Infantry Basic Officer Leader Course Final Comprehsive Exam Study Guide

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1.Know the Field Manual numbers for the following, and use them with this study guide; Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad-2-21.8 Operational Terms and Graphics1-02 Ranger Handbook SH21-78 2.Know the Warfighting Functions (FM 3-21.8 ch1) Movement & Maneuver Command and Control Sustainment Protection Intelligence Fires 3.Know what Combat Power is (FM 3-21.8 ch 1) Total means of destructive and/or disruptive force which a military unit/formation can apply against the opponent at a given time 4.Know the difference between Tactics, Techniques, Procedures and Principles (FM 3-21.8 ch 1) 5.Know the Troop Leading Procedures (FM 3-21.8 ch 1) 1. Receive the mission 2. Give the warno 3. Make a tentative plan 4. Initiate necessary movement 5. Conduct recon 6. Complete the plan 7. Issue the complete order 8. Supervise and refine 6.Know the different Forms of Contact (FM 3-21.8 ch 1) Visual, direct, indirect, obstacle, air, cbrn, signal, civil/nonlethal 7.Know the four critical functions (FM 3-21.8 ch 1) 1. Find the enemy 2. Fix 3. Finish 4. Follow through 8.Know the purpose of offensive operations (FM 3-21.8 ch 1)
Purpose is to impose US will on the enemy and achieve decisive victory

9.Know the types of offensive operations (FM 3-21.8 ch 1) Movement to contact, attack, exploitation, and pursuit 10. Know the types of defensive operations (FM 3-21.8 ch 1) Area, mobile, retrograde 11. Know the types of Retrograde (FM 3-21.8 ch 1)

Delay, withdraw, retirement 12. Know the principles of fire control (FM 3-21.8 ch 2) Destroy most dangerous targets first Avoid target overkill Concentrate on long range targets Control fires to achieve the best shots Use appropriate weapon for target Conserve ammo when possible Avoid fratricide 13. Know what the following are; (FM 3-21.8 ch 2 and Appendix A) Surface Danger Zone Minimum Safe Distance Risk Estimated Distance Direct Fire Target Reference Point Sector of Fire Principle Direction of Fire Engagement Area Weapons Hold Weapons Tight Weapons Free Frontal Fire Cross Fire Depth Fire Enfilade Fire Flanking Fire Oblique Fire 14. Know and be able to draw the following symbols according to FM 1-02 Appendix A Block Breach Bypass Canalize Clear Contain Delay Destroy Disrupt Fix Interdict Isolate Neutralize Occupy Secure

Seize Suppress Turn Withdraw Support by fire

15. Know the different platoon movement formations (FM 3-21.8 ch 3) Column, line, wedge, vee, echelon l, 16. Know the different movement techniques and when to use them (FM 3-21.8 ch 3) Traveling, traveling over watch, bounding over watch 17. Know what the commanders intent is (FM 3-21.8 ch 5) Concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired end state 18. Know what a mission statement is (FM 3-21.8 ch 5)
Describes the type of operation, the units tactical task, and purpose. It is written based on the five Ws

19. Know the different steps of Course of Action Development (FM 3-21.8 ch 5) 1. Analyze relative combat power 2. Generate options 3. Array initial forces 4. Develop scheme of maneuvers 5. Assign headquarters 6. Prepare coa statements and sketches 20. Know the different classes of supply (FM 3-21.8 ch 6) 1. Food 2. Clothes 3. Petrol 4. Constrction 5. Ammo 6. Personal demand 7. Major end items 8. Medical 9. Repair parts 10. Material to support non military 21. Know the different methods of resupply (FM 3-21.8 ch 6) Routine, emergency, prestock, aerial 22. Know the lines of a MEDEVAC (FM 3-21.8 ch 6) 1. Location 2. Call sign and suffix 3. Patience by precedence 4. Special equipment 5. Number of patience 6. Security 7. Method of marking 8. Nationanlity and status 9. Nbc 23. Know the characteristics of offensive operations (FM 3-21.8 ch 7) Surprise, concentration, tempo, and audacity

24. Know the forms of maneuver (FM 3-21.8 ch 7) Envelopment, turning movement, infiltration, penetration, frontal attack 25. Know the characteristics of the defense (FM 3-21.8 ch 8) Preparation, security, disruption, massing effects, flexibility 26. Know the steps for engagement area development (FM 3-21.8 ch 8)
Identify likely enemy avenues of approach. Identify the enemy scheme of maneuver. Determine where to kill the enemy. Plan and integrate obstacles. Emplace weapons systems. Plan and integrate indirect fires. Conduct an engagement area rehearsal

27. Know the principles of patrolling (Ranger Handbook ch 5)

Planning Recon Security Control Common Sense

28. Know the ranges of the following weapons (FM 3-21.8 Appendix A, B, and D) M249-600-1000 M240B-600-1000 M2-700-1830 MK 19-1500-2212 M136 AT4-300-2100 Javelin-65-2000 25mm Cannon-3000-6800 29. Know when to change the barrel for the following weapon systems (FM 3-21.8 Appendix A, B, and D) M249-2-10 M240B-2-10 M2 when damaged or needed MK 19-none 30. Know the fundamentals for urban operations (FM3-06 p.6-11) PERFORM AGGRESSIVE INFORMATION OPERATIONS MAINTAIN A CLOSE COMBAT CAPABILITY AVOID THE ATTRITION APPROACH CONTROL THE ESSENTIAL MINIMIZE COLLATERAL DAMAGE SEPARATE NONCOMBATANTS FROM COMBATANTS PRESERVE CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE RESTORE ESSENTIAL SERVICES UNDERSTAND THE HUMAN DIMENSION CREATE A COLLABORATIVE INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT TRANSITION CONTROL

31. Know the reasons to conduct a defense of an urban area (FM 3-06 p.8-1)
Defeating a threat attack, buying time, economizing forces, protecting an allys political institutions and economic infrastructure, protecting an urban population, shaping conditions for decisive offensive operations, and shaping conditions for executing stability or civil support operations

32. Know the three main approaches to achieving success in a COIN effort (FM 3-24 p.5-18) Clear-hold-build, combined action, limited support 33. Know how the Clear-Hold-Build approach to achieving success in a COIN effort works (FM 3-24 p 5-18)
Create a secure physical and psychological environment. Establish firm government control of the populace and area. Gain the populace's support

34. Know what the major and minor terrain features look like on a map (FM 3-25.26)

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