Self Care Journal

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The key takeaways are that this journal provides strategies for improving mental, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, personal, environmental, and work self-care over 21 days.

The purpose of this self-care journal is to help the user explore and develop strategies for improving various aspects of their well-being over 21 days through daily journaling prompts and suggested strategies.

Some example strategies mentioned include scheduling time for joyful activities, making goals for improving physical health, using deep breathing to release stress in the body, and practicing gratitude.

Educator Self-Care Journal 

This 21-day self-care journal will help you explore and develop 
strategies for your mental, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, 
personal, environmental, and work self-care. For each day, there is 
a quote, journal question, and strategy. You can write out, sketch 
out, insert an image, and/or record your responses for each day. It 
is also recommended that you revisit your entries periodically to 
see how you are doing. Give yourself permission to try new things 
understanding that new habits take time to take hold. Also, it would 
be helpful to have a friend or two to share ideas and increase your 
accountability. Also give yourself permissions to make mistakes and 
have setbacks.  
Prepared by Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. - User Generated Education 
Day 1 
If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any 
– ​Carlos Santana 

What is your definition of joy? When and how often do you experience 
pure joy? What, if you desire, can you do to increase joy in your life? 
Strategy:​ Schedule times each week to do things that bring you joy. It may 
help to create a Joy Vision Board, a type of collage with images and words 
that cause you joy. Then you can find similar things in your everyday life 
that you can DO that creates feelings of joy. 
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 2 
“​When ​we care for ourselves as our very own 
beloved​—with ​naps​, ​healthy food​, ​clean sheets, a lovely 
cup of tea​—​we can begin to give in wildly generous ways 
to the world, from abundance​.”  
- ​Anne Lamott 

We all know that physical self-care includes a combination of exercise, 

good nutrition and healthy eating, and sleep. Which of these do you think 
feel satisfied in terms of your self-care? Which of them would you like to 
improve? What is your commitment level in adding healthier physical 
elements to your life? 
Strategy​: Make a goal for improving your physical self care. Include in 
your goal the details of what, how, how often, where, and when.  
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 3 
“If you ask what is the single most important key to 
longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress, 
and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say 
it.” - George Burns  

We tend to hold stress in our bodies. Focus on your body and note where 
you might be holding stress - neck? Shoulders? Back? What do you believe 
are the long term effects of holding onto this stress in your body? What do 
you think are the benefits of learning to rid yourself of some of this 
physical manifestation of stress? Are you motivated to learn different ways 
of relieving stress from your body? 

Strategy: ​Several times a day -> U
​ nclench your jaw. Drop your shoulders. 
Take deep cleansing breaths. Do this anytime you feel any tightness in 
your body. 
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 4
“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings 
peace for today, and creates a vision for 
- Melodie Beattie 

Write down three things for which you are grateful. Add three things for 
which you are grateful everyday for a week. These should be unique each 
day so that in the end you have a list of 20 to 30 different things.  
Strategy:​ Interrupt anxiety with a gratitude practice. In other words, when 
you feel anxiety rises, ground yourself by thinking of those things for 
which you are grateful. 
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 5 
If you want to have enough to give to others, you 
will need to take care of yourself first. A tree that 
refuses water and sunlight for itself can't bear fruit 
for others.  
- Emily Maroutian, 
Do you ever feel guilty putting your own needs first; before other people’s 
needs? If so, why do you think you believe that? If not, how did you learn 
this lesson? Here is a list of consequences that result from putting others 
first - ​The Unselfish Art of Prioritizing Yourself​. Which ones resonate for 
Strategy: ​It​ ’s not selfish to put yourself and your health first. It’s 
responsible. Because if you don’t take care of yourself, how are you going 
to continue taking care of anybody else? Put yourself first. Because you 
are important and you matter in this world. Do three things every day that 
help your mind, body, and soul. 
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  

Day 6 
“I am going to keep having fun every day I have left, 
because there is no other way of life. You just have to 
decide whether you are a Tigger or an Eeyore.” 
– Randy Pausch  
How do you define fun for yourself? How often do you do something fun? 
How often would you like to do something fun?  
Strategy:​ Create a goal related to increasing fun and play in your life so 
that you do something fun and playful on a regular basis..  
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 7
Before people can begin something new, they have to 
end what used to be and unlearn the old way.”  
- William Bridges 

Unlearning is the process through which we break down the origins of our 
thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, feelings, and biases. Think of something 
you want to unlearn and answer the following questions: 
● Where do these beliefs come from? 
● Do these support my mental health? 
● Is this in alignment with the life I want? 
● Is this congruent with my authenticity and the person I am? The 
person I want to become? 
Strategy​: Think of a habit that you know is not healthy for you and that 
you have the motivation to unlearn. Work for the next few weeks in 
unlearning that habit. This involves changing both your mindset and your 
habit. For more information on how to do this, read​.  
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  

Day 8 
“​We have only now, only this single eternal moment opening 
and unfolding before us, day and night​.”  
- Jack Kornfield 
After reading ​Seven Ways Mindfulness Can Help Teachers, w
​ rite about 
your own understanding of mindfulness and how you think it might help 
you in your life? In your teaching? 
Strategy:​ We Are Teachers discuss ​7 Simple Ways to Sneak Mindfulness 
Into Your Teaching Day​. These are:   
● Take a moment to breathe. 
● Listen carefully. 
● Ground yourself. 
● Use your sense of smell.  
● Try a change of scenery. 
● Walk mindfully. 
● Make an authentic connection. 
Choose a few of these to practice during the days you work. 
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 9
Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It’s 
tough to do that when we’re terrified about what 
people might see or think. When we are fueled by the 
fear of what other people think or that gremlin 
that’s constantly whispering “You’re not good enough” 
in our ear, it’s tough to show up. We end up hustling for our worthiness 
rather than standing in it. 
- Brene Brown 

What does Brene Brown’s quote mean to you? 

Strategy:​ ​Talk to a trusted friend or family member about your dreams, 
goals, and fears even though it feels scary and vulnerable​. 
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 10 
A ​big part​ of ​financial freedom​ is ​having your heart​ and 
mind free​ from ​worry​ about the what-​ifs​ of ​life​.  
- Suze Orman 

What is your relationship to money? Do you consider it health or

unhealthy? What changes, if any, do you want to make about your
relationship with money?

Strategy: ​Practicing financial self-care means developing habits that

work for you and reflect what you're trying to achieve with your money.
Set a financial goal for yourself. Make sure it is a SMART - Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound - goal.

Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the

progress you’ve made on this strategy):
Day 11 
“Compassionate people ask for what they need. 
They say no when they need to, and when they say 
yes, they mean it. They're compassionate because 
their boundaries keep them out of resentment.” 
― ​Brené Brown 
Simple stated, having healthy boundaries means knowing and 
understanding your physical, emotional, and mental limitations; and not 
going beyond these. On a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 having no boundaries 
to 10 being healthy and effective boundaries, how would you rate 
yourself. Why did you give yourself this rating? 
Strategy:​ Maintaining your boundaries can be difficult too. When you 
believe in yourself, you will know that it is ok to give yourself permission to 
say no. It requires that you learn to say no respectfully and at the right 
time. Saying no in this way is an act of love for yourself and others. We 
may find this difficult because of a natural tendency to people please. But, 
be aware that you are the one who suffers if you don’t speak up because 
then you have violated your own boundaries 
(​​). During the next 
few days, try saying “no” to a request that you don’t want to do. 
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 12
“Lifelong learning can help you stay happier, healthier, 
and wealthier (improved job skills might mean improved 
wages). Some studies have also shown that learning 
new skills (especially ones that involve speed and processing) can help prevent 
dementia and Alzheimers.”  
- Anita Ojeda 

What is your definition of lifelong learning? Do you think of yourself as a 

lifelong learner? If so, why? If not, do you have the desire to be one? 
Strategy:​ You CAN learn new things—both academic and artistic—no 
matter what your age. Furthermore, learning new things will enhance your 
well-being (Anita Ojeda). Think about something you’ve wanted to learn for 
a while. It could be a new hobby like cooking, baking, making music, 
making art; or more academic such as learning a new language or 
technology. Take the first steps in learning it. 
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 13 
"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over 
and over again."  
- Joseph Campbell 
What does it mean to you for something to be sacred? What purpose 
would having a sacred space serve for you? 
Strategy:​ Create a sacred space for yourself. Here are some general 
● Decide what sacred personally means to you. 
● Dedicate a spot in your home (indoors or outdoors) that can 
become sacred. 
● Surround yourself with inspirational icons and personal artifacts.  
● Once you've created your sacred space, how will you honor it? 
What ritual will you perform to transition from your “outside” 
world to your sacred space (adapted from​)  
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on thi strategy):  
Day 14
“Learn as if you were to live forever.” 
- Mahatma Gandhi 
Are you making enough time for activities that mentally stimulate you? 
What proactive things are you doing to help you stay mentally healthy? 
Strategy: ​ Mental stimulation is important for your self-care routines. 
M​ental self-care includes doing things that keep your mind sharp, like 
puzzles, or learning about a subject that fascinates you. You might find 
reading books or watching movies that inspire you fuels your mind. Figure 
out which mentally stimulating activities you can do on a regular basis. 
Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 
you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 15 
“​Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we 
are supposed to be and embracing who we actually are.” 
—Brené Brown 
List your beliefs about yourself.  
● I am . . .  
● I am . . . 
● I am . . . 
● I am . . . 
● I am . . . 
● I am . . . 
● I am . . . 
● I am . . . 
Do these beliefs reflect your authentic self? 
Strategy​: Pick one or more of the following to do regularly.  

● Maintain alignment between what you feel and need and what you 
say and do. 
● Make value-based choices while taking into account intuition, 
research, and the bigger picture. 
● Do something each day that reflects your deepest needs, wishes, 
and values. 
● Give up designing your behavior by the desire to be liked (be 
imperfectly perfect and yourself!) 

Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 

you’ve made on this strategy): 
Day 16 
“You are never strong enough that you don’t need help.” – 
Cesar Chavez  

How often do you ask for help? Is this satisfactory to you? How do you feel 
prior to asking for help? After you asked for help?  

Strategy:​ ​People love helping. Not only does helping strengthen social 
ties, it makes helpers feel good about themselves. Graciously allow your 
helper to give you a gift of help (a gift you could really use); she or he will 
likely be delighted for the chance. And, if your helper is truly too busy or 
overburdened, trust him or her—just as graciously—to tell you so 
(​​). .  

Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 

you’ve made on this strategy):  

Day 17 
If you don't love yourself, you cannot love others. ... 
You will not be able to love others. If you have no 
compassion for yourself then you are not able of 
developing compassion for others. - Dalai Lama 

What does self-compassion mean to you? How do you practice it in your 

own life? 

Strategy:​ ​Think of yourself as your own best friend. Be kind to yourself. 

Encouraging and rewarding yourself for getting through a difficult period 
or achieving a goal, however small, will reinforce your self confidence. Try 
to be as positive and compassionate towards yourself as much as you can 

Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 

you’ve made on this strategy):  

Day 18 
Learn to relax. Your body is precious, as it houses your mind 
and spirit. Inner peace begins with a relaxed body. - Norman 
Vincent Peale 

Is doing something relaxing part of your everyday routines? If 

so, what do you do to relax? If not, what do you tell yourself about why 
you are not doing so? 


Strategy: ​Regularly engage in an activity that you find relaxing. Put aside a 
little time every day to do something that you really enjoy, whether that be 
gardening, listening to music, going to the beach or reading. Schedule it 
into your daily routine so that it becomes a natural part of your life. 
(​​ ) 

Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 

you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 19 
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to 
understand and to be understood​. – ​Seneca  

Are you getting enough face-to-face time with your friends? What are you 
doing to nurture your relationships with friends and family? 

Strategy:​ ​Socialization is key to self-care. But, often, it's hard to make time 
for friends and it's easy to neglect your relationships when life gets busy. 
Close connections are important to your well-being. The best way to 
cultivate and maintain close relationships is to put time and energy into 
building your relationships with others. There isn't a certain number of 
hours you should devote to your friends or work on your relationships. 
Everyone has slightly different social needs. The key is to figure out what 
your social needs are and to build enough time in your schedule to create 
an optimal social life 

Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 

you’ve made on this strategy):  

Day 20 
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; 
we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” 
-​Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

What questions do you ask yourself about your life and personal 
experiences? Are you engaging in spiritual practices that you find fulfilling? 

Strategy:​ Engaging in some form of spirituality should be part of your 

regular self-care. R​esearch shows that a lifestyle including religion or 
spirituality is generally a healthier lifestyle. Nurturing your spirit, however, 
doesn't have to involve religion. It can involve anything that helps you 
develop a deeper sense of meaning, understanding, or connection with 
the universe. Whether you enjoy meditation, attending a religious service, 
or praying, spiritual self-care is important. 

Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 

you’ve made on this strategy):  
Day 21 
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more 
there is in life to celebrate. 
Oprah Winfrey 

How do you celebrate your successes? What do you do to celebrate your 

successes? If you don’t celebrate your successes, what can you do to 
celebrate them? 

Strategy: ​Look over your comments and strategies from the last three 
weeks. Plan a big celebration for what you’ve accomplished!  

Progress Reflection (use this space to reflect on the progress 

you’ve made on this strategy):  

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