Capabilities and Limitations of Information and Communication Technology

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Capabilities and Limitations of Information and Communication Technology Understand that ICT systems offer fast repetitive processing,

vast storage capability and the facility to search and combine data in many different ways that would otherwise be impossible
Computer systems are machines that process data and turn it into information.

Can be programmed to do certain tasks without the operator being present. Furthermore they can combine data from different sources to provide high quality information in a variety of output formats. Computer systems can be linked to other computer systems and other electronic devices around the world. This allows the flow of exchanging and combing data together. Repetitive Calculation- Computers can carry out millions of repetitive calculations per second something that would be very laboured intensive and costly without computers. Vast Storage Capacity- Computer systems store 100s billions of data items. With the large capacity of modern hard drives, vast amounts of data can be stored electronically. Banking records Customer databases Stock control Government databases Internet Searching and Sorting- Computer databases allow us to retrieve related information quickly and accurately. Combining Data- Computer analysis of data can show up patterns and trends not previously seen or impossible to see without vast processing power Satellite Imaging Medical Research Scientific Research 1

Communications- In recent years computers have revolutionised the world of communications so much a C was added to IT! Internet Cell Phones Digital Broadcasting Fast Response Times- Allows real time feedback Retail Systems Banking (e.g. ATM) Computer Games Systems Control Feedback- Feedback = Output affects Input Example 1 - Stock Control Sufficient stock must be kept to satisfy customers but Storage of large levels of stock is expensive The ICT system continually adjusts stock levels to make JIT orders of stock

Understand that the response speed of technology within ICT systems facilitates the use of feedback
The speed of response is very important in many modern computer systems. Fast response times are important in systems which involve feedback.

Understand that there are limitations in the use of ICT systems and in the information they produce
Although nowadays modern-day computers systems have many capabilities, there are however limitations to the ICT system for example: Hardware limitations The speed at which a computer system performs depends on its components. The speed of a computers processor and the size of its internal memory are important. A slow processor speed would delay processes like searching for a particular item or sorting order. A small memory would limit the number of multi tasking being done or memory storage. Processor speed, disk capacity, bandwidth Screen small/ Poor resolution Unreliable hardware as it is poorly designed Software limitations Data may not be transferable to one application to another. This means that data has to be entered twice.

Software errors can make a system fail due to not being compatible with the operating systems or having other applications which are not compatible with the software. Can make a system fail or behave in an unpredictable way Systems may be poorly designed and dont achieve what they set out to do.

Communications limitations There have been huge developments in communications systems over the years. However there are not that great as connection speeds sometimes can affect downloading files, having a number of web explorer windows opened or uploading files. Network has insufficient capacity therefore data transfer of files is slow, may mean download if files is slow as it may be running on low speed modern. Inappropriate design Poorly designed systems will not achieve what they are set out to do. A system can be poorly designed as a result of inadequate investigation. Poor data control mechanisms Computers can only process data that is inputted to if incorrect data is inputted the output will be incorrect. It is vital to have appropriate data control mechanisms that detect human errors, if a system is to produce reliable and accurate information. For example validation can be used to detect any data that has been entered is irrelevant or not. Computer output can only be as good as the input GIGO! No back up procedures in place therefore data may be lost in event of system failure No access control in breach of DPA.

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