Self Care Quiz

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The key takeaways are that this quiz evaluates different areas of personal and professional self-care to increase awareness of where more attention may be needed. It encourages maintaining balance between caring for others and oneself.

The purpose of this quiz is to alert the participant to potential areas where self-care may be overlooked in order to promote self-awareness and identify behaviors or beliefs that get in the way of a balanced lifestyle.

The quiz evaluates areas of personal care, dependents' care, personal environment, and professional environment (if applicable).

Holistic Health Self-Care Quiz

for parents, caregivers, volunteers, and service professionals

Who should take this quiz? Originally developed for human service professionals, this quiz speaks to anyone who serves others
— whether as a family member, volunteer, or service professional. In addition to parents, this readily includes health care profession-
als, veterinarians, human service professionals, clergy, and the volunteers and staff who direct and support our non-profit organiza-
tions. If you are a family member or volunteer, simply disregard any of the “professional environment” questions that don’t apply in
your situation.
Introduction: As providers of caring service to other living beings, we have many opportunities and a few challenges. One of the
challenges we face is to find the balance between giving to others and caring for ourselves. We sometimes find that the boundary
between being “compassionately generous” and “oops - I gave too much” is difficult to negotiate.
Instructions: The purpose of this quiz is to alert the participant to potential areas where self-care may be overlooked. Mark one
point per question, either under “doing well” or “need attention.” In the 3rd column, note “what stands in your way” for any area
that needs your attention.Your answers might sound something like this: too busy; don’t have the money; they rely on me; I don’t
have time to deal with it; I’m tired; I’m STRESSED OUT; etc.
Scoring: Total your points for each column and section. Transfer your numbers to the scoring area at the end. Add up the totals.
Your total score will equal “doing well” minus “needs attention.” Take note of common themes in the “what stands in your way”
column. These are the concerns / fallacies you’ll want to address directly as you bring your life into balance.

Doing Well? Need attention? What stands

Assessment Questions Mark 1 point here. Mark 1 point here. in your way?

Your personal care

1. Are you up-to-date on all medical check-ups and
tests necessary for your own well-being? 1. ____________ 1. ____________ 1. ____________
2. Are you up-to-date on dental check-ups and pro-
2. ____________ 2. ____________ 2. ____________
fessional cleaning?
3. Do you take the medicine and supplements you
3. ____________ 3. ____________ 3. ____________
need to maintain your health?
4. Do you floss your teeth regularly? 4. ____________ 4. ____________ 4. ____________
5. Do you get enough sleep? 5. ____________ 5. ____________ 5. ____________
6. How well do you manage stress-provoking events
and circumstances? Are you calm and in genuine
good humor most of the time? 6. ____________ 6. ____________ 6. ____________
7. Are you covered by health insurance (major
medical or equivalent) for accident or illness? 7. ____________ 7. ____________ 7. ____________
8. Do you invest regularly in your future (education,
retirement planning, etc.)? 8. ____________ 8. ____________ 8. ____________
9. Are you satisfied with your work choices? Do you
have as much as you need of the work you want? 9. ____________ 9. ____________ 9. ____________
10. Do you pay your bills on time? 10. ___________ 10. ___________ 10. ___________
11. Have you resolved any outstanding misunder-
standing, disagreement, or lingering resentment
related to past life events? 11. ___________ 11. ___________ 11. ___________

This quiz is part of a self-help strategy for making healthy choices. It is not scientifically validated.
Please consult your doctor before making abrupt changes in diet and exercise or if you have a medical concern.
Permission is granted to share the Self-Care Quiz in its entirety, provided it is not altered in any way.
© 2006-08 Elizabeth Eckert   Awareness ... Intuition ... Action ... Health p. 1
Doing Well? Need attention? What stands
Assessment Questions Mark 1 point here. Mark 1 point here. in your way?

12. Do you reliably give your word as a guarantee of

performance, both to others and yourself? 12. ___________ 12. ___________ 12. ___________
13. Can you be counted on to keep your word? Are
you as reliable about keeping your word to your- 13. ___________ 13. ___________ 13. ___________
self as you are with others?
14. Do you maintain a regular exercise program? 14. ___________ 14. ___________ 14. ___________

15. Do you generally make healthy food choices? 15. ___________ 15. ___________ 15. ___________
16. When was your last vacation? 16. ___________ 16. ___________ 16. ___________
17. How receptive are you to changing old habits that
don’t get you the results you want in life? 17. ___________ 17. ___________ 17. ___________
18. Do you regularly give to others or your commu-
nity (tithing, volunteer work, etc.)? 18. ___________ 18. ___________ 18. ___________
19. Do you refrain from abusing substances that harm
19. ___________ 19. ___________ 19. ___________
your health?
20. Do you have at least one human friend to share
20. ___________ 20. ___________ 20. ___________
your dreams or call if you need help?
Personal Care Totals # #

Your dependents’ care

21. Are your dependents (including pets) up-to-date
on medical check-ups and tests? 21. ___________ 21. ___________ 21. ___________
22. Are your dependents up-to-date on dental check-
ups and professional cleaning? 22. ___________ 22. ___________ 22. ___________
23. Do your dependents take the medicine and
supplements they need to maintain their health? 23. ___________ 23. ___________ 23. ___________
24. Are your human dependents covered by health
insurance (major medical or equivalent) in case of
accident or illness? 24. ___________ 24. ___________ 24. ___________
25. Do you have a family emergency plan that includes
a well-stocked kit? Are family members updated
regularly? 25. ___________ 25. ___________ 25. ___________

Dependents’ Care Totals # #

Your personal environment

26. When you look around your home, do you see
a bunch of nagging little projects that need to be
taken care of or stuff that needs to be fixed? 26. ___________ 26. ___________ 26. ___________
27. How long has it been since you washed the car? 27. ___________ 27. ___________ 27. ___________

This quiz is part of a self-help strategy for making healthy choices. It is not scientifically validated.
Please consult your doctor before making abrupt changes in diet and exercise or if you have a medical concern.
Permission is granted to share the Self-Care Quiz in its entirety, provided it is not altered in any way.
© 2006-08 Elizabeth Eckert   Awareness ... Intuition ... Action ... Health p. 2
Doing Well? Need attention? What stands
Assessment Questions Mark 1 point here. Mark 1 point here. in your way?

28. Would clutter or deferred maintenance make

your home impossible to ready for sale or a move
within a month if that were to become necessary? 28. ___________ 28. ___________ 28. ___________
29. Do you recycle (newspapers, cardboard, cans,
glass, plastic, etc.) to the extent that collection or
drop-off services are available in your community? 29. ___________ 29. ___________ 29. ___________
30. Does your grass need to be cut? Garden weeded?
Shrubs trimmed? Walkways cleared of ice or snow? 30. ___________ 30. ___________ 30. ___________
31. Do you have unwashed dishes in the sink? 31. ___________ 31. ___________ 31. ___________
32. Do you have operating smoke detectors on all
floors and in rooms where people sleep? 32. ___________ 32. ___________ 32. ___________
33. Do you have sufficient operating carbon monox-
ide detector(s)? 33. ___________ 33. ___________ 33. ___________
34. How long has it been since you moved and
cleaned under or behind the couch? 34. ___________ 34. ___________ 34. ___________

Personal Environment Totals # #

Your professional environment

35. Do you work in a setting that suits you? 35. ___________ 35. ___________ 35. ___________
36. How well-kept is your office, desk, or work space? 36. ___________ 36. ___________ 36. ___________
37. Do you begin and end your workday and appoint-
ments on time? 37. ___________ 37. ___________ 37. ___________
38. If you are the business owner, is your business
profitable? Does it compensate you fairly for your
38. ___________ 38. ___________ 38. ___________
39. If you are the business owner, are your accounts
39. ___________ 39. ___________ 39. ___________
receivable current?
40. Does your schedule meet your needs as well as
the needs of the client or business? 40. ___________ 40. ___________ 40. ___________
41. Do you dress professionaly and appropriately for
your job and setting? 41. ___________ 41. ___________ 41 ___________
42. Do you stay up-to-date on current practices and
research in your field by reading journals, research
reports, books, and the like? 42. ___________ 42. ___________ 42. ___________

Professional Environment Totals # #

This quiz is part of a self-help strategy for making healthy choices. It is not scientifically validated.
Please consult your doctor before making abrupt changes in diet and exercise or if you have a medical concern.
Permission is granted to share the Self-Care Quiz in its entirety, provided it is not altered in any way.
© 2006-08 Elizabeth Eckert   Awareness ... Intuition ... Action ... Health p. 3
Scoring What stands in your way?
Add your totals from each page below: Take note of common themes that come up in the column
marked “What stands in your way?”
Doing Well Needs Attention
Personal Theme #1 ______________________ # times _____
Care _________ _________
Care _________ _________ Theme #2 ______________________ # times _____

Personal _______________________________
Environment _________ _________ Theme #3 ______________________ # times _____
Professional _______________________________
Environment _________ _________
Theme #4 ______________________ # times _____
TOTALS _________ _________
Total score = “Doing Well” minus “Needs Attention.” If you notice the same theme coming up more than once
or twice, you now know where to put your attention in
There are 42 points possible. What’s your score? _____ order to get your life back in balance.

Interpretation: This quiz is intended to promote self-awareness. There is no right or wrong score. In general, the
higher your score in the points section, the more balanced your lifestyle.
Consider your experience here successful if you have accomplished these two things:
• You’ve gained awareness into one or more areas of your life that would benefit from more careful attention.
• You’ve gained awareness into one or more beliefs, activities, or behaviors that typically get in the way of the bal-
anced lifestyle you desire.

So Now What???
Perhaps at this point you’re inspired to take a stand for your self-care. I sincerely hope so.
Nobody else will ever do it quite as well as you can!
To learn about our “Editor’s pick” support tool for fast and furious healthy results,

The Self-Care Quiz can be found online at

This quiz is part of a self-help strategy for making healthy choices. It is not scientifically validated.
Please consult your doctor before making abrupt changes in diet and exercise or if you have a medical concern.
Permission is granted to share the Self-Care Quiz in its entirety, provided it is not altered in any way.
© 2006-08 Elizabeth Eckert   Awareness ... Intuition ... Action ... Health p. 4

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