Application For Token: Overseas Pakistanis Foundation Islamabad

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OPF HOUSING SCHEME ___________________________________

1. 2. Name of Bidder ______________________________________________________________________ National Identity Card (NADRA) No._____________________________________________________ (attached attested photocopy) Date of Issue___________________________ Place of Issue__________________________________ Passport No.___________________________ Date of Issue___________________________________ O.P.F Membership No___________________ Name of Father / Husband ______________________________________________________________ Present Address (Abroad / Local) ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ In case the bidder is not in a position to participate in the auction personally, the following particulars of the Attorney who will collect the token and take part in the auction on his / her behalf be supplied: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of Attorney _____________________________________________________________ National Identity Card (NADRA) No. ____________________________________________________ Dated of Issue ________________________ Place of Issue ___________________________________ Name of Father / Husband _____________________________________________________________ Permanent Address __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Present Address ___________________________________________________________________ 1

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



I, _______________________________________ hereby enclose Bank Draft / Pay Order / Call Deposit No.__________________ Dated _____________________ drawn on _________________________________ amounting to Rs.____________________ on account of token money for participation in the auction. (Copy of attorney is enclosed).

Signature of the proposed bidder attorney with date



In the name of Mr./Mrs./Miss _________________________________________________________________ Holder of CNIC (NADRA) No.________________________________________________________________ Resident of _______________________________________________________________________________ Receipt of Bank Draft / Pay Order /Call deposit No._______________________ dated ___________________ Drawn on ___________________________________ for Rs.____________________________ on account of token money for participation in the auction of commercial plot (s) O.P.F Housing Scheme _______________ __________________________ is hereby acknowledged.

Dated: ________________________

Signature with Name & Designation of Token Issuing Official with date and Official Stamp / Seal

Token No._____________________


KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT I, ______________________________________________ S/o, D/o, W/o ______________________________ adult aged ______________________________________ year, resident of ____________________________________________________________________________ and holder of CNIC (NADRA) No. ______________________________________ dated ________________ do hereby appoint Mr./ Mrs./ Mst. ____________________________________________________ S/o, D/o, W/o _________________________________________ resident of ___________________________________ _____________________________________________ and holder of CNIC (NADRA)

No.____________________________________ dated _____________________ as my attorney to act in my name and on my behalf to the extent of the power hereby given as under: -

WHEREAS I INTEND TO OFFER BID IN OPEN AUCTION OF COMMERCIAL PLOTS AGAINST PLOT NO.______________ BLOCK_________ MEASURING ___________________ MARLAS/SQ.YDS/SQ.MT, O.P.F HOUSING SCHEME __________________________________________________________________ AND WHERAS I am unable to participate personally due to my other engagements on the scheduled dates.

I HEREBY appoint the above named attorney and authorize him to offer bid at the auction on my behalf and to do all acts, deeds and things requisite for the purpose. I HEREBY undertake to ratify, indemnify and confirm all acts, deeds and things lawfully done or caused to be done by my said attorney by virtue of the power hereby given and all such acts, deeds and things shall be deemed and construed to have been done or caused to be done by me. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand into this deed this ________________ day of _________ 2010.

Witness: 1.________________________________ Attach attested copy of CNIC (NADRA) Signature ___________________________ Executant (Attach attested copy of CNIC)

2.________________________________ Attach attested copy of CNIC (NADRA) Note: Attorney should be executed on Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value duly attested by Notary Public and countersigned by Magistrate / Civil Judge or Embassy of Pakistan. 4


a. The possession of the plot will be handed over to the successful bidder/allottee or his/her authorized attorney after clearance of all dues within one month from issuance of NOC in his/her favour, failing which possession shall be deemed to have been taken over by him and O.P.F. shall not be held responsible for any lapse. b. No additional charge/mark up or compensation shall be payable by the O.P.F. on any amount that would have been retained by O.P.F. on any ground/reason. c. Outstanding payment (as per schedule given in the allotment letter) shall be made through Bank Draft/Pay Order in favour of Overseas Pakistanis Foundation, Islamabad in full and no part payment will be accepted. d. The actual amount payable by the successful bidders/allottees on account of full price of the plot shall be determined on demarcation and actual measurement of the area by the O.P.F. Site Engineer at the time of handing over possession of plot. In case of any shortfall the maximum liability of the department (O.P.F) is to refund the actual amount of the shortfall of the area without any markup/compensation. e. If at the time of handing over possession, the plot is found to measure more or less that than the area advertisement/allotted, adjustment would be made accordingly at the rate/price mentioned in the allotment letter. f. Transfer of plot will be subject to the policy of the O.P.F prevailing at the time of making request for the transfer of plot to the successful bidder (s)/allottee (s) and after full payment/clearance of all dues/taxes by the successful bidder (s)/allottee (s). g. From the date, the successful bidder/allottee comes into possession of the plot he/she shall pay all taxes, rates, royalties (if any) and revenue, assessment, duties, charges (including betterment and maintenance charges) and impositions, whatsoever, which no or hereafter be charged or be imposed upon or be payable in respect of the plot or any structure thereon or anything relating thereto under any law, or order for the time being in force and after that date O.P.F. shall not be responsible for any default. h. Surcharge @ 17% per annum will be charged on the delayed payments as per terms and conditions of allotment. i. In case of breach of any one or more of the above cited conditions by the bidder/allottee and nonobservance of the above noted obligations, the acceptance of bid/allotment will be liable to be withdrawn/cancelled after confiscating the amount deposited with O.P.F. j. In case of any dispute the matter shall be referred to the Managing Director OPF who will act as an Arbitrator and decide the matter. The decision of Managing Director shall be final and binding on the party concerned. 5

k. Within six months from the date of possession or assumed date of possession allottee (s) shall start construction in accordance with the plans/drawings of the proposed building duly approved by the O.P.F or Regulatory Authority and the concerned development authority to complete it in all respect within a period of Five years (depending upon the number of stories allowed) from the date of issue of NOC for taking over possession. Failure to complete the building within the stipulated period may render allotment liable to be cancelled, in which event 10% of the total premium of the plot shall be forfeited in favour of O.P.F. No compensation etc. shall be allowed/provided by the competent authority may for good and sufficient cause to be shown in writing allow extension in the construction period by imposing extension surcharge of covered area as may be fixed by the Competent Authority from time to time. No application or extension of construction period shall be entertained unless the same is submitted at least SIX MONTHS before the expiry of the period. l. Transfer of plot will be subject to the policy of the O.P.F. prevailing at the time of making request for transfer. m. Allottee (s) shall comply with and abide by the rules, regulations, bye-laws, orders and directions that may be issued or given by the O.P.F or concerned authority from time to time. n. Time will be essence of Contract in these Terms and Conditions. o. These conditions are in addition to the provisions of law, rules and regulations etc. of any competent authority that may be applicable to the allotment of plot and its use in the respective area. p. This allotment is subject to terms and conditions given in this brochure with modifications to be made from time to time by OPF and the rules operative in the respective development authority.



Received with thanks from Mr./Mrs./Miss ___________________________________________ S/D/W/o _________________________________ CNIC No. _______________________________________ Resident of _______________________________________________________________________________ a Bank Draft / Pay Order /Call deposit No.______________ dated ___________ amounting to Rs.__________ on account of Non Overseas Pakistani charges for participation in the auction of commercial plot (s) in OPF Housing Scheme ___________________________________________________________________________

Dated: ________________________

Signature with Name & Designation of Token Issuing Official with date and Official Stamp / Seal

Receipt No._____________________

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