Rivers Genealogical Method

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A OeneaIogicaI MelIod oJ CoIIecling SociaI and VilaI Slalislics

AulIov|s) W. H. B. Bivevs
Bevieved vovI|s)
Souvce TIe JouvnaI oJ lIe AnlIvopoIogicaI Inslilule oJ Oveal Bvilain and IveIand, VoI. 30
|1900), pp. 74-82
FuIIisIed I Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
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| 74 )
WHEN in Tovves Slvails vilI lIe AnlIvopoIogicaI Expedilion vIicI venl oul Jvon
CanIvidge undev lIe IeadevsIip oJ Bv. Haddon, I IegaIn lo coIIecl lIe geneaIogies
oJ lIe nalives vilI lIe oIjecl oJ sluding as exaclI as possiIIe lIe
lo one anolIev oJ lIe inadividuiaIs on vIon ve veve naIing pscIoIogicaI lesls.1
I soon Jound lIal lIe InovIedge possessed I lIe nalives oJ lIeiv JaniIies vas so
exlensive, and appavenlI so accuvale, lIal a conpIele coIIeclion oJ lIe geneaIogies
as Jav IacII as lIe couId Ie lvaced vouId Ie inlevesling ancd nigIl enaIIe one lo
slud nan socioIogicaI pvoIIeniis nove exaclI lIanI vouId Ie olIevvise possiIIe,
and vilI lIe slinuIus oJ Bv. Haddon's encouvagenenl I coIIecled in Muvva
IsIancd and
geneaIogies vIicI incIuded lIe JaniIies oJ aIniiosl, iJ nIol
quile, evev incdividuaI n10ov Iiving on1 lIose isIands. Il is onI, Iovevev, since
Ieaving lIe isIands, anid vIiIe
lIe dala in1lo ovdev, lIal I Iave veaIised
lIe nan possiIiIilies vIicI I IeIieve lIis nelIod opens lo lIe anilIvopoIogisl.
Tvo geneaIogies ave given as specinens. TIe Muvva exanpIe |F1. II)
is conpIele so Jav as I vas aIIe lo naIe il. TIe MaIuiag exanpIe, on lIe olIev
Iand |F1. III), is onI pavl oJ a conpIele JaniI: MaIu vas navvied lvice, and
lIis geneaIog gives Iis descendanls I one oJ Iis lvo vives.
In IolI geneaIogies lIe descendanls in lIe nnaIe Iine onI ave given: lIose
in lIe JenaIe Iine ave given in lIe JaniIies oJ lIe IusIands lo vIicI lIe nunIevs
given in IvacIels veJev, lIus in lIe Muivva geneaIog lIe descendIanls oJ Sovoi
and Oaunn viII Ie Jound in geneaIog No. 652 giving lIe JaniI oJ Sovoi.
TIe nanes oJ lIe naIes ave given in capilaIs and ave aIvas pIaced lo lIe IeJl
oJ lIeiv vives', vIose nanes ave given in snaII lpe. TIe nanes in ved in lIe
Muvva IsIand geneaIog veJev lo lIe viIIacges lo vIicI lIe individuaIs IeIonged:
vIiIe in MaIuiag lIe nanes in ved snaII lpe veJev lo lIe Augods |lolens), and
lIose in ved capilaIs lo lIe pIace lo vIicI an individuaI IeIonged,
in lIe case oJ
navviage oulside lIe connunil.
TIe Iellevs d.. and d.unnI. signiJ died oung and died unnavvied
TIe nanes vIicI ave unidevIined ave lIose oJ individuaIs nov Iiving.
See Jouvn. AnlIv-op. Insl., N.S., voI. ii, p. 219, 1899.
TIe nuniIevs given in lIese cvoss veJevences veJev lo lIe nunIevs oJ lIe geIIeaIogies as I
Iave lIen avvanged al pvesenl. In lIe Juluve conpIele puIIicalion oJ lIese geneaIogies lIis
avvangenenl viII pvoIaII Le aIleved, and lIe nunIevs vouId lIeveJove nol covvespond vilI
lIose giveIn Ieve,
W. H. B. BIVEBS.-A OeneaIogicac MelIod
CoIIecling SociaI and VilaI Slalislics. 75
In Muivva IsIand, vIeve il vas
vaveI possiIIe
IacI inove lIan lvo ov
lIvee genevalions, I Iave coIIecled neavI sevenl JaniIies. In
MaIuiag, on lIe
olIev Iand, vIeve one couiId lvace JavlIev IacI,
geneaIogies vnII inlo one
anolIIev niIucI naove and ave consequenlI Jevev ini nunIev. 11i lIe
geneaIog il viII Ie noliced lIal eacI JaniI IIas niiove lIIani one lolenii. TIese
vuin lIvouigI lIe vIoIe cIani.
TIe niielIod oJ coIIecling lIe dala na Jivsl Ie descviIed. In Tovves Slvails,
as in so nan olIiev pavls oJ lIe vovId,
is so
vIoII diJJevenl
Jvon lIal oJ ouvseIves lIal nan oJ ouv sinupIesl levns oJ
veIalionsIip canniol Ie
used vilIoul lIe dangev oJ gveal conJusion and evvov.
In coIIecling lIe geneaIogies I lIeveJove Iiniled nnseIJ lo as Jev levnns
as possiIIe, and Jound lIal I couiId do aII lIal vas necessav vilII lIe Jive levns,
JalIev, niiolIIev, cIiId, IusIand, and viJe. Cave Iad oJ couvse lo Ie laIen lo IinuIil
lIese levnn,s lo lIeiv EngIisI sense. TI-e levn vIicI vas
lo lIe nosl sevious
IiaIiIil lo evvov vas lIal oJ JalIev,
Iul I vas aIIe lo naIe lIe nalives unidevsland
vev lIovougII lIal I vanled lIe
pvopev JalIev.'
I looI one individuaI as lIe slavling-poinl oJ a
geneaIog, Jouind lIe nane
oJ Iis veaI JalIev and nolIev, lIen iJ eilIev Iad Ieen navvied nove lIan once:
lIen lIe nanes oJ lIeiv cIiIdven in
ovdev and ascevlained lIe navviages and
JaniIies oJ eacI cIiId. TIus in dvavinig up
Muvva geneaIog, n slavling-
poinl vas Wan, lIe nnolIev oJ Fasi, n inJovnanl. AJlev
Iaving ascevlainIed lIe
descendanls oJ Iu and Wan, giveii in
1 asIed lIe pvopev JalIIev
and nolIev oJ Wavn, ascevlaininIg
lIal eacI Iad onI Ieen navvied once. TIe
cIiIdven oJ Oasavi and Koni veve lIen
in ovdev. Wavn's
descendanls Ieing
aIvead Inovni and M\aivas nol Iaving navvied,
Iad lo
ascevlain lIe
descendanls oJ CIavIie.
WIen lIese veve exIausled,
I veluvned lo Oasavi and
inquived lIe nanes oJ Iis
pvopev JalIIev and nolIev, lIe nanes oJ lIeiv cIiIdveIn iln
ovdev, lIe
navviages and
descendanls oJ KeIav, and so on,
liII aII lIe deseendainls oJ Tagai Iad Ieen given.
TIeve veve sone inlevesling diJJevences in lIe node oJ coIIeclion in lIe lvo
isIands, vIicI veve pvoIaII due lo lIe
exlenl lo vIicI lIe nalives oJ
MaIuiag Iave cone inlo conlacl vilI civiIisalion. In
Muvva IsIand il vas
necessav lo conducl opevalions vilI nnove ov Iess
and lo
go ava vilI
one, ov al nosl lvo, ivndividuaIs lo a
vIeve lIeve vas no cIance oJ Ieina
ovevIeavd. TIis secvec vas aIvas pveJevved I
lIe nalives oJ
Muvva IsIanid
vIen laIIing aIoul an oJ lIeiv
Iul vas
pvoIaII vendeved nove
niecessav in lIis case I lIe penaIlies
allacIed lo lIe ullevance oJ lIe nane oJ a
veIalion, ov, al aII evenls, oJ a viJe's veIalion. Il viII Ie
veadiI seen lIal an
given JaniI vouId cone inlo sevevaI diJJevenl
geneaIogies, lIus lIe JaniI oJ
WasaIgi and OIai in lIe Muvva geneaIog vas nol
onI oIlained Jvon Fasi
in lIis case Iul aIso Jvon Azao vIen giving
oJ Iis viJe, and
In Tovves Slvails, aII lIe oungev nen Inev
ov lvade
EngIisI. WIen
vovIing vilI sone oJ lIe oId nen, one oJ lIe
nen vouId acl as
76 W. H. F. BiIvF1s'.-A OcenecaIogicI Miel7iod oJ
Jvonii olIev souvces, anid one oJ lIe advanlages oJ lIe secvec Inecessav in
Mulvva IsIand|I vas lIal
evev delaiI oJ lIese geneaIogies vas
oIlained Jvon lvo ov nIove indepeIndenil souvces, vilI lIe vesuIl lIIal
diJJevenl accounils covvoIovaled one anolIev lo an exlenil vIicI Jovniis lIe
Iesl guavanlee oJ lIe lvuilInJIiiess and accuvac oJ nenIov oJ lIe nalives.
TIeve vouId Ie occasionaI dIiscvepancies in sucI delaiIs as lIe exacl ovdev oJ IivlI
oJ sevevaI cIIiIdIven, lIe onission oJ a cIiId vIIo |Iie|I
and vaveI lIIe
oIniissioni oJ a cIIiIdIess navviage, Iuil oni lIc vIioIe lIc agveenienl Ielveeii diJJevenl
accoIIuIls vas exlvaovdiniaviI cIose.
In MaIuiag lIe condilioIns veve diJJevenIl. TIe secvec vequived in
IsIandI vas Ieve conpIeleI uinnecessav. I oJlen conpiIed ini geneaIogies silling
in lIe Iuls, ov on lIe sand, vilI a cvovd oJ voniienI and cIIiIdven silling vounId
Iislening lo lIe inJovnalion vIicI lIe nen veve giving ne. In sone cases, eveni,
lIe vonen veve consuIled. OJlen I vas aIIe lo gel sevevaI oJ lIe oIdev nien
logelIev, vIo conisuIled aIoul poinls oJ delaiI, and il vas oIvious lIal soInIe veve
IooIed up lo I lIe vesl as aulIovilies on lIe suIjeel. In MaIuiag I cannol
lIeveJove Iving Jovvavd, as evidence oJ lIe lvuslvovlIiniess oJ n geneaIogies, lIe
sane degvee oJ indepeIndenil covvoIovalion as in MNTuvva IsIand, Iuil lIe cIose
covvoIovalioni oJ accouils oIlained on diJJevenl occasions and lIe genevaI
consislenc oJ lIe vIoIe coIIeclion JuvnisII coneIusive evidence oJ lIeiv essenliaI
accuvac. Inidependenl covvoIovalion Ias vecenlI cone Jvon MaIuiag. Wavia,
lIe pvesenil ManIIs |ov cIieJ) oJ MaIuiag, vIo vas one oJ lIe cIieJ IeIpevs oJ lIe
expedilioII, vas so inpvessed I lIe inlevesl laIen in lIe JaniIies oJ Iis peopIe
lIal Ie Ias dvavn up an independIenl accouinl oJ lIe geneaIogies oJ lIe isIanId.
Mv. CovIing, vIo Iives in MaIuiag, Ias vvillen oul Wavia's accounl, and Ias vev
IiIndI senl il lo ne, so lIal I Iave Ieen aIIe lo conpave Iis accounl oJ lIe
geneaIogies vilII
ovn. In aII essenliaI poinls
agveennenl is vev cIose,
ninov discvepancies Ieinog oJ lIe IiInd lIal I Iave aIvead nenlioIned. Wavia Ias
aIso giveIn a conpIele accolunil oJ sone JaniIies Jov vIicI n dala veve oInI
Jvagnenlav, and lIe IooI senIl ne I Mv. CovIing viII enaIIe ne lo naIe lIe
vIoIe scIene oJ lIe MaIuliag geneaIogies vev conpIele.
In Muvva IsIand adoplion vas vev coninion, and I cannol Ie cevlain lIal I
Iave aIlogelIev avoided lIe evvovs due lo lIe pvevaIence
oJ lIis cuslon. A cIiId
vas oJlen adopled
in lIe Jivsl Jev
oJ IiJe
|lIe, adoplion nigIl Ie
IeJove lIe IivlI oJ lIe
cIiId), and il vas said lIal lIeve veve cases in vIicI
individuaIs Iad gvovn up, navvied, and died vilIoul evev Ieavning lIeiv veaI
I vas avave oJ
lIis, and vas, in consequence, aIvas caveJuI lIal al
Ieasl one oJ n inJovnnanls in an given geneaIog
sIouId nol Ie cIoseI connecled
vilI lIe JaniiiI in queslioIn.
Mv. Bvuce,
vIo Iives on
Muvva IsIand,
Iias Ieen coIIecling inJovnalion Jov
Bv. Haddon on vavious poinls since ve IeJl lIe isIand,
and is iIncIined lo Ie
as lo lIe
oJ dislinguisIing Ielveen lIe veaI and lIe
JalIev, Al lIe sane linie, Iovevev, MIv.
Bvuce IIas seInl soIne evideInce
CoIIecling SociaI and V/ilaI Slallisllcs.
vIicII suppovls lIe covveclness oJ n geneaIogies in lIis vespecl. Tvvo Iavsuiils,
deaIing vilI lIe dispuled ovnevsIip oJ IaInd, Iave veceInlI Ieeni lvied IeJove lIe
couvl in Muvva IsIand.' TIIese cases luvIned oIi lIe queslion oJ adoplioIn and on
lIe veaI pavenlage oJ lvo nen. TII eacI case sevevaI vilInesses veve caIIed and
lIe veaI pavenlage cIeavI eslaIIisIed. Oni veJevvinIg lo n geneaIogies, I Jound
lIal in eacI case IiI accouinl oJ lIe pavenlage oJ lIe nneII in queslionI is covvecl.
One oJ lIese nenI, OIneI ov Meili, vas an adopled son oJ Nau in lIe geneaIog
in F1. II, and Iad inIeviled soniie IaInd Jvon Nau. OInIieI Iad died, Nau's ovn
cIiIdven Iad IeJl no Ieivs, and Tanu, as lIe nexl vepveseInlalive oJ Nau, Iad IvougIIl
ani aclion lo vecovev lIe Iand Jvoiii OIneI's vidov. Il vas decided lIal OIneI vas
lIe adopled son oJ Nau, Iul nevevlIeIess lIe vigIl oJ Iis vidov lo lIe Iand vas
In lIese cases lIe veaI pavenlage oJ lvo individuaIs Ias Ieen decided as
deJinileI as suIcI a queslionI caIi evev Ie decided, aInd il is salisJaclov lIal in
eacI case iii dala Iave luvnied ouil lo Ie covvecl. NevevlIeIess, il is quile possiIIe
lIal I Iave incIucded adopled cIiIdven in sone JaniIies, Iul lIeve is Ino douiIl lIal,
iJ lIis Ie so, lIe adopled cIiId in suicI a case Ias Iecone an inlegvaI pavl oJ lIe
JaniI, so lIal Jov nanI oJ lIe slalislicaI puvposes lo vvIicI lIese geneaIogies na
Ie pul lIeiv vaIue vouId iiol Ie aJJecled.
In MaIuiag, so Jav as I couId Jind, adoplioIn vas nucI Iess coiiinoon,
I Iave accounls oJ seveIaI cases. TIIe cIieJ diJJicuiIl in lIis isIand avose Jvoin lIe
cuslonii oJ excIaInging nIaInes. A iiiaIi vouId excIange0 n1anIeS sevevaI. lino8s duving,
Iis IiJe ancd vouId Ie caIIe|d soniieliInies I one naine, sonelines I anolIev. Tji
soIIie cases nIol oInI vvouId a iinani excIange IiaInIes vilII aniolIIev niiaIi, Iul lIeiv
xvives and cIIiIdveIn vouiI|d excIainge inanies al lIe sanIie liiiie, anlI in coIIecliIng' niI
geneaIoogies I vouiId sonIeliIines coniie acvoss a iiian, vviJe, anId cIIiId vilI exaclI lIe
8aie nIanIIes as olIevs in ani aIlogelIIev diJJ'eienl JaniiiI, Ieading iIIe al Jivsl lo
lIal, in one case ov lIe olIev, iii inJovInIalion iIiiusl IIave Ieeii vvoIng, and
il vvas oJlen oiiI aJleI coonsideIvaIIe invesligalioIn lIal I xvas aIIe lo eslaIIisII lIe
idenIlil oJ diJJevenIl individuiaIs.
Haviiig sIovvni lIal exlensive geieaIogies caII Ie coIIecled aniong savage coiII-
niunilies vIicI
a IigII degvee oJ accuivac, I iiia iiov poiinl oul sone oJ
lIe uses lo vIIicI lIe nIa Ie
in lIe exacl slud oJ socioIogicaI pvoIIens, and
in lIe coIIeclioni oJ sociaI aInd vilaI slalislics. I Iave nol el dvavii uIp
coniipIele slalislics Iecause I an Ioping, lo niiaIe lIe geneaIogies sliII nIove conpIele
I lIe addilioni oJ soniie delaiIs aIoul vIicI I an iniaIiing, iniquivies Jvonii Mv. Bvuce
oni Muvva IsIaind anid Mv. CovIinig oni MaIujiag.
TIe Jivsl anId iiiosl oIviouis vaIuie oJ lIe genieaIogies is lIal lIe eniaIIe onie lo
slud lIe ssleniis oJ
I Iave a IaIge aiinoiinil oJ naleIiaI
' WIieii ve vveve iIi Muvva IsIaII|I, lIIe couvl consisled oJ lIIe Manus |cIIieJ) oJ MuIIa
IsIaIid anId lIe MaiIius oJ BauaI, vilII Mv. Bvuce as aii assessov. Since ve IeJl lIe isIand, a
couIiciI oJ JouIv nalives Ias, IeeII addIed.
TIiese cases viII Ie puIIisIIed iii JuII iii lIe Bepovls oJ lIe
78 W. HI. B. BIVEBS.- ,4 OIeceIoqica AIelIod oJ
g1-iving lIe iianes oJ veIalionisIip vIIicI giveni inidividuaIs
lo olIIeI iIIev eIevs
oJ lIeiv conniiiiuniil, anid sIaII Ie aIIIe lo give lIIe exacl equivaIenls oJ lIese in
EnigIisII levniis oJ veIalionsIIip. Il vviII Ie
lo voIvI oul lIe
IinisIip vilI a degvee oJ deJinileniess vIicIII vouId Inol olIevvise Ie possiIIe. I
nieed oniI sa Ieve lIIal in IolII isIanids lIIe sslenII oJ IinisIIip is oJ lIIc ind
IInovnI as cIassiJicalov, anId lIIal lIIe
oJ lIe lvo isIands pveseInl cevlaiIn
iInleIesliIng diJJevences.
TIe genieaIogies
a Iavge aniiouInl oJ nIialeviaI IeavIing oI
cusloInis. Bv. HaddoIn IIas descviIed' lIe exisleInce in lIe veslevIn lviiIe oJ Tovves
Slvails oJ Jouv iInlevInIavviIng
TIe isIaInds oJ MaIuiag anId Badui logelIcv
Jovnii oIIe oJ lIese gvoups, anid lIe geIneaIog,ies sIIov vev cIeavI lIIal lIe vasl pvo-
pIace IelveeIn
oJ lIese
JovnIi on1e
coInuinuninil in vespecl oJ navviage. Mavviages olul oJ lIe coInnIIIuIIil ave, IIoveveI,
viol unconniIIIon, anId lIe dala oJ lIe geIneaIogies viII give in slalislicaI JovIni lIe
veIalive JvequieInc oJ lIese vuiavviages aInd lIIe isIanIds vilII vIiciI
oJ lIis
IiInd niiosl JvequenilI occuv.
In Muvva IsIaInd, againi, lIe vasl inia jovil oJ inavviages viII Ie sIIovnI lo laIe
pIace vilIIin
lIe isIand and
oJ lIe lvo
sIniaII adjacenl
JIauav' avId Waiev. Il viII Ie sIIovIn, IIovevev, lIal niiavIiages vilI nalives oJ
EvuI oI FavIiIe IsIand ave nol uInconIIIIIO, anId lIal occasioInaII navviages Iave
vilII nalives oJ olIIev isIands. SiniIavI lIe JvequIenc oJ navviages
vilI nennIevs oJ olIev vaces viII Ie sIIovn.
WilIIii lIe inleviiiavviiig coInniiiuInilies, lIc geneaIogies viII sIov vev cIeavI
lIe dependeIice oJ navviage inn MaIuiag avid Badui on lIe lolenislic
InIdividuaIs oJ lIIe sanne cIani do nol naIv oIne anolIev. AnIIong lIe AuslvaIians
ve Inov lIal Inol oInI is lIis lIie case, Iul a naIn oJ one cIaiv Iiusl navv a
voniiaII oJ aniolIIev given cIan:
a Cicad-a nan inusl
a Cvov voIniaII, aid a
Cvov niiaIn iinisl navv a Cicada vonani. TIeve is Iio dislincl evidIence oJ lIe
exislenice vilIIiII vecenl liInies oJ sucI a cuslon in
MaIuiag, Iul il is pvoIaIIe lIal
lIe slalislics devived JvoIni lIIe geIneaIogies viII sIIov a
leIndeInc in lIis diveclioI.
IouogI inispeclioIn oJ niiosl oJ lIe geneaIogies sIIovs lIal lIeve is a leIndenic Jov
cevlaini cIans lo niavv iInlo onie aInolIev, and vIeni lIIe geneeaIogvies ave
oIIe viII Ie aIIe lo sIIov lIe veIalive
vilI vIicI iIndividuaIs oJ oIne cIan
naIv in-dividuaIs oJ lIve olIIev cIanis oJ lIe
In Muivva IsIaIndI, on1 lIe olIIev IIaInd, lIIe geneaIogies viII sIIov lIal navviages
ave veguIaled I lIIe pIaces lo vIIicII lIe nalives IeIoIng. A nIiani caInol nIIavv a
voIiiaIi oJ Iis ovni
ov oJ ceIlaini olIev viIIages.
TIe loleniiislic
vIicI pvoIaII al onie liInie exisled in lIis isIaInd appeavs
lo Iave IeeIn vepIaced I
vIal iiia Ie eaIIed a levviloviaI sslennv. Heve, again, lIIe slalislics oJ lIe
navviages viII sIIov iJ lIeve is
an speciaI leIideIve JoI cevIlaini
viIIages lo
dou/2 Il. Anl/Ivop. IInl., xix, 1890,
301, 353, 356.
! Tvie
oJ lIuIe iIIllalds Iiov Iive oi Mui va IsIaild.
OoIIecling SociaI and VilaI Slalislves. 79
TIe geneaIogies sIov lIal poIgan exisled liII quile IaleI in IolI MlIvva
IsIand and MaIuiag. On lIe Iallev isIand in one case a inian sliII Ias lvo vives
Iivina, lIouIgI one Ias Ieen discavded oving lo nissionav inJIuence. TIe culslon,
Iovevev, appeavs lo Iave Ieen exceplionaI. In sonie oJ lIIe cases oJ
lvo ov niove oJ lIe vives veve sislevs, and in lIe aIsence oJ poIgan
il vas sliII
connoII Jov a nan lo nnavv Iis deceased viJe's sislev. In lIe
lIe lvo vives oJ NoIua, viz., Fad anid Svopei, veve ovn sislevs, and Fanai and
lIe lvo vives oJ Tvau, veve sislevs accovding lo lIe nalive
sslenn oJ
lIougI Jivsl cousins accovdiIg lo ouvs.
AnolIev nIavviage cuslon vIicI exisled vilI poIganii, and viII Ie sIIovn I
lie geneaIogies lo Iave Ieen oJ Jvequenl occuvvence, is a Jovn oJ lIe Ievivale. III
lIe oId das a nani looI Iiis IvolIev's vidov in addilion lo an viJe ov vives Iie
nigIl aIvead IIave, and even vIIeIn Ie IIad onI one viJe, sIe vas in nan cases
lIe vidov oJ Iis IvolIIev. In lIe MaIuiag geneaIogg, Ivan's seconId viJe, Ougi,
vas lIe vidov oJ Madlii, Ivau's olungev Iv-olIev. Azigo, lIe viJe oJ OauiIai, vas
lIe vidov oJ Waup, vIo vas OauIai's secoInd cousin accovding lo ouv sslen) oJ
IinsIip, Iul OauIai's IvolIev accovding lo lIal oJ lIe isIand. TIe naIviage oJ
MJoipi, lIe vidov oJ Wap, vilI Fev vas pvoIaII oJ lIe saniie Iind, Iul I aini nol
al pvesenl cevlain oJ lIe exacl veIalionsIip oJ Wap and Fev.
AnolIev vev conInioIn cuslon vIIicI coIlinues lo lIe pvesenl da is lIal
IvolIIev and sislev sIIouId niiavv sislev and IvolIev. In lIe MaIuiag geneaIog lIis
vas lIe case vilI lvo oJ lIe cIiIdven oJ MaIu: UJnul, lIe viJI oJ Failu, vas IaIJ-
sislev |I lIe sane JalIIev) lo Kadi, vIIo navvied Kiesui, Failu's sislev.
An1olIIev inislance occuivs in. lIe nexl genievalion: OeIi, lIe Jivsl viJe oJ
Oen1iini, vas ovni sislev oJ Uvaga. AInolIev inslance in lIe pvesenl da is in lIe
case oJ Oizu's viJe, MudiuIpuv, vIo vas ovni sislev oJ Ivau, vIo iinavvied Ulugui,
Oizu's sislev. Ougui is lIus an exanpIe oJ lIvee diJJevenl cuslons: sIe vas lIe
sislev oJ Iev IusIand's pvevious viJe, lIe vidov oJ Iiev IIusIaId's IvolIev, and
niavvied lIe IvolIev oJ Iev IvolIIev's viJe.
In Muvva IsIand, aIso, lIe sane cuslon exislecI, and in lIe geneaIog giveIn
lIe navviage oJ Taiiu aInd Saiop, and oJ Bavsa and AIoIo, ave exaniipIes oJ lIe
cusloIni. A vecenl
in Muvva IsIand vas deIaed Jov sone line Iecause
lIe Ividegvoon Iad nol a sislev lo Iecone lIe viJe oJ lIIe Ivide's IvolIev.
AII lIal can Ie done in lIe pvesenl papev is lo poinl oul lIe exislence oJ
lIese navviage cuslons: lIe slalislics devived Jvonn lIe geneaIogies viII sIIov lIIeiv
veIalive Jvequenc anid viII, I IIope, IeIp lo eIucidale lIe veIalion oJ lIIese vavious
cusloiiis lo one anolIev.
BeJove Ieaving lIe suIjecl oJ navviage, I na gvive one inslanice vIicII siIovs
liIe vaIue oJ lIe geneaIogicaI nIelIod as a nneans oJ discoveving Jacls vIicI divecl
iinquiv JaiIed lo eIicil. In spile oJ lIe cevlainl oJ lIe Inalives lIal a iian nevev
navvied a voIiiaIn oJ lIie saiIne cIan, I niiel vilI inslances in vIicI a BangaI
|dugong) 1nan IIad iiiavvied a BangaI vovnaII. WIIen I poinled lIis oul lo n
iInJovnanils al MaIuiag,
aIlogelIiev JaiIed lo gel ani expIaIialioIn, aIlIougI I
80 W. B. 13. BIVEBS-.A
MelIiod oJ
veluvned lo lIe suIjecl vepealedI, and I vas incIined lo IeIieve lIal lIese cases,
vIicI accovding lo lIe expvessed vievs oJ lIe nalives vouId Ie cases oJ incesl,
veve evidence lIal lIe lolenislic sslen vas IveaIing dovIn. Il vas in Javouv oJ
lIis viev lIal aII lIe cases veve conpavaliveI vecenl. Il is onI IaleI, oIn
vovIing up lIe geIneaIog,ies, lIal I Iave Jound lIal in lIese cases lIe secondav
loleinsveve na Ia naviedIaBaIngaII
lolens veve diJJevenl, lIus a
inan Ias navvied a
1 vonan. We
do nol al pvesenl undevsland lIe signiJicance oJ lIese secondav lolenns in Tovves
Slvails, Iuil lIeve is IillIe douIl lIal in lIis speciaI case ve Iave lo do vilI
cIaIs, eacI Iaving lIe dlugong as ils cIieJ lolen, and il is signiJicaInl in
BangaI[ca BangaI
lIis vespecl lIal lIe KodaI IeIonged lo MaIuiag,, vIiIe lIe cIan
IeIoniged lo Badu.
TIe geneaIogies viII iIIuslvale olIev Jealuves oJ lIe lolennislic sslen, in
addilioni lo lIose connecled vilI navviage, vIicI Iave aIvead Ieen coInsideved.
TIe viII sIov vev cIeavI, Jov inslaInce, lIe descenl in lIe naIe Iine, and lIe
lvansnission oJ lIe secondav lolens lIvougI. lIe vIoIe cIan. Bv. Haddon Ias
coIIecled a nuIniIev oJ Jacls vIicI poinl lovavds a gvouping oJ lIe loleins oJ
MaIuiag, and il Ias Ieen seen lIal lIe inavviages pvoIaII sIov sonelIing oJ lIe
sane Iind, and I Iope lIal lIe niiavviage slalislics viII JuvnisI niialeviaI vIicI viII
IeIp Bv. Haddon lo cIeav up lIe neaningi oJ lIis gvoupiIng. TIe signiJicance oJ
lIe secondav lolens is anolIev
on vIIicI il is lo Ie
lIal lIe
geneaIogies viII lIIvov sone IigIl.
TIe sociaI cusloInIs coninecled vilII InaIiIes Jovnii aIiolIIev g0voup vIicII viII Io
vev IavgeI iIIuslvaled I lIe geneaIogies. Il viII, Jov inslance, Ie vev cIeavI
sIIovn lIal lIeve vas in Tovves Slvails no lvace oJ a laIu oIi lIe naniies oJ lIe
d|Iad. Nanes oJleIn vecuIv in diJJevenl genevalioIns, and sevevaI inslaIices occuv in
vIicI, oIne cIiId IaviIng died, lIe nexl cIiId oJ lIe sa.nie sex Ias Ieen given lIe
sanie Inane.1 An exlvenIie exaInipIe
oJ lIe aIseInce oJ lIis


is lIe case oJ a
vvoniian Inaneid SaIIniui. TIis is pvoIaII a naIn's Iianie and vas lIe Inaniie oJ lIis
voIniaIn's JalIev. He vas dvovIned sIIovlI IeJove lIe IivlII oJ lIis daugIlev, aIid
Iiis Inane vas given lo lIe poslIuniious cIiId nolvilIslaIndIing lIe sex. SucI a case
sIIovs nol neveI lIe aIseIice oJ a laIu, Iul a vev decided pveJevence Jov
pevpelualing lIe nanae oJ lIe dead.
Nunevous olIev inlevesliing poinls in conIneclioIn vilI Inanes viII. aIso Ie
IvougIl oul I lIe geneaIogies, sucI as lIe cIavaclevs oJ nIiaIe anId JenaIe nIainies,
lIe veIalioII IelveenI lIe nanes in Muvva IsIand aInd MaIuiag, elc.
TIe suIjecls so Jav consideved coinie unideI lIe Ieading oJ sociaI slalislics.
TIe speciaI pvoIIens
vIicII conIIe undev lIe IIeadiIng oJ vilaI slalislics iljeIIide
lIe avevage size oJ JaniiiIies, lIe
oJ lIe sexes, lIe pvopovlioIn oJ cIiiIdveII
1I lIe Muvva WsIand geneaIog lIeie is ail inslanciC oJ lIiis: lIe JiislIoiii oJ CIinIIie
and KaiIoIv vas nanned KuIiaI, aind died iin iniJacIl. WIiiIe ve Wei'e in Muvva IsIaiid lviiIs
veve Iovn, anid lIe eIdev veceived lIe sanie nianIie, TIis cIIiId aIso |Iied vIIen a Jev v eeIs oI|d.
Uo-iccling SociaI and VilcaI Slalislics. 81
vIio gvov up and navv lo lIe lolaI nunIev Iovn, lIe pvopovlion oJ lIe sexes vIo
gvov up lo aduIl IiJe, elc. TIe geneaIogies viII JuvnisI a Iavge nnass oJ naleviaI
on lIese suIjecls, and il na even Ie possiIIe lo oIlain sone idea oJ diJJevences in
lIese vespecls in diJJevenl genevalions.
A queslion oJ vev gveal IioIogicaI inlevesl, on vIicI lIe slalislics na
lIvov sone IigIl, is lIal oJ lIe veIalive JevliIil oJ diJJevenl cIasses oJ navviage.
Fvonn lIe IioIogicaI poinl oJ viev, lIe navviages in Tovves Slvails
Ie divided
iIIlo lIvee gvoups, viz., navviages vilIin lIe isIand ov inlevnavvino gvoup,
oul oJ lIe isIand ov inlevniavving gvoup, Iul vilI nenIevs oJ lIe sane
vace, and
vilI nenIevs oJ olIev vaces. In lIe Jivsl gvoup lIeve is a
Iavge aniounl oJ inlevnavviage, aIlIougI nucI conlvoIIed I lIe navviage cuslons,
lIIus in MaIuiag navviages vilI a second cousin, ov second cousin once venoved
lIvougI lIe JenaIe Iine, veve coninon, and il vas vev diJJicuIl lo Jind anone in
eilIev Muvva IsIand ov MaIuiag lo vIon a given nalive vouId Iiol appI sone
l-evn oJ veIalionsIIip. Il viII, lIeveJove, Ie inlevesling lo conpave lIe JevliIil oJ
lIese navviages vilI olIevs in vIicI nev IIood Ias Ieen inlvoduced Jvon oulside,
and lIe geneaIogies viII pvoIaI] enaIIe one lo do lIis in a suJJicienl nunIev oJ
cases lo jusliJ sone deJinile concIusions. Il is vovlI nolicing Ieve lIal MaIu in
lIe MaIuiag geneaIog, vIIo Ias pvoIaII nove IineaI descendanls on MaIuiag
lIan an olIev nan, navvied lvo vives Jvon Boigu and Bauan vespecliveI. TIe
nalives oJ lIese isIands ave oJ lIe sane vace as lIose oJ MaIuiag, Iul IeIong lo
a diJJevenl inlevnavvina gvoup.
Buving lIe Iasl lvenl ov lIIivl eavs a Iavge nunIev oJ navviages Iave
laIen pIace vilI nenIevs oJ olIev vaces, especiaII vilI MeIanesians, Jvon lIe
LoaIl and Nev HeIvides Ovoups. TIeve Iave aIso Ieen a Jaiv nunIev oJ
navviages vilII FoInesians. In coIIecling lIe geneaIogies I vas slvucI I lIe
Jvequenc vilI vIicI lIese navviages veve cIIiIdIess, and I Iave IillIe douIl lIal
vIen lIe slalislics ave vovIed oul lIe viII sIov lIal Jevev cIiIdven veve Iovn lo
suicI navviages lIan lo lIose Ielveen neniiIevs oJ lIe sane vace. IJ sucI a Jacl
couId Ie eslaIIisIed, il vouId Iave gveal IioIogicaI inlevesl, Iul I an aJvaid lIal,
in lIis case, lIeve ave disluvIiIng Jaclovs. Man oJ lIe navviages veve onI oJ a
lenpovav naluve, levninaling on lIe veluvn oJ lIe IusIand lo Iis ovn Ione.
We Inov aIso lIal aIovlion vas pvaclised in Tovves Slvails, and il is possiIIe lIal
lIis pvaclice na Iave Ieen adopled nove connonI in lIese lIan in ovdinav
navviages. TIe condilions ave loo conpIex lo aIIov an conJidenl genevaIisalioi
vilIoul niiove deJinile InovIedoe lIan ve possess.
WIiIe coIIecling lIe geneaIogies, I vas JvequenlI iniJovned oJ vavious
inlevesling Jacls in lIe Iives oJ lIe peopIe vIose nanies occuvved, and I IeIieve
lIal il vouId Ie possiIIe lo vvile a JuII and JaivI accuvale accounl oJ lIe vecenl
Iislov oJ a savage coiinnunil I laIing a conpIele geneaIogicaI vecovd oJ lIe
conniunil as a concvele IacIgvound. One oJ lIe cIieJ souvces oJ lIe vagueness
vIicI loo oJlen cIavaclevises lIe accounls oJ IislovicaI evenls oIlained Jvon
savages is lIe indeJinileness oJ lIeiv ideas oJ line. and lIe geneaIogicaI delaiIs
VOL. 777 |N.S.
82 W. H. B. BIVEBS.-A OeneaIogicaI MelIod oJ
SociaI and VTilaI iSlalislics.
vouId give deJinileness lo Ie navvalive and sevve lIe sane puvpose as dales in lIe
Iislov oJ eiviIised connunilies.
AII vIo Iave expevience oJ lIe savage nind nusl Iave expevienced lIe
diJJicuIl oJ eIiciling inJovnalion on aIslvacl queslioins, vIiIe, on lIe olIev Iand,
lIeve seens lo Ie IavdI an Iinil lo lIe nuvnIev oJ concvele Jacls vIicI can Ie
venenIeved. TIe nenov oJ lIe savage Jov naines is as IigII deveIoped as in
an Euvopean, and Jav nove so lIan in lIose Euvopeans vIo ave accusloned lo
aIslvacl lIinIing. TIe gveal vaIue oJ lIe geneaIogicaI inelIod is lIal il enaIIes
one lo slud aIslvacl pvoIIenns, on vIieI lIe savage's ideasJave vaoue, I neans oJ
concvele Jacls, oJ vIicI Ie is a naslev. Il is a neans oJ uliIising lIe slove oJ
inJovnalion vIicII lIe exlvaovdinav nenov Jov delaiI oJ lIe savage Ias enaIIed
Iin lo accunuIale.
TIe oIjecl oJ lIis papev is lo Iving IeJove lIe nenIevs oJ lIe Inslilule an
anlIvopoIogicaI nelIod, and I Iave neveI sIelcIed sone oJ lIe pvoIIens vIicII
lIis nelIod na IeIp lo ,soIve. TIe slalislics Iased oiI lIe geneaIogies oJ Tovves
Slvails viII, I Iope, suppIenenl lIe socioIogicaI naleviaI coIIecled I Bv. Haddon,
lo vIon I an gIad oJ lIis oppovlunil oJ expvessing n gveal indeIledniess.
Bv. JAFF, Iaving conpIinenled Bv. Bivevs on lIe vesuIls oJ Iis vev
exlensive IaIouvs and Iis exceIIenl sslen oJ laIuIalion, vIicI veduced nosl
conpIicaled pIenonnena lo conpavalive siinpIicil, veniluved lo asI vIelIev in
lIe case oJ inlevcIange oJ sislevs, veJevved lo I Iin as exisling anong lIe
peopIe Ie vas deaIing vilI, lIeve vas anlIing in lIe Ieasl covvesponding lo
vIal vas connnon aiinoing lIe OaIIas oJ Easl AJvica. A oung, nan lIeve desivouls
oJ excIangiing sislevs vilI aInolIev, Iul, Iaving no sislev, vouId enIvace lIe
Jivsl oppovluniiil lo go lo vav ov ovn vaid lo pvocuve a JenaIe caplive. Having Jivsl
vilI aII due JoviniaIilies inilialed Iiev inlo lIe cIain ov lviIe, lIe oung niian vouId
lIIen excIange Iev as a sislev vilII IIis Jviend Jov Iis sislev lo IeconIe Iis Ivide.
Bv. Japp venavIed JuvlIev lIal a noliceaIIe pecuIiavil iII lIis case vas lIal lIe
ovigin oJ lIese OaIIas Iad caused inucI discussion anong avilIvopoIogisls, vIo
decIaved lIal lIe veve cevlainI nol puve negvoes, olIevs again assevling lIal
lIe pvesenled pvooJ's oJ veaII lvacing lo a vIile ov a eIIov vace, and lIal lIe
pvaclised nolIing IiIe puvcIase, puve and sinpIe, in navviaoe.
Bv. BIVEBS said lIeve vas, so Jav as Ie Inev, iIolIing covvesponding lo lIis
in lIe case oJ lIe lviIes Ie Iad deaIl vilI.
,lu v:' -'' ''''7.SW
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|Seea') '&i
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vo I l |e9 F - iova
|1.j as:
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BO'W&j1I IU navn IJII.JL I ?1. 'o'
|scOvn La
11&Ms |sEv |.so l 4as7 .IMWZ nIni: .ea , s 'n
|`5lJ.Bv-g . S. I -avs
I1' _ 7
BIW1_ ....... 1F_ ?I V*iii
|SauI OTIIMAZ?B??L - |l %S ava
FAUJ3a-Ia &dIg Jaga
HABB30F- .S30,1
S J-Bv/#s lANS.v C. S.U

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