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Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy

Dan Vlad Metes

Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 2G1 e-mail: [email protected] October 14, 2005

Abstract The study at hand concentrates on existing stationarity tests as well as some of their variants and generalizations. It also focuses on the results of applying time series methods to univariate non-stationary data in order to stress the importance that stationarity plays in generating accurate and reliable estimates and forecast models to describe the data. Part A of the study focuses on various stationarity and unit root tests such as visual tests, correlograms, the Dickey-Fuller test and its augmented version, the Phillips-Perron test, as well as the KPSS test and some generalizations of it. The tests are then applied, in Part B, to a few demographic time series data sets in order to assess the stationarity assumption and the eventual discrepancy between the various test results. Finally Part C of the study focuses on the power and accuracy of these tests when the autoregressive coecients as well as the number of observations in the sample take on dierent values. 1 A Review of Existing Stationarity Tests 1.1 Introduction Weak stationarity, or simply stationarity, represents a critical assumption in the analysis of much economic, nancial or other time series data. Its importance lies in the fact that the conditions of constant mean, variance and covariance are essential in accurately estimating the parameters and models that describe the data. Given that in most situations only one observation is available at a given time, stationarity ensures that all parts of the series are like the other parts, which allows us to estimate the needed parameters. Therefore, the mean, the variance and the covariance of the series are not functions of time and depend rather on the lag between the observations (the dierence between the times at which two observations were recorded). To summarize, if Xt is a discrete time series, its distribution is described by its rst two moments, which under stationarity must depend only on the lag: E[Xt ] = t = , V ar(Xt ) = 2 = 2 , t Cov(Xt , Xts ) = E[(Xt t )(Xts ts )] = t,ts = |s| , t,ts Corr(Xt , Xts ) = = t,ts . 2 Since all time series data sets contain either deterministic or stochastic trends (or both), unit root tests and stationarity tests are a way of determining which kind of trends are present in the data. If only deterministic

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Fig. 1 Series exhibiting (i) mean trend, (ii) variance trend, (iii) autocorrelations trend, (iv) weak stationarity.

trends are present, then the series can be seen as being generated by some non-random, pre-determined function of time with some random error thrown in. On the other hand, if stochastic trends are present, then the generating model of the series combines a starting value and a sequence of random innovations with zero mean and constant variance, which form a more dynamic structure. In this case, each observation depends on its history of past random innovations, which greatly impact its current value. Thus, in the case of stochastic trends the value of a future observation depends on the values of present and past observations (hospital occupancy for example), whereas in the case of deterministic trends previous values do not play a role (gross domestic product). Also, since ARMA modelling is used to generate appropriate models, the unit root tests are also a way of establishing if either trend removal or dierencing is to be applied to make a series stationary. 1.2 Visual Tests for Stationarity 1.2.1 The time order plot The rst and simplest type of test one can apply to check for stationarity is to actually plot the time series and look for evidence of trend in mean, variance, autocorrelation and seasonality. If any such patterns are present then these are signs of non-stationarity and dierent mechanisms exist to turn the series into a stationary one. The four time series displayed below exhibit dierent such patterns. The rst series, at the top of the graph, exhibits a trend in the mean since it has a clear upward slope. In fact, sustained upward or downward sloping patterns (linear or non-linear) are signs of a non-constant mean. The presence of a trend in the mean can be further examined by applying a Hodrick-Prescott lter to the time series. If the result is a series that does not resemble a roughly at, horizontal line then a trend in mean is present in the initial series.

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy

The second series in the above gure contains an obvious trend in variance. The vertical uctuation of the series appears to dier greatly from one portion of the series to the other, indicating that the variance is not constant. Once again this is a sign of non-stationarity. The third series from the top is dominated by variations in the autocorrelation (which is just a function of the variance and covariance of the series) with the smoother part of the series being characterized by positive autocorrelations and the more oscillating region characterized by negative autocorrelations. As a result this series appears to be non-stationary. The series at the bottom is the only one that does not present any patterns of non-stationarity, but further tests have to be conducted in order to conrm that the series is stationary. 1.2.2 The Correlogram Tests for Stationarity One way to characterize a series with respect to its dependence over time is to plot its sample autocorrelation function, which is obtained by dividing the sample autocovariance by the estimated variance: s = t,ts , for all s = 0, 1, 2 . . . 2

As can be seen, at lag 0 the autocorrelation is equal to 1. This function is abbreviated as ACF and its plot is usually referred to as a correlogram. The partial autocorrelation function, denoted by PACF, is similar to the ACF and can be described as the correlation between Xt and Xts (observations of the time series recorded at two moments in time s time units apart) after controlling for the common linear eects of the intermediate lags. Both functions are used in ARMA modelling as correlograms to reveal important information regarding the order of the autoregressive (AR) and moving average (MA) factors present in the generating process of the given time series as well as to assess stationarity (to some extent). Let us consider an MA series of order q and examine its ACF. The model of the series is Xt = t + a1 t1 + . . . + aq tq , for t = 1, 2, . . . , n and t W N (0, 2 ), where W N stands for white noise. White noise is a special time series that is completely random it has no ARMA patterns and its past values do not play any role in predicting future values. It is easy to see that E[Xt ] = 0 for all t, that V ar[Xt ] = 2 (1 + a2 + . . . + a2 ) 1 q (as long as n q) and that Cov[Xt , Xts ] = Cov[(t + a1 t1 + . . . + aq tq ) , (ts + a1 ts1 + . . . + aq tsq )] [as + a1 as+1 + a2 as+2 + ... + aqs aq ] 2 , q s > 0, 0, q < s, = [1 + a2 + a2 + . . . + a2 ] 2 , s = 0. 1 2 q Cov[Xt , Xts ] = 2 t as +a1 as+1 +a2 as+2 +...+aqs aq ] , 0 < s q, 1+a2 +...+a2
1 q

Thus the ACF of an MA(q) is given by:

s =

0, 1,

q > s, s = 0.

It can be seen the ACF of the MA(q) decreases eventually as s gets larger and is 0 after s lags; it also can be seen that the MA(q) series are always stationary. In practice, in the case of an MA(1) we expect that the correlation at the rst lag is high and all other correlations are close to 0. It is usually the case that the rst few large lags of an ACF correlogram give us the order of the MA present in the model that generates the series. It is also characteristic for the MA type series to have a PACF that decreases slowly over time. In fact, the PACF is used to dierentiate between a AR(1) series and a high order MA(q) series, since the ACF of both series has a slowly decaying ACF. On the other hand, the ACF helps us dierentiate between, say, a MA(1) series and an AR(p) series with large p that have very similar PACF correlograms. The reason

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for this is the fact that invertible MA series can be transformed into innite AR series, whereas stationary AR series can be written as innite MA series. Let us also examine the ACF of an AR(1) series. We have that Xt = b1 Xt1 + t , t = 1, 2 . . . n and t W N (0, 2 ). By substituting Xt1 = b1 Xt2 + t1 in (1) and continuing with this process we get that Xt = b2 Xt2 + t + b1 t1 = . . . . = X0 bt + t + b1 t1 + . . . + b1 1 1 Thus E[Xt ] = X0 bt , 1 V ar[Xt ] = 2 (1 + b2 + . . . + b1 1
(2t2) (t1)


0 .

), . . .

We see that unless |b1 | < 1 the variance of the series is innite (as t ) and the series is not stationary. Thus, in order for this series to be stationary |b1 | must be smaller than 1. In fact, a condition for the stationarity of an AR(p) series is that the roots of the autoregressive polynomial are greater than 1 in complex modulus. For example, the time series of the form Xt = Xt1 + t is called a random walk and is an AR(1) non-stationary series. That is because the AR polynomial in Xt , corresponding to the series has a unit root that leads to non-constant variance over time. As we will see in the following sections, a whole class of unit roots tests were created to deal with unit roots and stationarity. For the AR(1) series dened above we also get that, as t , the variance in the case of a stationary series is 2 /(1 b2 ) and so for all s, t, 1 Cov[Xt , Xts ] = b1 2 /(1 b2 ) and s = b1 . 1 Thus the ACF of an AR(1) series dies out exponentially and converges to 0 (when |b1 | < 1). It can also be shown that the PACF of the AR(1) series has a large value at lag one and small values at other lags. In general the AR(p) models are characterized by ACFs that decay slowly throughout time and PACFs with the rst p lags relatively large in absolute value. When it comes to ARMA(p,q) modelling the characteristics of the AR(p) and MA(q) correlograms should appear in the correlograms of the ARMA series. That is the ACF should exhibit a slowly decaying trend, possibly with oscillation, beginning at lag q; the PACF should also decay slowly to 0, possibly with oscillation, beginning at lag p. Figures 2 - 4 illustrate some of these cases. The theoretical ACF and PACF may be a little dierent from these results, because the above correlograms are based on simulated series. All in all, correlograms are more useful for establishing the AR and MA patterns present in the series than for assessing stationarity. However, they do give us hints as to the presence or absence of stationarity. If the correlograms indicate the presence of only MA components then we can conclude that the series is indeed stationary since the MA models are themselves stationary. However, if AR patterns are also present we cannot draw any conclusions based only on the correlograms, since we may have autoregressive roots that lie inside or on the unit circle, which would lead to non-stationarity and would not be visible in the correlogram. Yet, correlograms coupled with the series-over-time plots should give us a good indication of the presence or absence of stationarity. For example, in the case of AR unit roots the series just wanders around in an unpredictable way, while in the case of AR roots inside the unit circle, the series just takes o in an explosive manner. It is also characteristic for non-stationary series to have a very slowly decreasing ACF, while a faster decline than is registered in the case of stationary AR, or stationary ARMA series. 1.3 Unit Root Tests While the stationarity tests described in the above sections make use of subjective visual inspection of plots and correlograms, a more recent series of tests were developed to help with determining stationarity. These tests, also known as unit root tests and stationarity tests, are based for the most part on formal statistical
|s| |s|

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy

Fig. 2 ACF and PACF of a simulated AR(2) series. As expected the ACF decays slowly, and the PACF has the rst 2 lags outside the 95% condence band.

Fig. 3 ACF and PACF of a simulated MA(2) series. The ACF has 2 rst lags that are larger, while its PACF has a somewhat slowly decaying pattern of lags.

tests and the dierence between them lies in the stringency of the assumptions they use as well as in the form of the null and alternative hypotheses they adopt. The standard Dickey-Fuller test (DF) (Dickey and Fuller 1979) is based on i.i.d. errors and has as the null hypothesis the unit root. On the other hand, the PhillipsPerron test (PP)(Perron 1988) is nonparametric and allows for some heterogeneity and serial correlation in the innovations. The KPSS test (Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt and Shin1992) diers from the DF and PP tests in that the null hypothesis takes the form of stationarity, while the alternative hypotheses becomes the unit root. There exist many other unit root and stationarity tests as well as generalizations and combinations of the ones mentioned above. However, the DF, ADF, PP and KPSS are the most widely used ones. One imperative that led to the development of all these tests was the desire of people to determine the most appropriate form of trend present in the data. Since ARMA modelling requires stationarity, the particular methods used to render the data stationary depend on the type of trend present in the model. That is, unit root tests are used to establish if time-trend regression for trend stationary data, or dierencing for non-stationary data is to be used. Moreover, researchers such as Nelson and Plosser (1982), believed that many econometric and nancial times series variables could be understood and described by ARIMA models with one (autoregressive) unit root. Because of this, a great deal of eort and focus was driven into the

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Fig. 4 ACF and PACF of an ARMA(2,3) simulated series. After 2 lags the ACF starts decreasing slowly, which is consistent with the AR(2) present in the model. Also the PACF has the rst lags outside the 95% CI, somewhat in agreement with the MA(3) factor in the model.

development of these tests. It is also worth mentioning that these tests are usually used with models of an AR nature since the roots of the AR components of the ARMA models considered are the ones that can lead to non-stationarity problems. 1.3.1 The Dickey Fuller Test In order to get a better idea of how the DF test works we should formally state the trend-like decomposition of the autoregressive of order 1 time series, Xt , at hand Xt = DT + Xt1 + t (2) where DT = c + dt (deterministic linear time trend), and t W N (0, 2 ). P As we have seen in section 2.2 if || < 1 then Xt is stationary (I(0)), whereas if = 1 then Xt = X0 + j , j = 1, ...t (a stochastic trend) and Xt is non-stationary integrated of order 1 (I(1) the one stands for one unit root present in the model) with drift X0 . If we were to simulate a series with only deterministic trend, the series would closely oscillate around the trend and would exhibit trend reversion. However, if the series was I(1) with drift X0 and linear deterministic trend, then it would wander around in an unpredictable fashion and would not necessarily revert to the deterministic trend. But where does this name of (autoregressive) unit root tests come from? First, it has to be said that autoregressive unit root tests are based on testing the null hypothesis (H0 ) that = 1 versus the alternative (Ha ) < 1. The unit root name comes from the fact that the autoregressive polynomial corresponding to our initial model ((Xt ) = Xt Xt1 = (1 L)Xt the latter representation is in the lag or backshift operator L form) has a root of unit modulus under H0 : = 1. An equivalent form of (2) is Xt Xt1 = ( 1)Xt1 + c + dt + t Xt = ( 1)Xt1 + c + dt + t . From the above expression we see that if was indeed one, then Xt would be stationary around the deterministic trend, c + dt. If no linear trend was present at all (c = d = 0), then Xt under H0 : = 1 would behave like white noise. Thus, it seems that dierencing is able to eliminate autoregressive unit roots. However, suppose the series was already trend stationary. Then by dierencing we would get that Xt = c + dt + t => Xt = d + t t1 . As we can see, dierencing a stationary or a trend stationary series introduces a moving average root in the equation. This is known as overdierencing and the unit root tests are used to avoid this problem. Rather a method called detrending is preferable to turn the trend stationary series into a stationary one. Returning to our discussion of the DF test we will consider three dierent cases:

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy

1. (model with no drift and no trend) Xt = Xt1 + t ; 2. (model with drift) Xt = c + Xt1 + t ; 3. (model with both drift and trend) Xt = c + dt + Xt1 + t . In testing whether = 1 versus < 1, the Dickey Fuller test uses a test statistic very similar to the regular t-statistic, but which has a particular distribution, called the DF distribution. (Note that T is the test statistic for each test.) This depends on the number of parameters other than that are present in the model, but does not depend on their values. While P Xt Xt1 = P 2 Xt1

is a consistent estimator of , its distribution is not a t-distribution under the null hypothesis. Dickey and Fuller (1979) came up with a table of critical values for this distribution (for model 1), without providing a limiting distribution in the shape of a function. However, a functional form, described in terms of Wiener processes, was found by Phillips (1987). Such distributions were found for all three models given above as well as for models with deterministic trends of higher order. However, in practice, the linear trend is the most extensively used one. The functional Wiener forms of the distributions of the DF test statistics for the models given above were found to be (Maddala and Kim 1998): 1. T = 2. T = ( 1) s.e.() ( 1) s.e.()
1 2

( 1) 3. T = s.e.()

W (r)dW + A , where D Z Z 1 Z 1 rW (r)dr .5 W (r)dr A = 12



W (1)2 1 qR ,where W (r) is a Wiener process. 1 W 2 (r)dr R 10 Wb (r)dW 0 qR , where Wb is the demeaned Brownian motion. 1 2 Wb (r)dr 0


W (r) dr 12

rW (r)dr

Z W (r)dr .5W (1) W (1) Z


W (r)dr, Z

+ 12

W (r)dr

rW (r)dr 4

W (r)dr

The distributions of the other parameters in each model follow similar kinds of distributions. (Note: since the DF distributions are given in closed form, the quantiles of the distribution have to be computed numerically or by simulation). The table in Figure 5 contains a sample of critical values corresponding to Dickey Fuller distributions for the models given above. The critical values are given for t-statistics as well as F-statistics and were provided by Dickey and Fuller. Dickey and Fuller (1979) found that the distributions of the t-statistics for the models given above are skewed to the left and have critical values that are quite large and negative. That means that if the standard t-distributions were used during testing, we would tend to over-reject the null hypothesis. However when the DF critical values are used the tests seems to rarely reject the unit root hypothesis (and therefore have a low power). Given our discussion, it appears that all one has to do to verify stationarity or lack of it is to estimate the parameters for a given model and then put them to the test to assess their signicance. However, this approach is somewhat complicated and presents some problems. One such problem with say, model 3 from above, is that it covers all possibilities ( = 1 or < 1, c = 0 or c 6= 0, d = 0 or d 6= 0) some of which are not realistic. For example the existence of both a unit root ( = 1) and a trend (d 6= 0) at the same time in most economic time series was found unrealistic by Peron (1988) and Holden and Perman (1994) and can thus be disregarded. These sorts of results would probably be the consequence of the relatively low power of the unit root tests.

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Fig. 5 The values in the above table were taken from Maddala and Kim (1998, Table 3.1). The F-test (*) values are critical values for the model Xt = c + Xt1 + t (H0 : c = 0; = 1) and Xt = c + dt + Xt1 + t (H0 : d = 0; = 1). The F-test (**) is for c = 0, d = 0 and = 1 in the model: Xt = c + dt + Xt1 + t .

A second problem is that by examining the series-over-time plot certain trends or patterns regarding which parameters are present in the model may become apparent. Also prior knowledge about the respective variable being studied, such as growth and decline, can help to discard some outcomes. For example in a stable economy interest rates do not usually present a sustained long run decline (or growth) unless extraordinary circumstances are at play, and the data reveal such a trend over the period of time at hand. Therefore, one could consider that no such trend exists (d = 0), before the plot of the series against time indicated otherwise. It thus becomes useful to have a strategy when approaching unit root testing using the DF test (as well as its augmented version). Elder and Kennedy (2001) describe such a strategy for a model with linear trend and divide the testing in three cases: one where it is known that there exists long run growth (or shrinking), a second one where it is known that there is no growth, and a third where no knowledge about the growth status exists. Case I: If growth (shrinking) is known to have occurred then either: a) a unit root ( = 1) with drift (c 6= 0) is present leading to long time growth or, b) a time trend is present (d 6= 0), but no unit root ( < 1). The case in which both a unit root and a time trend are present is dismissed in light of the things discussed in the above paragraphs (Perons ndings). Thus, a good strategy to test for the parameters in the model is to test the joint null that d = 0 and = 1 (using an F test). If H0 is not rejected then a unit root is present. If it is rejected then either: 1) d 6= 0 and = 1 (which is unlikely Perons ndings); 2) d = 0 and 6= 1 (impossible since we know growth has occurred); 3) d 6= 0 and 6= 1. So the only viable alternative is 3) which is equivalent to saying that the series is stationary around a deterministic trend. The authors use of the F-test rather than the t-test, forces the alternative hypotheses considered to not be one-sided.

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy

However, the use of F-tests seems to increase the power of the tests in many cases (a result tested by Elder and Kennedy by way of Monte Carlo simulations) which is why the authors advocate the use of F-tests. Also similar strategies for t-tests exist and the t-test and F-tests can be used interchangeably. Case II: Assuming we know no growth has occurred then d = 0 (no deterministic trend). So the model we are working with is now Xt = c + Xt1 + t Xt = c + ( 1)Xt1 + t . Since no growth has occurred, our joint null hypothesis is either: a) < 1, c 6= 0 (the series is stationary around the constant mean c/ (1 ) ) or b) = 1 and c = 0 (unit root but no drift). Since F-tests are used, the strategy is to test if, H0 : = 1, c = 0. If H0 is rejected then either: 1) 6= 1 and c = 0 (which is unreasonable for many economic and other time series which dont have a 0 mean); or 2) 6= 1 and c 6= 0; or 3) = 1 and c 6= 0 (which is false since we know no growth has occurred). So the only likely alternative is the second one, which suggests stationarity around the mean. If H0 is not rejected then we conclude that the series has a unit root. Once again, similar t-test strategies exist for testing stationarity and unit roots for this scenario. Also critical values for the F-tests used in this case are provided in tables by Hamilton (1994). Case III: The testing strategy becomes a little more complicated when we do not know whether growth (shrinking) has occurred or not. Although we cannot use prior knowledge regarding the growth status, we can still rule out some unreasonable situations depending on the series we are examining. If we erroneously omit the trend (d = 0) when a trend is present, the tests will indicate that the growth is due to the presence of unit roots. Thus the tests will be biased toward unit roots. If, on the other hand, a trend term is included (d 6= 0) when there is no trend, that will impact the power of the unit root tests (since irrelevant terms are introduced in our model). As Elder and Kennedy (2001) suggest, the strategy in this case begins with conducting a t-test for Case I with H0 : = 1 (irrespective of trend and drift). If H0 is not rejected then a unit root is present, which can be removed by dierencing. Following that we get a stationary series Xt , which can be tested for drift by a simple t-test, from regressing Xt on the drift (intercept). The critical values for this t-test are the regular ones since the series is stationary. However, if H0 is rejected then no unit root is present and we have to start looking for trend or drift (given the low power of unit root tests, rejecting H0 is strong evidence that no unit root is present in the model). Regular t-tests (with the usual critical values) can be used to check if trend and drift are present in the model. 1.3.2 The Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test The Dickey Fuller unit root tests described in section 1.3.1 (the original test with no drift or trend, as well as the modied versions of it that include drift, respectively drift and trend) are valid and useful for time series that are well approximated by an AR(1) series with white noise innovations. However, many time series have a more complex and dynamic structure than captured by the AR(1) models. That is why other variants of the DF test were developed to deal with more complicated structures and the augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF) is one such example. In essence, the ADF test is able to accommodate any ARMA(p,q) models with unknown order parameters p, q and white noise innovations. The null hypothesis of the test remains the unit root hypothesis and the only signicant change is the change in the model that is being tested. Let us assume that we have an AR(p) process with the model and no deterministic trend: Xt = 1 Xt1 + . . . + p Xtp + t , where t (0, 2 ) Xt = (1. )Xt1 + (2. )Xt1 + . . . + (p. )Xtp+1 + t , (3) Pp Pp where 1. = 1 i . 1 and j . = j i for j = 2, . . . , p. It can be shown by algebraic manipulation that the expression in (3) is equivalent to the initial AR(p) formulation. Now, if the autoregressive polynomial (in L operator form, (1 1 L . . . p Lp )Xt ) has a root of unity then 1 1 . . . p = 0 = 1. . Thus, if a unit root exists then Xt is an AR(p-1) process


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and the unit root hypothesis can be tested by testing if 1. = 0 (where 1. can be estimated by regressing Xt on Xt1 , Xt1 , Xt2 . . . Xtp+1 and then, examining the coecient of Xt1 ). The test statistic for the unit root is, as in the case of the DF test, similar to a t-statistic but with a particular distribution, namely the DF distribution. The t-statistic is t1. = 1. s.e.(1. )

One important element in the ADF test is the number of lags present in the model. It has been observed that the number of lagged factors has a great impact on the size and power properties of the ADF test and therefore it is important to precisely determine how many should be included in the model. Consider for example the situation in which we have a stationary model: Xt = 2. Xt1 + 3. Xt2 + . . . + p. Xtp+1 + t (the model from (3) with 1. = 0) Xt = Xt1 + 2. Xt1 + 3. Xt2 + . . . + p. Xtp+1 + t . If we ignored the lagged terms and tested for the unit root in the model Xt = 1 Xt1 + t , then the lagged terms would get thrown together with the error terms and the standard DF critical values would be useless. (Reminder: the DF unit root tests required that the innovations be uncorrelated and here the errors were contaminated with an AR pattern). In fact, any time we use fewer lagged terms than present in the model the innovations become correlated and the DF critical values cannot be used anymore. On the other hand, too many lagged terms reduce the power of the test statistic. Therefore certain rules must be used to ensure that the right number of lags is used. The multitude of laws and strategies for choosing the number of lags is, in fact, one of the problems that arise when using the ADF test. Some advocate starting with a large number of lags, estimating their coecients and eliminating the ones than are statistically insignicant at the chosen level. This process would continue until no insignicant terms are left in the model. Others prefer to estimate models for a range of values for p and use the AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) as well as the BIC (Bayes Information Criterion) to determine from that range which model is the best one to be used. The AIC statistic is given by s AIC = ln 2 + 2 , p n sln(n) 2 BIC = ln p + . n where n is the number of observations in the sample and s is the number of parameters in the model. Both statistics are used to allow for assessing the relative power of the models considered. From the range of proposed models (depending on the value of p) the one with the smallest AIC and BIC values is selected as the best one. It is usually the case that the BIC is larger than the AIC and it penalizes more increases in the number of lagged terms. For this reason the models selected using the BIC criterion are at least as parsimonious as those selected with the AIC criterion. One other useful rule of thumb that can be used to determine an upper limit for the value of p is the one suggested by Schwert (1989): h n .25 i pmax = 12 ( (the integer part). ) 100 It is worth mentioning that, as in the case of the DF tests, drift and trend can also be added to the models for the ADF test. That is, we can include deterministic trends in the models (linear or non-linear) and the analysis goes along the same lines as in the case of the DF variants. The only modication is, once again, the presence of the lagged terms, which has to be determined with relatively high accuracy for the unit root tests to be eective.

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy


1.3.3 The Phillips-Perron Test Phillips and Peron (1988) developed a series of unit root tests, which are nowadays extensively used with economic and nancial time series data. These tests adopt a slightly dierent strategy than the ADF tests and rather than modifying the given model to account for the ARMA patterns present in the possibly correlated innovations, they ignore the serial correlation in the test regression and correct for it by modifying the test statistics being used. Among the advantages to using these tests (when compared to the DF and ADF tests) one can count the fact that the PP tests allow for serial correlation and heteroscedasticity. They do not require a strict specication of a lag length for the test regression as in the case of the ADF test, and the test statistics they employ have the same distributions as the ADF t-statistic and normalized bias statistic (under the null hypothesis of unit root, i.e. = 1). But let us have a closer look at the models, as well as the test statistics, being used with the PP tests. As in the case of the DF test we have the following model (with deterministic linear trend): Xt = c + dt + Xt1 + t , but in this case (i) the t s can be serially correlated and (ii) heteroscedasticity of the residuals is allowed in the model. The tests statistics being used dier from model to model, depending on the number of parameters other than (such as drift and trend) that are present in the model. In fact, Phillips (1987) and Perron (1988) 2 have come up with test statistics for dierent models, which make use of the estimators S and (S )2 (both 2 consistent estimators of , a measure of the covariance over time of the residuals, and 2 , the variance of the innovations t ). P P 2 While 2 is estimated by: S = T 1 T 2 , the consistent estimator for 2 = limT T 1 E[ T 2 ], 1 t 1 t is harder to obtain. As discussed in Maddala and Kim (1998), the estimator for 2 that Phillips came up with in 1987 takes on negative values when there are large serial negative covariances in the series. A more appropriate estimator for it is given by Newey and West (1987), which is in eect a modication of the Phillips estimator, which now yields positive results. (S )2 = T 1
T X 1

e2 + 2T 1 t

where T is the number of terms in the series and i is the number of estimated autocovariances (which can be approximated from looking at the sample autocorrelations of the innovations). However, since in many situations the autocorrelations of order one dierenced series decay very fast, the value of i is usually quite small. As long as 2 u 2 the limiting distributions of the PP tests statistics are none other than the DF and ADF distributions, and the critical values used are those provided by Dickey and Fuller. Phillips and Perron have identied the forms of the test statistics for dierent models, with dierent numbers of parameters. The PP test statistics for the model given at the beginning of this section, are denoted by Zt and Z , and are given by (see Maddala and Kim 1998):
2 S T 3 ((S )2 S ) t 1/2 , S 4 3Dx (S )2 2 T 6 ((S )2 S ) , Z = T ( 1) 24Dx

L X (1 i=1

T X i et eti , ) L + 1 t=i+1

Zt =

where Dx = det(X 0 X), with regressors X = (1, t, Xt1 ); t is the regular test statistic for the parameter . 1.4 Stationarity Tests Unlike AR unit root tests, stationarity tests are far less numerous and have as null hypothesis the stationarity assumption and as alternative the unit root. Among the most well known stationarity tests one can count the Tanaka (1990) test , the Laybourne and McCabe (1994) test, the Choi (1994) test and the most extensively


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used one, the Kwiatkosky, Phillips, Schmidt, and Shin (1992) test, also known as KPSS. In fact many of these tests are related or are analogous to unit root tests for MAs, although the two sets of tests are based on dierent starting models. 1.4.1 The KPSS Stationarity Test As mentioned in the above paragraph, the KPSS test has stationarity as the null hypothesis and the unit root as the alternative. The model that the KPSS test starts with is given by Xt = A0 Dt + Yt + t Yt = Yt1 + t , (4)

where Yt is a pure random walk with innovation variance 2 , t W N (0, 2 ) and t is a stationary process (possibly heteroscedastic); A0 is the transposed vector of the coecients of the deterministic trend Dt present in the model (linear or non-linear). The null hypothesis of the KPSS test for this model is H0 : 2 = 0, which implies that Yt is not a random walk process anymore, but rather a constant term. This, in turn, causes Xt to be a stationary process. It can actually be shown that the null hypothesis in its current form implies a unit root moving average present in the ARMA structure of the Xt model. That is why the KPSS test is closely related to testing for MA roots. (Note: the KPSS test is based on a model that constitutes a special case of the more general case discussed by Nabeya and Tanaka (1988). As for the test statistic that the KPSS uses, it is the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) or score statistic for testing 2 = 0 versus 2 > 0 and is given by LM = T 2 PT
1 2 (St ) , 2

where St is the partial sum of the residuals et (from regressing Xt on the deterministic trend only) given by PT St = 1 et . If the deterministic trend Dt contains only a constant then the residuals come from regressing Xt only on the intercept; if a trend is also present then the residuals result from regressing Xt on the intercept as well as the trend; 2 , on the other hand, is the residual variance from these regressions. The asymptotic distribution of the KPSS statistic was shown to converge to a function of a Brownian motion, which was found to depend on the number of parameters present in the model (depending on the shape of the deterministic trend) but not on the magnitude of their coecient values. It was thus discovered, that if the deterministic trend contains just a constant then the KPSS distribution function is given by Z 1 KP SS V (r)dr,

where V (r) = W (r) rW (1) and W (r) is standard Brownian motion. Also, if an intercept as well as a linear trend are present in the model, then the test statistic follows a distribution given by KP SS Z

V (r)dr,

R1 where V (r) = W (r) + r(2 3r)W (1) + 6r(r2 1) 0 W (t)dt. Some critical values are given in the table in Figure 6, taken from Maddala and Kim (1998). 1.4.2 Generalizations of the KPSS Test As in the case of other unit root and stationarity tests, the KPSS test presents certain problems which have been addressed by altering or perfecting its test statistic. One of the problems with many root tests is their low power against stationarity, in the case of highly autoregressive alternatives. The KPSS test does not escape this problem and its statistic is oversized when highly AR series are tested. That means that it too will reject the null hypotheses of stationarity far too often in favour of the unit root alternative. In order to understand why this takes place we have to re-examine the way the long run variance is calculated in the test statistic.

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy


Fig. 6 Critical values of KPSS tests from Maddala and Kim (1998).

When the errors in the KPSS model (4) (from section 4.1) are i.i.d. the denominator of the test statistic, 2 , (the residual variance) converges to 2 . However, when the t s are not i.i.d. then the appropriate denominator for the test statistic should be 2 and not 2 . A consistent estimator that is used in this case is the estimator dened in the section corresponding to the PP test and that is (S )2 = T 1 where WiL = 1
T X 1

e2 + 2T 1 t

i is the Bartlett window and where L as T . This estimator is found L+1 to have an important positive bias, but its precision can be increased by using dierent bandwidths and windows other than the Bartlett window suggested by KPSS. This is precisely what Hobjin, Frances and Ooms (2004) discuss. The authors advocate that choosing too large a bandwidth leads to an overestimation of the long run variance, since the test statistic becomes very small and the test has no power when common signicance levels are used. The opposite occurs when the bandwidth is too small; that is the long run variance is underestimated, the test statistic is large and the test is oversized. That is why the authors suggest an automatic bandwidth selection procedure that improves the precision of the test in the case of highly AR processes. The model the authors start with is in a slightly dierent form than the model used in the previous section. However, the two are equivalent and the model at hand is given by Xt = c + dt + a
t X 1

L X 1


T X i+1

et eti ,

ui + t , t = 1, 2 . . . T,

where both ui and t are covariance stationary and short memory with mean zero and a is either 0 or 1. Under the alternative hypothesis (that is, the unit root hypothesis) we have that a = 1 and so the summation of the ui s plays, in eect, the role of the regular pure random walk when a = 1. The other terms are, as usual, the deterministic linear trend and the innovations. The long run variance used in the test statistic they employ (same test statistic as in the original version of the KPSS test) is given by 2 = 0 +
T 1 X 1

(KL(i) i ),

PT where i = T 1 i+1 et eti is used as an estimate of the i-th order autocovariance of t and KL() is a kernel function with bandwidth parameter L. The authors consider just two of many existing kernels to estimate the autocovariances, namely the Bartlett Kernel and the Quadratic Spectral kernel (QS). It has been shown throughout the literature that the QS kernel leads to more accurate estimates of 2 in nite samples (Newey and West 1994, Andrews 1991). As can be seen, the QS kernel also assigns nonzero


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Fig. 7 Description of Bartlett Kernel and Quadratic Spectral kernel.

Fig. 8 Bandwidth selection procedures.

values to all autocorrelations that are computed unlike the Bartlett kernel. For these and other reasons the authors of the generalized KPSS test make use of the QS kernel, although the Bartlett kernel remains the predominant kernel used by practitioners. An important decision that has to be made regards the size of the bandwidth L (the number of estimated autocovariances used to estimate 2 ). KPSS chooses L as a deterministic function of the size of the sample T, by using the Bartlett kernel and taking the bandwidth of an order of O(T 1/4 ) to ensure the consistency of the estimated 2 . As Andrews (1991) showed the use of the QS kernel for the regular KPSS would require an order of O(T 1/2 ) for 2 to be a consistent estimator of 2 . The precise bandwidth KPSS uses is T L = [x( 100 )1/4 )]. However, when highly AR series with positive correlations are tested, Hobjin, Franses and Ooms note that the choice of x greatly impacts the accuracy of the long run variance estimator. If x is small, 2 is large and the test statistic has low power. If x is large, then in small samples 2 is underestimated and the KPSS test statistic is oversized. That is why, the authors suggest a multi step data dependent selection procedure (also suggested by Newey and West 1994, and Andrews 1991) summarized in the table in Figure 8. It can be seen from the above table the bandwidth L depends on the choice of a prior bandwidth N. However, as Hobjin, Franses and Ooms (2004) conclude, the estimate of 2 depends much less on the choice of N than it does on the choice of L calculated with the KPSS approach. This result is conrmed by Monte Carlo experiments in which the use of an automatic bandwidth selection method and QS kernel lead to more accurate results for the KPSS test statistic used to test stationarity (especially for small samples).

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy


Fig. 9 Time series plots of Series 1: US data (left) and Series 2: AUS data (right).

Fig. 10 First dierences of series shown in Figure 9.

The critical values found by the authors by way of simulation are almost identical to the ones used by the KPSS test, but overall the accuracy of the test is higher for the generalized KPSS test especially for highly AR processes and small samples (and depending on the bandwidth and kernel used). For supplementary material on unit root and stationarity testing, see Brockwell and Davis (2002), Foster (2005), Lanne and Saikkonen (2003), Ling (2004), Renetti (2004) and Zivot (2005).

2 Applying the Tests to Demographic Time Series Having discussed some of the existing visual, stationary and unit root tests, the question that arises is whether they actually yield consistent results when applied to a particular time series. In order to address this issue, two demographic time series were chosen and a number of tests (correlograms, ADF, PP and KPSS tests) were applied to them to check for stationarity. The two series considered are: 1. Annual immigration into the United States (in thousands). Period: 1820 - 1962. From Kendall & Ord (1990). 2. Quarterly percentage increase in estimated resident population of Australia. Sep 71 - Jun 93. Calculated from ERP.DAT. (ERP.DAT - Estimated quarterly resident population of Australia: thousand persons. Source: ABS. June 1971 - June 1993).


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Fig. 11 ACF and PACF of US yearly immigration.

Fig. 12 ACF and PACF of quarterly population increase.

The plots of the two series over time are given in Figure 9. As we see from the graphs of the two series the stationarity assumption seems to be problematic in these two cases. The rst series exhibits non-constant variance and the second one wanders around in an erratic unpredictable manner, which may indicate presence of unit roots. In fact, if we examine the dierenced (order 1) series corresponding to the two original series we see that while the dierenced series one still exhibits non-constant variance, the second dierenced series seems to be stationary - see Figure 10. It thus appears that dierencing has helped in the case of the Australian quarterly data; this is a sign of the presence of a unit root in the original series which causes non-stationarity. Examining the correlograms (Figure 11) of the initial series we see that the ACF of Series 1 decays very slowly which is a strong indication of nonstationarity. The ACF of Series 2 has larger values for the rst 5 lags but decays faster than the ACF of the rst series. Judging by the ACF and PACF of the second series we cannot conclude that the series is non-stationary, although when we examine the ACF and PACF of its dierenced series - Figure 12 - most of the values are inside the 95% CIs. Thus dierencing helps with the stationarity of the second series. Let us now turn our attention to the unit root and stationarity tests. Since the ADF test requires that the innovations of the model behave like white noise with constant variance and since Series 1 has non-constant variance we cannot apply the ADF test to it. However, the PP test as well as the KPSS allow for some heteroscedasticity (as long as the variance is not innite) and thus can be used with both series.

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy Table 1. Observed t- values for ADF test of Series 2 Lag No constant Constant Both trend and constant 0 1.372 4.814 4.792 1 1.295 3.981 3.954 2 1.120 2.947 2.831 3 1.041 2.070 2.056 4 0.908 2.068 2.041 5 0.829 2.488 2.462 6 0.784 2.473 2.440 Table 2. Interpolated Dickey-Fuller critical values for 1% model with no drift or trend 2.606 model with constant 3.351 model with both drift and trend 4.073 ADF test of Series 2 5% 10% 1.950 1.610 2.902 2.586 3.465 3.159


2.1 ADF test The test was conducted for Series 2 in STATA. The values of the t-statistic, for various lags, are given in Table 1. These are to be compared with the critical values in Table 2. Examining the full results obtained with Stata, the trend seems to be insignicant at any reasonable level (since p-value > .8) and thus can be ignored. The coecient of the constant term seems to be signicant, but examining the series-over-time plot no such term seems to be needed in the model. Also the results reveal that if 2 to 3 lags are present in the model, then their coecients are signicant at a level of .05; thus the optimal level of lagged terms seems to be 3. With respect to stationarity we see that for the model with no constant/trend we cannot reject the unit root hypothesis at a level 0.1; the same holds for the model with a constant (but not if fewer than 3 lagged terms are considered in which case we reject the unit root in favour of stationarity).The case with both a constant and trend is irrelevant since the coecient of the trend term is insignicant. All in all we cannot reject the unit root hypothesis for either the model with no constant/trend or the one with a constant at any levels of signicance 0.1 (and optimal lags = 3). 2.2 PP Test
N (the lag that STATA uses for the PP test is given by [4 ( 100 )2/9 ].

2.2.1 Series 1 The # of lags as calculated from the given Newey-West formula given above is 4 in this case. The values of the test statistics appear in the table in Figure 13, with critical values in Table 3. The results of the PP test are somewhat inconclusive. The normalized Z(t) statistic for the model with no constant/trend leads to the rejection of the unit root hypothesis at signicance levels >.05, but not <.01. Also stationarity is favoured at any signicance level in the case of the model with a constant (as well as the model with a trend but in this case the coecient of the trend appears to be insignicant so we can ignore this model). If we consider the plot over time we can ignore the 2 models with deterministic trends and only interpret the results of the model with no constant/trend. And, given the mixed nature of the results it is hard to draw any denite conclusions. In a sense the rejection of the unit root hypothesis makes sense since no unit root seems to be present in the model (as we saw before the dierencing transformation did not help us with improving stationarity). We also should not read too much into these results that indicate stationary since the correlograms and the plot over time clearly indicate non constant variance.

18 Table 3. Interpolated Dickey-Fuller critical Statistic model with no drift or trend Z() Z(t) model with constant Z() Z(t) model with both drift and trend Z() Z(t) values for 1% 13.384 2.594 19.940 3.496 27.68 4.026 PP test of Series 1 5% 10% 7.928 5.628 1.950 1.613 13.784 11.056 2.887 2.577 20.868 17.640 3.444 3.144

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Fig. 13 STATA output for Series 1; PP test.

Fig. 14 STATA output for Series 2; PP test.

2.2.2 Series 2 (The lags as calculated from the given Newey-West formula given above equal 3 in this case). The values of the test statistics, and critical values, appear in the tables shown in Figures 14 and 15. Once again, the focus, when interpreting the PP test results for this series, is on the model with no constant/trend. That is because the plot over time does not indicate the presence of a trend or constant. In fact, the lack of trend is signalled by the insignicance of the trend coecient revealed by the results of the PP test. However, the results for all 3 models were included for illustrative purposes. As we can see, the unit root hypothesis is not rejected at any signicance level for the no constant/trend model, and is rejected at all levels for the model with a constant. These results agree with the ones found by the ADF test in the case of the model with no constant/trend; and, as we have seen above, the dierencing helps with stationarity, which falls in line with the conclusions of the two tests that is, an autoregressive unit root may be present in the model.

2.3 (Generalized) KPSS Test For the models with a constant, respectively with both a constant and trend: the STATA generalized KPSS test was used with Autocovariances weighted by Quadratic Spectral kernel and Automatic bandwidth selection. 2.3.1 Series 1 The results - see Figure 16 - seem to indicate the rejection of the null hypothesis - that is, the rejection of stationarity. This happens at all levels of signicance given in the table for the model with both trend and a constant. Also at any level < .025, stationarity is rejected for the model with a constant. However, at a level greater than .025 stationarity cannot be rejected. The results for Series 1 are inconclusive once again as neither stationarity, nor unit root seem to characterize the series. This makes sense given the

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy


Fig. 15 Critical values to be used in PP test for Series 2.

Fig. 16 STATA output; KPSS test for Series 1.

Fig. 17 STATA output; KPSS test for Series 2.

previous results and the fact that the series is heteroscedastic and therefore non-stationary. Also no unit root is present in the model that describes the series. 2.3.2 Series 2 The results (Figure 17) of the generalized KPSS test seem to contradict some of the results given by the ADF and PP tests. The KPPS test seems to not reject level stationarity at any level of signicance. However the trend stationarity is rejected at signicance levels smaller than 2.5%. Yet, since no trend has been observed before in any of the tests or in the plots themselves this model and its respective test statistic can be discarded. 2.3.3 Conclusions All in all, it seems that Series 1 is non-stationary and has no unit roots. The series is dominated by heteroscedasticity and dierencing is not a useful transformation in achieving stationarity.


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Other methods can be applied to render the series stationary so that ARIMA modelling, estimation and forecasting can be used afterwards. With respect to Series 2, the ADF and PP tests seem to indicate that a unit root may be present in the model. This conclusion is also supported by the correlograms (with the ACF decaying very slowly) and the plot versus time. No apparent linear trend is present, and the trend coecients for the trend models as calculated in the ADF and PP tests appear insignicant. The generalized KPSS test seems to indicate that stationarity cannot be rejected at any level and thus contradicts the results of previous tests and visual plots. However, this may be interpreted as a signal that the non-stationarity indicated by other tests is not extreme, and, overall, we can conclude that a unit root may be present.

3 Size and Power of Unit Root and Stationarity Tests (with an emphasis on ADF, PP and KPSS tests) Having looked at various stationarity and unit root tests and having applied them to a few time series, it now becomes important to address the issue of size and power. That is, we should examine the accuracy of the results of these tests when various parameters are modied. The tests that this part of the project will focus on are the DF, ADF, PP and KPSS tests. The focus will be on AR series since they are the ones that usually cause stationarity problems, and the models tested will be of an AR(1), respectively ARMA(2,1) form. The study will consist of using Monte Carlo simulations, 1000 for each combination of parameters; the power of the dierent tests (the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when the alternative is true) for ADF and PP, respectively the probability of accepting H0 when H0 is true for the KPSS test, will be calculated for each combination of parameters. And, since the models generated are known to be stationary, the results of the tests will allow us to compare the accuracy of the tests with respect to recognizing stationarity. As for the parameters used they include the autoregressive coecients (2 , and/or 1 ) for each model, as well as the lengths N of the simulated series. Let us rst deal with the AR(1) model with AR parameter 1 . The values for the parameters used in the various simulations are 1 {0.99, 0.90, 0.75, 0.35} and N {25, 50, 250}. The tables for the DF and PP power test values at various levels of the parameters are given in Figures 18 and 19. Also the table for KPSS containing the probability of accepting H0 when H0 is true appears in Figure 20. The R code used for the simulations is given below. R code for DF test. i <- 0 j <- 0 (it counts the number of times H0 is rejected) for (i in 1:1000) { x <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar= 1 ) ,n=N) m <- adf.test(x, k=0) if (m$p.value < ) j < j + 1 } R code for PP test. i <- 0 j <- 0 (it counts the number of times H0 is rejected) for (i in 1:1000) { x <- arima.sim(list(order=c(1,0,0), ar= 1 ),n=N) m <- pp.test(x, alternative = c("stationary"), type = c("Z(t_alpha)")) if (m$p.value < ) j < j + 1 } R code for KPSS test. i <- 0 j <- 0 for (i in 1:1000) { x <- arima.sim(list(order=c(1,0,0),ar=c( 1 )),n=N) m <- kpss.test(x)

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy


Fig. 18 Simulated power of DF tests. H0 : unit root; Ha : stationarity. Model is stationary AR(1). Thus power is the probability of correctly recognizing stationarity.

Fig. 19 Simulated power of PP tests. H0 : unit root; Ha : stationarity. Model is stationary AR(1). Thus power is the probability of correctly recognizing stationarity.

Fig. 20 One minus the simulated size of KPSS tests. H0 : stationarity; Ha : unit root. Model is stationary AR(1). Thus the values give the probability of correctly recognizing stationarity.

if (m$p.value < ) j < j + 1 } j <- 1000-j (it counts the number of times H0, stationarity, is accepted when it is true) If we examine the results of the simulations for the 3 dierent tests a number of things can be observed. First of all, it appears that the PP and DF tests have relatively similar power levels at all combinations of factors. The power seems to be greatly inuenced by the number of observations present in the series. For series with 25 observations the power is low at most condence levels and high values of 1 (in this case


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.75, .95, .99). It is not surprising that the power decreases as the signicance level decreases; however, it is important to note that the closer the autoregressive coecient (1 ) is to 1 the lower is the power of the tests. So the tests soundly over reject the alternative hypothesis in favour of the unit root for high values of 1 . As expected, when the number of observations increases, the power of the tests increases, but once again the PP and DF tests remain very biased toward the unit root when 1 is close to one (no matter what the size of the series). The KPSS test, which has as null hypothesis stationarity, seems to behave in a similar manner to the DF and PP tests with respect to identifying stationarity. However, since the null and alternative hypotheses are reversed when compared to the DF and PP tests, what we are looking at is the proportion of cases in which stationarity is accepted. Normally these results would not carry too much weight but in this case we know that the series we started with were stationary so this will allow us to compare these results with the ones from the other two tables. What can be concluded is that the KPSS test is better at identifying stationarity than the DF and PP tests for series with fewer observations, and almost as good as or worse than the ADF and PP for larger samples. What is also interesting is that the results for the KPSS test do not improve substantially when increasing the numbers of observations in the sample, but they do improve when 1 and/or the signicance level decrease. The second model we want to examine is a relatively more complex one (an ARMA(2,1) model) and is given by Xt = 1 Xt1 + 2 Xt2 + t + 1 t1 , t = 1, 2, . . . , N. The tables for the ADF and PP power test values at various levels of the parameters are given in Figures 21 and 22. Also the table for KPSS containing the probability of accepting H0 when H0 is true appears in Figure 23. The relevant R code is given below. R code for DF test. i <- 0 j <- 0 (it counts the number of times H0 is rejected) for (i in 1:1000) { x <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 0), , ar = c(1 , 2 ),ma = 1 ) ,n=N) m <- adf.test(x) if (m$p.value < ) j < j + 1 } R code for PP test. i <- 0 j <- 0 (it counts the number of times H0 is rejected) for (i in 1:1000) { x <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 0) , ar = c(1 , 2 ),ma = 1 ),n=N) m <- pp.test(x, alternative = c("stationary"), type = c("Z(t_alpha)")) if (m$p.value < ) j < j + 1 } R code for KPSS test. i <- 0 j <- 0 for (i in 1:1000) { x <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar = c(1 , 2 ),ma = 1 ),n=N) m <- kpss.test(x) if (m$p.value < ) j < j + 1 } j <- 1000-j (it counts the number of times H0, stationarity, is accepted when it is true) In the case of ARMA(2,1) models the tests (ADF, PP, KPSS) present similar trends as in the case of the AR(1) models. However, the results for the PP tests are a little more confusing than in the case of the AR(1) series. For the ADF test the larger the size of the sample the better is the power of the test. Also the smaller the signicance level, the smaller the power of the test (Note: this is a consistent result for both ADF and PP tests). However, except for cases when the roots of the AR component are close to 1 and the

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy


Fig. 21 Simulated power of DF tests. H0 : unit root; Ha : stationarity. Model is stationary ARMA(2,1). Thus power is the probability of correctly recognizing stationarity.

Fig. 22 Simulated power of PP tests. H0 : unit root; Ha : stationarity. Model is stationary ARMA(2,1). Thus power is the probability of correctly recognizing stationarity.


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Fig. 23 One minus the simulated size of KPSS tests. H0 : stationarity; Ha : unit root. Model is stationary ARMA(2,1). Thus the values give the probability of correctly recognizing stationarity.

number of observations large the power of the ADF tests is quite small. Thus the test soundly over rejects the stationarity. (Note: the values for 1 and 2 were so chose that the roots of the AR component polynomial are both very close to 1, both close to 1, one closer to one and the other not as close to one, and nally both much larger than 1.) The results of the PP test for the ARMA(2,1) models are a little more dicult to decipher. It appears that, in our case, the choice of the roots does not have a great impact on identifying stationary series unless the roots are far away from 1. It also appears that the results are quite poor when series with few observations are used. The best results are produced when the roots are far from one and the series has many observations. Also, as expected, the power of the test seems to decrease with decreasing levels of signicance. What is a little puzzling is that the power of the test seems to be lower for some cases when the unit roots are close to 1 (or relatively close to 1) than for cases where the roots are very close to 1. This may be accounted for by the particular level of the MA(1) coecient (=.5). It may also suggest that unless the roots are far from 1 the power of the test is not greatly inuenced by it. All in all, the test does not perform very well in identifying stationarity in most cases and over rejects it. However, as the ADF test, the test is very useful in nding a unit root if a unit root actually exists. Last but not least, the KPSS results seem to fare better when it comes to stationarity. The proportion of cases when stationarity is properly identied is larger than in the case of the PP and ADF tests for smaller series (for larger series the PP and ADF tests seem to be a little better than KPSS). The accuracy of the results improves with larger numbers of observations and roots that are further away from unity. Also, the proportions in the table are larger as the signicance level decreases, which is consistent with the fact that the rejection of H0 (and implicitly acceptance of it) decreases (implicitly acceptance increases) with decreasing signicance levels. The overall conclusion seems to be that the DF, ADF and PP tests have comparable accuracy when it comes to detecting stationarity. Also, the unit root tests seem to give slightly better results than the KPSS test when larger samples are used, whereas the opposite occurs for smaller samples. All tests seem to have a bias toward the unit root alternative, a fact noted in many books and articles that discuss unit root and stationarity tests.

Visual, Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy


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