ISO Country Code SR Verification Date: 27-February-2012 Contacts Designated Authorities Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) Embassy to the United States from Suriname United States Embassy to Suriname Flight Information Airports of Entry Entry/Exit Requirements Additional Information Country Specific Travel Information Public Health Public Holidays Pets Links Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
Designated Authorities
Civil Aviation Authority Ministry of Transport, Communication and Tourism Department of Civil Aviation P.O. Box 2956 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: (597)498898 (597)497914 Fax: (597)498901 E-mail: [email protected] AFS: SMPBYAYX Civil Aviation Safety Authority Suriname (CASAS) Civil Aviation Safety Authority Suriname Airfield Zorg en Hoop Coesewijnestraat 2 P O Box 12587 Paramaribo Suriname Tele: 597 434186/286 597 431990 Fax: 597 434371 Email: [email protected] Web: Meteorology Meteorological Bureau P.O. Box 2273 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: (597) 0325154 (597) 0325206 Fax: (597) 0325325 AFS: SMJPYMYX Customs The Commissioner of Customs and Excise Department of Customs and Excise
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Nieuwe Haven Paramaribo Suriname Fax: (597) 0325226 Immigration The Controller of Immigration Department of Immigration Kantoor Openbare Werken Mr. J. Lachmonstraat # 167 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: (597) 532123 Fax: (597) 402787 Health The Director of Health Services Department of Health Henck Arronstraat # 64 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: (597) 402329 En-route and Airport Charges Department of Civil Aviation P.O. Box 2956 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: (597) 498898 (597) 497914 Fax: (597) 498901 Email: [email protected] AFS: SMPBYAYX Quarantine The Commissioner of Agricultural Quarantine Department of Agricultural Quarantine P.O. Box 1153 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: (597) 402040 (597) 403912 (597) 402965 Fax: (597) 400030
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Accident Investigation Aircraft Accident Investigation Board Tel: (597) 498898 (597) 497914 Fax: (597) 498901 (597) 491728 AFS: SMPBYXYX
[email protected]
AFS: SMPBYNYX International NOTAM Offices International NOTAM Office P.O. BOX 2956 TEL/FAX: (597) 0325270 AFS: SMJPYNYX E-mail: [email protected]
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Flight Information
Airports of Entry
SMJP - J.A. Pengel International Airport
Entry/Exit Requirements
Entry and exit requirements are for aircraft departing the United States non-stop to country of destination. These requirements do not include any technical stops. Please refer to Technical Stop section in Additional Information for the country at which the technical stop will be made. Entry and Exit documentation forms vary from country to country. In general, however, ICAO member countries will accept the following standard ICAO Annex 9 Entry/Exit documents: General Declaration Passenger Manifest Cargo Manifest Embarkation/Disembarkation Card Certificate of Residual Disinsection
Examples of these documents can be found at IFIM Home>General Information>International Flying Overview> ICAO Annex 9 Entry/Exit Documents. The acceptance of these ICAO documents must be confirmed by the appropriate AIS. Entry Requirements (Departing U.S.) File an eAPIS manifest outbound File and activate international flight plan Land at an AOE The following entry documents are required: Passengers Valid passport Visa obtained before arrival ICAO embarkation/disembarkation card Pilots - Same as passengers Note: Other pilot/crewmember requirements may be applicable in lieu of those stated. Contact appropriate AIS for further clarification prior to flight. Aircraft General Declaration - 3 for Customs, 2 for Immigration, 1 for Health, 1 for Airport
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Manager and 1 for Plant Protection Passenger Manifest 3 for Customs, 2 for Immigration and 1 for Airport Manager Exit Requirements (Departing Suriname) File eAPIS manifest if inbound to the U.S. File an international flight plan Call U.S. Customs at filed U.S. airport of entry Depart from an AOE
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Note.- It is recommended that a rifle and the necessary ammunition be carried when overflying areas where animals can be expected. Personal clothing should be suitable for the climatic conditions along the route to be overflown. Technical Stop/ Overflight For technical stops and/or overflight, the radio and navigation equipment carried within the Paramaribo Flight Information Region (FIR) shall comply with the provisions of annex 6 vol 1 and 2, chapter 7 and article 14 of the Civil Aviation (Air Navigation) Regulations, 1995 as amended. Non-scheduled Flights (Charters) Commercial air transport aircraft operating in Suriname must adhere to the provisions of ICAO Annex 6 - Operation of Aircraft, Part 1 - International Commercial Air Transport Aeroplanes, Chapter 6 (Aeroplane Instruments, Equipment and Flight Documents) and Chapter 7 (Aeroplane Communication and Navigation Equipment). Private Flights The information contained in the flight plan is accepted as adequate advance notification of the arrival of incoming aircraft so that It will be received by the public authorities concerned at least two hours in advance of arrival. Float Planes The IFIM staff is unaware of any restrictions to Float planes in Suriname Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) The IFIM staff is unaware of any restrictions to Light Sport Aircraft planes in Suriname Fees There are varying fees for landing, parking, storage passenger services, security and air navigation services. The charge for refueling is US$ 0.02 per US gallon. Fuel Only Jet A1 fuel is available at J.A. Pengel Airport VFR VFR flights are not permitted unless authorized by the appropriate ATS authority Night VFR Flights between sunset and sunrise must be approved by the appropriate ATS authority Island Hopping The IFIM Staff is unaware of any Island Hopping requirements or restrictions.
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Aeronautical Charts Aeronautical charts are available from the Suriname AIP or the following: Aeronautical Information Service P.O. BOX 2956 Coesewijnestraat # 2 P.O. Box 2956 Paramaribo Suriname
Tel/Fax: (597) 462352 Tel: (597) 499561 ext 281 APS: SMPBYNYX E-mail: [email protected]
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Pets The importation of pets must be in conformity with the International Zoo-Sanitary Code of the O.I.E. (International Office of Epizootics). Links U.S. Dept of State - Official Fact Book -
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