Assignment 1

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Centrum fr teknikstudier

Malm University School of Technology

Programmering med C#, grundkurs Programming Using C#, Basic Course

VAT Calculator Assignment 1 Console Application


Farid Naisan University Lecturer Department of Computer Science

Programming Using C#, Basic Course

Assignment 1 Mandatory

In this assignment you will create a tax calculator program and define one of your own objects in order to get more training in getting started. The following section will discuss the Quality Standards and Guidelines for this assignment, some of the topics there may be hard to grasp as you haven't read the description for the rest of this assignment. Please skim through this section to start with, if there are things you dont understand, read the rest of the assignment and then, after you have completed the assignment, read this section again in order to see if your solution achieves the Quality Standards and Guidelines required...

Quality Standards and Guidelines


The project must contain at least two classes, for example Product and TaxProgram in both Part 1 and Part 2 of this
assignment, and every class is to be saved in a separate file, for example Product.cs and TaxProgram.cs respectively. If you are using Visual Studio, it will prepare a default class for you.

You can use a standard text editor such as Windows Notepad.exe to write the source code, compile and run from the command
line, or use other development environments (known as IDE, Integrated Development Environment) such as Visual Studio to create the projects, write code, build and run from the IDE.

All instance variables must be declared as private. Make your own assumptions whenever you find instructions unclear. Document your assumptions directly in the code or as an
extra note to your instructor.

In view of the fact that this and other assignments are designed for beginners, you may practice improvements, optimizations
and enhancements to the coding structure and the user interface if you are not a beginner. However, certain instructions may be marked as mandatory in which case you are expected to follow the instructions.

Write your name and the date in the top of all your source files (as comments). Do not forget to document your source code by writing comments explaining your code above or in front of your code's
statements Quality

The application must have been compiled, tested and run satisfactorily before it is submitted. It is very important to maintain a
good style and code structure and a normally functioning program, rather than presenting a well functioning program, but with a poor code quality. Higher grades are given to projects containing well-structured and reasonably documented code, and a satisfactorily working program.

All identifiers (class names, variable names and method names) should be chosen carefully so that they express their purpose.
The suggested solutions to the exercises can be taken as a guide. Short names that are not expressive (ex a, fnc, etc.) and should be strictly avoided.


The assignment receives a letter grade A-F which can be then translated to a grade type of your choice. For students with a
Swedish personal number, the grades will be automatically translated to the Swedish system, VG, G and U. Projects that do not meet the minimum criteria for a passing grade will be returned for complementary work. The final result for all assignments will be determined as a weighed average of all assignments plus the instructors judgment of the progress you make throughout the course.


The files are to be packed into a ZIP or RAR file and submitted inside Its Learning (ITS). Make sure to include all the files that
are part of your project. If you are using Visual Studio for this assignment, include all your projects files and subfolders in your ZIP or RAR file. Sending only the sln or cproj file is not enough. Include even the folder Properties. Although it is allowed to discuss solutions and ideas with other classmates, the assignment is done and submitted individually. Make good use of the forum on Its for this assignment, but when helping others do not put more than a few (4-5) lines of code. You must apply your own solution and you are not allowed to copy and submit same code as any other. It is expected that you have gone through all the recommended Readings, done exercises and eventual quizzes before starting with this assignment. If you understand and can follow the optional exercises, and the code examples available for this module, you shouldnt face any problem in completing this assignment.

Farid Naisan


Programming Using C#, Basic Course

Assignment 1 Mandatory

Assignment 1: VAT Calculator

1. Objectives
To work with simple classes and objects To create a first C# program as a Console Application To work with primitive data types such as text, numbers and logical values. To use simple variables to store values and write methods to manipulate them. Write data to a console window by using the Console.Write and Console.WriteLine. Read data from a console using the Console.Read and Console.ReadLine..

2. Description
This assignment consists of two parts. In the first part you are given a problem with some instructions to solve it. In the next part you find and implement a task by yourself.

3. Work Plan
Do the Part 1 first and then Part 2. In Part 1, you program the Tax Calculator, and in Part 2, you choose an object by yourself and program it just as in Part 1. In both of these parts, you write two classes, one with the method Main and one that programs an object, for example taxes in Part 1 and something that you choose in Part 2. Create a C# Console Application project using Visual Studio. The IDE will create a solution for you and put the project into this solution. In this document we refer to this project as Assignmen1. The IDE has also prepared a default start class, program.cs, for you in which the IDE has prepared a Main method. Rename the program.cs to MainProgram.cs in the Solution Explorer. It will be inside the Main method where we will then create an instance of the Product class to start the program. Dont forget to save your project often.

4. Assessment
In order to get a passing grade, Part 1 must be completed. To get a higher grade, even Part 2 must be carried out with good quality considerations. Unsatisfactorily done projects will be returned for completion. Mandatory for both parts: Two classes, one start class with the Main method (for ex TaxProgram.cs) and one for solving the main problem (for ex Product.cs). The program class should not contain any instance variables or methods other than the Main Method.

5. New Terms
User Read Input A person that runs the program. You are the user when you run and test your program. The user gives input through the keyboard (or mouse) to your program. The input can be a text or a numerical value but is received and interpreted by your

Farid Naisan

Programming Using C#, Basic Course

Assignment 1 Mandatory

Print or show results Application Console Application

program as text. The text needs to be converted to the correct data type (int, double, string, etc). The values are then saved in variables inside your class for manipulation. Show somehow the results to the user, using the Console.Write or Console.WriteLine All components that make your program. An application that is run on a command prompt window (see the figure below).

6. Part 1: Drugstore
In Europe, consumers are subject to pay a governmental tax called Value-Added Tax (VAT) directly at purchase time. This tax is due for both goods and services. The prices are usually tagged with a final price to pay that includes the prevailing VAT, so the consumer knows exactly how much to pay when checking the price of a product. A drugstore would like to have a program that computes the final sell prices for its products by applying the related VAT rate to the original net price. There are two types of taxes: food items having a 12.0 % tax rate and other items having a 25% rate. Write a program that asks for the name of the product, the price, the type of item (food or non-food) and then Calculates and Prints out a receipt showing the total cost of the item and the amount of VAT included in the total price. The figure below demonstrates a sample program execution.




The Product class

Create a new folder on your computer for this assignment. Create a file and save it as Prouct.cs in this folder. Use this file to write and store the class Product according to the following guidelines: 6.1.1 Instance Variables: Declare fields (variables) in your class for saving input: name (string), count (int), unitPrice (double), foodItem (bool). Declare also variables for storing output: totalVAT

Farid Naisan

Programming Using C#, Basic Course

Assignment 1 Mandatory

(double) and totalNetValue (double). You can hard-code the values of vat rate in a couple of constants as follows:
private const double foodVATRate = 0.12, otherVATRate = 0.25;

Note: In later assignments, we will learn to reduce the number of output variables as much as possible by replacing them with methods, in which the value is calculated and returned every time the method is called. 6.1.2 Methods: The following methods are to be written: Write a method, Start that encapsulates the following steps: - Read input from the keyboard, (name, count, unit price, type of item, (food or non-food) and save them into instance variables, - Calculate the total tax and the total sell price. - Print a receipt using the calculated values (output) as shown in the example above. - To help you here, the skeleton of some of the methods are provided below. Write the following methods into your class and complete the internal methods used. You may of course write more of your own methods whenever you have a task that needs to be done.

The method ReadInput requires four methods as listed in the above image. Write these methods by yourself. The methods are used internally in the class and therefore should be declared as private. As an example, the code for the ReadIfFoodItem is provided below.

Farid Naisan


Programming Using C#, Basic Course

Assignment 1 Mandatory

When you are done with above, you are done with the ReadInput. You now have to write the two other methods contained in the Start method above. CalculateValues that computes the total net price (count * net price) and total amount of VAT and saves the results in output variables..

PrintReceipt: that prints to the console window a receipt as shown earlier, using the input and output variables.


The TaxProgram Class

6.2.1 In order to test the Product class, we need to complete the program by a program class with a method Main. This method will be the one the CLR (the Common Language Runtime) will look for to start your program.. Although you can have methods and instance variables in this class, just like any other class, it is recommended to keep this class as small as possible. Based on the above recommendation, this class should only contain the Main method and shall not have any instance variable. Create an object of the Product class (see below) in the Main method and then call its Start method to so it reads the input from the user, calculate or manipulate the input and save results. Print out the results. Three steps to remember always:Read and save input, Perform the required calculations, and Print out the results,

6.2.2 6.2.3

Farid Naisan


Programming Using C#, Basic Course

Assignment 1 Mandatory

7. Part 2: Program Your Object

7.1 Look around at home, at your work or where your now. You may find numerous objects, a chair, a baby, a friend, a car, etc around you. Choose your one favorite object and program it as in Part 1. 7.2 For your object you have chosen, determine at least three attributes (fields) that best describes the objects of this type. Determine then a data type (string, int, double etc) that the attribute can be represented by. 7.3 Think about at least two operations (methods) that can be performed on the object using the attributes. 7.4 The object does not have to be a physical thing; it may be any of objects like Address, Movie, etc. 7.5 Create a new Project in your Solution in VS and follow the same procedure as in Part 1. To avoid resubmission, have in mind the following: 7.5.1 7.5.2 You must create two classes as in Part 1. No variable should be declared public.

8. Submission
As instructed on the assignment page in Its learning.

Good Luck!
Programming is fun. Never give up. Ask for help! Farid Naisan, Course Coordinator and Instructor

Farid Naisan


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