BayTech RPC3 Manual
BayTech RPC3 Manual
Copyright 2000 by Bay Technical Associates, Inc. BayTech, Telplex, LaserShare, Print Master and TRAN-X are registered trademarks of Bay Technical Associates, Inc. IBM, IBM PC, IBM PC/AT, IBM PC/XT are products and registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Hewlett-Packard LaserJet is a product and registered trademark of the Hewlett-Packard Company. PROCOMM PLUS is a product and registered trademark of Datastorm Technologies, Inc.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data, and recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of any products specified in this document. The information in this document is proprietary to Bay Technical Associates, Inc. In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, Bay Technical Associates, Inc reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice. Bay Technical Associates, Inc does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s) described herein. This manual replaces BayTech Publication U140E125-03. We welcome any comments you may have about our products, and we hope that you will continue to look to BayTech for your data communication needs.
ABOUT THIS OWNERS MANUAL....................................................................................III INTRODUCTION TO THE REMOTE POWER CONTROL SWITCH (RPC).......1 RPC SERIES QUICK START.................................................................................................... 3 RPC-2, RPC-2A, AND RPC-4 QUICK START................................................................... 3 RPC-2 MD01 QUICK START ................................................................................................ 6 RPC3-15/20, RPC-3A, RPC-5, RPC-7 AND RPC 21QUICK START............................ 9 INSTALLATION..........................................................................................................................13 UNPACKING............................................................................................................................ 13 PREPARING THE INSTALLATION SITE....................................................................... 13 POWER................................................................................................................................. 14 POWER ON/OFF STATE................................................................................................. 15 POWER UP SEQUENCE.................................................................................................. 15 CIRCUIT BREAKER......................................................................................................... 15 CABLING.......................................................................................................................................16 DETAILED OPERATION AND CONFIGURATION................................................... 20 RPC-2, RPC-2A AND RPC-4................................................................................................ 20 LOCAL ACCESS USING THE EIA-232 SERIAL CONNECTION........................ 20 OPERATION....................................................................................................................... 21 ACCESSING MAIN MENU....................................................................................... 22 CONTROLLING RECEPTACLES............................................................................ 22 CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................ 23 CHANGE PASSWORD............................................................................................... 25 DISABLING A PASSWORD..................................................................................... 25 CHANGE OUTLET NAME........................................................................................ 26 ENABLE/DISABLE CONFIRMATION .................................................................. 27 ENABLE/DISABLE STATUS MENU..................................................................... 27 RPC-2 MD01............................................................................................................................. 29 LOCAL ACCESS USING THE EIA-232 PORT .......................................................... 29 REMOTE ACCESS USING MODEM CONNECTIONS........................................... 30 OPERATION....................................................................................................................... 30 ACCESSING MAIN MENU....................................................................................... 31 CONTROLLING RECEPTACLES............................................................................ 31 ACCESSING MAIN MENU VIA MODEM ............................................................ 32 CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................ 33 CHANGE PASSWORD............................................................................................... 34 DISABLING A PASSWORD..................................................................................... 35 CHANGE OUTLET NAME........................................................................................ 35 RPC-3, RPC-3A, RPC-5, RPC-7 AND RPC-21................................................................. 37 LOCAL ACCESS USING THE EIA-232 PORT .......................................................... 38
REMOTE ACCESS USING THE NETWORK PORT ................................................ 38 OPERATION....................................................................................................................... 39 ACCESSING MAIN MENU....................................................................................... 40 OUTLET CONTROL.................................................................................................... 41 MANAGE USERS......................................................................................................... 43
ADD USER ................................................................................................................. 44 DELETE USER........................................................................................................... 44 CHANGE PASSWORD.............................................................................................. 45 CHANGE OUTLET LIST .......................................................................................... 47
CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................ 48 IP ADDRESS.................................................................................................................. 48 SUBNET MASK............................................................................................................ 49 GATEWAY..................................................................................................................... 49 UNIT ID........................................................................................................................... 50 ACCESS .......................................................................................................................... 50 OUTLETS ....................................................................................................................... 51
OUTLET STATUS DISPLAY.................................................................................... 52 COMMAND CONFIRMATION................................................................................ 52 OUTLET POWER-UP DELAY.................................................................................. 52 OUTLET POWER-UP DELAY.................................................................................. 53 NAME OUTLETS ...................................................................................................... 53 DISPLAY OUTLET USER ........................................................................................ 55
UNIT STATUS.................................................................................................................... 55 SYSTEM STATUS........................................................................................................ 56 NETWORK INTERFACE........................................................................................... 56 LOGGED USERS.......................................................................................................... 57 OUTLET STATUS........................................................................................................ 58 RESET UNIT....................................................................................................................... 58 COMMAND SUMMARY................................................................................................. 58 CURRENT MONITORING.............................................................................................. 59 TECHNICAL SUPPORT.......................................................................................................... 60 EQUIPMENT SETUP ............................................................................................................. 61 REPACKAGING, SHIPPING AND RETURNING TO THE FACTORY................ 62 FCC RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFACE STATEMENT ........................................... 63 APPENDIX A - SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................................... 65 APPENDIX B MODEM COMMANDS ............................................................................ 67 APPENDIX C - DIAGNOSTIC LED INDICATIONS.................................................... 69 APPENDIX D - RPC TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE.................................................. 70 INDEX............................................................................................................................................ 73
115 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 20 Amp RPC3-20: RPC-4: RPC5-20 RPC-7: RPC-21: Eight receptacles, Ethernet, and EIA-232 connections. Eight receptacles, and an EIA-232 connection. Four receptacles (15 amps per receptacle), Ethernet and EIA-232 connections. Twelve receptacles, Ethernet and EIA-232 connections. Twelve receptacles, Ethernet and EIA-232 connections.
230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 10 Amp RPC-2A: RPC-3A: Six receptacles and an EIA-232 connection. Eight receptacles, Ethernet, and EIA-232 connections.
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL RPC SERIES QUICK START (RPC-2, RPC-2A, AND RPC-4) ________________________________________________________________________________
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL RPC SERIES QUICK START (RPC-2, RPC-2A, AND RPC-4) ________________________________________________________________________________
If the status menu fails to appear, ensure the correct cables and adapters are being used and that they are connected properly. Also, verify the serial communication parameters are correctly configured. Controlling Receptacles To set or change the status of the receptacles, enter one of the following commands: ON n, OFF n, REBOOT n, where n is the outlet number you want to command. Entering an outlet number of 0 sends the command to all outlets. Reboot only works on outlets which are in the ON condition. Type CONFIG from the RPC> prompt. The following menu appears: For the RPC-2:
RPC >CONFIG 1) . . . Change Password 2) . . . Change Outlet Name Enter Request:
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL RPC SERIES QUICK START (RPC-2, RPC-2A, AND RPC-4) ________________________________________________________________________________
Change Password
Default password is <cr>. The maximum field length is 8 alphanumeric characters. The password feature is case sensitive. Default Outlet Names are Outlet 1, Outlet 2, The maximum field length is 10 alphanumeric characters. Default setting is enabled. This setting prompts the user for a Yes or No when making changes. Default setting is enabled. This setting toggles the menu on and off. Default setting is RPC-4. This setting allows the user to name the specific unit. The maximum field length is 16 characters.
Enable/Disable Confirmation
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL RPC SERIES QUICK START (RPC-2 MD01) ________________________________________________________________________________
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL RPC SERIES QUICK START (RPC-2 MD01) ________________________________________________________________________________
OPERATION Accessing Main Menu Power on the RPC unit. The following status menu appears:
RPC-2 Series (c) 1997 by BayTech F2.07 Circuit Breaker : On 1) . . . OUTLET 1 : Off 2) . . . OUTLET 2 : Off 3) . . . OUTLET 3 : Off 4) . . . OUTLET 4 : Off 5) . . . OUTLET 5 : Off 6) . . . OUTLET 6 : Off RPC >
If the status menu fails to appear, ensure the correct cables and adapters are being used and that they are connected properly. Also, verify the serial communication parameters are correctly configured. Controlling Receptacles To set or change the status of the receptacles, enter one of the following commands: ON n, OFF n, REBOOT n, where n is the outlet number you want to command. Entering an outlet number of 0 sends the command to all outlets. Reboot only works on outlets that are in the ON condition. Type CONFIG from the RPC>prompt. The following menu appears:
RPC >CONFIG 1) . . . Change Password 2) . . . Change Outlet Name Enter Request:
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL RPC SERIES QUICK START (RPC-2 MD01) ________________________________________________________________________________
Change Password
Default password is <cr>. The maximum field length is eight alphanumeric characters. The password feature is case sensitive. Default Outlet Names are Outlet 1, Outlet 2, The maximum field length is 10 alphanumeric characters.
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL RPC SERIES QUICK START (RPC3-15/20, RPC-3A, RPC-5, RPC-7 AND RPC-21) ________________________________________________________________________________
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL RPC SERIES QUICK START (RPC3-15/20, RPC-3A, RPC-5, RPC-7 AND RPC-21) ________________________________________________________________________________
RPC-3 Telnet Host Revision F 3.03, (C) 1998 Bay Technical Associates Unit ID: RPC3 RPC-3 Menu: 1) . . . Outlet Control 2) . . . Manage Users 3) . . . Configuration 4) . . . Unit Status 5) . . . Reset Unit 6) . . . Logout Enter Selection:
If the main menu fails to appear, ensure the correct cables and adapters are being used and that they are connected properly. Also, verify the serial communication parameters are correctly configured. Outlet Control From the RPC> prompt, enter one of the following commands: ON n, OFF n, REBOOT where n is the outlet number you want to command. Entering an outlet number of 0 sends the command to all outlets. Type MENU to return to the main menu. . Reboot only works on outlets which are in the ON condition. New users (a maximum of 4 for the RPC-5, 8 for the RPC-3/3A and 12 for the RPC-7) may be added or deleted using this menu. Any time there is more than 1 user besides the admin, a Delete user function will appear. Any time the maximum number of users is reached, the Add user function will disappear. Deletion of the admin user is prohibited.
Manage Users
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL RPC SERIES QUICK START (RPC3-15/20, RPC-3A, RPC-5, RPC-7 AND RPC-21) ________________________________________________________________________________
Change Password
Default password is <cr>; disabled. Password is case sensitive. From the User Management Menu, select the number of the user to modify, followed by <cr>. Enter the number of the outlet(s) to which you want to give or remove access. If there is more than one outlet, enter the numbers, separated by commas. Example: 2,6,8. Default is no outlets selected.
CONFIGURATION IMPORTANT: For network access, you must configure the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway from the serial port. NOTE: Network parameters, such as IP Address, require a unit reset. IP Address Enter the RPC units IP address in dotted decimal format ( Default is Enter the RPC units subnet mask in dotted decimal format ( Default is Enter the RPC units Gateway address in dotted decimal format ( Default is Enter the RPC units Unit ID (64 chars max). Default is unit dependent
Subnet Mask
Unit ID
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL RPC SERIES QUICK START (RPC3-15/20, RPC-3A, RPC-5, RPC-7 AND RPC-21) ________________________________________________________________________________
Default password is <cr>; disabled. NOTE : If user name and password are disabled (default), outlet users will have access to all admin functions.
Outlet Status display Default is enabled. Command Confirmation Default is enabled. Current Alarm Level Default is 16A. Outlet Power-up Delay programmable elapse time before applying power to an outlet after unit power-up, reset, or reboot. Default is 0. Name Outlets Default name is Outlet 1, Outlet 2, Display Outlet Users A display of outlet user assignments. Default is no users assigned.
The RPC sends a Unit Status Menu that provides vital information about the RPC; system status, network interface, logged user status, and outlet status. Select the number to review the status. RESET UNIT allows changes to take effect. It will not set the unit to factory default. It will not disrupt power to the outlets currently energized. Ends the session.
Compare the unit and serial number of the equipment you received to the packing slip located on the outside of the box. Log this information on the sheet on page 61. Inspect equipment carefully for damage that may have occurred in shipment. If there is damage to the equipment or if materials are missing, contact BayTech technical support at 228-467-8231 or call toll free inside the United States at 800-523-2702. At a minimum, you should receive the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. The RPC unit. This manual with any applicable addendums. Power Cords (4 with RPC-5) (1 with RPC2A/RPC3A). 1 ea. DE-9 (9 pin) PC com port adapter -- 9FRJ45PC-1. 1 ea. RJ-45 cross over cable -- RJ08X007. 1 ea. RJ-11 telco cable -- RJ04X007 (RPC-2 MD01 & RPC-2 RDR). 1 ea. external modem adapter -- 25MRJ45MD-8 (RPC-2 RDR). NOTE: Keep the shipping container and packing material in the event future shipment is required.
POWER CAUTION: This unit is intended for indoor use only. Do not install near water or expose this unit to moisture. To prevent heat buildup, do not coil the power cord when in use. Do not use extension cords. Do not attempt to make any internal changes to the power source. Do not attempt to modify any portion or component of an RPC Series Unit unless specifically directed to. BayTech must perform any internal operations. CAUTION: High-voltage surges and spikes can damage this equipment. To protect from such power surges and spikes, this unit must have a good earth ground. There is an earth ground connection next to the circuit breaker. CAUTION: Before removing or replacing any cables or power cords, turn off main power switch located on the RPC Series Unit. Communication to the unit will be disrupted while power is off. CAUTION: Do not exceed the AC current rating for the selected model. (See Appendix A SPECIFICATIONS for each RPC model). CAUTION: Although the power switch is turned OFF, the unit is not totally isolated from the power supply. In order to be absolutely removed from the power supply, the power cord must be unplugged from the unit. CAUTION: For PERMANENTLY CONNECTED EQUIPMENT, a readily accessible disconnect device shall be incorporated in the fixed wiring. For PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and easily accessible. Applying power illuminates a green LED on the front panel of the RPC. When the power switch is off, devices connected to the unit are not receiving power. 14
POWER ON/OFF STATE Each receptacle is individually controlled by an internal relay. Upon initialization of power, the status of each receptacle will return to the state it was in prior to losing power. For example, if Outlet 1 and Outlet 2 are ON and power is removed from the RPC, the status of Outlet 1 and Outlet 2 will return to ON when power is restored to the RPC. POWER UP SEQUENCE In order to minimize power surges, the RPC sequences power to each outlet in the ON state in 0.3-second intervals. When power is applied to the RPC, the initialization sequence requires a delay of 10 seconds before power is available at the service receptacles. Following the 10-second delay, the RPC sequences power to each outlet that is turned ON. If you choose the option requesting the RPC to reboot all connected equipment, the RPC sequences power to each outlet turned ON in 0.1second intervals. CIRCUIT BREAKER In the case of power overload, the circuit breaker automatically trips. Determine the cause of the tripped circuit breaker, correct the problem then reset the circuit breaker by depressing the circuit breaker switch. Power to the RPC-5 base unit (electronics, EIA-232 port, etc.), supplied by IN 1, does not go through the circuit breaker (this circuit is protected by a amp hardwired fuse). If an overload condition occurs, the RPC status menu is still accessible. For the menu to reflect an On status for the circuit breaker, a power cord must be attached to the IN receptacle. If all circuits are closed, the circuit breaker status menu will indicate On. If the circuit breaker is tripped, the circuit breaker status will indicate Off. If no power cord is attached to the IN receptacle, the circuit breaker status will indicate Off, indicating there is no power available to the OUT receptacle.
IMPORTANT: All RPC models have an RJ-45 port for connecting to a local EIA-232 device such as a computer terminal or external modem. Most serial computers do not have RJ-45 connections; therefore, an adapter is provided with this unit to convert from a DE-9 connector to an RJ-45 connector (BayTech Part No. 9FRJ45PC-1). An adapter to convert from a DB-25 connector to an RJ-45 connector is also available from BayTech, upon request (BayTech Part No. 25FRJ45PC-1).
To interface a computer or terminal to the RPC, refer to comment on Page 20. Refer to Figure 4, if the host computer or terminal has a DB-25 male connector. Refer to Figure 5, if the host computer has a DE-9 male connector.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Modem Communications: A modem can be connected to the EIA-232 serial port by using a 25MRJ45MD-8 adapter (Figure 6). Several types of modem adapters are available from BayTech. Contact an applications engineer for help in choosing the correct adapter.
Figure 7: Crossed 8-pin Modular Cable BayTech Part No. RJ08X007 (7 feet)
IMPORTANT: Crossed RJ-45 cables are required when modular connectors are used, as shown in Figures 4 6, or to interface the RPC to another BayTech product with modular connectors, such as the DS-Series data switch.
Using the 9FRJ45PC-1 adapter (or other applicable adapter) and the RJ08X007 crossed cable, connect the serial port of your computer to the RJ-45 port labeled EIA232 on the back of your RPC unit. Load serial port communications software. Configure host terminals serial communications parameters to match the RPC. RPC factory serial communications parameters are 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. OPERATION The RPCs main menu allows the user to monitor and control the equipment attached to each of the RPC-2/2As six receptacles and the RPC-4s eight receptacles. From this menu, you can turn on, turn off, or reboot attached equipment, individually, or all equipment, simultaneously. The RPC recognizes three basic operating commands: ON n<cr>, OFF n<cr>, and REBOOT n<cr>, where n represents the outlet number and <cr> represents a carriage return. There are six red LEDs on the front of the RPC-2/2A and eight green LEDs on the front of the RPC-4 unit. There is a corresponding red or green LED for each of the RPCs receptacles. If any or all of the LEDs are illuminated, corresponding receptacle(s) are turned "ON," and consequently, attached equipment is receiving power. If any or all of the LEDs 21
are not illuminated, corresponding receptacle(s) are turned OFF. Power on the RPC unit. The following status menu appears:
RPC-2 Series (c) 1997 by BayTech F2.07 Circuit Breaker : On 1) . . . OUTLET 1 2) . . . OUTLET 2 3) . . . OUTLET 3 4) . . . OUTLET 4 5) . . . OUTLET 5 6) . . . OUTLET 6 RPC > : : : : : : Off Off Off Off Off Off
If the status menu fails to appear, ensure the correct cables and adapters are being used and they are connected properly. Also, verify the serial communication parameters are correctly configured. Controlling Receptacles To set or change the status of receptacles, enter one of the following commands: ON n, OFF n, REBOOT n, where n is the outlet number you want to command. Entering an outlet number of 0 sends the command to all outlets. To turn On Outlet 3, type ON 3 from the RPC prompt (RPC >). The RPC responds:
Turn On Outlet 3 (Y/N)?
Responding Y for yes turns On Outlet 3. Observe the status of Outlet 3 has changed to On in the status menu: 22
Likewise, typing ON 0 at the RPC > prompt and responding Y for yes, turns On all outlets. Typing OFF n at the RPC > prompt turns off corresponding outlet(s). The REBOOT n command will reboot or reset equipment attached to corresponding receptacle(s). When the command to REBOOT (n) is sent from the RPC > prompt, the RPC powers Off corresponding outlet(s) for approximately 10 seconds, then powers them up in sequence. This command only works on outlets which were On prior to the reboot. CONFIGURATION The RPC-2s configuration menu allows the user to (1) set or change a password and (2) customize the outlet name(s) to identify equipment attached to the RPC. In addition to Change Password and Change Outlet Name, the RPC-2As configuration menu allows enabling/disabling confirmation and enabling/disabling status menu. The RPC-4 adds a Unit ID function to this menu. The password is disabled from the factory by making the password a carriage return. If 23
a password (other than a carriage return) is set, the RPC requires password entry before allowing the user to operate the RPC unit. REMEMBER, the password feature is case sensitive. Default outlet names are Outlet 1, Outlet 2, Outlet 3 . . . Outlet 6. From the RPCs configuration menu, the user can change any outlet name to outline a unique set-up. From the status menus RPC > prompt, type CONFIG. The following menu appears for the RPC-2:
RPC > CONFIG 1) . . . Change Password 2) . . . Change Outlet Name Enter Request:
Change Password
Select #1, Change Password, and press <cr> The RPC responds:
Enter Current Password:
If this is not an initial set-up and a password has already been set, enter the current password, followed by <cr>, otherwise, press <cr>. If you enter the password incorrectly, the RPC responds with an Error message and returns to the main menu. Consequently, you must start over by typing CONFIG to access the configuration menu. If you enter the current password correctly, the RPC responds:
Enter New Password:
Enter a new password (maximum field length, 8 alphanumeric characters), followed by <cr>. The RPC responds:
Re-Enter New Password:
Re-enter the new password identically to the first entry. The password feature is case sensitive. If you fail to re-enter the new password correctly, the RPC responds with an Error message and returns to the main menu. Consequently, must start over by typing CONFIG from the RPC > prompt to access the configuration menu. If you reenter the new password correctly, the RPC returns to the main menu again, but you will not get an Error message. Disabling a Password To disable a password, enter <cr> at the Enter New Password prompt. Enter <cr> again at the Re-enter New Password prompt. Changing the new 25
password to a carriage return disables password protection. Change Outlet Name Select #2, Change Outlet Name, and press <cr>. The RPC sends the following menu:
1) . . . OUTLET 1 2) . . . OUTLET 2 3) . . . OUTLET 3 4) . . . OUTLET 4 5) . . . OUTLET 5 6) . . . OUTLET 6 Enter Request:
Enter the number of the outlet you want to change. If you want to change the name of Outlet 4, type the number 4 at the Enter Request prompt, followed by <cr>. The RPC responds:
Enter a new receptacle name (maximum field length, 10 characters), followed by <cr>. If you want to change the name of Receptacle 4 from Outlet 4 to Router 1, type Router 1 from the Enter prompt, followed by <cr>. The RPC responds with the outlet name menu displaying the name change to Outlet 4:
1) . . . OUTLET 1 2) . . . OUTLET 2 3) . . . OUTLET 3 4) . . . Router 1 5) . . . OUTLET 5 6) . . . OUTLET 6 Enter Request:
To return to the RPC > prompt, press any key at the Enter Request prompt. 26
Enable/Disable Confirmation
When a command is sent to TURN ON, TURN OFF, OR REBOOT a receptacle, if the enable/disable confirmation feature is enabled, the RPC responds, asking you to confirm the command. For example, if the command ON 3 is sent, and the enable/disable confirmation is enabled, the RPC responds:
Turn On Outlet 3? (Y/N)
If the enable/disable feature is disabled, the RPC will not ask to confirm the command. From the configuration menu, select #3, Enable/Disable Confirmation. Depending on the current status of the switch, the RPC responds with the option to change the current status. Default is Enabled.
Disable Confirmation? (Y/N)
From the configuration menu, select #4, Enable/Disable Status Menu. If the Enable/Disable Status Menu feature is enabled, the following status menu appears. Default setting is Enabled.
Circuit Breaker: On 1) Outlet 1 2) Outlet 2 3) Outlet 3 4) Outlet 4 5) Outlet 5 6) Outlet 6 RPC-2A > : Off : Off : Off : Off : Off : Off
If the Enable/Disable Status Menu feature is disabled, only the RPC-2A > prompt appears. 27
From the configuration menu, select #5, Change Unit ID. Enter a specific unit name up to 16 characters. Default setting is RPC-4.
RPC-2 MD01
LOCAL ACCESS USING THE EIA-232 SERIAL CONNECTION The RPC-2 MD01 has an RJ-45 port for connecting to a local EIA-232 device, such as a computer terminal or external modem. Most serial computers do not have RJ-45 connections; therefore, an adapter is provided with this unit to convert from a DE-9 connector to an RJ-45 connector (BayTech Part No. 9FRJ45PC-1 BayTech also manufactures a computer/terminal adapter (BayTech Part No. 25FRJ45PC-1) for converting from a DB-25 connector to an RJ-45 connector. If your computer does have an RJ-45 connection, but the pin signals are different from those described for BayTech on Page 17 of this manual, it is possible for BayTech to customize an adapter for you. If you require a different adapter than the one supplied with this unit, contact one of BayTechs Applications Engineers. Using the 9FRJ45PC-1 adapter (or other applicable adapter) and the RJ08X007 crossed cable, connect the serial port of your computer to the RJ-45 port labeled EIA232 on the back of your RPC unit. Load serial port communications software. Configure host terminals serial communications parameters to match the RPC. RPC factory serial communications parameters are 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
Using the RJ04X007 (RJ-11) modular cable, connect either port labeled LINE on the back of the RPC unit to the telco wall jack. Using the 25MRJ45MD-8 adapter and the RJ08X007 (8-pin crossed) cable, connect the DB-25 female port of the modem to the RJ45 port labeled EIA-232 on the back of the RPC unit.
The RPCs main menu allows you to monitor and control equipment attached to each of the RPC-2 MD01s six receptacles. From this menu, you can turn on, turn off, or reboot attached equipment, individually, or all equipment, simultaneously. The RPC recognizes three basic operating commands: ON n<cr>, OFF n<cr>, and REBOOT n<cr>, where n represents the outlet number. There are six red LEDs on the front of the RPC unit. There is a corresponding red LED for each of the RPCs six receptacles. When the LEDs are illuminated, corresponding receptacle(s) are turned "ON," and consequently, attached equipment is receiving power. If the LEDs are not illuminated, corresponding receptacle(s) are turned OFF.
Power on the RPC unit. The following outlet and circuit breaker status menu appears:
RPC-2 Series (c) 1997 by BayTech F2.07 Circuit Breaker : On 1) . . . OUTLET 1 2) . . . OUTLET 2 3) . . . OUTLET 3 4) . . . OUTLET 4 5) . . . OUTLET 5 6) . . . OUTLET 6 RPC > : : : : : : Off Off Off Off Off Off
If the status menu fails to appear, ensure the correct cables and adapters are being used and that they are connected properly. Also, verify the serial communication parameters are correctly configured. Controlling Receptacles To set or change the status of receptacles, enter one of the following commands: ON n, OFF n, REBOOT n, where n is the outlet number you want to command. Entering an outlet number of 0 sends the command to all outlets. To turn On Outlet 3, type ON 3 from the RPC prompt (RPC >). The RPC responds:
Turn On Outlet 3 (Y/N)?
Responding Y for yes turns On Outlet 3. Observe that the status of Outlet 3 has changed to On in the status menu:
Likewise, typing ON 0 at the RPC > prompt and responding Y for yes, turns On all outlets. Typing OFF n at the RPC > prompt turns off corresponding outlet(s). The REBOOT n command will reboot or reset equipment attached to corresponding receptacle(s). When the command to REBOOT (n) is sent from the RPC > prompt, the RPC powers Off corresponding outlet(s) for approximately 10 seconds, then powers them up in sequence. This command only works on outlets which were On prior to the reboot. Accessing Main Menu via Modem Using communications software, dial the modem using the ATDT command. If the modem does not respond in 5 to 7 rings, the RPCs RDR feature recycles power to Outlet 6 and consequently resets the modem. Dial the modem again using the ATDT command. When a connection has been established, the RPC sends the following header:
RPC-2 Series (C) 1997 by BayTech F2.07
If you set a password when you were locally connected to the RPC through the serial port, the following header appears. Note the additional prompt for a password:
RPC-2 Series (C) 1997 by BayTech F2.07 Enter Password:
IMPORTANT: When operating remotely, do not send the command to turn off a receptacle that has a host terminal or modem attached. Doing so will result in the host terminal or modem being powered down creating a locked-out condition. You will not be able to reestablish a connection until the receptacle has been turned on through the serial port. CONFIGURATION The RPC-2 MD01s configuration menu allows the user to (1) set or change a password and (2) customize the outlet name(s) to identify equipment attached to the RPC. The password is disabled from the factory by making the password a carriage return. If a password (other than a carriage return) is set, the RPC requires password entry before 33
allowing the user to operate the RPC unit. The password feature is case sensitive. The factory default outlet names are Outlet 1, Outlet 2, Outlet 3 . . . Outlet 6. From the RPCs configuration menu, the user can change any or all outlet names to outline a unique set-up. Change Password From the status menus RPC > prompt, type CONFIG. The following menu appears:
RPC > CONFIG 1) . . . Change Password 2) . . . Change Outlet Name Enter Request:
Select #1, Change Password, and press <Enter.> The RPC responds:
Enter Current Password:
Since the factory default password is a carriage return, press <cr>. If this is not an initial set-up and a password has already been set, enter the current password, followed by <cr>. If you enter the password incorrectly, the RPC responds with an Error message and returns to the main menu. Consequently, you must start over by typing CONFIG to access the configuration menu. If you enter the current password correctly, the RPC responds:
Enter New Password:
Enter a new password (maximum field length, 8 alphanumeric characters), followed by <cr>. The RPC responds: 34
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL DETAILED OPERATION AND CONFIGURATION ________________________________________________________________________________ Re-Enter New Password:
Re-enter the new password identically to the first entry. The password feature is case sensitive. If you fail to re-enter the new password correctly, the RPC responds with an Error message and returns to the main menu. Consequently, you must start over by typing CONFIG from the RPC > prompt to access the configuration menu. If you reenter the new password correctly, the RPC returns to the main menu again, but you will not get an Error message.
Circuit Breaker : On 1) . . . OUTLET 1 2) . . . OUTLET 2 3) . . . OUTLET 3 4) . . . OUTLET 4 5) . . . OUTLET 5 6) . . . OUTLET 6 RPC > : : : : : : Off Off On Off Off Off
Disabling a Password
To disable a password, enter a carriage return at the Enter New Password prompt. Enter another carriage return at the Re-enter New Password prompt. Changing the new password to a carriage return disables password protection From the status menus RPC > prompt, type CONFIG. The following menu appears:
RPC > CONFIG 1) . . . Change Password 2) . . . Change Outlet Name Enter Request:
Select #2, Change Outlet Name, and press <Enter.> The RPC responds:
1) . . . OUTLET 1 2) . . . OUTLET 2 3) . . . OUTLET 3 4) . . . OUTLET 4 5) . . . OUTLET 5 6) . . . OUTLET 6 Enter Request:
Enter the number of the outlet you want to change. If you want to change the name of Outlet 4, type the number 4 at the Enter Request prompt, followed by <cr>. The RPC responds:
Enter a new receptacle name (maximum field length, 10 characters), followed by <cr>. If you want to change the name of Receptacle 4 from Outlet 4 to Router 1, type Router 1 from the Enter prompt, followed by <cr>. The RPC responds with the outlet name menu displaying the name change to Outlet 4:
1) . . . OUTLET 1 2) . . . OUTLET 2 3) . . . OUTLET 3 4) . . . Router 1 5) . . . OUTLET 5 6) . . . OUTLET 6 Enter Request:
To return to the RPC > prompt, press any key at the Enter Request prompt.
Load serial port communications software. Configure host terminals serial communications parameters to match the RPC. RPC factory serial communications parameters are 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. The RPC Series has an RJ-45 port for connecting to a local EIA-232 device, such as a computer terminal or external modem. Most serial computers do not have RJ-45 connections; therefore, an adapter is provided with this unit to convert from a DE-9 connector to a RJ-45 connector (BayTech Part No. 9FRJ45PC-1). If you are connecting to a modem, use a modem adapter (BayTech Part No. 25MRJ45MD-8). Using the 9FRJ45PC-1 adapter (or other applicable adapter) and the RJ08X007 crossed cable, connect the serial port of your computer to the RJ-45 port labeled EIA232 on the back of your RPC unit.
The RPC Series has an Ethernet port for connecting to a network. In order for a network connection to be established, at a minimum, you must configure the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and if applicable, Gateway. Network configurations must be set initially through the serial port but may be modified using either the serial or Ethernet port.. Once you have configured the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway through the serial port, a network connection can be
established via a Telnet session from your workstation. Using a straight 10Base-T cable, connect the Ethernet portion the RPC Series to the network hub. The green LINK LED will illuminate when a satisfactory connection is made to the network. If it does not light, check the 10Base-T cable connection to your network. Also, verify status of the CX LED. It should not be flashing. If the CX LED is flashing, note the number of times it flashes in a cycle. To determine what the CX LED is indicating; refer to Appendix C, DIAGNOSTIC LED INDICATIONS. If the LED indications are correct, the RPC can be accessed through a Telnet session. Establish the Telnet client session and login from you workstation. OPERATION IMPORTANT: When operating remotely, do not send the command to turn off a receptacle that has a host terminal or modem attached. Doing so will result in the host terminal or modem being powered down creating a locked-out condition. You will not be able to reestablish a connection until the receptacle has been turned on through the serial port. IMPORTANT: If you send the command to reboot a receptacle with a host terminal or modem attached, active connection to that terminal or modem is lost and will have to be reestablished. IMPORTANT: An assigned user is allowed one active session. The admin user is allowed four sessions running concurrently. 39
In the RPC Series main menu, #1 Outlet Control and #4 Unit Status allow the user to monitor and control the equipment attached to each of the RPCs eight receptacles. Selection #3 puts the user into the configuration menu for setting network parameters, programming user login access, and outlet configuration. Selection #2 allows the admin user to manage optional users. Selection #5 resets the unit. A unit reset is required for some changes to take effect. There are eight green LEDs on the front of the RPC unit. There is a corresponding green LED for each of the RPCs eight receptacles. If any or all of the LEDs are illuminated, the corresponding receptacle(s) are turned "ON," and consequently, attached equipment is receiving power. If any one (or all) of the LEDs are not illuminated, the corresponding receptacle(s) are turned OFF. Accessing Main Menu Power on the RPC unit. The following main menu appears:
RPC-3 Telnet Host Revision F 3.03, (C) 1998 Bay Technical Associates Unit ID: RPC3 RPC-3 Menu: 1) . . . Outlet Control 2) . . . Manage Users 3) . . . Configuration 4) . . . Unit Status 5) . . . Reset Unit 6) . . . Logout Enter Selection:
If the main menu fails to appear, ensure the correct cables and adapters are being used and they are properly connected. Also, verify the serial communication parameters are correctly configured. If this is not an initial setup and username and/or password have been enabled, you will be prompted to enter a username and/or password. When a successful username and/or password has been entered, the main menu (above) appears. Outlet Control To set or change the status of receptacles, select #1 Outlet Control from the main menu. The following status menu appears:
Available RPC3 Outlets For command summary, enter HELP
Circuit Breaker : On (RPC-3/3A ONLY *) Selection Outlet Number Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Outlet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Power Status Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off (RPC-5 only*) CB Status On Off Off Off
NOTE: * These menu items are displayed for the designated units only. The printing in parentheses does not appear on the screen. NOTE: CB status for the RPC-5 will show On when a power cord is attached to the In receptacle of a specific port and power is available to the Out receptacle.
NOTE: The outlet user sees only those outlets as assigned to him by the admin user. From the RPC > prompt, enter one of the following commands: ON n, OFF n, REBOOT n, where n is the outlet number you want to command. Entering an outlet number of 0 sends the command to all outlets. Example: To turn On Outlet 3, type ON 3 from the RPC prompt (RPC >). The RPC responds with:
Turn On Outlet 3 (Y/N)?
Responding Y for yes turns On Outlet 3. Observe the status of Outlet 3 has changed to On in the status menu:
Circuit Breaker : On Selection Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RPC > Outlet Name OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET OUTLET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Outlet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Power Status Off Off On Off Off Off Off Off
Likewise, typing ON 0 at the RPC > prompt and responding Y for yes, turns On all outlets. Typing OFF n at the RPC > prompt turns off corresponding outlet(s). The REBOOT n command will reboot or reset equipment attached to corresponding 42
receptacle(s). When the command to REBOOT (n) is sent from the RPC > prompt, the RPC powers Off corresponding outlet(s) for approximately 10 seconds, then powers them up in sequence. This command only works on outlets which were On prior to the reboot. prior to receiving the reboot command. Manage Users Selection #2, Manage Users, from the main menu allows the admin user to add and delete users, change passwords, and change the outlet list that determines an outlet users access to prescribed outlets. From the main menu, select #2, Manage Users. The following menu appears:
User Management Menu To modify existing user, enter number of user. To add/delete user, select appropriate menu choice. Enter request, CR to exit menus. 1) . . . Add user 2) . . . admin
If this is not an initial setup and optional outlet users have been added, they too will show in the User Management Menu, along with the option to delete users.
User Management Menu To modify existing user, enter number of user. To add/delete user, select appropriate menu choice. Enter request, CR to exit menus. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) . . . Add user . . . Delete user . . . admin . . . engineering . . . sales
Add User
The Add user option is presented any time less than 8 (4 for the RPC-5 and 12 for the RPC-7) optional users are defined. Select #1, Add user, from the User Management Menu. The RPC Series responds:
Enter username (<= 8 characters) >
Enter the name of the user to be added, followed by <cr>. NOTE: User name is case sensitive. The RPC Series redisplays the User Management Menu including the added user. Delete user Select #2, Delete user, from the User Management Menu. The RPC-3 Series responds:
From menu above, enter number for user to delete
Enter the number that corresponds to the user to be deleted, followed by <cr>. The RPC Series redisplays the User Management Menu minus the deleted user. NOTE: Deletion of admin user is prohibited. If an outlet user is deleted and is logged in at the time, the outlet user is disconnected.
Change Password IMPORTANT: If enabled, the password function provides independent user access to assigned outlets by entering a user name and/or password. If disabled, neither the user name nor password is required, and every user will have access to all admin functions. NOTE: Password can be enabled or disabled for serial login and network login. From the User Management Menu, select the number of the user to modify, followed by <cr>. The unit responds:
Enter choice, CR to exit User name: engineering 1) 2) . . . Change Password . . . Change Outlet List
Default password is <cr>. NOTE: Password feature is case sensitive. Select #1, Change Password, followed by <cr>. The RPC Series responds:
Enter Old Password:
If this is not an initial set-up and a password has already been set, enter the current password, followed by <cr>. If it is an initial setup, press <cr>. If you enter the password incorrectly, the RPC responds indefinitely with Enter old password: until the old password has been entered correctly. A carriage return <cr> will exit to user menu. 45
When you enter the current password correctly, the RPC responds:
Enter new password (<= 8 characters) >
Enter a new password (maximum field length, 8 alpha-numeric characters), followed by <cr>. The RPC responds with:
Confirm by Re-Entering New Password:
Re-enter the new password identically to the first entry. The password feature is case sensitive. If you fail to re-enter the new password correctly, the RPC responds indefinitely with Confirm by Re-Entering New Password: until the new password has been re-entered correctly. A carriage return will exit to user menu without making any changes to the password. If you re-enter the new password correctly, the RPC returns to the configuration menu. NOTE: Entering a null password (<cr>) for a particular user will act to disable login requirement of a password for that user. Thus, if username and password prompts are enabled, it is possible to configure a unit to allow non-authenticated access to some users while requiring a password from others.
The outlet list determines which outlets a particular user can access. From the User Management Menu, enter the number of the user to modify, followed by <cr>. Then select #2, Change Outlet List. The RPC Series responds:
To change outlet access, enter number(s) of outlets. If more than one entry, separate numbers with commas. CR to exit. User Name: engineering Outlet 1) . . . Outlet 1 2) . . . Outlet 2 3) . . . Outlet 3 4) . . . Outlet 4 5) . . . Outlet 5 6) . . . Outlet 6 7) . . . Outlet 7 8) . . . Outlet 8 Access yes no yes yes no yes yes no
NOTE: If an outlet users list is changed and they are logged in at the time, their outlet list changes dynamically. If enabled, an updated outlet status report will be issued. To toggle outlet access, enter the number that corresponds to the outlet you want to change. For example, if you want engineering to have access to Outlet 2, enter the number 2, followed by <cr>. If you want engineering to have access to Outlets 2, 5, and 8 enter the numbers 2, 5 and 8 separated by commas: 2,5,8, followed by <cr>.
Configuration can be performed by the admin user only via the serial port or the network port. From the RPC Main Menu, select #3, Configuration. The following menu appears:
Bay Technical Associates RPC-3 Configuration Menu MAC Addr: 00.C0.48.05.53.A2 Unit ID: RPC3 Medium Stat: good Active users: 1 Enter choice from menu, CR to exit 1) . . . IP Address : 2) . . . Subnet Mask : 3) . . . Gateway : 4) . . . Unit ID : RPC-3 5) . . . Access 6) . . . Outlets 7) . . . Exit
IMPORTANT: Network parameters, such as IP Address, require a Unit Reset before any changes will take affect. Other configuration changes will be immediately implemented upon accepting changes at the end of the configuration procedure. Exit all menus by pressing <cr>. IP Address The IP Address consists of four bytes, each byte ranging from 0 to 255. This parameter must be programmed before the RPC can be accessed on the network. From the configuration menu, select #1, IP Address. The RPC responds:
Enter IP address in dotted decimal form:
Enter the IP Address (Example:, followed by a carriage return. Upon entry of a carriage return, the RPC resumes the configuration menu. Default IP 48
address is If you fail to enter the IP Address in dotted decimal form, the RPC responds again: Enter IP address in dotted decimal form: The RPC responds indefinitely with the same request until the IP Address in entered in the correct form. Subnet Mask The Subnet Mask consist of four bytes, each byte ranging from 0 to 255. This parameter must be programmed before the RPC can be accessed on a network. From the configuration menu, select #2, Subnet Mask. The RPC responds:
Enter Subnet Mask in dotted decimal form:
Enter the Subnet Mask (Example:, followed by a carriage return. Upon entry of a carriage return, the RPC resumes the configuration menu. Default Subnet Mask is If you fail to enter the subnet mask in dotted decimal form, the RPC responds again:
Enter Subnet Mask in dotted decimal form:
The RPC responds indefinitely with the same request until the Subnet Mask is entered in the correct form. Gateway The Gateway address consists of four bytes, each byte ranging from 0 to 255. From the configuration menu, select #3, Gateway. The RPC responds:
Enter Gateway address in dotted decimal form:
Enter the Gateway address (Example:, followed by <cr>. The RPC resumes the configuration menu Default Gateway address is If you fail to enter the Gateway address is dotted decimal form, the RPC responds again:
Enter Gateway address in dotted decimal form:
The RPC responds indefinitely with the same request until the Gateway address is entered in the correct form. Unit ID From the configuration menu, select #4, Unit ID. The RPC responds:
Enter Unit ID (64 chars max):
Enter the RPC Unit ID, followed <cr>. The RPC resumes the configuration menu. Default Unit ID is RPC-3. Access Login Setup allows the user to enable or disable username and password login for both serial and network ports. If the features are enabled, the RPC requires username and password entry before allowing access to the unit. To configure the login setup, select #5, Access, from the configuration menu, followed by <cr>. The RPC Series responds with the following Login Setup menu:
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL DETAILED OPERATION AND CONFIGURATION ________________________________________________________________________________ Login setup Toggle option by entering number, CR to exit. Network access: 1)...Prompt for user name: disabled 2)...Prompt for password : disabled Serial Port Access: 3)...Prompt for user name: disabled 4)...Prompt for password : disabled
Enter the number that corresponds to the prompt you want to toggle. The unit responds by asking if you want to enable the prompt, if it is currently disabled or disable the prompt, if it is currently enabled. Type Y for Yes, or N for No, accordingly. IMPORTANT: If user name and password are disabled (factory default), outlet users will have access to all admin functions. NOTE: A null password (<cr>) for any particular user disables the password login requirement for that user, even if prompt for password is enabled. Outlets From the configuration menu, select #6, Outlets. The following Outlet Operation Configuration Menu appears:
Outlet Operation Configuration Menu Enter Request, CR to exit 1) . . . 2) . . . 3) . . . 4) . . . 5) . . . 6) . . . Outlet Status Display: enabled Command Confirmation: enabled Current Alarm Level(amps) * Outlet Power-up Delay Name Outlets Display Outlet Users
Enter Request > * Applies only if current monitoring is available with the unit.
From the Outlet Operation Configuration Menu, select #1, Outlet Status Display. Depending on whether outlet status display is currently enabled or disabled, the RPC responds with the option to change the current status. Default setting is enabled:
Disable Outlet Status Display? (Y/N)
Command Confirmation
When a command is sent to turn on, turn off, or reboot a receptacle, the enable/disable confirmation feature responds by asking you to confirm the command. For example, if the command ON 3 is sent, the enable/disable confirmation responds:
Turn On Outlet 3? (Y/N)
If the enable/disable feature is disabled, the RPC will not ask to confirm the command. From the Outlet Operation Configuration Menu, select #2, Command Confirmation. Depending on current status, the RPC responds with the option to change the setting. Default setting is enabled:
Disable Confirmation? (Y/N)
The Current Alarm Level allows the user to set the level of current required to sound the internal alarm. This setting is only available on units with current monitoring circuitry. From the Outlet Operation Configuration Menu, select #3, Current Alarm Level. Enter the alarm point. Default setting is 16.0 amps.
The Outlet Power-up delay allows a set amount of time to elapse after a unit powerup or user initiated reset before power is applied to the outlet. This power up sequence is also used when a REBOOT occurs. From the Outlet Configuration Menu, select #3 (or #4), Outlet Power-up Delay. The unit responds:
To set delay, enter number of outlet, CR to exit Outlet power-up delays (in seconds): 1) . . . Outlet 1 : 0 2) . . . Outlet 2 : 0 3) . . . Outlet 3 : 0 4) . . . Outlet 4 : 0 5) . . . Outlet 5 : 0 6) . . . Outlet 6 : 0 7) . . . Outlet 7 : 0 8) . . . Outlet 8 : 0 Enter Request >
Enter the number of the outlet to set a power-up delay, followed by <cr>. The unit responds:
Outlet Name: Outlet 1 Enter delay (seconds) >
Enter the amount of time (up to 599 seconds) to elapse before power is applied to the outlet. The RPC Series redisplays the power-up delay status reflecting the change. Name Outlets Name Outlets allows the user to customize outlet name(s) to identify individual pieces of equipment attached to the RPC. From the RPCs configuration menu, the user can change any or all outlet names to outline a 53
unique set-up. Default outlet names are Outlet 1, Outlet 2, Outlet 3 . . . Outlet 8. From the Outlet Configuration Menu select #4 (or 5), Change Outlet Name, followed by <cr>. The RPC displays the following menu:
Enter number of outlet to name, CR to exit. 1) . . . OUTLET 1 2) . . . OUTLET 2 3) . . . OUTLET 3 4) . . . OUTLET 4 5) . . . OUTLET 5 6) . . . OUTLET 6 7) . . . OUTLET 7 8) . . . OUTLET 8 Enter Request:
Enter the number of the outlet you want to change. If you want to change the name of Outlet 4, type the number 4 at the Enter Request prompt, followed by <cr>. The RPC responds:
Enter a new receptacle name (maximum field length, 10 characters for all but the RPC-7 which is 16 characters), followed by <cr>. If you want to change the name of Receptacle 4 from Outlet 4 to Router 1, type Router 1 from the Enter prompt, followed by <cr>. The RPC responds with the changed outlet name:
1) . . . OUTLET 1 2) . . . OUTLET 2 3) . . . OUTLET 3 4) . . . Router 1 5) . . . OUTLET 5 6) . . . OUTLET 6 Enter Request:
To return to the configuration menu, press any key. Display Outlet User From the Outlet Operation Configuration Menu, select #5 (or #6), Display Outlet User, followed by <cr>. The RPC Series displays the outlet user assignments similar to the following:
Outlet User Assignments Outlet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Outlet Name Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Outlet 3 Outlet 4 Outlet 5 Outlet 6 Outlet 7 Outlet 8 Assigned User(s) admin, eng admin, sales admin, sales, eng admin, eng admin, eng admin, sales admin, sales, eng admin, eng
<Strike CR to continue>
Unit status provides vital information about the RPC unit; system status, network interface, logged user status, and outlet status. In the event of problems with the RPC unit or its network interface capabilities, Unit Status information can be used as a valuable troubleshooting aid. You may be asked to refer to the unit status when calling one of BayTechs Application Engineers for support. From the main menu, select #4, Unit Status. The following Unit Status Menu appears:
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL DETAILED OPERATION AND CONFIGURATION ________________________________________________________________________________ RPC Unit Status Menu 1) . . . 2) . . . 3) . . . 4) . . . System Network Interface Logged Users Outlet Status
Enter selection>
System Status
System Status provides information about the local memory (available buffers), how many TCP sockets are in use, and the time the unit has been operating since the last unit reset or power up. From the Unit Status Menu, select #1 System. The following system information is provided:
System Status: Available local memory (256 byte buffers: 30) TCP sockets in use: 1 System up time (days: hh:mm:ss): xx:xx:xx:xx <Strike any key to continue.>
Network Interface
Network Interface gives information on the medium or connection status between the RPC unit and the equipment it is attached to, the number of faults, if any, the number of transmitting errors, the number of buffers left (30 or less) available to send data, and whether the receive queue status is available to receive data. From the Unit Status Menu, select #2, Network Interface. The following network information is provided:
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL DETAILED OPERATION AND CONFIGURATION ________________________________________________________________________________ Network Status: Medium status: good Medium faults: 0 Xmit bufr errs: 0 Available send buffers: 29 Receive queue status: open <Strike any key to continue.>
Logged Users
This option shows the number of active sessions. For each session, the name of the account, the type of interface (serial or network) and the status is provided.
Logged Users: User Name 1) admin Location *RS-232 Port Status +
Terminate a session by typing T at the <Strike T to terminate a session or any key to continue> prompt. After typing T the RPC responds:
Enter number of connections to terminate, <CR>:
Outlet Status
Reset the unit to load new configuration changes. From the main menu, select #5, Reset Unit. The RPC responds:
Reset Unit? (Y/N)
Type Y for yes; allow approximately 5 seconds for unit reset. Resetting the unit will not affect the power to energized outlets. COMMAND SUMMARY In the following menu, n refers to selection number as displayed in Outlet Status. Any invalid input results in an input error message and returns the user to the command prompt. From the RPC3> prompt in Outlet Control, type HELP. The RPC responds with the following command summary information.
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL DETAILED OPERATION AND CONFIGURATION ________________________________________________________________________________ RPC3 > n refers to selection number, as displayed in Outlet Status. LOGOUT : terminate session OFF n : turn off outlet n, do all for n = 0 ON n : turn on outlet n, do all for n = 0 REBOOT n : cycle power off/on outlet n, do all for n =0 RC : display outlet relay control information STATUS : display power status of outlets HELP : display this message. MENU : return to main menu <Strike CR to continue.>
For units with current monitoring, the following commands are added:
CLEAR : Reset the maximum detected current CURRENT : Read the current
Some units have current monitoring capabilities. These units monitor the actual current being drawn by the attached equipment and the maximum current drawn since the last initialization. The CLEAR command is used to clear the maximum current during an operating session. The CURRENT command will read the measured current at the time the command is used.
CAUTION: Current measurement circuitry is set at the factory. Users should not attempt to reinitialize this measurement circuitry. Any attempt could render the measurements invalid. Contact an applications engineer if measurements do not appear correct. 59
BayTech has a staff of applications engineers on duty to assist you from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (CST or CDT), Monday through Friday. If you have problems installing, setting up, or operating your Bay Tech product, please contact BayTechs technical support office. For information on all of BayTechs data communication products, contact our web site at the address shown below. If you call the BayTech support desk, please have the following information available to help the applications engineers answer your questions efficiently. Use the next page to record vital information. a. The RPC-Series model type. b. The unit serial number. c. The peripherals you have connected to the RPC. d. Provide a general description of the application you are using and what you are trying to accomplish. e. What cables and adapters are you using? What are the lengths of the cables? Who sold you the cables and adapters? f. The name of the software emulation program you are using. g. If possible, a printout of the configuration status. Bay Technical Associates, Inc. 200 N. Second Street, P. O. Box 387 Bay St. Louis, MS 39520-1000, USA Telephone: 800-523-2702 228-467-8231 FAX: 228-467-4551 Web Site: 60
RPC Series Unit Model RPC Series Unit Serial Number
____________ ____________
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL REPACKAGING, SHIPPING, AND RETURNING TO THE FACTORY ________________________________________________________________________________
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL FCC RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFACE STATEMENT ________________________________________________________________________________
RPC SERIES OWNERS MANUAL FCC RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFACE STATEMENT ________________________________________________________________________________
telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved. The customer should not attempt any repairs on this unit. Please refer to page 62 if any problems arise. This equipment may not be used on public coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party lines is subject to state tariffs. (Contact your state public utility commission or corporation commission for information.)This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with this manual, may cause interference to radio communication. This equipment has been type tested and found to comply within the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC rules. FCC rules provide reasonable protection against interference with radio communications in a commercial environment. Not installing in accordance with this manual or operating this unit in a residential environment is likely to cause interference. In such cases, the user will be responsible for the expense of correcting the interference. In case of equipment malfunction, BayTech should perform all repairs. It is the responsibility of the user requiring service to report the need for service to BayTech: Bay Technical Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 387, 200 N. Second Street Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520-1000, USA Telephone: 228-467-8231 800-523-2702 Fax: 228-467-4551
Power Receptacle Circuit Breaker EIA-232 Serial Port Network Interface Protocols Frame Types Modem Interface Modem Connectors Dimensions Weight LED Indicators 6 each 115 VAC, 60 Hz,15 Amp 125 VAC, 15 Amp 8 pin modular connector (RJ-45) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16.73w x 3.42d x 1.72h 3 lb, 4 oz Power receptacle status
6 each 230 VAC, 50 Hz,10 Amp 230 VAC, 10 Amp, Universal IEC320 Outlets 8 pin modular connector (RJ-45) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 16.73w x 4.32d x 1.72h 3 lb, 8 oz Power receptacle status
6 each 115 VAC, 60 Hz,15 Amp 125 VAC, 15 Amp 8 pin modular connector (RJ-45) N/A N/A N/A 2400 bps 4 pin modular RJ-45 16.73w x 3.42d x 1.72h 3 lb, 4 oz Power receptacle status TX modem status RD modem status DCD modem status 19 or 23 One year on parts and labor
Power Receptacle Circuit Breaker EIA-232 Serial Port Network Interface 8 each 115 VAC, 60 Hz,15 Amp 125 VAC, 15 Amp 8 pin modular connector (RJ-45) Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 compliance 10BASE-T (twisted pair RJ-45) TCP/IP & Telnet Ethernet II and SNAP N/A N/A 16.73w x 5.25d x 1.72h 4 lb, 4 oz Power receptacle status CX connection status and diagnostics RX & TX activity Link 19 or 23 One year on parts and labor
8 each 115 VAC, 60 Hz,15 Amp 125 VAC, 20 Amp 8 pin modular connector (RJ-45) Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 compliance 10BASE-T (twisted pair RJ-45) TCP/IP & Telnet Ethernet II and SNAP N/A N/A 16.73w x 5.25d x 1.72h 4 lb, 4 oz Power receptacle status CX connection status and diagnostics RX & TX activity Link 19 or 23 One year on parts and labor
8 each 230 VAC, 50 Hz,10 Amp 230 VAC, 10 Amp, Universal IEC320 Outlets 8 pin modular connector (RJ-45) Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 compliance 10BASE-T (twisted pair RJ-45) TCP/IP & Telnet Ethernet II and SNAP N/A N/A 16.73w x 6.17d x 1.72h 4 lb, 8 oz Power receptacle status CX connection status and diagnostics RX & TX activity Link 19 or 23 One year on parts and labor
Protocols Frame Types Modem Interface Modem Connectors Dimensions Weight LED Indicators
Power Receptacle 6 each 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 15 Amp 125 VAC 15 Amp
6 each 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 15 Amp 125 VAC, 20 Amp
4 each 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 15 Amp 125 VAC, 15 Amp 4 individual breakers 8 pin modular connector (RJ-45)
4 each 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 15 Amp 125 VAC, 15 Amp 4 individual breakers 8-pin modular connector (RJ-45)
12 each 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 15 Amp 125 VAC, 20 Amp
12 each 115VAC, 60 Hz, 15 Amp 125 VAC, 20 Amp
Circuit Breaker
Network Interface
N/A N/A N/A N/A 16.73w x 5.25d x 1.72h 4 lb., 4 oz. Power receptacle status CX connection status and diagnostics RX & TX activity link 19 or 23 One year on parts and labor
N/A N/A N/A N/A 16.73w x 5.25d x 1.72h 4 lb., 4 oz. Power receptacle status CX connection status and diagnostics RX & TX activity link 19 or 23 One year on parts and labor
TCP/IP & Telnet Ethernet II and SNAP N/A N/A 16.73w x 6.17d x 1.72h 4 lb., 4 oz. Power receptacle status CX connection status and diagnostics RX & TX activity link 19 or 23 One year on parts and labor
8 pin modular connector (RJ-45) Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 compliance 10BASE-T (twisted pair RJ-45) TCP/IP & Telnet Ethernet II and SNAP N/A N/A 42.25h x 4.25d x 1.72w 8lbs., 8 oz Power receptacle status CX connection status and diagnostics RX & TX activity link Vertical Mount One year on parts and labor
8-pin modular connector (RJ-45) Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 compliance, 10BASE-T (twisted pair RJ-45) TCP/IP & Telnet Ethernet II and SNAP N/A N/A 1.75w x 1.75d x 47h 8lbs., 8 oz. Power receptacle status CX connection status and diagnostics RX & TX activity link Vertical Mount One year on parts and labor
Power receptacle status CX connection status and diagnostics RX & TX activity link 19 or 23 One year on parts and labor
COMMAND INTERPRETATION Fixed Serial Port Rate (default) AT&B1 AT&C1 AT&D2 ATS0=1 ATE0 ATQ1 AT&W0
Normal CD Operations (default) Normal DTR Operations (default) Auto answer telephone line in four or fewer rings Modem does not display keyboard commands. Place modem into quiet mode Save the modems configuration in non-volatile memory
NOTE: To send all of the above at the same time, type the following command: AT&B1&C1&D2S0=1E0Q1&W0
COMMAND INTERPRETATION Fixed Serial Port Rate (default) ATS23=59 AT&C1 AT&D2 ATS0=1 ATE0 ATQ1 AT&W0
Normal CD Operations (default) Normal DTR Operations (default) Auto answer telephone line in 4 or fewer rings Modem does not display keyboard commands Place modem into quiet mode Save modems configuration in non-volatile memory
NOTE: To send all of the above at the same time, type the following command: ATS23=59&C1&D2S0=1E0Q1&W0
To detect hardware, cabling, or configuration problems upon initialization of power, the RPC Series go through a diagnostic sequence. To help determine the cause of the problem, the RPC Series have a CX LED located on the front, right side of the unit. Upon initialization of power, refer to the table below for interpretation.
INDICATION Not lit Brief flash followed by a solid illumination Flashes 1 time per cycle Flashes 2 times per cycle Flashes 3 times per cycle Flashes 4 times per cycle
INTERPRETATION Normal unconnected operation Established connection on network port or serial port Hardware or NIC problem Configuration error Cable or hub connection fault Duplicate IP address
Remains lit without a brief Memory error flash prior to illumination NOTE: Diagnostic indications override a connection indication.
No Menu
Blank Screen
Cables Adapters Parameters
Ensure correct cables and adapters are being used and are connected properly. Verify serial parameters are correctly configured. Password feature is case sensitive. Type password exactly as it was originally entered. Enter AT modem commands to configure modem to operate with RPC. See Appendix B (Modem Command Summary). Note what the CX LED is doing. Refer to Appendix C (Diagnostic LED Indications) Reduce the load being drawn; Reset the alarm trip point to a higher setting.
Returns to prompt
Caps Lock
Blank Screen
Blank Screen
X in the menu line for the desired operation
Multiple Users
Network user overrides serial user. Only 1 user in Outlet Control or Configuration at a time. See logged users, Page 56. Terminate 1 or more sessions. See logged Users, Page 56. Type MENU
Wrong command
Call BayTech Applications Engineers. Go to Product Manuals; scroll to JUMP HERE FOR MANUALS. Select desired manual.
Gets request timeout
Check network connection Call a BayTech Applications Engineer
Adapter, 2, 5, 8, 12, 16, 19, 20, 28, 29, 37 Adapters, 59 Applications Engineer, iii Asynchronous, 17 ATDT command, 31 Gateway, 47, 48, 49
Installation, 12 Interface, 62 Internal Modem, 1 Internal Relays, 14 IP Address, 10, 37, 47, 48, 70
Cable , 18 Cables, 59 Cabling, 15 Circuit Breaker, 2, 6, 14, 21, 30, 72 Communications Software, 2, 5, 8, 20, 28, 29, 31, 37 Computer Adapter, 17 Computer/Terminal Adapter, 16, 17 Configuration, 3, 6, 10, 11, 19, 22, 32 Copyright, ii Current Alarm, 11, 50, 51, 71 Current Monitoring, 50, 51, 58, 71 Current Password, 24, 33, 44
LED, 13, 20, 29, 39, 64, 65, 70, 71 Local Access, 5, 28, 37 Local Operations, 38 Login, 8, 38, 44, 49
Modem, 1, 5, 12, 15, 17, 19, 28, 29, 31, 37, 64, 71 Modem Adapter, 12 Modem Command Summary, 68, 69 Modem Connections, 5, 29 Modular connectors , 18
Default, 4, 7, 10, 23, 26, 33, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 68, 69 diagnostic, 70
Network Configuration, 10, 47, 48
EIA-232 Port, 1, 5, 8, 14, 15, 19, 20, 28, 29, 37, 64, 65 Emulation, 3, 6, 59 Ethernet Hub, 8 Ethernet Port, 8, 37 Exit, 47, 48, 55 External Modem, 5, 12, 15, 19, 28, 37, 71
Operations, 2, 6, 8, 20
Password, 3, 4, 6, 7, 22, 24, 32, 33, 34, 44, 45, 47, 49, 71, 73 Password Protection, 25, 34 Pin Signal Definition, 16 Power, 1, 8, 13, 14, 20, 22, 29, 31, 38, 39, 42, 55, 64, 65, 70, 72 Power On/Off State, 14 Power Up Sequence, 14
FCC Rules, 63 FCC Statement, 62
Reboot, 14, 20, 22, 29, 31, 41 Remote Access, 5, 29, 37 Remote Operations, 38 Repackaging, 61 Reset, 22, 31, 41, 55, 57, 72 Returning, 61 Ring Detect Reset, 1
Shipping, 61 Status Menu, 2, 3, 6, 14, 21, 23, 26, 30, 33, 34, 40, 41
Technical Support, 59 Telco Wall Jack, 5, 29 Telnet, 9, 38, 39, 57, 64, 65, 72
Saving, 11 Serial Parameters, 2, 5, 20, 28, 37 Serial Port, 2, 5, 8, 10, 20, 28, 32, 37, 70, 73 Unpacking, 12 Users Manual, iii