Faculty Professional Development Plan: Purpose

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[Faculty members should complete this form each year. Goals should be discussed in advance with the supervisor.

At the end of each academic year, the faculty member and supervisor will review how well the goals were accomplished and determine goals for the following year.]

Faculty Professional Development Plan

Purpose: Effective teachers are persons who strive for excellence in their instruction and who seek the best from their students. To accomplish this purpose, a faculty member needs to be goal oriented. The Professional Development Plan, as proposed here, would support faculty in their selection of a goal, refinement of strategies to accomplish the goal and a time line to follow for the process. Procedure: At the end of an academic year, faculty members will identify one or two areas of interest for the upcoming academic year. Areas of interest are categorized as (1) professional competence/scholarship, (2) teaching effectiveness, or (3) service to the College/profession as described in the Guidelines for Promotion, Sabbatical and Educational Leave document. Using the one-page chart attached, faculty members will describe their goal(s), the strategies to support the goal(s), and the time frame for implementation. Faculty members would share the document with their supervisor at their annual performance review (or other mutually agreed upon time). Discussion at that time would focus on the potential growth of the faculty member and/or areas of improvement needed. Support or mentoring from the supervisor may be offered. Implementation: Faculty members will be responsible for the integration of the goal(s) into their teaching and/or professional activities in the upcoming academic year. Requests for financial support regarding faculty development activities should come to their supervisor and to the Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence. At the end of the academic year, faculty members should update their plan to reflect the activities undertaken and the evaluation of them. Those who prefer to do a narrative style of planning/reporting may do so using the same criteria.

Professional Development Plan Form

Academic Year ___________ Beginning of Year Area of Interest: Faculty Name __________________



Time Frame

End of Year


SAMPLE OF A COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN A. Sample Goal Related to Teaching Effectiveness: Academic Year ______ Faculty Name __________________ Beginning of Year Area of Interest: Goal To move from a primarily lecture style of course delivery to the use of more interactive learning in course X215. 1. Attend faculty-development session to learn more about types of experiential exercises 2. Work with faculty member B who currently uses experiential learning in several classes 3. Design three exercises, one for fall semester and two for spring semester 1. Add one exercise in the fall 05 semester 2. Add two more for the spring 06 semester


Time Frame

End of Year Outcome 1. Exercise one in the fall 05 semester needs to be revised to reduce the amount of time. Will use it again in fall 06 2. Exercises used in spring 06 went well and will be continued

B. Sample Goal Related to Scholarship Academic Year ______ Faculty Name __________________ Beginning of Year Area of Interest: Societal trends are changing in the United States as a result of the increasingly diverse population. A deeper understanding of these trends would better prepare me as a professional and an educator. Goal Increase my depth of knowledge in the area of current sociological trends to expand my expertise in this area. 1. Attend the annual conference of sociologists and participate in several sessions directed at this topic. 2. Analyze my learning and share it with my department in a monthly meeting 3. Determine the application of the gained knowledge to my activities as professional and educator. 1. Submit request for support to attend conference 2. Share information with department within two months of return from conference 3. Discuss application of information to curriculum with peers.


Time Frame

SAMPLE OF COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (continued) End of Year Outcome 1. Conference attended in fall 06 and learning analyzed 2. Shared information in department meeting on 12/06//06 3. Held brown bag discussions with peers and discussed insights gained from conference.

C. Sample Goal Related to Service to College Academic Year ______ Faculty Name __________________ Beginning of Year Area of Interest: As the department has changed, new faculty have joined the department. I am concerned that they will not have adequate support to carry out the expectations of VJC and the department. Goal Strategies I would like to develop my skills as a mentor and work with one or two of these faculty. 1. Discuss the possibilities with my supervisor and the possible mentees 2. Attend the workshops provided by the Center for Teaching Excellence on mentoring 3. Develop and implement a mentoring plan in collaboration with the mentee and supervisor 1. By beginning of fall 05 semester, establish relationships and set goals 2. Attend two scheduled workshops 3.Implement mentoring plan and evaluate outcomes of the relationship by end of spring 06

Time Frame

End of Year Outcome 1. Mentoring relationship established and plan put into place 2. Attended workshops in October and November 3. Evaluated outcomes and made suggestions for future growth of mentee and self

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