Control Plan Audit Form

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Supplier Control Plan: Audit Summary

MY/Program: Name of Component, Sub-System or System: Part Number(s): Responsible Supplier: Responsible Supplier Quality Specialist: Name of Auditor: Date Reviewed: Original SQ Specialist Opinion in (line through one): Original Supplier Opinion in (line through one): Date of Control Plan (Original or Rev. Level): Overall Rating: Header Overall: "Yes"______ "No"______

Green Green

Yellow Yellow

Red Red

None None

"X" Header "Yes" overall and no more than three sections "E/I" overall = "Green" Neither "Green" nor "Red" criteria met = "Yellow" Two or more non-Header sections "No" overall = "Red"

Number of non-Header sections (2 through 4) not ok:______

1 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g 1h 1i 1j 1k

Does the Header Contain Adequate Information ? Control Plan identifed correctly for gate (Prototype, Pre-Launch, Production)? Control Plan Number identified? Part Number, Engineering Change Level included? (NIK level correct or reference given to other controlled document if generically defined?) Part Name/Description included? Supplier/Plant identified? Supplier Code identified? Key Contact with Phone number included? Core Team identified with department and telephone numbers? Original Revision date identified? Control Plan Revision date within past 60 days? Note: "N/A" if "(Orig)" date is with 60 days. Note: Also "N/A" unless a known update should have been made. All else ok (no other issues)?
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No." Otherwise, "E/I."

Yes E/I No N/A Auditor Comments

Note 1: "E/I" = only minor "E"xceptions or requirement "I"nconsistently applied (approx. 25% or less) and correction still required. Note 2: Do not have a given issues that negatively affect more than one question.

Operational Flow 2 (Part/Process Number; Process Name/Operation Description; Machine, Device, Jig, Tools for Manufacturing) All process steps are included within the Part/Process Number column (and in agreement with Production Flow Diagram (PFD) and Process Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (PFMEA) if available) and it makes sense for the process? (Control Plan addresses incoming through final packaging and dock audits) 2b Is the Process Name/Operation Description clearly stated? Are the Machine, Device, Jig, Tools for mfg. listed correctly with ID's for the 2c individual processes (Are the Chrysler Supplier Tool Record numbers defined for Chrysler owned tooling where applicable?) 2d All else ok (no other issues)? 2a
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No." Otherwise, "E/I."

Yes E/I No N/A Auditor Comments

Characteristics 3 (No., Product, Process, Special Characteristic Class, Product/Process Specification Tolerance) Are there uniquely identified Characteristics from Released Design Documents 3a (Chrysler Released Models identifying Special Characteristics by number) identified in the Characteristic No. column? Are there features or properties of the part, component or assembly described on 3b released drawings or other primary documents defined in the Product Column? (Examples: Surface Finish, Paint Appearance, Meter Accuracy, Presence of 4 holes, etc.) 3c Are there unique Processes identified within the Process Column which are being controlled to reduce variation in assembly characteristics? Are Special Characterists identified (agree with PFD and PFMEA if available for 3d review) which indicate the level of importance to Chrysler? (Ex. <S> Safety, <H> Homologation, <D> Diamond, other supplier unique)

Yes E/I No N/A Auditor Comments

6/3/2012 S. Kissonergis ASQP EE Manager


Supplier Control Plan: Audit Summary

MY/Program: Name of Component, Sub-System or System: Part Number(s): Responsible Supplier: Responsible Supplier Quality Specialist: Name of Auditor: Date Reviewed: Original SQ Specialist Opinion in (line through one): Original Supplier Opinion in (line through one): Date of Control Plan (Original or Rev. Level): Characteristics (continued) 3 (No., Product, Process, Special Characteristic Class, Product/Process Specification Tolerance) Is the Product/Process Specification defined with the proper units of measure 3e included? (Note: Preferred to have specifics defined herein but it is acceptable to reference a controlled document which has those specifics) 3f All else ok (no other issues)?
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No." Otherwise, "E/I."

Green Green

Yellow Yellow

Red Red

None None

Yes E/I No N/A Auditor Comments

Control Methods: 4 Evaluation Measurement Technique, Sample Size and Frequency, Control Yes E/I No N/A Auditor Comments Method, Reaction Plan Are the proper systems/equipment with ID's (if applicable) listed in the Evaluation 4a Measurement Technique column to measure a specific product and process characteristic? Is the Sample Size and Frequency defined and does it make sense for the type of 4b sampling (Start up verification, part change, in process sampling, SPC, Lot Sampling per PSO Manual, other)? Does the Control Plan define the verification of Error/Mistake Proofing at Start 4c up/per shift by running the Verification/Confidence (Golden) Samples and documentation thereof? (Golden Sample unique ID's are ideally identified.) Is there an adequate Reaction Plan specified for each Process? (Does it define the proper actions to Contain, Control, and initiate Corrective actions?) 4e All else ok (no other issues)? 4d
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No." Otherwise, "E/I."

Rev. A: Original Rev. B: Removed all DCX/Daimler reference and reference to Advanced Supplier Quality Specialist. Rev. C: Corrected "ChryslerChrysler" to just Chrysler.

6/3/2012 S. Kissonergis ASQP EE Manager


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