Animal Communication
Animal Communication
Animal Communication
Metacommunications: signals that modify the meaning of subsequent signals. The best known example is the play face and tail signals in dogs, which indicate that a subsequent aggressive signal is part of a play fight rather than a serious aggressive episode. Animal communication is any behavior on the part of one animal that has an effect on the current or future behaviour of another animal. The study of animal communication sometimes called Zoosemiotics (defined as the study of sign communication or semiosis in animals; distinguishable from anthroposemiotics, the study of human communication) has played an important part in the methodology of ethology, sociobiology, and the study of animal cognition.
Animal communication, a Gestures: The best known form of communication involves the display of distinctive body parts, or distinctive bodily movements; often these occur in combination, so a distinctive movement acts to reveal or emphasize a distinctive body part. For example, the presentation of a parent Herring Gulls bill to its chick signals feeding time. Like many gulls, the Herring Gull has a brightly coloured bill, yellow with a red spot on the lower mandible near the tip. When it returns to the nest with food, the parent stands over its chick and taps the bill on the ground in front of it; this elicits a begging response from a hungry chick (pecking at the red spot), which stimulates the parent to regurgitate food in front of it. The complete signal therefore involves a distinctive morphological feature (body part), the red-spotted bill, and a distinctive movement (tapping towards the ground) which makes the red spot highly visible to the chick. Congruently, some cephalopods, such as the octopus, have specialized skin cells that can change the apparent colour, opacity, and reflectiveness of their skin.[1] In addition to being used for camouflage, rapid changes in skin colour are used while hunting and in courtship rituals.[2] While all primates use some form of gesture,[3] Frans de Waal came to the conclusion that apes and humans are unique in that only they are able use intentional gestures to communicate. He tested the hypothesis of gesture evolving into language by studying the gestures of bonobos and chimps.
Facial expression: Facial gestures play an important role in animal communication. Dogs for example express anger through a snarling and showing their teeth. In alarm their ears will perk up. When fearful a dog will pull back their ears, expose teeth slightly and squint eyes. Jeffrey Mogil studied the facial expressions of mice during increments of increasing pain. What they found were five recognizable facial expressions; orbital tightening, nose and check bulge, and changes in ear and whisker carriage.[4] Gaze following: Coordination among social animals is facilitated by monitoring of each others' head and eye orientation. Long recognized in human developmental studies as an important component of communication, there has recently begun to be much more attention on the abilities of animals
to follow the gaze of those they interact with, whether members of their own species or humans. Studies have been conducted on apes, monkeys, dogs, birds, and tortoises, and have focused on two different tasks: "follow[ing] anothers gaze into distant space" and "follow[ing] anothers gaze geometrically around a visual barrier e.g. by repositioning themselves to follow a gaze cue when faced with a barrier blocking their view". The first ability has been found among a broad range of animals, while the second has been demonstrated only for apes, dogs (and wolves), and corvids (ravens), and attempts to demonstrate this "geometric gaze following" in marmosets and ibis gave negative results. Researchers do not yet have a clear picture of the cognitive basis of gaze following abilities, but developmental evidence indicates that "simple" gaze following and "geometric" gaze following are likely to rely on distinct cognitive foundations.[5] Vocalization: Many animals communicate through vocalizations. Communication through vocalization is essential for many tasks including mating rituals, warning calls, conveying location of food sources, and social learning. Male mating calls are used to signal the female and to beat competitors in species such as hammer-headed bats, red deers, humpback whales and elephant seals.[6] In whale species Whale song has been found to have different dialects based on location.[7] Other instances of communication include the warning cries of the Campbell monkey,[8] the territorial calls of gibbons, the use of frequency in Greater Spear-nosed Bats to distinguish For linguistics, the interest of animal communication systems lies in their similarities to and differences from human language: 1. Human languages are characterized for having a double articulation (in the characterization of French linguist Andr Martinet). It means that complex linguistic expressions can be broken down in meaningful elements (such as morphemes and words), which in turn are composed of smallest phonetic elements that affect meaning, called phonemes. Animal signals, however, do not exhibit this dual structure. 2. In general, animal utterances are responses to external stimuli, and do not refer to matters removed in time and space. Matters of relevance at a distance, such as distant food sources, tend to be indicated to other individuals by body language instead, for example wolf activity before a hunt, or the information conveyed in honeybee dance language. It is therefore unclear to what extent utterances are automatic responses and to what extent deliberate intent plays a part. 3. Human language is largely learned culturally, while animal communication systems are known largely by instinct.[citation needed] 4. In contrast to human language, animal communication systems are usually not able to express conceptual generalizations. (Cetaceans and some primates may be notable exceptions). 5. Human languages combine elements to produce new messages (a property known as creativity). One factor in this is that much human language growth is based upon conceptual ideas and hypothetical structures, both being far greater capabilities in humans than animals. This appears far less common in
animal communication systems, although current research into animal culture is still an ongoing process with many new discovered.