Lesson 25: Summary Rules For Significators and Their Samdharmi

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Summary Rules for Significators and their Samdharmi
The word Samdharmimeans same law or same custom or same peculiarity. When two planets are said to be Samdharmi, they follow the same law or custom. There are two types of Samdharmi. 1) Natural Samdharmi 2) Functional Samdharmi (also refer to Lesson #8 on Page 44 in your Lesson book). Natural Samdharmi: Venus and Saturn, Mars and Sun, Mars and Moon are known as Natural Samdharmis. If any of these planets are powerful significators for an event and the other one gets a chance, it will give the result. Results are generally given in the sub period of the planet, but it is not required that these planets should be functional samdharmi. Only when these two planets are situated in their opposite signs, meaning a 1:7 relationship and if one planet has a minimum of 4 points or more (which gives results on both sides), the other planet will not act as samdharmi. In this case it is not vice versa. For example, lets say that Venus and Saturn are Natural Samdharmi to each other. They are then placed in opposite signs from one another in the chart. Venus has 5 points while Saturn has 3 points. Any two planets when they are in a 1:7 relationship, have some enmity towards each other. The planet with more points will not cooperate with the other planet of lesser points. In this case, Venus will not accept support from Saturn, preventing Saturn from acting as Samdharmi towards Venus. But if Saturn is a strong significator, then Venus can give the result. Any planets with 4 points exactly are said to be neutral. When it is linked to a Samdharmi planet however, it refuses to accept help and in this case, Venus will not get substituted by Saturn. Similarly, when Venus is in the nakshatra of the Krittika constellation, or 43 degrees away from the Sun, or nearer to the Sun within 3 degrees (combust), it will not accept help from Saturn, allowing it to act as Samdharmi for it. Venus in the above conditions gives a malefic result. When Venus is in the Suns constellation it also gets its power reduced. In Krittika, it looses all of its natural properties. Functional Samdharmi: In the following situation, two planets are considered to be Functional Samdharmi in order of significance: 1) When one planet has less points and is situated in the tenth place from any other planet. For example, lets say that Planet B has less points and Planet A is placed in the fourth house from it with more points. (see figure 1 in Lesson 8, pages 44-45). Planet A must have more points that B in order to become


Samdharmi to B. So if the sub period of B comes around and Planet A happens to come first, it can still represent B. If B is a powerful significator and the sub period of A comes first BEFORE B, Plant B STILL rules over Planet A because A is only representing B as a substitute or stand-in. 2) When two planets are in the same sign, they can be samdharmi. 3) When two planets are in the same constellation, again, they can be samdharmi. 4) When two planets are in the same Navamsha, they are samdharmi to each other. This however is the lowest level of samdharmi. 5) In the first case it is in the highest level, the second is somewhat lower than the first, the third is lower still and the fourth is the lowest level. This means that if two planets are samdharmi to another planet, then they will act accordingly in the above sequence from the highest level to the lowest level of strength.. Suppose Planet P is in the same sign as Planet R in the rasi chart below and Q is in the same Navamsha sign as R is in the rasi chart. (see figure 1). Here we can say that planets P and Q are BOTH Samdharmi to Planet R except P will be stronger due to its placement in the rasi chart and its result will be experienced more in its sub of R. (figure 1) RASI CHART P R


6) Samdharmi planets generally act for benefic results only. For malefic results, they will NOT come forward. Death however, is an exceptional event. Although we usually view it as a bad event, it is experienced in the sub of a powerful significator for the 8th house. Death may be a possible event in the sub period of a Samdharmi planet.


7) Generally, the Samdharmi should have at least 12 points. Then and only then, it will act as a Samdharmi. (see figure 2) (figure 2) RASI CHART
16 PTS.

12 PTS.


8) Samdharmi planets come forward only in the event that a powerful significator is unable to give the result. OR . . . if the sub of a powerful planet is far away and the samdharmi planet corresponds to the proper age for that event OR. . . if the event is indicated as delayed, then even if the powerful planets sub period is earlier, the result will not be experienced and in such a case, the samdharmi will come forward to act. 9) Jupiter in Libra looses its good qualities and acts as a malefic instead. This is generally experienced for marriage. If Jupiter in this case is Samdharmi to any planet, it may give the results, but the results will be troublesome. 10) If any planet is the sixth lord, it will not act as Samdharmi to any planet. But here it becomes the exception to the rule when we place the focus for the result on the 1st or the 9th house. 11) If any planet gets points given to the sixth lord which may be due to a 4:10 house pattern or by sight, it will not act as Samdharmi. 12) Similar treatment should be given for the 12th lord from B meaning that if any planet gives points to the 12th lord from B, it will not act as Samdharmi.


13) Suppose we are considering the result of a 10th house focus (B). Then, if any planet becomes powerful due to the 9th lord being in the 4th place from it, such planets will not act as a significator. 14) If a Samdharmi planet is placed in the 12th house from B, it will not give good results. 15) If a Samdharmi planet is placed in either the A, B or C houses, it will give better results. 16) We consider the sight of a powerful significator for not giving the results, but for Samdharmi planets, this is not applicable. 17) Suppose P and R are Samdharmi planets. For any house, lets say that P is a powerful significator. R will not interfere until P finds itself unable to give results, according to the rules of #8. 18) Samdharmi planets may come forward without any reason if it is also the powerful Samdharmi to the lord of either the D or E houses. More Samdharmi Clarifications: 1. When you define natural samdharmis, you mention Moon and Mars, and Sun and Mars as natural samdharmis apart from Saturn and Venus. I have no question about Saturn and Venus. However, we had some discussion about the others some months ago. You had mentioned that planet A owning the 4th house from planet B becomes samdharmi to planet B. This means that it can give the result for B (provided other conditions are met and the planets A and B do not own mutually opposing houses). However, B cannot give the result for A. In other words, B commands A so A has to do B's work but the reverse is not true. In the case of Saturn and Venus, each owns the 4th house from the other so they are mutual samdharmis. However, in the case of Mars with the luminaries, Mars commands Moon but is commanded by Sun. As such, these are not mutual samdharmis, but a one sided relation. In this case, Moon can stand in for Mars but Mars will not stand in for Moon (unless they are samdharmi due to some other reason). Similarly, Mars will give the result for Sun but Sun would not give the result for Mars. Please advise if this is correct or not. Answer: When two planets are in a 4:10 relationship, the results we are considering are purely based on the Points of the planet in the 10th house. If the planet in the 10th house has more points, they cannot be samdharmi. In the case of the Moon and Mars, they are natural samdharmi. Of course this is due to their natural 4:10 relationship. It is not due to their points. It is similar for the Sun and Mars. The reasoning behind this may be due to the debilitated sign of Mars and the Moon and also the other relationship of 9:5, where the constellations are ruled by same planets


2. You mention that when planets are opposing, then the planet with 4 or more points will not act as samdharmi to the other planet. However, the planet with less than 4 points will act as samdharmi. Is this true for only natural samdharmis or also for the functional ones? Also, planets if they are samdharmi because of some other reason, does one stop acting like samdharmi to the other if it is malefically aspected by the other one because of some aspect other than the 7th? I hope my question is clear. Answer: The 7th sight is treated as a sight of enmity. Other sights are considered for results. This is applicable to only natural samdharmi. When any planets are in a 1st house: 7th house relationship, they cannot be samdharmi. 3. In the order of the strength of samdharmi relations (point 5 of the lesson), you have only defined this for functional samdharmis. What is the strength of natural samdharmiship? Answer: There is no difference in the strength of natural samdharmi. 4. In point 9, you have mentioned about Jupiter. Is this only for marriage or true for all affairs in general. That is, is Jupiter in Libra bad for all affairs or only for marriage? I think in your previous mails, it was only for marriage. I just want to reconfirm. Answer: Jupiter in Libra, is bad for marriage, even it does not give much better results for the 4th, 2nd, 12th and 8th house. In other things these houses play an important role. In that case, the result is not achieved in full strength. For marriage, the result is not good. In my opinion, marriage is a very important event of the life. If it is disturbed, the person may not be able to show his full efficiency. If we consider the result for the 3rd house, the 7th house is C, and the 10th is A. So, for every successful person, the 7th house has an important role. 5. In point 10, you mention that the 6th lord (except for house 1 and 9), will not act as samdharmi to any planet. However, in previous clarifications, you have generally spared Sun and Moon from the defects of 6th lord. Is that exception for Sun and Moon valid here also? That is, do Sun and Moon act as samdharmi even if they are 6th lords? Answer: The Sun and the Moon should not be considered as 6th lord. They may give bad results, but not due to being the 6th lord. 6. In point 11, you say that any planet getting any points from 6th lord will not act as samdharmi. Is this for all houses? Also, do Sun and Moon have a special status here if 6th lords? What if the planet is samdharmi to the 6th lord itself? Will it not act for the 6th lord? What about a planet which is conjunct the 6th lord? Will it not act as a samdharmi to any other planet? Answer: If any planet becomes powerful due to the sight of the 6th lord, or being placed in the 10th house from the 6th lord with less points, then for good results, this planet should not be considered. Sun and Moon should not be treated as 6th lord. They do not


adhere to any quality of the sixth lord. 7. You mention the same restrictions for the lord of 12th from B as for the 6th lord. What about the Sun and Moon? Are they exceptions? Answer: The Sun and the Moon are not considered as sixth lord. As 12th lord, they will behave as other planets do. For example: If the Sun is the sixth lord and is situated in the 7th house, here it will act as the 12th from the 7th house, so the native will experience some deficit in the marital relations. Even if the Sun or the Moon are the 9th lords and are situated in 10th house, it will reduce the success of the person. 8. We know from earlier lessons that the most malefic planet in a house gets the points of the planet/s in 4th from it. However, for samdharmi relationship, is the planet in 4th samdharmi to every planet in the 10th with less than 4 points or only to the most malefic one? Answer: If more than one planet is situated in one sign, they all become samdharmi. The planet which is situated in the 4th place becomes samdharmi to the planet having minimum points.

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