SKILL - Cadence Extension Language
SKILL - Cadence Extension Language
SKILL - Cadence Extension Language
SKILL is powerful extension language that can be used to add new capabilities to Cadence tools SKILL is based upon LISP, will look very strange if you are not already familiar with LISP
LISP is a interpreted language that is popular among the AI community LISP has a built-in eval function that can be used to execute LISP code that is dynamically generated The basic data structure in LISP is the list, with many built-in functions for manipulaing list data structures SKILL also supports a syntax form that is more Pascal-like
The key to SKILLs power is a large set of library functions that allow you to manipulate data structures such as cells, nets, mask information, etc.
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The function getEditRep was used to return the currently open cell view The function dbOpenCellViewByType was used to specify the master view of the instance to be placed.
The minimum set of parameters to dbOpenCellViewByType are library_name, cell_name, view_name See docs for other optional parameters
The list function used to create a list required to pass instance origin
(list first_elem second_elem .. N_elem) returns a N-element list
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Tested with standard cell instance via: placeArray 20 4 INVX1 4.8 21.6
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