ADDKEY" Explanation: A server found a record with the same key but different content in the receiving data set, which was a KSDS and which it was updating with the VSAM KSDS option ADDKEY. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: If appropriate, choose another VSAM KSDS option. After you have corrected the errors, resubmit the file-transfer request.
RECORD TO BE REPLACED NOT FOUND Explanation: The VSAM KSDS option REPKEY was specified, but a record in the sending data set did not have a corresponding record in the receiving data set. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: If appropriate, choose another VSAM KSDS option. After you have corrected the errors, resubmit the file-transfer request.
FTP LEVEL OF REMOTE SERVER = ftplevel Explanation: The server established a session with the remote server. This message gives information about the FTP level of the remote server.
One of the following: 4 FTP Version 2.2 with compatibility PTF for NetView FTP NetView FTP Version 1 for MVS without the AFF NetView FTP Version 1 for MVS with the AFF NetView FTP V2 MVS, NetView FTP VM, or NetView FTP VSE.
5 6 7
I/O ERROR FOR QSAM function; DATA SET NAME = dsname; SYSTEM ABEND CODE = sac Explanation: An I/O error occurred during a QSAM function. The error caused an abnormal termination, from which NetView FTP recovered.
RECORDS FOUND WHILE OPENING VSAM ESDS dsname Explanation: The receiving data set is a VSAM ESDS and has the name dsname. During the OPEN on the receiving data set, the server detected that it was not empty. The server expected the receiving data set to be empty. The server writes over any existing records. If there are more records in the existing data set than are being transferred to it, these other records remain in the data set. This can cause an integrity problem. System Action: Processing continues; the server writes records from the beginning of the data set. A warning is issued in the file-transfer completion message. User Action: If an integrity problem exists, delete and redefine the data set and, after you have corrected the errors, resubmit the file-transfer request. Otherwise, ignore the message.
dsname sac
System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. User Action: Analyze the problem using one or more of the following:
MVS/DFP V3: Macro Instructions for non-VSAM Data Sets MVS/XA Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference.
DVG056I VSAM DATA SET TYPE NOT SUPPORTED Explanation: During the OPEN on the data set to be accessed during the file transfer, the server detected that the VSAM data set is of an unsupported VSAM type. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. User Action: If you want to transfer the data set, copy it into a data set of a supported type and transfer that one.
RECORDS FOUND WHILE OPENING VSAM KSDS FOR A FILE TRANSFER USING THE KSDS OPTION "ADDBEG" Explanation: During the OPEN on the receiving data set the server detected that the receiving data set, a VSAM KSDS, was not empty. The file-transfer request specified the VSAM KSDS option ADDBEG, which requires an empty data set. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. User Action: Check that you have chosen the correct KSDS and correct any errors. Then add a new file-transfer request to the request queue to perform the file transfer.
DVG060I DVG057I KSDS OPTION SPECIFIED FOR A VSAM ESDS Explanation: During the OPEN on the receiving data set, the server detected that the VSAM data set is an entry-sequenced data set (ESDS). However, a VSAM KSDS option was specified in the file-transfer request. System Action: The parameter is ignored and processing continues. User Action: If the receiving data set is not a VSAM KSDS, do not specify a VSAM KSDS option.
NETWORK NAME VECTOR NOT FOUND. LOCAL FTP NAME USED FOR BUILDING CHECKPOINT KEY. Explanation: The server did not find the network name in the VTAM* resource identification list. The local FTP name is used for building the key for the checkpoint record. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: If the problem persists contact your IBM Support Center.
If this fails, the transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request. The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request. User Action: If the automatic session recovery was successful or the status of the request was changed to waiting, no action is required. If the status was changed to finished, it is possible that the error occurred during the termination of the server, without affecting the transfer of data. Check to see if all records were transferred. If all records were not transferred, or if the return code is greater than 8, see the VTAM Programming book for descriptions of the ACF/VTAM codes in this message.
ACF/VTAM macro ERROR FOR LOGICAL UNIT luname; ACB ERROR CODE = errcd Explanation: During processing of an ACF/VTAM macro, an error occurred.
luname errcd
LU name of the server that issued the request. Error code provided by ACF/VTAM after invocation of the macroinstruction. DVG063I
System Action: The server stops. User Action: Correct the ACF/VTAM problem and restart the server. For a description of this error code, see the VTAM Programming book.
DSESLIM VECTOR NOT FOUND. USE DEFAULT VALUE = ; Explanation: The VTAM application definition for the server LU did not specify the DSESLIM parameter. NetView FTP uses a default value. System Action: Processing continues.
ACF/VTAM macro ERROR; REGISTER 15 RETURN CODE = reg15; RETURN CODE IN RPL = rcrpl; FEEDBACK FIELD IN RPL = fdbk; SENSE CODE IN RPL = sensecode LOGICAL UNIT NAME = luname Explanation: During processing of an ACF/VTAM macro, an error occurred.
User Action: Add the VTAM DSESLIM parameter to the VTAM application definition (APPL minor node) for this specific server LU name. For more information on setting up and maintaining the ACF/VTAM resources refer to NetView FTP V2 MVS Installation, Operation, and Administration.
SESSION NOT STARTED WITH luname ALTHOUGH POSITIVE RESPONSE RECEIVED Explanation: The remote server, which has the LU name luname, did not start the session. This was determined by checking the CON field in the ACF/VTAM Node Initiation Block (NIB), which indicated that the session was not started although a positive response was returned to the BIND. System Action: If the session was being established for the first time and: If the file-transfer request specifies the name of a server group, NetView FTP tries to establish a session with another logical unit in the server group. If there are no more untried logical units left in the server group or if the request specified a remote LU name, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to waiting. If the session was being reestablished during automatic session recovery, the transfer ends. The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request.
Return code in register 15 returned by ACF/VTAM. ACF/VTAM return code in RPL. ACF/VTAM feedback code in RPL.
System Action: If the macro is not SEND or RECEIVE, the file transfer ends or the server stops, depending on whether the problem is related to one transfer or the entire server. NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. Otherwise, if the macro is SEND or RECEIVE and no severe ACF/VTAM error occurred, the server tries to perform an automatic session recovery.
User Action: If the status of the file-transfer request is: Waiting, no action is required. Finished, and you want the file transfer to be reestablished, correct the error and resubmit the file-transfer request. Finished, and you do not want the file transfer to be reestablished, no action is required.
ACF/VTAM APPCCMD MACRO ERROR; OPERAND CODE = opcode; RETURN CODE IN RPL = rcrpl; FEEBACK FIELD IN RPL = fdbkrpl; SENSE CODE IN RPL6 = senserpl; APPC PRIMARY RETURN CODE = rcpri; APPC SECONDARY RETURN CODE = rcsec Explanation: An error occurred during the processing of the ACF/VTAM APPCCMD macro.
System Action: If this message is accompanied by message DVG074I, DVG075I, DVG076I, DVG077I, or DVG078I, refer to that message for an explanation of the system action and user action. Otherwise, the status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for the request. User Action: If the status of the request was changed to waiting, no action is required. If the status was changed to finished, it is possible that the error occurred during termination of the server without affecting the data transfer. Check to see if all records were transferred. If they were not, or if the file-transfer return code was greater than 8, manually restart the file transfer. For more information about the ACF/VTAM codes in this message, refer to the VTAM Programming for LU 6.2.
A code that corresponds to the operand for which the error occurred. Possible values are: Code Operand DVG066I
PROCESSING OF REQUEST NUMBER reqnum STARTED Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: PROCESSING STARTED FOR REQUEST NUMBER = reqnum; REQUEST NAME = reqname Explanation: A server obtained a file-transfer request from the request queue. The server has activated one of its subtasks to carry out the file transfer.
reqname Request name. Blanks indicate that this value is not available.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
SERVER COULD NOT ALLOCATE A CONVERSATION USING AN LU TYPE 6.2 SESSION; APPC PRIMARY RETURN CODE = rcpri; APPC SECONDARY RETURN CODE = rcsec; THE SERVER WILL TRY TO ESTABLISH AN LU TYPE 0 SESSION Explanation: A server tried to allocate a conversation using the LU 6.2 protocol. It was not able to do this, probably because its partner server does not support LU 6.2 session types. System Action: The server tries to establish a session using the LU 0 protocol. User Action: If the server succeeds in establishing an LU 0 session and NetView FTP issues message DVG029I, no action is required. If it does not succeed, NetView FTP issues another message that explains why not.
rcrpl fdbkrpl
ACF/VTAM return code in the RPL. ACF/VTAM feedback code in the RPL.
For more information about the ACF/VTAM codes in this message, refer to the VTAM Programming for LU 6.2 manual for your operating system.
PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword IS NOT VALID WHEN USING JOB ALLOCATION Explanation: The file-transfer request specified a ddname, indicating that job allocation, not dynamic allocation, was to be used. The request also specified the parameter whose keyword is shown in this message, but this parameter is valid for dynamic allocation only.
APPC SECURITY PARAMETERS ARE NOT ACCEPTED Explanation: The remote server rejected the allocation of a conversation, indicating that the APPC security parameters received in the VTAM Function Management Header 5 (FMH5) are not valid. System Action: The request is terminated. User Action: Correct the APPC security parameters and resubmit the request.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
CONVERSATION ALLOCATED WITH luname AT hh:mm:ss USING AN LU TYPE 6.2 SESSION Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: CONVERSATION ALLOCATED WITH luname AT hh:mm:ss DVG073I Explanation: A server allocated an APPC conversation with a remote server using an LU type 6.2 session. luname hh:mm:ss Time the session started: hh = hour, mm = minute, ss = second. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None. LU name of the remote server.
CONVERSATION WITH luname ABNORMALLY DEALLOCATED BY REMOTE SERVER Explanation: A failure occurred that the remote server is unable to correct. Probably the remote server terminated abnormally. This message is accompanied by message DVG065I.
System Action: The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request. User Action: If the status of the request is: Waiting, no action is required. Finished, and you want to reestablish the file transfer, correct the error at the remote site and resubmit the file-transfer request. Finished, and you do not want to reestablish the file transfer, no action is required.
PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword MUST BE SPECIFIED FOR THE FUNCTION function Explanation: A queue handler command was issued and the Function parameter had the value function.
keyword function
Keyword of the parameter, as used with the batch job interface. The value of the Function parameter, as used with the batch job interface. Possible values are: ADD DELETE MODIFY QRYADM QUERY QRYALL DELALL DELFIN FORCEDEL RESTART CHANGEPW (VSE) REBUILD (VSE).
CONVERSATION NOT ALLOCATED WITH luname; REMOTE SERVER COULD NOT ACCEPT ANOTHER CONVERSATION Explanation: The remote server cannot accept the conversation for one of the following reasons: It reached its limit for remotely initiated conversations. It is running in single mode and is already in conversation or is not available for remotely initiated conversations. It does not have enough virtual storage to accept another conversation. It is running under VM, and there is no file server machine available. It is defined as LOCAL and cannot accept a REMOTE request.
System Action: The function is not performed. User Action: When you have corrected the error, reissue the queue handler command.
This message is accompanied by message DVG065I.
System Action: If the conversation was being established for the first time and if the file-transfer request specifies the name of a server group, NetView FTP tries to establish a conversation with another logical unit as defined in the server group. If there are no more untried servers left in the server group or if the request specified a remote LU name, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to waiting. If the error occurred because the server was defined as local, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. User Action: None.
System Action: If the session was being established for the first time and if the file-transfer request specifies the name of a server group, NetView FTP tries to establish a session with another logical unit in the server group. If there are no more untried logical units left in the server group or if the request specified a remote LU name, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to waiting. User Action: None.
CONVERSATION WITH luname PREMATURELY DEALLOCATED Explanation: A failure occurred that caused the conversation with luname to prematurely terminate. Probably, the remote server terminated abnormally. This message is accompanied by message DVG065I.
SESSION NOT STARTED WITH luname; LOGICAL UNIT IS UNUSABLE Explanation: The server tried to establish a session with the logical unit named in the message but the name is neither available nor recognizable. Possibly, the LU name is not defined in ACF/VTAM or the logical unit belongs to an adjacent SSCP to which no SSCP-SSCP session is active. This message is accompanied by message DVG065I.
System Action: The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request. User Action: If the status of the request is: Waiting, no action is required. Finished, and you want to reestablish the file transfer, correct the error and resubmit the file-transfer request. Finished, and you do not want to reestablish the file transfer, no action is required.
System Action: If the session was being established for the first time and if the file-transfer request specifies the name of a server group, NetView FTP tries to establish a session with another logical unit as defined in the server group. If there are no more untried logical units left in the server group or if the request specified a remote LU name, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. User Action: Make sure the logical unit is available and its name is defined in the server group table. Reestablish the file transfer, correct the error, and resubmit the file-transfer request. Otherwise, no action is required.
CONVERSATION WITH luname DEALLOCATED Explanation: The conversation with luname no longer exists. Possibly, a severe error occurred that interrupted the conversation. This message is accompanied by message DVG065I.
System Action: The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request. User Action: If the status of the request is: Waiting, no action is required. Finished, and you want to reestablish the file-transfer request, correct the error and resubmit the file-transfer request. Finished, and you do not want to reestablish the file transfer, no action is required.
SESSION NOT STARTED WITH luname; REMOTE SERVER TEMPORARILY NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: The server tried to establish a session with luname but the logical unit is temporarily inactive. Possibly, the remote server is not started. This message is accompanied by message DVG065I.
NETVIEW FTP SUCCESSFULLY RECOVERED FROM VTAM STORAGE SHORTAGE Explanation: NetView FTP successfully recovered from an ACF/VTAM storage shortage. This message is accompanied by message DVG065I. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: If this message occurs repeatedly, check if ACF/VTAM has sufficient buffers available.
DELETION OF CHECKPOINT RECORD FAILED; FILE TRANSFER SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED Explanation: After successfully transferring the data set, the receiving server tried to delete the checkpoint record, but failed. The cause of the failure is explained in message DVG043I or DVG044I. These messages are written to the log file of the checkpoint manager virtual machine. System Action: The server ignores the error and continues the termination processing for the file transfer. User Action: Contact your system administrator. Checkpoint records that are not cleared can fill up the checkpoint data set. In transfers with NetView FTPs other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS, these records can also cause problems during subsequent transfers of the same data set.
FILE TRANSFER RESTARTED FROM CHECKPOINT Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: FILE TRANSFER RESTARTED FROM restart point Explanation: The server restarted an interrupted file transfer. For NetView FTP V2.2 MVS, restart point can be: BEGINNING One of the following occurred: A server restarted an interrupted file transfer. The corresponding request specified that the server was not to restart the file transfer from a checkpoint. A server tried to restart an interrupted file transfer from a checkpoint, but the server could not find a checkpoint record for the file transfer. CHECKPOINT A server restarted an interrupted file transfer using the checkpoint recorded in the checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None. DVG084I DVG083I
RECORD/BYTE COUNTS NOT EQUAL; SENT = sss; RECEIVED = rrr Explanation: After transferring a data set, the sending server transfers the count of records or bytes sent to the receiving server, which compares it to the count of the records or bytes received. The values of the two counts do not match.
sss rrr
Record or byte count at sending location. Record or byte count at receiving location.
System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: The transfer of the data set was not successful and the output data set is probably in error. Possibly, there is a NetView FTP program error. Contact your IBM Support Center.
FILE TRANSFER STARTED FROM BEGINNING OF DATA SET Explanation: One of the following occurred: A server started a new file transfer. NetView FTP other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: A server restarted an interrupted file transfer. The corresponding request specified that the server was not to restart the file transfer from a checkpoint. A server tried to restart an interrupted file transfer from a checkpoint, but the server could not find a checkpoint record for the file transfer. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
DATA SET NAME SPECIFIED IN REQUEST AND IN SERVER JOB DD STATEMENT ARE DIFFERENT; DATA SET NAME SPECIFIED IN REQUEST = name; DATA SET NAME (DSN) SPECIFIED IN DD STATEMENT = name Explanation: The file-transfer request specified a ddname indicating that job allocation is to be used. A data-set name was also specified in the request. These names are different. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct whichever data-set name is in error and resubmit the request.
DVG085W ERROR DURING CHECKPOINT DATA SET HANDLING; FILE TRANSFER CONTINUES Explanation: An error occurred when the server accessed the checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. If the file-transfer is interrupted, NetView FTP might not be able to restart it from a checkpoint. NetView FTPs other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS might instead restart it from the beginning of the data set. User Action: If the error persists, contact your system administrator. Check the checkpoint data set; you might have to redefine it. This message is accompanied by message DVG043I or DVG045I. Examine this message to find out more about the error. Name of data set.
Data-set type or file organization: VSAM PS VSAM data set Physical sequential data set stored on DASD (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) Physical sequential data set stored on DASD or tape (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS): the label type of the tape is indicated by lab-type Physical sequential data set stored on labeled tape (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) Physical sequential data set stored on unlabeled tape (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) Partitioned organized data set Physical sequential data set stored on labeled or unlabeled tape. Label type of the tape (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) SL NL Labeled tape Unlabeled tape.
NO CHECKPOINT RECORD FOUND Explanation: Restart was requested, but no checkpoint record exists for this request. System Action: The file transfer starts from the beginning. If the file status option in the initial request was MUSTNOTEXIST and the data set was already allocated before the file transfer was interrupted, the restart might not be successful (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS only). User Action: NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: If the restart failed because the receiving data set was already allocated, check if it can be deleted. If so, delete it and restart the file transfer manually. Other NetView FTP: None. DVG088I
System Action: The transfer ends. The status of the request is changed to finished. User Action: Correct whichever data-set type or file organization is in error and resubmit the request.
MEMBER NAME SPECIFIED FOR RECEIVING DATA SET BUT NOT FOR SENDING DATA SET Explanation: A request to transfer a single member from one PDS to another specifies a member name for the receiving data set, but does not specify one for the sending data set. Such a request must contain one of the following: A member name for the sending data set only A member name for both data sets. System Action: The transfer ends and the status of the request is changed to finished. User Action: Submit a new request, with a member name for either the sending data set or both data sets.
DATA SET TYPE SPECIFIED IN REQUEST AND RETRIEVED FROM SYSTEM ARE DIFFERENT; DATA SET NAME = dsname DATA SET TYPE SPECIFIED IN REQUEST = type DATA SET TYPE RETURNED FROM SERVICES = type Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: FILE ORGANIZATION AND LABEL TYPE SPECIFIED IN REQUEST AND RETRIEVED FROM SYSTEM ARE DIFFERENT; DATA SET NAME = dsname FILE ORGANIZATION SPECIFIED IN REQUEST = type; LABEL TYPE = lab-type FILE ORGANIZATION RETURNED FROM SYSTEM SERVICES = type Explanation: The data-set type or file organization specified in a file-transfer request does not match the data-set organization (DSORG) parameter. If the request specifies a DD name, the DSORG in the DD statement may be incorrect.
FILE ID SPECIFIED IN REQUEST AND IN DLBL OR TLBL STATEMENT ARE DIFFERENT; FILE ID SPECIFIED IN REQUEST = name; FILE ID SPECIFIED IN DLBL OR TLBL STATEMENT = name Explanation: The file-transfer request specified a file name, indicating that job allocation is to be used. When job allocation is used, you do not need to specify a file ID in the DLBL or TLBL statements. If you do, the file ID in the DLBL or TLBL statements must be the same as that specified in the request. This message is issued when the IDs are different. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct whichever file ID is in error and resubmit the request.
FILE STATUS OPTION CHANGED FROM filstat1 TO filstat2 Explanation: In your file-transfer request, you either specified MAYEXIST for the file status option or you omitted this parameter. NetView FTP changed the file status option to the appropriate value, that is: MUSTNOTEXIST If the file does not already exist MUSTEXIST If the file already exists. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
DCB AND SPACE PARAMETERS ARE IGNORED FOR FILE STATUS OPTION MUSTEXIST Explanation: You specified DCB and space parameters for a file that already exists. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
MEMBER member IN pds name MAY RESULT FROM THIS INCOMPLETE FILE TRANSFER Explanation: The file transfer was interrupted. The receiving data set of the file transfer is a PDS with the name pds name. It contains a member named member that is only partially full because of the incomplete file transfer. This member is deleted when the file transfer is restarted. System Action: None. User Action: Either restart the file transfer, or delete the member member.
FILE ACCESS OPTION CHANGED FROM filacc1 TO filacc2 Explanation: You did not specify the correct file access option for VSAM data sets in your file-transfer request. NetView FTP replaced the file access option exclusive with the file access option shared. System Action: Processing continues.
INVALID RECORD FOUND IN CHECKPOINT DATA SET. CHECKPOINT KEY: key; CHECKPOINT AREA: area Explanation: During a transfer restart, an invalid record was found in the checkpoint data set.
FILE filename IS DELETED DUE TO END-OF-PROCESSING OPTION Explanation: In your file-transfer request, you specified with the end-of-processing option DELETE for either the sending or the receiving file that, depending on the outcome of the file transfer, this file is to be deleted after the transfer. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
key area
The first 100 bytes of the key of the invalid checkpoint record. The contents of the checkpoint record area that contains the invalid data.
System Action: The checkpoint record is deleted. The transfer is started from the beginning of the file. User Action: If the problem occurs for several times, contact your IBM Support Center. DVG098I
REMOTE TRANSFER PROGRAM HAS AN INSUFFICIENT SERVICE LEVEL Explanation: The NetView FTP at your system detected that the transfer program at the remote system has an insufficient service level. It could be caused by one of the following: The remote transfer program is FTP Version 2.2 but has installed the compatibility PTF required to communicate with NetView FTP. The remote transfer program is an FTP with a level lower than FTP 2.2. The remote program is any other than FTP or NetView FTP.
END-OF-PROCESSING OPTION CHANGED FROM eop1 TO eop2 Explanation: The end-of-processing option was either not specified in the request or was changed for a transfer restart. NetView FTP changed the end-of-processing option to the appropriate value. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
The transfer program did not start. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Contact your administrator and ask for the appropriate PTF to be installed at the remote system. After it has been installed, resubmit the request. DVG104I
Explanation: You specified coded character set identifiers to convert character data, but the specified character sets are not supported by the system.
MESSAGE FROM luname; FTP LEVEL = ftplevel; MESSAGE = message Explanation: A message from the remote server was received. It shows that an error occurred at the remote location. The message content is not analyzedit is only printed.
System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Omit the character-data conversion parameters or use a different CCSID combination.
luname ftplevel
LU name of the remote server. The FTP level of the remote server, where: 4 FTP Version 2.2 with the compatibility PTF for NetView FTP NetView FTP Version 1 for MVS without the AFF NetView FTP Version 1 for MVS with the AFF NetView FTP V2 MVS, NetView FTP VM, and NetView FTP VSE.
DATA STARTING WITH char CANNOT BE CONVERTED FROM CCSID ccss TO CCSID ccst Explanation: Part of the data could not be converted with the specified coded character set identifiers.
5 6 7
The first character that could not be converted Source CCSID Target CCSID.
System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Either specify the correct CCSID for the data, or omit conversion, or erase the character that could not be converted.
RECORD PADDING OPTION = padchar Explanation: Record padding option was specified; padchar identifies the padding character. System Action: If necessary, the receiving NetView FTP padds the records with the specified padding character. User Action: None.
CHARACTER DATA CONVERSION = conv Explanation: This message tells you whether Character data conversion was requested.
One of the following: YES NO Character data conversion was requested. Character data conversion was not requested.
NO MESSAGE PROVIDED BY USER-EXIT ROUTINE routine FOR FUNCTION function; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: The server received a nonzero return code from the pre-transfer or post-transfer user-exit routines. However, no message was found in the message area, so this standard message was issued instead.
CCSID = ccsid Explanation: This message is issued, if character data conversion was requested.
Name of the user-exit routine. OPEN, CLOSE, P, or C. For details, see NetView FTP Customization. Return code from exit routine.
System Action: If a pre-transfer user-exit routine temporarily rejected a file-transfer request, then the transfer ends. The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request: If the value is YES, NetView FTP gives the request the status waiting; the request is reprocessed later. If the value is NO, NetView FTP gives the request the status finished; the request is not reprocessed later. Otherwise, the transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. User Action: Check what caused the user-exit routine to issue this return code and take whatever action is appropriate. System Action: If the routine was the pre-transfer or post-transfer user-exit routine, the server stops. If the routine was a user-written file handler, the file transfer ends. NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. User Action: Check the ABEND code in the message library system codes book for your operating system.
SECURITY VERIFIED BY USER-EXIT ROUTINE Explanation: The security parameters specified in the file-transfer request have been verified by the pre-transfer user-exit routine. NetView FTP does no further security checking. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
MESSAGE FROM USER-EXIT ROUTINE routine; MESSAGE = message Explanation: A pre-transfer or post-transfer user-exit routine passed a message to a server for printing. If the message is longer than 180 characters, NetView FTP truncates the message and shows the truncation with three asterisks (***) as the last three characters.
POST-TRANSFER JOB SUBMISSION PREVENTED BY USER-EXIT ROUTINE Explanation: The request specified post-transfer job submission, but the pre-transfer or the post-transfer user-exit routine at either the requesting or the responding system prevented the submission of post-transfer jobs. System Action: Processing continues, but at the system where the user-exit routine prevented the job submission no post-transfer jobs are submitted. User Action: None.
SERVER LOADED USER-EXIT ROUTINE routine Explanation: A server successfully loaded the pre-transfer or post-transfer user-exit routine with the name routine into its address space. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
macro ERROR; RETURN CODE = retcd; LENGTH = length; MODULE = modname; OFFSET = offset
Explanation: An error occurred in a NetView FTP component when it attempted to obtain or release dynamic virtual storage.
DVG113I SERVER FAILED TO LOAD USER-EXIT ROUTINE routine; SYSTEM COMPLETION (ABEND) CODE OF THE LOAD MACRO = abendcd; REGISTER 15 RETURN CODE= reg15 Explanation: The server tried to load a user-exit routine from the available load libraries, but it was not successful.
Return code from the macro. For more information about this return code, refer to the description of the supervisor services and macroinstructions for your operating system. Length of area to be obtained or released (value not hexadecimal). Name of the module where the macro was issued.
length modname
Name of user-exit routine. System completion (ABEND) code from LOAD macroinstruction. Register 15 contains a reason code in some cases.
Offset within the module where the macro was issued (hexadecimal value).
System Action: If the error occurs independently of a file transfer, the NetView FTP component that issued the message stops. If the error occurs during a file transfer, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished; the server does not stop. User Action: If the problem persists for: FREEMAIN or FREEVIS, contact your IBM Support Center. GETMAIN or GETVIS, increase the size of the address space or partition in which the NetView FTP component that issued the message runs. DVG125I DVG122I
User Action: Analyze the return code using the system data administration book for your operating system. If the problem was due to a user error, correct the DD Name specified in your request or contact your system administrator for the DD Name specified in the server JCL statements. If you solved the problem, then resubmit the request or restart the queue handler. If the problem was not due to a user error and the problem persists, contact your IBM Support Center.
FILE ID SPECIFIED IN STATEMENT WITH DLBL OR TLBL NAME name COULD NOT BE RETRIEVED; RETURN CODE FROM macro MACRO=retcd Explanation: A NetView FTP component attempted to retrieve the file ID from a DLBL or TLBL statement but failed.
The name of the file as specified in the File Name parameter. The name of the macro used but which was not successful. The code returned by the macro.
System Action: For: ESTAE, the abnormal termination exit is not activated SNAP, no storage dump is taken. NetView FTP processing continues. User Action: Analyze the problem using one of the following:
System Action: If this error occurred during the processing of: A server, the transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the corresponding file-transfer request to finished. The queue handler, the queue handler stops. User Action: Analyze the return code using the following:
VSE/AF Initial Program Load and Job Control VSE/AF Diagnosis Reference Supervisor VSE/ESA System Macros Reference.
If the problem was due to a user error, correct the File Name specified in your request or contact your system administrator for the name specified in the server DLBL or TLBL statements. If you solved the problem, then resubmit the request or restart the NetView FTP partition. If the problem was not due to a user error and the problem persists, contact your IBM Support Center.
The name of the DD statement specified in the File Name parameter. The name of the macro used but which was not successful. The code returned by the macro. DVG133I
ERROR IN MACRO macro; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: One of the macros that NetView FTP used encountered an error.
System Action: If this error occurred during the processing of: A server, the transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the corresponding file-transfer request to finished. The queue handler, the queue handler stops.
The macro that encountered an error; it can be any of the following: EXTRACT Extracts information for tape units. SUBSID Asks for information from operating system or notifies the operating system that a VSE subsystem is working.
CPCOM Sends file-transfer completion messages to a VM user. The macro return code is taken directly from the CP MSG command. Possible values are 30, 45, and 57. These values usually indicate that a user ID is not valid or was not receiving. Gets label information.
RECORD recnum CONTAINS USER DATA WHOSE LENGTH EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM OF maxlen ALLOWED FOR THE SPECIFIED DATA SET Explanation: NetView FTP received a record whose user data exceeds the maximum allowed for the record length defined for the receiving data set.
recnum maxlen
The number of the record in error. The maximum allowable length of user data within one record of the receiving data set.
System Action: Processing continues but NetView FTP may terminate during subsequent processing. User Action: If the error did not cause NetView FTP to terminate, stop the NetView FTP partition. For further information, see one or more of the following:
System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
VSE/AF Initial Program Load and Job Control VSE/AF Diagnosis Reference Supervisor VSE/ESA System Macros Reference VM CP Commands.
Correct the error before restarting the NetView FTP partition.
LENGTH OF RECORD recnum IS NOT EQUAL TO THE RECORD LENGTH reclen OF THE RECEIVING FILE Explanation: The length of a sending record is not equal to the length of the record at the receiving location. Transfer record of variable or smaller length into a data set with fixed-length record, specify a padding character in the request.
INVALID RECORD LENGTH length Explanation: The receiving server received a record that does not fit into its I/O buffer. The following conditions can cause this error: The record length is zero or greater than 32 760 for a fixed-length record. The record length is zero or greater than 32 756 for a variable-length record. The length of a fixed-length or fixed-blocked record sent is not equal to the record length as specified at the receiving location. A variable, variable-blocked, or undefined record exceeds the physical block size defined for the receiving data set. DVG144I
recnum reclen
The number of the record in error. The length of a record at the receiving location.
System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
INVALID RECORD LENGTH FOR RECORD recnum Explanation: The length of a record is greater than the (maximum) length allowed for the data set.
System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error that caused this message to be issued and resubmit the file-transfer request.
System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Use a bigger record size for the receiving data set and resubmit the file-transfer request.
ERROR DURING VALIDATION OF USER userid; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: The specified user ID and the password could not be verified at the local system. The message contains the VSE Access Control error code in hexadecimal format.
ERROR DURING VALIDATION OF USER userid; RACROUTE RETURN CODE = xx; RACROUTE RETURN CODE = yy; RACROUTE REASON CODE = zz Explanation: The specified user ID and the password could not be verified at the local system. The message contains the SAF return and reason codes, and indicates a security violation.
userid error-code
User ID VSE Access Control error code: 02 04 08 10 20 40 GETVIS failure Invalid password Invalid user ID LOGON phase not found Resource table load failure Lock not possible.
userid User ID xx yy zz
Hexadecimal return code from RACROUTE. Hexadecimal return code from RACROUTE ENVIR=CREATE. Hexadecimal reason code from RACROUTE ENVIR=CREATE.
System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Supply the correct parameters, or check whether the correct system was called, or both. Correct the errors and resubmit the file-transfer request.
System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Supply the correct security parameters or check whether the correct system was contacted. Correct the errors and resubmit the file-transfer request. The return codes and the RACROUTE macros are described in:
ACCESS CONTROL USER ID HAS AN INCORRECT LENGTH; USER ID = userid Explanation: The access control user ID specified in a request has an incorrect length. System Action: NetView FTP rejects the request. User Action: Specify the correct user ID and resubmit the request. DVG154I
ACCESS CONTROL PASSWORD HAS AN INCORRECT LENGTH Explanation: The access control password in a request has an incorrect length. System Action: NetView FTP rejects the request. User Action: Specify the correct password and resubmit the request.
ACCESS CONTROL GROUP ID WILL NOT BE USED FOR A VSE NODE; GROUP ID = groupid Explanation: A group ID was specified in the request for a file at a VSE location. Access Control does not use group IDs, it ignores the value you specified. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Do not specify a value for this parameter for files at VSE locations.
User Action: Check whether security parameters are required. If not, omit them in subsequent file-transfer requests.
USER userid CANNOT ACCESS FILE file-id Explanation: One of the following occurred: The request contained a value for the User ID security parameter. NetView FTP tried to access a file using the authorization of the user specified for this parameter, but that user was not authorized to access the file.
The request did not contain a value for the User ID security parameter. However, the JCL statements in the startup job for the NetView FTP partition at the system on which the file is stored contained an ID statement. NetView FTP tried to access the file using the authorization of the user specified in this ID statement, but that user was not authorized to access the file. The request did not contain a value for the User ID security parameter and the startup job for the NetView FTP partition did not contain an ID statement. NetView FTP tried to access the file using no authorization. It was not authorized to access the file.
ERROR DURING RETRIEVAL OF RACF PARAMETERS FOR USER userid; RACROUTE RETURN CODE = racrretcd RACXTR RETURN CODE = racxretcd RACXTR REASON CODE = racxrsncd Explanation: A file-transfer request specified that the server was to automatically retrieve values for access security parameters and insert them into the request. When the server used the router interface to call the RACXTR macro, it encountered an error and failed to retrieve the values.
The user ID, if any, that NetView FTP used to try and access the file. If no user ID was specified in the request and no ID statement was specified in the startup job for the NetView FTP partition, this field is blank. The file ID of the file that NetView FTP used to try to access the file.
User ID of the user whose access security parameters were being retrieved. Return code from the RACROUTE macroinstruction. Return code from the RACXTR macroinstruction. Reason code from the RACXTR macroinstruction.
System Action: Program or transfer ends. User Action: Check that the correct file ID was specified in the request. If so, either specify the correct values for the security parameters or arrange for the NetView FTP partition of the server that is to access the file to be given the necessary authorization.
System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Either correct the RACF error or specify the access security parameters explicitly. Refer to the RACF manual.
SECURITY PARAMETERS REQUIRED BUT NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: The value of the SECPAR parameter in the servers initialization control statements is YES but the request did not contain values for the access security parameters. If the system that issued this message is an MVS system the server at this system tried to retrieve values for the security parameters automatically, but they were not available. If the system that issued this message is a VSE system the server at this system needed access security parameters specified in your file-transfer request. System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: If the system that issued this message is an MVS system you must either specify values for the access security parameters explicitly or have your system administrator define your RACF user ID and password at this system. If the system that issued this message is a VSE system you must specify values for the access security parameters explicitly in your file-transfer request.
REQUEST CONTAINS SECURITY PARAMETERS BUT SERVER IS NOT LINKED TO AN AUTHORIZED LIBRARY Explanation: A request specified access security parameters to be used to create a temporary RACF environment, but the server that processed the request was not linked to an Authorized Program Facility (APF) library. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. User Action: Contact your system administrator.
RACF NOT ACTIVE; RACF PARAMETERS CANNOT BE RETRIEVED Explanation: A file-transfer request specified that the server was to automatically retrieve values for access security parameters and insert them into the request. The server that processed the request failed to retrieve the values because RACF was not active on its system. System Action: If the value of the SECPAR server control statement is YES, the server rejects the request. If the value is NO, the server tries to access the data set using its own authorization. User Action: If the request was rejected, either start RACF or specify the access security parameters explicitly.
DATA SET TYPE ERROR; THE TYPE OF ONE DATA SET WAS USER AND THE OTHER WAS NOT Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: FILE ORGANIZATION ERROR; THE ORGANIZATION OF ONE FILE WAS USER AND THE OTHER WAS NOT Explanation: If the data-set type or file organization of one data set is USER, then the data-set type or file organization of the other must also be USER. System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
CHECKPOINT RECORD NOT PASSED TO USER-WRITTEN FILE HANDLER Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: FILE TRANSFER START FROM BEGINNING OF DATA SET SUPPORTED FOR THE USER-WRITTEN FILE HANDLER Explanation: NetView FTP other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: NetView FTP did not pass a checkpoint record to a user-written file handler that was to resume an interrupted file transfer. This might be because the file-transfer request specified that, in case of an interruption, the file transfer was not to be started from a checkpoint. NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: A server started a new file transfer. System Action: NetView FTP resumes transferring the file from the beginning. User Action: Check that the user-written file handler that wrote the checkpoint record provided the correct checkpoint key data (does not apply to NetView FTP V2.2 MVS).
CHECKPOINT RECORD PASSED TO USER-WRITTEN FILE HANDLER Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: FILE TRANSFER RESTART FROM restart point SUPPORTED FOR USER-WRITTEN FILE HANDLER Explanation: NetView FTP passed a checkpoint record to a user-written file handler so that it could resume an interrupted file transfer. For NetView FTP V2.2 MVS, restart point can be: BEGINNING One of the following occurred: A server restarted an interrupted file transfer. The corresponding request specified that the server was not to restart the file transfer from a checkpoint. A server tried to restart an interrupted file transfer from a checkpoint, but the server could not find a checkpoint record for the file transfer. CHECKPOINT A server restarted an interrupted file transfer using the checkpoint recorded in the checkpoint data set. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
INVALID CHECKPOINT RECORD FOUND FOR FILE TRANSFER WITH USER-WRITTEN FILE HANDLERS Explanation: When a file transfer is interrupted, the receiving server flags the checkpoint record it writes as belonging to a file transfer that uses either user-written file handlers or NetView FTP file handlers. Before restarting such a file transfer from a checkpoint, a server determined that the flag of the checkpoint record it retrieved was pertaining to a user-written file handler. Either the value of the Data-Set Type parameter was changed when the file-transfer request was resubmitted, or the file handler supplied incorrect checkpoint key data with the OPEN function. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
INVALID CHECKPOINT RECORD FOUND FOR TRANSFER WITH NETVIEW FTP FILE HANDLERS Explanation: When a file transfer is interrupted, the receiving server flags the checkpoint record it writes as belonging to a file transfer that uses either user-written file handlers or NetView FTP file handlers. Before restarting such a file transfer from a checkpoint, a server determined that the flag of the checkpoint record it retrieved was pertaining to a user-written file handler. Either the value of the Data-Set Type parameter was changed when the file-transfer request was resubmitted, or the file handler supplied incorrect checkpoint key data with the OPEN function.
System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
The function that NetView FTP called the user-written file handler for: CLOSE GET OPEN POINT PUT.
MESSAGE ISSUED BY USER-WRITTEN FILE HANDLER modulename; MESSAGE = message Explanation: The user-written file handler, with the load module name modulename, passed a message to NetView FTP for printing. If the message is longer than 180 characters, NetView FTP truncates the message and shows the truncation with three asterisks (***) as the last three characters. NetView FTP can print up to ten messages after each call of a user-written file handler. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Check the message from the user-written file handler. DVG169I
System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Contact your system administrator. Check if the user-written file-handler module observes the return code rules. The functions that NetView FTP uses with user-written file handlers and the rules for return codes are described in NetView FTP Customization.
INVALID I/O AREA LENGTH FROM USER-WRITTEN FILE HANDLER modulename Explanation: Upon return from the OPEN function of the user-written file handler with the load module name modulename, the server expects a positive value in the field that designates the length of the I/O area. This enables the server to get storage for this area. The value found was not an allowed value. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Contact your system administrator. Check whether the user-written file handler supplies a correct I/O area length when returning from the OPEN function to NetView FTP (refer to NetView FTP Customization).
RETURN CODE ISSUED BY USER-WRITTEN FILE HANDLER modulename FOR FUNCTION function; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: NetView FTP received an allowed but nonzero return code from the user-written file handler. No message was found in the message area.
modulename function
Name of user-written file handler. The function that NetView FTP called the user-written file handler for: CLOSE GET OPEN POINT PUT.
INVALID RECORD LENGTH FROM USER-WRITTEN FILE HANDLER modulename Explanation: Upon return from the GET function of the user-written file handler, with the load module name modulename, the server expects a positive value in the field that designates the length of the record, so that the server is able to compress and send the record. The value found was not positive, or exceeded the I/O area length. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Contact your system administrator. Check if the user-written file handler supplies a correct record length when returning from the GET function to NetView FTP (refer to NetView FTP Customization).
System Action: Continuation of the file transfer depends on the return code. User Action: Contact your system administrator. The interface functions that NetView FTP uses with user-written file handlers are described in NetView FTP Customization.
INVALID RETURN CODE ISSUED BY USER-WRITTEN FILE HANDLER modulename FOR FUNCTION function; INVALID RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: The user-written file handler can return only specifically defined return codes to NetView FTP. DVG171I
name ddname (MVS) or filename (VSE) that is already in use.
The server uses the ddname (MVS) or the filename (VSE) for dynamic allocation. Possibly, one of these was used in the server startup job (MVS) or in the system or partition standard label area. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Check that the file-transfer request is not in error, for example, ddname is not used in the server startup job. If this does not correct the error, contact your system administrator. The server (MVS) or the NetView FTP partition must be stopped and started again without using the ddname (MVS) or filename (VSE) that NetView FTP uses for dynamic allocation. DVG177I
User Action: If your operating system is VSE/ESA*, start the NetView FTP partition in static partitions only. If your operating system is VSE/SP, solve the problem using the error code and the function routines MODGRPL, LOCGRPL, GETNXGL, CLRGRPL, or GETLBL. If the problem persists, contact your IBM Support Center.
Explanation: Job allocation for tape(s) was requested and NetView FTP found the serial numbers specified. NetView FTP writes the address of the first assigned tape device (normally SYS001) and the volume serial numbers in the sequence in which they were specified in the VOLSER list, to inform the operator about mount requests.
VSE LABEL ACCESS ROUTINE routine FAILED; RETURN CODE = retcd; FILE NAME = filename Explanation: An error occurred while NetView FTP was writing a file label. As NetView FTP VSE uses VSE system routines when writing or reading file labels, this is a VSE system problem.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Mount the correct volume(s) if necessary. Note: If an alternative drive is assigned, NetView FTP cannot determine the device address of this drive. Therefore, you must specify the correct mounting.
Name of the VSE system routine. Can be one of the following: ADDLBL ADDNXL.
retcd filename
Return code (contents of register 15). Name of the file that NetView FTP was writing a label for. DVG180I
System Action: Transfer ends. User Action: If the problem cannot be solved using the error code and the function routines ADDLBL or ADDNXL, contact your IBM Support Center.
NO DATA SET NAME CAN BE CREATED FOR THE RECEIVING DATA SET Explanation: The file-transfer request did not specify a data-set name for the receiving data set. Dynamic allocation is invoked for the receiving location to create a new data set, but a valid name cannot be created, because there is no input available from which NetView FTP can build a data-set name. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. User Action: Specify a valid name for the data set and resubmit the file-transfer request.
VSE LABEL ACCESS ROUTINE routine FAILED; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: An error occurred while NetView FTP was reading a file label. As NetView FTP VSE uses VSE system routines when writing or reading file labels, this is a VSE system problem.
NO DATA SET NAME WAS SPECIFIED FOR THE RECEIVING DATA SET; NETVIEW FTP GENERATED THE DATA SET NAME: dsname Explanation: The file-transfer request did not specify a data-set name for the receiving data set. NetView FTP can build the data set name dsname. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
DYNAMIC ALLOCATION ERROR; ERROR TYPE = type; DATA SET NAME = dsname; RETURN CODE = retcd; INFORMATION REASON CODE = infcode; ERROR REASON CODE = errcode Explanation: An error occurred during dynamic allocation.
DYNAMIC ALLOCATION ERROR; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: An error has occurred during NetView FTPs dynamic allocation process.
One of the following: 01 INCORRECT ACCESS MODE The disk at the receiving system was found to be read-only mode when WRITE access was requested. System Action: Transmission ends. User Action: Check your request to see whether another suitable disk can be used, or contact your system operator to link the disk again with the appropriate access mode. 02 NO UNUSED VIRTUAL ADDRESS AVAILABLE For the linkage of default and specified disks NetView FTP searches for currently unused virtual addresses. It starts the search with address 490 and ends with address FFF. The message is issued when no unused virtual address can be found. System Action: Program ends. User Action: See if some devices can be detached from NetView FTPs virtual machine. 03 NO UNUSED FILEMODE LETTER AVAILABLE For the linking of default and specified disks, NetView FTP searches for currently unused file modes. It starts the search with file mode A and ends with file mode Z. The message is issued if no unused file-mode letter can be found. System Action: Program ends. User Action: See if some devices can be detached from NetView FTPs virtual machine. 04 NO DISK AVAILABLE FOR TRANSMISSION There is no CMS or VSAM disk available for transmission, also no SPECIFIED DISK or DEFAULT DISK. System Action: Transmission ends.
Name of the data set for which a dynamic allocation error occurred. Return code. Information reason code. Error reason code.
System Action: The transfer ends. For a permanent allocation error, NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. For a temporary allocation error, the status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request. User Action: Refer to the description of the dynamic allocation interface return (DAIR) errors that can be found in the online ISPF tutorial. For further information, refer to:
MVS/ESA SPL: Application Development Guide MVS/XA System Macros and Facilities Volume 1.
If it is a temporary error, the specified data set might be currently in use by another address space. If the status of the file-transfer request was changed to waiting, no action is required. If the status of the file-transfer request was changed to finished and you want to transfer the file again, correct the error, and resubmit the new file-transfer request.
CONTENTS OF LABEL PARAMETER LIST contents; FUNCTION REQUESTED = function; CONTENTS OF LABEL BUFFER FOLLOW Explanation: This message is issued if trace class 3 is specified for module DVGEYDL at a VSE location. It is used for diagnostic purposes to trace errors related to dynamic allocation.
contents function
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Contact your IBM Support Center.
User Action: Check your request to see whether another suitable disk can be used, or contact your system operator to link the disk again with the appropriate access mode. 05 06 INVALID CMS FILENAME INVALID ADDRESS The address of the virtual device that was specified does not exist or is not a DASD. System Action: Program or transmission ends. User Action: Check the CMS disk or VSAM disk control statement specification in the initialization control statement file or the xVMLINK statement in the transmission request for correct disk identification. Correct the error and restart NetView FTP or the transmission. 07 WRONG DISK MODE No disk was accessed under the given mode letter. System Action: Program or transmission ends. User Action: Check the CMS disk or VSAM disk control statement specification in the initialization control statement file or the xVMLINK statement in the transmission request, for correct disk identification. Correct the error and restart NetView FTP or the transmission. 08 DCB INFORMATION OF THE SENDING FILE UNUSABLE The logical record length or the block size of the sending file is bigger than the maximum allowed for MVS. To avoid the loss of data, dynamic allocation fails. DVG191I DVG191I
User Action: Check the value in the disposition specification in your file transmission request and resubmit the request. If necessary, erase an existing CMS file.
DISPOSITION ERROR, DATA SET IS ALREADY CATALOGED; DATA SET NAME = dsname Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: INCORRECT END-OF-PROCESSING OPTION, DATA SET IS ALREADY CATALOGED; DATA SET NAME = dsname Explanation: The disposition parameter (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) or the end-of-processing option (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) for a new non-VSAM data set specifies that it should be cataloged when it is created. A test, however, indicated that a data set with this name already exists in the catalog. System Action: Transmission ends. User Action: Do one of the following: For NetView FTP other than V2.2 MVS change the disposition parameter to OLD For NetView FTP V2.2 MVS change the file status option to MUSTEXIST Delete the existing data set. Then resubmit the request.
System Action: Current transfer continues. The file-transfer request that caused the error is rejected. User Action: Wait until the current transfer finishes and then resubmit the file-transfer request.
IDUMP MACRO ISSUED Explanation: The IDUMP macro has been issued. The dump is sent either to the SYSDUMP data set, or to SYSLST, depending on what you specified for the VSE JCL OPTION. System Action: Dump processing continues even if an error occurs during dumping. User Action: None.
DISPOSITION ERROR FOR CMS FILE file-id; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: The disposition parameter has been specified for an output CMS file. When processing according to the parameter value, an error has occurred.
file-id error-code
CMS file identification One of the following: 723 724 Value OLD was specified but the CMS file does not exist. Value NEW was specified but the CMS file exists already.
NETVIEW FTP release; SERVER serverid MAINTASK ABNORMALLY TERMINATED; SYSTEM ABEND CODE = sac; USER ABEND CODE = uac Explanation: The maintask of the server terminated abnormally.
DUMP INFORMATION; ACTION CODE = ac; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: A NetView FTP component entered an ABEND exit routine. This routine issued a system macroinstruction to obtain a dump of selected storage areas. This message gives information about the invocation result.
Release level of transfer program. Server ID of the server. System ABEND code. ABEND code set by the server itself.
Action code: 01 If the transfer program runs under MVS then the SNAP macro was invoked. Otherwise the SDUMP macro was invoked. The dump was obtained because no data set was specified where it could be stored.
System Action: The server stops. All file transfers are interrupted. User Action: For an explanation of the ABEND codes, refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109. If the operator canceled the program, ignore any system dump.
The code returned by the invoked macroinstruction (valid only for Action Code 01).
NETVIEW FTP release; SERVER serverid SUBTASK TERMINATED ABNORMALLY; SYSTEM ABEND CODE = sac; USER ABEND CODE = uac Explanation: The subtask of the server terminated abnormally.
System Action: The transfer program continues its ABEND exit processing. If the Action Code is 01, then a dump is obtained. User Action: For Action Code 01 and a Return Code greater than 0, analyze the problem using one or more of the following:
Release level of transfer program. Server ID of the server. System ABEND code. ABEND code set by the server itself. DVG200I
MVS/ESA Application Development Reference: Services for Assembler Language Programs MVS/XA Macro Instruction Reference VM/ESA Group Control System Reference for 370 VM/XA SP Group Control System Command and Macro Reference VM/SP Group Control System Macro Reference.
PATCH-AREA ENTERED; TRACE ACTIVE Explanation: This message is issued only when a patch-area trace is performed. System Action: Trace output is written. Processing continues. User Action: None. Originating Module: Module identified in the symptom record.
System Action: The subtask ends. If a file transfer was currently being processed by the subtask, the file transfer ends also, and if the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter is: YES, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to waiting. NO, NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. The reaction of the server depends on the reason for the termination. For further details, refer to the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program. User Action: For an explanation of the ABEND codes, refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109. If the operator canceled the program, ignore any system dump.
System Action: Trace output is written. Processing continues. User Action: None.
TRACE OUTPUT FROM USER-EXIT ROUTINE modulename; TRACE WAS TAKEN before|after CALL FOR function; TRACE AREA = USER-DEFINED STORAGE AREA Explanation: To test a user-exit routine, a specified storage area was traced after every call of a user-exit routine function. The user-exit routine must supply the beginning address and the length of the storage area.
modulename retcd
The name of the module that is being exited. Decimal return code passed by this module to the calling module.
System Action: Trace output is written. Processing continues. User Action: None.
modulename Load module name of user-exit routine. before|after Can be one of the following:
BEFORE AFTER The trace is taken before the named function is called. The trace is taken after the named function is called.
TRACE OUTPUT FROM USER-EXIT ROUTINE modulename; TRACE WAS TAKEN before|after CALL FOR function; TRACE AREA = CONTROL BLOCK SERVING AS INTERFACE BETWEEN NETVIEW FTP AND USER-EXIT ROUTINE Explanation: To test a user-exit routine, the main interface between NetView FTP and the user-exit routine was traced before and after every call of a user-exit routine function.
NetView FTP functions: CLOSE (user-written file handler) GET (user-written file handler) OPEN (user-written file handler) POINT (user-written file handler) PUT (user-written file handler) P (for pre-transfer exit routine) C (for post-transfer exit routine) POSTCONV (for post-conversation exit routine). These function calls and the user-exit routines are described in NetView FTP Customization. System Action: Produces trace output. User Action: None.
modulename Load module name of user-exit routine. before|after Can be one of the following:
BEFORE AFTER The trace is taken before the named function is called. The trace is taken after the named function is called.
NetView FTP functions: CLOSE (user-written file handler) GET (user-written file handler) OPEN (user-written file handler) POINT (user-written file handler) PUT (user-written file handler) P (for pre-transfer exit routine) C (for post-transfer exit routine) POSTCONV (for post-conversation exit routine). These function calls and the user-exit routines are described in NetView FTP Customization. System Action: Produces trace output. User Action: None. DVG223I REQUEST ORIGINATOR = orig; REQUEST RECEIVED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; SERVER CLASS = class Explanation: This message gives information about the user ID of the originator of a request.
orig yy/mm/dd
Originator of this file-transfer request. Date that the file-transfer request was received: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. Time that the file-transfer request was received: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. Server class as found in the file-transfer request.
INFORMATION FOR LOCAL SYSTEM; LU NAME = luname Explanation: This message is the header of the statistics messages and information related to the local server.
TRANSFER PARAMETERS; LOGICAL UNIT TYPE = lutype; TRANSFER MODE = mode Explanation: This message lists the transfer parameters that are in effect for this server.
Logical unit type: P S Responding server initiated file transfer (it was the primary LU). Responding server accepted a remotely-initiated file transfer (it was the secondary LU).
INFORMATION FOR REMOTE SYSTEM; LU NAME = luname; SERVER GROUP = name NETVIEW FTP NAME = ftpname Explanation: This message is the header of the statistics messages and information related to the remote server.
Transfer mode: S R Server sent a file to a remote location. Server received a file from a remote location.
LU name of remote server. The value of the server group, if any. Name of the NFTPNAME queue handler initialization parameter (MVS, VM) or partition initialization parameter (VSE). DVG233I
RECORD FORMAT = recfm; BLOCK SIZE = blk; LOGICAL RECORD LENGTH = lrecl Explanation: This message lists the DCB parameters of a physical sequential or partitioned organized data set. For the sending server, they are derived directly from the DCB of the data set. For the receiving server, they contain the values specified in the file-transfer request.
OPERATOR STOPPED SERVER; FILE TRANSFER INTERRUPTED Explanation: The operator stopped a server. A file transfer that was in progress was interrupted. System Action: The transfer ends. The receiving server writes a checkpoint record. The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request: If the value is YES, NetView FTP gives the request the status waiting; the request is reprocessed later. If the value is NO, NetView FTP gives the request the status finished; the request is not reprocessed later. User Action: Ask the operator if there are servers started that process requests of the class of your request. If not, ask the operator to start such a server. No further action is required if the status of the file-transfer request is waiting. If the status of the file-transfer request is finished, and you still want to transfer the file, correct the error, and add a new file-transfer request to the request queue. DVG234I
Record format: U V F FB VB VS VBS Undefined Variable Fixed Fixed-blocked Variable-blocked Variable-spanned Variable-blocked-spanned.
blk lrecl
Physical block size. Logical record length (blank if the record format is undefined or variable).
EMPTY DATA SET TRANSFERRED Explanation: No records were transferred, but the file transfer ended normally. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Check that the correct data set was specified in the file-transfer request.
NUMBER OF RECORDS TRANSMITTED = recno Explanation: This message is for information only, to indicate that the file transfer has ended. If the file transfer was interrupted, the sending location usually shows a higher number than the receiving location. This discrepancy came about because some records were lost due to the error.
USER CATALOG ID = ucatid Explanation: This message is issued if, for a VSAM data set, a user catalog is dynamically allocated.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None. VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER no = volser Explanation: This message is issued if the file transfer involved one of the following: A physical sequential data set A partitioned organized data set A VSAM data set. The first volume serial number is retrieved by NetView FTP after the file is opened. The remaining volume serial numbers, if any, are taken from the file-transfer request.
DATA SET INFORMATION: DATA SET NAME = dsname; DD NAME = ddname; DATA SET TYPE = dst; DYNAMIC ALLOCATION REQUESTED = x; PDS MEMBER NAME = pdsmnam Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: DATA SET INFORMATION: DATA SET NAME = dsname; DD NAME = ddname; FILE ORGANIZATION = dst; DYNAMIC ALLOCATION REQUESTED = x; PDS MEMBER NAME = pdsmnam Explanation: This message shows some of the main data set parameters.
no volser
dsname ddname
Data-set name. Symbolic name of the DD statement name, either as used by NetView FTP (local server) or as specified in the file-transfer request (remote server). One of the following: VSAM PS PO UNLAB (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) LAB (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS)
EXPIRATION DATE = date Explanation: This message is issued for a dynamically-allocated physical sequential data set or a partitioned organized data set.
Expiration date or retention period specified in a request. If it is in the form yyddd then it is the expiry date. If it is in the form dddd then it is the retention period.
x pdsmnam
Y(ES-dynamic allocation used) or N(O-job allocation used). Single PDS member name; only shown if the name of a single member is specified in the file-transfer request.
UNIT = unit Explanation: This message is issued for a dynamically allocated physical sequential or partitioned organized data set.
Device type, specified in the file-transfer request, of the unit on which the data set resides.
VSAM KSDS OPTION = option Explanation: This message gives information concerning the KSDS processing options for a VSAM key-sequenced data set (KSDS). If this message is issued by the remote server, the KSDS option is shown without checking to see if the data set at the remote location is really a KSDS.
VM DISK IDENTIFICATION = diskid, diskaddress Explanation: This is the identification of the VM disk used at the VM system from which NetView FTP issued this message. The values are taken from the file-transfer request.
The following KSDS options are valid: MERGE ADDBEG ADDKEY REPKEY DELKEY.
diskaddress Disk address, as defined in the directory of the disk user ID.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
REQUEST AVAILABLE FOR restart type TRANSFER RESTART Explanation: The server issues this message when a file transfer is interrupted. The restart type can be one of the following: AUTOMATIC The request is rescheduled and will be automatically restarted. This is only possible if a temporary error occurred and the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter specified in the request is YES. MANUAL The request can be manually restarted. This is possible if an error occurred that requires manual intervention or if the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter specified in the request is NO.
DATA SET IS ALLOCATED WITH DISPOSITION disp Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: DATA SET IS ALLOCATED WITH FILE STATUS OPTION statopt, FILE ACCESS OPTION accopt, AND END OF PROCESSING OPTION OK eopok, NOT OK eopno Explanation: NetView FTP issues this message when it dynamically allocates a data set.
The value of the Disposition parameter that the server used to allocate the data set. The value of the File Status Option that the server used to allocate the data set. The value of the File Access Option that the server used to allocate the data set. The end-of-processing option after a file was transferred successfully. The end-of-processing option after a file was not transferred successfully.
System Action: The transfer ends. If the file-transfer request is available for automatic transfer restart, NetView FTP gives the file-transfer request the status waiting. It is available for rescheduling. If the file-transfer request is available for manual transfer restart, NetView FTP gives the file-transfer request the status finished. User Action: For automatic transfer restart, none. For manual transfer restart, check the cause for the interruption, correct the error, and submit a restart request for the file transfer.
SECURITY PARAMETERS; USER ID = parm1; GROUP ID = parm3 Explanation: The message is issued when at least one value was specified for the access security parameters.
FILE SEQUENCE NUMBER = fsno Explanation: This message is issued if the file transfer involved a file on a tape device.
File sequence number. Identifies the relative position of a file on a tape device.
parm1 parm3
First access security parameter value (user ID). Third access security parameter value (group ID).
The second value, parm2, is not shown because it can be a password. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
NUMBER OF BYTES TRANSMITTED = bytes Explanation: This message tells you the number of bytes that were transmitted in an initial transfer. For data-set type PO, this number includes bytes containing directory information and NetView FTP control information. If the file transfer is interrupted, the sending transfer program usually indicates a higher number than the receiving transfer program. This is because data was lost due to the error causing the interruption.
MODULE DVGCCMDn NOT FOUND Explanation: One of the NetView FTP components tried to load a message definition module, but it was not available.
Identifier for the message module, the first letter of the specified language.
System Action: The NetView FTP component terminates. User Action: Create the required message module, or specify the correct language parameter for the failing component. For further details, refer to the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program.
TRANSFER STARTED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; TRANSFER ENDED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; Explanation: This message is issued when a transfer ends. It tells you when the transfer started at the sending system and when the transfer ended at the local system. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
SERVER TERMINATION REQUESTED DUE TO EXPIRED TERMINATION TIME Explanation: A servers termination time has expired. System Action: The server waits for the completion of all currently running file transfers. When all transfers are completed, the server stops. No new file-transfer requests are processed. User Action: None.
NUMBER OF BYTES TRANSMITTED SINCE LAST CHECKPOINT = bytes Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: NUMBER OF BYTES TRANSMITTED SINCE LAST RESTART = bytes Explanation: This message is issued when a transfer is restarted. It tells you the number of bytes that were transmitted since the last restart. For data-set type PO, this number includes bytes containing directory information and NetView FTP control information. The server can restart an interrupted file transfer from a checkpoint recorded in the checkpoint file. If the file transfer is interrupted, the sending transfer program usually indicates a higher number than the receiving transfer program. This is because data was lost due to the error causing the interruption.
SERVER TERMINATION REQUESTED BY QUEUE HANDLER; TERMINATION TYPE = ttype Explanation: The queue handler requests that the server terminates. Usually this is a result of an operator command to stop a server or the queue handler.
System Action: If delayed termination was requested the server waits for the completion of all currently running file transfers. When all transfers are completed, the server stops. No new file-transfer requests are processed. If immediate termination was requested, the server interrupts all transfers and terminates immediately. User Action: None.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None. SERVER CANNOT ATTACH SUBTASK; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: The server tried to attach one of its local or remote request handlers via the ATTACH macroinstruction, but failed.
System Action: The server waits for the completion of all currently running file transfers. When all transfers are completed, the server terminates. User Action: Check the return code from the ATTACH macroinstruction. Refer to:
SERVER TERMINATING DUE TO AN ERROR IN THE QUEUE HANDLER Explanation: An error occurred in the queue handler. The queue handler ordered the server to terminate immediately. System Action: The server interrupts all transfers and terminates immediately. User Action: Save the job log and the queue handler log file. Contact your IBM Support Center.
MVS/ESA Application Development Reference: Services for Assembler Language Programs MVS/XA Supervisor Services and Macros VM/ESA Group Control System Reference for 370 VM/XA SP Group Control System Command and Macro Reference VM/SP Group Control System Macro Reference.
DVG314I SERVER TERMINATING DUE TO A SEVERE ERROR IN A SUBTASK Explanation: An error occurred in the local- or remote-request handler of a server. System Action: The server waits for the completion of all currently running file transfers. When all transfers are completed, the server terminates. User Action: Check the job log and the server log file for messages that help you analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the server. DVG318I
SERVER TERMINATING DUE TO AN ERROR IN MESSAGE HANDLING Explanation: An error occurred in the message handling of a server. Probably an I/O error occurred while the server was writing messages. System Action: The server waits for the completion of all currently running file transfers. When all transfers are completed, the server terminates. User Action: Check the job log and the server log file for messages that help you analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the server.
SERVER TERMINATING DUE TO AN ACF/VTAM COMMUNICATION ERROR Explanation: An error occurred when a server tried to communicate with ACF/VTAM. Possibly, a logical unit was deactivated or ACF/VTAM terminated. System Action: The server waits for the completion of all currently running file transfers. When all transfers are completed, the server terminates. User Action: Solve the ACF/VTAM problem. Check the job log and the server log file for messages that help you analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the server.
Explanation: The server with the name servername cannot allocate enough virtual storage to allow it to accept another conversation. System Action: The server that processed the request changes the requests not-before time to the current time plus the servers delay time. The server then puts the request back into the queue and changes the requests status back to waiting. The request is reprocessed later. User Action: None.
SERVER TERMINATING DUE TO A LOGIC ERROR IN A SUBTASK DVG321I Explanation: An error occurred in the local- or remote-request handler. System Action: The server waits for the completion of all currently running file transfers. When all transfers are completed, the server terminates. User Action: Save the job log and the server log file. Contact your IBM Support Center. SINGLE MODE SERVER IS TERMINATING Explanation: A server running in single mode finished transferring a file and is now terminating, regardless of whether the file transfer ended successfully or not. System Action: The server terminates. User Action: Check the server return code for single servers. Refer to Figure 2 on page 109.
SPECIFIED NOT-AFTER TIME HAS ALREADY PASSED Explanation: NetView FTP attempted to process a file-transfer request where the specified not-after time had already passed. System Action: No file transfer was performed. The request is regarded as finished. User Action: Add a new request with a later not-before time to the request queue. Note: This message is accompanied by reason code 136 (RSSTIMEX).
ERROR IN QUEUE HANDLER; FILE TRANSFER INTERRUPTED Explanation: An error occurred in the queue handler. All running transfers on all servers are interrupted. All servers are stopped immediately. System Action: The transfer ends. The server takes a checkpoint for each of the file transfers in progress. User Action: Ask the operator to restart the queue handler and the servers when the problem is solved.
DVG330I DVG327I FILE TRANSFER INTERRUPTED BY USER Explanation: A user of one of the user interface routines issued a DELETE queue handler command while the file-transfer request was active. System Action: The file transfer ends. The server takes a checkpoint, so, if there is a manual restart, the interrupted file transfer can be resumed from the checkpoint. If the transfer program is not NetView FTP V2.2 MVS, the file-transfer request is deleted from the request queue. User Action: None.
XMIT COMMAND CARRIED OUT FOR USER userid; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: A server sent the file-transfer report to the user specified in the file-transfer request.
userid error-code
User ID. One of the following: 0 20 22 24 28 32 36 38 Report file could be sent. Dynamic allocation of SYSOUT file failed. OPEN error on SYSOUT file. OPEN error on input file. I/O error on input file. I/O error on SYSOUT file. CLOSE error on SYSOUT file. CLOSE error on input file.
ERROR IN SERVER MAINTASK; FILE TRANSFER INTERRUPTED Explanation: An error occurred in a server maintask. All running transfers on the server are interrupted, and the server is terminated. System Action: The file transfer ends. The server takes a checkpoint. The status that NetView FTP gives the request depends on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter for that request. User Action: If the status of the file-transfer request is: Waiting, ask the operator if there is a server started that processes the class of the request that was interrupted. If not, ask the operator to start one. Finished, and you want the file transfer to be reestablished, ask the operator if there is a server started that processes the class of the interrupted request. If not, ask the operator to start one. After one is started, resubmit the request. Finished, and you do not want the file transfer to be reestablished, no action is required.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: If the return code is zero, then no action is required. If the return code is not zero, check the respective file.
ERROR DURING ATTACH OF TSO COMMAND cmd; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: An error occurred during the processing of the ATTACH macroinstruction for the TSO commands XMIT or SEND.
cmd retcd
The user specified in the request cannot be notified. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Analyze the problem using the return code description in:
MVS/ESA Application Development Reference: Services for Assembler Language Programs MVS/XA Supervisor Services and Macros.
Correct the error for subsequent runs.
User Action: Check the job log or the server log file for messages that might help you analyze the problem. This error might be the result of a previous error. If this is the only error, the file transfer was successful. Refer to the description of the dynamic allocation interface return (DAIR) errors, which can be found in the online ISPF tutorial. For further information, refer to:
ERROR FROM macname MACRO; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: An error occurred during processing of one of the following macros:
retcd macname
The hexadecimal return code, passed to register 15 by the macroinstruction. OBTAIN, DEVTYPE, TRKCALC macro, or LOCATE-C Locate of VSAM Cluster failed LOCATE-D Retrieve of Data part parameters failed (expiration date format YYDDD) LOCATED2 Retrieve of Data part parameters failed (expiration date format YYYYDDD) LOCATEDV Retrieve of Data Volume parameters failed LOCATE-I Retrieve of Index part parameters failed LOCATEIV Retrieve of Index Volume parameters failed DVG334I
MVS/ESA SPL: Application Development Guide MVS/XA System Macros and Facilities Volume 1.
SERVER ON THIS NODE HAS INSUFFICIENT FTP LEVEL; REQUIRED FTP LEVEL = ftplevel Explanation: The file-transfer request for this server contains parameters that are valid only for a higher version or release of NetView FTP.
The FTP level of the remote server: 4 FTP Version 2.2 with one of the following compatibility PTFs: For communication with FTP V2.2 and NetView FTP V1 MVS only: FTP V2.2 MVS, UL29109 FTP V2.2 VM, UL59949 FTP V2.2 VSE, UL32626. For communication with FTP V2.2 and NetView FTP: FTP V2.2 MVS, UN03941 FTP V2.2 VM, UN02876 FTP V2.2 VSE, UN03942. 5 6 7 NetView FTP Version 1 for MVS without the AFF NetView FTP Version 1 for MVS with the AFF NetView FTP V2 MVS, NetView FTP VM, and NetView FTP VSE.
System Action: Processing continues, but not all characteristics of the sending data set could be retrieved. The receiving data set is allocated using default values for Space and DCB parameters. User Action: Analyze the problem using the system administration reference for your operating system.
DEALLOCATION ERROR; DATA SET NAME = dsname; RETURN CODE = retcd; INFORMATION REASON CODE = irsncd; ERROR REASON CODE = ersncd Explanation: An error occurred when the server tried to deallocate a previously allocated data set.
System Action: The transfer ends. NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: After you have corrected the errors, resubmit the file-transfer request.
Name of the data set. Return code. Information reason code. Error reason code.
System Action: The transfer ends. NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. The server stops after all file transfers in progress, if any, have ended.
08 DVG336I REMOTE TRANSFER PROGRAM HAS INSUFFICIENT FTP LEVEL; FTP LEVEL CODE = code; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: During request checking, it was detected that the transfer program on the remote location could not perform all the functions requested.
Specifying a 4-digit External/Internal Disk Address is not supported by the remote transfer program. Data encryption is not supported by the remote transfer program. Remote checking of the request parameters is not supported by the remote transfer program. Transferring VSAM linear data sets is not supported by the remote transfer program. SMS parameters are not supported by the remote transfer program. APPC parameters are not supported by the remote transfer program. OS/400 parameters are not supported by the remote transfer program. Post-Transfer Job Submission parameters are not supported by the remote transfer program. Post-Transfer Program Call parameters are not supported by the remote transfer program. Internal address and filemode specification is only valid for FTP V2.2 for VM. DISP=REG is not valid for FTP V2.2 for VM.
09 10
Version of transfer program at the remote location, as identified in the server group table, or as the remote server identifies itself at transfer initialization time. The codes for the FTP levels are: 31C FTP level 4, V2.2 with one of the following compatibility PTFs: For communication with FTP V2.2 and NetView FTP V1 MVS only: FTP V2.2 MVS, UL29109 FTP V2.2 VM, UL59949 FTP V2.2 VSE, UL32626. For communication with FTP V2.2 and NetView FTP: FTP V2.2 MVS, UN03941 FTP V2.2 VM, UN02876 FTP V2.2 VSE, UN03942. 11B 11A FTP level 5 (NetView FTP V1 MVS) FTP level 6 (NetView FTP V1 MVS AFF)
Up to eight of the following: 01 Omitting receiving data-set name and receiving ddname is not supported by the remote transfer program. Specifying space parameters for the receiving data set is not supported by the remote transfer program. The PO data-set type is not supported by the remote transfer program. The VSAM data-set type with NEW disposition is not supported by the remote transfer program. VS and VBS record formats are not supported by the remote transfer program. Transmission of a GDG data set with relative generation number specified is not supported by the remote transfer program. Specifying SFS directory access parameters is not supported by the remote transfer program. DVG337I
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request. Note: A wrong value in the server group table can cause this message to be issued. If you suspect this is the case, contact your system administrator.
DIRECTORY INFORMATION WILL NOT BE TRANSMITTED DUE TO INSUFFICIENT FTP LEVEL OF TRANSFER PROGRAM AT THE REMOTE SYSTEM Explanation: A single PDS member was specified in a list. During request checking, it is detected that the remote transfer program cannot use BPAM/BSAM buffers for file handling, so it uses QSAM. This results in no directory information being transferred to the partner. System Action: NetView FTP transfers the affected member without any directory information.
User Action: If the directory information is either not available or not required, no action is necessary. If vital directory information is missing, the transmitted member might be unusable at the receiving location.
SPACE PARAMETERS; NUMBER OF DIRECTORY BLOCKS = nnn Explanation: This message is issued at the end of the file transfer if space parameters were specified in the file-transfer request for the receiving data set and, if the receiving data set is a PDS.
FILE-TRANSFER COMPLETION MESSAGE SENT TO USER userid Explanation: A server sent the file-transfer completion message to the user specified in the file-transfer request.
User ID of the originator of the request. DVG350I INFORMATION ABOUT KEY IS MISSING; UNABLE TO DEFINE CLUSTER Explanation: A server attempted to define a KSDS cluster, but the request did not specify the key length and offset. This situation only occurs if the sending data set is not a VSAM KSDS cluster, and the request did not specify key length and key offset, or if the sending FTP V2 did not specify these parameters. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: Provide key length and key offset when resubmitting this request.
SPACE PARAMETERS; SPACE UNITS = units; PRIMARY SPACE QUANTITY = nnn; SECONDARY SPACE QUANTITY = mmm Explanation: This message is issued at the end of the file transfer if space parameters were specified in the file-transfer request for the receiving data set.
One of the following: BLK TRK CYL REC Blocks Tracks Cylinders Records. DVG351I
CLUSTER DEFINED Explanation: The receiving VSAM cluster was defined successfully. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
nnn mmm
Primary space quantity of space units. Secondary space quantity of space units.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None. DVG352I DVG347I SPACE PARAMETERS; AVERAGE LENGTH = nnn Explanation: This message is issued at the end of the file transfer if space parameters were specified in the file-transfer request for the receiving data set, and if the space units are blocks.
CLUSTER DEFINED BUT MINOR PROBLEMS OCCURRED Explanation: The receiving VSAM cluster was defined, but AMS issued warning messages. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Check the log file for DVG357I messages that contain information about the parameters used to define the cluster, and the messages issued by AMS.
Average length.
If space units are specified as blocks, the value is interpreted as block length. If space units are specified as records, the value is interpreted as a record length. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
CLUSTER COULD NOT BE DEFINED Explanation: The receiving VSAM cluster could not be defined. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: Check the log file for DVG357I messages that contain information about the parameters used to define the cluster, and the messages issued by AMS. If DFP Version 3.1 or older is installed, you may receive the message IDC3226I. If this occurs, specify the space units to be cylinders or tracks. Earlier versions do not support space units to be records for a linear data set.
CLUSTER DELETED Explanation: NetView FTP could not allocate the receiving VSAM cluster it just defined, so it deletes it. Probably, there was a catalog specified for cluster definition that is either not allocated to the job, or is inaccessible because of system defaults. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: The cluster should be defined in another catalog. Check the log file for DVG357I messages that contain information about the parameters used to define the cluster, and the messages issued by AMS.
User Action: If a problem occurs during cluster definition, use the information in the message to solve the problem. Several DVG357I messages are issued, which list the control statements passed to AMS, and thereby give the information about the way the cluster was defined.
Identifies the type of compression used, if any. Can be one of the following: NONE SNA ADAPT No compression used. SNA-type compression with number compaction used. Adaptive data compression used.
CLUSTER DELETED BUT MINOR PROBLEMS OCCURRED Explanation: NetView FTP could not allocate the receiving VSAM cluster it just defined, so it deletes it. AMS issued warning messages. Probably, there was a catalog specified for cluster definition that is either not allocated to the job, or is inaccessible because of the system defaults. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: The cluster should be defined in another catalog. Check the log file for DVG357I messages that contain information about the parameters used to delete the cluster, and the messages issued by AMS. DVG360I
Number of uncompressed data bytes transferred divided by the time between the start and the end of the file-data transfer (in seconds). If the file transfer is interrupted, the start time becomes that time from when the transfer is restarted. Number of compressed data bytes divided by the number of decompressed data bytes, multiplied by 100.
CLUSTER COULD NOT BE DELETED Explanation: The receiving VSAM cluster could not be deleted. Probably, there was a catalog specified for cluster definition that is either not allocated to the job, or is inaccessible due to system defaults. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: The cluster should be defined in another catalog. Check the log file for DVG357I messages that contain information about the parameters used to delete the cluster, and the messages issued by AMS. Check the cluster definition and cluster deletion messages. If a cluster was defined and still exists, delete it manually, if appropriate.
dsname ddname
Data-set name. For the requesting server, the ddname it used to allocate the data set. For the responding server, the ddname specified in the file-transfer request. Data-set type: VSAM PS PO UNLAB (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) LAB (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) USER.
Explanation: The message is output from AMS and forwarded to the log file.
Label type of the tape (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) SL NL Labeled tape Unlabeled tape. DVG363I
DATA SET INFORMATION; DATA SET NAME = name; DATA SET TYPE = type Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: DATA SET INFORMATION; DATA SET NAME = name; FILE ORGANIZATION = type LABEL TYPE = lab-type Explanation: This message gives information about a data set being sent or received.
DATA SET INFORMATION; DATA SET NAME = name; DATA SET TYPE = type; PDS MEMBER NAME = member-name Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: DATA SET INFORMATION; DATA SET NAME = name; FILE ORGANIZATION = type; LABEL TYPE = lab-type; PDS MEMBER NAME = member-name Explanation: This message gives information about a data set being sent or received.
name type
Name of the data set. Type of the data set. Valid types are: VSAM PS PO LAB (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) UNLAB (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) USER.
name type
Name of the data set. Type of the data set. Valid types are: VSAM PS PO LAB (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) UNLAB (other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) USER.
Label type of the tape (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) SL NL Labeled tape Unlabeled tape.
CHECKPOINTING INTERVAL = mmm unit Explanation: This message tells you the current value for the checkpoint interval.
Label type of the tape (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) SL NL Labeled tape Unlabeled tape.
mmm unit
Either number of RUs or time interval between checkpoints. Unit in which checkpointing interval is measured; can be one of the following: SEC RU KB Number of seconds Number of RUs Number of kilobytes.
CURRENTLY ONLY number MEMBERS CAN BE option Explanation: Not enough space is available to store the complete member selection or exclusion list. The problem might be: Temporary, because it is due to a temporary CSA shortage Permanent, because it is due to a redefinition of the request queue or of the amount of CSA available to NetView FTP.
Can be one of the following: SELECTED A member selection list is specified. EXCLUDED A member exclusion list is specified. System Action: NetView FTP rejects the request. User Action: Query your request. If the status is deferred (D) then try again later. If the status is blocked (B) then contact your system administrator. DVG369I
A member that was specified more than once in a member selection or exclusion list. One of the following: 01 Duplicate name specified for one of the following: A single member A member to be sent, specified in a member selection list. 02 Duplicate new name specified for a member to be received, specified in a member selection list. Duplicate name specified for a member specified in a member exclusion list.
INVALID MEMBER NAME member FOUND; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: One of the PDS member names specified in the file-transfer request does not follow the naming conventions for PDS members.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
member error-code
Member that does not follow the naming conventions for PDS members. One of the following: 01 Incorrect name specified for one of the following: A single member A member to be sent, specified in a member selection list. 02 Incorrect new name specified for a member to be received, specified in a member selection list. Incorrect name specified for a member specified in a member exclusion list. DVG370I
MEMBER member1 STOWED AS member2 IN RECEIVING PDS Explanation: A member of the sending PDS was successfully stowed in the receiving PDS.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
member1 The name of the member in the sending PDS. member2 The name under which the member is to be stowed in the receiving PDS.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
Both PDSs have variable record format and the receiving PDS has a record length smaller than the sending PDS. Both PDSs have undefined record format and the receiving PDS has a physical block size smaller than the sending PDS. Reblocking and TTR translation is required. Data-set organization of the receiving data set is different from DSORG specified in the request. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: None.
MEMBER member NOT TRANSFERRED TO THE RECEIVING PDS Explanation: Because of the PDS option specified in the file-transfer request, a member of the sending PDS was not transferred to the receiving PDS. The reason for this message depends on the PDS option specified: Option Reason PDS member member would have been sent to the receiving PDS, and inserted there, with the same name or with the new name specified in the request, but the corresponding member already existed. PDS member member should have been sent to the receiving PDS to update an existing member. However, the corresponding member was not found in the receiving PDS.
RESTART ERROR; MEMBER member NOT FOUND Explanation: NetView FTP tried to restart an interrupted transfer from a checkpoint. The checkpoint record specified that the transfer should be restarted with the member member. The specific member cannot be found in the sending PDS. System Action: The file transfer is restarted from the beginning. User Action: None.
EMPTY RECEIVING DATA SET ALLOCATED DVG378I Explanation: A receiving data set, containing no members, was allocated. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: If this is what you want, no further action is required. If not, correct the error and resubmit the request. RESTART ERROR; MEMBER member INCOMPLETE Explanation: NetView FTP tried to restart the interrupted file transfer from a checkpoint. The server retrieved, from the checkpoint data set, the number of the record with which it was to continue the file transfer. While searching through the member for that record, end of member (EOM) was reached and the record was never found. This situation can occur if: The member to be restarted with has fewer records than have already been transferred. The member to be sent was changed before restart. The number of records in the temporary member at the receiving side (restart depository) has fewer records than already transferred. The temporary member was changed before the file transfer was restarted. In this situation, message DVG236I in the sending and receiving log files can indicate a different number of transferred records. System Action: The transfer ends.
SPANNED RECORDS NOT SUPPORTED Explanation: NetView FTP cannot transfer a PDS with spanned records. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: None.
PDS IS UNMOVABLE Explanation: NetView FTP cannot transfer a PDS that is marked as unmovable. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: None.
SENDING AND RECEIVING DATA SET ATTRIBUTES ARE INCOMPATIBLE Explanation: NetView FTP cannot transfer a PDS if one of the following is true: Record format is not the same for the sending and receiving PDS. Both PDSs have fixed record format and the receiving PDS has a record length different from the sending PDS.
User Action: Change the value of the Restart from Checkpoint parameter to NO and resubmit the file-transfer request. Note: If the file-transfer request is resubmitted with the restarting from checkpoint option a second time, the restart takes place from the beginning of the modified member. All previously transferred members remain unchanged in the receiving PDS.
AT LEAST ONE TTR COULD NOT BE TRANSLATED FOR MEMBER member Explanation: At least one TTR in member member does not correspond to a block of this member. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Check whether the member received is usable.
User Action: Check whether you can browse and edit the member, and that the content of the member is correct. If the member is a load module, try it if it is still executable. If it is OK, ignore this message.
MORE THAN ONE NOTELIST TTR FOUND FOR MEMBER member Explanation: More than one TTR that points to a note list was found in a PDS directory entry. A TTRX field in the user data part of the directory is treated as a note list TTR, if the X field is not X'00'.
SELECTED MEMBER member NOT FOUND IN SENDING PDS Explanation: A PDS member was selected that cannot be found in the sending PDS. Possibly, you specified the wrong member name or the member may have been deleted. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: Make sure the member exists in the PDS and the name you specify is correct. Resubmit the request.
System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the file-transfer request.
SESSION RECOVERY FAILED Explanation: The sending server repositions to the last recently processed member and tries to read the records until the one is found during which the transfer was interrupted. However, end-of-member occurred before this record could be found. This situation can occur if the member to be restarted has fewer records than have already been transferred. The member to be sent was changed before the session recovery was complete. System Action: The file transfer ends. User Action: Change the value of the restart from the checkpoint parameter to NO and resubmit the file-transfer request.
System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: Examine the return and reason codes using one of the following:
MVS/DFP V3: Macro Instructions for non-VSAM Data Sets MVS/XA Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference.
Correct the error, and restart the file transfer. DVG386I
NOTELIST OF MEMBER member CONTAINED FEWER POINTERS THAN INDICATED IN TTR Explanation: The number of pointers indicated in the TTR of a note list was greater than the number of pointers actually contained in that note list. This message indicates an error during BPAM processing of PDSs, which is caused beyond the scope of NetView FTP or indicates a member in error.
FILE TRANSFER RESTARTED WITH MEMBER member Explanation: The file transfer of a PDS is restarted, beginning with member member. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
MESSAGES SUPPRESSED; MESSAGE BUFFER THRESHOLD REACHED Explanation: The message buffer threshold value was reached. All further DVG357I, DVG371I, DVG372I, and DVG842I messages are suppressed. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
THE mode SERVER IS NOT A srvmode MODE SERVER Explanation: The servers running mode does not match the running mode required for this request.
EXCLUDED MEMBER member NOT FOUND IN SENDING PDS Explanation: The PDS member member was in a list of members not to be transferred, but was not found in the sending PDS. Possibly, you specified the wrong member name or the member may have been deleted. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: Make sure the member exists in the PDS. Resubmit the request.
The servers running mode is first checked using the information found in the server group table. If this value matches the required running mode (or if no information can be found), the connection is established. If it is later detected that the servers running mode is not as expected, the transfer ends. This message indicates that there was either incorrect information or no information in the server group table. System Action: NetView FTP rejects the request. User Action: Change either the running mode to agree with the remote server, or the remote LU name or node ID to agree with the running mode. Resubmit the file-transfer request, specifying a server group name (or LU name) that is associated with a server with the correct running mode.
MEMBER member1 AND MEMBER member2 HAVE THE SAME TTR BUT BOTH ARE REAL MEMBERS Explanation: The two PDS members mentioned in this message are real members (not aliases) and have the same TTR. This message indicates an error during BPAM processing of PDS, which is caused beyond the scope of NetView FTP or indicates a PDS in error. System Action: The servers terminate the session before beginning the file transfer. User Action: Check whether you can access members in the PDS. After you have corrected the problem, resubmit the transfer request.
QUEUE HANDLER IS ALREADY ACTIVE Explanation: An attempt was made to start the same queue handler twice but the queue handler is already active. The queue handler represents the entire NetView FTP system, it also keeps the NetView FTP system version, release, and modification level. While two NetView FTPs with a different level can coexist in one system, two NetView FTPs with the same level cannot. You started NetView FTP with the same level twice. System Action: The queue handler stops. User Action: Correct the error as appropriate and restart the queue handler.
INVALID PDS OPTION pds-opt FOR MEMBER member Explanation: An incorrect PDS option was specified for a member. System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. DVG401I
QUEUE HANDLER INITIALIZATION FAILED Explanation: An error occurred during the initialization of the queue handler. Normally, this message is preceded by a message that describes the failure. System Action: The queue handler stops. User Action: Check the job log or the queue handler log-file for messages that might help you analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the queue handler.
pds-opt member
QUEUE HANDLER READY Explanation: The queue handler finished its initialization and is now ready to process queue handler commands. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
NETVIEW FTP release; QUEUE HANDLER MAINTASK TERMINATED ABNORMALLY; SYSTEM ABEND CODE = sac; USER ABEND CODE = uac Explanation: An error occurred in the maintask of the NetView FTP queue handler.
Release level of transfer program. System ABEND code (refer to the messages and codes book for your operating system for details). ABEND code set up by the queue handler.
System Action: The queue handler stops, and normally provides a dump. User Action: See Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109. For further details, refer to the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program. If you think that the problem is not caused by your installation, contact your IBM Support Center.
xxx yyy
Number of servers that have confirmed their termination. Number of servers active before termination began. DVG406I
System Action: The queue handler terminates. User Action: Any servers that have not confirmed their termination might still be active (use the display command to determine the names of any active servers). Normally, these soon terminate by themselves. Cancel any servers that remain in a wait state for an abnormal length of time.
NETVIEW FTP release; QUEUE HANDLER SUBTASK TERMINATED ABNORMALLY; SYSTEM ABEND CODE = sac; USER ABEND CODE = uac Explanation: An error occurred in one of the queue handlers service subtasks.
NETVIEW FTP release; QUEUE HANDLER ENDED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: The queue handler completed its processing. The return code shows if any errors occurred during processing of the queue handler. The return code is not related to a specific queue handler command.
release sac
Release level of transfer program. System ABEND code (refer to the messages and codes book for your operating system for details). ABEND code set up by the queue handler.
System Action: The queue handler stops and, normally, the queue handler notifies the originator of the queue handler command, and provides a dump. User Action: See Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109. For further details, refer to the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program. If you think the problem is not caused by your installation, contact your IBM Support Center.
yy/mm/dd Date that the queue handler stopped: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the queue handler stopped: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. retcd
Queue handler return code.
QUEUE HANDLER TERMINATION IN PROGRESS Explanation: In an MVS or VM system, this message is issued when the operator stops the queue handler. In a VSE system, this message is issued whenever the queue handler stops. The queue handler stops when the NetView FTP partition stops or when there is an error in the request queue. System Action: In an MVS or VM system, processing continues. The queue handler stops all started servers. When all termination processing has finished, the queue handler terminates. In a VSE system, the termination of the NetView FTP partition continues. User Action: None.
NetView FTP initialization is interrupted and terminates. To remedy this do any of the following: Increase the CSA size in the CSA parameter in member IEASYSxx of SYS1.PARMLIB. Other address spaces might also require more CSA. Decrease the limiting factor for the maximum additional CSA storage allowed for one request (CSAELIM Queue Handler Initialization parameter or maximum request-queue record length). When doing this, take the following into consideration: Requests waiting to be processed that require additional CSA storage will be blocked. They are not executed until the storage requirements can be satisfied. Server status information presented following a DISPLAY SERVER subcommand might be truncated.
UNABLE TO ALLOCATE ADDITIONAL CSA STORAGE; REPLY "CONT" OR "TERM" Explanation: During queue handler startup, NetView FTP checks for the availability of additional CSA storage. The maximum additional CSA storage allowed for a request is not available. System Action: NetView FTP waits for the operator response. User Action: Enter one of the following: CONT NetView FTP continues, but does not accept any demand for additional CSA storage. The following requests are treated as shown: Requests requiring the following are rejected: PDS member list processing VSAM cluster definition A user-written file handler VM SFS SMS OS/400 Data encryption APPC security Program call Job submission Additional user-exit routine input. DVG410I
TRANSFER REQUEST QUEUE DOES NOT MATCH THE CURRENT LEVEL OF NETVIEW FTP Explanation: Record 0 of the file-transfer request queue does not contain an identifier that matches the current release of NetView FTP. It is no longer possible to use file-transfer request queues from previous NetView FTP releases. System Action: Queue handler initialization terminates. User Action: Define a file-transfer request queue using the job provided with the product.
NETVIEW FTP release; QUEUE HANDLER STARTED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; MAINTENANCE LEVEL = mlevel Explanation: The queue handler finished its initialization and has started. It must issue the message DVG402I before it can process queue handler commands.
Requests that are waiting to be processed and that require additional CSA storage are blocked. They are not executed until the storage requirements can be satisfied. Information displayed in response to a DISPLAY SERVER subcommand might be truncated.
Release level.
yy/mm/dd Date that the queue handler started: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the queue handler started: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. mlevel
Program maintenance-level information.
REQUEST QUEUE IDENTIFICATION = file id Explanation: The queue handler accessed its request queue.
REQUEST QUEUE WAS DEFINED WITH TOO MANY RECORDS Explanation: The NetView FTP queue handler recognized that the number of records generated for the request queue is too large. A maximum of 100 000 is allowed. System Action: The queue handler stops. User Action: Define a smaller request queue. How to do this is described in the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program.
file id
UNABLE TO ALLOCATE REQUIRED CSA SPACE Explanation: During queue handler initialization, NetView FTP attempted to obtain an area for the FTP MVS shared block (FSB) from CSA subpool 231. The allocation failed due to insufficient contiguous CSA space. System Action: The queue handler stops. User Action: Try the following: Determine whether all the specified FSB slots are required. If not, reduce their number until sufficient space is available. For details about how to do this, refer to the section on the FSBSLOTS queue handler initialization parameter in the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program. Check for CSA fragmentation. Shut down address spaces that use large amounts of CSA. Re-IPL the system.
ERROR DURING REQUEST QUEUE INITIALIZATION; RETRIEVAL OF A REQUEST FROM THE REQUEST QUEUE FAILED; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: The queue handler was unable to retrieve one or more file-transfer requests from the request queue.
One of the following: 01 End-of-file reached, record key exceeds maximum on request queue data set. Record not found on request queue data set. Permanent I/O error on request queue data set.
04 65
INVALID RECORD FOUND IN SERVER GROUP TABLE; RECORD = record Explanation: An incorrect specification was found in a record of the server group table. The syntax of the record in the server group table does not follow the standards described in the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program.
System Action: The queue handler stops. User Action: Check the job log or the queue handler log file for messages that might help you analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the queue handler.
ERROR DURING REQUEST QUEUE INITIALIZATION; DELETION OF AN EXPIRED REQUEST FAILED; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: The queue handler failed while attempting to delete an expired file-transfer request from the request queue.
System Action: The queue handler also checks the remainder of the server group table and then stops. User Action: Correct the server group table and start the queue handler again.
One of the following: 01 End of file reached, record key exceeds maximum on request queue data set. Record not found on request queue data set. Permanent I/O error on request queue data set.
04 65
System Action: The queue handler stops. User Action: Check the job log or the queue handler log file for messages that might help you analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the queue handler. DVG419I REQUEST QUEUE INITIALIZED WITH A MAXIMUM NUMBER OF reqnum REQUESTS Explanation: During initialization of the request queue the queue handler determined that the request number is the highest request number available with the current request queue (also the maximum number of requests that will fit in the queue). System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None. Explanation: The queue handler failed to update a file-transfer request on the request queue. The update is necessary because the status of the file-transfer request is still active.
REQUEST QUEUE WAS DEFINED WITH AN INCORRECT RECORD LENGTH; RECORD LENGTH = lrecl Explanation: The queue handler retrieved the record length of the request queue data set and found it to be inappropriate for storing file-transfer requests. System Action: The queue handler stops. User Action: Check the job used to define the request queue and correct the record length specified for the request queue. For more information on the request queue definition, refer to the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program.
One of the following: 01 End of file reached, record key exceeds maximum on request queue data set. Record not found on request queue data set. Permanent I/O error on request queue data set.
04 65
System Action: The queue handler stops. User Action: Check the job log or the queue handler log file for messages that might help you analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the queue handler. DVG421I DVG418I ERROR DURING REQUEST QUEUE REBUILD; DELETION OF AN EXPIRED REQUEST FAILED; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: Due to an overflow of the request queue, the queue handler started rebuilding the request queue. One or more of the expired file-transfer requests failed to be deleted.
INVALID NETVIEW FTP OPERATOR SUBCOMMAND; COMMAND INPUT = subcommand Explanation: The operator entered an operator command with an incorrect subcommand.
One of the following: 01 End of file reached, record key exceeds maximum on request queue data set. Record not found on request queue data set. Permanent I/O error on request queue data set. DVG423I
System Action: Processing continues. The command is rejected. User Action: If appropriate, issue the operator command with the correct subcommand. For more information about valid subcommands, refer to the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program.
04 65
SERVER serverid COULD NOT BE STOPPED Explanation: The operator tried to stop the server but the server could not be stopped because of one of the following: The specified server was not found in the server group table (MVS, VM) The specified server was not started (VSE) The specified server was not defined using the SRVSUF parameter (VSE).
System Action: The queue handler stops. User Action: Check the job log or the queue handler log file for messages that might help you analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the queue handler.
One of the following: The job name or STC name under which the server was started (MVS) The user ID of the distribution service component virtual machine (VM) The servers suffix (VSE). System Action: Processing continues. The operator command is ignored. User Action: Use the operator command to display the NetView FTP system status. Verify all active NetView FTP components. DVG426I
SERVER serverid COULD NOT BE STOPPED BECAUSE IT WAS NOT STARTED Explanation: The operator issued a command to stop a started server. The queue handler accepted the command but the servers address space was found to be not active.
One of the following: The job name or STC name under which the server was started (MVS) The user ID of the distribution service component virtual machine (VM).
NETVIEW FTP ACCEPTED COMMAND TO START SERVER serverid Explanation: The operator issued a command to start a server. The command was accepted.
DELAY TIME = hhh HOURS Explanation: This message is issued at queue handler startup and indicates how long, in hours, finished requests remain on the queue before they can be deleted during a queue rebuild. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
One of the following: The job name or STC name under which the server was started (MVS) The server prefix plus the server suffix (VSE) The user ID of the distribution service component virtual machine (VM).
System Action: The queue handler internally starts the specified server by invoking a cataloged procedure. User Action: None.
NETVIEW FTP CANNOT START ANY SERVERS Explanation: The operator issued a command to start a server. The command was rejected for one of the following reasons: A STOP command was previously entered and the queue handler is terminating. Operator commands are no longer accepted. The queue handler entered its shutdown sequence due to an irrecoverable error. Operator commands are no longer accepted. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Wait until the queue handler termination sequence finishes, then, start the queue handler again. When the queue handler is ready you can start one or more servers via the operator interface.
SERVER serverid COULD NOT BE STARTED Explanation: The operator issued a command to start a server. The command was performed but the internal start facility returned an error. One of the following occurred: The specified server was already started The specified server is still terminating The specified server was not defined using the SRVSUF parameter (VSE).
One of the following: The job name or STC name under which the server was started (MVS) The user ID of the distribution service component virtual machine (VM) The servers suffix (VSE). DVG430I
SYSTEM STATUS COULD NOT BE DISPLAYED Explanation: The operator issued a command to display the NetView FTP system status, but this is not possible. The command is rejected because a previously entered DISPLAY command has not finished processing. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Wait until the previously issued DISPLAY command finishes.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Use the operator command to display the NetView FTP system status. Check if an address space with the same name already exists.
System Action: The command is not processed.
QUEUE HANDLER TRACE MASK COULD NOT BE CHANGED Explanation: The operator issued a command to change the currently active trace mask, but the queue handler has not completed its initialization. System Action: Processing continues. Command is rejected. User Action: Wait for message DVG402I, which indicates that the initialization of the queue handler is complete.
User Action: Use the DISPLAY command to view the names of started servers. Reenter the command with the name of a started server.
ERROR IN NETVIEW FTP OPERATOR SUBCOMMAND; VALUE FOR PARAMETER parmname IS INCORRECT Explanation: The operator entered a command to modify a request. NetView FTP rejected it for one of the following reasons: The value is not numeric, but must be The value is not in the valid range If the parameter is REQNUM, then the value is not the number of a request on the input queue.
NETVIEW FTP ACCEPTED OPERATOR SUBCOMMAND subcommand Explanation: The operator issued a command, accompanied by the subcommand shown in this message. NetView FTP accepted it. System Action: Processing continues. NetView FTP attempts to carry out the subcommand. User Action: None. DVG436I
NETVIEW FTP ACCEPTED OPERATOR SUBCOMMAND TO STOP system Explanation: The operator issued a subcommand to stop system.
NETVIEW FTP OPERATOR SUBCOMMAND WAS CARRIED OUT SUCCESSFULLY Explanation: The operator entered a command to modify the class or priority of a request. The modification was carried out successfully. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
One of the following: The queue handler (MVS, VM) The NetView FTP partition (VSE).
NetView FTP accepted the command. System Action: All started servers are terminated and all file transfers that are in progress are interrupted. The system stops. No further file-transfer requests are accepted. User Action: None.
REQUEST QUEUE REBUILD COMPLETED AT hh:mm:ss; n REQUESTS WERE DELETED Explanation: The request queue rebuild finished. If the queue handler deleted any file-transfer requests, then new file-transfer request(s) can be added to the request queue.
SERVER serverid CANNOT BE MODIFIED Explanation: The operator entered a server ID or server suffix as part of a command to modify a server. The server was not modified because of one of the following: The specified server has not started. The specified server was not defined using the SRVSUF parameter (VSE).
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: If the number is zero, refer to the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program.
One of the following: The job name or STC name under which the server was started (MVS) The user ID of the distribution service component virtual machine (VM) The servers suffix (VSE).
REQUEST QUEUE REBUILD STARTED AT hh:mm:ss Explanation: The queue handler detected an overflow of the request queue when it attempted to write a file-transfer request to it. It reacted by rebuilding the request queue, trying to delete all file-transfer requests whose status is finished and whose delay time expired. During the rebuild no other queue handler commands that access the request queue are allowed.
SERVER TO BE HELD OR RELEASED IS ALREADY IN THE REQUESTED STATE Explanation: The operator issued a command to hold or release a server but the server was already in the requested state. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
INCORRECT PRIORITY SPECIFIED Explanation: The operator issued a command to change the priority of a specified request, but the specified priority was in error. System Action: The queue handler rejected the command. NetView FTP processing continues. User Action: Issue the command again with a valid priority. The priority must be an integer from 0 to 9.
DELAY TIME SPECIFIED FOR QUEUE REBUILD WAS INCORRECT Explanation: The operator entered a command to rebuild the queue. Its value was rejected. The delay time specified was incorrect. It was specified either with more than 3 digits or with nonnumeric characters. System Action: The queue handler rejected the command. The queue rebuild is not performed. User Action: Issue the command again, with a correctly specified delay time.
INCORRECT CLASS SPECIFIED Explanation: The operator issued a command to change the class of the specified request, but the class parameter specified was not alphanumeric. System Action: Processing continues. The request is unchanged. User Action: Issue the command again with a valid class (0 to 9, A to Z).
SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY Explanation: The operator issued a command to display the NetView FTP system status. System Action: The queue handler collects status information from all active servers. The queue handler writes the NetView FTP system status display to the operators console. The display shows the status of the queue handler and each server that presented its status so far. The time interval to allow all servers to present their status information is 30 seconds. User Action: None. DVG445I NO SERVERS ACTIVE Explanation: The operator issued a command to display the status of all servers. Because no server is started, no server data lines are displayed. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
SERVER serverid CANNOT BE DISPLAYED BECAUSE IT IS NOT STARTED Explanation: The operator issued a command to display the status of the server serverid. A server with that name has not started.
COMPONENT compname COULD NOT BE POSTED Explanation: The queue handler issued a cross memory post to notify another NetView FTP component. The cross memory post failed, because the NetView FTP component stopped.
One of the following: The job name or STC name under which the server was started (MVS) The user ID of the distribution service component virtual machine (VM).
STC name or job name under which the NetView FTP component was started. System Action: Processing continues. If the message is issued when the queue handler is in the process of terminating, the termination process can take longer than normal. User Action: None.
System Action: Display terminates. User Action: Make sure you specify the correct server and reissue the command.
SERVER serverid IS UNABLE TO COLLECT DATA Explanation: The operator issued a command to display the status of the server serverid. The server is active but did not answer the request within a predefined time limit. This can be because of an error situation in the server or because the server is terminating.
orig ISSUED QUEUE HANDLER COMMAND cmd FOR REQUEST NUMBER reqnum AT hh:mm:ss ON yy/mm/dd; RC = retcd; RSN = rsncd
Explanation: This message logs each queue handler command processed by the queue handler.
orig cmd
One of the following: The job name or STC name under which the server was started (MVS) The user ID of the distribution service component virtual machine (VM).
The user ID of the originator of the queue handler command. Queue handler command performed: 01 02 05 06 07 OPEN, issued by a server. CLOSE, issued by a server. OBTAIN, issued by a server. NOTIFY, issued by a server. DELETE FINISHED requests issued by interface routine. GET SESSION VALUES, issued by a server after operator modify. NOTIFY actual record count. ADD a file-transfer request issued by interface routine. DELETE a specific file-transfer request issued by interface routine. DELETE all file-transfer requests issued by interface routine. Queue REBUILD. Queue CLEANUP. MODIFY class, priority, or status. QUERY a specific file-transfer request issued by interface routine. QUERY all file-transfer requests issued by interface routine. QUERY ADMINISTRATOR function for queue statistics. GETLUNAME, issued by server. GETOPSYS, issued by interface routine. STATUS, issued by a server. START queue handler. INITIALIZE queue handler. TERMINATE queue handler. RESTART a file transfer issued by a interface routine. CHANGE master password. FORCE DELETE of a specific file-transfer request issued by interface routine.
System Action: Display terminates. User Action: Repeat the command later.
08 0A 10 20
disp total
Number of servers about which data could be displayed Number of servers that are currently started.
If disp is less than total, there was not enough common storage to pass information about all servers to the operators console. System Action: Display terminates normally. User Action: If disp is less than total, repeat the command later.
30 32 33 40 50
disp total
If disp is less than total, there was not enough common storage to pass information about all file transfers to the operators console. System Action: Display terminates normally. User Action: If disp is less than total, repeat the command later.
reqnum retcd rsncd
Request number (if applicable, else set to zero). Return code from queue handler command. Reason code from queue handler command.
REQUEST QUEUE OVERFLOW OCCURRED WHILE ADDING A REQUEST TO THE REQUEST QUEUE Explanation: The queue handler tried to add a request to the queue. The queue handler detected that it cannot add the request to the queue because the queue is full. System Action: The queue handler command is rejected. The request is not placed in the queue. The queue handler initiates a rebuild of the request queue. User Action: Delete old request and resubmit the request. For a description of how to avoid request queue overflows, refer to the NetView FTP Installation, Operation, and Administration book that applies to your operating system and transfer program.
hh:mm:ss Time that the queue handler command was issued: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. yy/mm/dd Date that the queue handler command was issued: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day.
For more information about retcd and rsncd see Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
ERROR DURING QUEUE HANDLER INITIALIZATION PARAMETER HANDLING; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: An error occurred when the queue handler processed its initialization parameters.
UNABLE TO DISPLAY ALL AVAILABLE DATA Explanation: Only some of the data retrieved can be displayed following a DISPLAY server command. During queue handler startup, you specified the maximum additional CSA storage allowed. This value is passed to the server during the OPEN phase. When the server presents its detailed status following a DISPLAY SERVER command, the basic plus the additional CSA storage was not enough to hold all the data that was retrieved. There is an information unit for each of the active sessions on this server. System Action: The server presents as much data as it can. User Action: To avoid this situation, do one of the following: Increase the limiting factor that determines the maximum additional CSA obtained (CSAELIM Queue Handler Initialization parameter). Decrease the maximum number of simultaneous sessions for this server (MAXSESS server initialization parameter).
One of the following: 01 02 No parameters found. No value found for the mandatory NFTPNAME parameter. The number of servers to be started exceeds the value of the MAXSRV parameter. The specified number of TSO sessions exceeds the number of available sessions. If ALL is specified for the NVEVENT parameter, no other values can be assigned to this parameter. Duplicate events were specified for the NVEVENT parameter. DVG454I
System Action: The queue handler stops. User Action: Correct the error and start the queue handler again.
UNABLE TO ALLOCATE SUFFICIENT CSA STORAGE FOR REQUEST NUMBER reqnum; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: This message occurs during processing of a file-transfer request. The problem that caused this message to be issued may be temporary. However, if it occurs often, it indicates a possible permanent CSA space problem.
Number of the file-transfer request currently being processed by a queue handler command. On a failing ADD queue handler command or STATUS display, reqnum is zero.
One of the following: 01 10 11 12 Error occurred on an ADD queue handler command. Error occurred on an OBTAIN queue handler command. Error occurred on a STATUS display. Error occurred on a NOTIFY RESTARTABLE queue handler command. Error occurred on a NOTIFY FINISHED queue handler command. DVG456I SERVER servername CANNOT BE STARTED; MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SERVERS REACHED Explanation: You tried to start the server servername but the maximum number of servers are already active. System Action: The server stops. Processing continues. User Action: Stop a started server and restart the failed server, or restart the queue handler with a larger maximum number of servers.
System Action: If the problem occurs on: An ADD queue handler command, the failing file-transfer request is rejected. A STATUS DISPLAY, the displayed information is truncated. An OBTAIN queue handler command, the failing file-transfer request is requeued with the status DEFERRED. Any NOTIFY queue handler command, the file-transfer request is processed. User Action: If the message occurs often, it is possible that the limiting factor to determine the maximum additional CSA size for one request is too high (CSAELIM queue handler initialization parameter or maximum request-queue record length). If this is the case, decrease this value.
DISPLAY OF QUEUE HANDLER AND SERVER INFORMATION Explanation: The operator issued a command to display the information about the queue handler and all active servers. System Action: The queue handler asks all started servers for information. After a short time interval, the queue handler status display is written to the operators console, showing the status of the queue handler and each server that presented its status so far. The time interval to allow all servers to present their status information is 30 seconds. User Action: None. For more information on the queue handler and server, refer to NetView FTP V2 MVS Installation, Operation, and Administration.
DISPLAY OF QUEUE HANDLER INFORMATION Explanation: The operator issued a command to display the status of the queue handler. Detailed queue statistics are shown. For more information refer to the operating section of the NetView FTP V1 MVS or NetView FTP V2 MVS Installation, Operation, and Administration manual. System Action: The data collected by the queue handler is displayed on the operators console. User Action: None.
ENTRY FOR SERVER servername ALREADY IN SERVER TABLE Explanation: A server with the name servername started and asked the queue handler to make an entry in the queue handlers server table, but there is already an entry for a server with that name. This can happen if a server terminated abnormally and was not able to inform the queue handler.
Procedure name of server. DVG459I DISPLAY OF SERVER serverid Explanation: The operator issued a command to display the status of server serverid.
System Action: The server terminates and the queue handler clears the server table entry for that server. User Action: Restart the server. Because the queue handler cleared the entry in the server table, the server startup should proceed normally. If the problem occurs again or if it occurs for the same server, contact your IBM Support Center.
One of the following: The job name or STC name under which the SNA or OSI server was started (MVS) The user ID of the distribution service component virtual machine (VM).
System Action: The queue handler collects status information for the specified server, and writes it to the operators console. User Action: None. For more information on the server, refer to NetView FTP V2 MVS Installation, Operation, and Administration.
System Action: If this error is detected by: DVG460I ERROR DURING SPACE ALLOCATION; ERROR CODE = error-code Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: ERROR DURING SPACE ALLOCATION Explanation: An error occurred when NetView FTP tried to allocate space. The error is permanent and is due to the defined maximum record size of the request queue or limited CSA space (MVS only) available to NetView FTP. The defined limitations were set by the system administrator. NetView FTP other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the command A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Try again later. If the problem persists contact your system administrator. For error code 3, either submit several requests each with fewer members, or try again later.
INCORRECT REQUEST NUMBER SPECIFIED Explanation: The operator issued a command to modify a request. The specified request number was incorrect; there is no request with such a number. Either: The specified request number is out of range The specified request number is unused. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Display the queue handler to see the maximum required number allowed. Reissue the command with the correct number. If necessary use the user interfaces to query and change requests.
Insufficient space is available to store: 01 02 03 04 05 06 User-written file handler parameters. VSAM cluster definition parameters. Member selection or exclusion list. Receiving SFS directory access parameters. Sending SFS directory access parameters. Receiving SFS parameters or sending SFS and VSAM Cluster Definition parameters. SMS (Storage Management Subsystem) parameters. APPC Security parameters. OS/400 parameters. Extended user-exit information parameters. Post-transfer JOB parameters. Post-transfer program parameters. Data Encryption parameters. OSI parameters. DVG463I DVG462I
REQUEST CANNOT BE CHANGED BECAUSE IT IS NOT WAITING Explanation: The operator issued a command to change the status, class or priority of a request. The request is not waiting, so the command is rejected. System Action: Processing continues. The parameter values are unchanged. User Action: None.
07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
INVALID NEW SERVER SESSION PARAMETERS SPECIFIED Explanation: The operator issued a command to change the session parameters of a server, which was rejected. Either the number of local sessions (AVLLRH), the number of remote sessions (AVLRRH), or the total number of sessions (AVLSESS) is larger than the maximum number of available sessions. System Action: Processing continues. The server is unchanged. User Action: Reissue the command with correct values.
For NetView FTP V2.2 MVS, insufficient space is available to store one of the following: User-written file handler parameters VSAM cluster definition parameters Member selection or exclusion list Sending SFS parameters Receiving SFS parameters SMS parameters APPC conversation security parameters Sending OS/400 parameters Receiving OS/400 parameters Sending OS/2* parameters Receiving OS/2 parameters Sending file ID parameter Receiving file ID parameter User-exit information parameters.
ERROR DURING REQUEST QUEUE HANDLING; UPDATE OF A REQUEST FAILED; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: The queue handler failed to update a file-transfer request on the request queue. The update is necessary because the class or priority should be changed.
One of the following: 01 End of file reached, record key exceeds maximum on request queue data set. Record not found in request queue data set. Permanent I/O error in request queue data set. DVG500I QUEUE HANDLER COMMAND cmd ISSUED BY SERVER FAILED; RETURN CODE = retcd; REASON CODE = rsncd Explanation: An error occurred when a server issued a queue handler command.
04 65
The command was one of the following: 01 OPEN, issued by a server to come under the control of the queue handler. CLOSE, issued by a server to leave the control of the queue handler. OBTAIN, issued by a server to get a new file-transfer request for processing. NOTIFY, issued by a server to change the status of a file-transfer request on the request queue. GETSESSPRM, issued by a server to get the new session values. GETLUNAME, issued by a server to get more LU names for a specified server group name. STATUS, issued by a server, to report its status, in response to a DISPLAY command.
System Action: The queue handler stops. The request is not changed. User Action: Check the job log or the queue handler log file for messages that help you analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the queue handler.
05 DVG471I SERVER SESSION VALUES ACCEPTED FOR servername Explanation: The operator-issued command to change the session parameters for the server servername was accepted. System Action: Processing continues. The specified server runs with the new parameters. User Action: None.
SMF WRITING FAILED AT time; SMF RETURN CODE = smfretcd Explanation: The writing of an SMF record failed. For further information refer to MVS/ESA System Management Facilities (SMF) or MVS/XA SMF.
retcd rsncd
Queue handler command return code. Queue handler command reason code.
hh:mm:ss Time that SMF writing failed at: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. smfretcd
SMF return code. Indicates that the record was not written because: 16 20 SMF is not active. The user-written IEFU83 or IEFU84 exit routine suppressed the record. The data was lost. The record type specified is not currently being recorded. A buffer shortage caused the data to be lost. SVC 83 could not establish recovery.
Refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109 for more information about retcd and rsncd. System Action: The server interrupts all active file transfers and terminates immediately. User Action: Use the return and reason code to analyze and fix the problem. If the problem persists, contact your IBM Support Center. If the error occurred during the NOTIFY command, NetView FTP cannot update the status of formerly active requests. To correct this, do the following: 1. Stop the queue handler (MVS, VM) or the NetView FTP partition (VSE). NetView FTP changes the status of all active requests to waiting. 2. Restart the queue handler (MVS, VM) or the NetView FTP partition (VSE). All waiting requests are available for scheduling by servers. If the error occurred during the NOTIFY command and before the receiving server created the receiving data set, it can happen that the file transfer cannot be automatically restarted. This is because, when automatically restarting a transfer, NetView FTP allocates the receiving data set with the disposition MOD, and this allocation can be successful only if the data set already exists. In this situation, you need to submit a new request to transfer the file.
24 36 40 44
System Action: Processing continues. The SMF record is not written. User Action: None.
NO LU NAME FOUND IN SERVER GROUP TABLE FOR servergroup Explanation: No LU name is found in the server group table for the server group specified in the file-transfer request. This situation happens if the queue handler was stopped (after the file-transfer request was added to the request queue) and then started again with a different, a changed, or no server group table. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the file-transfer request to finished. User Action: Restart the queue handler with a different or a changed server group table that contains the entry for the server group specified in the request, or change the server group name in the file-transfer request and resubmit it.
ENCRYPTION LABEL NOT CORRECT Explanation: The Programmed Cryptographic Facility (PCF) does not recognize the encryption label specified. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: Correct the encryption label and resubmit the file-transfer request. Make sure the encryption label is stored in the PCF key data set (CKDS).
DATA ENCRYPTION = encrypt Explanation: This message tells you whether or not the Data Encryption parameter was specified.
One of the following: YES Data encryption was specified. Data encryption was not specified.
PCF IS NOT ACTIVE AT BOTH LOCATIONS Explanation: You specified that data is to be encrypted during file transfer. NetView FTP V2 MVS allows encryption only if the Programmed Cryptographic Facility (PCF) is active at the sending location and at the receiving location. System Action: The transfer ends. User Action: If you want to encrypt data during file transfer, make sure PCF is active at both locations.
ENCRYPTION LABEL CONTENTS INCONSISTENT Explanation: The cross key at the sending location is different from the cross key at the receiving location that has the same label. Because of this, the enciphered data cannot be deciphered. For more details, see OS/VS1 OS/VS2 MVS Programmed Cryptographic Facility: Installation Reference. System Action: The transfer ends.
PCF RETURNED AN ERROR BY COMMAND cmd; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: An error occurred with the Programmed Cryptographic Facility (PCF) during server initialization or during file transfer.
One of the following: GEN_OPKY ENCR_ICV DECR_ICV ENCR_DAT DECR_DAT Generate an operational key. Encipher ICV. Decipher ICV. Encipher data. Decipher data. DVG530I PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword IS NOT PERMITTED FOR AN EXISTING DATA SET Explanation: You specified at least one parameter incorrectly for a file that already exists. Either, the parameter whose keyword is shown in the message, or the data set status specified in the request, is in error.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
DO NOT SPECIFY THE PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword IF NOMAX IS SPECIFIED FOR INITIAL NUMBER OF RECORDS Explanation: You specified NOMAX for the initial number of records for an OS/400 file, and also a value for the parameter whose keyword is shown in the message. However, these values are incompatible.
RESULTS OF ADMINISTRATOR QUERY OF ACTIVE REQUESTS: Explanation: This message is used as the header line for messages issued in response to an administrator query for active requests. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
The batch job interface keyword. DVG539I RESULTS OF ADMINISTRATOR QUERY OF FINISHED REQUESTS: Explanation: This message is used as the header line for messages issued in response to an administrator query for finished requests. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Either, do not specify NOMAX for the initial number of records, or remove the value for the parameter shown in the message, and then resubmit your request.
DVG540I DVG536I NOT ENOUGH STORAGE AVAILABLE TO PROCESS ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: The maximum additional CSA storage allowed for a request is too small to contain all your parameters. This is a restriction of the current definition of your NetView FTP environment.
REQUEST QUEUE STATISTICS: QUEUE HANDLER = qhname; START DATE = date; START TIME = time; QUEUE SIZE = qsize Explanation: This message is issued in response to an administrator query for information about the request queue. The displayed information consists of:
One of the following: 01 02 03 04 User-written file handler parameters. VSAM cluster definition parameters. PDS member list. OSI file-transfer request.
One of the following: The STC name under which the queue handler was started (MVS) User ID of the queue handlers virtual machine (VM).
Date that the queue handler was started. Time that the queue handler was started. Size of the request queue. This value is the sum of the number of waiting, active, and finished requests, and the unused request slots.
System Action: NetView FTP rejects the request. User Action: If the error code is 1 or 2, the queue handler presently cannot accept or pass to servers, requests using these kinds of parameters. If the error code is 3, resubmit your request with fewer selected or excluded PDS members. DVG541I
RESULTS OF ADMINISTRATOR QUERY OF WAITING REQUESTS: Explanation: This message is used as the header line for messages issued in response to an administrator query for waiting requests. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
WAITING = waiting; ACTIVE = active; FINISHED = finished; RESTARTED = restarted; UNUSED = unused Explanation: This message is issued in response to the query administrator-command for information about requests in the queue. The displayed information consists of:
waiting active
Total number of waiting requests in the queue. Total number of active requests in the queue.
Total number of finished requests in the queue.
Status of the request. Can be any of the following: W H B D Waiting Waiting and held Waiting and blocked Waiting and deferred.
restarted Total number of waiting requests in the queue that were previously active and are now to be restarted. unused
Number of free request slots.
priority restart
Request priority. Indicates whether or not the specified request is waiting to be restarted. Can be blank (indicating that the request is not waiting to be restarted) or one of the following: A M Request is waiting for an automatic transfer restart. Request is waiting for a manual transfer restart.
CLASS = class; HELD = state; WAITING = waiting; ACTIVE = active; SERVED = served Explanation: This message contains statistical information for one request class. It is issued in response to the query administrator-command for information about requests, only for server classes that are held by the operator, or if it contains waiting or active requests. The displayed information consists of:
yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss Date and time that the request was entered by the user and added to the queue. svname loclu remlu orig
Name of the server processing the request. (Not applicable to VSE.) Local LU name. Remote LU name or server group name. User ID of the originator of the file-transfer request.
class state
Letter or number of the server class. Whether or not the server class was put on hold by the operator. Can be one of the following: Y N Class is held. Class is not held.
Number of waiting requests in the queue with that class. Number of active requests in the queue with that class. Whether or not a server is started for the class. Can be one of the following: Y N U A server is started. No server is started. Unknown. Explanation: This message contains information for one active request. It is issued in response to an administrator query for active requests. DVG544I REQUEST NUMBER = reqnum; CLASS = class; SUBMITTED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; STARTED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; SERVER NAME = svname; LOCAL LU NAME = loclu; REMOTE LU NAME = remlu; ORIGINATOR = orig
DVG543I REQUEST NUMBER = reqnum; CLASS = class; STATUS = status; PRIORITY = priority; RESTART = restart; SUBMITTED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; SERVER NAME = svname; LOCAL LU NAME = loclu; REMOTE LU NAME = remlu; ORIGINATOR = orig Explanation: This message contains information for one waiting request. It is issued as a result of the query administrator-command for waiting requests.
yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss Date and time that either the request was entered by the user and stored on the queue, or the file transfer for this request started. svname loclu remlu orig
Name of the server processing the request. (Not supported by VSE.) Local LU name. Remote LU name. User ID of the originator of the file-transfer request.
reqnum class
User Action: For further information, see one or more of the following:
REQUEST NUMBER = reqnum; CLASS = class; SUBMITTED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; STARTED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; FINISHED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; RETURN CODE = retcd; REASON CODE = rsncd; RECORDS = records; ORIGINATOR = orig Explanation: This message contains information for one finished request. It is issued in response to an administrator query for finished requests.
OBTAIN or LOCATE. Sending data set from which data-set information should be retrieved. One of the following: 01 02 03 04 05 06 Data-set not cataloged. Required volume not mounted. Data set not found on volume. Permanent I/O error. Data-set type retrieved is not supported by NetView FTP. Data set is migrated to HSM.
reqnum class
yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss Date and time that either the request was entered by the user and stored on the queue, or the file transfer for this request started, or the file transfer for this request was finished. retcd rsncd records orig
Return code from the file transfer. Reason code from the file transfer. Number of transferred records. User ID of the originator of the file-transfer request.
System Action: NetView FTP rejects the request. User Action: The response depends on the error code: 01 02 03 04 05 06 If the data-set name specified is correct, specify a volume serial number. Mount the volume. Specify the correct data-set name or volume serial number. Contact your system administrator. Contact your system administrator. Contact your system administrator.
NAME OF SENDING DATA SET = dsname Explanation: This message contains the name of the sending data set specified in a request. This information was requested additionally for an administrator query for waiting, active, or finished requests. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None. DVG550I
NETVIEW FTP release; BATCH JOB INTERFACE STARTED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; MAINTENANCE LEVEL = mlevel Explanation: The batch job interface routine started.
ERROR OCCURRED DURING function FOR DATA SET dsname; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: An error occurred during an OBTAIN or LOCATE macroinstruction.
yy/mm/dd Date that the batch job interface routine started: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the batch job interface routine started: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. mlevel
Program maintenance-level information.
OBTAIN or LOCATE. Sending data set from which data-set information should be retrieved. Message code from OBTAIN or LOCATE.
REQNUM = reqnum; ST = status; PRTY = priority; RC = retcd; RSN = rsncd; CL = class; ADDED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:; ORIG = orig; REC = trrec; REQNAME = reqname Explanation: This message is issued in response to a user query command.
orig retcd
User ID of the originator of the file-transfer request. The return code from the queue handler command. Refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109 for more information. The reason code from the queue handler command. Refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109 for more information.
reqnum status
The request number of the file-transfer request. The status of the request: W H B D Waiting Waiting and held Waiting and blocked Waiting and deferred DVG553I
The priority of the request. The return code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The reason code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The server class.
PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED Explanation: Some FTP V2.2 parameters are ignored by NetView FTP. They represent obsolete or replaced FTP V2.2 functions.
yy/mm/dd Date that the request was submitted: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm: orig trrec
Time that the request was submitted: hh=hour, mm=minute. The originator of the file-transfer request. The number of records that were transferred on the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. DVG554I
The batch job interface keyword. It can be one of the following: xLU, TIME, xCMSUSER, xCMSFID, RDSN, or RUSIZE.
System Action: The parameter is ignored. Processing continues. User Action: Do not use these parameters in subsequent file-transfer requests.
NETVIEW FTP release; BATCH JOB INTERFACE ENDED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; RETURN CODE = retcd; REASON CODE = rsncd Explanation: This is the completion message of the batch job interface routine.
QUEUE HANDLER COMMAND commandname CARRIED OUT FOR USER orig; RETURN CODE = retcd; REASON CODE = rsncd; TIME = hh:mm:ss; REQUEST NUMBER = reqnum Explanation: This message indicates the completion of a queue handler command that was initiated by the batch job interface routine.
yy/mm/dd Date that the batch job interface routine terminated: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the batch job interface routine terminated: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. retcd rsncd
Return code for queue handler command or file transfer. Reason code for queue handler command or file transfer.
commandname Queue handler command as specified in the FUNCTION parameter of the batch job interface:
Whether the return and reason codes are for a queue handler command or for the file transfer depends on the value of the WAIT parameter and on the outcome of the file transfer: If WAIT=YES; the batch job interface routine adds the file-transfer request to the request queue and then periodically issues a QUERY queue handler command to check the status of the file-transfer request. If a queue handler error occurred before the file transfer ended, the codes are the return and reason code of the QUERY queue handler command. Otherwise the codes are the return and reason code of the file transfer. If WAIT=NO; the codes are the return and reason code of the ADD queue handler command. System Action: The batch job interface routine terminated. User Action: None. VSE SMS parameters SFS parameters OS/400 file parameters OSI file-transfer parameters Post-transfer jobs and post-transfer program parameters VM link parameters Encryption parameters PDS processing parameters OS/2 file parameters Anything other than OS/400 file parameters SMS parameters SFS parameters OS/400 file parameters OSI file-transfer parameters Post-transfer jobs and post-transfer program parameters VM link parameters Encryption parameters PDS processing parameters User-written file handler parameters
OS/400 OS/2
PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword IS NOT VALID FOR THE OPERATING SYSTEM opsys Explanation: The specified parameter is not valid for the noted operating system.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request. DVG557I
VALUE SPECIFIED FOR THE PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword IS INVALID FOR THE OPERATING SYSTEM opsys Explanation: The value is incorrect for the noted operating system.
PARAMETER ERROR; SPECIFIED PARAMETERS OR THEIR VALUES ARE INCOMPATIBLE; THEY REQUIRE DIFFERENT OPERATING SYSTEMS Explanation: You specified parameters or values that are only valid for certain operating systems. You also specified other parameters or values that are valid only for other operating systems. The following file parameter specifications are not valid for a location: Operating Parameter Group System MVS SFS parameters OS/400 file parameters VM link parameters OS/2 file parameters SMS parameters OS/400 file parameters OSI file-transfer parameters Post-transfer job and post-transfer program parameters Encryption parameters PDS processing parameters OS/2 file parameters
keyword opsys
The batch job interface keyword. The operating system. It can be one of the following: MVS VM VSE OS/400 OS/2
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
DVG558I QUEUE HANDLER COMMAND commandname CARRIED OUT FOR USER orig; RETURN CODE = retcd; REASON CODE = rsncd; TIME = hh:mm:ss Explanation: This message indicates the completion of a queue handler command that was initiated by the batch job interface routine.
Time that the request was started: hh=hour, mm=minute. The originator of the file-transfer request. The number of records that were transferred at the last attempt to process the file-transfer request.
orig trrec
commandname Queue handler command as specified in the FUNCTION parameter of the batch job interface:
REQNUM = reqnum; ST = status; PRTY = priority; RC = retcd; RSN = rsncd; CL = class; FINIS = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm; ORIG = orig; REC = records; REQNAME = reqname Explanation: This message is issued in response to a user query.
The originator of the file-transfer request. The return code of the queue handler command. The reason code of the queue handler command.
reqnum status
The request number of the file-transfer request. The status of the request: F Finished.
The priority of the request. The return code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The reason code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The server class.
REQNUM = reqnum; ST = status; PRTY = priority; RC = retcd; RSN = rsncd; CL = class; START = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm; ORIG = orig; REC = trrec; REQNAME = reqname Explanation: This message is issued in response to a user query.
yy/mm/dd Date that the file transfer ended: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm orig records
Time that the file transfer ended: hh=hour, mm=minute. The originator of the file-transfer request. The number of records that were transferred on the last attempt to process the file-transfer request.
reqnum status
The request number of the file-transfer request. The status of the request: A Active (file transfer in progress).
The priority of the request. The return code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The reason code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The server class.
yy/mm/dd Date that the file transfer started: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day.
MEMBER OR GDG NOTATION NOT VALID FOR THE OPERATING SYSTEM opsys; PARAMETER TYPE = type Explanation: A PDS member name or a GDG number is defined as part of the data-set name or with the keyword xPDSMEM. They are not valid for the noted operating system.
PARAMETER WITH KEYWORD keyword NOT SPECIFIED; NETVIEW FTP ASSUMES value Explanation: The user has not specified a value for the parameter indicated by the batch job interface keyword. NetView FTP uses the value shown. The assumption is derived by checking other request specifications. System Action: This message is for information only. User Action: None.
opsys type
Operating system which does not support PDS or GDG processing. One of the following: S R Parameter applies to sending data set. Parameter applies to receiving data set. DVG580I
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
REQUEST NUMBER = reqnum; CLASS = class; STATUS = status; PRIORITY = priority; RESTART = restart; SUBMITTED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; OSI SERVER NAME = svname; APPLICATION ENTITY TITLE = aet; ORIGINATOR = orig Explanation: This message contains information for one waiting OSI request. It is issued as a result of the query administrator command for waiting requests.
MEMBER OR GDG NOTATION NOT VALID FOR THE DATA SET TYPE ftype; PARAMETER TYPE = type Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: MEMBER OR GDG NOTATION NOT VALID FOR THE FILE ORGANIZATION ftype, LABEL TYPE lab-type; PARAMETER TYPE = type Explanation: A PDS member name or GDG number is defined as part of the data set or with the keyword xPDSMEM. They are not valid for the noted file type or organization.
Request number of the file-transfer request. Server class. Status of the request. Can be one of the following: W H Waiting Waiting and held.
priority restart
Request priority. Indicates whether or not the specified request is waiting to be restarted. Can be blank (indicating that the request is not waiting to be restarted) or: A Request is waiting for an automatic transfer restart.
ftype type
The specified data-set type does not support PDS or GDG processing. One of the following: S R Parameter applies to sending data set. Parameter applies to receiving data set.
System Action: If this error is detected by: An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request A server, the file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss Date and time that the request was entered by the user and added to the queue. svname aet orig
The job name or STC name under which the OSI server was started. Application entity title. User ID of the originator of the file-transfer request.
REQUEST NUMBER = reqnum; CLASS = class; SUBMITTED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; STARTED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; OSI SERVER NAME = svname; APPLICATION ENTITY TITLE = aet; ORIGINATOR = orig Explanation: This message contains information for one active OSI request. It is issued in response to an administrator query for active requests.
FILE NAME = local/osiname Explanation: This message contains the name of the sending file specified in an OSI request. It is either the local file name for transfer mode TO, or the OSI file name for transfer mode FROM. This information was requested additionally for an administrator query for waiting, active, or finished requests. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
reqnum class
yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss Date and time that either the request was entered by the user and stored on the queue, or the file transfer for this request was started. svname aet orig
The job name or STC name under which the OSI server was started. Application entity title. User ID of the originator of the file-transfer request.
REQNUM = reqnum; ST = status; PRTY = priority; RC = retcd; RSN = rsncd; CL = class; ADDED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm; ORIG = orig; REQNAME = reqname Explanation: This message is issued in response to a user query command for an OSI request.
reqnum status
The request number of the file-transfer request. The status of the request: W H Waiting Waiting and held.
REQUEST NUMBER = reqnum; CLASS = class; SUBMITTED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; STARTED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; FINISHED = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss; RETURN CODE = retcdd; REASON CODE = rsncd; ORIGINATOR = orig Explanation: This message contains information for one finished OSI request. It is issued in response to an administrator query for finished requests.
The priority of the request. The return code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The reason code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The server class.
yy/mm/dd Date that the request was submitted: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm orig
Time that the request was submitted: hh=hour, mm=minute. User ID of the originator of the file-transfer request.
reqnum class
yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss Date and time that either the request was entered by the user and stored on the queue, or the file transfer for this request was started, or the file transfer for this request was completed. retcd rsncd orig
Return code from the file transfer. Reason code from the file transfer. User ID of the originator of the file-transfer request.
yy/mm/dd Date that the file transfer ended: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm orig
Time that the file transfer ended: hh=hour, mm=minute. User ID of the originator of the file-transfer request.
REQNUM = reqnum; ST = status; PRTY = priority; RC = retcd; RSN = rsncd; CL = class; START = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm; ORIG = orig; REQNAME = reqname Explanation: This message is issued in response to a user query for an OSI request.
reqnum status
The request number of the file-transfer request. The status of the request: A Active (file transfer in progress).
OSI INPUT PARAMETER parmname INCORRECT OR MISSING Explanation: An OSI file-transfer parameter is missing or incorrectly specified. parmname can be one of the following: Application Entity Title Permitted Actions Passwords Initiator Function Destination Effect Document Type File Availability Filestore Owner Future Filesize Local File Name Local OSI File Name Local Filestore Subset Maximum String Length Transfer Mode Remote OSI File Name Local Filestore Nickname String Significance Universal Class. No OSI Parameters. This message is displayed when the interface validation routine found that the indicated parameter was either missing or not specified according to the restrictions as specified in the OSI transfer parameter description. If there is more than one parameter in error, only the last parameter found in error results in a message. Note: Some restrictions can be checked only within the OSI environment, that is in OSI/File Services. System Action: The request is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
The priority of the request. The return code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The reason code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The server class.
yy/mm/dd Date that the file transfer started: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm orig
Time that the request was started: hh=hour, mm=minute. User ID of the originator of the file-transfer request.
REQNUM = reqnum; ST = status; PRTY = priority; RC = retcd; RSN = rsncd; CL = class; FINIS = yy/mm/dd,hh:mm; ORIG = orig; REQNAME = reqname Explanation: This message is issued in response to a user query for an OSI request.
reqnum status
The request number of the file-transfer request. The status of the request: F Finished.
OSI TRANSFER REQUEST NUMBER reqnum REJECTED Explanation: This message is issued when an OSI file-transfer request cannot be processed. Probably a parameter value is incorrectly specified. This message follows message DVG587I. System Action: The request is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
The priority of the request. The return code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The reason code of the last attempt to process the file-transfer request. The server class.
AT LEAST ONE PARAMETER WAS REQUESTED WHICH IS VALID FOR AN SNA-TYPE REQUEST BUT INCOMPATIBLE WITH AN OSI REQUEST Explanation: This message is issued if a service is required that is not offered for an OSI file-transfer request. For example, it applies to the following parameters: Remote LU name or remote server group Server running mode (= single) Restart from checkpoint Automatic transfer restart Data Compression Data encryption Remote check of the request OS/400 connection Post-transfer program (local and remote) Remote post-transfer job. Note: All non-OSI file parameters are rejected. System Action: The request is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
User Action: The operator must enter either a NetView FTP VSE command or at least the first letter of one of the following: MOUNTED To indicate that the tape was mounted, as requested. The file-transfer request is processed. REQUEUE To tell NetView FTP VSE to put the file-transfer request back in the request queue and change its status to waiting. CANCEL To tell NetView FTP VSE to cancel the file-transfer request. The file-transfer request status is set to finished.
MOUNT TAPE volser WITHOUT RING ON UNIT unit; REPLY WITH M(OUNTED), R(EQUEUE), OR C(ANCEL) Explanation: NetView FTP wants the operator to mount a tape.
Volume serial number of the tape to be mounted. If, for an unlabeled tape, a value for the volume serial number is not specified, the default value SCRTCH is used. Tape unit that the tape is to be mounted on.
Explanation: The operator started communication with VSE by entering the VSE command MSG p, where p is the identifier of the NetView FTP partition. NetView FTP VSE responds by displaying this message. System Action: NetView FTP processing continues, the NetView FTP partition that issued this message cannot display any further console messages until the operator replies to this message. User Action: The operator must enter either END, to terminate the communication with NetView FTP VSE, or a NetView FTP VSE command.
System Action: The server that needs the tape waits until the operator replies to the message. The NetView FTP partition that issued the message continues processing, but cannot display any further console messages until the operator replies to the message. User Action: The operator must enter either a NetView FTP VSE command or at least the first letter of one of the following: MOUNTED To indicate that the tape was mounted, as requested. The file-transfer request is processed. REQUEUE To ask NetView FTP VSE to put the file-transfer request back in the request queue and change its status to waiting. CANCEL To ask NetView FTP VSE to cancel the file-transfer request. The file-transfer request status is set to finished.
MOUNT TAPE volser WITH RING ON UNIT unit; REPLY WITH M(OUNTED), R(EQUEUE), OR C(ANCEL) Explanation: NetView FTP wants the operator to mount a tape.
Volume serial number of the tape to be mounted. If, for an unlabeled tape, a value for the volume serial number is not specified, the default value SCRTCH is used. Tape unit that the tape is to be mounted on.
System Action: The server that needs the tape waits until the operator replies to the message. The NetView FTP partition that issued the message continues processing, but cannot display any further console messages until the operator replies to the message.
User Action: The operator should first reply to this message with one of the following: GO To indicate that NetView FTP VSE is to continue transferring files without sending any transfer report files.
TRANSFER reqnum ENDED; RC=retcd; RSN=rsncd Explanation: This message informs the recipient of the outcome of the file transfer.
Request number. This can be zero, if there is no valid file-transfer request when the message is issued. Return code from file transfer. Reason code from file transfer. DVG612W
STOP NVFTP Stop all servers immediately and terminate processing in the NetView FTP partition. Then analyze the problem referring to message DVG613I in the log file.
retcd rsncd
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: If the return code is 0, no action is required. If the return code is not 0, the return and reason codes indicate the required action.
COMMUNICATION WITH VSE/POWER NOT ESTABLISHED OR INTERRUPTED; PROCESSING CONTINUES WITHOUT REPORT TRANSMISSION REPLY WITH GO TO CONTINUE OR STOP NVFTP TO TERMINATE Explanation: Either NetView FTP VSE could not establish communication with VSE/POWER or communication with VSE/POWER was interrupted. If the NetView FTP partition initialization parameter OPMODE is set to UNATTENDED this message is issued instead of DVG610A or DVG611A. System Action: The program continues transferring files without sending any transfer report files until a reply is received. The message remains on the screen until the operator replies. User Action: The operator should first reply to this message with one of the following: GO To indicate that NetView FTP VSE is to continue transferring files without sending any transfer report files.
COMMUNICATION WITH VSE/POWER NOT ESTABLISHED; REPLY WITH GO TO CONTINUE OR STOP NVFTP TO TERMINATE Explanation: The communication with VSE/POWER could not be established at NetView FTP partition startup time, so NetView FTP VSE cannot send file-transfer reports. System Action: The program waits for an operator response. Further processing depends on the operators response. User Action: The operator should first reply to this message with one of the following: GO To indicate that NetView FTP VSE is to continue processing without sending any transfer report files.
STOP NVFTP To indicate that NetView FTP VSE is to terminate processing. and then analyze the problem referring to message DVG613I in the log file. DVG613I
STOP NVFTP Stop all servers immediately and terminate processing in the NetView FTP partition. Then analyze the problem referring to message DVG613I in the log file.
COMMUNICATION WITH VSE/POWER INTERRUPTED; PROCESSING CONTINUES WITHOUT REPORT TRANSMISSION; REPLY WITH GO TO CONTINUE OR STOP NVFTP TO TERMINATE Explanation: The NetView FTP partition established communication with VSE/POWER, but the communication was interrupted while the NetView FTP partition was running. NetView FTP VSE can no longer send transfer reports. System Action: The program continues transferring files without sending any transfer report files until a reply is received. The message remains on the screen until the operator replies.
COMMUNICATION WITH VSE/POWER FAILED; NETVIEW FTP TASK = task-name; RETURN CODE = retcd; FUNCTION = function; POWER SAS RETURN INFO (HEX) = errinfo Explanation: This message is written to the log file whenever any of the messages concerning VSE/POWER communication problems (DVG610A, DVG611A, DVG612I) are written to the operators console. It contains more information about the problem.
Name of the affected NetView FTP task.
function errinfo
Performed XPCC function. Additional error information. One or two hexadecimal digits for each of the following: XPCC return code XPCC reason code VSE/POWER return code VSE/POWER feedback code. See VSE/POWER 4.1 Application Programming for information about VSE/POWER return and feedback codes. System Action: Processing continues according to corresponding message DVG610A, DVG611A, or DVG612A. User Action: Analyze the information in the message to find the reason for the problem. It may be caused by one of the following: VSE/POWER problems (for example: no response within 2 minutes or termination) VSE XPCC System GETVIS problems. DVG618I DVG616I
CDLOAD OF TAPE DEFINITION TABLE FAILED; CDLOAD RETURN CODE = cdlretcd ALL TAPE UNITS IGNORED; Explanation: The tape definition table (DVGTDF) could not be loaded. All assigned tape units are ignored and file-transfer requests, involving files stored on tape, cannot be satisfied.
System Action: NetView FTP VSE acts as if no tape unit is assigned. User Action: NetView FTP VSE continues without tape units. If these are urgently needed, terminate the program and correct the error condition by including the DVGTDF phase in the defined libraries.
UNKNOWN DEVICE MODE FOUND FOR lunum; DEVICE MODE device mode; Explanation: The tape mode taken from the VSE Physical Unit Control Block (PUB) could not be found in the tape definition table (DVGTDF). If the tape device assigned to this logical unit number is not a cartridge device, it is not possible to write to an unlabeled tape. If the tape device assigned to this logical unit number is a cartridge device that allows data compression, it is not possible to write to this cartridge.
DEVICE TYPE dev-type ASSIGNED TO lunum Explanation: A tape device of type dev-type is assigned to the logical unit lunum.
dev-type lunum
System Action: None. User Action: If the correct tape-device type is assigned, none. If the tape-device type is not correct, stop NetView FTP and check NetView FTP VSE tape definition table.
NO TAPE DEVICE TYPE FOUND FOR lunum; DEVICE TYPE CODE dev-type; UNIT IGNORED Explanation: The VSE EXTRACT macro did not return the device-type number and VSE PUB device type code is not X'50', X'52', or X'53'.
lunum dev-type
UNKNOWN DEVICE TYPE FOUND FOR lunum; DEVICE TYPE CODE device type code; Explanation: The device type extracted from the VSE Physical Unit Control Block Extension (PUBX) could not be found in the tape definition table (DVGTDF).
System Action: NetView FTP VSE ignores the tape unit. User Action: Check that the tape unit is correctly assigned. This situation should not occur with IBM tape units. If it does, contact your IBM Support Center.
REQUEST QUEUE NOT CLEANED UP Explanation: During initialization of a NetView FTP partition, requests on the request queue that have the status active were not given the status waiting, because another NetView FTP partition or another NetView FTP user interface is already running. System Action: Initialization of the NetView FTP partition continues. User Action: None.
ERROR WHEN UNLOCKING THE REQUEST QUEUE; ERROR CODE FROM UNLOCK = code Explanation: An error occurred when the queue handler task tried to unlock the request queue.
System Action: The queue handler is stopped. User Action: See VSE/ESA Version 1 System Macros Reference or VSE/AF 4.1.1 Macro Reference.
REQUEST QUEUE SUCCESSFULLY CLEANED UP; recnum REQUEST(S) REQUEUED Explanation: During initialization of the NetView FTP partition, any requests in the request queue that have the status active were given the status waiting.
ERROR IN THE REQUEST QUEUE WHILE PROCESSING REQUEST NUMBER number Explanation: During processing of a queue handler command either a logical error was detected for a request in the request queue or an inconsistency has been detected between the request queues base cluster and its alternate index.
System Action: Initialization of the NetView FTP partition continues. User Action: None.
System Action: Processing is terminated. User Action: Ask the NetView FTP system administrator to delete the faulty request, or to rebuild the alternate index.
ERROR WHEN DEFINING A LOCK FOR THE REQUEST QUEUE; ERROR CODE FROM GENDTL = code DVG626I Explanation: When generating DTL for request queue locks, via the system macro GENDTL, an error occurred.
REQUEST NUMBER reqnum NOT DELETED; REQUEST IS ACTIVE Explanation: A user tried to delete an active request but requests marked as active cannot be deleted.
System Action: The queue handler is stopped. User Action: See VSE/ESA Version 1 System Macros Reference or VSE/AF 4.1.1 Macro Reference.
Request number.
System Action: Processing continues. If a request is still active after a NetView FTP partition ends, it is automatically requeued and given the status waiting. User Action: Either wait until the transfer has finished and then delete the request, or ask your operator to stop the server that handles the request at the moment, and then delete the request, before it is restarted again.
ERROR WHEN LOCKING THE REQUEST QUEUE; ERROR CODE FROM LOCK = code Explanation: An error occurred when the queue handler task tried to lock the request queue.
RETRIEVAL OF REQUEST reqnum FAILED Explanation: An attempt to retrieve the request with the given request number from request queue failed, although this is a valid request number.
System Action: The queue handler is stopped. User Action: See VSE/ESA Version 1 System Macros Reference or VSE/AF 4.1.1 Macro Reference.
Request number.
System Action: Queue handler processing terminates. User Action: Ask your system administrator to check the request queue.
CLUSTER DEFINITION OF num TOO SMALL FOR REQUEST QUEUE Explanation: The queue handler recognized that the number of records generated for the request queue was too small. No records for use by requests could be added.
NETVIEW FTP PARTITION jobname ENDED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; RETURN CODE=retcd; REASON CODE = rsncd; OPERATING SYSTEM RETURN CODE = opsysrc Explanation: The NetView FTP partition stopped.
System Action: Queue handler processing terminates. User Action: Define a larger request queue.
yy/mm/dd Date that the NetView FTP partition stopped: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the NetView FTP partition stopped: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. retcd
Highest return code returned by a server (at least 4) or from the NetView FTP partition. Reason code from the NetView FTP partition. Return code from the related operating system.
Explanation: While scanning the request queue for a query request, records were found with an error in their request status fields.
rsncd opsysrc
Number of records in error. Record number of the first record in error in the request queue. Record number of the last record in error in the request queue.
System Action: The NetView FTP partition stops. User Action: None.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Notify your system administrator. Print the request queue and identify the record in error using the request number that can be found: For MVS and VM, at offset 0 with a length of 4 bytes For VSE, at offset 16 with a length of 4 bytes. Contact your IBM Support Center.
NETVIEW FTP TASK task TERMINATED ABNORMALLY; TASK RETURN CODE = stretcd; TASK REASON CODE = strsncd; SYSTEM INFORMATION = sysinfo Explanation: The specified task terminated abnormally.
Server ID (or server prefix + QH, TC, UN, SY, or OI) of the task that terminated abnormally. Return code from the task. Reason code from the task. Additional system ABEND information.
NETVIEW FTP PARTITION jobname STARTED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss Explanation: The NetView FTP partition initialization is completed.
System Action: NetView FTP VSE proceeds as follows: If a server task terminated abnormally and there is still at least one started server, the number of available servers is reduced. If a server task terminated abnormally and the server was the last started server, and AUTOTERM=YES was specified in the startup job for the NetView FTP partition, the maintask terminates. If another task is terminated abnormally (that is, where the last two characters are QH, TC, UN, SY, or OI) the NetView FTP partition terminates immediately. User Action: None.
yy/mm/dd Date that the NetView FTP partition started: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the NetView FTP partition started: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
NETVIEW FTP PARTITION INITIALIZATION FAILED; RETURN CODE = retcd; REASON CODE = rsncd; SYSTEM CODE = syscd Explanation: An error occurred during initialization of a NetView FTP partition.
SEVERE ERROR WHILE PROCESSING FILE TRANSFER; FILE TRANSFER INTERRUPTED Explanation: An error occurred in the NetView FTP partition processing while your file-transfer request was being processed. System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: If you want the file transfer to be reestablished, ask the operator if there is a server started that processes the class of the interrupted request. If not, ask the operator to start one, and then resubmit your request. If the problem persists, contact your IBM Support Center.
Return code (decimal) from the NetView FTP partition. Reason code (decimal) from the NetView FTP partition. Return code (decimal) from the related operating system. If the return code is greater than zero the GETVIS system macro failed. DVG638I
System Action: The NetView FTP partition job is canceled. User Action: Correct the error and restart the job.
CDLOAD OF MODULE phase FAILED; RETURN CODE FROM CDLOAD = cdrc Explanation: The loading of an essential module failed during initialization of NetView FTP. This may be because you tried to load a message definition module that is not available. The message module name is in the form DVGCCMDx, where x represents the first letter of the specified language.
COMMAND command CURRENTLY NOT ALLOWED; VALID COMMANDS ARE list Explanation: This message is written to the operators console whenever NetView FTP cannot currently handle a NetView FTP operator command.
phase cdrc
System Action: Processing terminated. User Action: Ask your administrator to check if the load module is available, or refer to VSE/ESA Version 1 System Macros Reference or VSE/AF 4.1.1 Macro Reference for information about the return code.
Command entered by the operator.
List of valid commands. Can be any of the following: C E D F G M P R S Cancel a file-transfer request for a tape file End operator communication Display information Modify a server Make NetView FTP continue processing Indicate that a requested tape is mounted Stop servers or the NetView FTP partition Requeue a file-transfer request for a tape file Start servers.
MACRO macro FAILED; RETURN CODE = retcd; PHASE NAME = phase-name Explanation: An error occurred in a NetView FTP component when it attempted to load or delete a module.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Enter one of the allowed commands. Other operator commands can be entered after enabling the operator interface using the VSE MSG command. Note: When AUTOTERMINATION is set to YES and all servers have stopped. Enter END to cause the NetView FTP partition to finish termination. No other command is allowed.
Return code from the macro. For more information about this return code, refer to VSE/ESA Version 1 System Macros Reference or VSE/AF 4.1.1 Macro Reference.
User Action: If the problem persists for: LOAD, analyze the return code CDLOAD, analyze the return code DELETE, contact your IBM Support Center. DVG643I
VSE/POWER SAS COMMUNICATION NOT AVAILABLE; REPORT WAS NOT TRANSMITTED Explanation: VSE/POWER spool access services (SAS) communication could not be established or was interrupted. This message precedes the corresponding report in the report collection file. System Action: The report is not transmitted. User Action: Stop NetView FTP. After you can establish an XPCC connection via the VSE/POWER SAS, restart NetView FTP.
LOCAL VSE/POWER HAS NO PNET SUPPORT; RETURN CODE FROM POWER = retcd Explanation: This message is issued during initialization of the NetView FTP partition if no VSE/POWER PNET support is installed on your VSE system.
System Action: Processing continues. No spooling of NetView FTP transfer reports takes place. User Action: None. DVG645I
TASK task1 TRIED TO POST TASK task2 BUT task2 WAS NOT READY Explanation: While processing a file-transfer request a task tried to post another task but the posted task was not ready.
TRANSMISSION TO VSE/POWER PNET NODE node WAS REQUESTED BUT PNET WAS NOT AVAILABLE; REPORT WAS NOT TRANSMITTED Explanation: A file-transfer request specified that a file-transfer report was to be sent to a user at the remote VSE/POWER node shown in the message, however VSE/POWER PNET support was not available. This message precedes the corresponding report in the report collection file. System Action: The report is not transmitted. User Action: Ask your system administrator to provide VSE/POWER PNET support. DVG646I
task1 task2
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Contact your IBM Support Center.
THE OPERATOR HAS CANCELED A TAPE-FILE TRANSFER Explanation: You tried to transfer a tape file, however, the operator received a tape mount message and canceled the tape-file transfer. System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Contact the tape operator at the system where the file transfer was canceled. Resubmit the file transfer when the tape operator is able to handle your file-transfer request.
VSE/POWER SAS OPEN WAS REJECTED; FEEDBACK CODE = code; REPORT DESTINATION = user AT node; REPORT WAS NOT TRANSMITTED Explanation: The VSE/POWER spool access services (SAS) rejected the transmission startup request for this transmission. This message precedes the corresponding report in the report collection file.
THE OPERATOR HAS REQUEUED A TAPE-FILE TRANSFER Explanation: You tried to transfer a tape file, however, the operator received a tape mount message and requeued the tape-file transfer. System Action: The file transfer ends. Depending on the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter, NetView FTP changes the status of the request either to waiting or finished. User Action: Take whatever action is appropriate.
VSE/POWER SAS feedback code as described in VSE macro PWRSPL. User to whom the report was to be sent. VSE/POWER node of the user to whom the report was to be sent.
System Action: The report is not transmitted. User Action: Check the user ID and node name specified in the request; possibly one of these is incorrect. If they are both correct, analyze the VSE/POWER SAS feedback code.
THE TRANSFER OF A TAPE FILE IS NOT POSSIBLE AT AN UNATTENDED NODE Explanation: You tried to transfer a tape file but the system where the tape file is stored is running in unattended mode. System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Take whatever action is appropriate. For example, ask the system administrator at the system where the file transfer has been stopped to change to attended mode.
STORAGE MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEM (SMS) IS NOT AVAILABLE Explanation: Dynamic allocation for the receiving data set failed and returned error reason code 1232 (X'04D0'). System Action: The server tries to dynamically allocate the receiving data set without using the SMS parameters specified in the request. User Action: None.
DVG656I DVG650I TAPE UNIT SELECTION FAILED; REASON CODE = rsncd Explanation: NetView FTP failed to select a tape unit from the FTP Tape Unit List. The reason code contains details of the problem.
Explanation: This message contains output from Dynamic Allocation. If a problem occurred during dynamic allocation, this message might help you solve the problem. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
Reason code from tape select. Refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109.
System Action: The server processing the request terminates. The request is finished or requeued, depending on the reason code. User Action: Specify the tape information in the request or wait for the next request selection for file transfer.
SMS PARAMETERS; DATA CLASS = dataclass; MANAGEMENT CLASS = manclass; STORAGE CLASS = storclass Explanation: This message is issued at the end of a file transfer for which SMS parameters were specified.
SERVER servername HELD ACCESS AUTHORIZATION LONGER THAN ALLOWED BY THE TIME INTERVAL intval; THE SERVER HAS STOPPED Explanation: The server has requested Access Authorization. Access Authorization was not disabled within the specified time interval.
dataclass SMS data class. manclass SMS management class. storclass SMS storage class.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
JOB jobname(jobid) SUBMITTED; MEMBER NAME = memname; DATA SET NAME = dsname Explanation: NetView FTP successfully submitted a post-transfer job.
System Action: The server is forced to terminate abnormally to avoid security problems. User Action: Check why the time interval is not sufficient for the functions requiring Access Authorization. For example, an outstanding tape mount, or a program loop in a user-written file handler. In the case of a program loop in a user-written file handler that can establish its own recovery routine, this user-written file handler cannot be used until the NetView FTP partition has stopped.
The job name of the submitted job. The job ID of the submitted job assigned by the job entry system. The name of the member containing the JCL of the submitted job.
DYNAMIC ALLOCATION ERROR; DATA SET NAME = dsname; RETURN CODE = retcd; INFORMATION REASON CODE = infcode; ERROR REASON CODE = errcode Explanation: An error occurred during the dynamic allocation of the data set containing the job.
MEMBER memname NOT FOUND; DATA SET NAME = dsname Explanation: The data set with the name dsname did not contain the member with the name memname. The post-transfer job submission parameter values are not correct. System Action: The job is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: Take whatever action is appropriate. For example, make sure the member exists and its name is specified correctly.
Name of the data set in error. If the data-set name is INTRDR, a dynamic allocation error occurred for the SYSOUT data set that was destined for the internal reader. Return code. Information reason code. Error reason code. DVG666I
DATA SET ORGANIZATION IS NOT PO; DATA SET NAME = dsname; DSORG RETURNED BY SVC 99 = dsorg Explanation: The data set containing a post-transfer job must be partitioned organized (PO). SVC 99 (sometimes referred to as Dynamic Allocation Service) returned a DSORG other than PO.
System Action: The request is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: Refer to the description of the dynamic allocation interface return (DAIR) errors that can be found in the online ISPF tutorial. For further information, refer to:
MVS/ESA SPL: Application Development Guide MVS/XA System Macros and Facilities Volume 1.
DVG662I I/O ERROR FOR QSAM macro; DATA SET NAME = dsname; UNIT = unit; DEVICE TYPE = devtype; OPERATION = operation; ERROR DESCRIPTION = errordesc; PHYSICAL RECORD ADDRESS = bbcchhr Explanation: An I/O error occurred while NetView FTP was processing the job submission request via QSAM.
dsname dsorg
The name of the data set. The DSORG that SVC 99 returned for the data set.
System Action: The job is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: Refer to MVS/ESA SPL: Application Development Guide and MVS/XA System Macros and Facilities Volume 1 for information about DSORG return specifications from SVC 99.
VSAM request ERROR ON INTERNAL READER DATA SET; REG 15 RETURN CODE = reg15; VSAM ERROR CODE = errcode Explanation: An error occurred during job submission processing of the VSAM SYSOUT data set allocated to the internal reader.
QSAM macro in error is one of the following: CLOSE GET OPEN PUT.
reg15 errcode
System Action: The submitted job is not executed. Processing continues. User Action: Analyze the problem using one or more of the following:
System Action: The job is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: See one or more of the following:
MVS/DFP V3: Macro Instructions for non-VSAM Data Sets MVS/XA Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference.
MVS/DFP V3: Macro Instructions for VSAM Data Sets MVS/XA VSAM Administration Macro Instruction Reference.
MEMBER memname OF DATA SET dsname IS EMPTY Explanation: The member with the name memname specified to contain the JCL of the job to be submitted is empty. System Action: The job is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: Either fill the member with the appropriate job, or correct the member name or data-set name if they were wrongly specified.
DATA SET ORGANIZATION MISMATCH; TARGET DATA SET IS A VSAM RELATIVE RECORD DATA SET Explanation: To transfer data to a VSAM RRDS, the source file must also be relative record organized. System Action: Transfer ends. User Action: Check whether the specified data set names are correct. If the source data set is not relative-record organized, specify a data set with a data set organization other than VSAM RRDS as target data set.
NETVIEW EVENTS Explanation: Certain NetView FTP events are issued to the operators console as WTO messages. A NetView CLIST scanning these messages can initiate automatic operations according to the information issued with the event. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None. For more information, refer to NetView FTP V2 MVS Installation, Operation, and Administration. DVG674I VSAM LINEAR DATA SETS CANNOT BE TRANSFERRED FROM OR TO OTHER DATA SET TYPES Explanation: NetView FTP does not support the combination of VSAM linear data sets and data sets of different types within one file transfer. System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
MODULE module SUCCESSFULLY LOADED Explanation: The module to be executed as specified by the post-transfer program parameter was loaded successfully. DVG675W CONTROL INTERVALS FOUND WHILE OPENING VSAM LINEAR DATA SET dsname Explanation: The receiving data set is a VSAM linear data set and has the name dsname. While opening the receiving data set the server detected that it was not empty. Because a related checkpoint record did not exist, the server expected the receiving data set to be empty. The server writes over any existing control intervals. If there are more control intervals in the data set than are being transferred to it, these other control intervals remain in the data set. This may cause an integrity problem. System Action: The server writes control intervals from the beginning of the data set. A warning is issued in the file-transfer completion message. User Action: If an integrity problem exists, delete and redefine the data set. After you have corrected the errors, resubmit the file-transfer request. If no integrity problem exists ignore the message.
ERROR WHILE LOADING module; SYSTEM ABEND CODE = abnd; SYSTEM REASON CODE = rscd Explanation: During execution of a LOAD macroinstruction, a system error occurred.
Module name that could not be loaded. System ABEND code. System reason code.
System Action: The specified module is not loaded. Processing continues. User Action: Refer to one or more of the following:
MVS/ESA Application Development Reference: Services for Assembler Language Programs MVS/XA Supervisor Services and Macros.
REMOTE CHECK FOR FILE TRANSFER REQUEST reqnum STARTED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss Explanation: Remote check was specified in the request. This is the date and time that NetView FTP started checking the file-transfer request reqnum.
RECORDS FOUND WHILE OPENING VSAM RRDS dsname Explanation: The receiving data set is a VSAM RRDS and has the name dsname. During the OPEN on the receiving data set, the server detected that it was not empty. System Action: Processing continues; the server writes records from the beginning of the data set. A warning is issued in the file-transfer completion message. User Action: If an integrity problem exists, delete and redefine the data set and, after you have corrected the errors, resubmit the file-transfer request.
Request number.
yy/mm/dd Date that the remote check started: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the remote check started: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second.
System Action: NetView FTP processing continues. User Action: None. DVG680I DVG677I REMOTE CHECK FOR FILE TRANSFER REQUEST reqnum ENDED ON yy/mm/dd AT hh:mm:ss; RC = retcd; RSN = rsncd Explanation: Remote check was specified in the request. This is the date and time that NetView FTP finished checking the file-transfer request reqnum.
MODIFICATION OF TRANSFER REQUEST REJECTED BECAUSE OF INVALID INPUT FROM THE POST-CONVERSATION EXIT ROUTINE Explanation: The post-conversation user exit routine was called. On return, NetView FTP detected any of the following incorrect modifications made to the file-transfer request: Not-after time and date Not-before time and date Restart from checkpoint indicator. System Action: NetView FTP processing continues. The file-transfer request is not modified. User Action: Check the modification made in the post-conversation user exit routine. Refer to NetView FTP Customization for a further explanation of what modifications can be made. Correct the error, and compile and link the exit routine.
yy/mm/dd Date that the remote check finished: yy=year, mm=month, dd=day. hh:mm:ss Time that the remote check finished: hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second. retcd rsncd
Return code. Reason code.
System Action: NetView FTP processing continues. User Action: None. DVG690I
CHECK reqnum ENDED; RC = retcd; RSN = rsncd Explanation: Remote check was specified in the request. This message is issued when a remote check has finished.
REQUEST QUEUE INFORMATION; QUEUE SIZE = size Explanation: This message is issued in response to an administrator query for information about the request queue.
Request number. Return code from the remote check. Reason code from the remote check.
The total number of requests the request queue can hold. This number is specified by the system administrator when initializing the queue.
Refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109. System Action: Processing continues. If the return code from the remote check is zero, the file-transfer request is requeued with the status WAITING. Otherwise, the transfer request is given the status FINISHED. User Action: If the file-transfer request has the status WAITING, no action is necessary. Otherwise, check the return and reason code that explains the error. Correct it and resubmit the request.
MOUNT labeltype TAPE volser WITH RING ON UNIT unit WITH DENSITY density Explanation: NetView FTP wants the operator to mount a tape.
FILE-SERVICE COMPONENT COULD NOT LOAD CMSAMS DCSS; CMS RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: The file-service component virtual machine tried to load the CMSAMS discontiguous shared segment, but the LODSYS command failed.
Volume serial number of the tape to be mounted. If a value for the volume serial number for an unlabeled tape is not specified, the default value is SCRTCH. Tape unit that the tape is to be mounted on. Tape density.
Return code from the LODSYS CMS command that was issued. Can be any of the following: 1 44 174 179 Named segment defined as a VMGROUP Named segment does not exist Paging I/O errors The DASD volume specified by SYSVOL in the NAMESYS macro is not owned by CP Users in a V=R area.
unit density
System Action: The file service component that needs the tape waits until the operator replies to the message. NetView FTP continues processing, but cannot display any further NetView FTP console messages until the operator replies to the message. User Action: Mount the required tape. DVG705I
System Action: Processing terminates. User Action: Contact your system administrator.
MOUNT labeltype TAPE volser WITHOUT RING ON UNIT unit WITH DENSITY density Explanation: NetView FTP wants the operator to mount a tape.
USER NOT CONNECTED TO SPECIFIED RACF GROUP Explanation: In the access security parameters, you specified a RACF group ID to which you are not connected. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
Volume serial number of the tape to be mounted. If a value for the volume serial number for an unlabeled tape is not specified, the default value is SCRTCH. Tape unit name that the tape is to be mounted on. Tape density.
unit density
DISTRIBUTION-SERVICE COMPONENT WITH THE USER ID userid IS UNABLE TO ESTABLISH RACF ENVIRONMENT Explanation: In the access security parameters, you either specified an incorrect password, or the distribution service machine does not have the correct RACF authorization. System Action: Processing terminates. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
System Action: The file-service component that needs the tape waits until the operator replies to the message. NetView FTP continues processing, but cannot display any further NetView FTP console messages until the operator replies to the message. User Action: Mount the required tape. DVG710I
INVALID USER ID userid SPECIFIED IN FILE-SERVICE COMPONENT TABLE Explanation: NetView FTP VM detected a syntax error in the user ID specified for a file service component table. System Action: The user ID is ignored and processing continues. User Action: Contact your system administrator to correct the file service component table-entry.
User Action: Do one of the following: DVG711I AUTOLOG OF userid WAS UNSUCCESSFUL; CP RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: The distribution service component failed to AUTOLOG the file service component shown in the message. Contact your system administrator FORCE the indicated user ID.
VM/ESA System Messages and Codes for 370 VM/XA SP System Messages and Codes Reference VM/SP System Messages and Codes.
System Action: NetView FTP VM tries to AUTOLOG the next free file service component virtual machine. If running under VM/ESA*, XAUTOLOG is used. User Action: None.
VM/ESA System Messages and Codes for 370 VM/XA SP System Messages and Codes Reference VM/SP System Messages and Codes. fsmnum
Number of file service components.
User Action: Contact your system administrator. DVG712I THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF REQUEST HANDLERS IS rhnum, BUT ONLY fsmnum FILE-SERVICE COMPONENTS ARE SPECIFIED Explanation: There are not enough file service components declared in the file service components table.
REPLY TO file-server WITH M(OUNTED), R(EQUEUE), OR C(ANCEL) Explanation: This message is preceded by message DVG701A or DVG702A.
rhnum fsmnum
The user ID or resource ID of the file-service component. System Action: The file service component that needs the tape waits until the operator replies to the message. NetView FTP continues processing, but cannot display any further NetView FTP console messages until the operator replies to the message. User Action: The operator must enter at least the first letter of one of the following: MOUNTED REQUEUE Indicating that the tape was mounted as requested. Asking NetView FTP VM to put the file-transfer request back on the request queue. Asking NetView FTP VM to cancel the request.
System Action: Processing continues. The number of request handlers is reduced to the number of file-service components. User Action: The system administrator can correct the problem by either: Reducing the number of tasks (AVLSESS, MAXSESS, AVLLRH, and AVLRRH initialization parameters) Increasing the number of file service components in the file service component table.
THE USER ID OF THE CHECKPOINT MANAGER IS DIFFERENT FROM THE USER ID SPECIFIED FOR THE CMID INITIALIZATION PARAMETER Explanation: You specified a value for the Checkpoint Manager ID (CMID) initialization parameter but the checkpoint manager does not run in the virtual machine you specified. System Action: Processing terminates. User Action: Run the checkpoint manager in the virtual machine indicated by the checkpoint manager ID initialization parameter.
System Action: Processing continues. The file-transfer request that caused this message is requeued. It remains in the WAITING status until any of the following happens: Another file service component that serves the class specified obtains the request and processes it The operator solves the problem.
NO ENTRY IN FILE-SERVICE COMPONENT TABLE FOUND Explanation: The distribution-service component tried to build the file-service component table, but there is no valid entry in DVGFST MACHINES file. System Action: Server terminates during initialization. User Action: Check your file service component table definitions. Make sure that the FILEDEF command concatenates the correct file to the system.
NETVIEW FTP release; CHECKPOINT MANAGER userid ENDED ON date AT time; RETURN CODE=retcd Explanation: This is the termination message of the checkpoint manager.
Release level of the transfer program. User ID or resource ID of the checkpoint manager virtual machine. Date that the checkpoint manager virtual machine stopped: year/month/day. Time that the checkpoint manager virtual machine stopped: hours/minutes/seconds. File-transfer return code.
Explanation: An error occurred when one of the following functions for a checkpoint record was executed by the checkpoint manager:
Explanation: This is a VM system message that is issued whenever a VM error occurs. For example, when a CMS command fails, or an OPEN error occurs. System Action: The system action depends on the error. Either processing continues or the corresponding component terminates. User Action: If the error is caused by incorrectly specified file-transfer parameters, correct the parameters and resubmit the file-transfer request.
User ID or resource ID of the file service component that the checkpoint manager performed the function for.
System Action: All file transfers currently in progress finish. If the error occurred during a GET function, processing continues. Otherwise, the checkpoint manager terminates. No new request is obtained. Also all file service components and distribution service components terminate. User Action: Examine the checkpoint manager log file. Look for additional messages that help you to solve the problem. Correct the error and restart all terminated NetView FTP components.
NETVIEW FTP CHECKPOINT MANAGER INITIALIZATION FAILED; REASON CODE = rsncd Explanation: An error occurred while the checkpoint manager was being initialized.
NETVIEW FTP release; CHECKPOINT MANAGER userid STARTED ON date AT time; MAINTENANCE LEVEL = mlevel Explanation: This is the startup message of the checkpoint manager.
Reason code. For more information refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109.
Release level of the transfer program. User ID or resource ID of the checkpoint manager virtual machine. Date that the checkpoint manager virtual machine started: year/month/day. Time that the checkpoint manager virtual machine started: hours/minutes/seconds. Program maintenance level information maintained by the system administrator.
System Action: The checkpoint manager terminates and produces a dump. No file transfer can be processed. User Action: Check the reason code to identify the cause of the failure.
QUEUE HANDLER IS NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The operator entered a modify or stop operator command but the queue handler was not active. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
System Action: If this error is detected by: DVG726I SUBCOMMAND ENTERED FOR NETVIEW FTP NOT ACCEPTED Explanation: The operator entered an unknown subcommand or an incorrect abbreviation of a subcommand. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: Enter a valid NetView FTP subcommand. DVG729I An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
DISPOSITION VALUE value IS NOT ALLOWED FOR DATA SET TYPE type FOR THE OPERATING SYSTEM opsys Explanation: The value specified for disposition is not valid for the specified data-set type for the corresponding operating system. System Action: If this error is detected by:
REQUEST CONTAINS PARAMETERS NOT SUPPORTED BY TRANSFER PROGRAM; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: When checking the request, it was detected that parameters were specified by one of the following sources: Pre-transfer user exit routine Request from a remote system.
An interface routine, NetView FTP rejects the request. A server, the file transfer ends.
The value specified for the Disposition parameter. The value specified for the Data-Set Type parameter. The operating system that the transfer program runs under (MVS, VM, VSE, or OS/400).
One of the following: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 PDS member selection parameter PDS member exclusion parameter PDS member information parameter Encryption parameter Sending OS/400 parameter Receiving OS/400 parameter Extended user exit information parameters Local job submission data Remote job submission data Local program call parameter Remote program call parameter SMS parameter APPC parameter. DVG730I
ERROR DURING COMMUNICATION PROCESSING TO resource; COMMUNICATION FUNCTION = function; REASON CODE = rsncd Explanation: The NetView FTP communication interface detected an error while preparing or performing an APPC/VM or IUCV function and issued a reason code.
Resource ID or User ID. Function from APPC/VM (for VM/SP) or IUCV (for VM/XA). File-transfer reason code.
System Action: The NetView FTP component that issued the message ends. User Action: Check the reason code. Refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109 for more information.
DISPOSITION VALUE value IS NOT ALLOWED FOR DATA SET TYPE type Explanation: The value specified for disposition is not valid for the specified data-set type.
value type
The value specified for the Disposition parameter. The value specified for the Data-Set Type parameter.
User Action: For a description of the return code see the following:
ERROR DURING function PROCESSING TO resource; code-field = error-code Explanation: An error occurred during APPC/VM or IUCV processing.
VM/ESA CMS Application Development Reference for Assembler VM/ESA Group Control System Reference for 370 VM/XA SP CMS Application Program Development Reference VM/XA SP Group Control System Command and Macro Reference VM/SP Application Development Reference for CMS VM/SP Group Control System Command and Macro Reference.
DVG733I OPEN ON FILE DVGAS NOT SUCCESSFUL; FTP DEFAULTS WILL BE TAKEN Explanation: An error occurred while opening the file DVGAS. Either, you did not specify a FILEDEF for the DVGAS file and want to use the defaults, or another open error occurred. System Action: Processing continues using the default values. User Action: None.
The value of the field specified in code-field. System Action: The NetView FTP component that issued the message ends. User Action: For a description of the error codes see: DVG734I
NO CONNECTION RECEIVED FROM QUEUE HANDLER Explanation: To establish an operator path the queue handler must connect to the distribution-service component, but the distribution-service component did not receive a connect request. System Action: The distribution-service component terminates. User Action: Contact your system administrator. After the problem is solved, restart the distribution service component.
VM/ESA CP Programming Services for 370 VM/XA SP CP Programming Services VM System Facilities for Programming.
DVG732I ERROR DURING macro function PROCESSING TO resource; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: The value of the return code field describes the completion of the macro issued.
NETVIEW FTP release; DISTRIBUTION-SERVICE COMPONENT userid STARTED ON date AT time; MAINTENANCE LEVEL = mlevel Explanation: A server started.
Release level of transfer program. User ID or resource ID of the distribution service component virtual machine. Date that the distribution service machine started: year/month/day. Time that the distribution service machine started: hour:minute:second. Program maintenance-level information; maintained by your system administrator.
resource retcd
System Action: The NetView FTP component that issued the message ends.
NETVIEW FTP release; DISTRIBUTION-SERVICE COMPONENT userid ENDED ON date AT time; RETURN CODE = retcd Explanation: A server stopped running.
ERROR RECEIVING INITIAL CONTROL BLOCKS FROM DISTRIBUTION-SERVICE COMPONENT; FILE TRANSFER TERMINATED Explanation: An error occurred while a file service component virtual machine received the initial control blocks from its distribution service component virtual machine. System Action: The file transfer is terminated. The status of the file-transfer request is changed to finished. User Action: Check that NetView FTP was installed correctly. If the problem is not caused by your installation, contact your IBM Support Center.
Release level of transfer program. User ID or resource ID of the distribution service component virtual machine. Date that the server distribution service component virtual machine stopped: year/month/day. Time that the distribution service component virtual machine stopped: hours:minutes:seconds. Distribution service component virtual machine return code. DVG764I
DISTRIBUTION-SERVICE COMPONENT userid DID NOT ACCEPT COMMUNICATION PATH Explanation: No communication path to the distribution service virtual machine component virtual machine is established.
The return code shows whether any errors occurred while the distribution service component virtual machine was stopping. System Action: The distribution service component virtual machine stops. User Action: If the return code is 0, no action is required. If the return code is not 0, refer to Chapter 2, NetView FTP ABEND, Return, and Reason Codes on page 109 to find out what it means.
User ID or resource ID of the distribution service virtual machine to which a communication path tried to establish.
System Action: The file service component virtual machine terminates. User Action: Check if the file DVGAS NAMES in your file service component virtual machine contains the valid user ID or resource ID of the distribution service component virtual machine that autologged the file service component virtual machine.
NO CONNECTION FROM THE FILE-SERVICE COMPONENT RECEIVED; FILE TRANSFER TERMINATED Explanation: A subtask in the distribution service component virtual machine, which had been attached to process a file transfer, had still not received a connect from the file service machine after 5 minutes. System Action: The status of the file-transfer request is changed to waiting. User Action: Check that the file service machine was autologged correctly and that the PROFILE EXEC is correct.
CURRENTLY, NOT ENOUGH STORAGE IS AVAILABLE AT THE REMOTE SYSTEM Explanation: This message is issued if the remote transfer program that processes your request cannot acquire enough virtual storage to perform the file transfer. System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Ask the system administrator at the remote system to correct the error, then resubmit your request.
DATA TRANSFERRED FROM THE DISTRIBUTION-SERVICE COMPONENT TO THE FILE-SERVICE COMPONENT WAS TRUNCATED Explanation: A remote transfer program sent a File Interchange Unit (FIU) that could not be handled by NetView FTP VM. The file service component virtual machine examines the data and then issues a message explaining the error. System Action: The file transfer ends. User Action: Contact your system administrator.
REMOTE TRANSFER PROGRAM IS NOT ABLE TO PROCESS YOUR REQUEST DUE TO A SYSTEM EXCEPTION Explanation: This message is issued if the remote transfer program that processes your request has a system exception, for example, a bad return code from an operating system macro. System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Ask the system administrator at the remote system to correct the error, then resubmit your request.
THERE IS A STORAGE MEDIUM ERROR Explanation: While accessing a file the remote file-transfer program that processes your request encountered a storage medium error. System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Ask the system administrator at the remote system to correct the error, then resubmit your request.
THE PARAMETER WITH THE BATCH JOB KEYWORD keyword IS NOT SUPPORTED Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: THE PARAMETER parameter IS NOT SUPPORTED Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that you specified a parameter that it does not support.
keyword parameter
YOU MUST SPECIFY THE PARAMETER WITH THE BATCH JOB KEYWORD keyword Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: YOU MUST SPECIFY THE PARAMETER parameter Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that you did not specify a required parameter in the file-transfer request. DVG807I
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
YOU DID NOT SPECIFY A REQUIRED COMBINATION OF PARAMETERS Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a necessary combination of parameters were not specified in the file-transfer request. This message is accompanied by the message DVG840I that tells you the parameters to be specified. System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
keyword The batch job interface keyword. parameter The NetView FTP parameter.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
DO NOT SPECIFY THE PARAMETER WITH THE BATCH JOB KEYWORD keyword Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: DO NOT SPECIFY THE PARAMETER parameter Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that you specified a parameter that is not allowed in the file-transfer request. DVG808I
YOU SPECIFIED A COMBINATION OF PARAMETERS THAT IS NOT ALLOWED Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a combination of parameters that is not allowed were specified in the file-transfer request. This message is accompanied by the message DVG840I that tells you the parameters not to be specified together. System Action: The file transfer terminates.
keyword parameter
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
YOU SPECIFIED PARAMETER parameter MORE THAN ONCE Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that you specified the parameter more than once, however, this parameter can only be specified once. DVG809I
User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
YOU DID NOT SPECIFY PARAMETERS THAT NEED TO BE SPECIFIED Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a combination of parameters are missing in the file-transfer request. This message is accompanied by the message DVG841I that tells you the corresponding batch job interface keywords and values that are missing. System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
YOU SPECIFIED PARAMETERS THAT ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS COMBINATION Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a combination of parameters were not allowed in the file-transfer request. This message is accompanied by the message DVG841I that tells you the corresponding batch job interface keywords and values that are not allowed. System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
A VALUE FOR THE PARAMETER parameter CONTAINS AN INCORRECT CHARACTER char (HEX hex) Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a parameter value contained a character that is not allowed. The characters that NetView FTP supports for this parameter depends on the parameter.
The corresponding batch job interface keyword or parameter name (NetView FTP V2.2 MVS) The character that is not supported The hexadecimal value of the character char.
DVG811I THE VALUE value FOR THE PARAMETER WITH THE BATCH JOB KEYWORD keyword IS NOT SUPPORTED Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: THE VALUE value FOR THE PARAMETER parameter IS NOT SUPPORTED Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a value has been specified that it does not support. DVG814I
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
Is the value of the parameter The batch job interface keyword The NetView FTP parameter. DVG814I
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
THE VALUE value IS NOT IN THE RANGE OF ALLOWED VALUES FOR THE PARAMETER WITH THE BATCH JOB KEYWORD keyword; maximum IS THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED VALUE Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: THE VALUE value IS NOT IN THE RANGE OF ALLOWED VALUES FOR THE PARAMETER parameter; maximum IS THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED VALUE Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a parameter contained a value that is not in the range of allowed values.
YOU SPECIFIED PARAMETER VALUES THAT ARE INCOMPATIBLE Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that incompatible parameter values were specified. This message is accompanied by the message DVG841I that tells you the corresponding batch job interface keywords and values that are incompatible. System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request. DVG815I
Is the value of the parameter The batch job interface keyword The parameter name Is the maximum value allowed.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SPECIFY THE VALUE value FOR PARAMETER WITH THE BATCH JOB KEYWORD keyword Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SPECIFY THE VALUE value FOR PARAMETER parameter Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a value was specified for this parameter that is not valid.
Is the value of the parameter The batch job interface keyword The parameter name.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
FILE file-id ALREADY EXISTS Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a file that was to be created already exists.
FILE file-id NOT FOUND Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a file to be updated does not exist.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request. DVG821I DVG817I MEMBER member-name OF FILE file-id ALREADY EXISTS Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a member of a file that was to be created already exists.
MEMBER member-name IN FILE file-id NOT FOUND Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a member of a file to be updated does not exists.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
RECORD record-key OF FILE file-id ALREADY EXISTS Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a record to be added to a file already exists.
RECORD record-key IN FILE file-id NOT FOUND Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that the record to be updated does not exist.
Is the record key of the record to be updated.
file-id record-key
Is the file ID of the file to be updated. Is the record key that already exists.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
VOLUME OR MINIDISK volume NOT FOUND Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: VOLUME, MINIDISK, OR PATH volume NOT FOUND Explanation: The remote transfer program could not find the volume, minidisk, or path to read from or write to.
VOLUME OR MINIDISK volume IS FULL Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a volume or minidisk is full.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
FILE file-id IS FULL Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that the file that it writes to is full.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
MEMBER member-name IN FILE file-id IS FULL Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a member of a file that it writes to is full.
YOUR FILE TRANSFER WAS INTERRUPTED BY identifier Explanation: The remote transfer program was interrupted.
One of the following: The NetView FTP operator A user-exit routine The request originator The NetView FTP administrator.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
FILE file-id IS IN USE DVG830I Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that a file that it reads from or writes to is in use. DVG830I FUNCTION function-code NOT SUPPORTED Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: function NOT SUPPORTED Explanation: The remote transfer program does not support a required function. NetView FTP other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS:
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Ensure that the file is not in use then resubmit the request.
Where the function not supported is represented by: 01 02 Data-set organization User exits.
THE REMOTE FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO ACCESS THE FILE AT THE REMOTE SYSTEM Explanation: The remote transfer program recognized that it cannot access a file it was to read from or write to. This can happen if the user ID specified in the request is not authorized to access the file. System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Correct the access security parameters in your file-transfer request, then resubmit the request. DVG831I DVG831I
FUNCTION function-code NOT ACTIVE Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: function NOT ACTIVE Explanation: The remote transfer program cannot perform a required function because it is not active. NetView FTP other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS:
YOUR FILE TRANSFER FAILED TO RESTART Explanation: The remote transfer program detected an error during restart. System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: Check the value of the File Status Option and resubmit the request. NetView FTP other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: Change the value of the Restart from Checkpoint parameter to NO and resubmit the request. The file transfer is restarted from the beginning.
Where the function not active is represented by: 01 02 03 User exits Encryption support SMS support.
User Action: Check the log and report information of the partner server that was involved in this transfer, especially for messages in the range from DVG803 to DVG815. If both sides show message DVG839I and do not contain further information identifying certain file-transfer parameters that should be specified or omitted, contact your IBM Support Center.
FUNCTION function-code NOT OPERATIONAL Or, for NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: function NOT OPERATIONAL Explanation: The remote transfer program cannot perform a required function because it is not operational. NetView FTP other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS: DVG840I
PARAMETER = keyword Explanation: This message informs you about a parameter in error with the corresponding batch job keyword.
System Action: See the messages that accompany this message. User Action: See the messages that accompany this message.
ERROR CODE RETURNED BY comp, CODE VALUE = value. Explanation: The remote transfer program cannot process your request due to a system exception.
PARAMETER = keyword; VALUE = value Explanation: This message informs you about the parameter and value in error with the corresponding batch job keyword.
Component where the error occurred. It can be one of the following: C Runtime NetBIOS OS2 System code number. DVG842I
System Action: See the messages that accompany this message. User Action: See the messages that accompany this message.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: Ask the system administrator at the remote system to correct the error, then resubmit your request. NAME = protocol-name; ID = protocol-id; LENGTH = length; VALUE = value Explanation: This message is for diagnosis purposes only. It is issued when a log of the protocol message units is requested or when a protocol violation is detected. If a protocol log is requested, all items of received protocol message units are logged. If a protocol violation occurred, all items of the protocol error message unit are logged.
PARAMETER parameter IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THE PARTNER SYSTEM Explanation: You specified a parameter that is not supported by the partner system. System Action: The transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Correct the file-transfer request, then resubmit your request.
The name of the protocol item. The hexadecimal identifier of the protocol item. The length of the value of the protocol item. The value of the protocol item. If the length is zero, nothing is printed. Otherwise, the value up to a maximum of 100 characters is printed, even if the protocol item contains more data.
Explanation: The transfer program has detected a situation that violates the transfer protocol. The transfer reason code shows whether the local or the remote transfer program detected the violation. If the partner system is on a higher NetView FTP level, the violation most likely is caused by a new function that is not supported by the local system. System Action: The file transfer terminates.
System Action: If a protocol violation occurred, the file transfer terminates. If a protocol log is written, processing continues. User Action: None.
FILE TRANSFER REQUEST NOT ACCEPTED. Explanation: The file-transfer request is not accepted by the remote transfer partner. If it is a temporary problem (reason code 567), probably the transfer limit is exceeded. If it is a permanent problem (reason code 568), probably the APPC Conversation Security parameters are missing in your file-transfer request. System Action: The file transfer does not start and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to waiting if it is a temporary problem, and to finished if it is a permanent problem. User Action: For a temporary error, none. For a permanent error, correct the error and resubmit the request.
ERROR MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM REMOTE FILE-TRANSFER PROGRAM: message text Explanation: This message informs you about errors when the remote transfer program processes your request.
message text Is the message text as created by the remote transfer program.
System Action: The file transfer terminates. User Action: See the message text created by the remote file-transfer program.
MODULE modulename; FUNCTION function ENTERED; TRACE ACTIVE Explanation: This message is issued when the trace function was activated.
FILE TRANSFER REQUEST NOT ACCEPTED, RESPONDING WORKSTATION NOT ACTIVE. Explanation: The file-transfer request is not accepted because the responder at the remote system is not active. System Action: The file transfer does not start and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to waiting. User Action: Have the responder started. DVG904I
modulename The name of the module for which the trace mask was set. function
The name of the function that was set.
System Action: Trace output is written, processing continues. User Action: None.
FILE NAME DOES NOT CORRESPOND TO THE NAMING RULES AT THE RECEIVING SYSTEM. Explanation: You used a file name that does not adhere to the naming rules of the receiving system. System Action: The file transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Specify a file name that meets the rules of the receiving system and resubmit the file-transfer request.
MODULE modulename; FUNCTION function EXITED; TRACE ACTIVE; ERROR CODE = error-code Explanation: This message is issued when the trace function was activated.
modulename The name of the module for which the trace mask was set. function error-code
The name of the trace function that was set. One of the following: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 20 No error Processing continues Request in progress Request not available Request terminated System abort reported from OSI/File Services Request completed OSI server function reported general error Access to other filestore missing Access to own filestore missing OSI server function reported severe error Temporary error in OSI/File Services Condition code not found Server terminating
ACCESS VIOLATION, FILE IS READ-ONLY. Explanation: You tried to write to a file that is read-only. System Action: The file-transfer ends and NetView FTP changes the status of the request to finished. User Action: Either use another receiving file or change the access authority of the file.
21 23 Request will be skipped File entry not registered in server filestore, temporary entry will be made File entry does not exist Temporary error in queue handler Specific error code not defined. DVG910I This message is issued whenever an OSI server is started.
24 25 NONE
System Action: Trace output is written, processing continues. User Action: None.
REQUEST reqnum CANNOT BE RECOVERED AND IS CANCELED Explanation: The request reqnum is marked as uncompleted in the recovery file. The request cannot be finished successfully by the OSI server and is therefore canceled.
OSI/FS PASSWORD FOR OSI SERVER servername IS INVALID Explanation: The OSI server tried to log on to OSI/FS. However, the password specified with the OIUSRPWD keyword of the OSI server initialization control statement was not accepted by OSI/FS. The initialization of the OSI server is unsuccessful.
System Action: The request is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: Resubmit the request.
servername The job name or STC name under which the server was started.
System Action: The OSI server terminates. User Action: Specify the correct password and restart the OSI server.
RECOVERY COMPLETED Explanation: All requests stored in the recovery file after an abnormal OSI server termination were completed. System Action: Processing continues.
OSI/FS PASSWORD FOR OSI SERVER servername CHANGED DVG912I Explanation: The password to log on to OSI/FS has been successfully changed. The new password was specified with the OINUSRPW keyword of the OSI server initialization statement.
USERID userid NOT REGISTERED IN LRD Explanation: This message is issued if the specified user ID is not registered in the local resource directory.
servername The job name or STC name under which the server was started.
System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
System Action: The request is rejected. User Action: Specify the correct user ID or get the OSI/File Services administrator to enter it in the local resource directory, and then resubmit the request.
RECOVERY FILE READ nnn REQUESTS TO RECOVER Explanation: This message indicates the number of requests to be recovered following termination of the OSI server. When the OSI server terminates due to an error in the queue handler or if OSI/File Services is terminated (using the immediate command) by the operator, the recovery file is written. The recovery file is read and the number of requests to be recovered is specified by the value nnn. Information to complete the unfinished request is passed to the OSI server before it terminates and is kept in the recovery file.
ERROR DURING OSI SERVER servername INITIALIZATION PHASE Explanation: The server is terminating due to an error during the initialization of the OSI server. This message is usually preceded by a message describing the failure.
servername The job name or STC name under which the server was started.
System Action: The OSI server is not started. User Action: Check the log file for messages that might help you to analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the server.
ACF/LRD SPACE PROBLEMS;RETURN CODE = rc, CONDITION CODE = cc. Explanation: OSI/FS detected space problems on the Access Control File or in the Local Resource Directory.
servername The job name or STC name under which the server was started. retcd condcd
Return code. Condition code. Refer to OSI/File Services for MVS Users Guide for an explanation of the condition codes.
rc cc
Return code. Condition code. Refer to OSI/File Services System /370 Users Guide for an explanation of the condition codes. DVG921I
System Action: The command is rejected and the OSI server terminates. User Action: Contact your system administrator.
System Action: Depending on the return code, NetView FTP changes the status of the request to waiting or to finished. User Action: Delete ACF/LRD entries and resubmit the request.
OSI/FS COMMAND cmd ISSUED BY OSI SERVER servername FOR REQUEST reqnum FAILED; RETURN CODE = retcd; CONDITION CODE = condcd Explanation: The OSI server issued a command to address the OSI/File Services component for the specified request. The command could not be processed successfully.
UNKNOWN ERROR FROM OSI/FS; FUNCTION func SERVER servername; RETURN CODE = retcd; CONDITION CODE = condcd Explanation: OSI/File Services has returned a condition code that cannot be handled by the OSI server. It may indicate that a new release of OSI/File Services contains new condition codes, and the current release of the OSI server is not compatible with this release of OSI/File Services.
One of the following: COPY MOVE LENT LFIR AENT RENT GTRS CANC Copy a file Move a file List entry of local resource directory List first entry of local resource directory Add entry to local resource directory Remove entry from local resource directory Get result Cancel request.
servername The job name or STC name under which the server was started. retcd condcd
Return code. Condition code. Refer to OSI/File Services for MVS Users Guide for an explanation of the condition codes.
servername The job name or STC name under which the server was started. retcd condcd
Return code. Condition code. Refer to OSI/File Services for MVS Users Guide for an explanation of the condition codes.
System Action: Depending on the return code, NetView FTP changes the status of the request to waiting or to finished, or the server terminates. User Action: Contact your system administrator.
OSI/FS COMMAND cmd ISSUED BY OSI SERVER servername FAILED; RETURN CODE = retcd; CONDITION CODE = condcd Explanation: The OSI server issued a command to address the OSI/File Services component. This command was not successful.
System Action: The command and the request are rejected. User Action: Check the request parameters and resubmit the request.
One of the following: STR END LENT LFIR CUPW Start of OSI/File Services Termination of OSI/File Services List entry of local resource directory List first entry of local resource directory Change user password.
REQUEST reqnum TERMINATED DUE TO USER ERROR; RETURN CODE = retcd; CONDITION CODE = condcd Explanation: This message is issued when you submit a request with incorrect parameters, or insufficient local resource directory entries.
OSI SERVER TERMINATING DUE TO AN INTERNAL ERROR OF OSI SERVER servername; SIGNAL signal ISSUED Explanation: An OSI server issues this message when an internal server error occurs that causes the OSI server to terminate. Normally, this message is preceded by a message describing the failure.
Number of the request. Return code. Condition code. Refer to OSI/File Services for MVS Users Guide for an explanation of the condition codes.
servername The job name or STC name under which the server was started. signal
The OSI server containing C programs uses the following C/370* supported signals to handle error conditions: SIGABRT Abnormal termination signal sent by the abend function. SIGFPE Erroneous arithmetic exceptions, such as overflow, division by zero, or operation not valid. SIGILL Function image not valid, such as an object module or operation exception that is not valid. SIGINT Interactive attention interrupt. SIGSEGV Access to memory not valid, such as protection exception or addressing exception that is not valid. SIGTERM Termination request sent to program. System Action: The OSI server terminates. User Action: A detailed description of the C/370 signals is provided in the C/370 Users Guide. Check the log file for messages that might help you to analyze the problem. The signal issued might also provide a clue. After you have corrected the problem, restart the server.
System Action: The request is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: Correct the error and resubmit the request.
OSI SERVER TERMINATING DUE TO AN ERROR IN OSI/FS Explanation: This message is issued when the OSI server is terminating due to a severe error in the OSI/File Services component. Possible reasons may be: OSI/File Services not yet started Lost connection to OSI/File Services Internal error in OSI/File Services Unexpected shutdown of OSI/File Services. Normally, this message is preceded by a message describing the failure. System Action: The OSI server terminates. User Action: Check the log file for messages that might help you to analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the server.
USER userid CANNOT CARRY OUT FILE TRANSFER FOR REQUEST reqnum DUE TO MISMATCH BETWEEN LRD ENTRIES AND REQUEST PARAMETERS Explanation: The OSI/File Services server issues this message when it detects a mismatch between the specifications in the local resource directory and the request.
OSI SERVER TERMINATING DUE TO AN UNEXPECTED ERROR Explanation: An OSI server issues this message when an unexpected error occurred and the OSI server is terminating. Normally, this message is preceded by a message describing the error. System Action: The OSI server terminates. User Action: Check the log file for messages that might help you to analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the server.
userid reqnum
User ID that requested the file transfer. Number of the file-transfer request.
System Action: The request is not submitted. Processing continues. User Action: Change the access authority as described in OSI/File Services Users Guide and resubmit the request.
REQUEST reqnum TERMINATED DUE TO AN UNEXPECTED ERROR Explanation: An unexpected error occurred processing the request reqnum. Normally, this message is preceded by a message describing the error.
REQUEST reqnum CANCELED Explanation: The OSI server issues this message when a request is canceled.
System Action: The request is terminated. Processing continues. User Action: None.
System Action: The request is rejected and the OSI server terminates. User Action: Check the log file for messages that may help you to analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the OSI server and resubmit the request. DVG941I
CLOSE ON ddname FAILED Explanation: The OSI server issues this message when an internal file cannot be closed.
DVG928I FUNCTION function RETURNED WITH SEVERE ERROR Explanation: This message displays the internal sequence of server functions after an error occurred. Normally this message is preceded by a message describing the failure.
System Action: The OSI server terminates. User Action: Contact your system administrator.
UNEXPECTED COMPLETION CODE FOR ECB ecb Explanation: This message is issued when the OSI server is posted with an event control block but cannot handle the completion code. It may indicate inconsistencies between the current versions of the queue handler and the OSI server.
System Action: The OSI server terminates. User Action: Check the log file for messages that may help you to analyze the problem. After you have corrected the problem, restart the OSI server and resubmit the request.
System Action: The OSI server terminates. DVG929I OSI/FS COMMAND cmd RETURNED RETURN CODE = retcd; CONDITION CODE = condcd Explanation: This message is for information only. The return and condition codes are kept in the log file for information. User Action: Contact your system administrator.
REQUEST reqnum WAS NOT AN OSI REQUEST Explanation: The request is not an OSI request.
Name of the OSI/File Services command. Return code. Condition code. Refer to OSI/File Services for MVS Users Guide for an explanation of the condition codes. DVG990I
System Action: The request is not submitted. User Action: Check the request class. It must not be a class assigned to an OSI server if an SNA-type request is to be submitted. Correct the error and resubmit the request.
REQUEST reqnum TERMINATED Explanation: The OSI server issues this message when a request terminates.
CLASS/PRIORITY = cl/pr; OSI SERVER NAME = servername; INITIATOR FUNCTION = func; TRANSFER MODE = tranmode; DESTINATION EFFECT = destneff Explanation: This message gives information about the request and the transfer.
System Action: The request is terminated. User Action: Check the log file for messages that may help you analyze the problem. After you have corrected the error, resubmit the request.
Destination effect on the destination file; C (create), A (append), R (replace), CA (create or append), or CR (create or replace). DVG993I System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
FILESTORE OWNER = locusid; FILESTORE NICKNAME = fsnn; FILESTORE SUBSET = fssub; LOCAL FILE NAME = locflnam Explanation: This message gives information about the file at the local system.
DOCUMENT TYPE = doctype; UNIVERSAL CLASS = univcl; STRING SIGNIFICANCE = strsig; MAXIMUM STRING LENGTH = maxstrln; FUTURE FILE SIZE = futflsiz Explanation: This message gives information about the destination file.
FTAM document-type of the file. Possible values are: F1 F3 Defined as unstructured text Defined as unstructured binary.
User ID of the filestore owner. Filestore nickname. Filestore subset. Local file name.
The universal class parameter is an OSI term that refers to the type of character string of which the contents of the destination file are composed. Possible values are: G H I V GeneralString GraphicString Ia5String VisibleString.
LOCAL OSI FILE NAME = locosifn; LOCAL ACCESS PASSWORDS = locaccpw; REMOTE FILESTORE AET = remfsaet; REMOTE OSI FILE NAME = rosifn; REMOTE ACCESS PASSWORDS = remaccpw Explanation: This message gives information about local and remote parameters.
The string significance is the record format of the destination file. Possible values are: F Fixed format. The string length is equal to the maximum string length specified. The file is stored with this record format. Unbounded format (not significant). The file may be stored with any record format. Variable format. The string length is equal to, or less than the maximum string length specified. The file is stored with this record format.
locaccpw List of YES or NO values (for example, YYNNNY) indicating how the following passwords are set on the local system:
Read Extend Replace Read attributes Delete file Filestore Create.
Remote filestore application entity title by which the filestore can be identified by users at the remote system. Remote OSI file name. This is the name by which the file can be identified and accessed by users at the local and remote system. List of YES or NO values (for example, YYNNNY) indicating how the following passwords are set on the remote system: Read Extend Replace Read attributes Delete file Filestore Create.
The maximum string length is the logical record length of the destination file and must be specified. The future file size is the maximum size, expressed in K bytes, to which the file is expected to grow as a result of its future handling.
FILE AVAILABILITY = favail; PERMITTED ACTIONS = permact; ACCESS CONTROL ELEMENT ACTIONS = aceact; ACCESS CONTROL ELEMENT PASSWORDS = acepwds Explanation: This message gives information about the destination file.
FUNCTION RETURN CODE = funcrc; FUNCTION CONDITION CODE = funccc; REQUEST START = reqstr; ACTIVITY STATUS = actstat; TRANSFERRED BYTES = bytes Explanation: This message gives information about the function output.
Indicates whether or not the file is to be available immediately to users once it is created on their system. Possible values are: I D Immediate availability Deferred availability.
Specifies the final return code of the initiator function (COPY or MOVE) related to the transfer request. Specifies the final condition code of the initiator function (COPY or MOVE) related to the transfer request. Date and time the request started. The current status of the transfer request. Possible values are: INPR COMP ABCO The transfer is still in progress. The transfer is complete. The transfer terminates due to an ABORT function request issued by the console operator. The transfer terminates due to a CANCEL function request issued by the owner of the filestore. The transfer terminates due to a CANCEL function request issued by the request issuer. The transfer terminates due to the program terminating.
reqstr actstat
Permitted actions is a list of the actions allowed on the file. Each action can have the value Y = YES, or N = NO, for example, YYYNNY. Possible actions are: Read Extend Replace Read attributes Change attributes Delete file.
Access control element actions is the list of the actions allowed by the access control element. Each action can have the value Y = YES, or N = NO, for example, YYYNNY. Possible actions are: Read Extend Replace Read attributes Change attributes Delete file.
acepwds Access control element passwords is the list of the passwords related to the actions defined in the access control element actions. Each action can have the value Y = YES, or N = NO to indicate whether or not a password is assigned, for example, YYYNNY. Possible passwords are:
Read Extend Replace Read attributes Change attributes Delete file. System Action: Processing continues. User Action: None.
DIAGNOSTIC: ORIGIN = diagor; TYPE = diagtyp; ERROR IDENTIFIER = diagiden; SUGGESTED DELAY = diagdel; MESSAGE = diaginfo Explanation: This message gives diagnostic information that is optionally provided by the remote system.
Diagnostic origin specifies whether the error was detected by the local system or by the remote system. Possible values are: L R N Locally detected Remote detected No categorization possible.
Diagnostic error type specifies the severity of the error. Possible values are: I T P Informative message Transient error Permanent error.
Diagnostic error identifier is a classification of the errors. It is an integer field that takes one of the values defined in ISO FTAM-IS-Standard Part 3. Diagnostic suggested delay is an integer value specifying how many minutes the user should wait before restarting the transfer request. It is meaningful for transient errors only. Diagnostic error information is a message in natural language giving further details about the cause of the error.
Note: For the return codes marked with an asterisk, the decimal value of 70 is added to the original function return code value passed from OSI/File Services. An OSI/File Services function condition code accompanies the function return code, and is passed to the OSI server, where it serves as a reason code. For interpretation of the original OSI/File Services function return codes and function condition codes, see OSI/File Services for MVS Users Guide. NetView FTP Single Server Return Codes: Return codes for the termination of servers in single running mode are calculated as follows: (file-transfer return code x 1 ) + server termination mode
Refer to ISPF Dialog Management Services and Examples for actions to be taken.
Label: RSSOPNSE Description: Error in OPNSEC macro. The attempt to establish the ACF/VTAM session initiated by a remote server failed with an error in the OPNSEC macro.
Figure 4 (Part 2 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 20 Hex 14 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSSMIKWD Description: Mandatory parameter missing. The server checked the parameters in the file-transfer request and found that a mandatory parameter was missing from it. The pre-transfer user-exit routine might have changed the file-transfer request and omitted a mandatory parameter. 24 18 Label: RSSNAVAI Description: Remote server temporarily not available. The local server tried to initiate an ACF/VTAM session but the attempt failed because a remote server was temporarily not available. Common reasons for this are: The remote servers were terminating No remote servers were started All the remote servers were already busy with other file transfers. The server changed the status of the corresponding request back to waiting, regardless of the value of the Automatic Transfer Restart parameter. A server will reprocess the request later. 28 1C Label: RSSUNUS Description: LU names for remote servers unusable. The local server tried to initiate an ACF/VTAM session. The attempt failed because ACF/VTAM replied that the LU names used to identify the remote node were unusable. Probably the LU names were not properly defined in ACF/VTAM. 32 20 Label: RSSQHERR Description: Queue handler error. The server tried to issue a queue handler command to get or update a file-transfer request. The attempt failed because the queue handler signalled that an error occurred. The error is not necessarily related to the queue handler command that the server issued. 36 24 Label: RSSREST Description: Not enough storage to restart transfer of PDS. The server tried to restart the transfer of a PDS from a checkpoint. It found the checkpoint record in the checkpoint data set, but there was not enough storage available to restart the file transfer. Its attempt to use it to restart the transfer failed. 37 25 Label: RSSPOREC Description: Session recovery for a PDS member failed. A server tried to recover a session during which a PDS member was being transferred. The server retrieved, from the checkpoint data set, the number of the record with which it was to continue the transfer. While searching through the member for that record, end of member (EOM) was reached and the record was never found. Label: RSNNOCS Description: No parameters found. No parameters were specified in the file-transfer request. The file-transfer request was rejected, that is, it was not added to the request queue. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNMIKWD Description: Mandatory parameters missing. The user interfaces checked the file-transfer request and found that one or more mandatory parameters were missing from it. The file-transfer request was rejected, that is, it was not added to the request queue. Label: RSNCSERR Description: Parameter error. The user interfaces checked the file-transfer request and found either a syntactical error or an inappropriate value. The file-transfer request was rejected, that is, it was not added to the request queue.
Label: RSNOPERR Description: Error when opening SYSIN. When the batch job interface routine tried to open SYSIN, the attempt failed. Probably the appropriate DD statement was missing from the startup job for the batch job interface routine. Label: RSNIOERR Description: I/O error when reading from SYSIN. An I/O error occurred when the batch job interface routine tried to read from SYSIN.
Label: RSNAPLE1 Description: Incorrect APL control block ID (APLID) specified. Must be '*DVGAPL*' (APLACCR).
Figure 4 (Part 3 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 38 Hex 26 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSSPORST Description: Transfer restart for a PDS member failed. A server tried to restart the transfer of a PDS member. The server retrieved, from the checkpoint data set, the number of the record with which it was to continue the transfer. While searching through the member for that record, end of member (EOM) was reached and the record was never found. 40 28 Label: RSSRRDS Description: VSAM Cluster type not supported. The server opened a VSAM data set for a file transfer. This data set turned out to have a record organization that is not supported by NetView FTP. 44 2C Label: RSSTSESS Description: Error during session termination. The server tried to terminate an ACF/VTAM session at the end of a file transfer but could not. Probably, the session had already been terminated by ACF/VTAM when NetView FTP issued the session termination request. This reason code does not necessarily indicate that the file transfer was not successful. 48 30 Label: RSSRECOV Description: Session recovery not successful. During a file transfer, the server detected an ACF/VTAM session interrupt and tried to automatically recover the session. However, this attempt failed. Probably, whatever caused the interrupt prevented the server from recovering the session. 52 34 Label: RSSIMMED Description: Immediate termination during session recovery. During a file transfer, the server detected an ACF/VTAM session interrupt and tried to automatically recover the session. However, this attempt failed because the termination of the current file transfer was requested. Possible reasons are: A user deleted the file-transfer request. The operator stopped the server on which the file-transfer request was running. The queue handler encountered an error and ordered all servers to terminate immediately. 56 38 Label: RSSUXFH Description: Error in a user-written file handler. The file-transfer request indicated that NetView FTP was to use a user-written file handler to gain access to a data set. An error occurred during the running of the file handler. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNAPLE2 Description: Incorrect APL length specified in field APLLNGTH. Must be one of the values defined in the APL length fields in macro DVGAPL.
Figure 4 (Part 4 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 60 Hex 3C From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSSVNCON Description: Incompatible parameters. The server checked the parameters in the file-transfer request and found an incorrect combination of parameters or parameter values. Probably, the pre-transfer user-exit routine modified the file-transfer request incorrectly. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNVNCON Description: Parameter values not compatible. A user interface checked the file-transfer request and found at least one parameter value that was incompatible with others. The file-transfer request was rejected, that is, it was not added to the request queue. If you are using the interactive interface, check the contents of the additional parameters panels. If you do not find any incompatible values, add the file-transfer request to the request queue again; NetView FTP might have changed one or more incompatible default values when it displayed the additional panels. Label: RSNNRCX Description: Pre-queuing user-exit routine not found. Before passing a file-transfer request on to the queue handler, the user interfaces always pass control to the pre-queuing user-exit routine. This routine was not found. The routine must be loadable from one of the current link-list libraries. Probably an error was made during installation.
Label: RSSDALER Description: Deallocation error. The server dynamically allocated a data set for a file transfer. After the file transfer, the server tried to deallocate the data set, but the attempt failed. Possibly, a system error occurred.
Label: RSSABAX Description: Abnormal termination of server subtask or, for VSE, any NetView FTP subtask. A NetView FTP subtask terminated abnormally. A server subtask terminated abnormally. Possible reasons are: The operator canceled the server A NetView FTP program error.
Label: RSSABAM Description: Abnormal termination of server (MVS) or the NetView FTP maintask (VSE). A server terminated abnormally. The reason for the abnormal termination was not necessarily related to a specific file transfer. Possible reasons are: The operator canceled the server A NetView FTP program error.
Label: RSSDSNER Description: Data-set names do not match. Both a data-set name and a ddname were specified in the file-transfer request. The data-set name specified in the DD, DLBL, or TLBL statement that corresponds to the ddname was different from the data-set name specified in the file-transfer request.
Label: RSNDSNER Description: The length of at least one data-set name (file ID) exceeds the maximum length. In NetView FTP there is a maximum length allowed for file IDs. For more information about maximum length refer to NetView FTP Parameter Reference.
Label: RSSREINC Description: Higher FTP level required. A file-transfer request required a server to do something for which its FTP level is too low. For more information about FTP levels, refer to the Operation and Administration for your transfer program.
Figure 4 (Part 5 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 80 Hex 50 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSSNOLUN Description: No LU name found. A server group was specified in the file-transfer request. The server asked the queue handler to provide the LU names for the server group but the queue handler could not provide any names. Probably, the server group table was modified and the queue handler was restarted after the file-transfer request was added to the request queue. The queue handler only provides LU names that have the correct server running mode. 92 5C Label: RSSCRER Description: I/O error in the checkpoint data set. When looking for a checkpoint record, the server encountered an I/O error in the checkpoint data set. 96 60 Label: RSSCRNFD Description: Checkpoint not found in data set being transferred. The server tried to restart an interrupted file transfer from a checkpoint. It found the checkpoint record in the checkpoint data set, but its attempt to use it to restart the transfer failed. Possible reasons are: Not enough storage was available to restart the file transfer of a PDS member The server could not find the checkpoint in the data set being transferred because that data set has been modified since the checkpoint record was written. 100 64 Label: RSSDSNEM Description: Error with KSDS option ADDBEG. The file-transfer request specified the value ADDBEG for the KSDS option, but the receiving data set already contained records. This is not allowed with the value ADDBEG. The server at the receiving node broke off the file transfer. 104 68 Label: RSSCRINV Description: Incorrect checkpoint record found or checkpoint data set full. NetView FTP uses different formats for the checkpoint records used with user-written file handlers and with NetView FTP file handlers. The server obtained a checkpoint record of the wrong format. This is probably due to an integrity problem. The server could not write a new checkpoint data set. The file transfer continues. Refer to the Installation, Operation, and Administration guide for your NetView FTP. 108 6C Label: RSNSTIMM Description: Immediate termination of queue handler in progress. A user interface routine issued a queue handler command. However, because the queue handler was in a state of immediate termination, the queue handler could not carry out the command. Label: RSNQIQNR Description: Queue handler not ready. A user interface routine issued a queue handler command but the queue handler was not started or had not yet finished its initialization processing. The queue handler command was not carried out. Label: RSNSTQUI Description: Delayed termination of queue handler in progress. A user interface routine issued a queue handler command. However, because the queue handler was in a state of delayed termination, the queue handler could not carry out the command. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 6 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 112 Hex 70 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNAREJT Description: Request queue is full. The file-transfer request cannot be added to the request queue because there is no free space for it. No request can be added to the queue until one or more requests are deleted from it. 116 74 Label: RSNSQBLD Description: Queue handler presently rebuilding the request queue. The queue handler cannot carry out the queue handler command because it is rebuilding the request queue. When it has finished rebuilding the queue, the queue handler can again carry out queue handler commands. The amount of time the queue handler needs to rebuild the request queue depends on the size of the queue. 120 78 Label: RSSRCTER Description: Mismatch in record or byte count. After two servers successfully transfer a data set, they compare the number of records or bytes each recorded, sent or received. The comparison resulted in a mismatch. This problem might indicate a NetView FTP program error. 124 7C Label: RSSRINER Description: Error in building an RACF environment. The server tried to use the values of the security parameters in the file-transfer request to build a temporary RACF environment, but the attempt failed. Probably, the values specified were incorrect. Label: RSNSSLFE Description: Queue handler error. The queue handler cannot carry out the queue handler command because, due to a NetView FTP program error, no resources are available to it.
Label: RSNSPSTE Description: Communication error. The SVC routine was not able to establish communication between the queue handler and the NetView FTP component that issued the queue handler command. This code indicates a NetView FTP installation error or an error in the system parameter definition.
Label: RSSRDLER Description: Error in deleting an RACF environment. The server transferred a data set under the control of a previously built RACF environment. The attempt to delete this environment and reestablish the original authorization failed. This is probably due to a system error or a NetView FTP program error.
Label: RSSOPTRM Description: Operator termination. The file transfer was interrupted, due to one of the following: The operator at the local system terminated one of the following: The server that was transferring the file The queue handler (MVS,VM) The NetView FTP partition (VSE). An irrecoverable error in the queue handler caused it to terminate immediately. An irrecoverable error in the NetView FTP partition caused it to terminate immediately (VSE).
Figure 4 (Part 7 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 136 Hex 88 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSSTIMEX Description: Processing period elapsed. The server obtained a file-transfer request from the request queue. However, the not-after time specified in the file-transfer request had already elapsed. The server did not carry out the file-transfer request. 140 8C Label: RSSSEND Description: ACF/VTAM error while sending data. The server encountered an ACF/VTAM error when it tried to send data. The data could have been either parts of the data set to be transferred or NetView FTP internal control information. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNNFND Description: Request not found. A user interface routine issued a queue handler command to delete, query, or modify a specific file-transfer request, but the queue handler could not find this request in the request queue. Label: RSNQOFLW Description: Request queue is full; queue rebuild started. A user interface routine tried to add a request to the queue but there was no space left in the queue. The queue handler started to rebuild the request queue, that is, the queue handler started to delete successfully finished requests that have been in the queue longer than the delay time set by the system programmer. If the queue handler finds any such requests, there will be free space in the queue again. Label: RSNNOID Description: Server group not found in server group table. A file-transfer request specified a remote server group, but this server group was not found in the server group table. Possible reasons are: The file-transfer request contained the incorrect server group. The server group table is not up to date. The queue handler has not been started since the server group table was last updated. 148 94 Label: RSSINVAL Description: Incorrect parameter found. The server checked the parameters in the file-transfer request and found an incorrect parameter or an incorrect value for a parameter. Probably, the pre-transfer user-exit routine modified the file-transfer request incorrectly. 152 98 Label: RSSINOPS Description: Parameter not compatible with operating system. The server checked the file-transfer request and found that one or more of the parameters were incompatible with the operating system under which the server operates. Label: RSNINVAL Description: Request contains incorrect parameters or parameter values. A user interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found an incorrect parameter or an incorrect value for a parameter. This code indicates a user error. Label: RSNINOPS Description: Parameter not compatible with operating system. A user interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found one or more values that were incompatible with the operating system of the node for which they were specified. Possible reasons are: The user specified incorrect values when creating the file-transfer request The wrong operating system was specified for a node in the server group table. 156 9C Label: RSNNNDT Description: Server group table not found. A file-transfer request contained a value that requires that the queue handler loaded the server group table during its initialization. However, during its initialization, the queue handler did not find the server group table and started without it. This error is probably due to an error during installation.
Label: RSSRECV Description: ACF/VTAM error while receiving data. The server encountered an ACF/VTAM error when it tried to receive data. The data could have been either parts of the data set to be transferred or NetView FTP internal control information.
Figure 4 (Part 8 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 160 Hex A0 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNNAUTH Description: Master password missing or incorrect. A user interface routine issued A queue handler command to query, delete, or modify the file-transfer request of another originator. However, the master password was either not specified or was incorrect. 162 A2 Label: RSNNORES Description: Request is not available for restart. A user interface routine issued a queue handler command to restart a file-transfer request. The request is not available for restart processing for one of the following reasons: The file-transfer request does not exist. The file-transfer request has the status waiting. The file-transfer request has the status active. The file-transfer request has finished successfully. The file-transfer request has finished unsuccessfully but is not manually restartable. 164 A4 Label: RSNNENTR Description: No request found for the originator specified. A user interface routine issued a queue handler command to delete or query file-transfer requests that were submitted by a specific originator. However, no request was found for this originator or no request at all was found in the request queue. This reason code usually accompanies the return code 0. 168 A8 Label: RSNNDEL Description: Not all requests to be deleted were deleted. A user interface routine issued a queue handler command to delete one or more file-transfer requests from the request queue. However, at least one of the file-transfer requests could not be deleted because: The file-transfer request was protected with a password that was not specified with the queue handler command. The file-transfer request was unsuccessfully finished and can only be deleted with the FORCEDEL command. This reason code usually accompanies the return code 0. 170 AA Label: RSNRSTBL Description: Request available for restart processing. An active file-transfer request was interrupted with the DELETE command. The status of the file-transfer request is changed to finished. The file-transfer request is available for restart.
Figure 4 (Part 9 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 172 Hex AC From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNSAACT Description: Server already in server table. A server tried to connect to the queue handler but a server with the same job or started-task name was already in the queue handlers server table. This is probably because the server did not disconnect from the queue handler the last time it terminated. This can happen when the operator cancels a server. When the queue handler encounters this problem, it removes the entry from the server table. When the server is then started again, it should be able to connect without any problem. 176 B0 Label: RSNMAXSV Description: Maximum number of servers reached. A server tried to connect to the queue handler. However, the maximum number of servers that can connect to the queue handler has already been reached. This number is specified in an initialization parameter for the queue handler. 180 B4 Label: RSNNDREQ Description: No request available for processing. A server tried to obtain a file-transfer request to process but the queue handler could not find one available for processing. 184 B8 Label: RSNSVNFD Description: Server name not found in server table. A server issued a queue handler command but the queue handler could not find an entry for that server in its server table. The queue handler did not carry out the queue handler command. This code indicates a NetView FTP program error. 186 BA Label: RSNNOIL Description: Incorrect type of NOTIFY queue handler command. The server attempted to use a queue handler command that is not allowed for the request specified. 196 C4 Label: RSNFBASH Description: More information retrieved than fits in buffers. A user interface routine queried one or more requests. The queue handler retrieved more information than fits into the buffers and there is still more information to obtain. If the application program interface issues this reason code, the buffers provided by the application program are too small. If the batch job interface routine or the interactive interface routine issues this reason code, a NetView FTP program error has occurred.
Figure 4 (Part 10 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 200 Hex C8 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNABEND Description: Abnormal termination of queue handler. The queue handler abnormally terminated while processing a queue handler command. This probably happened because of a NetView FTP program error but can also happen when the operator cancels the queue handler. 204 CC Label: RSSRKSDS Description: Incorrect KSDS option. The server found an incorrect value for the KSDS Option parameter. Probably, the pre-transfer user-exit routine modified the file-transfer request incorrectly. 208 D0 Label: RSSRDEN Description: Incorrect tape density. The server found an incorrect value for the Tape Density parameter. Probably, the pre-transfer user-exit routine modified the file-transfer request incorrectly. 212 D4 Label: RSSREXPD Description: Incorrect expiration date. The server found an incorrect value for the Expiration Date parameter. Probably, the pre-transfer user-exit routine modified the file-transfer request incorrectly. Label: RSNRKSDS Description: Incorrect VSAM KSDS option. A user interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found an incorrect value for the VSAM KSDS option. This code indicates a user error. Label: RSNRDEN Description: Incorrect tape density. A user interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found an incorrect value for the Tape Density parameter. This code indicates a user error. Label: RSNREXPD Description: Incorrect expiration date or retention period. A user interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found an incorrect value for the Expiration Date or Retention Period parameter. This code indicates a user error. Label: RSNVMLIN Description: Incorrect VM link parameters. A user interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found at least one of the following: An incorrect combination of VM link parameters An incorrect value for a VM link parameter. Label: RSNVOLSE Description: Missing volume serial number. A user interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found that a volume serial number was required but missing. This code indicates a user error.
Label: RSSVMLIN Description: Incorrect VM link parameters. The server found at least one of the following: An incorrect combination of VM link parameters An incorrect value for a VM link parameter. Probably, the pre-transfer user-exit routine modified the file-transfer request incorrectly.
Label: RSSVOLSE Description: Missing volume serial number. Specifying a volume serial number is mandatory for this file transfer, but the server found that a volume serial number was not specified. Probably the pre-transfer user-exit routine modified the file-transfer request incorrectly.
Label: RSSINCOM Description: Incompatible transfer program at remote node. After a local server established an ACF/VTAM session with a remote server, it discovered that the transfer program at the remote node: Had an FTP level that was incompatible with its FTP level, or Had an insufficient service level, or Had an NetView FTP level that does not perform an LU 6.2 protocol type conversation, or Was some program other than FTP V2 or NetView FTP. It did not begin the file transfer.
Figure 4 (Part 11 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 228 Hex E4 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSNNANBI Description: Not-before or not-after time or date incorrect. A not-before or not-after time or date is incorrect. Possible reasons are: The not-after time and date is earlier than the not-before time and date, or than the current time and date The specified time or date was not valid (for example, 25:00 or 32 December). This indicates a user error. 230 E6 From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNNANBI Description: Not-before or not-after time or date incorrect. A not-before or not-after time or date is incorrect. Possible reasons are: The not-after time and date is earlier than the not-before time and date, or than the current time and date The specified time or date was not valid (for example, 25:00 or 32 December). This indicates a user error. Label: RSNINRAC Description: Incorrect security parameter specification. The request contained an * that was incorrectly specified. Refer to the NetView FTP Users Guide for information about how to specify values for security parameters correctly. 248 F8 Label: RSSREJTR Description: File-transfer request rejected by pre-transfer user-exit routine. Before the file transfer starts, the server passes the file-transfer request to the pre-transfer user-exit routine. This routine rejected the file-transfer request, that is, it told the server not to carry out the file transfer. 252 FC Label: RSSRECL Description: Record length not correct. The receiving server received a data record that did not fit into the I/O buffers. The receiving data set was not defined to contain records that are as long as those that were sent. 260 104 Label: RSSUXNF Description: Error while loading a user-written file handler. The file-transfer request indicated that NetView FTP was to use a user-written file handler to gain access to a data set. The load module name for the file handler was specified in the file-transfer request, but the server was not able to load the routine. Possible reasons are: The load module name specified in the file-transfer request was wrong The server did not have access to the correct load libraries. 264 108 Label: RSSCONTU Description: The file-transfer request was rejected because no connection was received by the distribution-service machine from the file-service machine within 5 minutes after it was autologged.
Figure 4 (Part 12 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 302 Hex 12E From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSSLIO Description: I/O error in data set. While gaining access to a data set, a server encountered a logical or physical I/O error. Possible reasons are: The values of the parameters for the data set were incorrect All extents of a data set were full A device error occurred. 303 12F Label: RSSADDK Description: Error with KSDS option ADDKEY. The file-transfer request specified the value ADDKEY for the KSDS option, but a record that was to be written to the receiving data set had the same key as a record that was already in the receiving data set, and the contents of the two records were not the same. This is not allowed with the value ADDKEY. The receiving server broke off the file transfer. 304 130 Label: RSSCBM Description: VSAM macroinstruction error. The server uses the VSAM macros MODCB, TESTCB, and SHOWCB when working with VSAM control blocks. One of the macros returned an error. This is probably a NetView FTP program error. 305 131 Label: RSSOPN Description: Error returned from OPEN or CLOSE macro. The server uses the OPEN macroinstruction to make a data set available for access during a file transfer, and the CLOSE macroinstruction to end the access. One of the macros returned an error. If the error was returned by: OPEN CLOSE The server did not begin the file transfer. The server completed the file transfer, which might have been successful. Label: RSNCBM Description: VSAM macroinstruction error. The queue handler uses the VSAM macros SHOWCAT, MODCB, TESTCB, and SHOWCB when working with VSAM control blocks. One of the macros returned an error. This is probably because the VSAM file does not exist or because of a NetView FTP program error. Label: RSNOPN Description: Error during OPEN or CLOSE. The queue handler uses the OPEN macroinstruction to make the request queue available for accessing, and the CLOSE macroinstruction to finish the accessing. One of these macros returned an error. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNLIO Description: I/O error while carrying out queue handler command. The queue handler encountered an I/O error while carrying out a queue handler command. The command was not carried out. This might be due to a hardware problem.
VM only: You have tried to process a tape that might not be mounted. 306 132 Label: RSSSPMIS Description: Security parameters missing. The server that processed the request requires one of the following: Security parameters were specified in the file-transfer request The server is able to retrieve security parameters automatically (MVS). Refer to message DVG159I for more information.
Figure 4 (Part 13 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 307 Hex 133 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSSRACF Description: RACF authorization error. When the server attempted to open the sending or receiving data set, using the specified or default security parameter values, it encountered a system ABEND code of 913. This indicates that the specified or default user is not authorized to access the data set. VM only: You do not have authorization to link the specified minidisk. CP returns code 298. 308 134 Label: RSSRPNR Description: RACF parameters cannot be retrieved. The transfer program failed to retrieve the RACF password or group ID, or both, as specified in the request. Check the return and reason code from the RACXTR macro for more information about the error. This can be found in the transfer report file or the server log file. 309 135 Label: RSSOPNE Description: Nonexistent PDS member specified. The server tried to make a single member available for file transfer, but this member does not exist. 310 136 Label: RSSREPK Description: Error with KSDS option REPKEY. The file-transfer request specified the value REPKEY for the KSDS Option parameter, but a record was to be written and another record with the same key did not already exist in the receiving data set. This is not allowed with the value ADDBEG. The receiving server broke off the file transfer. 311 137 Label: RSSDSNR Description: Error while retrieving a data-set name. NetView FTP tried to retrieve the name of a data set to be transferred from the job file control block, but the attempt failed. If NetView FTP was using dynamic allocation, this is probably due to a NetView FTP program error. If NetView FTP was using job allocation, this is probably due to a user error (the wrong ddname was probably specified in the file-transfer request). Label: RSNREPK Description: Request not found on the request queue. The queue handler tried to update a file-transfer request on the request queue but could not find the request. This code can indicate either a NetView FTP program error or incorrect installation of the request queue. Label: RSNDSNR Description: Error while retrieving a data-set name. NetView FTP tried to retrieve the name of a data set from the job file control block, but the attempt failed. This is probably due to missing disk-label information for the NetView FTP work file catalog. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 14 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 312 Hex 138 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSNLOGER Description: Error with KSDS option ADDKEY or DELKEY. One of the following occurred: The file-transfer request specified the value ADDKEY for the KSDS option. A record with the same key as one of the records being sent already existed in the receiving data set, but the two records were identical. The file-transfer request specified the value DELKEY for the KSDS option, but none of the records to be deleted existed in the receiving data set. These situations do not cause the file transfer to be broken off, but because they are unusual and might be of interest to you, FTP V2 and NetView FTP issue this reason code for your information. The file transfer continues normally. 313 139 Label: RSSRALOC Description: RACF allocation error. NetView FTP attempted to dynamically allocate a data set that has an RACF profile for which the user or NetView FTP are not authorized. 314 13A Label: RSSNOTX Description: Nonexistent member specified in the member selection or exclusion list. A PDS member that could not be found in the sending PDS was selected or excluded. 315 13B Label: RSSPDSC Description: PDS option in conflict. A PDS option was specified that conflicts with the presence, or absence of the member in the receiving PDS. 316 13C Label: RSSGVSER Description: Error while requesting virtual storage. The operating system did not satisfy the servers or another NetView FTP components request for a block of virtual storage, probably because: The server was run in too small an address space (MVS). The server was run in too small a virtual machine (VM). NetView FTP was run in too small a partition, the GETVIS area was too small (VSE). 320 140 Label: RSSRVSER Description: Error while releasing virtual storage. The operating system did not satisfy the servers request to release a block of virtual storage. Probably, there was either a system error or a NetView FTP program error. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 15 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 324 Hex 144 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSSFCERR Description: Error while retrieving attributes of the sending data set. The server tried to retrieve the attributes of the sending data set so that they could be used when defining the receiving data set. However, the attempt failed. Probably, there was a system error. 328 148 Label: RSSV2ER Description: Error on a remote FTP V2 node. The transfer program at the remote node is FTP V2. An error occurred on the remote node, and the FTP V2 at that node informed the server at the local node about the error. This reason code is issued for all the different kinds of errors that can occur at an FTP V2 node, because reason codes for specific errors are not supported by FTP V2. 330 14A Label: RSSDELET Description: File transfer interrupted by request deletion. A user deleted a file-transfer request that corresponded to a file transfer that was in progress. The server broke off the file transfer. 334 14E Label: RSNDELET Description: File transfer interrupted by request deletion. A user deleted a file-transfer request that corresponded to a file transfer that was in progress. The server broke off the file transfer. Label: RSNFORCE Description: File transfer interrupted by forced request deletion. A user deleted a file-transfer request that corresponded to a file transfer that was in progress. The server broke off the file transfer. 384 180 Label: RSSFTYP Description: File type in DD statement and in request do not match. Both a data-set type and a ddname were specified in the file-transfer request. The data-set type specified in the DD, DLBL, or TLBL statement that corresponds to the ddname was different from the data-set type specified in the file-transfer request. No data-set type was specified in the request and the server could not retrieve the DSORG. 388 184 Label: RSSDCERR Description: Error during definition of receiving VSAM cluster. The receiving VSAM cluster could not be defined. Possible reasons are: The cluster had a cluster, data, or index name that already existed. Incorrect password or passwords were specified in the file-transfer request. An incorrect catalog was specified in the file-transfer request. Insufficient suballocation data space. Insufficient space to allocate the cluster. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 16 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 392 Hex 188 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSSIPO Description: Attributes of PDS not supported by BPAM. The PDS being transferred has attributes that are not supported by BPAM. Possible reasons are: Its record format is variable spanned (VS) or variable blocked spanned (VBS). The attributes of the sending and receiving data sets are incompatible. There is more than one note list TTR for one member. Two members have the same TTR but both are real members. 396 18C Label: RSSTPO Description: PDS transfer error. A PDS could not be transferred, probably because it is defined as being unmovable, that is, it has the data-set type PO. 400 190 Label: RSNQHNEC Description: Request cannot be modified. A request cannot be modified because: Its status is not waiting. It was already modified by the pre-queuing user-exit routine. It is blocked. 404 194 Label: RSNQHGTE Description: GETMAIN error occurred. An error occurred when a conditional storage allocation was done. The problem may be temporary. If it occurs often, notify your system programmer; it indicates a potential CSA space problem. The limiting factor in determining the maximum additional CSA size for one request (the CSAELIM queue handler initialization parameter or the maximum request queue record length) might be too high. If the error occurs when a user interface issues the ADD queue handler command, the file-transfer request is rejected. Submit the request again later. If the error occurs when a server issues the OBTAIN queue handler command, the file-transfer request is marked as being deferred. A server will try again later to process the request. 408 198 Label: RSNQHSHD Description: All servers are on hold. All servers are on hold, so no request can be processed. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 17 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 412 Hex 19C From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNQHRTL Description: CSA too small to accommodate RXB. A server tried to obtain a request from the queue. The RCB extension (RXB) needs more CSA storage than is available. The request is blocked. Probably, the request was added to the queue at a time when more space was available. In the meantime, the queue handler was stopped and later restarted, but with less CSA storage than before (the value for the CSAELIM initialization parameter was smaller than before). The request is blocked, and cannot be processed until the queue handler is stopped and restarted with more CSA storage. 416 1A0 Label: RSNINRXB Description: Incorrect RCB extension. This code indicates a NetView FTP program error. Contact your system programmer. 420 1A4 Label: RSNRXBSM Description: Single member and member selection specified. A user interface checked the request and found that both a member list and the name of a single member were specified. Specify either one or the other and resubmit the request. 424 1A8 Label: RSNLDSNC Description: Data set not found in catalog. Because a volume was not specified in the file-transfer request, a user interface routine tried to locate a data set in the catalog. The return code from the CAMLIST macroinstruction indicated that the data set could not be found in the catalog. Before you can transfer the data set, you must do one of the following: Catalog the data set. Specify the type of the data set. Specify the volume on which the data set resides.
Figure 4 (Part 18 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 426 Hex 1AA From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSNLDSAC Description: Data set already cataloged. Before the file transfer was started, the receiving server found the name of the new data set already in the catalog. The receiving data set was not allocated, the file transfer did not take place. Before you can transfer the data set, you must do one of the following: Uncatalog the existing data set Delete the existing data set For NetView FTP V2.2 MVS, change in the request the value of the File Status option from MUSTNOTEXIST to MUSTEXIST and the value of the End-of-Processing option for the successful case from CATLG to KEEP and check if you must remove parameters not relevant for this disposition. For NetView FTP other than NetView FTP V2.2 MVS, change the disposition parameter in the request from CAT to OLD and check if you must remove parameters not relevant for this disposition. 428 1AC Label: RSNODSNF Description: Data set not found during retrieval of DSCB information. A user interface routine tried to obtain DSCB information for a data set. The volume containing the data set was either pointed to by the catalog entry or specified in the file-transfer request. The return code from the CAMLIST macroinstruction indicated that the volume pointed to or specified does not contain the data set. 432 1B0 Label: RSNVOLNM Description: Volume not mounted. A user interface routine tried to obtain DSCB information for a data set. The return code from the CAMLIST macroinstruction indicated that the catalog entry points to a volume that is not mounted. Ask the operator to mount the volume. 436 1B4 Label: RSNLOCEC Description: Error from CAMLIST while locating data set. Because a volume was not specified in the file-transfer request, a user interface routine tried to locate a data set in the catalog. However, the return code from the CAMLIST macroinstruction indicates that the data set could not be found in the catalog. 440 1B8 Label: RSNOBTEC Description: Error from CAMLIST while obtaining DSCB information. A user interface routine tried to obtain DSCB information for a data set. However, the return code from the CAMLIST macroinstruction does not indicate that the volume pointed to or specified does not contain the data set, or that the catalog entry points to a volume that is not mounted. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 19 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 444 Hex 1BC From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNNOLU Description: LU name not found in server group table. A server group table is in use at the local node but the LU name specified in the file-transfer request was not found in the server group table. Because most users rarely need to specify LU names other than those contained in the server group table, it is possible that the LU name specified is incorrect. If the LU name specified is: Correct, press the ENTER key Incorrect, correct it and press the ENTER key. If you do not want to have to verify the LU name each time you specify it, have your system programmer add it to the server group table. 446 1BE Label: RSNLUMOD Description: Correct LU running modes not found. No LUs with the correct running mode (continuous or single) could be found for the server group specified. 448 1C0 Label: RSNAFFVS Description: Remote node does not support VSAM cluster definition. The interactive interface checked the server group table for information about the transfer program at the remote node. It found that the transfer program at the remote node is not capable of defining a new VSAM cluster. 452 1C4 Label: RSNAFFPO Description: Remote node does not support PDS member list processing. The interactive interface checked the server group table for information about the transfer program at the remote node. It found that the transfer program at the remote node is not capable of processing a PDS member list. 456 1C8 Label: RSNRXBUS Description: Not enough storage for parameters for a user-written file handler. A file-transfer request specifies that a user-written file handler is to be used. This request requires more storage than is presently available. The problem is due to one of the following: Not enough CSA storage is available to pass the request to the queue handler The records of the request queue are too small to accommodate the request. Contact your system programmer.
Figure 4 (Part 20 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 460 Hex 1CC From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNRXBVS Description: Not enough storage for parameters used for VSAM cluster definition. A file-transfer request contains parameters for the definition of a VSAM cluster. This request requires more storage than is presently available. The problem is due to one of the following: Not enough CSA storage is available to pass the request to the queue handler The records of the request queue are too small to accommodate the request. Contact your system programmer. 464 1D0 Label: RSNRXBPO Description: Not enough storage for a PDS member list. A file-transfer request contains a list of PDS members. This request requires more storage than is presently available. The problem is due to one of the following: Not enough CSA storage is available to pass the request to the queue handler The records of the request queue are too small to accommodate the request. Contact your system programmer. 468 1D4 Label: RSNMBRPO Description: Too many PDS members specified. The interactive interface routine detected that more members were selected or excluded than NetView FTP can fit in one request. Instead of creating one request, create several. 472 1D8 Label: RSNGDGCO Description: GDG model ID and user catalog ID specified. You can specify either a GDG model ID or a user catalog ID. 476 1DC Label: RSNSVMOD Description: Running mode of the server different to the one specified in the request. A file-transfer request specified the LU name of a server. The running mode of that server does not match the running mode specified for that server in the request. 480 1E0 Label: RSNRXBWT Description: Incorrect APX type specified. The application program interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found an APX type other than SELECT or EXCLUDE. Correct the APX type and resubmit the request.
Figure 4 (Part 21 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 484 Hex 1E4 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNMBRLN Description: Member name or relative generation number too long. The application program interface routine or batch job interface routine checked the request and found that one of the following was more than 8 characters long: The name of a PDS member The relative generation number of a data set that is a member of a GDG. 488 1E8 Label: RSNMBRCT Description: More than 999 members were specified. 492 1EC Label: RSNGDGMR Description: Member name was specified twice. The application program interface routine or batch job interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found that the name of a PDS member was specified both as part of the data-set name and as the value of the Member Name parameter. Only one of these specifications is allowed. 496 1F0 Label: RSNRXBT Description: Incompatible parameters specified. The application program interface routine or batch job interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found at least two of the following: VSAM cluster parameters A PDS member list User-written file handler parameters. Only one of these is allowed in a single request. 500 1F4 Label: RSNMIPAR Description: Member name not specified. The batch job interface routine checked the request and found the MEMBER control statement, but no member name was specified. 504 1F8 Label: RSNMBRNO Description: Parentheses found in data-set name but no member name or relative GDG specified. The application program interface routine or batch job interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found opening and closing parentheses in the data-set name, but the name of a PDS member or a relative GDG was not specified. Either remove the parentheses or add the name of the missing member or relative GDG and resubmit the request. 508 1FC Label: RSNOPBRK Description: Only opening parenthesis in data-set name. The application program interface routine or batch job interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found an opening parenthesis in the data-set name. Remove the parenthesis and resubmit the request.
Figure 4 (Part 22 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 512 Hex 200 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNCLBRK Description: Only closing parenthesis in data-set name. The application program interface routine or batch job interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found a closing parenthesis in the data-set name. Remove the parenthesis and resubmit the request. 516 204 Label: RSNPIOER Description: Permanent I/O error encountered during OBTAIN. A user interface routine performed an OBTAIN on a data set and encountered a permanent I/O error. Ask the operator to check the volume and data set. 520 208 Label: RSNLOCMI Description: LOCATE error; data set has been migrated. The interactive interface could not locate the data set specified in the request because the data set was migrated. Have HSM recall the data set, then submit the request again. 524 20C Label: RSNATLST Description: User lost authorization to modify this request. A users attempt to modify a request failed because either the administrator or the operator already modified it. After the administrator or the operator modifies a request, only they can modify it further. 528 210 Label: RSNSVHLD Description: Server set to hold. The operator has set the server to hold. It cannot process any requests. 532 214 Label: RSNOBTUD Description: Error encountered during OBTAIN; unsupported data-set type. A user interface routine automatically retrieved the type of a data set. The data set is of a type not supported by NetView FTP, that is, does not have the type VSAM, PO, PS, LAB, or UNLAB. Ask your system support personnel to check the data set. 536 218 Label: RSNAPXEN Description: No APX entries specified. The application program interface routine checked the file-transfer request and found that the user supplied an APX but did not specify any entries in the APXENT field. Specify a value for APXENT and submit the request again. 540 21C Label: RSNHSMAL Description: Failed allocation. During a recall of a migrated data set, the allocation failed.
Figure 4 (Part 23 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 544 Hex 220 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNHSMDE Description: Failed deallocation. During a recall of a migrated data set, the deallocation failed. 548 224 Label: RSNUNTPN Description: Transaction program name not supported. A remote program tried to establish a conversation with NetView FTP but used a transaction program name that is not supported by NetView FTP. 550 226 Label: RSNPVERR Description: The server has encountered an ACF/VTAM error that is regarded as being permanent. The request is not requeued automatically. 551 227 Label: RSNNOREQ Description: The request is not requeued by the post-transfer user-exit routine. 552 228 Label: RSNRXBSE Description: The RXB cannot be processed because not enough space is available. Possible reasons are: The maximum record size defined for the request queue is too small MVS only: the maximum size of CSA space defined for NetView FTP is too small or is not available. For more information, refer to the appropriate Installation, Operations, and Administration Guide. 553 229 Label: RSNJOERR Description: Error during post-transfer job submission. During processing of the post-transfer job submission, a server encountered an error. The problem may be due to one of the following: An error occurred during the dynamic allocation of the data set containing the job An I/O error occurred while the transfer program was processing the job submission via QSAM The specified job library data set or the member could not be found The data set containing the post-transfer job is not partitioned organized. 554 22A Label: RSNSYSEX Description: The server cannot continue processing due to a system problem. 555 22B Label: RSNDPKWD Description: A keyword that can only be specified once has been specified more than once. 556 22C Label: RSNEXOJ Description: An object (file or member) already exists.
Figure 4 (Part 24 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 557 Hex 22D From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSNNEXOJ Description: An object (file or member) does not exist. 558 22E Label: RSNFULOJ Description: An object (file or volume) is full. 559 22F Label: RSNIUSOJ Description: An object cannot be accessed because it is already in use. 560 230 Label: RSNUNSFC Description: A function is not supported by the local transfer program. 561 231 Label: RSNNACFC Description: A function is not active at the remote transfer program. 562 232 Label: RSNNOPFC Description: A function is not operational at the remote transfer program. 563 233 Label: RSNPRTER Description: A protocol violation has been detected. The local transfer program detected a violation of the rules described in the file-transfer protocol. The violation has been caused by the partner transfer program. A dump of the Error Message Unit sent to the remote file transfer program is taken. Contact your IBM Support Center. 564 234 Label: RSNCRYLB Description: The specified encryption label is not known to PCF. Correct and resubmit the request. 565 235 Label: RSNCRYNA Description: PCF is not active. Start PCF and resubmit the request. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 25 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 566 Hex 236 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSNCRYER Description: PCF returned a serious error. The following are possible reasons: 1. At the sending location: The Cross key has bad parity I/O error reading PCF CKDS Error reading time-of-day clock, or time-of-day clock was inoperative Internal PCF error during key translation (RETKEY macro). 2. At the receiving location: The server program was either not APF authorized, not in supervisor state, or not under protection key 0..7 The Cross key has bad parity I/O error reading PCF CKDS Internal PCF error during key translation (RETKEY macro). For more information see OS/VS1 OS/VS2 MVS Programmed Cryptographic Facility: Installation Reference (GENKEY, RETKEY, and CIPHER macro description). 567 236 Label: RSNTEMP Description: A temporary problem occurred during processing of a file-transfer request. If the request originator allowed requeuing of the request, the request is scheduled again later. Additional information about the problem can be found in the servers log and the report data set. 568 237 Label: RSNPERM Description: A permanent problem occurred during processing of a file-transfer request. The transfer request will not be scheduled again, no matter what the request originator specified. Additional information about the problem can be found in the servers log and the report data set. 569 239 Label: RSNAPSEC Description: The remote server did not accept the APPC security parameters specified in the request. The conversation did not start. 570 23A Label: RSNPTPER Description: Error during post-transfer program call. 590 24E Label: RSNVBOER Description: Verb code error, not valid OSI function request. The requested function is valid for an SNA request, but not for an OSI request. 591 24F Label: RSNINMBR Description: You specified a receiving member name but did not specify the corresponding file ID. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 26 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 592 Hex 250 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSNREQUE Description: A post-conversation user exit routine forced the status of the request to WAITING. Both not-before and not-after date and time may have been changed by the exit routine. If the your exit routine provided a message, this message can be found in the transfer report file and in the servers log file. The new status of the file-transfer request is WAITING. 602 25A Label: RSNTCTRM Description: Access Authorization already held by a NetView FTP VSE subtask. This reason code is defined for internal purposes only and does not appear during normal processing. 603 25B Label: RSNENABD Description: Access Authorization already enabled for another VSE SV subtask. 604 25C Label: RSNNASPP Description: Security parameters have been specified but could not be verified. Refer to message DVG154I for more information. 605 25D Label: RSNNAFTP Description: Security parameters were not specified and NetView FTP does not have authorization to access the file. Refer to message DVG155I for more information. 606 25E Label: RSNNAUSR Description: Security parameters were specified but the specified user ID does not have authorization to access the file. Refer to message DVG155I for more information. 607 25F Label: RSNUPWLN Description: Security parameters were specified but the specified user ID or password is the wrong length. Refer to message DVG150I and DVG151I for more information. 609 261 Label: RSNGRPSP Description: The security parameter Group ID was specified but is ignored by a VSE system. Refer to message DVG152I for more information. 610 262 Label: RSNNOAUT Description: Error during validation of access control user ID and password. Refer to message DVG149I for more information. 611 263 Label: RSNDINOE Description: Request to free access authorization but access authorization is not yet held by NetView FTP VSE subtask. This reason code is defined for internal purposes only and does not appear during normal processing. 612 264 Label: RSNSUBNO Description: SUBSID/NOTIFY failed. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 27 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 613 Hex 265 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSNCPCOM Description: Operator message output via CPCOM macro failed. 614 266 Label: RSNATT Description: Attach of subtask failed. 615 267 Label: RSNCDLD Description: The CDLOAD macro indicated an error when loading the module. Refer to message DVG638I for more information. 618 26A Label: RSNCPLD Description: The load of the parser module failed. This module is an essential module for the NetView FTP partition. 619 26B Label: RSNIPERR Description: NetView FTP initialization parameter error. During initialization of the NetView FTP partition a syntactical or logical error was detected with the initialization parameters for the NetView FTP partition or servers. The initialization stopped. 620 26C Label: RSNTDFER Description: Tape definition table error. During initialization of the NetView FTP partition a severe error occurred when loading the tape definition table (DVGTDF). The initialization stopped. 622 26E Label: RSNRQCAR Description: Error in request queue characteristics was found during initialization of the queue handler. The initialization stops. The NetView FTP administrator must analyze the problem and may need to redefine the request queue. 623 26F Label: RSNUIBPN Description: Report transmission needs VSE/POWER PNET which is not available. 624 270 Label: RSNUIBOP Description: VSE/POWER SAS open error. 626 272 Label: RSNFVER Description: FREEVIS macro failed. 627 273 Label: RSNSUBIN Description: SUBSID/INQUIRE macro failed. 628 274 Label: RSNRQLK Description: One of the following applies: Error in locking the request queue. The DVGWFUC label was omitted or incorrectly specified. Therefore the request queue data set could not be found. Processing stops. Your system administrator must analyze the problem. Label: RSNCDLD Description: The CDLOAD macro indicated an error when loading the module. Refer to message DVG638I for more information. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 28 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 629 Hex 275 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNRQDLK Description: Error defining a lock for the request queue. 630 276 Label: RSNRQULK Description: Error in unlocking the request queue. Processing stops. Your system administrator must analyze the problem. 631 277 Label: RSNITAIU Description: Requested tape unit currently in use. 632 278 Label: RSNITANA Description: Requested tape unit not available. Check that your Tape Definition Table corresponds to your hardware environment. Refer to NetView FTP VSE Installation, Operation, and Administration for more information. 633 279 Label: RSNITAD1 Description: Tape device type, density and track number, mismatch. Check that your Tape Definition Table corresponds to your hardware environment. Refer to NetView FTP VSE Installation, Operation, and Administration for more information. 634 27A Label: RSNITAD2 Description: Tape device type TAPE unlabeled but density not specified. 635 27B Label: RSNITAI1 Description: Invalid tape device type specified (characters 1...4). 636 27C Label: RSNITAI2 Description: Invalid tape device type suffix specified (characters 5, 6). 637 27D Label: RSNITAI3 Description: Tape device: track number, density mismatch. 638 27E Label: RSNRNFD Description: Record not found. 639 27F Label: RSNEOF Description: End of file reached. 640 280 Label: RSNRQICP Description: Request queue incomplete. At least one request number, between one and maximum request number, in the queue is missing. Processing stops. Your system administrator must analyze the problem. 641 281 Label: RSNNDELA Description: A user tried to delete an active request but active requests cannot be deleted by users or administrators at VSE systems.
Figure 4 (Part 29 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 642 Hex 282 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: RSNNCLP Description: Because another NetView FTP partition is active or a NetView FTP user interface is updating the request queue, no clean-up of the request queue takes place during the startup of the NetView FTP partition. 643 283 Label: RSNICON Description: A request found via the alternate key is different from the request found via the primary key. Your NetView FTP request queue administrator must analyze the problem. 644 284 Label: RSNRLERR Description: Request status fields in conflict due to a logic error. Processing stops. Your NetView FTP request queue administrator must analyze the problem. 645 285 Label: RSNDLNTA Description: Dynamic allocation not active for this server task but a request for deallocation has been received. This reason code is defined for internal purposes only and does not appear during normal processing. 646 286 Label: RSNTMCNC Description: Operator has canceled transfer of a tape file. 647 287 Label: RSNTMREQ Description: Operator has requeued the transfer of a tape file. 648 288 Label: RSNDLALA Description: Dynamic allocation is already active for this server task. 649 289 Label: RSNNDTE Description: At least one invalid record found in the server group table during initialization of NetView FTP. The initialization stops. Your NetView FTP request queue administrator must analyze the problem and redefine the server group table. 650 28A Label: RSNTSKNR Description: A task asked for a service from another task but the posted task was not ready. This reason code is defined for internal purposes only and does not appear during normal processing. 651 28B Label: RSNLRSRG Description: SAM ESDS logical record size out of range. (1 to 32 761). 652 28C Label: RSNSAMS Description: Spanned SAM ESDS files not supported. 653 28D Label: RSNLRSFB Description: A logical record size was specified for a SAM ESDS with a record format that was not FB.
Figure 4 (Part 30 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 654 Hex 28E From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSNSAM Description: SAM ESDS was specified for a non-VSE system. 655 28F Label: RSNSAMRF Description: A record format was specified for an indexed VSAM file. 656 290 Label: RSNNOSAS Description: No VSE/POWER SAS support available. 657 291 Label: RSNNOUNO Description: The transfer of a tape file is not possible at an unattended node. Refer to message DVG648I for more information. 700 2BC Label: RSNOPNLG Description: An error occurred while opening the log file. 701 2BD Label: RSNIOELQ Description: An I/O error occurred for the log file. 702 2BE Label: RSNNOCON Description: No connection occurred during a constant wait time. 703 2BF Label: RSNVASER Description: The APPC/VM interface routine indicated a SENDERR (communication partner issued APPCVM/SENDERR). 704 2C0 Label: RSNSTAER Description: Error during ESTAE macro setup. 705 2C1 Label: RSNVKPRE Description: Bad return from VKPREP. 706 2C2 Label: RSNVAPAT Description: Specific path to communication partner no longer exists. 707 2C3 Label: RSNVATIM Description: Function not complete, time exceeded. 708 2C4 Label: RSNVAAPE Description: APPC/VM error occurred. 709 2C5 Label: RSNVANOC Description: No more connections. 710 2C6 Label: RSNVAERR Description: APPC/VM interface routine logic error. 711 2C7 Label: RSNVAPTS Description: Path table shortage. 712 2C8 Label: RSNVAIOE Description: I/O error occurred while accessing the DVGAS NAMES file. 713 2C9 Label: RSNVASHT Description: Receive area shortage. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 31 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 714 Hex 2CA From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSNVAUNX Description: Program logic error during communication processing. 715 2CB Label: RSNVARTS Description: SENDDATA is not valid from the receiving system. 716 2CC Label: RSNIOELG Description: I/O error in log file. 717 2CD Label: RSNINFIL Description: Invalid CMS file ID. 718 2CE Label: RSNTAPER Description: Tape processing failed. Operator canceled request. 719 2CF Label: RSNNODEV Description: Device is not a DASD, no device found, or SFS not available. 720 2D0 Label: RSNPTHSV Description: Path to CP message services severed. 721 2D1 Label: RSNDSKIU Description: Disk already in use. 722 2D2 Label: RSNOPNOC Description: Operator task terminated without receiving a connect from the queue handler. 723 2D3 Label: RSNOLDIS Description: RTDISP=OLD or RSTATOPT=MUSTEXIST specified but file does not exist. 724 2D4 Label: RSNEWDIS Description: RTDISP=NEW or RSTATOPT=MUSTNOTEXIST specified but file already exists. 725 2D5 Label: RSNINVAC Description: Insufficient access mode. Receiving disk must be in access mode M. 726 2D6 Label: RSNNOFML Description: No free file mode is available. 727 2D7 Label: RSNRXBSF Description: SFS not available because not enough space for RXB on request queue. 728 2D8 Label: RSNUSRXB Description: RXB contains sections not supported by VM or VSE. 730 2DA Label: RSNSUBDI Description: SFS subdirectory parameters must be filled in contiguously. Label: RSNSUBDI Description: SFS subdirectory parameters must be filled in contiguously. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 32 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 731 Hex 2DB From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSNAPXNV Description: Existing APX is not allowed for VM or VSE. 732 2DC Label: RSNTAREQ Description: The operator requeued the request. Either, because the tape is temporarily not available, or because the tape unit is currently not available. 733 2DD Label: RSNTACAN Description: The operator canceled a tape mount request. This may be because the required tape does not exist, or because you are not authorized to use the tape. 734 2DE Label: RSNVAMRJ Description: An IUCV message was sent and rejected by the communications partner. 735 2DF Label: RSNMIFTY Description: The file type must be specified if the sending system is the remote system. 736 2E0 Label: RSNTPLAB Description: One of the following occurred: 'xFTYPE=LAB' was requested and an unlabeled tape was loaded 'xFILEORG=PS' and 'xLABEL=SL' were requested and an unlabeled tape was loaded 'xFTYPE=UNLAB' was requested and a labeled tape was loaded 'xFILEORG=PS' and 'xLABEL=NL' were requested and a labeled tape was loaded. Specify 'xFTYPE=LAB' or 'xFILEORG=PS' and 'xLABEL=SL' for a labeled tape and 'xFYTPE=UNLAB' or 'xFILEORG=PS' and 'xLABEL=NL' for an unlabeled tape. 800 320 Label: RSNNDCON Description: Type of data conversion is not supported. 801 321 Label: RSNEXCON Description: Data conversion exception. 804 324 Label: RSNDCAEX Description: Output area for data conversion too small. 808 328 Label: RSNNRVIO Description: Naming rule violation. 812 32C Label: RSNACVIO Description: Access violation. Label: RSNMIFTY Description: The file type must be specified if the sending system is the remote system. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 33 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 1000 Hex 3E8 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: None Description: This reason code is issued when the remote system does not issue reason codes. For example, if a request to a remote NetView FTP/400 system is rejected, the remote system issues return code 16; but no reason code. NetView FTP sets the reason code in the server log to 1000. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48) Label: None Description: Queue handler command rejected by pre-queuing user-exit routine; incorrect reason code passed to NetView FTP. The pre-queuing user-exit routine rejected the queue handler command but passed an incorrect reason code to NetView FTP. NetView FTP set the reason code to 1000. There is probably an error in the pre-queuing user-exit routine. Label: None Description: Queue handler command rejected by pre-queuing user-exit routine. The pre-queuing user-exit routine rejected the queue handler command and passed the code nnn to NetView FTP.
Label: None Description: Error occurred on remote server. The local server was informed by the remote server that an error occurred at the remote system The reason code for the error at the remote system is represented by the number nnn, which is one of the other reason codes in this table.
Label: RSOSNOSI Description: The RCE control block is not marked valid for an OSI request (the field RCESVTA has not been set). It is possible that an SNA file-transfer request has been sent to the OSI server.
Label: RSOSSNAV Description: The RXB control block that is passed to the OSI server does not contain an OSI section. It is possible that an SNA file-transfer request has been sent to the OSI server.
Label: RSOSURAC Description: SAF permission for user violated. You do not have sufficient SAF authority to process the specified file-transfer request. Contact your SAF system administrator.
Label: RSOSORAC Description: SAF permission for OSI/File Services violated. Either the OSI server or OSI/File Services do not have sufficient authority to process the file-transfer request. Contact your SAF system administrator.
Label: RSOSUCAP Description: You are not allowed to perform the transfer on the specified filestore because the capability of the filestore does not match that of the request. The request demands more capability than the filestore can provide. Contact your system administrator.
Label: RSOSUFAC Description: You are not allowed to perform the transfer on the specified filestore because of the value specified by the filestore access parameter that is configured in the local resource directory. Contact your system administrator.
Figure 4 (Part 34 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 3032 Hex 6D8 From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSOSMFLE Description: File entry missing and cannot be added. The local resource directory entry for the specified file is not recorded in the local resource directory and cannot be temporarily entered by the OSI server. 3100 C1C Label: RSOSACCP Description: The access control specified is not sufficient for COPY. The access control action elements do not allow sufficient access rights to perform the read or read attributes transfer actions for the COPY function. Refer to OSI/File Services for MVS Programming Guide for further details. 3110 C26 Label: RSOSACMV Description: The access control specified is not sufficient for MOVE. The specified access-control-action elements do not allow sufficient access rights to perform read, read attributes, or delete transfer actions for the MOVE function. Refer to OSI/File Services for MVS Programming Guide for further details. 3120 C30 Label: RSOSSTMS Description: The contents of the String Significance and Maximum String Length parameters do not match. Refer to OSI/File Services for MVS Programming Guide for further details. 3130 C3A Label: RSOSDOCT Description: The value specified for the Document Type parameter is incorrect. 3140 C44 Label: RSOSMSTR Description: The value specified for the Maximum String Length parameter is incorrect. 3150 C4E Label: RSOSSSIG Description: The value specified for the String Significance parameter is incorrect. 3160 C58 Label: RSOSUCLA Description: The value specified for the Universal Class parameter is incorrect. 4100 1004 Label: RSOSCANR Description: The cancel request cannot be performed because of the internal status of the request. 4832 12E0 Label: RSOSDTUC Description: The contents of the Document Type and Universal Class parameters do not match. Refer to OSI/File Services for MVS Programming Guide for further details. 4846 12EE Label: RSOSPAMM Description: The Permitted Actions and Access Control parameters do not match. 5010 1392 Label: RSODSNA Description: The requested file is not available. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
Figure 4 (Part 35 of 35). Reason Codes from File Transfers and Queue Handler Commands
Reason Code Dec 5100 Hex 13EE From File Transfers or Partition (Issued with Return Codes 0 to 20) Label: RSOSRNOF Description: The action on the request failed because it is not available in OSI/File Services. 5200 1450 Label: RSOSRTRM Description: The request has already terminated and cannot be canceled. From Queue Handler Commands (Issued with Return Codes 0 and 24 to 48)
This glossary defines many of the terms and abbreviations used with NetView FTP. If you do not find the term you are looking for, refer to the Dictionary of Computing, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. Access Method Services. A utility program that defines VSAM data sets and allocates space for them, converts indexed sequential data sets to key-sequenced data sets with indexes, modifies data set attributes in the catalog, facilitates data set portability between operating systems, creates backup copies of data sets and indexes, helps make inaccessible data sets accessible, and lists data set records and catalog entries. ACF/VTAM. Advanced Communications Function for the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method. active request. A request that is presently being scheduled or for which the corresponding file transfer is in progress. adaptive compression. A method by which the amount of storage required for data can be reduced by replacing character strings that are repeated with references to a directory of such character strings. added request. A request that has been added to the request queue. administrator query command. A type of command that causes NetView FTP to retrieve information about the request queue or the requests in it; the information retrieved is intended for the NetView FTP administrator. Contrast with user query command. administrator query record. A record containing the information NetView FTP retrieves when an administrator issues an administrator query command. Contrast with user query record. adopted authority. When a program is created, it can specify that the program always runs under the program owners user profile. A user does not need authority specifically given to him for the objects used by the program, but uses (adopts) the program owners authority. The user has authority for the objects used by the program only when he is running the program and other programs called by the program. Advanced Communications Function for the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method. An IBM licensed program that controls communication and the flow of data in an SNA network. It provides single-domain, multiple-domain, and interconnected network capability. VTAM runs under MVS, VSE, and VM/SP, and supports direct control application programs and subsystems such as NetView FTP and VSE/POWER. Advanced Function Feature. A set of extra functions that extend the capabilities of the NetView FTP V1 MVS base product. advanced peer-to-peer networking. Data communications support that routes data in a network between two or more APPC systems that are not directly attached. advanced program-to-program communication. An implementation of the SNA/SDLC LU 6.2 protocol that allows interconnected systems to communicate and share the processing of programs. AET. Application Entity Title. AFF. Advanced Function Feature. alias. An alternative name for a member of a partitioned data set. AMS. Access Method Services. APAR. Authorized program analysis report. APF. Authorized Program Facility. APL. Application program parameter list. APPC. Advanced program-to-program communication. Application Entity Title. The name by which an OSI application (and filestore) can be addressed by remote users. By contrast, the local name of the filestore is the filestore nickname. application program parameter list. A control block used by application programs to pass parameter values to NetView FTP. application program parameter list extension. A control block used by application programs to pass parameter values to NetView FTP; a supplement to the application program parameter list. APPN. Advanced peer-to-peer networking. APX. Application program parameter list extension. attended mode. An operating mode of NetView FTP for Workstations that assumes that a user at a workstation expects to be informed about the success of transfers and is available to load devices such as diskettes or tapes. Contrast with unattended mode. automatic logon retry. NetView FTPs method for eventually establishing a conversation with a remote system. It is used when a server cannot initiate a conversation with a server at a remote system because:
All the servers at the remote system are busy with other transfers None of the servers at the remote system has been started ACF/VTAM is temporarily unable to find a path between the two servers. The server at the local system automatically changes the status of the request from active back to waiting, and goes on to process the next request in the request queue (MVS, VSE, or VM) or request database (OS/400). Later, NetView FTP tries again to process the request. It keeps trying until it succeeds in initiating a conversation. automatic transfer restart. NetView FTPs method for automatically restarting a file transfer that was interrupted. In the following situations, NetView FTP is not able to recover a conversation: The queue handler or server at either system is terminated The server at either system cannot allocate the file being transferred A pre-transfer user-exit routine at either system rejected the file transfer There is a severe or prolonged conversation outage. However, when you create a request you can specify that if one of these situations arises, NetView FTP is to change the status of the request back to waiting. The servers at your system then periodically reprocess the request until one of them succeeds in restarting the transfer. basic partitioned access method. An access method that can be used to create program libraries in direct-access storage for convenient storage and retrieval of programs. basic sequential access method. An access method for storing or retrieving data blocks in a continuous sequence, using either a sequential access or a direct access storage device. BIND. Bind Session. Bind Session. In SNA, a request to activate a session between two logical units. blocked request. A waiting request that is trapped in the queue. The request was passed to the queue handler at a time when there was enough CSA storage available to NetView FTP to do so. However, in the meantime, the limit of the amount of CSA storage available to NetView FTP was reduced and is not enough to allow the queue handler to pass the request to a server for processing. The request cannot be processed until the limit of the amount of CSA storage available to NetView FTP is raised. BPAM. Basic partitioned access method. BSAM. Basic sequential access method.
callback. In the AIX operating system, a procedure that is called if and when certain specified conditions are met. This is accomplished by specifying the procedure in a callback list. callback list. (1) A list of procedures that are called if and when certain specified conditions are met. (2) In the program IBM AIXwindows Environment/6000, individual widgets can define callback lists. CCB. Command control block. CCI. Common control block insertion. CCSID. Coded character set identifier. CCW. Channel command word. CDC. Character data conversion. CDRA. Character Data Representation Architecture. CDRM. Cross-domain resource manager. CDRS. Cross-domain resource. character data. Data in the form of letters, numbers, and special characters, such as punctuation marks, that can be read by the human eye. Character Data Representation Architecture. An IBM architecture that defines a set of identifiers, services, supporting resources, and conventions to achieve a consistent representation, processing, and interchange of graphic character data in SAA environments. character literal. A symbol, quantity, or constant in a source program that is itself data, rather than a reference to data. checkpoint. A point at which information about the status of a file transfer is recorded. If the file transfer is interrupted, NetView FTP can use this information to resume the file transfer from a point near where the interruption occurred instead of from the beginning of the file. checkpoint data set. A data set that contains information about the current status of an active file transfer. If the file transfer is interrupted, NetView FTP can use this information to resume the file transfer from a point near where the interruption occurred instead of from the beginning of the file. checkpoint file. A synonym for checkpoint data set. checkpoint record. A record of a checkpoint data set or file. One checkpoint record contains the information needed to restart one file transfer from a checkpoint. checkpoint/restart data set. A deprecated term for checkpoint data set. checkpoint/restart record. A deprecated term for checkpoint record.
class. See server class. client. On a local area network, a workstation that requests service from a server workstation. CLIST. Command list. Coded character set identifier. In NetView FTP, an identifier that represents a set of graphic characters and their code point assignment. The coded character set identifier defines how characters are mapped to decimal values. command control block. A control block that contains details of the queue handler command to be carried out. command list. A list of commands and control statements that is assigned a name. When the name is invoked (as a command) the commands in the list are executed. common service area. In MVS, a part of the common area that contains data areas that are addressable by all address spaces. During use, these areas are protected by the key of the requester. completion user exit. Deprecated term for post-transfer user exit. compression. A technique for converting data into a form that requires less storage space and less transmission time than its original form. Contrast with decompression. See also SNA compaction and SNA compression. condition code. A 4-digit decimal value derived from the value a server places in register 15 before returning control to the operating system. The digits of the condition code consist of the server return code and, for a server running in single mode, the file-transfer return code. continuous mode. A server running mode in which a server continues running after it has transferred a file. control language. The set of all commands with which a user requests system functions. control point. A component of an APPN or LEN node that manages the resources of that node. In an APPN node, the CP is capable of engaging in CP-CP sessions with other APPN nodes. In an APPN network node, the CP also provides services to adjacent end nodes in the APPN network. control statement. A statement that controls or affects the running of a program. For example, NOTAFTER=(21:34,94/12/25) is a control statement that assigns the value (21:34,94/12/25) to the parameter represented by the keyword NOTAFTER. conversation. In SNA, a connection between two transaction programs over an LU-LU session that lets them communicate with each other while processing a transaction.
CP. Control point. CP-CP sessions. The parallel sessions between two control points, using LU 6.2 protocols. Cross-domain resource. In VTAM programs, synonym for other-domain resource. Cross-domain resource manager. The functions of the system services control point (SSCP) that control initiation and termination of cross-domain resources. cryptographic key. A value used to encrypt and decrypt data transmitted in an LU-LU session that uses cryptography. cryptography. The transformation of data to conceal its meaning. CSA. Common service area. current request. The request currently being created or changed by the user of the NetView FTP panels. daemon. In the AIX operating system, a program that runs unattended to perform a standard service. daemon process. In the AIX operating system, a process begun by the root user or the root shell that can be stopped only by the root user. Daemon processes generally provide services that must be available at all times. DASD. Direct-access storage device. data control block parameters. The following parameters: Record Format, Logical Record Length, and Physical Block Size. data set control block. A control block containing specifications for data sets that are to be created. data transfer message unit. The message unit used to send the data object. DCB parameters. Data control block parameters. decompression. A technique for converting compressed data back into its original form. Contrast with compression. default first qualifier. Server initialization parameter. Sometimes referred to as the GID initialization parameter. The server uses this parameter as the first qualifier when it creates a name for the data set. default value. The value that is assigned to a parameter by a program if no value is specified by a user. deferred request. A waiting request that is temporarily trapped in the queue. CSA storage was obtained for NetView FTP, but not enough for the queue handler to pass the request to a server for processing. The request is processed later, when more CSA storage is available to NetView FTP.
delay time. The amount of time a finished request stays in the request queue before rebuilding the request queue causes it to be deleted automatically. direct transfer. Transfer of data from one file to another file without first storing the data in an intermediate file. direct-access storage device. A storage device for which access time is effectively independent of the location of the data being accessed. directory file. In the AIX operating system, a file that contains information the system needs to access all types of files. distribution-service component. A component of NetView FTP VM that handles communication with the queue handler (such as retrieving requests to be processed), and with the network (such as establishing conversations and transferring files). In NetView FTP VM, each server consists of one distribution-service component and up to 32 file-service components. distribution-service machine. With NetView FTP VM, a virtual machine in which a distribution-service component runs. DSCB. Data set control block. DTMU. Data transfer message unit. dynamic allocation. The allocation of a file when it is needed, not in advance. Contrast with job allocation. encrypt. To scramble data or convert data to a secret code that masks the meaning of the data to any unauthorized recipient. entry sequence. The order in which records are physically arranged in auxiliary storage. entry-sequenced data set. A data set whose records are loaded without respect to their contents, and whose relative byte addresses cannot change. ESDS. Entry-sequenced data set. ESTAE. Extended specify task abnormal exit. exceptional checkpointing. To take a checkpoint when certain types of errors occur. exchange identification. The ID that is exchanged with the remote physical unit when an attachment is first established. exclude members. To choose those members of a PDS that are not to be transferred. Contrast with select members. exit. A point in a program at which control is passed to another program. exit routine. A routine that receives control when a specified event occurs.
Exit(n) Message Unit. The message unit used to convey information provided by the Post-Transfer User Exit routine n (where n is 1 or 2) of the sender to the receiver. extended specify task abnormal exit. A macroinstruction that allows a user to intercept a scheduled abnormal termination. FAT. File allocation table. FBA. Feedback area. feedback area. An area of storage containing information related to a queue handler command. For example, an FBA can contain a request control block, a query data area, or a server data area. file allocation table. A table used by DOS and OS/2 to allocate space on a disk for a file and to locate and chain together parts of the file that may be scattered on different sectors so that the file can be used in a random or sequential manner. file group. One or more files that reside on one system. For example, all files that are stored in the same directory or whose file names consist of partly matching character strings are considered a file group. file pool. A collection of minidisks managed by SFS. It contains user files and directories and associated control information. Many users files and directories can be contained in a single file pool. file transfer. The sending and receiving of the contents of a file. File Transfer Access and Management. A set of programs, such as OSI/File Services, which conforms to FTAM standards to manage and transfer files over an OSI network. file-service component. A component of NetView FTP VM that handles file access and the taking of checkpoints. In NetView FTP VM, each server consists of one distribution-service component and up to 32 file-service components. file-transfer completion message. A message, sent by a server to a user after a file transfer, which describes the outcome of a file transfer. file-transfer report. A file, sent by a server to a user after a file transfer which describes the outcome of a file transfer. file-transfer request. A list of parameters and their values that tell NetView FTP (1) that it is to transfer a file from one system to another, and (2) about the file transfer and the sending and receiving data sets. filestore. See local filestore and remote filestore.
filestore nickname. The name of the filestore at the local level. It is defined by the filestore owner when registering the filestore in the LRD, and is used by authorized local users to access that filestore. filestore owner. The single user, local or remote, who has created the filestore and who controls the passwords for accessing it and the filestore accessibility. Each OSI/File Services user owns one filestore. filestore subset. A subdivision of the local filestore. It is the first qualifier of the MVS data-set name. Each local file is registered in the LRD under a related filestore subset, which in turn belongs to a local filestore. filter. In the AIX operating system, a command that reads standard input data, modifies the data, and sends it to the display screen. finished request. A request for which the corresponding file transfer has finished, whether successfully or unsuccessfully. FIU. File Interchange Unit. FTAM. File Transfer Access and Management. FTP level. A character that represents the level of sophistication of an FTP or NetView FTP program. FTP V2. File Transfer Program Version 2 Release 2. FSB. NetView FTP shared block. FSBX. NetView FTP shared block extension. GDG. Generation data group. generation data group. A collection of data sets kept in chronological order; each data set is a generation data set. generation data set. One generation of a generation data group. GETVIS area. Storage space within a partition or the shared virtual area, available for dynamic allocation to programs. GID initialization parameter. See default first qualifier. GUI. The graphical user interface of NetView FTP for Workstations. handle. (1) In the Advanced DOS and OS/2 operating systems, a binary value created by the system that identifies a drive, directory, and a file so that the file can be found and opened. (2) In the AIX operating system, a data structure that is a temporary local identifier for an object. HDAM. Hierarchic direct access method.
hierarchic direct access method. A database access method that uses algorithmic addressability of records in a hierarchic direct organization. hierarchic indexed sequential access method. A database access method that uses indexed access to records in a hierarchic sequential organization. High Performance File System. A file organization available under OS/2. HISAM. Hierarchic Indexed Sequential Access Method. HPFS. High Performance File System. ICCF. Interactive computing and control facility. ICF. Intersystem communications function. IMS/VS. Information Management System/Virtual Storage. independent LU. A logical unit (LU) that does not receive an ACTLU over a link. Such LUs can act as primary logical units (PLUs) or secondary logical units (SLUs) and can have one or more LU-LU sessions at a time. INI file. See initialization file. initialization file. A file that contains parameters that determine how NetView FTP for Workstations starts running. input field. An area on a panel in which data is entered. instance. In the AIX operating system, the concrete realization of an abstract object class. An instance of a widget or gadget is a specific data structure that contains detailed appearance and behavioral information that is used to generate a specific graphical object on-screen at run time. Internet. A wide area network connecting thousands of disparate networks in industry, education, government, and research. The Internet network uses /IP as the standard for transmitting information. Internet Protocol. A protocol used to route data from its source to its destination in an Internet environment. Intersystem communications function. Communications between application programs on an AS/400 system and an application program on a remote system are accomplished using the AS/400 system intersystem communications function (ICF) and the underlying support. IP. Internet Protocol. ISPF. Interactive System Productivity Facility. JCL. Job control language. JES. Job entry subsystem.
hex. Abbreviation of hexadecimal. job allocation. The allocation of a file by a server startup job. The allocation takes place when a server is started,
which is before (sometimes long before) the file transfer takes place. Contrast with dynamic allocation. job control language. A control language used to identify a job to an operating system and to describe the jobs requirements. key sequence. In VSAM, the collating sequence of data records as determined by the value of the key field in each record. key-sequenced data set. A VSAM data set whose records are loaded in key sequence and controlled by an index. keyword. A part of a control statement that consists of a specific character string. KSDS. Key-sequenced data set. LAN. Local area network. LAN gateway. A functional unit that connects a local area network with another network using different protocols. LDS. Linear data set. LEN node. Low-entry networking node. That is a node that provides a range of end-user services, attaches directly to other nodes using peer protocols, and derives network services implicitly from an adjacent APPN network node, that is, without the direct use of CP-CP sessions. linear data set. A VSAM data set that contains data but no control information. A linear data set can be accessed as a byte-string in virtual storage. A linear data set has no records and a fixed control interval size of 4096 bytes. local. Refers to ones own system. local area network. A data network located on the user's premises in which serial transmission is used for direct data communication among workstations. local filestore. A collection of local files. Each local filestore is registered in the LRD with a filestore nickname for local access, and a filestore AET for remote access. Local Resource Directory. The file containing information on local users, local filestores, filestore subsets, and local files necessary for OSI/File Services to run initiator and responder functions. local-request handler. A server subtask that can process a request submitted at the local system and can initiate a conversation. log file. A file to which a NetView FTP component writes messages. logical unit. In SNA, a port through which an end user accesses an SNA network. Each NetView FTP server is a logical unit.
logical unit name. A name used to represent the address of a logical unit. LRD. Local Resource Directory. LU. Logical unit. LU name. Logical unit name. LU 0 conversation. The type of conversation NetView FTP uses for file transfers between a node where NetView FTP V2.1 MVS, NetView FTP V1 VM, or NetView FTP V1 VSE is installed and a node where NetView FTP V1 MVS or FTP V2 is installed. LU-LU session. In SNA, a session between two logical units (LUs) in an SNA network. manual transfer restart. NetView FTPs method for allowing a user to restart a file transfer that was interrupted by submitting a restart request for that file transfer. master password. A password, set by the NetView FTP system programmer that lets those who specify it query, modify, or delete any request in the request queue, regardless of whether or not it is password-protected, and regardless of who added it to the queue. message area. The area of storage to which NetView FTP writes the messages it issues to an application program. mode. The session limits and common characteristics of the session associated with advanced program-to-program (APPC) devices managed as a unit with a remote location. mode description. A system object created for advanced program-to-program (APPC) devices that describes the session limits and the characteristics of the session, such as the maximum number of sessions allowed, maximum number of conversations allowed, and other controlling information for the session. MVS node. A node with MVS as its operating system. MVS system. A system with MVS as its operating system. NETBIOS. Network Basic Input/Output System. An operating system interface for application programs used on IBM personal computers that are attached to the IBM Token-Ring Network. NetView FTP administrator. Someone who knows the master password. A NetView FTP administrator can query, delete, modify, hold, or release any request regardless of whether it is password-protected, and regardless of who submitted it. NetView FTP AIX. NetView File Transfer Program Server for AIX and NetView File Transfer Program Client for AIX. NetView FTP application program. An application program that adds, queries, modifies, or deletes a request, or that retrieves information about NetView FTP.
NetView FTP batch job. A batch job that adds, queries, modifies, or deletes a request, or that retrieves information about NetView FTP. NetView FTP Client for DOS and Windows. NetView File Transfer Program &clw.. NetView FTP MVS. NetView File Transfer Program for MVS. NetView FTP OS/2. NetView File Transfer Program Server/2 and NetView File Transfer Program Client/2. NetView FTP/400. NetView File Transfer Program for OS/400. NetView FTP partition. A VSE partition that contains the main components of NetView FTP VSE. NetView FTP shared block. An area of CSA storage that is used to pass data between the components of NetView FTP. Any data that does not fit in the FSB is put in the NetView FTP shared block extension. NetView FTP shared block extension. An area of ECSA storage that is used to pass data between the components of NetView FTP. It contains any data that does not fit in the NetView FTP shared block. NetView FTP VM. NetView File Transfer Program for VM. NetView FTP VSE. NetView File Transfer Program for VSE. network. An interconnected group of nodes. network drive. With NetView FTP, it is a shared resource that can be accessed from each workstation in the LAN. network job entry facility. A facility that uses the network job-interface (NJI) protocols to allow a computer system to communicate with other computer systems in a network. NFTP directory. The directory that contains the NetView FTP/2 product files. NFTPWORK directory. The directory that contains all NetView FTP/2 work files, for example, the NetView FTP message and log files. NJE. Network job entry.
not-before time. The time before which NetView FTP is not to process a request. numeric literal. A numeric character or string of numeric characters whose value is implicit in the characters themselves; for example, 777 is the literal as well as the value of the number 777. octal. Pertaining to a selection, choice, or condition that has eight possible different values or states. OEM. Original equipment manufacturer. Open Systems Interconnection. The seven-layer communications architecture used for the definition of protocol standards for networks. operation mode. See attended mode and unattended mode. operational key. Deprecated term for cryptographic key. Original equipment manufacturer. A manufacturer of equipment that may be marketed by another manufacturer. originator ID. A string of characters that identifies the job, started task, or user that added a request to the request queue. OSI. See Open Systems Interconnection. other-domain resource. A recommendation for a logical unit that is owned by another domain and is referenced by a symbolic name, which can be qualified by a network identifier. panel. A predefined image displayed on a terminal screen. panel flow. The way in which panels are chained together so that a user can move from one to another. panel layout. The way in which the text and the input fields on a panel are arranged. partitioned data set. A data set in direct access storage that is divided into partitions, called members, each of which can contain a program, part of a program, or data. PCF. Programmed Cryptographic Facility. PDS. Partitioned data set.
NJI. Network job-interface. node. An endpoint in a link, or a junction common to two or more links in a network. A deprecated term for server group. node ID. Deprecated term for server group. node ID table. Deprecated term for server group table. not-after time. The time after which NetView FTP is not to process a request. ping. The use of the ping command to send an echo request to a network host or gateway. port. With NetView FTP, the communication end point in TCP/IP. A port is identified by a port number. path information unit. In SNA, a message unit consisting of a transmission header (TH) alone, or a TH followed by a basic information unit (BIU) or a BIU segment. phase. The smallest unit of executable code that can be loaded into virtual storage.
port number. In TCP/IP, a 16-bit number used to communicate between TCP/IP and a higher-level protocol or application. post-conversation user exit. A user exit that passes control to a routine at the system at which the file-transfer request originated. This routine is to run just after the servers terminate their conversation. post-transfer user exit. A user exit that passes control to a routine that is to run just after a server closes a file that has been transferred. pre-queuing user exit. A user exit that passes control to a routine that is to run just after a request is submitted to NetView FTP and just before NetView FTP adds the request to the queue. pre-transfer user exit. A user exit that passes control to a routine that is to run just before a server opens a file that is to be transferred. preparation user exit. Deprecated term for pre-transfer user exit. process (a request). To obtain and try to carry out (a request). program temporary fix. A temporary solution to bypass of a problem diagnosed by IBM as resulting from a defect in a current unaltered release of a program. PTF. Program temporary fix. PUBX. Physical Unit Control Block Extension. QDA. Query data area. QRA. Query response area. QSAM. Queued sequential access method. QSR. Query Status Record. query (a request). To ask for information about (a request). query data area. The area of ECSA storage into which NetView FTP places either user query records or administrator query records. query response area. The area of storage into which NetView FTP places information it retrieves for an application program. queue handler. A NetView FTP component that controls access to the request queue. In NetView FTP MVS, the queue handler also controls all other NetView FTP components and all communication with the operator. queue handler command. A command that a component of NetView FTP issues to the queue handler when it wants the queue handler to do something.
queued sequential access method. An extended version of the basic sequential access method (BPAM). When this method is used, a queue is formed of (1) input data blocks that are awaiting processing or (2) output data blocks that have been processed and are awaiting transfer to auxiliary storage or to an output device. raw device. In the AIX operating system, a device that treats data I/O as a continuous stream, without consideration for the datas logical structure. For example, I/O for fixed disks and streaming tapes occurs in units of bytes that have no relationship to characters. RCB. Request control block. RCE. Request control element. RDF. Request definition file. reason code. A value issued by a program that gives additional information about a situation described by a return code. receiving data set. A data set in which a copy of a file that has been sent using NetView FTP has been placed. Contrast with sending data set. receiving file. A data set in which a copy of a file is placed that has been sent using NetView FTP. Contrast with sending file. receiving system. The NetView FTP system that receives the file being transferred. regular checkpointing. To take a checkpoint at specified regular intervals. regular file. In the AIX operating system, a file that contains data. A regular file can be a text file or a binary file. Text files contain information readable by the user. This information is stored in ASCII. Binary files contain information readable by the computer. relative record data set. In VSAM, a data set whose records are loaded into fixed-length slots and are represented by the relative-record numbers of the slots they occupy. remote. Pertaining to a system other than ones own. remote filestore. A collection of remote files. OSI/File Services users can access a file residing in a remote system only if they specify the filestore AET of the remote filestore, and the OSI file name of the related file. remote-request handler. A server subtask that can accept a conversation initiated by a local-request handler at a remote system. report. Synonym for file-transfer report. report recipient. A user to whom a server sends a file-transfer report.
request. Synonym for file-transfer request. request class. A deprecated term for server class. request control block. A control block that contains some or all of a file-transfer request. Data that does not fit in the RCB is put in the request control block extension. request control block extension. A control block that contains data that does not fit in the request control block. request control element. An element of the request queue directory. request database. In NetView FTP/400, the database in which NetView FTP stores all requests. request definition file. A file containing NetView FTP control statements, that is, all NetView FTP parameters with their appropriate values that are necessary for a file transfer. request handler. A server subtask. See also remote-request handler. request number. A number that the queue handler assigns to a request when it adds the request to the request queue and that is used to identify the request. request password. A character string, assigned by a user to a request, that prevents users sharing that users originator ID from deleting or modifying that users waiting and active requests. If a user specifies a request password for a request, another user with the same originator ID must specify either the request password or the master password to be able to delete or modify the request while it is waiting, or to delete the request while it is active. request priority. A number, assigned by a user to each request, that determines the order in which a server is to process it. When a server is ready to process a request and several requests are eligible, the server processes the request with the highest priority first. request queue. In NetView FTP for MVS, VSE, or VM, the file in which NetView FTP stores requests that have been submitted for processing. request queue directory. A directory of the contents of the request queue. request unit. A message unit that contains control information, end-user data, or both. request-queue user exit. Deprecated term for pre-queuing user exit. requesting system. The system where the file-transfer request has been initiated. resident session partner. An FTP V2 MVS or FTP V2 VSE server that runs continuously and can perform an
indefinite number of file transfers, however, these file transfers must all be initiated by servers at remote systems. responding system. The system responding to a file-transfer request. return code. A value issued by a program that describes the outcome of an operation performed by that program. root. In the AIX operating system, the user name for the system user with the most authority. RRDS. Relative record data set. RTM. Recovery Termination Manager. RU. Request unit. RXB. Request control block extension. SAF. System authorization facility. SAM. Sequential access method. SAS. Spool Access Services. saved request. A request that has been created with the NetView FTP panels and that has then been saved in an ISPF table data set. scheduling a request. Determining which request is to be obtained, obtaining it, and passing it to a server. scroll amount. The amount that the list on a panel is scrolled up or down when you enter the UP or DOWN command. SDA. Server data area. SDMU. Source description message unit. SDWA. System Diagnostic Work Area. select members. To choose those members of a PDS that are to be transferred. Contrast with exclude members. sending data set. A data set, a copy of which is to be transferred using NetView FTP. Contrast with receiving data set. sending file. A file of which a copy is to be transferred using NetView FTP. Contrast with receiving file. sending system. The NetView FTP system stores the file that will be transferred to the receiving system. sequential access method. See basic sequential access method. server. (1) A NetView FTP component that establishes or accepts conversations and that transfers files. (2) With NetView FTP for Workstations, a NetView FTP Server program that serves as a gateway for one or more NetView FTP Client programs.
server class. A number or letter, assigned by a user to a request, that specifies which servers can process that request. server data area. The area of ECSA into which NetView FTP places information about a server or servers. server group. A group of servers (logical units). server group table. A data set that specifies which servers make up each server group, and that contains information about each server. server modification area. An area of storage that contains the modifications to a servers session parameters. session. In SNA, a logical connection between two network-addressable units. SFS. Shared file system. SFS directory. A group of files. SFS directories can be arranged to form a hierarchy in which one directory can contain one or more subdirectories as well as files. shared file pool. See file pool. shared file system. A part of CMS that lets users organize their files into groups known as directories, and selectively share those files and directories with other users. single mode. A server running mode in which a server stops running after it has transferred a file (or attempted to transfer a file and failed). slot. A space in the request queue directory that is able to hold a request control element (RCE). SMA. Server modification area. SMF. System management facilities. SMS. Storage Management Subsystem. SNA. Systems Network Architecture. SNA compaction. The transformation of data by packing two characters in a byte that normally would only hold one character. SNA compression. The replacement of a string of up to 64 repeated characters by an encoded control byte to reduce the length of the string. SNA network. In SNA, the part of a user-application network that conforms to the formats and protocols of Systems Network Architecture. It enables reliable transfer of data among end users and provides protocols for controlling the resources of various network configurations. The SNA network consists of network addressable units, boundary function components, and the path control network. SNA node. A node that supports SNA protocols.
socket. In the AIX operating system: (1) A unique host identifier created by the concatenation of a port identifier with a TCP/IP address. (2) A port identifier. (3) A 16-bit port number. (4) A port on a specific host; a communications end point that is accessible through a protocol familys addressing mechanism. A socket is identified by a socket address. See also socket address. socket address. In the AIX operating system, a data structure that uniquely identifies a specific communications end point. A socket address consists of a port number and a network address. It also specifies the protocol family. SRMU. Statistics report message unit. special file. In the AIX operating system, a file that defines a FIFO (first-in, first-out) file or a physical device. SSCP. System Services Control Point. statistics report message unit. A message unit sent by the target (receiver of the file), at the end of the file transfer. status. The state of a request in the request queue (MVS, VSE, or VM) or request database (OS/400). In NetView FTP for MVS, VSE, or VM, the possible statuses are waiting, active, and finished. In NetView FTP/400, the possible statuses are held, waiting, active, finished, and failed. status data area. The area of ECSA into which NetView FTP places details of the status of a server or servers. Storage Management Subsystem. An MVS subsystem that helps automate and centralize the management of DASD storage. SMS provides the storage administrator with control over data class, storage class, management class, storage group, and ACS routine definitions. submit (a request). To give (a request) to NetView FTP so that NetView FTP can add it to the request queue. superuser. In the AIX operating system, the user who has unrestricted authority to access and modify any part of the operating system, usually the user who manages the system. supervisor call instruction. An instruction that interrupts a running program and passes control to the supervisor so that the supervisor can perform the service indicated by the instruction. SVA. Shared Virtual Area. SVC. Supervisor call instruction. symbolic constant. A data item that has an unchanging, predefined value. system authorization facility. At an MVS or VM location, a generic interface to security products that is provided by the operating system. In this way, an installation has the possibility to run a security program, such as IBM RACF.
System management facilities. An optional control program for MVS that provides the means for gathering and recording information that can be used to evaluate system usage. system services control point. In SNA, a focal point within an SNA network for managing the configuration, coordinating network operator and problem determination requests, and providing directory support and other session services for end users of the network. Several SSCPs, cooperating as peers, can divide the network into domains of control, with each SSCP having a hierarchical control relationship to the physical units within its domain. Systems Network Architecture. The description of the logical structure, formats, protocols, and operating sequences for transmitting information units through, and for controlling the configuration and operation of, networks. The layered structure of SNA allows the origin and ultimate destination of information to be independent of and unaffected by the SNA network services and facilities used to transfer that information. table display panel. A panel that contains a scrollable list. Target Information Message Unit. A message unit sent by the receiving node after it receives an SDMU. A TIMU updates the original request, to inform the sender where to start or restart sending, and, to convey statistical information. TCP. Transmission Control Protocol. TCP/IP. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A set of communication protocols that support peer-to-peer connectivity functions for both local and wide area networks. TIMU. Target Information Message Unit. token-ring network. A network that uses a ring topology, in which tokens are passed in a circuit from node to node. A node that is ready to send can capture the token and insert data for transmission. Transfer Request Message Unit. A message unit used to send or receive a file, or to restart a previously interrupted file transfer. Transmission Control Protocol. A communications protocol used in Internet and in any network that follows the U.S. Department of Defense standards for inter-network protocol. TCP provides a reliable host-to-host protocol between hosts in packet-switched communications networks and in interconnected systems of such networks. It assumes that the Internet protocol is the underlying protocol. TRMU. Transfer Request Message Unit. unattended mode. An operating mode of NetView FTP for Workstations that assumes that a user is not available at the workstation, for example, to load devices such as diskettes or tapes. Contrast with attended mode.
unused slot. A slot that does not contain a request control element (RCE). user exit. A point in an IBM-supplied program at which a user-exit routine is given control. user interface. Hardware, software, or both that allows a user to interact with and perform operations on a system or program. user query command. A type of command that causes NetView FTP to retrieve information about the requests in the request queue; the information retrieved is intended for users of NetView FTP. Contrast with administrator query command. user query record. A record containing the information NetView FTP retrieves when a user issues a user query command. Contrast with administrator query record. user-exit routine. An exit routine written by a user. user-written file handler. An exit routine, written by a user, that gains access to a file and passes its records to NetView FTP, or that retrieves the records from NetView FTP and writes them to a file. virtual storage access method. An access method for indexed or sequential processing of fixed- and variable-length records on direct-access storage devices. The records in a VSAM data set can be organized (1) in logical sequence by means of a key field (key sequence), in the physical sequence in which they are written in the data set (entry sequence), or (2) by means of a relative-record number. Virtual Telecommunications Access Method. See Advanced Communications Function for the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method. VM node. A node with VM as its operating system. VM system. A system with VM as its operating system. VSAM. Virtual storage access method. VSE node. A node with VSE as its operating system. VSE system. A system with VSE as its operating system. VTAM. Virtual Telecommunications Access Method. See Advanced Communications Function for the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method. waiting request. A request that is waiting to be processed. WAN. Wide area network. Wide area network. A network that provides communication services to a geographic area larger than that served by a local area network and that may use or provide public communication facilities.
wildcard character. Either a question mark (?) or an asterisk (*) used as a variable in a file name or file name extension when referring to a particular file or group of files.
The NetView FTP Library
This manual is part of a library of publications that describe NetView FTP and explain how to use it. The publications in this library are: NetView File Transfer Program for VSE: NetView File Transfer Program Server for AIX, NetView File Transfer Program Client for AIX:
NetView FTP for Workstations: AIX Installation and Users Guide, SH12-6187 NetView FTP Parameter Reference, SH12-6052
NetView File Transfer Program Server/2, NetView File Transfer Program Client/2 NetView File Transfer Program Client for DOS and Windows:
NetView FTP Licensed Program Specifications, GH12-5485 NetView FTP VSE Users Guide, SH12-5673 NetView FTP VSE Installation, Operation, and Administration, SH12-5674 NetView FTP Customization, SH12-5482 NetView FTP Messages and Codes, SH12-5483 NetView FTP Parameter Reference, SH12-6052
NetView File Transfer Program for VM:
NetView FTP for OS/2, DOS, and Windows Workstations: Installation and Users Guide, SH12-6080 NetView FTP Parameter Reference, SH12-6052
The unlicensed manuals with prefix SH are also available as softcopy on the following collection kits:
NetView FTP General Information, GH12-5480 NetView FTP Licensed Program Specifications, GH12-5485 NetView FTP VM Users Guide, SH12-5675 NetView FTP VM Installation, Operation, and Administration, SH12-5676 NetView FTP Customization, SH12-5482 NetView FTP Messages and Codes, SH12-5483
NetView File Transfer Program for OS/400:
IBM Networking Softcopy Collection Kit, SK2T-6012 IBM Online Library Omnibus Edition: MVS Collection, SK2T-0710 IBM Online Library Omnibus Edition: VM Collection, SK2T-2067 IBM Online Library Omnibus Edition: VSE Collection, SK2T-0060 IBM Online Library Omnibus Edition: AIX Collection, SK2T-2066
NetView FTP General Information, GH12-54801 NetView FTP V1 for OS/400 Licensed Program Specifications, GH12-5777 NetView FTP V3 for OS/400 Licensed Program Specifications, GH12-6176 NetView FTP V1 for OS/400 Installation and Users Guide, SH12-5776 NetView FTP V3 for OS/400 Installation and Users Guide, SH12-6177
NetView File Transfer Program Version 2 for MVS:
Related Publications
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IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH Information Development, Dept. 0446 Postfach 1380 71003 Boeblingen Germany
Program Numbers: 5686-013 (VSE) 5684-048 (VM) 5685-108 (MVS) Printed in Denmark by IBM Danmark A/S
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