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What is a correct netmask for subnet a. b. 255.255.255.




Which of the following device is mainly designed to work at Network layer? a. Switch b. Router c. Hub

d. Bridge

e. Repeater

What is the automated service that matches resource names with the required IP address? a. HTTP b. SSH c. DNS

d. Telnet


Which of the following is used to show IP addess in Windows operating system? a. ifconfigure b. ipconfigure c. ifconfig

d. ipconfig

How many IP can be used to assign to destop PC in subnet a. 2 b. 4 c. 6

d. 8

In TCP/IP model, which of the following information belongs to the Data link layer? a. Port number b. MAC address c. IP address

Which of the following commands shows the path from local host to a remote host? a. ipconfig b. ping c. nmap

d. tracert

What is a correct netmask for a class B network? a. b.



Which of the following commands is used to test reachability of a remote host? a. ipconfig b. netstat c. ping

d. regedit

In TCP/IP model, which header is added to the application data first? a. physical layer header c. network layer header

b. data link layer header d. transport layer header

Which layer encapsulates the segment into packets? a. Network layer b. Data Link layer

c. Physical layer

d. Transport layer

Which of the following devices is more secure interm of network sniffing? a. Switch b. Hub

In TCP/IP model, node-to-node delivery is in a. Physical Layer b. Data Link layer

b. Network Layer

c. Transport Layer

What is a correct netmask for subnet a. b.



If you ping first time, the first packet will be sent to a. DHCP server b. DNS server

c. Gateway

d. Web server

What is default port of SMTP service? a. 80(http) b. 53(dns)

c. 110(pop3)

d. 25

The correct order of layers in TCP/IP model is... a. Physical layer, Data Link layer, Network layer, Transport layer, Application layer b. Physical layer, Network layer, Data Link layer, Transport layer, Application layer c. Physical layer, Data Link layer, Transport layer, Network layer, Application layer d. Physical layer, Data Link layer, Network layer, Application layer, Transport layer

What application layer protocol is commonly used to support for file transfers between a client and a server? a. HTML b. HTTP c. FTP d. Telnet

Which of the following describes the function of a WAN? a. connects peripherals in a single location b. connects multiple networks in a single building c. provides connectivity over a large geographic area d. provides connectivity on a LAN

Which of the following protocols is used as inter-AS routing? a. RIP b. OSPF

c. BGP

Which of the following systems provides packet switching service? a. telephone system

b. postal system

What is the address range of a class C network address? a. 0 127 b. 1 126

c. 128 191

d. 192 233

Proxy servers work on ____________ of the OSI model. a. Physical layer b. Application layer

c. Transport layer

d. Session layer

What can be identified by examining the network layer header? a. The destination device on the local media b. The destination host address c. The bits that will be transferred over the media d. The source application or process creating the data

In VMware, ___________ configures your virtual machine to share the IP and MAC addresses of the host. a. Bridge networking b. Custom networking c. Host-only networking d. NAT

Which of the following is used to show IP addess in Linux operating system? a. ifconfigure b. ipconfigure c. ifconfig

b. ipconfig

Given this network: How many hosts are available for this network? a. 32 b. 28 c. 30

d. 64

Which of the following systems provides circuit switching service? a. telephone system

b. postal system

__________ is a security scanner used to discover computers and services on a computer network. a. tracert b. DNS c. netstat

d. nmap

What is a correct netmask for subnet a. b.



Run command "ping", which of the following result shows the host is reachable? a. Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : b. TCP localhost:4078 ESTABLISHED c. IP Address . . . . . . . . . : d. Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

What is a correct netmask for a class C network? a. b.



Which of the following protocols uses link state routing algorithm? a. RIP b. OSPF(IS-IS)

c. BGP

What is a correct netmask for subnet a. b.



Which of the following commands is used to test reachability of a remote host? a. tracert b. ping c. nslookup

d. nmap

Netmask is used to determine: a. An IP address is in the subnet c. An IP address is a DNS

b. An IP address is a gateway d. An IP address is a server

What is the address range of a class A network address? a. 0 127 b. 1 126

c. 128.191

d. 192 223

In TCP/IP model, which of the following information belongs to the Transport layer? a. MAC address b. IP address c. Port number

Which of the following device is mainly designed to work at Data link layer? a. Switch b. Router c. Hub

d. Bridge

What is default port of POP3 service? a. 80

b. 25

c. 110

d. 53

Which of the following services is connectionless? a. TCP

b. UDP

What is a correct net mask for subnet a. b.



In TCP/IP model, process-to-process delivery is in a. Physical layer b. Transport layer

c. Network Layer

d. Data Link layer

What is default port of FTP service? a. 53

b. 25

c. 80

d. 21

What is a correct netmask for a class A network? a. b.



__________ displays network connections (both incoming and outgoing), routing tables, and a number of network interface statistics. a. tracert b. DNS c. netstat d. nmap

Netmask is used to determine: a. An IP address is a DNS c. An IP address is in the subnet

b. An IP address is a server d. An IP address is a gateway

In TCP/IP model, which of the following information belongs to the Network layer? a. IP address b. MAC address c. Port number

In TCP/IP model, host-to-host delivery is in a. Data Link layer b. Physical

d. Network layer

e. Transport layer

The correct order of layers in OSI model is a. Physical layer, Data Link layer, Network layer, Transport layer, Session layer, Presentation layer Application layer b. Physical layer, Network layer, Data Link layer, Session layer, Transport layer, Presentation layer, Application layer

c. Physical layer, Session layer, Data Link layer, Transport layer, Presentation, Network layer, Application layer d. Physical layer, Data Link layer, Network layer, Presentation layer, Application layer, Session Layer, Transport layer Question 1 Marks: 1 In TCP/IP model, node-to-node delivery is in... Choose one answer. a. Transport layer b. Network layer c. Data Link layer d. Physical layer Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 2 Marks: 1 What application layer protocol is commonly used to support for file transfers between a client and a server? Choose one answer. a. Telnet b. HTTP c. FTP d. HTML Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 3 Marks: 1 Which of the following commands is used to test reachability of a remote host? Choose one answer. a. ipconfig b. regedit c. ping d. netstart Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 4 Marks: 1 Which of the following describes the function of a WAN? Choose one answer. a. provides connectivity on a LAN b. connects peripherals in a single location c. provides connectivity over a large geographic area d. connects multiple networks in a single building Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 5

Marks: 1 Which of the following devices is more secure interm of network sniffing? Choose one answer. a. switch b. hub Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 6 Marks: 1 Which of the following systems provides packet switching service? Choose one answer. a. postal system b. telephone system Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 7 Marks: 1 The correct order of layers in TCP/IP model is... Choose one answer. a. Physical layer, Network layer, Data Link layer, Transport layer, Application layer b. Physical layer, Data Link layer, Transport layer, Network layer, Application layer c. Physical layer, Data Link layer, Network layer, Application layer, Transport layer d. Physical layer, Data Link layer, Network layer, Transport layer, Application layer Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 8 Marks: 1 What is default port of SMTP service? Choose one answer. a. 53 b. 80 c. 110 d. 25 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 9 Marks: 1 In TCP/IP model, which of the following information belongs to the Data link layer? Choose one answer. a. IP Address b. MAC Address c. Port number d. Web Address Correct

Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 10 Marks: 1 Which layer encapsulates the segment into packets? Choose one answer. a. Transport layer b. Datalink layer c. Network layer d. Physical layer Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 11 Marks: 1 What is the automated service that matches resource names with the required IP address? Choose one answer. a. HTTP b. SSH c. SMTP d. DNS e. Telnet Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 12 Marks: 1 Which of the following commands shows the path from local host to a remote host? Choose one answer. a. ping b. nmap c. tracert d. ipconfig Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 13 Marks: 1 What is a correct netmask for subnet Choose one answer. a. b. c. d. Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Question 14 Marks: 1 Which of the following protocols is used as inter-AS routing? Choose one answer. a. RIP b. OSPF c. BGP d. None of the above Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 15 Marks: 1 If you ping first time, the first packet will be sent to Choose one answer. a. DHCP server b. Web server c. Gateway d. DNS server Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 16 Marks: 1 Which of the following is used to show IP addess in Windows operating system? Choose one answer. a. ifconfig b. ipconfig c. ifconfigure d. ipconfigure Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 17 Marks: 1 How many IP can be used to assign to destop PC in subnet Choose one answer. a. 4 b. 2 c. 3 d. 8 e. 6 Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 18

Marks: 1 In TCP/IP model, which header is added to the application data first? Choose one answer. a. network layer header b. physical layer header c. transport layer header d. data link layer header Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 19 Marks: 1 What is a correct netmask for a class B network? Choose one answer. a. b. c. d. Correct Marks for this submission: 1/1. Question 20 Marks: 1 Which of the following device is mainly designed to work at Network layer? Choose one answer. a. Router b. Hub c. Bridge d. Switch e. Repeater Correct M

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