Topic: Communication For Academic Purposes, Academic Presentations

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Topic: Communication for

Academic purposes,

Academic Presentations
Lesson 2.
Academic Presentations
 Discovering New Knowledge
Academic presentations are examples of oral presentation which are
done to present , discuss and explain a research study, innovative work, or
poster paper in front of both students and professional and various fields.
The talk allows the speakers and participants to exchange ideas, clarify
issues, and encourage further research not to mention widen network for
collaborative work.
Academic presentations are usually organized by various organizations
and institutions to gather students, scholars, professionals, and academicians
in a venue where they could provide insights share ideas, give updates, offer
solutions etc. about certain topics familiar to all of them.
Speaking before an audience is no joke, speakers may feel
anxious when talking in front of large audience. Some of the
listeners may pay close attention or the others fall asleep during
the talk.

Delivering oral presentation are task that students required to

do so in school. Teachers usually assigned a topic to students to
explain or discuss in front either individually or by group.
Moreover, there are instances that oral presentation go beyond the
classroom and demand bigger audience such as during school
programs or competitions.
To be able to become an effective speaker,
one must keep in mind these principles:
1. Be knowledgeable of your audience.
2. Be familiar with everything about the event.
3. Be clear with the purpose of your talk.
4. Be engaging and interesting all throughout.
5. Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances.
Delivering Academic Presentations
1.Know the audience. Small or large groups, knowing who will be
sitting in the venue and listening to the presentation area are a rule
of thumb as these will help the speaker strategize in preparing for
the talk. Basic information such as age, gender, educational
background, social status, religion, and interest, must be
acknowledge beforehand so he knows how best to engage and
manage them. Becoming aware of weather the participants are still
interested or already bored through their gesture would of great
help to make the talk a success.
2. Familiarize oneself. Formal gatherings, programs are usually available
days before the scheduled event. Programs provide the pertinent details, e.g.
date, time, venue, other speakers, and the sequence, relative to the activity
which a speaker has to know. Getting hold of the copy the program allows
him to get a glimpse of what to expect before, during, and after the talk. If the
speaker is not familiar with the venue he has to find the time to visit it so that
he will have an idea on how it looks like and consequently plan how he
will perform. However if it is impossible to see the venue before the
event, it would be best to come early on the day itself to check it out before t
he performance. If the talk will be have held in the classroom, it is usually
easier to plan because the speaker is familiar with the place.
3. Stick to the purpose. Weather the purpose is to inform, persuade or
entertain, the speaker has to be clear about it all throughout. If he wants to
inform the audience, he must be able top provide information that they do
not know yet.
A speaker should not insult their intelligence by talking about things
that they are so knowledgeable about. Persuading the audience, on the other
hand, entails a strong argument to convince them to believe what the
speaker saying. Citing unfailing evidences may help them make the claim
more reliable and speaker credible. To entertain the audience, remember to
keep the talk lively and amusing. Cracking jokes but not sounding
offensive or rude may help keep the audience active and energetic.
4. Engage the audience. It is indeed tiring to listen four hours to a member of
speakers. An audience gets bored easily nothing keeps them awake during
the talk. Thus, to keep them interested bear in mind the following. First, do
not speak in a monotonous voice as this makes the listeners bored. Vary
the tone in accordance in what is set. The speaker could raise his pitch a little
to ask a question tor emphasize a point.
Second, aside from topics the audience listen intently to someone who
looks professional and credible. Prepare for the event by dressing up well.
The speaker does have not to wear the most expensive brand in the market but
he has to look his best. Depending on the occasion, be sure to look presentable
and sophisticated, yet not intimidating. Third, most people are visual and they
learn more when they see something instead of imagining everything. Hence,
it would be helpful to include appropriate illustrations, graphics, and short
video clips which could enhance the presentation.

5. Prepare for the unexpected. “Always have plan B or C”, is and advice that
teachers and seasoned speaker usually give. Why? Because it becomes in handy
if something happened beyond one’s control. Technical glitches often occur
during event so the speaker has to make sure that he knows how to
Always have a backup file so as not to be left in the dark however, there
are instances that the members of the audience are ones causing the
roblems. If this occurs, keep in mind that the speaker to be in control of the
ituation. Do not agree with any of the participant and try to handle the issue
Preparing Visual Aids

During academic presentations, full blown research studies are usually

shortened into a 20-minutes talk and listens would hop from one room to
another to listens to various speaker. Thus, remember that the structure and style
of an oral presentation have to be different from the written version so the
audience would be kept at bay.

1. Font and Size

Power point presentation are the most common used in academic
presentation. The fonts to use and its sizes have to be considered depending
on the size of the venue, its structure, and the number of participants. The
bigger the venue the larger the font size to use. San Serif over Serif fonts are
preferred in preparing slide are easily read such as Arial and Calibri to name
a few. Although there are no standards size of the fonts because it varies
according to the venue and the audience. 30-36 font maybe a basis.
2. Color
Black is usually the color of the since it is most recognizable on screen.
However, it again depends on the background of them used for each slide.
Whatever color is chosen for the slide, make sure that texts are readable even
to those who sits at the back of the venue. More importantly do not strain the
eyes of the audience. Other colors may be used to emphasize or highlight
key points during the presentation.

3. Slides
Given the limited time of most presentation the speaker must keep the
number of the slide manageable it would be ideal to practice the presentation
just so he can be sure that he will be able to finish and discuss within the
time allotment. Do not crowd the information and provide only key points.
Bulleted information if not short sentences and phrases which would serve
as guide for the discussion may keep the audience engaged.
4. Headings
This help make the audience follow the discussion as they provide division
and distinction of information presented. The speaker may use a different font
and utilized as lightly bigger font sized to make the headings defined.

5. Graphics
Simple, straightforward, and suitable and illustrations, tables, graphs, charts,
pictures, and schematics must be used as much as possible to facilitate
understanding. The explanation remains to be the vocal point of the
presentation; however the graphics aid comprehension. Hence, they should be
kept uncomplicated and confusing.


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