Degree Engineeringalpesh4-Effective Presentation Strategies

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INTRODUCTION It is said that Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and they cannot say and the other half, who have nothing to say and they keep on saying it. The ability to make effective and memorable oral presentations is one the most important qualities you need to develop for a successful career. And constant practice would help you acquire this skill. The more successful your career, the more often you will be called upon to make presentations for a variety of situations and audiences. DEFINING PURPOSE The purpose of presentation is generally to put forward the aims and objectives of any given task. It decides the style, content and targeted audience. It also requires lots of on-the-spot thinking skills and in-depth knowledge of the subject. The speaker should be flexible enough to adjust to new input and unexpected audience reactions. ANALYZING AUDIENCE AND LOCALE Audiences have one thing in common. They are the receivers. They may be your friends, foes, clients, colleagues or unfamiliar faces. The nature of your audience has a direct impact on the strategy you devise for your presentation. Hence it is necessary to have some prior knowledge of the audience, and its level and cultural background so that your presentation can be effective and acceptable. Understanding of audience would help the presenter (speaker) to Build support Anticipate problems Consider Strategies Tune the approach Competent delivery of content

Moreover speak with confidence and conviction, demand the questions from audience that in turn would make you acceptable. In addition to that you study materials 1

should check the place and the facilities of the auditorium for effective presentation.

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ORGANIZING CONTENTS People vary in their ability to speak confidently in public. When you face an audience you should expect to feel a little nervous. Always prepare more material than required, as this will help you feel confident. Arrange the contents of your presentation into three major parts namely (1) introduction, (2) middle part and (3) conclusions. In other words, say what you want to say; say it; then say what you have already said. Introduction Introduction comprises the opening statement, the aim and the objectives of presentation. The beginning can be with a sincere greeting, question, quotation, anecdote, a short story, analogy so as to grab the attention of the audience. A good introduction is a vehicle to lead the audience into the main body of the speech with smooth transition. Middle Part The main body or discussion supports your aim or specific purpose of presentation. The major pointes highlighted in introduction would be expanded here. There are different patterns of organizing the content in the middle part. They are Chronological Categorical Cause and Effect Problem Solving Persuasive

Speaker can make this part or presentation authentic by providing facts, figures, examples, illustrations, statistics, testimony, analogy or definition. Speaker is always advised to avoid too many points. Devote enough time to each point so that you can convince the audience what you are saying. Conclusions You can conclude the presentation by reviewing the main points. And do give the signal to an end and then do not extend the presentation. Because a study materials 3

speech is like a love affair, any fool can start one but to end it requires considerable skill. Conclude your presentation with quotation, anecdote, a short story, analogy and so on. After this the presenter can invite the questions for discussion. Make questioners feel that their questions are welcome. Maintain the polite and firm attitude while answering. USE OF AUDIO - VISUAL AIDS Spoken words are ephemeral (temporary). But if the presentation has been made using the audio visual aids, it gives lasting effect. Audio visual aids Increase audience interest Illustrate key points Signal transition from one part of the presentation to the next Help listeners retain information Help you deliver your speech better The table below gives some hints in careful use of audio-visual aids:
Overhead Transparencies Use larger & simple fonts Keep the transparencies neat and clean Show only required information Do not make it more colorful Use pointer to draw attention of audience Understand the operation of OHP Keep the notes also ready in case power failure Check the multimedia & other devices Familiarize yourself with transition of slides Transfer your files to the hard disc Rehearse your presentation Keep the printed copy of your presentation in case of failure Clean the board & check the markers or chalk sticks before writing Write in legible size of fonts Stand to the side as you write Do not face the board while talking to audience Keep the main points on board, in case required Use different color markers Keep the number of pages Write in large letters 4

Power Presentations


Blackboard Whiteboard


Flip Charts

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Use only one side of the chart Wait for the understanding of the audience

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Some dos Organize the visual aids as a part of the presentation Emphasize the visual aids Talk to the audience not to the visual aids Avoid blocking the listeners view of the visual aids Do not switch over to other point quickly Do not make excessive use of audio visual aids Do not use too many lines or figures in one aid Make it legible and visible from distance Be familiar with basic operation of the electronic devises that you are using UNDERSTANDING THE NUANCES/MODES/TYPES OF DELIVERY Having something to say is not enough; you must also know how to say it. Most audiences prefer delivery that combines a certain degree of formality with the best attributes of good conversation directness, spontaneity, animation, vocal and facial expressiveness, and a lively sense of communication. There are four modes of delivery which can be used for making presentations: 1. Extemporaneous

Extemporaneous presentation is the most popular and effective method. Here rehearsal of presentation to be made is must but cramming must be avoided. It also requires meticulously and well organized content so as to make the presentation more effective. Advantages

This gives enough time to prepare the presentation, so work hard on the theme/central idea to present the theme in the best structured way. Extemporaneous gives chance to decide the outline of language to be used according to the targeted audience The speaker can incorporate appropriate quotations, proverbs, illustrations, and statistics to make his statements authentic. Here presentation sounds natural and spontaneous so that speaker can establish rapport with the audience through eye contact. It enables one to move freely with ease. study materials 6

Disadvantages If the preparation is inadequate, the speaker can get lost and find himself uncomfortable. If the speaker takes the support of notes or the cards prepared by him, he would lose the spontaneity of flow of ideas 2. Manuscript

In manuscript presentation, material is written and the speaker is supposed to read it ad verbum. You should be wise enough not to attempt to read a speech until you have become proficient reader. Unfortunately most speakers are not good readers. They make it uninteresting by reading in a dull and monotonous way. For effective use of this mode, you should have gone through the material several times beforehand till you become absolutely familiar with the text. You should know what is written where. Advantages It is a permanent and accurate record of whatever you have to say There is no chance of tampering with the facts and figures The content can be systematically organized Language gets polished Disadvantages Since the speaker is reading from the script, he would not be able to maintain eye contact Non verbal communication would have less scope Flexibility and adaption is difficult In the absence of effective reading skill, you fumble over words, lose your pace, and miss punctuation marks, etc. This adds up to an uninteresting speech and loss of audience attention.

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The impromptu mode, as the word suggests, is what you use when you have to deliver an informal speech without preparation. For example, at a formal dinner party you may be invited to deliver a vote of thanks. Dont panic and babble something in an unmethodical way. Instead, calmly state your topic and then preview the points you are to make. Be as brief as possible during your impromptu presentations. Advantages

The speaker should be natural as he does not get enough time to make any elaborate preparation Speaker gets the chance to express his thoughts irrespective of what other think or say Disadvantages

The presentation lacks organized development of ideas because of the shortage of time There is no supplementary material to substantiate the speech The presentation may turn out to be a failure if you have inadequate proficiency in the language to use Keep in mind that gaining a reputation for being a good impromptu speaker can do a great deal for your career aspirations. 4. Memorization

This method of presentation is very difficult for most of us. Probably a handful of you can actually memorize an entire speech. This type of delivery stands somewhere between extemporaneous and manuscript presentation. Advantages It is easy for speaker to maintain eye contact with audience The speaker can easily move and make use of appropriate non verbal communication Speech can be completed in time Disadvantages

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Memorization requires too much of time There are chances of making dull presentation Flexibility cannot be adopted during the presentation The speaker gets flustered if he forgets a word, sentence, or a whole paragraph

Kinesics is the name given to the study of the bodys physical movements. Nodding your head, blinking your eyes, shrugging shoulders, waving the hands, and other such physical activities are all forms of communication. Some kinesic behaviors are deliberately intended to communicate, as when your head for acceptance. Understanding non-verbal cues will develop your ability to use them more effectively during your presentations. In face to face communication the message is conveyed on two levels simultaneously. One is verbal and other is non verbal. It is said by Socrates Nobility and dignity; self-abasement and servility, insolence and vulgarity, are reflected in the face and in the attitudes of the body whether still or in motion. Non verbal communication is instinctive. Non verbal communication is concerned with body movements (Kinesics), space (Proxemics) and vocal features (paralinguistic features). It is important that we know more about these features of body language because the verbal components of oral communication carry less than 35% of the social meaning of the situation, while more than65% is carried on the non-verbal band. People react strongly on what they see. Kinesics includes: Personal Appearance Personal appearance plays an important role; people see you before they hear you. As you adapt your language to an audience, you should also dress appositely. Appearance includes clothes, hair, jewellery, cosmetics, and so on. In todays society the purpose of clothing has altered from fulfilling a basic need to expressing oneself. Clothes accent the bodys movements. Posture Posture generally refers to the way we hold ourselves when we stand, sit or walk. The way you sit, stand, or walk reveals a lot about you. New speakers are unsure of what to do with their body. Certain mannerisms creep in, usually study materials 9

from nervousness pacing constantly, bobbing the shoulders, fidgeting with notes, jingling coins, either constantly moving or remaining static. Truly, what one speaks is very important but you do just before you begin and after you have finished is equally important.

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Gesture Gesture is the movement made by hands, arms, shoulders, head and torso. Adroit gestures can add to the impact of speech. Gestures clarify your ideas or reinforce them and should be well suited to the audience and occasion. It has been observed that there are as many as 7,00,000 varied hand gestures alone and the meanings derived from them may vary from individual to individual. Gestures should not divert the attention of the listener and distract from your message. Speakers gestures should be quite natural and spontaneous. Facial Expression Facial expressions also play an important role in presentation. The face is the most expressive part of our body. A smile stands for friendliness, a frown for discontent, raised eyebrows for disbelief, tightened jaw muscles for antagonism, etc. The face rarely sends a single message at a time. Instead it sends a series of messages-your facial expressions may show anxiety, recognition, hesitation, and pleasure in quick succession. Eye Contact The eyes are considered to be the windows of the soul. You look to the eyes of a speaker to help find out the truthfulness of his speech, his intelligence, attitudes, and feelings. Eye contact is a direct and powerful form of non-verbal communication. Looking directly at listeners builds rapport. Prolonging the eye contact for three to five seconds tells the audience that you are sincere in what you say and that you want them to pay attention.

Proxemics is the study of physical space in interpersonal relations. The way people use space tells you a lot about them. In a professional setting, space is used to signal power and status. Your gestures should be in accordance with the space available. Edward T Hall is his The Hidden Dimension divides space into four distinct zones. 1. Intimate

This zone starts with personal touch and extends just to 18 inches. Members of the family, relatives etc fall under this zone. The best relationship that describes it is the mother-child relationship. 2. Personal
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This zone stretches from 18 inches to 4 feet. Your close friends, colleagues, peers etc fall in this group. It permits spontaneous and unprogrammed communications. 3. Social

Social events take place in this radius of 4 feet to 12 feet. In this layer, relationships are more official. People are more cautious in their movements. You should be smart enough to conduct it with less emotion and more planning. 4. Public

This zone starts from 12 feet and may extend to 30 feet or to the range of eyesight and hearing. Events that take place in this zone are formal. The audience is free to do whatever it feels like.

Paralinguistic features are non-verbal cues that help you to give urgency to your voice. Your voice is your trademark. Therefore it is useful to understand the characteristic nuances of voice. 1. Quality

Each one of us has a unique voice and its quality depends upon its resonating mechanism. It may be rich and resonant, soft and alluring, thin and nasal, hoarse and husky, or harsh and irritating. So one can make conscious efforts to improve ones quality of voice. 2. Volume

Volume is the loudness or the softness of the voice. Your voice should always project but need not always be loud. You should vary your volume so as to make your voice audible and clear. 3. Pace/Rate

Rate is the number of words which you speak per minute. It varies from person to person and from 80 to 250 words per minute. The normal rate is from 120 to 150 words. Cultivate your pace so as to fit in this reasonable limit. Use pauses to create emphasis. A well paced, varied message suggests enthusiasm, self-assurance and awareness of audience. 4. Pitch

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Pitch refers to the number of vibrations per second of your voice. The rise and fall of the voice conveys various emotions. A well balanced pitch results in a clear and effective tone. 5. Articulation

Speakers should be careful not to slop, slur, chop, truncate, or omit sounds between words or sentences. If all the sounds are not uttered properly, the flow of understanding gets interrupted and deters the listener from grasping the meaning of the message. Develop in yourself the ability to speak distinctly; produce the sounds in a crisp and lucid manner. 6. Pronunciation

If articulation means speaking out all the sounds distinctly, then pronunciation requires us to speak out sounds in way that is generally accepted. The best way is to follow British Received pronunciation. One should be careful enough to pronounce individual sounds along with word stress according to the set norms. Wherever there is confusion, always consult a good dictionary and try to pronounce it correctly. 7. Voice Modulation

Modulation refers to the way we regulate, vary or adjust the tone, pitch, and volume of the sound or speaking voice. Modulation of voice brings flexibility and vitality to your voice, and you can express emotions and sentiments in the best possible way. 8. Pauses

A pause is a short silence flanked by words. A pause is speaking lets the listener reflect on the message and digest it accordingly. It helps you glide from one thought to another one. It embellishes your speech because it is a natural process to give a break.

Chronemics is the study of how human beings communicate through their use of time. We attempt to control time, trying to use it more effectively. Good timing is very crucial, and you should rehearse a formal presentation until it is a little under line, because staying within time limits is a mark of courtesy and professionalism.

INFERENCE/CONCLUSION study materials 13

To recapitulate, oral presentation is an art that requires careful planning, preparation, and a great deal of practice. The tool is both valuable and relevant. Apart from communicating the main purpose of your presentation, there are various factors that you need to blend inextricably to convey your message clearly. These features are: audience analysis, organization of matter, preparation of an outline, nuances of delivery, kinesics and paralinguistics, and visual aids. Your aim should be to keep all these threads intact, neither too loose nor too tight. With care and practice, you can achieve wonders with your oral presentations.

Possible Questions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.
11. 12.

What is presentation? How to analyze or understand the audience or locale? What are the points to be considered in organizing contents? Describe the efficacy and use of a v aids. Explain extemporaneous in brief with advantages and disadvantages. Explain manuscript in brief with advantages and disadvantages. Explain impromptu in brief with advantages and disadvantages. Explain memorization in brief with advantages and disadvantages. What is kinesics? Explain in brief. What is proxemics? Explain in brief. What is paralinguistics? Explain in brief. What is chronemics? Explain in brief.

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