Chapter I
Chapter I
Chapter I
student passion to achieve the best achievement. There are some definitions of
desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus variable attitudes toward
process that energize, direct, and sustain behavior.2 Based on all descriptions
pushing to do something.
learning process cannot work well. Hamzah stated that there are some important
in learning. Second, clarify the goal of learning that will be achieved. The last,
Zoltan Dornyey, Attitudes, Orientation, and Motivations in Language Learning (USA:
Blackwell Publishing, 2003), 100.
John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology, (New York: University of Texas, 2011) 438.
Hamzah B. Uno, Teori Motivasi dan Pengukurannya Analisis di Bidang Pendidikan, (Jakarta:
PT. BumiAksara), 27.
internal factor and external factor. Internal factor is a factor that coming from
student self. It is like a self awareness about the important of learning. A while
external factor is a stimulus from other people, or environment that can influence
student. It is like teacher, family, friends and other.4 Every student has different
character in building motivation, not all students have internal factor. Some
students can motivate themselves and some cannot. Many students cannot learn
because they have not been properly stimulated or aroused to develop an interest
in learning. The individual learner whether a child or an adult needs some kinds
of “push” to ignite his appetite for some conscious effort to learn.5 Here, the
student need external factor to push the effort to learn. In the level of success of
students, not only student’s intelligence is needed, but also student’s motivation
factor that come from the teachers.6 Teachers are actually believed have in-depth
John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology, (New York: University of Texas, 2011) 440.
Adamu Zakiyu Ubale, et al, “A Relationship between Parental Involvement and Intrinsic
Motivation on Learning Islamic Education”, International Journal of Academic Research in Business
and Social Science, 7 (July, 2015), 328.
John W. Santrock, Educational Psychology, (New York: University of Texas, 2011) 440.
and skills are not enough to make them able to teach well. They also need to have
professional education.7
Harlen and Crick stated one of the factors that mostly influence student’s
the teachers affect students’ motivation. First, teachers play an important role in
what they do, and how they do in developing their own professional knowledge
and practice. Second, they become the models for their students.9 Thus, the
teacher’s attitude and behavior would most likely be imitated by their students in
the class. In other word, a teacher also carries a big responsibility in her or his
classroom. Third, the teachers are people who are very influential in teaching-
learning process. Everything they say would have an impact on their students. If
the teacher feels happy or angry, it would be spread among students because their
attitude would get contagious for students. Therefore, teachers should really
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, Pasal 10.
Habibi Al-Ajami, et al, “Hubungan antara Persepsi Siswa tentang Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru
dan Dukungan Sosial Orang Tua dengan Motivasi Belajar pada Siswa”, Jurnal Sosio-Humaniora, 2
(September, 2014), 181.
Zamroni, Paradigma Pendidikan Masa Depan, (Yogyakarta: BIGRAF Publishing, 2000), 62.
bring their students to the objectives to be achieved because all students depend
on them.10
actualizing the pedagogical competence that teacher have. Therefore, the students
feel regarded whether they get rewards or educated punishment. In addition, the
student’s spirit in learning will grow up if the teacher is able to understand and
arise after observing, seeing, and feeling the teacher’s competences in learning,
so that it will ultimately affect student's learning motivation and will have an
judgment about how far the teacher’s ability in managing the students, designing
Wiwi Rif’atul Qodriyah, “An Analysis of Teacher’s Pedagogical Competence in Teaching
English for Young Learners,” (Thesis, IAIN, Cirebon, 2016) 1.
Habibi Al-Ajmi, et al, “Hubungan antara Persepsi Siswa tentang Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru
dan Dukungan Sosial Orang Tua dengan Motivasi Belajar pada Siswa,” Jurnal Sosio-Humaniora, 2
(September, 2014), 182.
Slameto, Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya, (Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 2015),
and implementing the learning, evaluating the learning outcomes, and logging
research at Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic Male Senior High School on 17 th of June
English. Such the students of XI IPA A were sleeping when teacher explained
the lesson, they had conversation in other lesson topic, and they did not do the
home work. Then, when teacher asked the students to answer the question about
1. The subject of the study is the students of Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic Male
E. Mulyasa, Standar Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi Guru, (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya,
2009) 75.
Obervation at XI IPA A of Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic Male Senior High School.
08.00 a.m.
2. The object of this study is the correlation between student’s perception about
motivation at Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic Male Senior High School in academic
year 2019/2020?
Based on the research problem above, the objective of the study is to know
Basically, all activities should have a clear purpose and significance. The
1. Theoretical Significance
This study is able to reveal and prove the theory of teacher’s pedagogical
result of this study can improve the knowledge about teacher’s pedagogical
2. Practical significances
a. Teacher
the English teacher of Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic Male Senior High
b. Students
c. Reader
d. Researcher
experience about the way to become a good teacher who has a good
Researcher organizes this research report in order to make the reader easier
CHAPTER I : Introduction
CHAPTER V : Closing