SQL Assignment 3

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The document provides details of a railway database including tables, sample data and queries to run.

The tables trainhalts, track, station and train are created and sample data is inserted. The trainhalts table stores information about train routes and timings.

Queries are provided to find station pairs within a distance, trains stopping at a station, trains starting from a station and the order of stations for a train route.

SQL Assignment 3

Part1: Database Details:

Use the following Railway database to answer all questions below. The queries to create the tables and the data to be inserted are listed below: Run these queries against the database to have your tables and data ready. Some notes on terms used:
-- table trainhalts contains one row for every halt of a train. -- id : id of the train -- seqno : the halt number. Assume that the starting station has seqno as 0 -- stcode : station code of this halt -- timein : time at which the train arrives at this station. (will be null for the starting station of a train) -- timeout: time at which the train departs this station. (will be null for the terminating station of a train) -- If a train passes through a station without stopping, then there will be an entry with timein = timeout. -- table track stores the distances between directly connected stations stcode1 and stcode2. -- Assume that this represents a directed track. i.e, for two stations A and B, there will be -- an entry corresponding to (A, B, distance) and another for (B,A, distance).

Script to be run to set up the tables and insert the respective data:
create table trainhalts (id varchar(5) , seqno integer , stcode varchar(10), timein varchar(5) , timeout varchar(5) , primary key (id,seqno) ); create table track (stcode1 varchar(5) , stcode2 varchar(5), distance integer , primary key (stcode1,stcode2) );

create table station (stcode varchar(5), name varchar(20), primary key (stcode)); create table train (id varchar(5) , name varchar(20), primary key (id) );

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trainhalts; station; track; train; trainhalts values ('KP11' , 0 , 'CST' , NULL, '20.23'); trainhalts values ('KP11' , 1 , 'BYC' , '20.31', '20.32'); trainhalts values ('KP11' , 2 , 'DR' , '20.41', '20.42'); trainhalts values ('KP11' , 3 , 'GPR' , '20.52', '20.53'); trainhalts values ('KP11' , 4 , 'GPR' , '20.52', '20.53'); trainhalts values ('KP11' , 5 , 'DR' , '20.41', '20.42'); trainhalts values ('KP11' , 6 , 'GPR' , '20.58', '20.59'); trainhalts values ('KP11' , 7 , 'TNA' , '21.21', '21.22'); trainhalts values ('KP11' , 8 , 'DL' , '21.45', '21.46'); trainhalts values ('KP11' , 9 , 'KYN' , '21.54', NULL); trainhalts values ('A65' , 0 , 'CST' , NULL , '20.52'); trainhalts values ('A65' , 1 , 'BYC' , '21.00' , '21.01'); trainhalts values ('A65' , 2 , 'DR' , '21.10' , '21.11'); trainhalts values ('A65' , 3 , 'KRL' , '21.22' , '21.23'); trainhalts values ('A65' , 4 , 'GPR' , '21.28' , '21.29'); trainhalts values ('A65' , 5 , 'TNA' , '21.49' , '21.50'); trainhalts values ('A65' , 6 , 'DL' , '22.13' , '22.14'); trainhalts values ('A65' , 7 , 'KYN' , '22.22' , '22.23'); trainhalts values ('A65' , 8 , 'AMR' , '22.36' , NULL); station values ('CST' ,'MUMBAI'); station values ('BYC' ,'BYCULLA'); station values ('DR' ,'DADAR'); station values ('KRL' ,'KURLA'); station values ('GPR' ,'GHATKOPAR'); station values ('TNA' ,'THANE'); station values ('DL' ,'DOMBIVALI'); station values ('AMR' , 'AMBARNATH'); station values ('KYN' ,'KALYAN'); station values ('KSR' ,'KASARA'); train values ('KP11' ,'CST-KYN'); train values ('KP11L' ,'CST-KYN_LOCAL'); train values ('T129' ,'CST-TNA_LOCAL'); train values ('A63' ,'CST-DL_LOCAL'); train values ('K101' ,'CST-KYN_LOCAL'); train values ('N27' ,'CST-TNA_LOCAL'); train values ('S33' ,'CST-KGR_LOCAL'); train values ('A65' ,'CST-AMR_LOCAL'); track values ('CST' ,'BYC', 5); track values ('CST' ,'DR', 9); track values ('CST' ,'KRL', 16);

insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert

into into into into into into into into into into into into into

track track track track track track track track track track track track track

values values values values values values values values values values values values values

('CST' ,'GPR', 20); ('CST' ,'TNA', 34); ('CST' ,'DL', 49); ('CST' ,'KYN', 54); ('CST' ,'KSR', 77); ('CST' ,'AMR', 65); ('BYC' ,'DR', 4); ('BYC' ,'KRL', 11); ('GRP' ,'TNA', 14); ('DR' ,'TNA', 25); ('KRL' ,'KYN', 38); ('TNA' ,'KYN', 20); ('TNA' ,'KSR', 43);

After the database tables and data are set; write the following queries: ---------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Find the pairs of stations(station codes) which have a track with distance less than 20Kms between them. 2. Find the IDs of all the trains which have a stop at THANE 3. Find the names of all trains that start at MUMBAI. 4. List all the stations in order of visit by the train 'CST-AMR_LOCAL'. 5. Find the name of the trains which stop at Thane, before the 6th stop in the route of the train.

1 Write the create table SQL commands to create the following tables: 1. phone(phone_id, brand, model, price) o This table represents a mobile phone. o brand is some string like 'Nokia', 'Samsung' etc. o model is a string such as 'N95', 'Galaxy3' etc. 2. network(network_id, name, type) o This table represents mobile phone networks such as 'Airtel', 'BSNL' etc. 3. deal(id, phone_id, network_id, deal_price, start_date, end_date) o Deal is an offer for a phone when bought along with a network o The deal price is valid only between start_date and end_date o The phone_id and network_id attributes are foreign keys to the phone and the network table respectively 2 Create constraints to check the following: 1. The start_date of a deal should always be <= its end_date. 2. The network type should be one of the following values: 'GSM', 'CDMA', 'BOTH' 3 Modify the create table script and add a cascade constraint so that, when a phone is deleted (i.e., no longer being manufactured), all deals for that phone are deleted.

4 Try to insert inconsistent data and verify the constraints. Provide insert statements that fail, along with the error message.

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