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Sidewalks and Walkways
A wider sidewalk in a shopping area at Waikiki provides more space for
pedestrians and creates an attractive walking environment.
The term “walkway” is often used synonymously IN THIS
SIDEWALKS with “sidewalk.” It is common for sidewalks to SECTION
AND WALKWAYS be thought of as the paved (typically portland
cement concrete) surfaces along a road or street
Pedestrian facilities addressed in this toolbox that are raised from the street level and separated • SIDEWALKS AND WALKWAYS DEFINED
section include those located within street rights- by a curb, and they are often constructed • DETERMINING WHEN AND WHERE
of-way that are primarily adjacent to or parallel to formal standards and drawings. Whereas
with the roadway, such as sidewalks, walkways, walkways are often thought to encompass
and roadside spaces used for pedestrian travel. a broader range of either raised or at-grade SIDEWALKS AND WALKWAYS IN
improved paths for exclusive use by pedestrians.
Sidewalks and walkways are integral components • HISTORIC AND SCENIC HIGHWAYS
of streets and roadways where pedestrians need • SIDEWALK CORRIDORS AND THE
to experience safety, comfort, accessibility, and
efficient mobility. Sidewalks and walkways increase REALM IN URBAN AREAS, BUSINESS
pedestrian safety by separating pedestrians from
vehicle traffic vertically (raised with a curb) and/ VERTICAL CLEARANCES
or horizontally if space is available. • GRADIENT, CROSS SLOPE, DRAINAGE
A sidewalk is the space within the right-of-way
dedicated to pedestrian travel. Hawaii State • MEANDERING SIDEWALKS
Statutes define a “sidewalk” as that portion of a AND WALKWAYS
street between the curb lines, or the lateral lines • BICYCLE USE ADJACENT TO AND WITHIN
of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines, • CURBING AND CONCRETE BARRIERS
intended for use of pedestrians (Hawaii Revised • SIDE SLOPES, RAILINGS, AND WALLS

Sidewalks and walkways 4-1

provide places for physical
activity and recreation.
Sidewalks and Walkways
Paved walkways are sometimes used in lower
density areas, such as with cluster development
or larger lot sizes along roads without curbs
or sidewalks. Paved walkways are typically
separated from the roadway.
PEDESTRIANS Pedestrian paths that are unpaved and
STREETS unimproved may be referred to as foot paths
or trails. Pedestrian paths that are shared with
• Efficient mobility – the route takes
people to and from their destinations bicyclists and typically paved are formally called
Shops and markets attract high levels
of pedestrian activity. “shared use paths." See Toolbox Section 7 for
• Safety and security
more information on shared use paths and trails.
• Defined space

• Visibility between motorists In some areas, when no sidewalks, walkways,

and pedestrians or shared use paths are available, pedestrians
• Accessibility – a firm, stable might be seen walking on roadside shoulders.
surface and clear path of travel Unpaved foot paths or trails may form as a result
• A comfortable and of repeated pedestrian traffic. But shoulders and
attractive environment foot paths/trails are not formally recognized as
pedestrian facilities. If pedestrians are present or
if they potentially could be present, sidewalks,
walkways, or shared use paths should be
considered to accommodate their travel.


Sidewalks and Walkways

Determining When and need to provide more pedestrian facilities and EXHIBIT 4.1 Technical Analyses to Determine
Pedestrian Improvement Needs
Where Sidewalks and improve existing facilities in our communities.

Walkways are Needed In Hawaii, the Statewide Pedestrian Master Context/land use analyses

Studies have shown that pedestrian travel Plan has documented the need for various
Walkability audits
increases in areas where more pedestrian pedestrian projects specific to state facilities.
Connectivity analyses
facilities are available. Higher numbers of Exhibit 4.1 lists various types of technical

pedestrians can be found in areas where more analyses that can be conducted to determine Roadway and traffic control device inventories

complete and continuous sidewalks, walkways, the need for pedestrian facilities. Other general
Sight distance studies
crossings, and other pedestrian facilities exist. considerations are summarized below.
The adequacy of gaps in the stream of
traffic for pedestrian crossings analyses
Sidewalks and walkways separated from the Local jurisdictions can prioritize pedestrian
roadway contribute greatly to pedestrian safety. projects based on context and land use. For Crash summaries and diagrams

Pedestrians walking along the road account for example, locations where the mix and density of
Conflict analyses
10-15 percent of pedestrian crashes nationally. land uses results in more pedestrian activity may
need improvements before other areas. Major Pedestrian volumes and characteristics analyses
The majority of these crashes happen along
high speed roads in rural areas, because urban pedestrian generators include (but are not limited Collection of volumes/counts
areas are typically designed for pedestrians. to) schools, hospitals, open space, shopping
Speed spot studies
Sidewalks and separated walkways can prevent districts, tourist destinations, and senior centers.
crashes. Based on the crash reduction factor
(CRF), paved shoulders have a CRF of 70 percent Funding sources are not always available
and sidewalks have a CRF of 88 percent. (Federal to complete large projects at once, causing
Highway Administration Pedestrian and Bicycle the retrofitting of pedestrian facilities along
Information Center) existing streets, roadways, and highways to be
implemented over time.
Given these and other research findings, as well
as state and federal initiatives to increase and To reach the overall goal of a more complete
encourage pedestrian travel, there is a general pedestrian travel network, local agencies often


Sidewalks and Walkways

require pedestrian facilities to be constructed also provides guidance to help determine when
as part of private development projects. State and where to provide pedestrian facilities.
and local agencies can then fill in missing links These recommendations as well as additional
in the network through public funding and suggestions are summarized below.
capital investment projects. Determining when
• Consider the need for pedestrian facilities as
and where pedestrian facilities are needed is
part of all street and roadway projects.
often left up to local jurisdictions. When the
needs are great, prioritizing where pedestrian • In areas where pedestrian activity exists
facilities should be constructed, widened, or is anticipated, pedestrian facilities
Roads with sidewalks on only one side greatly
constrict pedestrian movement.
extended, and repaired can be challenging. should be provided.
Pedestrians make good use of limited space
in Paia town, Maui
• Give consideration to connecting nearby
The need to improve safety can be a strong
urban communities with pedestrian
factor in determining when and where sidewalk
facilities, even though current pedestrian
improvements should be made. Analysis of the
traffic may be light. (The existing level/
specific context, including land uses and the
volume of pedestrian traffic is not an
transportation network, can help determine
accurate determinant of the future
pedestrian safety needs. Various types of
potential level/volume of pedestrian
technical studies can be conducted to further
use.) In the future, with growth and
analyze where problems and barriers occur
development, there will be an even
and to identify the types of improvements
stronger need for pedestrian connectivity
needed to address these. Exhibit 4.2 lists
between communities.
recommended sidewalk and walkway locations
based on land use. • Pedestrian facilities are often needed in
rural and suburban areas to provide access
A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and to schools, parks, community centers, local
Streets, by the American Association of State businesses, employment centers, transit
Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) stops and stations, and residential areas.


Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.2 Recommended Sidewalk/Walkway need to be evaluated, along with crash data
Locations Based on Land Use
and pedestrian demand. To address both the
goal of having safe places to walk and that of
Commercial centers, Both sides of all streets the community to retain a rural atmosphere,
downtowns, town/ and roadways
village centers, and pedestrian facilities can be developed that do
high to medium density As a general best practice, Complete Street
not look like traditional sidewalks, but do meet
residential areas principles should be considered on all
streets, roadways, and highways in Hawaii. walking needs. More rural and natural looking
Low-density residential Preferably on both sides, walkways may include separated asphalt or
(1-4 units/ac.) but at least one side with
sufficient shoulder width* compacted crushed stone paths, for example.
on the other side Even in rural areas, people want and need to
• Pedestrian warrants for sidewalks along
Rural residential (less Preferably on at least one
walk, and as such facilities should be provided.
highways have not been established. In
than 1 unit/ac.) side with sufficient shoulder
width* on other side general, whenever the roadside and land
Sometimes, natural paths or desire lines are
development conditions are such that
Areas near schools, parks, Both sides of all streets created as a result of frequent travel at the side
community centers, and roadways pedestrians may travel along a highway,
of the roadway. These paths may suggest the
senior housing, hospitals, they should be furnished with a sidewalk,
employment centers, need for more formal pedestrian improvements.
and other pedestrian walkway or shared use path, as suitable
generating land uses given the conditions.
AASHTO has developed levels of service to
Areas with higher Review on a case-by- • The higher speeds of traffic and the absence quantify the relative mobility of pedestrians
exposure risk, such as case basis. May require
with higher incidence of more improvements than of consistent lighting in rural areas reinforce and conflicts with other pedestrians that
collisions/speeding standard approach. the need for separated pedestrian facilities. influence walking speed, maneuvering room,
* See pages 4-12 and 4-13 for recommended shoulder widths Studies show that providing pedestrian and the feeling of comfort. Levels of service (A
facilities in rural areas reduces pedestrian/ to F, see Exhibit 4.3) reflect increasing crowding
motor vehicle crashes. and decreasing freedom of movement. The
levels of service are based on the available area
When considering the need for pedestrian per person. (For more information, refer to the
facilities in rural areas, clear zone requirements Walkway Capacities section within Chapter 2


Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.3 AASHTO Sidewalk Levels of Service of AASHTO's A Policy on Geometric Design of feasible (which may require narrowing the
Highways and Streets.) It is important to note width of the pedestrian facility for a short
Level-of-Service A Allows each person to choose a
desired walking speed and to avoid that this approach may not adequately consider distance, installing structural spans, or other
conflicts with other pedestrians.
future potential volumes of pedestrians since it solutions to create a continuous path of travel
Level-of-Service B Pedestrians begin to be aware of is based on existing levels of pedestrian use. for pedestrians.)
other pedestrians.

Level-of-Service C Requires minor adjustments To achieve the recommended best practice, All designated pedestrian access routes in public
to speed and direction by new roadway projects should include sufficient rights-of-way must meet the requirements of
pedestrians to avoid conflicts.
budget for pedestrian facilities. As discussed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Refer
Level-of-Service D Freedom to select individual above, pedestrian improvements, as needed, to Toolbox Section 3—Accessibility for guidance.
walking speed and bypass other
pedestrians is restricted. should be retrofitted along existing streets,
Frequent changes in speed and roadways, and highways incrementally as Very Low Volume/Low Speed Streets
position are required.
public funding or private redevelopment and Shared Streets
Level-of-Service E Provides for very crowded opportunities allow. Very low volume streets and shared streets
walking, at times reduced to
require special consideration regarding design
shuffling, making reverse or
cross-traffic flow very difficult. Controlled-access freeways are typically the only for pedestrian use. In rare cases, typically in
The speed of virtually all
traffic rights-of-way that are not suitable locations local neighborhood alleys and shared streets
pedestrians is reduced.
for pedestrian facilities. specifically designed for multi-modal use,
Level-of-Service F A person is likely to be standing
pedestrian sidewalks and walkways may not
stationary in a waiting area or
is able to walk only by shuffling. Along some highways, roadways, and streets, be needed. Traffic volumes and speeds must
There is frequent, unavoidable
there may be natural barriers that limit the be very low–low enough that pedestrians,
contact with other pedestrians.
available space for pedestrian facilities (such as including children, feel comfortable in the
steep topography, shorelines, natural resources street. The AASHTO Guide for the Planning,
or other conditions). Even in these locations, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities
analysis should be performed to consider states that in these cases, roadways should
the best methods for providing a continuous have traffic volumes of less than 400 vehicles
pedestrian travel way to the maximum extent per day with minimal pedestrian use.


Sidewalks and Walkways

The pedestrian bridge on the east shore of Kauai provides 4-7
people with a place to exercise and enjoy the outdoors safely.
Sidewalks and Walkways
4-8 This shared street bustles with activity
on a sunny afternoon in Asheville, NC.
Sidewalks and Walkways
Both Sides or One Side shoulder, facing traffic that may approach from the
As a recommended best practice, continuous opposite direction. (Hawaii Revised Statutes 291C-76)
sidewalks or walkways should be provided along
both sides of all streets, roadways, and highways
used by pedestrians. However, a sidewalk on one Recommended Dimensions
side may be adequate for some local streets, for Sidewalks and Walkways WHEN DETERMINING
especially when this improves a condition where in Various Settings WALKWAY DIMENSIONS,
there were no sidewalks previously. The widths of sidewalks and walkways can DESIGNERS SHOULD
vary depending on adjacent land uses, local CONSIDER:
Various factors can influence the decision to requirements, the type of street or roadway, • Local standards and preferences
place sidewalks along both sides or one side, presence of trees and utilities, and predicted • Characteristics of pedestrians using
such as available space within the right-of-way, pedestrian activity. Recommended minimum the facility
existing physical limitations at the roadside, and dimensions are shown in Exhibit 4.4 for various • ADA standards
which side of the street the most pedestrian types of streets and roadways (based on Hawaii
• Surrounding land uses
origins and destinations (such as schools and bus recognized street classifications). As a general best
stops) are located. Evaluating land uses can help practice, sidewalks and walkways along streets • Pedestrian volumes
(existing and projected)
to inform these decisions. and roadways should be a desirable minimum of
6 ft (1.8 m) wide (a width that allows two people • Type of street/roadway
When sidewalks are placed on both sides, to walk side by side or to pass each other, either • Roadside environment
pedestrians can more easily walk on either side of the standing or in wheelchairs, comfortably).
• Available space within the right-of-way
roadway. Sidewalks on one side of the road constrict
• Location of existing utilities, poles,
pedestrian movement, typically causing pedestrians See Toolbox Section 3—Accessibility for minimum
and structures
to walk in the roadway or illegally cross to reach their horizontal clearances required by ADA. To meet ADA,
destination. According to Hawaii state law, where sidewalks and walkways must contain a clear passage • Traffic characteristics

sidewalks are not provided, any pedestrian walking area with a minimum width of 4 ft (1.5 m). When • Additional space that may be needed
along and upon a highway shall, when practicable, located in urban areas, downtowns, or medium to for landscape, trees, and furnishings
walk only on the left side of the roadway or its high density residential areas, sidewalks generally


Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.4 Recommended Dimensions for Sidewalks and Walkways need to be wider to accommodate higher volumes
LOCAL of pedestrians. For example, a common standard
Right-of-Way (Typical) 100 ft 84 ft 60 ft 60 ft 50-60 ft 60 ft (2.4 m) wide, but this is not wide enough in areas
(30.5 m) (25.6 m) (18.3 m) (18.3 m) (15.2-18.3 m) (18.3 m)

No. of Travel Lanes / that experience frequent pedestrian activity.

4-6 Lanes 4 Lanes 2 Lanes 2 Lanes 28 ft 44 ft
Width of Roadway (Typical) (8.5 m) (13.4 m)

SIDEWALK WIDTHS Sidewalks and walkways should be designed to

Desirable 8 - 10 ft 8 ft 6 - 8 ft 6 to 7 ft 5 ft 6 ft comfortably accommodate the typical volume of
(2.4 - 3.0 m) (2.4 m) (1.8 - 2.4 m) (1.8 - 2.1 m) (1.5 m) (1.8 m)

Minimum 6 ft 6 ft 6 ft 6 ft 5 ft 6 ft pedestrians that will be using them. In high use

(1.8 m) (1.8 m) (1.8 m) (1.8 m) (1.5 m) (1.8 m)
6 ft 6 ft 6 ft 5 ft 5 ft 5 ft areas like central business districts, sidewalks
With Planting Strip/Buffer (1.8 m) (1.8 m) (1.8 m) (1.5 m) (1.5 m) (1.5 m)
generally should be 10 to 15 ft (3.0 to 4.6 m) or
With Street Trees, No Buffer 10 ft 10 ft 8 ft 8 ft – –
(3.0 m) (3.0 m) (2.4 m) (2.4 m) wider to accommodate high pedestrian flows.
Urban Center/Business District 10-15 ft 10-15 ft Varies – – – However, It is important to avoid “over design” of
(3.0-4.6 m) (3.0-4.6 m)

L O C AT I O N excessively wide sidewalks. Wide spans of empty

pavement can appear uninviting to pedestrians.
Desirable Both Sides Both Sides

Minimum Both Sides Both Sides Both Sides Both Sides One Side One Side If the facility is a shared use path (shared with
PLANTING BUFFER WIDTH WHEN USED bicyclists), it must be an absolute minimum of 8

Desirable 5 ft 5 ft 5 ft 5 ft 5 ft 5 ft ft (2.4 m) wide and often wider depending on the

(1.5 m) (1.5 m) (1.5 m) (1.5 m) (1.5 m) (1.5 m)
use (see Toolbox Section 7—Shared Use Paths).
Minimum 4 ft 4 ft 4 ft 4 ft 4 ft 4 ft
(1.2 m) (1.2 m) (1.2 m) (1.2 m) (1.2 m) (1.2 m)

Note: Refer to the AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities, as well as other AASHTO guides for additional information.
The dimensions listed in Exhibit 4.4 are guidelines.
Dimensional requirements may vary within each
local jurisdiction (check local requirements).
Consider each project on a case-by-case basis to
find the best possible design solution to fit the
anticipated volume of pedestrian use.


Sidewalks and Walkways

Buffers/Separation Double check the clear zone requirements as
Providing a buffer can improve pedestrian safety part of the design of buffers along all streets
and enhance the overall walking experience. and roadways.
Buffer width is the distance between the sidewalk
and the adjacent roadway. Per the AASHTO
Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, Highways as Main Streets,
desirable minimum buffer widths as measured Rural Areas, and Shoulders
from the edge of the traveled way are: In many small towns and villages, state highways
are the main street and primary arterial through
Lahaina storefront
• Local or collector streets – 2 to 4 ft (.6 to 1.2 m) the center of town. They function as the major
A pedestrian walks on the grassy shoulder
route into which local arterials and collectors on this Maui roadway.
• Arterial or major streets – 5 to 6 ft (1.2 to 1.8 m)
feed. In many towns in Hawaii, the state highway
Note: These measurements are typically for is often the only arterial connecting virtually all
roadways and streets with curbs; check clear major destination points (such as schools, parks,
zone requirements on roads without curbs. scenic stops, and residential and commercial
areas). Providing sidewalks and walkways along
However, if the buffer area is landscaped and these sections of highway that have many
includes trees, 2 ft (0.6 m) is not wide enough. potential pedestrian trip generators is important.
A minimum of 4 ft (1.2 m) is recommended.
Some trees may require more space. Consult Providing adequate pedestrian facilities along the
with a landscape architect and/or arborist to state highways in these settings is an important
determine spatial needs for the trees proposed. step to incorporating pedestrians into the state’s
See Exhibit 4.4 for recommended buffer widths overall transportation network. Sidewalks for
related to street type. Buffer areas also provide these main streets need to be designed the same
space for light poles, utilities, signs, and street as they would be for the urban centers of larger
furniture, as well as protection from splashing cities, with sufficient width to support anticipated
and car door openings. pedestrian use. It is important to remember that


Sidewalks and Walkways

there are differences between the small town motor vehicle traffic may be traveling at higher
main street environment and the larger city street speeds. Shoulders are not an appropriate
environment, and applied design treatments option for pedestrian accessible routes (refer to
should reflect community preferences. Toolbox Section 3—Accessibility). In such cases,
a full sidewalk or paved walkway, raised and/or
WHEN ROADSIDE Shoulder Use in Rural Areas separated from the roadway should be provided
SHOULDERS ARE USED Shoulders along roadways in rural areas are to the maximum extent feasible.
sometimes used by pedestrians, even though
• They can be paved or compacted
crushed surface (firm and stable), but shoulders are not formally recognized as Shoulder Dimensions
high visual contrast from adjacent pedestrian facilities. While this use is generally Refer to local and state standards for applicable
roadway is best. not the preferred condition, it does occur. As shoulder width requirements. As a general best
• Signs to prohibit parking should be such, it is important for rural roadways and practice, per the AASHTO Guide for the Planning,
installed unless sufficient width is highways to meet at least minimum standards Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities,
provided to accommodate parking
for shoulder width on both sides. shoulders should be:
and pedestrians.

• Pedestrian use of roadside shoulders • 4 to 6 ft wide (1.2 to 1.8 m) minimum

Even in completely undeveloped areas, where
should be recognized as a need for adjacent to a bike lane and on local roads
more formal facilities/improvements, the roadways may not be intended as pedestrian
with lower traffic volumes
and treated as a temporary routes, it is desirable to provide walking
condition. The ultimate objective space along the traveled way for occasional • 4 ft (1.2 m) minimum on roads with less than
should be to construct sidewalks,
or emergency use by pedestrians. This can be 400 ADT and 6 ft minimum on roads with
walkways or shared use paths in
these areas as soon as possible. achieved by delineating the shoulder for added 400 to 1500 ADT
safety for non-motorized use.
• 6 ft (1.8 m) width is acceptable on roads
with 1500-2000 ADT if minimum width of
Where a pedestrian route is needed to provide
traveled way is 24 ft (7.3 m)
access between buildings or facilities, shoulders
are not usually adequate or appropriate as • 8 ft (2.4 m) wide minimum on roads over
pedestrian facilities, particularly when adjacent 2000 ADT


Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.5 Minimum Roadside Shoulder Widths (AASHTO)

ADT (Average Daily Traffic) Trips < 400 400-1500 1500-2000 >2000


Local Roads and Streets 4 ft 5 ft 6 ft 8 ft

(1.2 m) (1.5 m) (1.8 m) (2.4 m)

Collector Roads and Streets 4 ft 5 ft 6 ft 8 ft

(1.2 m) (1.5 m) (1.8 m) (2.4 m)

Rural and Urban Arterials 4 ft 6 ft 6 ft 8 ft

(1.2 m) (1.8 m) (1.8 m) (2.4 m)

Example of paved shoulder on Kamehameha

Shoulders along higher speed highways and immediately, the shoulder width should be Highway, Oahu

roadways are generally not appropriate expanded to be as wide as possible to serve the Runner along Maui highway walkway

as roadside parking lanes (except during use–10 ft (3.0 m) minimum.

emergencies). Shoulders should be signed to
prohibit parking. However, in the case that Shoulder Delineation
parking is expected along lower volume/ In areas where pedestrians and bicyclists may
lower speed rural roads, shoulders should be a be using shoulders, extra-width striping should
minimum of 12 ft (3.7 m) wide. be provided to delineate the shoulder space.
In some areas, it may also be possible to use
Shoulders may need to be wider in the vicinity a contrasting paving color (colored asphalt
of school bus stops or if located on major compacted fine cinders, chip seal, etc.) to help
collectors/arterials (more than 2000 ADT). Refer delineate these areas and visually separate the
to Toolbox Section 8—Children and School shoulder from street. This can provide an added
Zones for more information. benefit of traffic calming (perceived width of
travel way is narrowed). Innovative approaches,
In rural areas experiencing heavy pedestrian such as dashed stripes or angled stripes could also
use, the best solution is to construct a sidewalk, be considered for delineation to draw motorist
walkway, or path. If this can’t be implemented attention to the edge use by other modes.


Sidewalks and Walkways

In unpaved conditions or natural areas, well- width of 10 ft (3 m) should be provided (AASHTO
compacted crushed rock or stone material can Green Book). No trees, poles, bollards, signs
be provided adjacent to the roadway to provide (unless designed with break-a-way posts and
extra space. Compacted earth or low-growing bases) or other fixed objects that create lateral
grass shoulders can also provide space for obstructions can be located in this zone.
pedestrians if there are no other alternatives
(but they perform poorly during wet weather). For urban arterials, collectors, and local
Unpaved shoulders are usually less costly to streets where curbs are utilized and speeds are
install, but more expensive to maintain. These lower, less space for clear zones is required.
Hamakua Heritage Corridor, Big Island (Rosa Say)
are not formally recognized as pedestrian travel A minimum offset distance of 18 in (500 mm)
North Share Path on Oahu–
parallel to the state highway ways and generally should only be used in cases should be provided beyond the face of the curb
of emergency. (AASHTO Green Book). It should be noted that
most curbs do not have a significant capability
Clear Zone Requirements to redirect vehicles on highways and higher
AASHTO and HDOT have specific requirements speed roadways. Where design/posted speed is
limiting lateral obstructions along highways and greater than 45 mph, refer to AASHTO as well
roadways that can be potentially dangerous to as state and local standards for additional clear
motorists during crashes. The term “clear zone” zone guidance.
is used to designate the unobstructed, relatively
flat area provided beyond the edge of the Additional offset from edge of roadway/face
traveled way for the recovery of errant vehicles. of curb may be needed depending on crash
The clear zone includes any shoulders or experience, number and location of driveways,
auxiliary lanes. Clear zone widths are prescribed type of adjacent development, on street
based on traffic volumes and vehicle speeds. parking, bike lanes, and available right-of-way
widths. Necessary sight triangles for motorists
For rural collectors and local roads with speed and pedestrians should be examined and
limits of 45 mph or less, a minimum clear zone provided in design.


Sidewalks and Walkways

Separation on Higher Speed Roads Ditches and Swales
Along higher speed roadways and highways, On many rural roadways, an open ditch or swale
sidewalks, walkways, and shared use paths is located along the edge to provide conveyance
should be removed from the traveled way, and treatment of stormwater runoff. Where
outside the clear zone, and separated by as there is sufficient space within the right-of-
much space as available within the right-of-way. way, the sidewalk or walkway can be located
In the case of extremely wide rights-of-way, the beyond the ditch, providing a buffer area
pedestrian route generally should be located between motor vehicle traffic and pedestrians.
within 20 to 30 ft or less from the roadway as Where a ditch or swale is constructed along a
suggested maximum separation. It is important sidewalk, the adjacent slope should generally
Old Mamaloa Highway, Big Island
that the pedestrian route is as convenient and not exceed a 3 horizontal to 1 vertical grade, or (Marjolein Visser)

direct as possible. Pedestrian facilities can at least 4 ft (1.2 m) of horizontal space should be
also be situated within easements on private provided adjacent to ditches with steeper slopes.
property. In these situations, the paths often Otherwise railing may be required (see discussion
function as two-way shared use facilities serving later in this section). A sidewalk separated from
both pedestrians and bicyclists. the roadway by a ditch is illustrated in Exhibit
4.16, later in this toolbox section.
Where it is not possible to locate the paths
outside the clear zone, traffic barriers may be
needed to adequately protect the path users Historic and Scenic Highways
from high-speed vehicles, or speed reduction Historic and scenic roads are unique resources
may need to be considered. (Fixed objects such with special management considerations.
as bollards or trees should not be installed in In 2006 in Hawaii, legislation was passed to
the clear zone along higher speed highways as include flexible design guidelines consistent with
measures to protect pedestrians.) practices used by the FHWA and AASHTO in
highway design for special areas. This legislation
allows flexibility in highway design to meet local


Sidewalks and Walkways

conditions. The law addresses access for other terrain, and other special conditions is important.
modes of transportation along scenic and historic Refer to AASHTO's A Guide for Achieving
routes, including but not limited to, bicycle and Flexibility in Highway Design for context-sensitive
pedestrian transportation. solutions that may be applicable in these areas.
Also design of improvements on designated
Any improvements proposed to historic and scenic byways needs to be consistent with
scenic highways shall be designed to minimize HDOT scenic byway policy and plans. Corridor
environmental, scenic, aesthetic, historic, management plan have been developed for
community, and preservation impacts. (Hawaii some scenic byways, and these plans should be
Streetscapes are an essential part of the Revised Statutes 264) referenced to confirm specific design guidelines
public space in cities and towns.
( and improvement needs.
Many historic and scenic roads are narrow
in character, with little to no shoulder, and
pedestrian/bicycle needs must be balanced with Sidewalk Corridors and the
sensitive resources. When historic roads are Pedestrian Realm
part of a developed area or in a town center, The “sidewalk corridor” is a term often used
pedestrian facilities are likely needed, but should in urban areas or town centers and generally
be designed to retain the historic character of encompasses the space between curb or
the corridor. Separation from the roadway edge street edge and the face of buildings or
can help to retain rural/historic character. Also, property lines along the street. The sidewalk
colored paving, special paving (unit pavers), corridor may include sidewalks or walkways,
or even compacted crushed stone can be as well as space for landscaping, street trees,
considered for surfacing to help preserve and furnishings, utility appurtenances, signs, street
enhance the corridor character. lights, and other features.

Applying design flexibility for scenic byways, Another term used to describe pedestrian
historic routes, roadways adjacent to steep areas in urban, suburban, or rural settings is


Sidewalks and Walkways

the “pedestrian realm.” The pedestrian realm • Pedestrian through/travel zone PEDESTRIAN
encompasses the space between the edge of the • Furnishings zone (aka fixtures/planting zone) REALM DESIGN
street and the outside limit of the right-of-way
(building line/property line), as well as any area
• Edge/curb zone CHECKLIST
pedestrians may travel within the right-of-way, • Extension zone
including intersections and mid-block crossings.
Clearly visible through zone
The typical widths of each of these zones will
No obstacles or protruding
vary depending on specific circumstances
elements in the through zone
The Streetside Pedestrian in the right-of-way. The function and typical
Realm in Urban Areas, dimensions for each zone are further described
Moderate grades and cross slopes

Business Districts, and below. Refer to Exhibits 4.6 and 4.7, which show No vertical changes in grade levels
Downtowns the zones of the streetside pedestrian realm. Passing and resting areas in the
Urban streetscapes are important public through zone, as well as areas
resources, and collectively they are an essential Refer to Toolbox Section 5 for design guidance to gather and socialize in the
related to intersections and crossings, which are furnishings zone
part of the public space in urban areas.
They represent a city’s vitality and livability. also important areas of the pedestrian realm. Firm, stable, slip resistant surfaces
Sidewalks in business districts, downtowns, Paving properly installed and
Building Frontage Zone maintained in a smooth condition
and village/town centers need to be designed
The building frontage zone is where people
to efficiently accommodate heavy volumes of Good lighting
enter and exit buildings and where pedestrians
pedestrian traffic.
may travel at a slower pace to window-shop Good security and visibility—open
sight lines, access to emergency
or to stop and chat. The frontage zone starts
In urban areas, business districts, downtowns, services, an active environment
adjacent to the building or property line. In
and village/town centers, the streetside
urban and developed areas, this zone can vary in Comfort—shade and heat
pedestrian realm serves multiple purposes and mitigating design features
width from approximately 2 to 10 ft (.61 m to 3.0
generally consists of the following zones.
m) or more. Designers should allow a minimum Attractive environment for
pedestrians—vibrant, interesting
of 2 ft (.61 m) “shy” distance, as people prefer
• Building frontage zone and well designed


Sidewalks and Walkways

this width when walking adjacent to buildings. EXHIBIT 4.6 Streetscapes should be designed to be complete systems that blend all components into a safe,
functional, attractive, and cohesive place. Kaimuki, Honolulu.
The frontage zone width should provide space
for door openings, steps, architectural features,
utilities, window shopping, signs, displays and
similar provisions. Other recommendations:

• Keep this space as narrow and clear as possible.

• Construct the frontage zone at the same

grade and level as the through zone.

• The surface material may be the same as

the through zone, but accent paving or color
can be used to delineate and distinguish the
building frontage zone from the through zone.

Pedestrian Through/Travel Zone

The pedestrian through or travel zone is the Building Pedestrian Through/Travel Zone Furnishings Zone Curb/
Frontage Edge
predominant, obstacle-free space for pedestrian Zone Zone
movement. This zone must remain both Extension Zone
horizontally and vertically clear and provide a
direct connection along pedestrian desire lines.
• Increase the width of the through zone Furnishings Zone
In urban and developed areas, the through
in places that will attract high volumes of The furnishings zone may also be known as
zone should typically be 6 to 10 ft (1.8 m to 3.0
pedestrians (near transit stops, malls, plazas, the fixtures or planting zone. This zone is often
m) wide, with a 4 ft (1.2 m) absolute minimum
and other areas). where street furniture, utility equipment, trees,
in accordance with ADA requirements. Other
landscaping, stormwater facilities, newspaper
Refer to later in this section and Toolbox Section and entertainment flyer boxes, transit stops, and
• Provide a firm, stable, and slip-resistant surface. 3 for vertical clearance requirements. other features such as kiosks, sidewalk cafes,


Sidewalks and Walkways

vendors, and public art are located. This zone space. Involve a landscape architect and/or
provides a buffer between street traffic and the arborist in the design process to confirm special
pedestrian through/travel zone. Dimensions for requirements. Other recommendations:
this zone can vary widely.
• Consolidate and organize furnishings to
maximize public use and benefit.
If these areas are landscaped and contain
street trees, a minimum width of 4 ft (1.2 m) is • Provide paved areas across the furnishings
recommended. Certain trees may require more zone where needed to allow pedestrian

EXHIBIT 4.7 Functions of the Pedestrian Realm Zones

Frontage Through Furnishings Edge Parking

Area along Obstacle-free space for clear Primary buffer space Interface
the right- pedestrian through travel between the active between the
of-way that that is often the primary pedestrian walking area on-street
functions to walking area of the sidewalk of the through zone and parking or
provide space adjacent throughfares motor vehicle
between travel lane
the building
façade, wall
or fence and Extension
the through
zone of the Additional space for pedestrians and
sidewalk streetscape elements


Sidewalks and Walkways

4-20 As well as improving pedestrian safety, curb extensions
create added space for plantings.

Sidewalks and Walkways

access to crossings, taxi stands, bus stops, • Ensure that signs, street lights, parking consider the unique conditions associated
and other facilities. meters, and other elements located in the with each zone (such as adjacent land uses and
edge/curb zone will not conflict with the use context), as well as how the pedestrian realm
• Provide screening/buffering of utility fixtures
of the adjacent lane (whether for on-street interacts with other elements of the street (bike
in this zone while maintaining clear access to
parking, bike travel, or motor vehicle traffic). facilities, transit facilities, and intersections).
utility providers for maintenance.
Provide adequate clear space/shy space Maintaining clear sight lines between
• Refer to Streetscape Furnishings (Exhibit around all appurtenances in the zone. pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists in these
4.12) later in this toolbox section for areas of interaction is critical.
• Combine the furnishings zone and edge zone
examples of streetscape elements often
where necessary for transit stops and taxi
provided in this zone. The Furnishings Zone
stands. If not possible, provide a minimum
as a Planting Buffer
of 5 ft (1.5 m) horizontal clearance where
Edge/Curb Zone The furnishings zone often functions as a planting
pedestrians are likely to wait for taxis or buses.
The edge or curb zone is adjacent to on-street buffer with street trees, landscaping, and/or
parking, bike lanes, or motor vehicle lanes. It Extension Zone natural vegetation. Planting buffers (also referred
provides space to open a car door. It also may The extension zone refers to locations where the to as planting strips, landscape strips or buffers,
be where pedestrians wait for taxis and buses streetside pedestrian realm may extend into the verges, greens, and nature strips) are considered
when combined with the furnishings zone (to parking lane. Conditions include curb extensions to be an effective separation treatment between
become the extension zone). This zone is often (bulb outs), flexible use of parking lanes, bicycle walkways and streets in all types of settings. The
where street lights, signals, traffic signs, parking parking, tree planting, landscaping, stormwater added separation of a planting buffer helps a
meters, and street-related infrastructure are facilities, seating, and additional site furnishing pedestrian feel more comfortable when walking
placed (these elements may also be placed in areas. Extension zones are generally the same along the street. Trees and landscaping also
the furnishings zone. The width of this zone width as on-street parking lanes. soften the urban environment, provide shade,
can vary. It is generally preferable to keep the reduce heat, and create a more pleasant walking
edge/curb zone as narrow as possible. 12 in to Interactions Between Zones environment. Planting buffers can be landscaped
18 in (30.5 cm to 45.7 cm) is common. Other Because interaction occurs between these in a variety of ways to aesthetically enhance the
recommendations: zones, development of a cohesive design for streetside environment. (Refer to Street Trees
the pedestrian realm is important. Design must and Landscaping in Toolbox Section 2.)


Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.8 Summary of Pedestrian Realm Guidelines


18 in wide as a 6 ft desirable min 3 ft suggested 6 in (just the Width of parking
general rule width in urban absolute min in width of the curb, lane - 7 ft to 8 ft,
areas/downtown, urban areas, may where there is no typically in urban
can be wider be wider for specific parking lane, or no areas
to accomodate furnishings/public continuous planting)
pedestrian volumes space
Up to 24 in wide Absolute min of 5 ft 4 ft min where trees 2 ft min where there
on commercial in urban areas, not or large shrubs are is a parking lane
and mixed-use including edge or provided
streets furnishings zone
Less width where 4 ft min clear travel 4 ft (+ 1 ft for every 2 ft 6 in min where
A bioswale was designed to convey and filter stormwater a continuous space must be 5 mph increment there is angled
along this street in Seattle, WA. ( building setback is provided for ADA over 25 mph) or perpendicular
Stormwater infiltration system on a green street in
provided parking to allow
Portland, OR. (
space for car
On narrower Tree grates may be 5 ft min where
sidewalks or with a located in this area pedestrians may
narrow furnishings (typically 4 ft or 5 ft wait for taxis or
zone, tree grates square or round) buses
may extend into
this space (not
Pedestrian shy Main path of travel Streetscape Walkable surface Provides for flexible
distance along the for pedestrians, furnishings, when adjacent to use of parking lane
building facade clear of obstacles; street trees and parking or part of for curb extensions
accessible walking landscaping, transit at crossings, such as
surface newpaper boxes, additional space for
utilities (fire stormwater facilities
hydrants, electrical and furnishings
boxes, etc.), and
other elements
Window displays, Place for vertical
cafe settings elements such
as street signs,
street lights,
utility poles, parking
meters, etc. with 18
in clearance to curb
Furnishings Street trees and
aligned with basins, with non-
frontage continuous planting


Sidewalks and Walkways

Planting buffers can also be bermed and bordered • Install tree pits or tree box filters with preferred. The ADA requires that “objects
by curbing, or developed at the same grade level drought and water-tolerant trees, under protruding from walls (e.g., signs, fixtures,
as the roadway. Along state highways, where drains, and directed gutter flow. telephones, canopies) with leading edges between
trees are planted, HDOT requires planting buffers 2.25 ft (68.5 cm) and 6.7 ft (2.0 cm) above the
to be two times the diameter of the root ball. In finished sidewalk shall protrude no more than
areas where there is limited space or right-of-way, Horizontal and 4 in (10.0 cm) into any portion of the public
the width of the planting buffer can be reduced Vertical Clearances sidewalk." A detectable railing must be provided
or eliminated and provided again where there Urban streetscapes should be carefully designed if protruding objects exist and can not meet the
is more space or right-of-way available. Photos in order to provide adequate space for furnishings above requirements. (Refer to PROWAG.)
on pages 4-20 and 4-22 and Exhibits 4.6, 4.7, and and utility facilities outside the main travel way
4.17 illustrate various types of planting buffers used by pedestrians. A clear path of 4 ft (1.2 m) Traffic signs located directly adjacent to or
between sidewalks and streets. absolute minimum is required within the width of all within the sidewalk need to be mounted and
sidewalks and walkways by the ADA. Please note this tree branches need to be pruned high enough
The planting buffer also can house a number of is only the minimal clearance required, and is not a to meet the recommended vertical clearance
natural drainage facilities. Sustainably-minded sufficient overall width for sidewalks or walkways in between ground level and the bottom of the
designers can: any location. This minimal clearance is required for sign. Informational and directional signs for
wheelchair passage, but in areas where pedestrian pedestrians can be lower, if located a minimum
• Install a street swale within planting strip use is moderate to high, this minimum clearance is of 3 ft (1.0 m) from the sidewalk.
rather than groundcover vegetation alone not sufficient. This clearance should be increased
to better manage stormwater. to the maximum obtainable, or the full width of the A typical pedestrian travel way, designed to be
sidewalk. Obstacles, such as signs, street furniture, clear of obstructions, is illustrated in Exhibit 4.9.
• Design planted areas within the curb
and newspaper stands, should be placed off to
extension so as to capture stormwater
the side of the travel way, in the furnishings/
according to current standards.
planting zone, as discussed in this toolbox section. Gradient, Cross Slope,
• Install stormwater street planters that Drainage, and Utility Covers
are designed to control flow and improve The vertical clearance needed for sidewalks and Sidewalks and walkways should be designed with
water quality. walkways is 6 ft 8 in minimum (2.0 m), 7 ft (2.1 m) maximum longitudinal grades of 5 percent. Since


Sidewalks and Walkways

sidewalk grades are typically designed to match EXHIBIT 4.9 Clear Travel Way and Proper the surrounding sidewalk surface. They should
Positioning of Street Furniture
adjacent roadways, sometimes it may be necessary have a non-slip surface. Elongated openings
to exceed this gradient, such as in areas of rolling shall be placed so that the long dimension is
or mountainous terrain. Where the walkway of a perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel
pedestrian access route is contained within a street Detectable (See Exhibit 4.10). (Refer to PROWAG R301.7.1 and
or highway border, its grade shall not exceed the ADAAG 302.3.) For more information refer to the
general grade established for the adjacent street or Protected Zone Toolbox Section 3—Accessibility.
highway. (PROWAG 301.4.2) However, exceeding
the 5 percent gradient should be avoided to the
maximum extent feasible. Refer to Toolbox Paving and Surfacing
Section 3—Accessibility for additional information. 6.7' Any material used for sidewalks and walkways
(2.0 m)
min must be slip-resistant and easy to maintain
Sidewalk cross slopes shall be designed to a (68.5 cm) (resistant to buckling and cracking). Surfaces
maximum of 2 percent. This facilitates positive 4' (1.2 m) min must be accessible by meeting the “stable, firm,
Pedestrian Access
drainage toward the street or adjacent planting 4” (10.0 cm) Route and slip-resistant” criteria required by the ADA.
projection max (typ)
buffer. Avoid surfaces that are too flat (less than
.5 percent), because this may cause poor drainage Types of Paving
and pooling on the sidewalk surface. Highway EXHIBIT 4.10 ADA Grating Requirement Sidewalks and walkways in urban areas are typically
shoulders should also be designed at a 2 percent constructed of portland cement concrete (PCC).
predominant direction of traffic
cross slope if pedestrian use is anticipated. This provides a smooth, long-lasting, and durable
0.5" (1.3 cm) max finish that is easy to grade and repair. Scoring
opening between bars
Locate drainage grates, manhole covers, hatches, patterns prevent cracking as the concrete sets, and
vaults, and other utility covers outside the may be designed to match historic patterns within
route of pedestrian travel. If this is not possible, a neighborhood or district where appropriate.
openings in ground surfaces shall not permit Colored concrete is common, particularly in
passage of a sphere more than .5 in (1.3 cm) urban areas where sidewalks are often designed
in diameter and should be mounted flush with to blend with adjacent development.


Sidewalks and Walkways

A wide spectrum of unit paving options, such as EXHIBIT 4.11 Surfacing Options
concrete unit pavers, granite and other stone H

pavers, and brick are available.

Street Special
Light (if districts
and downtown streets often incorporate Historic District Stree

special paving into the design of sidewalks and

pedestrian areas. Special paving can enhance
aesthetics and break up the monotony of a
continuous concrete surface. Paving accents
such as unit paver bands can provide a sense of
Street Light (if needed)
scale and rhythm appropriate to surrounding
buildings. Extensive use of unit paving with joints STAMPED COLORED CONCRETE BRICK

is not recommended on PARs. Refer to Toolbox Ash Street Trees

Section 3—Accessibility for recommendations

related to providing a vibration free zone within
Pre-Approved Receptacles
the PAR per PROWAG.) Exhibit 4.11 shows a
number of surfacing options.


Pre-Approved Receptacles
There are advantages and disadvantages to
implementing unit pavers. They add visual
interest and can complement the character of
a setting. However, unit pavers may require
e Groundcovers Wayfinding Pole Sign used at intersec-
tions on 1st Street between Avenue C
repairs due to settling and crushing, resulting and Union
Sweet Gum is not recommended as a Avenue
Native Groundcovers Wayfinding Pole Sig
street tree because it has a tendency tions on 1st Street be
in the need for periodic re-setting. With sand to uplift sidewalks and Union Avenue
Bike Rack made of two bollards and 2
joints, weed control is often
incha pipe,
placement in streetscape Bike Rack made of two bollards and 2
protects street trees inch pipe, placement in streetscape
issue. When used, unit pavers must be set City of Snohomish
Note: Refer to the MUTCD (2009) for guidance on paving and striping of pedestrian crossings. Colored
protects street trees

carefully, with a well-designed and constructed pavement

SNOHOMISHlocated between crosswalk lines should not useAvenue
colors or patterns that degrade the contrast
1st Street and Avenue D Intersection Amenities
1st Street and D Intersection Paving Options1st St
sub-base or else they may settle or buckle of white crosswalk lines.


Sidewalks and Walkways

and cause a tripping hazard. They should be be prevented by installing root barriers. Refer
designed to be easy to reset and replace. Unit to the HDOT standard plans for root barrier
pavers (that are not mortared in place) over installation details.
utility lines are easier to take up and replace/
reset when repairs are needed. Permeable Surfaces/
Recycled Materials
Stamping molds can create the visual Pervious and permeable surfaces for pedestrian
appearance of bricks and pavers and have the use are becoming more common in US cities due
advantages of traditional concrete without the to the green building/sustainability movement.
Tree grates and unit pavers

A band of brick unit pavers recalls the historic maintenance issues and roughness associated Pervious pavement brings environmental
character of this downtown district, while the
concrete provides a smooth surface walkway. with bricks and pavers. Still, stamped surfaces benefits because it allows the flow through of
can also have maintenance requirements. surface water. Pervious concrete, unit pavers
Compared to unit pavers, the sidewalk will never with pervious joints, compacted crushed granite,
look the same after repairs are made because it rock and stone, and other treatments may be
is difficult to match patterns and colors. installed as permeable surfaces.

Asphaltic concrete pavement (ACP) can be used The use of recycled content in paving or for sub-
as an alternative to PCC, but it generally has a base materials is also becoming a more common
shorter life expectancy. ACP is often used for practice. With sidewalk replacement projects,
paths in low density residential areas as well as it is sometimes possible to demolish old curb,
the less developed urban areas. ACP will tend to gutter, sidewalk, and street paving and crush
settle and wear down faster than PCC sidewalks. and grind the concrete and aggregate for reuse
It is also more susceptible to deterioration, root on-site during construction. Recycled pavement
and vegetation damage, and requires more grindings can be inexpensive and easy to grade.
frequent maintenance. In areas where walkways
are aligned adjacent to shallow-rooted shrubs When considering the use of permeable paving
and trees, root damage to the pavement can and recycled content in paving, designers should


Sidewalks and Walkways

examine construction costs and life cycle/ Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) value of sidewalk EXHIBIT 4.12 Street Furnishings Located within
the Furnishing and Extension Zones
maintenance costs, and jurisdictions need to materials may be increased to reduce urban heat
adequately budget for these. island impact. This impact causes metropolitan
areas to become significantly warmer than
Rural and Natural Areas surrounding rural areas due to building and road
In rural and natural areas, alternative surfacing, materials. Material finishes may also be chosen
such as gravel or compacted earth (often with that can reduce sidewalk glare and reflectivity.
soil cement/binding agents) is occasionally used
for walkways and trails. In many cases, these
treatments may not be fully accessible to people Streetscape Furnishings
using strollers or wheelchairs. Compacted Design and select streetscape furnishings in
crushed rock or stone is preferred in these accordance with the following considerations:
uses because it can be constructed as a very
smooth, firm, and stable surface. Typically, when • A palette and placement plan should be
facilities are regularly used by pedestrians, more developed for each streetscape project
permanent surfaces, including well-designed that includes furnishings, lighting, trees,
pervious or impervious paving treatments, are landscaping, and paving. Placement of
the most preferred solutions. other features, such as signs, kiosks, parking
meters, electric car charging stations,
Any surfaces that are designated pedestrian newspaper stands, etc. also needs to be
access routes or accessible routes of travel carefully considered. Choose materials and
must be firm, stable, and slip-resistant per styles for maximum durability, comfort,
accessibility standards. safety, security, and usability. The palette
should illustrate how the streetscape will
Color/Reflection enhance the identity and character of
The color and reflectivity of paved surfaces is an the corridor and surrounding district in
important consideration in sunny climates. The accordance with municipal requirements.


Sidewalks and Walkways

• Concentrate streetscape furnishings run (i.e. more durable and vandal resistant; EXHIBIT 4.14 Straight vs. Meandering Walkways

where pedestrians will benefit most from less maintenance required).

them. Furnishings will receive the most use
and appreciation in predictable locations Exhibit 4.13 Streetscape Furnishings provides
such as shaded areas of the street, transit examples and placement guidelines for a variety
stops, near intersection crossings and of streetscape furnishings.
building entrances.

• Locate furnishings primarily in the

Meandering Sidewalks
furnishings zone, and secondarily in other
and Walkways
areas, such as at curb bulbs at intersections,
Sometimes, a meandering walkway is
transit stops, and and where space permits.
constructed, creating a planting strip with
• Integrate adjacent site furnishings with other an informal, curving appearance. Although
streetscape elements to reduce clutter and meandering walkways may look nice, they
creative a cohesive pedestrian environment. may not be the most efficient way of getting
people from one place to another. They may
• Furnishings can be located in the spaces
also be misguiding to pedestrians with sight
at the block ends (curb extension areas) if
impairments who need better predictability.
the furnishings zone is narrow. When curb
extensions/bulb outs are provided at mid-
If a meandering walkway is desired, minimize the
block—these spaces can support furnishings
number of curves to avoid creating a route that is
as well. Clustering furnishings at block ends
too awkward and indirect. Meandering walkways
and mid-block also will make it easier for
can be used as a solution to avoid obstacles such
passengers to access their parked vehicles.
as telephone poles, utility features, signs, etc.
• Providing good-quality street furniture will providing a smooth transition in the sidewalk
show that the community values its public alignment. Exhibit 4.14 illustrates a straight
spaces and is more cost-effective in the long walkway and a walkway with a slight meander.


Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.13 Streetscape Furnishings




• When combined with tree pits/ • Screens can hide unsightly • Locate in key areas where • Maximize shade • Provide only in essential
boxes and good sub-structure, elements pedestrians may change their • Providing lighting for security areas such as pedestrian
grates can provide enhanced • Add character and interest to route; pedestrian gathering gathering areas
growth environment areas, etc. • Can be customized with special
the pedestrian realm designs, artist and community • Provide good drainage to avoid
• Grates maximize space on • Should be professionally wet surfaces
sidewalk designed by graphic artists • Provide accessible height
• Guards only needed in areas • Refer to Toolbox Section 2 drinking fountains
where trees are susceptible

*Note: These elements may be located in special improvement districts or private developments.


Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.13 Streetscape Furnishings, Continued




• Essential for pedestrian areas • Essential for transit stops and • Delineate pedestrian space. • Street/pedestrian realm • Provide protection from
• Provide center/intermediate at key bicycling destinations • Provide protection from vehicle stay cleaner. vertical drops of 30 in or more
armrests on benches. • See Bicycle Parking in Chapter 5 movements. • Coordinate recyclable • Leaning rails are popular at
• Wide variety of materials • Can be lit or unlit. containers with municipality transit stops
and styles programs.
• Keep height in scale with
• Wide array of styles, colors,
• Low heat reflecting pedestrians.

*Note: These elements may be located in special improvement districts or private developments.


Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.13 Streetscape Furnishings, Continued



• Usually provided by adjacent • Add color, life, identity to the • Add color, life • Adds character, enlivens the • Custom designed shade
property owners/businesses streetscape • Maintain horizontal and streetscape shelters, street clocks, and
• Pedestrians prefer movable • Maintain horizontal and vertical clearances • Can be interactive; attracts other elements add unique
seating options vertical clearances pedestrians identity to the streetscape
• Maintenance needs should be
• Shade is essential • Pedestrian-scale lighting considered • Locate in special places
enhances nighttime walkability • Can help with wayfinding
• Involve local/regional artists

*Note: These elements may be located in special improvement districts or private developments.


Sidewalks and Walkways

Bicycle Use Adjacent to EXHIBIT 4.15 Bike Lanes as Separation Bicycles on Sidewalks
and within the Streetside In the state of Hawaii, bicycles may be ridden
Pedestrian Realm on the sidewalk outside of business districts
Bike lanes are beneficial for pedestrians because and Waikiki, at a speed of ten miles per hour
they provide an additional buffer between or less provided that the bicyclists yield to any
pedestrians and motor vehicles. Providing bicycle pedestrians (HRS 291C-148(b), ROH 15-4.6).
facilities and pedestrian facilities on streets,
roadways, and highways helps to fulfill Hawaii’s Bicyclists come in all ages and abilities. It is
commitment to creating complete streets. common for children to use sidewalks and
walkways for riding smaller bicycles, tricycles,
Bicycle facilities should be designed in accordance scooters, and other foot powered devices. Where
with the AASHTO Guide for the Development this activity is anticipated, provide extra width in
of Bicycle Facilities, Bike Plan Hawaii, and local the pedestrian path of travel where feasible.
jurisdiction standards and guidelines. Bike lane
stripes (typ)
Higher speed, commuter bicyclists tend to prefer
When bike lanes are located adjacent to the to travel in facilities in the street and normally
edge/curb zone, provide adequate clearance/ would not use sidewalks, unless forced to. When
shy distance from signs and other elements adequate bicycling facilities are lacking, it is
in the edge zone. Consider that bicyclists will more common to see bicyclists using sidewalks
ride as close the curb as possible and handle and walkways, facilities that really have been
bars may come close to or overhang the curb designed for pedestrian-use only.
edge. Bike lanes are typically located at the
same level as the street grade, separated When higher-speed bicyclists use sidewalks and
from the pedestrian realm by a curb. Exhibit walkways that have not been designed for shared
4.15 illustrates how a bike lane provides an use, problems and conflicts with pedestrians
additional buffer between pedestrians and can occur. A variety of safety concerns arise. The
motor vehicles. best solution is for bicyclists to have their own


Sidewalks and Walkways

dedicated space within the street right-of-way • Bicyclists and pedestrians travel at different • There is a need to provide bikeway continuity
unless a properly designed shared use path is speeds. For example, pedestrians coming along high speed or heavily traveled roadways
provided within the right-of-way. out of storefronts have little opportunity to with inadequate space for bicyclists. In these
see an oncoming bicyclist. situations, the best solution is a properly
Some of the concerns related to bicyclists using designed and adequately wide shared use
• When prohibiting bikes in areas of high
sidewalks include the following: path. However, as an interim solution, when
pedestrian volume areas, such as business
there are no other bicycle facilities, the shared
• Motorists do not expect to see bicyclists on districts, proper warning signs are needed.
use of existing sidewalks and walkways can
sidewalks and may pull out of intersections • According to Bike Plan Hawaii, sidewalks be considered. These segments should be
and driveways and collide with a bicycle. should only be used as bikeways under very signed so that pedestrians and bicyclists will

• Sight distances are more limited along limited circumstances. be made aware of the shared use.

sidewalks for bicyclists and at driveway

crossings for motorists. There may also be
limited sight distance and clearances due
to signs, utilities, landscaping, fencing, or
other obstacles beside or protruding into
the sidewalk.

• The potential for conflicts between bicyclists

and pedestrians greatly increases in areas
of shared use, such as sidewalks and non-
delineated walkways. Pedestrian movements
are often unpredictable for an approaching
bicyclist from behind (especially those of
small children), and pedestrians cannot
always predict the direction an oncoming
bicyclist will take.

Small children often ride their bikes 4-33

and push scooters on sidewalks.

Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.16 Functions of the Pedestrian Realm Zones Including a Bike Lane

Frontage Through Furnishings Edge Bike Lane

Area along Obstacle-free space for clear Primary buffer space Interface between
the right- pedestrian through travel that is between the active the on-street parking
of-way that often the primary walking area of pedestrian walking area or motor vehicle
functions to the sidewalk of the through zone and travel lane
provide space adjacent throughfares
the building
façade, wall
or fence and Extension
the through
zone of the Additional space for pedestrians and
sidewalk streetscape elements


Sidewalks and Walkways

• On long, narrow bridges, where no bike prevents cars from parking on adjacent sidewalks.
lanes are available or shoulder widths are Curbs provide a physical barrier between moving
inadequate to accommodate bicyclists, they vehicles and pedestrians, although curbs have
may be forced to share the sidewalk space limited ability to stop high speed vehicles.
with pedestrians. If bicyclists are to share
sidewalks across bridges they should either Curbs can be costly to construct, so they may
be encouraged to dismount and walk as a not be practical to build in all areas. Curbs also
pedestrian (unless the facility meets width have an urban-looking appearance, which may
requirements for shared use paths. See not be desirable in some areas, where a more
Example of extruded curbing. See page 4-36
Toolbox Section 7). Providing ramps at the natural-looking rural roadside appearance is for cautions related to extruded curbs.

Example of a concrete barrier

sidewalk approaches on both ends of the desired. A sidewalk adjacent to curb and gutter protecting a pedestrian way

bridge allows bicyclists to more conveniently is illustrated in Exhibit 4.17.

roll their bikes up onto the sidewalk after
they have dismounted to walk across. Concrete Barriers
Concrete barriers (also called Jersey barriers)
are occasionally used as a protective separation
Curbing and device between roadways and pedestrian travel
Concrete Barriers ways, although their primary purpose is to shield
Curb and Gutter/Vertical Curb and direct vehicles away from potential hazards.
Curb and gutter provides two primary functions: Another benefit of concrete barriers is that they can
1) control of stormwater drainage, and 2) guide pedestrians to where they should cross the
vertical separation between motor vehicles and road. The AASHTO Roadside Design Guide provides
pedestrians. Curbs are often required on streets more information on barrier placement and design.
where efficiently controlled drainage is a necessity.
Per the HDOT, concrete barrier height shall be
Curb and gutter/vertical curb provide a non- a minimum of 32”. Short lengths of barriers are
mountable barrier adjacent to street parking that discouraged. Where a barrier is needed in two


Sidewalks and Walkways

or more closely spaced locations, continuous Rolled curb has provided advantages to following problems is recommended before
barriers shall be provided. End treatment design developers in that it eliminates the need for installing extruded curbing:
of concrete barriers shall include guard rail, individual driveway cuts. However, rolled curb
flares, accentuators, etc. as required. (Refer to often presents a hazardous situation when used • Extruded curbs break down easily when
HDOT and AASHTO standards.) along sidewalks. Since rolled curbs are easily hit by motor vehicles, increasing the need
mountable by motor vehicles, drivers can easily for frequent repair and replacement.
Concrete barriers have some potential drawbacks. drive onto sidewalks and often park up on top Sometimes this type of curbing has difficulty
They tend to collect litter, fallen leaves and debris of the curb and block the sidewalk. Rolled curbs staying attached to the pavement surface.
along the roadside and could become a barrier do not provide as strong a barrier as vertical
• These may become a barrier to drainage
to drainage if placed improperly. Concrete curb between pedestrians and vehicles and
if designed and located improperly and
barriers cost significantly more than curbing, and should be avoided. A sidewalk with rolled curb
tend to collect litter, fallen leaves, and
may not be the most visually appealing solution. is illustrated in Exhibit 4.17.
debris along the roadside. (Breaks in the
curbing at strategic locations will help,
The ITE manual, Design and Safety of Pedestrian EXTRUDED CURBING
but maintenance is still more difficult than
Facilities, provides some guidance about when it In suburban and rural areas, it is common
other types of curbing).
is necessary to provide pedestrian barriers. to see extruded curb or other linear devices
Vertical concrete surfaces adjacent to pedestrian used to separate roadways from walkways. • Unless backfilled, extruded curbing can
facilities should be smooth to avoid snagging of Although not a recommended practice today, become an obstacle to pedestrian and
clothing or abrasive injuries from contact with these facilities historically have been placed bicycle travel as a raised element on the
the surface. Bolts or other protrusions from along paved or unpaved walkways that are surface. The use of this type of curbing
walls, railings, or barriers need to be cut off flush on the same grade as the adjacent roadway. adjacent to bicycle lanes is strongly
to the surface or recessed. Extruded curb have historically provided a discouraged, unless placed outside the
relatively low cost vertical barrier between clearance area at the outside of edge of
Strongly Discouraged Edge Treatments vehicles and pedestrians. However, there the bike lane. A minimum clearance of 2 ft
ROLLED CURB are several drawbacks to this type of edge (0.6 m) adjacent to a 5 ft (1.5 m) bike lane
Rolled curb is a mountable type of curb design treatment, and their ongoing use is generally is recommended, creating a total lane
traditionally used in suburban neighborhoods. not recommended. Strong consideration of the width of 7 ft (2.1 m).


Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.17 Street Separation and Edge Treatment Options Side Slopes, Railings, and Walls
CURB WITH PLANTING STRIP PROS CONS Careful design treatment of areas adjacent to
• Separation between • Maintenance is required, and varies sidewalks and walkways, such as side slopes,
pedestrians and street traffic depending on type of landscape selected
railings, and walls, is important for pedestrian
• Pedestrian comfort • If not designed and maintained properly,
landscaping may hinder visibility and safety and comfort.
• Ecological benefits
cause security problems
• Natural drainage opportunities
• Root growth can sometimes damage
adjacent paved surfaces if not protected Edge side-slopes steeper than 3 horizontal to 1
vertical should be treated as a drop off condition
• A larger separation between • Maintenance is required, and varies and a safety rail should be provided. A level area
pedestrians and street traffic depending on type of landscape selected of 4 ft wide at a minimum is recommended along
• Natural drainage opportunities • Can collect trash and debris
sidewalks and walkways where feasible.

The International Building Code requires a

safety rail for vertical drops of 30 in (76.2 cm) or
CURB WITHOUT PLANTING STRIP more. Other situations that should be examined
• Controls stormwater drainage • Can be costly to construct for safety rails include slopes in excess of 2
• Separation between • Urban-looking appearance may not
pedestrians and street traffic always be desired horizontal to 1 vertical adjacent to a pedestrian
• Prevents cars from parking on path, located less than 4 ft (1.2 m) from the edge
of the walkway.

Railing height along sidewalks, walkways and

• Eliminates need for individual • Hazardous to pedestrians because easily
shared use paths is a minimum height of 3.5 ft
driveway cuts (for developers) mountable by motor vehicles (1.1 m). All handrails must comply with ADAAG
• Drivers often park on curb and block and PROWAG. Safety rail or railing, sometimes
• A weak separation betewen pedestrians referred to as pedestrian guardrail, is provided
and motor vehicles to protect pedestrians from vertical drop-offs or
steep slopes. Safety railing used in conjunction


Sidewalks and Walkways

with pedestrian or bicycle travel is different than basis. Other situations that should be examined
guardrail used in roadway design. for including safety rail include:

Determining the Need for • Slopes in excess of 2:1 adjacent to a

Safety Railing pedestrian path (adjacent means located
In areas where pedestrians are expected, within 4 ft (1.2 m) or less from the path
regardless of frequency, the International
• Sloped surfaces consisting of rough
Building Code requires safety railing for
materials, such as revetment, adjacent to a
vertical drop-offs of 30 in (76.2 cm) or more. In
Special wall treatments help to mitigate the
pedestrian path
mass of blank walls along the Burke-Gilman situations where a drop-off is not adjacent to
Trail, SR 522, Kenmore, WA.
a pedestrian path, but is within a reasonable • The presence of traffic or a body of water
distance, the designer should determine at the bottom of a slope adjacent to a
whether a safety rail is needed on a case-by-case pedestrian path

EXHIBIT 4.18 Wall Design Treatments


Sidewalks and Walkways

EXHIBIT 4.19 Typical Safety Rail/Type 1 Guardrail (Pedestrian)

1' (0.3 m) 6' (1.8 m) 1' (0.3 m)

Typical spacing
between posts

3'-6" (1.0 m) min

2" (5.0 cm)
Decorative railing example - "Big Flowers",

Less than
designed by Jean Whitesavage and Nick Lyle.

Safety rail along a waterfront area

Provide Edge Protection if

Bottom Rail is more than
2 in (5.8 cm) above grade

Safety Railing Design • Pickets and intermediate posts in the railing

All safety railing must be designed to comply with shall be designed such that a maximum size
current ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) sphere of 4 in diameter cannot pass through
and the International Building Code. Refer to any opening up to a height of 34 in (86.4 cm).
Exhibit 4.19 for an example of typical safety
• Above 34 in (86.4 cm) to the height of the
railing design that meets these requirements.
top rail, a maximum size sphere of 8-in
These requirements include the following:
diameter shall not pass through. (Note: the
entire rail system can be designed so that a
• Top rail should be located minimum 3 ft-6 in
sphere of 4 in diameter cannot pass through
(1.0 m) above grade adjacent to pedestrian
openings, if desirable.)
areas and shared use paths and bicycling paths.


Sidewalks and Walkways

• The triangular openings formed by the riser, Ongoing Sidewalk • American Association of State Highway and
tread, and bottom rail at the open side of a Maintenance Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Roadside
stairway shall be of a size such that a sphere Well maintained sidewalks enhance pedestrian Design Guide. 2002.
of 6 in diameter or greater cannot pass safety and mobility. Refer to Toolbox Section
• American Planning Association, Wiley &
through the opening. 11—Safety in Work Zones and Maintenance.
Sons, Inc. publishers. Planning and Urban
Design Standards. 2006.
Railings and screens can be designed to be
attractive, incorporating public art elements, Other Resources • Bain, L., Gray, B., and Rodgers, D. John
aesthetically enhancing the pedestrian realm. Refer to the following sources of information for Wiley & Sons. Living Streets—Strategies for
additional guidance. Crafting Public Space. 2012.
Because a mass of vertical walls can be
• American Association of State Highway and • City of Seattle. Creating a Thriving Business
imposing to pedestrians, designers should avoid
Transportation Officials (AASHTO). A Policy District: A Guide to City and Neighborhood
high retaining walls immediately adjacent to
on the Geometric Design of Highways and Business District Resources, 5th Edition. 2007.
sidewalks and walkways. The effect of retaining
Streets, 5th Edition. 2004.
walls can be “softened” along pedestrian areas • Ewing, R., Pedestrian and Transit-Friendly
by terracing back on the slope with lower walls • American Association of State Highway and Design: A Primer for Smart Growth. R. Ewing
(when right-of-way is available) and providing Transportation Officials (AASHTO). A Guide for for Smart Growth Network in Florida, 1999.
landscaping. Avoid blank wall faces. Provide Achieving Flexibility in Highway Design. 2004.
an attractive finish and texture, or screen with ptfd_primer.pdf (May 2013).
• American Association of State Highway and
trellises and climbing plants.
Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Guide • Federal Highway Administration.
for Development of Bicycle Facilities, 4th Kirschbaum, J.B., Axelson, P.W., Longmuir,
Also refer to Exhibit 7.13 in Toolbox Section 7—
Edition. 2012. P.E., Mispagel, K.M., Stein, J.A., and Yamada,
Shared Use Paths.
D.A. Designing Sidewalks and Trails for
• American Association of State Highway and
Access, Parts I and II. 1999.
Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Guide
for the Planning, Design and Operation of • Federal Highway Administration.
Pedestrian Facilities. 2004. Informational Report on Lighting Design for


Sidewalks and Walkways

Midblock Crossings. 2008. • National Association of City Transportation
gov/publications/research/safety/08053/ Officials (NACTO) Urban Bikeway Design rowmanual/manual/4_21.asp (May 2013).
index.cfm (May 2013). Guide. 2011.
• US Access Board. ADA Accessibility Guidelines
• Federal Highway Administration. Manual on • National Complete Streets Coalition. www. for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG). http://
Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2009. (May 2013).
adaag.htm (May 2013).
• Federal Highway Administration, Priorities • New York City Department of Transportation.
and Guidelines for Providing Places for Street Design Manual. 2009. • US Access Board Public Rights-of-Way
Pedestrians to Walk along Streets and Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG). Draft-
• New Zealand Transport , Lester, T. Public
Highways. 2000. rulemaking in process. http://www.access-
Lighting for Safe and Attractive Pedestrian (May 2013).
• Institute of Transportation Engineers, Areas. Agency Research Report 405. 2010.
Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A • US Access Board. Sidewalk videos. http://
• Oregon Department of Transportation
Context Sensitive Approach. 2010.
and Oregon Department of Land Use and
videos.htm (May 2013).
• Institute of Transportation Engineers, Traffic Conservation. Transportation Growth
Engineering Council Committee TENC-5A-5, Management Program. Main Street—When • US Architectural and Transportation Barriers
Zegeer, Charles V. (Chair). Design and Safety a Highway Runs Through It (Main Street Compliance Board: Accessible Rights-of-Way:
of Pedestrian Facilities, A Recommended Handbook). 1999 A Design Guide. 1999.
Practice of the Institute of Transportation
• Public Rights-of-Way Access Advisory • Washington State Department of
Engineers. 1998.
Committee (PROWAAC) to the US Access Transportation. State Highways as Main
• Jacobs. Allen B. Great Streets. MIT Press. 2001 Board. Special Report: Accessible Public Streets: A Study of Community Design and
Rights-of-Way Planning and Design for Visioning. 2009.
• Jacobs, Allen B., MacDonald, Elizabeth, and
Rofe, Yodan. The Boulevard Book: History,
prowac/alterations/guide.htm (May 2013).
Evolution, Design of Multiway Boulevards.
MIT Press. 2003. • Seattle Right-of-Way Improvements Manual,
City of Seattle, Washington—online access:


Sidewalks and Walkways

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