Andy Basoka Iskandar TE. 090308

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1.1. Background A language is a systematic means of communication by the use of sounds or conventional symbols. It is the code we all use to express ourselves and communicate to others. It is a system for communicating ideas and feelings using sounds, gestures, signs or marks. A language is the written and spoken methods of combining words to create meaning used by a particular group of people. In Indonesia, English is categorized as a foreign language because English is not our language and it has different word and structure with our language. In addition, English also as international language which is used in international communication. So, in order to know recent information in the world we are demanded to master English.

For various historical and economic reasons, English has become the dominant language of the world in the twenty-first century. English is the language of science, air traffic control, and tourism, the Internet and to a very large extent of trade and export. So that is why improving the quality in teaching English is very important to prepare the learners of English as a Foreign Language can be competitive as the human resource in their life. There are infinite procedures teachers use to achieve desired effects from their students, but there are general patterns these motivational tools follow. In order for teachers to communicate with their students, they must identify with their needs on an individual basis (Gawel, 1997). It is important to think about motivation as the essence of language teaching because of the stark realities of learning English. The condition which happens in class is the students feel afraid of English as one of their subject. It is because they feel that English is very difficult to learn. So that, most students do not have enough motivation to learn and to get involve in the activity of learning. Because of these adverse conditions, the students have to have extraordinary motivation in order to succeed at learning English. In teaching learning process, students motivation is very essential. Students motivation in learning English can be a good modal for enhancing the teachers objectives in their class. Because of the importance of motivation, the teacher should be more creative in order to enhancing students motivation in the class. It is necessary to apply an affective learning technique remembering learning strategy is one of the important tools which bring the significant role in the learning process.

1.2. Formulation of The Problem Motivation is very important to ensure of idea and the strength to someone whose have lower of power from inside. Instead of being encouraged build up some of thinking in mind to put concentration on the one topic. Most students have been influenced by something when their motivation is higher. Based on the research background, the problem of this research was formulated as follow: Is there any correlation between students motivation in learning English with the students achievement in learning English in XI IPA 1 class MAN Model Jambi?

1.3. Limitation of The Research There are many factors or variables that can be studied/ discussed in this research. Because of some limitations in time, fund and area, this research focused on the influence of students motivation in learning English toward students achievement in Learning English in XII IPA 1 class MAN Model Jambi.

1.4. Purpose of The Research 1. The purpose of this research was to find out how far is the influence of students motivation in learning English toward students achievement in Learning English. 2. To give information in order to solve the problems about learning motivation and improving students motivation to learn in or out of the school.

1.5. Significant of The Research The research was expected to give contribution for students, teachers, and other researchers. It was hoped that students can be interested and motivated in learning English. This research might also give the contribution for English teachers to choose the most

approriate method in teaching English subject especially in growing students motivation. Finally, the result of this research can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching-learning process.


2.1. Literature Review 2.1.1. Motive and Motivation Motive is a stimulus and encouragement to create behavior. Beside that, there are some definitions of motive and motivation given by some experts.

Motivation in second language learning is a complex phenomenon which can be defined in terms of two factors : learners communicative needs and their attitudes toward the second language community. If learners need to speak the second language in with range of social situations or to fulfill professional ambitions, they will perceive the communicative value of the second language and will there fore be motivated to acquire proficiency in it. It means that when learning language the role of motivation is very important since the students can not learn effectively with less motivation.

Motivation is the dynamic force that energized behavior. It is motivation that compel the child to act. The motivation is persistent since they keep the child acting until he finds the satisfaction for him (Smith, 1958 : 185).

Motivation has function in studying such as to motivate as motor each activity, to know direction the goal that want to be reach, selecting of action determine the goal want to be reached by throwing of useless activity. From these its hereby are really

important ways to know about motivation to student. (Sadirman, 1992, p. 130)

According to Woodworth (1982:17), a motive is a set predisposes the individual of certain activities and for seeking certain goals. While according to Fransen (1982: 18), motive is internal conditions that arouse sustain direct and determine the intensity of learning effort, and also define the set satisfying or unsatisfying consequences of goal.

Tadjab (1994:101) states Motive adalah daya penggerak dalam diri seseorang untuk melaksanakan aktivitas-aktivitas tertentu demi mencapai suatu tujuan tertentu.

Hilgard in Pasaribu (1982:18) defines motivation as a general term characterizing the needs, aspirations, purposes of the organism as these initiate or regulated need satisfying or goal seeking behavior. Donald (in Pasaribu 1982:19) gives the definition of motivation as an energy change with the person characterized by effective arousal and anticipatory goal reaction. And according to Martin (in Tadjib 1994:2), Motivasi adalah suatu tenaga atau faktor yang terdapat dalam diri manusia yang menimbulkan, mengarahkan dan mengorganisasikan tingkah laku.

Mc.Donalds opinion which taken by Sardiman A.M. in Interaksi & Motivasi Belajar - Mengajar mentioned : (2011, p. 73) Motivasi adalah perubahan energidalam diri seseorang yang ditandai dengan munculnya feeling dan didahului dengan tanggapan terhadap adanya tujuan.

Abraham Maslow believes that unsatisfied in individual needs is the source of motivation. He placed five needs in hierarchy from the basic to the highest need, they are physiological, safety, love and belonging, self esteem, self actualization, under standing and knowledge.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that motivation is a situation inside of human that causes someone does activities to reach a goal.

2.1.2. Types of Motivation Frandsen in Interaksi & Motivasi Belajar Mengajar (Sardiman, 2011, p. 87) 1. Physiological drives; 2. Affiliate needs; 3. Cognitive motives; 4. Self-expression; 5. Self-enhancement.

Basically, motivation is psychological condition that encourages someone to do something. In learning process, motivation can be defined as the whole motor in students soul which makes, guarantees and gives directions of the learning process in order to gain the learning objectives.

In learning process, motivation in very essential, because students who do not have motivation in learning, they will never do the learning process well.

Veithzal Rivai and Sylviana Murni in Education Management (2010, p. 732) said that there are two kind of motivation, they are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation . 1. Intrinsic motivation. This kind of motivation comes up in students soul itself without any outside factors, based on their own willingness. 2. Extrinsic motivation. This kind of motivation comes up as the effect of factors outside the individual. It can be because of encouragements, commands, or forcing from other people so that the individual will do something or study.

2.1.3. Ways of Creating Learning Motivation According to Sardiman (2011:91) there are 10 ways to raise motivation in learning activity at school, namely: a) Give score Score is a symbol of value in learning activity. The scores are the strongest motivation for students. b) Prize Prize is a motivation arousal too, but it is not always like that. For a work, perhaps it is not interesting for someone who is not interested in it. c) Competition Competition is used as an instrument of motivation to encourage students learning. The individual or group competition can increase students achievement. d) Ego-Involvement Ego-Involvement is meant to raise consciousness to students. By applying it, the students will feel the importance of the task and receive it as challenge. e) Give test

The students will be diligent to learn if they know that there will be a test. Therefore, giving a test is an instrument of motivation too. f) Knowing the Result By knowing the result of the work, the students will be encouraged to study harder. g) Compliment if there is a students who has done the assignment well, the teacher should give a compliment. Compliment is a form of positive reinforcement and good motivation. h) Punishment Punishment is a negative reinforcement but if it is used appropriately and wisely it can be a good motivation. Teachers should know the principles of punishment giving. i) Desire to Study j) interest Motivation appears because of needs and interests. Learning process will run well if there are interests inside. k) Acknowledgement of the Purpose

A motivation rises because there is a need. An interest is a tool of principal communication. The process of learning will run well if there is an interest. Similar to Sardiman, Djapri Basri (1989:12) proposes 12 ways to give students motivation to learn, they are: a) Create learning situation that is enjoyable The situation of learning must be enjoyable. The enjoyable situation can arouse students learning motivation. b) Give prize Giving prize to clever students can be motivation for students themselves and other

students. It will encourage students to get good score. c) Give praise If there is a student who is successful in doing task well, it needs to be given praise. Because it is a positive reinforcement and can raise desire of student to study. d) Competition Competition is needed too, because it can raise achievement for individual or group competition. e) Cooperation In learning activity, cooperation can raise the students interest in learning group. The cooperation can give encouragement to learn and help the students who is less clever. f) Inform students there will be a test The student will be more diligent to study if they know that there will be a test. This is useful to increase their achievement. g) Ego-Involvement The students behavior can appear in tasks that they have done if the students feel the importance of tasks and receive it as challenge. So, they will do that task diligently. h) To arrange the students seat variously The arrangement of students seat will create the harmony of learning situation. The teacher and students do not feel bored to use and occupy that class. i) Use various method in teaching to fit the material By using various methods in teaching to fit the material, the role of students in learning can be increased. j) To give comment to students work Beside giving score, comment about mistake that have been made by students in learning is also important to encourage students to learn, such as very good work,

next time will be better, actually you are able to do the task, but it is still less accurate. k) To give comment to students work For the students who make mistake, lazy and bad behavior in learning activity, the warning can be a tool to correct behavior. Example: The student who makes noise in the class. l. Punishment as tool of education Punishment can be used if the other way is not effective. It may be done if it can change the students behavior. Based on the opinions above, it can be concluded that the teacher in raising learning motivation need to encourage students spirit and release burden. Therefore, the goal of teaching and learning activity can be achieved optimally.

2.2.3. Learning Achievement. According to Cronbach, Learning is shown by a change in behavior as a result of experience. Harold Spears stated: Learning is to observe, to read, to imitate, to try something themselves, to listen, to follow direction. And Georch argued that: Learning is a change in performance as a result of practice. (Sardiman, 2011. p. 20)

Soedijanto defined that: Hasil belajar adalah tingkat penguasaan yang dicapai oleh belajar dalam mengikuti program belajar mengajar sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan yang telah ditetapkan. (Soedijarto, 1997. Menuju Pendidikan Yang Relevan dan Bermutu.Jakarta : Balai Pustaka, p. 49)

Munadir also define that: Belajar sebagai perubahan dalam disposisi atau kapabilitas manusia selama periode waktu tertentu yang disebabkan oleh proses perubahan, dan perubahan itu dapat diamati dalam bentuk perubahan tingkah laku yang dapat bertahan selama beberapa periode waktu. (Winkel W.S. 1996. Psikologi Pengajaran. Jakarta: Grasindo, p. 36)

2.1.4. Factors that Influents the Learning Achievement The factor can be classified as follow: a. Social Factor; b. Nonsocial Factor; c. Physiological Factor; d. Physiological Factor.

2.2. Conceptual Framework The concept of this study is shown by this following diagram.







2.3. Hypothesis Based on the above stated theory, the hypothesis can be formulated as follows: There is a significant influence between Students Motivation in learning English and students achievement in learning English.


3.1. Research Location The research location is at MAN Model Jambi. It is Located on Jl. Adityawarman, The Hoh, Jambi City.

3.2. Research Method The design of this study is descriptive quantitative where the researcher tries to describe about what is the students motivation in learning English and what is the connection to the students achievement in learning English at MAN Model Jambi.

3.3. Data of The Research The data of this research were quantitave and qualitative data. Quantitative data of this research was the students achievement in learning English which was measured through score test. Qualitative data of this research were the data from observation sheet and filed note which was collected during teaching learning process.

3.4. The Procedure of Data Collection 3.4.1. Data Source The data are the teachers ways in motivating the students in learning English. The sources of data are the English teacher and the students of the second grade of MAN Model Jambi.

3.4.2. Research Instrument Research instrument is questionnaire. There are two questionnaires. The first questionnaire is given to the teacher to know the teachers ways of motivating students in learning English. The second questionnaire is given to the students to know to what extent their motivation toward the English lesson as the impact of the teachers ways to arouse the students motivation.

3.4.3. Technique of Collecting Data The data were collected through observation, questionnaire and interview. The techniques were applied to investigate the teachers ways in motivating the students in learning English. a. Observation Observation is used to get the data about how the teachers way in motivating the students in learning English. b. Questionnaire Questionnaire is used to complete the data gained through observation. In the questionnaire, there are ten questions that should be answered by the teacher. There are two questionnaires. The first questionnaire is given to the teacher to know the teachers ways of motivating students in learning English. The second questionnaire is given to the students to know to what extent their motivation toward the English lesson as the impact of the teachers ways to arouse the students motivation. c. Interview

This interview was used to complete the data gained through observation and questionnaires. The interview is addressed to the English teacher about his ways in motivating the students in learning English.

3.4.4. Research Population The Subject of the study is the English teacher and all students in the XI IPA 1 at MAN Model Jambi academic year 2011-2012.

3.5. Technique of Data Analysis All the collected data were analyzed qualitatively. The result of questionnaire and interview were analyzed into three steps, editing, interpreting and making conclusion. From the conclusion, it can be got about the description of the teachers way in motivating the students in learning English and the students achievement in learning English in the XI IPA 1 class of MAN Model Jambi academic year 2011-2012.

As it is mentioned previously, the data in this research were quantitative data and qualitative data. The data/ score obtained from the test as quantitative data were analyzed by using this formula:

Students score =

The correct score The total number of questions

x 100

The data obtained from observation and field note as qualitative data were analyzed by some steps in the following: 1. The researcher put the action in the observation sheet and field note for observing during teaching process.

2. The researcher read the data which collected to get sense of data. 3. The researcher analyzed and described what happen during teaching process and how motivating is used in teaching and learning process. 4. The researcher broke down the data into smaller unit. Determined the important of the unit and put the unit together into interpreted form. 5. The researcher made general conclusion.




: Prof. Dr. MUKHTAR, M. Pd