Badminton Manual: Lynne Scutt Oceania Badminton Development Officer

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Lynne Scutt Oceania Badminton Development Officer

The badminton manual is a resource that has been created to assist all levels of teacher, coach or interested player to learn more about the sport that is played and enjoyed by millions around the world. Most basic information about badminton is covered including strokes, footwork, latest rules and tournament ideas. You will also be able to gain the knowledge to coach a lesson in badminton or take a group of students or players in a session and teach basic skills and techniques. This information has been put together by the Oceania Development officer and is aimed at assisting mainly the island nations but a lot of the material will relevant to everyone who wants to learn about badminton

Page 3 4 -6 7 - 11 Grips forehand / backhand Serving & Returning Badminton Shots: Overhead (clear, drop, smash) Front of court (net shots, lifts) Defence, Blocks & Drives Footwork Feeding = hand & racket Planning a session Warm up & warm down / Fun games Court playing areas for singles & doubles Scoring new scoring system Tournaments draw sheets / umpire sheets The badminton court layout

11 - 13 14 15 - 17 18 19 20 - 22 23

Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer


FOREHAND GRIP To adopt the forehand grip you should shake hands with your racket. When holding the racket out in front of you the racket should be parallel with the floor with the racket head angled vertically. The V produced between your finger and thumb should be on top of the racket handle pic 1A The grip should be relaxed, the fingers will tighten on the handle just before impact with the shuttle the greater the power needed the tighter the grip
Picture 1A

BACKHAND GRIP To us the backhand grip your thumb must sit on the flat part of the racket handle (you must be able to see the strings) pic 1B. The grip must be loose to enable the thumb to guide the racket through the shot. The racket should be held in your fingers, not your palm. Your fingers and thumb should be used to control the racket and for power
Picture 1B

Picture 1C

pic 1C

TRAINING IDEAS: Each player has a racket and a shuttle (if not enough rackets they can work in pairs or 3s and take turns). Using a small controlled underarm stroke, hit the shuttle about 1-2 metres in the air, using the forehand grip. This should be continuous and the player should attempt to hit as many in a row as possible. The racket needs to be pointed upwards and small strokes are to be used. When the player is comfortable with the forehand try the same using the backhand grip, and then progress to alternate forehand / backhand Points to remember Be aware of the surrounds eg obstacles, dangers for the group If outside, be aware of weather (wind) try to keep in controlled environment so not to lose shuttles. Set targets for the good players, make sure all players attempt this skill

Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer


HIGH SERVE (Singles Serve)
The aim of the high serve is to get the shuttle as high and as far back in the court as possible. Forehand grip to be used Face the direction to serve, stand side on with non-racket leg forward (right handed players have left leg forward) - pic 2A Hold the shuttle with your other hand (right handed players hold shuttle with left), above the level of your waist in front of your body pic 2B Hold the racket up ready to serve Swing the racket, dropping the shuttle onto the racket to make contact Follow through in the intended direction of the shuttle ending up with your racket over your opposite shoulder pic 2D Ensure to transfer weight from racket leg to non-racket leg during the serve. Its important that the hand holding the shuttle be held high as this will help making the shuttle go higher pic 2B If contact is difficult restrict the swing eg smaller distance to the shuttle In a game of singles, to serve the player should stand approximately 1m from the front service line and serve on the diagonal (see page 18) NOTE: its a fault serve if you slide or lift your feet during a serve
pic 2C

Picture 2A

Picture 2B

Picture 2C

Picture 2D

Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer

DOUBLES SERVE (backhand)

The aim of this doubles serve is to serve as low to the net and as close to the short single line as possible. You can use either a forehand or backhand grip, but the easiest to learn for beginners and new players and the most consistent is the backhand serve. Use the Backhand grip (see above) Stand close to the short service line, in a comfortable position. Eg some like to stand with left foot forward, some right foot, some face on to the net pic 3A Have the racket against the body below the waist line Hold the shuttle at the top by the feather in front of the racket head

pic 3B & 3C

Using the fingers and thumb push the shuttle flat over the net, keeping the strings aimed in a flat line so the serve does not go too high pic 3C On contact point the strings in the direction they want the serve to go. If you hold the racket too tight the shuttle will go too high and far

Picture 3A

Picture 3B

Picture 3C

TRAINING IDEAS The service in singles and doubles is very important, players who have a good service usually have a good advantage in games. Try to include serving practice in each session for beginners. For practising the action a net is not important the action without a shuttle is also very useful drill. In pairs players can practice their serve. If they need a target the opposing playing can put their racket on the ground for the server to aim at Remember the aim is to get the serve as low to the net as possible to make it hard for the receiver to attack
Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer

In singles players should stand in the middle of the area to be served into. See page 18. In doubles, the player can stand a little closer towards the service line pic 4A. The player must then be ready to move fast towards the shuttle as soon as the serve is hit. The ideal position is to stand with your legs positioned with your non-racket leg in front (left leg for right handers). Have your knees bent so you are ready to move with your racket up so you can react quicker to the serve pics 4B & 4C

Picture 4A

Picture 4B

Picture 4C

Positioning for Serving / Returning in Doubles & Mixed

In mens or ladies doubles, the server will stand close to the service line and their partner should stand in the middle of the court behind the server so they are ready to cover the back of the court pic 4D Also when the pair is receiving, the partner should stand behind the receiver in the middle of the court pic 4E In Mixed doubles its normal for the lady to stand in front of her partner on the service line when he is serving. She is then able to cover the front more effectively pic 4F. When the lady is serving the man can stand the same as in doubles behind the server in the middle of the court.

Picture 4D

Picture 4E

Picture 4F

Picture 4G

Receiving for the lady is the same positioning for doubles, but when the man is receiving the lady can stand just behind or along side him so that both players arent standing at the front of the court and they are ready to cover the entire court pic 4G. Players must always have their knees bent and ready to move 6
Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer

The clear is one of 4 overhead strokes played with the forehand grip the others are the smash, drop and the snap. The aim is to produce these shots in the same way so that the opponent cannot pick which shot is going to be played until the last split second. The action for the overhead can be broken down to 4 easy steps and is almost exactly the same as the throwing action, eg throwing a ball from the outfield in cricket. This action is natural for some players. Its very useful with beginners to practise the throwing action using the shuttle. 1. Stand side on to the net, with elbows and upper arm parallel to the ground, racket head above the head. Right-handers will have their left shoulder pointing towards the net. This position is important to produce the power of the shot pic 5A 2. Bring the elbow through high and close to the head, at the same time thrusting the hip forward pic 5B & 5C 3. Reach up high with the racket to make contact with the shuttle, making sure they make contact in front of the head. Swing hard, making the shuttle go to the back of the court pic 5C 4. Follow through with the racket and step forward pic 5D

Picture 5A

Picture 5B

Picture 5C

Picture 5D

FOOTWORK for this shot: Chasse from base into position, then jump off the racket leg as the shuttle is hit. Land on the non-racket leg and move forward towards the base.

TRAINING IDEAS To practise this shot the feeder can high serve to the player so they can practise this shot in a controlled situation. You can progress to continuous hitting and then racket feeding after the players are confident.
Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer

The aim of the drop shot is to bring the opponent in close to the net so they have to lunge down low to retrieve the shuttle. Use the same preparation steps as the clear but: At the last split second, take the power out of the shot by slowing the arm action and by keeping the grip relaxed. The contact point with the shuttle is slightly further forward than the clear, to make the angle of the shot in a down wards position. The player should aim to land the drop approximately on the short service line, close to the net, so in a match the opponent would have to move a long way to the net to retrieve the shot.

TRAINING IDEA This shot can be practised the same as a clear. Partner high serves to player or by racket feeding or continuous lifting from one person if it can be consistent enough to practise the shot

The Smash is the most powerful and dynamic shot. It is an attacking shot that is used a lot to put the opponent under pressure and to win rallies. Once again the preparation for the smash is the same for all overheads. You should only attempt a smash when you can make contact with the shuttle in front of you, so the shuttle will go in a downward angle and with power to the ground and your body moving forward. Side on preparation and bent knees are important to generate the power as is the elbow and hip coming through towards the net as seen in the sequence of photos below pic 6 As you make contact with the shuttle you need to use your forearm and wrist to snap down to get the power and angle
Picture 6

Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer

The aim of a net shot is to play the shuttle as close as possible to the net so that it is difficult to return. It is not so important to keep the shuttle flat in its trajectory over the net its more important for it to be close to the net (tight) Stand facing the net with your racket leg forward, posture is slightly forward Racket is level with the top of the net (if possible) elbow bent, relaxed grip pic 7A Use the fingers and wrist to initiate the striking movement its important not to use your arm pic 7B Racket face is slightly facing forward to the net Slice under the shuttle (using your fingers not arm for this action) For the backhand net shot the grip is changed but above actions are the same using your thumb and fingers for the action pic 7C

Picture 7A

Picture 7B

Picture 7C

FOOTWORK for this shot Its important to have practised this shot many times with adding the footwork From the base chasse forward then lunge with racket leg extended out towards the shuttle. Practise one corner at a time, when the player has successfully completed one corner then move on to the next, then combine the two corners Timing for the feeding is important

TRAINING IDEA In pairs, feeder lobs (underarm) the shuttle gently over the net and the worker players a net shot. Practise one side at a time (forehand or backhand) and then add progressive footwork ie. Lunge first, adding more movement once the players have a chance to practise the shot.
Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer

The net lift is played with either the forehand or the backhand and aims to land the shuttle in the tramlines at the back of the court. The idea is to hit the shuttle as early as possible on your side of the net using as little swing as necessary to keep control of the shot pic 8A The racket foot is forward and the weight transfers from the non-racket foot to the racket foot as the shot is played. Using mainly your forearm with a small swing, hit the shuttle following through in the direction the shuttle is intended to travel pic 8B Dont get too close to the shuttle or the shot will be too cramped and lacking in power.

Picture 8A

Picture 8B

TRAINING IDEA Same as net shots, with one player hand feeding and the other practising the shot, then change over. Feeding must be slow with time to recover from the previous shot. Its important to practise the shots before adding the footwork to it.

The basic technique for defence - this is used more in doubles and mixed doubles. Backhand grip to be used with the racket head pointing at 11 oclock position (or 1oclock for left handers) pics 9A & Your body position is important face the net with both your shoulders and feet square on to the net The easiest and often the most effective way of returning at smash is to play a block just over the net. The idea is to take the pace off the smash and just block the shuttle so it lands inside the short service line and makes it very difficult for the opposition to keep attacking. Important to have a very relaxed grip A small movement of the racket is required no arm

Picture 9A

Picture 9B


Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer

To defend by hitting the shuttle to the back of the court Grips and stance as above Knees bent and on your toes as you hit the shuttle you will straighten your legs to get power and direction For the shot you must lead with your elbow and flick your wrist through towards the shuttle pic 9C This action is short and fast make sure you to hit high with your arm and follow through with your racket

Picture 9C

TRAINING IDEA: In pairs, one hand feeding overhead, throwing downwards (same angle as a smash) towards the other person. Feeder should stand close to the net. Timing and accuracy is important for the feeding.

A drive shot is a hard flat shot from half court to half court. This is a good shot for beginners to start with to practise contact with the shuttle. For the shot to be hit flat to the net the contact point for the racket and shuttle is about the same height as the top of the net Have the players in half court (one player v one player) stand with the body facing the net with the racket head up and facing in the direction they want the shuttle to go pic 10A Ensure that only the forearm is used for this shot not the arm Use a loose grip so the racket easily can play this shot back and forth pics 10D The aim is to make the shuttle go flat to the net so on contact with the shuttle the racket head needs to be flat and pointing towards the other side of the net Progress then on to drives out the side of the body pics 10B & 10C hitting on the forehand and backhand sides

Picture 10A

Picture 10B Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer Picture 10D Picture 10C


An effective stance will enable players to move quickly from the base (the central position of the court the player starts from and returns to between shots) in any direction. Players should be ready to move quickly. Important points to remember: Player should stand facing forward to the net pic 11A Feet should be at least a shoulders width apart pic 11B Racket foot slightly further forward Heels off the ground with knees bent Trunk leaning slightly forward Racket in front and parallel to the ground.
Picture 11A

Picture 11B


At the beginner level of badminton it is not important to spend a lot of time to teach new players how to do proper footwork. However, there are a few important points that a player should be aware of. Singles the player must come back to the middle of the court (base) ready for the next shot with the correct STANCE (see above) The steps around the court are called chasse. FRONT OF COURT To move to the front is simply chasse from the base then a lunge The lunge to the shuttle is to be with the racket foot (right foot for right-handers, left foot for lefthanders) reach forward with the racket Its important to keep your balance at all times For the backhand you also lunge with you with your hitting foot pic 11D To prevent injury, ensure when lunging that your knee is in line with your big toe and doesnt go forward over your foot if not this can cause knee problems. Always point your foot towards the shuttle, this also helps to be able to recover from the lunge

Picture 11C

Picture 11D Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer


BACK OF COURT Footwork to the back is also done with chasse steps, turning side on to hit the shuttle pic 12A Round the head footwork (in the backhand corner) is completed with a rotation of the feet (pic 12B) to make it easier for the player to return to the middle of the court, landing on your non-hitting foot to push off back to the base pic 12C Overhead in the forehand corner is usually with no rotation. Chasse from the base then jump out to the forehand corner (pic 12D) landing on your racket leg (pic 12E) then push back to the base

Picture 12A

Picture 12B

Picture 12C

Picture 12D

Picture 12E

SIDE OF COURT To move to the side of the court to reach a smash or half court shot is the same movement/ footwork as to the front fast small chasse and lunge. Lead with your racket to move towards the shuttle with a large wide lunge - pic 12F If lunging down for a smash keep your body low and balanced pic

Push your racket out towards the direction of the shuttle During the lunge point your foot towards where the shuttle is hit


Picture 12F

Picture 12G

Everybody is different and has different abilities therefore some footwork will be slightly different for players but the basics are the same. With large groups it is possible to have many players on each court to practise footwork.
Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer


FEEDING for shot practice

Good feeding is vital to quality of training

TIMING the shuttle must arrive at the right time for the player ACCURACY the shuttle must go to the right spot CONSISTENCY so that the players can concentrate on their task SPEED of the shuttle is important and in between each shuttle.

Hand feeding

Picture 13A

Stack the shuttles up on the non racket arm Take the shuttle from the bottom of the stack pic 13A Throw underarm or overhead, with the cork facing the way the shuttle is intended to go pic 13B Try to throw the shuttle with accuracy and to create the shot practised. Eg underarm throw to the net to feed net shots and lifts, overhead feeding to practise a smash

Picture 13B

Racket feeding
Stack the shuttles up on the non racket arm Take the shuttle from the bottom of the stack Take the shuttle with the thumb, forefinger and middle finger of the racket hand pic 13C Drop, rather than throw the shuttle Use a short grip and a short swing with your racket Contact point high and slightly in front of the body Watch where the shuttle goes!! As you are taking the next shuttle Timing is important so the shot can be practised correctly

Picture 13C


Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer


Plan the session as much as possible, taking into account the following: Facility (if outside conditions, weather) Badminton can be taught outside, you just have to adapt the lesson and work with the conditions Equipment available (how many rackets, shuttles, nets) The more rackets the better but it is not important to have one racket per person as long as you keep sharing the equipment around, look after your equipment throughout the session. Group size - Ability of the group - Time for the session

For beginner groups, school groups ensure that the session is fun and that everyone gets a turn at trying everything. In each session or lesson try to include:
A fun game related to badminton A skill or technique, depending on time maybe 2-3 skills maximum per session Always try for full participation of the group Set challenges for the players where possible different levels of students can mean some cannot achieve the same results as the more advanced. Always offer positive feedback

Where possible let the players play on the court too much instruction can be too boring and players will lose interest. If you have a small group or one on one coaching, its important for the player(s) to be given a variety of skills to learn each session, so not to get bored. Sessions should vary depending on level and success of the player. Try to end each session with something fun so that your students will want to come back and try badminton again.


Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer


RACKETS: Any racket can be used for beginner or school groups. The more rackets you have in a session the better one per person is ideal but not necessary. Make sure the players take care of your equipment as badminton rackets can break easily. For small children there are also available shorter handled rackets to assist with hitting the shuttle. Lighter rackets are easier to use for all levels and tighter strings will help with the power. NET: In some lessons or areas nets and posts will not be available. This isnt a problem, many basic lessons and techniques can be done without nets. But you can compromise by using other materials eg. a rope across the whole area tied to the wall. SHUTTLES: There are two types of shuttles plastic and feather The plastic shuttle is heavier, flies differently but lasts a lot longer than the feather, ideal for school groups, outside use and beginners. Can also be used for training sessions if feather shuttles are hard to come by or conditions are better suited. The feather shuttle is used for most official tournaments. It is much lighter and players are able to hit a wider range of shots but the feathers break easily and the shuttle wont last as long as the plastic.


It is important that students / players are aware the need to warm up and warm down, however in most cases they are not going to be playing a high level competition in your session so a quick warm up is adequate. Some classes spend the first 15mins warming up in a 45-minute class. You can use a fun game as the warm up. Keep it simple and fun. Include something new (eg a new stretch) in each lesson in the warm up or warm down so they learn the exercises.


Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer

It is important to include fun games into sessions when possible. There are many different games that coaches and teachers use. If possible try to make the game badminton related and always change the game in each session unless all participants request it. Where you have many students but only one court then badminton related games are always good. Be sure to be clear in the instruction and keep in mind safety of the players and equipment. Races - using 1 racket and shuttle per person Group / team relays - with many rackets and given different challenges for each race Round the world (round the house) players line up at one end of the court, hit one shot and run to the back of the line this game can be played with a coach at the other end or in teams against each other Rob the nest 4 teams (each team on a corner of a half of a court, with shuttles in a circle in the middle of the 4 teams. Players are given a number in their team. When the number is called they must pick up a shuttle and take it back to their corner. They can steal from another team when a team has 3 in their corner they win. One shuttle at a time, Lunge to pick up the shuttle. King of the court many shuttles needed. A team on each side of the net. The idea of this game is for the players to throw as many shuttles over the net one at a time, until time is called. Winning team has the least shuttles left. This game is used to practice the throwing technique, which is used for all overhead shots.


Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer



This page shows you the areas for a player to serve into and playing areas for a game in singles and doubles. Something easy to help you remember for playing areas - Singles court is long and skinny, the doubles area is wide and fat. SINGLES COURT
Server Stands in area The serve must land in area Area of play after service



During the rally the outside tramlines are out At all times if the shuttle hits on the line in the shaded area it is called in


During the rally the whole court is in At all times if the shuttle hits on the line in the shaded area it is called in


Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer

Since January 2006 World Badminton Federation changed the scoring system so now points are scored after all rallies. Games are played to 21 with advantage of 2 and breaks are only at 11 or 21. Below is a basic explanation for the new scoring system. For further details see SIMPLIFIED NEW RALLY POINTS SCORING SYSTEM Scoring System A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points. The side winning a rally adds a point to its score. At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game. At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game. The side winning a game serves first in the next game. Intervals and Change of Ends When the leading score reaches 11 points, players have a 60 second interval. A 2-minute interval between each game is allowed. In the third game, players change ends when a side scores 11 points. Singles At the beginning of the game and when the score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When it is odd, the server serves from the left service court. If the server wins a rally, the server scores a point and then serves again from alternate service court. If the receiver wins a rally, the receiver scores a point and becomes the new server. Doubles There is only one serve in doubles. At the beginning of the game and when the score is even, the server serves from the right court. When it is odd, the server serves from the left court. If the serving side wins a rally, the serving side scores a point and the same server serves again from the alternate service court. If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side scores a point. The receiving side becomes the new serving side. The player of the receiving side who served last stays in the same service court from where he served last. The reverse pattern applies to the receivers partner The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving. If players commit an error in the service court, the error is corrected when the mistake is discovered
Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer


There are many different ways to set up a tournament at your club or school depending on numbers of entrants, time and courts available. Below is an example of an empty draw sheet for a maximum amount of 16 players. For more information and exact details on seed placement and byes go to the

EVENT NAME Round 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Quarterfinals Semi finals Final Winner


Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer


Another option for a tournament is to have a round robin draw format. This again will depend on time and player numbers. Below are two examples of this format diagram 1 with 6 players and the winners of each group playing off in the final diagram 2 with 11 players, then including a semi final. You can decide to play a full game or for time (eg 10mins) then you add all the scores for that person. The options are endless but this format is more for local tournaments or fun tournaments. International events must be played in accordance with the WBF regulations see page 22 for details Ensure you separate the top players in your tournament so they are spread around the groups, this will help for an even tournament. Group A
1 1 2 3 2 3 Winner Group A
Diagram 1


Group B
1 1 2 3 2 3 Winner Group B

Group A
1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 Winner Group A
Diagram 2

Group B
1 1 2 3 2 3 Winner Group B Winner


Group C
1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 Winner Group C

Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer


With the scoring system changing so have the official umpire sheets below is a copy of the new umpire sheet. If you need more information on how to use this umpire sheet contact BOCTOC at Badminton Oceania.

For further general information on tournament regulations and laws of badminton go to the link below at the World Badminton Federation


Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer



(1) (2)

Diagonal length of full court = 14.723m Court as shown above can be used for both singles and doubles play

Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer


Badminton Oceania Confederation

15/8 Techno Park Drive Williamstown 3016 Victoria Australia ph. +61 3 93974722


Created by Lynne Scutt Badminton Oceania Development Officer

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