Microinsurance - Executive Summary (English)

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Executive Summary

Research Context
Provision of financial services of credit and savings through microfinance to the poor is not a novel concept, but insurance to the poor is relatively new. There are only a handful of providers carrying out microinsurance in Sri Lanka. Even among the few, most are affiliated to the microfinance institutes. The specialized microinsurance service providers are fewer in number. The existing literature on microinsurance in Sri Lanka is limited to examining the supply side of microinsurance or only limited to case studies. Initiating from that point, the study takes a balanced approach to fill this gap by looking at both the supply and demand sides.

Objectives and Approach

The objective of the study is to evaluate the current provision of microinsurance products in Sri Lanka, offered by grass roots level institutions: Microfinance Institutes (MFIs), NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs) or Community Based Organizations (CBOs). It aims to examine the differences of the products, delivery methods and also to examine the extent to which they reflect the needs and preferences of the poor households. Comprehending the demand side factors and supply side limitations is helpful in enhancing the understanding of the nature of the service provision in microinsurance. The study is based on both qualitative and quantitative research methods, which supplement each other. Data was collected using desk reviews, key informant interviews and a household survey of 330 households in 2008, where samples were drawn from households in microinsurance and others in the CBOs as a control group. The data analysis is mainly descriptive. Though with a limitation of a relatively small sample, the information gathered through the household survey for the study provides a critical insight which has not been captured before in the literature, into examining the behaviour and needs of segments of the microinsurance market in Sri Lanka. Hence, the study establishes the basis for the design and development of demand-driven risk managing financial products.

Key Findings and Policy Implications

Multiple and Overlapping Risks The households experience multiple risks simultaneously. The most frequent and severe risk faced by the surveyed households is family related shocks, followed by weather and environment related shocks. Most of the households have experienced a serious illness of an income earner of the family as a common and major shock. While weather and environmental shocks have been most severe for the microinsurance policyholders, family related shocks have been the most severe shock for non-policyholders. In contrast, the households expect that

about half of the risks would arise from economic shocks. This is expected to be followed by weather and environment related shocks, and family related shocks. Most preferred to have insurance cover on crop failure and on natural disasters.

Risk Management Strategies

The households use multiple strategies to manage risks. The study results bring out the importance of insurance as a risk management strategy. Borrowing from the informal sources has been the second most common risk management strategy. The households still rely heavily on the informal networks in managing risks. Borrowing from the formal institutes, withdrawing savings, diversifying the income sources or selling/pawning or mortgaging assets are the other strategies. There is a high tendency to hold an insurance policy with a clear understanding of the concept of insurance. Having microinsurance has not been an added advantage as microinsurance policyholders also have used informal sources, withdrawn savings, etc., to the same extent as non-policyholders. Though the priority of the poorest groups has been to use informal sources for risk management, they have also used insurance as an important strategy.

Microinsurance: The Role as a Risk Management Tool

The households tend to go for microinsurance with exposures to risks. The households prefer life microinsurance policies over the others as most of the life insurance policies offered are designed with benefits of health insurance and insurance on other life cycle events, or as the microinsurance providers only offer an all inclusive package centred on life insurance. The next most common is credit insurance due to its compulsory requirement. The households in quintile 2 have bought the highest number and those in the topmost quintile have bought the least number of microinsurance policies. The most common benefit received is the death compensation benefits. The microinsurance policies are bought mainly to secure against future shocks. The microinsurance premiums are mainly paid monthly or annually. The premiums are very low and the households find it comfortable. The microinsurance providers have the opportunity to improve the services at a relatively higher premium. Most households have not been able to claim insurance as they did not encounter the risks covered by the insurance policies, which shows the lacuna in service provision. Households have claimed insurance mainly on illnesses and deaths. For most of the households, the insurance claim has been able to cover only less than one fifth of the loss. In addition to having microinsurance, most of the households have obtained services from other insurance providers too, mainly from the private insurance companies on life and vehicle insurance. In addition to having insurance as a security against future shocks, the households with microinsurance policies consider the other insurance as an investment. Most of the households are paying premiums which are only marginally higher than microinsurance.

Microinsurance Products, Coverage of Risks and Benefits

The products offered by microinsurance institutions are mainly limited to life, health and credit insurance, with coverage of a few risks. They mainly cover deaths, funeral expenses, hospitalization, accidents, while coverage on surgery, medicines, life cycle events, education, property, income loss, agriculture are negligible or none. Life insurance is the most preferred policy as often they are designed as all inclusive packages, with cover on health and other life cycle events related risks. Only one insurance provider in the study has a separate product on health insurance which is also limited to the staff members. A considerable amount of credit insurance policies have resulted due to compulsory requirement of credit insurance in borrowing from MFIs.

Delivery of Microinsurance Services to the Poor

Most microinsurance institutes studied have a 'full-service model', where the insurance provider has full control over the insurance scheme. The microinsurance institutes capitalize on existing strengths of the institutes and reach the clients through CBOs, hence delivering the products at the doorstep of the poor. Generally, the institutes use community members as the collection agents, which make the premium payments available at the doorstep of the policyholders, at a lower cost.

Barriers for Microinsurance Provision and the Role of the State

As an infant industry, the microinsurance providers face plenty of obstacles, which prevent them from having versatility. Versatility would involve high cost, which microinsurance providers often cannot pass on to their clients. Dearth of skilled human capital is a major set-back in the expansion of the sector. Networking of the providers would overcome the problem to a certain extent through collective approaches. Limitations in reinsurance hinder the expansion/ diversification of the microinsurance products. Only two institutes have reinsurance facilities, while others depend on the limited donor support or/ and premiums collected from the members. The microinsurance sector requires a strong regulatory framework for its expansion. Lack of it discourages reinsurance. Most of the microinsurance providers are registered under the Societies Act and many of the microinsurance activities serve as service support activities in the field of microfinance, and as welfare activities rather than microinsurance. Lack of a regulatory framework for microinsurance is a reason for the unwillingness of the private sector to engage in microinsurance. Creation of an enabling environment would increase the entry of new types of microinsurance institutes. Further, the poor reputation of commercial insurance companies

has created an unfavourable environment for the insurance market, affecting the microinsurance sector as well. The government can play a leading role in promoting microinsurance among the poor, creating awareness and popularizing it, supporting an enabling environment through regulation and promoting capacity building in the sector.

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