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Chapter 11

Stationary and non-stationary

time series

G. P. Nason

Time series analysis is about the study of data collected through time. The
field of time series is a vast one that pervades many areas of science and
engineering particularly statistics and signal processing: this short article
can only be an advertisement.
Hence, the first thing to say is that there are several excellent texts
on time series analysis. Most statistical books concentrate on stationary
time series and some texts have good coverage of globally non-stationary
series such as those often used in financial time series. For a general, elemen-
tary introduction to time series analysis the author highly recommends the
book by (Chatfield 2003). The core of Chatfields book is a highly readable
account of various topics in time series including time series models, fore-
casting, time series in the frequency domain and spectrum estimation and
also linear systems. More recent editions contain useful, well-presented and
well-referenced information on important new research areas. Of course,
there are many other books: ones the author finds useful are Priestley
(1983), Diggle (1990), Brockwell and Davis (1991), and Hamilton (1994).
The book by Hannan (1960) is concise (but concentrated) and Pole et al.
(1994) is a good introduction to a Bayesian way of doing time series analysis.
There are undoubtedly many more books.
This article is a brief survey of several kinds of time series model and
analysis. Section 11.1 covers stationary time series which, loosely speaking,
are those whose statistical properties remain constant over time. Of course,
for many real applications the stationarity assumption is not valid. Gener-

ally speaking one should not use methods designed for stationary series on
non-stationary series as you run the risk of obtaining completely misleading
answers. A tricky question is how can you know whether a time series is sta-
tionary or not? There are various tests for stationarity. As well as suffering
from all of the usual issues of statistical testing (what significance should
I use? what power do I get?) tests of stationarity tend to test against
particular alternative models of particular types of non-stationarity. For
example, test A might well be powerful at picking up non-stationarities of
type A but have no power at detecting those of type B. Section 11.2 briefly
considers such tests in the context of describing some non-stationary time
series models and also exhibits a technique for the analysis and modelling of
both a seismic and a medical time series. Section 11.3 lists some topics that
we do not cover in detail but are nevertheless important for the practical
use of time series analysis.

11.1 Stationary Time Series

Let us begin this section with the following wonderful quotation:

Experience with real-world data, however, soon convinces one

that both stationarity and Gaussianity are fairy tales invented
for the amusement of undergraduates.
(Thomson 1994)

Bearing this in mind, stationary models form the basis for a huge proportion
of time series analysis methods. As is true for a great deal of mathematics
we shall begin with very simple building blocks and then build structures
of increasing complexity. In time series analysis the basic building block is
the purely random process.

11.1.1 Purely random process

A purely random process is a stochastic process, {t }
t= , where each ele-
ment t is (statistically) independent of every other element, s for s 6= t,
and each element has an identical distribution.
Example 1. As a simple example suppose t has a Gaussian distribution
with mean and variance of 2 , the same for all integers t (which we will
write as t N(, 2 )).
There are several important features of this definition and example.
First, note that we immediately define a stochastic process here in terms of
its behaviour at time t where t is an integer value. Of course, time series
exist where t is some other kind of quantity. If t can be mapped to the

integers then there is no problem but important differences arise if t can be
a continuous variable (e.g. any real number in the interval [0, 1] for example).
The second point, which the example brings out, is that we considered the
value of the time series t at a given time t to be a continuous random
variable (that is, it can potentially take any real value). Many time series,
especially those in volcanology, can take other kinds of values: for example,
count values such as those recording number of eruptions, or other kinds of
discrete events. For the latter kind of discrete valued time series the book
by Macdonald and Zucchini (1997) is a useful reference. Note also that we
use the braces {} to indicate the whole stochastic process but drop them
when referring to a generic member, e.g. t . In what follows if we do not
mention the limits then we assume the process indices range from t =
to t = .
By definition it is immediate that the mean and the variance of the
above purely random process are

E(t ) = and var(t ) = 2 . (11.1)

These are the basic first and second order statistics of a time series (the
order relates to the
R highest power in the integral defining
R the statistic: for
expectation it is x1 f (x) dx, for the variance it is x2 f (x) dx.) In time
series the key aspect is how observations are related to each other in time.
This concept is formalized through the autocovariance between elements
which measures the degree of second order variation between two elements
at two different times. To be mathematically precise the autocovariance
between Xt and Xs for some process {Xt } is defined to be
cov(Xt , Xs ) = E [{Xt E(Xt )} {Xs E(Xs )}] . (11.2)

Third and higher order quantities can be defined but for a great deal of time
series analysis they are largely ignored (it is amazing how only second-order
quantities can occupy us).

11.1.2 Stationarity
Loosely speaking a stationary process is one whose statistical properties do
not change over time. More formally, a strictly stationary stochastic process
is one where given t1 , . . . , t the joint statistical distribution of Xt1 , . . . , Xt
is the same as the joint statistical distribution of Xt1 + , . . . , Xt + for all
and . This is an extremely strong definition: it means that all moments of
all degrees (expectations, variances, third order and higher) of the process,
anywhere are the same. It also means that the joint distribution of (Xt , Xs )
is the same as (Xt+r , Xs+r ) and hence cannot depend on s or t but only on
the distance between s and t, i.e. s t.

Since the definition of strict stationarity is generally too strict for ev-
eryday life a weaker definition of second order or weak stationarity is usually
used. Weak stationarity means that mean and the variance of a stochastic
process do not depend on t (that is they are constant) and the autocovari-
ance between Xt and Xt+ only can depend on the lag ( is an integer,
the quantities also need to be finite). Hence for stationary processes, {Xt },
the definition of autocovariance is

( ) = cov(Xt , Xt+ ), (11.3)

for integers . It is vital to remember that, for the real world, the autoco-
variance of a stationary process is a model, albeit a useful one. Many actual
processes are not stationary as we will see in the next section. Having said
this much fun can be had with stationary stochastic processes!
One also routinely comes across the autocorrelation of a process which
is merely a normalized version of the autocovariance to values between 1
and 1 and commonly uses the Greek letter as its notation:

( ) = ( )/(0), (11.4)

for integers and where (0) = cov(Xt , Xt ) = var(Xt ).

Example 1, continued For the purely random process {t } defined above,
formula (11.1) shows that the mean and variance are constant functions
in time. Moreover, since t is independent of s for t 6= s the correlation
between them must always be zero too. Hence ( ) and ( ) are always zero
for 6= 0 and hence do not depend on . Thus, the purely random process
must be at least second-order stationary. Indeed, it is also strictly stationary
because the elements are independently and identically distributed (the joint
distribution in the definition of strict stationarity immediately decomposes
into a product of terms with each term being the same). Next we start
constructing some more complex and interesting models.

11.1.3 MA, AR and ARMA models

This section considers some basic probability models extensively used for
modelling time series.
Moving Average models. Probably the next simplest model is that
constructed by simple linear combinations of lagged elements of a purely
random process, {t } with Et = 0. A moving average process, {Xt }, of
order q is defined by
Xt = 0 t + 1 t1 + + q tq = i ti (11.5)

and the shorthand notation is MA(q). Usually with a newly defined process
it is of interest to discover its statistical properties. For an MA(q) process
the mean is simple to find (since the expectation of a sum is the sum of the
q q
E(Xt ) = E i ti = i E(ti ) = 0, (11.6)
i=0 i=0

because E(r ) = 0 for any r. A similar argument can be applied for the
variance calculation:
q q q
2 2
var(Xt ) = var i ti = i var(ti ) = i2 , (11.7)
i=0 i=0 i=0
since var(r ) = for all t.
The autocovariance is slightly more tricky to work out.
( ) = cov(Xt , Xt ) (11.8)
q q
= cov i ti , j t j (11.9)
i=0 j=0
q q
= i j cov(ti , t j ) (11.10)
i=0 j=0
q q
= i j j,i+ (11.11)
i=0 j=0

where u,v is the Kronecker delta which is 1 for u = v and zero otherwise
(this arises because of the independence of the values. Thus since j,i+ is
involved only terms in the j sum where j = i+ survive). Hence continuing
the summation gives
( ) = i i+ . (11.12)
In other words, the j becomes i+ and also the index of summation ranges
only up to q since the largest i+ occurs for i = q .
The formula for the autocovariance of an MA(q) process is fascinating:
it is effectively the convolution of {i } with itself (an autoconvolution).
One of the most important features of an MA(q) autocovariance is that
it is zero for > q. The reason for its importance is that when one is
confronted with an actual time series x1 , . . . , xn one can compute the sample
autocovariance given by:
c( ) = (xi x), (xi+ x). (11.13)

for = 0, . . . , n 1. The sample autocorrelation can be computed as
r( ) = c( )/c(0). If, when one computes the sample autocovariance, it
cuts off at a certain lag q, i.e. it is effectively zero for lags of q + 1 or
higher, then one can postulate the MA(q) model in (11.5) as the underlying
probability model. There are other checks and tests that one can make
but comparison of the sample autocovariance with reference values, such as
the model autocovariance given in (11.12), is a major first step in model
Also, at this point one should question what one means by effectively
zero. The sample autocovariance is an empirical statistic calculated from
the random sample at hand. If more data in the time series were collected,
or another sample stretch used then the sample autocovariance would be
different (although for long samples and stationary series the probability
of a large difference should be very small). Hence, sample autocovariances
(and autocorrelations) are necessarily random quantities and hence is ef-
fectively zero translates into a statistical hypothesis test on whether the
true autocorrelation is zero or not.
Finally, whilst we are on the topic of sample autocovariances notice
that at the extremes of the range of :
c(0) = (xi x)2 , (11.14)

which also happens to be the sample variance and

c(n 1) = x1 xn . (11.15)

The lesson here is that c(0), which is an estimate of (0), is based on n

pieces of information, whereas, c(n 1), an estimate of (n 1), is only
based on 1 piece of information. Hence, it is easy to see that estimates
of sample autocovariances for higher lags are more unreliable for those of
smaller lags.
Figure 11.1 (top) shows a simulation from the MA(2) process Xt =
t 0.8t1 + 0.9t2 . Figure 11.1 (bottom) shows the empirical sample au-
tocorrelation function (acf) of the simulated series. Notice that the sample
acf does seem to cut-off at lag 2. The true theoretical values of the au-
tocorrelation function ( ) given by formulae (11.4) and (11.12) are (0) = 1
(of course), (1) 0.62 and (2) 0.367. The horizontal dashed lines
in the bottom plot of Figure 11.1 are approximate 95% significance bands.
Any coefficient which is outside of these bands (like the ones in the figure
at lags 1 and 2) are deemed significant, or at least worth further contem-
plation. It is also interesting to note that although ( ) = 0 for > 2
the sample autocorrelations for lags 10 to 14 inclusive all look quite large:

this is merely an illustration of the comment that the sample acf function
is a random quantity and some care and experience is required to prevent
reading too much into them.
Autoregressive models. The other basic development from a purely
random process is the autoregressive model which, as its name suggests,
models a process where future values somehow depend on the recent past.
More formally, {Xt } follows an AR(p) model which is characterised by

Xt = 1 Xt1 + 2 Xt2 + + p Xtp + t , (11.16)

where {t } is a purely random process. For the purposes of discussion we

shall follow time-honoured history and first consider the simplest AR model:
AR(1). Here we simplify notation and define {Xt } by

Xt = Xt1 + t . (11.17)

How can we answer the simple sounding question: what is the expectation of
Xt ? The obvious answer to this is to dumbly apply the expectation operator
E to formula (11.17). However, knowing that EXt = EXt1 does not get us
very far, especially if it is assumed (or discovered) that {Xt } is stationary
in which case weve got = ! Another, more successful approach, is to
recurse formula (11.17):

Xt = Xt1 + t (11.18)
= (Xt2 + t1 ) + t (11.19)
= 2 Xt2 + t1 + t (11.20)
= 2 (Xt3 + t2 ) + t1 + t (11.21)
= 3 Xt3 + 2 t2 + t1 + t . (11.22)

A clear pattern emerges and one can write (backwards):

Xt = t + t1 + 2 t2 + + r tr + = i ti . (11.23)

In effect, we have turned an AR(1) process into a moving average process

of infinite order (an MA() process). This new representation means that
it is easy to compute the expectation:

EXt = E i ti = i Eti = 0, (11.24)
i=0 i=0

since we assumed that Et = 0. As for the variance we can do this easily

since we the t are independent:

var Xt = var i ti (11.25)

= 2 2i . (11.26)

This latter sum is only finite if || < 1 in which case using basic knowledge
about geometric sums one obtains

var Xt = 2 /(1 2 ). (11.27)

If || 1 then the sum in (11.26) does not converge and the process Xt is
not stationary (one can see this as the variance would increase with t). The
case = 1 is an interesting one. Here the model is

Xt = Xt1 + t (11.28)

and is known as a random walk often mooted as a model for the stock
Another way of deriving the MA() model for an AR process is by
introducting the shift operator, B, defined as

BXt = Xt1 (11.29)

valid for any process {Xt }. Then we can rewrite the AR model in (11.17)

Xt Xt1 = t (11.30)
(1 B)Xt = t (11.31)
Xt = (1 B)1 t (11.32)
Xt = (1 + B + 2 B 2 + )t (11.33)
Xt = t + t1 + 2 t2 + , (11.34)

where the quantity (1 B)1 in (11.32) gets transformed into 1 + B +

2 B 2 + in (11.33) by the binomial expansion.
The final quantity that we need to concern ourselves with is the auto-
covariance. A simple way of seeing what the autocovariance is to assume
that the process is stationary and multiply both sides of (11.17) by Xt
and take expectations:

E (Xt Xt ) = E (Xt1 Xt ) + E (t Xt ) . (11.35)

Since the EXt = 0 the first terms on both sides of this equation are the
autocovariances of Xt : in other words E (Xt Xt ) = cov(Xt , Xt ) = ( )
and similarly E(Xt1 Xt ) = ( 1). Finally, note from the model for-
mula (11.17) that Xt will only contain terms but only for i with i < t ,
i.e. Xt only includes past relative to t . This means that t is indepen-
dent of Xt and hence E(t Xt ) = Et EXt = 0 since the purely random
process here has zero mean. Thus (11.35) turns into

( ) = ( 1), (11.36)

this is all for > 0, but formula (11.27) gives (0) and hence using (11.36)
one can obtain all values of ( ). Formula (11.36) is a simple example
of a Yule-Walker equation, more complex versions can be used to obtain
formulae for the autocovariances of more general AR(p) processes.
For the AR(1) model we can divide through both sides of (11.36) by
(0) to obtain an equivalent expression for the autocorrelation function:

( ) = ( 1). (11.37)

Since (0) = 1 always it is clear that (1) = , (2) = 2 and hence

continuing in this manner that (k) = k . Thus for an AR(1) process the
parameter, , can be discerned from the autocorrelation plot.
As an example we have simulated two AR(1) processes each of 200
observations. The first ar1pos is a realization where = 0.9 and the
second, ar1neg is a realization where = 0.9. Plots of each realization
and their autocorrelation coefficients appear in Figure 11.2.
The exponential decay nature of the autocorrelation of ar1pos is clear
and one can identify (1) = = 0.9 from the plot. For ar1neg similar
considerations apply except that ( ) has an extra (1) factor which causes
the oscillation.
ARMA models. Both AR and MA models express different kinds
of stochastic dependence. AR processes encapsulate a Markov-like quality
where the future depends on the past, whereas MA processes combine el-
ements of randomness from the past using a moving window. An obvious
step is to combine both types of behaviour into an ARMA(p, q) model which
is obtained by a simple concatentation. The process {Xt } is ARMA(p, q) if

Xt = 1 Xt1 + + p Xtp + t + 1 t1 + + q tq . (11.38)

Fitting ARMA models So far, we have only described the probabil-

ity models underlying ARMA processes and some mathematical quantities
related to them. Of course, once one has real data one would like to know
the answers to questions like Are these models appropriate for my data?,
Can I fit these models to my data? How do I fit these models?, Does

the model I fitted fit the data well?. Indeed, these sorts of questions lead
to the Box-Jenkins procedure, see Box et al. (1994). Part of this procedure
involves studying the sample autocorrelation functions (and a related func-
tion called the partial autocorrelation function) to decide on the order of
any MA (or AR) terms. However, there are many other aspects such as re-
moving deterministic trends, removing outliers, and/or checking residuals.
Indeed, a full treatment is way beyond the length constraints of this article
so we refer the interested reader to Chatfield (2003) in the first instance.

11.1.4 The spectrum

So far we have been exploring time series with one hand tied behind our
back! Statisticians, in particular, love the probability models part of time
series analysis. This is probably because of the familiarity of the concepts
like mean and covariance and the whole stochastic process paraphernalia.
However, there is another, parallel, way of looking at time series. This
other way determines how much energy is contained within a time series
as a function of frequency (the spectrum). The frequency or spectral ap-
proach is, apparently, much more natural and familiar to those approaching
time series analysis from a signal processing or engineering approach. How-
ever, it is important to realize that the two approaches are merely two sides
to the same coin. Indeed, most of the important quantities in the spectral
side are Fourier Transforms of equivalent quantities on the statistics side.
The basic principles of the spectral approach are very simple. For
further information the author recommends any of the previously mentioned
general texts but Priestley (1983) in particular. We start from the harmonic
process model in Priestley (1983)
Xt = Ai cos(i t + i ), (11.39)

where K, {Ai } and {i } are constants, and the {i } are independent random
variables each having the uniform distribution on [, ]. We emphasize
that (11.39) is but one model which has been found to be useful. There
are many other possibilities and randomness could, in principle, be added
to other quantities (for example, K, the number of frequencies could be
made random for different parts of the series). The key points for us with
this model is that Xt is comprised of sinusoidal waves where the wave with
frequency i has amplitude Ai . Here you have to imagine a time series being
comprised of several sine waves of different frequencies (indexed by i ) each
with different amplitudes. In general scientists are interested in analysing
time series with model (11.39) in mind and figuring out what Ai and i are.

The concept of building time series using oscillatory building blocks
(sines) and varying amplitudes has been born in this paper. Essentially,
the rest of this short paper deals with extensions and generalizations of this
In general, there is no reason why only a finite number, K, of ampli-
tudes need be involved. In fact it turns out that any discrete-time stationary
process has a representation of the form
Xt = A() exp(it)d(), (11.40)

where A is a possibly complex-valued function. Once again (11.40) is a

probability model but this time involving an infinity of frequencies. For real
finite length data, spectral information on a finite number of frequencies
equispaced over the range usually gets estimated. This is in contrast to
the estimation involved for (11.39) which is performed on a set of pre-
specified frequencies. The reader should immediately compare this for-
mula to the harmonic process model in (11.39) as the formulae are not
all that different. The cosine in (11.39) gets replaced by eit but of course
eit = cos(t)+i sin(t) so the sinusoidal nature is retained. The discrete Ai
in (11.39) gets replaced by A() in (11.40) because the sum gets replaced
by an integral. The time series Xt in (11.40) is a stochastic quantity, so
where does the randomness come in? The randomness in (11.40) gets sup-
plied by the quantity d() which is technically known as an orthonormal
increments process but very loosely speaking can be thought of multiplying
the sinusoid A( )eit by an random infinitesimal quantity d( ) (a full

discussion of which can be found in Priestley (1983).

The above model is all very well but what is an analyst actually in-
terested in? Given a time series Xt the problem is similar to that for the
harmonic model except that only the quantity A() is of interest (because
all frequencies from to are automatically considered). If a particular
range of frequencies does not contribute to the time series then we
can always set A() = 0 for ). In practice one can actually estimate
the quantity f () = |A()|2 which is called the Rspectrum or spectral density

function. It has a useful interpretation in that 12 f () d() quantifies the
contribution to variance in the whole process from frequencies Rin the under-

lying process between 1 and 2 . Indeed the quantity F () = f (u)du is
called the spectral distribution function. Both f, F are similar in character
to the probability density and distribution functions.
Relationship between spectrum and autocovariance. Formula (11.40)
can be viewed in a different light: the time series Xt can be seen as some
sort of Fourier transform of A(). This is not quite the standard Fourier
transform since the series Xt and the innovations process () are random.

However, this is enough to explain that the autocovariance and the spectrum
are linked by the standard Fourier transform, i.e.
1 X
f () = (k)e ik
and (k) = f (w)eik d. (11.41)
2 k=

The Fourier link should come as no surprise as the covariance describes

how much weight should be given to internal association in a time series at
certain lags and the spectrum says how much weight is put on oscillations
of certain frequencies. A series containing a dominant frequency at has
clear implications for the autocovariance at lag 1/.
For example, Figure 11.2 showed realizations and autocorrelation esti-
mates of two AR(1) time series. Figure 11.3 shows estimates of the associ-
ated spectra. Figure 11.3 (a) shows that most of the power is concentrated
in the low frequencies and this corresponds to the plot Figure 11.2 (a) where
the oscillations are largely confined to the lowest frequencies. In contrast,
the spectrum Figure 11.3 (b) shows that most of the power is concentrated
in the high frequencies and this corresponds to the rapidly oscillating se-
ries in Figure 11.2 (b). However, reexamination of the autocovariance plot
in Figure 11.2 (c) is instructive. It shows that observations at lag one are
highly negatively autocorrelated with the preceding observations, those sep-
arated by lag 2 are highly positively correlated, those at lag 3 negatively
correlated and so on. This plot indicates fast oscillation which is precisely
what the spectral plot shows. Similar comments can be made to compare
the ar1pos autocorrelation and spectrum.
Estimation Although we have not yet said a lot about it, estimation
is a critical component of time series analysis. In statistics it is no good just
having interesting theoretical quantities if one cannot estimate them! As
is typical in statistics there are usually several ways to estimate the same
quantity and choice of estimate can sometimes be justified by mathematical
statistical theory. However, choice of estimate sometimes depends on the
situation one is faced with. For example, we have already covered one of the
most popular estimates of the sample autocovariance in (11.13), but there
are several others. There are also a variety of methods used for estimating
the spectrum. The spectral estimate plots in Figure (11.3) were produced
by assuming a parametric form for the spectrum and estimating parameters
(since we knew that the underlying true spectrum was AR this seemed
like a good thing to do). Other spectral methods involve taking the direct
Fourier transform of the observations and studying the squared modulus of
the resulting coefficients. This estimate is known as the periodogram. Un-
fortunately, it is a fact of life that with the periodogram if one obtains more
data points (further observations in time) then one does not better estimate
the spectrum at the existing frequencies. However, as more data become

available one can actually estimate more frequencies. In other words, the
ratio of data available to estimate the spectral content at each frequency
remains constant as more data become available (contrast this to estimation
of, e.g. the sample mean of a sample which only gets better as more data
are collected). Technically, the periodogram lacks a property called consis-
tency. There are various techniques to create a consistent spectral estimate
from the periodogram which usually involve smoothing the periodogram by
pooling information from nearby frequencies. However, most of these tech-
niques introduce bias into what is an asymptotically uncorrelated quantity.
So, as with most smoothing methods there is a tradeoff: too much smooth-
ing and the estimate of the spectrum becomes biased, too little and the
estimate becomes too variable. In particular, the spectral estimate plots in
Figure 11.3 are very smooth since we have used the parametric AR method
for estimation. Typical periodogram based estimates are far noisier.
There are other important practical issues concerned with spectral es-
timation. The rate at which samples are taken for a time series puts an
upper bound on the frequencies that can be estimated. If time series sam-
ples are taken at smaller and smaller intervals then higher frequencies can
be observed. The upper bound is called the Nyquist rate and it is twice
sampling rate (twice depends on the constant you assume in your def-
inition of the Fourier transform). For example, sharp-eared humans can
hear sounds up to a frequency of about 22kHz so the sampling frequency
for a CD is about twice this: 44kHz. Suppose now you fix your sampling
rate. Then if the time series you observe contains frequencies higher than
the Nyquist rate then these higher frequencies cannot get sampled often
enough and so they actually appear in the sample as lower frequencies. In
other words, the spectral information in the sampled series gets distorted.
This phenomenon is called aliasing and basically means that you need to
make sure your sampling rate is high enough to capture what you think
will be the highest frequencies in the signal you are recording (it also is
one reason why CD music played down the telephone sounds awful). Also,
the converse of the aliasing problem is that to capture really long, very low
frequency, cycles in a stationary time series you need enough time series
observations to see the whole cycle.
Another effect is spectral leakage. Leakage occurs when there is a lack
of periodicity in the time series over the whole interval of observation (this
periodicity is assumed by the Fourier transform which is typically used
to compute spectral estimates). Many real series are not periodic in that
their first observation is almost never equal to their last! In other words,
the behaviour at the start of the series is not the same as at the end which
almost always occurs with real time series. However, this mismatch causes
the Fourier series to see a large discontinuity which is an extremely high

frequency feature. This high frequency feature then gets aliased and spreads
to low frequencies as noted in the previous paragraph. So, power seems to
leak to a wider range of frequencies and a leaked spectral estimate can
seem more spread out and vague when compared to the true spectrum.
The effects of leakage can be minimized by using a technique called tapering
which gently tries to taper or reduce the values at the start and end of a
series to be the same value.

11.2 Non-stationary Time Series

The previous sections have concentrated on the very special class of sta-
tionary processes. There are many ways in which a time series fail to be
stationary. We have already mentioned one. If the parameter of an AR(1)
process is equal to one then one obtains the random walk model in (11.28)
described earlier. The process earlier was not stationary in that the variance
was not finite (one can see that the sum in (11.26) will blow up to infinity
if || 1).

11.2.1 Is it stationary?
As mentioned in the Introduction one should first test a time series to see if
it is stationary. Formal hypothesis tests tend to concentrate on testing one
kind of alternative but are often insensitive to other kinds (but, of course,
they are often very powerful for the phenomena that they are designed to
detect). For more information on these kinds of tests see Priestley (1983) or
Van Bellegem (2003). As in many areas of statistics one can achieve quite a
lot just through fairly simple plots. For example, one might look at a time
series plot to see whether the mean or the variance of the time series changes
over time. Another useful indication is to compute the autocovariance or
spectrum (or both) on two different parts of the time series (that themselves
seem stationary). If the two quantities from the different regions look very
different then this provides some evidence of non-stationarity. Additional
graphical procedures might be to look at some kind of time-frequency or
time-scale plot (as later) and see if this exhibits constancy over time or not.
If a test or a plot indicates non-stationarity in a particular way then that
non-stationarity can be modelled in a number of ways as described next.

11.2.2 Global non-stationarity

A process is only stationary or not. However, the random walk example is,
to the authors mind at least, an example of a global non-stationarity.

One can imagine that the process and parameters of such a global non-
stationarity process are fixed some time ago (usually infinity) and then the
process itself evolves but the rule for evolution does not change. Another
important example of such processes are the ARIMA processes which are a
generalization of ARMA processes. As an example, suppose we difference
the random walk process and give it another name:

Wt = Xt Xt1 = t . (11.42)

After differencing the process that is left is only t . So the process Wt is

merely a purely random process (which is stationary). The differencing
operation is so important it has a notation Xt = Xt Xt1 . There are
also variants: 2 means apply the differencing operation twice in succession
2 Xt = (Xt Xt1 ) = Xt 2Xt1 + Xt2 and k means difference with
lag k, i.e. k Xt = Xt Xtk .
An general ARIMA process is constructed in a similar way (the I
stands for integrated since the process is a summed version of an ARMA
process). First, the process Xt is differenced a number, say d, times: Wt =
d Xt , then a standard ARMA process is fitted to the result. The key fact
here is that although a stationary model is fitted to the differenced data it
is the case that the model for the original time series Xt is not stationary
(like the above example where Wt = t was stationary but Xt = Xt1 + t
is not). In estimating an ARIMA model one has to successively difference
the data until one hits on a difference, d, that makes the time series look
stationary. If an ARMA(p, q) process got fitted with d differences then the
process is known as ARIMA(p, d, q) (the random walk is ARIMA(0, 1, 0)).
Sometimes it is not the time series itself that is the only quantity of
interest. Recently, models have evolved that update other properties of the
time series. For example, in econometrics and financial time series both
stochastic volatility and ARCH (autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic-
ity) models and their generalizations are very important (see, e.g. Tsay
(2002). For example, the ARCH model for an observed time series is:

Xt = t t , (11.43)

where t is the purely random process. However, here the variance of Xt ,

t2 , is itself random! The variance is a time series in its own right and its
value depends on the recent past history of the Xt process:
t2 = 0 + 2
j Xtj . (11.44)

This kind of model can explain all kinds of phenomena common in financial
time series (e.g. the autocorrelation of the series is insignificant, but the

autocorrelations of the absolute values of the series are not) and there are
many more developments on this theme of providing a model for the variance
too. Clearly, since the variance of this process, t , changes through time
the process is not stationary. However, from (11.44) the parameters i stay
fixed for all time. This assumption is surely only approximately true for a
great many real time series.

11.2.3 Local non-stationarity.

Clearly there is a need for time series models with parameters that them-
selves evolve over time. Although a fairly well-established idea (Page 1952;
Silverman 1957; Priestley 1965) the concept has recently gained impetus
due to the introduction of a new innovative asymptotic statistical mod-
elling framework due to Dahlhaus (1997). See also Nason and von Sachs
(1999) for further introduction and discussion.
The main issue for evolutionary processes is not so much dreaming up
the process models themselves but how to estimate the parameters. As an
example of the potential difficulties suppose one has a time series model
Xt = t Zt but this time suppose that t changes in an unstructured way so
that it is different for every time point. What hope is there in forming an
estimate of t from the single data point Xt ? The answer is not much.
Estimating a quantity using a single sample value is not recommended.
However, suppose that we postulate a model in which t varies slowly.
Then we can use values of Xt near to t to estimate t .
More general processes than the one in the previous paragraph can be
constructed. For example, the reason why the process defined in (11.40)
is stationary is that the amplitude function, A() does not depend on t:
that is the statistical properties of the time series remain constant over all
time because A() is a constant function of time. A simple way to introduce
time-dependence, causing the statistical properties of Xt to evolve over time
is to replace A() by At (). Without going into too many technical details
the speed of evolution of the stochastic process Xt can be controlled by the
mathematical rate of change of At () as a function of t. The locally station-
ary Fourier processes of Dahlhaus (1997) is one possible method. However,
there is no necessity to use Fourier building blocks. For example, the locally
stationary wavelet processes of Nason et al. (2000) use an elaboration of
the model: XX
Xt = wjk jk (t)jk , (11.45)
j k

where jk (t) are wavelets at scale j and location k, jk are simply identi-
cally distributed independent Gaussian random variables and wjk specifies
the amplitude at scale j and location k. Here the spectral quantity is called

the evolutionary wavelet spectrum (EWS), Sj (k), which measures the power
of oscillation in the time series operating at scale 2j and location k. Ap-
proximately Sj (k) wjk . Many spectral methods just propose computing
coefficients (whether they be Fourier or wavelet or other) and examining
simple functions of these (usually the square) as spectral estimates. The
advantage with models (11.40) and (11.45) is that we can compute sta-
tistical properties of our estimators (functions of coefficients), e.g. obtain
expectations, variances and compute confidence intervals. A properly for-
mulated model makes it clear whether certain kinds of phenomena can be
actually estimated. For example, if your series evolves so fast in that it
cannot be estimated with a slow sampling rate then it is important to be
able to know this. Model based estimation provides the framework for this.

11.2.4 Example: Seismic Time Series

Figure 11.4 shows a time series of Realtime Seismic Amplitude Measure-
ment (RSAM) counts. The counts are 10 minute averages, sampled every
5 minutes, of ground shaking caused by earthquakes and volcanic tremor.
An estimate of the EWS is shown in Figure 11.5. For this time series the
Nyquist frequency is one oscillation per 10 minutes. Hence the frequen-
cies that can be observed in this series without aliasing range from 0 to a
wavelength of 10 minutes. Figure 11.5 shows the contribution to overall
variance in the time series at different scale (frequency) bands. The bands
are labelled on the vertical axis and are arranged in a dyadic fashion. The
finest scale (lowest band) contains the highest half of the frequencies, rang-
ing from wavelengths from 20 minutes to 10 minutes (thus the mid period,
labelled, is 15 minutes). Then the next finest scale illustrates the variance
contribution for waves ranging from 40 minutes to 20 minutes wavelength
(and hence mid period of 30 minutes), and so on. Of course, for a time
series of 60 days one might ask how we can present information concerning
waves at wavelengths of 85 and even 42 days? The answer is that we can
not really and the information in these plots at the coarsest scales should
not be taken too literally, especially away from the centre. This idea can
be formalized and information in the plot above the dashed lines (either
of them) should be disregarded. This idea of a cone of influence (below
the lines) stems from Torrence and Compo (1998) who describe a different
approach to wavelet spectral estimation.
A few interesting features can be picked out of the EWS estimate. A
large peak exists in the time series at about 43 days (September 25th, 2001)
and this gets picked out clearly in the EWS as a high frequency feature (in-
deed, it appears to be the dominant feature in the highest frequency bands
at the bottom). Within the 8 hours to 2 day 16 hours bands there appears

to be oscillation at about 52 days that might reflect banded tremor and
there are also early power peaks in the 2d16 and 5d8 bands at about 8
days that might indicate other geophysical processes. Of course, this is a
preliminary analysis and much further work on interpretation and linking
to real events on the ground would need to be done.

11.2.5 Example: Medical Time Series

Figure 11.6 shows an ECG (electro-cardiogram heart-beats) recording of
an infant child. Both ECG and the seismic series of the previous section
measure the intensity of a number of events per unit time. The main dif-
ference with this medical time series compared with the seismic series is
that we have at our disposal an extra time series: the infant sleep state.
The infant sleep state is determined by an expert after the event using
video information, EEG (electro-encephalogram brain-waves) and EOG
(electro-oculogram eye movements) and indicates whether the infant is in
quiet sleep, active sleep or awake.
A key goal of this data analysis was to determine whether there was any
relationship between the time series of ECG and sleep state. Sleep state is
a useful indicator of potential problems such as apnea but measuring it can
be (i) expensive (ii) potentially distressing to the subject as EEG and EOG
require attachment of sensors to the scalp and face (iii) is difficult to do
in a home environment. On the other hand ECG is relatively unobtrusive,
since the leads are attached to the infants chest and parents can be readily
taught to do this, even in the home environment.
The full EWS estimate can be found in Nason et al. (2000). However,
the estimate of power at the finest scale, S1 (k) is shown in figure 11.7. Also
shown in this figure is the expert determination of sleep state according to a
coarse four-point scale. Clearly, periods of active and quiet sleep correspond
to periods where the evolutionary spectrum is large. Clearly the wavelet
spectrum of the ECG does have predictive power for the sleep state, see
Nason et al. (2001) for further details.

11.3 Other topics

It is inevitable, in a short article such as this, that many important and
interesting topics will not have been covered. By way of amelioration we
mention a few of the ones that we consider to be more important. Fore-
casting: Given a time series it is often the case that the key objective
is to forecast or predict future values of the series. For stationary series
the principles for how to do this are well established, see Chatfield (2003)

for example. In general, for good forecasts one needs really good param-
eter estimates. For locally stationary processes this is doubly true, see
Fryzlewicz et al. (2003). Multivariate systems: We have only studied
situations concerned with a single time series. In practice, this is unrealistic
as most experiments collect a multitude of data sets. Methods exist for
the modelling and interpretation of vector-valued multivariate time series.
For example, a basic quantity is the cross-correlation which measures the
association between different components of a vector time series at different
lags. Discrete-valued time series From brief conversations with various
Earth Science colleagues it appears that many volcanological time series are
discrete-valued (for example, counts of things, state of things). A lot of cur-
rent time series work is for continuous-valued time series. However, this is
changing, for example, see MacDonald and Zucchini (1997). (We also have
not mentioned time series that are measured continuously in time. At least
some of the standard texts, e.g. Priestley (1983) consider some models and

11.4 Concluding Remarks

All models are wrong. Some models are useful (attributed to George Box).
This is a useful thought to have in mind whilst modelling time series. This
short article has attempted to introduce statistical time series modelling as
a tool that can be used to model real-life time series, including those in
volcanology. We studied various kinds of stationary time series model and
said a word on how to estimate key quantities such as the autocorrelation
and the spectrum. We have described a few practical details such as aliasing
and leakage. In less detail we have described the basic principles of some
non-stationary time series models and also shown some examples.
Free software exists to do many of the analyses described here (and
in the text books). As a statistician I recommend the freeware R package
which can be downloaded from However,
like the text books there are many other different packages that provide
time series analysis to varying degrees.

Further reading
As mentioned in the introduction my favourite time series book is Chatfield
(2003). Diggle (1990) is also a nice introduction. The book by Priestley (1983)
approaches the field through oscillation and spectral analysis but also has a com-
prehensive coverage of the time-domain concepts and models. Priestley (1983)
has extremely well written sections on the intuitive fundamentals of time se-
ries but also contains a lot of well-explained mathematical theory. The book by

Hamilton (1994) is pretty well comprehensive and up-to-date but might be too
detailed for those seeking a quick introduction.

The author is grateful to Heidy Mader and Stuart Coles, co-organisers and helpers
for organising the very interesting Workshop in Statistics and Volcanology. It
must have been very hard work: thank-you. The author is grateful to Sofia Ol-
hede of Imperial College for bringing the Thomson quote to his attention. The
author would like to thank P. Fleming, A. Sawczenko and J. Young of the Insti-
tute of Child Health, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Bristol for supplying the
ECG data. The author would like to thank the Montserrat Volcano Observatory
for the RSAM time series and he would like to thank Willy Aspinall for supplying
this data and also for many helpful explanations concerning it. The author would
like to thank the referees and editors for suggesting many important and help-
ful things. This work was supported by EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship


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[2] Brockwell, P.J. & Davis, R.A. 1991. Time Series: Theory and Methods.

[3] Chatfield, C. 2003. The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction.

Chapman & Hall/CRC.

[4] Dahlhaus, R. 1997. Fitting time series models to nonstationary pro-

cesses. Annals of Statistics, 25, 1-37.

[5] Diggle, P.J. 1990. Time Series: a Biostatistical Introduction. Clarendon


[6] Fryzlewicz, P., Van Bellegem, S. & von Sachs, R 2003. Forecasting
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Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 55, 737-764.

[7] Hamilton, J.D. 1994. Time series analysis. Princeton University Press,
Princeton, New Jersey.

[8] Hannan, E.J. 1960. Time series analysis. Chapman and Hall.

[9] MacDonald, I.L. and W. Zucchini 1997. Hidden Markov and Other
Models for Discrete-valued Time Series. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

[10] Nason, G.P. & von Sachs, R. 1999. Wavelets in time series analysis.
Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
Sciences, 357(1760), 2511-2526, doi:10.1098/rsta.1999.0445.

[11] Nason, G.P., von Sachs, R. & Kroisandt, G. 2000. Wavelet processes
and adaptive estimation of the evolutionary wavelet spectrum. Jour-
nal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology),
62(2), 271-292, doi:10.1111/1467-9868.00231.

[12] Nason, G.P., Sapatinas, T. & Sawczenko, A. 2001. Wavelet packet mod-
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[13] Page, C.H. 1952. Instantaneous power spectra. Journal of Applied

Physics, 23, 103-106.

[14] Pole, A., West, M. & Harrison, J 1994. Applied Bayesian Forecast-
ing and Time Series Analysis. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

[15] Priestley, M.B, 1965. Evolutionary spectra and non-stationary pro-

cesses. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical
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[16] Priestley, M.B. 1983. Spectral Analysis and Time Series. Academic

[17] Silverman, R.A. 1957. Locally stationary random processes. IEEE

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[18] Thomson, D.J. 1994. Jackknifing multiple-window spectra. In: Pro-

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[19] Torrence, C. & Compo, G.P. 1998. A practical guide to wavelet analy-
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[20] Tsay, R.S. 2002. Analysis of Financial Time Series. Wiley, New York.

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0 50 100 150 200

0.5 1.0

Series ma2 (b)


0 5 10 15 20

Figure 11.1: Plot (a) is a simulation realization of an 200 observations of

an MA(2) process with parameters 0 = 1, 1 = 0.9, 2 = 0.8. Here the
horizontal axis is time, t, the vertical axis is the time series, Xt . Plot (b)
is the sample autocorrelation of realization. Here the horizontal axis is lag,
, the vertical axis is autocorrelation, ( ).




4 2
4 2

(a) (b)
0 5
0 100 150 200 0 5
0 100 150 200
Time Time

Series ar1pos (d) Series ar1neg (c)




0.5 0.0

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Lag Lag

Figure 11.2: The plots are (a): realization of ar1pos, (b): realization of
ar1neg, (c): autocorrelation of ar1neg, and (d): autocorrelation of ar1pos.
Recall Time is t and lag is and ACF stands for autocorrelation function
( ) in both cases.


Series: ar1pos Series: ar1neg

AR (2) spectrum AR (1) spectrum



0.5 1.0 2.0


(a) (b)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
frequency frequency

Figure 11.3: AR spectrum (estimates) of the time series presented in Fig-

ure 11.2. Spectrum estimate of (a) ar1pos, and (b) ar1neg. In both plots
the horizontal axis, frequency, is and the vertical axis, spectrum, is f ().

RSAM counts

0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (days)

Figure 11.4: RSAM count series (from Montserrat from the short-period
station MBLG, Long Ground, 16:43.50N, 62:09.74W, 287m altitude). Series
starts 31th July 2001 00:00, ends 8th October 2001 23:54. Sampling time:
every 5 minutes.

Mid Period
1 2 4 8

0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (days)

Figure 11.5: EWS estimate, Sj (k), for time series shown in Figure 11.4.
Horizontal axis is time in days. Curved dashed lines indicate cone of
influence. Mid-period is explained in the text.

Heart rate (beats per min)

22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
Time (hours)

Figure 11.6: Heart rate recording of a 66 day old infant: the series is sampled
at 1/16 Hz and is recorded from 21:17:59 to 06:27:18; there are T = 2048
observations. Reproduced from Nason et al. (2000) with permission.

EWS at finest scale



22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
Time (hours)

Figure 11.7: Estimate of the finest scale EWS for the ECG data in figure 11.6
(continuous curve, left axis) and sleep state (dashed line, right axis): 1, quiet
sleep; 2, state between 1 and 3; 3, active sleep; 4 awake. Reproduced from
Nason et al. (2000) with permission.


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