10.000 Famous Freemasons Volume 3 K-P

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The document provides biographical information on many famous Freemasons from the letters K to P. Some of the individuals mentioned include Israel Putnam, Rufus Putnam, Julius Kahn and others.

Israel Putnam was a Major General in the American Revolution and fought in many key battles. He was known for his unusual speech and dress. He visited several lodges and was considered an honored guest.

Rufus Putnam was instrumental in founding the city of Marietta, Ohio, which was the first permanent city in the Northwest Territory. He served as the surveyor general of the United States and negotiated a peace treaty with Native Americans.



Volume III K-P

Foreword by HARRY S . TRUMAN, P.G . M. Past Master, Missouri Lodge of Research

Published by Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Inc. Richmond, Virginia

Copyright, I957, William R. Denslow

Carl Kaas Norwegian lawyer and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Norway since 1957. b. in 1884. He played an important part in securing the return of the many valuable articles and library belonging to the grand lodge which had been removed by the Germans during WWII. Harry G. Kable (1880-1952) President of Kable Bros. 1931-49. b. July 15, 1880 in Lanark, Ill. He was with the Mount Morris News and Gospel Messenger, Mount Morris, Ill. from 1896-98. In 1898 with his twin brother, Harvey J., purchased the Mount Morris Index. Since 1905 it has specialized in the printing of periodicals and magazines. Member of Samuel H. Davis Lodge No. 96, Mt. Morris, Ill. 32 AASR (NJ) and Shriner. d. July 2, 1952. Howard W. Kacy President of Acacia Mutual Life Ins. Co. b. Sept. 19, 1899 in Huntington, Ind. Graduate of U. of Indiana. Admitted to the bar in 1921. He has been with Acacia Mutual since 1923, successively as counsel, general counsel, vice president, 1st vice president, executive vice president, and president since 1955. Director since 1935. Mason and member of DeMolay Legion of Honor. Benjamin B. Kahane Motion picture executive. b. in Chicago in 1891. Graduate of Chicago Kent Coll. of Law in 1912, and practiced in Ill. until 1919. From 1919-32 he was general counsel of Radio-Keith-Orpheum. He was president of RKO Pictures from 1932-36, and since 1936 has been vice president and executive producer of Columbia Pictures Corp., Los An-geles. He is vice president and director of Association of Motion Picture Producers, Inc. and Southern California Enterprises, Inc. Member of Mount Olive Lodge No. 506 of Los Angeles, affiliating with it on March 4, 1936 from Covenant Lodge No. 526, Chicago, Ill. Richard B. Kahle President of Eastern States Petroleum Co., Inc. since 1932. b. Nov. 5, 1892 in Lima, Ohio. Graduate of Allegheny Coll. in 1913. Worked as a civil engineer with Pennsylvania Railroad, City of Lima, Ohio,

Standard Oil of New Jersey, and Imperial Oil Co. From 1923-29 he was president of Louisiana Oil Refining Corp. and president of Beacon Oil Co. 1926-30. Mason, 32 AASR Knight Templar. Julius Kahn (1861-1924) Actor and U.S. Congressman to 56th and 57th Congresses (1899-1903) and 59th to 67th Congresses (1905-23) from 4th Calif. dist. b. Feb. 28, 1861 in Kuppenheim, Grand Duchy of Baden. He went to Calif. in 1866. After leaving school, he entered the theatrical profession playing with Edwin Booth, q.v., Joseph Jefferson, q.v., and other notables of the day. He returned to San Francisco in 1890, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1894. He served a term in the state legislature. In congress he was a leader in securing passage of the selective draft act in extra session. Made member in St. Cecile Lodge No. 568 in 1888 while in the theatrical profession. d. Dec. 18, 1924. King David Kalakaua (1836-1891) King of Hawaii, 1874-91. b. Nov. 16, 1 Baron Johann Kalb 1836, a descendant of one of the chief families of the Sandwich Islands. He received a good education and spoke English. When King Kamehameha V, q.v., died in 1872, he was a candidate for the throne, but his opponent, William Lunalilo, was elected and confirmed by the legislature. Lunalilo died within a year and in Feb., 1874, Kalakaua was elected to the throne by a legislature convened for that purpose. Ex-Queen Emma, the rival candidate, received six votes to his 36. The partisans of Queen Emma provoked disorders, which were quelled by the intervention of English and American marines. In the fall of 1874 Kalakaua set out on a tour of the U.S. and Europe. He was taken to San Francisco on a steam frigate, placed at his disposal by the American government, arriving Nov. 28. On this tour, he visited lodges in Washington, New York, Boston, and Chicago. In New York City he witnessed the third degree conferred in New York Lodge No. 330 with the grand officers in attendance, Dec. 30, 1874. In Chicago he accepted the invitation of Oriental Lodge No. 33 on Jan. 15, 1875 to witness another third. On this occasion his brother-in-law John 0. Dominis, q.v., governor of the island of Oahu, was with him. John Wentworth, ex-mayor of Chicago and U.S. congressman, also spoke at this meeting. After lodge, the king entertained the officers of the lodge at the Grand Pacific Hotel. Kalakaua was a member of Lodge Le Progress de l'Oceanie No. 124 (under AASR jurisdiction, later No. 371 under Calif.). He received the degrees March 25, May 4, and July 28, 1859. On Dec. 27, 1875 he was installed as master of the lodge, serving for a year. He was exalted in Honolulu Chapter No. 1, RAM.,

Feb. 5, 1874, and was high priest in 1883. He was knighted in Honolulu Commandery No. 1, K.T., Feb. 25, 1874, and was commander of same in 1877-78. He received the 4th to 32nd degrees of the AASR (SJ) in July and August, 1874; KCCH May 31, 1876; and 33 honorary at Iolani Palace, Honolulu, July 14, 1878 at the hands of his brother-in-law Prince John 0. Dominis, q.v. He was a charter member of Kamehameha Lodge of Perfection No. 1; Nuuanu Chapter Rose Croix No. 1 and Alexander Liholiho Council of Kadosh No. 1. He served as orator of the lodge 1885-87; master of the chapter, 1874-78, and first sub-preceptor of the council from 1888 until his death. He ran into trouble with Albert Pike when he visited Europe in 1881. The deputy for Hawaii had requested letters to several foreign supreme councils which were given. The king seemingly snubbed that rite in Belgium, Portugal, and England, where "he permitted himself to receive the courtesies and hospitalities of the Knights of the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine in Scotland only, finding no time to receive those of the supreme councils of our rite." Pike then directed a bulletin of apology (July 15, 1882) to all AASR members "over the surface of the Globe." King Kalakaua died Jan. 20, 1891 in the Palace Hotel of San Francisco, while on a visit to this country. He had attended a reception in his honor by the Shrine on the 14th against the advice of his doctor. Baron Johann Kalb (see under de Kalb.) Samuel Kalisch (1851-1930) Justice, Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1911-25. b. April 18, 1851 in Cleveland, Ohio. Graduate of Columbia U. in 1870, and practiced law in Newark, N.J. Received degrees in Oriental Lodge No. 51, Newark, N.J. in 1897; 32 AASR in Jersey City, N.J. d. April 29, 1930. Max Kalish (1891-1945) Sculptor. b. March 1, 1891 in Poland and brought to U.S. in childhood. Studied 2 King Kamehameha V sculpture in Cleveland, New York City, and Paris. Represented in National Gallery of Art, Washintgon, D.C. by The Christ and Torso; Cleveland Museum of Art with Labor at Rest; Newark, N.J. Museum with Ecstasy; Canajoharie (N.Y.) Museum with Laborer; Amherst Coll. Museum with Man of Power; many works in private collections including 25 in Dr. C. A. Muncaster's of Cleveland. Initiated in Golden Square Lodge No. 679, Cleveland, Ohio, April 27, 1925; 32* AASR. d. March 18, 1945. Howard S. Kambestad Vice President of Montgomery Ward & Co. b. Kerkhoven, Minn. Jan. 13, 1910. Was auditor and office manager of National Biscuit Co., 1933-41, and assistant general manager TWA Airlines, 194143. With Montgomery Ward since 1943 as assistant comptroller, treasurer, and

vice president since 1955. Mason. King Kamehameha IV (1834-1863) King of Hawaii, 1854-63. Name was Alexander Liholiho, nephew of Kamehameha III. He introduced the use of the English language in Hawaiian schools. He assumed the throne at the age of 20. On Jan. 14, 1857 he was initiated and passed in the Lodge Le Progress de l'Oceanie No. 124 (under AASR jurisdiction, later No. 371 under Calif.). His raising was deferred until Feb. 8 of that year, at which time he passed his examination in open lodge in full on the two degrees he had taken, to the surprise and admiration of the brethren present. R. G. Davis, master of the lodge at the time, wrote: "Seldom have I witnessed the impressive ceremonies of this degree conducted with such solemnity. The candidate, divested of all regal honors, standing before a large assembly of brethren, many of them decorated with rich jewels, and all in Masonic clothing, gave the lodge a striking appearance and left an impression on our minds not soon to be effaced. It was a lesson in humility. The lodge was closed at 11 p.m. and the brethren repaired to the king's palace where they were entertained in a truly royal manner. At five minutes after midnight, they toasted the king's 22nd birthday. Kamehameha took immediate interest in Masonic activities. He was installed as junior warden, Sept. 9, 1857, and as master the following January. He served as master for three years. A crowning act of his reign, and a monument to him, was the founding of the Queen's Hospital, the cornerstone of which he laid, July 17, 1860, with Masonic ceremonies. He died Nov. 30, 1863 when but 29, and was given a Masonic burial. Alexander Liholiho Council of Kadosh No. 1, AASR (SJ) of Honolulu is named in his honor. King Kamehameha V (1830-1872) King of Hawaii, 1863-72, and first Hawaiian to be made a Freemason. Older brother of King Kamehameha IV, q.v. He was the last of a direct line of Sandwich Island kings. He promulgated his own constitution in 1864 to supersede the one of 1852. During his reign the Molokai Leper Settlement was established (1864). His petition was read in Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 (under Calif.), June 10, 1853. He was elected June 13, initiated June 15, passed Dec. 8, 1853, and raised on Feb. 27, 1854. At this time -he was Prince Lot Kamehameha. On Jan. 14, 1857 he was present with many other dignitaries in Lodge Le Progress de l'Oceanie No. 124 (under AASR constitution) when his brother King Kamehameha IV was initiated. Unfortunately for Freemasonry, this evening marked the Masonic turning point for the future king. The two lodges not being in fraternal relations, charges were preferred against Lot Kamehameha, and two other brethren of Hawaiian Lodge, for visiting Le Progress in violation of an interdict imposed by Calif. He was tried, Feb. 25, 1857, and although found guilty, was upon due consideration excused from punishment. This no doubt rankled the royal personage, because, March 2, 1857, a dimit was received from him

by Hawaiian Lodge, and on motion, was accepted. Lot Kamehameha, from that time on, never affiliated with a lodge. He was always treated as a Mason and upon his death, the funeral service of the Craft was read over his remains. The minutes of Jan. 18, 1873, show that the master of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 invited the brethren and officers of the Lodge Le Progress to assist in the funeral of Kamehameha V. M. F. Kanan Captain, Union Army in Civil War, who was the first commander of the first G.A.R. post. It was established April 6, 1866 at Decatur, Ill. He was a member of Macon Lodge No. 8, Decatur, Ill. Elisha Kent Kane (1820-1857) Physician and early Arctic explorer. b. Feb. 20, 1820 in Philadelphia, Pa. Was graduated from U. of Pennsylvania in 1842 with medical degree, and entered U.S. Navy June 21, 1843, as assistant surgeon. He served in China, Africa, and the Mediterranean, and was wounded while on special service in Mexico. In 1850 he urgently requested to be relieved of duty so that he might accompany the De-Haven expedition to the Arctic (better known as the Henry Grinnell expedition). He prepared for sailing in two days and was surgeon on the ship Advance. The expedition was to search for the English explorer, Franklin, and was financed by Henry Grinnell and commanded by Lt. Edwin J. DeHaven. The two vessels (Advance and Rescue) were accepted by congress on May 5, 1850. The expedition accomplished very little, having been caught in the ice pack in Wellington's channel; the ships drifted from Sept., 1850 to June, 1851 before they escaped into Baffin Bay. Kane's medical skill did much to fight scurvy and bring back the party alive. His reputation as an Arctic explorer, however, rests on the second Grinnell expedition, which he commanded. Grinnell, at the solicitation of Lady Franklin, placed the ship Advance under his command. Various scientific societies backed the undertaking, and Kane, himself, spent much of his private means. Congress denied aid, but the U.S. Navy gave its support. He sailed May 30, 1853 with Dr. Isaac I. Hayes, q.v., as surgeon of the expedition. They reached 78 43' N., the highest latitude ever attained with a sailing vessel. Late in 1854, half the party under a Dane named Peterson, abandoned Kane and the ship in an attempt to reach Upernavic, but after three months of extreme hardship, were forced to return to Kane, who received them kindly. In 1855 Kane was forced to abandon the Advance, which was still frozen in, and finally got out in his small boats, with the aid of the Etah Esquimaux, who had been very friendly. On April 13, 1853 (a little over a month previous to the sailing of his second expedition) Kane received all three degrees in Franklin Lodge No. 134, Philadelphia, a lodge of which his father, John K. Kane, had been master in 1825. On June 17, 1853 after starting the expedition, he was entertained at a reception by Saint John's Lodge, Newfoundland, and was presented with a Masonic - flag. Kane Lodge No. 454 of New York City, famous "explorers' lodge," is named for him.

He died in Havana, Cuba, Feb. 16, 1857. A memorial tablet, erected by the grand lodges of New York and New Jersey at the house where he died, was dedicated in Feb., 1922. Frederick R. Kappel President of American Telephone and Telegraph Co. since 1956. b. Jan. 14, 1902 in Albert Lea, Minn. Graduate of U. of Minnesota in 1924. Started as a service man for Southern Minn. Gas & Electric Co. at Albert Lea in 1922. Went with Northwestern Bell Tele4 Benjamin Kavanaugh phone Co. in 1924, and rose to vice president of operations in 1942. In 1949 he became assistant vice president of A.T. & T.; vice president 194953. From 1954-56 he was director and president of Western Electric Co. Member of George W. Liniger Lodge No. 268, Omaha, Nebr., receiving degrees on March 22, April 26 and May 24, 1946. 32 AASR (SJ) and KCCH at Omaha, Nebr. Karl, Prince of Hesse-Cassel (17441836) Son of Landgrave Frederick II and Mary, daughter of King George II of England. He became a Mason in 1775, and in 1786 assumed the title of provincial grand master for Denmark. In 1792 he was grand master general of Denmark. His position was recognized by the Grand Lodge of England in 1793, when he was appointed provincial grand master of Denmark and Norway. He participated fully in the maelstrom of rites, orders, and degrees flourshing at that time and was connected with the continental Rosicrucians. During the decline of the strict observance rite, he founded several lodges which were considered as clandestine. He maintained his interest in Masonry and allied subjects until his death in 1836, at the age of 92. He received his appointment as grand master general from Christian VII, q.v., King of Denmark. He was followed in this office - by the crown prince who later became Christian VIII, q.v. Karl August (1757-1828) Duke of Saxe-Weimar, 1758-1815, and grand duke, 1815-28. Educated by his mother, Amalia. He made the acquaintance of Goethe, q.v., in 1774, and remained his lifelong friend. His court was the center of German literary leaders including Goethe, Schiller, Herder, Wieland and others. He joined the Prussian army in 1786, and remained until Jena in 1806. He joined the coalition against the French in 1813-15, and was influential at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. He was an advanced liberal in politics. He was initiated in the Lodge "Amalia" in 1782. Karl Ludwig Friedrich (17411816) Duke of Mecklemburg-Strelitz, 17941815. Entered the English army and became a lieutenant general and governor of Hanover. He was initiated in 1766, and entered the rite of strict

observance in 1767, becoming Superior et Protector Ordinis of Hanover in 1772. In 1780, after the decline of the strict observance, he entered regular Freemasonry anew and was elected patron of the United Grand Lodges of Brunswick in the duchy of Mecklemburg. In 1806 he was appointed English provincial grand master in the province of Hanover, and he there formed one of the rare Royal Arch chapters that existed in Germany. Karl Wilhelm Friedrich (17361806) Margrave of BrandenburgAnspach. He was initiated in 1754, and in 1766 signed the act of strict observance in favor of unknown superiors. After 1769 he transferred the lodge Zur Sonne from Bayreuth to Anspach. Benjamin Kavanaugh (1805-1888) Missionary to the Indians and first grand master of Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. Born in Kentucky, he was a versatile man who was by turn a bookbinder, a tanner, a flatboat-man, a preacher, an editor, an author of books on astronomy and geology, and finally a physician. He entered the fraternity at the insistence of his mother. He was raised by the grand master of Kentucky in Winchester in 1840, and affiliated with Naphtali Lodge No. 25, St. Louis Mo.-in 1841. While there he established a mission to the Sioux and Chippewa Indians under the Illinois Conference of the Methodist church, and settled in Platteville, Wis. with his family. On Jan. 10, 1843 a charter for Melody lodge of that city (No. 2) from the 5 Stuart E. Kay Grand Lodge of Missouri, named him master. In 1844-45 he became the first grand master of the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin, but moved to Kentucky in the second year of his term. During the Civil War he served as a chaplain and surgeon with the Confederate Army, being a resident of Texas at that time. d. July 3, 1888 in Boonsboro, Ky. He was buried at Mt. Sterling, Ky. and in 1936 the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin erected a monument to him there. Stuart E. Kay Vice President and Director of International Paper Co. b. Nov. 30, 1896 in Montreal, Canada. Graduate of McGill U. in 1921. He came to the U.S. in 1922 and was naturalized in 1945. Has been with International Paper since 1922; manager in charge of manufacturing since 1937, vice president since 1951, and director from 1956. He is also a director of the Montague Machine Co., Kay Mfg. Co., Ltd., Arizona Chemical Co., and Androscoggin Reservoir Co. Served with Canadian army overseas in WWI. Mason. Victor C. Kays President of Arkansas State College, Jonesboro, Ark., from 1910. b. July 24, 1882 in Magnolia, Ill. Graduate of Northern Ill. State

Teachers Coll., U. of Illinois, New Mexico Coll. of Agriculture. Member of Jonesboro Lodge No. 129 and past master of same; exalted in Jonesboro Chapter No. 79 and past high priest; knighted in Ivanhoe Cornmandery No. 18 and past commander. All of Jonesboro, Ark. Robert H. Kazmayer Lecturer and news commentator. b. Nov., 1908 in Rush, N.Y. Ordained Methodist Episcopal deacon in 1932, elder in 1932, and held pastorates in New York until 1939, when he left the ministry to devote full time to writing and lecturing. He has traveled annually throughout the world, and in the 22 months following Pearl Harbor he covered 35,000 miles in 38 states,speaking in more than 350 towns on Germany, Russia, Japan, and international politics. He was the originator of the Rochester Town Hall of the Air over WHEC, and moderator of it for two years. He conducts a European seminar tour each year. Member of Ancient Craft Lodge No. 943, Rochester, N.Y. receiving degrees on Jan. 26, March 23 and May 31, 1938. Edmund Kean (1787-1833) Greatest tragedian of his day. b. in London, he made a striking success at the Drury Lane Theatre as Shylock, Jan. 26, 1814, and followed this with Hamlet, Othello, Iago, Macbeth, Lear, and Richard III. His last stage appearance was March 12, 1833. Member of St. Mark's Lodge No. 102, Glasgow, Scotland. Hamilton F. Kean (1862-1941) U.S. Senator from New Jersey, 1929-35. b. Feb. 27, 1862 at Ursino, N.J. A farmer and dealer in securities, he was the senior member of Kean, Taylor & Co. investments. He was a director of numerous corporations. He was made a Mason "at sight" and received all three degrees, April 10, 1929, in Essex Lodge No. 49, Elizabeth, N.J. d. Dec. 27, 1941. Frank G. Kear Electronics engineer and inventor. b. Oct. 18, 1903 in Minersville, Pa. A physicist on staff of National Bureau of Standards, 192833, he was one of the group which developed radio range beacon and first instrument landing equipment for aircraft. He developed the first combined radio beacon and radio telephone transmitter in 1931. He pioneered in the application of directional antennas for broadcasting and participated in the development of the earth inductor compass as applied to air and water navigation. From 1933-41 he was chief engineer of Washington Institute of Technology. He was the engineer in charge of the Empire State Building television project. Raised in Miners-vile Lodge No. 222, Minersville, Pa. 6 R. Ray Keaton in June, 1925; exalted in Schuylkill Chapter No. 159, R.A.M., Minersville; greeted in Adoniram Council No. 2, R. & S.M.,

Washington, D.C. and knighted in DeMolay Commandery No. 4, Washington. Served as generalissimo of the commandery. Member of National Sojourners at Fort Meade, Md. Carroll D. Kearns U.S. Congressman, 80th through 85th Congresses from Pa. b. May 7, 1900 in Youngstown, Ohio. Graduate of Chicago Musical Coll. He was a concert artist, (bass-baritone), from 1920-25, appearing in 28 states. From 1920-24 he was a radio artist in Chicago, and a choral and instrumental conductor until 1944. He engaged in the building business in Chicago from 1925-29. He was in the public school systems of Chicago and Greenville, Pa. and head of department of music at Slippery Rock (Pa.) State Teachers Coll., and superintendent of schools at Farrell, Pa. In 1946 he received the American Legion Distinguished Service award. Member of Eureka Lodge No. 290, Greenville, Pa., receiving degrees on Feb. 27, March ?, and April 25, 1939. Charles C. Kearns (1869-1931) U.S. Congressman, 64th through 71st Congresses (1915-31) from 6th Ohio dist. b. Feb. 10, 1869 at Tonica, Ill. Graduate of Cincinnati Law School and admitted to the bar in 1894. In 190001, he was managing editor of the Las Vegas Daily Record (N.M.), and of the Hot Springs Daily Record (Ark.) in 1901-02. Member of Amelia Lodge No. 590, Amelia, Ohio, receiving degrees on Oct. 28, 1919, Sept. 20 and Oct. 19, 1920. d. Dec. 17, 1931. Henry Kearns President of National U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1945-46. b. April 30, 1911 in Salt Lake City, Utah. In automobile sales at Pasadena, Calif. from 1933-41. In 1942 he organized and was vice president of the Victory Manufacturing Co., Los Angeles, and has been president and general manager since 1943. Owner of Kearns Car Rental and Orange Oaks Ranch; president of San Gabriel Valley Motors and Rio Hondo Development Co. In 1944 he was designated as the Outstanding Young Man of Calif. Raised May 27, 1937 in Corona Lodge No. 324, Calif. and affiliated with Carmelita Lodge No. 599 (Calif.) on Jan. 8, 1942. Lawrence Kearny ( 1789- 186 8 ) Commodore, U.S. Navy, who was instrumental in opening up China to U.S. trade in 1844. b. Nov. 30, 1789 in Perth Amboy, N.J. Entered Navy as a midshipman in 1807, serving on the ships Constitution, President, and Enterprise. In the War of 1812 he was assigned to the coastal defense of South Carolina and adjacent states. He later distinguished himself in the West Indies and gulf coast waters, against pirates. Placed in command of the Warren in 1826, he broke up a stronghold of Greek pirates and captured several of their vessels. Made captain on

return to U.S. in 1832, and given command of the Potomac. In 1841 he commanded the East India squadron and was active in the suppression of opium smuggling, and secured the rights of American merchants in China. Learning of an impending commercial treaty between the Chinese and England, he demanded the same for the U.S., and as a result such a treaty was ratified, July 1845. In 1843 he stopped at the Hawaiian Islands and there protested against the treaty then in progress to transfer those islands to the British. He was made commodore on the retired list in April, 1867. Kearny was raised in Columbian Lodge, Boston, Mass. on July 12, 1815. d. Nov. 29, 1868. R. Ray Keaton Director-General of Lions, International, and editor of The Lion since 1950. b. Sept. 11, 1907 in Weatherford, Texas. Received B.A. and M.A. degrees from Southern 7 Harold A. Keats Methodist U. Taught in Weatherford, Tex. high school, 1929-34. From 193439 he was a special representative of Lions, Texas secretary, 1939-45, and assistant secretary general, 1945-50. Member of Phoenix Lodge No. 275, Weatherford, Texas, receiving degrees on June 9, Dec. 23, 1937 and Oct. 27, 1939. Knight Templar and Shriner. Harold A. Keats National Commander of Amvets, 1948-49. b. Bridgeport, Conn. Oct. 25, 1913. Owner of Harold A. Keats Construction Co., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. since 1936, and The Progress Co., Washington, D.C. since 1949. He was vice commander of the Amvets in 1947, and liaison officer to the White House since 1949. He has been national administrator of the Amvets National Service Foundation since 1949. He succeeded General John J. Pershing, q.v., as U.S. commissioner of American Battle Monuments Commission in 1950. Served in Navy in 1942-45, and on temporary duty in Korea in 1951. Mason, 32 AASR and Shriner. Charles Keck Sculptor. b. in New York City. Studied at National Academy of Design and American Academy in Rome. In 1899 he was first prize winner in Prix de Rome in open competition. His principal works are: George Washington, Buenos Aires; U.S.S. Maine memorial tablets; Lewis and Clark, Charlottesville, Va.; Stonewall Jackson, Charlottesville, Va.; Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee, Ala.; U.S. Friendship Monument, Rio de Janeiro; Citizen Soldier, Irvington, N.J.; Soldiers' Memorial, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Liberty Monument, Ticonderoga, N.Y.; Sesquicentennial half dollar of Vermont; busts of Elias Howe, Patrick Henry, and James Madison in Hall of Fame, New York U.; Shriners' Peace Monument, Toronto, Canada; Abraham Lincoln, Wabash, Ind.; Charles Aycock, in U.S. Hall of Fame, Washington D.C.; Andrew

Jackson, Kansas City, Mo.; James B. Duke, Durham, N.C.; Father Duffy Monument, Times Square, N.Y.; Huey P. Long, at Baton Rouge, La. and Washington, D.C.; sarcophagus of Alfred I. duPont, Wilmington, Del.; Alfred E. Smith, New York City; Harry S. Truman, for Senate wing of U.S. Capitol; and many others. Member of Green-point Lodge No. 403, Brooklyn, N.Y. and Brooklyn Shrine Temple. In 1940 he received the New York Grand Lodge medal for distinguished achievement. Frank B. Keefe (1887-1952) U.S. Congressman to 76th through 81st Congresses (1939-51) from 6th Wis. dist. b. Sept. 23, 1887. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1910. Admitted to the bar in that year and began practice in Oshkosh. Member of Oshkosh Lodge No. 27, Oshkosh, Wis. at time of his death, Feb. 5, 1952. Also 32 AASR (NJ) and Shriner. Walter N. Keener (1880-1932) Newspaper editor. b. Aug. 2, 1880 in Lincoln Co., N.C. Graduate of Wake Forest (N.C.) Coll. Edited many N.C. newspapers including Lincoln County News, Lincolnton; city editor Raleigh Times, 1909-11; managing editor Durham Sun, 1912-13; city editor, Charlotte Chronicle, 1913-14; managing editor High Point Enterprise, 1914-16; editor Wilmington Dispatch, 1917-18; editor in chief Durham Evening Sun from 1929. Mason. d. Nov. 25, 1932. Hugh L. Keenleyside Canadian diplomat and politician. b. July 7, 1898 in Toronto, Ont., Canada. First secretary of Canadian mission to Japan in 1929-36; counsellor, 1940-41; assistant undersecretary of state for external affairs, 1941-44; Canadian ambassador to Mexico, 1944-47; deputy minister of resources, 1947-50, Canadian delegate to United Nations general assembly, 1946; member of Canadian-U.S. Joint Board of Defense, 1940-45; on staff of Northwest Territories Council, 1941-45; and chairman of council 1947-50. Served with tank group in WWI. Mason. 8 James Kieth Estes Kefauver U.S. Senator from Tennessee since 1948. b. July 26, 1903 in Madisonville, Tenn. Graduate of U. of Tennessee and Yale. In law practice in Chattanooga. Member of 76th 49) from 3rd Tenn. dist. In 1937 re-through 80th U.S. congresses (1939- ceived "Most Outstanding Young Citizen" award from Junior Chamber of Commerce. A defender of the TVA, and original sponsor of legislation to give District of Columbia residents home rule and right to vote. Author of Kefauver Peace Plan to foster cooperation among free peoples. A contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1952. Member of Chattanooga Lodge No. 199, Chattanooga, Tenn. and 32 AASR (SJ), in Knoxville Consistory, Chattanooga, Member of Alhambra Shrine Temple and Ben Ali Grotto, both of

Chattanooga. J. Claude Keiper (1869-1944) Secretary of the Grand Masters' Conference from 1027 until his death. b. in St. Nicholas, Pa. Raised in Columbia Lodge No. 3, Washington, D.C., Jan. 16, 1895; he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of District of Columbia in 1911, the centennial year. Noted speaker, Masonic jurist, and historian. Member of York Rite and 33 AASR (SJ). He was head of the Red Cross of Constantine (West). d. in 1944. - Alexander Keith (1795-1873) Canadian philanthropist and legislator. b. Oct. 5, 1795 in Halkirk, Seotland. He learned the brewing trade in Sunderland, England, and founded the brewing business of A. Keith & Sons, Halifax, N.S., in 1820. Served as alderman and mayor of Halifax, 1840-54; on legislative council of Nova Scotia, 1843-73. Was initiated in the Lodge of St. John No. 118 (EC) Sunderland, England on July 23, 1836 and joined Virgin Lodge No. 3, Halifax in 1817; provincial grand master of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and New-foundland, 1840-63 and at the same time provincial grand master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Nova Scotia, 1845-66 (two rival bodies). He was grand master of the present Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, 187073; grand high priest of Grand Chapter R.A.M. of Nova Scotia in 1869; and provincial grand prior, Knights Templar, over the Atlantic provinces in 1863. d. Dec. 14, 1873. James Keith (?-?) Lieutenant General in Russian Army under Peter II. A Scotsman, he was provincial grand master of Russia under the Grand Lodge of England. He is sometimes confused with his cousin, James Keith, whose brother, John Keith, Earl of Kintore, was grand master in 1740. James was the son of William, 9th Earl of Marischal and brother of George, 10th Earl of Marischal. A great affection existed between the brothers as they were both forced to flee Britian due to their participation in the rebellion on the Pretender's side. Their estates were seized and given to his cousin, John, Earl of Kintore. James entered the services of the king of Spain, but being a staunch Protestant, found that he could not continue in the service of the Roman Catholic king, although the latter appreciated him and recommended him to Peter II of Russia. The Spanish king presented him with a thousand crowns when he left and begged him to return if he found it possible to throw his lot with the Roman Catholic Church. In Feb., 1740, James revisited London, and was presented to George II, whom he acknowledged as his lawful sovereign. He also was present at the communication of the Grand Lodge of England held March 28, 1740 which his cousin, John, the Earl of Kintore, who had received his estates, presided over as grand master. His name is recorded on the minutes as "James Keith, Esq; Lieutenant General in the Service of Russia." His appointment as provincial

9 Clarence B. Kelland grand master of Russia, therefore, would have been at the hands of his cousin, the grand master for 1740-41. He distinguished himself in the Russian wars against the Turks and Sweden. Russian Masons sang a song composed in his honor, praising him for "building the Temple to Wisdom," for "lighting the sacred fire," and for "establishing brotherhood." He was frequently mentioned by Carlyle in his voluminous Life of Frederick the Great. Clarence B. Kelland Author. b. July 11, 1881 at Portland, Mich. Graduate of Detroit Coll. of Law in 1902. From 1903-07 he was a reporter, political editor, and Sunday editor of the Detroit News. From 1907-15 was editor of The American Boy. He has authored approximately a book per year between 1913 and 1956. His first was Mark Tidd (1913), which was followed by several more of the "Mark Tidd" series. Others have included Scattergood Baines (1921); The Hidden Spring; Valley of the Sun; Sugar-foot; Archibald the Great; This Is My Son; Stolen Goods; The Great Mail Robbery; No Escape; Dangerous Angel; and Murder Makes an Entrance (1956). He was Republican National Committeeman from Arizona in 1940. Raised in Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, Mich., in 1904. Harry Kellar (1849-1922) Magician. b. July 11, 1849 in Erie, Pa. As a young man he was assistant to the "Fakir of Ava," the magician. In 1867 he joined the Davenport Brothers, spirit mediums, as business manager. With Fay he toured South America and Mexico as "Fay & Kellar" in 1871-73. He was with Ling Look and Yamadura under the name "Kellar, Ling Look & Yamadura, Royal Illusionists," playing through South America, Africa, Australia, India, China, Philippines, and Japan. Both Look and Yamadura died in China in 1877. He was then with J. H. Cunard as"Kellar & Cunard," traveling five years through India, Burma, Siam, Java, Persia, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Mediterranean ports. From 1884 he performed in leading American cities. He was made a Mason in May, 1875 in Lodge Fraternidad y Home at Pelotas, Brazil; received the Royal Arch Degree on the Isle of Mauritius (Port Luis). In 1880 he received the Scottish Rite degrees in Triple Esperance Lodge, Port Luis, Mauritius, and 33 AASR in New York City. d. March 10, 1922. Kaufman Thuma Keller President of Chrysler Corp., 1935-50, Chairman of Board, 1950-56. Retired. b. Nov. 27, 1885 in Mount Joy, Pa. He found his first job in Pittsburgh at 20 cents an hour, and at times had to borrow on his grandfather's gold watchwhich he still has today. He was first an apprentice machinist with Westinghouse, and subsequently assistant superintendent of its automobile engine department; chief inspector of Detroit Metals Products Co.; general foreman of machine shop of Metzger Motor Car Co.; Hudson

Motor Car Co. as chief inspector of Maxwell plant; general master mechanic of Buick Motor Co., 1916-19; with General Motors central office at Detroit, 1919-21; vice president of Chevrolet Motor Co., 1921-24; general manager of Canada for same, 1924-26; vice president of Chrysler Corp., from 1926-35. In 1954 he was director of guided missiles in office of Secretary of Defense. Received Gourgas Medal (AASR, NJ) in 1952. Member of Fellowship Lodge No. 490, Flint, Mich., receiving degrees in 1919; later member of Corinthian Lodge No. 241, Detroit (1944) and life member of Cedar Lodge No. 270, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Exalted in King Cyrus Chapter No. 133, R.A.M. and knighted in Detroit Commandery No. 1, K.T. 33 AASR (NJ) Valley of Detroit; member of National Sojourners, Moslem Shrine Temple, Boulevard Shrine Club, Walter P.. 10 Christopher Kelly Chrysler Shrine Club and St. Clement Conclave No. 39, Red Cross of Constantine, all of Detroit. William H. Keller (1869-1945) Judge, Superior Court of Pennsylvania, 1919-45. b. Aug. 11, 1869 in Montgomery Co., Md. Graduate of Franklin and Marshall Coll. and George Washington U. Admitted to the bar in 1893, and began practice at Lancaster, Pa. Presiding judge of the superior court from 1935. Member of Lodge No. 43, (no name) Lancaster, Pa., receiving degrees on Jan. 9, Feb. 13 and March 13, 1895. Served as master in 1902. d. Jan. 17, 1945. Francois Christophe Kellermann (1735-1820) French General; Marshal of France and Duke of Valmy. Of German descent, he commanded the Army of the Moselle in 1792, and cooperated with Dumouriez in defeating the Duke of Brunswick at Valmy on Sept. 20, 1792. Napoleon appointed him senator in 1804, and created him marshal of France and duc de Valmy. Louis XVIII created him a peer in 1814. In 1805 he was Grand Administrateur, 33, of the Grand Orient of France. H. Roy Kelley Architect. b. May 2, 1893 in Beacon, N.Y. In independent practice at Los Angeles since 1926. Won first prize in national home design contests in 1927-28-29-30-35, and many honor awards. Has designed many residences, churches, clubs and buildings. Mason. Alexander, 6th Earl of Kellie Twenty-fourth Grand Master Mason of Scotland (1763-64) and Grand Master of Grand Lodge of England in 1760-65. Abraham L. Kellogg (1860-1946) Justice, Supreme Court of New York,

1918-30. b. May 1, 1860 in Delaware Co., N.Y. Admitted to N.Y. bar in 1883, and practiced at Oneonta. Director of International Business Machines Corp. from 1934. Member of Oneonta Lodge No. 466, receiving degrees on Oct. 16, Nov 18, Dec. 12, 1890. d. Aug. 25, 1946. Frank B. Kellogg (1856-1937) Secretary of State under President Coolidge; U.S. Senator; Ambassador to England; Nobel Peace Prize winner and Judge of Permanent Court of International Justice. b. Dec. 22, 1856 in Potsdam, N.Y. He went to Minnesota with his parents in 1865, received a common school education, and was admitted to the bar in 1877. He later received honorary degrees from many universities. Gained fame in prosecution of oil and railroad trusts for the U.S. He was U.S. senator from Minn. from 1917-23, and U.S. ambassador to England in 1924. He served as secretary of state from 1925-29. From 193035 he was judge of the Permanent Court of International Justice, and received the Nobel Prize in 1929. He was a member of Rochester Lodge No. 21, receiving his degrees, April 1, April 19, and May 3, 1880. d. Dec. 21, 1937. Frederick W. Kellogg (1866-1940) Newspaper publisher. b. Dec. 7, 1866 in Norwalk, Ohio. Associated with Detroit News and Scripps-McRae League from 1887-99. In 1900, with two others, established the Omaha Daily News, St. Paul Daily News, Minneapolis Daily News. From 191925 was part owner of Los Angeles Evening Express. Founded Pasadena Evening Post in 1919. He was president and principal stockholder of the Kellogg Newspapers, Inc., which included papers in the following Calif. cities: Pasadena, Monrovia, Hollywood, Glendale, Santa Monica, Venice, Redondo, Hermosa, San Pedro, Alhambra, and Culver City. Sold all in 1928 and retired. Affiliated with Southern California Lodge No. 278 of Los Angeles on April 2, 1866 from Albert Pike Lodge No. 219, Kansas City, Mo. d. Sept. 5, 1940. Christopher Kelly Irish Masonic plagiarist. He stole bodily the fa11 James K. Kelly mous work of Samuel Lee entitled The Temple of Solomon, Pourtrayed by Scripture Light. He published it under his name as Solomon's Temple Spiritualized, etc. and prefaced the book with "An Address to All Free and Accepted Masons." The first edition was published at Dublin in 1803. He came to the U.S., and published a second edition in 1820. He was, unfortunately, a Freemason. The thought behind these volumes seems to be founded on John Bunyan's Solomon's Temple Spiritualized. James K. Kelly (1819-1903) U.S. Senator from Oregon, 1871-77. b. Feb. 16, 1819 in Centre Co. Pa. Received degrees from Princeton in 1839

and 1842. Admitted to Pa. bar in 1842. Went to Calif. in 1849, and to Oregon Territory (Portland) in 1851. In 1852 he was one of the committee of three appointed to draw up the laws of the territory. He served as a volunteer against the Yakima Indians in 1855-56, and was a member of the territorial council in 1853-57. In the latter year he was one of the framers of the Oregon constitution. A member of the state senate in 1860-64, he was chief justice of the supreme court of Oregon from 1879-81. Member of Multnomah Lodge No. 1, Oregon City, Oreg. d. 1903. Percy IL Kelly (1870-1949) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Oregon, 1941-42. b. July 13, 1870 in Arlington, Iowa. Admitted to Oregon bar in 1892, and practiced at Albany until 1911. State senator, 1898-1902; circuit judge, 1911-30. Associate justice supreme court of Oregon, 1930-40, chief justice, 1941-42, and associate justice 1943-49. Member of St. Johns Lodge No. 17, Albany, Oreg., receiving degrees on Aug. 6, Sept. 12 and Oct. 16, 1894; master in 1920 and life member. Dual membership in Research Lodge No. 198. d. June 14, 1949. William Kelly (1770-1832) U.S. Senator from Alabama, 1823-25. b. in Tennessee. He studied law and practiced in Huntsville, Ala., and afterward in Elyton, near what is now Birmingham. About 1831 he moved to New Orleans. Listed as a Mason in the Alabama Grand Lodge proceedings of 1822. James P. Kern U.S. Senator from Missouri, 1946-52. b. April 2, 1890 in Macon, Mo. Graduate of U. of Mo. in 1910 and Harvard in 1913. Practiced law in Kansas City, Mo. since 1926. Served with Infantry in WWI. Member of Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446, Kansas City, Mo. Benjamin T. Kemerer (1874-?) Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. Dec. 9, 1874 at Vernon Center, Minn. He began as editor of a country newspaper at 16, and later proofreader for West Publishing Co. He was then salesman, and advertising manager for Simmons Hardware, St. Louis. In 1903 he became a P.E. deacon, and priest in 1904, serving churches in St. Louis, El Paso, Texas, Duluth, Minn. In 1930 he was elected bishop coadjutor of Duluth, and bishop in 1933. Upon the union of the dioceses of Duluth and Minn. in 1944, he became suffragan bishop of Minn., retiring in 1948. Mason. Edwin C. Kemp U.S. Consul. b. Aug. 24, 1884 in East Douglas, Mass. Between the years 1914 and 1935 he was American consul at St. PierreMiquelon, Marseilles, (France); Tunis; Bucharest; Budapest; Danzig; Havre, (France); Moncton, N.B., (Canada). He was consul general at Winnipeg, Man., 1935-37; Bremen, Germany, 1937-41; Halifax, N.S., 194145; Kingston,

Jamaica, 1946-47. Now retired. Initiated in Adair Lodge No. 366, Kirksville, Mo. on May 30, 1910; passed Jan. 5, 1911 and raised Feb. 10, 1911 by request of Sanford Lodge No. 62, Sanford, Fla. Affiliated with St. Petersburg Lodge No. 129, St. Petersburg, Fla. about 1913. Exalted in St. 12 Harry R. Kendall Petersburg Chapter No. 31, R.A.M. Nov. 21, 1918. Samuel B. Kemp (1871-?) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Hawaii from 1941. b. Dec. 26, 1871 in Austin, Texas. Graduate of U. of Texas in 1900. Practiced first at Austin and then Robert Lee, Texas. Became assistant U.S. attorney of Hawaii in 1916, judge of circuit court in 1917-18, and associate justice of supreme court of Hawaii from 1918-22, and again from 1938-41. From 1937-38 he was attorney general of Hawaii. Affiliated with Le Progres de l'Oceanie Lodge No. 371, Honolulu on April 22, 1918 from Hayrick Lodge No. 696, Texas. Suspended NPD on April 30, 1928. James L. Kemper (1823-?) Governor of Virginia and Confederate Brigadier General in Civil War. b. June 11, 1823 in Madison Co., Va. In the Mexican War he was a captain in the army; and was a member of the Virginia legislature ten years, during two of which he was speaker of the house. He entered the Confederate service in 1861 as colonel of the 7th Virginia regiment. Commissioned brigadier general in May, 1862, he saw action in many battles, and was severely wounded and captured at Gettysburg. He was elected governor of Virginia in 1874, and at the completion of his term, engaged in planting in Orange Co., Va. Mason. Recorded present at the Grand Lodge of Virginia in 1867. Amos Kendall (1789-1869) Postmaster General of U.S. from 1835-40. b. Aug. 16, 1789 in Dunstable, Mass. He was graduated from Dartmouth in 1811 at the head of his class. He studied law, and in 1814 moved to Lexington, Ky., where he practiced, and was tutor in the family of Henry Clay, q.v. He became postmaster and editor of a local paper at Georgetown, Ky.; and in 1816 was co-editor and part owner of the Argus of Western America at Frankfort. In politics a Democrat, he received several Federal job appointments and aided in shaping Jackson's, q.v., anti-bank policy. As postmaster general he introduced many reforms and freed the department from debt. He then established two papers, Kendall's Expositor (1841) and Union Democrat (1842), but both were soon discontinued. He became associated with the inventor, Samuel F. B. Morse in 1845, in the ownership of the latter's telegraph patents, and through his management became a rich man. He then retired to Washington, D.C., where he was active in philanthropic works. His original lodge is not known, but on Jan. 15, 1821, he

affiliated with Hiram Lodge No. 4, Frankfort, Ky., and later served as its master. Later he affiliated with Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 14, Georgetown, Ky. In 1837 he is listed in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia. d. Nov. 11, 1869. George R. Kendall President of Washington National Insurance Co., 1923-51. b. March 22, 1882 in Jefferson Co., Ky. Was with Prudential Insurance Co. for 10 years as an agent and manager. In 1911 he organized the Washington Life & Accident Ins. Co., which later became Washington National Insurance Co., and was secretary for 12 years. Now chairman of executive committee. Raised in Steubenville Lodge No. 45, Steubenville, Ohio in Feb., 1905; member of Union Chapter No. 15, R.A.M. and Steubenville Commandery No. 11, K.T. both of Steubenville. Member of Medinah Shrine Temple, Chicago, Ill. Harry R. Kendall (1876-1958) Chairman of Board of Washington National Insurance Co., Chicago since 1926. b. May 21, 1876 in Kentucky. He was superintendent of Prudential Insurance Co. at Louisville for 30 years. President of Fidelity Life and Accident Co., Louisville for three years. Founder and past master of Harry R. 13 Nathan E. Kendall Kendall Lodge No. 750, Louisville, Ky.; first high priest of Highland Chapter No. 150, R.A.M.; member of DeMolay Commandery No. 12, K.T., Louisville, Kosair Shrine Temple. Former member of finance committee, Grand Lodge of Kentucky. Received 33 AASR (SJ) in 1955. d. April 3, 1958. Nathan E. Kendall (1868-1936) Governor of Iowa, 1921-25. b. March 17, 1868 in Greenville, Iowa. Began law practice at Albia, Iowa in 1887. Member of lower house 1899-1909, and served as speaker his last term. U.S. congressman to 61st and 62nd congresses from 6th Iowa dist. Member of Astor Lodge No. 505, Albia, Iowa and Za Ga Zig Shrine Temple, Des Moines. d. Nov. 1936. Samuel A. Kendall (1859-1933) U.S. Congressman, 66th through 72nd Congresses (1919-33) from 24th Pa. dist. b. Nov. 1, 1859 in Somerset Co., Pa. He was in the lumber business from 1890. From 1899-1903 he was a member of the lower house. Member of Meyersdale Lodge No. 554, Meyersdale, Pa., being admitted Aug. 25, 1890. d. Jan. 8, 1933. Baynard H. Kendrick Author. b. April 8, 1894 in Philadelphia, Pa.

President of Trades Publishing Co., Philadelphia, 1928; general manager Peter Clark, Inc., N.Y.C., 1929; general manager Bing & Bing's Hotels, N.Y.C., 1930-31. He has been a free lance writer since 1932, writing books, and for CBS television. Enlisted in Canadian Army within one hour after that country declared war in Aug. 1914. In WWII he was a consultant to the staff of Old Farms Convalescent Hospital for Blinded Veterans, U.S. Army at Avon, Conn. Among his books are Blood on Lake Louisa; The Last Express; The Iron Spiders; The Whistling Hangman; Death Beyond the Go-thru; Blind Man's Bluff; Death Knell; Lights Out; Flames of Time (a Literary Guild selection), and many others. His motion pictures include The Last Express; Eyes in the Night (with Edward Arnold); The Hidden Eye; Bright Victory (Edgar Kennedy and Peggy Dow). Member of Palatka Lodge No. 34, Palatka, Fla. John Kendrick (1745-1800) Revolutionary War privateer and explorer. b. in Boston about 1745. He later resided in Wareham, Mass. During the revolution he was captain of a privateer and was one of the first American seamen to undertake useful voyages of discovery. In 1787, when commanding the Columbia and the Washington, fitted out by Boston merchants, he explored the northwest coast of America and the islands of the Pacific. He exchanged ships with Capt. Gray, his second in command, and the latter, in a subsequent voyage, discovered the Columbia River. In 1791, with the Washington and Grace, he made a voyage to the South seas with Capt. Douglas. He visited Oceanie and originated and carried on a successful trade in sandalwood with China. His death in Hawaii in 1800 was caused by the accidental firing of a charge of grapeshot from a cannon by an English captain in returning his salute in Sandwich Island waters. He was made a Mason on Dec. 10, 1778 in St. Andrew's Lodge, Boston, Mass. John B. Kendrick (1857-1933) Governor of Wyoming, 1915-17 and U.S. Senator, 1917-35. b. Sept. 6, 1857 in Cherokee Co., Texas. He was a cattleman in Northern Wyoming and Southern Montana from 1885, and owner of one of the largest cattle ranches in the West. Member of the Wyoming state senate, 1910-14. He was elected governor for term 191519, and was nominated for U.S. senator at the primaries in 1916, although his name did not appear on the ballots. He resigned as governor in Feb., 1917. Kendrick Dam in Wyoming is named for him. Member of Sheridan Lodge No. 8, Sheridan, Wyo., receiv-

14 Marion S. Kennedy, Jr. ing degrees on Aug. 17 and 23, 1901 and April 9, 1902. Received 32

AASR (SJ) at Cheyenne on June 22, 1911. d. Nov. 3, 1933. John R. Kenly (1822-?) Union Major General of Civil War. b. 1822 in Baltimore. He was admitted to the bar in 1845. Took part in the Mexican War as a captain and later as major. He practiced law until the Civil War, when he was commissioned colonel in June, 1861, and commanded 1st Maryland regiment. In May, 1862 he is credited with saving the forces of General Banks from capture at Front Royal. He was wounded and taken prisoner in this action, but exchanged on Aug. 15th and made brigadier general on the 22nd of that month (1862). He commanded all the forces in Baltimore, joined McClellan after the battle of Antietam and rendered efficient service at Hagerstown and Harper's Ferry. In 1863 he led the Maryland brigade at the recapture of Maryland Heights, Harper's Ferry. Was breveted major general of volunteers, March 13, 1865. His lodge is not known, but he was a member of Maryland Commandery No. 1, Baltimore, Md. There are two John R. Kenlys on the records of the grand lodge at this time. One, a member of Landmark Lodge No. 127, Baltimore, dimitted on Oct. 10, 1888; and another, a member of Warren Lodge No. 51, also of Baltimore, was suspended NPD on April 9, 1878. Charles Rann Kennedy (1871-1950) Playwright. b. Feb. 14, 1871 in Derby, England. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1917. Largely selfeducated, he was an office boy and clerk from 13 to 16, and was a lecturer and writer until he was 26. He then became an actor, press agent, writer of short stories, articles and poems, as well as a theatrical business manager until 1905. From 1905 he did dramatic writing mainly. His first play was The Servant in the House (1908),which had Masonic significance. Others include: The Winterfeast; The Terrible Meek; The Necessary Evil; The Idol-Breaker; The Rib of the Man; The Army With Banners; The Fool From the Hills; The Chastening; The Admiral; The Salutation; and many others. He was raised in Howard Lodge No. 35, New York City, Jan. 22, 1909 and received the honorary 33 AASR (NJ) Sept. 19, 1923. d. Feb. 16, 1950. Donald S. Kennedy President of Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. since 1929. b. Jan. 5, 1902 in Rushville, Ind. Graduate U. of Arizona in 1923. He began as a clerk with the Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. in 1923, and rose through various positions to vice president in 1942, executive vice president in 1948, and president in 1949. Also president of Oklahoma Industries, Inc. 1951-53. Member of Trinity Lodge No. 502, Muskogee, Okla., receiving degrees on May 13, June 13 and July 22, 1937. Was junior steward in 1937. 32 AASR (SJ).

John D. Kennedy (1840-1896) Confederate General of Civil War. b. Jan. 5, 1840 at Camden, S.C. Soldier, lawyer and political leader. Member of Kershaw Lodge No. 29, Camden, S.C. and grand master of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina in 1881-83. d. April 14, 1896 in Camden, S.C. John T. Kennedy Brigadier General, U.S. Army and holder of Congressional Medal of Honor. b. July 22, 1885 in Hendersonville, S.C. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1908. He advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1942. With the A.E.F. in France, 1917-19. Commander of Fort Bragg, N.C., 1941-45. Retired in 1946. Member of Hancock Lodge No. 311, Ft Leavenworth, Kansas and 32 in Army Consistory No. 1, at Ft. Leavenworth. Marion S. Kennedy, Jr. President of Federal Land Bank of Louisville, 15 Sherman S. Kennedy Ky. since 1946. b. Feb. 22, 1897 in Pulaski, Tenn. Graduate of Davidson Coll. in 1918. Admitted to Term. bar in 1924, and practiced at Pulaski until 1933, when he became vice president of the Land Bank. Served with Marine Corps in WWI. Raised in Pulaski Lodge No. 101, Pulaski, Tenn. on Jan. 8, 1925. Sherman S. Kennedy Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Sept. 16, 1888 in Saginaw, Mich. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1909, and received master's degree from Columbia in 1914. Advanced from midshipman in 1909 to rear admiral in 1942. Was at sea from 1909-17, and then in navy yards at Norfolk and Puget Sound. Then served on U.S.S. Virginia and U.S.S. West Virgin. He returned to Puget Sound, and then Cavite, Bureau of Ships, Washington, Mare Island, and Brooklyn. From 1946 he was assistant chief of Bureau of Ships (maintenance). Mason. T. Blake Kennedy (1874-1957) Federal Judge of District of Wyoming 1921-55. b. April 4, 1874 at Commerce, Mich. Received A.B. and A.M. from Franklin Coll. (now Muskingum) and LL.B. from Syracuse U. Practiced law in Syracuse, N.Y. 1898-1901, and moved to Cheyenne, Wyo. where he practiced until 1921. President Harding appointed him to the Federal bench, Oct. 25, 1921. Prior to his death, he was the oldest Federal judge in point of service. A Member of Cheyenne Lodge No. 1, Cheyenne, Wyo., he received his degrees on July 29, Aug. 26 and Nov. 18, 1902. He served as grand master of Wyoming in 1917 and was chairman of the jurisprudence committee for more than 30 years. Knight Templar and 33 AASR (SJ). d. May 21, 1957.

William P. Kennedy President of Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen since 1949. b. April 3, 1892 in Huttonville, Ont., Canada. He began as a "news butch" on the Rock Island Rail-road between Chicago and Des Moines in 1909. He was later a freight brakeman on the Dakota division of the Great Northern; a switchman for the Canadian Pacific, and then the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific. He was secretary general of the Trainmen's grievance committee in 1920, and chairman of same from 1921-25. From 1928-35 he was a member of the board of trustees; vice president in charge of the Northwest territory, 1935-44; in charge of promotion, Chicago, 1944-46; general secretary and treasurer 1946-49. Initiated in Minnehaha Lodge No. 165, Minneapolis, Minn. in 1916; 32 AASR (NJ) and member of Zurah Shrine Temple, all of Minneapolis. Clarence B. Kenney President and Director of Allstate Life Insurance Co. since 1957. b. Feb. 9, 1898 in New Albany, Ind. Graduate of U. of Chicago in 1923. With Retail Credit Co., Chicago, 1923-24; National Bond and Investment Co., 1925; General Motors Acceptance Corp., 1926-28 and Hardware Mutual Casualty Co., 1929-31. Went with Allstate Insurance Co., Chicago, in 1931, and was vice president and secretary from 1942-57. Served overseas in WWI, 1917-20. Mason and member of Acacia fraternity. George C. Kenney General, U.S. Air Force. b. Aug. 6, 1889 in Yarmouth, N.S., Canada. He was a civil engineer with railroads in Canada and U.S. from 1911-14. He entered the construction business in Boston in 1915, and became president of Beaver Contracting and Engineering Corp. in 1916. Commissioned 1st lieutenant in 1917, he was promoted through grades to general in March, 1945, and retired in Aug., 1951. He commanded the 4th Air Force in 1942; the 5th Air Force in the Southwest Pacific in 1944; Allied Air Forces and Far East Air Forces in Southwest Pacific, 1944-45; Pacific Air Command, U.S. Army, 1945-46; Senior U.S. military 16 William E. Kepner representative with U.N. in 1946; and commanding general of Strategic Air Command, 1946-48. In 1948-51 he was commanding general of the Air University. Since retirement he has been president of the National Arthritis and Rheumatism Fund. Member of Bethesda Lodge, Brighton, Mass. since 1913 and member of St. Paul's Chapter, R.A.M., Boston, Mass. Richard R. Kenney (1856-1931) U.S. Senator from Delaware, 18971901. b. Sept. 9, 1856 in Sussex Co., Del. Admitted to the bar in 1881, and practiced at Dover. He was state librarian, 1879-83, and adjutant general of state, 1887-91. Member of Union Lodge No 7, Dover, Del. d. Aug. 14,

1931. Robert F. Kennon Governor of Louisiana, 1952-56. b. Aug. 21, 1902 at Minden, La. Graduate of Louisiana State U. in 1923 and 1925. Practiced law at Minden from 1925-41. He was district attorney of the 26th judicial district for eleven years, and judge of the Louisiana court of appeal, 194245. From 1945-46 he was a justice of the supreme court of Louisiana. He was chairman of the Governors' Conference in 1954-55. Served as an officer overseas in WWI from 1941-45. Member of Minden Lodge No. 51, Minden, La., receiving degrees on Aug. 21 and Dec. 27, 1923, and April 11, 1924. Served as master in 192930 and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana in 1936-37. 32 AASR (SJ), at Baton Rouge. Member of Minden Chapter No. 55, R.A.M. and Crusader Commandery No. 21, K.T., both of Minden. Served as high priest and commander. Member of Shrine and Red Cross of Constantine. Michael Kenny (1863-1946) Jesuit priest and Anti-Masonic author. b. June 28, 1863 in GlanKeen, Tipperary, Ireland. He came to the U.S. in 1886, and was naturalized in 1892. Joined the Jesuits in 1886, and was ordained Roman Catholic priest in 1897. Hewas one of the founders of America, a Catholic weekly, in New York City in 1908, and associate editor of same until 1915. Taught in Catholic universities throughout the country. Wrote American Masonry in 1926 and American Masonry and Catholic Education in 1927. d. Nov. 22, 1946. Duke of Kent (see Edward Augustus). Duke of Kent (see under Prince George). W. Wallace Kent Federal Judge, Michigan, since 1954. b. May 1, 1916, at Galesburg, Mich. Graduate of Western Michigan Coll., 1937, and U. of Michigan, 1940. Admitted to the bar in 1940, practicing at Kalamazoo. Member of Anchor of S.O. Lodge No. 87; Kalamazoo Chapter No. 13, R.A.M.; Kalamazoo Council, No. 63, R. & S.M.; Peninsular Commandery No. 8, K.T., all of Kalamazoo, Mich. 32 AASR (NJ) at Grand Rapids, Mich. William E. Kepner Lieutenant General, U.S. Air Force, and pioneer aviator. b. Jan. 6, 1893 in Miami, Ind. He served as a private in the Marine Corps in 1909-13, and with Indiana national guard in Mexican Border, 191617. Commissioned in cavalry in 1917, but transferred to infantry, and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1942, major general, 1943,

and lieutenant general in 1950. Participated in six major engagements in WWI. He transferred to Air Service in 1920, and won the Litchfield trophy and National Balloon Race in 1928. In the same year he won the King Albert trophy in the Gordon Bennett International Balloon Race. He was test pilot for U.S. Navy metal-clad airship ZMC-2 in 1929, and in 1934 piloted and commanded the National Geographic Society-Army Air stratosphere balloon flight. He participated in the first transcontinental blind flight for airplane as escort pursuit plane for Maj. Ira Eaker in 1936. He commanded the First Army Air Force 17 Aleksandr Feodorovich Kerenski in 1941; 2nd Air Division, 8th Air Force, 1944-45; 8th Air Force, European Theater of Operations, 1945; 9th Air Force, 1945; deputy commander of aviation, atomic bomb tests, Bikini, 1946; commanding general, A.A.F. technical training command, St. Louis, 1946; chief of special weapons group, Hq. U.S.A.F., 1947; commander air forces and deputy commander atom bomb tests at Eniwetok, 1948. Later commander-in-chief of U.S. Alaskan command. He was vice president of Bell Aircraft Corp., Buffalo, N.Y. 1953-55, and since 1955 has been chairman of board of directors of Radiation, Inc. Fla. Mason, 32 AASR and member of Aahmes Shrine Temple, Oakland, Calif. Aleksandr Feodorovich Kerenski Russian revolutionary leader. After the first Bolshevik revolution of Feb., 1917, he was made minister of justice in the provisional government, and later minister of war. He succeeded Prince Lvov in July, 1917 as prime minister, but was overthrown by the revolution of Nov., 1917 because of his moderate policies and indecision. He fled to Paris where he edited the Social Revolutionary paper, Dni. He is said to have been a Freemason, as well as most of the members of his short-lived regime. John W. Kern, Jr. Chief Judge of U.S. Tax Court, 1949-55. b. July 7, 1900 in Indianapolis, son of John W. Kern, q.v., former U.S. Senator. Graduate of Washington and Lee U. and Harvard. Admitted to the bar in 1923, and practiced in Indianapolis until 1931. He was subsequently U.S. commissioner; superior court judge; mayor of Indianapolis; law professor at Indiana Law School; and member of U.S. Board of Tax Appeals, 1937-42. Since 1942 he has been a judge of the U.S. Tax Court. Received degrees in Oriental Lodge No. 500, Indianapolis, Ind. Dimitted Nov. 9, 1937. John W. Kern, Sr. (1849-1917) U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1911-17. b. Dec. 20, 1849 in Alto, Ind. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1869, and practiced law in Kokomo from that date until 1885, when he moved to Indianapolis. He was a candidate for governor twice, and Democratic nominee for vice

president of the U.S. in 1908. Father of John W. Kern, Jr., q.v. Member of Mystic Tie Lodge No. 398, Indianapolis, Ind. and 32 AASR (NJ). d. Aug. 17, 1917. Richard A. Kern Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, physician. b. Feb. 20, 1891 in Columbia, Pa. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1910, and 1914 (AB and MD). Instructor, associate, assistant professor, and professor of medicine 1919-46 at U. of Pennsylvania. Head of department of medicine at Temple U. since 1946. Served in the Medical Corps, U.S. Navy in WWI. On active duty in WWII in South Pacific from 1942-44 on Halsey's staff. From 1944-46 he was chief of medicine at the Naval Hospital, Philadelphia. Rank of commodore in 1945, and from 1952-55 held rank of rear admiral. He has been consultant to the surgeon general of the Army since 1947, and same to Navy since 1949. He was chief of the division of general medicine, Veterans Administration, 1946-47. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in 1945-46, and is an active member of the Supreme Council, 33 AASR (NJ) . Received degrees in University Lodge No. 610, Philadelphia, Pa., in March, April and May, 1923. Member of Columbia Chapter No. 91, RA.M.; Philadelphia Council No. 11, R. & S.M.; and Mary Commandery No. 36, K.T., all of Philadelphia. Member of Lulu Shrine Temple and Philadelphia Chapter No. 16, National Sojourners. Andrew Kerr Football coach. b. Oct. 7, 1878 in Cheyenne, Wyo. Graduate of Dickinson Coll. (Carlisle, Pa.) in 1900. Began as a teacher and foot18 Joseph B. Kershaw ball coach in Johnstown, Pa., and subsequently in Pittsburgh. From 191422 he was athletic coach at U. of Pittsburgh; Stanford U., 1922-26; Washington and Jefferson Coll., 1926-29; Colgate U., 1929-47 (now emeritus); and Lebanon Valley Coll., 1947-50. He has coached the East team of the annual East-West Shrine charity game at San Francisco since 1927. Became member of the Football Hall of Fame in 1951. Raised in Wilkinsburg Lodge No. 683, Wilkinsburg, Pa. in 1922; 32 AASR (NJ) at Pittsburgh; Grotto in Hamilton, N.Y. Holds honorary membership in many Shrine temples. John L. Kerr (1780-1844) U.S. Senator from Maryland, 1841-43. b. Jan. 15, 1780 near Annapolis, Md. Graduate of St. John's Coll., Annapolis, in 1799, studied law, and practiced at Easton. He served two terms as U.S. congressman from Maryland, 1825-29 and 1831-33. He edited the History of Maryland written by his uncle, John L. Bozman. Schultz in his History of Freemasonry in Maryland states that he was a charter member of St.

Thomas' Lodge No. 37, organized in 1803 at Easton, Md. In 1823 he is listed as a member of Cambridge Lodge No. 66, Cambridge, Md., and as a past master of that lodge in the proceedings of 1825. The proceedings of 1830 give him as a member of Coates Lodge No. 76, Easton. d. Feb. - 21, 1844. Michael C. Kerr ( 1827 - 1876 ) Speaker of House of Representatives. b. March 15, 1827 in Titusville, Pa. Graduate in law of Louisville U. (Ky.) in 1851, and began practice in New Albany, Ind. Served one term in the state legislature; was reporter of the supreme court; and served in U.S. congress from 1864-72, and again in 1875-76. He was elected speaker of the house, Dec. 6, 1875, but his health was failing rapidly from tuberculosis, and he served only through the first session of congress, dying four daysafter its adjournment. He was a member of Jefferson Lodge No. 104, New Albany, Ind. and was buried Masonic-ally. d. Aug. 19, 1876. Robert S. Kerr Governor of Oklahoma, 1943-47 and U.S. Senator from Oklahoma since 1949. b. Sept. 11, 1896 in Ada, Okla. Admitted to the bar in 1922, and practiced in Ada. He has been a drilling contractor and oil producer since 1926, and is president of the Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Inc. He was keynoter for the Democratic national convention of 1944. He is chairman of board of West Central Broadcasting Co., and in 1944 was chairman of the Oklahoma Baptist General Convention. He served in WWI as a 2nd lieutenant in the field artillery. Member of Ada Lodge No, 118, Ada, Oklahoma. Joseph B. Kershaw (1822-1894) Confederate Major General in Civil War. b. Jan. 5, 1822 in Camden, S.C. He was admitted to the bar in 1843, and was a member of the state senate in 1852-57. He raised the 2nd South Carolina regiment for the Confederate Army and commanded it in the first Battle of Bull Run in July, 1861. He was made brigadier general, Feb. 13, 1862, and commanded a brigade in McLaw's division through the peninsular campaign of that year, and afterward held the sunken road at Fredericksburg. His command led the attack of Longstreet's corps at Gettysburg, where he lost more than half his brigade. After the Battle of Chickamauga and the siege of Knoxville, he returned to Va. in 1864, as major general and commanded a division of Lee's army in the final campaigns. He held the National forces in check at Spottsylvania until the arrival of Lee; was at Cold Harbor in Early's campaign, and in the rear of Lee's army when he surrendered on April 6, 1865. He was imprisoned at Fort Warren until July, 1865. He returned to his law practice at Camden; was 19 William Kettner a member of the state senate, serving as its president, and in 1877 became a circuit judge. He was a member of Kershaw Lodge No. 29

at Camden, and served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina, 187374. d. April 13, 1894 at Camden, S.C. William Kettner (1864-1930) U.S. Congressman to 63rd through 66th Congresses (1913-21) from 11th Calif. dist. b. Nov. 20, 1864 in Ann Arbor, Mich. Lived in St. Paul, Minn., until 1884, when he went to Calif. as a miner, and was later in the newspaper business. Affiliated with San Dieg, Lodge No. 35, San Diego, Calif., on Feb. 1, 1908 from Visalia Lodge No. 128, Visalia, Calif. Member of San Diego Chapter No. 61, R.A.M. d. Nov. 11, 1930. William S. Key (1889-1959) Major General, U.S. Army; oil executive. b. Oct. 6, 1889 in Dudleyville, Ala. Began in hardware business in Wewoka, Okla., in 1911, and moved to Oklahoma City in 1927, where he has since engaged in the oil business. Served as Infantry captain on Mexican border in 1916-17, and overseas 17 months in WWI. He was a major general of the 45th Division (N.G.) and in Federal service from 1940-46. Became provost marshal general of European Theater of Operations with headquarters in London in Oct. 1942 and in 1943-44 commanded all U.S. troops in Iceland. From 1944-46 he was head of the U.S. military control commission in Hungary. A candidate for governor of Oklahoma, 1938, he was defeated by only 3,000 votes. Retired from Army in 1949. From 1924-27 he was warden of the Oklahoma State Penitentiary, and later chairman of the parole board. He was Works Progress Administrator for Oklahoma in 1935-37. Raised in Seminole Lodge No. 147, Wewoka, Okla., on Aug. 15, 1913; exalted in Indian Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. McAlester in 1927; greeted in Circle Council No. 56, R. & S.M. in 1956 at Oklahoma City; and knighted in Bethlehem Comrnandery No. 45, K.T. Oklahoma City in 1927. 32 AASR (SJ) in Valley of McAlester April 29, 1920; KCCH in 1929; 33 in 1937; deputy of Supreme Council in 1950; sovereign grand inspector general in 1951 and grand master of ceremonies in 1955. Served as master of his lodge in 1921. Former director and president of Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma; member of India Shrine Temple, Oklahoma City; Saba Grotto, Tulsa; past sovereign of Red Cross of Constantine; National Sojourner; active member of DeMolay Supreme Council, 1957, and member of Royal Order of Jesters and Royal Order of Scotland. d. Jan. 5, 1959. Henry W. Keyes (1863-1938) U.S. Senator from New Hampshire, 191937 and Governor of New Hampshire, 1917-19. b. May 23, 1863 in Newbury, Vt. Graduate of Harvard in 1887. He engaged in farming most of his life and was president of the Woodsville (N.H.) Bank. He served in the state lower house from 1891-95, and again in 1915-17, and in the state senate from 1903-05. Raised March 18, 1897 in Grafton Lodge No. 46, Haverhill, N.H. d. June 19, 1938.

Robert H. Keys Labor leader and founder of Foreman's Association of America. b. May 11, 1912 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He founded the Foreman's Assn. in 1941, and is president and chairman of the executive board as well as managing editor of The Supervisor, its official publication. A writer on labor questions and for the advancement of supervisory employees' rights. Mason. Aga Khan III (1877-1957) Full name was Aga Sultan Sir Mahomed Shah. Head of the Ismailian Mohammedans and son of Aga Khan II. He was one of the wealthiest men in the world. He received an European education, and was member of viceroy's council in 1002-04. In 1910 he founded 20 Harley M. Kilgore the Aligarh U. for Mohammedans. During WWI he performed great services for Great Britain, and after the war worked for a strong, free Turkey. He was the author of India in Transition (1918). He represented India at many British and international ceremonies. He owned the greatest racing stables in the world and was a Derby winner. Lettres Mensuelles, quoting the Kansas Masonic Digest, stated that he was initiated in December, 1951, and was given Masonic burial services on July 30, 1957. Robert L. Kidd President of Cities Service Oil companies. b. July 7, 1901 in Brazil, Ind. Received AB in geology, Indiana U. in 1923. Geologist for Cities Service in Oklahoma and Kansas until 1951, when he became vice president of Cities Service Oil Co. in charge of exploration and production, as well as director. Since 1956 he has been president and director of Cities Service Co. (Del.), Cities Service Pipe Lines, Cities Service Production Co., Cities Service Oil Co., Ltd., and Lafitte Oil Traders, Inc. of Bartlesville, Okla. Also a director of other Cities Service organizations. Mason. Ormonde A. Kieb Assistant Postmaster General since 1953. b. Aug. 17, 1901 in Springfield, Mass. Began career in the real estate business with E. J. Maier Corp., 1925. Has been president of The Kieb Co., Newark, N.J. since 1933. Received the degrees in Kane Lodge No. 55, Newark, N.J. in 1939. Dimitted Dec. 10, 1954. Edgar R. Kiess (1875-1930) U.S. Congressman to 63rd through 71st Congresses (1913-31) from 16th Pa. dist. b. Aug. 26, 1875 in Warrensville, Pa. In real estate, he was president of the Eagles Mere Co., Eagles Mere Land Co., Raymond Hotel Co., Eagles Mere Hotel Co. and Edgar R. Kiess Co. Member of the lower house in 1904-10. Member of Muncy Lodge No. 299, Muncy, Pa., receiving degrees on Dec. 7, 1899, Jan. 4 and Feb. 1, 1900. d. July 20, 1930.

Edwin J. Kiest (1861-1941) Owner and publisher of Dallas Daily TimesHerald (Texas) from 1896. b. Sept. 24, 1861 in Cook Co., Ill. He was a newsboy in Chicago from 1871-73, and learned the printer's trade. He was a compositor in Chicago until 1889, when he went with the Western Newspaper Union, Omaha, Nebr. until 1896. He was a director of Texas A. & M. Coll. and of the Scottish Rite Crippled Children's Hospital. Member of Dallas Lodge No. 760, Dallas, Texas, receiving degrees on Jan. 4, Feb. 19, March 20, 1918 and affiliating with Keystone Lodge No. 1143, Dallas, as a charter member in 1920. d. Aug. 11, 1941. Clarence E. Kilburn U.S. Congressman to 79th through 85th Congresses from New York. b. April 13, 1893 in Malone, N.Y. Began with Kirk-Maher Co. in 1919, and was president in 1921. Since 1930 has been president of People's Trust Co., Malone. Member of Northern Constellation Lodge No. 291, Malone, N.Y. Dimitted from chapter, commandery and shrine. Thomas E. Kilby (1865-1943) Governor of Alabama, 1919-23. b. July 9, 1865 in Lebanon, Tenn. He was in the manufacturing business at Anniston, Ala. from 1800, and was president of Kilby Steel Co., and chairman of board of Alabama Pipe Line Co. He was a member of the state senate from 191115, and lieutenant governor from 1915-19. Mason, 32 AASR and Shriner. d. Oct. 22, 1943. William, Marquess of Kildare Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1770 and served again in 1777 as the 2nd Duke of Leinster. Harley M. Kilgore (1893-1956) U.S. Senator from West Virginia 194056. b. Jan. 11, 1893 in Brown, W.Va. Graduate of U. of West Virginia in 1914 21 Joe M. Kilgore and practiced law at Beckley, 1914-17 and 1920-32. Served as an officer with the U.S. Army in WWI. Member of Beckley Lodge No. 95, Beckley, W.Va. d. Feb. 28, 1956. Joe M. Kilgore U.S. Congressman, 84th and 85th Congresses from 15th Texas dist. b. Dec. 10, 1918 in Brown Co., Texas. Practiced law at Edinburg, Texas, 1946-54, and member of Texas lower house during that time. Mason. John M. Killits (1858-1938) Federal Judge, Northern District of Ohio,

1910-38. b. Oct. 7, 1858 in Lithopolis, Ohio. Graduate of Williams Coll. (three degrees) and George Washington U. (two degrees). He was editor and publisher of the Red Oak Express (Ia.) 1881-83. From 1884-87 he was secretary of chief signal officer, and edited publications of that bureau. Admitted to the bar in 1887, he practiced at Bryan, Ohio until 1904. Raised in Red Oak Lodge No. 162, Red Oak Iowa, in 1883, affiliating with Harmony Lodge No. 17, Washington, D.C., in 1885 and with Bryan Lodge No. 215, Bryan, Ohio, on March 6, 1891. d. Sept. 13, 1938. William, 4th and last Earl of Kilmarnock Seventh Grand Master Mason of Scotland in 1742. Aaron E. Kilpatrick (1872-1953) Landscape painter. b. April 7, 1872 in St. Thomas, Ont., Canada. Came to U.S. in 1892, and naturalized in 1912. He exhibited at the San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts, Southwest Museum of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Museum of History, and Art Institute of Chicago. Represented in many private collections. Member of Eagle Rock Lodge No. 422, Los Angeles, affiliating on June 20, 1911 from Palestine Lodge No. 351, same city. d. Aug. 16, 1953. Arthur, Viscount of Kilwarlin Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1785, and later 2nd Marquess of Downshire. Charles D. Kimball (1859-1930) Governor of Rhode Island, 1902-03. b. Sept. 13, 1859 in Providence, R.I. He engaged in mercantile business in Providence. He was a member of the lower house in R.I. 1894-99, and lieutenant governor of the state in 1900-01. Became a member of Adelphoi Lodge No. 33, East Providence, R.I. on Jan. 2, 1900. Member of Providence Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. and St. John's Cornmandery No. 1, K.T., both of Providence, R.I. d. Dec. 8, 1930. George T. Kimball President of American Hardware Corp., New Britain. Conn. 1924-45 and of Corbin Lock Co. b. June 25, 1874 in Chicago, Ill. Graduate of Lake Forest Coll. in 1899. He was first an accountant in Chicago, and later lawyer and private accountant. He went with American Hardware in 1913 as an auditor. Mason and Shriner. Nathan Kimball (1822-1898) Union Major General in Civil War. b. in Indiana Nov. 22, 1822. He served in the Mexican War as a captain of volunteers, and at the beginning of the Civil War was appointed colonel of a regiment of Indiana infantry. He took part in the operations at Cheat Mountain

and Battle of Greenbrier; commanded a brigade at Battle of Winchester, and was made brigadier - general, April 15, 1862. At Antietam his brigade held its ground but lost nearly 600 men. At Fredericksburg, he was wounded. He later commanded a division in the West, and at the siege of Vicksburg in 1863. He was breveted major general Feb. 1, 1865. Member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 168, Mt. Pleasant, Ind., he dimitted Feb. 20, 1869 and no further record in that state of Masonic membership. d. Jan. 21, 1898. Ralph Kimball Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Wyoming 1931-37, and 1943-44. b. Nov. 23, 1878 at Nevada, Mo. Admitted to Missouri bar in 1899, he moved to Lander, Wyo. in 1901. 22 Charles King He served one term in the lower house of that state, and was a district judge for two years, but resigned in 1920 to become associate justice of the supreme court of Wyoming. He retired from the supreme court bench in 1952. Member of Wyoming Lodge No. 2, Lander, Wyo. and master of same for two years. Lewis A. Kimberly (1830-1902) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. April 2, 1830 in Troy, N.Y. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy and made midshipman in 1852, commander in 1866, captain in 1874, commodore in 1884, and rear admiral in 1887, retiring in 1892. In 1861-62 he served on frigate Potomac, was then executive officer of the Hartford, Admiral Farragut's flagship. He participated in actions of Port Hudson, Grand Gulf, Warrington, and Mobile Bay. He was in the expedition to Korea and commanded the force which landed and captured the forts. He was in the great hurricane of May 15, 1889 at Samoa. Admitted to St. Johns Lodge, Boston, Mass., March 2, 1857. d. in 1902. Ira L. Kimes Brigadier General, U.S. Marine Corps. b. Aug. 8, 1899 in Fayetteville, Tenn. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1923, and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1945. In Naval and Marine aviation, he was commander of the Marine Corps Air Station at Quantico, Va., 1943-45, retiring from active duty in 1945. Mason. James L. Kincaid President of American Hotels Corp. and Brigadier General, U.S. Army (retired). b. Nov. 28, 1884 in Syracuse, N.Y. Law graduate of Syracuse U. in 1908, and practiced at Syracuse, N.Y. He was assistant to the president of United Hotels from 1919-20, vice president 1921-26, and president of American Hotels from 1924. This company directs the operation of 70 hotels in the U.S. He is also the director of 21 other hotelcompanies. Saw service in Mexican border campaign and was with judge advocate

department, A.E.F., in WWI. Made major general in N.Y. national guard in 1923. In WWII he was in active service as a brigadier general from 1943-45, serving in Africa, Italy and France. Received degrees in Central City Lodge No. 305, Syracuse, N.Y. on Jan. 17, Feb. 7 and March 7, 1911. Dimitted from same Dec. 1, 1921 to become charter member of Sea and Field Lodge No. 2983, Syracuse. Earl of Kincardine (see Earl of Elgin). James H. Kindelberger President of North American Aviation, Inc., Los Angeles, 1935-48. b. May 8, 1895 in Wheeling, W.Va. Began as apprenticeengineer in Wheeling, W.Va. in 1911. He was designer and chief draftsman of Glenn L. Martin Co. 1919-25, and vice president and chief engineer of Douglas Aircraft Corp., 1925-34. In 1934 he was president of General Aviation Mfg. Corp., Baltimore. Mason. Austin A. King (1801-1870) Governor of Missouri, 1848-53. b. Sept. 20, 1801 in Sullivan Co., Tenn. He was admitted to the bar in 1822, and moved to Mo. in 1830, where he continued his practice. He was twice elected to the state legislature, in 1834 and 1836, and was circuit judge, 1837-48, and again 1862-63. He was elected to the 38th U.S. congress and served from 1863-65, after which he devoted himself to his profession and farming. Member of Richmond Lodge No. 57, Richmond, Mo. d. April 22, 1870. Charles King (1844-1933) Author and Brigadier General. b. Oct. 12, 1844 in Albany, N.Y. He was graduated from U.S. Military Academy in 1866, and was retired for wounds in 1879, but continued as a national guard instructor, and reentered Federal Service in Spanish-American War to be23 Charles Glen King come a brigadier general in 1898. He wrote: Famous and Decisive Battles; Between the Lines; The Colonel's Daughter; Marion's Faith; Captain Blake; The General's Double; The Iron Brigade; A Conquering Corps Badge; Medal of Honor and others. He became a member of Kilbourn Lodge No. 3, Milwaukee, Wis. in 1886, and was exalted in Kilbourn Chapter No. 1 the same year. In 1898 he became a member of Wisconsin Cornmandery No. 1, K.T. at Milwaukee and received 32 AASR (NJ) in Wisconsin Consistory AASR (SJ) in 1900. Awarded honorary 33 AASR in 1920. d. March 18, 1933. Charles Glen King American chemist who isolated vitamin C in 1932 and synthesized it in 1933. b. Oct. 22, 1896 in Entiat, Wash. Graduate of

Washington State Coll. in 1918; U. of Pittsburgh 1920 and 1923; with graduate study at Columbia, 1926-27, and Cambridge (Eng.) in 1929-30. He is noted for his work on enzymes, synthetic fats, nutrition, bacteriology and dairy sanitation. He taught in U. of Pittsburgh and Columbia, and has been professor at Columbia U. since 1946. He was scientific director of the Nutrition Foundation, 1942-55, and executive director of same since 1955. Consultant to private industries and government, and has received many awards for his work. Served as private in machine gun company in WWI. Initiated in Whitman Lodge No. 49, Pullman, Wash., in 1919. Edward L. King (1873-1933) Major General, U.S. Army. b. Dec. 5, 1873 in Bridgewater, Mass. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1896, and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1922, and major general in 1931. Participated in the Spanish-American War, the Philippine Insurrection, and with 65th Infantry brigade, AEF in WWI. He was commandant of the Cavalry School, Ft. Riley, Kansas, 1923-25, and same for General Service Schools, Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., 1925-29. From 1929-32 he was assistant chief of staff of the War Department General Staff, and from 1932, commander of 4th Corps Area. Mason. d. Dec. 27, 1933. Edward P. King, Jr. (1884-1958) Major General, U.S. Army. b. July 4, 1884 in Atlanta, Ga. Graduate of U. of Georgia in 1903. Commissioned in 1908, he advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1940, and temporary major general in 1941. He was an instructor at the General Staff and Command School, 1930-35, and the Army War College, 1937-40, retiring in 1946. Received his degrees in Gate City Lodge No. 2, Atlanta, Ga. on April 23, May 14 and June 20, 1912, becoming a charter member and first master of Fort Benning Lodge No. 579, Fort Benning, Ga. on Oct. 29, 1924. Member of Yaarab Shrine Temple, Atlanta. d. Aug. 31, 1958. Ernest J. King (1878-1956) Fleet Admiral, U.S. Navy and Commanderin-Chief of U.S. Navy. b. Nov. 23, 1878 in Lorain, Ohio. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1901. Previous to this he served as a midshipman in the U.S. Navy during the Spanish-American War. He rose through the grades to rear admiral in 1933; admiral, 1941; chief of Bureau of Aeronautics, 1933- 36; vice admiral commanding aircraft battle force, U.S. Fleet, 1938-39, member of general board of Navy Dept., 1939-40; commander-in-chief U.S. Fleet, Dec., 1941; chief of naval operations, 1942-45; and appointed fleet admiral, Dec. 17, 1944. A member of George C. Whiting Lodge No. 22, Washington, D.C., he received his degrees June 25, July 25, and Sept. 12, 1935. He became a member of Darius Chapter No. 143, R.A.M., San Diego, Calif., receiving the degrees June 17, July 8 and Aug. 26, 1938. He was greatly interested in Masonry, both blue lodge and chapter, and attended

often. When he was elevated to com24 Thomas Starr King mander-in-chief of the Atlantic Fleet, a letter was written him at one of the chapter meetings and signed by more than 200 of its members. King received it the day following Pearl Harbor, and he replied to it with sincere feeling. A member of Holyrood Commandery No. 32, K.T., Cleveland, Ohio, he received the orders July 12 and July 19, 1939. He became a member of Al Koran Shrine Temple at Cleveland in 1946. d. June 25, 1956. Horatio C. King (1837-1918) Soldier and author. b. Dec. 22, 1837 in Portland, Maine. His father was postmaster general in 1861. Graduate of Dickinson Coll. in 1858, he was admitted to the bar in 1861. He entered the Union army as a captain in 1862, and rose to colonel of volunteers in 1865. He received the Congressional Medal of Honor for "distinguished bravery near Dinwiddie C.H., Va. on March 29, 1865." He practiced law from 1871-73, and after 1877. He was associate editor of the New York Star, 1871-73 and publisher of the Christian Union, 1873-77. He was the author of History of Dickinson College (1896); Sketch of Army of Potomac (1896); Songs of Dickinson (1901) and Souvenir of Poems and Compositions (1908). Made a Mason in lodge at Winchester, Va. in 1864. d. Nov. 15, 1918. Joshua King Lieutenant of the Continental Army to whom Major Andre, the British spy, first revealed his identity. Member of Union Lodge No. 40, Danbury, Conn. Rufus King (1755-1827) Member of Continental Congress; U.S. Minister to Great Britain, and U.S. Senator from New York. b. in Scarborough, Maine. He was graduated from Harvard in 1777. Accompanied Gen. Sullivan on his expedition into R.I. and later honorably discharged. Admitted to the bar and was member of Continental Congress, 1884-87, from Mass., and of the Federal Constitution-al Convention of 1788. Here he was one of the members assigned to make a final draft of the constitution of the U.S. He moved to New York City in 1788, and served a term in the state assembly; in a short time he was elected to the U.S. senate, serving there from 1789-96, and 1813-25. He twice served as U.S. Minister to Great Britain, 1796-1803 and 1825-26. He was an unsuccessful candidate for vice president of the U.S. in 1804 and 1808, and for president in 1816. He is thought to have been a member of a lodge in Newburyport, Mass., but no proof is available. His brother, William King, q.v., was first governor of Maine and first grand master of Maine. d. April 29, 1827.

Rufus King Fiction and motion picture writer. b. Jan. 3, 1893 in New York City. Graduate of Yale in 1914. Served on Mexican border in 1916, and in France in WWI. Since 1925 he has averaged a book or motion picture script each year. Many of his mystery books have been adapted to pictures. His writing include: North Star; Whelp of the Winds; Murder by the Clock; A Woman Is Dead; Murder by Latitude; Crime of Violence; The Secret Agent; Murder at the Vanities (mystery revue with Earl Carroll); Invitation to a Murder (play with Milton Lazarus); Holiday Homicide; The Body in the Rockpit; and many others. He received his degrees in Champlain Lodge No. 237, Champlain, N.Y. in 1926. Thomas Starr King (1824-1864) Unitarian clergyman who is represented in the National Hall of Fame, Washington, D.C., from Calif. b. Dec. 17, 1824 in New York City. He taught school early in life and studied for the ministry under Hosea Ballou, q.v., in Medford, Mass. He preached in Boston, Mass. from 1838-60, going to San Francisco, Calif. in the latter year. At the outset of the Civil War, he spoke throughout the country on 25 William King the importance of upholding the Union, and his eloquence is credited with saving California for the Union. He built a church in San Francisco which was dedicated Jan. 10, 1864. Less then two months later he was stricken with diphtheria, and died March 4, 1864; he was buried in the church he had built. His remains were transferred to the Masonic cemetery in 1887, when the church property was sold. During the Civil War he worked constantly for the Sanitary Commission (forerunner of the Red Cross) and raised $1,250,000 for itwhich was one-fourth of the entire amount raised in the U.S. He was raised in Oriental Lodge No. 144, San Francisco, on Aug. 17, 1861, and served as grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Calif. in 1862-63. William King (1768-1852) First Governor of Maine and first Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Maine. b. Feb. 9, 1768 in Scarborough, Maine. He was the brother of Rufus King, q.v. Early in life he became a member of the Mass. legislature and took an active part in drafting and enacting the religious freedom bill. He was a merchant in Bath, Maine for nearly 50 years. He was an ardent advocate of the separation of Maine and Mass. and presided over the convention to frame a constitution for the new state. He was subsequently elected first governor and after that appointed U.S. commissioner for the adjustment of Spanish claims. He served in the War in 1812 as a colonel. He was made a Mason in Massachusetts Lodge of Boston, Mass., Feb. 3, 1800, and became first master of Solar Lodge No. 14, Bath, Maine, Sept. 10, 1804. In 1820 he became the first grand master of the Grand Lodge of Maine. d. June 17, 1852.

William Rufus King (1786-1853) Vice President of the United States, 1853; U.S. Senator; Minister to France. b. April 6, 1786 in Sampson Co., N.C. He was graduated from U. of North Carolina in 1803, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1806. He served in state legislature from 1806-09. From 1810-16 he was U.S. congressman. From 1819-44 he was U.S. Senator, and again from 1848-53, serving as president of that body in 1853. President Tyler named him U.S. minister to France in 1844, and he returned in 1846 at his request. He was elected vice president of the U.S. in 1852 under Franklin Pierce, but failing health forced him to visit Cuba in 1853, where the oath of office was administered him by a special act of Congress. He returned to this country, but died the day after reaching his home near Cahawba, Ala., April 18, 1853, without entering upon any official duty of his office. He was a member of Phoenix Lodge No. 8, Fayetteville, N.C., receiving his degrees in April, 1808, May 5, 1809, and Dec. 15, 1810. Thomas, 7th Earl of Kinghorn (see Strathmore). Robert, 1st Baron of Kingsborough Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1749. Kenneth R. Kingsbury (1876-1937) President of Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 1919-37. b. Jan. 22, 1876 in Columbus, Ohio. Student at Columbia U., 1896-97 in mining engineering. Began with Standard Oil of Calif. in 1911. Mason. d. Nov. 22, 1937. Henry, 4th Viscount of Kingsland Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1733. Nathan Kingsley (1850-1918) General Grand High Priest, General Grand Chapter, RA.M., 1909-12. b. Sept. 10, 1850 in Sharon, Conn. Admitted to Minn. bar in 1876, he practiced at Rushford, Chatfield, and later Austin. Was district judge from 18981912. Made a Mason in Pleasant Grove Lodge No. 22, Pleasant Grove, Minn. 26 Rudyard Kipling in 1872; exalted in North Star Chapter No. 11. R.A.M., Chatfield in Jan., 1874. In 1888-89 he was high priest of Austin Chapter No. 14, Austin, Minn., and grand high priest in 1885-86. Elected general grand high priest at triennial in Savannah, Ga. in 1909. Knighted in St. Bernard Commandery No. 13, K.T. of Austin in 1888, and commander in 1891-92. d. Sept. 8, 1918.

George Frederick Kingston (18891950) Archbishop and Primate of all Canada, 1947-50. b. Aug. 26, 1889 in Prescott, Ontario. Educated in U. of Toronto, Harvard, Oxford, and Trinity U. (Toronto). Was ordained in 1916 in diocese of Nova Scotia. He was professor of philosophy at King's U., Nova Scotia. Also professor of ethics at Trinity Coll., Toronto, and dean of men there from 1926-40. He was bishop of Algoma, 1940-44; bishop of Nova Scotia, 1944-50. Initiated in Ionic Lodge No. 25, G.R.C. (Ontario) on Feb. 2, 1927, he was master of same in 1937. He held several grand lodge offices, including that of grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Canada (Ontario) and Nova Scotia, 1948-50. Active in Royal Arch Masonry and Red Cross of Constantine, he was a profound Masonic student. d. Nov. 20, 1950. James, 4th Baron of Kingston Grand Master of Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) , 1728. Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1731, 1735 and 1745. George William, 9th Lord of Kinnaird and Rossie Fifty-eighth Grand Master Mason of Scotland, 1830-31. John C. Kinnear Vice President of Kennecott Copper Corp. 1945-48. b. Feb. 14, 1885 in Carnoustic, Scotland, of American parents. Graduate of Mass. Inst. of Tech. in 1907. With mining concerns in Nevada from 1908, and with Kennecott Copper from 1910, rising from metallurgist to general manager and vice president. Memberof Ely Lodge No. 29, Ely, Nevada since 1914 and past master of same. Member of Monitor Chapter No. 13, and Ely Commandery No. 6, K.T., both of Ely, Nevada. 32 AASR (SJ) at Reno and member of Kerak Shrine Temple of Reno. Thomas Robert, 10th Earl of Kinnoul Fifty-sixth Grand Master Mason of Scotland in 1826. John, 3rd Earl of Kintore Third Grand Master Mason of Scotland in 1738, and Grand Master of Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) in 1740. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) English writer who was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 1907. b. Dec. 30, 1865 in Bombay, India. He was educated in United Services Coll. North Devon, England, and returned to India in 1880, where he was on the editorial staff of the Civil & Military Gazette and Pioneer, at Lahore until 1889. He began writing verse and tales while in India, and continued after his return to England in 1889. Among his best known works are Plain Tales from the Hills; In Black and White; The

Story of the Gadsbys; Under the Deodars; Phantom 'Rickshaw; Wee Willie Winkie; Life's Handicap; The Light That Failed; Barrack-Room Ballads; The Jungle Book; Second Jungle Book; The Seven Seas; Captains Courageous; Just So Stories for Little Children; and many others. His writings contained frequent Masonic references, particularly The Man Who Would Be King from Wee Willie Winkie (1889); In the Interests of the Brethren from Debits and Credits (1926); The Widow At Windsor from Barrack Room Ballads (1892). The most famous is his Mother Lodge from The Seven Seas (1896). He was initiated in Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782, Lahore, Punjab, India in 1886, by a special dispensation, because he was only 20 years and six months old. Strange to 27 ,11.1%1M1 MIrsr y say, he recorded his own raising in the minutes as he was immediately elected secretary of the lodge. He wrote the following about his initiation which appeared in The Freemason (London) on March 28, 1925: "I was secretary for some years of Hope and Perseverance No. 782, E.C., Lahore, which included Brethren of at least four creeds. I was entered by a member of Brahmo Somaj, a Hindu; passed by a Mohammedan, and raised by an Englishman. Our Tyler was an Indian Jew. We met, of course, on the level, and the only difference anyone would notice was that at our banquets, some of the Brethren, who were debarred by caste rules from eating food not ceremonially prepared, sat over empty plates." He received his Mark Master degree in the Mark Lodge, "Fidelity" on April 12, 1887 and Royal Ark Mariners degree in the Lodge "Mt. Ararat" at Lahore, April 17, 1888. He affiliated with the Independence and Philanthropy Lodge No. 391, Allahabad, Bengal in 1888. On his return to England, he became a founder of the lodge Builders of the Silent Cities No. 4948, in 1927, and of Author's Lodge No. 3456. He was further appointed poet laureate of the famous Canongate Kilwinning Lodge No. 2, of Edinburgh, Scotland, in which, by tradition, Robert Burns, q.v., had previously served in a similar capacity. Allan P. Kirby President of Imperial Motor Corp. since 1934, and of Allegheny Corp. since 1939. b. July 31, 1892 at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. He began as office manager for a lumber company in New Brunswick in 1914. Later he became treasurer of Jenkins-Kirby Packing Co. (1915-22), and president of Kirby-Davis Co. (192234). He is a director of F. W. Woolworth Co., Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, Greenbrier Hotel Corp., International Telephone and Telegraph - Corp., and several other large corporations. Raised in Landmark Lodge No. 442, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. in 1920. Member of Shekinah Chapter No. 182, R.A.M. and Dieu le Veut Commandery No. 45, K.T. and Irem Shrine Temple, all of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Ephraim Kirby (1757-1804) First General Grand High Priest of the

General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. b. Feb. 23, 1757 near Litchfield, Conn. He enlisted in the volunteer cavalry at the age of 19, and reached Boston in time to take part in the Battle of Bunker Hill, (under General Warren), q.v. He later fought at Brandywine, Monmouth, Elk River, and Germantown. At Elk River he received seven saber cuts in the head and was left on the field as dead. In all he was in 17 battles and many skirmishes; he received 13 wounds. He was discharged as an ensign, August 23, 1782. He later became a colonel in the 17th regiment of the Connecticut militia. He presented his sword to St. Paul's Lodge, Litchfield, Conn., where it is now proudly displayed. He studied law, and the issuance of the "Kirby Reports" in 1789, on cases of the superior court of Conn., gave him the distinction of publishing the first volume of law reports issued in America. He was an early member of the Society of Cincinnati, and secretary of the Conn. branch. He was appointed federal revenue collector for Conn. in 1802, and was named land commissioner of the Miss. Territory and district judge of same. He arrived in January, 1804, coming by boat from Conn. via New Orleans and Fort Stoddert, Ala. Here he died, Oct. 4, 1804, and was buried in a grave now forgotten. He became a member of St. Paul's Lodge No. 11, Litchfield, Conn., in 1781, but it is not known if this is his original lodge. It is said that he had a part in organizing a lodge at Woodbury, Conn. in 1782. On Dec. 27, 1871, he was elected secretary of St. Paul's Lodge. Representing that lodge at the convention of July 8, 1789 to form the 28 Samuel Kirkland Grand Lodge of Conn., he was elected its secretary. He was grand senior warden of that grand lodge from 179597. He served three terms as master of his own lodge. Little is known of his chapter record except that he was a member of the Mark Lodge located at New Town, Conn., and was a signer of the by-laws of Hiram Chapter No. 1 of the same city, March 31, 1792. When the Grand Chapter of Connecticut was organized at Hartford, May 17, 1798, Kirby was elected first grand high priest. He was also elected first general grand high priest in 1798, serving until his death in 1804. He was thus grand high priest and general grand high priest at the same time. In 1953, Royal Arch Masons, led by Col. Woolsey Finnell, q.v., of Ala., erected a monument to his memory at Mt. Vernon, Ala. Fred M. Kirby (1861-1940) Capitalist. b. Oct. 30, 1861 in Brownville, N.Y. Employed by a dry goods firm in Watertown, N.Y. from 1876-84, he moved to Wilkes-Barre, Pa. where he became associated with C. S. Woolworth in 5 and 10 cent store. He purchased interest of partner in 1887, and became the owner of 96 stores, located in nearly every state east of the Mississippi River. In 1912 he merged his interests with F. W. Woolworth, and retired. He gave $100,000 to Lafayette College (Pa.), for Kirby Chair of Civil Rights, and erected Kirby Hall of Civil Rights there for $500,000. Erected the Angeline Elizabeth Kirby Memorial Center at Wilkes-Barre at a cost of two

million dollars in 1931. Mason. d. Oct. 16, 1940. Norman T. Kirk Major General, U.S. Army, and Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 1943-47. b. Jan. 3, 1888 at Rising Sun, Md. Received M.D. degree from U. of Maryland in 1910. He was commissioned 1st lieutenant in U.S. Medical Corps in 1912, and advanced through grades to major general in 1932, retiring in 1947. Servedin Mexico in 1914; WWI; two Philippine tours; chief of surgery at Letterman General Hospital, 1936-41, and Walter Reed, 1941-42. In 1942-43 he was commanding officer of Percy Jones General Hospital. He is director of American Foundation for Tropical Medicine. Has written several volumes on surgery, amputations and prostheses. Raised in Tompkins Lodge No. 466, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. in 1917 receiving the chapter, council and commandery in Chattanooga, Tenn. the same year. Now inactive in all bodies. Watson Kirkconnell President of Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S., Canada since 1948. b. May 16, 1895 in Port Hope, Ont., Canada. M.A. at Queen's U. in 1916; student at Oxford (England) 1921-22; Ph.D. from Debrecen U., Hungary, 1938. From 192248 he taught at Wesley Coll., United Coll. and McMaster U. (all in Canada). Served as captain in Canadian Army in 1916-19. Authority on the history of Hungary, Poland, Iceland, and Canada. Fellow of Royal Society; Canadian Royal Geography Society; Royal History Society; Royal Anthropology Institute; Icelandic Society of Letters; Petofi Society (Hungary). National president of Canadian Authors Assn. in 1942-44. President of Baptist Union of Western Canada, 1938-40, and president of Baptist Federation of Canada in 1953. Received degrees in Faithful Brethren Lodge No. 77, Lindsay, Ont. on Oct. 1, Nov. 5 and Dec. 17, 1920 and also affiliated with St. George's Lodge No. 20, R.N.S., serving as its master in 1955. Thomas Kirker Governor of Ohio in 1807-08. Grand junior deacon of Grand Lodge of Ohio in 1808. Member of Scioto Lodge No. 6, Chillicothe, Ohio, receiving degrees on Dec. 31, 1806, Jan. 10 and 16, 1807. Dimitted July 3, 1811. Samuel Kirkland (1741-1808) Revolutionary patriot, clergyman, and 29 Robert Kirkwood missionary to Indians of the Six Nations. b. Dec. 1, 1741 in Norwich, Conn. He was the son of the Rev. Daniel Kirtland, but Samuel restored the old spelling of the family name. Graduate of Princeton in 1765, leaving that year as an Indian missionary to the Six Nations. He remained with the tribes a year and a half, and returned to Conn. where he was

commissioned Indian missionary. He then went to Oneida and continued to labor among the tribes, with occasional interruptions, for more than 40 years. He spoke the Mohawk and Seneca languages, and had the profound respect of the Indians. During the Revolution he was active in attempting to preserve the neutrality of the Indians, holding many councils with them. After the Battle of Lexington, however, he succeeded in attaching the Oneidas to the patriot cause, although the other tribes, through the influence of Sir William Johnson, q.v., and Chief Joseph Brant, q.v., joined the British. Washington wrote to Congress in 1775: "I cannot but intimate my sense of the importance of Mr. Kirkland's station, and of the great advantages which have and may result to the united colonies from his situation being made respectable. All accounts agree that much of the favorable disposition shown by the Indians may be ascribed to his labor and influence." Kirkland was initiated in St. Patrick's Lodge No. 8, Johnstown, N.Y., Feb. 7, 1767. It was this lodge that furnished many famous brethren to both sides of the Revolution, including the Johnson's, Herkimer's, and Butler's, q.v. Kirkland became a brigrade chaplain to General John Sullivan, q.v., in 1779, and accompanied him on the Susquehanna expedition. The remainder of the war he was chaplain to the Continental forces at Fort Schuyler and at Stockbridge, Mass. He resumed his work among the Indians after peace was declared, and in 1785 received a liberal grant of land from congress in consideration of his services. In 1788 the Indians and the state of New York added to this gift a large and valuable tract, on which he settled and founded the present town of Kirkland. In 1791 he made a trip with 40 warriors to Philadelphia and appeared before congress in order to consult as to the best method of introducing western civilization among the tribes. In 1793 he established the Hamilton Oneida College (now Hamilton College), an institution for the education of American and Indian youth. d. Feb. 28, 1808. Robert Kirkwood (1730-1791) American Revolutionary War hero. b. in 1730 near Newark, Del. Christopher Ward, in his book, The Delaware Continentals, referred to him as the "American Diomedes." Light Horse Harry Lee, q.v., said "No regiment in the army surpassed it in soldiership. It was commanded by Capt. Kirkwood, who passed through the war with high reputation." He entered the Army as a lieutenant and participated in the battles of Long Island, Trenton, and Princeton. Early in 1777 he was commissioned captain, and engaged in all the important battles of the three following campaigns. In 1780 he accompanied General Horatio Gates, q.v., to the south, where his outfit suffered severely at the Battle of Camden. The remnant that survived was attached under Kirkwood to General Henry Lee's light infantry, and Kirkwood commanded it at Cowpens, Guilford, Eutaw, and the other battles of this campaign, and was breveted major. In all he took part in 33 battles. He migrated to Ohio after the war, settling nearly opposite Wheeling. He was killed in the Battle of Miami, Nov. 4, 1791. Kirkwood was

raised in Lodge No. 18 of Dover, Del. (under Penn. constitution) on June 11, 1782. Robert C. Kirkwood Executive Vice President of F. W. Woolworth Co. since 1955. b. Nov. 19, 1904 at 30 Horatio Herbert Kitchener Provo, Utah. He began with Woolworth Co. in 1923, at Provo, and was successively store manager of Western and Midwestern stores; superintendent of Minneapolis district; personnel director; merchandise supervisor; assistant district manager of San Francisco; district manager at Boston; director in 1953. Mason, 32 AASR. Samuel J. Kirkwood (1813-1894) U.S. Secretary of Interior under Garfield; Governor of Iowa; U.S. Senator from Iowa; in National Statuary Hall. b. Dec. 20, 1813 in Harford Co., Md. Moved to Ohio in 1835, studied law and admitted to the bar in 1843. Moved to Iowa in 1855, where he engaged in farming and milling, and served in the state senate in 1856. He was governor of Iowa from 1860-63. He declined Lincoln's offer to be U.S. Minister to Denmark in 1862. He was elected U.S. senator in 1866 to fill an unexpired term, and in 1875 was elected governor for third time. In 1876 he was again elected U.S. senator and served until 1881, when he resigned to enter the cabinet of Garfield as secretary of the Interior. He was a member of Iowa City Lodge No. 4, Iowa City, Iowa. d. Sept. 1, 1894. Richard Kirman Governor of Nevada, 1935-38. b. Jan. 14, 1877 at Virginia City, Nev. His father was a member of the big cattle firm of Kirman and Rickey in the early days of Nevada. Richard is a banker at Reno, Nev. He was raised in Washoe Lodge No. 35 of Reno in 1927. Joseph G. Kitchell (1862-1947) Artist and writer. b. April 25, 1862 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Was photographic editor of Quarterly Illustrator, and publisher of L'Art de Monde. He invented method and apparatus for first scientific composite photograph. In 1900 he produced the Kitchell Composite Madonna, a merging of themost important madonnas painted by the great masters of 300 years, which attracted wide attention in America and Europe. In 1915 he invented and patented a new method of reproducing pictures known as "subchromatic art," examples of which were accepted by the Metropolitan Museum, Congressional Library, British Museum, and Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. With Ordnance dept in Washington as captain in WWI. He produced the official Red Cross allegorical picture Thine Is the Glory in 1919, which was given to the War Department and presented by them to the Red Cross. Mason. d. June 1, 1947.

Horatio Herbert Kitchener (18501916) British Field Marshal of WWI and 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Broome. b. Sept. 22, 1850 at Gunsborough Villa, near Ballylongford, Kerry, Ireland. He was educated in the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and commissioned in the Royal Engineers in 1871. He served in Wolseley's expedition for relief of General Gordon in 1884, and was governor general of Eastern Sudan in 1886. In 1898 he invaded Sudan, annihilated the Khalifa's army at Omdurman, and reoccupied Khartoum. He was governor general of Sudan in 1899. In 1900-02 he organized forces to combat the Boers and was commander-inchief of India from 1902-09, being made field marshal on the latter date. In 1914 he was secretary of state for war, and organized the British forces for WWI. He was lost at sea in the sinking of the British cruiser, H.M.S. Hampshire, sunk off the Orkney Islands, June 6, 1916. He is thought to have entered Freemasonry in Egypt. In 1885 he was one of the founders of Drury Lane Lodge No. 2127 of London. He was made past grand warden of the Grand Lodge of England in 1897; district grand master of Egypt and the Soudan in 1899; and past grand warden of district grand lodge of Punjab, India, in 1902. Four 31 William W. Kitchin English lodges have been named in his honor. William W. Kitchin (1866-1924) Governor of North Carolina, 1909-13. b. Oct. 9, 1866 near Scotland Neck, N.C. Graduate of Wake Forest Coll. in 1884. He edited the Scotland Neck Democrat in 1885. He was admitted to the bar in 1887, and practiced at Roxboro from 1888. Kitchin was a member of the 55th through 60th U.S. congresses (1897-1909) from 5th N.C. dist. He received his degrees in Scotland Neck Lodge No. 470 in Jan., 1897. He affiliated with Person Lodge No. 113, Roxboro, Nov. 13, 1899. He affiliated with Hiram Lodge No. 40 of Raleigh, Nov. 6, 1916. On Feb. 13, 1911, as governor he attended the dedication of a marker to Joseph Monfort, q.v., and spoke briefly to the assembly. d. Nov. 9, 1924. Alfred B. Kittredge (1861-1911) U.S. Senator from South Dakota, 190109. b. March 26, 1861 in Cheshire Co., N.H. Graduate of Yale in 1882 and 1885. Admitted to the bar in 1885, and began practice at Sioux Falls, S.D. He was a member of the state senate from 1889-93. A member of Minnehaha Lodge No. 5, Sioux Falls, he received his degrees, Feb. 14, April 19, and May 20, 1887. d. in 1911. Frank A. Kittredge Chief Engineer, U.S. National Park Service from 1947. b. March 29, 1883 in Glyn-don, Minn. Graduate of U. of Washington. He was with state and federal highway commissions until 1927, when he

became chief engineer of the National Park Service. From 1937-40 he was regional director of region four for that service. From 1940-41 he was superintendent of Grand Canyon National Park, and superintendent of Yosemite National Park from 1941-47, at which time he returned to the Department of Interior as chief engineer. Served in WWI in Engineering Corps. Mason. George Klapka (1820-1892) Hungarian Revolutionary General. (Gyorgy in Hungarian.) He led the Northern Hungarian army in 1849, and served in the battle of Kapolna, and at Komarno with distinction. He defended Komarno, capitulating on honorable terms in 1849. He was in exile from 1849-67. He organized the Hungarian legion with Kossuth, q.v., in Italy in 1859, and with Bismarck in 1866 in Upper Silesia. He returned to Hungary following the amnesty of 1867, and supported the Deak party as a member of the Hungarian parliament. His original lodge is not known, but he was a founder of the Lodge Mathias Corvinus at Budapest. Marc Klaw (1858-1936) Theatrical Producer. b. May 29, 1858 in Paducah, Ky. He studied law and was admitted to the bar, but in 1881 he became associated with the stage as a producer, and became one of the noted producers of the "gay nineties." He was president of Marc Klaw, Inc., and an officer of other corporations. In WWI he was in charge of military entertainment services of the War Department. He became a member of the famous theatrical lodgePacific Lodge No. 233, New York City, and was raised, July 16, 1903. d. June 14, 1936. Richard M. Kleberg U.S. Congressman, 72nd through 78th Congresses (1931-45) from 14th Texas dist. b. Nov. 18, 1887 in Corpus Christi, Texas, the grandson of Richard King, founder of the fabulous 1,250,000 acre King Ranch. Graduate of U. of Texas in 1911, and in that year began as foreman of the King Ranch. He was active in the management of the same until 1924. Trustee of estate of Mrs. H. M. King. Member of Chamberlain Lodge No. 913, Kingville, Texas. His father was a member of the same lodge. Eugene H. Kleinpell President of State Teachers College, River Falls, Wis. since 1946. b. May 11, 1903 at 32 Adolph Franz Freiderich Ludwig, Baron Von Knigge Monona, Iowa. Graduate of Iowa U., Chicago U., and Ohio State U. He taught at Kemper Military School, Boonville, Mo. from 1926-31, and then headed departments at Northern Montana College (Havre), Morningside Coll. (Sioux City, Ia.), and Northwest Missouri State Teachers Coll. (Maryville). He was president of the

State Teachers Coll. (Valley City, ND.) from 1942-46. Mason. Rufus Bernhard von Kleinsmid (see under "von"). Harry J. Klingler Vice President of General Motors from 1942. b. July 5, 1889 in St. Clair, Mich. With Delco Light Co., 1919-22; Chevrolet Motor Co. from 1922 to 1933, being general sales manager from 1927-33; general manager Pontiac division of General Motors from 1933. Member of Evergreen Lodge No. 9, St. Clair, Mich., receiving degrees on March 4, April 27, and June 15, 1918. Friedrich G. Klopstock (1724-1803) German poet. He studied theology at Jena in 1745, and drafted prose for the beginning of the religious epic, The Messiah. He recast it into hexameters at Leipzig in 1746, and published it anonymously in 1748. He was invited to Copenhagen by the king of Denmark in 1751, and remained there on pension until 1770. Other works include Oden; Geistliche Lieder; Die Deutsche Gelehrtenrepublik Der Tod Adams; and others. Bulletin of International Masonic Congress in 1917 lists him as a Freemason. George B. F. Kloss (1788-1854) German physician and author. A resident of Frankfort, he was grand master of the "Electic Grand Lodge" many times. He collected a large Masonic library, and in 1844 published the Bibliography of Freemasonry, (first of such published), containing more than 5,000 Masonic references. d. Feb. 10, 1854. Bradford Knapp (1870-1938) College president. b. Dec. 24, 1870 at Vinton, Iowa. Graduate of Vanderbilt U. and U. of Mich. Practiced law at Clarion, Ia. from 1899-1909, and engaged in agricultural extension work. Was president of Oklahoma A. & M. Coll., 1923-28; Alabama Polytechnic Inst., 1928-33; and Texas Technological Coll. from 1933. Mason. d. June 11, 1938. Francis J. Knauss Justice, Supreme Court of Colorado since 1951. b. Aug. 30, 1884 in Chicago. Graduate of U. of Colorado in 1905 and practiced law at Denver until 1946. Was judge of district court at Denver, 1946-51. Raised in Temple Lodge No. 84, Denver, in April, 1908. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Colorado in 1940-41. Member of Denver Chapter No. 2, R.A.M., Denver, and grand high priest of Grand Chapter of Colorado in 195253. Member of Colorado Commandery No. 1, K.T. and 33 AASR (SJ) in Denver. Member of Red Cross of Constantine and past potentate of El Jebel Shrine Temple, Denver.

Adolph Franz Freiderich Ludwig, Baron Von Knigge (1752-1796) German author. b. Oct. 16, 1752 at Brendenbeck, near Hanover. He wrote novels and stories, and a translation of Mozart's Figaro (1791). His most popular non-Masonic work was On Conversation With Men. Although he was one of the most prominent Freemasons of his time, his association with the fraternity would wax from hot to cold, and he finally became an anti-Mason. He was initiated Jan. 20, 1772, in a lodge of the Strict Observance rite at Cassel, but was not impressed with the institution, writing Prince Charles of Hesse, q.v., that its ceremonies were "absurd, juggling tricks." In 1780 he entered the Order of the Illuminati, which had been set up by Weishaupt, q.v., as a grandiose new society of his own, with vague 33 Felix H. Knight but vast aims. Among the Illuminati, Knigge was known as Philo. When he appealed to Weishaupt for more light, the latter confessed that the higher degrees did not exist except in his own brain, and influenced Knigge to extend the system to the highest degrees, promising him full authority. Knigge secured the aid of Bode, q.v., and was quite successful in propagating the rite. When Weishaupt interfered, Knigge became disgusted and withdrew from the order, and soon afterwards entirely from Freemasonry. His Masonic books included: On the Jesuits, Freemasons and Rosicrucians; Essay on Freemasonry, and Contribution Towards the Latest History of the Order of Freemasons. His last Masonic book was entitled Philo's Final Declaration (1788). d. May 6, 1796. Felix H. Knight Vice President of American Federation of Labor from 1936. b. Dec. 10, 1878 in Montgomery Co. Mo. In 1902 he became an officer of Association of Railway Carmen; assistant general president in 1913, and president in 1935. He was a member of the board of directors of Union Labor Life Insurance Co. from 1935. Member of East Gate Lodge No. 630, Kansas City, Mo. and 32 AASR (SJ). Goodwin Knight Governor of California from 1953. b. Dec. 9, 1896 at Provo, Utah. Graduate of Stanford U. in 1919. Admitted to Calif. bar in 1921, and was in private practice until 1925; a partner with Thomas Reynolds until 1935. He was judge of the superior court of Calif. from 1935-46, and lieutenant governor 1946-53. He is the former owner and operator of the Elephant Mining Co., Kern Co., Calif. He served in the U.S. Navy in WWI. Member of Westlake Lodge No. 392 of Los Angeles; 32 AASR (SJ) at Los Angeles and Al Malaikah Shrine Temple. Nehemiah R. Knight (1780-1854) Governor of Rhode Island, 1817-

21,and U.S. Senator, 1820-41. b. Dec. 31, 1780 in Cranston, R.I. He represented Cranston in the state legislature in 1800, and moved to Providence in 1802, where he was clerk of the court of common pleas. During the administration of Madison, he was collector of customs at Providence. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 2, Providence. d. April 19, 1854. Telfair Knight Rear Admiral, U.S. Maritime Service. b. July 12, 1888 in Jacksonville, Fla. Graduate of Sewanee Military Academy and U. of the South. He was president of Knight Crockery and Furniture Co., Jacksonville, Fla., 1908-15, and practiced law there from 1915-23. He was president of the Peacock Motion Picture Co., Shanghai, China, and New York from 1930-34. He became secretary of the U.S. Maritime Commission in 1936, and was successively director of training, chief of bureau, and commandant of the service from 1948. Received rank of commodore in 1944, and rear admiral in 1946. Mason and 32 AASR. Thomas E. Knight (1868-1943) Justice, Supreme Court of Alabama from 1931. b. Oct. 13, 1868 in Greensboro, Ala. Graduate of Southern U. and U. of Alabama. Admitted to the bar in 1888, practicing at Selma. Was member of state house of representatives, and circuit judge. Mason. d. April 11, 1943. Joseph F. Knipe (1823-1901) Union Brigadier General in Civil War. b. Nov. 30, 1823 in Mount Joy, Pa. He served in the ranks through the Mexican War, and in 1861 organized the 46th Penn. regiment, and commissioned its colonel. Made brigadier general of volunteers in 1862. He served in the Army of the Potomac and of Cumberland, commanding a brigade and then a division, until the fall of Atlanta, when he became chief of cavalry of the Army of Tennessee. He was wounded five times. Mustered 34 William F. Knowland out of service in Sept. 1865; he was superintendent of the military prison at Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. in 1887. Member of Perseverance Lodge No. 21, Harrisburg, Pa. receiving degrees on Aug. 15, Sept. 9, and Sept. 11, 1861. d. Aug. 18, 1901. Tully C. Knoles President of College of Pacific, Stockton, Calif, 191946, and Chancellor since 1946. b. Jan. 6, 1876 at Petersburg, Ill. Graduate of U. of Southern California in 1903 and 1908. He was head of the history department of U. of Southern California from 1909-19. Raised Feb. 22, 1919 in University Lodge No. 394, Los Angeles; affiliated with Friendship Lodge No. 210, San Jose on Oct. 2, 1919; and with San Joaquin Lodge No. 19, Stockton on Nov. 3, 1926.

Douglas D. Knoop (1883-1948) English professor who did valuable original research on the operative period of the Craft. b. Sept. 16, 1883 in Manchester, England. He studied in England, Germany, and Switzerland, and became professor of economics at Sheffield U. From 1923 until his death in 1948, he produced a series of papers and books mainly on the operative craft. They include The Medieval Mason and The Genesis of Freemasonry. He was a member of University Lodge No. 3911 of Sheffield. Curiously, his colleagues in his -research were not Freemasons. d. Oct. 21, 1948. J. Proctor Knott (1830-1911) Governor of Kentucky, 1883-87; U.S. Congressman from Kentucky, 40th and 41st Congresses (1867-71), and 45th through 47th Congresses (1877-83). b. Aug. 29, 1830 near Lebanon, Ky. He studied law at the age of 16, and in May, 1850 went to Memphis, Mo., where he was employed in the county clerk's office until he was 21, and licensed to practice. In 1858 he was elected to the Missouri legislature, and from 1859-61 he was attorney general of Mo. At the beginning of the Civil War he was arrested by General Lyon and taken to St. Louis under surveillance because he refused to take the test-oath of office prescribed for officials. He moved to Lebanon, Ky. in 1862, where he practiced law. He received his degrees in Memphis Lodge No. 16, Memphis, Mo. about 1851, and later served as master of the lodge. After his return to Ky. he affiliated with Lebanon Lodge No. 87. He was a Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar. d. 1911. William L. Knous Federal Judge and Governor of Colorado, 1947-50. b. Feb. 2, 1889 in Ouray, Colo. Graduate of U. of Colorado in 1911, and admitted to the state bar that year. He served in the state general assembly, 1928-30, and in senate, 193036, being president in the last two years. In 1937-46 he was justice of the supreme court of Colorado. He was made judge of the U.S. District Court for Colorado in 1950, and since 1954, has been chief judge of the same. Member of Inspiration Lodge No. 143, Denver, Colo., 32 and KCCH AASR (SJ) at Denver. Member of El Jebel Shrine Temple and DeMolay Legion of Honor. William F. Knowland U.S. Senator from California since 1945. b. June 26, 1908 in Alameda, Calif. Graduate of U. of California in 1929. He has been assistant publisher of the Oakland Tribune since 1933. He was a member of the state assembly, 1933-35, and of state senate, 1935-39. He enlisted in the U.S. Army as a private in 1942, and advanced to major. He was overseas with the Army when appointed U.S. senator in 1945 to fill the unexpired term of Hiram W. Johnson, q.v. Married at 18, he was the youngest state senator at 27, and the youngest member of the U.S. senate at 37. He was raised July 10, 1930 in Oak Grove Lodge No. 215 at Alameda, Calif.; 32 AASR (SJ) at Oakland and member of Aahmes Shrine Temple at Oakland. His father,

Joseph R. Knowland, is 35 Frank Knox owner of the Oakland Tribune and a 33 AASR (SJ). Frank Knox (see William Franklin Knox). Henry Knox (1750-1806) Major General in American Revolution and 1st Secretary of War under Washington. b. July 25, 1750 in Boston, Mass. Orphaned at age of 12, he was apprenticed to a bookseller, and in 1771 opened the "London Book Store" in Boston when he was 21. He attempted to prevent the Boston Massacre of 1770. His military knowledge was gained from the textbooks which he supplied to British officers. He joined the American forces at the outbreak of the war and fought at Bunker Hill. He planned the defenses of the camps before Boston, and brought much needed artillery from Lake George and the border. At Trenton he crossed the river before the main body and rendered such service that he was made brigadier general and chief of artillery in the Continental Army. He was present at Princeton, Monmouth, and Yorktown; and after the surrender of Cornwallis was made major general (1781). He took the initial steps in creating the U.S. Military Academy in 1779; was a member of the court-martial which tried Major Andre in 1780; and commanded West Point in 1782. He was one of Washington's most trusted advisors and a close personal friend. In April, 1783 he drafted the plan of a society to be formed by American and French officers of the Revolution, to be called the Cincinnati. He was first secretary-general of the society from 1783-99, and vice president in 1805. He was secretary of War in 1785-94, being the first to hold that office under the Federal government. His plan to organize a national militia system was thwarted by the Republicans. His Masonic membership is hazy, but he is thought to have been a member of St. John's Regimental Lodge at Morristown, N.J., which was warranted in 1775. He is credited with helping to constitute Washington Lodge at West Point in 1779, and is recorded as a visitor to Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Va.; St. John's Lodge, Boston; Amity Lodge No. 6, Camden, Maine; and Orient No. 15, Thomaston, Maine. Major General Henry Knox Lodge of Boston, Mass. was named in his honor and constituted aboard the famous Old Ironsides in the Charlestown Navy Yard, March 17, 1926. d. Oct. 25, 1806. Philander C. Knox (1853-1921) U.S. Secretary of State, 1909-13, and U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 190409, and 1917-21. b. May 6, 1853 in Brownsville, Pa. Graduate of Mount Union Coll. (Ohio) in 1872, and admitted to the bar in 1875. He was U.S. attorney general in the cabinets of McKinley and Roosevelt, 1901-04. As attorney general he filed suit and won decision

against the Northern Securities Co., and drew up legislation creating the U.S. department of Commerce and Labor in 1903. As secretary of State he initiated what is known as "dollar diplomacy." As U.S. senator he was prominent in opposition of U.S. entry into the League of Nations. Member of Fellowship Lodge No. 679, Pittsburgh. d. Oct. 12, 1921. - William Franklin Knox (1874-1944) Secretary of Navy 1940-44; newspaper publisher. b. Jan. 1, 1874 in Boston, Mass. Graduate of Alma Coll. (Mich.) in 1898. Started with Grand Rapids Herald (Mich.), as a reporter in 1898, and in 1901 became publisher of the Sault Ste. Marie News (Mich.). He published the Manchester Leader (N.H.) in 1912-13, and the Manchester Union and Leader from 1913. Between 1927-31 he also published the Boston American, Boston Daily Advertiser, and Boston Sunday Advertiser. At one time he was general manager of the Hearst newspapers. With Theodore Ellis, he purchased the Chicago 36 Walter J. Kohler Daily News in 1931, and became its publisher. He served in the Spanish-American War with the famous "Rough Riders" (1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry). In WWI he served overseas with the field artillery, as captain through to colonel. He was the Republican nominee for vice president of the U.S. in 1936, and although he still adhered to his Republican politics, F. D. Roosevelt appointed him secretary of the Navy in his cabinet. He was raised in Bethel Lodge No. 358, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. in 1908; 32 AASR in New Hampshire Consistory, Nashua, N.H.; and member of Bektash Shrine Temple of Concord, N.H. d. April 28, 1944. William S. Knudsen (1879-1948) President of General Motors, 1937-48; Lieutenant General U.S. Army in WWII in charge of production for War Dept. b. March 25, 1879 in Denmark. He served apprenticeship as a bicycle mechanic in Denmark, and came to U.S. at age of 20, where he first worked in the shipyards in New York. He was later employed by the Erie Railroad and Ford Motor Co. In 1921 he became general manager of Matthews & Ireland Mfg. Co., and in 1922, a vice president of Chevrolet Motor Co., and later president. From 1933-37 he was executive vice president of General Motors with supervisory control of all their automobiles and body manufacturing. A member of Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, he received his degrees, April 28, Sept. 18, and Nov. 13, 1914. Received 33 AASR (NJ) on Sept. 9, 1943. d. April 27, 1948. Oscar R. Knutson Justice, Supreme Court of Minnesota since 1948. b. Oct. 9, 1899 in Superior, Wis. Graduate of U. of Minnesota in 1927, and practiced law at Warren from 192740. He was mayor of Warren, 1936-41,

resigning to take post as district court judge, a position he held from 1941-48. Member of Warren Lodge No. 150, Warren, Minn.; Pierson Chapter No. 41, R.A.M. and Constantine Commandery No. 2, K.T. both of Crookston, Minn. Shrine membership in Kern Temple of Grand Forks, N.D. William Koch Former president of National Life Insurance Co. of Des Moines. Was in insurance business 50 years, 27 of them as president of the above company. Retired in 1956. Venerable grand prior, and sovereign grand inspector general, 33, Active, AASR (SJ). Received 32 in 1902; KCCH in 1913, and 33 in 1917. Appointed deputy for Iowa in 1935 and crowned active member in 1937. Initiated in Home Lodge No. 370, Des Moines in 1900; also member of chapter, council, commandery, Red Cross of Constantine, National Sojourners, DeMolay, and Shrine. Herbert C. Kohler (1891-1953) Managing editor of Reading Times (Pa.) b. Jan. 27, 1891 in Berks Co., Pa. Started as feature writer on Reading Herald (Pa.) in 1909, and from 1916-21 was an accountant with Bethlehem Steel Co. He later edited the Allentown (Pa.) Record, and was city editor of Norristown (Pa.) Times-Herald. He campaigned to end coal mine pollution and to clean the Schuylkill River. Member of Chandler Lodge No. 227, Reading, Pa., receiving degrees on Dec. 11, 1948, Jan. 26 and Feb. 23, 1949. 32 AASR (NJ) and Shriner. d. Dec. 27, 1953. Walter J. Kohler (1875-1940) Governor of Wisconsin, 1929-30; President of Kohler Co., 1905-37; and chairman of board from 1937. b. March 3, 1875 in Sheboygan, Wis. He became associated with the Kohler Co. in 1890. His father was founder of the company. He was a participant in making Kohler, Wis. an American industrial garden city, for which he was awarded the national service fellowship by the Society of Arts and Sciences, N.Y. in 1934. He was an officer of many railroads and corporations. Be37 Takashi Komatsu came a member of Sheboygan Lodge No. 11, Sheboygan, Wis. in 1896. d. April 21, 1940. Takashi Komatsu Japanese business executive and the first native born Japanese to become master of a Masonic lodge (Tokyo Lodge No. 125 of Toyko, Japan under Philippine constitution in 1955). b. March, 1886 in Mishima, Shizuoka-ken, Japan. Graduate of Monmouth Coll. in 1910 and Harvard in 1911. Secretary to president of Oriental Steamship Co., 1914-21; member of Japanese delegation to conference on limitation of naval armaments in 1921; member of three-power naval conference at Geneva in 1927; managing director of Asano Shipbuilding Co., 1928-40; director of

Nippon Steel Tube Co., 1940-46, and vice president in 1946, retiring in 1946. Mason, 32 AASR and Shriner. Jan Amos Komensky (1592-1670) Czech theologian and educator, whose writings and thoughts did much to lay the background for Freemasonry. He studied in Heidelberg; was driven by the Spanish into Poland in 1621. He gained fame by innovations in methods of teaching, especially of languages. He was called to Sweden in 1642, to improve the educational system. He was the last bishop (elected 1648) of the Unitas Fratrum at Leszno. After Leszno was burned by the Poles in 1656, he settled in Amsterdam, where he died, Nov. 15, 1670. He was the author of the first textbook with pictures adapted for teaching of children. In Sept., 1628 he became associated with the secret society, "Cross of Roses." He was master of this pre-Masonic organization that was based on Egyptian and Arabian mysteries. His thesis was "The construction of the Temple of Wisdom on the principles which were fixed by the Creator of the Worldthe God. John Konkerpot (or Konkipot) American Indian, who was the son ofthe grand sachem of the Oneida tribe. He supposedly was initiated in a lodge at Newburyport, Mass. He was a member of the "Munsey" division in the Revolution, and it is claimed that he impoverished himself to help the American cause. He later received Masonic aid. Grand Duke Konstantin (see under Pavlovich). John C. Koons (1873-1937) Chairman of committee which developed parcel post in the U.S.; 1st Assistant Postmaster General; Vice President of Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. b. Feb. 13, 1873 in Patapsco, Md. Began in railway mail service and was subsequently inspector of Kansas City division (1906-11) ; division superintendent of railway mail at Cleveland; chief postoffice inspector, 1911-16; 1st assistant postmaster general, 1916-21. Mason. d. April 12, 1937. Frederick B. Koontz (1889-1953) President of Mid-Continent Petroleum Corp., 1946-48 and Vice Chairman of Board since 1948. b. July 14, 1889 at New Martinsville, W.Va. Started working for oil companies in 1908. Was chemist with Union Oil of Calif., Shell Petroleum, Standard Oil. With MidContinent from 1917. From 192846 he was vice president and director in charge of manufacturing. Breeder -of thoroughbred horses, cattle and sheep. Member of Petroleum Lodge No. 474 at Tulsa, Okla., receiving degrees on Jan. 16, May 28 and June 25, 1920. d. Oct. 29, 1953.

Herman P. Kopplemann (1880-1957) U.S. Congressman to 75th, 77th and 79th Congresses from 1st Conn. dist. b. May 1, 1880 in Odessa, Russia, and was brought to America in 1882. He began as a newsboy in Hartford, Conn. in 1888. Was a publisher's agent for newspapers and magazines. He served one term in the state legislature and two in the state senate. He was vice president of the United Synagogue of America. Initiated in 38 Lajos (Louis) Kossuth St. John's Lodge No. 4, Hartford, Conn. on Nov. 15, 1911. d. Aug. 11, 1957. Paul R. Korbel Dr. Korbel was secretary of the Czechoslovakian lodge "Comenius in Exile" established in London, England in July, 1941. Its membership was made up of Czech exiles. After the war he became grand secretary of the National Grand Lodge of Czechoslovakia (Nov. 1946), but with the advent of communism in that country, Masonic meetings were prohibited and all Masonic groups ceased work. He had received the Royal Arch degrees in England with the idea of establishing Royal Arch Masonry in his own country at a propitious time. He is now a resident of New York City. Thaddeus Kosciusko (1746-1817) Polish patriot and General of American Revolution. Full name was Tadeusz Andrzej Bonawentura Kosciuszko (in Polish). b. Feb. 12, 1746 in Minsk, Lithuania. He was educated in the Royal Coll. at Warsaw, graduating in 1769. He then studied engineering and artillery in France, and came to America with a recommendation from Franklin to General Washington. He was appointed colonel of engineers in the Continental army, Oct. 18, 1776, and was in charge of constructing the fortifications at West Point, 1778-80, and in charge of transportation in Green's retreat of 1781. He was made brigadier general, Oct. 13, 1783, and was one of the founders of the Order of Cincinnati. He returned to Poland in 1784, and became a major general in the Polish army in 1879. He led the rebellion of 1794, and became dictator of Poland, but was captured and imprisoned by Russia from 1794-96. He visited America in 1797-98, and was a resident of France from 1798. d. in Switzerland when his horse fell off a cliff on Oct. 15, 1817. Although he is often referred to as a Mason, there is no definite Lodge No. 1085 of New York City was warranted, May 3, 1928, and named in his honor. At this time, it is the only Polish lodge in the world. Lajos (Louis) Kossuth (1802-1894) Hungarian patriot and statesman. b. in 1802 at Monok, Hungary. Imprisoned by Austrian government on political charges from 1837-40, during which time he taught himself English. In 1841 he become editor of the Pesti Hirlap, prominent Hungarian daily newspaper,

and through its pages presented his liberal views. The liberal party seated him as finance minister in the government of 1848. He persuaded the Hungarian national assembly to declare independence from Austria (184849), and he was appointed governor of Hungary with dictatorial powers. When the insurrection was crushed, Aug. 11, 1849, Kosuth fled into exile in Turkey, where he was imprisoned from 184951, and finally released by the intervention of the U.S., which sent the U.S. Mississippi to bring him to London; later he came to the U.S., residing in this country in 1951-52. He then returned to England and remained there several years. In 1859 he went to Italy, where he organized an Hungarian legion and rendered valiant service to the Italian liberators, Mazzini and Garibaldi, qq.v. He lived in Italy the rest of his life, dying at Turin, March 20, 1894, at the age of 91. On Feb. 18, 1852, Cincinnati Lodge No. 133, Cincinnati, Ohio, received an extraordinary letter. It was a hand written petition from Kossuth: "To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of Cincinnati Lodge No. 133 of Free and Accepted Masons. The petition of the subscriber respectfully showeth that having long entertained a favorable opinion of your ancient institution, he is desirous of being admitted a member thereof if found worthy. Being an exile for liberty's sake, he has now no fixed place of resi- proof of his membership. Kosciuszko dence, is now staying at Cincinnati; 39 August Friedrich F. von Kotzebue his age is 491/2 years, his occupation is to restore his native land, Hungary, to its national independence, and to achieve by community of action with other nations, civil and religious liberty in Europe. Louis Kossuth." At the same time petitions were received from the following members of his staffCol. Count Gregory Bethlen, Peter A. Nagi, Paul Hajnik, and Ulius Utosy Strasser. The petitions were made a case of emergency, and the next day they were initiated (Feb. 19) and passed, and raised the following day. Kossuth and his staff also became members of Cincinnati Chapter No. 2, RA.M., according to Dr. James J. Tyler, historian of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. On Feb. 28, 1852, Kossuth attended a meeting of Center Lodge No. 23, Indianapolis, and addressed the lodge, followed by a visit to St. John's Lodge No. 1 of Newark, N.J. On May 10, 1852 he addressed the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. August Friedrich F. von Kotzebue (1761-1819) German author and dramatist. He was the author of over 200 dramatic works including tragedies, historical verse, dramas, comedies, and farces. In 1818 he wrote Der Freimaurer (The Freemason), a play, at Leipsic. He was in Russian civil service from 1781-90 and later retired to Paris and Mainz to devote himself to writing. On his return to Russia, he was arrested on political grounds and taken to Siberia in 1800. He managed to win the favor of Paul I, q.v., and was released in 1801. He became the director of the German theater in St. Petersburg, but became unpopular through quarrels with Goethe, q.v., and

his attacks on the romantic school. He then edited several journals in Germany, and was Russian consul general in Koningsberg, and political observer for Russia in 1817. He was a member of the Royal Lodge of Three Axes. Stabbed to death by a university student for ridiculing the Burschenschaft movement. Walter E. Krafft Vice President of Continental Casualty Co., Chicago, from 1941. b. Sept. 15, 1890 in Chicago. Graduate Kent Coll. of Law, 1920. Has been with Continental since 1919, beginning as assistant to vice president, and later secretary. Member of Austin Lodge No. 850, Chicago, Ill. Shriner. Kenneth Kramer Managing Editor of Business Week, New York City since 1954. b. April 28, 1904 in Batesville, Ind. Graduate of DePauw U. in 1927. Edited newspapers in Ind. and Calif., and was Pacific coast editor of the Wall Street Journal from 1930-34, and news editor of same at Washington, 1935-44. Became executive editor of Business Week in 1946. Member of Batesville Lodge No. 668, Batesville, Ind. Nelson G. Kraschel Governor of Iowa, 1937-38. b. Oct. 27, 1889 at Macon, Ill. A live stock auctioneer from 1910, he has conducted sales in 22 states and Canada, selling more than 50 million dollars worth of agricultural property. Was lieutenant governor of Iowa from 1933-37. Member of South Macon Lodge No. 467, Macon, Ill. Sydney M. Kraus Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. July 16, 1887 in Peru, Ind. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1908. Received degrees in Miami Lodge No. 67, Peru, Ind. on Sept. 3, 20, 23, 1915. Member of Peru Chapter No. 62, RA.M., Peru, Ind. Carl Christian F. Krause (17811832) German Philosopher and Masonic author. b. May 6, 1781 in Eisenberg, Germany. Received Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1801, and taught at U. of Jena until 1805, when he moved to Dresden, where he remained until 1813. He sought to purify the German language, and advocated a union of mankind to work toward a goal of universal development. He also created the "all-in-God" philosophical system of pantheismthe 40 Frederick C. Kroeger doctrine that God includes the world as apart, though not the whole, of His being. He was initiated in the Lodge Archimedes in 1805. The German craft at this time was only for the elect, the noble, the rich,

and the great, hence Masonic literature was scarce, poor, and usually incorrect. Krause, an intelligent man, began to write the Masonic literature he could not find. As orator of the Lodge of the Three Swords, he placed his ideas before the lodge and they were well received. But when he proposed to put his ideas into print, to make Freemasonry the germinating ground of a world order for peace and prosperity, his Masonic superiors became frightened. When he did publish his Three Oldest Documents of the Brotherhood of Freemasons, he ran into Masonic grief. The three German grand lodges tried to buy his work to destroy it, but failing in that he was expelled from Freemasonry and persecuted by Freemasons for the rest of his life. Today, Krause stands as perhaps the greatest gift of German Freemasonry to the Masonic world. His progressive mind was ahead of his time. d. Sept. 27, 1832. Sebastian S. Kresge Founder and president of the chain stores bearing his name. b. July 31, 1867, in Bald Mount, Pa. Early in life he was a bookkeeper in Scranton and salesman in Wilkes-Barre. He started in the 5 & 10 store with J. G. McCrory at Memphis in 1897. In 1912 the syndicate name was changed to S. S. Kresge Co., Inc., of which he is chairman of the board. It operates about 700 stores in U.S. and Canada. He is chairman of the board of The Fair Dept. Store, Chicago. He is founder, sole donor, trustee and treasurer of the Kresge Foundation, Detroit. Member of Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, Mich. Samuel H. Kress (1863-1955) Founder of S. H. Kress & Co.; philanthropist. b. in 1863 in Cherryville, of a family that dates back to the American Revolution. As a youth he worked in the stone quarries, studied diligently, and at 17 obtained a teaching certificate. His first pedagogical job was handling a class of 80 pupils of all ages for $25 a month, and walking three miles each way to school. He then entered the retail mercantile business at Nanticoke, Pa. in 1887. He went into the wholesale stationery business at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. in 1890, and these developed into the present S. H. Kress & Co., 5-10-250 stores in 29 states. He was the founder and president of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. Kress was unmarried. An avid art lover, he acquired a collection of paintings and sculpture, particularly of the Italian school, which was presented, virtually intact, to the National Gallery of Art in Washington. In 1929 he gave the Italian government a large sum for the restoration of a number of architectural treasures of that country. Many American museums and art galleries have received valuable paintings and sculpture from him. The Kress Foundation has dispensed millions to worthy organizations and institutions. Mason. d. Sept 22, 1955. Herbert F. Krimendahl President of Stokely-Van Camp, Inc. since 1948.

b. in 1896 at Celina, Ohio. Began with Crampton Canneries at Celina in 1919, and was president from 1923-44. Served as vice president of Stokely Foods, Inc. at Indianapolis, 1944-46, and became executive vice president of Stokely-Van Camp in 1946; president in 1948, director in 1946, vice chairman of board from 1956. President of National Canners Assn. in 1940. Member of Celina Lodge No. 241, Celina, Ohio. Shriner. Frederick C. Kroeger (1888-1944) Vice President of General Motors Corp. from 1940. b. April 27, 1888 in Winona, Minn. Graduate of Purdue 41 Nicolai Johan Lohmann Krog U. in 1911. Was a student engineer with General Electric from 1911-13. Became chief engineer of Remey Electric Division of General Motors, 1922, and general manager of same from 192940. He was general manager of the Allison Division of General Motors from 1940. Mason. d. Aug. 10, 1944. Nicolai Johan Lohmann Krog (1787-1856) Norwegian Secretary of State for War. Was master of Lodge No. 1, St. Oland til den hvide Leopard (1833-56) and first master of St. Andrew's Lodge Oscar at den flantmende Stjerne (1841-44). Haagen Andreas Magnus Krogh (1813-1863) Judge. The first master of the Norwegian Steward's Lodge (1859-1863). A K. of C. of the Order of King Charles XIII. Glenn R. Krueger Vice President of General Mills from 1946. b. Nov. 24, 1901 at Fenton, Iowa. Graduate of Hamline U. in 1924. Has been with General Mills since 1925 as district sales manager, director of flour merchandising, assistant general sales manager, general sales manager, and general flour sales manager. Mason. Walter Krueger General, U.S. Army. b. Jan. 26, 1881 in Faltow, Germany. He served as an enlisted man from 1898-1901, when he was commissioned a second lieutenant in the 30th Infantry, advancing through grades to brigadier general in 1936, major general in 1939, lieutenant general in 1941, general March 5, 1945, retiring in July, 1946. He served in the Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection, Mexican border. In WWI he served overseas as chief of staff of the A.E.F. Tank Corps. After the war he served as instructor in various service schools. He was chief of the War Plans Division of the War Department and member of the joint Army and Navy Board, 1936-38. His commands have included the 6th In-fantry, 16th Infantry,

2nd Division, VIII Corps (1940-41), Third Army (1941-43), Sixth Army (in Southwest Pacific including occupation of Japan). He is the author of From. Down, Under to Nippon and The Story of the Sixth Army in World War II; and has translated and published many military books from the German. Member of Hancock Lodge No. 311 at Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. since 1906. National Sojourner and Hero of '76. Otto Kruger Actor in movies, radio, and television. b. 1885 in Toledo, Ohio. Member of St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York City. He was exalted in Corinthian Chapter No. 159, Brooklyn, Oct. 27, 1921; greeted in Columbia Council No. 1, R. & S.M., N.Y.C., April 6, 1922; and knighted in Ivanhoe Commandery No. 36, K.T. N.Y.C., March 30, 1922. Wilmer Krusen (1869-1943) President of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, 1927-41. b. May 18, 1869 in Richboro, Pa. Received M.D. degree from Jefferson Medical Coll. (Philadelphia) in 1893. He began as a pharmacy clerk in 1886, and became professor of gynecology at Temple U. in 1902. He was director of health of Philadelphia from 1916-28. Member of Olivet Lodge No. 607, Philadelphia, receiving degrees on Jan. 23, Feb. 27, _and March 27, 1906. 33 AASR (NJ). d. Feb. 9, 1943. Franz C. Kuhn (1872-1926) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Michigan, 1917-18. b. Feb. 8, 1872 in Detroit, Mich. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1893 and 1894. Practiced law at Mt. Clemens. He served as prosecuting attorney, probate judge, and attorney general of Michigan. He was on the state supreme court from 1912-19, when he retired to become president of the Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Member of Mt. Clemens Lodge No. 6, Mt. Clemens, Mich., receiving degrees on March 29, June 6, and July 24, 1917. d. June 16, 1926. 42 Louis A. Kunzig William F. Kuhn (1849-1924) Neurologist; and General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter, R.A.M., 1921-24. b. April 15, 1849 in Lyons, N.Y. He received an A.B. and A.M. from Wittenberg Coll. (Springfield, Ohio) in 1875, and 1878, and an M.D. from Jefferson Medical Coll. (Philadelphia) in 1884. He began medical practice at Kansas City, Mo. in 1888. From 1905-09 he was superintendent of the state asylum for the insane, and from 1900-05 was president of the Kansas City Coll. of Pharmacy. He was a professor of psychiatry at the U. of Kansas School of Medicine from 1904. Raised in Belle Center Lodge No. 347, Belle Center, Ohio, April 30, 1877, he affiliated with Patmos Lodge No. 97, El Dorado, Kans. serving as master three years. He was a charter member and first master of York Lodge No. 563, Kansas City, Mo. He was grand orator of the

Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1893, and grand master in 1903. Exalted in Lafayette Chapter No. 60, R.A.M., Bellefontaine, Ohio in Feb., 1892, he affiliated with Orient Chapter No. 102, Kansas City, Mo. in 1888, served as high priest in 1891, and grand high priest of Missouri in 1897. He was elected general grand high priest of the General Grand Chapter, R.A.M. at Asheville, N.C. in 1921. Dr. Kuhn laid the foundation for the educational work of the General Grand Chapter - and wrote much on Freemasonry. He was greeted in Hiram Council No. 1, R. & S.M. in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 1891, and became a charter member and first master of Shekinah Council No. 24, Kansas City. In 1893 (two years after he had received his degrees) he was made grand master of the Grand Council, R. & S.M. of Missouri. He was the author of the arrangement of the Super Excellent Master degree adopted at Indianapolis in 1912. Knighted in El Dorado Commandery No. 19, K.T., El Dorado, Kans. on June 8, 1887, he was commander in 1888, affiliating with Oriental Cornmandery No. 35, Kansas City in Oct., 1889, and served as its commander in 1910. He was elected grand commander of the Grand Commandery of Missouri in 1910. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in Kansas City, Mo. and KCCH in Oct., 1923. He was first sovereign of Mary Conclave No. 5, Red Cross of Constantine at Kansas City, and was grand sovereign of the Grand Imperial Council in 1902, receiving the Grand Cross of the order at Boston in 1899. d. Sept. 1, 1924. Elroy J. Kulas (1880-1952) President and Director of Midland Steel Products Co., Cleveland, Ohio. b. March 21, 1880 in Cleveland. Director of several railroads and corporations. Manufactured cartridge cases for Italian, French, British, and U.S. governments in WWI. Member of Woodward Lodge No. 508, Cleveland, Ohio, receiving degrees on Sept. 24, Oct. 8, and Nov. 5, 1902. 32 AASR (NJ). d. May 14, 1952. Louis A. Kunzig (1882-1956) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Jan. 6, 1882 at Altoona, Pa. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1905, where he was a classmate of General Douglas McArthur, q.v. He served as secretary of the Alaska Road Commission in charge of purchases; as colonel of the 11th Infantry at Fort Benjamin Harrison near Indianapolis; commandant of Fort Wayne, Detroit, and of Camp Blanding, Fla. After his retirement in 1944, he was business manager of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, and from 1952 was executive director of the Scottish Rite in Detroit, Mich. He entered Masonry early, becoming a member of Mountain Lodge No. 281, Altoona, Pa. Received the 32 AASR at Detroit in 1918, and 33 in Sept., 1938. In 1954 he was sovereign of St. Clement Conclave No. 39 of Red Cross of Constantine, Detroit. While he was commandant at Fort Wayne, he placed a paper on the desk of his adjutant to sign; it was a

43 Egor Andrevich Kushelev Scottish Rite petition. His adjutant was Lieutenant George E. Bushnell, q.v., who, since 1954 has been sovereign grand commander of the Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction! d. Aug. 7, 1956 on a Baltimore & Ohio train en route to Washington, D.C. Egor Andrevich Kushelev (17631826) Russian Lieutenant General, and Senator. He was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge Astrea, and while Count Rgevussky, the grand master, was in Poland, Kushelev, as acting grand master, made a report to Emperor Alexander I, q.v., on the state of Russian Freemasonry (June, 1821). This report, undoubtedly, led to the edict of Alexander against all Freemasonry on August 1, 1822, and forever killed Freemasonry in Russia. Kushelev was a Mason of the old school; a very religious man and an extreme conservative. His Masonic ideal was the Swedish system, as originally introduced into Russia in the 18th century. When elected deputy grand master in 1820, he attempted to restore the old rules and doctrines as he saw them, but was opposed by other members. As a result, he recommended to the emperor that Masonry come under closer control of the government or be permanently closed. The emperor closed it! Mikhail Ilarionovich Kutuzov (1745-1813) Prince of Smolensk and Russian Field Marshal. b. in St. Petersburg. He served in Poland from 1764-69, and against the Turks in 177072 and 1811-12. He was ambassador at Constantinople, governor of Finland, and governor of St. Petersburg. He commanded an army in the wars against Napoleon (1805-12), and was defeated at Austerlitz. He was commander-in-chief against both the French and the Turks. He was one of the leading Russian Freemasons of the time. 44

Herbert W. Ladd (1843-?) Governor of Rhode Island, 1889-92. b. Oct. 15, 1843 in New Bedford, Mass. In dry goods business most of his life, forming firm of Ladd & Davis at Providence which later became The H. W. Ladd Co. In 1891 he presented a fully equipped astronomy observatory to Brown U. Member of Eureka Lodge, New Bedford, Mass. Suspended Aug. 6, 1880. Deceased. Carl Laemmle (1867-1939) Motion picture executive. b. Jan. 17, 1867 in Laupheim, Germany, coming to U.S. in 1884. He was a clerk in New York and Chicago, and became manager of the Continental Clothing House at Oshkosh, Wis. In 1906 he opened a moving picture theatre in Chicago, founding the Laemmle Film Service the same year. He was president of Universal Pictures Corp. until 1936. Member of Pacific Lodge No. 233, New

York City, and of the "233 Club" (Masonic) of Hollywood, Calif. d. Sept. 24, 1939. Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) French statesman and officer; hero of the American Revolution. His name in full was Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert de Motier. b. Sept. 6, 1757 in the family castle "Chavaniac" at Auvergne, France. His father, a soldier, had died at the Battle of Minden a few weeks before his birth, and his mother died in 1770, leaving him a vast estate. He refused a prominent position in the French court to become a soldier in 1771. He withdrew from the service in 1776, outfitted his own ship, Victoire, and sailed with 15 other young adventurers, including Baron de Kalb, q.v., tofight with the American colonists against England. At first their services were refused by congress, but noting Lafayette's full pocketbook, connections at the French court, and his offer to serve without pay, he was commissioned a major general in the Continental Army on July 31, 1777. He became an intimate associate of Washington. At Brandywine he was severely wounded while rallying the American forces from a retreat. He was appointed to lead an expedition to invade Canada, but the plan was never carried out, for lack of funds. He was with Washington at Valley Forge; served on the court martial that tried Major Andre; stationed at Tappan, N.Y.; served in Virginia; and was at the Battle of Yorktown and the surrender of Cornwallis. In 1778-80 he was on furlough in France to assist Franklin in obtaining financial aid from France for the colonists. Lafayette returned to France in Dec. 1781, almost as soon as the war had been won. He was now the hero of two nations, both America and France. He became a member of the French national assembly in 1789, where he showed his liberal sympathies. He was instrumental in bringing about the adoption of the present French tri-colored flag, and a founder of the Club of the Feuillants, the conservative liberals who sought to establish a constitutional monarchy in 1780. He commanded an army in the war with Austria, but when he opposed further advance of the Jacobites, he was declared a traitor by the national assembly. He fled to Flanders and was imprisoned by the Austrians from 1792-97. His flight probably saved his life as his compa45 Ruby Laffoon triots were executed during his imprisonment. He returned to France in 1799, but took no part in politics, being opposed to Napoleon's policies. He was a member of the chamber of deputies in 1815, 1818-24, and a leader of the oposition from 1825-30. He commanded the national guard in the revolution of 1830. He returned to America for his first visit of five months in 1784. It was on this visit that he presented Washington the Masonic apron made by Madame Lafayette. It is now in the possession of the Grand Lodge of Pa. He returned again in 1824-25, at the invitation of a grateful congress,

which had voted him $200,000. This time he toured all the 25 states and received more Masonic honors than any Freemason before or since. From Maine to Georgia, and Missouri to Louisiana, lodges, chapters, councils, commanderies, scottish rite and grand lodges vied with each other in conferring honorary degrees, citations, gifts and memberships. Strangely enough, it is not known where or when he received his degrees. Some say it was in an army lodge in Morristown, N.J. Others feel it was in the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge. In addressing the Grand Lodge of Tennessee on May 4, 1825, Lafayette, himself, stated that he was initiated before he ever came to America. He would have been under 21, but at that time "Lewis" Masons (under age) were being raised in France. A Spanish Masonic history states that he was a member of Loge La Candeur of Paris, founded in 1775. A French Masonic history says his name is among the lists of members of Loge Contrat Social of Paris between the years 1773 and 1791. He received the chapter degrees in Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M., New York City, Sept. 12, 1824. His son, George Washington Lafayette, received them in the same chapter four days earlier. He was knighted in Morton Commandery No. 4, K.T. in joint conclave with Colum- bian Commandery No. 1 of N.Y.C. He received the Scottish Rite degrees in the Cerneau Supreme Council of N.Y., and was made 33 and honorary grand commander of that body. The Supreme Council of France AASR elected him a member, Nov. 21, 1830. More than 75 Masonic bodies in the U.S. have been named after him, including 39 lodges, 18 chapters, 4 councils, 4 commanderies, and 7 Scottish rite bodies. d. May 20, 1834. Ruby Laffoon (1869-1941) Governor of Kentucky, 1931-35. b. Jan. 15, 1869 at Madisonville, Ky. Began practice of law at Madisonville in 1892. He served terms as county attorney and circuit judge. Member and past master of Madisonville Lodge No. 143, Madisonville, Ky. d. May 1, 1941. Robert M. La Follette (1855-1925) Governor of Wisconsin, 1901-1905, and U.S. Senator, 1905-1929. b. June 14, 1855 in Primrose, Wis. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1879, he was admitted to the bar in 1880. He was U.S. congressman from the 3rd Wis. dist. to the 49th through 51st congresses (1885-91). He resigned his governorship in 1905 to become U.S. senator, although he had been elected as governor for term of 1905-07. In 1904 he led the movement to nominate all candidates by direct vote. He is represented in Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capital. He became a member of Madison Lodge No. 5, in 1894; Madison Chapter No. 4, R.A.M. in 1895 and Robert McCoy Commandery No. 3, K.T., in 1897, all of Madison, Wis. Received 32 AASR in Wisconsin Consistory on April 10, 1902. Member of Tripoli Shrine Temple of Milwaukee. d. June 18, 1925.

Henri Lafontaine (1854-1943) Belgian Senator and recipient of Nobel Peace Prize in 1913. A lawyer and politician, he was senator in 1895. He was a strong advocate of international arbitration and of the Permanent 46 Simon Lake Court of International Justice: The bulletin of the International Masonic Congress of 1917 lists him as a Freemason. Fiorello H. La Guardia (1882-1947) U.S. Congressman and Mayor of New York City. b. Dec. 11, 1882 in New York City. Graduate of New York U. in 1910. He was with the American consulate in Budapest, Hungary and Trieste, Austria, 1901-04, and at Fiume, Hungary, 1904-06. From 1907-10 he was an interpreter at Ellis Island, N.Y. He began law practice in 1910 in New York City. A member of the 65th and 66th U.S. congresses (191719) and 68-72nd congresses (1923-33). La Guardia served three terms as mayor of New York City, from 193445. In 1946 he was special U.S. ambassador to Brazil, and director general of the UNRRA the same year. In WWI he was in the U.S. Air Service, achieving the rank of major. He commanded the 8th Centre Aviation School and was attached to night and day bombing squadrons on the Italian front. He was raised in Garibaldi Lodge No. 542, N.Y.C. in 1913, and received a life membership in that lodge on Oct. 17, 1933. d. Sept. 20, 1947. Guido Laj (?-1948) Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy immediately following WWII. Dr. Laj was selected by the Allied governments to be vice mayor of Rome when they occupied it. It was largely through his efforts that the Italian Freemasons were once again able to start work after years of persecution under Mussolini. The officers of the old grand lodge, which had been dissolved in 1925, had suffered heavily. Only 16 of the 22 were alive. Some had undergone imprisonment, banishment, and even death. Dr. Laj was elected grand master on Nov. 18, 1945. d. Nov. 1948. Everett T. Lake (1871-1948) Governor of Connecticut, 1921-22. b. Feb.8, 1871 in Woodstock, Conn. Graduate of Harvard in 1892. President of Hartford Lumber Co. 1900-39; he had been with the concern since 1893. He served terms in both houses of the state legislature and was lieutenant governor in 1907-08. Received the degrees in Feb., 1907 in St. Johns Lodge No. 4, Hartford, Conn. Suspended NPD in 1939. d. Sept. 16, 1948. Gerard, 1st Viscount Lake (17441808) British general. He served in Germany, 1760-62, and fought against the American colonists in the Revolution in 1781. He was in the Low Countries in 1793-94. He received the surrender of the French at Cloone, and in 1800-03 was commander-in-chief in India. In India he took Delhi and Agra; won the battles of Laswari and

Farrukhabad. He was created baron in 1804 and viscount in 1807. He joined the Prince of Wales Lodge No. 259, London, on Aug. 28, 1787. Simon Lake (1866-1945) American naval architect, who in 1897 built the Argonaut, the first submarine to operate successfully in the open sea. b. Sept. 4, 1866, in Pleasantville, N.J. He was the inventor of even keel type of submarine torpedo boats, building the first experimental boat in 1894. He designed and built many submarine torpedo boats for the U.S. as well as foreign countries. He spent several years in Russia, Germany, and England, designing, building, and acting in an advisory capacity in submarine construction. He also invented a submarine apparatus for locating and recovering sunken vessels, and another for pearl and sponge fishing, as well as a heavy oil internal combustion engine for marine purposes. He was president of The Lake Submarine Co., Lake Engineering Co., Merchant Submarine Co., Sale Submarine Salvage Corp., Lake Torpedo Boat Co., and Industrial Submarine Corp. Initiated in Monmouth Lodge No. 172, Atlantic Highlands, N.J. and affiliated 47 Joseph Jerome de Lalande with Ansantawae Lodge No. 89, Milford, Conn. on Nov. 18, 1910. d. June 23, 1945. Joseph Jerome de Lalande (17321807) French astronomer. Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences; he wrote Histoire Celeste Francaise in 1801, which cataloged nearly 50,000 stars. He was sent to Berlin by the French Academy in 1751 to determine the moon's parallax. He was director of the Paris observatory from 1768, and worked on the planetary theory, improving the planetary tables of Halley and others. In 1769 he instituted the lodge Des Sciences, and is credited as a founder of the lodge Des Neuf Soeurs. DietrickLamade (1859-1938) Founder and publisher of Grit, the national weekly small town newspaper. b. Feb. 6, 1859 in Goelshausen, Baden, Germany. He was brought to the U.S. in 1867, and educated in the public schools. He learned the printer's trade, and in 1884 founded the Grit Publishing Co. His sons, George R. and Howard J., qq.v., have carried on the newspaper. Member of Ivy Lodge No. 397, Williamsport, Pa., receiving degrees on April 4, May 2, and June 16, 1893. Served as master in 1900. Dietrick Lamade Lodge No. 755, Williamsport, is named in his honor. d. Oct. 9, 1938.

George R. Lamade Publisher of Grit, the weekly small town newspaper established by his father, Die-trick Lamade, q.v., in 1884. b. April 24, 1894 in Williamsport, Pa. Studied journalism at U. of Missouri and Columbia U. He left the U. of Missouri in Dec. 1916 and volunteered in the French Army. In 1918 he was commissioned 1st lieutenant in the U.S. Army and served with the A.E.F. until 1919. He then joined his father in the Grit Publishing Co., becoming vice president in 1922, general manager in 1936, and president since 1938. Received degrees in Ivy Lodge No. 397, Williamsport, Pa. on Sept. 5 and Sept. 7, 1916 at age of 22. Withdrew June 3, 1947 to affiliate with Dietrick Lamade Lodge No. 755, Williamsport, named in honor of his father. 33 AASR (NJ). Howard J. Lamade Vice President and Director of Grit, the weekly small town newspaper established by his father, Dietrick Lamade, q.v. Chemistry graduate of Pennsylvania State U. in 1913, and journalism graduate of U. of Missouri in 1913. Has been with Grit Publishing Co. since 1913, starting as a clerk. Has been secretary, vice president, and director since 1920. Chairman of board of Williamsport Hotels Co. since 1954. Received degrees in Ivy Lodge No. 397, Williamsport, Pa. on Sept. 5 and Dec. 26, 1912 at age of 21. Withdrew on June 3, 1947 to become member of Dietrick Lamade Lodge No. 755, Williamsport, named in honor of his father. 33 AASR (NJ). Gregorio A. Lamadrid (1795-1857) Argentine soldier and patroit, noted for his bravery as adjutant to General San Martin, q.v. He took part in the Peruvian wars of liberation and later commanded a cavalry division under General Urquiza, q.v., at the battle of Monte Caseros, when the tyrant Rosas was defeated in 1852. Mason. Joseph R. Lamar (1857-1916) Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1910-16. b. Oct. 14, 1857 in Ruckersville, Ga. Graduate of Bethany Coll. (W.Va.) in 1877. Admitted to the bar in 1878, he practiced at Augusta until 1903. Served in Georgia lower house, 188689, and in 1896 was commissioned to codify the state laws. He served as justice of the supreme court of Georgia from 190105. His original lodge is not known, but he affiliated with Webb Lodge No. 166, Augusta, Oct. 16, 1882, serving as junior warden in 48 William P. Lambertson

1883-84 and senior warden in 1885. He was exalted in Augusta Chapter No. 2, R.A.M., Augusta, Ga., July 7, 1886, and knighted in Georgia Commandery No. 1, K.T., Oct. 21, 1886. d. Jan. 1, 1916. Mirabeau Bonaparte Lamar (17981859) Second President of Republic of Texas, 1838-41. b. Aug. 16, 1798 in Warren Co., Ga. As president of the republic, he rendered great service in behalf of the cause of education in Texas. He emphasized the importance of securing and setting apart a large amount of public lands for the support of public schools and universities. In 1828 he established the Columbus Independent in Ga. He emigrated to Texas in 1835, and was an active member of the revolutionary party. At San Jacinto he commanded a mounted company and led a charge that broke the Mexican line. He was commissioned major general, and later appointed attorney general in cabinet of Governor Smith. He became secretary of war, and in 1836 was the first vice president of the republic. While president, the independence of Texas was recognized by the principal powers of Europe. In the Mexican War, he joined Gen. Zachary Taylor's army at Matamoras and took an active part in the battle of Monterrey. In July, 1857, he was appointed U.S. minister to Argentina, but did not assume his post. In 1857 he was made resident minister to Nicaragua and Costa Rica, holding this position until 1859. He received his Entered Apprentice degree in Georgia (probably Columbus). On July 9, 1840 he was made a Fellowcraft in Harmony Lodge No. 6 of Galveston, and a Master Mason, July 21, 1840. At this time he was serving as president. The lodge still has the records of these meetings. d. Dec. 19, 1859. Roland 0. Lamb (1850-1921) President of John Hancock Life Insurance Co., 1909-21. b. Dec. 20, 1850 in Beverly, Mass. He was a bookkeeper in a manufacturing house for five years, and in 1872 went with the John Hancock Co. as bookkeeper. He was sucessively chief clerk, secretary, vice president, and director. Also director of Mass. Fire and Marine Insurance Co. and Northeast Power Co. Initiated in Charity Lodge, Cambridge, Mass. and affiliated with Columbian Lodge, Boston on Jan. 5, 1905. Past commander of DeMolay Commandery, K.T. d. Nov. 14, 1921. Princess Lamballe ( 1 7 4 9 -1 7 9 2 ) French noblewoman whose name was Marie Therese Louise de SavoieCarignan before her marriage to Prince de Lamballe. A personal friend of Marie Antoinette. She was an early member of French Adoptive Masonry which was given quasi-Masonic recognition by the Grand Orient of France. It was established by a fete d' adoption given by the Lodge of Candour under the Grand Orient in an impressive ceremony attended by the elite of French society, March 25, 1775. In 1780 a lodge of adoption was formed and attached to the Lodge of Social Contract (a regular

lodge), and Princess Lamballe became the first grand mistress. The grand master of the lodge at this time was the Roman Catholic Abbe Bertolio, q.v. Among the initiates of this lodge were the Viscountess of Alfrey, the Viscountess of Narbonne and the Countess of Maine. Princess Lamballe was imprisoned in 1792. She refused to subscribe to the oath against the monarchy and was torn to pieces by a mob when she left the courthouse on Sept. 3, 1792. Louis Lambert (see under Patrick S. Gilmore). William P. Lambertson (1880-1957) U.S. Congressman, 71st through 78th Congresses (1929-45) from 1st Kansas dist. b. March 23, 1880 in Fairview, Kans. Engaged in farming since his 49 Frederick J. Lamborn youth. He was a member of the Kansas state legislature between 1909-21, being speaker of the house two times. He was in the state senate for two terms. Member of Sabetha Lodge No. 162, Sabetha, Kans.; Mt. Horeb Chapter No. 43, R.A.M. and Hiawatha Commandery No. 13, K.T. at Hiawatha and 32 AASR (SJ) at Topeka. d. Oct. 26, 1957. Frederick J. Lamborn Vice President and General Manager of Dodge Division of Chrysler Corp. b. Oct. 30, 1888 in Springfield, Ohio. He began as a machinist apprentice in 1902 and has been with Dodge Bros. Corp. since 1911, successively as foreman, general foreman, master mechanic, assistant factory manager, production manager, works manager. He was vice president in charge of manufacturing from 1936-43; vice president and general manager since 1943. Also director of Dodge Bros. Corp. Member of Friendship Lodge No. 417, Detroit, receiving degrees on Jan. 15, Jan. 30 and Feb. 27, 1914. Became life member of the lodge on Dec. 10, 1954. 32 AASR (NJ) and Shriner. Uel W. Lamkin (1877-1956) President of Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Mo., 1921-46. b. Jan. 18, 1877 at California, Mo. He served as teacher, principal, and county superintendent of schools in Mo., and from 1916-18 was state superintendent of public schools. He was president of the Missouri State Teachers' Assn. in 1912-13, president of the National Education Association in 1928-29, and secretary general of the World Federation Education Assn. from 1935-41. Received degrees in Clinton Lodge No. 548, Clinton, Mo. on March 8, 22 and May 10, 1901. Affiliated with Nodaway Lodge No. 470, Maryville, Mo. on Oct. 10, 1923. d. Sept. 16, 1956.

John Dominique La Mothe (18681928) Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. June 8, 1868 in Ramsey, Isle of Man. Graduate of Theological Seminary of Va. and St. John's Coll. (Md.). Ordained deacon in 1894, and priest in 1895; he served churches in Hamilton, Va., Washington, D.C., St. Joseph, Mo., New Orleans, La., and Baltimore, Md. He was consecrated bishop of the missionary jurisdiction of Honolulu on June 29, 1921. Mason. d. Oct. 25, 1928. Dinwiddie Lampton President of American Life and Accident Insurance Co. from 1913. b. April 21, 1885 at Springfield, Ky. He was with Prudential Life from 1906-10, organizing Union Life Insurance Co. in the latter year, and merging it with American Life & Accident. He purchased the assets of Kentucky State Life Co. in 1930. Mason, Shriner and member of Red Cross of Constantine. Member of Shibboleth Lodge No. 750, Louisville, Ky., receiving degrees on Jan. 1, Feb. 19 and March 19, 1907. Lodge changed name to Harry R. Kendall Lodge No. 750 on Oct. 21, 1952. Frank S. Land Founder of Order of DeMolay in 1919 and Secretary General of same since that date. b. June 21, 1890 in Kansas City, Mo. From 1910-14 he was a merchant, and from 1914-20 was secretary of social service for the Kansas City Scottish Rite bodies. When ten years old, he -conducted a Sunday school class of 300 and was known as the "Boy preacher." In 1927 he founded the Young Men's Civic Forum International, and in 1930 was co-founder of Metro Clubs. He is a director of the Columbia National Bank, Kansas City; member of executive committee, National Security Commission, Washington; member of American Advisory Council, Yenching U., Peiping, China; and member of the National Youth Week Committee for U.S. He was raised in Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446, Kansas City, June 29, 1912; exalted in Kansas City Chapter No. 28, R.A.M., Oct. 25, 1912. In 1951 he re50 Joseph Lone ceived the first international gold "Royal Arch Medal" from the General Grand Chapter for his work in the humanities. Greeted in Shekinah Council No. 24, R. & S.M., Dec. 30, 1912, and affiliated with Kansas City Council No. 45, Sept. 11, 1944; knighted in Kansas City Commandery No. 10, K.T., Jan. 2, 1913. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in Kansas City on Nov. 14, 1912, coroneted 33 Oct. 25, 1925, and received Grand Cross of Court of Honor, Oct. 18, 1955. Admitted to Mary Conclave No. 5, Red Cross of Constantine April 20, 1946, served as sovereign in 1950; Past potentate of Ararat Shrine Temple, Kansas City, and Imperial potentate of the Shrine in 1954-55. d. Nov. 8, 1959.

Howe S. Landers (1885-1943) President of Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Co., N.Y. from 1932. b. Oct. 17, 1885 in Martinsville, Ind. Graduate of DePauw U. and Indiana Law School. Admitted to Indiana bar in 1908. Served as attorney for bank and insurance companies. Became vice president and general counsel of Metropolitan Co. in 1931. He was also president and director of many other corporations. Mason. d. March 15, 1943. Gerald W. Landis U.S. Congressman to 76th through 80th Congresses (1939-49) from 7th Ind. dist. b. Feb. 23, 1895 in Bloomfield, Ind. Graduate of Indiana U. Member of Linton Lodge No. 560, Linton, Ind., receiving degrees in 1917. 32 AASR (NJ) at Evansville, Ind. Alfred M. Landon Governor of Kansas, 1933-37, and Republican presidential nominee in 1936. b. Sept. 9, 1887 in West Middlesex, Pa. Graduate of U. of Kansas in 1908. He was a bookkeeper in bank at Independence, Kansas until 1912, and since that date has been an oil producer. Served as 1st lieutenant in Chemical Warfare Service in WWI. Member of Pan- American Conference at Lima, Peru in 1938. Was raised in Fortitude Lodge No. 107 in 1909; member of Keystone Chapter No. 22, R.A.M.; Independence Council No. 15, R. & S. M.; St. Bernard Commandery No. 10, K.T., all of Independence. Received 32 AASR (SJ) at Fort Scott, Nov. 21, 1928; member of Mirza Shrine Temple, Pittsburg, Kansas, and Pittsburg Court No. 95, Royal Order of Jesters. Edward H. Lane Furniture manufacturer. b. July 4, 1891 in Newcastle, Va. He established the Standard Red Cedar Chest Co. (now Lane Co., Inc.) at Altavista, Va. in 1912, and was president from 1922-56; presently chairman of the board. In 1951 he was elected "Man of the Year" by the furniture manufacturing industry. Raised Feb. 18, 1929 in Campbell Lodge No. 316, Altavista, Va. John Lane (1843-1899) English Masonic writer. He was initiated, Sept. 10, 1878, in Jordan Lodge No. 1402, Torquay, England, and was master in 1882. It is said that he seldom missed a meeting. Known as the "Statistician of the Masonic Fraternity," he is recognized for his Masonic Records, 17171886 published in 1886. It contained the particulars of every lodge warranted by the Grand Lodge of England from 1717 to date. He also published A Handy Book and Centenary Warrants and Jewels. He furnished many articles on Masonry to magazines and publications including the Quatuor Coronati Lodge. d. Dec. 30, 1899.

Joseph Lane (1801-1881) Major General of Mexican War; Territorial Governor of Oregon and U.S. Senator from Oregon. b. Dec. 14, 1801 in Buncombe Co., N.C. He moved with his parents to Henderson Co., Ky. in 1804, and then to Warwick Co., Ind. in 1816. For several years he was a clerk in a mercantile house. He served in the Indiana state legislature from

51 Ben T. Laney, Jr. 1822-46, when he enlisted as a private in the Indiana volunteers for the Mexican War. He subsequently was made colonel, brigadier general, and major general, the latter for gallantry at Huamantla. He took Matamoras, captured Orizaba, and fought Jarata at Tchualtaplan, becoming known as the "Marion of the Mexican Army." At the conclusion of the war he was appointed governor of Oregon Territory (1849-50) by Polk. From 185157 he was U.S. congressman from that territory. In 1853 he commanded the settlers in the campaign against the Rogue Indians and defeated them at the Battle of Table Rock. Upon the admission of Oregon as a state, he became a U.S. senator, serving from 1859-61. In 1860 he was nominated for vice president on the Breckinridge ticket. His defeat ended his political career and he passed his old age in obscurity and poverty. Member of Center Lodge No. 23, Indianapolis, Ind. d. April 19, 1881. Ben T. Laney, Jr. Governor of Arkansas, 1945-49. b. Nov. 25, 1896 near Smackover, Ark. Now owns and operates a plantation near Magnolia, Ark. Mayor of Camden, Ark. from 1935-39. Raised July 17, 1920 in Garland Lodge No. 354, Elliott, Ark. and when the lodge merged with Camden Lodge No. 11 of Camden in 1941, he became a member of that lodge. He addressed his lodge in 1943 on "The duties a Mason owes his Lodge." He attended grand lodge in Nov., 1944 between the time he was elected governor and inaugurated, to nominate C. Allen Clift for office of grand junior deacon. Chester H. Lang Vice President of General Electric Co. since 1941. b. Jan. 12, 1893 in Erie, Pa. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1915. Began with General Electric in 1919 as a traveling auditor, and later became assistant manager of publicity, comptroller of budget, advertising manager, managerof sales. Now in charge of public relations. Served as 1st lieutenant in 129th Field Artillery, 35th Division, 1917-19. Mason. Ossian Lang (1868-1945) Arthur of History of Freemasonry in. New York. b. in Bradford, England. He was a teacher, newspaperman and lecturer. Served as superintendent of schools in Buffalo, N.Y. He was raised in

Hiawatha Lodge No. 434, Mount Vernon, N.Y., May 19, 1902, and later affiliated with John Steward Lodge No. 871, Mount Vernon, N.Y. d. Sept. 11, 1945. John Langdon (1741-1819) Constitution signer; Governor of New Hampshire; U.S. Senator from New Hampshire. b. June 25, 1741 in Portsmouth, N.H., a brother of Woodbury Langdon, q.v. A successful merchant. Was delegate to the Continental Congress in 1775-76. He outfitted a regiment from his own personal funds and was with it at Battle of Bennington when it defeated the Hessians. From 1783 he was repeatedly a member of the legislature and a delegate to Continental Congress. In March, 1788, he became governor of N.H. and was elected U.S. senator in 1789, holding that office until 1801. He declined the office of secretary of the Navy, and also the nomination for vice president on the Republican ticket. He was governor of N.H. again from 1805-12, with the exception of two years. He is referred to as a Mason, but his Masonic record has not been definitely traced. It probably would have been in St. John's Lodge No. 1 of Portsmouth where his brother Woodbury held membership. d. Sept. 18, 1819. Definitely not a member. Woodbury Langdon (1739-1805) Delegate to Continental Congress, and judge of supreme court of New Hampshire. b. in 1739 in Portsmouth, N.H. He was the brother of John Langdon, the constitution signer. He received a public school education 52 Nathaniel P. Langford and engaged in mercantile pursuits. Active in preRevolutionary movements. He was a delegate from N.H. to the congress of 1779-80, and member of the executive council in 178184. He was judge of the supreme court of N.H. in 1782, and again from 1786-90. A member of St. John's Lodge No. 1, Portsmouth, he was initiated Feb. 10, 1761. d. Jan. 13, 1805. Baroness Chanowsky de Langendorf A member of a woman's auxiliary lodge. According to the records of the Lodge Sincerite, held at Klattau, Bohemia, the charter of which was recalled in Sept., 1789, a woman's lodge was formed as an auxiliary, the membership of which was confined to the wives of the members of the parent lodge. An exception to this rule was made in favor of the baroness, who was described as "the most honest, virtuous and fairest lady." This female lodge worked under the name of the "Three Crowned Hearts," but with the exception of its by-laws, no records of any kind remain. A Master Mason managed the lodge as its master, the office of treasurer also being filled by a man. The by-laws stipulated that the members

should be "God-fearing, humble, discreet, modest, honest, of righteous heart, obliging as well as charitably inclined towards the poor." It led to the downfall of the parent lodge whose members were mainly army officers of the Prince Coburg Regiment of the Dragoons. Nathaniel P. Langford (1832-1911) First Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park and organizer of the vigilante movement in the West. b. Aug. 9, 1832 in Westmoreland, N.Y. Lived at St. Paul, Minn., but left there in June, 1862 for the Oregon gold fields with the James L. Fisk expedition. En route, he and two other Masons went through the ceremony of opening and closing a Masonic lodge on the summit of the Rocky Mountains at a point some 20 miles west of the present capital of Montana. The occasion is commemorated by a painting in the Masonic library building in Helena. Arriving at Gold Creek, the point of the first discovery of gold in what became Montana, Langford went to Bannack, and thence to Virginia City. In the turbulent mining camps of Bannack, he lived a perilous life, being an advocate of public peace and security. He was the leader in the vigilante movement which established respect for law and order and in his Vigilante Days and Ways (1890) he relates how the Craft had a hand in this movement. He conducted the first Masonic funeral in Bannack, Nov. 13, 1862. Observing that there were 76 Freemasons present on the occasion he secured a dispensation for a lodge there, but by the time it had arrived, most of the inhabitants had gone to the great strike at Virginia City. He was one of the Washburn party of 1870 that discovered the geysers of Yellowstone Park, and he led in the work which resulted in the dedication of the park, serving as its first superintendent from 1872-77. Washburn, q.v., was a Mason and at the time of the expedition, Langford was grand master of Montana. Also with them was Cornelius Hedges, the deputy grand master, who later became grand master, and grand secretary for 36 years. Hedges, q.v., became known as the "father" of the national parks. Langford was appointed U.S. revenue collector on the creation of the Territory of Montana in 1864. President Johnson named him as governor of the territory in Jan. 1869, but as the senate was feuding with Johnson, it refused to confirm any of his appointments. Langford later became national bank examiner for the Pacific Coast (1872-84). He returned to St. Paul before his death. He was a member of Pacific Lodge No. 10, St. Paul, Minn., and later affiliated with Helena Lodge No. 3, Helena, Montana, serving as its second master in 1867. He 53 Samuel W. T. Lanham participated in forming the Grand Lodge of Montana in Jan., 1866, and was its first grand historian. Elected senior warden in 1868, he was grand master in 1869-70. It appears that he received the chapter degrees, including Most Excellent Master, in Minn., but was exalted in Virginia City Royal Arch Chapter, U.D. d. 1911.

Samuel W. T. Lanham (1846-1908) Governor of Texas, 1903-07. b. July 4, 1846 in Spartanburg, S.C. He entered the Confederate Army as a boy and served in the 3rd South Carolina regiment. In 1866 he moved to Texas, and was admitted to the bar in 1869. From 1883-93 and 1895-1903 he was U.S. congressman from the 8th Texas dist. Member of Phoenix Lodge No. 275, Weatherford, Texas. d. 1908. Harris Laning (1873-1941) Full Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Oct. 11, 1873 at Petersburg, Ill. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1895. Advanced through grades from ensign in 1891 to vice admiral in 1933, and admiral in 1935, retiring in 1937. In 1912 he was captain of the U.S. rifle team, winning first place in the Olympic Games at Stockholm. Saw service in the SpanishAmerican War, Philippine Campaign, China Relief Expedition, Mexican Campaign, Dominican Campaign, and WWI. He commanded the U.S.S. Panay in the Philippines. His many tours of sea duty were punctuated with service as an instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy. He was navigation officer of the U.S.S. Nebraska in a cruise around the world, 1907-10. Chief of staff of the destroyer force, U.S. Fleet, 1919-21; commanded the U.S.S. Pennsylvania, U.S. Naval Training Station, San Diego; chief of staff, U.S. Battle Fleet; commander of Battleship Division Two; president of U.S. Naval War College (1930-33); commander of cruisers, U.S. Fleet (1933-35); commander Battle Force (1935-36). Member of Clinton Lodge No. 19, Petersburg, Ill. d. Feb. 2, 1941. Menalcus Lankford (1883-1937) U.S. Congressman to 71st and 72nd Congresses (1929-32) from 2nd Va. dist. b. March 14, 1883 at Southhampton Co., Va. Graduate of U. of Richmond in 1904 and 1906. Admitted to the bar in 1906, and practiced at Norfolk. Referee in bankruptcy, Eastern Va. dist. from 1933. Mason. d. Dec. 27, 1937. Dick Latta Lansden (1869-1924) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Tennessee from 1918. b. May 15, 1869 at Bakers Cross Roads, Tenn. Admitted to the bar in 1893, and practiced at Sparta, from 1893-97, and Crossville, 18971902. Was Justice of supreme court of Tennessee from 1910. Affiliated with Sparta Lodge No. 99, Sparta, Tenn. in 1896 and in good standing at time of death on Aug. 9, 1896. Sergei Stepanovich Lanskoy (17871862) When the Directorial Lodge Vladimir split into two grand lodges in 1817, he was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge Provincial of Russia. The grand master at time of the split was Count Vielgorsky, q.v. Lanskoy was the one who received the edict of

Alexander I, q.v., to close all the lodges of his grand lodge. He later became minister of interior affairs in the reign of Alexander II, q.v. Fred M. Lanter Aviator and directorof CAA Aeronautical Center since 1948. b. June 21, 1900 at Portland, Ind. Was with the U.S. Army Flying School at San Antonio in 1926-27. In turn was a cost accountant, production manager and shop superintendent of Fall Creek Mfg, Co., 1922-26. From 1927-29 he was an instructor with Capitol Airways, Inc. From 1929-38 he was an inspector with aeronautics branch of department of Commerce; chief inspector of the CAA from 193842; regional administrator of CAA. Member of Brownsburg Lodge No. 241, Brownsburg, Ind., receiving degrees on Nov. 14, 21, 29, 1923. Member of Indianapolis Chapter No. 5, 54 micimuues Lappas R.A.M. and Indianapolis Council No. 2, R. & S.M., both of Indianapolis, Ind. Anacarsis Lanus (?-1888) Argentinian senator and national deputy. A financier and member of board of directors of several banks and businesses. Mason. Miguel Angel Castillo Lanuza Guatemalan business executive. b. Aug. 3, 1894 in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. An accountant by profession, he is a member and founder of two accountancy organizations, and also of the firm, Contaduria Publica M.A. Castillo L. y Cia. He has held the positions of general customs director, general inspector of finance, and secretary of the general accountancy dept., in the Guatemalan government. Is accountant for the Verapar Railway and manager of a Guatemala newspaper. He is the legal representative of the International Airways Companies and other commercial and industrial firms. He was initiated Sept. 19, 1827 in the Dr. Arton Lodge No. 9, and founder of Prometeo Lodge No. 30. He was grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Guatemala from 194145 and grand master of same, 195355. On August 18, 1954, he was summoned by the Guatemalan government and requested to resign as grand masteror otherwise be accused a Communist and the grand lodge closed. He answered: "I know the history of Masonry. No grand master has ever resigned, all over the world, just because the public powers ask him to do so; and I shall not be the first one." He continued in office until succeeded by Dr. Cardona in 1955. He traveled throughout South America, Central America, and the U.S. to explain his position and received the backing and protection of the Inter-American Confederation. Samuel Lapham Architect. b. Sept. 23, 1892 at Charleston, S.C.

Graduate of Coll. of Charleston, Mass. Inst. of Technology. A draftsman and designer for architectural firms from 191619 and from 1920 a partner of Simons & Lapham, architects, Charleston, S.C. His works include plantation house "Chelsea" for Marshall Field III, and "Windsor" for P. D. Mills, as well as monuments, restorations, residences and educational buildings. From 193342 he was with the U.S. Department of Interior on survey of historic American buildings. Served in both World Wars. Was in artillery in WWI with A.E.F., 1917-19, as second lieutenant, and with inspector general department as colonel in WWII. Member of Landmark Lodge No. 76, Charleston, S.C. from 1922 to Dec. 7, 1932. Alcibiades Lappas Argentine business executive, journalist and professor. b. Feb. 2, 1909 in Janina, Epirus, Greece. Graduate of the Law School, U. of Paris, and School of Higher Commercial Studies, same city. He is director of Lappas, Inc.; Plata Lappas, Inc.; Argentine Company of Metals, Inc.; and chairman of board of R. C. Inc. He is editor of La Voz del Epiro and of the Masonic magazine Simbolo. A founding member of the International Press Association, he was its first treasurer, and is a correspondent of several important foreign newspapers. He was a founding member of the Greek War Relief Assn., its secretary and chairman; founding member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Buenoes Aires; founding member of the High Twelve Club of Buenos Aires and first president. For many years he has been general executive secretary of the Greek community of Buenos Aires, the Greek Orthodox Church, the South American committee of the Greek Red Cross. Member of board of Argentine Philanthropic Society and the National Museum. Initiated Nov. 7, 1942 in Pindos Lodge No. 388, Buenos Aires and raised Oct. 2, 1943. Was secretary in 1944, orator in 1945, and master in 1946-51. He is also member of Lodges 55 Albert A. Lappin No. 392, 397, 5, 18, 57, 390 and 402; honorary member of Lodges No. 2, 10, 12, 44, 348, 398, 399, 400 and 401. Since 1951 he has been grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Argentina, founding member of Buenos Aires Chapter No. 2, R.A.M., first principal of same, 1955, and grand scribe Ezra of Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Argentina; 32 AASR. Albert A. Lappin President, Treasurer and General Manager of Goodyear Rubber Co., Middletown, Conn. since 1945. b. Dec. 25, 1897 at Boston, Mass. Graduate of Northwestern U. in 1918. Manager of Gold Seal Rubber Co., Boston from 1921-40. Treasurer of Goodyear Rubber Co. 194145. Member of Everett C. Benton Lodge, Boston, Mass. and 32 AASR (NJ); Shriner.

Francisco Narciso de Laprida (1780-1829) Argentine statesman who presided over the congress that made the declaration of independence from Spain in 1816. The congress had difficulty in deciding between a monarchial or republican form of government. It also adopted the blue and white flag created by Belgrano, q.v. Laprida was murdered in 1829, during a massacre of the opponents to the tyrant, Rosas. Mason. John Marc Larmenius (Johannes Marcus) Tradition states that in 1314 he was appointed by DeMolay as his successor as grand master of the Templars. In turn, he is supposed to have transmitted this power to his successors in a document known as the "Charter of Transmission." Generally speaking, Masonic students question this. Noble D. Lamer (1830-1903) General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter, R.A.M., 18861889. b. Jan. 9, 1830 in Washington, D.C. Served in Civil War in defense of Washington, D.C. Member of city council of that city for three years. He was secretary of the National Union Fire Insurance Co. from 1865 until his death. In 1867 he organized and carried to conclusion the project for the erection of the Masonic temple at 9th & F. Sts., N.W. which was vacated in 1908. For many years he was secretary of the Home Plate Glass Insurance Co. Raised in Benjamin B. French Lodge No. 15, Oct. 19, 1863, and on Dec. 28 of same year became a charter member of LaFayette Lodge No. 19, serving one year as secretary, and twice as master. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of District of Columbia in 1881. Exalted in Mount Vernon Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. Dec. 25, 1865, and on May 24, 1867 became charter member and first high priest of LaFayette Chapter No. 5. He took a prominent part in the organization of the Grand Chapter of the District of Columbia and was grand secretary from 1867-71, and grand high priest, 1874-75. One of the founders of La-Fayette Council, R. & S.M. (now extinct) in 1870, and master in 1871. Affiliated with Washington Council No. 1, in March, 1894. Knighted in Columbia Commandery No. 2, K.T. May 4, 1866, and charter member of DeMolay Commandery No. 4, Feb. 16, 1872, and commander in 1878. Elected first grand commander of District of Columbia, Jan. 14, 1896; 32 AASR (SJ) from Albert Pike in 1878. d. March 19, 1903. Henri du Vergier La Rochenjacquelein (1772-1794) A French Vendean leader who was named commander-in-chief of the Royalist Army in Oct., 1793. Defeated at Le Mans in the same year, and killed in action at Nouaille, March 4, 1794. Said to be a Mason by the bulletin of the International Masonic Congress of 1917.

Irving H. Larom Rancher. b. June - 3, 1889 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Graduate of Princeton U., 1913. Partner in purchase of Valley Ranch, Wyo. in 1915, incorporated in 1922; president and 56 Jesse Larson treasurer since that time. He is engaged in live stock, farming, and dude ranching. Served in WWI. Vice president of American Forestry Assn. in 1945; director of Buffalo Bill Memorial Museum, American Wildlife Institute, and Shoshone Power Co. He is the founder of the Dude Ranchers Association and president of same from 1925-44. Member of Shoshone Lodge No. 21, Cody, Wyo.; Darius Chapter No. 10, R.A.M.; Constantine Commandery No. 9, all of Cody. Henry C. Larrabee (1829-1911) General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. & S.M. in 1906-09. b. Sept. 4, 1829 in Baltimore, Md. Was a machinist and founder. Member of Baltimore city council in 1864. Raised in Warren Lodge No. 51, Baltimore on Aug. 30, 1864; exalted in St. John's Chapter, Sept. 30, 1874 and received cryptic degrees at the same time. Knighted in 1877 in Baltimore Commandery and was 33 AASR (SJ). He became deputy grand master of the grand lodge, grand high priest, commander of his commandery and grand master of the Grand Council of Maryland in 1882-97. Juan Larrea (1782-1847) Argentine patriot. Participated in the 1810 revolution and became a member of the first "junta," or governing body. The following year he was driven out of the country. He returned, but was expatriated again in 1815. He later became Argentine consul in France. Mason. George P. Larrick Commissioner of U.S. Food and Drug Administration since 1954. b. Nov. 19, 1901 in Springfield, Ohio. With U.S. Bureau of Chemistry and Food and Drug Administration from 1923, as enforcement officer. Was chief inspector, 193045; assistant commissioner, 1945-48. Member of Point Pleasant Lodge No. 360, Pleasant City, Ohio. 32 AASR (SJ) at Memphis, Tenn. Alfred Larsen (1877-1949) Violinist and director. b. Dec. 12, 1877 in Nodebo, Denmark. Studied music in Denmark. He began as a soloist and teacher in Montreal, Can., 1899. He located in Burlington, Vt. in 1908, and became a U.S. citizen. He founded the Larsen Violin School, and the Larsen String Quartette as well as the Beethoven Piano Trio, and the Burlington Symphony Orchestra. He directed the department of music at the U. of

Vermont in 1910-13. He was professor at Middlebury Coll. (Vt.) from 192036. A founder of the Danish-American Historical Society in 1932. Mason and 32 AASR (NJ). d. July 3, 1949. Henry A. Larsen Canadian explorer. As an army sergeant in 1942, he led a crew of eight men in the government boat, St. Roch, in the first west-toeast voyage made by man from the Pacific to the Atlantic by way of the northern shores of the Dominion. It took them two years, and they underwent great hardships. He is a member of Mount Newton Lodge No. 89 in British Columbia, and at the completion of his voyage received a letter of congratulations from his grand lodge. William W. Larsen (1871-1938) U.S. Congressman to 65th through 72nd Congresses (1917-33) from 13th - Ga. dist. b. Aug. 12, 1871 in Hagan, Ga. He began law practice in Swainsboro, Ga. in 1897. Received degrees in Swainsboro Lodge No. 244, Swainsboro, Ga. on May 5, 31, and Aug. 2, 1902, affiliating with Laurens Lodge No. 75, Dublin, Ga. on Aug. 20, 1912 and suspended July 20, 1937. d. Jan. 5, 1938. Jesse Larson War Assets Administrator, 1947-49 and appointed Federal Works Administrator in 1949. b. June 22, 1904 in Mill Creek, Indian Territory. Attended Missouri Military Academy, and U. of Oklahoma. He was formerly in the ranching and 57 Morgan F. Larson dairy business in Okla. He practiced law at Oklahoma City from 1934-40. Served in WWII as colonel of artillery, and was in Italian campaign. In 194445 he was director of tactics at the Field Artillery School at Fort Sill, Okla. Member of Chickasha Lodge No. 94, Chickasha, Okla. Received 32 AASR (SJ) on May 22, 1944 at which time he was a lieutenant colonel in the Army. Morgan F. Larson Governor of New Jersey, 1929-32. Raised in Raritan Lodge No. 61, Perth Amboy, N.J. on June 27, 1907. Gustaf Larsson (1861-1919) Educator. b. Dec. 10, 1861 in Sweden. He came to America in 1888, where he became the first principal of the Sloyd Training School for manual training teachers at Boston. Under his direction over 400 teachers were sent out from the school, and over 100,000 children received instruction from them. He established ten centers in Southern India and six in Mexico. Member of Columbian Lodge, Boston, Mass. and 32 AASR (NJ). d. July 23, 1919.

Emile Lartigue Belgian General in WWI. He was Lieutenant Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Belgium, when murdered by six assassins. In 1946, following the war, a ceremony was held in Brussels in memory of the murdered brethren, eleven of the twelve members of the supreme council having been killed. Abbe Larudan Early French Anti-Mason. He was the author of a work entitled The Freemasons Crushed "a continuation of the book entitled the Order of Freemasons Betrayed, published from the Latin." The first edition was published at Amsterdam in 1746. Kloss, q.v., said that the work "is the armory from which all subsequent enemies of Freemasonry have derived their weapons." Larudan wasthe first to advance the theory that Oliver Cromwell was the inventor of Freemasonry. Henry George Charles, Viscount Lascelles (see under Earl of Harewood) . Juan Gregario de las Heras (17801866) Chilean liberator. As an Argentizieordiei. 'And Mason, he took an active part in the Chilean war of liberation, particularly distinguished himself in the Battle of Charabuco in 1817, where his ability saved a division. Upon his return to Argentina, he served as governor of the province of Buenos Aires in 1824-26. Peter Lassen (1800-1859) California pioneer. b. Oct. 31, 1800 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Learned the blacksmith's trade under his uncle and opened a shop of his own at Copenhagen in 1827. Left for America in Oct., 1830, working his trade at Boston, St. Louis, and later to Keytesville, Mo. While in Missouri he was a member of Warren Lodge No. 74 of Keytesville. In 1839 he joined an immigrant party bound for Oregon City, and in July, 1840 he sailed from Oregon to Calif. aboard the Lausanne. He wandered about Calif. from Sutter's to San Francisco to San Jose. In 1843 he was living by himself on the Cosumnes River. In 1844 he became a Mexican citizen. During the spring of 1846 General Fremont stayed at Lassen's house, and it is significant that Lassen named the little settlement he established on Deer Creek, "Benton City," after Fremont's father-in-law, Thomas Hart Benton, q.v. June, 1847 saw Lassen returning to St. Joseph, Mo. with Commodore Stockton's party. Spending the winter in Mo., he set out again for California, leading an immigrant train of 12 wagons. With them was Rev. Saschel Woods, q.v., member of Wakanda Lodge No. 52 of Carrollton, Mo. who was carrying the Mo. charter for Western Star

58 Benjamin H. Latrobe Lodge No. 98 (now 1) to be opened at Lassen's "Benton City." It is often erroneously stated that Lassen brought the first charter to Calif. The route of the expedition was an impracticable one and has since been dubbed the "Lassen Route." During the gold excitement of 184950 the population of Benton City dwindled to almost nothing. Woods was first master of Western Star Lodge and Lassen first junior warden. Lassen lost his ranch in a bad financial deal, and then moved to the Honey Lake region of what is now Lassen Co. While prospecting for a silver mine, he was shot and killed by an Indian in April, 1859. In May, 1862 Lassen Lodge No. 149 was chartered at Honey Lake. Milton S. Latham (1827-1882) Governor of California, 1860 and U.S. Senator from California, 1860-63. b. in Columbus, Ohio. He was graduated from Jefferson Coll. (Pa.) in 1845. After a brief sojourn in Alabama, where he studied law, and became a court clerk, he came to Calif. sometime during the winter of 1840-50. He was elected to U.S. congress as a representative in 1852, and again in 1854. From 1857-60 he was collector of the Port of San Francisco. His term as governor only lasted five days after his inauguration on Jan. 9, 1860. (He was succeeded by the lieutenant governor, John G. Downey, q.v.), as he resigned to accept appointment as U.S. senator. In 1867 he became president of the California Pacific Railroad Co., which planned a line from Benicia to Sacramento and Marysville, in opposition to the Central Pacific. In 1871, however, Latham and the stockholders sold out to their competition. He became a member of Washington Lodge No. 20 of Sacramento, Calif. in 1859, and withdrew in 1863. He was an early Scottish Rite member in California, being an active 33 of the southern jurisdiction and at one time grand treasurer of the California bodies. d. in New York City March 4, 1882. Benjamin H. Latrobe (1764-1820) Sometimes called "father of architecture in America." b. May 1, 1764 in Yorkshire, England. Educated in U. of Leipsic and entered Prussian army; was twice wounded. He returned to England, and, in 1789, was made surveyor of the public offices and engineer of London. He arrived at Norfolk, Va. on May 20, 1796, and soon became an engineer of the James River and Appomattox Canal, building the penitentiary in Richmond, and many private mansions. He moved to Philadelphia in 1798, where he designed the Bank of Pa., Bank of the U.S., and planned and installed the first water system in the U.S. In Baltimore he was the architect of the Roman Catholic cathedral, and customs house. Jefferson appointed him surveyor of public buildings in 1802. He designed the south wing of the U.S. Capitol, made alterations in the White House, remodeled the patent office, and drew plans for the Marine Hospital. He also worked on the plans for the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, residing alternately in New Castle and Wilmington until 1808, when he moved to Washington. In 1812 he went into

partnership with Robert Fulton, q.v., and Robert R. Livingston, q.v., to build steamboats for the navigation of the upper Ohio River, but lost his fortune on the failure of the enterprise. After the destruction of the Capitol by the British in 1814, Latrobe was engaged to rebuild it (1815-17). At the time of his death on Sept. 3, 1820 he was engaged in the construction of a water system for New Orleans, La. He was initiated in the Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, London, in 1788. He served as junior warden of the same in 1789-90. In America he affiliated with Jerusalem Lodge No. 54, Richmond, Va. His son was John H. B. Latrobe, q.v. 59 John H. B. Latrobe John H. B. Latrobe (1803-1891) Lawyer, inventor, and humanitarian. h. May 4, 1803 in Philadelphia, Pa. the son of Benjamin H. Latrobe, q.v., the famous American architect. He was appointed a cadet in the U.S. Military Academy in 1818, but resigned before graduation on account of his father's death. He then studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1825. He was the inventor of the "Latrobe Stove," sometimes called the "Baltimore heater" of which thousands were sold in Baltimore alone. He was the founder of the Maryland Institute, and was closely identified with the American Colonization Society from 1824. The aim of the society was to return Negro slaves to their native land. As its president, he prepared the first map of Liberia, and, with General Harper, gave many place-names to that country. He was president of the board of visitors of West Point, and president of the Maryland Historical Society. He became a member of Winder Lodge No. 77, Baltimore, Jan. 26, 1825, and was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Maryland from 1870-78. A member of Phoenix Chapter No. 7, R.A.M., Baltimore, he was high priest in 1829-30, and 1836-39. He received the 33 AASR (SJ) in 1872. d. Sept. 11, 1891. John A. Latzer (1876-?) President of Pet Milk Co. b. Nov. 11, 1876 at Highland, Ill. Graduate of U. of Illinois in 1899 and 1900. Began the manufacturing of condensed milk in 1900, and became president of the Pet Milk Co. of St. Louis. Mason. Frank C. Laubach Missionary and educator. b. Sept. 2, 1884 in Benton, Pa. Graduate of Princeton in 1909, and doctorate from Columbia U. in 1915. Spent many years in Philippines as missionary, college dean (Union Coll.) and director of Maranaw Folk Schools. He conducted literacy tours of India, Near East, Africa, Mexico, Central and South America, Latin America, Egypt, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Syria, Irak, Iran, West and South Africa, New Guinea, Australia, and Korea. He is a Congregationalist. He is the co-author of more than 200 primers for illiterate adults in over 165 languages embracing 51 countries. His writings include Rizal, Man and Martyr; Toward a Literate World; You Are My Friends; The Silent Billion Speak; Teaching the World to

Read; and many others. Member of Benton Lodge No. 667, Benton, Pa. and 32 AASR (NJ) . Chester Lauck Radio entertainer. He is the "Lum Edwards" of the radio team Lum and Abner. He first performed a skit with his partner, Norris Goff, q.v., while they were master and senior councilors of the DeMolay Chapter at Mena, Ark. Member of Dallas Lodge No. 128, Mena (as is Goff); Hiram Chapter No. 196, R.A.M. and Malta Commandery No. 17, K.T. all of Mena. Member of Scimitar Shrine Temple of Little Rock. Sir Harry Lauder (1870-1950) Scottish singer who gained fame for his rendition of Scottish songs and ballads. Many were of his own composition including Roamin' in the Gloamin' and Wee Hoose Among the Heather. His real surname was MacLennan. Mason. Walter E. Lauer Major General, U.S. Army. b. June 29, 1893 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Commissioned in 1917, he advanced through the grades to major general in 1944, and retired in 1946. In WWI he served in France and American occupation of Germany, 1918-23. In WWII was in African Theater, 1942-43, and later commanded the 99th Infantry, 66th Infantry, and 80th Infantry, all in the European Theater of Operations. Mason. George M. Laughlin (1872-1948) Founder and president of Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery 60 Sir John Laurie (Mo.). b. Dec. 23, 1872 in New London, Mo. Graduate of State Teachers' Coll., Kirksville, Mo. and American School of Osteopathy. From 1900-18 he was a teacher in the American School of Osteopathy, and in 1918 he founded and was president of the Laughlin Hospital. He founded the A.T. Still College of Osteopathy which is now the Kirksville College of Osteopathy. Member of Adair Lodge No. 366, Kirksville, Mo., receiving degrees on July 17, Aug. 7 and 21, 1896. d. Aug. 15, 1948. Henry Laurens (1724-1792) American Revolutionary statesman. b. in Charleston, S.C. Engaged in mercantile business and acquired a fortune. He fought against the Cherokees. He retired from business, and went to England, in 1771, to superintend the education of his sons. While in London, he was one of the 38 Americans who signed a petition in 1774 to dissuade parliament from passing the Boston port bill. He returned to Charleston in 1774, and was a member of the first provincial congress there in 1775, and was president of the council of safety. In 1776 he was made vice president of

S.C. under the new constitution, and was a delegate to the Continental Congress, of which he became president at the resignation of John Hancock, q.v., serving from Nov. 1, 1777 to Dec. 10, 1778. He was appointed minister to Holland in 1779, to negotiate a treaty. His ship Mercury was captured by the British frigate Vestal off the coast of Newfoundland, and he was imprisoned in the Tower of London "on suspicion of high treason" for 18 months. He was exchanged for Lord Cornwallis. He was then sent to Paris with John Jay and Benjamin Franklin to negotiate peace. On his return to America he devoted his life to agriculture. Laurens was probably the first person in America to be cremated. His will asked: "I solemnly enjoin it on my son, as an indispensable duty, that, as soon as heconveniently can, after my decease, he cause my body to be wrapped in 12 yards of tow-cloth and burned until it be entirely consumed." A member of Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Charleston, S.C., he was treasurer of the same in 1755, and grand steward of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina in 1754. d. Dec. 8, 1792. Alexander Laurie Scottish Masonic author and grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. He was first a stocking-weaver, and later a bookseller, and stationer in Parliament Square, Edinburgh, where he printed the Edinburgh Gazette. He was appointed stationer to the grand lodge, and later grand secretary. In 1804 he published a book entitled The History of Freemasonry. Although it bears his name as author, it is now thought to be the work of Sir David Brewster. He was a member of St. Stephen Lodge No. 145, Edinburgh. His son, William Alexander Laurie, also became grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Alexander had changed the name from its original spelling of Lawrie. James W. Laurie President of Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas since 1951. b. Sept. 10, 1903 in Bellingham, Wash. Graduate of Coe Coll. and Princeton U. Ordained Presbyterian minister in 1926, and served churches in Rahway, N.J., Wilkins-burg, Pa., and Buffalo, N.Y.; in 1951 he was named outstanding citizen of Buffalo. Member of the general council of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church since 1948. Mason. Sir John Laurie Mayor of London in 1941, who welcomed the first American troops to that city. He served as alderman of the City of London for many years, and was sheriff of London in 1935. He was knighted in 1936, at the close of his term as sheriff, and created a baronet in 1942, at the corn61 John Wimburn Laurie pletion of his mayoral year. As mayor, he was installed as master of the famous Guildhall Lodge No. 3116 of London (all Masonic mayors are automatically its master) by the Earl of Harewood, q.v.

Named past grand warden of the Grand Lodge of England in 1942. He was grand scribe "N" of the Grand Chapter of England and grand senior warden in the Mark Grand Lodge of England. Deceased. John Wimburn Laurie (1835-1912) Lieutenant General, British Army. b. Oct. 1, 1835 in London. Educated in Harrow, Dresden and Sandhurst. From 1853-98 he served with great distinction in the Crimean War, Indian Mutiny, under Lord Roberts in South Africa (1881); North West Canada Rebellion (1885); and as Red Cross commissioner in the Serbian-Bulgarian War (1886). He served in the Canadian house of commons, 188791 and in the British house of commons, 1895-1905. He held numerous other public offices and many decorations and military honors. He was initiated in Albany Lodge No. 151, Newport, Isle of Wight on July 19, 1854, and was a member of numerous lodges all over the British Empire. He was grand master of Nova Scotia, 1874-75; provincial grand master of South Wales, 1897-1912. d. May 20, 1912. Marquis Jacques A.B.L. de Lauriston (1768-1828) Marshal of France. In 1800 he was an aide-de-camp to Napoleon, and served in the Austerlitz campaign. He captured Ragusa in 1807, and distinguished himself at Wagram in 1809. In the restoration period, he rallied to the Bourbon cause, and was made peer of France in 1815, created marquis in 1817, and marshal of France in 1823. He was initiated in the military lodge of the 60th regiment in 1807 while at Ragusa. Juan Lavalle (1797-1841) Argentine patriot. b. in Buenos Aires. Hejoined the army of General San Martin, q.v., at the age of 15. He took part in the Chilean and Peruvian liberation campaigns, and also fought in Brazil. He was noted for his courage and daring. On his return to his native land, he deposed and executed Colonel Dorrego, governor of the province of Buenos Aires, and fought the tyrant, Rosas. He was forced to flee and was overtaken and murdered in 1841. Mason. Juan Antonio Lavalleja Uruguayan patriot and Mason. In 1825 he led a small group known as the "33 Immortals" which declared the independence of Uruguay from Brazil. Their arrival in Uruguay from Argentina precipitated the civil war of 184351. In 1853 he was chosen to form a triumvirate, but died before taking office. George Law (1806-1881) American financier known as the "Steamboat King." b. Oct. 25, 1806 in Jackson, N.Y. Left his farm home at age of 18 and worked in quarries, building canals, etc. Self educated, he became an

engineer and draughtsman. He soon became a large contractor for railroads and canals. In 1837 he went to New York City where he contracted for public works, and subsequently purchased and extended the Harlem and Mohawk railroads. He bought the steamer Neptune in 1843, and built the Oregon in 1845. He then contracted to carry the U.S. mails to Calif. He added the steamers Ohio and Georgia, and carried the first passengers by steamboat to Panama. In 1851 he bought out the rival Pacific Mail Steamship Co. He started the railroad across the Isthmus of Panama in 1852. He was the presidential candidate for the "Know Nothing" party in 1856. He was a member of St. Nicholas Lodge No. 321 of New York City. d. Nov. 18, 1881. Thomas C. Law Imperial Potentate of the Shrine, 1941, and active 33 62 Samuel C. Lawrence AASR, Southern Supreme Council. b. near Hartsville, S.C. Graduate of U. of South Carolina. In 1905 he organized one of the first industrial laboratories in the south at Atlanta, Ga. He is president of Law & Co., Chemists, and Law-Barrow-Agee Laboratories, Engineers, and is an authority on chemical processes. Active in both Scottish and York rites. He was grand commander of the Grand Commandery K.T. of Georgia in 1932, and is past grand sovereign of the Red Cross of Constantine. Received KCCH in 1933; 33 in 1937; deputy for Georgia, 1950 and active member in 1951. Oscar Lawler Initiated the movement to build the present Washington National Masonic Memorial at Alexandria, Va. b. April 2, 1875 in Marshalltown, Iowa. Admitted to the bar in 1896, and practiced at Los Angeles. Was U.S. attorney for Southern dist. of Calif. 1905-07, and assistant attorney general for Interior dept., 1909-11. In Practice as Lawler, Felix & Hall. Initiated in East Gate Lodge No. 290, Los Angeles (then Sunset Lodge) on April 22, 1898. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Calif. in 1908-09 and a member of the jurisprudence committee since 1947. Member of East Gate Chapter No. 103, R.A.M. and Los Angeles Commandery No. 9, K.T. 32 and KCCH in AASR (SJ) at Los Angeles. Charles Lawrence (?-1760) British Brigadier General. He was appointed a member of the council of Nova Scotia in Oct., 1749, and the following spring, as a major, led a force against the French at Chignecto. He returned that summer and built Fort Lawrence at the head of the Bay of Fundy. He administered the government after the retirement of Governor Hopson in 1753, was appointed lieutenant-governor in 1754, and governor in 1756. Promoted to brigadier general in Dec. 1757. Was at the siegeof Louisburg. Member of the Craft in Nova Scotia, and was present at the feast of St. John

the Evangelist in Boston in Jan. 1757. d. Oct. 18, 1760. James Lawrence (1781-1813) U.S. Naval Captain, famous for his dying words, "Don't Give Up the Ship!" b. Oct. 1, 1781 in Burlington, N.J. Received appointment as midshipman in 1798. In the Tripoli War, he distinguished himself as a gunboat commander and as second in command of Decatur's, q.v., daring expedition to destroy the captured frigate, Philadelphia. He spent five years on the Barbary Coast, and in 1808 was first lieutenant of the famous Constitution, followed by command of the Argus, Vixen, Wasp, and Hornet. In the War of 1812 he cruised the coast of Brazil, blockaded the British Bonne Citoyenne in port of Salvadore, and sank the brig-of-war Peacock. In command of the Chesapeake, he met the British frigate Shannon, commanded by Captain Broke, offshore from Boston about 30 miles. After a desperate fight, the Chesapeake was captured with 47 killed and 99 wounded. Lawrence and his first lieutenant, Ludlow, q.v., were mortally wounded. Although it is known that Lawrence was a Mason, his lodge membership remains a mystery. The Grand Lodge of New York passed the following resolution: "Resolved that it be referred to the grand officers, that in case there should be a public funeral of our deceased brother, the late gallant Captain Lawrence, to take measure, if they should deem it proper, to assemble the lodges in this city (N.Y.) to join in the procession." Lossing in his Field Book of the War of 1812 states that he was buried with military and Masonic honors. A New York lodge, chartered May 18, 1814 was named in his honor. d. June 6, 1813. Samuel C. Lawrence (1832-1911) Railroad president, merchant, and Grand Commander Northern Su63 Alexander Lawrie preme Council, 33 ASSR from 18671910. b. Nov. 22, 1832 in Medford, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1855 and 1858. He was in the banking business at Chicago for two years, and then entered the firm of Lawrence & Sons, Medford, Mass. in 1858, with his father and brother. He was president of the Eastern Railroad Co. in 1875, and after it was leased to the Boston and Main Railroad, he became director and member of the executive committee. In the Civil War he became a brigadier general of Mass. militia (1862-64), and was wounded at first Battle of Bull Run. He was the first mayor of the city of Medford in 1892-94. He was initiated in Hiram Lodge (now Arlington) at West Cambridge, Oct. 26, 1854. Became charter member of Mount Hermon Lodge, Medford, and was master. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1881-83. Exalted in Saint Paul's Chapter, June 13, 1885, he became a charter member, and past high priest, of Mystic Chapter, R.A.M. at Medford. He was a member of Boston Council, R. & S.M. and DeMolay Commandery, K.T., Boston, in 1858. Served as grand

commander of Grand Commandery of Massachusetts in 1894. Received the AASR degrees in 1862; 33 in 1864; active 33 in 1866. Served as grand commander of the Northern Jurisdiction from May 17, 1867 to Sept. 22, 1910. d. Sept. 24, 1911. Alexander Lawrie (see under Laurie). Bolitha James Laws Chief Judge, District Court of the U.S. for District of Columbia since 1945. b. Aug. 22, 1891 in Washington, D.C. Graduate of Georgetown U., and admitted to the bar in 1913. Has been district court U.S. judge since 1938. Member of Benjamin B. French Lodge No. 15, Washington, D.C., receiving degrees on Nov. 3, 1919, Feb. 16 and June 26, 1920. Master of lodge in 1927. Edward Frederick Lawson (see Lord Burnham). Ezra M. Lawton (1864-1931) U.S. Consul. b. Aug. 23, 1864 in Ironton, Ohio. Started as a clerk and mechanic. In telephone and electric construction work from 1887, and electrical contracting engineer from 1896-1906. Went to Mexico as mining engineer in 1907. He then served in American consulates in Oaxaca, Mexico; Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Guatemala (special mission); Guatemala City; Nogales, Mexico; Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Sydney, Australia. Member of Price Hill Lodge No. 524, Cincinnati, Ohio, receiving degrees in 1894 and dimitting Dec. 3, 1907. d. June 26, 1931. Henry W. Lawton (?-1899) Major General of Volunteers in SpanishAmerican War. b. in Ohio, he joined the Army as a sergeant of Co. E, 9th Indiana volunteers in 1861. Rose to captain in Civil War, and entered regular Army as lieutenant in 1866. Member of Summit City Lodge No. 170, Fort Wayne, Ind. d. 1899, while corps commander in Philippines. Robert D. Lay (1875-1940) President of National Life Insurance Co. of the U.S.A., 1926-33. b. Sept. 30, 1875 in Chicago, Ill. Began as an office boy for an ice company in 1894, resigning as assistant credit manager in 1898 to become manager of E. A. Shedd & Co. Became associated with National Life in 1902; secretary and director 1906-26. Also secretary and vice president of Hydrox Co. Mason. d. Jan. 1, 1940. Homer Lea (1876-1912) American who became a general in the Chinese Army, and military adviser to Sun Yat Sen. b. in Denver, Colo. He aided in the relief of Peking during the Boxer Rebellion, and became a

general in the Chinese army in 1909. From 1911-12 he was adviser to Sun Yat Sen. He was the author of The Valor of Ignorance and The Day of 64 John .1. Leary, Jr. the Saxon. Member of Pentalpha Lodge No. 202, Calif. George M. Leader Governor of Pennsylvania from 1955. b. Jan. 17, 1918 near York, Pa. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1939. He is the proprietor of Willow Brook Farms, Dover, Pa., and for a number of years secretary and treasurer of Guy A. Leader & Sons, Inc. He was a member of the state senate from 1950-54. In WWII he served as a Naval lieutenant from 1942-46. He was made a Mason "at sight," March 3, 1955. Walter Leake (1760-1825) U.S. Senator from Mississippi, 1817-20. b. in Virigina about 1760. He fought in the Revolutionary War, and afterward moved to Hinds Co., Miss. where he practiced law. He resigned as U.S. senator to be appointed judge of the circuit court, continuing as judge until 1821, when he was chosen governor of Mississippi, holding that office at his death on Nov. 17, 1825. Seemingly he received his degrees in Warren Lodge No. 33, Warren, Va. and served as senior warden in 1803. He later became a member of Washington Lodge No. 3, Port Gibson, Miss. and was master of this lodge. Sheppard C. Leakin General in War of 1812. Made a Mason in Washington Lodge No. 3, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 4, 1812, and served as master of same several terms. Ben Lear Lieutenant General, U.S. Army. b. May 12, 1879 at Hamilton, Ont., Canada, and brought to the U.S. in 1881. He entered the SpanishAmerican War as a sergeant of the 1st Colorado Volunteers in 1898, and was commissioned in 1901, advancing through grades to lieutenant general in 1940. Served in Philippine Insurrection and WWI. In WWII he commanded the 2nd Army in 1940, and the Army Ground Forces, 1935-45. In 1945 he was deputy commander to General Eisenhower, retiring Dec. 31,1945. He is a member of Hancock Lodge No. 311, Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Received the 32 AASR (SJ) in Colorado Consistory, Denver on May 21, 1941; KCCH Oct. 19, 1943 and 33 on Oct. 16, 1945. Fred Roy Lear (1882-1950) Architect. b. Dec. 2, 1882 in Corning, N.Y. Graduate of Syracuse U. in 1905. Taught architecture at Syracuse U. from

1905-46, and now professor emeritus. Has exhibited water colors in this country and France. He designed the University Church, Syracuse; Grace Methodist Church, Corning, N.Y.; Lafayette Methodist and Lutheran Church of Atonement, Syracuse, and memorial for Admiral Peary, q.v., in Arlington, Va. Member of Sea and Field Lodge No. 983 of Syracuse, N.Y. He was raised in this lodge in Paris, France in 1914 and served as its master in 1928. He was president of East Gate Club (for past masters and wives) for 15 years. d. June, 1950. John J. Leary, Jr. (1874-1944) Journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner. b. Feb. 2, 1874 in Lynn, Mass. Was self-supporting from 11 years of age. Began with Lynn Press in 1893. Night editor of Boston Post, 1895-1903, and special writer and city editor of Boston Herald 1905-07. Financial editor and associate editor of New York Herald, and special European correspondent and editorial adviser to James Gordon Bennett. Staff correspondent of New York Tribune, 191318, and specialist in labor and economics for New York World 1919-31. Received Pulitzer prize in 1920 for his reporting on coal strike of 1919, and presented gold watch by A.F. of L. for same work. Was voted silver button of honorary membership in "Mutual Welfare League" by the 1,600 inmates of Sing Sing Prison for his interest in their welfare. Exalted in Corinthian Chapter No. 159, R.A.M. on May 25, 1911; greeted in Colum65 Elmer 0. Leatherwood bian Council No. 1, R. & S.M. Oct. 5, 1916; knighted in Ivanhoe Commandery No. 36, K.T. March 30, 1922; member of World Masonic Club, all of New York City. d. Jan. 4, 1944. Elmer 0. Leatherwood (1872-1929) President of Western Powder Co., and U.S. Congressman to 67th through 70th Congresses (1921-29) from 2nd Utah dist. b. Sept. 4, 1872 in Waverly, Ohio. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1901. Began law practice in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1901. President of Leary & Warren Stockyard, and Olympus Mining & Milling Co. Received degrees in Hiawatha Lodge No. 35, Hiawatha, Kans. and affiliated with Wasatch Lodge No. 1, Salt Lake City, Utah on Jan. 9, 1903. Received 32 AASR (SJ) at Salt Lake City on Nov. 23, 1905. d. Dec. 24, 1929. Halsey B. Leavitt Business executive and commander-in-chief of United Spanish War Veterans, 1945-46. b. July 25, 1878 at Essex Junction, Vt. From 1899-1920 he was reporter, editor, and correspondent of newspapers in Havana, Cuba. Since 1921 has been president of Leavitt Insurance Co., Asheville, N.C. Served as sergeant in 9th Illinois Infantry in Spanish-American War. Member of Mount Hermon Lodge No. 118, Asheville, N.C. being raised Sept. 15, 1921. A past district deputy grand master and 33 AASR (SJ) in

Valley of Asheville. Scott Leavitt U.S. Congressman to 68th through 72nd Congresses (192333) from 2nd Mont. dist. b. June 16, 1879 in Elk Rapids, Mich. From 190107 he homesteaded and taught in Oregon. Entered the U.S. Forest Service as a ranger in 1907, and was supervisor of the Lewis & Clark National Forest in Montana in 1910, and the Jefferson National Forest, 191318. He was chief of information of the North Central Region of the Forest Service at Milwaukee from 1935-41 when he retired. Served in the SpanishAmerican War, and in 1936-37 was nationalcommander-in-chief of the United Spanish War Veterans. Member of Delta Lodge No. 128, Great Falls Chapter No. 9, R.A.M. and Black Eagle Commandery No. 8, K.T., all of Great Falls, Mont. John F. Le Baron (1847-1935) Engineer in charge of Nicaragua Canal surveys and construction, 1887-90 and original discoverer of immense deposits of phosphate, kaolin, and fullers earth in Florida in 1881. b. Sept. 28, 1847 at Boston, Mass. Had his name changed from Patch to Le Baron in 1865 by court. Served as city engineer for several Northeast cities. Was chief engineer of Fitchburg Railroad, and also of St. John's & Indian River Railroad. Served in Spanish-American War, raising Co. L of 10th U.S. Volunteer Infantry. Mason. d. 1935. Claude E. LeBauld de Nans (17361789) Actor and Masonic author. b. in 1736 at Besancon. He was master of the Lodge Saint Charles de l'Union in Mannheim, and when he moved to Berlin in 1771, became orator of the Lodge Royale York de l'Amitie and also edited a Masonic journal. In 1781 he published Masonic Harp, a collection of songs for lodge use. Karl M. LeCompte U.S. Congressman to 76th through 85th Congresses (1939-58) from 4th and 5th Iowa dist. b. May 25, 1887 at Corydon, Iowa. Graduate of U. of Iowa in 1909. He has been publisher of the Corydon TimesRepublican since 1910. Served in Army in WWI. Member of Corydon Lodge No. 91, Corydon, Ia. for almost 50 years. Walter E. Ledden Methodist Bishop. b. March 27, 1888 in Glassboro, N.J. Graduate of Dickinson Coll. (Pa.); Drew U. and Syracuse U. Ordained to Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1914, and served churches in Rumson, N.J., Belmar, N.J., Camden, N.J., Buffalo, N.Y., Providence, R.I. and Albany, N.Y. Elected bishop in

66 Edwin F. Lee 1944, and is resident bishop of Syracuse area. Mason. Arthur F. Lederle Chief Judge, Federal Court, Eastern Michigan. b. Nov. 25, 1887 in Leland, Mich. Graduate of Michigan State Normal Coll., Detroit Coll. of Law, and U. of Detroit. He was a school teacher at Sherman, Traverse City, River Rouge, and Detroit, Mich. from 1909-23. Admitted to the bar in 1915. Named federal judge for Eastern dist. of Michigan in 1936 and chief judge since 1948. Received degrees in Wyandotte Lodge No. 170, Wyandotte, Mich. on April 13, April 27 and May 18, 1914. Affiliated with Kilwinning Lodge No. 297, Detroit, Oct 7, 1918. Joaquim Goncalves Ledo Founder of the Grand Orient of Brazil in 1822. A journalist noted for his studies of government and interest in national independence. Andrew E. Lee (1847-1934) Governor of South Dakota, 1897-1901. b. March 18, 1847 near Bergen, Norway, and came with parents to Dane Co., Wis. in 1851. Engaged in farming and mercantile pursuits from 1869. Was mayor of Vermillion, S.D. Member of Incense Lodge No. 2, Vermillion, S.D. receiving degrees on June 30, July 27 and Aug. 24, 1871. He was dimitted from 1886-1922 when he again affiliated. 32 AASR (SJ) in Oriental Consistory, Yankton, S.D. in Jan. 1899. d. March 10, 1934. Bert S. Lee (1871-1957) General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1924-27. Entered railroad tie business at age of 19 under name of Hobart-Lee Tie Co. Later was president of Springfield (Mo.) Warehouse and Transfer Co. b. Oct. 30, 1871 in Marshfield, Mo. Raised in Sparta Lodge No. 296, Sparta, Mo. on March 31, 1893 affiliating with Gate of the Temple Lodge No. 422, Springfield and serving as its master. Grand master of the Grand Lodge of Mo.,1922. Exalted in Vincil Chapter No. 110, Sept. 24, 1897, he was grand high priest in 1921; Greeted in Zabud Council No. 25, Springfield, he was grand master in 1910. Knighted in St. John's Commandery No. 20, Springfield, he was grand commander in 1911. Member of St. Andrew Conclave No. 11, Red Cross of Constantine, Joplin, Mo. in 1907 and served as sovereign in 1918. Received 32 AASR in Joplin Consistory AASR (SJ). For many years he was vice president of the George Washington National Memorial Association. d. March 6, 1957. Edward E. Lee (1884-1944) Author. b. Sept. 2, 1884 in Meridan, Ill.

Began as a factory apprentice in 1897, and later in advertising positions with various companies. Started writing juvenile books in 1921. He was the author of the Jerry Todd series (16 books) ; Potty Ott series (11 books); Andy Blake series (4 books); Trigger Berg series (4 books); and Tuffy Bean series (5 books). He wrote under the name of Leo Edwards. Mason. d. Sept. 28, 1944. Edwin F. Lee (1884-1948) Methodist Bishop. b. July 10, 1884 in Eldorado, Iowa. Graduate of Northwestern U., Upper Iowa U., Garrett School of Theology, U. of Chicago. Ordained to Methodist ministry in 1908. Served churches in New Hampton, Ia., missionary-minister in Java, Malaya, Manila, P.I. and Rockford, Ia. He then became associate secretary for Board of Foreign Missions in N.Y., 1919-24, and pastor at Singapore, and superintendent of Singapore district, 1924-28. Named missionary bishop of Malaysia and Philippines in 1928. Served with the A.E.F. in WWI as a chaplain, and in 194445, was director general of commission of Army and Navy Chaplains, Washington, D.C. Member of Zetlandin-the-East Lodge No. 508, at Singapore, China, under Scottish constitu67 Francis Lighfoot Lee tion. Knight Templar and 32 AASR (SJ) . d. Sept. 14, 1948. Francis Lightfoot Lee (1734-1797) Signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was not a Freemason as far as known, but is often confused with his nephew of the same name, who was a member of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va. Gentry Lee Vice President and Director of Cities Service Oil Co., Bartlesville, Okla. since 1951. b. Feb. 20, 1903 in Center Point, Ark. Graduate of U. of Oklahoma in 1924 and admitted to the bar that year. He was staff attorney for Barnsdall Oil Co., 1937-45, and later went with Cities Service. Received degrees in Petroleum lodge No. 474, Tulsa, Okla. on Nov. 20, Dec. 18, 1931 and Jan. 29, 1932. He dimitted on Dec. 7, 1951 and affiliated with Bartlesville Lodge No. 284, Bartlesville on Feb. 12, 1952. He was junior steward of Petroleum Lodge in 1934. Henry Lee (1756-1818) Known as "Light Horse Harry" for his brilliant cavalry operations in the Revolutionary War. Father of Robert E. Lee. b. Jan. 29, 1756 at Leesylvania, Westmoreland Co., Va. Graduate of Princeton in 1774. He joined Washington's army in Pa. as the captain of a Virginia cavalry company. With skill and daring he surprised the British garrison at Paulus Hook on July 19, 1779, and carried off 160 prisoners. After the disastrous Battle of Camden in 1780, he successfully covered Green's retreat. He

captured Fort Motte and Fort Granby and Augusta. At the close of the war he was a colonel. In 1786 he was chosen delegate to the Continental Congress. In 1789-91 he was a member of the Va. legislature, and was governor of Virginia in 179295. Washington appointed Lee a general in 1794, and gave him 15,000 troops to break up the "whisky Rebel-lion." He was U.S. Congressman in 1799-1801. Lee coined the famous phrase "First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen" in an oration commemorating the services of Washington in 1799. He was a member of Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland Co., Va., but it is believed that he was made a Mason in the Tappahannock (Hobbs Hole) lodge. American Union Lodge of Marietta, Ohio has an apron that is presumed to be Lee's and to date prior to the Revolution. d. March 25, 1818. Homer Lee (1856-1923) Artist and bank note engraver. b. May 18, 1856 in Mansfield, Ohio. He was a regular exhibitor at the National Academy of Design, and also in London and Paris. He was the founder and president of the Homer Lee Bank Note Co. and vice president of Franklin Lee Bank Note Co. Also president of the Hamilton Bank Note Co. He was the inventor of the Homer Lee rotary steel plate printing system, together with numbering devices used by U.S. Treasury Dept. on government bonds and bank notes. Also inventor of the "steelograph" process and many improvements in linotype composing machines. Mason and 32 AASR. d. Jan. 25, 1923. J. Bracken Lee Governor of Utah, 1949-57. b. Jan. 7, 1899 in Price, Utah. He began as a postal clerk in 1919, becoming an insurance agent. Since 1930 he has been manager and owner of the Equitable Insurance Agency at Price, and director of Time Finance Co. of Salt Lake City. Served as mayor of Price, 1936-47. Is national chairman of For America since 1957, and director of national committee to repeal the 16th amendment. Served in WWI as an Infantry sergeant. Received Freedom Foundation award in 1952. Initiated in Joppa Lodge No. 26, Price, Utah in 1928. 32 and KCCH in AASR (SJ) at Salt Lake City and member of El Kalah Shrine Temple. 68 Robert C. Lee James G. C. Lee (1836-1916) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Aug. 12, 1836 near Hamilton, Ont., Canada. Served in the Civil War in quartermaster department, first as a captain, and to brigadier general, and retired in 1904. In Civil War he was with headquarters of the Army of Potomac and several supply depots in Va., and was acting chief quartermaster during

the Gettysburg campaign. He commanded the right wing of defenses of Alexandria, Va. in 1864. Mason. d. July 26, 1916. Joshua B. Lee U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, 1937-43. b. Jan. 23, 1892 at Childersburg, Ala. Graduate of U. of Oklahoma, Columbia U., and Cumberland U. He first taught school in Rocky, Okla; coached and taught at Baptist U. (Okla.), and taught public speaking at U. of Oklahoma from 191734. He was U.S. congressman from the 5th Okla. dist., 1935-37. Member of Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C. from 1943. Now in law practice in Oklahoma City. Member of Norman Lodge No. 38, Norman, Okla. Percy M. Lee Justice, Supreme Court of Mississippi since 1950. b. Nov. 14, 1892 in Ludlow, Miss. Graduate of Mississippi Coll. in 1911, and admitted to the bar in 1916, practicing in Forest, Miss. Served as assistant to attorney general, city attorney, district attorney, and circuit judge. Member of Forest Lodge No. 437, Forest, Miss., receiving degrees on Sept. 22, Oct. 13 and Nov. 23, 1920. Was master of lodge in 1925 and grand master of Grand Lodge of Mississippi in 1937. Exalted in Forest Chapter No. 97, R.A.M. in 1922; greeted in Newton Council No. 27, R. & S.M. in 1922; and knighted in Newton Commandery No. 27, K.T. in 1922. 32 AASR (SJ) in Albert Pike Consistory, Jackson, Miss. and became member of Hamasa Shrine Temple of Meridian in 1923. Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794) Signer of Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation. b. Jan. 20, 1732 at Stratford, Westmoreland Co., Va. Was educated in England, returning to America in 1752, where he studied law. He was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1759, and prominent in defending colonial rights from 1764. He opposed slavery and proposed a tax on slaves that would make further importation of them prohibitive. In 1773 he joined Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson in initiating the intercolonial committees of correspondence. He was a Virginia delegate to the Continental Congress from 1774-79. It was Lee who moved the resolution that "these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." This was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 2, 1776. He was again a member of congress from 178489, being president in 1784-85. He was a member of the U.S. senate in 178992. He lived at Nailers, just across the Rappahannock River about eight miles from Hobb's Hole (later Tappahannock) where there was a lodge for a _ number of years, and it is thought that he probably received his degrees there. A. P. Anderson in Virginia Masons Who Served in the Revolution states that he later became a member of Hiram Lodge No. 59,

Westmoreland Co., Va. d. June 19, 1794. Robert C. Lee Steamship line executive. b. Aug. 30, 1888 in Central City, Nebr. Educated in U.S. Naval Academy and naval officer from 190620. In WWI he was a captain commanding the destroyer Wainwright, and port officer at Nantes, France. In WWII he rose from captain to commodore; and was special assistant on the staff of Admiral Nimitz in the 69 Robert E. Lee Pacific, and Admiral Stark and General Eisenhower in Europe. In 1920 he became president of the Foreign Shipping Service Co. and R. C. Lee, Inc. Has been with Moore & McCormack Lines, Inc. since 1921, and vice president since 1926. He is now executive vice-president of the company, and all associated companies. Member of Forest Hills Lodge No. 946, Forest Hills, L.I., N.Y. Robert E. Lee (1807-1870) Commander-in-Chief of Confederate Armies. Sometimes referred to as a Mason, but was not. T. Bailey Lee (1873-1948) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Idaho, 193132 and Federal judge of Idaho from 1935. b. Aug. 10, 1873 at Mocksville, N.C. Graduate of U. of North Carolina in 1894 and admitted to bar in 1897, first practicing at Butte, Mont. and later at Burley, Idaho. Admitted to Burley Lodge No. 68, Burley, Idaho on May 8, 1920 from Silver Bow Lodge No. 48, Butte, Mont. d. March 1, 1948. William C. Lee (1895-1948) Major General, U.S. Army. b. March 12, 1895 at Dunn, N.C. Graduate of North Carolina State Coll. in 1917. Commissioned second lieutenant in 1913, he advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1942, and major general Aug. 18, 1942. He served in A.E.F., France in WWI; and in WWII was commander of American parachute troops, 1941-42, and airborn troops, 1942-45. He retired in 1945. Mason. d. June 25, 1948. William G. Lee (1859-1929) President of Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1909-29. b. LaPrairie, Ill., Nov. 29, 1859. He was a brakeman and conductor on various railroads from 1879-84, and conductor with Union Pacific, 1889-95. Became first vice-president of the B.R.T. in 1895. Received degrees in Kaw Lodge No. 272, Kansas City, Kans., on June 3, Oct. 17, 1895 and Jan. 2, 1896. Affiliated with Acacia Lodge No. 9, Lawrence, Kans. on Sept. 17, 1896. d. Nov. 2, 1929.

William L. Lee Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. July 18, 1903 at Weatherford, Texas. Graduate of Texas A. & M. Coll. in 1927. Commissioned in 1929, and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1944. In 193538 he organized the Philippine Army Air Corps under General Douglas MacArthur, q.v. Presently commander of Amarillo Air Force Base, Amarillo, Texas. An article in the Saturday Evening Post in 1955 characterized him as the "Toughest Guy in the Air Force" and told the story that he was reduced in rank from brigadier general in 1946 for slapping John Maragon (Maragon later spent 19 months in jail for perjury and when Lee's old friend, Eisenhower, entered the White House, his rank was restored). Member of Randolph Lodge No. 1268, Schertz, Texas, receiving degrees on Dec. 15, 1925; Feb. 9, 1926; and March 13, 1926. Member of W. T. Austin Chapter No. 87, R.A.M., W. T. Austin Council No. 52, R. & S.M. and Ivanhoe Commandery No. 8, K.T. all of Bryan, Texas. He served as master of Randolph Lodge No. 1268 in 193435. 32 and KCCH in AASR (SJ) at San Antonio. Member of Red Cross of Constantine, Alzafar Shrine Temple, Royal Order of Jesters and is past president of three chapters of National Sojourners. Edward T. Leech (1892-1949) Newspaper editor. b. June 17, 1892 in Denver, Colo. Began on Denver Republican in 1909. He subsequently edited the Denver Express, and Memphis (Tenn.) Press. Founded and edited the Birmingham (Ala.) Post in 1921 for Scripps-Howard. He edited the Rocky Mountain News (Denver) from 1926-31, and was editor and president of the Pittsburgh Press (Pa.) from 1931. Mason. d. Dec. 11, 1949. 70 Mortimer D. Leggett C. A. Leedy, Jr. Judge of Supreme Court of Missouri from 1933. b. May 20, 1895 at Benton, Mo. Studied law at St. Joseph Law School, St. Joseph, Mo. He served as official reporter to the Peace Conference in Paris and Versailles, which resulted in the Treaty of Versailles, ending WWI. Admitted to bar in 1922, practicing first at Plattsburg, and then at Kansas City with his brother. Has served three terms as chief justice-1940-41; 1948-49; 1955-56. Member of Plattsburg Lodge No. 113, Plattsburg, Mo., but suspended since about 1919. Charles W. Leeman Organizer and president of the Metropolitan Accident and Health Insurance Co. Omaha, Nebr. in 1933. b. July 21, 1893 at Honey Grove, Texas. Started as a salesman in meat and grocery field in Kans. and Texas. Entered insurance field at Kansas City in 1919, and became vice-president of Union Insurance Co., Wichita, Kans., in 1923-33. Since 1937 he has been president and general manager of Union Pacific Finance Corp. Mayor of Omaha in 194748. Member of St. Johns Lodge No. 25, Omaha, receiving degrees on Sept. 14, Oct. 19 and Nov. 16, 1939; 32 AASR (SJ) and KCCH; past potentate of Tangier Shrine Temple, Omaha

(1955) and member of DeMolay Legion of Honor. James Leeson (?-1794) His tombstone in Trinity Church Yard, opposite Wall Street, N.Y.C., has a Royal Arch cipher hieroglyphic chiseled on it . . . "Remember Death." He was a "butcher and tavern keeper at 30 Fly-market," in 1791; and in 1794 listed under "tavern, boarding house, and Philadelphia stage office, 242 Water St." The New York Diary or Evening Register of Friday, Oct 3, 1794 says he died "On Saturday morning, Sept. 27, last, and in the evening his remains were interred in the Trinity Church Yard, attended by a great number of Masonic brethren and other respectable citizens. Francois Joseph Lefebvre (17551820) French General, Marshal of the Empire, and Peer of France. Commanded a brigade in 1793 and a division in 1794. He fought at Altenkirchen, Neuwied, Stockach, and captured Danzig. He was made marshal of the Empire in 1807. In 1812-14 he was commander of the imperial guard, and at the restoration was appointed Peer of France by Louis XVIII. In 1805 he was grand keeper of archives of the Grand Orient of France. Francois Lefort (1656-1699) Russian General, Grand Admiral, and Viceroy. Of Swiss birth and Scotch descent, he was a favorite of Peter the Great, q.v., and one of his chief aides in the reorganization of Russia. He was appointed successively general, grand admiral, and viceroy of Novgorod. When Peter returned from visiting foreign lands, he directed that a Masonic lodge be established at St. Petersburg, and he named Lefort to be the first master of that lodge. William Legge (see Earl of Dartmouth). Mortimer D. Leggett (1831-?) Major General in Civil War and U.S. Commissioner of Patent. b. April 19, 1831 in Ithaca, N.Y. Moved with his Quaker family to Ohio, where he was graduated in medicine at Willoughby, Ohio in 1844. In 1846 he organized the first system of union free schools in the state. He was admitted to the bar in 1845, and was professor in the Ohio Law Coll., and later superintendent of schools in Zanesville. He raised the 78th Ohio Infantry at the beginning of the war, and was its colonel. He fought at Fort Donelson, Shiloh (wounded), and Corinth. Commanding a brigade, he captured Jackson, Tenn., defended Olivia, Tenn. (wounded), and in Nov. 1862, was made brigadier general. He was again wounded at Vicksburg, and Champion Hills. He commanded the 3rd division of the 7th corps in Sherman's

71 Augusto B. Leguia y SaIcedo march to the sea, and was made major general on Aug. 21, 1865. Named U.S. commissioner of patents in 1871. Member of Amity Lodge No. 5, Zanesville, Ohio, receiving degrees on April 5 and 19, 1858. Dimitted Aug. 5, 1877. Member of Cyprus Commandery No. 10, K.T. being knighted Nov. 20, 1860. Augusto B. Leguia y Salcedo (18631932) Twice President of Peru, 190812, and 1919-30. He was a banker and insurance manager from 18861903. In 1903 he become minister of finance, a position he held until elected president of Peru in 1908. From 1912-19 he was president of the LatinAmerican Chamber of Commerce in London, returning in the latter year, when with the aid of an army he seized power and expelled President Jose Pardo y Barreda. His action was legalized by the assembly, and he served as president until overthrown by a military revolt in Aug., 1930. He was a 33 Scottish Rite Mason. Onesimo Leguizamon (1839-1886) Argentinian minister of Justice, Culture and Public Education. He was president of the South American Pedagogical Congress of 1882. A professor in the U. of Buenos Aires. Mason. Lloyd A. Lehrbas Foreign correspondent and editor. b. Oct. 15, 1898 in Montpelier, Idaho. He served as a reporter successively with Salt Lake Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago American, and Chicago Tribune. He then became a foreign correspondent for International News Service in Japan, China, and the Philippines. He was news editor for Fox Movietone News, and foreign affairs writer for the Associated Press in Washington. He covered China, Poland, France, Italy, Spain, Rumania, and Turkey for the A.P. as a war-correspondent in WWII. From 194648 he was executive editor of World Report. From 1948-49 he was directorof the Office of International Information of the state dept.; special consultant to General Ridgway at SHAPE, 1952-53; and special assistant to secretary of army and chief of staff since 1953. Received degrees in King Solomon Lodge No. 27, Montpelier, Idaho in 1918. Michael Leib (1759-1822) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1808-14. b. in Philadelphia. He studied medicine and practiced in Philadelphia. He served several years in the state legislature, and as U.S. congressman from 17981806. He resigned from the U.S. senate in 1814 to become postmaster of Philadelphia. He was a past master of Concordia Lodge No. 67, Philadelphia, Pa. d. Dec. 22, 1822. Joseph Leidy (1823-1891) Naturalist, known as the "father of American

paleontology." b. Sept. 9, 1823 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1844, with medical degree. Served as a contract surgeon in the Satterlee General Hospital at Philadelphia in Civil War. Held the chair of anatomy in U. of Pennsylvania, and later, chair of natural history at Swarthmore Coll. He published more than 800 papers on biological subjects, including: On, the Fossil Horse; A Flora and Fauna within Living Animals; Cretaceous Reptiles of the U.S.; Ancient Fauna of Nebraska; Fresh Water Rhizopods of North America; Tapeworm in Birds; The Parasites and Termites, etc. He became a member of Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia, Pa. on Feb. 24, 1859. d. 1891. Paul S. Leinbach (1874-1941) Editor of Reformed Church Messenger of Evangelical and Reformed Church, from 1917. b. Sept. 21, 1874 in Womelsdorf, Pa. Degrees from Franklin and Marshall Coll. in 1895, Reformed Church Theo. Seminary (Pa.) in 1898, and Heidelburg U. (Germany) in 1912. Ordained to ministry of Reformed Church in the U.S., in 1898, 72 John A. LeJeune and served churches in Altoona, Pittsburgh, Easton, Pa., and in New York. He was president of his church's board of Christian education from 1930-38, and president of the editorial council of the religious press of America, 1924-34. From 1905-13 he was secretary general of board of home missions; president of the Eastern Synod, 1911-12; first vicepresident of the General Synod, 1911-12. From 1940 he was president of the board of business management of the Evangelical and Reformed Church. Member of Dallas Lodge No. 396, Easton, Pa., receiving degrees on April 14, May 12, June 9, 1908. d. Dec. 7, 1941. Augustus Frederick, 3rd Duke of Leinster (1791-1874) Grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland for a period of 61 years (1813-74), which, with the exception of the Duke of Connaught, q.v., was the longest term ever served by any grand master any place in the world. In 1814 he signed the International Compact in behalf of Ireland, with other Masonic groups in London. William, 2nd Duke of Leinster (see Marquis of Kildare). George S. Leisure Lawyer. b. Aug. 14, 1889 at Slater, Mo. Graduate of U. of Chicago, 1914 Harvard U., 1917. Began law practice in office of Charles Evans Hughes, N.Y.C. in 1919. Distinguished himself as assistant U.S. attorney and chief of criminal division in office of U.S. attorney; prosecuted election frauds in N.Y. in 1928; chief assistant in the case of U.S. vs. Harry M. Daughterty, q.v., former attorney general of U.S. and Thomas W. Miller,

former alien property custodian in 1927. In 1932 he was associated with Clarence Darrow in defense of Fortescue-Massie case in Honolulu. He was defense counsel for Joseph W. Harriman, president of Harriman National Bank, N.Y. in 1934; defense counsel for E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. and Remington Arms Co. in the munitions investigation of 1934; defense counsel in U.S. vs. RKO Distributing Corp., Warner Bros., and Paramount at St. Louis in 1935-36; defense counsel in U.S. vs. Standard Oil Co. and 23 other oil companies in 1937; also defense counsel for large trust suits in cement and railroad fields. Member of Kane Lodge No. 454, N.Y.C. receiving degrees on Oct. 7, Nov. 18, Dec. 2, 1930. John A. LeJeune (1867-1942) Major General, U.S. Marine Corps; 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps (1920-49); earned proud title of "the greatest leatherneck of them all!" b. Jan. 10, 1867 at Pointe Coupee Parish, La. Attended Louisiana State U. from 1881-84, and was graduated from U.S. Naval Academy in 1888. He was commissioned in 1888, and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1916, and major general in 1918. Spent two years at sea as a naval cadet, and was shipwrecked on U.S.S. Vandalic in the hurricane at Samoa in March, 1889. In the Spanish-American War he commanded the Marines aboard the Cincinnati. He then served in Panama, Mexico, and the Philippines. From 1915-17 he was assistant to the Marine Corps commandant at Washington, and was appointed commandant of the Marine Corps Barracks at Quantico, Va. in Sept. 1917. The next June, however, found him arriving at Brest, France. He distinguished himself throughout WWI, successively as commander of the 64th Brigade; 4th Brigade; and particularly the 2nd Army Division. In commanding this division he became the only Marine officer to hold an Army divisional command. It was composed of regular Army and Marine Corps troops. He led them at St. Mihiel, in the Argonne, and spearheaded the noted assault on Blanc Mont Ridge, where the French had been checked for three years. On his return to the U.S. he was commandant of the Marine Barracks at Quantico for a few months, and then 73 John Leland in command of the entire Marine Corps from 1920-29. Retired in 1929, he became superintendent of Virginia Military Institute at Lexington until 1937, and emeritus from that date. Camp LeJeune is named for him, as is LeJeune Lodge No. 350 at Quantico, Va. He received his degrees in Overseas Lodge No. 40 at Coblenz, Germany on May 3, May 7, and May 17, 1919. This lodge was under Rhode Island constitution, and is now located at Providence. He became a member of Albert Pike Consistory, Washington, D.C., April 15, 1921 (withdrew in 1933) and Almas Shrine Temple, Washington. When at V.M.I. he frequently attended meetings of Mountain City Lodge No. 67, Lexington. d. Nov. 20, 1942.

John Leland (1506?-1552) English Antiquary, who as chaplain of King Henry VIII, was appointed "Kings Antiquary"a title which he was the first and last to bear (1533). He spent the rest of his life arranging and digesting the collection of documents he found on tours of England and Wales. These were deposited in the Bodleian Library. His importance to Freemasonry is through the Leland Manuscript which he is supposed to have copied from the original pen of King Henry VI, which he describes in his title: "Certayne questyons with awnswers to the same concernynge the mystery of maconrye; wryttene by the hande of Kynge Henry the Sixthe of the name, and faythfullye copied by me, Johan Leylande, Antiquarius, by the commaunde of His Highnesse." Masonic scholars have long disagreed on the authenticity of this document. Leland died April 18, 1552. Curtis E. LeMay Full General, and Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force. b. Nov. 15, 1906 in Ohio. Graduate of Ohio State U. in 1932. Began as a flying cadet in the Air Corps in 1928; commissioned secondlieutenant in 1930, advancing through grades to temporary general in 1951, and permanent major general since 1943. He has successively commanded the 305th Bomb Group; 3rd Bomb Division; 20th Bomber Command; 21st Bomber Command; 20th Air Force. Was chief of staff of U.S. Strategic Air Forces in 1945; deputy chief of air staff for research and development, 1945; commanding general of USAF in Europe, 1947; and for nearly ten years, commander-in-chief of the Strategic Air Command (SAC). In 1947 he was assigned to headquarters USAF as vice chief of staff. He was raised in Lakewood Lodge No. 601, Lakewood, Ohio, July 7, 1944; 32 AASR (SJ) and KCCH on Oct. 18, 1955. Received 33 in 1959. A. M. LeMierre (1733-1793) French writer who belonged to the Lodge of the Neuf Soeurs, Paris, and was present at the reception of Voltaire, q.v. Clarence E. Lemmon President, International Convention Disciples of Christ, 1942-44. b. Feb. 2, 1888 in Seward Co., Nebr. Graduate of Cotner Coll. (Nebr.), U. of Nebraska, and Culver Stockton Coll. (Mo.) Ordained minister of Disciples of Christ Church in 1913, serving churches in Ashland, Hastings (Nebraska); St. Louis, and Columbia, Mo. Has been -at Columbia since 1930. Raised in Pomegranate Lodge No. 110, Ashland, Nebr. in 1914, he later affiliated with a lodge in Hastings, Nebr. (1916) and to Rose Hill Lodge No. 550, St. Louis in 1923. Since 1931 he has been a member of Acacia Lodge No. 602, Columbia, Mo. Member of Columbia Chapter No. 17, R.A.M. at Columbia and Centralia Council No. 34, R. & S.M., Centralia, Mo. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in Hastings, Nebr. in 1917, and affiliated with Valley of St. Louis in 1922. Has twice served as grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge

of Mo. and twice in same capacity for Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Mo. 74 C. Lenning Reuben C. Lemmon (1825-1905) General Grand High Priest, General Grand Chapter, R.A.M., 1897-1900. b. May 12, 1825 in Varick, N.Y. He practiced law in Toledo, Ohio for over 20 years, and was judge of court of common pleas, Toledo. Raised in Toledo Lodge No. 144 in 1855; exalted in Ft. Meigs Chapter No. 29, RAM., 1856; greeted in Toledo Council, R. & S.M. in 1860; and knighted in Toledo Cornmandery No. 7, K.T. in 1857. Received 32 AASR (NJ) in 1875 and 33 Sept. 16, 1890. Served as grand master of Grand Lodge of Ohio in 1880, and grand high priest of Grand Chapter of Ohio in 1875. d. 1905. Lyman L. Lemnitzer Full General, U.S. Army. b. Aug. 29, 1899 in Honesdale, Pa. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1920. Advanced through grades to full general in 1955. He taught at West Point from 192630, and again from 1934-35. In 194142 he was a member of the General Staff Corps (war plans division). In 1942 he was commanding general of the 34th Anti-Aircraft Brigade at Norfolk, Va. and in England; and in the same year served as assistant chief of staff to General Eisenhower at Allied Hdqs. in London, and Algiers for North African campaign. He was deputy chief of staff under Gen. Mark Clark, q.v., of the Fifth Army in 1943, and commanded the 34 A.A. Brigade in the Tunisian campaign in the same year. In 1943-44 he was deputy chief of the general staff (to General and Sir Harold Alexander, q.v.) and deputy chief of staff, Allied Force Hdqs. in 1945. In 1946-47 he was the Army member of the Joint Strategic Survey Com., Joint Chiefs of Staff; deputy commandant of National War Coll. in 1947-49; director of foreign military assistance, Dept. of Defense, 1949-50. He commanded the 11th Airborn Division in 1951; the 7th Infantry Division in Korea, 1951-52; and was deputy chief of staff for plans and research of the Army in 1953-55. Hewas commanding general of Army Forces of the Far East and 8th U.S. Army in Japan and Korea in 1955. In 1955-57 he was commander-in-chief of the Far East Command, as well as commander-in-chief of the U.N. Command, and governor of Ryukyu Island. Since 1957 he has been Army vice chief of staff. Mason and 32 AASR. He was present at the communication of the Grand Lodge of Japan in July, 1956, and both he and Mrs. Lemnitzer were active in the support of the Pusan Masonic Children's Hospital in Korea. Member of St. Paul's Lodge No. 14, Newport, R.I. and Newport Royal Arch Chapter No. 2. 32 AASR in Tokyo, Japan. Member of Nile Shrine Temple, Seattle, Wash. Chiefof-Staff, U.S. Army from July 1, 1959. Mark Lemon (1809-1870) English founder and Editor of the famous Punch Magazine. He was a playwright, author of farces, melodramas, operas, novelettes, lyrics, songs, and several 3-volume novels. He is best known as

one of the founders and first editors of Punch. Later he was sole editor (184170). Punch is the first "humor" magazine of international fame. Member of Globe Lodge No. 23, London, being initiated Jan. 19, 1854. John L. Lenhart Chaplain of U.S.S. Cumberland. Drowned in Hampton Roads, March, 1863 in the encounter with the Merrimac. Lodge unknown, but he was a member of Union Chapter No. 7, R.A.M. of Newark, N.J. C. Lenning German Freemason and Masonic author. Little is known of him except he resided in Paris in 1817. His real name was Hesse. He was the author of Encyclopadie der Freimaurerei, which Findel, q.v., calls "one of the most learned and remarkable works in Masonic literature." It was published and edited by the Leipsic bookseller, Brockhaus. Kloss, q.v., catalogues it in his bibliography 75 John B. Lennon as the work of Friedrich Mossdorf, who was employed to edit it. In three volumes, it was first published in 1822, 1824, 1828 (one volume each year). John B. Lennon (1850-1923) Labor Union Official and Treasurer of American Federation of Labor, 1889-1917. b. Oct. 12, 1850 in Lafayette Co., Wis. He was general secretary of the Journeyman Tailors' Union of America from 1886-1910. From 1917 until his death, he was a member of the board of mediators, U.S. Dept. of Labor. He edited the publication The Tailor from 1886-1910. Lennon lectured on social problems, was a member of the commission on Industrial Relations, Washington, D.C. in 1912, and prominent in the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, as well as vice president of the Ill. Anti-Saloon League. Mason. d. Jan. 18, 1923. Marie Alexandre Lenoir (17611839). A French archaeologist, who, in 1790, was named by the national assembly to collect the art from the churches and convents into a museum. He collected more than 500 pieces, saving them from destruction. He carefully classified them. He believed that Freemasonry descended from the ancient Egyptians, and in 1812 gave a series of eight lectures before the Metropolitan Chapter of France to support his beliefs. These were published in 1814 as Freemasonry Brought Back to Its True Origin, or the Antiquity of Freemasonry Proven by an Explanation of the Mysteries. In 1809 he published in three volumes, New Explanation of the Mystical Characters, or Ancient Allegories Revered by the Egyptians. d. June 12, 1839.

William Lenoir (1751-1839) Captain in American Revolution, and Major General of militia following the war. b. April 20, 1751 in Brunswick Co., Va. His family moved to Tarborough, N.C. when he was eight. He settled near Wilkesboro. He foughtin the Indian campaigns in 1776, and in the Revolution was wounded at the Battle of King's Mountain. He was a member of the state assembly, and from 1781-95 was a state senator, being president of the same for five years. He took an active part in the Hillsborough convention for the adoption of the constitution of the U.S. At the organization of the U. of North Carolina in 1790, he was chosen president of the board, and for the last 18 years of his life was a militia major general. A town and a county in N.C. are named in his honor. He was initiated, passed and raised in grand lodge, Dec. 30, 1793, and in 1804 was master of Liberty Lodge No. 45 of Wilkesboro, N.C. d. May 6, 1839. Pope Leo XII (1760-1829) Issued the Bull against Freemasons on March 13, 1825, known as Quo graviora ma/a. Real name was Annibale Francesco del'la Genga. He held various high church offices during the Napoleonic era (1793-1823). Was made cardinal in 1816, and pope from 182329. Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903) Wrote encyclicals against Freemasonry. Real name was Gioacchino Vincenzo Pecci. He was made cardinal in 1853, and was pope from 1878-1903. Adna W. Leonard (1874-1943) Methodist Bishop. b. Nov. 2, 1874 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Graduate of New York U., Drew Theological Sem., American School of Archaeology at Rome, and Ohio Northern U. Ordained to Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1899. He held pastorates in Green Village, N.J., San Juan, P.R., Rome, Italy, Piqua, Ohio, Springfield, Ohio, and Cincinnati, Ohio. Elected bishop in May, 1916. He was president of the general board of education of the church and chairman of board of trustees of American U. He was killed May 3, 1943 in an airplane accident in Iceland while on tour of Army camps. A member of Bethlehem Lodge No. 76 J. Heron Lepper 453, San Francisco, Calif. and a 33 AASR (SJ) and Shriner. Robert Z. Leonard Actor, motion picture producer, and director. b. Oct. 7, 1889 in Chicago, Ill. Educated in Colo. and moved to Calif. in 1907, where he joined the Calif. Opera Co. and played in musical and dramatic stock

companies until 1910, when he became leading man in motion pictures for Seelig. He has been a motion picture director and producer for MetroGoldwyn-Mayer Studio since 1924. Mason. Leopold (see Duke of Albany). Leopold I (1790-1865) First King of independent Belgium (1831-65). Fourth son of Francis Frederick, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield, his original name was Georges Chretien Frederic. He was an uncle of Queen Victoria of England. He served under Alexander I, q.v., in the Russian Army from 180514, and fought at Lutzen, Bautzen, and Leipzig. In 1830 he refused the throne of Greece, but accepted the Belgian throne the following year on its separation from Holland. Although himself a Protestant, he was an upholder of the Catholic church in Belgium, because he thought it best that the people should maintain the religion in which they were born. He was initiated in the Lodge of Esperance at Berne, Switzerland in 1813, when 23. About the time of his marriage to Princess Charlotte of England in 1816, or shortly thereafter, he joined an English lodge and "took an active part in all its proceedings." He lived in England from 1817-30. When he became King of Belgium, he took the Craft under his official protection. When a widower, on all his visits to Germany, he took part in Masonry. As king, however, he was unable to attend the lodges, but frequently inquired into their workings and always expressed his pleasure at their prosperity. At his death the Grand Orient of Belgiumadopted this resolution: "Masonry has just suffered a cruel loss in the death of one of the most illustrious members, who, called to the throne by the free and enlightened suffrages of the Belgian people, never abnegated his title of Mason, but on the contrary, extended to us his powerful protection. We have lost an eminent brother, who, faithful to his oath has during a reign of five and 30 years, practiced with love and sincerity those grand principles of humanity which constitute the basis of our Order, thus acquiring the esteem and friendship of his brethren, the veneration of the Belgian people, and the respect and admiration of his contemporaries. Leopold, King of the Belgians, who had acquired the grade of Chev. K.D., 30, died with the calm and serenity of a just man, and with the stoicism of a true Mason. . . . Our noble brother has left us a noble example to follow. Leopold II (1747-1792) Holy Roman Emperor, 1790-92, who prohibited Masonic meetings when he ascended the throne. His father, Francis I, q.v., was a Freemason. His mother was Maria Theresa. He was a brother of Joseph II, q.v., whom he succeeded on the throne. From 1765-90 he was grand duke of Tuscany as Leopold I. His successor, Francis II, q.v., the last Holy Roman Emperor, went even farther in suppressing Freemasonry.

Henry A. Lepper Chief chemist of Food and Drug Administration since 1946. b. March 27, 1889 in Washington, D.C. Was graduated from George Washington U. in 1914. He was a chemist with the U.S. Bureau of Chemistry (now Food and Drug Adm.) from 1913. Member of Silver Spring Lodge No. 215, Silver Spring, Md., receiving degrees, March 4, April 8, and May 13, 1946. 32 AASR (SJ) in Washington, D.C. and member of Almas Shrine Temple. J. Heron Lepper (1878-1952) English Masonic writer and librarian. A 77 Archer L. Lerch graduate of Trinity Coll., Dublin, Ireland, he was a barrister and literary editor of Cassells', a well known London publishing firm. In WWI he served as assistant secretary of the Admiralty. He was initiated in Acacia Lodge No. 7, Belfast, Ireland, and was its master in 1913. He had the rare distinction of being a founding member of a lodge named for himthe John Heron Lepper Temperance Lodge No. 346 of Carrickfergus, Ireland. In the Grand Lodge of England, he was past grand deacon, and in 1943 appointed as its librarian and curator. The library and museum, to which he gave magnificent service, in spite of physical infirmity, was honored by a visit from H.M. Queen Elizabeth, q.v., the Queen Mother, in the .last year of his life. He was master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge in 1924, and at the time of his death was treasurer and oldest member. Of his many Masonic publications, the best known are The Poor Common Soldier, The Traditioners and History of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, 1725-1813. d. Dec. 26, 1952. Archer L. Lerch (1894-1947) Major General, U.S. Army, and Provost Marshal General. Military governor of Korea in 1946. b. Jan. 12, 1894 in Sumner, Nebr. Graduate of U. of California in 1917. Commissioned in 1917, he advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1942, and major general in 1944. With A.E.F. in WWI. Following war, he taught military tactics in U.S. From 1931-35 he was in Hawaii as legal advisor, assistant judge advocate, and with NRA and PWA. From 1939-40 he was executive officer of judge advocate general's dept. in Washington, and deputy provost marshal general, 1941-42. He was provost marshal general in 1944. Mason. d. Sept. 11, 1947. Andre J. E. Lerouge (1766-1835) French Masonic writer. b. April 25, 1766 at Commercy, France. At onetime he was editor of the French Masonic journal Hermes (1819) and wrote Blends of Philosophy in the History of Masonic Literature. His large and valuable collection of manuscripts and degrees was sold at auction after his death on Jan. 7, 1835. Frank Leslie (1821-1880) (Original name Henry Carter) Engraver and

publisher. b. March 29, 1821 in Ipswich, England, the son of a glove manufacturer. While in school he developed a taste for art and became an exceptional engraver. He began sending sketches to the newly established Illustrated London News and signed them "Frank Leslie" so his father would not recognize them. He was taken into the paper and became superintendent of the engraving department before he was of age. Coming to the U.S. in 1848, he had his name legally changed to "Frank Leslie" in 1857. He was on the staff of Gleason's Pictorial and Illustrated News in 1852-53 and started Frank Leslie's Ladies' Gazette of Paris, London and New York Fashions in 1854. In 1855 he made a great success with Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. Through extravagance and financial depression he became bankrupt at close of his life. His wife, Miriam, took over the management at his death, and in 1882 had her name legally changed to "Frank Leslie" and achieved remarkable success as a writer. He was a member of Benevolent Lodge No. 28, N.Y.C. and later of Holland Lodge No. 8. d. Jan. 10, 1880. Harry G. Leslie (1878-1937) Governor of Indiana, 1929-33. b. April 6, 1878 at Lafayette, Ind. Graduate of Purdue U. in 1905, and Indiana Law School in 1907. Practiced law until 1912; was treasurer of Tippecanoe Co., Ind. from 1913-17, and a farmer from 1918-24. He was a member of the state legislature 1923-27, and speaker of the house the last three years. He was president of Standard 78 M. LeTellier Life Insurance of Indiana. Initiated March 18, 1905 in Lafayette Lodge No. 123, Lafayette, Ind.; he was a 33 AASR (N.J.) d. Dec. 10, 1937. Gotthold E. Lessing (1729-1781) German dramatist and critic. b. Jan. 22, 1729 at Kaumitz, Germany. He founded the critical journal Briefe, die Neueste Literatur Betreff end, with two others, in 1759, and it ran until 1767 (24 volumes). He was dramatist to the German National Theater at Hamburg in 1767, and librarian of the ducal library, Wolfenbuttel, from 1770. His works include the comedies Der Junge Gelehrie; Der Freigeist; Die Juden, and the classic German drama, Minna von Barnhelm. In 1755 he wrote Miss Sara. Sampson, the first German tragedy of middle-class life, followed by the tragedies Philotas and Emilia Galotti. Two of his writings are Masonic in nature; Nathan the Wise is a dramatic poem on toleration of religion, preaching universal brotherhood. It was put on the stage by Schiller and Goethe, q.v. His Ernst and Falk is a defense of Freemasonry in the form of a dialogue. He was initiated in the lodge Zu den drei Golderten Rosen at Hamburg, Germany, about 1771, and took a great interest in Freemasonry. His theory that it sprang from a secret association of Templars in London, however, has long been rejected. d. Feb. 15, 1781.

Charles Edwards Lester (1815-1890) American author. b. July 15, 1815 in Griswold, Conn. He studied law and was admitted to the bar, but studied at a theological seminary and began to preach. He had to abandon the pulpit due to frequent hemorrhages from the lungs, and went abroad for his health. He was appointed U.S. consul at Genoa, Italy, where he remained six years. His many books include The Glory and the Shame of England; Condition and Fate of England; Our First Hundred Years; America's Advancement; The Artist, Merchant and Statesman; The Mexican Republic; and others. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 1, New York City. Suspended NPD May 11, 1871. d. Jan. 29, 1890. William Lester (1889-1956) Musician and composer. b. Sept. 17, 1889 in Leicester, England, coming to U.S. in 1902, and becoming naturalized in 1916. Has been organist of several Chicago churches, and of the First Congregational Church since 1921. Has directed many ensembles and choruses, and is a teacher of voice, piano, organ, and theory of music, at De Paul U. Has written many organ and piano works, songs, anthems, and orchestral compositions including the operas Everyman and Manabozo; the operetta Seawana; the oratorio The Go/don Syon; the cantata The Tale of the Bell; and the dramatic cantata, Sacajawea. Member of Olympia Lodge No. 864, Chicago, Ill. Dimitted Jan. 9, 1951. d. Dec. 4, 1956. Robert P. Letcher (1788-1861) Governor of Kentucky, 1840-44. b. Feb. 10, 1788 in Goochland Co., Va. Began law practice in Lancaster Co., Ky., where he was frequently a member of the legislature, and at one time, speaker of the house. In 1822 he was elected to U.S. congress, serving one term. From 1849-52 he was U.S. minister to Mexico. Member of Hiram Lodge No. 4, Frankfort, Ky. d. Jan. 24, 1861. M. LeTellier Founder of Hawaii's first lodgeLeProgres de l'Oceanie at Honolulu in 1843. He was a French ship captain. He sailed into the Honolulu harbor on the barque Ajax out of LeHavre, France on March 30, 1843. In his sea chest were documents that commissioned him to "set up Lodges in the Pacific Ocean and elsewhere in his voyages; to issue warrants, to call upon the Supreme Council for charters; to make Masons at sight; to forever be given the grand honors upon his appearance in any 79 Leucht Lodge of his creation." He was styled "The Grand Deputy of France." He spoke only French, and always was interpreted. He found a conglomeration of men in Honolulu from America, England, I r eland, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy, and South and Central America, and many

Masons among them. Calling some of them together aboard the Ajax in Honolulu harbor on April 8, 1843, he organized the lodge Le Progress. Leucht (see under Johnson). Nicolas Levalle (1840-1902) Argentinian Minister of War and Navy. In this capacity, he crushed many revolutionary attempts. Count Levasseur He accompanied Lafayette to America on his trip in 1824-25, and received the orders of knighthood in Columbian Commandery No. 1, K.T., New York City in 1825. Alexander, 5th Earl of Leven Sixth Grand Master Mason of Scotland, in 1741. David, 6th Earl of Leven Twenty-second Grand Master Mason of Scotland, in 1759. Oscar W. Lever President of Kentucky Wesleyan College (Owensboro) since 1951. b. Oct. 26, 1903 in Columbia, S.C. Graduate of Wofford Coll., U. of South Carolina, and Duke U. He taught high school in S.C. from 1925-36, when he was ordained to the ministry of the Methodist church. He served churches in Columbia and Saluda, S.C. until 1942, when he joined the staff of Wofford Coll. (Spartanburg), as assistant president. In 1949 he became dean of administration of Columbia Coll. (S.C.). Member of Campbell Lodge No. 44, Clinton, S.C. William Hesketh Lever, 1st Viscount of Leverhulme (1851-1925) English soap manufacturer who waschairman of Lever Brothers, Ltd., the famous soap company, and founder of Port Sunlight, a model industrial town. He was also the originator of a profit-sharing plan for the benefit of his employees. He was a member of parliament from 1906-10, and high sheriff of Lancashire in 1917. He was created viscount in 1922. He was the first initiate of William Hesketh Lever Lodge No. 2916 at Port Sunlight, England, which was founded in his honor and consecrated June 4, 1902. He was initiated the following July 8th. In 1929 he was appointed senior grand warden of the Grand Mark Lodge of England. Richard Leveridge (1670?-1758) English musician and composer who composed The Roast Beef of Old England, Black Eyed Susan, All in the

Downs, and other songs. He was a bass singer in London theaters and a member of the lodge, meeting at Bear and Harrow Tavern, in Butcher Row by Temple Bar about 1731. Louis E. Leverone (1880-1957) President of Nationwide Food Service, Inc. from 1945-57. b. April 29, 1880 at Wakefield, Mass. Brother of Nathaniel Leverone, q.v. In sales field with Western Electric and leather companies from 1904-12. With Stein, Hirsh & Co., Chicago, 1912-20, and vice-president and general manager of Stein-Hall Mfg. Co., 1920-42. From 1929-35 he was chairman of board of Automatic Canteen Co. of America, and a partner of Canteen Co. since 1939. From 1942-45 he was general manager of Canteen Food Service. He is also the owner of Leverone Nursery, Half-Day, Ill. Active in aeronautical associations and safety groups and vocational guidance organizations. Initiated in Ravenswood Lodge No. 777, Chicago, Ill. in 1909; exalted in Columbia Chapter No. 202 in 1910; greeted in Adoniram Council No. 95 in 1912; and knighted in Apollo Commandery No. 1 in 1911. Joined 80 Robert Lewers Medinah Shrine Temple in 1911all of Chicago. d. March 15, 1957. Nathaniel Leverone Founder of Automatic Canteen Co. of America in 1929; president, 1929-39, and now chairman of board. b. June 26, 1884 at Wakefield, Mass. Graduate of Dartmouth Coll. in 1906. Brother of L. E. Leverone, q.v. He was Western manager of Bates Number Machine Co. 1908-12, and from 1912-22 secretary and general manager of Hill Pump Valve Co. He formed his own real estate investment company in 1922, and was in that field until 1929. He is also chairman of the board of Canteen Food Service, as well as Nationwide Food Service. Director of several banks and publishing companies. He has served as president of the National Committee for Christian Leadership since 1944, and chairman of the sponsoring committee of American Bible Society since 1945. Active in civic organizations. Initiated in Ravenswood Lodge No. 777 in 1910; exalted in Columbia Chapter No. 202, R.A.M. in 1911; greeted in Adoniram Council No. 95 R. & S.M. in 1913 and knighted in Apollo Commandery No. 1 in 1912; initiated in Medinah Shrine Temple in 1912all of Chicago, Ill. Eliphas Levi (1810-1875) The pseudonym of Louis Alphonse Constance. He was a prolific writer on the associations of Masonic symbols and transcendental magic. His principal works include: History of Magic; Doctrine of Transcendental Magic; Ritual of Transcendental Magic; Key of the Grand Mysteries; Fables and Symbols and others. Trained for the Roman Catholic priesthood, he achieved the title of "abbe," but his independent views

made him unacceptable to the church. He later married and divorced. Was imprisoned for six months for a political pamphlet in 1839. Charles A. Levine Pioneer aviator, who on June 4-6, 1927 made a flightfrom New York to Germany with Clarence D. Chamberlain. Member of Fortitude Lodge No. 19, Brooklyn, N.Y., receiving degrees on May 17, June 7 and June 21, 1923. Became unaffiliated Nov. 17, 1932. Moses C. Levy (1749?-1839) One of the founders of the Mother Supreme Council Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite at Charleston, S.C. b. in Cracow, Poland. His uncle had been physician to the king of Poland. He went to England, where he lived for a time in London, before coming to Charleston. He was treasurer, and later president of the congregation Bayh Elohim in Charleston, to which he was a liberal contributor of time and funds. Albert Pike pronounced him "one of the most illustrious of Hebrews, a man of great learning and equally great virtues." He became a member of the Supreme Council on May 9, 1802. Uriah P. Levy (1795?-1862) U.S. Naval officer who was flag officer of the Mediterranean squadron in 185860. b. in Pa. about 1795. He entered the U.S. Navy in 1812, and was an officer aboard the brig Argus which escaped the blockade and took out William H. Crawford as minister to France. In the English channel it destroyed 21 vessels. When the ship was captured, he was made prisoner for two years. Became lieutenant in 1817, commander in 1837, and captain in 1844. He was active in the movement to abolish flogging in the Navy. He became the owner of Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson, of whom he was an ardent admirer. He willed the property to the U.S. government, but his will was contested successfully, and it remained in private hands. He was initiated Nov. 19, 1812 in Columbia Lodge No. 91, Philadelphia, Pa. d. March 22, 1862. Robert Lewers (1862-1922) President of University of Nevada, 191214. b. June 19, 1862 in Franktown, 81 Sir Watkins Lewes Nev. He taught in the public schools from 1881-89, and was with the U. of Nevada from 1890 as registrar. Was vice-president from 1909. He served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Nevada; grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Nevada; and grand commander of the Grand Commandery of Nevada. Was 33 AASR (SJ) and past potentate of the Shrine. Raised in Valley Lodge No. 9, Dayton, Nevada in 1885, dimitting to Reno Lodge No. 13, Reno on March 14, 1891 and serving as master 189495, 1899-1900. d. Jan. 12, 1922.

Sir Watkins Lewes Lord Mayor of London, 1780-81. He was initiated in the Lodge of Emulation in 1761. Alma D. Lewis Labor union executive. b. Jan. 23, 1889 in Colfax, Iowa. In early life he worked in coal mines, and from 1924-30 was director of mines and minerals, State of Illinois. From 1930-34 he was assistant director general of U.S. Employment Service. From 1934-39 he was assistant to president of United Mine Workers of America. He has been director of United Construction Workers (affiliated with UMW) since 1939. Served overseas in WWI with Corps of Engineers. Member of Central Lodge No. 71, Springfield, Ill.; Hillsboro Chapter No. 197, R.A.M., Hillsboro, Ill.; St. Omer Commandery No. 30, Litchfield, Ill.; and Ansar Shrine Temple, Springfield, Ill. David P. Lewis Former Governor of Alabama. Past master of Moulton Lodge No. 6, Moulton, Ala. Earl R. Lewis (1887-1955) U.S. Congressman to 76th and 78th through 80th Congresses from 18th Ohio dist. b. Feb. 22, 1887 in Lamira, Ohio. Graduate of Muskingum Coll. and Western Reserve U. Admitted to the bar in 1914, practicing at St. Clairsvine. Mason and Shriner. d. Feb. 2, 1955. Edward S. Lewis (1855-1934) University president. b. Aug. 24, 1855 in Natick, Mass. Graduate of Boston U. Professor of physics at Cincinnati Wesleyan Coll. 1881-82. President of Little Rock U. (Ark.), 1882-86, and president of Chattanooga U., 1886-90. Ordained to Methodist ministry in 1884, and served as pastor in Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus, Ohio. He was associate editor of the Sunday school publications of the church from 1908-23, and in charge of same in 1929-30. Mason, Knight Templar and 32 AASR. d. Oct. 14, 1934. Ernest W. Lewis (1875-1927) Justice, Supreme Court of Arizona, 190912. b. Dec. 27, 1875 at Indiana, Pa. Admitted to the bar in 1900, and practiced at Phoenix. Member of Arizona Lodge No. 2 at Phoenix, Ariz., receiving degrees on Aug. 13, 20 and 27, 1907. d. April 3, 1927. Fielding Lewis (1726-1781) American Revolutionary patriot who married George Washington's sister, Elizabeth. b. in 1726 in Spottsylvania Co., Va. He was the proprietor of half the town of Fredericksburg, Va., of which he was first mayor. During the Revolution he was an ardent patriot, and manufactured guns. He built the mansion "Kenmore House" for his wife. Mary, the mother of

Washington, died and was buried there. His son, Lawrence, married Eleanor Parke Custis, daughter of John Parke Custis, the son of Martha Washington. He was a member of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Va., and attended the Grand Lodge of Virginia in Oct., 1778. d. Dec., 1781. Francis Lewis (1713-1803) Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Often referred to as a Freemason, but no definite proof. His son, Morgan Lewis, q.v., became grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York. J. Hamilton Lewis (1863-1939) U.S. Senator from Illinois, 1913-19, 82 Meriwether Lewis 1931-39. b. In Danville, Va. May 18, 1863. Graduate of Ohio Northern U. and Baylor U. Admitted to Washington bar, serving in state senate and U.S. congressman at large from Wash. He moved to Chicago, Ill. in 1903. He was the last U.S. senator in the country to be elected by a state legislature. He was elected first "whip" of the Senate in the history of that body. Contender for vice presidential nomination in both 1900 and 1920. Declined ambassadorship to Belgium. Served in Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection. In WWI he was special representative of the War Dept. and the president, to General Pershing. He served as commissioner on joint commission in London, settling Canadian-Alaskan boundary, and also in U.S.-Canadian customs regulations. Member of Apollo Lodge No. 642, Chicago; grand orator of Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1913; Knight Templar and Shriner. d. April 9, 1939. Lawrence Lewis (1879-1943) U.S. Congressman to 73rd through 78th Congresses (1933-45) from 1st Colo. dist. b. June 22, 1879 in St. Louis, Mo. Graduate of Harvard in 1901. He practiced law at Denver from 1909. Received his degrees in South Pueblo Lodge No. 31, Pueblo, Colo. on Jan. 27, Feb. 4, and March 16, 1904. Affiliated with Union Lodge No. 7, Denver, on Nov. 23, 1918. d. Dec. 9, 1943. Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809) American explorer and governor of Louisiana Territory, 1807-09. b. Aug. 18, 1774 near Charlottesville, Va. He served with the troops in the "Whiskey Insurrection" in 1794, and entered the regular service the following year, becoming a captain in 1800. In 180003 he was private secretary to President Jefferson, who, in the latter year, named him to command the expedition to explore the newly acquired Louisiana purchase. He set out in the summer of 1803 from St. Louis, accompanied by

his associate, Capt. Wil- Liam Clark, q.v. They reached the mouth of the Columbia on Nov. 15, 1805, going by way of the Missouri to its source, crossing the Great Divide, and then descending the Kooskoosky and Columbia. The distance was more than 4,000 miles. They wintered on the Columbia, and then retraced their steps and reached St. Louis in Sept., 1806. Congress made grants of land to all the men on the expedition. Lewis was made governor of the Louisiana Territory, which at that time included all the land of the purchase except the present state of Louisiana. Lewis petitioned Door to Virtue Lodge No. 44, Albemarle Co., Va. on Dec. 31, 1796, was initiated, Jan. 28, 1797, and the following evening received the other two degrees. On April 2, 1792 he received the degree of Past Master in this lodge. He received the Royal Arch Degree in Staunton Lodge No. 13, and although the exact date is not known, there is a diploma in the Library of Congress dated Oct. 31, 1799. The Door to Virtue Lodge went out of existence in 1801, and most members transferred to Widow's Son Lodge No. 60, which first met at Milton, and later in Charlottesville. It is thought that Lewis was one of those who transferred. It is certain, however, that he was a member of Staunton Lodge No. 13, Staunton, Va., as it was here that he received the Royal Arch Degree, and the original proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Virginia show that he withdrew from this lodge about 1800. The next Masonic reference is the application for a dispensation dated Aug. 2, 1808 and addressed to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, from a number of brethren residing in St. Louis. The signature of Meriwether Lewis heads the application and he is recommended as a "past master to be the first master." St. Louis Lodge No. 111 was constituted by Judge Otho Shrader, q.v., of St. Genevieve, Mo. on Nov 8, 1808, with Governor Lewis being in83 Morgan Lewis stalled as master of this first St. Louis lodge. Shortly after Lewis had concluded his year as master, he left for Washington, D.C. While staying at a hostel on the Natchez trace, near the present city of Hoenwald, Tenn., he died of gunshot wounds. It is not known whether he had been robbed and killed or had committed suicide. He had long been subject to attacks of depression and hypochondria. d. Oct. 8, 1809. Morgan Lewis (1754-1844) Colonel in American Revolution; Major General in War of 1812; Governor of New York; Grand Master of Grand Lodge of New York. b. Oct. 16, 1754 in New York City, the second son of Francis Lewis, q.v., signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was graduated from Princeton in 1773, and studied law. In 1774 he joined the army at Boston as a volunteer, was elected captain of a New York militia regiment, and was commissioned major when it was taken into the Continental service as the 2nd New York regiment. In 1776 he was an aide to General Horatio Gates, q.v., with rank of colonel, and quartermaster-general of the northern army. In 1778 he commanded at the Battle of Stone Arabia

and at Crown Point. After the war he was prominent in N.Y. politics, becoming judge of court of common pleas, and in 1791 attorney-general of the state. In 1792 he was chief justice of the state supreme court, and governor of N.Y., 1804-07. He declined the post of secretary of War in 1812, but accepted appointment as quartermaster-general of the armies of the U.S. In 1813 he was promoted to the rank of major general. He served on the Niagara frontier, captured Fort George and commanded at Sackett's Harbor and French Creek. He was chief marshal at the inauguration ceremonies for George Washington, and in his 79th year delivered an oration at the centennial of Washington's birth. He married Gertrude, daughterof Robert R. Livingston, q.v. He was initiated in Union Lodge No. 3 (now Mt. Vernon) of Albany, N.Y. in 1776, and the following year admitted to Masters' Lodge No. 2 of the same city. In 1781 he was senior warden of Masters' Lodge. In 1789 he affiliated with Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C., and on June 23, 1842, in his 87th year, affiliated with St. Johns Lodge No. 1, N.Y.C. He was unanimously elected grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York on June 3, 1830, in which office he continued until his death on April 7, 1844. Seth Lewis (1764-1848) First Chief Justice of Mississippi Territory in 1800. b. in Mass. He was also the first master of a lodge in Mississippi Harmony Lodge No. 33 (now No. 1) of Natchez. d. near Alexandria, La. in 1848. Frederick J. Libby Executive Secretary of National Council for Prevention of War since 1921. b. Nov. 24, 1874 in Richmond, Me. Graduate of Bowdoin in 1894, and studied in Berlin, Heidelberg, Marburg, and Oxford. From 1905-11 he was pastor of Union Congregational Church at Magnolia, Mass. In 1911-12 he traveled in China and Australia; taught in Phillips Exeter Acad. in 1912-20, and worked with Society of Friends in 1918-19, in reconstruction and relief work, in France. Member of Richmond Lodge No. 63, Richmond, Maine. Lord Bishop of Lichfield (18781953) Dr. Edward Sydney Woods, English prelate who was high almoner to King George VI, q.v., and also H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth, q.v. Of Quaker stock, he was born in Hereford, the greatgrandson of Elizabeth Fry, the great Quaker preacher who devoted her life to prison reform. He was initiated April 26, 1928 in Waddon Lodge No. 4162 of Surrey, and later joined Croydon Chantry Lodge No. 5063. d. Jan. 11, 1953. 84 Gordon W. Lillie Mcllyar H. Lichliter Editor of Scottish Rite News Letter of Northern Jurisdiction. b. Aug. 23, 1877 in Butler, Pa. Graduate of DePauw U. and Ohio Wesleyan U. He was ordained in the Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1900, and was a pastor for 42 years until his retirement in 1942. He served churches in Pitcairn, Pa., Olean, N.Y., St. Louis, Mo., and

Cleveland, Ohio. He entered the Congregational Church in 1919, and was pastor at Newton, Mass., and Columbus, Ohio. He is now engaged in ritualistic research for the Scottish Rite (NJ) and is grand prior of the Supreme Council, 33 AASR, and active member-at-large. He was initiated in Olean Lodge No. 252, Olean, N.Y., and 32 in Buffalo, N.Y. Alexander Lichtentag (1868-1938) Inventor of Paragon shorthand system. b. March 13, 1868 in New Orleans, La. Graduate of Royal U. of Berlin, Germany. His shorthand system is in use in many parts of the world. He was also the originator of "Word Hunt," an educational game that was syndicated in newspapers of the U.S. and other countries. Mason. d. Jan. 14, 1938. Franklin H. Lichtenwalter U.S. Congressman to 80th and 81st Congresses (1947-51) from 8th Pa. dist. b. March 28, 1910 in Palmerton, Pa. Member of the Pa. legislature from 1938-47, serving as majority leader and speaker. A director of Goschenhoppen Mutual Fire Ins. Co. since 1942. Member of National Conference on Child Welfare and Youth. Member of Saucon Lodge No. 469, Coopers-burg, Pa., receiving degrees on April 8, Sept. 9, and Oct 21, 1941. Henry Lieferant Editor-in-chief of True Story magazine. b. Jan. 30, 1892 in Poland. Educated in that country, coming to U.S. in 1910, and naturalized in 1918. Was first associated with a fashion magazine, and then in freelance short story writing until 1927. With Macfadden Publications, N.Y.C. from 1927-46. Served in WWI as a corporal. Co-author of: Doctors' Wives; Grass on the Mountain; Charity Patient; United They Stand; Teacher's Husband; and others. Mason. Gustav 0. Lienhard President and director of Chicopee Mills, Inc. (Mass.) and Chicopee Mfg. Corp. of Mass. and N.H. b. Oct. 22, 1905 in N.Y.C. Has been a certified public accountant since 1932. Director of Johnson and Johnson. Mason. Jacob Lienhard Brigadier General, U.S. Marine Corps. b. Sept. 5, 1889 in Sheboygan Co., Wis. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1909, advanced to warrant officer in 1918, and commissioned same year, retiring as brigadier general in 1946. Member of Joseph Robbins Lodge No. 930, Peoria, Ill., 32 AASR (NJ) and Mohammed Shrine Temple, both of Peoria.

Alexander Liholiho (see Kamehameha IV). Gordon W. Lillie (1860-1942) (Known as "Pawnee Bill") Ranch-man, partner of Buffalo Bill, q.v., and showman. b. Feb. 14, 1860 in Bloomington, Ill. He began career as a hunter and trapper in 1878, and was interpreter for Pawnee Indian tribe. He became a rancher near Medicine Lodge, Kans. He joined the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show in 1883 as interpreter and manager of the Pawnee Indians with the show. He was a professional showman for many years in the U.S. and Europe. From 190813 he was a partner of Buffalo Bill. From 1909 he was owner of Pawnee Bill's Buffalo Ranch, Oldtown, and Indian Trading Post. He was active in work among the Pawnee Indians and in perpetuation of the buffalo. He was the author of Thirty Years Among the Pawnee Indians (1928), and coauthor of several others including Oklahoma; Blazing Horizon; and 85 Adelino de Figueiredo Lima Pawnee Bill, the Romance of Oklahoma. Mason, he received the 32 AASR (SJ) at Guthrie, Okla. on Jan. 24, 1901. A Shriner, he was honorary member of temples at Philadelphia, Little Rock, and Oklahoma City. d. Feb. 3, 1942. Adelino de Figueiredo Lima Brazilian Masonic writer and author of the best-seller Nos Bastidores do Misterm. His Os Templerios and Livre Proibido are widely read by Brazilian Masons. He was president of the Masonic Academy of Higher Studies in Rio de Janeiro and founder of the magazine Actualidades Maconicas. Born in Portugal, he lived for a time in Asia, Africa, Oceania and finally in Brazil. He exercises much influence in the Grand Lodge of Brazil and is secretary of its foreign relations committee. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Sixteenth President of the United States. Not a Mason, but there are several interesting Masonic references to him. On April 17, 1865, Tyrian Lodge No. 333 of Springfield, Ill. adopted the following resolution: "T h e first thought of a Mason should be, as his duty is, to trust in God.. . . Resolved, that the decision of President Lincoln to postpone his application for the honors of Masonry, lest his motives should be misconstrued, is in the highest degree honorable to his memory." In 1842 he was invited by a lodge to deliver the funeral oration of his good friend, Bowling Greene, but broke down in the middle of it and could not continue. In Oct. of 1860 Robert Morris, q.v., of Kentucky, called on Lincoln in Springfield, Ill., and in the course of conversation Morris referred to the fact that all Lincoln's opponents for president were Freemasons. Lincoln replied, "I am not a Freemason, Dr. Morris, though I have a great respect for the institution." At the time of his death many lodges and individual Masons wereof the

opinion that he was a member of the Craft. Friendship Lodge No. 84 of Hagerstown, Md. even held a lodge of sorrow on April 19, 1865, believing he was a Mason. Watertown Lodge No. 49, Watertown, N.Y. passed this resolution on April 19, 1865; "Resolved that Watertown Lodge No. 49 join in the funeral procession in honor of our late Brother, Abraham, President of the U.S." In 1865 a French Masonic magazine (Monde Maconnique) referred to him as a "member of the Grand Lodge of New York." Washington Commandery No. 1, K.T., Washington, D.C. did act as an escort at his funeral. Benjamin Lincoln (1733-1810) Major General in American Revolution, and Secretary of War, 1781-84. b. Jan. 24, 1733 in Hingham, Mass. He was a farmer until 1773. He was a member of the provincial congresses of Mass., serving as secretary. Active in organizing and training the Continental troops, he was appointed major general of militia in 1776. In June of that year he commanded the expedition that cleared Boston harbor of British vessels. He fought at the battles of Long Island, White Plains, and Fort Independence. He was commissioned major general in the regulars in 1777, on the recommendation of Washington. With generals Schuyler and Arnold, q.v., he operated against Burgoyne. He was with Gates, q.v., at Stillwater and commanded the right wing. He was severely wounded at the Battle of Bemis's Heights. In Sept., 1778 he was given command of the southern department and was eventually captured with his army at Charleston. Exchanged, he immediately joined Washington on the Hudson River, participated in the siege of Yorktown and was appointed by Washington to receive Cornwallis' sword of surrender. After the establishment of the Federal government, Washington named him collector of the port of Boston, a position which 86 Charles A. Lindbergh he held until about two years before his death. He was a member of the Mass. convention that ratified the U.S. Constitution, and was president of the Mass. Society of the Cincinnati from its organization until his death. He was much esteemed by General Washington. He received his degrees without fees ("complimented with the degrees this evening") in St. Andrew's Lodge of Boston on Dec. 25, 1780, and two days later was present at the St. John the Evangelist day meeting of the Grand Lodge of Mass. On June 24, 1785 there was a "Benjamin Lincoln" recorded as being present at the Grand Lodge of Mass. as a member of Rising Sun Lodge. d. May 9, 1810. Irving A. Lindberg Ambassador and financial adviser. b. Feb. 14, 1887 in Cherokee, Ill. Graduate of U. of Illinois in 1910. He was in railway and newspaper work until 1907, when he became an economist on President Taft's Efficiency Commission. In 1912 he was assigned to reorganize the

accounting system of Nicaragua. He became a colonel in the Nicaragua Secret Service, collector of customs, and in 1928, high commissioner of Republic of Nicaragua. From 1931-37 he was on financial missions to Europe with rank of special ambassador. From 1931-37 he was Nicaraguan minister (E.E. & M.P.) to Germany, Italy and Sweden. He represented Nicaragua at the coronation in London, and was appointed consul general of Norway to Nicaragua in 1938. He accompanied the Nicaraguan President Somoza on U.S. visit in 1939, and in 1946, was made brigadier general in Nicaraguan Army for life. Mason, 32 AASR and Shriner. Charles A. Lindbergh American pioneer aviator. b. Feb. 4, 1902 at Detroit, Mich. Left. U. of Wisconsin in 1920 to enroll in flying school at Lincoln, Nebr. He enrolled as a flying cadet in U.S. Air Service at Brooks Field, Texas in 1924, and later advanced to colonel in the reserve. He made first flight as an air mail pilot from Chicago to St. Louis on April 15, 1926. In Feb. 1927 he went to San Diego to order and supervise construction of his famous plane, The Spirit of St. Louis. He took off from San Diego on May 10, 1927, and landed at Curtiss Field, L.I., N.Y. May 12th (with stopover at St. Louis) with flight time of 21 hours and 20 minutes, a record coast to coast flight. He took off alone on May 20, 1927, on a non-stop trans-Atlantic flight from Roosevelt Field, N.Y., via Newfoundland, Ireland, and England, and landed at Paris, France the next day, covering an estimated distance of 3,600 miles in 331/2 hours. He was given official reception by the French government, and later at Brussels and London. He was officially welcomed by President Coolidge on return and made air tour of 75 American cities to promote aeronautics under auspices of Guggenheim Foundation. On invitation from president of Mexico, he made a non-stop flight from Washington, D.C. to Mexico City, a distance of 2,100 miles in 27 hours and 10 minutes. He later visited Central America and the West Indies. At this time he was probably the best known person in the world. He made a survey of the U.S. plane production for the Army in 1939. In 1941 he toured the U.S. making radio speeches, urging the U.S. to keep out of war. He was bitterly attacked for this by American internationalists, and even branded as a traitor. Once at war, he gave valuable service to our Air Force as a technical adviser, and even flew combat missions in the Pacific as a civilian. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Pulitzer Prize, and many other honors. Lindbergh received his degrees in Keystone Lodge No. 243, St. Louis, Mo., June 9, Oct. 20, and Dec. 15, 1926, and is a life member of that lodge. He is also a 87 Ernest H. Lindley member of St. Louis Chapter No. 33, National Sojourners, and of the Sciots at San Diego, Calif. On his history-making flight from New York to Paris, he wore the square and compasses on his jacket as a luck charm. The plane also bore a Masonic tag from his lodge. He received many medals and citations from grand lodges throughout the world and they

are now on display at the Jefferson Memorial in St. Louis. d. Aug. 26, 1974. Ernest H. Lindley (1869-1940) University president. b. Oct. 2, 1869 in Paoli, Ind. Graduate of U. of Indiana and Clark U. Also studied at Jena, Leipzig, Heidelberg, and Harvard. Was professor of philosophy at Indiana U., 1902-17. President of U. of Idaho, 1917-20, and chancellor of U. of Kansas, 1920-39. Mason. d. Aug. 21, 1940. Walter C. Lindley (1880-1958) Federal judge. b. July 12, 1880 in Neoga, Ill. Graduate of U. of Illinois. Practiced law at Danville, Ill. from 1904-22. Was judge of U.S. district court, Eastern Ill. from 1922-49, and from 1949 was judge of the U.S. circuit court of appeals at Chicago. Member of Olive Branch Lodge No. 38, Danville, Ill. and grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1931. Dimitted Aug. 15, 1933. Held membership in Scottish Rite and Shrine. d. Jan. 3, 1958. Salomon Arvid A. Lindman (18621936) Swedish Admiral. He was twice prime minister of Sweden, 190611 and 1928-30. In 1905 he was a member of the Diet, and also minister of the Navy in that year. In 1917 he was minister of foreign affairs. Lindman served in the Navy from 1882-91. At the time of his death he was grand chancellor of the Grand Lodge of Sweden and was extremely active in Masonic affairs. He often visited the British Isles for Masonic festivities, and his death occurred when hisplane crashed at London's Croydon airfield on Dec. 4, 1936. He was on his way home after attending the Masonic bicentenary in Scotland. He served as master of the oldest Swedish lodge, Den Nordiska Forsta, from 1927-36 and was grand chancellor of the Grand Lodge of Sweden from 1926-36. He was particularly interested in creating and strengthening the fraternal relations of his grand lodge and other jurisdictions. His son, Rolf, is active in Swedish Freemasonry. Robert 0. Lindneux Artist, specializing in Western scenes. b. Dec. 11, 1874 in New York City. He was educated under private tutors and studied in Dusseldorf, Paris, Munich, and worked under noted masters in London, Amsterdam, Dresden, Berlin, and Buda-Pest from 1888-97. He lived on the western plains of the U.S. 40 years to prepare himself as a portrayer of western Americana. Among his many works are portraits of Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickok at the Cody Memorial Museum; General John J. Pershing. His Bryce Canyon, Red Cloud, Mashoncee, and Shepherd of the Hills are at Northwestern U.; Opening of Oklahoma Territory at Oklahoma U.; Ouray, Chepita, Beecher Island Battle, Sand Creek Fight and others at Colorado State Historical -Museum; Duel Between Buffalo Bill and Yellow Hair at Buffalo Bill Museum, Cody, Wyo. His Trail of Tears hangs in the Frank

Phillips Museum, Bartlesville, Okla. He also executed an Americana series of 45 portraits of Indian chiefs and men who have made American history. Member of Albert Pike Lodge No. 117, Denver, Colo., receiving degrees Jan. 17, Feb. 7 and 21, 1919. Robert J. Lindquist (1902-1951) Executive. b. Dec. 25, 1902 at Sycamore, Ill. He was vice president and director of the following companies: Reynolds Metals Co., U.S. Foil Co., 88 Edward B. Linnen Fulton Syiphon Co., Bridgeport Thermostat Co., Eskimo Pie Corp., Reynolds Corp., Reynolds Mining Corp., Reynolds Fiscal Corp., American Thermometer Co., Standard Oil of Indiana and others. Mason. d. May 5, 1951. Alexander Lindsay, Jr. (1871-1926) Justice, Supreme Court of Hawaii, 1922-26. b. Oct. 29, 1871 in Fifeshire, Scotland, moving with parents to Hawaii at age of 10. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1902. He practiced in Hawaii, serving as district magistrate and circuit judge and in 1910-12 was attorney general of Hawaii. Member of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, being raised Dec. 12, 1917. d. Sept. 5, 1926. William Lindsay (1835-1909) U.S. Senator from Kentucky, 1893-1901. b. Sept. 4, 1835 in Rockbridge Co., Va. Settled in Clinton, Ky. in Nov. 1854 where he practiced law. Was a captain in the Confederate Army in the Civil War from 1861-65 and at one time was a prisoner of war. He became judge of the Kentucky court of appeals, 1870-78 and chief justice of the court in 187678. After this he practiced in Frankfort, Ky. After his term as senator he moved to New York City where he practiced law and in 1901 was U.S. commissioner to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis. Member and past master of Hickman Lodge No. 131, Clinton, Ky. d. Oct. 15, 1909. Lewis F. Linn (1795-1843) U.S. Senator from Mo., 1833-43. b. Nov. 5, 1795 near Louisville, Ky. He studied medicine and settled at St. Genevieve, Mo. He was an authority on Asiatic cholera. He was a half-brother of Henry Dodge, q.v., who reared him from the age of eleven. In 1830 he was elected to the state legislature and was appointed to the U.S. senate in 1833. He was elected to the senate in 1834, 1836 and 1842 and had the distinction of being the only U.S. senatorfrom Missouri to have been unanimously elected (1836) and the only doctor elected to the senate from Mo. He was known as the "Model Senator." He was a strong advocate of the acquisition and colonization of Oregon and was the author of the Oregon bill which earned him the title "father of Oregon." One of his greatest achievements was the

Platte Purchase which gave Mo. the territory now forming the counties of Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Holt, Nodaway and Platte. He was very popular among his constituents in the senate and one day when reading a number of bills, Senator James Buchanan, q.v., interrupted saying: "Doctor, we will save you the trouble. If you recommend them, we will pass the whole bundle." He was originally appointed to the senate in 1833 to succeed Alexander Buckner, q.v. He became a member of Louisiana Lodge No. 109, St. Genevieve, Mo. sometime between 1815 and 1824. A letter written to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, requesting return of their charter so that their business might be cleared up before the proposed Grand Lodge of Mo. was organized, shows his signature first, followed by his half-brother, Henry Dodge. d. Oct. 3, 1843. Richard Linnecar Author of the well known Masonic ode beginning: "Let there be Light! Th' Almighty spoke," contained in his volume Strictures on Freemasonry which was published at Leeds in 1789. Little is known of him except he was coroner of Wakefield, England, and for many years master of the Lodge of Unanimity No. 238 of that city. Edward B. Linnen (1864-1928) Former chief inspector of U.S. Secret Service. b. March 21, 1864 in Le Sueur, Minn. He was inspector of river and harbor improvements of War Dept. in 1882-85 and with railway mail service, 1885-88. He was in89 Henry D. Linscott spector for Dept. of Interior from 1894-1922. He was editor and publisher of the Sibley County Independent (Minn.) in 1884-85 and the Graphic Sentinel, Lake City, Minn., 188588. Mason. d. April 1, 1928. Henry D. Linscott Brigadier General, U.S. Marine Corps. b. Sept. 3, 1894 at Milford, Kans. Graduate of Kansas State Coll. and George Washington U. Commissioned 2nd lieutenant in Marine Corps in 1917 and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1946. In WWI he served in Santo Domingo and France and after the war in Santo Domingo and Nicaragua. In WWII he was assistant chief of staff of the 3rd Amphibious Force, participating in the operations for the capture of Guadalcanal, Russell Islands, Rendova, New Georgia, Vella Lavella, Bougainville and Green Island (1942-44). He later commanded the service command for the Pacific Marine forces, and from 1947 was deputy commander of Camp Lejeune, N.C. Mason. Sir Thomas J. Lipton (1850-1931) British tea packer and international sportsman. b. in Glasgow, Scotland of Irish parentage. In his youth he worked

for about ten years in the United States. In 1876 he opened a grocery store in Glasgow which he expanded into a large chain of stores throughout Great Britain, dealing in tea, coffee, cocoa, groceries and meats. He next acquired tea, coffee and cocoa plantations in Ceylon and packing houses and factories in England and Chicago, Ill. He competed five times for the America Cup, the symbol of international yachting championship, with five different yachts, each named Shamrock. The years were 1899, 1901, 1903, 1920 and 1930. He was initiated in Lodge Scotia, No. 178, Glasgow, Scotland in Aug., 1870 and passed and raised on Aug. 17th. Although he did not take a prominent part in Masonic affairs, he was theoldest member on the rolls of his lodge at his death. Ernest Lister (1870-1918) Governor of Washington, 1913-18. b. June 15, 1870 in Halifax, England, coming to America in 1884. He was owner of Lister Construction Co. of Tacoma, 1903-12 and president of Lister Manufacturing Co., Tacoma. Member of Lebanon Lodge No. 104, Tacoma, Wash. d. June 14, 1918. Franz von Liszt (1811-1886) Hungarian piano virtuoso and composer. b. Oct. 22, 1811 in Hungary. He studied in Vienna and Paris and was on the concert stage from 1822-48. He withdrew from public concerts to live with the Comtesse d'Agoult by whom he had three children. In 1848 he settled at Weimar with the Princess Sayn-Wittgenstein and devoted himself to composition, writing and conducting court concerts. Leaving the princess in 1861, he went to Rome where he became a member of the Catholic Franciscan order and was known as "Abbe Liszt." He passed the remainder of his life between Rome and Weimar with intervals of teaching in the Hungarian Conservatory of Music in Budapest. He wrote symphonies, oratorios, rhapsodies and piano pieces. He was initiated in the lodge Zur Einigkeit at Frankfort-onthe-Main, Sept. 18, 1841 and received the second and third degrees in the lodge Zur Eintracht in Berlin in Feb. of the following year. d. July 31, 1886. Paul W. Litchfield President of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., 192640 and Chairman of Board from 1930. b. July 26, 1875 in Boston, Mass. Graduate of Mass. Institute of Technology in 1896. He began with the Goodyear company in 1900. He was superintendent from 1900-15, and vice president from 1915-26. He is also chairman of Goodyear Aircraft Corp. and has been a leader in the development of lighter-than-air craft. He is a mem90 Tom Little ber of the national executive board of The Boy Scouts of America. Member of Adoniram Lodge No. 517, Akron, Ohio, receiving

degrees May 26, June 23, and Aug. 28, 1902. 33 AASR (NJ). Charles H. Litchman (1849-1902) First General Secretary of the Knights of LaborAmerica's first labor organization. b. April 8, 1849 in Marblehead, Mass. He was secretary (both state and national) of the Grand Lodge Knights of Saint Crispin (Shoemakers) from 1875-78, and secretary of Knights of Labor in 1878-81, and again in 1886-88. Served in Mass. state legislature in 1879. Member of Amity Lodge, Danvers, Mass. d. in 1902. George Little (1754-1809) Revolutionary Naval Captain. b. April 10, 1754 in Marshfield, Mass. At the beginning of the Revolution he commanded the Boston, an armed vessel belonging to the state of Mass. In 1779 he was a lieutenant on the Protector and was captured by a British frigate and imprisoned in Plymouth, England. He managed to scale the walls of the prison and found his way back to America where in 1798, he was appointed to command the U.S. frigate, Boston. He cruised with this ship until the end of the war. He was made captain on March 4, 1799. After peace was made he retired to his farm near Weymouth. He was made a member of Old Colony Lodge of Hingham, Mass. in 1792 (charter member). d. July 22, 1809. Joseph J. Little (1841-1913) U.S. Congressman from New York, 189193 (52nd Congress). b. June 5, 1841 in Bristol, England, coming to the U.S. in 1846 with his parents. Apprenticed to a printer, he established his own printing business in N.Y.C. in 1867. He was at one time commissioner of education and president of the board of education of N.Y.C. He served in the Civil War from 1862-64 with Fed-eral troops, as corporal, sergeant and 1st lieutenant. Member of Kane Lodge No. 454, N.Y.C. receiving degrees on Dec. 2, 1879, Jan. 20 and Feb 3, 1880. Exalted in Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M. in 1891. d. Feb. 11, 1913. Peter Little (1775-1830) U.S. Congressman from Maryland, 1811-13 and 1816-29; Colonel in War of 1812. b. in Petersburg, Pa., about 1775 he was apprenticed to a trade (mechanic) and moved to Maryland where he settled at Freedom, Carroll Co. At that time, he was the first and only mechanic to be elected to congress. He served as colonel of the 38th Infantry from May 19, 1813 to June 15, 1815. .A member of Concordia Lodge No. 13, Baltimore in 1797, he became first master of Temple Lodge No. 26 at Reisterstown in June, 1798, and later reaffiliated with Concordia lodge. He was grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Maryland in 1798, and grand master of same in 1818. Member of Chapter No. 2, Royal Arch Masons (now extinct). d. Feb. 5, 1830.

Philip Little (1857-1942) Artist. b. Sept. 6, 1857 at Swampscott, Mass. He exhibited in Rome, Buenos Aires, Paris, London, Panama, and throughout the U.S. He is represented in permanent collections in the Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. (of which he was curator), Brunswick, Me., Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Nashville, New York City, Dubuque, Ia., Boston, Mass., Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris and Municipal Gallery of Dublin, Ireland. Mason. d. March 30, 1942. Tom Little Cartoonist and winner of Pulitzer Prize for cartoons in 1957. b. Sept. 27, 1898 near Franklin, Tenn. He studied art at Watkins Inst., Nashville, 1912-15 and worked under Carey Orr, 1913-16. He was a reporter on Nashville Tennessean, 1916-23, and N.Y. Herald Tribune Syndicate, 192324. He returned to the Nashville paper 91 John M. Littlefield in 1924 and was city editor from 193137. Since 1937 he has been a cartoonist, and from 1934-49 drew the syndicated comic panel Sunflower Street for King Features of N.Y.C. He was the winner of the National Headliners' award for outstanding editorial cartoons in 1947. Raised in Buena Vista Lodge No. 639 at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 19, 1923. 32 AASR (SJ) in Trinity Consistory No. 2, and Al Menah Shrine Temple, all of Nashville. John M. Littlefield General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1948-51. b. July 30, 1890 at Auburn, Maine. Graduate of Bliss Business Coll., Lewiston, Maine; he attended Bryant & Stratton School, Boston, Mass. where he studied accounting and became office manager of Auburn in 1910. Raised in Ancient Brothers' Lodge No. 178, Auburn, Oct. 23, 1911, serving as master in 1917. Exalted in Bradford Chapter No. 38, Auburn, April 16, 1912; was high priest in 1920, and grand high priest in 1943. Greeted in Dunlap Council No. 8, March 25, 1919; was master in 1923, grand master in 1932. Knighted in Lewiston Commandery No. 6, K.T. May 24, 1923, and commander in 192930. 32 AASR (NJ) in Lewiston-Auburn bodies in 1920 and active in degree work. Past sovereign of Red Cross of Constantine and member of Kora Shrine Temple, Lewiston. Lewis Littlepage (1762-1802) An American who was Polish Ambassador to Russia. b. Dec. 19, 1762 in Hanover Co., Va. Graduate of William and Mary Coll. in 1778. A relative of John Jay, q.v., who was then minister to Madrid; Littlepage joined him abroad. He volunteered in the expedition of the Duc de Crillon against Minorea in 1782, and subsequently accompanied the Prince of NassauSiegen to the siege of Gibraltar where he was blown from one of the floating batteries, but saved. He subsequentlymade a tour of Europe and located at Warsaw, Poland where he was honored for many

years with the esteem and confidence of King Stanislas. He was created a knight of the order of St. Stanislas; made ambassador to Russia; chamberlain and confidential secretary, and served as a special envoy in several important negotiations. He was a friend of Lafayette, q.v., and Washington wrote of him in his diary on Nov. 8, 1785 as "an extraordinary character." He was a member of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Va. and at his death in Fredericksburg on July 19, 1802, he was buried in the Masonic cemetery of that city. Maximilien Paul Emile Littre (1801-1881) French lexicographer and philosopher who worked 40 years on the great dictionary of the French language, Dictionnaire de la Langue Franeaise. b. Feb. 1, 1801 in Paris. He studied medicine while teaching Latin and Greek. He became a follower of Auguste Comte, the "positivist" and was recognized as the head of this school of philosophy after the latter's death in 1857. Elected to the French Academy in 1871, and became a life senator in 1875. He was an associate of Leon Gambetta and Jules Ferry, the three of them affiliating with the Lodge La Clemente Amitie in Paris, -June 8, 1875. From a family of devout Roman Catholics, his funeral was conducted by that church. d. June 2, 1881. Samuel Livermore (1732-1803) U.S. Senator from New Hampshire, 1793-1801. b. May 14, 1732 in Waltham, Mass. Graduated from Princeton U. in 1752 and studied law, being admitted to the bar in 1757, and began practice in 1758 in Portsmouth, N.Y. He was a member of the general court of that province in 1768-70 and was judge advocate of the admiralty (under the English) before the Revolution. He was a delegate to the Con92 Henry Beekman Livingston tinental Congress from Feb., 1780-June, 1782, and again in 1785. He was chief justice of the state supreme court from 178289, and, in 1788, was a member of the convention that adopted the Federal constitution. He was a U.S. representative in the 1st and 2nd congresses, serving from 1789-93. Raised in St. John's Lodge, Portsmouth, N.H. on April 12, 1758, he served as secretary of the lodge in 1759-62. d. May 18, 1803. Edward Livingston (1764-1836) U.S. Congressman from New York; Mayor of New York City; U.S. Congressman from Louisiana; U.S. Senator from Louisiana; U.S. Secretary of State; U.S. Minister to France and fourth General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter. b. May 26, 1764 in Clermont, N.Y., the younger brother of Robert R. Livingston, q.v., who negotiated the Louisiana purchase. Graduate of Princeton U. in 1781. Studied law with his brother, Robert, and was admitted to practice in 1785. His competitors were Aaron Burr, q.v., and Alexander Hamilton, q.v. He served

three terms in Congress from New York (1794-1800) and was mayor of New York City from 1801-03. A yellow fever epidemic nearly ruined his health and while ill, two subordinates stole large amounts of government funds with which he had been entrusted. He then left for New Orleans (1804) in the newly established territory purchased by his brother. By 1826 he had repaid the government for the entire loss. He arrived in Louisiana with $100 in gold and a letter of credit for $1,000. It was Livingston who wrote the Civil and Criminal codes for Louisiana, drawn from French and Spanish channels, from Roman law as opposed to the English antecedents which are used by the other 47 states. He was elected to Congress from La. in 1882 and after three terms was elected U.S. senator, serving from 1828-31. He resigned from the Senate to becomesecretary of state in the cabinet of President Jackson, q.v. (1831-33). He later resigned this position to become U.S. minister to France, the position once occupied by his brother, Robert R. His original lodge is not known, but he came to Holland Lodge No. 8 of New York City by affiliation and was third junior warden of that lodge. He is listed in the returns of this lodge as a member as early as 1788. He was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York in 1801-03, relinquishing this position when he moved to New Orleans. He was charter member and first master of Louisiana Lodge No. 101, New Orleans. This lodge was chartered by the Grand Lodge of New York on Sept. 2, 1807, and after several reorganizations ultimately emerged as Perfect Union Lodge No. 1 of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana. Little is known of his Royal Arch affiliationshis chapter, or whether he ever served as high priest. He was elected general grand high priest while living in Louisiana and served from 1829 until his death in 1836, presiding over the convocations held in New York City, Baltimore, and Washington. d. May 23, 1836 in Rhinebeck, N.Y. where he had retired from public life. Henry Beekman Livingston (17501831) Brigadier General, American Revolution. b. Nov. 9, 1750 at Rhinebeck, N.Y., a brother of Robert R., q.v., and Edward, q.v. In August, 1775 he raised a company of soldiers and accompanied his brother-in-law, General Richard Montgomery, q.v., on his expedition to Canada. For his services in the capture of Chambly in 1775, he was voted a sword of honor by congress in Dec. of that year. In Feb., 1776 he became aide-de-camp to General Philip Schuyler, q.v., and in Nov. was made colonel of the 4th battalion of New York volunteers. He resigned that command in 1779. He served with Lafayette in Rhode Island and was with him at Valley 93 James Livingston Forge. At the close of the war he was made brigadier general. He was one of the original members of the New York Society of the Cincinnati. A member of Masters Lodge No. 2 of Albany, he was admitted in 1777. d. Nov. 5, 1831.

James Livingston (1747-1832) Revolutionary soldier. b. March 27, 1747 in Canada. A cousin of Robert R., Edward and Henry B., qq.v. He was given command of a regiment of Canadian auxiliaries at the start of the war and was with General Richard Montgomery, q.v., at the capture of Fort Chambly. He later accompanied Montgomery on his invasion of Canada. He continued with the American Army as a colonel until the close of the war and was present at the Battle of Stillwater in 1777, and the surrender of Burgoyne the same year. He had command of Stony Point at the time of Benedict Arnold's, q.v., treason in 1780. Member of Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. and master of same in 1777. James E. Livingston Justice, Supreme Court of Alabama. b. March 17, 1892 in Notasulga, Ala. Graduate of U. of Alabama in 1918. Began law practice at Tuscaloosa. Associate justice of supreme court since 1940. Mason. Philip Livingston (1716-1778) Signer of Declaration of Independence. b. Jan. 15, 1716 in Albany, N.Y. Graduate of Yale in 1737. Elected alderman of New York City in 1754 and held the office nine years and long-time member of provincial assembly from that city. He was one of the committee of correspondence contacting Edmund Burke, q.v. He was a member of the first Continental Congress at Philadelphia in 1774, and continued a member of that body until his death. He was chosen state senator in 1777, and attended the first meeting of the first state legislature of N.Y. He was elected one of the first delegates to thefirst congress under the new federation. No proof of his Masonic membership exists, but there was a Philip J. Livingston present with Robert R. Livingston, q.v., at the first meeting of Solomon's Lodge No. 1 at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. on May 22, 1771. d. June 12, 1778. Robert R. Livingston (1746-1813) U.S. Minister to France who negotiated the Louisiana Purchase for the United States. b. Nov. 27, 1746 in New York City. Graduate of Kings (now Columbia) Coll. in 1765. Admitted to the bar in 1773 and for a short time was in partnership with John Jay, q.v. He was elected to the provincial assembly of N.Y. from Dutchess Co. in 1775 and sent by that body as a delegate to the Continental Congress, where he was one of the committee of five (Jefferson, Adams, Franklin and Sherman) that drew up the Declaration of Independence. He was prevented from signing as he was called away to the meeting of the N.Y. provincial convention. He was then appointed first chancellor of N.Y. under the constitution and served in that capacity from 1777 to 1801. He was again a delegate to the Continental Congress in 1777, 1779-81. As chancellor, he administered the oath of office to George Washington upon his inauguration as the first president of the

United States on April 30, 1789 in New York City, using the altar Bible of St. John's Lodge No. 1 (then No. 2) for the ceremony. He held the office of secretary of foreign affairs for the U.S. in 1781-83, and, in 1788 was chairman of the N.Y. convention to consider the U.S. Constitution, whose adoption he was largely instrumental in procuring. He refused the post of minister to France in 1794, and later the secretaryship of the Navy under Jefferson, but in 1801 accepted appointment as U.S. minister to France. He was a close friend of Napoleon, q.v., and popular at court. The U.S. acquisition 94 John Jestyn, 1st Baron Llewellin of the Louisiana Territory was due in the main part to Livingston. While in France he met Robert Fulton, q.v., and became interested in steam navigation. Returning to this country, the two secured the exclusive right to navigate the waterways of N.Y. provided they could build a boat that would make four miles an hour. The first boat of 30 tons could only do three, but in 1807 the Clermont made five. He was the first to introduce merino sheep into communities west of the Hudson River and brought gypsum into use as a fertilizer. Benjamin Franklin called him the "Cicero of America" and he was honored by his state as one of the two members of the National Hall of Fame in the U.S. Capitol. He was a member of Union Lodge, N.Y.C. and served as master of same. He was elected as first grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York in 1784, and served until 1801. As grand master, he constituted Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. on May 22, 1771. He relinquished his grandmastership on becoming minister to France. When the grand lodge presented him with a jewel on his retirement, he responded: "I shall wear, with pride and pleasure, the jewel with which the Fraternity has honored me, and consider it as a memorial of the pleasing connection which binds us to each other when the duties I owe the public shall have separated them from me. . . . My ardent prayers are for the present and future happiness of its members, and believe that I shall, in every situation in life, feel myself deeply interested in their prosperity, and that of the respectable and useful society over which they so worthily preside." He was a brother of Edward and Henry B. Livingston, qq.v. d. Feb. 26, 1813. Alberto Lleras-Camargo President of Colombia, 1945-46. b. July 3, 1906 in Bogota, Colombia. A journalist he was with La Republica, El Tiempo, El Espectador (1924-35) and contributor to La Nacion, El Mundo of Buenos Aires in 1926-29. Editor-in-chief of El Tiempo, 1929-34 and founder and director of El Liberal, 1938-42. He has been secretary of the Liberal party, member of house of representatives, secretary of Colombian delegation to 7th Pan American Conf. in 1933, general secretary to president of Colombia 1934-35, minister of government, 1935-38, delegate to Buenos Aires Peace Conf., 1936, minister of education, 1937, chairman of house of representatives, 1941, senator and representative in national legislature,

1943; Colombian ambassador to U.S. in 1943, minister of government, 194345, minister of foreign relations, 1945, delegate to U.N. Conference at San Francisco in 1945, director general of Pan American Union, 1947-48 and secretary general of Organization of American States since 1948. Member of Lodge Murillo Torro at Bogota. John Jestyn, 1st Baron Llewellin First Governor General of the Federation of Central Africa in 1953. b. Feb., 1893 at Chevening near Sevenoaks, Kent. He was created first Baron Llewellin of Upon in Dorset in 1945. He attended Eaton and University College at Oxford. At age of 21 he was commissioned in the Dorset Royal Garrison Artillery and served with same in France from 1915-19. He read law after the war and was called to the bar in 1921. Eight years later he became a member of parliament for Uxbridge, retaining that seat until his elevation to the peerage. He has served as secretary to the postmaster general of England; first commissioner of works; assistant government whip; civil lord of the Admiralty. He was parliamentary secretary to ministry of Supplies, 1939-40, ministry of Aircraft Production, 1940-41, ministry of War Transport, 1941-42; president of board of trade; minister of Aircraft Production; minister resident in Washington, D.C. for Supply, and minister of Food, 1943-46. In 1946 he 95 Andreas Saenz Llorente was junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of England and was named provincial grand master for Dorset in 1952. In 1947 he was junior grand warden of the Mark Grand Lodge of England. Attained 31 in Ancient and Accepted Rite, Rose Croix. Andreas Saenz Llorente President of the Costa Rican Constitutional Congress. A doctor, he was dean of the faculty of Medicine at the state university. Member of Caridad Lodge No. 26. Julian Volio Llorente Former secretary of State of Costa Rica and candidate for the presidency. He was president of congress and chamber of representatives and president of the constitutional assembly in 1880. Director of the National Bank and president of the Law College. Past master of Caridad Lodge No. 26. Edward Lloyd (1779-1834) Governor of Maryland, 180941 and U.S. Senator from Maryland, 1819-26. b. July 22, 1779 at "Wye House," Talbot Co., Md. His father of the same name was a member of the Continental Congress. His grandson, Henry Lloyd, q.v., was also governor of Md. Educated by private tutors. Member of state house of delegates, 1800-05 and to U.S. congress to fill vacancy, serving from 1806-09. Served in War of 1812

as a lieutenant colonel in 9th Maryland regiment. Member of Coates Lodge No. 76, Easton, Md. d. June 2, 1834. Harold C. Lloyd Star of silent films and movie producer. b. April 20, 1894 in Burchard, Nebr. Attended high school in Denver, Colo. and San Diego, Calif. He began his motion picture career as an extra at the age of 19 with the Edison Co. at San Diego, and was later with Universal and other Hollywood film companies. In 1914 he joined Hal E. Roach. In his comedies, he won world fame as a symbol of American youthhornedrimmed glasses (no lenses in the frames) and a straw hat. He appeared in more than 250 comedies, a record that few stars can approach. Among his pictures were a one-reel series known as Lonesome Lukes, Sailor Made Man, Grandma's Boy, Dr. Jack, Safety Last, Why Worry, and others. In 1923 he organized the Harold Lloyd Corp. and produced Girl Shy, Hot Water, The Freshman, For Heaven's Sake, The Kid Brother and Speedy. His first talking picture was Welcome Danger. He produced Professor Beware, and for R.K.O., A Girl, a Guy and a Gob. He was initiated in Alexander Hamilton Lodge No. 535 of Hollywood in 1925. A member of both rites, he took his Royal Arch Degree with his father. He is past sovereign of San Gabriel Conclave of Red Cross of Constantine, potentate of Al Malaikah Shrine Temple of Los Angeles in 1939, director of Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children, and in 1949 was elected Imperial Potentate of the Shrine for North America. Henry Lloyd (1852-1932) Governor of Maryland, 1885-88. b. Feb. 21, 1852 at Hambrooks Farm near Cambridge, Md. He was the grandson of Edward L. Lloyd, q.v., another governor of Md. Educated at Cambridge Academy, he was admitted to the bar in 1873. He taught school until 1880, -and entered law practice at Cambridge, Md. in 1880. Elected to the state senate in 1881, he was president of same in 1884. He was later judge of the circuit court. He was the 20th master of Cambridge Lodge No. 66, Cambridge, Md., serving in 1878, 1879, 1885 and 1889. He was raised in 1876 and in 1885-86 was senior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Maryland. d. April 11, 1932. Georg J. Lober American sculptor. b. in Chicago, Ill. He studied with Calder, Borglum, and Longman. He has exhibited in well-known galleries and museums throughout the U.S. 96 Richard A. Locke and in Paris. His works include portrait bust of Theodore Roosevelt, Hall of Fame; Hans Christian Anderson medal; statue of Thomas Paine, Morristown, N.J. He was knighted by the King of Denmark in 1950, and in 1952 was recipient of the National Sculptor Society's medal of

honor. Member of Hiram Lodge No. 449, New York City. Charles S. Lobingier (1866-1956) Judge of international tribunals, author and founder of Scottish Rite in Philippines and Korea. b. April 30, 1866 in Lanark, Ill. Held five degrees from U. of Nebraska. Admitted to Nebraska bar in 1890 and practiced at Omaha until 1902, and from 1904-14, was judge of the Court of 1st Instance in the Philippines. He was judge of the U.S. Court for China from 191424. He was a law professor in seven universities during his career and wrote a number of legal books. In 1929 he was special counsel for U.S. before International Claims Commission, and in 1931 was tendered appointment by Chinese government as legal counselor. From 1934-46 he was a Securities Exchange officer. In 194649 he was chief adviser to property claims comm. of U.S. military government in Korea. He was raised in St. John's Lodge No. 25, Omaha, Nebr. in 1896, and was master in 1900. In 1901 he was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska, and chairman of committee on codification of law from 1899-1904. Received Scottish Rite (SJ) in Omaha in 1898, and KCCH in 1901. In 1907 he established the Scottish Rite in Manila, Philippines. In 1910 he became a deputy of the Supreme Council for the Philippines, and on removal to China had the same position for that country. Elected honorary inspector general in 1913. Exalted in Omaha Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. in 1901 and later affiliated with Keystone Chapter at Shanghai, China, serving as high priest in 1917. Member of Red Cross of Constantine at Chicago (St. John's No. 1), and founded, and was first sovereign, of Asoka Conclave, Manila, and first intendant general for the Far East. Received the Royal Order of Scotland in the Provincial Grand Lodge of China in 1916. Was provincial grand master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Philippines from 1920-26. Was the 33rd Freemason to receive the Scottish Rite's Grand Cross (1925). He wrote The Supreme Council, 33, a history of the southern jurisdiction from its founding in 1801. d. April 28, 1956. Edward Locke (1869-1945) Playwright. b. Oct. 18, 1869 in Stourbridge, Worcestershire, England, coming to the U.S. in 1884. His plays include The Climax, The Case of Beckey, The Silver Wedding, The Revolt, The Bubble, The Land of the Free, Dangerous Years, The Dancer, Dorothy Dixie Lee, Frieda Laughs, Mike Angelo, Swanee River, 57 Bowery, The Love Call and The Studio Girl. Mason. d. March 1, 1945. Richard A. Locke (1800-1871) Journalist who authored the celebrated "Moon Hoax" of 1835. b. in New York, he was one time editor of the New York Sun and The New Era. Poor health forced him to leave journalism several years before his death, and he received an appointment in the New York custom house. In 1835 he created a sensation by the publication of what

purported to be the astronomical observations, especially on the moon, of "Sir John Herschel, the younger," at the Cape of Good Hope, describing in detail, among other things, the discovery of lunar inhabitants. The whole account was so plausible and circumstantial that It was believed even by many scientific men. Afterward he wrote "The Lost Manuscript of Mungo Park," another hoax. Member of Benevolent Lodge No. 28, New York City. d. Feb. 16, 1871. 97 John G. Lockhart John G. Lockhart (1794-1854) Scottish biographer of Scott and Burns. Called to the bar in 1816. He married Sir Walter Scott's eldest daughter, Charlotte Sophia. He wrote four novels: Valerius, Adam Blair, Reginald Dalton and Matthew Wald. He sketched Edinburgh society in Peter's Letters to His Kinsfolk and edited the Quarterly Review from 1825-53. In 1828 he produced a biography of Burns, and in 1829 an history of the life of Napoleon. His greatest work, which is usually rated next to Boswell's Johnson among the great biographies in English, was his Life of Sir Walter Scott, in seven volumes. Member of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge, Scotland (Jan. 26, 1826). d. 1854. Fred W. Lockley Author, specializing on Pacific Northwest history. b. March 19, 1871 at Leavenworth, Kans. Graduate of Willamette U. in 1895. He was part owner of East Oregonian at Pendleton from 1901-05, general manager of Pacific Monthly Magazine at Portland from 1905-10, and editorial writer and columnist on Oregon Journal from 1911. Served overseas with A.E.F. in WWI. While overseas he wrote for Paris edition of New York Herald and Stars and Stripes. His books include Vigilante Days in Virginia City; Sol Tetherow, Wagon Train Master; Across the Plains by Prairie Schooner; To Oregon by Ox Team in '47; History of the Columbia River Valley; Oregon Folks; Oregon's Yesterdays; Oregon Trail Blazers. Received degrees in Pendleton Lodge No. 52, Pendleton, Oreg. on Feb. 27, May 1, June 6, 1905 and later affiliated with Willamette Lodge No. 2, Willamette, Oreg. David A. Lockmiller President of University of Chattanooga (Tenn.) since 1942. b. Aug. 30, 1906 at Athens, Tenn. Degrees from Cumberland U. (Tenn.), Emory U. (Ga.) and U. of North Carolina. Studied at Oxford in1937. Admitted to the bar and practiced at Monett, Mo. from 1929-33. Taught at N.C. State Coll. of Agriculture, U. of North Carolina, Emory U., N.C. Coll. for Negroes, and Meredith Coll. Member of Monett Lodge No. 129, Monett, Mo. since 1931. Alfred C. Lockwood (1875-1951) Former Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Arizona. b. July 20, 1875 in Ottawa, Ill. Taught school in Arizona before

being admitted to the bar in 1902. He practiced at Nogales and Douglas. He was associate justice of supreme court of Arizona three terms (1925-43), and was chief justice, 1929-30, 1935-36, and 1941-42. Retired from bench in 1943 to resume private practice. Member of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 19, Douglas, Ariz., receiving degrees Sept. 19, 26, 1905, and Jan. 30, 1906. d. Oct. 30, 1951. Charles A. Lockwood, Jr. Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. May 6, 1890 in Midland, Va. Attended high school in Lamar, Mo. and graduated from U.S. Naval Academy in 1908. While at the academy he broke the one mile record with time of 4 minutes 29 2/5 seconds. After service on the USS Mississippi and USS Arkansas, he entered submarine service in 1914, and commanded the A-2 and B-1. In WWI he commanded the first submarine division of the Asiatic Fleet, the submarines G-1 and N-5. Later he commanded the UC-97 (ex-German submarine), R-25 and S-14. He was chief of staff for submarines, U.S. Fleet, 1939-41 and naval attache, London, 1941-42. In 1942-43 he commanded the submarines of the Southwest Pacific Force based in West Australia and from 1943-45 was commander of submarines of the Pacific Fleet, based at Pearl Harbor, and later, Guam. His submarines of the latter command sank over 1,000 hostile ships including one battleship, seven aircraft carriers, and five cruisers, finding no waters too remote for their operations. 98 John A. Logan They broke into the Japanese sea and cut Japan's lines of communication. Retired Sept. 1, 1947. Since retirement he has coauthored Sink 'Em All; Hellcats of the Sea; Zoomies, Subs and Zeros; Through. Hell and Deep Water. He has acted as a technical advisor for four submarine movies filmed by Warner Bros., Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Lakeside Pictures, and Stanley Kramer Productions. He is also a member of the secretary of Defense's advisory committee on prisoners of war, which in 1955 drew up the "U.S. Fighting Man's Code." He was raised in Cavite, Philippines about 1915, and affiliated with Lamar Lodge No. 292, Lamar, Mo. about 1920. Luke A. Lockwood (1833-1905) Author of Masonic Law and Practice. b. Dec. 1, 1833 at Riverside, Conn. He was born and died in the same house. He was initiated in Union Lodge No. 5, Stamford, Conn. in 1856, and became a charter member and first master of Acacia Lodge No. 85 at Greenwich, Conn. in 1858. On May 9, 1872 he was elected grand master of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut from the floorthe only other such instance being when Oliver Wolcott, governor of Conn., was elected from the floor. Exalted in Rittenhouse Chapter No. 11, R.A.M., Stamford, Conn., he was grand high priest two terms, 1865 and 1866. d. Nov. 20, 1905.

Paul E. Lockwood Vice President of Schenley Industries, Inc. b. June 27, 1902 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Graduate of Columbia in 1923, and Fordham U. Began as reporter for Brooklyn Eagle in 1916, and with N.Y. Evening World in 1922-23. Admitted to the bar in 1929 and practiced in N.Y.C. Governor Dewey appointed him special prosecutor in his war against rackets in N.Y. and he became chief assistant district attorney. From 1943-50 he was secretary to Governor Dewey, q.v. Became vice president of the Schenley group in 1955. Member of Bedford Lodge No. 574, 32 AASR (NJ) in Aurora Grata Consistory and Kismet Shrine Temple, all of New York City. R. Lee Lockwood Active member, Supreme Council, 33 AASR (SJ) and grand orator of same. He is sovereign grand inspector general in Texas. Received 32 in 1922, KCCH in 1933, and 33 in 1941. Has been active member since 1952. He is president of the Waco Mortgage Co. Director of a bank in Dallas, and one in Waco; director of Farm Home Savings and Loan Assn. with offices in Kansas City and Nevada, Mo. Graduate of U. of Texas. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Texas in 1938; served as president of the Masonic Home and School. He is past commander of his commandery and past potentate of the Shrine. John A. Logan (1826-1886) Union Major General in Civil War; U.S. Congressman and Senator from Illinois. b. Feb. 9, 1826 in Jackson Co., Ill. He entered the Mexican War as a private and became a lieutenant in the 1st Illinois Infantry. Graduate of Louisville U. in 1851 and admitted to the bar. He was U.S. congressman from Illinois from 1852-61, resigning his seat to take part in the Civil War. After fighting at Bull Run, he returned home to organize the 31st Illinois Infantry and was its colonel. He rose to brigadier general of volunteers in 1862, and major general in Nov. of the same year. He fought at Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Corinth, Jackson, Tenn., Mississippi campaign, Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills, and the siege of Vicksburg. He was appointed military governor of Vicksburg. He succeeded General McPherson in command of the Army of Tenn. and joined Sherman at Savannah. After the war he declined appointment as minister of Mexico by President Johnson, q.v. He was elected to the 40th, 99 Marvel M. Logan 41st and 42nd U.S. congresses, but before the 42nd congress could convene, he was elected U.S. senator and served from 1872-77, when he retired to private law practice in Chicago. He was again elected to the senate in 1879. He was one of the founders and was second commander-in-chief of the G.A.R. He succeeded General Stephen A. Hurlbut, q.v., as commander

and was re-elected twice. He was regarded as the most outstanding leader the G.A.R. ever had. Memorial Day as a national holiday was the result of his efforts. He was raised in Mitchell Lodge No. 85 of Pinckneyville, Ill. and affiliated with Benton Lodge No. 64, Benton, Ill., Sept. 6, 1851. He was exalted in Washington Chapter No. 43, RA.M., Chicago, Sept. 11, 1885; knighted in Chevalier Bayard Cornmandery No. 52, K.T., Chicago, Dec. 1, 1885; received 32 AASR (NJ) in Oriental Consistory, Chicago in 1880. He was elected to receive the 33, Sept. 15, 1886, but died on Dec. 26, 1886 before it could be conferred. Marvel M. Logan (1874-1939) U.S. Senator from Kentucky, 1931-39. b. Jan. 7, 1874 in Brownsville, Ky. Practiced law at Brownsville from 18961912. Was attorney general of Kentucky for term, 1916-20, but resigned in 1917, and was appointed chairman of state tax commission. In 1918 he resumed practice in Louisville. He was judge of the Kentucky court of appeals from 1926-31, and chief justice, 1930-31. He died before his term in the Senate was completed. He was a member of J. M. McCorkle Lodge No. 355 (name later changed to Washington-Meredith Lodge No. 355 on Oct. 21, 1931). He received the degrees, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, and Nov. 18, 1904. He was senior warden of his lodge in 1905, and master in 1906. d. Oct. 3, 1939. William Logan (1776-1822) U.S. Senator from Kentucky, 1819-20. b. Dec. 8, 1776 within the fort at Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., Ky. Moved with parents to Shelby Co., Ky. about 1798. He studied law, was admitted to the bar. Member of the lower house of Kentucky in 1803-06, and in 1808 served as speaker. He was judge of the court of appeals from 1808-12. He resigned from the senate to become an unsuccessful gubernatorial candidate. Member of Lexington Lodge No. 1 and Lexington Chapter No. 1, both of Lexington, Ky. d. Aug. 8, 1822. Chester I. Long (1860-1934) U.S. Senator from Kansas, 1903-09; U.S. Congressman, 1895-97, 1899-1903. b. Oct. 12, 1860 near Millerstown, Pa. He moved with parents to Daviess Co., Mo. in 1865, and to Paola, Kans. in 1879. He taught school several years, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1885, practicing in Medicine Lodge, Kans. He was a member of the state senate from 1889-93. He moved to Wichita in 1911 and continued the practice of law. In 1925-26 he was president of the American Bar Association. In 1926 he moved to Washington, D.C. and continued his law practice there. Raised in Paola Lodge No. 37, Paola, Kans., July 29, 1882; affiliated with Orient Lodge No. 51, Topeka in 1889, Delta Lodge No. 77, 1890-1911, and finally, with Albert Pike Lodge No. 303, Topeka, Kans. from 1912. 32 AASR (SJ) at Wichita, April 16, 1901, and became KCCH. d. July 1, 1934.

Crawford W. Long (1815-1878) First physician to use ether as an anesthetic. b. Nov. 1, 1815 in Danielsville, Ga. He was graduated from Franklin Coll. (Pa.), and from the medical dept. of the U. of Pennsylvania in 1839. He practiced in Jefferson and Jackson counties, Ga. until 1851, when he moved to Athens. He claimed that he performed the first surgical operation with the patient in a state of anesthesia from the inhalation of ether, on March 30 1842. His claim is backed up by the history 100 Narciso Lopez of anesthesia by Dr. J. Marion Sims and that "Horace Wells, without any knowledge of Dr. Long's labors, demonstrated in the same philosophic way the great principle of anaesthesia by the use of nitrous-oxide gas in Dec., 1844, thus giving Long the priority over Wells by two years and eight months, and over Morton, who followed Wells in 1846." A postage stamp has been issued in his honor. He became a member of Mount Vernon Lodge No. 22, Athens, Ga. in 1854 and remained on its rolls until his death on June 16, 1878. George S. Long (1883-1958) U.S. Congressman to 83rd through 85th Congress from 8th La. dist. b. Sept. 11, 1883 in Tunica, La. Was a practicing dentist from 1904-35 in Okla.; 1935-40 in Monroe, La.; and 1940-52 in Pineville, La. Also a lawyer, founder and director of the Dr. George S. Long Corp; advisor to Governor Earl K. Long. Member of Delta Lodge No. 425, Tulsa, Okla. 32 AASR (SJ). d. March 22, 1958. Manuel H. Longenheim (1832-1892) Minister of the Supreme Court of Argentina and judge of the superior court of the province of Buenos Aires. Mason. Andrew H. Longino Former Governor of Mississippi. Initiated in Eastern Star Lodge No. 79 in 1887, passed and raised in 1903. Lodge now defunct. Harry S. Longley (1868-1944) Episcopal Bishop. b. Sept. 10, 1868 in Cohoes, N.Y. Held three degrees from St. Stephen's Coll. (now Bard Coll. of Columbia U.). Ordained deacon in 1894, priest in 1895 of the Protestant Episcopal church. He served pastorates in Troy, N.Y., Milford, Mass., Binghamton, N.Y., and Evanston, Ill. He was consecrated suffragan bishop of Iowa in 1912; elected coadjutor bishop of Iowa in 1916; and bishop of Iowa in 1929. He was presiding bishop of the province of Northwest from 1920-29. He retired on Nov. 1, 1943. Raised in Otseningo Lodge No. 435, Binghamton, N.Y. on Feb. 20, 1902 and was master in 1907. Received 32 AASR (NJ) in Otseningo Consistory of Binghamton on Jan. 28, 1903 and crowned 33 on Sept. 18, 1923. Past grand chaplain of Grand Lodge of New York, 1907-09. d.

April 5, 1944. Theodore C. Lonnquest Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. April 10, 1894 in Lynn, Mass. Graduate of Dartmouth (1917), Mass. Inst. of Tech. (1924), and U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. Commissioned ensign in Navy in 1917, and advanced through grades to rear admiral in 1946. Served at Naval Air Station in WWI. Entered Naval aviation in 1919, and from 1924-32 served on the U.S.S. Langley, U.S.S. Pennsylvania and U.S.S. Saratoga. He was commanding officer of scouting squadron 2 of the Saratoga until 1934. From 1934-37 he was head of the power plant design in the Bureau of Aeronautics at Washington, and commanded the Naval Aviation Station at Norfolk from 1937-41. He then was director of engineering in the Bureau of Aeronautics in charge of design and development of Naval aircraft. In 1946 he was on the staff of the atom bomb tests at Bikini atoll. In 1946 he was in dept. of secretary of Navy in connection with aviation applications of atomic energy, and then served as deputy and chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics, 1949-53. Retired in 1956 and is now industrial consultant. Member of St. Martin's Lodge, Chatham, Mass. from 1919. 32 AASR (SJ) in Pensacola, Florida. Narciso Lopez (1799-1851) Spanish Major General; Governor of Valencia; Cuban martyr, and designer of the Cuban flag. b. in Caracas, Venezuela. He belonged to a rich family of merchants. Was made colonel in the Spanish army when only 21 years old, 101 Salvador P. Lopez while fighting the Venezuelan uprising for independence. When the Spanish Army evacuated Venezuela, he went first to Cuba, and then to Spain, where he served in the first Carlist War and became known as "the first lancer in the army." In 1836 he was made brigadier general, and in 1839, major general, and appointed governor of Valencia. He went to Cuba in 1841 with General Valdes who had been appointed governor general. When the governors changed he retired to private life, but joined the revolutionary party in 1848. He fled to New York in 1849 when a conspiracy in which he had part was discovered. While preparing for a military expedition in New York against the Cuban government, he designed a flag that included a five-pointed star within a triangle, drawing it from Masonic symbolism. The flag first flew atop the New York Sun building on May 11, 1850 and eight days later it waved over Cuba when Lopez landed at Cardenas (May 19th). He was forced to evacuate after a few hours and returned with his 600 men to New Orleans to prepare a new invasion. He landed with it on Aug. 12, 1851 near Bahia Honda, on the northern coast, west of Havana. He was captured, tried for treason and executed by garroting on Sept. 1, 1851. His flag, however, spurred independence-minded Cubans to fight on despite repeated reversals and the

forces of Maximo Gomez, Jose Marti, and Antonio Maceo (all Masons) carried the flag in the final struggle for independence. Wor. Master Narciso Valdes, keeper of the lighthouse at Morro Castle, Havana, hoisted the flag over the fort on May 20, 1902 when the tyrannical rule of Spain was at an end. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Georgia for 1850 say he was made a Mason in Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Savannah. He is also credited with being a member of Lodge Estrella Solitaria del Oriente del Louisiana. Salvador P. Lopez Philippine Ambassador to France and minister to Belgium and Netherlands (since 1955). b. May 27, 1911 in Currimao, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. Graduate of U. of Philippines in 1931 and 1933. A journalist he was associate editor of The Philippines Herald, Manila, 1933-41 and editor of Monday Mail, Manila, 1939-41. He was chief of cultural relations of office of foreign relations in 1946. From 1946 he was Philippine minister plenipotentiary and charge d'affairs, foreign affairs officer and political advisor to Philippine mission to United Nations. Raised in Bagumbayan Lodge No. 4, Manila, in 1940. Vincent Lopez Orchestra leader. b. 1898. Initiated in Cabellerose De America lodge in Buenos Aires, he became a member of St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York City on August 21, 1923. Vincente Lopez y Planes (17841856) Argentine poet and politician who wrote the words of the Argentine National Anthem. b. in Buenos Aires. He studied law and served as a volunteer during the English invasion of 1806-07. He was chosen secretary of the first triumvirate of Chiclanak Sarratea, and Passo. He was successively deputy to the constituent general assembly, secretary of the director, Puyrredon, prefect and founder of the classic department of the state university, and founder of its topographical dept. He was a member of congress in the years 1819 and 1825. In 1827 he was provisional president of the Republic. In 1828 he was minister of the treasury and president of the supreme court of justice until the fall of Roses in 1852. After this he was head of the provisional government and later governor of the province of Buenos Aires. Member of the famed "Lautaro Lodge" of Argentine. d. in Buenos Aires in 1856. 102 William, 6th Marquis of Lothian Bert Lord (1869-1939) U.S. Congressman to '74th and 75th Congresses, 1935-39, from 34th N.Y. dist. b. Dec. 4, 1869 in Broome Co., N.Y. He was first engaged in the lumbering and mercantile business and later in farming. Member of N.Y. assembly in 191522 and 1924-29. Member of state senate from 1929-35. Motor vehicle commissioner of New York, 1921-23. Member of Afton Lodge No. 360, Afton,

N.Y. receiving degrees on May 8, May 28, June 26, 1906 and master in 1912. d. May 24, 1939. John Wesley Lord Methodist Bishop. b. Aug. 23, 1902 in Paterson, N.J. Degrees from Dickinson Coll. (Pa.) in 1927 and Drew Theol. Sem. (N.J.) in 1930. Doctorate from U. of Edinburgh, Scotland in 1931. From 192224 he was a teacher and principal in N.J. schools. He served pastorates in Jersey City, Union, Arlington, and Westfield, all in N.J. He has been resident bishop of the Boston area since 1948. Delegate to general conference of the church from 1944-48. Past grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts (1954-55). He received the 33 AASR (NJ) in Sept. 1957. In 1956 he received the coveted Gourgas Award from the Supreme Council. Member of Bergen Lodge No. 47, Jersey City, N.J. and later of Boston University Lodge, Boston, Mass. Kenneth P. Lord Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Dec. 11, 1888 in Rockland, Maine. Graduate of Tufts Coll. in 1929. Commissioned in 1911, he became brigadier general in 1941, and was retired in 1946. He participated in the punitive expedition in Mexico and in WWI was in the offensives of AisneMarne, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne. In WWI he was commanding general of the Eastern Defense Command. Mason. Rafael Obregon Loria Masonic author. b. July 9, 1911 in San Jose, Costa Rica. He wrote a history of Freemasonry in Costa Rica in 1950 entitled La Masoneria en Costa Rica. Was grand master of Costa Rica in 1947. He is an instructor in the National University and a knight of the Order of Constructor. Mason. George B. Loring (1817-1891) U.S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 188185. b. Nov. 8, 1817 in North Andover, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1838, and medical degree from same in 1842. Active in practical and scientific agriculture throughout his life. Ile served as postmaster of Salem, Mass., 1853-57, and president of the state senate in 1873-77. Elected to U.S. congress in 1876, he served until 1881. In 1889-90 he was U.S. minister to Portugal. Member of lodge in Salem, Mass. and 32 AASR (NJ). d. Sept. 13, 1891. Duke of Lorraine (see Francis I). James E. Lose Steel executive. b. Jan. 17, 1891 in Osage Co., Kans. Began with U.S. Steel as a draftsman in 1910. He has successively been vice

president of Carnegie Steel Co., vice president of Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp., executive vice president of Carnegie Steel Corp. Since 1953 he has been assistant executive vice president of U.S. Steel. Mason. J. Carlton Loser U.S. Congress- man to 85th Congress from 5th Tenn. dist. b. Oct. 1, 1892 in Nashville, Tenn. Graduate of Cumberland U. in 1923. Admitted to the bar in 1922, he was assistant city attorney, assistant district attorney, and district attorney (Nashville). Raised in Phoenix Lodge No. 131, Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1914. Member of Edward G. Corbitt Chapter No. 147, R.A.M.; Nashville Cornmandery No. 1, K.T.; Trinity Consistory No. 2, AASR (SJ); and Al Menah Shrine Temple, all of Nashville. William, 6th Marquis of Lothian (see under "Ancrum"). 103 Charles E. Loucks Charles E. Loucks Major General, U.S. Army. b. June 29, 1895 in Mayfield, Calif. Graduate of Leland Stanford U. and Mass. Inst. of Tech. Commissioned lieutenant in U.S. Army in 1917, he advanced through the grades to major general. In 1940-41 he was assistant military attache to Paris and London. From 1942-44 he commanded the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (Denver), and in 1945 was chief chemical officer in army of occupation, Japan. In 1945-48 he was chief of research and development division of the Chemical Corps; chief chemical officer of the European Command, 1948-51; commanding general of Army Chemical Center in 1951, and deputy chief chemical officer, U.S. Army, 1951-55. Since retirement in 1956 he has been technical director of the National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Assn. Raised in Mountain View Lodge No. 194, Mountain View, Calif. about 1924; 32 AASR (SJ) at Denver, Colo.; past high priest of Harford Chapter No. 43, R.A.M., Aberdeen, Md.; member of El Jebel Shrine Temple, Denver; Edgewood Arsenal Chapter No. 274, National Sojourners (Md.), Ashlar Club No. 169 and Mira Monte Chapter No. 141, O.E.S., Mountain View, Calif. Henry C. Loudenslager (1852-1911) U.S. Congressman to 53rd through 61st Congresses (1893-1911) from 1st N.J. dist. b. May 22, 1852 in Mauricetown, N.J. Received degrees in Florence Lodge No. 87, Woodbury, N.J. in 1875, remaining in good standing until his death on Aug. 12, 1911. Harold Louderback (1881-1941) Federal Judge, U.S. District Court, Northern Calif. from 1928. b. Jan. 30, 1881 in San Francisco. Graduate of U. of Nevada and Harvard U. Admitted to the bar in 1908, and practiced at San Francisco. Served as judge of superior, city, and county courts of San Francisco between 1921 and 1928.

Raised in San Francisco Lodge No. 360, June 18, 1912. d. Dec. 11, 1941. Earl of Loudon (see John Campbell, 4th Earl of). Louis Frederick, Prince of Wales (see under Frederick). Phineas C. Lounsbury (1841-1925) Governor of Connecticut, 1887-89. He was a New York banker and insurance company president as well as a boot and shoe manufacturer. In 1862 he served as a corporal in the Union forces. Member of Jerusalem Lodge No. 49, Ridgefield, Conn.; Eureka Chapter No. 23, and Crusader Cornmandery No. 10, both of Danbury; and Pyramid Shrine Temple of Bridgeport, Conn. Ralph R. Lounsbury President of Bankers National Life Insurance Co. since 1929, and chairman of board since 1955. b. Feb. 8, 1892 in Aurora, Nebr. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1916. President of Bankers National Life of Colorado, 1923-29; Bankers National Life of Florida, 1925-29; Atlantic Life, 1937-42. Received degrees in Aurora Lodge No. 68, Aurora, Nebr. when 21, and presently member of Montclair Lodge No. 144, Montclair, N.J. Former member of Scottish Rite at Lincoln, Nebr. and Shrine temples at Lincoln, Denver, and Newark, N.J. as well as Jesters. Clarence E. Lovejoy Newspaperman and author. b. June 26, 1894 in Waterville, Maine. Graduate of Columbia U. in 1917. Was reporter on papers in Pittsfield, Mass. and Meriden, Conn. from 1910-14. In 1925 he founded the Bronxville (N.Y.) Press. Has been with the New York Times, 1915-17, 191920, and since 1934 as boating editor. From 1927-47 he was alumni executive and editor of the Columbia Alumni News of Columbia U., and since 1947 has been director of College Admissions Advisory Service, N.Y. Served as officer in WWI 104 Samuel Low with A.E.F. and continued as a captain with regular army after war until 1925. In WWII he was with Military Intelligence and became a colonel. He was director of public relations for the European Theatre under Eisenhower and McNarey. Author of So You're Going to College, and Lovejoy's Complete Guide to American Colleges and Universities. Affiliated with Gramatan Lodge No. 927, Bronxville, N.Y. on April 17, 1925 from Crescent Lodge of Mass. Dimitted Sept. 20, 1936.

Frank W. Lovejoy (1871-1945) President, general manager and chairman of board of Eastman Kodak Co. b. Dec. 11, 1871 at Concord, N.H. Graduate of Mass. Inst. of Tech. in 1894. A chemist, he became associated with Eastman in 1897, and was president and general manager from 193441, and chairman of board from 1941. Mason. d. Sept. 16, 1945. Thomas, 1st Lord of Lovel Grand Master, Grand Lodge of England (Moderns), 1732. Afterwards Earl of Leicester. Mansfield Lovell (1822-1884) Confederate Major General in Civil War. b. Oct. 20, 1822 in Washington, D.C. Was graduated from U.S. Military Academy in 1842. He served in the Mexican War and was an aide to General John A. Quitman, q.v. He was wounded at Monterrey and again at Belen Gate. After serving on the Kansas frontier for two years, he resigned to take a command in Quitman's projected Cuban expedition, and after the failure of the expedition, went to New York City where he was superintendent of street improvement. At the beginning of the Civil War he was commissioned brigadier general in the Confederate service, and in 1861 was made major general. He was in command of New Orleans, and after its capture, joined Beauregard, q.v., in northern Miss. He commanded the Confederate forces in the Battle of Coffeeville, and in command of a corps repelled Sherman's attack at Kenesaw. He retired to a plantation near Savannah, but soon went to New York City where he was engaged as an engineer. Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. d. June 1, 1884. Warren C. Lovinger President of Central Missouri State College (Warrensburg) since 1956. b. July 29, 1915 in Big Sandy, Mont. Holds degrees from Montana State U. and Columbia U. Taught school in Montana from 1937-43. He was a history instructor in Montana State U. from 1943-44, and secretary of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 1947-51. From 1951-56 he was president of Northern State Teachers College, Aberdeen, S.D. Member of Corinthian Lodge No. 265, Warrensburg, Mo., 32 AASR at Aberdeen, S.D. and member of Yelduz Shrine Temple, Aberdeen. Marcus A. Low (1842-1921) Railway president. b. Aug. 1, 1842 in Guilford, Maine. His family moved to Ill. and then Hamilton, Mo. He practiced law from 1867. He was president of St. Joseph and Iowa RR., 1886-87, the Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska R.R., 1887-92, and the Chicago, Rock Island & Texas R.R., 1892-1900. He was general attorney for the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R.R. from 18921912. He was a member of Hamilton Lodge No. 224, Hamilton, Mo. and was exalted in Hamilton Chapter No. 45, R.A.M.

(now defunct) in 1868, serving as high priest from 1869-71. Knighted in Liberty Commandery No. 6, K.T., Liberty, Mo. in 1870, he dimitted to Hugh de Payens No. 4, St. Joseph, then to Kadosh No. 21, Cameron, and finally to Godfrey de Bouillon No. 24 at Trenton, Mo. where he remained a member until his death on July 19, 1921. Samuel Low (1765-?) American Poet. b. Dec. 12, 1765. He published 105 Fronk 0. Lowden a book entitled Poems, in two volumes, in 1800. Its first piece is an ode on the death of Washington, which was recited by John Hodgkinson in the New York Theatre on Jan. 8, 1800. The collection also contains sonnets on many subjects, humorous, patriotic and descriptive. Initiated in Holland Lodge No. 8, New York City in 1788. Frank 0. Lowden (1861-1943) Governor of Illinois, 1917-21; U.S. Congressman from Ill, to 59th through 61st congresses. b. Jan. 26, 1861 at Sunrise City, Minn. Graduate of Iowa State U. (valedictorian), and Union College of Law, Chicago (valedictorian). Honorary degrees from many universities. He practiced law at Chicago from 1887-1906. In 1920 he received 3111/2 votes as the Republican presidential nominee; declined the nomination for vice president in 1924. Knighted in Dixon Commandery, K.T., Dixon, Ill., Oct. 6, 1917. Received 33 AASR (NJ) at Springfield, Sept. 16, 1919. d. March 20, 1943. Arnold Hilmar Lowe Member of General Council, Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. b. July 25, 1888 at Zurich, Switzerland. Graduate of Coll. of Wooster, 0., Western Theol. Sem. and Mo. Valley Coll. Came to U.S. in 1905, and was naturalized in 1918. Ordained Presbyterian minister in 1912, and was missionary in West Africa until 1915. Served churches in Wilkinsburg, Pa. and St. Louis. Taught at Mo. Valley Coll: from 191927. Member of board of Christian education of Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., Mason, Knight Templar, and Shriner. Lloyd Lowndes (1845-1905) Governor of Maryland, 1895-99 and capitalist. b. Feb. 21, 1845 at Clarksburg, W.Va. Graduate of Allegheny Coll. (Pa.). President of 2nd National Bank, Cumberland, Md. and Union Mining Co. Made a Mason "at sight" by Thomas J. Shyrock, grand master of Maryland for many years. d. 1905. Thomas Lownds (1762-1825) One of the fathers of the Cryptic Rite of Freemasonry (Council). b. July 20, 1762 in New York, he was by occupation a

baker and later a grocer. He was made a Freemason in Washington Lodge No. 21 in 1802, and served as master in 1808 and 1814. Exalted in Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M. in 1802, he was high priest of Eagle Chapter No. 54, and from 1812-14, was deputy grand high priest of New York. He was deputy grand master of the Grand Encampment, U.S.A. and was present at its formation. He was associated with Governor Dewitt Clinton, q.v. The first record of the conferring of the Royal Master degree was in Columbian Council No. 1 of N.Y.C. by Lownds. It is not known where he received the degree. He received the Scottish Rite degrees from Abraham Jacobs, q.v., in 1806, and in the Cerneau, q.v., controversy, he affiliated with the Cerneau group. He was the first grand master of the grand council. d. Dec. 14, 1825. Frank J. Lowry Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Feb. 15, 1888 at Cresco, Iowa. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1911. Advanced through grades to rear admiral in 1943. Mason. Robert Lowry (1830-1910) Governor of Mississippi, 1882-90. b. in South -Carolina. Served with the Confederate forces in Civil War as a private in Co. B. of the 6th Miss. regiment. Later promoted to brigadier general, and was at Shiloh and all battles in the campaign of Georgia, being twice wounded. He served in both branches of the state legislature. He was raised in Brandon Lodge No. 29, in 1878. d. 1910. Sir Denys C. F. Lowson First Baronet of Westlaws. Former Lord Mayor of London. b. Jan. 22, 1906 near Stratford-on-Avon, England. Graduate of Oxford U. (Christ Church) in 1927-1932. Lawyer and investment 106 Erich F. W. Ludendorff banker. Founder of mutual funds group in 1934. Lord Mayor of London in 1950-51. Past grand warden of United Grand Lodge of England. Ralph F. Lozier (1866-1945) U.S. Congressman to 68th through 73rd Congresses, 1923-35 from 2nd Mo. dist. b. Jan. 28, 1866 in Ray Co., Mo. Admitted to the bar in 1886 and practiced at Carrollton. President of Mo. Bar Assn. in 1912-13. Member of Wakanda Lodge No. 52, George Washington Chapter No. 24, R.A.M., and Navarre Commandery No. 45, K.T., all of Carrollton, Mo. d. May 28, 1945. Francis R. Lubbock (1815-1905) Governor of Texas, 1861-62. b. in Beaufort, S.C. on Oct. 16, 1815. Moved to New Orleans in 1834, and to

Texas in 1836, settling in Houston in 1837, where he built the third house in that city. He was clerk of the house of representatives in 1828 and was appointed state comptroller by Houston, q.v. In 1857 he was lieutenant governor. He refused a renomination as governor in 1863 and joined the staff of Jefferson Davis. He was captured with Davis and confined in Fort Delaware until Dec., 1865, when he resumed business in Houston, moving to Galveston in 1867. He was elected state treasurer of Texas in 1878, 1882-86. Member of Holland Lodge No. 1, Houston. Lubbock, Texas is named for him. d. Dec. 23, 1905. John P. Lucas (1890-1949) Major General, U.S. Army. b. Jan. 14, 1890 at Kearneysville, W.Va. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1911, advancing through grades to major general in 1944. Commanded 3rd Infantry Div. at Fort Lewis, Wash. in 1941, and later commanding general of 3rd Army Corps. Served with 7th U.S. Army as personal representative of General Eisenhower in Sicilian Campaign and commanded II Corps in Sicily in 1943. He commanded the VI Corps at the Anzio landing in Italiancampaign, and was commander of the 4th Army at Fort Sam Houston until 1945. He was chief military advisor to president of China in 1946-48, and deputy commanding general of 5th Army in 1948. Received degrees in Elk Branch Lodge No. 93, Shenandoah Junction, W.Va., Feb. 20, March 6, March 10, 1919. Knight Templar. d. Dec. 24, 1949. Robert Lucas (1781-1853) Governor of Ohio in 1832-36 and first Territorial Governor of Iowa in 1838. b. April 1, 1781 in Shepherdstown, Va. His father was a descendant of William Penn. Robert moved to Ohio in 1800, and rose to the rank of major general of militia; he was commissioned captain in the 19th U.S. Infantry in 1812, rising to lieutenant colonel in 1813, but resigned to serve as a brigadier general of Ohio militia in defense of the frontier. He was a member of the Ohio legislature in 1814, and in 1832 presided over the Democratic national convention that nominated Andrew Jackson for a second term. He was initiated in Scioto Lodge No. 6 of Chillicothe, Ohio on Feb. 8 of 1816 or 1817. In 1840 he participated in a movement to form the first Masonic lodge in Iowa (now Des Moines No. 1). Later as a member of what is now Iowa Lodge No. 2 of Muscatine, he spearheaded a movement to form a grand lodge. This objective was reached on Jan. 2, 1844 while he was in Ohio. On his return to Iowa that year, he affiliated with Iowa City Lodge No. 4 at Iowa City. d. Feb. 7, 1853. Erich F. W. Ludendorff (1865-1937) German General of World War I fame and violent Anti-Mason. At outbreak of WWI in 1914 he was appointed a quartermaster general. He worked closely with Hindenburg, and together they were responsible for the defeat of Russia. He alone was the cause of the

collapse of the Serbians and Romanians. His plan of 107 Augustus Ludlow campaign in 1918 on the Western Front almost crushed the Allies. After the German defeat, he fled to Sweden, fearing accusations. He returned to Munich in 1919, and took part in reactionary conspiracies including the Hitler Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. In his last years he was fanatical in his ideas and actions, leading crusades against the Jews, Catholics, Masons, and Protestants. He supported Hitler and then deserted him, and eventually became a pacifist. His wife joined him in active fighting of Freemasonry, and continued it after his death. Augustus Ludlow Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, who was killed with Capt. James Lawrence in the naval battle between the American frigate Chesapeake and the British ship Shannon on June 1, 1813. It was at this time that Lawrence, q.v., uttered the famous words "Don't give up the ship!" Ludlow was buried with Masonic honors by the Grand Lodge of Delaware, according to the proceedings of 1813. George C. Ludlow (1830-1900) Governor of New Jersey, 1881-84. b. April 6, 1830 at Milford, N.J. Graduate of Rutgers Coll. in 1850, and admitted to the bar in 1853. Was state senator from 1876-80, and president of senate one year. Became associate justice of supreme court of N.J. Raised in Union Lodge No. 19, New Brunswick, N.J., April 22, 1856. Ludwig I, II, VII Dukes of Hesse-Darmstadt. All were active Freemasons according to the Bulletin of the International Masonic Congress issued in 1917. Christian Ludwig (see Christian). Wilfred W. Lufkin (1879-1934) U.S. Congressman to 65th through 67th Congresses from 6th Mass. dist. b. March 10, 1879 in Essex, Mass. Was newspaper correspondent and private secretary of Congressman Gardner,whose place he took upon the former's resignation, serving from 1917-21. He resigned to become collector of the port of Boston. Member of John T. Heard Lodge, Ipswich, Mass. and 16 AASR (NJ) d. March 28, 1934. Lum and Abner (see under Norris Goff and Chester Lauck). Henry T. Lummus Supreme Judge, Court of Massachusetts since 1932.

b. Dec. 28, 1876 at Lynn, Mass. Graduate of Brown U. in 1897, and admitted to the bar the following year. He practiced at Lynn until 1921. He was associate justice of the superior court of Mass. from 1921-32. Member of Golden Fleece Lodge, Lynn, Mass. Alva M. Lumpkin (1886-1941) U.S. Senator from North Carolina, taking oath of office on July 22, 1941, and dying Aug. 1, 1941. b. Nov. 13, 1886 in Milledgeville, Ga. Graduate of U. of South Carolina in 1908, he practiced in Columbia until 1939, when appointed U.S. judge for Eastern and Western districts of S.C. He also served as associate justice of supreme court of S.C. in 1926 and 1934. Member of Richland Lodge No. 39 and Columbia Consistory No. 2, AASR (SJ) as well as the Shrine. Vincent Lunardi Early balloonist. The minutes of St. Andrew's Lodge No. 160 of Edinburgh, Scotland on Oct. 14, 1785 state that the lodge was visited by many and "also by the renowned Brother Vincent Lunardi, Esquire, the first aerial navigator that has appeared in this city. Lawrence H. Lund (1897-1949) Vice President and Treasurer of Westinghouse Electric Corp. from 1945. b. April 8, 1897 at Brooklyn, N.Y. He was a statistician and auditor from 1914-21 with several firms. Associated with Westinghouse from 1921, first as auditor, and later as assistant treasurer, assistant secretary, credit 108 Edmund C. Lynch manager. Was director of several of Westinghouse's foreign firms. Mason. d. March 14, 1949. Ernest Lundeen (1878-1940) U.S. Senator from Minnesota, 1937-40; former U.S. Congressman. b. Aug. 4, 1878 at Beresford, S.D. Graduate of Carleton Coll. (Minn.) in 1901. Admitted to the bar in 1906, and began practice in Minneapolis. Member of lower house of Minn. two terms (191014). Served in three U.S. congresses 65th in 1917-19 in which he voted against entering the war, and against conscription, and conducted the first congressional referendum on war. He served again in the 73rd and 74th congresses (1933-37). Member of Minneapolis Lodge No. 19, Minneapolis, Minn. and Zuhrah Shrine Temple of that city. d. Aug. 31, 1940. Luneburg (see Prince of Brunswick-Luneburg). Claude Z. Luse (1879-1932) Federal Judge, Western District of Wisconsin from 1921. b. Feb. 23, 1879 at Stoughton, Wis. Graduate of U. of

Minnesota in 1901, and U. of Wisconsin in 1903. Practiced in Superior, Wis. from 1904-21. Member of Superior Lodge No. 236, Superior, Wis. at time of death on May 28, 1932. LeRoy Lutes Lieutenant General, U.S. Army and business executive. b. Oct. 4, 1890 in Cairo, Ill. Graduate of Wentworth Mil. Acad. in 1908. He was commissioned a 2nd lieutenant of Infantry in the U.S. Coast Artillery in 1917, and advanced through grades to lieutenant general in 1942, being retired in 1952. He is presently president of the Pacific Tire & Rubber Co., Oakland, Calif. (since 1952) and vice president of Mansfield Tire & Rubber Co. since 1953. He was director of operations for the Army Service Forces, 1942-45, chief of staff in 1945, and commanding general of same in 1946. In 1949 he was corn-mander of the U.S. Fourth Army. Member of Army-Navy Lodge No. 306, Ft. Monroe, Va. and 32 AASR (SJ). Martin Luther (1483-1546) Sometimes claimed by overzealous Masonic writers as a Freemason or more specifically a member of the "guild of Steinmetzen in Germany. Charles H. Lyman (1875-1945) Major General, U.S. Marine Corps. b. Sept. 22, 1875 in Ravenna, Ohio. Graduate of Army War Coll. and Naval War Coll. Commissioned in Marine Corps in 1899, and advanced through grades to major general in 1935. Served as a volunteer in Spanish-American War with District of Columbia regiment. Was in Boxer uprising in China in 1900; Philippine Insurrection. Later served in Cuba, Alaska, Panama, Santo Domingo, and China. Appointed commanding general of Fleet Marine Force, U.S. Fleet, 1933, later commanding the department of Pacific, U.S. Marine Corps. Retired Oct. 1, 1939. d. July 23, 1945. Mason. Clyde A. Lynch (1891-1950) President of Lebanon Valley College (Pa.) since 1932. b. Aug. 24, 1891 at Harrisburg, Pa. Graduate of Lebanon Valley Coll. in 1918, 1925, and 1926. Also degrees from Bonebrake Theol. Sem. and U. of Pennsylvania. Ordained United Brethren in Christ minister in 1916, and served churches in Pa. and Ohio until 1930. Member of Ephrata Lodge No. 665, Ephrata, Pa., receiving degrees June 13, Sept. 12, and Nov. 17, 1922. He served as grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Pa., and was supreme chaplain of Supreme Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. d. Aug. 6, 1950. Edmund C. Lynch Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Dec. 15, 1900 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1922 and advanced through grades to brigadier

109 William E. Lynd general in 1944. Entered Army Air Corps and served as an instructor in flying, and in 1945 was chief of staff of Third Air Force. Made a Freemason Aug. 16, 1943 in Prospect Lodge No. 578, Prospect Park, Pa. William E. Lynd Major General, U.S. Army. b. Sept. 10, 1893 in Santa Fe, Kans. Admitted to Idaho bar in 1920. Served in WWI with 2nd Idaho Inf. in 1915-17, and in 1917-19, with air force and was promoted through grades to brigadier general in 1942, and major general in 1943. After WWI, was in command of various air fields in the U.S. In WWII he was air officer with general headquarters, 194041; commanding general of 2nd Air Support Command, 1942; commanding general of 7th Bomber Command, Hawaii, 1942; on staff of commanderin-chief of U.S. Pacific Fleet, 1943; commanding general of 4th Air Force, San Francisco, 1943-44. Retired in 1947. Member of Kelly Lodge No. 1131, South San Antonio, Texas, 32 AASR and Shriner. David M. Lyon ( ?-1903) Scottish Masonic writer and grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland from 1877-1900. Initiated in 1856 in the Lodge Ayr Saint Paul No. 204. His most important works were the History of the Lodge of Edinburgh No. 1 (Mary's Chapel), published in 1873 and History of the Mother Lodge Kilwining, Jan. 30, 1903. Luciue Lyon (1800-1851) U.S. Senator from Michigan, 1837-39; U.S. Congressman, 1843-45. b. Feb. 26, 1800 in Shelburn, Vt. He settled in Detroit, Mich. in 1822, and was elected a territorial delegate to congress from 1833-35. In the latter year he was a member of the state constitutional convention, and again in 1850. From 1837-39 he was a regent of the U. of Michigan, and finally surveyor general of the Northwest Territory. Member of Washington Lodge No. 3, Burlington, Burlington Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. of Burlington, and the Knight Templar Encampment at Middlebury. d. Sept. 24, 1851. 110

Thomas J. Mabry Governor of New Mexico, 1946-50. b. Oct. 17, 1884 in Carlisle Co., Ky. Attended U. of Oklahoma and U. of New Mexico (1904-09). Admitted to the bar in 1915, he practiced in Albuquerque until 1936. Was a district judge, 1936-38, and justice of the supreme court of New Mexico, 1939-46, serving as chief justice, 1944-46. He served in the state constitutional convention in 1910, and in state senate from 1912-17, being the youngest member of both. Member of Temple Lodge No. 6, Albuquerque; 32

AASR (SJ) at Santa Fe and Ballut Abyad Shrine Temple, Albuquerque. Arthur MacArthur ( 1850 -1914) Grand Master, Grand Encampment, K.T., 1913-16. b. July 24, 1850 in Troy, N.Y. He was publisher of the Troy Northern Budget from 1875. Initiated in Mt. Zion Lodge No. 311, Troy, N.Y. on Nov. 22, 1872; exalted in Apollo Chapter No. 48, R.A.M. Feb. 18, 1874, and later served as high priest. He was grand commander of New York in 1888. An active member, 33 AASR, Northern Jurisdiction. d. Dec. 27, 1914. Arthur MacArthur, Jr. (1845-1912) Lieutenant General, U.S. Army and father of Douglas MacArthur, q.v. b. June 2, 1845 in Springfield, Mass. Educated in public schools of Milwaukee, Wis. and under private tutors. Commissioned 1st lieutenant of the 24th volunteers (Wis.) on Aug. 4, 1862, and rose to lieutenant general in 1906. In the Civil War he received the Congressional Medal of Honor for "seizing colors of regiment at critical moment and planting them on captured works on the crest of Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863." He participated in the battles of Perryville, Stone River, Dandridge, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Adairsville, New Hope, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Jonesboro, Lovejoy's Station, Atlanta, and Franklin. He was twice wounded. In the Philippine Insurrection he commanded a brigade, a division and a department. He was military governor of the Philippines, 1900-01. Retired in 1909. He petitioned Magnolia Lodge No. 60, Little Rock, Ark. on Sept. 29, 1879, when a captain. He was elected on Oct. 27th and received the first two degrees on Nov. 26, 1879. They were conferred by the grand lodge. He was raised on Dec. 5, 1879 and dimitted Dec. 8, 1896. d. Sept. 5, 1912. Douglas MacArthur General of Army, U.S. b. Jan. 26, 1880 in Arkansas, the son of Lt. Gen. Arthur MacArthur, Jr., q.v. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1903, and holds honorary degrees from many universities. Commissioned June 11, 1903 in En- gineers, he rose to brigadier general, (1920), major general, (1925), general, (1930) and general of Army (5-star) in 1944. Previous to WWI he served in the Philippines, Japan; aide-de-camp to the President of U.S. (1906-07); instructor in Army service schools; and as a member of the General Staff from 1913-17. In WWI he was chief of staff of 42nd Division; commander of 84th Infantry Brigade; commander of 42nd Division. He fought in many of the largest campaigns and was twice wounded. In 1919 he was superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy, held commands in the Philippines and U.S., 111 George D. Macbeth and was chief of staff, U.S. Army, 1930-35. In 1935 he

became military advisor to the government of the Philippines and was appointed field marshal of the Philippine Army. He retired from active duty in 1937. He returned to active service as commander of the U.S. armed forces in the Far East in 1941-51 with rank of general and commanded the U.S. Philippine forces during Japanese invasion. Ordered to Australia before the fall of Bataan, he uttered his famous words "I shall return." He was then appointed supreme commander of land, air and sea forces, Allied Forces in Southwest Pacific in March, 1942, and made 5-star general in 1944. In Aug., 1945 he was named Allied supreme commander to accept the surrender of Japan, and was in command of the occupational forces in Japan from 194551 when recalled by President Truman. From 1952-55 he was chairman of board of Remington Rand, Ind. and is now chairman of board of Sperry Rand Corp. In 1928 he was president of the American Olympic Committee. He was made a Mason "at sight" by Samuel Hawthorne, grand master of Philippines on Jan. 17, 1936, and affiliated with Manila Lodge No. 1, Manila. He received the 32 AASR (SJ) at Manila the same year; made KCCH in 1937 and honorary 33 on Dec. 8, 1947, at the American Embassy, Tokyo, Japan. He is a life member of the Nile Shrine Temple, Seattle, Wash. MacArthur has praised Freemasonry on many occasions, i.e.: "It embraces the highest moral laws and will bear the test of any system of ethics or philosophy ever promulgated for the uplift of man . . . its requirements are the things that are right, and its restraints are from the things that are wrong . inculcating doctrines of patriotism and brotherly love, enjoying sentiments of exalted benevolence, encouraging all that is good, kind and charitable, reprobating all that iscruel and oppressive, its observance will uplift everyone under its influence . .. to do good to others, to forgive enemies, to love neighbors, to restrain passions, to honor parents, to respect authority, to return good for evil, not to cause anger, not to bear false witness, not to lie, not to steal these are the essential elements of the moral law. George D. Macbeth Vice president and director of Corning (N.Y.) Glass Works from 1936. b. Aug. 11, 1892 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Graduate of Yale in 1913. Began in glass manufacturing business with Macbeth-Evans Glass Co., Charleroi, Pa. in 1913, and was president and general manager, 192636. Director of several corporations. Received degrees in George W. Guthrie Lodge No. 691, Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1917, and served as senior deacon at one time. 32 AASR (NJ) and Syria Shrine Temple, Pittsburgh. Jacques Etienne MacDonald (17651840) Duke de Tarente. In full, Jacques Etienne Joseph Alexandre. Marshal and Peer of France. Of Scottish descent, he served in the French revolutionary and Napoleonic armies. He was general of brigade in 1795, and of division in 1796. He distinguished himself at Wagram in 1809, and was created marshal of France -and duc de Tarente. He commanded a corps in the Russian campaign and in. the

campaign for the defense of France in 1813-14; in the latter year negotiated with allies for the abdication of Napoleon. A member of St. Napoleon Lodge, he was a 33, and in 1805 was grand administrator of the Grand Lodge Symbolique of France. Sir John A. Macdonald (1815-1891) Regarded as the organizer of the Dominion of Canada. First Prime Minister of Dominion of Canada in 186773, and again in 1878-91. b. Jan. 11, 1815 in Glasgow, Scotland. With his family, he emigrated to Kingston, 112 Thomas Macdonough Ont., Canada in 1820, where he was educated in the Royal Grammar School. Called to the bar in 1836, he was appointed Queen's counsel in 1846. He achieved distinction as a lawyer by his defense of Von Schultz who raided Canada in 1836 with a band of marauders. Represented Kingston in house of assembly from 1844-67. Elected to house of commons at the union in 1867, serving until 1878, and again for several terms starting in 1882. He served also as receiver-general, attorney-general several times (in his first term as such he secularized the clergy reserves and abolished seignorial tenure in Lower Canada), postmaster-general, minister of militia, and minister of justice. After 1856 he was the acknowledged leader of the Conservative party, leading the loyal opposition when his party was out of power. He succeeded in uniting Upper and Lower Canada and the Maritime Provinces into the Dominion of Canada. The first meeting took place in 1864 at Charlottetown, P.E. Island, and again in Quebec two months later. He was chairman of the London colonial conference when the British North America act was passed by the Imperial parliament. The Queen made him knight commander of the Order of the Bath, and in 1884 he received the grand cross of the same order. Among the many improvements in the Canadian government credited to him were: the improvement of the criminal laws; the consolidation of the statutes; the extension of municipal system; military organization; establishment of direct steam mail service with Europe; inspection of reformatories, prisons, asylums; reorganization of civil service on permanent basis; construction of Canadian Pacific Railroad; enlargement of canals; a stringent election law; extension of the franchise; ratification of the Washington treaty, and the extension and consolidation of the Dominion. He was initiated in St. John's Lodge No. 758 (English constitution) or No. 5 (Provincial constitution), on March 14, 1844 at Kingston. Initiated with him on that night were Sir Henry Smith, later speaker of the house of commons, and Thomas A. Corbett, sheriff of the Midland district. The lodge at this time met at the Olcott Inn. Macdonald remained a member of this lodge until his death 47 years later. He was made a Royal Arch Mason under the Grand Chapter of Canada, and in 1871 was elected an honorary life member of Lafayette Royal

Arch Chapter No. 5, Washington, D.C. In 1886 he was appointed to represent the Grand Lodge of England near the Grand Lodge of Canada. He was also a Knight Templar. d. June 6, 1891. Thomas Macdonough (1783-1825) Commodore, U.S. Navy and hero of the Battle of Lake Champlain in War of 1812. b. Dec. 23, 1783 in Delaware. Son of a Revolutionary War officer, he went to sea at the age of 17 as a midshipman, taking part in the war with Tripoli. He distinguished himself in action as one of the 70 volunteers accompanying Stephen Decatur, q.v., when they destroyed the captured frigate Philadelphia. For this, he was promoted to lieutenant. He was next assigned to Middletown, Conn. where several boats were under construction for the Navy. For a time he was with commercial vessels, but when the War of 1812 broke out, he returned to active duty and commanded the naval base at Portland, Maine. Ordered to assume command of the fleet on Lake Champlain on Sept. 12, 1812, he was required to build a fleet in the forest to contain the British who were about to invade from Canada. Here he was associated with General Dearborn, q.v. Greatly outgunned and outmanned by the British, he fought an underdog battle that destroyed or captured every vessel of the British 113 Jean Mace fleet and compelled the enemy land troops (14,000 against our 1500) to withdraw. This was the turning point of the war. He was voted the thanks of Congress and given land grants in New York and Vermont. He then commanded the naval base at Portsmouth, N.H. and was sent to the Mediterranean as commodore of the fleet. He died Nov. 18, 1825 at sea while returning to America. His lodge is not known. It is generally accepted that he was made a Mason in an English lodge on the Island of Malta during his Mediterranean tour. One source states he was a member of a New York Lodge; another, a Delaware Mason. However, he was buried with Masonic honors by St. John's Lodge No. 2, Middletown, Conn. Sixty members turned out for the final tribute. d. Nov. 18, 1825. Jean Mace (1815-1894) French journalist and Senator for life. Among his works are Theatre du Petit-Chateau; Morale en Action; La France Avant les Francs; and Philosophie de Poche. He was elected senator for life in 1883. Bulletin of International Masonic Congress, 1917, states he was a Freemason. Antonio Maceo (1848-1896) Cuban patriot and general. He fought with his brother, Jose, in the Ten Years' War (1868-78). They joined the rebellion of 1895 and defeated the Spaniards at Jobito and at Sao del Indio in that year.

Mason. Bernarr MacFadden ( ? -19 5 5 ) Physical culturist. Famous throughout the world as a health-building philanthropist. His odd, and sometimes daring personal exploits, coupled with unusual business ventures, kept him constantly in the national press. Through his Bernarr MacFadden Foundation, which was administered with his own money, he provided welfare and training to children in the U.S. and abroad. Appointed bythe U.S. government to investigate child welfare in foreign countries, he proceeded to establish schools in many of them. He once brought 50 boys from Italy to this country and trained them for six months at his own expense. He was a millionaire at one time, but died in Oct., 1955, with only a small estate. Member of Publicity Lodge No. 1000, New York City, receiving degrees on May 19, June 2, 16, 1924. David L. MacFarland (1893-1953) President of Kansas State Teachers College (Emporia) from 1945. b. March 13, 1893 in Dundee, Scotland. Graduate of Northwestern U. (1916), Garrett Bible Inst. (1917), and U. of Edinburgh (Scotland) in 1931. Ordained Methodist minister in 1916, and served pastorates in Clifton and Sibley, Ill, until 1922. He taught history in Southwestern Coll. until 1935, and was with Kansas State Teachers Coll. until 1943, in the same capacity. Between 1943-45 he was on leave from the school as chairman of the state board of social welfare. Served in WWI as an infantry lieutenant. Mason. d. Jan. 3, 1953. Robert S. Macfarlane President of Northern Pacific Railway Co. since 1951. b. Jan. 15, 1899 in Minneapolis, Minn. Graduate cum laude, U. of Washington in 1922. Admitted to bar in 1920, and practiced in Seattle. He served as prosecuting attorney and judge of superior court of King Co., Seattle. Became assistant Western counsel of the Northern Pacific in 1934; Western counsel, 1937; assistant to president, 1940; vice president, 1943; executive vice president, 1947, and president in 1951. He is a director of many corporations from coast to coast including the Northern Pacific, Walla Walla Valley Railroad; C.B. & Q.; Pacific National Bank of Seattle; Western Life Ins. Co.; American Smelting and Refining Co.; First National Bank of St. Paul; Minnesota Mutual Life Ins. Co., and others. Member of Lafayette Lodge No. 241, and 18 AASR (SJ), both in Seattle, Wash. Donald MacGregor Vice President of Zenith Radio since 1947. b. Aug. 18, 1895 in Des Moines, Iowa. Graduate of Kansas State Coll. in 1919. With Belden Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1919-23; All American Mohawk Corp., 192329; Rauland Corp., radio mfgrs., Chicago since 1929, being vice president and

director since 1949. Treasurer, general manager and director of Thordarson Electric Mfg. Co., 1933-37; executive vice president, director of WebsterChicago Corp., 1939-47; general manager and senior partner of Webster Products, 1943-45. Vice president in charge of production of Zenith since 1947. Served as Infantry lieutenant in WWI. Member of Fair Oaks Lodge No. 1006, Oak Park, Ill., receiving degrees on March 21, April 4, and May 2, 1929. Dimitted from Oak Park Chapter No. 244, R.A.M. and Siloam Commandery No. 54, K.T. Gerardo Machado y Morales (18711939) Fifth president of Cuba, 192533. b. Sept. 29, 1871 at Santa Clara, Cuba. He took part in the revolution against Spain, 1895-98. He was a leader of the Liberal Party and was supported by Zayas y Alfonso. In 1933 he was deposed by popular revolt, and fled to the U.S. A member of Progresso Lodge of Santa Clara, he was a 33 AASR of that country as well as a member of Mahi Shrine Temple, Miami, Fla. d. 1939. Thomas Machin (1744-1816) Member of Boston Tea Party and Revolutionary officer. b. March 20, 1744 in Staffordshire, England. He was educated as an engineer and employed in the construction of the Duke of Bridgewater's canal between Manchester and Worsley, in England. In 1772 he was sent to New Jersey toexamine a copper mine and remained in this country, settling at Boston. He early embraced the cause of American independence, and was one of the party that threw the tea overboard in Boston harbor. He fought at Bunker Hill and was wounded in the arm. Commissioned a lieutenant in the N.Y. artillery on Jan 18, 1776, he was employed in placing chains across the Hudson River at the Highlands. He was again wounded at Fort Montgomery in Oct., 1777. He served on the expedition led by Col. Goosen Van Schaick which destroyed the settlements of the Onondaga Indians in the spring of 1779, and later accompanied Gen. Clinton's expedition into the Genesee country. He was promoted to captain on Aug. 21, 1780 and employed in the siege works at Yorktown. After the war he established a mill west of Newburg, N.Y. and coined copper pieces for some of the states, prior to the institution of a national coinage. He secured a large tract of land in northern Oneida Co., N.Y., and in 1797 moved there. He was a petitioner for Union Schoharie Lodge, and afterwards for Machin Lodge (both of N.Y.), becoming master of the latter. A Royal Arch Mason, he installed officers in Ames Mark Lodge, Schoharie, N.Y. under authority of Ezra Ames, grand high priest of the grand chapter in 1805. He is also listed as a visitor to American Union Lodge. d. April 3, 1816. Sir Hugh MacIntosh Governor of Jamaica and British Colonial Secretary, 1951-52. Received his degrees in Four Hills Lodge in Jerusalem.

He was elected master of Kingston Lodge No. 1933 (E.C.), Island of Jamaica, and installed, Feb. 4, 1953, the first time in 210 years that a governor of the island was installed master of the lodge. William A. Mackay (1876-1939) American artist. b. July 10, 1876 in 115 Henry Mackenzie Philadelphia, Pa. Studied in College, City of New York, Academie Julian, Paris, and American Academy in Rome. He was a pupil of Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens, and worked as an apprentice under Frank Millet. He was a painter of murals and decorations. He decorated the ceiling of the U.S. senate reading room. Other murals are in the Federal Building, Cleveland, Ohio; Civic Opera House, Chicago; Minnesota State Capitol; Baltimore Customs House; New York State Roosevelt Memorial Building. In WWI he was camouflage artist of the 2nd district, U.S.A. Affiliated with Tuscan Lodge No. 115, N.J. on March 18, 1912 from Mistletoe Lodge No. 647, of N.Y. Dimitted June 18, 1917. d. July 26, 1939. Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831) Scottish novelist known as "The Man of Feeling," and "The Addison of the North." He was an attorney for the crown in the management of exchequer business and comptroller of taxes from 180431. He is best known for three novels: The Man of Feeling, a loosely connected series of sketches about a weak sentimental hero, which gained instant success (published anonymously in 1771) ; The Man of the World, a tale of a villain and seducer (1773), and Julia de Roubigne, a novel in the manner of Richardson (1777). Became a member of Canon-gate Kilwinning Lodge, Edinburgh, Scotland on Dec. 2, 1784. James Cameron Mackenzie Architect. b. April 5, 1887 in Lawrenceville, N.J. Graduate of Columbia U. in 1909, School of Architecture (N.Y.)., 1912. Studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, and Ecole Industrielle, Switzerland. From 1919-41 he was in practice under his own name. His works include the Naval Air Station, Floyd Bennett Field, N.Y.; Naval Training School, Memphis, Tenn.; U.S. Army Base, San Antonio de los Banos, Cuba; Naval Air Station, Wilmington, N. Car.; and Reader's Digest administrative building. In 1925 he was awarded first prize for best house east of the Mississippi, and in 1927 first prize for the best brick house. Served WWI as captain and major in 307th Field Artillery of 78th Division. Since 1943 has been a colonel of N.Y. State Guard. Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, New York City. Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie English Masonic author and one of the founders of the Rosicrucian Society in England. He was a member of the staff of the grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of England. He was interested in

the revival of many additional degrees in the 1860's and 70's. He was connected with the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and is best known as the compiler of The Royal Masonic Cyc/opaedia of History, Rites, Symbolism and Biography published in London in 1877. He often used the pen name, Cryptonymus, in his writings. He was an honorary member of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge No. 2, Scotland. Albert G. Mackey (1807-1881) Masonic historian and jurist. b. March 12, 1807 in Charleston, S. Car. He was graduated from the Charleston Medical Coll. in 1834 with honors, and practiced as a doctor for 20 years. He gave up his profession to write on Masonic subjects, and during the rest of his life produced some of the most valuable historical and judicial Masonic writings known. Raised in St. Andrews Lodge No. 10 of Charleston in 1841, he affiliated with Solomon's Lodge No. 1, and was elected master in 1842. From 1843-66 he was grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of S. Car. In 1851 he founded Landmark Lodge No. 76, and after moving to Washington, D.C., affiliated with LaFayette Lodge No. 19. He was grand high priest of South Carolina, 116 Donald B. MacMillan 1855-67, and general grand high priest of the General Grand Chapter, 185968. He was commander of South Carolina Commandery No. 1 in 1842 and was later made honorary past grand warden of the Grand Encampment of the U.S. Was a 33 AASR (SJ). He published his first Masonic work, A Lexicon of Freemasonary, in 1845. This was followed by The True Mystic Tie; The Ahiman Rezon of South Carolina, 1852; Principles of Masonic Law, 1856; Book of the Chapter, 1858; Text-Book of Masonic Jurisprudence, 1859; History of Freemasonary in South Carolina, 1861; Manual of the Lodge, 1862; Cryptic Masonary, 1867; Symbolism of Freemasonary and Masonic Ritual, 1869; Encyclopedia of Freemasonary, 1874; and Masonic Parliamentary Law, 1875. He was probably most famous for his Encyclopedia of 1874. Previous to its publication there was no authoritative work of equal scope anywhere in the world. In addition to his books he was associated at different times with Masonic journals, including Southern and Western Masonic Miscellany, 184953; Masonic Quarterly Review, 1857-58; Mackey's National Freemason, 1871-73. He also served as one of the editors of The Voice of Masonry and was contributing editor to American Freemason and Masonic Trowel. d. June 20, 1881. James H. MacLafferty (1871-1937) U.S. Congressman to 67th and 68th Congresses from 6th Calif. dist. b. Feb. 27, 1871 in San Diego, Calif. First in

lumber business, he represented Butler Paper Co. of Chicago on Pacific Coast several years. He established three wholesale paper houses on the coast. He served as assistant to Herbert Hoover when the latter was secretary of Commerce. Raised in Oakland Lodge No. 188, Oakland, Calif. on June 22, 1901. d. June 9, 1937. Douglas MacLean Stage and motion picture actor, writer and producer. b. Jan. 10, 1894 in Philadelphia, Pa. Student at Northwestern U. Prep. School, Institute of Tech. (Chicago) and American Academy of Dramatic Arts, N.Y. He started as a leading juvenile with stock companies, 1915, and toured Calif. and N.Y., 1916-17. With Maude Adams in Peter Pan, The Legend of Leonora and Rosalind. On the screen he starred in 231/2 Hours Leave; Mary's Ankle; What's Your Husband Doing?; Let's Be Fashionable; The Jailbird; One a Minute; The Hottentot; Going Up; The Yankee Consul; Never Say Die; Introduce Me; Seven Keys to Baldpate; Let It Rain; Soft Cushions. Now president and executive producer of Douglas MacLean Productions, Los Angeles, and has been a producer exclusively since 1930. Among his productions have been: Six of a Kind; Mama Loves Papa; Laugh and Get Rich; Caught Plastered; Ladies Should Listen; Melody in Spring; Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch; Accent on Youth; Two for Tonight; So Red the Rose; Suspect and New Wine. Member of Henry S. Orme Lodge No. 458, Los Angeles, Calif. since 1920. Frederick J. Macleod (1870-1935) Justice, Superior Court of Massachu_ setts, 1922-35. b. June 30, 1870 in Dunstaffnage, F.B.I., Canada. Graduate of Dalhousie Coll., Halifax, N.S., 1890; Harvard, 1891, 1892 and 1899. He practiced law at Boston from 18991922. Served in Mass. state senate, 1906-07, and was chairman of the state railroad commission and state public service commission. Raised in Amicable Lodge, Cambridge, Mass. on Nov. 6, 1906. d. Oct. 18, 1935. Donald B. MacMillan Arctic explorer and last surviving member of the Peary expedition of 1908-09. b. Nov. 10, 1874 in Provincetown, Mass. Graduate of Bowdoin Coll. in 1910 117 James D. MacNair and 1918. From 1898-1908 he was an instructor and principal of several schools. Following the Peary expedition, he was a member of the Cabot Labrador party of 1910; worked among the Esquimaux of Labrador, 1911-12; leader of Crocker land expedition, 1913-17. He taught at Bowdoin Coll., 1932-33. In WWI he was an ensign in the U.S. Navy. In 1920 he explored Hudson's Bay; commanded MacMillan Baffin Land expedition, 1921-22; MacMillan North Greenland expedition 1923-24;

MacMillan Polar expedition, 1925. From 1925-38 he was constantly in the Arctic areas with a series of nine more expeditions which he headed. In 1941 he served as an expert geographer in the War Department, Washington, D.C. and in WWII was recalled to active Naval service as a commander, and assigned to the Hydrographic Office, Washington, D.C. In 1942-43 he was a member of the U.S. Secret Defense Board. In 1946 he made a trip to Labrador and in 1947 another expedition to North Greenland. In 1944 he was awarded a special Congressional Medal for his work on the Peary North Pole expedition. A member of Freeport Lodge No. 23, Freeport, Maine, he is also an honorary member of Kane Lodge No. 454, New York City (the explorers' lodge). Member of New Jerusalem Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. Wiscassett, Maine, and knighted in St. Albans Commandery No. 8, K.T., Portland, Maine on Nov. 24, 1926. Member of Aleppo Shrine Temple, Boston, Mass. and National Sojourner. James D. MacNair (1874-1946) Senior U.S. Navy chaplain. b. May 26, 1874 in Trout River, Quebec, Canada, coming to the U.S. in 1890. Graduate of Boston U. From 1895-98 he taught school, sold life insurance, and was manager of E. P. Charlton Syndicate, Hartford, Conn. He was ordained Methodist Episcopal deacon in 1902, and elder in 1906. In 1909 he was cornmissioned lieutenant (j.g.) in the U.S. Navy as a chaplain, and rose to rear admiral. He served on many battleships, including the Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, and Arizona. In 1917-18 he was with the U.S. Marines in France, and later at Navy yards in Boston, Newport, and Philadelphia. He was Atlantic Fleet chaplain in 1923-25. He won the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism in actual combat with the enemy in WWI (1919). Mason, Knight Templar, 33 AASR (NJ) Shriner, National Sojourner and Eastern Star. d. May 4, 1946. Hanford MacNider Lieutenant General, WWII; 6th National Commander of American Legion; U.S. Minister to Canada. b. Oct. 2, 1889 in Mason City, Iowa. Graduate of Harvard, Norwich, and Syracuse universities. He is president and general manager of Northwestern States Portland Cement Co. and a trustee of the Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Iowa. In 1921-22 he was national commander of the American Legion, and from 1925-28, served as assistant secretary of War. From 1930-32 he was U.S. minister to Canada. He first saw service on the Mexican border with the Iowa 2nd Infantry. He rose to lieutenant colonel in WWI, serving overseas with 2nd Infantry. In WWII he rose to lieutenant general, serving with G.H.Q., SWPA; 32nd Division; 1st Cavalry, and commanded the 103rd Infantry Division, 1946-51. Member of Benevolence Lodge No. 145, Mason City, Iowa, on March 6, 1912; Scottish Rite bodies at Clinton, Iowa and El Kahir Shrine Temple at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He is a member of Benevolence Chapter No. 46, R.A.M. and Antioch Commandery No. 43, K.T. both of Mason City and is past commander of the commandery.

Alexander Macomb (1782-1841) Major General in War of 1812, and General-in-Chief of U.S. Army from 118 W. Kingsland Macy 1828. b. April 3, 1782 in Detroit, Mich. Entered the Army in 1799, and at the beginning of the War of 1812 was a lieutenant colonel of engineers and adjutant general of the army. Finding that his position would not bring him into active service, he transferred to the artillery in 1813, and as a colonel of the 2nd Regiment, fought at Niagara and Fort George. Promoted to brigadier general in 1814, he was placed in command of the Northern frontier, bordering Lake Champlain. For his defense of Plattsburg on Sept. 11, 1814, in the face of a greatly superior British force, he was made major general, and received a gold medal from congress. After the war he became general-inchief of the U.S. Forces (1828). He was a member of Zion Lodge No. 1, Detroit, Mich., receiving degrees on Nov. 4th and 21st, 1816, and elected master on Dec. 1, 1817. His grave in the Congressional Cemetery at Washington, D.C. has several Masonic emblems on the tombstone. d. June 25, 1841. Robert Macoy (1816-1895) Masonic author and publisher. b. Oct. 4, 1816 in Armagh, Ireland. He came to U.S. when he was four years old, living in New York City. At an early age he apprenticed himself in the printing business and continued in it for nearly 40 years, first, as a printer and book-seller, and then as a Masonic publisher. He was raised in Lebanon Lodge No. 313 (now 19) of New York City on Feb. 13, 1848, later affiliating with Concord Lodge No. 90, and then Adelphic Lodge No. 348. He was grand recorder of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of New York for 44 years. He received the 33 AASR (NJ) on Dec. 9, 1850. He published A General History, Cyclopedia, and Dictionary of Freemasonry that has passed through many editions. It was founded on A Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry by Dr. George Oliver. He also published several editions of The True Masonic Chart and The True Masonic Guide. At one time he was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York. d. Jan. 19, 1895. Elmore I. MacPhie (1888-1955) President of Atlas Plywod Corp. 193555. b. Oct. 21, 1888 in Springfield, Mass. Graduate of Tufts Coll. in 1911. First taught school in Minneapolis, and then became district sales manager of Washburn Crosby Co. of that city, 1912-17. He was president of Otis Allen & Son of Lowell, Mass. 1917-27, and vice president of Atlas Plywood from 1927-35, becoming president and director in the latter year. Also president

and director of Marvil Package Co., Robinson Hardware Co., Nansemond Co.; chairman of board of Davidson Plywood & Lumber Co. and director of many other concerns. Initiated in Minneapolis Lodge No. 19, Minneapolis, Minn. on April 21, 1915 and affiliated with Kilwinning Lodge, Lowell, Mass. on Nov. 1, 1918; 32 AASR, Shriner and Knight Templar. d. March 22, 1955. Clarence E. Macy U.S. Consul General. b. Nov. 9, 1886 at St. Joseph, Mo. He was in railway mail service of the U.S. Post Office Dept. from 1907-10 and was examiner, 1911-14; later with mail and express traffic department of Frisco Lines at St. Louis, and Denver and Rio Grande Western at Denver. In 1921 he was vice consul at Coblenz, Germany; has also served in that capacity at Daker, Monrovia, Port Elizabeth, Tampico and Karachi. In 1947-48 he was consul general at Istanbul, Turkey, retiring in 1948. Raised May 18, 1918 in Parkhill Lodge No. 148; 32 AASR (SJ) in Rocky Mountain Consistory; member of El Jebel Shrine Temple and High Twelve Club, all of Denver, Colo. W. Kingsland Macy U.S. Congressman, 1946-50 from 1st N.Y. dist. b. Nov. 21, 1889 at New York City. Grad119 Louis W. Maddox uate of Harvard in 1912. He was with the Union Pacific Tea Co., N.Y.C. advancing to director and president. From 1922-28 he was a partner of Abbott, Hoppin & Co., brokers. Served one year in the state senate (1946). Raised in Holland Lodge No. 8, NYC on Feb. 27, 1917. Knight Templar, 32 AASR (NJ) and Shriner. Louis W. Maddox (1891-1956) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. April 22, 1891 in Lamar, Mo. Graduate of Infantry School, Coast Artillery School and Army Finance School. Commissioned in 1917, he advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1945. He served as fiscal director of General MacArthur's headquarters. Member of Owensboro Lodge No. 130, Owensboro, Ky. about 1917. d. July 1, 1956. Eduardo Madero (1838-1894) Argentine patriot who was initiated in Confraternidad Argentine Lodge on June 23, 1865. He was the son of Juan Nepomuceno Madero, who brought the charter of the Grand Lodge of Argentina from Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1858. Francisco 1. Madero (1873-1913) President of Mexico, 1911-13. A revolutionist, he was a liberal and idealist. He failed in his opposition to the reelection of Diaz, q.v., in 1910. He had demanded effective suffrage. He then

plotted against Diaz, but was forced to flee to the U.S. in Nov. of 1910. In May, 1911 he led a military expedition which captured Ciudad Juarez, where the capital was established, and forced the resignation of Diaz. He then became president. After revolts and street fighting in Mexico City in Feb., 1913, Madero was overthrown by Huerta, arrested and shot Feb. 22, 1913, while allegedly attempting to escape. It is more probable that he was murdered, together with Vice President Jose Ma Pino Suarez, q.v. Both were 33 Scottish Rite Masonsand members of Lealtad Lodge No. 15, Mexico City. Madero was acting senior warden at the time of his death. James Madison (1749-1812) First Episcopal Bishop of Virginia, and President of William and Mary College. b. Aug. 27, 1749 near Port Republic, Augusta Co., Va. He was graduated from William and Mary in 1772, studied law, and was admitted to the bar, but did not care for the profession and entered upon a theological course. He was appointed professor of natural philosophy in 1773 at William and Mary, and in 1775 was granted leave to go to England for his ordination. Made deacon Sept. 29, 1775 by Bishop Terrick of London and priest on Oct. 1, same year. Returning to America, he resumed his professorship, and in 1777 became president of the college. He was president of the first convention of the Episcopal church in Virginia in May, 1785, and was elected bishop in 1790. On Dec. 27, 1777 he was a visitor to Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Va. and made an address. The records of the lodge record: "Ordered that the thanks of this lodge be returned our brother, James Madison for his Excellent Discourse on the occasion of this meeting. Ordered that the Secy copy the sermon preached by Brother _Madison in the lodge books." On Dec. 1, 1778 the minutes record that he was requested to preach on St. John the Evangelist Day. He preached a sermon to the same lodge on Dec. 27, 1778, being listed at this time as chaplain of the lodge. d. March 5, 1812. James Madison (1751-1836) Fourth President of the United States. b. March 16, 1751 in Port Conway, Va. Graduate of Princeton U. in 1772, remaining at the school another year to study Hebrew. He was a member of the Continental Congress from 1780-83, and of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. In 1787-88 he co120 Jose Maria Castro Madriz operated with Hamilton and Jay in writing a series of papers, published under the title of The Federalist, which explained the new constitution and advocated its adoption. He was a member of the U.S. house of representatives from 1787-97, and a leader of the DemocraticRepublican party in opposition to Hamilton's financial measures. With Jefferson, he drafted the Virginia Resolutions of 1798 which were inspired by resentment at the Federalist alien and sedition laws. He was U.S. secretary of

state from 1801-09, and President of the U.S. 1809-17. From 1826-36 he was rector of the U. of Virginia. d. June 28, 1836. His Masonic membership has never been proved and has been a matter of debate for many years. Many researchers, including James M. Clift, former grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, think Madison was a member of Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland Court House, Virginia. This lodge was granted a temporary dispensation Sept. 20, 1799, and a permanent charter Dec. 11, 1799, becoming dormant about 1814. All records were lost or destroyed. In recent years there has come to light a letter dated Feb. 11, 1795, written to Madison by John Francis Mercer, q.v., governor of Maryland. It is in the library of Congress. Mercer stated ,`. . . I have had no opportunity of congratulating you before on your becoming a Free Masona very ancient and honorable fraternity. I am sure you are now much wiser and I do not doubt you are much happier, although you were very wise and happy before, at least in my opinion. I hold a lodge on your road, pray let me take you some time by the hand in it, and let Mrs. Mercer welcome the fair prophetess who has converted you to the true faith . . ." R. Baker Harris, librarian of the Supreme Council, S.J. thinks the "fair prophetess" refers to his new wife, Dolly, and that she had encouraged him to become a Mason. If this is true, however, then he could not have been initiated in Hiram Lodge No. 59, as its first dispensation was dated five years later than the above letter. John Dove, early-day grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Viriginia stated that Madison was one of the original founders of Hiram Lodge No. 59. It is possible, therefore, that he was initiated in some unknown lodge and affiliated with the Hiram lodge as a charter member. On Sept 20, 1817, Madison marched in procession with Widow's Son Lodge No. 60 and Charlottesville Lodge No. 90 to lay the cornerstone of Central College at Charlottesville, Va. On June 24, 1820 Madison and Andrew Jackson partook of a public dinner "with the fraternity of Free Masons" at Louisville, Ky. Dolly Madison treasured a notice of a meeting of Alexandria Lodge No. 39 for many years. It had been sent to George Washington. The notice is now in the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania library. On March 28, 1801 a dispensation was issued for Madison Lodge No. 64, Madison Court House, Va. The best evidence of his membership, however, is in the attacks made on him during the anti-Masonic period when he was taunted for being a Freemason. Jose Maria Castro Madriz (18181893) Known as the "Founder of the Republic of Costa Rica." b. in 1818 at San Jose, he was president of Costa Rica from 1847-49, and again from 1866-68. He established the independence of Costa Rica in 1848 from the federation of Central American states. He was president of the congress and of the supreme court, and a rector of the University of Santo Tomas. He is also the father of the liberal laws of that country, and devoted his talent and energies to Costa Rica until the last day of his life. He was master of Caridad Lodge No. 26, and a

member of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite. 121 Carlton C. Magee Carlton C. Magee (1873-1946) Inventor of the parking meter and leader in exposure of Teapot Dome scandals. b. Jan. 5, 1873 in Fayette, Iowa. Graduate of Iowa State Teachers Coll. (Cedar Falls), and Upper Iowa U. (Fayette). He was superintendent of schools at Carroll, Iowa from 18961901, and after being admitted to the Okla. bar in 1903, practiced at Tulsa until 1920. He then became editor of the Albuquerque (N.M.) Journal until 1922, followed by editorship of Magee's Independent, 1922-23; New Mexico State Tribune, 1923-27 and Oklahoma News, 1927-33. He was president of the Magee-Hale Parking Meter Co. at Oklahoma City from 1945. Received the degrees in Signet Lodge No. 264, Carroll, Iowa on Jan. 24, Feb. 11 and Feb. 14, 1900, affiliating with Tulsa Lodge No. 65 (now 71) on April 18, 1906; was suspended NPD Dec. 31, 1936. Received 32 AASR (SJ) at McAlester, Okla. on Oct. 17, 1907. d. Jan. 31, 1946. Clare Magee U.S. Congressman, 1949-53 from 1st Mo. dist. b. March 31, 1899 near Livonia, Mo. In 1920-21 he homesteaded in the Big Horn Basin, Wyo.; later worked for U.S. Reclamation Service at Denver, and since 1932 has been owner and operator of a farm near his birthplace in Mo. He was admitted to the Mo. bar in 1922, and since that time has practiced at Unionville, Mo. He served in both world warsas a seaman in WWI and as a private in the Field Artillery in WWII, later transferring to the Air Corps as a captain. Member of Unionville Lodge No. 210, Unionville, Mo. 32 AASR (SJ) at St. Louis, and member of Moila Shrine Temple, St. Joseph, Mo. John B. Magee (1887-1943) President of Cornell College (Mt. Vernon, Ia.) from 1939. b. July 19, 1887 in Albion, Iowa. Graduate of Upper Iowa U. and Boston U. Ordained to Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1910, heserved churches in Providence, RI., St. Albans, Vt., El Reno, Okla., Wichita, Kans., Kansas City, Mo., Pittsburgh, Pa., and Seattle, Wash., between 1913 and 1939. In 1914-16 he was vice president of the East Greenwich (RI.) Academy, and in WWI served as an Army chaplain, writing the history of Base Sector 1. Brother of J. Ralph Magee, q.v. Member of Montlake Lodge No. 278, Seattle Chapter No. 3, R.A.M., Adoniram Council No. 17, R. & S.M., Seattle Commandery No. 2, K.T., all of Seattle, Wash. Served as grand chaplain for the Grand Chapter and Grand Council of Washington and grand prelate of Grand Commandery of Washington. d. April 6, 1943. J. Ralph Magee Methodist Bishop. b. June 3, 1880 in Maquoketa, Iowa, brother of John B. Magee, q.v. Graduate of Iowa State Teachers Coll. (Cedar Falls), Morningside Coll., and Boston U., with many honorary degrees.

Ordained in Methodist Episcopal church in 1902, deacon, 1904, elder, 1906, and bishop, 1932. Served churches in Sioux City, and Paulina, Iowa; Falmouth, Taunton, Boston and Brookline, Mass.; and Seattle, Wash. between 1902 and 1929. He was bishop of the St. Paul area, 1932-39; Des Moines area, 1939-44, and Chicago area since 1944. A trustee of many schools including Northwestern, Garrett Biblical, Wesley Memorial, Lake Bluff Orphanage. Director of Crusade for Christ, Methodist Church. He was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Washington in 1931-32. Initiated in Iroquois Lodge No. 590, Nora Springs, Iowa, in 1902, later becoming member of lodges in Falmouth, Taunton, and Brookline, Mass. Presently member, and past master, of Montlake Lodge No. 278, Seattle, Wash. On dimit from chapter, council and commandery. Bernard Pierre Magnan (17911865) Marshal of France, and member of French Senate. He served at 122 Countess of Maille Waterloo in 1815; Spain in 1823; and Algeria in 1830. He was general of brigade in 1839 and of division in 1845. He suppressed the uprising in Lyons in 1849, and took an active part in the coup d'etat of Dec. 2, 1851, after which he was created marshal of France. He became senator in 1852, and commanded the Army of Paris in 1859. Emperor Napoleon III nominated him as grand master of the Grand Orient of France, and even though, not a Mason at that time, he was installed in that position on Feb. 8, 1862, serving until May 29, 1865. stopped from advancement for engaging in a duel with George Tibbetts, treasurer of the lodge. Frank C. Mahin (1887-1942) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. May 27, 1887 in Clinton, Iowa. He began as a stock clerk with W. M. Meyer & Co., New York City, in 1907, and later with John Wanamaker. In 1910 he enlisted in the army, and was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1912, advancing through grades to brigadier general in 1941. Mason. d. July 24, 1942. John B. Magruder (1810-1871) Confederate Major General and later Major General in Mexican Army. b. Aug. 15, 1810 in Winchester, Va. He was graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1830, and served in the West, in Maine, and at Fort McHenry, Baltimore. In the Mexican War he fought at Cerro Gordo and was wounded at Chapultepec. Following the war he served in Md., Calif., and R.I. At the outbreak of the Civil War he resigned his commission as captain and entered the Confederate Army. After winning the Battle of Big Bethel, he was made brigadier general and placed in command

of the forces on the peninsula, with headquarters at Yorktown. He was then promoted to major general. On Oct. -16, 1862 he was placed in command of the Department of Texas, and in Jan., 1863 recovered Galveston from the Nationals, capturing the steamer Harriet riet Lane. He remained in Texas until the end of the war and then entered the army of Maximilian, q.v., in Mexico with the rank of major general, serving until the emperor's execution. Returning to the U.S. he toured and lectured on Mexico. He settled in Houston, Tex. in 1869, and lived there until his death on Feb. 19, 1871. He received the Entered Apprentice degree in San Diego Lodge No. 35, San Diego, Calif., but was Edward R. Mahoney (1881-1937) Newspaper editor. b. July 18, 1881 in Milwaukee, Wis. Graduate of Webster Coll. of Law (Chicago) in 1920 and admitted to Ill. bar that year. He began as a reporter on the Milwaukee Sentinel in 1902, and subsequently held editorial positions with Chicago Examiner, 1904-07; Inter-Ocean (Chicago), 1907-10; Chicago Journal, two years; Chicago American, five years. He was later managing editor of Boston American, Boston Daily Advertiser and Boston Sunday Advertiser (until 1929). He was associate editor of New York Journal, 192933; editor Wisconsin News, 1933; and then secretary of Milwaukee Publishing Co. and Wisconsin News Co. Received degrees in Theodore Roosevelt Lodge No. 1022, Chicago, on Nov. 3, 10, and Dec. 1, 1920. Suspended June 7, 1935. d. Dec. 1, 1937. Countess of Maille French countess who was grand mistress of the Order of St. John of Jerusaleman early emanation of Freemasonry in the 18th century. She was initiated into adoptive Freemasonry in a lodge established in 1780 by the Lodge of Social Contract. At this time the Princess de Lamballe, q.v., was grand mistress of the lodge. The Abbe Bertolio, q.v., was first master of this French adoptive lodge. Other contemporary initiates of the lodge were the 123 John F. Main Viscountess of Alfrey and Vicountess of Narbonne. John F. Main (1864-1942) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Washington. b. Sept. 10, 1864 in Mercer Co., Ill. Graduate of Princeton U. in 1891. He began law practice in Aledo, Ill., in 1897, moving to Seattle, Wash. in 1900. He was professor of law at the U. of Washington, 1904-09, and judge of superior court of King Co., 1909-12. He was a judge of the supreme court of Washington from 1912, and was chief justice from 1923-25. Mason and 32 AASR (SJ). d. Oct. 13, 1942. Maine de Biran (1766-1824) French philosopher. Real name was Marie Francois Pierre Gonthier de Biran. He was a member of the Council of Five

Hundred in 1797, and councilor of state in 1816. He was the author of Influence de l'Habitude; L'Aperception Immediate; Examen des Lecons de Philosophie de Laromiguiere. The bulletin of the International Masonic Congress of 1917 states he was a Freemason. Lester J. Maitland Brigadier General, state guard, piloted first plane to cross the Pacific from Calif. to Hawaii; held world's speed record for planes. b. Feb. 5, 1899 in Milwaukee, Wis. Enlisted in aviation section of Signal Corps in WWI and was commissioned reserve military aviator in 1918, advancing through grades to brigadier general in 1951. He was aide to General William Mitchell and General Patrick, chief of staff of Air Corps, in 1921-25. He flew the world's first 200 mile-per-hour plane in 1922 at Detroit, and the following year broke the existing world speed record at Dayton. In 1927, in company with Albert F. Hegenberger, q.v., he piloted the first plane to cross the Pacific. In 1940 he was commanding officer of 1st Composite Group at Manila, Philippines, and after fall of Manila movedall Air Corps troops to Bataan. He was then ordered to Australia to organize and train the 386th Bomb Group. In 1943 he was in combat in the European Theatre. From 1948-49 was director of Wisconsin Aeronautics and director of civil defense, Michigan, 1951-56. In 1956 he was ordained an Episcopal minister and since that date has served as rector of St. John's Church, Iron River, Mich. Author of Knights of the Air. Member of Ken-wood Lodge No. 303, Milwaukee, Wis., he received his degrees May 14, 1920, June 30, and July 19, 1921. Elliott W. Major (1864-1949) Governor of Missouri, 1913-17. b. Oct 20, 1864 in Lincoln Co., Mo. Admitted to bar in 1885, he was a member of the state senate from 1897-99, and attorney general of Mo., 1908-12. In the latter capacity he successfully prosecuted the lumber trust, beef trust, and harvester trust. Member of Frankfort Lodge No. 192, Frankfort, Mo. and 32 AASR (SJ). While governor he was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1915, and on June 24, 1915 he attended the laying of the cornerstone of the present state capitol building in Jefferson City, delivering an oration on the occasion. He also delivered an oration on May 16, 1914, at the laying of the cornerstone of the administration building of the Masonic Home in St. Louis. He said on this occasion. . . . "Masonry has always been in the front ranks of the march of progress, working hand in hand with the church for the good of humanity." d. July 9, 1949. J. Earl Major Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit. b. Jan 5, 1887 at Donnellson, Ill. Admitted to bar in 1910 and began practice at Hillsboro, Ill. U.S. Congressman to 68th and 70th through 73rd congresses (1923-25 and 1927-35), resigning in 1933 to become judge of U.S. district

124 George A. Malcolm court of Southern Ill. Member of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 51, Hillsboro, Ill., receiving degrees on Aug. 24, Sept. 14, and Oct. 31, 1911. Alexander Majors (1814-1900) Partner of the famous "Russell, Majors and Waddell" freight firm that built the Western empire and was a forerunner of the Pony Express. b. Oct. 4, 1814 in Franklin, Ky. He was brought to Missouri Territory at the age of five and his family settled in Lafayette Co. He operated the Majors' Pony Express and entered the Sante Fe trade in 1848. The partnership with Russell and Waddell was formed in 1855, and in two years they had cleared $300,000. When the Pony Express was put in operation their business was ruined, and Majors eventually died penniless in Chicago, Ill. on Jan. 12, 1900. The firm operated from Westport, Mo. (now part of Kansas City) which was the early-day "jumping off" point for the West. The firm was largely made up of Freemasons, and tried to operate on Masonic principles. Its ability to transport supplies to points of settlement in the West and to the military posts guarding them encouraged emigration from the East and led to the rapid building up of the new lands. Majors was a member of Golden Square Lodge No. 107 and Davenport Chapter No. 19, RAM., both of Westport. He was exalted in the chapter on Feb. 10, 1853. He also established the first meat packing plant in Kansas City. A religious man, he required his wagon men to subscribe to the following oath: "While I am in the employ of A. Majors, I agree not to use profane language, not to get drunk, not to gamble, not to treat animals cruelly, and not to do anything else that is incompatible with the conduct of a gentleman. And I agree, if I violate any of these conditions, to accept my discharge without any pay for my service. Carl S. Makeig President of Southwestern Electric Service Co., 194555, and chairman since 1955. b. July 2, 1888 in West, Texas. He began as a cashier in a Cleburne, Texas dry goods store in 1908, and from 1909 was connected with public utilities, first at Cleburne and then Waco, Amarillo, and Roswell, N. Mex. He was general manager of Gulf Public Service, Co., La., 1929-30; general manager of Southwestern Public Service Co., Amarillo, 1930-34, and president and director of same, 1934-42 and 1944-45. Member of Amarillo Lodge No. 731, Amarillo, Texas, receiving degrees on Jan. 16, Feb. 20, March 15, 1922. Malcolm III King of Scotland, 105993. With the help of Siward he defeated and killed Macbeth in 1057. He carried on war with England from 1077-80. In laying siege to Alnwick in 1093, he was trapped and killed. He started the transition from the Celtic culture and Columban religious rites to the feudal system and Roman ritual. Tradition has it that he chartered the

Lodge of Saint John of Glasgow in the year 1051. George A. Malcolm Lawyer, judge, author. b. Nov. 5, 1881 in Concord, Mich. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1904 and 1906. He began as a clerk in the Philippine service in 1906; became justice of the supreme court of the Philippines from 1917-36; and was on the staff of the U.S. commissioner for Philippines, 1936-42. He was founder and dean of the College of Law, U. of Philippines; founder of Acacia fraternity; and was first Rotary governor of the Philippines. He is the author of Sunset of Colonialism; First Malayan Republic, the Story of the Philippines; The Commonwealth of the Philippines; Legal and Judicial Ethics; Philippine Civics; The Government of the Philippine Islands; and others. Received his degrees in Concord Lodge No. 30, Concord, Mich. 125 Philip S. Malcolm in 1904-05, and is a life member of same. Philip S. Malcolm (1847-1929) Grand Prior, Southern Supreme Council, A.A.S.R. Oct. 30, 1847 in Oswego, N.Y. An electrical engineer, he went to Panama in 1869 with the Panama railroad, and thence to London and Australia, where he engaged in mercantile business. In Oregon in 1882 he was engaged in railroad construction, and after 1884, in mercantile pursuits. In 1900 he was elected recorder of Multnomah Co., and in 1907 appointed collector of customs. He was raised in Sodus Lodge No. 392, Sodus, N.Y., Dec. 1, 1868. He was twice master of lodges in Australia, and once of Portland Lodge No. 55, Portland, Oreg. He served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Oregon and grand commander of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Oregon in the same year-1894-95. He was a member of the Scottish Rite in Panama, receiving the 4th through 30th degrees there and subsequent degrees in Portland. Received 33 in 1891, grand cross in 1895, and active inspector general in 1911. d. Feb. 1, 1929. William Malcolm Brigadier General in the American Revolution. He was a member of St. John's Lodge No. 1, New York City, and at one time deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York. Garrick Mallery (1784-1866) Jurist, who was largely responsible for developing the penitentiary system of Pennsylvania. b. April 17, 1784 in Middlebury, Conn. He was the father of Garrick Mallery, q.v., the ethnologist. Graduate of Yale in 1808, he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1811. Member of Pa. legislature four terms, starting in 1827. Judge of the 3rd district of Pa. in 1831-36, and subsequently practiced law in Philadelphia. Member of Lodge No. 61 (no name) Wilkes-Barre, Pa.and was master from

1822-24 and 1831. d. July 6, 1866. Garrick Mallery (1831-1894) Ethnologist and army officer. b. April 23, 1831, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., the son of Garrick Mallery, q.v., the jurist. Graduate of Yale in 1850, and law degree from U. of Pennsylvania in 1853. He practiced law in Philadelphia until the Civil War when he volunteered as a first lieutenant in the Pa. troops on April 15, 1861. Rose to rank of colonel, was twice severely wounded, and held in Libby prison. After the war he accepted a commission as a captain in the 1st Infantry. He was appointed secretary of state and adjutant-general of Virginia, with the rank of brigadier general. In Aug., 1870, he was the first officer detailed for meteorological service with the Army Signal Corps, and was long in charge of the signalservice bureau. He made investigations into the pictographs and mythologies of the Dakota Indians while in the Army. After retiring in 1879, he became the first ethnologist of the Bureau of Ethnology on its organization at Washington, D.C. in that year. Member of Columbia Lodge No. 91, Philadelphia, and its master in 1855. Also a member of Columbia Chapter No. 91, R.A.M. of Philadelphia. He received his lodge degrees on Sept. 26, Nov. 28 and Dec. 26, 1853. d. 1894. Earl of Malmsbury (1873-1950) English nobleman who had a world famous collection of paintings. He once served as senior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of England. d. June 12, 1950. Benoit Malon (1841-1893) French Deputy to National Assembly. Bulletin of International Masonic Congress of 1917 states he was a Freemason. George W. Malone U.S. Senator from Nevada (1946-58) b. Aug. 7, 1890 in Fredonia, Kansas. Student 126 Jake Alex Manducich at U. of Nevada. Won amateur middleweight boxing championship of Pacific Coast while attending the university. Began as a civil and hydraulic engineer at Reno in 1914. Now member of The Malone Engineers, whose speciality is power, reclamation, flood control, public utilities. Was advisor to secretary of Interior on construction of Boulder Dam. Served in WWI as private through lieutenant with the 40th Infantry Division, A.E.F. Member of Reno Lodge No. 13, Reno Chapter No. 7, R.A.M., Dewitt Clinton Commandery No. 1, K.T., Reno Consistory AASR (SJ) and Kerak Shrine Temple, all of Reno, Nev. Paul H. Maloney U.S. Congressman, 72nd through 79th Congresses

from La. b. Feb. 14, 1876 in New Orleans. He began as a printer's devil and rose from office boy of Heaslip Drayage Co. in 1893 to president in 1918. He was the organizer and president of Linen Supply Co., Maloney Trucking & Storage, Inc., Maloney Motor Car Co., Gallagher Transfer and Storage Co. He was a member of the lower house in La. from 1914-16. Member of Alpha Home Lodge No. 72, New Orleans, receiving degrees on April 21, May 6 and 19, 1906. Received 50-year certificate on June 12, 1906. Was potentate of Jerusalem Shrine Temple in 1932. Albert Hay Malotte Composer of musical score for The Lord's Prayer; The 23rd Psalm and others. b. May 19, 1895 in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied in the U.S. and Paris. He has been a concert organist since 1915, playing in theaters in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Buffalo, Chicago, Los Angeles, and London. From 1928-31 he was chief recording organist for Fox and RKO studies. He has been a composer of film music for Hollywood studios since 1930. He composed two ballets produced at the Hollywood Bowl in 1934, and has also composed lightoperas, oratorios, concert songs, and piano music. Member of William D. Stephens Lodge No. 698, Los Angeles, Calif. 32 AASR (SJ). Member and organist of AL Malaikah Shrine Temple. George, 4th Duke of Manchester Grand Master of Grand Lodge of England (Moderns), 1777-82. Charles F. Manderson (1837-1911) U.S. Senator from Nebraska, 188395. b. Feb. 9, 1837 in Philadelphia, Pa. Admitted to the bar in 1859, and practiced at Canton, Ohio. He enlisted in the Union Army in 1861 as a private and rose to brigadier general in 1865. He saw service in most of the midwestern battles and was severely wounded at Lovejoy's Station, Ga. He returned to practice in Stark Co., Ohio, but moved to Omaha, Nebr. in 1869. He was a member of the Nebraska constitutional convention and was city attorney of Omaha for six years. His original membership was undoubtedly in Ohio, as he affiliated with Nebraska Lodge No. 1, Omaha and was in good standing at the time of his death on Sept. 28, 1911. Was president of the American Bar Association in 1900. John A. Mandeville (1882-1941) President of Mandeville Mills, cotton manufacturers. b. July 7, 1882 in Carrollton, Ga. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1905. He served on U.S.S. Maryland, U.S.S. Concord, and U.S.S. Illinois between 1905-09. Also president of Carroll Realty & Insurance Co., Carrollton, Ga. Received degrees in' Carroll Lodge No. 69, Carrollton, Ga. in 1909, becoming a charter member of Free State Lodge No. 384 in 1922, and in 1935 again a member of Carroll Lodge No. 69 when Free State

Lodge consolidated with it. d. Oct. 5, 1941. Jake Alex Manducich U.S. hero of World War I who received the 127 Michael A.B. de Mangourit Congressional Medal of Honor and was decorated by eleven nations. Received 32 AASR (NJ) in Chicago in spring of 1954. The class was named the Pershing Class. Pershing read the citation when Manduchich's medal was bestowed. Michael A.B. de Mangourit ( ?- 1829) Founder of the Rite of Sublimes Elus de la Verite at Rennes, France in 1776. He was a member of the Grand Orient of France. In Paris he founded the society of Dames of Mount Thabor, an organization for both sexes. His Masonic Literary Society of Free Thinkers was active for three years. He delivered lectures which subsequently were published in Cours de Philosophie Maconnique. d. Feb. 17, 1829. James Mann (1759-1832) Surgeon in American Revolution and War of 1812. b. July 22, 1759 in Wrentham, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1776, studied medicine, and served as surgeon for three years in the Revolutionary Army. He settled in New York after the war and practiced there until the beginning of the War of 1812, when he joined the U.S. Army as a hospital surgeon, and was later in charge of the medical department on the northern frontier. He was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati. He was a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Member of Montgomery Lodge, Milford, Mass. d. Nov. 7, 1832. Louis Mann (1865-1931) Actor and playwright. b. April 20, 1865 in New York. Made first stage appearance at age of three in children's production of Snowflake, at Old Stadt Theatre, N.Y.C. Attended U. of California, but did not graduate, joining the McCullough & Barrett Stock Co. He appeared with such greats as Booth, Salvini, Marie Prescott, and Lewis Morrison. He played "Page" in Oscar Wilde's first playVera, the Nihilist. He headed his own company and played Robert Audley in Lady Audley's Secret. He starred as Dick Winters in Incog and was original caricaturist of Svengali in Merry World. Other star roles were in The Laughing Girl; Girl From Paris; The Telephone Girl; Girl in. the Barracks, Julie Bon Bon, (all with Clara Lipman). He starred alone in Elevating a Husband; Man Who Stood Still; The Bubble; and achieved greatest success as Carl Pfiefer in Friendly Enemies (1918). He co-starred with his wife in That French Lady in 1926. He coauthored The Bubble and Thieves Paradise, starring in both.

Member of St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, (Dec. 1889) New York City. d. Feb. 15, 1931. William L. Mann, Jr. Rear Admiral (Medical) U.S. Navy. b. July 26, 1884 in Georgetown, Texas. Graduate of Southwestern U. of Texas, 1903 and 1904; M.D. degree from Harvard in 1908, and graduate of various service medical schools. Commissioned lieutenant in Medical Corps in 1908, and advanced through grades to rear admiral in 1943. Saw service at sea, China, Philippines, Haiti, Marine Barracks, Quantico, Va. Was force surgeon, Fleet Marine Force; commanding officer of Naval Hospital, Corpus Christi, Texas; commanding officer _Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, Md., and district medical officer 13th Naval district. Delegate to International Congress of Military Medicine at Bucharest, Rumania in 1937. President of Association of Military Surgeons in 1932, and fellow of American College of Surgeons. Affiliated with San Gabriel No. 89, Georgetown, Texas on March 13, 1931 from St. John Lodge No. 1 of N.H. Shriner. William M. Mann Zoologist. b. July 1, 1886 in Helena, Mont. Graduate of Stanford U. (1911) and Harvard U. (1915). He has directed ex128 John T. Manson peditions to Africa (1926); British Guiana (1931); Argentina (1938); Liberia (1940); East Indies (1937); and made explorations in the West Indies, Asia, Africa, Australia, South Pacific and Netherlands Indies. He has been director of the National Zoological Park, Washington, D.C. since 1925. Now retired. Member of Morning Star Lodge No. 5, Helena, Mont. 32 AASR (SJ) in Washington, D.C. Member of Almas Shrine Temple, Washington, and chairman of acts committee of Almas Shrine Circus. Daniel Manning (1831-1887) U.S. Secretary of Treasury, 1885-1887. b. May 16, 1831 in Albany, N.Y. When 12 years old he entered the office of the Albany Argus and rose to manager, becoming president of the paper in 1873. Interested in railroads and banking, he was president of the National Commercial Bank at Albany. He resigned as secretary of Treasury to become president of the Bank of New York. Member of Temple Lodge No. 14, Albany, N.Y. d. Dec. 24, 1887. Thomas Manningham ( ? - 17 94 ) English physician often credited as the author of the famous prayer at initiation and also opening of a lodge which begins "Most Holy and Glorious Lord God, thou Architect of Heaven and Earth, who are the Giver of all good -Gifts and Graces." He was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of England under Lord Carysfort (175254), and under the Marquess of Carnorvon (1754-57). It was during his term of office

that the rival "Antient" Masonry first came to the fore. He opposed the schismatic efforts of the Antients. Two interesting letters from his pen are preserved in the archives of the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands. Both allude to the additional degrees then recently imported into Holland (1757). In one he says: "My father has been a Mason these 50 years. . . . He knows none of theseceremonies. Grand Master Payne, who succeeded Sir Christopher Wren, is a stranger to them." His father was Sir Richard Manningham, the "man-midwife" and a noted physician, who was a member of Old Horn Lodge, now Royal Somerset and Inverness Lodge No. 4. d. Feb. 3, 1794. Joseph J. Mansfield (1861-1947) U.S. Congressman to 65th through 78th Congresses (1917-45) from 9th Texas dist. b. Feb. 9, 1861 in Wayne, Va. (now W. Va.). His father was a Confederate officer who was killed in battle in 1861. He settled in Texas in 1881 and was admitted to the bar in 1886. He served as county judge ten terms. Raised July 2, 1883 in Caledonia Lodge No. 68, Columbus, Texas; master of same from 1886-90. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Texas in 1912-13. d. July 12, 1947. Alexander M. Manson Justice Supreme Court of British Columbia. b. Oct. 7, 1883 in St. Louis, Mo. Graduate of U. of Toronto in 1905. Called to the bar in 1908. Member of British Columbia legislature in 1916-35 and speaker in 1921. He was attorney general and minister of Labor 1922-28; King's Counsel, 1922; and justice of supreme court since 1935. He was awarded King George V Silver Jubilee medal in 1935 and King George VI Coronation medal in 1937. Grand master of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, 192526, and past first grand principal of Grand Chapter of British Columbia. John T. Manson (1861-1944) President of American Bible Society. b. Aug. 30, 1861 in New Haven, Conn. He was director of Niagara Alkali Co., Equitable Life Assurance Society of U.S., and Security Insurance Co.; and was trustee of Princeton Theological Seminary, and Lafayette College. Member of Wooster Lodge No. 79, New Haven, Conn., Royal 129 Mahlon D. Manson Arch Mason and Knight Templar. d. Feb 21, 1944. Mahlon D. Manson (1820-1895) Union Brigadier General in Civil War and U.S. Congressman from Indiana, 1871-73. b. in Piqua, Ohio, Feb. 20, 1820. He studied pharmacy and settled in Crawfordsville, Ind. He served as a captain in the Mexican War with the 5th Indiana Volunteers; and was in the state legislature in 1851-52. At the beginning of the Civil War he enlisted as a private and immediately was made colonel of the 10th Indiana Regiment, which he commanded at the Battle of Rich Mountain, W. Va., in July, 1861.

He led the 2nd Brigade, 1st Division of the Army of the Ohio in action at Mill Springs, Ky. in Jan., 1862, and was appointed brigadier general the following March. He was wounded at Richmond, Ky., in August, 1862, taken prisoner, but exchanged in Dec. He was in command during the Morgan raid in Ind. and Ohio in July, 1863, and in Sept. was placed at the head of the 23rd Corps. He took part in the siege of Knoxville, Tenn. and was wounded at the Battle of Resaca. He was made a Mason in 1844 in Ohio; became a charter member of Montgomery Lodge No. 50, Crawfordsville, Ind., and was master in 1845. In 1859 he was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Indiana. He was also a member of Crawfordsville Chapter No. 40, R.A.M. and past high priest; Knight Templar and 32 AASR (NJ). Lee Mantle (1851-1934) U.S. Senator from Montana, 1895-99. b. Dec. 13, 1851 in Birmingham, England. He immigrated to the U.S. with his mother, who settled in Salt Lake City in 1864, and moved to Idaho Territory in 1870. He became a telegraph operator for Western Union, and later agent of the Wells-Fargo Express at Butte in 1877. In 1881 he established the Inter Mountain, a daily Republican paper. He was a member of the territorial house in 1882, 1884, and 1888, serving as speaker in the last year. He was mayor of Butte in 1892. He continued as manager and part time editor of the newspaper until 1901, and then engaged in the real estate and mining business. He later moved to Los Angeles, Calif. Member of Silver Bow Lodge No. 48, Butte, Mont. d. Nov. 18, 1934. James J. Mapes (1806-1866) Inventor, chemist and civil engineer. b. May 29, 1806 in New York City. Received a common school education; developed a liking for chemistry and entered business for himself. In 1832 he invented a new system of sugar refining, and later devised a machine for manufacturing sugar from the cane, which was extensively employed in the Southern states and West Indies. His process for manufacturing sugar from molasses was used in almost every state in the Union. He was appointed professor of chemistry and natural philosophy in the National Academy of Design, N.Y., and later at the American Institute. His analyses of beer and wine for temperance societies and legislative bodies were long regarded as standard. He made numerous improvements in distilling, dyeing, tempering steel, and color-making. He was one of the first civil engineers to open an office for consulting purposes, and was held as an expert in court cases. In the agricultural field he invented the lifting subsoil plow and originated the use of super-phosphates in the U.S., receiving a patent for his process in 1859. Member of Independent Royal Arch Lodge, N.Y.C. and master of same in 1833. Walter Henry, 11th Earl of Mar and Kellie Seventy first Grand Master

Mason of Scotland in 1882-84. Jean Paul Marat ( 1743-1793 ) French Revolutionist. b. in Switzer130 Jacques Etienne Marconis land, he studied medicine. He took an active part in the pre-revolutionary agitation, and in 1789 published L'Ami du Peuple, exciting many groups to violence. He was a member of the French National Convention of 1792, and became identified with the radical Jacobins. He was attacked by the Girondists, arrested, and tried, but on April 24, 1793 was acquitted. He joined Danton and Robespierre in overthrowing the power of the Girondists and became the leader of the radical group in the "reign of terror." This so aroused Charlotte Corday that she surprised him in his bath on July 13, 1793, and stabbed him to death. He was made a Mason in England, and a grand lodge certificate of his membership was issued on July 15, 1774 signed by James Heseltine, the grand secretary. He later became a member of the Loge la Bien Aimee at Amsterdam. Thomas L. Marble (1876-1952) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of New Hampshire, 1943-47. b. Dec. 24, 1876 at Auburn, Maine. Graduate of Bowdoin Coll. and Harvard U., being admitted to the bar in 1904. He practiced at Berlin, N.Y. from 1905-17, and in the latter year was appointed associate justice of the supreme court of N.H., serving until 1947. After 1947 he was law consultant to firm of Morse & Grand, Concord, N.H. Member of Gorham Lodge No. 73, Gorham, N.H., receiving degrees on April 25, May 23, and June 20, 1899. Knighted in North Star Commandery, K.T., Lancaster, N.H. on Jan. 31, 1901. d. Oct. 23, 1952. Charles H. March (1870-1945) Member of Federal Trade Commission. b. Oct. 20, 1870 in Cedar Mills, Minn. Admitted to the bar in 1893 and began practice at Litchfield, Minn. Was attorney for Great Northern Railroad. Appointed to the Federal Trade Commission in 1929, and served until his death. Member of Golden Fleece Lodge No. 89, Litchfield, Minn. receiving degrees on Mar. 11, 1892, Feb. 23 and Mar. 10, 1893. Knight Templar, 32 AASR and Shriner. d. Aug. 28, 1945. Gabriel Mathieu Marconis More frequently known as Marconis de Negre from his dark complexion. He was the alleged founder of the Rite of Memphis and its first grand master. This system of "Masonic" degrees is said to have been brought from Egypt in 1814 by Samuel Honis. The first lodge was founded at Montauban, France on April 30, 1815, and was closed March 7, 1816. His son, Jacques Etienne Marconis, q.v., succeeded him and probably did more to spread the rite than the father. They claimed that it was the only

true Freemasonry, older than all others, and that it was introduced into Europe by Ormus, a seraphic priest of Alexandria and Egyptian sage, who had been converted by St. Mark, and who had reformed the doctrines of the Egyptians in accordance with the principles of Christianity. Actually, it was based on the Rite of Mizraim which originated in Milan, Italy, about 1805, which in turn was probably taken from the Primitive Rite of Philadelphes of Narbornne, the latter being established in 1779 and united with the Grand Orient of France in 1786. Others prominent in the Rite of Mizraim were Clavel, Lechangeur, and the three Bedarride brothersJoseph, Michel and Marc. The Bedarrides published the history of the rite in Paris in 1845. It is entitled De L'Order de Mizraim. It had 87 degrees which soon expanded to 90. Many were "lifts" from the AASR. Jacques Etienne Marconis (17951868) Leader of the Rite of Memphis. b. Jan. 3, 1795 at Montauban, France, the son of Gabriel M. Marconis, q.v., founder and first grand master of the Rite of Memphis. Jacques did more 131 Harry H. Margolin to spread and popularize the order than his father. He is the author of The Sanctuary of Memphis. Jacques visited America in 1856, and on Nov. 9th established a lodge of his system in New York, authorizing work up to and including the 90th degreea few of the more prominent members being invested with some of the higher grades. The following year a Sovereign Grand Council General, 94, was founded there with Major David McLellan as its head. Marconis returned to France in 1857, and on April 27, 1861, McLellan resigned his office to accompany his regiment to the front, appointing Harry J. Seymour as his successor. Gradually the rite fell into disrepute due to the bickerings of its officers. Many jurisdictions prohibited it. d. Nov. 21, 1868. Harry H. Margolin Active member, Supreme Council, 33 AASR, Southern Jurisdiction and Sovereign Grand Inspector General in South Dakota. Received 32 in 1936; KCCH in 1937; and 33 in 1947, becoming an active member in 1955. He is a retail merchant in Yankton, S. Dak. Maria Theresa (1717-1780) Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Hungary and Bohemia. She was the daughter of Em peror Charles VI. She opposed France, Prussia, and Spain in the War of Austrian Succession, 1740-48. and lost Silesia to Frederick II, q.v., of Prussia, and Austrian lands to Naples. She made an alliance with France which brought on the Seven Years' War in 1756-63, in which Austria was humiliated. In 1736 she married Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, q.v., and with him, was co-regent of Austria from 1740-45. Her husband, who was grand master of Austria, did not concern

himself with her wars. She, in turn, showed great hostility to Freemasonry, presumably from religious advisors, and at one time issued an edict against Freemasonry. Their daughter was the ill-fated Marie An-toinette. After the death of Francis I, she and her son Joseph II, q.v., became co-rulers. Joseph II first gave his protection and blessing to Freemasonry, and later rescinded it. Shelley U. Marietta Major General (Medical) U.S. Army b. Jan. 5, 1881 in Palmyra, Iowa. Received dental degree from Drake U. in 1902 and medical degree from U. of Illinois in 1909. He practiced dentistry in Des Moines from 1902-05, and medicine in same city from 1909-10, entering the Medical Corps, U.S. Army, that year. He advanced to brigadier general in 1939, and major general in 1943, retiring in 1946. He served in many general hospitals throughout the U.S. and was commanding officer of Walter Reed General Hospital, Washington, D.C., from 1939-46. He saw service on the Mexican border and in France in WWI. Member of Aurora Lodge No. 156, Aurora, Colo. Received 32 AASR (SJ) at San Antonio, Texas on Nov. 18, 1926 and KCCH in 1945. Francis Marion (1732-1795) Revolutionary War General who was known as the "Swamp Fox." He fought in the Cherokee War, and served throughout the Revolution in command of militia troops in South Carolina. He harassed British forces -by raids and escaped into the swamps and forests when hard pressed. He is often referred to as a Freemason, but no documented proof exists. John H. Marion (1874-1944) Justice, Supreme Court of South Carolina, 1922-26. b. Oct. 23, 1874 in Rich-burg, S. Car. Graduate of South Carolina Coll. and Presbyterian Coll. of S. Car. Admitted to bar in 1893 and began practice at Chester. Member of lower house, 1899-1900, and of state senate, 1918-22. Was legal representative of many Duke interests at Charlotte, N. Car, from 1927. Member of Chester Lodge No. 18, Chester, S. Car. 132 R. H. Markham from 1899-1924, dimitting probably to N. Car. d. May, 1944. D. John Markey Soldier and business consultant. b. Oct. 7, 1882 in Frederick, Md. He enlisted in Maryland national guard in 1898, serving as a private in the Spanish-American War; was a major in the Mexican Border Campaign in 1916; a lieutenant colonel of 20th Infantry Division with A.E.F. in WWI. In WWII he was a brigadier general of Maryland national guard; member of general staff, U.S. Army, and in 1941-42, commanded the 115th Infantry of 29th Division. He retired as a major general, national guard in

1947. In WWI he was an aide to General Pershing, q.v. Member of American Battle Monument Commission, 1923-53. Life member of Columbia Lodge No. 58, Frederick, Md. Sir Albert H. Markham (18411918) English Arctic explorer and Rear Admiral, British Navy. He was the brother of Sir Clements R. Markham, also an explorer. He entered the Navy in 1856. In 1873 he brought back the survivors of the American Polaris Arctic Expendition. He commanded the Alert in the British Arctic Expedition of 1875-76 as a captain. He led a sledge party without dogs and succeeded in reaching the northernmost point yet achieved at that time. It was not exceeded until 1895. He was the author of several important works descriptive of voyages of discovery. He became a member of Phoenix Lodge No. 257, Portsmouth, England on April 28, 1886 and on May 1, 1891 was elected a member of the Inner Circle of the Quatour Coronati Lodge of London. Edwin Markham ( 1 8 5 2 -19 4 0 ) American poet. b. April 23, 1852 in Oregon City, Oreg. He went to Calif. in 1857 where he worked during his boyhood at farming, blacksmithing, and herding cattle and sheep. He was educated in San Jose Normal Schooland took special studies in two western colleges. Until 1899 he was a principal and superintendent of schools in Calif. His Man With the Hoe, written in 1899, received world-wide recognition and was hailed by many as "the battle-cry of the next 1000 years." Other works were: Lincoln, and Other Poems, 1901; The Shoes of Happiness and other Poems; California, the Wonderful, 1915; Gates of Paradise, 1920; The Ballad of the Gallows Bird, 1926; New PoemsEighty Songs at Eighty, 1932; The Star of Araby, 1937. Interested in the problems of child labor, he wrote a series of magazine articles which were published in book form as The Children in Bondage. He edited The Book of Poetry (2 volumes covering 1,000 years of poetry). He moved from Calif. to N.Y. in 1899. He became a member of Acacia Lodge No. 92, Coloma, Calif., and later affiliated with El Dorado Lodge No. 26, Placerville, Calif. He was nominated by the Grand Lodge of Oregon for the position of "poet laureate" of American Freemasonry. In 1935 he was awarded the Masters Medal of the Grand Lodge of New York. d. March 7, 1940. R. H. Markham Journalist. b. Feb. 21, 1887 in Twelve Mile, Kans. Graduate of Washburn Coll. (Topeka), Union Theol. Sem., (N.Y.) and Columbia U. He was a missionary for American Mission Board of Boston to Bulgaria from 1912-18, during which period he saw two wars and a number of revolutions. In 1918 he was Y.M.C.A. secretary in Archangel, Russia, returning to Bulgaria with the Mission Board from 1920-26. From 1926 he was with the Christian Science Monitor as Bulgarian, Balkan, and European

correspondent. He covered the Ethopian War, Austrian Socialist uprising, and Hitler's entrance into Vienna. He returned to the U.S. between 1939-42, and in 1946 was expelled from the Russian con133 John Markle II trolled countries. During WWII he was on leave as a special deputy of the Office of War Information. Author of many books including Protestants Awake; Bulgaria; Today and Tomorrow; The Wave of the Past; Rumania Under the Soviet Yoke. Mason. John Markle H Vice President of Bell Telephone Co. of Pensylvania since 1950. b. May 22, 1902 in Hazel-ton, Pa. Graduate of Yale in 1924. He began in that year with the Lehigh Telephone Co. at Hazelton, Pa. and when it merged with Bell in 1930, he became district traffic superintendent at Allentown. His advancement continued until he became vice president in charge of personnel and labor relations in April, 1950. In WWII he planned civilian air defense and aircraft warning service from telephone standpoint in Pa. Member of Azalea Lodge No. 687, Hazelton, Pa. receiving all degrees on Nov. 27, 1923 and master in 1931; junior grand deacon of Grand Lodge of Pa. 1950-52; chairman of committee on library and museum, 1950-53. Exalted in Hazelton Chapter No. 277, R.A.M. in 1927, later affiliating with Perseverance Chapter No. 21, Harrisburg, and since 1949, member of Montgomery Chapter No. 262, Ardmore. Greeted in Harrisburg Council No. 7, R. & SM.; master in 1948 and grand marshal, Grand Council of Pa. in 1948. Knighted in Mount Vernon Commandery No. 73, K.T. Hazelton; commander in 1935; member of finance committee, Grand Cornmandery of Pa., 1947-58. Member of Scottish Rite at Bloomsburg, Pa., master of Rose Croix in 1942, and stage manager of Caldwell Consistory; 33 in 1942. He was sovereign of Orient Conclave No. 2, Red Cross of Constantine, in 1947-48, and grand sovereign of the Grand Imperial Council (United Empire) in 1957-58. Member of Irem Shrine Temple, Royal Order of Scotland, Council of Anointed Kings. William Marks (1778-1858) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1825-31. b. Oct. 13, 1778 in Chester Co., Pa., moving in childhood to Allegheny Co. He received limited schooling and learned the tanning trade. He studied law and was admitted to the bar, practicing at Pittsburgh, Pa. He was a member of the state lower house from 1810-19, serving as speaker the last six years. He commanded the Pa. state militia in 1814. From 1820-25 he was a member of the state senate. After his defeat for reelection to the U.S. senate, he resumed law practice in Pittsburgh, moving later to Beaver, Pa. He became a member of Perseverance Lodge No. 21, Harrisburg, Pa. on Dec. 16, 1823. d. April 10, 1858.

Ernest W. Marland (1874-1941) Eighth Governor of Oklahoma, 193539; U.S. Congressman to 73rd Congress, 1933-35 from 8th Okla. dist. b. May 8, 1874 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1893. Began law practice in Pittsburgh, and later moved to Okla., where he engaged largely in oil production as president of the Marland Oil Co. and various subsidiary agencies. He erected the famous statue, The Pioneer Woman. Member of Ponca Lodge No. 83, Ponca City, Okla. on July 15, Aug. 19, Sept. 16, 1912. Exalted in Olivet Chapter No. 25, R.A.M., Ponca City on May 24, 1915 and received 32 AASR (SJ) in Oklahoma's Consistory at Guthrie on Oct. 17, 1912. d. Oct. 3, 1941. James P. Marley Major General, U.S. Army, b. Nov. 20, 1882 near Slayden, Texas. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1907. Promoted through grades to brigadier general (temp.) in 1940, and major general (temp.) in 1941. Served in U.S. and Philippines, Mexican Border, and both World Wars. Commanded 8th Motorized Division and U.S. Disciplinary Barracks. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. 134 Meredith Miles Marmaduke John Sappington Marmaduke (18331887) Governor of Missouri, 1884-87, dying in office; Confederate Major General of Civil War. b. March 14, 1833 near Arrow Rock, Mo. Attended Yale and Harvard and was graduated from U.S. Military Academy in 1857. His mother was Lavinia Sappington, daughter of the early pioneer physician, John Sappington, and his father was M. M. Marmaduke, q.v., also a governor of Mo. He served two years in Utah (1858-59) with an expedition sent to quell the Mormon revolt. While there, he joined Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 205, Camp Floyd, Utah Territory, chartered by the Grand Lodge of Missouri as a traveling lodge. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he resigned his commission and joined the Confederate forces, much against the wishes of his father who was a staunch Unionist. He was commissioned lieutenant colonel and given command of the 3rd Infantry. He fought at Shiloh where he was wounded on the second day. He was promoted to brigadier general and transferred to the trans-Mississippi department and commanded in Ark. and Mo., making frequent raids, once with 4,000 men. For his services he was made major general. On a raid with General Price, his forces were surrounded and he was compelled to surrender near Fort Scott on Oct. 24, 1864. He was held prisoner at Fort Warren until Aug., 1865. After a trip abroad to regain his health, he returned to St. Louis, Mo., where he established the Evening Journal and the Illustrated Journal of Agriculture. He later became secretary of the state board of agriculture, and in 1875 was appointed railroad commissioner. He affiliated with Anchor Lodge U.D. of St. Louis (now 443) on May 8, 1872, and withdrew on Aug. 25, 1875. d. Dec. 28, 1887.

Meredith Miles Marmaduke (17911864) Governor of Missouri, 1844. b. Aug. 28, 1791 in Westmoreland Co., Va. Served as colonel in War of 1812, and at close of war was appointed U.S. marshal for Eastern Va. He moved to Mo. in 1824 for his health, and was engaged in the Santa Fe trade for six years at Franklin, Howard Co., then settled near Arrow Rock where he became a successful farmer. He was the originator and president of the first state fair, and as county surveyor of Saline Co., he surveyed the present city of Marshall, Mo. He was elected lieutenant governor in 1840, and became acting governor on the death of Gov. Thomas Reynolds in 1844. He was a staunch Unionist in the Civil War, although his sons joined the Confederate forces. He married Lavinia, second child of Dr. John Sappington, Mo. pioneer physician who made quinine pills famous in that day. His son, John S., q.v., became a major general in the Confederate Army. There is no question that he was a Mason, but his lodge has never been located. At this time the Grand Lodge of Missouri required all non-affiliated members in its jurisdiction to pay dues of $3.00. In this respect, Arrow Rock Lodge No. 55, Arrow Rock, Mo. has several records of him as a Mason. On March 3, 1849 the minutes stated: "Lodge proceeded to ascertain the number of Master Masons under the jurisdiction of this lodge and not members of any. They were found worthy as follows: Wm. Price, Joseph Huston, Bird Lawless, Warren Davis, Thos. McMahan, M. M. Marmaduke. . . . Whereupon all found worthy are ordered to be cited to appear at the next meeting." On April 20, 1850, Anthony O'Sullivan, q.v., offered a resolution: "On motion Brother O'Sullivan the following brethren were elected worthy non-affiliated Master Masons: E. Scott, J. Fisher, M. M. Marmaduke, etc. . . ." On May 5, 1850 is recorded the payment of the following: "Non-affiliated Mason pdM. M. Marmaduke, $1.00." Sim135 Charles G. Marmion ilar records are found in the lodge minutes on March 15, 1851, April 10, 1852, and April 23, 1853. It is presumed that the grand lodge discontinued its attempts to collect from non-affiliates after that time for no more entries appear in the record. The Saline County history states that Marmaduke was buried "according to the rites of Freemasonry, he having been a Mason for a number of years." d. March 26, 1864 and buried in Sappington Cemetery near Arrow Rock. Charles G. Marmion Episcopal Bishop. b. Aug. 19, 1905 in Houston, Texas. Graduate of U. of Texas and P. E. Theological Seminary in Va. Served churches in Eagle Lake and Columbus, Texas. Washington, D.C., Port Arthur and Dallas, Texas (193354). Since 1954 he has been bishop of the Diocese of Ky. From 1948-54 he was a member of the national council of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Received degrees in Holland Lodge No. 1,

Houston, Texas about 1926, and presently a member of Highland Park Lodge No. 1150, Dallas, Texas. Member of DeMolay Legion of Honor. Jacland Murmur Author and adventurer. b. Feb. 14, 1901 in Sosnowiec, Poland and brought to U.S. in 1903. He left home in 1918, going to San Francisco, and then to sea for two years. He crossed Canada afoot to New York, returned to the West coast, and followed the sea until 1930, when he settled in Larkspur, Calif. He has been an author of short stories and books since 1927. His books include Ecola!; Wind Driven; Three Went Armed; The Golden Me- dallion; The Sea and the Shore; Sea Duty; Andromeda. He has contributed to a number of magazines including Collier's, Saturday Evening Post and Country Gentleman. Member of Marin Lodge No. 191, San Rafael, Calif., being raised on April 2, 1941. William F. Marquat Major General, U.S. Army. b. March 17, 1894 in St. Louis, Mo. From 1913-17 he was a reporter, followed by service in WWI as a Coast Artillery officer. From 1919-20 he was automobile editor of the Seattle Times. He entered the regular army in 1920 as a captain, advanced through grades to major general, and retired in 1956. He was a staff officer for General MacArthur, q.v., in the Manila-Bataan campaign, and through the East Indies, Papuan, New Guinea, Bismark Archipelego, South Philippines, and Luzon campaigns. From 1942 until end of war he was commander of anti-aircraft. He opened, and was chairman, of the Allied Council for Japan as the U.S. member. From 1945-52 he was chief of economic and scientific section of headquarters, SCAP, Tokyo, and chief of office of civil affairs and military government, 1952-54. A member of Eureka Lodge No. 20, Seattle, Wash., he received the degrees on Sept. 5, 24, and Oct. 17, 1919. Member of Nile Shrine Temple, Seattle. Robert L. Marquis (1880-1934) President of North Texas State Teachers' College, from 1923. b. Jan. 4, 1880 in Golied, Texas. Graduate of Texas Christian TJ, U. of Chicago, and U. of Texas. He was a science teacher in Christian Coll., John Tarleton Coll. (both of Texas) and professor of biology at Sam Houston State Teachers' Coll., West Texas State Teachers' Coll., and North Texas State Teachers' Coll. from 1918-20. He was president of Sul Rose State Teachers' Coll., Alpine, Texas, 1920-23. Member of Standfield Lodge 217, Denton, Texas, receiving degrees on April 16, May 14 and June 11, 1919. d. April 15, 1934. Frederick Marryat (1792-1848) (known as Captain Marryat) English naval commander and novelist of sea life. He served in the English Navy until 1830, when he retired.

136 Frank A. Marshall He visited Canada in 1837, and toured the U.S. where he wrote The Phantom Ship. In 1843 he settled on a farm in Langham, Norfolk. His novels are largely based on his own experiences at sea and include Frank Mildmay; Peter Simple; Jacob Faithful; Search of a Father; Snarleyy ow, or the Dog Fiend; Poor Jack; Masterman Ready; The Settlers in Canada; and The Children of the New Forest. Member of the Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, London, England, being initiated in 1826, and serving as junior warden in 1828. Daniel Marsh Assistant Quartermaster General of the American Revolution. He was a member of St. John's Lodge No. 2 of New York City at the time the Grand Lodge of New Jersey was organized. It is not known with what lodge in New Jersey he subsequently affiliated, but he was a member of the convention at New Brunswick for the formation of a grand lodge. Daniel L. Marsh Chancellor of Boston University for life from 1951; president of same, 1925-51. b. April 12, 1880 in West Newton, Pa. Graduate of Northwestern U., Boston U., and studied at many other universities here and abroad. Holds doctorates from a score of universities. Served as a Methodist minister in the Pittsburgh conference, 1908-13, and general superintendent of Methodist Church Union of Pittsburgh, 1913-26. Elected president of Boston on Dec. 30, 1925, and chancellor for life in 1951. He is a director of the John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co. and author of more than 40 books since 1917. Initiated in Rochester Lodge No. 229, Rochester, Pa. in 1903, and presently member of Boston University Lodge. From 1910-13 he was chaplain of Doric Lodge, Sewickley, Pa. Received 32 AASR (NJ) in Valley of Pittsburgh and 33 in 1927. Member of Aleppo Shrine Temple, Boston, Mass. In 1955 he presented gavels to his own lodge and Brookline Lodge, both of Boston. The gavels were made of marble from the quarries at Jerusalem. George T. Marsh (1876-1945) Author and lawyer. b. Aug. 9, 1876 in Lansingburgh, N.Y. Graduate of Yale U. in 1898, and studied at Harvard U. Began law practice at Providence, R.I. He was a member of the R.I. legislature, 1910-11. In WWI he was an Infantry and Air Service officer overseas. His books include: Toilers of the Trails; The Whelps of the Wolf; The Valley of Voices; Men Marooned; Flash, the Lead Dog; Under Frozen Stars and others. Mason. d. Aug. 10, 1945. Joseph W. Marsh (1858-1936) President of Standard Underground Cable Co. from 1909. b. May 21, 1858 in New York City. He began as a clerk

in a country store in Ohio, and later taught school. He became associated with the Standard Underground Cable Co. in 1881 as secretary to the founder, rising as assistant general manager, vice president, and general manager and president. Member of Crescent Lodge No. 576, Pittsburgh, receiving degrees on Jan. 7, Feb. 4 and March 4, 1895. d. Jan. 31, 1936. Frank A. Marshall (1865-1931) Author of the DeMolay ritual. b. in Leavenworth, Kans. Graduate of U. of Kansas in 1887. Was city editor of the Leavenworth (Kans.) Times for four years. In 1891 he was employed by the Kansas City Journal, working as reporter, city editor, and for 24 years as editorial writer, until the paper was discontinued in 1928. His Little Lay Sermons were published on Sunday for many years. Initiated in Westport Lodge No. 340 on April 29, 1913, he was master in 1917. His original York Rite memberships were in Kansas City Chapter, Shekinah Council, and Kansas City 137 George Catlett Marshall Commandery, but when the Westport bodies were organized he affiliated with them, serving as high priest of Westport Chapter No. 134 in 1919; commander of Westport Commandery No. 68, K.T. in 1920; and master of Westport Council No. 38, R. & S.M. in 1923. In the Scottish Rite, he received the K.C.C.H. in 1921. He also headed bodies of the Amaranth, White Shrine, Eastern Star, Red Cross of Constantine, and True Kindred. He was a member of the Grand Council of DeMolay and director of publicity for same. d. March 24, 1931. George Catlett Marshall General of the Army; U.S. Secretary of State; U.S. Secretary of Defense; Ambassador to China; author of the "Marshall Plan" for European economic recovery. b. Dec. 31, 1880 in Uniontown, Pa. He was a student at Virginia Military Inst., 1897-1901, and holds honorary degrees from many universities and colleges. He was commissioned in 1901 as an Infantry lieutenant, advancing to major general in 1939, and general of the Army (5-star) in 1944. He served in the Philippines in 190102, and 191316. In WWI he was with the A.E.F., 1917-19, with 1st Infantry Division, chief of operations 1st Army, chief of staff, 8th Army Corps, participating in Battles of Cantigny, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne. From 1919-24 he was aide-de-camp to General Pershing, q.v. From 1924-27 he was in China, followed by stateside commands. He was deputy chief of staff, U.S. Army from 1938-39, and chief of staff with rank of general, 1939-45. In 1945 he was appointed special representative of the president, to China, with rank of ambassador. He served as U.S. secretary of State from 1947-49, and U.S. secretary of Defense, 1950-51. He was president of the American Red Cross, 1949-50. He has received many decorations and high honors, including the Nobel peace prize in 1953. Marshallwas made a Mason "at sight" on

December 16, 1941, by Ara M. Daniels, grand master of the Grand Lodge of District of Columbia, in the Scottish Rite Cathedral of the District. Receiving the degrees at the same time was Jesse H. Jones, q.v., then secretary of Commerce. Distinguished leaders from many states were present, and Carl H. Claudy, q.v., who had served as senior warden on the occasion, gave the candidates a general briefing on Freemasonry, at the request of Marshall. Marshall's father had been an active Freemason at Uniontown, Pa., being high priest of Union Chapter No. 165, R.A.M. in 1889, and commander of Uniontown Commandery No. 49, K.T. in 1883. Humphrey Marshall (1812-1872) Confederate Brigadier General of Civil War; U.S. Congressman; minister to China. b. Jan. 13, 1812 in Frankfort, Ky. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1832. He was on the Black Hawk expedition; resigned his commission in 1833 to study law, and entered practice at Frankfort and Louisville. Becoming active in the state militia, he raised a company of volunteers and marched to defend the Texas frontier against the Indians. As a colonel of volunteer cavalry, he served in the War with Mexico and won distinction in the Battle of Buena Vista. He then retired to his farm in Henry Co., Ky. He served in the U.S. congress, 1849-52 and 1855-59. He was U.S. minister to China from 1852-54. He recruited a large force of volunteers for the Confederate army and was made brigadier general. He was in command of the Army of Eastern Kentucky, and in 1862 fought the Battle of Middle Creek with General Garfield. He defeated General Cox at Princeton, Va. and won control of the Lynchburg and Knoxville Railroad. He resigned his commission before the war ended, and served in the Confederate congress. After the 138 John Marshall war he practiced law at Louisville, Ky. Mason, and buried Masonically. d. March 28, 1872. James W. Marshall (1812-1885) Discoverer of gold in California. b. in Hope, N.J. in 1812. He learned the trade of wagon builder. In 1833 he bought a farm near Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and in 1844 migrated to Calif. and entered the service of John A. Sutter, q.v. After serving in the Bear Flag War, he abandoned the stock farm he had established and entered the lumber business with Sutter in Coloma. On Jan. 18, 1848, while examining a millrace being constructed, he found a nugget of gold. His discovery brought a great influx of adventurers to Calif. The newcomers seized his property and stock, dividing the land into town lots, and reducing Marshall to poverty. A bronze statue of Marshall was erected on the spot where he made his discovery. Some historians contend that Charles R. Bennett, q.v., first picked up the gold. Marshall was a member of Sonora Chapter No. 2, R.A.M., Sonora, Calif. d. Aug. 8, 1885.

John Marshall (1755-1835) Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 180135 and known as the "Father of the Judiciary"; U.S. Secretary of State, 1800-01. b. Sept. 24, 1755 at Germantown, Fauquier Co., Va. He was the son of Thomas Marshall, both father and son serving in the Revolution. He served at Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Stony Point and Yorktown. His father was a major in the same regiment in which he was a lieutenant. He wintered with Washington at Valley Forge and it might have been here that, by his testimony, he had "become a Freemason while in the Revolutionary Army." He had a brief course in law and began practice in Fauquier Co., and after two years moved to Richmond. From 178295 he was a member of the Virginiaexecutive council, and from 1782-88 of the House of Burgesses, becoming the recognized Federalist leader in Virginia. In 1797-98 he was one of the two American commissioners -to France to obtain redress for hostile French actions. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1799-1800; U.S. secretary of state, 1800-01, and chief justice, supreme court from 1801 until death. His most dramatic task on the supreme court bench was to preside at the trial of Aaron Burr, q.v., for treason. His greatest service to the nation was to make the supreme court the place of last resort in determining the constitutionality of both federal and state laws, thus making it truly "supreme." It is not known where he received his degrees, but he was a member of Richmond Lodge No. 13 (now 10) of Richmond, Va., and of Richmond Chapter No. 3, R.A.M., Richmond. He later became a member of Richmond-Randolph Lodge No. 19 of the same city. It appears that he was never master of a lodge, but nevertheless he was deputy grand master, and then from 1793-95 was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia. In 1785 he helped promote a lottery for the Masonic Hall in Richmond, and in the previous year he was a member of a committee of Rich_mond-Randolph Lodge No. 19 (Jan. 2, 1784). On June 24, 1795 as grand master, he was present at a sermon in honor of St. John the Baptist, preached in the state capitol building. In 1822 he was one of a committee appointed to further the object of "general grand lodge." Between 1786 and 1796 he was recorded as being present at 15 sessions of the grand lodge. d. July 6, 1835. On July 9, John Dove, q.v., then master of Richmond Randolph Lodge No. 19 convened the lodge "for the purpose of paying the last sad tribute of respect to our late Worthy Brother, John Marshall, Chief Justice and late Master of the Grand 139 Peter Marshall Lodge of Virginia." The procession was formed and moved to the county court house where they met the body, and thence proceeded to the house of the deceased on the corner of Marshall and Ninth street, where a suitable discourse was delivered by the Right Rev. R. C. Moore, thence to Hollywood burial ground, where the body was interred with the usual Masonic honors. Tradition states that the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia cracked while tolling his death.

Peter Marshall (1902-1949) Presbyterian clergyman who was chaplain of the U.S. Senate, 1947-49, and gained international fame from his posthumous biography, written by his wife in book form, entitled A Man Called Peter. b. May 27, 1902 in Coatbridge, Scotland. Graduate of Columbia Theol. Seminary, Decatur, Ga. in 1931. He came to the U.S. in 1927 and was naturalized in 1938.. He was ordained to the Presbyterian ministry in 1931, serving churches in Covington, Ga., 1931-33; Atlanta, Ga., 193337; and New York Ave. Church, Washington, D.C. from 1937. He was chaplain of U.S. Senate from Jan. 4, 1947. His wife's simple and straightforward presentation of the wonderful Christian character of her husband, his trials, hardships, and triumphs, captured the hearts of the readers and shot the book into the bestseller ranks. He received the degrees in Old Monkland St. James Lodge No. 177, Coatbridge, Scotland, and in Feb. 1947 was made an honorary member of Temple Noyes Lodge No. 32, Washington, D.C. d. Jan. 25, 1949. Robert Marshall (1832-1904) A founder of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite of Canada in 1874 and member of Provincial Legislature, New Brunswick, 1876-82. b. April 27; 1832 at Pictou, Nova Scotia. He was a general insurance agent. Initiated in Union Lodge No. 780 (E.C.) of Portland on Feb. 16, 1860. Grand master of the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick, 1878-80; grand high priest of the grand chapter; grand master of the Cryptic Rite; provincial prior for New Brunswick of Great Priory of Canada. d. May 26, 1904. Thomas R. Marshall (1854-1925) Twenty-eighth Vice President of the United States. b. March 14, 1854 in North Manchester, Ind. Graduate of Wabash Coll. in 1873 and 1876. Honorary degrees from several universities including Notre Dame and Villanova. Admitted to the bar in 1875, he practiced at Columbia City, Ind. Marshall served as governor of Indiana from 1909-13. He was elected vice president in 1912 on the ticket with Woodrow Wilson and reelected in 1916, serving from 1913-21. He coined the saying: "What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar!" He was raised in Columbia City Lodge No. 189, Columbia City, Ind. on Sept. 5, 1881; exalted in Columbia Chapter No. 54, R.A.M. on Feb. 11, 1882, serving as high priest of same from 1889-95, and grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Indiana, R.A.M. 18991900. Greeted in Columbia City No. 55, R. & S.M. on Jan. 11, 1884, he was master of same from 1887-93, and grand master of the Grand Council, R. & S.M. of Indiana. 1895-96. In 1887-1900 he was conductor of the Indiana Council of High Priests. He was knighted in Ft. Wayne Commandery No. 4, K.T. on March 8, 1888, becoming a charter member of Cyrene Commandery No. 34, K.T., at Columbia City on April 20, 1892, and commander in 1897-98. In the Scottish Rite (NJ) he received the 32 in Indiana Consistory, Indianapolis, on April 19, 1888, the 33 on Sept. 20, 1898, and an active member of the Northern Supreme Council on Sept. 21, 1911. In May and

June of 1922 he was a delegate to the international conference of 140 Jose Julian Marti supreme councils at Lausanne, Switzerland. On Oct. 2, 1912 he addressed the Supreme Council (NJ) at its banquet in Boston; on April 9, 1913 he was present at a dinner given by J. D. Richardson, grand commander Southern Jurisdiction in the New Ebbitt Hotel, Washington, D.C.; on July 25, 1914 he was at a special communication of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia to lay the corner stone of the new hall of Myron M. Parker Lodge No. 27; on May 25, 1917 he was at Lake Erie Consistory, Cleveland, Ohio and made a speech; on Sept. 17, 1917 he addressed the Supreme Council (NJ) on its golden jubilee in New York City; on March 28, 1918 he attended the Maundy Thursday ceremonies in New York; and on Oct. 20, 1920 he addressed the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. He died June 1, 1925. In Sept. 1926 the Northern Supreme Council voted $25,000 for a mausoleum, and on Sept. 6, 1927 his remains were placed in that mausoleum at Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Ind. Thurgood Marshall Negro lawyer and Prince Hall Freemason. b. July 2, 1908 in Baltimore, Md. Graduate of Lincoln U. 1930 and 1947. Admitted to bar in 1933 and practiced at Baltimore, 1933-37, and afterwards in New York City. He has been special counsel for the National Association for Advancement of Colored People since 1938, and has won a number of important decisions before the U.S. supreme court. In 1951 he visited Korea to make investigation of court martial cases involving negro soldiers. He has been director and counselor of the Prince Hall Grand Master's Conference and is a 33 AASR, (Prince Hall). Frederick J. Marston President of American Association of Junior Colleges, 1952-53; director, 1948-51. b. Dec. 6, 1897 in Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Graduate of Valparaiso U., 1918, 1920; U. of Chicago, 1926; U. of Missouri, 1942 (Ph.D.). Was instructor of public speaking at Valparaiso U. (Ind.) from 1917-20, and has been with Kemper Military School, Boonville, Mo. since 1922, serving as assistant principal until 1927, and dean since that date. Served in WWI as Infantry officer. Was president of North Central Junior College Administrators in 1939, and secretary since 1942; president of Missouri Association of College Registrars in 1939. He was raised in Cooper Lodge No. 36 on Dec. 12, 1923; exalted in Boonville Chapter No. 60, R.A.M. March 21, 1924; knighted in Olivet Commandery No. 35, K.T., April 18, 1924 and has headed each of these Boonville, Mo. bodies. Member of Centralia Council No. 34, R. & S. M., Centralia, Mo.; 32 AASR (SJ) at Kansas City in

1924; Ararat Shrine Temple, Kansas City. In 195253 he was grand commander of the Grand Commandery K.T. of Mo. Past sovereign and present recorder of St. Chrysostom Conclave No. 36, Red Cross of Constantine. Charles Martel (see under Charles). Jose Julian Marti (1853-1895) Cuban liberator known as "Apostle of the Independence." b. Jan. 28, 1853 in Havana. A lawyer by profession, he was consul in New York for Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Early in life he became interested in Cuban independence, which resulted in his deportation by Spanish authorities. He returned to his homeland, but was again sent into exile. After some traveling, he settled in New York, where he headed the junta set up to arouse interest in the cause of Cuban freedom. When the revolution broke out in 1895, he returned to Cuba with a small group of companions to command the rebel troops. His small force was ambushed by a Spanish force and the entire contingent met death on May 19, 1895. His sacrifice became 141 Alexander Martin a rallying influence, and today he ranks as one of the Republic's greatest heroes. His birthday is commemorated every year by Cuban Freemasonry. A statue has been erected to his memory in Central Park in the center of Havana, and in 1950 the Masons of Cuba organized a parade of 6,000 in tribute to him as a Mason and national hero. On Oct. 24, 1953 Mahi Shrine Temple of Miami, Fla. held its ceremonial in Havana, naming it the "Jose Marti International Ceremonial. Alexander Martin (1740-1807) Governor and U.S. Senator from North Carolina; member of convention that framed the Constitution of the U.S. b. in 1740 in New Jersey. He was graduated from Princeton U. in 1756, studied law and after a brief sojourn in Va., settled in Guilford Co., N.C. in 1772, where he practiced law. Served in the Revolution as a colonel of the 2nd N.C. regiment at Germantown and Brandywine. He was a member of the state senate from 1779-82, 1785-87, and 1788, serving one time as president. He was acting governor of N. Car. in 1781, elected governor the following year, and reelected in 1789. In the interval between governorships he was a member of the convention that drew up the U.S. Constitution, but was not a signer. At the close of his second term as governor, he was elected to the U.S. senate and served from 1793-99. He was raised at a communication of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina held in Fayetteville on Nov. 21, 1788. He was grand pursuivant of that grand lodge in 1805-06 and junior grand warden in 1807. d. Nov. 10, 1807.

Clarence D. Martin Governor of Washington, 1933-37. Member of Temple Lodge No. 42, Cheney, Wash., receiving Master degree in Spokane Lodge No. 34 as a courtesy, on May 6, 1933. 32 AASR (SJ) in May, 1934. Clarence R. Martin Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Indiana, 1928-29 and 1931. b. Dec. 10, 1866 in Brown Co., Ohio. Graduate of Indiana Law School and U. of Michigan. Admitted to bar in 1907 and began as law clerk for the appellate court of Ind. He was a supreme court justice from 1926-33. Served in WWI as major in 28th Infantry Div. and assistant inspector general, A.E.F., 1919. Received degrees in 1908 in Oakland Lodge No. 140, Oaklandon, Ind. and became charter member and charter senior warden of Mystic Circle Lodge No. 685 in 1912 and master of same in 1913. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Indiana in 1942-43. 32 AASR in Indianapolis and 33 in 1937. Knight Templar and Shriner. Edward Martin Governor of Pennsylvania, 1943-47; U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania since 1947; Major General, U.S. Army. b. Sept. 18, 1879 in Ten Mile, Pa. Graduate of Waynesburg Coll. in 1901. Admitted to bar in 1905, and began practice at Waynesburg, Pa. He was auditor general of Pa. in 1925-29; state treasurer, 1929-33; adjutant general, 1939-43; and governor, 1943-47. He served in the Philippine Campaign of the Spanish-American War, 189899; Mexican Border Campaign, 1916; with A.E.F. _in France 1917-19. Made brigadier general in 1922 and major general in 1939 of Pa. national guard. He was inducted into Federal service as commanding general of the 28th Infantry Division in 1921, and relieved of command (over age in grade) in 1942, being placed on the inactive list. He was raised in Waynesburg Lodge No. 153, Waynesburg, Pa., Feb. 10, 1906, serving as master in 1912. Member of Washington Chapter No. 150, RAM.; Pennsylvania Council No. 1 and Jacques de Molay Commandery No. 3, K.T., all of Washington, Pa. 33 AASR (NJ) in Valley of Pittsburgh; Royal Order of Jesters, Shrine, National Sri142 John Martin journers, Red Cross of Constantine and Tall Cedars of Lebanon. Francis X. Martin (1764-1846) Lawyer, author. b. March 17, 1764 in Marseilles, France. Came to Martinique at age of 18, but not succeeding there, he came to U.S. in 1786, taking up residence at New Bern, N. Car. Although he could speak little English, he took up the printer's trade, and eventually became proprietor of a plant that printed school books, almanacs, and translations from the French. Studied law and was admitted to bar in 1789. Wrote many books on law, compiled statutes. Appointed U.S. judge for Territory of Miss. in 1809, and the following year of the Territory of Orleans.

Here he became known as the "father of the jurisprudence of La." When La. was organized as a state in 1813 he became attorney general, and in 1815 was appointed judge of the supreme court, becoming chief justice in 1837 and retiring in 1845. He was a member of St. Johns Lodge No. 3, New Bern, N. Car. serving as secretary in 1790-91. d. Dec. 11, 1846. Frank E. Martin Vice President and comptroller of Illinois Central Railroad since 1951. b. May 7, 1895 in Newton, Ill. He began as a clerk with the Illinois Central in 1914, and held positions in accounting, valuation, engineering until 1935, when he became assistant to the disbursements auditor; was disbursements auditor, 193841; general auditor, 1941-45, comptroller, 1945-50. Member of Newton Lodge No. 216, Newton, Ill. since 1917; Jackson Park Chapter No. 222, R.A.M., Chicago, Ill. Frederick L. Martin Major General, U.S. Army. b. Nov. 26, 1882 in Liberty, Ind. Graduate of Purdue U. in 1908. Commissioned in Coast Artillery in 1908; transferred to' Air Service in 1920, advancing to temporary rank of brigadier general in 1937 and temporary major general in 1940. Was wing commander of G.H.Q. Air Force in 1937; commanding general of Hawaiian Air Force, 1940-41; same for 2nd Air Force, 1942. Commanded 2nd Dist. Army Air Forces Central Training Command in 1942-44, retiring in latter year. Received degrees in Peoria Lodge No. 15, Peoria, Ill., being raised March 21, 1904. Suspended in 1908. Was member of Mt. Olivet Commandery No. 38, Paxton, Ill. and Mohammed Shrine Temple, Peoria, Ill. George B. Martin (1876-1945) U.S. Senator from Kentucky, 1918-19. b. Aug. 18, 1876 in Prestonsburg, Ky. Graduate of Central U., Danville, Ky., in 1895. Began law practice at Catlettsburg, Ky. in 1900. Appointed to senate to succeed 0. M. James, deceased. Member of Hampton Lodge No. 235, Catlettsburg, Ky., receiving degrees on March 24, July 1, and July 26, 1904. d. Nov. 12, 1945. Harry B. Martin Writer and cartoonist since 1893. b. May 26, 1872 in Salem, Ill. Studied at Vincennes U. (Ind.), 1889-92. From 1893-95 he was with St. Louis and New York newspapers and since 1925 has been senior member of Martin News Service, and president of Martin Publications, Inc. since 1922. He is the creator of "The Weather Bird" in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the oldest of all daily newspaper features. He has written a number of books on golf including Pic- torial Golf; Golf Made Easy; Fifty Years of American Golf. Member of Vincennes Lodge No. 1, Vincennes, Ind. Former member of St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R.A.M., Ascalon Commandery No. 16, K.T., and Moolah Shrine Temple, all of St. Louis.

John Martin (1730-?) Governor of Georgia, 1782-83. b. about 1730, at the beginning of the Revolutionary War he was sent to the provincial congress in 1775, and was a member of the council of safety. He joined the Con143 John A. Martin tinental Army and was commissioned as captain, being promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1781. He was elected to the legislature in 1781, becoming governor the following year. In 1873 he was elected state treasurer, and in January of that year appointed to make a treaty with the Creek Indians. He was a member of Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Ga. and grand steward of the Grand Lodge of Georgia in 1786. John A. Martin (1839-1889) Governor of Kansas, 1884-88; Brigadier General in Civil War. b. March 10, 1839 in Brownsville, Pa. Worked on newspaper in Brownsville, moving to Atchison, Kans. in 1857, where he purchased the Squatter Sovereign and changed its name to Champion. Through its pages, he exercised a great deal of influence on state politics. Martin was a prominent Republican, and was delegate to national convention four times between 1859-80. He was a delegate to convention which framed the Kansas state constitution, and served as state senator. Joined 8th Kansas Infantry (national guard) as a lieutenant colonel and took part in the principal engagements of the Army of the Cumberland, commanding a brigade at Chickamauga. Breveted brigadier general at close of war. Member of Washington Lodge No. 5, Atchison, Kans. Father of Paul A. Martin, q.v. d. Oct. 2, 1889. John Strickler Martin (1875-1931) Minister of Agriculture, Ontario, 192330. b. Oct. 11, 1875 in Salpole Township, Ontario. A poultry raiser, he won the championship of the New York State Fair for 25 successive years and was known as the "Wyandotte King." He was president of the National Wyandotte Club and prominent in the affairs of the American Poultry Association. Had a worldwide reputation as an agriculturist. He was raised in Erie Lodge No. 149, Port Dover, Ont., and was grand master of the Grand Lodge in 1927. Honorary 33 AASR. d. May 13, 1931. John W. Martin (1884-1958) Governor of Florida, 1925-29. b. June 21, 1884 in Plainfield, Fla. Admitted to the bar in 1914, he practiced at Jacksonville until 1923. He was mayor of Jacksonville, 1917-23. He was trustee of the Florida East Coast Railway from 1942 until his death. Member of Temple Lodge No. 23, Jacksonville, 32 AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. Feb. 22, 1958.

Joshua L. Martin (1799-1856) Governor of Alabama, 1845-47; U.S. Congressman to 24th and 25th Congresses, 1835-39. b. Dec. 5, 1799 in Blount Co., Term. He taught school and studied law in Maryville, Tenn., moving to Russelville, Ala. in 1819, and later to Athens, where he practiced law. He was a state legislator, 1822-28; state solicitor, 1827-31, and circuit court judge in 1834. Member of Athens Lodge No. 16, Athens, Ala., serving as junior and senior warden. He represented Rising Virtue Lodge No. 4, Tuscaloosa, at grand lodge in 1853. d. Nov. 2, 1856. Jaun Jose de San Martin (see under San Martin). Noah Martin (1801-1863) Governor of New Hampshire, 1852-54. b. July 26, 1801 in Epson, N.H. Graduate of Dartmouth Medical School in 1824 and practiced in Strafford Co.; later in Great Falls and then Dover. He was in the N.H. legislature in 1830-32 from Great Falls, and in 1837 from Dover. He was in the state senate in 1835-36. Was president of the Savings Bank for the County of Strafford, 1844-52. Member of Strafford Lodge No. 29, Dover. d. May 28, 1863. Paul A. Martin Publisher. b. May 18, 1886 in Atchison, Kans., son of John A. Martin, q.v. Learned printing trade and was reporter in Ottawa, 144 William C. Martin Kans. Joined Enquirer-News, Battle Creek, Mich., in 1911, working way up to editor and serving as such until 1928, on which date he became editor and publisher of the Lansing State Journal (Mich.). He is director, secretary, and treasurer of Federated Publications, Inc. Served in Army in WWI. Member cf national committee of American Legion, 1919-23; Michigan commander of same, 1921-22. Member of national council, Boy Scouts of America. Received degrees in A.T. Metcalf Lodge No. 419, Battle Creek, Mich. in 1920. Member of Battle Creek Chapter No. 19, R.A.M.; Zobud Council No. 9, R. & S.M. both of Battle Creek, and Lansing Cornmandery No. 25, K.T. of Lansing, Mich. Member of Scottish Rite at Grand Rapids, Mich. Paul E. Martin Methodist Bishop of Arkansas-Louisiana since 1944. b. Dec. 31, 1897 in Blossom, Texas. Graduate of Southern Methodist U. and Southwestern U. (Texas). He served as high school principal and superintendent of schools at Blossom, Texas, 1919-22. Ordained deacon in 1924, elder in 1926. He served churches in Cedar Hill, Dallas, Henrietta, Iowa Park and Wichita Falls, until becoming bishop in 1944. Served as Infantry lieutenant in WWI. Is chairman of U.S. section, World Methodist Coun-_ cil. Member of Blossom Lodge No. 303, Blossom, Texas and 33 AASR (SJ) at

Little Rock, Ark. Thomas E. Martin U.S. Senator from Iowa since 1955; U.S. Congressman to 76th through 83rd Congresses from 1st Iowa dist. b. Jan. 18, 1893 in Melrose, Iowa. Graduate of State U. of Iowa in 1916 and 1927. He was a sales analyst with Goodyear Tire & Rubber at Akron, 0., Dallas, Tex., Oklahoma City, Okla., and St. Louis, Mo. until 1921. From 1923-27 he was an accountant at Iowa City, Ia. He was admitted to the bar in 1927, and beganpractice at Iowa City. Served in WWI as first lieutenant with 35th Infantry. Raised in Iowa City Lodge No. 4, in Jan., 1916; member of Iowa City Chapter No. 2, R.A.M., Swafford Council No. 28, R. & S.M., and Palestine Commandery No. 2, K.T., and member of Kaaba Shrine temple, both in Davenport, Iowa. Thomas S. Martin (1847-1919) U.S. Senator from Virginia, 1895-1919. b. July 29, 1847 in Scottsville, Va. Attended Virginia Military Institute and the U. of Virginia. He saw military service in the Civil War with the battalion of cadets from V.M.I. Studying law, he was admitted to the bar in 1869, and practiced in Albemarle Co. Member of Scottsville Lodge No. 4, Scottsville, Va. d. Nov. 12, 1919. Whitmell P. Martin (1867-1929) U. S. Congressman to 65th through 69th Congresses (1915-27) from 3rd La. dist. b. Aug. 12, 1867 in Assumption Point, La. Graduate of Louisiana State U. in 1888. He was a professor of chemistry at Kentucky Military Inst. from 1889-90 and then a chemist for a sugar refinery in Texas until 1891, when he moved to Thibodaux, La. and was admitted to the bar. Served as district attorney and district judge. Member of Unity Lodge No. 267, Houma, La., receiving degrees on Jan. 27, March 26, and April 16, 1905. d. April 6, 1929. William C. Martin Methodist Bishop. b. July 28, 1893 in Randolph, Tenn. Graduate of Hendrix Coll., and Southern Methodist U. Ordained to the ministry in 1921, he served churches in Houston and Port Arthur, Texas, Little Rock, Ark., and Dallas, Texas from 1921-38. Elected bishop in 1938 and served the Pacific area, 193839; Kansas-Nebraska area, 1939-48; and Dallas-Fort Worth area since 1948. In 1952-54 he was president of the National Council of Churches in U.S.A. In WWI he served with the 145 William M. Martin Hospital Corps in the A.E.F. Received degrees in Dallas Lodge No. 760, Dallas, Texas in 1927 and 32 AASR (SJ) in Dallas.

William M. Martin Premier of Saskatchewan, 1916-22; Chief Justice of Saskatchewan since 1941. b. Aug. 23, 1876 in Norwich, Ont., Canada. Graduate of U. of Toronto in 1898 and 1922. Called to the bar in 1904; King's counsel, 1916, and practiced law at Regina from 1904-16. He was elected to the House of Commons of Canada in 1908, 1911, resigning in 1916 to become premier. He was appointed justice of the court of appeal of Sask. in 1922 and became chief justice in 1941. Raised in Harriston Lodge No. 262, Harriston, Ont., Canada in 1900, and presently member of Wascana Lodge No. 2, Regina, Sask., member of Wascana Chapter No. 1, R.A.M., Regina, and 33 AASR at Regina. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan in 1928-29. William T. Martin Confederate General of Civil War. Owner of the famous home Montaigne in Natchez, Miss. His face represents "Mississippi" on the Stone Mountain carving. He was a member of Harmony Lodge No. 1, Natchez, and was active many years, serving on committees, in the Grand Lodge of Mississippi for and as grand junior deacon in 1851. He was admitted to Harmony Lodge in 1849 and dimitted in 1866. John E. Martineau (1873-1937) Governor of Arkansas, 1927-28; U.S. Judge Eastern District of Arkansas from 1928. b. Dec. 2, 1873 in Clay Co., Mo. Graduate of U. of Arkansas in 1896 and 1899. Admitted to bar in latter year and began practice at Little Rock. He was a member of the lower house, 1903-05. Mason. d. March 16, 1937. Frank V. Martinek Journalist and assistant vice president of Standard Oil Co. of Indiana since 1925. b. June 15, 1895 in Chicago, Ill. Began as copy boy, and cub reporter for Chicago Record Herald, 1910. Was special agent for U.S. department of Justice, 1921-25, and with Standard Oil since 1925. In 1934 he created the newspaper adventure strips, Don. Winslow of the Navy and Bos'n HalSea Scout. His "Don Winslow" was also produced as a radio and motion picture feature. Author of Don Winslow in Ceylon; Know Your Man; Don Winslow Series. Entered Navy as a seaman in 1917 and discharged in 1921 as a lieutenant in intelligence. Later lieutenant commander in Naval Reserve. Member of Park Lodge No. 843, Chicago, Ill., since 1927; 32 AASR (NJ) in Chicago and member of Medinah Shrine Temple. Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez President of El Salvador, 1931-44. b. in 1882. He was an army general and politician. He was vice president of El Salvador in 1931, and chosen president by a military directorate in December of that year. He was confirmed by congress in Feb., 1932 to succeed the

deposed president, Arturo Araujo. His reign was not recognized by the U.S. until 1934. 33 Scottish Rite Mason. Edwin A. Martini Lawyer; General Grand King, General Grand Chapter, R.A.M., 1957-60. b. Aug. 24, 1904 in Duluth, Minn. Graduate of U. of Minnesota in 1926 and 1930. He is a senior member of law firm of Martini and Perkins, Duluth. Received distinguished service award of U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce in 1940. Active in community activities, he has served on the Duluth school board, Rotary president, chairman of Arrowhead Chapter, American Red Cross, president of Duluth Civic Symphony Assn. Raised April 15, 1931 in Euclid Lodge No. 198, Duluth, Minn. and was master in 1937; exalted in 146 Jan G. Masaryk Duluth Chapter No. 59, R.A.M. April 15, 1931 and high priest, 1931-34; grand high priest of Grand Chapter of Minnesota in 1939; greeted in St. Paul Council No. 1, R. & S.M. in 1939; knighted in Duluth Commandery No. 18, K.T. on March 12, 1935; 32 AASR (SJ) at Duluth in 1942 and 33 in 1951; member of Munn Chapter No. 25, National Sojourners, Duluth Court, Royal Order of Jesters; past sovereign St. George Conclave No. 6, Red Cross of Constantine in 1942; DeMolay Legion of Honor in 1940; potentate of Aad Shrine Temple in 1957. George R. Marvell (1869-1941) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Sept. 25, 1869 in Fall River, Mass. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1889, he advanced through grades to vice admiral (temp.) in 1930 and rear admiral in 1931. Served in Spanish-American War, China, Cuba, Haiti; commanded naval districts in U.S.; headed department of navigation at Naval Academy; commanded Naval district and Naval station at Pearl Harbor, 1927-30; and commanded Cruisers Scouting Force, 1930-31. Mason and National Sojourner. Cloyd H. Marvin President of George Washington University, Washington, D.C. since 1927. b. Aug. 22, 1889 in Findlay, Ohio. Graduate of U. of Southern California, 1915, Harvard U., 1917, 1919, U. of New Mexico, 1923. He taught at U. of Southern Calif., U. of California, and U. of Arizona. He was president of U. of Arizona, 1922-27. In 1933-35 he was president of the National Parks Assn.; chairman of U.S. delegation to 7th Pan-American Scientific Congress in 1935; deputy director for research and development, War Department, 1946-47; and special advisor to secretary of War from 1947-49. Raised in Mt. Tabor Lodge No. 42, Portland, Oreg. in 1918, later affiliating with Eppa Randolph Lodge No. 32, Tucson, Ariz., and elected honorary member

of Temple Noyes Lodge No. 32, Washington, D.C. on March 8, 1928; Knight Templar and 33 AASR (SJ). In 1927, while Marvin was president of George Washington U., the Supreme Council AASR (SJ) gave one million dollars to that institution for the establishment of a school of government. Enoch M. Marvin (1823-1877) Methodist Episcopal Bishop. b. June 12, 1823 in Warren Co., Mo. He entered the itinerant ministry of the Methodist church in 1841 and filled several important stations in the St. Louis and Mo. conference. During the Civil War he was in Texas. He was elected bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in 1866, and in 1876 was chosen by the college of bishops to go to China and Japan to examine native missionaries and ordain native preachers. He was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1849 and from 1851-56. In 1875 he was present at the grand lodge cornerstone laying of the 1st Methodist Church in Jefferson City, Mo. Was a member of St. John Lodge No. 28, Hannibal; exalted in Hannibal Chapter No. 7, R.A.M. on Oct. 29, 1847. Was high priest of Palmyra Chapter No. 2 in Palmyra, Mo. in 1851, seemingly dimitted in that year from the chapter. d. Dec. 3, 1877. Jan G. Masaryk (1886-1948) Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia, 194048. b. in 1886 in Prague, the son of Tomas G. Masaryk, the first president of that nation. His mother was Charlotte Garrigue of Brooklyn, N.Y. Jan attended the U. of Prague and was in the diplomatic service of his country from 1919. From 1925-38 he was minister to Britain. From 1939-40 he lectured in the U.S. He was foreign minister, 1940-48, and vice-premier from 1941-45 of the Czechoslovak pro147 Armistead T. Mason visional government in London. More than any man of the century, except his father, he was a symbol of the right of small nations to be free. He had helped see Czechoslovakia through its birth pangs in 1918, pleaded unsuccessfully for its survival in 1938, and fought from exile for its liberation during the second World War. When the Communists took over the government following WWII, he was the last non-Communist in the cabinet. He was found lying in the courtyard of the Czernin Palace on the morning of March 10, 1948. The Communists stated he had committed suicide because of criticism from abroad for his remaining in the cabinet. It is more probable that he was murdered by the Communists. He is buried beside his father in the village of Lany. He was initiated in the Jan Amos Komensky Lodge No. 1 of Prague, remaining on the rolls until the first dissolution of the grand lodge by the Nazis in 1938. While in exile in England, he became a charter member of the Lodge Comenius In Exile, London. That lodge had a club in New York under protection of the Grand Lodge of New York. In Tune, 1942 the club gave a demonstration of the Czechoslovak work of the first

degree at a meeting of the Elbe and Golden Rule lodges of New York to honor Brother Masaryk. There were some 1,800 brethren present. Armistead T. Mason (1787-1819) U.S. Senator from Virginia, 1816-17; Brigadier General of Virginia Militia. b. Aug. 4, 1787 in Louisa Co., Va. Graduate of William and Mary Coll. in 1807. He served as a volunteer in the War of 1812, first as a colonel and later as brigadier general. In 1816 he was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the senate in a bitter campaign. It led to many duels and later resulted in his being killed in a duel with his brother-in-law, John Mason McCarty, at Bladensburg, Md.on Feb. 6, 1819. Member of Olive Branch Lodge No. 114, Leesburg, Va. Charles P. Mason Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Jan. 12, 1891 at Harrisburg, Pa. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1912, advancing through grades to vice admiral. Was Naval aviator from 1916. Served as commanding officer U.S. Naval Air Station, Bayshore, L.I. in 1917, and of the U.S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Fla., 1940-42. He commanded the U.S.S. Hornet, 1942; Task Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, 1942-43; Intermediate Training, Corpus Christi, Texas, 194345; and Naval Air, Honolulu District, 1945, retiring in 1946. Mason. Charles W. Mason Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, 192931. b. Dec. 11, 1887 in Stafford, Ohio. Graduate of Washington and Lee U. in 1911 and began law practice in Nowata, Okla. in that year. Served as city attorney, county attorney, and district judge between 1912-22. Named to Okla. supreme court bench in 1923, serving until 1931. Served as Infantry officer in WWI, and was inspector general, Headquarters, Third Army, 194043, same for 6th U.S. Army in S.W. Pacific, 1943-44, and in Inspector General's office, Washington, 1945-46. Received degrees in Sunset Lodge No. 57, Nowata, Okla. on Oct. 10, 1913, Sept. 21, 24, 1914; junior steward in 1916; suspended NPD, 1937. George W. Mason (1891-1954) President of Nash-Kelvinator Corp. and later president of American Motors Corp. b. March 12, 1891 in Valley City, N. Dak. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1913. Began in 1913 with Studebaker, then with Dodge in 1914. From 1921-26 he was in charge of manufacturing with Chrysler Corp. He was president and chairman of board of NashKelvinator Corp. until its merger as American Motors Corp., of which he was also president and chairman of board. Member of Pales148 Andre Massena tine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, Mich., receiving degrees on Jan. 26, Feb. 19, and March 12, 1915. d. Oct. 8, 1954.

Guy Mason (1880-1955) Newspaperman and Commissioner, District of Columbia, 1941-55. b. Sept. 10, 1880 in Pierceton, Ind. Graduate of National U, Washington, D.C. in 1915 and 1917. He was reporter on the Washington Post, St. Louis Globe Democrat, Washington Herald, New York World, and London Daily Telegraph between 1906-17. Admitted to bar in Washington, D.C. in 1917, he practiced law in that city. Served in Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection. Received degrees in Harmony Lodge No. 17, Washington, D.C. on June 12, July 9, and Aug. 7, 1913, dimitting Dec. 19, 1923 to become a charter member of Cathedral Lodge No. 40, Washington, D.C. Also 32 AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. July 10, 1955. John Y. Mason (1799-1859) U.S. Secretary of Navy, 1844-45 and 184649; U.S. Attorney General, 1845-46; U.S. Minister to France, 1853-59. b. April 18, 1799 in Greensville Co., Va. Graduate of U. of North Carolina in 1816, studying law in Litchfield, Conn., and admitted to the bar in 1819, practicing in Southhampton Co., Va. He was successively a member of the Virginia legislature and of the state constitutional convention of 1829. From 1831-37 he was a member of the U.S. congress from Va. He was U.S. district judge for Eastern Virginia, 1837-44. His lodge is not known, but he visited St. Johns Lodge No. 36, Richmond, Va. on March 21, 1850, and Lodge Francaise (now Fraternal Lodge No. 53) of Richmond on June 24, 1854. Died in Paris while U.S. minister to France, Oct. 3, 1859. Jonathan Mason, Jr. Privateer in the American Revolution. Member of Essex Lodge, Salem, Mass. Lowell B. Mason Member of Federal Trade Commission, 1945-56. b. July 25, 1893 in Chicago, Ill. Graduate of Northwestern U. in 1914 and admitted to bar that year, practicing in Chicago and Washington, D.C. Member of Ill. state senate, 1922-30. Counsel for several U.S. senate investigation committees. Received degrees in Garfield Lodge No. 686, Chicago, in 1914, and later affiliated with Hiram Lodge No. 10, Washington, D.C. At one time was member of Scottish Rite and Shrine in Chicago. Richard Mason The first Masonic funeral west of the Mississippi River was held April 11, 1824, for Dr. Richard Mason. Missouri Lodge No. 1 conducted the ceremonies and he was buried at 10th and Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo.now one block from the present Statler Hotel in downtown St. Louis. William E. Mason (1850-1921) U.S. Senator from Illinois, 1897-1903;

U.S. Congressman from Illinois, 1887-91 and 1917-21. b. July 7, 1850 in Franklinville, N.Y. His parents moved to Van Buren Co., Iowa in 1858. He taught school in Bentonport and Des Moines, Iowa from 1866-70, studied law and began practice in Chicago, Ill. in 1872. He served in both branches of the Ill. legislature. Member of Garfield Lodge No. 686, Chicago, and was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1897. Also member of chapter, commandery, consistory, and shrine in Chicago. d. June 16, 1921. Andre Massena (1758-1817) Duke de Rivoli (from 1808) and Prince d'Essling; Marshal of France under Napoleon, q.v. b. at Nice in 1758. Early in the French Revolution he joined the military and rose to high rank. He played an important part in the French victory at Loano in 1795; triumphed under Napoleon in Italy, 1796-97, especially in the Battle of Rivoli Veronese (from which was 149 Nathaniel Massie derived his title as duke). He commanded the French Army in Switzerland and won the Battle of Zurich in 1799. He defended Genoa in 1800 and was appointed marshal of France in 1804. He commanded the army in Italy in 1805; defeated the Austrians under Archduke Charles Louis; and distinguished himself in the battles of Aspern-Essling (from which he took another title) and Wagram. He was commander-in-chief of the French Army in Spain in 1910-11, and was defeated by Sir Arthur Wellesley. He was the first master of the Parfait Amitie Lodge in the Royal Italian Infantry, constituted in 1787. A 33 AASR, he was an officer of the Grand Orient of France in 1805 and a grand representative of the grand master. His son, of the same name, died and was buried at Salt Lake City, Utah. The son was a Mason and a former Catholic priest. Nathaniel Massie (1763-1813) Pioneer, Revolutionary War Soldier and founder of Chillicothe, Ohio. b. Dec. 28, 1763, in Goochland Co., Va. He entered the Revolutionary Army at age of 17. He subsequently became a surveyor and gradually acquired large tracts of uncultivated territory. In 1791 he surveyed the first settlement within the Virginia military district of Ohio, between the Scioto and Little Miami Rivers, and in 1793-96 was engaged in an extensive survey of the same region. In the latter year he laid out on his own land the city of Chillicothe. At the beginning of the 18th century he was one of the largest land owners in Ohio. He was active in the early Indian wars and was major general of militia for several years. He was a state senator and speaker for one term; also member of Ohio constitutional convention of 1802. In 1807 he was a candidate for governor. His opponent received the larger number of votes, but was declared ineligible. When the office was proffered to Massie, he refused it. He was a member of Scioto Lodge No. 2 (now No. 6). d. Nov. 13, 1813.

Sam C. Massingale (1870-1941) U.S. Congressman to 74th through 76th Congresses (1935-41) from 7th Okla. dist. b. Aug. 2, 1870 in Quitman, Miss. He began law practice at Cordell, Okla. in 1900, and was a member of the territorial legislature in 1902 (Indian Territory). In the Spanish-American War he served with the 2nd Texas Infantry. Affiliated with Cordell Lodge No. 127, Cordell, Okla. in April, 1901 and served as master of same in 1906. Was a member of Cordell Chapter No. 75, R.A.M. and later of Clinton Chapter No. 69, Clinton, Okla. d. Jan. 17, 1941. Jose Maria Mateos Mexican author. One of the founders of the Mexican National Rite. In 1826 he wrote the earliest history of Freemasonry in Mexico. Samuel Pritchard Matheson (18521942) Bishop and primate of all Canada Anglican Churches from 1909-30. b. Sept. 20, 1852 in the Red River settlement. Educated in St. John's Coll., Winnipeg and ordained in 1876. He was headmaster of St. John's School and deputy warden of St. John's Coll. Was elected assistant bishop of Ru-pert's Land in 1903; archbishop and metropolitan of Rupert's Land, 190531. Initiated in Ancient Land Mark Lodge No. 3, Winnipeg, Man. on June 8, 1874. Was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba in 1877 and grand master of same in 1879. d. 1942. Charles James Mathews (18031878) English actor. b. in Dec., 1803 in London. He was educated for the profession of an architect. In 1835 he made his debut at the Olympic Theatre in London, and from that time on was connected with the English stage as an actor and manager. His father, Charles Mathews, was also a noted 150 George Matthews English actor. He also appeared in Paris and made two trips to the U.S., one in 1837 and another in 1857. He was a member of Prince of Wales Lodge No. 259, London, being initiated on Feb. 15, 1833. d. June 24, 1878. William R. Mathews Editor and publisher. b. Oct. 15, 1893 in Lexington, Ky. Graduate of U. of Illinois in 1917. Began with the San Francisco Chronicle in 1919 as advertising salesman; became business manager of the Santa Barbara Morning Press in 1920; general manager of the Arizona Daily Star (Tucson) in 1924; and has been editor and publisher of same since 1930. He is also president of the State Consolidated Publishing Co. and Tucson Newspapers, Inc. Served in WWI as a lieutenant in the Marine Corps; wounded at Blanc Mont, France in 1918, and cited for capture of enemy machine guns, trench mortars, and 75 prisoners near Vierzy, France. Raised

April 19, 1926 in Tucson Lodge No. 4, Tucson, Arizona. Christopher Mathewson (1880-1925) Member of the Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, N.Y. b. Aug. 12, 1880 at Factoryville, Pa. "Christy" was the greatest pitcher of the 20th century's first quarter. In the 1905 world series he pitched three shutouts. He was the first pitcher of the century to win 30 games in three successive years. In 1908 he won 37 games. His plaque in the Hall of Fame reads "Matty Was Master of Them All." He pitched for the New York National League from 1900-16. He was manager-pitcher of the Cincinnati National League in 1916 and non-playing manager for same in 1917-18. Member of Architect Lodge No. 519, New York City, being raised June 15, 1903 at the age of 22. d. Oct 7, 1925. Leroy E. Matson Justice, Supreme Court of Minnesota since 1945. b. Feb. 11, 1896 in Crookston, Minn. Graduate of U. of Minnesota in 1923 and 1926. Practiced law in Minneapolis from 1926-45. Served with 1st Infantry Div. in WWI and was with A.E.F. for 23 months. Since 1956 he has been a member of the awards committee of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. Raised in Cataract Lodge No. 2, Minneapolis in Jan. 1920; master of same in 1936; grand master of Grand Lodge of Minnesota in 1954-55. Member of St. Anthony Falls Chapter No. 3, RAM.; Adoniram Council No. 5, R. & S.M.; Darius Commandery No. 7, K.T.; 32 AASR (SJ); Zuhrah Shrine Temple; St. George Conclave No. 6, Red Cross of Constantine; and Harmony Chapter O.E.S., all of Minneapolis, Minn. Joel A. Matteson (1808-1883) Governor of Illinois, and President of Chicago and Alton Railroad. b. Aug. 2, 1808 in Watertown, N.Y. He taught school in Brownsville, N.Y., engaged in business in Canada, and in 1831 moved to S. Car., where he was foreman in the construction of the first railroad in that state. He settled in Ill. in 1834 and served three terms in the state senate. He was active in railroad construction and owned a controlling interest in banks in Joliet, Peoria, Quincy, and Shawneetown, Ill. Member of Mt. Joliet Lodge No. 42, Joliet, d. Jan. 31, 1883. George Matthews Vice President and General Manager of Cotton Belt Railroad. b. Nov. 16, 1893 in Macon, Ga. Began in yard service and joined the Cotton Belt in 1922, rising to vice president and general manager in 1951. He is also director of several other railroads, terminals, and transportation companies. Initiated in Palestine Lodge No. 486, Atlanta, Ga. in 1915, and presently member of Henry Marsh Bell Lodge No. 1371, Texas. 32 AASR

(SJ) at Dallas and member of Karem Shrine Temple, Waco, Texas. 151 Hugh Matthews Hugh Matthews (1876-1943) Major General, U.S. Marine Corps. b. June 18, 1876 in Loudon Co., Tenn. He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps in 1900, rose to brigadier general in 1929, and was created major general in 1942 by congressional enactment. He served in China, Philippines, Panama, Cuba, Santo Domingo, and overseas with the 2nd Division in WWI. From 192937 he was head of the quartermaster's department of the Marine Corps. Mason and National Sojourner. d. April 9, 1943. Joseph W. Matthews Former Governor of Mississippi. Was a charter member of Salem Lodge No. 45, Salem, Miss. in 1840 and served as master in 1843. d. in 1865. Nelson E. Matthews (1852-1917) U.S. Congressman to 64th Congress, 1915-17 from 5th Ohio dist. b. April 14, 1852 in Ottawa, Ohio. Became partner of a banking company in Ottawa, Ohio in 1878, and was later president of same, retiring in 1911. Member of Ottawa Lodge No. 325, Ottawa, Ohio, receiving degrees on Sept. 22, Nov. 17, 1874, and March 16, 1875. d. Oct. 2, 1917. Stanley Matthews (1824-1889) U.S. Senator from Ohio; Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, 1881-89. b. July 21, 1824 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Graduate of Kenyon Coll. in 1840, studied law and was admitted to the bar, practicing in Maury Co., Tenn. He returned to Cincinnati and became an assistant editor of the Cincinnati Herald, the first daily anti-slavery paper in that city. He served as judge of court of common pleas, state senator, and U.S. attorney for Southern district of Ohio. In 1861 he was commissioned lieutenant colonel of the 23rd Ohio regiment, and participated in the battles of Rich Mountain, Carnifex Ferry, Dobb's Ferry, Murfreesborough, Chickamauga, and Lookout Mountain. He re-signed from the army as a colonel in 1863. In March, 1876 he was elected U.S. senator to fill an unexpired term. A member of Cincinnati Lodge No. 133, Cincinnati, Ohio, he received degrees on Jan. 28, and March 11, 1847; and dimitted Nov. 27, 1856. d. March 22, 1889. Thomas Matthews (also Mathews) Officer of the American Revolution, speaker of the House of Delegates of Virginia. Member of Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Va. in 1778, and later grand master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia.

Ebenezer Mattoon (1755-1843) Officer in American Revolution; Major General in War of 1812; U.S. Congressman from Mass., 1801-03. b. Aug. 19, 1755 in Amherst, Mass. He was graduated from Dartmouth in 1776 and then joined the army in Canada, leaving the service with the rank of major. He was state senator in 179596, and from 1797-1816 was major general of the 4th division, becoming adjutant general of Mass. on the latter date. He received his degrees in Pacific Lodge, Amherst, Mass. in 1802 and served the lodge as master in 1818-19. d. Sept. 11, 1843. William Ramsey Maule (see under Lord Panmure). Israel D. Maulsby General in War in 1812. Member of Mt. Ararat Lodge No. 44, Slate Ridge, Md. and master of same in 1822. He was senior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Maryland in 1836-37. Maungwandaus An Indian chief from Maine who was made a Mason in Jordan Lodge at Danvers, Mass., receiving all three degrees on March 27, 1850. Peter R. Maverick American engraver. He was originally a silversmith, but became an etcher and engraver. He did much to aid the early 152 Maximilian I progress of this art in the United States. His son, of the same name, studied under him and also became eminent as an engraver. The elder Maverick became a member of Holland Lodge No. 8, New York City, in 1789. Samuel B. Maxey (1825-1895) Confederate Major General and U.S. Senator from Texas, 1875-1887. b. March 30, 1825 in Tomkinsville, Ky. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1846. He served in the Mexican War, seeing action at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Ray, and Mexico City. He resigned his commission in 1849 and began law practice at Albany, Ky., moving to Paris, Texas in 1857. In the Civil War he raised the 9th Texas Infantry of which he was colonel. He was promoted to brigadier general in 1862 and major general in 1864. He commanded the Indian Territory military district from 1863-65 and was also superintendent of Indian affairs. After the war he returned to his law practice in Paris, Texas. He was a member of Paris Lodge No. 27, and Paris Commandery No. 9, K.T., both of Paris, Texas. d. Aug. 16, 1895. Maximilian I (1832-1867) Name in full was Ferdinand Maximilian

Joseph. Emperor of Mexico, 1864-67, and archduke of Austria. b. July 6, 1832 in Schonbrunn, Austria. He was a brother of Francis Joseph, emperor of Austria. He received naval training and in 1854 was in command of the Austrian navy. He was viceroy of Lombardo-Venetian kingdom from 1857-59. After the French had partially conquered Mexico, an assembly of Mexican notables in exile met under French auspices, adopted the imperial form of government for Mexico, and offered the throne to Maximilian. He accepted on April 10, 1864, reaching Mexico City on June 12 of that year. With the aid of French troops,he drove Juarez, q.v., over the northern frontier. The U.S. government refused to recognize the empire and in 1866 demanded that Napoleon III withdraw his troops. This he did, breaking his pledge of military support to Maximilian. Juarez and Escobedo, qq.v., returned to attack in 1867, besieged Maximilian at Queretaro, and forced his surrender on May 15, 1867. He was court martialed and shot on June 19, 1867. The story of Maximilian and his empress, Carlotta, is a sad one for they both had the interests of Mexico at heart and tried hard to give that country a stable, conservative rule. He allied himself with the interests of the Catholic church and thereby inherited the disfavor of the liberal leaders who had worked to disenfranchise the church and confiscate its property. His Masonic membership is a matter of contention. The York Rite Trestle Board of Mexico City (March, 1934) tells the story of an official who called to see Maximilian in prison. He did not directly mention Masonry to him, but said he gave certain signs, used certain phrases, and the emperor gave no indication that he understood them as such. From this he concluded he was not a Mason. On the other hand the Keystone, Raleigh, N. Car., in Oct. 1866 (while he was emperor), credit- ed him with being a 33 AASR. From the Official Bulletin, Supreme Council AASR (SJ), (Vol. 1, p. 106) is a story concerning an inspector general of the Scottish Rite who had a visit with him while he was emperor, seeking permission to extend activities of the rite in Mexico. He stated he found Maximilian to be a Knight Rose Croix: that the emperor gave permission; that additional bodies of the rite were thereupon organized; and that both the emperor and the empress made a contribution to the charitable work of the rite. If this is true, the emperor would have been a member in France or Austria. Maximilian and 153 Maximilian I Carlotta, being childless, had adopted the grandson of the former Emperor Iturbide, q.v. Maximilian I (1756-1825) Name in full was Maximilian I Joseph, King of Bavaria. As elector of Bavaria, he sided with France against the allied powers in 1805, gaining the territory by the Treaty of Pressburg, and by its terms assumed the title of king in 1806. He remained loyal to Napoleon until just before the Battle of Leipzig in 1813, when he negotiated with the allies to save his kingdom. He was initiated in the rite of Strict Observance in

Strassburg in 1777, while a colonel in the French Army. However, when he became elector of Bavaria, he issued edicts suppressing Freemasonry in 1779, and again in 1804. When Bavaria was made a kingdom in 1806, several small principalities were annexed to it and the old lodges which they possessed were tolerated through a decree in 1807, but under very severe conditions. No government official, clergyman, teacher, or professor was allowed to belong, thus reducing the membership. Joseph Leopold Maximilian (see under Prince of Brunswick). Maximilian, Prince of Wurtemberg (see under Wurtemberg). Ernest M. Maxwell President of National Aniline and Chemical Co. from 1950. b. Oct. 9, 1901 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Was employed by American Cyanamid Co., 1919-20 arid has been with present firm since 1920, becoming vice president in 1947. Also president of two subsidiary companies. Raised in Ely Parker Lodge No. 1002, Buffalo, N.Y. on June 18, 1925, dimitting Sept. 16, 1952; 32 AASR (NJ) in Brooklyn and Kismet Shrine Temple, Brooklyn, dimitting from latter in 1951. Ferdinand Maxwell Pioneer merchant of New Mexico. He was an associate of Kit Carson, the Bents, and Ceran St. Vrain, qq.v., and many times their names appear as present at the same lodge meeting. He was originally a member of Kaskaskia (Ill.) Lodge No. 86. When Bent Lodge No. 204 (Mo. charter) was organized at Taos in 1860, he was the first senior warden. Carson was first junior warden. He served as the last master of this shortlived lodge from 186166. It was forced to surrender its charter due to the difficulties caused by the Civil War. In 1864 Maxwell, together with Carson and St. Vrain, affiliated with Montezuma Lodge No. 109 (now No. 1). William Maxwell (?-1798) Brigadier General in American Revolution. Although little is known of his early life, it is thought he was born in Ireland and brought to N.J. in his early years. He entered the colonial service in 1758, serving in the French and Indian War until the Revolution, when he became colonel of the 2nd N.J. battalion. He was with the Canadian expedition of 1776 that ended in disaster, and with Schuyler at Lake Champlain. He was made brigadier general in 1776 and harassed the enemy after the Battle of Trenton. In 1777 he commanded a N.J. brigade at the battles of Brandywine and Germantown and was with the army at Valley Forge. He played an important part in the Battle of Monmouth. He resigned his commission in 1780. Washington said of him: "I believe him to be an honest man, a warm friend to his country, and firmly attached to its interests." He was a member of

the Pennsylvania Military Lodge No. 19 and was once recorded as a visitor to American Union Lodge. He is also listed as a past master in the N.J. proceedings of 1786-1857 (p. 66). d. Nov. 12, 1798. Charles A. May (1817-1864) Hero of the Mexican War. b. Aug. 9, 1817 in Washington, D.C., he entered the 154 Louis B. Mayer army in 1836 as a second lieutenant of the 2nd Dragoons. He served in the Seminole War and captured King Philip, the principal chief of that nation. He was promoted to captain in 1846, and served as chief of cavalry under Gen. Zachary Taylor, q.v., throughout the Mexican War. He commanded the cavalry at the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterrey, and Buena Vista. At Resaca de la Palma, he turned the day by charging an earthen breastwork and capturing General La Vega, commanding the artillery. For his gallantry at Palo Alto he was brevetted major; for Resaca, lieutenant colonel; and colonel for Buena Vista. He resigned his commission in 1860, moved to New York City and became vice president of the Eighth Avenue Railroad. He received all three degrees at an "occasional lodge" in Charleston, S.C. on March 29, 1859 at which Albert Pike, q.v., was present and the grand master presided. d. Dec. 24, 1864. Burnet R. Maybank (1899-1954) Governor and U.S. Senator from South Carolina. b. March 7, 1899 in Charleston, S. Car. Graduate of Coll. of Charleston (S.C.). Served in WWI as a seaman and later as naval air cadet. From 1920-38 he was engaged in the cotton export business. From 1939-41 he was governor of S. Car., and in 1941 was elected to the U.S. senate to fill vacancy caused by resignation of James F. Byrnes, q.v. He was reelected in 1942, and again in 1948 for term ending 1955. Member of Landmark Lodge No. 76, Charleston, S. Car. and received 14 AASR (SJ) in Charleston on May 8, 1923. d. Sept. 1, 1954. Julius M. Mayer (1865-1925) Federal Judge, Southern District of New York, 1912-21; U.S. Circuit Judge, 1921-25. b. Sept. 5, 1865 in N.Y. Graduate of Coll., City of New York in 1884, and Columbia Law School in1886. He practiced law in New York City from 1895, and was attorney general of N.Y. from 1905-07. Member of National Lodge No. 209, N.Y.C., receiving degrees on Sept. 26, Oct. 24, Nov. 14, 1902. d. Nov. 30, 1925. Louis B. Mayer (1885-1957) Motion picture producer. b. July 4, 1885 in Minsk, Russia. He was educated in the public schools of St. John, N.B., Canada, and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1912. Until 1907 he was in the ship and industrial plant salvaging business, starting in that year as a

motion picture operator in Haverhill, Mass. He later controlled all the theaters in Haverhill. He held the New England rights for D. W. Griffith's, q.v., Birth of a Nation. He was organizer and vice president of Metro Pictures Corp. and produced pictures as Louis B. Mayer Pictures Corp. until it merged with Metro in 1924. Later it merged with Goldwyn Co. and became Metro-GoldwynMayer Corp. of which he was first vice president in charge of production and chief production manager for Loew's, Inc. In this capacity he received the highest salary in the nation for seven years (i.e. in 1943 his salary was $1,138,992.47). His films were among the biggest money-makers in history. A few examples were the Andy Hardy series -with Mickey Rooney; the Dr. Kildare series with Lionel Barrymore; Mrs. Miniver with Greer Garson, and Boom Town with Clark Gable. He is credited with "finding" many stars including Marie Dressler, Mae Murray, Norma Shearer, Greta Garbo, John Gilbert, Lon Chaney, Nelson Eddy, Jeanette MacDonald, Clark Gable, Judy Garland, Greer Carson, Hedy Lamar, Luise Rainer, William Powell, Myrna Loy, Robert Montgomery, Joan Crawford, Rosalind Russell, James Stewart, Robert Taylor, Mickey Rooney, Spencer Tracy, Lana Turner, Walter Pidgeon, Esther Williams, Van Johnson, and Margaret O'Brien. He 155 Earle B. Mayfield built the greatest western thoroughbred racing stable known, which, when sold, brought more than eleven million dollars. He was a member of St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York City and a Shriner. d. Oct. 29, 1957. Earle B. Mayfield U.S. Senator from Texas, 1923-29. b. April 12, 1881 in Overton, Texas. A graduate of Southwestern U., Georgetown, Texas in 1900, he studied law at U. of Texas, was admitted to the bar in 1901, and practiced in Meridian. He also engaged in agricultural pursuits and the wholesale grocery business. He served in the state senate from 190713 and was a member of the state railroad commission from 1913-23. Defeated for reelection to the senate in 1928, he resumed law practice in Tyler, Texas. Member of St. Johns Lodge No. 53, Tyler, Texas, receiving degrees on Aug. 9, Sept. 16, and Nov. 8, 1902. Received 50-year award in 1958; 32 AASR (SJ) at Dallas on May 7, 1914; member of Hella Shrine Temple, Dallas. John B. Maynard (1887-1945) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Aug. 12, 1887 in Portsmouth, Va. Commissioned a 2nd lieutenant in the Coast Artillery in 1908, he advanced through grades to brigadier general, U.S. Army in 1941. Member of Army and Navy Lodge No. 306, Fort Monroe, Va., receiving degrees on March 3, 10, 24, 1913. d. Feb. 2, 1945. Jonathan Maynard A lieutenant in the American Revolution who claimed

that his life was spared by the Indian chief, Joseph Brant, when the latter found him to be a Freemason. After the war he resided in Framingham, near Boston, where he was a well-known and respected citizen. He often told the story of being taken prisoner in New York by a party of Indians under Brant. As he was about to be put to death by torture, Brant, who was present, discovered the symbols of Masonry marked in ink upon the prisoner's arms. Brant interposed, saved Maynard, and saw that he was sent as a prisoner to Canada, where after several months, he was exchanged and sent home. Charles H. Mayo (1865-1939) With brother, William J. (not a Mason) was co-founder of the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research at Rochester, Minn., in affiliation with the U. of Minnesota. b. July 19, 1865 in Rochester, Minn. the son of William W. Mayo, M.D., q.v. Received M.D. degree from Northwestern U. in 1888 and M.A. in 1904. He did postgraduate work at N.Y. Polyclinic, and received honorary degrees from numerous universities throughout the world. With his brother, he donated $2,800,000 for the present Mayo Clinic at Rochester. It began in the Masonic Temple building. Dr. Mayo served as surgeon and associate chief of staff of the clinic; surgeon to St. Mary's and Worrall hospitals; and professor of surgery, Medical School, U. of Minn., 1919-36. Served in WWI as colonel of Medical Corps. He was later chief consultant for Office of Surgeon General and was brigadier general in Medical Reserve. Member of Rochester Lodge No. 21, Rochester, Minn., receiving degrees on Jan. 27, Feb. 24, and May 12, 1890. Member of Halcyon Chapter No. 8, R.A.M. and Home Commandery No. 5, K.T., both of Rochester. 32 AASR (SJ) at Winona, Minn. and 33 in Oct., 1935. Charles W. Mayo Governor of Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. b. July 28, 1898 at Rochester, Minn. Son of Charles H. Mayo, q.v., who, with his brother, William J. Mayo, founded the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, donating $2,800,000 to it. Received A.B. from Princeton U. in 1921; M.D. from U. of Pennsylvania in 1926; M.S. in surgery at U. of Minnesota in 1931. He 156 1-reaerick L. marag has been a surgeon at Mayo Clinic since 1931 and instructor in surgery, assistant professor, associate professor, and presently professor in the graduate school of U. of Minnesota. He is a director of Northwest Airlines and a trustee of Carleton Coll. He was alternate delegate to the United Nations 8th General Assembly. Member of Rochester Lodge No. 21, Rochester, Minn., receiving degrees on Aug. 20, Sept. 6, and Sept. 13, 1920. Member of Halcyon Chapter No. 8, R.A.M. and Home Commandery

No. 5, K.T., both of Rochester. Is an honorary member of the Grand Lodge of Chile and in 1958 received the Distinguished Achievement award of the Grand Lodge of New York. Henry T. Mayo (1856-1937) Admiral, U.S. Navy, who was Commanderin-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet throughout WWI. b. Dec. 8, 1856 in Burlington, Vt. He served on various naval vessels, was commandant of Mare Island Navy Yard, and in 1913 was commander of the 4th Division, Atlantic Fleet. In 1915 as vice-admiral he commanded battleship squadrons in Atlantic Fleet, and in 1916 was promoted to admiral and made commander-in-chief of the Atlantic Fleet. He represented the U.S. at the naval conference of allied nations in London in 1917. When the fleet was divided into Atlantic and Pacific Fleets in 1919, he reverted to rank of rear admiral and was assigned to duty on the Navy General Board. He was retired in 1920 with rank of rear admiral, being advanced to admiral in 1930. From 1924-28 he served as governor of U.S. Naval Home, Philadelphia. Initiated in Burlington Lodge No. 100, Burlington, Vt., Nov. 10, 1885. d. Feb. 23, 1937. William H. Mayo (1843-1905) General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1900-1903. b. July 16, 1843 in St. Landry Parish, La. Orphaned at an early age. Served asa private in Company F, 8th Louisiana regiment C.S.A. at outbreak of war, and became adjutant of the regiment. Fought with the Confederacy in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania under General Jackson, q.v. Moved to Missouri in 1871. Raised in Humble Cottage Lodge No. 19, Opelousas, La., in 1869. Exalted in Missouri Chapter No. 1, St. Louis, in 1874; greeted in St. Louis Council No. 1, R. & S.M., in 1877; and knighted in St. Louis Commandery No. 1 in 1874. Received the 33 AASR (SJ), Oct. 24, 1895. He became grand secretary and recorder of the grand chapter, grand council, and grand commandery of Missouri. Was grand recorder of the Grand Encampment, K.T. of U.S. from 1895 and secretary of the Scottish Rite in St. Louis. Died in 1905. William W. Mayo (1819-1911) Physician and father of Charles H., q.v., and William J. Mayo, co-founders of the famous Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. b. May 31, 1819 in Lancashire, England. He was raised in Rochester Lodge No. 21, Rochester, Minn. in 1863. His son, Charles H., and grandson, Charles W., have also been members of this lodge. Received his degrees on Sept. 21, Oct. 5 and Oct. 19, 1863. Was also a member of Halcyon Chapter No. 8, R.A.M. and Home Commandery No. 5, K.T., both of Rochester. Frederick L. Maytag (1857-1937) Founder of the Maytag Co., manufacturer of washing machines. b. July 14, 1857 in Elgin, Ill. He was a

farmer until 1880, then an implement salesman for the next ten years. He began the manufacturing business in 1893 and in 1907 founded the Maytag Co., of which he was chairman of the board. He was a member of the Iowa state senate from 1902-12, and mayor of Newton, Ia., 1923-25. He was first director of Iowa state budget in 1925. He donated $250,000 to the Newton 157 Giuseppe Mazzini Y.M.C.A. and many thousands of dollars to colleges. On his 70th birthday he distributed $132,000 among his employees. Member of Newton Lodge No. 59, Newton, Iowa, receiving degrees on April 23, May 14, and Sept. 13, 1887. d. March 26, 1937. Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) Italian patriot and liberator. b. in Genoa, he practiced law there. He became associated with the democratic movement in Italy and in 1830 joined the Carbonari. For his activty he was imprisoned for six months, and released only after he pledged to leave Italy. He made his home in Marseilles, France, and because of a letter written to Charles Albert of Sardinia, a decree of perpetual banishment from Italy was made against him. In 1832 he organized a secret revolutionary society known as Young Italy. With him in this venture was the liberator, Garibaldi, q.v. Its purpose was the unification of Italy under a republican form of government. In the revolution of 1849 he returned to Italy to form the triumvirate with Saffi and Armellini, but went into exile again when the papal control of Rome was reestablished. He instigated the rebel uprisings in Mantua in 1852; Milan in 1853; Genoa in 1857, and aided in organizing Garibaldi's expeditions in 1860, 1862, and 1867. He was a Mason, and past grand master of the Grand Orient of Italy. In June, 1949 the Italian government invited the members of the Grand Orient of Italy to participate in the parade and dedication of a statue to Mazzini in Rome. Three thousand Italian Masons were present. The belated statue was first designed by Ettore Ferrari, former grand master of Italy, but the Mussolini period intervened, and the statue was not erected until long after Ferrari's death. John L. McAdam (1756-1836) Scottish engineer and inventor of the"macadamized" road. b. Sept 21, 1756 in Ayr, Scotland. Following death of his father, he lived with an uncle in New York City. He became a merchant and sided with the British in the Revolution. He returned to Scotland in 1783, where he purchased an estate in Ayrshire, and began his experiments in road construction. His theory was that small angular fragments of stone will coalesce or bind into a compact mass under pressure, and that the efficiency of a road is in proportion to the thoroughness with which water is excluded from the soil on which it rests. He gave his services and advice without charge and even declined the honor of knighthood. He was probably made a Mason in the U.S. He affiliated with Lodge Ayr Kilwinning, originally known as

Squaremen's Lodge No. 65 at Ayr, and served as its master. d. Nov. 26, 1836. William McAdoo (1853-1930) Assistant Secretary of Navy, 1893-97; U.S. Congressman, 48th through 51st Congresses (1883-91) from 7th N.J. dist. b. Oct. 25, 1853 in Rathmelton Co., Ireland, coming to U.S. in boyhood. For a time he was in law practice in N.Y.C. with William G. McAdoo, q.v. (no relation) and was police commissioner and chief city magistrate. Member of Howard Lodge No. 35, N.Y.C. d. June 7, 1930. William Gibbs McAdoo (1863-1941) Secretary of Treasury (1913-18) under Wilson; U.S. Senator from Calif. (1933-39) ; Chairman of board of American President Lines (1939-41). b. Oct. 31, 1863 at Marietta, Ga. Educated in U. of Tennessee. His second marriage was to Eleanor Randolph Wilson, daughter of President Wilson, and took place in the White House, May 7, 1914. Admitted to the bar in 1885, he practiced at Chattanooga until 1892, when he moved to New York City, where he was a law partner of 158 Duncan McArthur William McAdoo, q.v. (no relation). He was president and director of Hudson & Manhattan Railroad which built pnd operated four tunnels under the Hudson river, the first being completed in 1904. He was also chairman of the Federal Reserve Board; chairman ex-officio of Federal Farm Loan Board and director general of U.S. railroads. In 1920 and again in 1924, he was a leading contender for the Democratic nomination for president. In New York, he was a member of Chancellor Walworth Lodge No. 271, and in California of Henry S. Orme Lodge No. 456, Los Angeles. Exalted in Signet Chapter No. 57, RAM., Los Angeles on June 15, 1925; Knight Templar and 32 AASR (SJ). d. Feb. 1, 1941. Almer McDuffie McAfee Chemical engineer. b. Sept. 24, 1886 in Navarro Co., Texas. Graduate of U. of Texas in 1908, and Ph.D. from Columbia U. in 1911. He is listed as one of the 37 notable American chemical inventors. He has been with Gulf Oil as a chemical engineer since 1913. He discovered the action of aluminum chloride on petroleum hydrocarbons in 1912, and introduced it to petroleum refining in 1915. He began manufacture of same, from bauxite, on large scale in 1918. He is the holder of some 50 U.S. patents. Mason, Knight Templar, and Shriner. Harold C. McAllister Vice President of New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co. b. March 28, 1893 in Manchester, N.H. Graduate of Dartmouth U. in 1913. Has been with present company since 1920, serving as assistant secretary, secretary, and vice president. He is also vice president and director of the American Fidelity Co. and Granite State Fire Insurance Co. Served as

first lieutenant in WWI in U.S. Army. Member of Washington Lodge No. 61, Manchester in 1915, and master in 1941. Member of Mount Horeb Chapter No. 11, R.A.M. and Trinity Commandery, K.T. serving as commander in 1941. Received Scottish Rite in 1920; 33 in 1947; and active member of Supreme Grand Council (NJ) in 1952. Joseph T. McAllister (1866-1927) Author and lawyer. b. Feb. 27, 1866 in Malden, W. Va. Admitted to the Va. bar in 1891. Wrote Historical Sketches of Hot Springs and Bath County, Va.; Humor in Ebony; Virginia Militia in the Revolution; Appalachian Tours in the Virginias. Member of Hot Springs Lodge No. 275, Hot Springs, Va. d. June 13, 1927. Clifton N. McArthur (1879-1923) U.S. Congressman, 64th through 67th Congresses (1915-23) from 3rd Oregon dist. b. June 10, 1879 at The Dalles, Oreg. Graduate of U. of Oregon in 1901, and admitted to the bar in 1906, practicing in Portland. Interested in farming and raising of Jersey cattle. Speaker of lower house of Oregon, 1909-13. Member of Portland Lodge No. 55, Portland, Oreg. d. Dec. 10, 1923. Duncan McArthur ( 1772 -1839 ) Brigadier General, War of 1812; Governor of Ohio, 1830-32; U.S. Congressman, 1823-25. b. June 14, 1772 in Dutchess Co., N.Y. With his parents McArthur moved to the western frontier of Pa. in 1780. At the age of 18 he volunteered in General Harmar's expedition against the Miami Indians and later served as a scout in the Kentucky-Ohio border warfare with the Indians. He settled as a surveyor near Chillicothe, Ohio and acquired great wealth in land. Member of Ohio legislature in 1805, he became major general of territorial militia in 1808. He was commissioned colonel of 1st Ohio volunteers in 1812, and was second in command at Detroit when General Hull surrendered. McArthur and Col. Lewis Cass, q.v., were absent from the 159 John McArthur fort at the time, but were included in the articles of capitulation. McArthur was so indignant at Hull's surrender that he tore off his epaulettes and broke his sword. Commissioned brigadier general on March 12, 1813, he succeeded General Harrison in command of the Western Army in 1814. He invaded Canada with a force in 1814. He was a member of Scioto Lodge No. 2 (now No. 6) of Chillicothe, Ohio, having signed the bylaws on Dec. 4, 1805. d. April 28, 1839. John McArthur (1826-1906) Major General (Union) in Civil War. b. Nov. 17, 1826 in Erskine, Scotland, the son of a blacksmith. He worked at that trade until aged 23, when he came to the U.S. and settled in Chicago, Ill.,

where he was employed as foreman of boiler-making in a foundry, and later headed his own company. Entered army as a colonel of 12th Illinois volunteers; was made brigadier general, March 21, 1862; and brevetted major general following the Battle of Nashville, where he headed a division under General Andrew J. Smith. He was at Fort Donelson, Shiloh (wounded), and Vicksburg. He was commissioner of public works at Chicago and was president of the board during the famous fire of 1871. From 1873-77 he was postmaster of Chicago. Received degrees in Cleveland Lodge No. 211, Chicago, in 1857 and suspended May 2, 1878. d. 1906. Moral Randall McArthur Oil executive. b. March 24, 1903 at Freelandville, Ind. Graduate of Indiana State Coll. in 1933. Taught school, and was with Goodrich Rubber Co., until entering the petroleum field in 1929 with Indiana Oil & Gas Co. From 1933-47 he was divisional manager for Phillips Petroleum Co. Since 1947 has been executive vice president, general manager, and director of Husky Oil Co. He is vice president and director of several allied companies in the oilproduction field. Raised in Bicknell Lodge No. 535, Bicknell, Ind. in April, 1924. Member of Washington Chapter No. 2, R.A.M.; Houston Council No. 1, R. & S.M., and Ruthven Commandery No. 2, K.T., all of Houston, Texas. George W. McBride (1854-1911) U.S. Senator from Oregon, 18951901. b. March 13, 1854 in Yamhill Co., Oreg. Admitted to the bar, but never practiced. He was a merchant for ten years. He was speaker of the lower house in Oregon and secretary of state from 1887-95. He was U.S. commissioner of St. Louis Exposition in 190105. Member of St. Helens Lodge No. 32, St. Helens, Oreg., he was master of same in 1886. d. 1911. Priestly H. McBride (1794-1869) Justice, Supreme Court of Missouri, 1845-49. b. in Kentucky. He moved to Columbia, Mo. in 1825 and was admitted to the bar in that year. He served as justice of the peace, county judge, superintendent of county buildings, secretary of state (1829-30), circuit judge, and president of board of curators, U. of Missouri. He affiliated with Paris Union Lodge No. 19, Paris, Mo. on Feb. 10, 1838, on dimit from Hiram Lodge of Harrodsburg, Ky. He served as master in 1838, and the following year was appointed deputy grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. During the trying anti-masonic period, he served as grand master five terms (1839-44), a longer period than any other man has served. He was exalted in 1838 in Palmyra Chapter No. 2. In 1854 he was high priest of Columbia Chapter No. 17, and later grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Mo. He was knighted in St. Louis Commandery No. 1, K.T. d. May 21, 1869.

Robert W. McBride (1842-1926) Justice, Supreme Court of Indiana, 1890-93. b. Jan. 25, 1842 in Richland Co., Ohio. Practiced law at Indianap160 John A. McCandless ohs from 1893. Was circuit court judge from 188288. Member of Union Light Guard of Ohio (Abraham Lincoln's bodyguard), and colonel in 3rd Indiana Regiment. Author of Abraham Lincoln's Body Guard; Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. Received the degrees in 1866 in Waterloo City Lodge No. 307, Waterloo, Ind., transferring in 1899 to Pentalpha Lodge No. 564, Indianapolis, Ind. d. May 15, 1926. George L. McCahan (1838-1902) General Grand High Priest, General Grand Chapter, R.A.M., 1894-97. b. Feb. 5, 1838 at Frederick, Md. Began as a machinist's apprentice, and after studying at the Maryland Institute at night, he became a member of firm of George Page & Co., manufacturers of engines and machinery. He was executive commissioner of Maryland at the Chicago World's Fair. Initiated July 12, 1860 in Union Lodge No. 60; exalted in Concordia Chapter No. 1, R.A.M., Oct. 6, 1863; greeted in Concordia Council, R. & S.M.; knighted in Maryland Commandery, Oct. 14, 1864; received 32 AASR (SJ) in 1877. Was master of his lodge and deputy grand master in 1885-86; high priest of his chapter and grand high priest in 187172; he was chairman of the convention that organized the Grand Council R. & S.M. and was grand master in 1874-75. d. July 30,1902. John S. McCain (1884-1945) Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Aug. 9, 1884 in Carroll Co., Miss. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1906, and promoted through grades to admiral in 1941 and vice admiral in 1943. Was chief of Bureau of Aeronautics from 1942-43, and in 1943 deputy chief of naval operations for air. He commanded carrier task force 38 in the Pacific, and witnessed the surrender of Japan on board the U.S.S. Missouri in 1945. Member of Carrollton Lodge No. 36, Carrollton, Miss. d. Sept. 6, 1945. Samuel W. McCall (1851-1923) Governor of Massachusetts, 1916-18; U.S. Congressman, 53rd to 62nd Congresses (1893-1913) from 8th Mass. dist. b. Feb. 28, 1851 in East Providence, Pa. Graduate of Dartmouth in 1874. Practiced law in Boston and was editor-in-chief of the Boston Daily Advertiser. Raised in William Parkman Lodge, Winchester, Mass. on April 10, 1888. Recorded in attendance at the annual legislative night of St. John Lodge, Boston on April 3, 1916. d. Nov. 4, 1923. Daniel C. McCallum (1815-1878) Major General (brevet) in Civil War; engineer. b. Jan. 21, 1815 in Rentfrewshire, Scotland, coming to Rochester, N.Y. with his parents in his youth. He became an architect and builder, and in

1855-56 was general superintendent of the Erie Railroad. In Feb., 1862 he was made a colonel and appointed director of all military railroads in the U.S.; later was brevetted brigadier and major general for meritorious service (Sept., 1864 and March, 1865). He published a report on the military railroads during the war. Member of Valley Lodge No. 109, Rochester, N.Y. d. Dec. 27, 1878. Wallace McCamant (1867-1944) Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Oregon, 1917-18. b. Sept. 22, 1867 in Hollidaysburg, Pa. Graduate of Lafayette Coll. (Pa.) in 1888, and admitted to the bar in 1890, moving to Portland, Oreg. that year. Prominent in national Republican politics. President general of the National Sons of American Revolution in 1921-22. Member of Willamette Lodge No. 2, and charter master of Research Lodge of Oregon No. 198. 33 AASR (SJ). d. Dec. 17, 1944. John A. McCandless (1853-1930) Capitalist; active in Hawaiian revolutions of 1887 and 1893 and one of committee of 13 which overthrew the kingdom. b. June 11, 1853 in Indiana, 161 Glenn H. McCarthy Pa. He engaged in oil well drilling until 1881, and artesian wells in Hawaii after that date. He was president of John A. McCandless & Co.; vice president of Oahu Sugar Co., and Pioneer Mill Co. Was Hawaiian senator, Republic of Hawaii, and superintendent of public works of Hawaii one year. Affiliated with Le Progres de L'Oceanie Lodge No. 371, Hawaii from Volcano Lodge No. 49, W. Va. d. Jan. 30, 1930. Glenn H. McCarthy Oil producer. b. Dec. 25, 1907 in Beaumont, Texas. He discovered numerous oils fields, and began drilling in 1933. Organized the following companies: Beaumont Natural Gas; McCarthy Building; Jefferson Pipe Line; Neches Natural Gas; Absorption Plant, Inc.; McCarthy Oil and Gas; McCarthy Center, Inc.; Houston Export; Houston Foreign Trade and Export; News, Inc. (publishing suburban weeklies); McCarthy Chemical; Glenn McCarthy Productions; Radio station KXYZ; McCarthy-International Tube Corp. Received degrees in Temple Lodge No. 4, Houston, Texas on July 10, Oct. 2, 30, 1931. Presently suspended. Chester E. McCarty Lawyer and Major General, U.S. Air Force. b. Dec. 31, 1905 in Pendleton, Oreg. Graduate of Northwestern U. in 1929. Admitted to the bar in 1928, and practiced in Portland. Served as legal advisor to governor of Oregon, and assistant attorney general. Elected state senator in 1943, but declined to serve due to military service. Served as colonel in Air Force, 1942-46, brigadier general, 1951-52, and major general from 1953. He commanded the 403rd Troop Carrier Wing, 1951-52; Korean Airlift, 1952-54;

and was commander of 18th Air Force from 1954. Member of Friendship Lodge No. 160, Portland, Oreg.; 32 AASR (SJ) at Portland; Al Kader Shrine Temple, Portland; honorary member of Hejaz Temple, Greenville, S. Car.; and Karem Temple, Waco, Texas. Royal Order of Jesters (Portland Court No. 29); senior member of DeMolay and DeMolay Legion of Honor. Daniel T. McCarty (1912-1953) Governor of Florida, 1953, dying in office. b. Jan. 18, 1912 in Ft. Pierce, Fla. Graduate of U. of Florida in 1934. Was a citrus grower, packer, and rancher. He served in the state legislature from 1937-43, and was house speaker in 1941. Member of Ft. Pierce Lodge No. 87, Ft. Pierce, Fla., receiving degrees on Nov. 13, 1936, Sept. 9, and Oct. 28, 1938. Member of Mahi Shrine Temple, Miami. d. Sept. 28, 1953 and buried with Masonic ceremonies. Samuel E. McCarty Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. June 27, 1889 in West Alexander, Pa. After attending Princeton he became a sports editor, and later political editor of the Pittsburgh Leader (1912-17). He entered the Navy in 1917, was commissioned ensign in 1919, and advanced through grades to rear admiral in 1944. He was in the Far East in 1921-24, serving in Russia during part of the Russian revolution. Was at Yokohama, Japan, 1923-24 at time of earthquake that destroyed that city. Served in North Atlantic 1942-43, and Pacific, 1944-46; Naval supply officer, 1947-51. Now general manager of Martinolich Shipbuilding Co., San Diego, Calif. Raised in Cavite Lodge No. 2, Cavite City, Philippines in 1922. Member of Jackson Park Chapter No. 222, R.A.M., Chicago, Ill. in 1924 and of National Sojourners in 1927. Isaac N. McCash President of Phillips U., Enid, Okla., 1916-38 and emeritus from 1938. b. June 5, 1861 in Cumberland Co., Ill. Graduate of National Normal U. (Ohio), Harvard, and Drake. Ordained to Disciples of Christ ministry in 1890. He served 162 John L. McClellan University church of Des Moines, Iowa, from 18931904, and was active in the Anti-Saloon League, securing the enactment of the "inebriate" bill in the Iowa legislature. He was life director and corresponding secretary of the American Christian Missionary Society and life director of Foreign Christian Missionary Society. From 1913-16 he was president of Spokane U. (Washington). He was president of National Board of Education of his church, 1919-21. His name was placed in the Oklahoma Hall of Fame, and his bust in the Historical Society in 1939. Member of Enid Lodge No. 80, Enid, Okla., receiving degrees on Oct. 3, 1919, June 11 and July 30, 1920. Exalted in Enid Chapter No. 27, R.A.M., Enid, Okla. on Oct. 25, 1920 and knighted in Enid Commandery No. 13, K.T. March 31, 1941.

Received 32 AASR (SJ) at Guthrie on Oct. 20, 1921; KCCH in 1941 and 33, honorary on Nov. 27, 1945. He was grand chaplain and grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma in 1938-39: Presently resides in a Christian minister's home in Mo. Andrew McCleary (Also Mc-Clary) A major in the American Revolution, he was killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill. He is said to have been the first field officer killed in the Revolution. Member of St. Johns Lodge. No. 1, Portsmouth, N.H., being initiated March 3, 1774. George B. McClellan (1826-1885) Union General-in-Chief of Civil War. b. Dec. 3, 1826 in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied at U. of Pennsylvania from 184042, and entered U.S. Military academy at age of 151/2, graduating in 1846. Served in Mexican War at Malan, Camargo, Tampico, Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Cerro de Telegrafe, Contreras, Churubusco, and Chapultepec. Later explored the upper Red River between Texas and Indian territory as army engineer. In 1853 hewas on duty in Oregon and Washington territories and was employed as engineer on the Northern Pacific Railroad. In 1855 he was sent to Europe on a commission to report on the condition of the armies on the continent, and to observe the Crimean War. He resigned his commission in 1857 to become chief engineer of the Illinois Central Railroad, becoming vice president in 1858. In 1859 he was made president of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, and in 1860 made president of the St. Louis, Missouri, and Cincinnati Railroad, which office he held at the beginning of the Civil War in 1861. In that year he was appointed major general of Ohio volunteers and placed in command of the Department of Ohio, which included Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and portions of Virginia and Pennsylvania. He was influential in keeping Kentucky in the Union by occupying parts of it. He commanded a division on the Potomac in July, 1861, and was commissioned generalin-chief on Nov., 1861. He directed the peninsula campaign in 1862, and commanded at Antietam in Sept., 1862. He was replaced by Gen. Burnside in that year. In 1864 he was the Democratic candidate for president, being defeated by Lincoln. In 1878-81 he was governor of New Jersey. He declined the presidency of two universities and other offices. McClellan received all three degrees of Freemasonry Dec. 9, 1853, in Willamette Lodge No. 2, Portland, Oreg. by special dispensation of the grand master. d. Oct. 29, 1885. John L. McClellan U.S. Senator from Arkansas since 1942. b. Feb. 25, 1896 at Sheridan, Ark. Was admitted to the bar in 1913 and began practice at Sheridan. He served two terms as prosecuting attorney of the 7th judicial district (1927-30), and was U.S. congressman to 74th and 75th congresses (1935-39) from 6th Ark. dist. He is a member of the law firm

163 William McClelland Gaughan, McClellan & Gaughan. In WWI he served as a first lieutenant. In 1957-58 he served as chairman of the senate committee to investigate corruption, graft, and underworld connections of high labor officials. The committee became known as the "McClellan Committee." Member of Rockport Lodge No. 58, Malvern, Ark., he received the 32 AASR (SJ) in 1945 at Little Rock, William McClelland (1883-1949) Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. Jan. 22, 1883 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of Harvard in 1911 and U. of Pennsylvania in 1914. Ordained and served as curate of St. Matthews Church, Francisville, Philadelphia, 1914-16; rector of St. Lukes, Bustleton, Philadelphia, 1916-24; rector of churches and parishes in Maryland from 192429. Named bishop of Easton, Md. on June 2, 1939. Member of Jerusalem Lodge No. 506, Philadelphia, Pa., receiving degrees on April 19, May 22, and June 28, 1919. d. April 16, 1949. Charles T. McClenachan (18291896) Masonic author. b. April 13, 1829 in Washington, D.C. He moved to New York in 1845, became a teacher, and was admitted to the bar in 1368; held a number of public offices. He was raised in Munn Lodge No. 190, N.Y.C., March 17, 1854, and later affiliated with Howard Lodge No. 35 (serving as master in 1884), and finally Chancellor Walworth Lodge No. 271. Received the 32 AASR (NJ) in Cosmopolitan Consistory, N.Y., June 6, 1859, and 33 at Boston, Dec. 15, 1860. He was made active member of Northern Supreme Council, July 12, 1861, and deputy for New York. He was historian of the Grand Lodge of New York; revised Mackey's Encyclopedia. d. Dec. 19, 1896. John A. McClernand (1812-1900) Union Major General (brevet) in Civil War. b. May 30, 1812 in Breckenridge Co., Ky. At death of his father in 1816, his mother moved to Shawneetown, Ill. Here he practiced law and established the Shawneetown Democrat. In 1832 he served in the expeditions against the Sacs and Foxes. Served in the state legislature and in U.S. congress from Ill. from 184351 and 1858-61. He resigned from congress to raise the "McClernand brigade" for the war, and was named brigadier general of volunteers. He served at Fort Donelson, commanding the right of the Federal line; made major general in 1862; commanded a division at Battle of Shiloh; relieved General Sherman at Vicksburg in 1863; led the force that stormed and captured Arkansas Post; and was at Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Big Black River, and Vicksburg. He led the 13th Army corps until relieved in 1863, and resigned in 1864. Mason. d. Sept. 20, 1900. George W. McClintic (1866-1942) Federal Judge, Southern District of West Virginia from 1921. b. Jan. 14, 1866 in Pocahontas Co., W. Va. Graduate of Roanoke Coll. (Va.) in 1883 and U. of Virginia in 1886. He practiced law at Charleston, W. Va. from 1888-21. Was member of lower

house in W. Virginia in 1919-21. Received degrees in Kanawha Lodge No. 20, Charleston, W. Va. in 1890. Affiliated with Charleston Lodge No. 153 on Nov. 13, 1919 as a charter member. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia in 1905-06. d. Sept. 25, 1942. Franc L. McCluer President of Lindenwood College (for women), St. Charles, Mo. since 1947. b. March 27, 1896 at O'Fallon, Mo. Graduate of Westminster Coll. (Fulton, Mo.) in 1916 and 1920, and Ph.D. from U. of Chicago in 1928. Taught in high school at Fulton, Mo. and at Westminster Coll., as well as U. of Chicago. Member of Missouri constitutional con164 Roy F. McConnell vention of 1943. He is a member of the board of arbitration of International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Dimitted member of Fulton Lodge No. 48 and Orion Chapter No. 49, R.A.M., both of Fulton, Mo. Samuel G. McClure (1863-1948) Newspaper editor and publisher. b. Aug. 9, 1863 in Wayne Co., Ohio. Graduate of College of Wooster in 1886 and 1889. Began as editorial writer on the Cleveland Leader in 1887. He was publisher and general manager of the Ohio State Journal (Columbus) 18961906; owner and publisher of Youngstown Telegram, 1906-22; same for Glendale (Calif.) Evening News, 1926-28; president of Southern Calif. Newspapers Assoc., 1928-32; owner and publisher of Santa Monica Outlook from 1933. Received degrees in Goodale Lodge No. 372, Ohio, being raised Feb. 17, 1905. Affiliated with Hillman Lodge No. 481, Youngstown, Ohio on April 3, 1909, dimitting from there on June 3, 1925 when moved to Calif. In Calif. he affiliated with Meridian Lodge No. 667, Glendale, and was suspended NPD on July 5, 1946. d. Dec. 25, 1948. James McClurg (1747-1825) Physician and member of the convention of 1787 that framed the Federal Constitution. b. in Hampton, Va. He was a fellow-student with Thomas Jefferson at William and Mary Coll., graduating in 1762. Received medical degree at Edinburgh, Scotland in 1770, and studied in London and Paris. Returned to U.S. in 1773; practiced first at Williamsburg, and later Richmond, Va. He was a member of the Virginia council many years. He published several medical papers and some poetic works. A member of Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, he was appointed by that lodge to attend the convention of deputies on June 15 and Oct. 6, 1778 which organized the Grand Lodge of Virginia. d. July 9, 1825. Earl McCollum (1889-1947) Newspaper publisher. b. June 7, 1889 in Henry Co., Iowa. Began as office boy with the Kansas City Star in 1903, and became president of same. Mason. d. Feb. 5, 1947.

Marshall F. McComb Justice, Supreme Court of California since 1956. b. May 6, 1894 at Denver, Colo. Graduate of Leland Stanford and Yale universities. Practiced law at Los Angeles from 1920. Judge of superior court, 1927-34; associate justice district court of appeal, 1937-56. Served in WWI as an ensign in the Navy. Member of Westlake Lodge No. 392, Los Angeles, and master in 1940. 32 and KCCH at Los Angeles AASR (SJ). Member of Al Malaikah Shrine Temple of Los Angeles and Al Bahr Temple of San Diego. Member of Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay. Frank C. McConnell Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. June 21, 1898 in Cicero, Ind. Graduate of Purdue U. in 1920. Commissioned second lieutenant in 1921, he advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1943. He has served in the Canal Zone, Southwest Pacific, Hawaii, Philippines, and European Theater headquarters. He was with anti-aircraft command of Army Ground Forces 1942-45; deputy commander of Philippine ground force command, 1946; commanding general 8th Infantry Division, 1950; commander of Camp Gordon, Ga., 1951; deputy commanding general 25th Infantry Division in Korea in 1952. He has been with the OSA, the Pentagon, since 1957. In 1952 he was a delegate of the U.N. Armistice Delegation. Mason. Roy F. McConnell Vice President of Standard Oil, in charge of sales and director since 1945. b. Oct. 15, 1884 in Detroit, Mich. He has been with Standard Oil Co. since 1907, first as clerk, advancing as stock 165 Samuel K. McConnell, Jr. clerk, superintendent of warehouse, chief clerk, assistant manager, manager (South Bend, Detroit), assistant general manager of divisions (Eastern, Northern, Western), general manager of sales. Mason. Samuel K. McConnell, Jr. U.S. Congressman, 78th through 85th Congresses (1943-1958) from 16th and 13th Pa. dists. b. April 6, 1901 in Eddystone, Pa. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1923. Member and past master of Franklin Lodge No. 134, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Tall Cedars of Lebanon at Norristown and Grotto at Philadelphia. William J. McConnell (1839-1925) Governor of Idaho, 1893-96 and U.S. Senator, 1890-91. b. Sept. 18, 1839 in Commerce, Mich. He went to Calif. in 1860 and to Oregon in 1862; walked from Oregon to Boise City, Idaho

Territory in 1863. He was deputy U.S. marshal of the territory in 1865-67. He returned to Calif. in 1867 and engaged in business in Humboldt Co. until he returned to Oregon and later, to Idaho. In 1882 he became a member and president of the Oregon state senate. He was a member of the Idaho constitutional convention of 1890 and one of its first U.S. senators, drawing the short term, 1890-91. He was U.S. Indian inspector, 1897-1901, and immigrant inspector from 1909. Member of Paradise Lodge No. 17, Moscow, Idaho. d. March 29, 1925. Edwin S. McCook (1837-1873) Union Major General of Civil War and acting governor of Dakota. b. March 26, 1837 in Carrollton, Ohio. He was educated in the U.S. Naval Academy, but at the outbreak of the Civil War he raised a company for the 31st Illinois regiment and served with the same at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, where he was severely wounded. He fought throughout the Vicksburg, Chattanooga, and Atlanta Campaigns, and was under Shermanin the march to the sea. He was severely wounded three times and was brevetted both brigadier and major general of volunteers on March 13, 1865. While presiding over a public meeting, as acting governor of Dakota, he was shot and killed by a man in the audience. Member of Naval Lodge No. 69, New York City. d. Sept 11, 1873. Jim Nance McCord Governor of Tennessee, 1944-49; U.S. Congressman to 78th Congress (1943-45). b. March 17, 1879 in Unionville, Tenn. He started as a hardware clerk in 1894; sold books and stationery; was a traveling salesman; editor and publisher of the Marshall Gazette (Lewisburg) from 1910 and is president of the Capitol Life Insurance Co. of Tenn., with headquarters at Nashville. He was a member of the Marshall County court for 27 years. Was mayor of Lewisburg for 25 years. A member of Dillahunty Lodge No. 112, Lewisburg, receiving degrees on April 13, May 11, and June 4, 1920; 32 AASR (SJ) in Trinity Consistory of Nashville and member of Al Menah Shrine Temple, Nashville. Leon McCord (1878-1952) U.S. Judge, Court of Appeals, 5th circuit, from 1938. b. June 21, 1878 in Conyers, Ga. Began practice of law at Scottsboro, Ala. in 1900 and at Montgomery in 1901. Was secretary of supreme court of Ala., railroad commissioner, judge of circuit court. He was commander-in-chief of the United Spanish War Veterans in 1934-35. He had served as a private in the Texas volunteers in that war. Mason. d. Feb. 11, 1952. Medill McCormick (1877-1925) U.S. Senator, 1919-25 and U.S. Congressman, 1917-19 from Illinois. b. May 16, 1877 in Chicago, Ill.

Graduate of Yale in 1900. He was publisher of the Chicago Tribune. Member of Albany 166 Robert McCulloch Park Lodge No. 974, York and Scottish Rite bodies, and Medinah Shrine Temple, all of Chicago. d. Feb. 25, 1925. Warren T. McCray (1865-1938) Governor of Indiana, 1921-25. b. Feb. 4, 1865 in Newton Co., Ind. He was a farmer, extensive grain shipper, and owner of Orchard Lake Stock Farm, Kentlandnoted for its Hereford cattle. Received the degrees between 1915-17 in Newton Lodge No. 361, Kentland, Ind., and was suspended in 1925 for unmasonic conduct. d. Dec. 19, 1938. James B. McCreary (1838-1918) Governor and U.S. Senator from Kentucky. b. July 8, 1838 in Richmond, Ky. Graduate of Centre College (Ky.) in 1857 and law degree from Cumberland U. (Tenn.) in 1859. Practiced law in Richmond, Ky. He entered the Confederate Army as a private in 1862 and attained the rank of lieutenant colonel. Member of state house of representatives, 1869-73, and twice speaker of the same. He was governor of Kentucky from 1875-79, 1912-16. In 1892 he was a delegate to the international monetary conference at Brussels, Belgium. He served in the U.S. congress from 1885-97. From 1903-09 he was U.S. senator from Kentucky. Member of Richmond Lodge No. 25 and Richmond Commandery No. 19, K.T., both of Richmond, Ky. d. Oct. 8, 1918. Charles LeRoy McCuen Vice President of General Motors, 1940-47, and general manager of research laboratories. b. May 22, 1892 in Stockton, Calif. Graduate engineer, he was a design engineer with Packard 191617; Rickenbacker Motor Car Co., 192226; Olds Motor Works, 1926-32; with Buick and Olds, 1932-33; and general manager of Olds Motor Works, 193340. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. Edgar A. McCulloch (1861-1933) Federal Trade Commissioner from 1927-33; Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Arkansas, 1909-27. b. Aug. 21, 1861 in Trenton, Tenn. Admitted to the bar in 1883 and practiced at Marianna, Ark., 1883-1904. Was justice of supreme court from 1904 and chief justice, 1909-27, resigning in latter year. Received degrees in Marianna Lodge No. 171 on Feb. 4, March 18, April 22, 1886 and was master in 1892-93. In 190809 he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas. Member of Marianna Chapter No. 54, R.A.M.; Marianna Council No. 72, R. & S.M. and Apollo Commandery No. 11, K.T., all of Marianna, Ark. He served as grand high priest of the grand chapter in 1919; grand master of the grand council in 1912 and grand commander of the grand commandery in 1901. Received

Scottish Rite degrees in Little Rock in May, 1925. d. Jan. 23, 1933. Richard McCulloch (1869-1940) President of United Railways Co. of St. Louis from 1915. b. June 3, 1869 in St. Louis. Graduate of Washington U. (Mo.) in 1891. Was chief engineer of National Railway Co., St. Louis, 189399. From 1899-1901 he constructed electric railways in France and Switzerland. From 1901-04 he was assistant general manager of the Chicago City Railway Co. He joined the St. Louis system in 1904 as assistant general manager and was elected vice president in 1907, president in 1915. Member of Tuscan Lodge No. 360 and St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R.A.M., both of St. Louis. A son of Robert McCulloch, q.v. d. Aug. 28, 1940. Robert McCulloch (1841-1914) President of United Railways Co. of St. Louis. b. Sept. 15, 1841 in Osceola, Mo. of Virginia lineage. Attended Virginia Military institute and served in the Confederate Army. He was wounded at the Battle of Manassas, 167 rorter AncLumoer and at Gettysburg was left lying on the field and listed as dead. He served as a captain under Col. Robert Withers in the 18th Va. Regiment. Withers later became grand master of the Grand Encampment, K.T. and it was Withers who presented McCulloch's petition to Natural Bridge Lodge No. 64 in Va. McCulloch later served as secretary and master of this lodge. In St. Louis he first affiliated with Aurora Lodge No. 267 and later Tuscan Lodge No. 360. He was exalted in O'Sullivan Chapter No. 40, R.A.M. (later Bellefontaine No. 25) and Hiram Council No. 1, R. & S.M., all of St. Louis. He was knighted in St. Aldemar Commandery No. 18, K.T., in 1875, served as commander and was grand commander of the Grand Cornmandery of Missouri in 1889. Scottish Rite member and Shriner in St. Louis. He was the father of Richard McCulloch, q.v. Porter J. McCumber (1858-1933) U.S. Senator from North Dakota, 1899-1923. b. Feb. 3, 1858 in Crete, Ill. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1880. From 1881-1900 he practiced law in Wahpeton, N. Dak. He served in the territorial house of representatives from 1885-89, and was state's attorney of Richland Co. in 1896-97. As a senator he was chairman of the finance committee in 1922-23, and helped Senator William P. Hepburn, q.v., push the pure food and drug act in 1906. After his senatorship, he practiced law in Washington, D.C., and from 1925 was a member of the International Joint Commission. Member of Wahpeton Lodge No. 15, Wahpeton, N. Dak., 32 AASR (SJ), and member of El Zagal Shrine Temple, Fargo. He was buried Masonically by Benjamin B. French Lodge No. 15, Washington, D.C., for his N. Dak. lodge. d. May 18, 1933.

Horace W. McCurdy Shipbuilder. b. July 30, 1899 in Port Townsend, Wash. Student at U. of Washington, U.S. Naval Steam Engineering School and B.S. from Mass. Institute of Tech. in 1922. He began with the Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Co. in 1922 as a laborer, rising to vice president and general manager in 1929, and president and general manager since 1931. He was also chairman of executive committee of Pontoon Bridge Builders, 1938-39, Associated Shipbuilders, 1941-45. He is vice president and director of Pacific Dredging Co., Los Angeles; and director of Western Oxygen Co., and Seattle and Pacific National Bank, Seattle. Served in U.S. Navy in WWI. Received degrees in Mercer Island Lodge No. 297, Mercer Island, Wash., and presently member of George Washington Lodge No. 251, Seattle. Member of Oriental Chapter No. 19, R.A.M. and Seattle Commandery No. 2; 33 AASR (SJ) at Seattle and representative of the Supreme Council in Valley of Seattle. Also member of Nile Shrine Temple, Red Cross of Constantine, National Sojourners, Heroes of '76, and Royal Order of Scotland. Hugh McCurdy (1829-1908) Sixteenth Grand Master of the Grand Encampment, K.T., U.S.A. b. Dec. 22, 1829 at Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Received his degrees in Birmingham Lodge No. 44, Birmingham, Mich., Aug. 5 and 15, 1850. He organized Corunna Lodge No. 115, Corunna, Mich. on July 15, 1859 and was its first master. In 1873 he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Michigan. He was knighted in Fenton Cornmandery No. 14, K.T., Fentonville, Mich. March 13, 1866. Previously he became a Royal Arch Mason in Washington Chapter No. 15, Flint, Feb. 5, 1864, and established Corunna Chapter No. 33, R.A.M. on Jan. 10, 1865, serving as its first high priest for six years. He was grand high priest of Michigan in 1871. Greeted in St. John's Council No. 21, R. & S.M., Dec. 168 James A. McDougall 18, 1866. Received 33 AASR (NJ) Nov. 18, 1873, and active member of Northern Jurisdiction on Sept. 27, 1883. Elected grand master of Grand Encampment on Aug. 11, 1892. d. July 16, 1908. Robert G. McCutchan Hymnologist. b. Sept. 13, 1877 at Mt. Ayr, Iowa. Degrees in music from Simpson Coll., Southern Methodist U., and Southwestern U. Also studied in Berlin and Paris. Taught at Baker U., 190410, and organized their conservatory of music; was its director, 1906-10. Organized several summer schools of music in Md., Mich., and Ind. From 1911-37 he was dean of music at De Pauw U., and emeritus since 1937. He

was a member of the commission on church music of the Methodist church from 1924-28, and in 1935 was editor of the Methodist Hymnal. He is the composer of many hymn tunes, and the author of Our Hymnody; Alders-gate, 1738-1938; Hymns in the Lives of Men; Better Music in Our Churches; Music in Worship; Early American Composers of Church Music and many others. Mason. Alexander McDonald A Roman Catholic who was Fifth Grand Commander, Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction, 33 AASR from 184546. A merchant of Charleston, S. Car., he is thought to have been born in England. He was chairman of the committee on the building of the Masonic hall. It was destroyed by fire on April 27, 1838 before it was completed. He later secured another site and was on the building committee of the next temple. He was a vestryman of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church in 1824. He served as junior grand warden and senior grand warden (182627) of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina; grand lecturer, 1844; corresponding grand secretary in 1828-33 and 1842. In 1828 he was commander of South Carolina Commandery No.1, K.T. and deputy grand master of the South Carolina Encampment, K.T. He was captain of the Charleston Irish Volunteers in 1830, and alderman of Charleston, 1838-42 and 1845. He was grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of South Carolina in 1830. He was elected grand commander of the Supreme Council on July 1, 1845, and "retired about Aug. 1, 1846." He seemingly left South Carolina about this time and it is thought he may have returned to England. In 1846 he was listed as warden of the South Carolina Encampment, but on Nov. 26, that body resolved that his name "be erased from the roll of this Encampment and that his shield be reversed. Robert C. McDonald (1881-1958) Physician and Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Feb. 18, 1881 in Crockett Co., Tenn. Received M.D. degree from Tulane U. in 1909, and was graduate of Army Medical School in 1911. Commissioned in 1910, he advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1945. In WWI he served with the 1st Infantry Division, with Army schools, and on staff of General Pershing, q.v. From 1921-25 and 1931-35 he was in the surgeon general's office. In WWII he was surgeon of 3rd Army, surgeon of 3rd Service Command, commanding officer of Army General Hospital, and surgeon of 4th Command (Atlanta, Ga.) . Chief surgeon U.S. Soldiers' Home from 1945. Retired from active duty in 1946. Member in good standing of Hancock Lodge No. 311, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas at time of his death on March 17, 1958. National Sojourner. James A. McDougall (1817-1867) U.S. Senator and Congressman from California. b. Nov. 19, 1817 in Bethlehem, N.Y. He studied law, was admitted

to the bar, practicing in Cook Co., Ill. from 1837, and was attorney general of Ill. in 1842-46. He made ex169 Frank A. McElwain plorations in the Southwest, and finally settled in San Francisco, Calif. He was attorney general of Calif. from 1850-51. He served in the 33rd congress (1853-55) and in the U.S. senate from 1861-67. Received his degrees in Harmony Lodge No. 3, Jacksonville, Ill. in 1840 and affiliated with Oriental Lodge No. 33, Chicago in 1846. Also member of chapter and commandery. d. Sept. 3, 1867. Frank A. McElwain (1875-1957) Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. Dec. 14, 1875 in Warsaw, N.Y. Degrees from Trinity Coll. (Conn.), and Sea-bury Divinity School (Minn.). Made deacon in 1902, and priest in 1903, of Episcopal church; served pastorates in Missouri from 1902-05; and was associated with the Seabury School until 1912, when he was elected suffragan bishop of Minn. on May 23. On May 23, 1917 he was made bishop of Minn., and retired in 1943. Member of Lake Harriet Lodge No. 277, Minneapolis, Minn. receiving degrees on June 14, Oct. 11, 23, 1921. d. Sept. 19, 1957. Louis T. McFadden (1876-1936) U.S. Congressman to 64th through 73rd Congresses (1915-35) from 15th Pa. dist. b. July 25, 1876 in Troy, Pa. Began as office boy in First National Bank of Canton, Pa. at 16 and rose to presidency in 1916. Member of Canton Lodge No. 415, Canton, Pa., receiving degrees on Oct. 8, Nov. 9, and Dec. 7, 1897. d. Oct. 1, 1936. Edward F. McFaddin Justice, Supreme Court of Arkansas from 1943. b. Dec. 30, 1894 in Hope, Ark. Holds degrees from Hardin-Simmons U., U. of Texas, and Columbia U. Admitted to bar in 1916, and practiced at Hope, Ark. from 1919-42. He was assistant attorney general of Arkansas in 1926. Captain in A.E.F. in WWI. Member of Whitfield Lodge No. 239, Hope, Ark., receiving degrees on Sept. 30 and Dec. 1, 1917. Grand orator of Grand Lodge of Arkansas in 1954-55. Member of Fay Hempstead Chapter No. 144, R.A.M., Occidental Council No. 1, R. & S.M., Hugh de Payens Cornmandery No. 1, K.T., and 32 AASR (SJ), all in Little Rock. Ernest W. McFarland U.S. Senator, 1941-53, and Governor of Arizona since 1955. b. Oct. 9, 1894 in Earlsboro, Okla. Holds degrees from U. of Oklahoma (1917) and Stanford U. (1921 and 1922). He taught rural school in Seminole Co., Okla., worked in a bank in Phoenix, Ariz., and was admitted to bar in 1920, practicing in Casa Grande. He was assistant attorney general of Ariz. and county attorney and judge of the superior court of Pinal Co. In WWI

he served in the Navy. Member of Pinal Lodge No. 30, Casa Grande, Ariz. 32 AASR, Shriner, and Jester. Harvey McGehee Justice, Supreme Court of Mississippi since 1937. b. June 11, 1887 in Little Springs, Miss. Graduate of Mississippi Coll. (Clinton) in 1908. Admitted to the bar in 1916. Was county prosecuting attorney, 1909-10, and member of state senate 1916-20; chancery judge, 1926-28, and circuit judge, 1933-37. Former member of Monticello Lodge No. 610, Monticello, Miss. James B. McGhee Associate Justice, Supreme Court of New Mexico since 1947. b. Oct. 6, 1888 in Vernon, Texas. He was a court stenographer, 1912-20, was admitted to the bar in 1919, and practiced in Carlsbad, Clovis and Roswell, N. Mex. until 1933. On this date he was appointed judge of the 5th judicial district, and elected subsequently until he took seat on the supreme court bench. Raised in Roswell Lodge No. 18, Roswell, N. Mex. in 1915. 32 AASR (SJ) at Santa Fe, and member of Ballut Abyad Shrine Temple, Albuquerque. 170 E. Clyde McGraw George McGill U.S. Senator from Kansas, 193039. b. Feb. 12, 1879 in Lucas Co., Iowa. Graduate of Central Normal Coll. (Kans.). Admitted to bar in 1902, he practiced at Wichita. Was chairman of Kansas Democratic State Convention, 1924, and delegate at large to national conventions of 1928, 1936, and 1944. Mason and Shriner. Alexander McGillivray (1740-1793) Chief of the Creek and Seminole Indians; British Colonel; Spanish and American General. b. in 1740 of a Scotch father and Creek mother, whose father was a French officer of Spanish descent. It has been stated that McGillivray's character reflected the traits of the four bloodsthe polished urbanity of the Frenchman, the duplicity of the Spaniard, the sagacity of the Scotchman, and the subtlety of the Indian. He received a classical education from his father's brother, a Presbyterian clergyman of Charleston, but on reaching manhood, turned to his mother's people. He eventually became head of the Creeks, and their allies, the Seminoles and Chickamaugas, and could thereby bring 10,000 warriors into the field. He sided with the British in the Revolution, and Georgia confiscated his lands. This made him a bitter enemy, and he led a long war against the western settlers. After the war, he sided with the Spanish of Florida and .aided in many raids. He was invited to New York by none other than George Washington, together with 28 of his chiefs. Before leaving, he wrote a letter to the Spanish, telling them he would remain faithful to them in spite of any treaty that might be signed. The U.S. gave him $100,000 for his confiscated

property and a commission as major general in the U.S. Army. On his return, he at once began new raids and continued them until his death. General James Rob-ertson, who opposed him militarily on many occasions said: "The Spaniards are devils, and the biggest devil among them is the half-Spaniard, half-Frenchman, half-Scotchman and altogether Creek scoundrel, McGillivray." It is not known where he received his degrees, but on his death, Feb. 17, 1793, he was buried with Masonic honors in Panton's Garden, Pensacola, Fla. Francis E. McGovern (1866-1946) Governor of Wisconsin, 1911-15. b. Jan. 21, 1866 near Elkhart, Wis. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1890. He was principal and superintendent of schools at Broadhead and Appleton, Wis., from 1890-97, being admitted to bar in latter year, and practicing at Milwaukee. Served in WWI. Served in 1920 as general counsel of U.S. Shipping Board and Emergency Fleet Corp., Washington, returning to private practice. Received degrees in Waverly Lodge No. 51, Appleton, Wis. on Jan. 19, March 2, and April 6, 1897 and affiliated with LaFayette Lodge No. 265, Milwaukee, on March 6, 1899. 32 AASR (NJ). d. May 16, 1946. James G. McGowen (1870-1940) Justice, Supreme Court of Mississippi from 1925. b. Sept. 19, 1870 in Nesbitt, Miss. Practiced law in Water Valley, Miss. A prominent layman of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, he was a delegate to the general conference seven times, and to the ecumenical conference of world Methodism at Atlanta in 1932. He was a member of the committee on unification of the churches from 1916-20, and a delegate to the uniting conference of Methodists in 1939. Member of Valley City Lodge No. 402, Water Valley, Miss., receiving degrees on Jan. 11, Feb. 26, 1914 and March 5, 1915. Served as junior warden in 1924. d. Dec. 26, 1940. E. Clyde McGraw President of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. 171 John H. McGraw since 1957. b. Dec. 15, 1903 in Elwood, Nebr. Graduate of U. of Nebraska in 1927. He was with the Western Public Service Co. from 1927-37 as an engineer, superintendent, and district superintendent. From 1937-41 was general superintendent of the Texas-New Mexico Utilities Co. With utility companies in the East (president of Montauk Electric, and vice-president of Haverhill Gas Light) until he became vice president of Transcontinental in 1950, executive vice president in 1955, and president in 1957. Raised in Bethany Lodge, Lincoln, Nebr. in 1922, and now member of Samaritan Lodge No. 158, Chadron, Nebr. 1Viember of Oregon Trail Chapter No. 65, R.A.M., Gering, Nebr. and Zerubbabel Council No. 27, R. & S.M., Chadron, Nebr.

John H. McGraw (1850-1910) Governor of Washington, 1893-97. b. Oct. 4, 1850 in Penobscot Co., Maine. He went to Washington Territory in 1876, and was admitted to the bar in 1886. He was president of the First National Bank, Seattle, 1890-97, and after that an investment broker. Served as sheriff of King Co. for eight years and was president of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 9, Seattle. d. 1910. Gordon R. McGregor President of Trans-Canadian Air Lines since 1948. b. Sept. 26, 1901 in Montreal, Quebec. Student at St. Andrew's Coll. and McGill U. He was with Bell Telephone Co. from 1923-39 in engineering, and later as district manager at Kingston and Montreal. Has been with TransCanadian since 1945, advancing from general traffic manager. In WWII he served with the R.C.A.F., commanding the 401st and 402nd squadrons, XWing and 126th Wing. Was on staff of 83rd Group, Normandy, 1943-44. Demobilized as a group captain andreceived Order of British Empire, Distinguished Flying Cross, Croix de Guerre, and decorations from other foreign countries including the Netherlands and Czechoslovakia. Member of St. John Lodge No. 3, Kingston, Ont., Canada from 1933; 14 AASR in Kingston Lodge of Perfection, 1936. J. Harry McGregor (1896-1958), U.S. Congressman to 76th through 85th Congresses, (1939-58) from 17th Ohio dist. b. Sept. 30, 1896 in Unionport, Ohio. Educated at West Lafayette Coll. and Oberlin Coll. (1915-17). He served in the Field Artillery in WWI. He began as a lumber dealer in 1918, becoming a contractor after the war, specializing in road building. Recognized as an expert on highway matters, he was chairman of the committee of roads in the 83rd congress. Raised in West Lafayette Lodge No. 602, West Lafayette, Ohio on March 18, 1918, he was master in 1926 and district deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio four years. Exalted in Samaritan Chapter No. 50, R.A.M. on July 10, 1918: greeted in Coshocton Council No. 110, R. & S.M. in Jan., 1919; knighted in Coshocton Commandery No. 63, K.T. Sept. 10, 1919all of Coshocton, Ohio. He received the 32 AASR (NJ) at Columbus in Nov., 1942 and the 33 less than -two weeks before his death. Member of the Aladdin Shrine Temple. d. Oct. 7, 1958. Edgar L. McHaney (1876-1948) Justice, Supreme Court of Arkansas, 1927-48. b. Nov. 6, 1876 at Gibson, Tenn. Graduate of Southern Normal U. (Tenn.), and U. of Arkansas. Was superintendent of schools at DeWitt and Piggott, Ark., settling in Little Rock in 1902. Admitted to bar in 1904. Served in house of representatives in 1921 and was deputy secretary of state from 1902-08. Member of Trinity Lodge No. 694, Little Rock, Ark. d. May 24, 1948.

172 Douglas McKay Powell B. McHaney (1905-1957) President of General American Life Insurance Co., St. Louis, Mo. from 1951. b. June 30, 1905 in White Oak, Mo. Graduate of U. of Missouri and Harvard. Admitted to the bar in 1928, he was assistant attorney general of Mo. in 1933. He specialized in insurance law, and in 1942 became vice president and general counsel of General American, executive vice president in 1950, president in 1951. A director in many companies including Anheuser-Busch and Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Member of Tuscan Lodge No. 360, St. Louis, receiving degrees on Sept. 19, 1944; May 19, 1945 and June 4, 1946. d. Dec. 4, 1957. James McHenry (1753-1816) Secretary of War; private secretary to Washington and Lafayette; member of Constitutional Convention. b. Nov. 16, 1753 in Ireland. Educated in Dublin and came to Philadelphia in 1771, where he studied medicine under Dr. Benjamin Rush. He accompanied Washington to the camp at Cambridge, joined the army as assistant surgeon in Jan., 1776, and later was surgeon to the 5th Pennsylvania battalion. He was made prisoner at Fort Washington and exchanged in spring of 1778. On May 15th of that year he was made secretary to Washington and he remained a trusted friend and advisor to him the rest of his life. In 1780 he was transferred to the staff of Lafayette, where he remained until the close of the war. He was in the Maryland senate in 1781-86, and concurrently, from 1783-86 was a member of the Continental Congress. In 1787 he was a member of the Constitutional Convention and labored to secure its ratification. In 1796 he became a member of Washington's cabinet as secretary of War. Fort McHenry was named in his honor. He was a member of Spiritual Lodge No. 23 of Baltimore, Md. d. May 3, 1816. Ross T. McIntire Vice Admiral and Surgeon General, U.S. Navy, 193846; White House physician, 193345. b. Aug. 11, 1889 in Salem, Oreg. Received M.D. degree from Willamette U. (Oreg.) in 1912, and also studied at U. of Oregon, Washington U. (Mo.). Began practice in Oregon in 1912, and was commissioned lieutenant (j.g.) in Medical Corps, U.S. Navy in 1917. He is a specialist in ophthalmology and otolaryngology. He is chairman of the Red Cross blood program. From 1947-54 he was chairman of the president's commission on employment of physically handicapped. Since 1955 he has been executive director of International College of Surgeons. Mason and Shriner. Clifford G. McIntire U.S. Congressman to 82nd through 86th Congresses from 3rd dist. of Maine. b. May 4, 1908 in Perham, Maine. Graduate of U. of Maine in 1930. Engaged in farming near Perham since

1930. From 1933-47 he was an appraiser, supervisor and regional manager for the Farm Credit Adm. in Springfield, Mass. and from 1947-51 was assistant general manager of the Maine Potato Growers, Inc. at Presque Isle. Elected to 82nd Congress on Oct. 22, 1951, to fill vacancy. Member of Washburn Lodge No. 193, Washburn; Garfield Chapter No. 48, R.A.M. at Caribou; St. Aldemar Commandery No. 17, K.T., Houlton, and Anah Shrine Temple at Bangor, Maine. Douglas McKay (1893-1959) Secretary of Interior in Eisenhower cabinet, 1953-56; Governor of Oregon, 1949-53. b. June 24, 1893 in Portland, Oreg. Agriculture graduate of Oregon State Coll. in 1917; from 1909-13 he was a paper carrier and office boy for Union Pacific Railroad. From 1920-27 he was an automobile salesman in Portland, and from 1927 was a dealer for Chevrolet and Cadillac at Salem. He was mayor of Salem in 1933-34. He 173 William R. McKay served in the state senate from 193537, 1939-41, 1943-45 and 1947-49. In WWI he was a lieutenant with the 91st Infantry division and was wounded in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. In WWII he was on vacation in Hawaii, on December 7th, when the Japanese hit Pearl Harbor. He organized a home guard unit at Pearl Harbor and later served as a captain and major in the Service Command. From 1957 he was a member of the International Joint Commission, representing U.S. and Canada. He received his degrees in Washington Lodge No. 46, Portland on Dec. 8, 1923, Jan. 12, and Feb. 27, 1924. He affiliated with Salem Lodge No. 4, Salem, Oreg. on May 4, 1928, and was master in 1933. In 1957 he was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Oregon. Member of Multonomah Chapter No. 1, RA.M., Hodson Council No. 1, R. & S.M. and DeMolay Commandery No. 5, K.T. all of Salem; 32 AASR (SJ) at Salem; Member of Al Kader Shrine Temple Portland, Portland Court No. 29, Royal Order of Jesters, and St. Lawrence Concave No. 26, Red Cross of Constantine. d. July 23, 1959. William R. McKay (1895-1954) Judge, Superior Court of California, 1941-54. Orphaned at five years, he was reared in an orphan's home and educated by older brother. Graduate of U. of California and Stanford U. He was a graduate chemist as well as lawyer. He entered law practice in Hanford, Calif., and in 1932 was named to the municipal court of Los Angeles. Mason. In 1934 he received the Legion of Honor from the Order of DeMolay for his work in fighting juvenile delinquency, and in 1950 he was grand master of the Order. Raised in Welcome Lodge No. 255, Calif. on March 13, 1919. d. Dec. 7, 1954.

Samuel McKean (1787-1841) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 183339.b. April 7, 1787 in Bradford Co., Pa. Was in the mercantile business at Burlington, Pa. Member of state legislature in 1815-19; secretary of state under Governor Wolf. He was a major general of state militia. He served in the 18th through 20th U.S. congresses (1823-29). He was a member of his state senate in 1829-30. Member of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 150, Troy, Pa. serving at one time as senior warden. d. Dec. 14, 1841. Thomas McKean (1734-1817) Signer of Declaration of Independence. b. March 19, 1734 in New London, Pa. Admitted to the bar before he was 21. In 1752 he was elected to the Delaware general assembly and held that office for 17 successive years, during the latter years residing in Philadelphia. In 1765 he was elected to the Stamp-Act Congress and berated the timid souls of the congress who refused to sign it, including Timothy Ruggles, president of the body. As a result, a duel between the two was arranged in the session of congress. Ruggles, however, left the next morning before daybreak. McKean was a member of the Continental Congress from 1774 until 1783, being the only member serving from its opening until peace. He was president of congress in 1781. Although his name was signed to the original Declaration of Independence, it did not appear on the printed copy due to a "printer's error. After the signing, he marched at the head of a battalion to Perth Amboy, N.J. to reinforce Washington. In 1777 he was acting in the double capacity of president of Delaware and chief justice of Pennsylvania. In 1776 he drew up the constitution for the state of Delaware, completing it in one night. He was governor of Pennsylvania from 1799-1808. He was vice president of the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati. Although his lodge is not known, he is recorded as a visitor to Perseverance Lodge No. 21, 174 James A. McKenzie Harrisburg, Pa. Roberdo Buchanan, biographer of the McKean family also stated that he was a Freemason. d. June 24, 1817. Theodore R. McKeldin Governor of Maryland since 1951. b. Nov. 20, 1900 in Baltimore. Graduate of U. of Maryland in 1926 and admitted to the bar that year. He taught in the public schools of Baltimore and served as secretary to Mayor Broening. From 1931-43 he practiced law, and was mayor of Baltimore from 1943-47. Returned to law practice in 1947. He was the unsuccessful Republican candidate for governor in 1942 and 1946. In 1952 he put Eisenhower's name for presidential nomination before the Republican committee at Eisenhower's request. Member of Tuscan Lodge No. 202, Druid Chapter No. 28, R.A.M., Monumental Commandery No. 3, K.T., 32 AASR (SJ) and KCCH, Boumi Shrine Temple, Baltimore Forest No. 45, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Patterson Chapter No. 19, O.E.S., all of Baltimore, Md.

Kenneth D. McKeller U.S. Senator from Tennessee, 1916-53 and U.S. Congressman, 1913-17 from 10th Tenn. dist. b. Jan. 29, 1869 in Richmond, Ala. Received three degrees from the U. of Alabama. Member of Lelia Scott Lodge No. 289, Memphis. Received the Scottish Rite degrees at Memphis in Oct., 1926 and made KCCH in Oct., 1943. Samuel R. McKelvie (1881-1956) Governor of Nebraska, 1919-23. b. April 15, 1881 in Fairfield, Nebr. Attended business college and U. of Nebraska. Was with the Bee Publishing Co. of Omaha from 1902-05. He became editor of the Nebraska Farmer in 1905 and has been owner and publisher since 1908. Member of state house of representatives from 1911-13 and lieutenant governor from 1913-15. Member of Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln, Nebr., receiving degreeson Sept. 12, 1905 and April 23, May 16, 1907. d. Jan. 6, 1956. Roy C. McKenna (1883-1958) Steel company executive. b. March 7, 1883 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Graduate of U. of Pittsburgh in 1903. Was a partner of McKenna Brass & Mfg. Co. from 190326 and president from 1926-37. He was president of Vanadium-Alloys Steel Co., 1915-43, and chairman of the board since 1943. He is also president of Anchor Drawn Steel Co., and vice president of Colonial Steel Co. and Vanadium-Alloys Steel Societa Italiana. Raised in Dallas Lodge No. 508, Pittsburgh, Pa. on April 14, 1905 and became charter member of Belle-field Lodge No. 680 on March 11, 1915, serving as trustee from 1915-20. Member of Shiloh Chapter No. 257, R.A.M.; Tancred Commandery No. 48, K.T., Syria Shrine Temple and Pittsburgh Court No. 2, Royal Order of Jesters, all of Pittsburgh. Received 32 AASR (NJ) on Nov. 22, 1917 and 33 Sept. 28, 1955. d. July 12, 1958. Charles E. McKenzie (1896-1956) U.S. Congressman to 78th and 79th Congresses (1943-47) from 5th La. dist. b. Oct. 3, 1896 at Pelican, La. Entered oil business in Texas in 1919, returning to Monroe, La. in 1921. He was president of McKenzie and Mouk, Inc. and McKenzie & Co., Inc. Member of Western Star Lodge No. 24, Monroe, La., receiving degrees on May 29, July 15 and Nov. 6, 1924. Received 25-year-certificate Dec. 9, 1949. d. June 7, 1956. James A. McKenzie (1840-1904) Diplomat and U.S. Congressman. b. Aug. 1, 1840 in Christian Co., Ky. He was educated in law, but turned to farming. In 1867-71 he was a member of the state legislature and U.S. congressman from Ky., 1877-83. From 1893-97 he was U.S. minister to Peru. Served in the Confederate Army. In congress he was the author of the bill putting quinine on the free list, from

175 John McKenzie which he received the sobriquet of "Quinine Jim." He was secretary of state of Kentucky during Governor Knott's administration; commissioner from Ky. to the World's Fair in Chicago. He was made a Mason in James Moore Lodge No. 230 in 1862 and later a charter member of Long View Lodge No. 416, serving as master in 1867-69. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky in 1891. He was exalted in Chapter No. 14, R.A.M. in 1868 and knighted in Clarksville, Tenn. in 1870. d. June 25, 1904 and buried with Masonic honors. John McKenzie (1745-1795) Brother of Sir Alexander McKenzie, the explorer and pioneer of the Hudson's Bay Co. His tombstone in the cemetery at Summerstown, near Cornwall, Ont., Canada, reads: "This stone is erected by the members of The Union Lodge in memory of the late Capt. John McKenzie, their worthy friend and brother, who was born in Stoma-way on the Isle of Lewis, N. Britain, and departed this life the 7th August, 1795. Age 50 years. John C. McKenzie (1860-1941) U.S. Congressman to 62nd through 68th Congresses (1911-25) from 13th Ill. dist. b. Feb. 18, 1860 in Jo Daviess Co., Ill. Admitted to the bar and practiced at Elizabeth, Ill. Served three terms in state senate (1900-11) and president one term. In congress he was chairman of the Muscle Shoals inquiry. Received the degrees in Kavanaugh Lodge No. 36, Elizabeth, Ill. on Nov. 11, 25, 1899 and Jan. 6, 1900. d. Sept. 17, 1941. William McKinley ( 1 8 4 3 - 1 9 0 1 ) Twenty-fifth President of the United States, 1896-1901. b. Jan. 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio. Educated at Poland Academy and Allegheny Coll. He taught in public schools, and at the outset of the Civil War, enlisted as a private in the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, rising through grades to captain in 1864, andbrevetted major by President Lincoln on March 13, 1865, for gallantry in battle. Following the war he took a course at the Albany (N.Y.) Law School and was admitted to the Ohio bar in 1867, settling at Canton. He was U.S. congressman from Ohio from 1876-91. An advocate of high protective tariff, he was chairman of the committee on ways and means that reported the tariff bill of 1890, known as the "McKinley Bill." When his district was changed by a Democratic legislature, he was defeated for congress in 1890. He was with the organization directed by Marcus Hanna, Republican politician of Cleveland. He was elected governor of Ohio for two successive terms, 1892-96. He was elected president in 1896 by a popular plurality of 600,000 votes and in 1900 with plurality of 849,000 votes. He was shot by the anarchist, Leon Czolgosz, on Sept. 6, 1901 at Buffalo, N.Y. and died Sept. 14. Although a Union Army

major, he received his degrees in a southern lodge during the war. He was protecting and managing the army hospital at Winchester, Va., and was struck by the ties which he saw existing between the Union surgeons and Confederate prisoners. When he learned the reason for such a brotherly spirit in spite of war and hatred, he asked to be admitted to the Craft. His petition was presented to Hiram Lodge No. 21 of Winchester and he was initiated May 1, 1865, passed May 2, and raised May 3. J. B. T. Reed, a Confederate chaplain, served in the East. On Aug. 21, 1867 he affiliated with Canton Lodge No. 90, Canton, Ohio and on June 2, 1868 became a charter member of Eagle Lodge No. 431 of Cantonit was later named William McKinley Lodge in his honor. A member of Canton Chapter No. 84, R.A.M., he received the Mark, Past and Most Excellent degrees on Dec. 27, 1883 and the Royal Arch on Dec. 28. He received the commandery orders on Dec. 18, 23, 1884 in Canton 176 Walter M. McKinney Commandery No. 38, K.T. On Dec. 23, 1896 he was elected a life member of Washington Commandery No. 1, K.T., Washington, D.C. During the early part of his congressional career he was a frequent visitor to the lodges of the District. He was grand orator at the dedication of the Masonic Temple, Canton, on June 25, 1890; and on Dec. 14, 1899, while president, he delivered an address at the Masonic fraternity's centennial anniversary of the death of Washington. On Feb. 7, 1900 a delegation headed by J. T. Taylor, master of Columbia Lodge No. 2397, London, England, visited the White House and presented him an engrossed certificate of membership in the English lodge. On May 22, 1901 he attended a reception given in his honor by California Commandery No. 1, San Francisco. The gold invitation card presented to him is now in the library of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and was presented on May 12, 1913 by John Wanamaker, q.v. While visiting in Adams, Mass., Sept. 7, 1897, McKinley received the brethren of Berkshire Lodge and autographed the record book of that lodge. He was made an honorary member of the Illinois Masonic Veterans' Association on Oct. 28, 1898; on his death this group presented a gold memorial plate to his widow. He was an honorary member of the New York Veterans' Association. On Oct. 23, 1899 he tendered a reception to the Supreme Council, AASR (SJ) at the White House. On May 23, 1900 he received the members of the Mystic Shrine at a reception at the White House, during an Imperial Council meeting in Washington. In speaking at the centennial of Washington's death he said: "We have just participated in a service commemorative of the one hundredth anniversary of the death of George Washington. Here at his home, which he loved so well, and which the patriotic women of the country have guarded with loving hands, exercises are conducted under the auspices of the great fraternity of Freemasons, which a century ago, planned and executed the solemn ceremonial which attended the Father of his Country to his tomb. . . . Masons throughout the United

States testify anew their reverence for the name of Washington and the inspiring example of his life . .. the Fraternity justly claims the immortal patriot as one of its members; the whole human family acknowledges him as one of the greatest benefactors." Five cornmanderies of Knights Templar escorted McKinley's remains from the White House to the Capitol on Sept. 17, 1901 and at the immense funeral on the 19th, 2,000 Knights Templar in uniform formed the fourth division of the funeral escort. William B. McKinley (1856-1926) U.S. Senator and Congressman from Illinois. b. Sept. 5, 1856 in Petersburg, Ill. He was in the banking and mortgage business and operated public utilities from 1877. He was U.S. congressman to 59th through 62nd congresses (1905-13), and 64th through 66th congresses (1915-21) from 19th Ill. dist. He was U.S. senator from 192127. Member of Western Star Lodge No. 240, Champaign, Ill. 32 AASR (NJ) and member of Medinah Shrine Temple, Chicago. d. Dec. 7, 1926. Walter M. McKinney (1889-1952) American foreign service officer. b. Sept. 6, 1889 in Sault Ste Marie, Mich. He served as U.S. consul in Bordeaux, France; Vigo, Spain; Yarmouth, N.S., Canada. Was secretary of American legation at Guatemala City; consul in Sheffield and London, England and Barcelona, Spain; and consul general at Winnipeg, Man., Canada. Member of Bethel Lodge No. 358, Sault Ste Marie, Mich., receiving degrees on Dec. 10, 1919, Feb. 24, and Nov. 30, 1920. d. April 13, 1952. 177 Addis E. McKinstry Addis E. McKinstry (1870-1941) President of International Harvester Co., 1933-35. b. Jan. 27, 1870 near Eaton, Ohio. Began in employ of Wm. Deering & Co., Chicago in 1886. From 1916-20 he was division manager of International Harvester; vice president and director, 1920-32; first vice president and director, 1932-33. Chairman of executive committee and director from 1935. Received his degrees in Alpha Lodge No. 155, Galesburg, Ill. on Feb. 21, March 5 and 21, 1896. d. March 21, 1941. John McKinstry American Colonel in Revolutionary War. It is claimed that as a captain at the Battle of The Cedars (Canada) on May 20, 1776, he was taken prisoner, and that when about to be killed, gave a Masonic sign of distress and was saved by the Indian Chief, Joseph Brant, q.v. McKinstry was a charter member of Hudson Lodge No. 7, Hudson, N.Y. on March 7, 1787. Hayden's Leaflets of Masonic Biography, which uses the story in quotes, states: "At the battle of The Cedars, 30 miles above Montreal in 1776, Colonel McKinstry, then a captain in Patterson's regiment of Continental troops, was twice wounded, and afterward taken prisoner by the Indians employed in the British services ... already he had been fastened to the fatal

tree, and the preparations for the human sacrifice were rapidly proceeding, when, in the agony of despair, and scarcely conscious of a hope, the captive made the great mystic appeal to a Mason in the hour of danger. It was seen and understood by the Chieftain Brant, who was present on the occasion. Brant at once interfered in his behalf, and succeeded, by the influence of his position, in rescuing his American brother from his impending fate. Having freed him from his bonds, he conducted and guarded him in safety to Quebec, where he placed him in the hands of the English, by whomhe was permitted to return to his home on parole." It is said that Brant's friendship with McKinstry continued throughout their lives, and that Brant visited him at his home in Greendale, N.Y. In 1805 they attended Hudson Lodge No. 7 in Hudson, N.Y. together. W. L. Stone, author of The Life of Joseph Brant, knew McKinstry, and reported that he always spoke in glowing terms of his Indian benefactor. There is some question whether Brant was at the Battle of The Cedars, as it is possible that he was in England or on a ship returning from England. Other sources say the incident happened at the Battle of Oriskany rather than The Cedars. Anthony F. McKissick (1869-1938) Cotton manufacturer. b. June 10, 1869 in Union, S. Car. Graduate of U. of South Carolina and Cornell U. He was president of Grendel Mills at Greenwood, 1901-18; of "Ninety Six" Cotton Mills, 1906-17; and vice president of Alice Mills at Easley from 1923. Was railroad and bank director. Affiliated with Recovery Lodge No. 31, Greenville, S. Car, on Oct. 18, 1920. d. April 8, 1938. J. Rion McKissick (1884-1944) University president and editor. b. Oct. 13, 1844 in Union, S. Car. Graduate of South Carolina Coll., College of Charleston, Harvard Law School, and U. of Wisconsin. Was a reporter and editorial writer for Richmond Times Dispatch, 1909-14. Admitted to the bar in 1914, and practiced at Greenville. He was editor of Greenville News, 191619, and Greenville Piedmont, 1919-26. From 1926-36 he was dean of the school of journalism of the U. of South Carolina, and then president of that institution. Made a Mason "at sight" by the grand master of South Carolina in 1937; 32 AASR. d. Sept. 3, 1944. 178 Louis McLane James D. McLachlan British Major General in WWI. Member of Dramatic and Arts Lodge No. 757, Edinburgh, Scotland in 1895. He was made an honorary member of Temple Noyes Lodge No. 32, Washington, D.C. on Feb. 28, 1918 and of Almas Shrine Temple, Washington, on Oct. 24, 1918. Victor McLaglen Motion picture actor. b. in 1886 at Turnbridge Wells,

England. He began as a motion picture actor in England in 1920; he came to Hollywood in 1924, where he first starred in Cockeyed World, and as Captain Flagg in What Price Glory. He appeared in more than 135 pictures including Sea Devils; Wee Willie Winkie; Battle of Broadway; Gunga Din; Laughing at Life; China Girl; Roger Touhy; Last of the Gangsters; Tampico; Fort Apache; and She Wore a Yellow Ribbon. He received the Academy Award in 1936 for his role in The Informer. From 1914-18 he served as provost marshal of Bagdad, Iraq. He is the author of Express to Hollywood, an autobiography. Owned a 1,000 acre ranch near Clovis, Calif. on which he raised pure bred Jersey cattle. Member of Los Angeles Lodge No. 42, Los Angeles, Calif. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in Long Beach on Dec. 5, 1930. Allan McLane (1746-1829) Revolutionary soldier and jurist. b. Aug. 8, 1746. He took an early part in the American Revolution, and in 1775 was a volunteer in the Great Bridge fight near Norfolk, Va., where the Virginia militia repelled an assault of 600 British with a loss of 55 to the enemy and only one patriot wounded. He joined Rodney's Delaware regiment as a lieutenant, fought gallantly at the battles of Long Island, White Plains, Princeton, Monmouth, and Yorktown, retiring from the army at close of war as a colonel. In personal combat with three British dragoons near Frankford, Pa., he killed one, wound-ed another, and compelled the third to flee. After the war he was made judge of the court of appeals of Delaware, and in 1790 Washington appointed him U.S. marshal of that state, a post he held until 1798. In 1808 he was appointed collector of the port of Wilmington and held that office until his death. He became a member of Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia, on Dec. 3, 1778, and was senior deacon in 1780. Later he was reported a member of Lodge No. 18, Dover, Del. He was the father of Louis McLane, q.v. d. May 22, 1829. John McLane (1852-1911) Governor of New Hampshire, 1905-06. b. Feb. 27, 1852 in Lennoxtoun, Scotland. He learned trade of cabinet-maker, and from 1876 was a manufacturer of postoffice furniture and equipment. Was president of McLane Mfg. Co. Served one term in the lower house of N.H. and two in senate, being president of the latter in both terms. Member of Benevolent Lodge No. 7, Milford, N.H., receiving degrees on May 18, July 13, and Sept. 14, 1875; master in 1882-83 and grand master of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire in 1898-99. Exalted in King Solomon's Chapter No. 17, R.A.M., Milford, on Oct. 7, 1881; greeted in Israel Hunt Council, R. & S.M., Nashua, March 21, 1884; knighted in St. George Cornmandery, K.T., Nashua, on April 6, 1882. Member of New Hampshire Consistory, AASR (NJ) at Nashua; 33, honorary Sept. 18, 1900 and active member Sept. 23, 1909. d. April 13, 1911.

Louis McLane (1786-1857) Secretary of Treasury; Secretary of State; U.S. Senator; U.S. Congressman; Minister to England; President of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. b. May 28, 1786 in Smyrna, Del., the son of Allan McLane, q.v., an officer of the Revolution. He entered the navy as a midshipman at age of 12 and cruised one 179 Melvin 0. McLaughlin year on the Philadelphia. under Stephen Decatur, q.v. In 1801 he left the navy and entered Newark Coll. (Del.) He later studied law, was admitted to the bar, and practiced in Smyrna. In the War of 1812 he served as a volunteer in Caesar A. Rodney's, q.v., company at the defense of Baltimore in 1814 (McLane's father had served under Rodney's father in the Revolution). He was a member of U.S. congress from Del., 1817-27, and voted against the admission of slavery into Missouri and territories. From 182729 he was U.S. senator, resigning to accept appointment as minister to England, and holding that post until 1831. He resigned the ministership to become secretary of the Treasury from 1831-33. When he refused to sanction the removal of deposits from the Bank of the U.S., he was made secretary of State, 1833-34. From 183747 he was president of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, whose affairs he managed with success. He was again appointed minister to England during the Oregon negotiations (1845-46). His last public service was as a delegate to the Maryland constitutional convention of 185051. He was raised in Lafayette Lodge No. 14, Wilmington, Del., Nov. 2, 1825. d. Oct. 7, 1857. Melvin 0. McLaughlin (1876-1928) U.S. Congressman to 66th through 69th Congresses (1919-27) from 4th Nebr. dist. b. Aug. 8, 1876 in Osceola, Iowa. Graduate of Union Bible Sem. (Ohio), Oskaloosa Coll. (Ia.), Omaha U. (Nebr.). He taught public schools seven years, and in 1903 was ordained to the U.B. ministry. He was pastor at Panama, Nebr., Dayton, Ohio, and Omaha, Nebr. from 1900-13; and from 1913-19 was president of York Coll. (Nebr.). Raised March 13, 1900 in Bennett Lodge No. 94, Bennett, Nebr.; dimitted to Nebraska Lodge No. 1, Omaha and later to York Lodge No. 56, York, Nebr. d. Dec. 18, 1928. DeOrmond McLaughry Football coach. b. May 10, 1893 at Chicago, Ill. Graduate of Westminster Coll. (Pa.) in 1915 and Northeastern U. in 1932. He was football coach and assistant professor at Westminster from 191516 and in 1921. He served in WWI as a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps. From 1922-26 he was coach at Amherst Coll. and from 1926-40, football coach at Brown U. He was coach at Dartmouth Coll. from 194154, and since that date has been professor and chairman of department of physical education. He served in the Marine Corps again in WWII as a lieutenant colonel. In 1936 he was president of the American Football Coaches Assn., and has been

secretary-treasurer since 1940. He coached the "East" team in the East-West football games sponsored by Islam Shrine of San Francisco in 1949-52 inclusive. Member of Pacific Lodge, Amherst, Mass. Anselm J. McLaurin (1848-1909) U.S. Senator and Governor of Mississippi. b. March 26, 1848 in Brandon, Miss. Entered Confederate Army in 1864; at end of war, returned to school at Summerville Inst. Admitted to bar in 1868, he practiced at Raleigh, moving to Brandon in 1876. He was U.S. Senator from Miss. from 1894-95, and again in 1901-07, and 1907-13. Governor of Mississippi, 1896-1900. Raised in Tyrian Lodge No. 427, Brandon, in 1895. d. 1909. George P. McLean (1857-1932) U.S. Senator from Connecticut, and Governor. b. Oct. 7, 1857 in Simsbury, Conn. Admitted to bar in 1881, and practiced law at Hartford. Served in both branches of the state legislature; was U.S. district attorney for Conn., 1892-1896; U.S. Senator, 1911-29. Resigned, and declined to be a candidate for reelection in 1928. Was governor of Conn. from 1901-02. Member of St. Marks Lodge No. 36, Simsbury, Conn. d. June 6, 1932. 180 Lamar W. McLeod Heber H. McLean Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Dec. 9, 1899 in Llano, Texas. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1920; advanced through grades to rear admiral in 1946 and vice admiral in 1954, retiring in the latter year. Served on the U.S.S. New York, 1920-24, and was with submarines, 1924-37. At Mare Island Navy Yard 1933-35; with Bureau of Navigation, 1938-40; U.S.S. Minneapolis, 1940-41; on staff of U.S. Atlantic Fleet, 194142; submarines of 7th fleet in Pacific as chief of staff and squadron commander, 1942-44; commander of submarine base, New London, Conn., 1944-45; on U.S.S. Massachusetts, 1945- 46; commander of battleship division No. 1 from 1947. Member of Llano Lodge No. 242, Llano, Texas, and National Sojourner. John McLean (1785-1861) Postmaster General of U.S.; Justice, Supreme Court; U.S. Congressman. b. March 11, 1785 in Morris Co., N.J. His family migrated to Morganstown, Va., then to Nicholasville, Ky., and finally, in 1799 to Warren Co., Ohio. Studied law in Cincinnati and was admitted to bar in 1807, practicing at Lebanon. He served in the U.S. congress from 181215, and declined a senate nomination in 1815. In that year he was elected to the Ohio supreme court, holding that office until 1922, when President Monroe appointed him commissioner of the general land office. In July, 1823, Monroe appointed him postmaster general, and he was re-appointed by President J. Q. Adams. President Jackson asked him to remain in office in 1829, but as he

differed with the president on appointments, McLean declined. Jackson tendered him the offices of War and Navy, but he declined both. He finally accepted an appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court as associate justice (1829-61). In 1856, and again in 1860, he was a contender for the Republican presidential nomination. Member of Co-lumbus Lodge No. 30, Columbus, Ohio. d. April 4, 1861. Archibald McLellan (1857-1917) Editor-in-chief of Christian Science Monitor, 1908-14. b. Nov. 10, 1857 in Moncton, N.B., Canada. Graduate of Kent Coll. of Law, Chicago, in 1895. He was editor of the Christian Science Journal and Christian Science Sentinel from 1902. Was a director of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston. Initiated in Manhattan Lodge No. 62, N.Y.C. on Nov. 16, 1880; affiliated with Columbian Lodge, Boston, Mass. on May 9, 1907; affiliated with Beth-horon Lodge, Brookline, Mass. on Feb. 9, 1915. d. July 18, 1917. Hugh McLeod (1814-1862) Brigadier General, Republic of Texas. b. Aug. 1, 1814 in New York City. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1835; he entered the army as a lieutenant, but resigned the same year and joined the Texas forces in their struggle with Mexico. He subsequently practiced law. In 1841, as brigadier general, commanding the Texas Santa Fe expedition sent by President Lamar to open trade with New Mexico, he fell into the hands of the Mexicans, who imprisoned him for almost a year. He was a member of the Texas congress in 1842-43, and served throughout the Mexican war. He served again in the state legislature after the annexation of Texas. In the Civil War, he joined the Confederate Army in 1861, and directed the forces against the U.S. on the Rio Grande, participating in the first Virginia campaign as a colonel. Member of Holland Lodge No. 1, Houston, Texas. d. Jan. 2, 1862. Lamar W. McLeod Vice President of Westinghouse Electric Corp., from 1951. b. Aug. 30, 1903 in Mt. Olive, Miss. Graduate of Miss. State Coll. in 1925. He began with Westinghouse in 1925; in sales from 1928-37; branch manager, 1937-39; central states manager, 1939-46; Southwestern district 181 Thomas G. McLeod manager 1946-51. Received degrees in Tuscan Lodge No. 360, St. Louis, Mo. in spring of 1950. 32 AASR (SJ); Moolah Shrine Temple and Court No. 80, Royal Order of Jesters at St. Louis. Thomas G. McLeod (1868-1932) Governor of South Carolina, 1923-27. b. Dec. 17, 1868 in Lynchburg, S. Car. Graduate of Wofford Coll., Spartanburg, S. Car. Admitted to bar in 1896, practicing at Bishopville from 1905. He engaged extensively in farming and was a pioneer in promotion of

farm co-operatives. Served in both state legislative bodies. Was lieutenant governor from 1907-10. Member of Bishopville Lodge No. 104, Bishop-vile. d. Dec. 11, 1932. Frank McManamy (1870-1944) Interstate Commerce Commissioner, 1923-38 and chairman of commission, 1930-38. b. Sept. 3, 1870 in Fallen Timber, Pa. He was chief inspector of locomotives, Washington, D.C. from 1913-18; in WWI was assistant director of transportation for U.S. Railroad Administration (1918-20). From 192023 he was in charge of construction and maintenance of all railway equipment during federal control of railroads. Was a charter member of Chevy Chase Lodge No. 42, Washington, D.C. on May 14, 1924 from Covenant Lodge No. 526 of Illinois. Shriner. d. Oct. 3, 1944. Kenmore M. McManes Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. May 22, 1900 at Galion, Ohio. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1922. Advanced through grades to rear admiral in 1950. Until 1934 he saw duty on battleships, submarines, and light cruisers. From 1939-40 he commanded the U.S.S. Monoghan. He was assistant naval attache at American Embassy, London, 1941-43; commanded a destroyer squadron of Pacific Fleet, 1943-45; in. France and Washington, D.C., 194546; commanded the U.S.S. Houston in 1947; commanded Destroyer Flo-tilla One, Pacific Fleet, 1950-51; commander of fleet activities, Japan-Korea, 1951-52; since 1953 has been assistant chief of naval operations, Naval Reserve. Member of Annapolis Lodge No. 89, Annapolis, Md., receiving degrees in 1922. George McManus (1884-1954) Cartoonist and creator of Bringing Tip Father. b. Jan. 23, 1884 in St. Louis, Mo. He began as a cartoonist on the St. Louis Republic in 1899. One day in 1904 he took a 30-1 shot on a horse, wagering $100. The horse won and he set out for New York and fame. He joined the New York World in 1905 and created such comic series as Let George Do It; Panhandle Pete; The Newly Weds and Their Baby; Rosie's Beau; and Snookums. Bringing Up Father, featuring the characters "Maggie" and "Jiggs," appeared in more than 750 papers throughout the world and in 27 different languages, over a period of 41 years. There were seven "Bringing Up Father" shows touring America for 11 years. Four film companies made movies based on the strip, and "Jiggs" served as official insignia of the 11th Bombardment Squadron in both world wars. d. Oct. 22, 1954 and buried from the Catholic Church of the Good Shepherd of Beverly Hills, Calif. Received his degrees in Dirigo Lodge No. 30, New York City on Feb. 27, April 30, and Oct. 22, 1908. (Grand Lodge No. 406157). Received the 32 AASR (NJ) in New York City on Nov. 27, 1908; dropped Nov. 4, 1930; restored May 13, 1938 and dropped April 11, 1947. Member of Mecca Shrine Temple, N.Y.C. on Dec. 1, 1908; suspended Nov. 29, 1915; reinstated Dec. 29, 1916;

suspended Dec. 30, 1935; reinstated May 31, 1938. Although not a member of Mecca at time of death, there is no record in that organization of his suspension. His Masonic records also give his birth as Jan. 23, 1882 rather than 1884. 182 James McMillan William Henry McMaster President of Mount Union College (Ohio), (1909-38) and emeritus from 1938. b. Sept. 17, 1875 in Centerville, Ohio. Graduate of Mount Union, Drew Theol. Seminary, United Free Church Coll. (Scotland), New York U. Ordained a Methodist minister in 1899, he served churches in New York City and environs until 1909. From 1938 he was professor of religious education at U. of Miami. Member of Conrad Lodge No. 271, Ohio, receiving degrees on March 20, April 21, and May 14, 1913; 32 AASR (NJ) and past grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. William Henry McMaster Governor and U.S. Senator from South Dakota. b. May 10, 1877 in Ticonic, Iowa. Graduate of Beloit Coll. (Wis.) in 1899; he moved to Yanktown, S. Dak. in 1901 and engaged in banking. He was a member of the lower house in 1911-12, and of state senate in 1913-16. He was lieutenant governor of S. Dak. 1917-20 and governor, 1921-24. He served in the U.S. Senate from 192531, and was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1930. In 1933 he moved to Dixon, Ill. where he engaged in the banking business. Received degrees in Cedar Lodge No. 124, Belle Fourche, S. Dak. on Feb. 15, April 19, and June 7, 1907. Dimitted on Dec. 31, 1930 and affiliated with St. John's Lodge No. 1, Yankton on Feb. 2, 1932. Received 50-year gold award from Grand Lodge of South Dakota on July 8, 1957. A 33 AASR (SJ) member, he received his 50-year recognition in that rite in Oriental Consistory, Yankton, in Nov., 1957. Sidney S. McMath Governor of Arkansas, 1949-52. b. June 14, 1912 in Magnolia, Ark. Graduate of U. of Arkansas in 1936. Admitted to the bar and practiced at Hot Springs until 1940. From 1940-46 he was in the U.S. Marine Corps, serving at Guadalcanaland Bougainville. Attained rank Of lieutenant colonel. Now practicing law in Little Rock. Raised in Sumpter Lodge No. 419, Hot Springs, Ark. in 1934 and Hot Springs Chapter No. 47, R.A.M. of Hot Springs. Member of Scimitar Shrine Temple, Little Rock, Ark. Morton McMichael (1807-1879) Editor of the Saturday Evening Post and North American and United States Gazette. b. Oct. 2, 1807 in Burlington, N.J. Attended U. of Pennsylvania, read law, and was admitted to the bar in 1827. He became editor of the Saturday Evening Post in 1826. He was editor-in-chief of the Saturday Courier from 1831-36, and in 1836 began

publication of the Saturday News. In 1847 he acquired an interest in the North American, which, when consolidated that year with the United States Gazette, became known as the North American and United States Gazette. He was sole proprietor of this journal from 1854, and under his management it grew to be one of the best known journals in the country. He served as alderman and mayor of Philadelphia and was at one time sheriff of the county. Made a Mason on Jan. 17, 1852 in Union Lodge No. 121, Philadelphia. d. Jan. 6, 1879. James McMillan (1838-1902) U.S. Senator from Michigan, 1889-1902; capitalist. b. May 12, 1838 in Hamilton, Ontario. He moved to Detroit, Mich. in 1855, where he entered upon a business career. He was an organizer of the Michigan Car Co. in 1863, and within ten years it was one of the largest concerns in the U.S. He built the Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railroad and was its president. With associates he also formed the Detroit Car Wheel Co., the Baugh Steam Forge Co., the Detroit, Mackinaw and Marquette Railroad, and the Detroit and Cleveland Steam Navigation Co. Member of Pine Grove Lodge No. 11, Port Huron, Mich. d. Aug. 10, 1902.

183 James T. McMillan James T. McMillan (1885-1946) President of Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., 1930-46. b. April 20, 1885 in Detroit, Mich. He began as an apprentice with the above company in 1907, served in engineering and navigation departments; aboard the company's steamers; made assistant to general manager in 1909; general superintendent from 1910-12; vice president, 1921-27. Director of several companies including Packard Motor Car, Grand Trunk Western Railroad, Ferry Morse Seed Co. Member of Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, Mich., receiving degrees on April 16, May 7, and May 28, 1909. Knight Templar, 32 AASR (NJ) and Shriner. d. Sept. 4, 1946. Thomas S. McMillan (1888-1939) U.S. Congressman to 69th through 75th congresses (1925-39) from 1st S. Car. dist. b. Nov. 27, 1888 in Ulmers, S. Car. Graduate of U. of South Carolina in 1912 and 1913. Admitted to the bar in 1913, and began practice at Charleston. Member of state lower house, 1916-24. Initiated in Pythagorean Lodge No. 21, Charleston, S. Car. on March 4, 1915. d. Sept. 29, 1939. Dale W. McMillen President of Allied Mills; founder and president of Central Sugar Co.; founder and chairman of board of Central Soya Co.; philanthropist. b. Jan. 27, 1880 in Van Wert, Ohio. He founded The McMillen

Co. at Ft. Wayne, Ind. in 1916, and when it merged with American Milling to form Allied Mills, at Fort Wayne, 1929 he was president, serving until 1933. In the latter year he founded the Central Sugar Co., Decatur, Ind. In 1934 he founded the Central Soya Co., at Ft. Wayne. He created the McMillen Foundation for the support of public projects at Ft. Wayne. Received the degrees in 1902 in Van Wert Lodge No. 218, Van Wert, Ohio and transferred in 1929 to Summit City Lodge No. 170, Fort Wayne, Ind. Member of AASR (NJ) at Valley of Fort Wayne and received 33 in 1954. Knight Templar. Adam McMullen (1874-1959) Governor of Nebraska, 1925-29. b. June 12, 1874 in Wellsville, N.Y. Graduate of U. of Nebraska in 1896, and George Washington U. (then Columbian) in 1899. He settled with his parents in Nebr. in 1884, and was admitted to the bar in 1902, practicing at Wymore. He served terms in both bodies of the state legislature. Received the degrees in Wymore Lodge No. 104. Wymore, Nebr. in 1900. Member of both York and Scottish rites, receiving 32 on June 9, 1902, in Washington, D.C. Shriner. Received 50-year veteran Freemason award. d. March 2, 1959. Richard C. McMullen (1868-1944) Governor of Delaware, 1937-41. b. Jan. 2, 1868 in Glasgow, Del. He was in the leather manufacturing business from 1888. Member of Washington Lodge No. 1, and Delaware Consistory, AASR (NJ), both of Wilmington, Del. d. Feb. 18, 1944. Alexander McNair ( 1 7 7 5-1 8 2 6 ) First Governor of Missouri, 182024. b. May 5, 1775 in Mifflin Co., Pa. In 1794 he was a lieutenant in command of a company during the whiskey insurrection, and in 1799 was appointed lieutenant of infantry, but mustered out in 1800. He went to Missouri Territory in 1804, settling in St. Louis, where he served several years as U.S. commissary. In 1812 he was appointed adjutant and inspector general; during the War of 1812 was colonel of Missouri militia in the U.S. service. After his term as governor he was U.S. Indian agent. A member of St. Louis Lodge No. 111, chartered by Pennsylvania, he was buried first in the old military cemetery, by Missouri Lodge No. 1. He is claimed both by Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church. In 1819 he took an active part in building the first Presbyterian 184 Paul V. McNutt church in St. Louis, being one of the four on the subscription committee headed by Thomas H. Benton, q.v. In June, 1811 he headed the committee of arrangements of St. Louis Lodge No. 111 for the festival of St. John the Baptist. Bishop Du Bourg wrote on July 6, 1822: "The

whole family of our governor are practical Catholics; and the governor himself does not miss any of our church celebrations." Edward Brown, one time vice president of the Catholic Historical Society of St. Louis said: "Although Governor McNair came from a family of Scotch Presbyterians, and had been born and reared in a Protestant community, he died in the faith which had been so truly exemplified in the home life of his wife and children, and received the last sacred rites of the church at his death. His body was later removed to the Catholic Calvary Cemetery of St. Louis. d. March 18, 1826. Andrew McNair A Philadelphia Mason who rang the bell at Independence Hall to call the populace to hear the reading of the Declaration of Independence. He was doorkeeper for the assembly of Pennsylvania and received the Fellowcraft degree on Nov. 21, 1755 in Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia. Frederick G. McNally (1865-1907) President of Rand, McNally & Co., publishers from 1904. b. Dec. 20, 1865 in Chicago. Graduate of Highland Military Acad. in 1884. Became associated with the house of Rand, McNally & Co. as a bill clerk in 1884, advancing to vice president and auditor in 1898, and to president on the death of his father in 1904. Mason. d. 1907. Charles L. McNary (1874-1944) U.S. Senator from Oregon, 1917-48, dying in office. b. June 12, 1874, near Salem, Oreg. He was admitted to the bar in 1898, and practiced with John H. Mc- Nary until 1913. From 1913-15 he was justice of the supreme court of Oregon. In the election of 1940 he was Republican vice-presidential candidate. From 1933 he was minority leader of the U.S. senate. Member of Pacific Lodge No. 50; Multnomah Chapter No. 1, R.A.M.; and DeMolay Commandery No. 5, K.T., all of Salem, Oreg. Member of Al Kader Shrine Temple, Portland. d. Feb. 25, 1944. Paul V. McNutt (1891-1955) Governor of Indiana, 1933-37; National Commander of American Legion, 1928-29; U.S. High Commissioner to the Philippines, 1937-39 and 1945-46; U.S. Ambassador to Philippines, 194648; Director of Defense, Health and Welfare Services, 1941-43; Chairman of War Manpower Commission, 194245. b. July 19, 1891 in Franklin, Ind. Graduate of Indiana U., 1913, and Harvard, 1916. Admitted to the bar in 1914 and began practice at Martinsville, Ind. He was assistant professor, professor, and finally dean of the law School at Indiana U. between 1917-33. Served as an officer in Field Artillery in WWI. Member of Martinsville Lodge No. 74, Martinsville, Ind. on Aug. 14, 1912; 32 AASR (NJ) and member of Murat Shrine Temple of Indianapolis. In addressing the Grand Lodge of the Philippines on Jan. 25, 1939, McNutt said: "I believe in the right to worship

God as I believe in the fundamental principles which have made Masonry the greatest fraternal organization in the history of men. It is not false pride when we say to ourselves those things which are true; for instance, that Masonry is the first of all such organizations in all quarters of the globe and that all the others, worthy as they may be, are nothing but imitators of our fraternity. Evidently we have given to those organizations something of that life and spirit which has made Masonry and which has endeared Masonry to the hearts of men. . . . Through all the 185 L. A. McQueen years of my life I have put all that I have against those who would deny any man the right to worship God as he pleases or who would draw any line of creed or of color. I believe in that as I believe in the fundamental principles which have made Masonry the great fraternal organization. We have attended strictly to our own business and in attending to our own business, we have carried out those principles of goodwill. . . ." d. March 24, 1955. L. A. McQueen Vice President of General Tire and Rubber Co. since 1929; director since 1945. b. Jan. 5, 1893 in Superior, Wis. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1916. He was with the B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio from 1917-25, and general sales manager, 1925-29. He is director of Midland Steamship Line, A. M. Byers Co., Akron Products Co., and Yankee Network. Member of Henry Perkins Lodge No. 611, Akron, Ohio, receiving degrees on March 20, May 8, June 19, 1928. 32 AASR (NJ). Thomas C. McRae (1851-1929) Governor of Arkansas, 1921-25; U.S. Congressman to 49th through 57th congresses (1885-1903) from 3rd Ark. dist. b. Dec. 21, 1851 at Mount Holly, Ark. Graduate of Washington and Lee U. in 1872. He practiced law at Rosston, Ark., 1873-77 and after that at Prescott. Was member of state legislature, 1877-79. Member of Prescott Lodge No. 80, Prescott, Ark. and grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas in 1920. Member of Sahara Shrine Temple, Pine Bluff. d. June 2, 1929. Samuel D. McReynolds (1872-1939) U.S. Congressman to 68th through 75th congresses (1923-39) from 3rd Tenn. dist. b. April 16, 1872 in Pikeville, Tenn. Admitted to the bar in 1893, he practiced first at Pikeville; moved to Chattanooga in 1895. Served as judge of criminal court of 6th circuit from 1903-23. Was a delegate to Monetary and Economic International Conference at London in 1933. Raised in Chattanooga Lodge No. 199, Chattanooga, Tenn. on May 11, 1904. d. July 11, 1939.

John J. McSwain (1875-1936) U.S. Congressman, 67th through 74th Congresses (1921-37) from 4th S. Car. dist. b. May 1, 1875 at Cross Hill, S. Car. Graduate of South Carolina Coll. in 1897, with A.B. and L.L., summa cum laude. Admitted to the bar in 1899, he began practice at Greenville in 1901. Served as a captain of 154th Infantry overseas in WWI. Member of Centre Lodge No. 37, Honea Path, S. Car. from 1901-02 and Recovery Lodge No. 31, Greenville, S. Car. from 1904 until death on Aug. 6, 1936. George W. Mead Paper manufacturer. b. Feb. 22, 1871 at Chicago, Ill. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1894. In 1904 he completed the first entirely electric paper mill, and between 193338 developed the Massey Process for making machine-coated paper directly on high speed paper machines. From 1894-1902 he was a merchant in Rockford, Ill. Since 1902 he has been in the paper business at Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., as president of Consolidated Water Power & Paper Co. Received degrees in Star in the East Lodge No. 166, Rockford, Ill., July 29, Aug. 5, Sept. 9, 1899 and affiliated with Grand Rapids Lodge No. 128 (now Wisconsin Rapids) at Grand Rapids, Wis. on Dec. 12, 1912. John A. Mead (1841-1920) Governor of Vermont, 1910-12. b. April 20, 1841 in Fairhaven, Vt. Graduate of Middlebury (Vt.) Coll. in 1864; received M.D. degree from Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia) in 1868. Served as private in 12th Vermont volunteers in 1862-63. He practiced medicine in Rutland, Vt. until 1888. Was surgeon general of Vt., 186 John B. Medaris treasurer of two railroads, president of two banks, president of Howe Scale Co. He served a term in both state legislative bodies, and was lieutenant governor of Vt. in 1908-09. Affiliated with Rutland Lodge No. 79, Rutland, Vt. on Sept. 13, 1897 from Kings County Lodge No. 511, New York City where he was presumably initiated while in medical school. He was also a member of the chapter, council and commandery at Rutland. d. June 12, 1920. Richard K. Meade (1795-1862) U.S. Minister to Brazil, 1857-61. b. in Frederick Co. Va. He was the son of Richard K. Meade, an aide on General Washington's staff in Revolution, and brother to William Meade, Episcopal Bishop. Well educated, he studied law and practiced at Petersburg, Va. Served in the U.S. congress from 1847-53. He gave up his position as minister to Brazil to return to Virginia and support the Confederacy. Member of Blandford Lodge No. 3, Petersburg, Va. and past master of same. d. April 20, 1862.

Clarence W. Meadows Governor of West Virginia, term ending Jan. 17, 1949. b. Feb. 11, 1904 in Beckley, W. Va. Graduate of U. of Alabama in 1927. Admitted to bar in 1927. Member of state legislature in 1931-32; attorney general in 1937-45; circuit judge, 1942-44. Presently a lawyer and public relations counsel at Charleston. Member of Beckley:Lodge No. 95, Beckley, W. Va. and 32 in John W. Norris Consistory AASR, Charleston; Shriner. Lewis M. Means Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. July 15, 1890 in Camden Co., Mo. Educated in Central Coll., Fayette, Mo. In 1931 he assisted in the organization of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, and served as troop commander and executive officer with rank of major until 1937. From 1937-41 he was adjutant generalof Mo. Natl. Guard. Commissioned 2nd lieutenant in WWI, he served with the 89th and 18th Divisions. Commissioned brigadier general of the line in 1938, he entered Federal service in 1940 and in WWII commanded the 70th Infantry Brigade of 35th Infantry; organized antisabotage activities in Calif.; organized and commanded Northern Defense Area; was provost marshal at Presidio (Calif.) and Ft. Douglas, Utah until 1944; director of security for U.N. conference at San Francisco in 1945, and member of U.S. secretariat. Retired May 26, 1946. Received degrees in Fayette Lodge No. 47, Fayette, Mo. on April 21, July 15, 1919 and April 15, 1920. Duke of Mecklemburg-Schwerin (see under Frederick Ludwig). Duke of Mecklemburg-Strelitz (see under "Karl Ludwig Frederich). Prince of Mecklemburg-Strelitz (see under George August). John B. Medaris Major General, U.S. Army, commanding Army Ballistic Missile Agency. b. May 12, 1902 in Milford, Ohio. Student at Ohio State U., 1919-21. Commissioned lieutenant of Infantry in 1921, and advanced through grades to major general in 1955. From 1921-26 he was attached to the 29th and 33rd Infantry regiments, and from 1926-27 was with the Ordnance Corps. In WWII he was battalion commander and ordnance officer of the II Corps in Tunisia, Sicily, and then ordnance officer with 1st Army in England. He also organized and operated the Field Army Ordnance Service of the 1st Army in Europe. In 1949-52 he was chief of the U.S. military mission to Argentina. From 1953-55 he was assistant chief of ordnance, and chief of industrial division. Member of Army Lodge, Corozal, Canal Zone since 1924. Received AASR (SJ) degrees 4-30 in Panama Canal Consis-

187 John Meek tory in 1927, and 31-32 degrees in Madison, Wis. as a courtesy to the Canal Zone Consistory. John Meek (1791-1875) Ship captain. b. Nov. 24, 1791 at Marblehead, Mass. He went to sea at an early age and probably reached the West coast by 1812. He later became master of the Amethyst, engaged in otter hunting under Russian contract and also in the Hawaiian-California trade. He was one of the first Americans to visit the Hawaiian Islands, going there in 1809, only 31 years after their discovery by Capt. Cook, q.v. He is also thought to be the first Freemason to reach Calif. He became a charter member of the Hawaiian Lodge Le Progres at Honolulu. This lodge was established by Capt. LeTellier, q.v., a French ship captain. The first meeting was held on LeTellier's ship Ajax while anchored in Honolulu harbor on April 8, 1843. Meek served as senior warden of this lodge in 1848, and his home was frequently used as a meeting place. He also organized Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 under Calif. jurisdiction. Meek imported blooded livestock to Hawaii, and these animals formed the nucleus for the present herds in the islands. d. Jan. 29, 1875 in Honolulu. Isaac M. Meekins (1875-1946) Federal Judge, Eastern District of North Carolina from 1925. b. Feb. 13, 1875 in Tyrrell Co., N. Car. Graduate of Wake Forest Coll. (N. Car.) in 1896. Practiced law at Elizabeth City, N. Car., serving as mayor and postmaster of that city. Mentioned in 1936 as presidential candidate. Mason and 32 AASR (SJ). d. Nov. 21, 1946. Tom M. Mehaffy (1859-1944) Justice, Supreme Court of Arkansas from 1927. b. Oct. 3, 1859 near Ripley, Miss. Attended school for only ten months and was self educated. Admitted to Arkansas bar in 1888 and began practice at Benton. Served terms in both branches of state legislature. Movedto Little Rock in 1905. Member of Benton Lodge No. 34, Benton, Ark. and 32 AASR (SJ). d. Oct. 20, 1944. Julius L. Meier (1874-1937) Governor of Oregon, 1931-35. b. Dec. 31, 1874 in Portland, Oreg. Graduate of U. of Oregon in 1895. Was in the mercantile business from 1896, as president of the Meier & Frank Co., a department store. He was one of the original promoters of the Columbia River Highway. Made a Mason, May 12, 1902, in Harmony Lodge No. 12, Portland, and member of Scottish Rite there. d. July 14, 1937. Merrill C. Meigs Publisher; aviation pioneer. b. Nov. 25, 1883 in Malcom, Iowa. He was employed by Rogers & Co., Chicago, 1908-11; J. I. Case Co., Racine, Wis., 1911-14; and Lord & Thomas Advertising Agency, Chicago, 1915-18. From 1918-26 he was director of advertising of the

Chicago Evening American, and was publisher of the Chicago Herald Examiner, 1926-29. From 1930-33 he was vice president of the American Weekly; publisher of the Chicago American, 1933-38; and now vice president of The Hearst Corp., Chicago. In 194042 he was on leave as chief of the aircraft section of the War Production Board. He was advisor to the Aviation Policy Board, and since 1948 has been consultant to the Civil Aeronautics Authority. The Northerly Isle Airport of Chicago was renamed Merrill C. Meigs Field by the city council in 1949. Member of Welcome Lodge No. 916, Chicago, receiving degrees on March 4, April 8, 29, 1911. Return Jonathan Meigs, Sr. (17401823) Colonel in the American Revolution. b. in Middletown, Conn., he was the father of Return J. Meigs, Jr., q.v. The origin of his name is as unusual as the name itself. His father was in love with a young Quakeress who repeatedly rejected his suit saying "Nay, Jonathan, I respect thee 188 Return Jonathan Meigs, Jr. much; but I cannot marry thee." On his final visit, he slowly mounted his horse to leave when the relenting lady said, "Return, Jonathan! Return, Jonathan!" These happy words were given his first-born in commemoration of the event. He answered the Lexington alarm as a captain of a contingent from Middletown, Conn., serving at Bunker Hill, and under Benedict Arnold, q.v., in the Quebec Expedition, where he was captured in Dec., 1775, paroled in May, 1776, and exchanged in Jan., 1777. In the latter year, he was promoted to colonel, and on May 23, 1777, with 170 men, he raided Sag Harbor, L.I., in whale boats, taking 90 prisoners, burning 12 vessels, and returning without the loss of a man. For this, Congress voted him a sword. He commanded a regiment under Anthony Wayne, q.v., at the storming of Stony Point, and was honorably mentioned by Washington. Subsequently, he was one of the earliest settlers of Ohio, going there in 1788 with his son. In 1801, he was appointed Indian agent of the Cherokees, among whom he passed the remainder of his life, dying Jan. 28, 1823. He was buried at Hiwassee Old Garrison Cemetery some 10 miles east of Dayton, Tenn. Plumb's History of American Union Lodge No. 1 (Ohio) states in one place that he received the third degree, Jan. 11, 1791 (same date as his son was raised), but in quoting the minutes on p. 127, it shows that although both father and son were proposed for the 3rd degree, only the son received it on that date. It is not definitely known when the first two degrees were conferred, but probably at the same time his son received these degreesDec. 6 and 24, 1790. James R. Case, Conn. Masonic historian, has discovered from the old minutes of Wooster Lodge No. 10 of Colchester, Conn. that the Senior Meigs was visiting there on June 24, 1791, and on that date gave the era- tion before the

lodge at the St. John's Day celebration. He was rewarded on that date by being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. He served as master of American Union Lodge in 1801 and was treasurer from 1791-94. The bicentennial history of St. John's Lodge of Middletown, Conn. also lists him as a member, but this seems to be a case where famous military men from that city who were Freemasons were confused with members of that particular lodge. Return Jonathan Meigs, Jr. (17641824) Postmaster General of the U.S.; Governor of Ohio; U.S. Senator from Ohio; Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Ohio; Federal Judge of Michigan. b. Nov. 16, 1764 in Middletown, Conn. His father of the same name, q.v., was a Revolutionary War officer. He graduated from Yale in 1785, and then studied law. In 1788 he went to Ohio with his father, settling at Marietta, participating in many Indian fights of that period. From 1803-04 he was chief justice of Ohio supreme court, and then had charge of the St. Charles district in Louisiana until 1806, with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was also judge of the supreme court of that district in 180506. In 1807-08 he was named judge of the U.S. district court of Michigan. He served as U.S. senator from Ohio from 1809-10, when elected governor of Ohio in the latter year, and served in that capacity until 1814. President Madison appointed him postmaster general of the U.S. in March, 1814 and he continued in office under Monroe until Dec., 1823, when he retired to Marietta. Meigs received his degrees in American Union Lodge No. 1 at Marietta on Dec. 6, and Dec. 24, 1790, and Jan. 11, 1791. His father is recorded as having been raised in that lodge on the same date. In 1792 he delivered two addresses before the lodge, and the records of 1802 show him very regular in attendance. After 189 Kenneth C. Meinken this period, however, his absence from Marietta interfered with his lodge activity. d. March 29, 1824. Kenneth C. Meinken President of Electronic Tube Corp. from 1954. b. Dec. 4, 1900 in New York City. Attended Hamilton Prep. School and Cornell U. He was successively manager of a machine works, building contractor, and realtor in Philadelphia. From 1941-43 he was project engineer for National Union Radio Corp., assistant to president (194346), and president, 1946-53. Member of University Lodge No. 610, Philadelphia, Pa. since 1919. Edwin B. Meissner (1884-1956) President of St. Louis Car Co. from 1922-56, and of St. Louis Mining & Milling Corp., Joplin, Mo., from 1941. b. Dec. 5, 1884 in Milwaukee, Wis. He started as a messenger for the Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co. in 1899 and rose to chief clerk. He

became associated with the St. Louis Car Co. in 1911 as assistant to the president, became vice president in 1915, and president and general manager since 1922. He is a director of several companies and banks. Mason and Shriner. Received degrees in Cornerstone Lodge No. 323 on Sept. 17, 1919, May 20 and June 22, 1918. Affiliated with University Lodge No. 649, University City, Mo. in 1932 and reaffiliated with Cornerstone Lodge on Dec. 18, 1933. d. Sept. 10, 1956. Phillip Schwarzert Melanchthon (1497-1560) (Also Melanthon and Melancthon) German scholar and religious reformer who collaborated with Martin Luther in the Protestant Reformation. He was a professor of Greek and theology at Wittenberg. In 1521 he published Loci Communes Rerum Theologicarum, the first great Protestant treatise on dogmatic theology. He was noted for his vast learning, skill in dialectics, and a moderation that tempered Luther's vehemen,..e. He drafted the Augsburg Confession in 1530 and sought consistently to reconcile Protestantism with Roman Catholicism, and thus attain Christian unity. His association with Freemasonry rests entirely on the authenticity of the Charter of Cologne, to which his name is signed as the representative of Dantzic. This charter is claimed to be the result of the Congress of Cologne, which convened in 1525 in the city of Cologne, with the most distinguished Freemasons of the time representing 19 grand lodges. It set forth the character and aims of the Craft. Its authenticity has been questioned by many Masonic scholars, but upheld by others. Lauritz L. H. Melchior Operatic tenor. b. March 20, 1890 in Copenhagen, Denmark. He attended Mel-choir's School at Copenhagen from 1896-1905. Although now a tenor, he made his debut as a baritone at the Copenhagen Opera on April 2, 1913. His first appearance there as a tenor was on Oct. 8, 1918. He has sung at Covent Garden, London, since 1925; with Metropolitan Opera, N.Y. since 1926, and at the Wagner festivals, Bayreuth, since 1925. He has appeared with marked success in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Hamburg, Buenos Aires, and many other cities throughout the world. He has been making motion pictures and radio and TV appearances in recent years. His latest motion picture is The Stars Are Singing. He received the three degrees in 1918 at the age of 28 in St. John's Lodge (Zorobabel og Frederick) in Copenhagen. He is also an honorary member of Frederick Lodge No. 857, N.Y.C. (March 24, 1935). In 1944 he received the coveted Distinguished Achievement Award of the Grand Lodge of New York. James M. Melear (?-1955) Editor of the Methodist Christian Advocate (Southern edition) 1916-32. b. in Sullivan Co., Tenn. Received three de-

190 Andrew W. Mellon grees from the U. of Chattanooga between 1891 and 1904. He served churches in Carnegie, Sherman Heights, Athens, and Knoxville. (Tenn.), Baraboo, Wis., Frankfort, Ind., Lexington, Ky. between 18921916. Mason and Knight Templar. d. Dec. 28, 1955. Melesino The name of a lieutenant general in the Imperial Russian Army who established a rite which was known as the "Melesino Rite." A Greek by birth, he was a learned man and a Freemason. The first lodge of his rite was established at St. Petersburg about 1765. It consisted of seven degrees: Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason, The Mystic Arch, Scottish Master and Knight, The Philosopher, The Priest or High Priest of the Templars. It was Christian in character, teaching a belief in the Messiah and the dogma of the Trinity. Thomas W. Melham Imperial Potentate of the Shrine, 1957-58. b. Jan. 19, 1902 in Brandt, S. Dak. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1923. He began with National Cash Register Co. at Dayton, Ohio, and later in Philadelphia. Turning to insurance, he returned to Wis. as a special agent and was the first person in that state to receive the professional degree of Charter Life Underwriter. In 1937 he joined Prudential in Milwaukee, and in 1952 transferred to N.Y.C. as manager of the Manhattan agency. Raised in Silver Spring Lodge No. 337, Whitefish Bay, Wis. in 1928, he was master in 1952. Member of Kenwood Chapter No. 90, R.A.M.; Ivanhoe Commandery No. 24, K.T.; and Wisconsin Valley Scottish Rite, all of Milwaukee. Joined Tripoli Shrine Temple in 1930 and was potentate in 1943; member of St. Quentin Conclave No. 75, Red Cross of Constantine, and honorary member of National Sojourners. Arthur C. Mellette (1842-1896) Last Governor of Dakota Territoryand first Governor of South Dakota. b. Jan. 23, 1842 in Indiana. He served in the Civil War. A good friend of Benjamin Harrison, he was one of his first supporters for president. Harrison appointed Mellette as governor of the Dakota Territory as one of his first official acts. He came to the Dakotas in 1878 and affiliated with Kampseka Lodge No. 13, at Watertown in 1881. It is presumed he received the degrees in Indiana. While in Indiana he practiced law, published the Muncie Times and was elected to the state legislature, where he devoted himself to the reform of the school laws and raised Indiana from a low plane to among the highest in the public school systems. d. May 25, 1896. He was also a member of Watertown Commandery No. 7, K.T. Andrew W. Mellon (1855-1937) American industrialist and Secretary of the Treasury, 1921-32 under Coolidge and Hoover. b. March 24, 1855 in

Pittsburgh, Pa. He was educated at Western U. of Pennsylvania (now U. of Pittsburgh) and was in the class of 1873. For many years he was president of the Mellon National Bank and officer, or director, of various financial and industrial corporations. He engaged in the development of coal, coke, and iron enterprises. He resigned as president of the bank on March 1, 1921, and three days later became U.S. secretary of the Treasury. When he was confirmed as U.S. ambassador to Great Britain on Feb. 5, 1932, he resigned as Treasury secretary. He served as ambassador until March 17, 1933. In 1930 he established the A. W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust. When the National Gallery of Art was established in Washington, D.C., in 1937, as a branch of the Smithsonian Institution, the trustees of the fund gave 15 million dollars for the building. In addition, Mellon's private art collection, consisting of 126 paintings and 36 191 Richard B. Mellon pieces of sculpture was given to the nation as the nucleus of the present collection. Many world-famous paintings were in this collection. Mellon was made a Mason "at sight," Dec. 29, 1928, by J. Willison Smith, grand master of Pennsylvania at Pittsburgh. His brother, Richard B. Mellon, q.v., received the degrees at the same time. Mellon affiliated with Fellowship Lodge No. 679 of Pittsburgh. He received the Royal Arch degree in 1931. d. Aug. 26, 1937. Richard B. Mellon (?-1933) Banker and railroad president. b. in Pittsburgh, the brother of Andrew W. Mellon, q.v. He began with the Ligonier Valley Railroad and was later its president. He was president of the Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh, and a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland from 1917. He was made a Mason "at sight" on Dec. 29, 1928 by J. Willison Smith, grand master of Pennsylvania, at Pittsburgh. His brother, Andrew W. Mellon, received the degrees at the same time. He was made a Royal Arch Mason in 1931. d. Dec. 1, 1933. Arthur J. Mellott (1888-1957) Federal Judge, District of Kansas from 1945. b. Aug. 30, 1888 in Leavenworth Co., Kansas. Graduate of Kansas City School of Law in 1917. He taught country schools from 1907-14 and was county superintendent of Wyandotte Co., Kansas schools from 1914-17. He was successively judge of city court, Kansas City, Kans., county attorney, deputy commissioner internal revenue, Washington, D.C., judge of Tax Court of U.S. Mason, 32 AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. Dec. 29, 1957. George H. C. Melody (1793-1860) Pioneer Missouri Freemason. b. March 7, 1793 on the Atlantic Ocean, while parents were en route from England to America. A business failure, he had little worldly goods. He was perhaps the most devoted Mason inthe early days of the Missouri grand lodge, which he helped found at the organizational meeting on April 24, 1821 at St. Louis, and

where he acted as grand junior deacon pro tern. He constituted the first Royal Arch chapter in Missouri in 1826, and attended the organization of the Grand Cornmandery, K.T. of Missouri in 1860. He was a friend of such men as General Lafayette, Governor Dewitt Clinton, Disraeli, Victor Hugo, and King Louis Philippe. He was an associate of such prominent Missourians as Frederick and Edward Bates, Nathaniel B. Tucker, Dr. Hardage Lane, and Governor Hamilton R. Gamble. While grand master pro tem, he received General Lafayette on April 29, 1825. He served several years as deputy grand master, and was the first grand lecturer of the grand lodge and grand chapter of Missouri. In 1844-45 he took a party of 14 Iowa Indians to England and France. He died Oct. 15, 1860. In 1942 (April 27) the grand lodge and grand chapter of Missouri dedicated a monument to him in the cemetery at Rocheport, Mo. where he is buried. George J. Whyte-Melville (see under Whyte). George W. Melville (1841-1912) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy; Arctic Explorer and Engineer-in-Chief of Navy. b. Jan. 10, 1841 in New York City. Entered the Navy in July, 1861 with rank of midshipman. He was engineer of the Jeannette, under the command of Lt. George W. DeLong, which sailed into Arctic waters in 1879 to discover an opening to the supposed polar sea by a northeast passage near Wrangel Land. After the sinking of the ship on June 13, 1881, Melville accompanied DeLong over the ice to Bennett Island, where they separated into two parties, Melville leading one of them in a small boat to Siberia, reaching the Lena Delta on Sept. 17, 1881. He then searched for the 192 Karl A. Menninger DeLong party and discovered some of their huts. He returned the following spring and eventually found the remains of DeLong and his eleven companions, in March. He rescued the records of the Jeannette and returned them to the U.S. In 1884 he was chief engineer of the Thetis on the Greely, q.v., relief expedition. He became chief of the bureau of steam engineering, U.S. Navy from 1887-1903, and retired as a rear admiral in 1903. He was a member of St. Albans Lodge No. 56, Brooklyn, N.Y. d. March 17, 1912. Thomas Melville. Member of the "Boston Tea Party" and a major in the American Revolution. He was initiated in Massachusetts Lodge of Boston, Mass., Feb. 3, 1772. Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1796) German Jewish philosopher, called "The German Socrates." He was the grandfather of Felix Mendelssohn, the

composer. He formed a close friendship with Lessing, q.v. in 1754, which inspired the latter to write Nathan der Weise, a dramatic poem on toleration. He was also a friend of Nicolia, Lavater, and Kant, contributing to several of their works as a critic. He wrote Phadon in support of the immortality of the soul and his Jerusalem oder uber Religiose Macht and Judentum was a plea for religious tolerance. Among his many writings are Philosophische Gesprache; the satire Pope ein Metaphysiker; the essay Abhandlung uber die Evidenz in den Metaphysischen Wissenschaften. The bulletin of the International Masonic Congress of 1917 lists him as a Freemason, and Beswick, in his Swedenborg Rite, states that he was a Scottish Rite Mason. Catulle Mendes (1841-1909) French critic and poet. He founded the Revue Fantaisiste at Paris in 1859, and was dramatic critic of Le Journal from 1893. He was the founder of the Parnassian school of poetry, the origins of which he described in Legende du Parnasse Contemporain in 1884. Among his poetic writings are Philomela; Hesperus; Contes Epiques; and Odelettes Guerrires. He also authored a number of plays including La Femme de Tabarin and La Reine Fiammette. The bulletin of the International Masonic Congress of 1917 lists him as a Freemason. Charles A. Menninger Secretary-Treasurer of Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad from 1951. b. June 12, 1890 in Tell City, Ind. He began as a clerk with the railroad at Topeka in 1911, advancing to assistant cashier, assistant paymaster, chief clerk, and assistant treasurer. Also officer of several other railroad organizations. Member of Topeka Lodge No. 17, Topeka, Kansas from 1912. Karl A. Menninger Psychiatrist. b. July 22, 1893 in Topeka, Kans. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1914 and 1915, and M.D. degree from Harvard in 1917. Was assistant psychiatrist at Boston Psychopathic Hosp., 1918-19, and assistant in neuropathology at Harvard Medical School, 191820, as well as Tufts Medical School, 1918-19. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Menninger Foundation at Topeka; general director of the educational department; member of council of Institute for Psychol. Medicine; professor of psychiatry at U. of Kansas Medical School; neuropsychiatrist at Christ's Hospital, Topeka. He is former director of the Topeka Institute for Psychoanalysis. Both he, and his brother, William C. Menninger, q.v., have received world wide recognition in the treatment of mental illness. He is the author of many books on the subject including The Human Mind; Man Against Himself and Love Against Hate (the latter with his wife). He is also editorin-chief of the Bulletin of the Men-

193 William C. Menninger ninger Clinic; associate editor of Psychiatry, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease; collaborating editor of Psychoanalytic Review; assistant editor of Psychoanalytic Quarterly and associate editor of Psychosomatic Medicine. Member of Topeka Lodge No. 17, Topeka, Kansas. William C. Menninger Psychiatrist b. Oct. 15, 1899 in Topeka, Kans. Graduate of Washburn Coll. (Topeka) in 1919, Columbia U. in 1922, and M.D. from Cornell U. Medical School in 1924. He interned at the Bellevue Hospital, N.Y.C. and did postgraduate training in psychiatry at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D.C. He has been a psychiatrist since 1927. From 1930-46 he was medical director of the Menninger Sanitarium at Topeka. He is also a member of the board of directors and general secretary of The Menninger Foundation. Both he and his brother, Karl A. Menninger, have received world wide recognition in the treatment of mental illness. In 1945 he served as a brigadier general in the Medical Corps of the U.S. Army. Active in the Boy Scout movement, he wrote the Skipper's Handbook in 1934, the official handbook for Sea Scout leaders. He is also the author of Psychiatry in a Troubled World; You and Psychiatry; Psychiatry; Its Evolution and Present Status, as well as about 200 scientific papers. Received the three degrees in a lodge in New York City in 1924 while interning at Bellvue Hospital. Has not reaffiliated. Frederick 0. Mercer Federal Judge, Southern Illinois, from 1956. b. March 11, 1901 in Vermont, Ill. Graduate of U. of Illinois in 1924. Practiced law in Fulton Co. and Canton, Ill. Member of Vermont Lodge No. 116, Vermont, Ill. since 1922; 32 AASR (NJ) , Mohammed Shrine Temple and Royal Order of Jesters (Court 40), all of Peoria, Ill. Hugh Mercer (1720?-1777) Brigadier General, American Revolution. b. in Aberdeen, Scotland. Educated at U. of Aberdeen, and became a physician, being assistant surgeon in the army of Prince Charles Edward in 1745. He arrived at Philadelphia in 1746 where he practiced medicine for ten years. He fought with the colonists in the French and Indian Wars and was wounded at Braddock's defeat in 1755. He marched against Fort Duquesne a second time under Forbes in 1758, and the next year was appointed colonel and commandant of the fort. He then practiced medicine in Conocoheague, near Mercersburg, for another ten years, and moved to Fredericksburg, Va. at the suggestion of George Washington. He set up in business as an apothecary and physician. It was here, in 1761, that he joined Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, in which Washington had been a Mason. He later served as master of the lodge. He became a colonel of the 3rd Virginia Regiment at the outbreak of the revolution, and at Washington's request was made brigadier general in

June of 1776. His field of operations was largely in N.J., protecting the countryside against forays by the British. He was at the Battle of Trenton on Dec. 26, 1776, and a few days later at the Battle of Princeton. Here, in the close action at the bridge over Stony Brook, he was wounded, surrounded, and clubbed. He suffered seven bayonet wounds in a hand-to-hand fight and was left on the field for dead. He was taken to a nearby farmhouse, and died on Jan. 12, 1777, nine days after the battle. Counties in Kentucky and Missouri have been named in his honor. James Mercer (1736-1793) American Revolutionary leader. b. Feb. 26, 1736 in Stafford Co., Va. He served in the French and Indian War. When 36 he was elected to the Virginia house of burgesses, serving from 194 Pliny Merrick 1762-66. He was a member of the Continental Congress in 1779-80. Educated at William and Mary (Va.), he here formed a friendship with another student, John Blair, q.v. Blair became the first grand master of Virginia and Mercer the second. He also succeeded Blair on the Virginia court of appeals when Blair became a member of the U.S. supreme court. Mercer served on the Virginia general court from 1779-89, and was a member of the first Virginia court of appeals, serving from 1789-93. He was a member of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Va., and in 1777 was president of a council to organize a grand lodge. In 1784 he became second grand master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, serving until 1786. d. Oct. 31, 1793. Edwin T. Meredith (1876-1928) U.S. Secretary of Agriculture in Wilson cabinet, 1920-21. b. Dec. 23, 1876 in Avoca, Iowa. He was the publisher of the Farmer's Tribune, Des Moines, 1896-1902, and in the latter year started Successful Farming. He was a director of the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank and Iowa Trust & Saving Bank. He was a candidate for U.S. senator in 1914, and governor of Iowa in 1916. He was the founder of the Jefferson Highway. He became a member of Capitol Lodge No. 110, Des Moines, March 12, 1907. He was a 33, active member of the AASR (SJ), on Oct. 20, 1923. Edwin T. Meredith, Jr. Vice President, General Manager of Meredith Publishing Co., Des Moines, Iowa. b. Feb. 10, 1906 in Des Moines, the son of Edwin T. Meredith, q.v., former secretary of Agriculture. Attended Culver Military Acad. and U. of Virginia. He has been with Meredith Publishing Co. since 1928, and vice president since 1935. He is president of the Meredith Syracuse TV Corp., Phoenix Broadcasting Co., WTO-TV, :-..maha. A director in several banksand companies. Member of Capitol Lodge No. 110, Des

Moines, Iowa, receiving degrees on Dec. 23, 28, 31, 1927. 32 AASR (SJ) . Solomon Meredith (1810-1875) Union Major General in Civil War. b. May 29, 1810 in Guilford Co., N. Car. Moved to Wayne Co., Ind. at age of 19, and worked as a laborer to earn enough to educate himself. Was sheriff in 1834, and 1836, member of state legislature, 1846-48, and 1854. Became colonel of the 10th Indiana Regiment in July, 1861. He was wounded at Gainesville when the regiment lost half its men. Promoted brigadier general of volunteers in 1862, his command was known as the "iron brigade." It forced a crossing of the Rappahannock in April, 1863, took part in the Battle of Chancellorsville, and opened the Battle of Gettysburg, where Meredith was wounded again. He later commanded posts at Cairo, Ill. and Paducah, Ky. He was brevetted major general in 1865. In 186769 he was surveyor general of Montana, and then retired to his farm near Cambridge City, Ind. His three sons served in the Civil War, and two of them lost their lives. He was a member of Cambridge Lodge No. 105, Cambridge City, Ind. d. Oct. 21, 1875. Frank F. Merriam (?-1955) Former Governor of California. Affiliated with Seaside Lodge No. 504, Long Beach, Calif. on Aug. 6, 1935 from Rising Sun Lodge No. 187 of Iowa. Member of Searchlight Chapter, R.A.M. No. 133 and Jinnistan Grotto No. 76 of Calif. Pliny Merrick (1794-1867) Judge of Massachusetts Supreme Court, 1853-64. He was a "seceding" Mason during the Anti-Masonic period. b. Aug. 2, 1794 in Brookfield, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1814. Practiced law in Worcester and Bristol counties. He received the degrees in King David Lodge, Taunton, Mass. in 195 Edward F. Merrill 1821 and affiliated with Morning Star Lodge, Worcester, Mass. on June 25, 1825. He was also a member of Adoniram Chapter, R.A.M. of New Bedford, Mass. at one time. He became a bitter Anti-Mason and was expelled. d. in 1867. Edward F. Merrill Chief Justice, Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, 195354. b. April 11, 1883 in Skowhegan, Maine. Graduate of Bowdoin Coll. in 1903, and of Harvard in 1906. He practiced law in Skowhegan, Maine from 1906-45. From 1945-48 he was associate justice of the superior court of Maine, and associate justice of supreme judicial court from 1948, retiring in 1955. Raised in Somerset Lodge No. 34, Skowhegan, Maine in Dec. 1906.

Member of Somerset Chapter, R.A.M., Mt. Moriah Council, R. & S.M. and DeMolay Commandery, K.T., all of Skowhegan and has served as head of lodge, chapter, council and commandery. 33 AASR (NJ) at Portland and member of Kora Shrine Temple. Frank S. Merrill Grand Secretary General, Supreme Council Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, A.A.S.R. b. Dec. 27, 1897 in Concord, N.H. An accountant by profession, he served the city of Concord as deputy and acting city treasurer; accountant for the state of N.H.; deputy state treasurer; and assistant to the legislative budget assistant. He served in the U.S. Navy in WWII in both the Atlantic and Pacific areas. Raised in Eureka Lodge No. 70, Concord, N.H., June 3, 1920. Received 32 AASR (NJ) in Valley of Concord in March, 1922, and became member of the New Hampshire Consistory at Nashua in April of that year. He is past commander-in-chief of that consistory. Received 33 honorary on Sept. 28, 1949 and made active member, Sept. 25, 1957. Member of Trinity Chapter No. 2, R.A.M.; Horace Chase Council No. 4, R. & S.M. and Mount Horeb Commandery, K.T. John B. Merrill (1910-1955) Vice President of Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. from 1950, and vice president, operations, of tungsten and chemical, atomic energy and electronics divisions from 1954. b. June 16, 1910 in Cumberland Center, Maine. Graduate of Bowdoin Coll. in 1933 and Mass. Institute of Tech. in 1936. Began with Patterson Screen Co. of Towanda, Pa. in 1936 in research. He was superintendent of fluorescent powder plant in 1940, until it was purchased by Sylvania in 1941. Member of Union Lodge No. 108, Towanda, Pa., receiving degrees on May 20, July 17 and Sept. 16, 1942. d. Oct. 6, 1955. Samuel Merrill (1822-1899) Seventh Governor of Iowa, 1868-72. b. Aug. 7, 1822 in Turner, Maine. Lived in Maine until 21 when he visited the South where he taught school, but returned to Maine to farm. Within a short time he removed to Tamworth, N.H. where he engaged in the mercantile business with his brother. He was twice elected to the N.H. state legislature. In 1856 he moved to McGregor, Iowa and engaged in the mercantile business as a branch of the Tamworth concern. In 1861 he sold the business and became an officer in the McGregor Branch Bank. Was commissioned colonel with the 21st Iowa Infantry in 1862. Was forced to resign his commission because of wounds received in the Battle of Big Black River Bridge. As governor he promulgated insurance company reforms and supported the public schools, protected sale of public school lands and secured aid for Iowa State College. After his retirement from political life in 1872, he was president of the Citizens' National Bank of Des Moines. In 1876 he was president of the Iowa Loan and Trust Co. and became active in real estate. In 1897 he retired

from business and lived thereafter at Los Angeles, Calif. A member 196 Fred W. Messmore of Capital Lodge No. 110, Des Moines, he received his degrees on March 22, 24, and 29, 1870. He was a member for 22 years, dimitting on May 10, 1892. d. Aug. 30, 1899. William L. Merry (1842-1911) Promoter of the Nicaraguan Canal, and U.S. Minister to Nicaragua, San Salvador, and Costa Rica. b. Dec. 27, 1842 in New York. Went to sea and became a commander of steamships on Atlantic and Pacific oceans. He resigned from the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. in 1874, and established residence at San Francisco. Was general agent for steamship companies on the Nicaraguan Isthmus for three years, and another year as agent of the U.S. Mail Steamship Co. on the Panama Isthmus. He was later president of the North American Navigation Co. Merry was consul general for Nicaragua on the Pacific Coast of the U.S. and from 1897-1907 was U.S. minister (E.E. & M.P.) to Nicaragua, San Salvador, and Costa Rica. From 1908 he was minister to Costa Rica. He was active and influential in the support of the Nicaraguan Canal, of increased naval force, and of maritime development of the Pacific coast ports. Member of Oriental Lodge No. 144, San Francisco, Calif. d. 1911. Charles H. Merz (1861-1947) Physician and Masonic editor. b. Nov. 7, 1861 in Oxford, Ohio. He published t h e Sandusky Masonic Bulletin (Ohio) as a hobby. An outstanding Masonic scholar, he was the author of several Masonic books. He was a member of Science Lodge No. 50, Sandusky, and past master of same. Also member of Sandusky City Chapter No. 72, R.A.M.; Sandusky City Council No. 26, R. & S.M., and Erie Commandery No. 23, K.T., as well as the Scottish Rite. d. Oct. 14, 1947. Jean F. T. Merzdorf (1812-1877) German Masonic author. He was initiated in Apollo Lodge at Leipsic in1834. He resuscitated the Lodge Zum Goldenen Hirsch at Oldenburg and served for many years as its deputy master. He published Die Denkmunzen der Freimaurer Bruderschaft; Die Symbole die Gesetzd, die Geschichte, der Zweck der Masonei Schliessen Keine Religion von Dersalben aus; Friemaurer Bruderschaft im Schott-land; Lessing's, q.v., Ernest and Falk, and several other works. Friedrich Anton Mesmer (17341815) Austrian physician after whom "mesmerism" was named. b. in Suabia in 1734, he studied medicine at Vienna. He made experiments on the supposed curative power of the magnet, and his studies led him to believe that some kind of occult force resided in himself, from which he developed the theory of animal magnetism.

He went to Paris in 1778 where he devoted himself to curing diseases. It was while in France that he became a member of Philadelphia Lodge at Norbonne, and became involved with the famous charlatan, Cagliostro, q.v., to some extent. The latter used the magnetic operations of Mesmer's new science in his initiations. Mesmer established a society in France which he called the Order of Universal Harmony. It was based on the principles of animal magnetism and had a form of initiation by which the founder claimed that its initiates were purified and rendered more fit to propagate the doctrines of his science. French writers have called this society "Mesmeric Freemasonry." His seances were investigated by a commission of physicians and scientists appointed by the French government and he was denounced as an imposter. He died in obscurity. Fred W. Messmore Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Nebraska since 1937. b. July 11, 1890 in Boone, Iowa. Graduate of Creighton U. in 1912. Admitted to bar in 1913, and practiced at Beatrice, Nebr. He has served as 197 Victor H. Metcalf county attorney, county judge, and district judge. In WWI he served in the U.S. Army as a private and is a lieutenant colonel in the Judge Advocate General Dept., O.R.C. Received degrees in Beatrice Lodge No. 26, Beatrice, Nebr. on Feb. 1, March 5, 29, 1915. Victor H. Metcalf (1853-1936) U.S. Secretary of Commerce and Labor, 1904-06; U.S. Secretary of Navy, 190608 in cabinet of Theodore Roosevelt, q.v. b. Oct. 10, 1853 in Utica, N.Y. Graduate of Utica Free Academy, 1871, Russell's Military Academy (Conn.), 1872, and Yale U., 1876. Admitted to the bar in 1876, he practiced at Utica, N.Y. from 1876-79, and at Oakland, Calif., 1879-1904. He was a member of the 56th through 58th congresses (18991904) from the 3rd Calif. dist. He resigned from congress, July 1, 1904, to become secretary of Commerce and Labor. Member of Live Oak Lodge No. 61, Oakland, Calif. d. Feb. 20, 1936. Thomas Metcalfe (1780-1855) Governor of Kentucky, 1829-33; U.S. Congressman from Kentucky, 1819-28; U.S. Senator from Kentucky, 1848-49. b. March 20, 1780 in Fauquier Co., Va. of poor parents who emigrated to Ky. and settled in Fayette Co. He had but a few months of schooling and worked as a stone-cutter. In later years he delighted in the nickname "Old Stone Hammer." He served in the War of 1812 as a captain, and commanded a company at the Battle of Fort Meigs. While he was absent on this campaign, he was elected to the state legislature, where he served three years. He was a member of the state senate in 1834. He was a friend and follower of Henry

Clay, q.v. Member and one-time secretary of Nicholas Lodge No. 65, Carlisle, Ky. d. Aug. 18, 1855. Frederick Henry Paul, 2nd Lord Methuen Provincial Grand Master of Wiltshire, England from 1853-1891. The town of Methuen, Mass. is named for this family. He built the present ancestral residence of Corsham Court, Wiltshire, with its magnificant grounds that were laid out by the famous landscape gardener, Capability Brown. One wing contains a fine art gallery, and the present 4th Baron Methuen, q.v., himself a member of the Royal Academy, has turned this wing over to the training of art teachers. Paul Sanford, 3rd Baron Methuen (1845-1932) British Field Marshal who was commander-in-chief in the South African War of 1907-09. He served in the Ashanti War of 1874; the Egyptian War of 1882, and the Boer War of 1899-1902. In the latter named conflict, he commanded the 1st division of the 1st army corps and was defeated by Cronje at Magersfontein and in 1902 taken prisoner by De La Rey. He was governor of Natal in 1909, governor of Malta from 1915-19, and governor and constable of the Tower in 1920. He was an art connoisseur and was described by English periodicals as a "keen" Freemason. Paul Aysford, 4th Baron Methuen Son of Field Marshal and 3rd Baron Methuen, whom he succeeded as fourth of line on his father's death in 1932. Educated at Eton, he went to New College, Oxford. From 191014 he was assistant curator of the Transvaal Museum at Pretoria. Served in WWI from 1914-19 as a lieutenant with the Scots Guards, seeing active service in France. In WWII he was again in active service as a major with the Scots Guards, and at the time of the Normandy landing, he was in charge of the care of monuments and works of art to ensure their preservation. A skilled artist and painter in water colors and oil, he is an associate of the Royal Academy, and trustee of both the National Gallery and the Tate Gallery of Art. His ancestral 198 Albert A. Michelson home of Corsham Court, Wiltshire, has been turned over as a residential training center for art teachers, the family now occupying only one wing. This home was built by the 2nd Lord Methuen, q.v. The 4th Baron Methuen has been provincial grand master for Wiltshire since 1939. Thorvald Meyer (1818-1909) Norwegian capitalist and one of the richest

men in Norway. He contributed to a number of major foundations and presented the Grand Lodge of Norway with the site of its building. He was known as "the first citizen of the City of Oslo." He was designated as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Norway at one time, but declined. He was K.C. of the Order of King Charles XIII. Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864) German opera composer. Real name was Jakob Liebmann Beer. b. in Berlin. He was a pianist in Vienna, and later in Italy, where he composed Italian operas in Rossini's style. When he settled in Paris about 1826 he composed in the French style. In 1842 he was general music director of the Berlin Opera. His operas include II Crociato in Egitto; Robert le Diable; Les Huguenots; Das Feldlager in Schlesien; Le Prophete; Dinorah and L'Africaine. He also composed cantatas, overtures, orchestral marches, and ceremonial music. Member of the French Lodge Les Freres Unis Inseparables. Milton L. Meyers (1872-1959) General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1951-54. b. April 15, 1872 in Glennville, Calif. Moved with family to Salem, Oreg. in 1880, where he was a successful merchant for 30 years. Retired. Raised in Pacific Lodge No. 50, Sept. 4, 1894, master in 1906, and grand master in 1929. Exalted in Multnomah Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. Nov. 5, 1894, was high priest in 1899, and grand high priestin 1931. Greeted in Hodson Council No. 1, R. & S.M., Sept. 28, 1901, was master in 1905, and grand master in 1913. Knighted in DeMolay Commandery No. 5, K.T., June 10, 1895, was commander in 1903, and grand commander in 1922. Received 32 AASR (SJ) on June 14, 1908, K.C.C.H. in 1942, and 33 on Nov. 29, 1947. Received K.Y.C.H. in Sir Galahad Priory No. 7 of Nebraska in Nov., 1950. Member of Al Kader Shrine Temple from 1895; Past Grand Sovereign, Red Cross of Constantine. d. Feb. 16, 1959. M. Alfred Michaelson (1878-1949) U.S. Congressman to 67th through 71st Congresses, 1921-31, from 7th III. dist. b. Sept. 7, 1878 in Kristiansand, Norway. He was brought to the U.S. at the age of seven, and educated in the public schools of Chicago. He was a public school teacher in Chicago from 1898-1914. Was a member of the Chicago city council, Illinois constitutional convention of 1920, and chairman of board of Madison and Kedzie State Bank. Mason and Shriner. d. Oct. 26, 1949. Albert A. Michelson (1852-1931) Scientist and Nobel prize winner. b. Dec. 19, 1852 in Strelno, Germany. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1873, and later attended U. of Berlin, U. of Heidelberg, College de France, and Ecole Polytechnique. He was an instructor in physics and chemistry at

the U.S. Naval Academy from 187579. Served as professor of physics at Case School of Applied Science, 188389; at Clark U., 1889-92; and U. of Chicago, 1892-1929. Was also exchange professor and lecturer at several European universities. In 1907 he received the Nobel Prize for physics, worth $40,000. He was the author of Velocity of Light and Light Waves and Their Uses. He received his degrees in Washington Lodge No. 21, N.Y.C., Aug. 18, 1874, Dec. 31, 1875, and Jan. 21, 1876. At the time of his initiation he was a midshipman sta199 tioned on the U.S.S. Roanoke. He withdrew on Jan. 7, 1879. d. May 9, 1931. Manuel Micheltorena Mexican Governor of California under Mexican rule, from 1842. He received little financial support from Mexico and his soldiers were forced to steal from citizens to support themselves. After a "battle" near Los Angeles, he was forced to resign and depart for Mexico. The trip was made on a ship whose captain was John Paty, q.v. William H. Davis, one of the petitioners to the grand lodge for a dispensation for San Diego Lodge No. 35, in relating the story of this voyage says in his Sixty Years in California: "General Micheltorena and Captain Paty were Brother Masons and they played chess every night on board ship." Micheltorena was considered a gentlemen by the Californians and made many friends among them. Lack of support from his homeland and Mexican politicians who were jealous of him forced his resignation. Earl C. Michener (1876-1957) U.S. Congressman, 66th through 72nd and 74th through 81st Congresses, 1919-33 and 1935-51, from 2nd Mich. dist. b. Nov. 30, 1876 at Attica, Ohio. Graduate of Columbia U. in 1903. Practiced law at Adrian, Mich. from 1903. Served as a private in the Spanish American War. Member of Adrian Lodge No. 19, Adrian, Mich., receiving degrees on Jan. 25, March 9, and April 9, 1911. d. July 6, 1957. George T. Mickelson Governor of South Dakota, 1947-51; Federal Judge in South Dakota from 1953. b. July 23, 1903 at Selby, S. Dak. Graduate of U. of South Dakota in 1927, and engaged in practice of law from that date. Has served as state's attorney, state representatives, speaker of the house, and attorney general of the state. Member of Selby Lodge No. 133, Selby, S. Dak., and of Oriental Con-sistory (April, 1947) at Yankton. Is past grand patron of the Eastern Star. Peter P. Mickelson President of Western State College of Colorado since 1946. b. May 27, 1904 in Tracy, Minn. Graduate of state Teachers Coll.,

Maysville, N. Dak. in 1935; U. of Colorado in 1939 and 1941. He taught rural schools in N. Dak. from 1921-24, and was principal of schools from 1924-30. He was then superintendent of schools in Brocket, N. Dak. (1930-36); supervisor of State Teachers Coll. Mayville (1936-39); director of secondary education and state superintendent of public instruction at Denver, Colo. in 1941. He was president of the Trinidad (Colo.) State Junior Coll. from 194146. Member of Gunnison Lodge No. 39, Gunnison, Colo. and 32 AASR (SJ) at Grand Junction, Colo. Claude B. Mickelwait Major General, U.S. Army. b. July 29, 1894 in Glenwood, Iowa. Graduate of U. of Idaho in 1916, and U. of California in 1935. Admitted to Calif. bar in 1935. Was commissioned first lieutenant of Infantry in 1917, and rose through grades to major general in 1954. Has been with the Judge Advocate General Dept. since 1935; chief of military affairs division, 1941-42; judge advocate of Western Task Force, 1942; of Fifth Army, 1943-44; 12th Army Group, 1944-45; deputy theater judge advocate, E.T.O., 1945-46; theater judge advocate, 1946-47; assistant judge advocate general since 1954. Member of Orland Lodge No. 265, Orland, Calif. Henry A. Middleton Judge, Supreme Court of Ohio, 1950-54. b. July 19, 1888 in Urbana, Ohio. Studied at Boston U. and Ohio State U. Admitted to Ohio bar in 1911, practiced at Columbus until 1917 and at Toledo until 1950, when he became a supreme court judge. He is a specialist in trial law and represented several railroads. 200 Nelson A. Miles He was general manager for the successful campaign for city manager form of government for Toledo in 1934. Served as officer in field artillery in WWI. Raised in Champaign Lodge No. 525, Urbana, Ohio in 1919 and affiliated with Sanford L. Collins Lodge No. 396, Toledo on Jan. 23, 1923. 33 AASR (NJ). Member of Ft. Meigs Chapter No. 29, R.A.M.; Toledo Council No. 33, R. & S.M.; and St. Omer Commandery No. 59, K.T. Member of Shrine, Red Cross of Constantine, and National Sojourners. Henry J. Mike11 (1873-1942) Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. Aug. 4, 1873 in Sumter, S. Car. Degrees from U. of the South in 1895, 1898, 1918, and from U. of Nashville in 1910. Ordained deacon in 1898 and priest in 1899. He served churches in Charleston, S. Car., 1898-1908; Nashville, Tenn. 1908-17. Was consecrated bishop of Atlanta, Nov. 1, 1917. He was chancellor of the U. of the South at Sewanee, Tenn. He affiliated with Georgia Lodge No. 96, Atlanta, Ga. on Feb. 5, 1924, evidently from a Tenn. lodge. Was a 32 AASR (SJ). d. Feb. 20, 1942.

Alfred J. B. Milborne Canadian Masonic author. b. at Yeovil, Somerset, England in 1888. He is president of the Canadian Research Association, for whom he has written many historical papers, including An 18th Century Freemason. Raised in Northern Light Lodge No. 10, Manitoba, and life member of same. He is past master of Westmount Lodge No. 76, Quebec, and past district deputy grand master of Quebec. He is the editor of the Masonic Bulletin of that grand lodge. He is past Z of Royal Albert Chapter, R.A.M., Quebec; 32 AASR; past master of St. Paul's Mark Lodge No. 374 (ER), Montreal; past grand master of Royal Order of Scotland; and in 1958 was named to the Order of Blue Friars. Bryan L. Milburn Major General, U.S. Army. b. July 2, 1896 in Fayetteville, Ark. Graduate of U. of Arkansas in 1922. He entered the military service in the first officer's training camp in 1917, advancing through grades to major general in 1952. He was commandant of the Anti-aircraft Artillery School, 1943-44; with military government in Berlin, 1945-46; commanding officer of Berlin Command, 194647; personnel officer of Far East Command, 1951-53; special assistant to chief of staff for reserve components, 1953-55; and commanding general of Ft. Devens, Mass. since 1955. Received degrees in Galveston, Texas in 1919; later affiliated with Washington Lodge No. 1, Fayetteville, Ark. Received 18 AASR (SJ) at Galveston, and later affiliated at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; National Sojourner. Now unaffiliated with any Masonic body. Nelson A. Miles (1839-1925) Lieutenant General, U.S. Army; Indian fighter; holder of Congressional Medal of Honor. b. Aug. 8, 1839 at Westminster, Mass. He entered the service at the start of the Civil War as a first lieutenant in the 22nd Mass. Infantry (1861), promoted to brigadier general, U.S.A., 1880; major general volunteers, 1864; lieutenant general, U.S.A. in 1900. He received the Congressional Medal of Honor for gallantry at Chancellorsville, where he was severely wounded. At the age of 25 he commanded an army corps of 26,000 men. He conducted several campaigns against hostile Indians on the Western frontier, notably against Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Chief Joseph, Geronimo, and Natchez. From 1895-1903 he was senior commanding officer of the U.S. Army; commanded the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War. He retired on Aug. 8, 1903. He was raised in Southern California Lodge No. 278 of Los Angeles, Calif., Feb. 20, 1888, at the time he was in command of the depart201 John Milledge ments of Calif. and Ariz. He received the Scottish Rite degrees in Albert Pike Consistory, Washington, D.C. d. May 15, 1925.

John Milledge (1757-1818) U.S. Senator, Representative and Governor of Georgia. b. in Savannah, Ga. A lawyer, he served in the Revolutionary War and was one of the patriots who rifled the powder magazine in Savannah that was used by Continental soldiers at the Battle of Bunker Hill. He was attorney general of Georgia in 1780; member of lower house in 1782. He was elected to the 2nd U.S. Congress, serving from 179293, and subsequently in 4th and 5th congresses, 1795-99 and 7th congress, 1801-02. He resigned from congress to become governor of Georgia, 180206. He was U.S. senator from 1806-09 and president pro tern of the senate in his last year. He was a member of Social Lodge No. 1, Augusta, and Augusta Chapter No. 2, R.A.M. d. Feb. 9, 1818. Albert V. C. Miller Vice President of New York Herald Tribune from 1956. b. Nov. 20, 1892 in New Orleans, La. He was an accountant and traveling auditor of Illinois Central Railroad from 1908-17; auditor of Morse Dry Dock Repair Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1917-27; managing director of J. C. Haartz Co. New Haven, Conn., 192830; tax consultant, 1931. Has been with Herald Tribune since 1932 as treasurer and member of board of directors; treasurer and secretary since 1955; and vice president, treasurer and secretary since 1956. Raised in Bay Ridge Lodge No. 856, Brooklyn, N.Y. about 1921; member of Orient Chapter No. 138, R.A.M. and Bay Ridge Commandery No. 79, K.T., both of Brooklyn. Amos C. Miller (1866-1949) First Vice President and counsel for Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. for 25 years. b. Dec. 16, 1866 in Marshalltown, Iowa. Graduate of Oberlin (Ohio) Coll. in 1889, and Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law in 1891. Admitted to bar in 1891 and practiced at Chicago. He was one of the organizers of Firestone. Was member of executive committee of Chicago Title & Trust Co.; trustee of Oberlin Coll. for 58 years; and member of the executive committee of the Century of Progress Exposition, 193334. Mason. Member of Riverside Lodge No. 862, Riverside, Ill., receiving degrees on June 20, 1902, June 9 and Nov. 24, 1903. d. Oct. 18, 1949. Arthur L. Miller U.S. Congressman to 78th through 85th Congresses from 4th Nebr. dist. b. May 24, 1892 in Plainview, Nebr. Received an M.D. degree from Loyola U., Chicago in 1918, and has been a practicing physician and surgeon at Kimball, Nebr. since 1918. He served as mayor of that city, and as a member of the state legislature. He was state health director from 1941-42. Now with Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Received degrees in Plainview Lodge No. 204 (Nebr.) on July 8, Oct. 24, 1916, March 31, 1917;

dimitted Feb. 10, 1923 to affiliate with Kimball Lodge No. 294 (Nebr.) in May, 1923. Carl A. Miller Newspaper executive; Active member of Supreme Council, 33 AASR (NJ). Raised in Greenview Lodge No. 653, Green-view, Ill. in 1904, and served as master. Received AASR degrees in Springfield, Ill. in 1907, and Chicago, 1908; 33 in 1921; active member in 1940; deputy in 1948; and grand marshal general in 1945. Has edited the Chicago Scottish Rite magazine for many years. Member of Lafayette Chapter No. 2, R.A.M.; Chicago Council No. 4, R. & S.M. and Apollo Cornmandery No. 1, K.T., all of Chicago. He has served as grand color bearer and grand prelate of the Grand Cornmandery of Illinois. He was potentate of Medinah Shrine Temple in 1936, and sovereign of St. Johns Conclave 202 John E. Miller (Premier No. 1) of Red Cross of Constantine in 1933. A newspaperman, he spent 40 years in that profession, first as advertising manager of the Illinois State Journal at Springfield, and then in Chicago as advertising manager of the Chicago Herald. He was advertising and business manager of the Chicago Evening Post for 23 years. E. Spencer Miller President of Maine Central Railroad and Portland Terminal Co. since 1952. b. April 23, 1908 at Springfield, Vt. Graduate of Dartmouth in 1931 and Harvard in 1934. Admitted to bar in 1934, practicing at Boston, Mass. Became associated with the Maine Central as legal counsel and later, general counsel. He became first vice president in 1947. Member of Portland Lodge No. 1, Greenleaf Chapter No. 12, R.A.M. and St. Alban Commandery No. 8, K.T., all of Portland, Maine. Received the 33 AASR (NJ) in Oct., 1955. Member of Kora Shrine Temple. Eugene K. Miller Vice President of Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. from 1953-55. b. Sept. 7, 1890 in Scottdale, Pa. He was superintendent of the blast furnaces of Tenn. Coal, Iron and R.R. Co. (division of U.S. Steel) from 1924-29, and has been with Jones & Laughlin since 1929, successively as assistant general superintendent of Aliquippa works; general superin-tendent; assistant vice president of production; and vice president of production and construction. He is president and director of the Union Dock Co. and vice president of Magdalena Mining Co., and Jalore Mining Co., Ltd. Since retirement from Jones & Laughlin in 1955 he has served as a steel consultant. Member of Bessemer Lodge No. 458, Bessemer, Ala. since 1922. 32 AASR (SJ) at Birmingham and Shriner. Frederic M. Miller (1896-1958) Justice, Supreme Court of Iowa, 193946.

b. Feb. 18, 1896 in Des Moines, Ia. Graduate of Grinnell Coll. and U. of Iowa. Was admitted to the bar in 1921, and since practiced at Des Moines. He served overseas in WWI as a second lieutenant in the 1st and 15th Cavalry. Member of Capital Lodge No. 110, Des Moines, Iowa, receiving degrees on April 8, 13 and May 25, 1920. d. June 8, 1958. James Miller (1776-1851) Brigadier General in War of 1812 and first territorial governor of Arkansas, 181925. b. April 25, 1776 in Peterborough, N.H. He studied law, but in 1808 entered the Army as a major of the 4th Infantry, becoming lieutenant colonel in 1810. He commanded at the Battle of Brownstown in 1812, and was made colonel for gallantry. He fought at Fort George, and was a colonel of the 21st Infantry at Chippewa and Lundy's Lane. In the latter fight he won the day for American forces and was brevetted major general for his services. From 1825-49 he was collector of the port of Salem, Mass. He was made an honorary member of St. John's Lodge, Boston, Mass., Dec. 6, 1814. d. July 7, 1851. John E. Miller U.S. Senator from Arkansas, 1939-41; U.S. Congressman, 1931-39; U.S. Judge for Western Arkansas from 1941. b. May 15, 1888 near Aid, Mo. Attended Mo. State Teachers Coll. and Valparaiso U. (Ind.). Began law practice in Searcy, Ark. in 1912. He was circuit judge from 1919-22. Served in congress from 2nd Ark. dist., resigning in 1939 to become U.S. Senator by appointment. Resigned as senator in 1941 to become Federal judge. Raised in Searcy Lodge No. 49, Searcy, Ark. in 1913; past master, and life member of same. Member of Tillman Chapter No. 19, R.A.M., Searcy, Ark., past high priest, and life member of same. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in Little Rock, and presently member of Western Arkansas Consistory at Fort Smith. Member of Scimitar Shrine Temple, Little Rock. 203 Bonn r. John F. Miller (1862-1936) U.S. Congressman to 65th through 71st Congresses (1917-31) from 1st Wash. dist. b. June 9, 1862 near South Bend, Ind. Graduate of U. of Valparaiso in 1887. He settled in Seattle, Wash. in 1888, and was mayor of that city from 1908-10. Mason. d. May 28, 1936. Leslie Andrew Miller Governor of Wyoming, 1933-39. b. Jan. 29, 1886 at Junction City, Kansas. Member of Acacia Lodge No. 11, Cheyenne, Wyo., receiving degrees on March 5, 30, and May 21, 1920. 32 AASR (SJ) at Cheyenne on June 9, 1921. Now retired and lives at Cheyenne.

Stephen Miller (1816-1881) Brigadier General, Civil War, and Governor of Minnesota, 1864-65. b. Jan. 7, 1816 in Perry Co., Pa. Received a common school education and became a commission merchant in Harrisburg, Pa. He edited the Telegraph at Harrisburg. In 1858 he moved to Minn. for his health, engaging in business at St. Cloud. He enlisted as a private in 1861. He rose in the militia to brigadier general of volunteers, serving with the 1st and 7th Minnesota regiments. In 1862 he helped quell the Indian outbreak in Minn. After his governorship he was a field agent for the St. Paul and Sioux City Railroad. Member of North Star Lodge No. 23, St. Cloud, Minn. d. Aug. 18, 1881. Thomas W. Miller U.S. Congressman to 64th Congress (1915-17) at large from Del.; founder of the Nevada state park system in 1935. b. June 26, 1886 in Wilmington, Del. Graduate of Yale in 1908. Enlisted as private in WWI and rose to lieutenant colonel with the 79th Division, A.E.F. He was an incorporator of the American Legion, and was vice president of the Paris Caucus; also member of national executive committee from 1919-28, and later department commander for both Delaware and Nevada. In 1923he was a member of the American Battle Monuments Commission. Chairman of the Nevada State Park Commission, 1935-36, and since 1953. Served as supervisor of U.S. grazing service (Nev. and Calif.) until 1942. Received degrees in March, 1921 in Eureka Lodge No. 23, Wilmington, Del. and affiliated with Caliente Lodge No. 38, Caliente, Nev. 32 AASR (SJ) at Reno, Nev. Member of Kerak Shrine Temple, Reno; Mary Chapter, O.E.S., Caliente, Nev. and duPont Chapter No. 78, National Sojourners, Wilmington, Del. Warner Miller (1838-1918) U.S. Senator from New York, 1881-87; U.S. Congressman from New York to 46th and 47th Congresses, 1879-81. b. Aug. 12, 1838 in Hannibal, N.Y. Graduate of Union Coll., Schenectady, N.Y. in 1860. Served in Civil War with N.Y. volunteer cavalry, advancing from private to lieutenant; was taken prisoner in Battle of Winchester. He engaged in agricultural pursuits, founded a wood pulp business, and became president of the American Paper & Pulp Assn. Member of Herkimer Lodge No. 423, Herkimer, N.Y. d. March 21, 1918. William Miller (1770-1826) Governor of North Carolina, 1814-17. b. in Warren Co., N. Car. Member of Johnston-Caswell Lodge No. 10, Warrenton, N. Car. He served his lodge at times as secretary, senior deacon, and junior warden. He was junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina in 1812-17, and served several times as senior grand warden pro tem. He signed the constitution and by-laws of Johnston-Caswell Lodge, June 24, 1808. d. 1826.

William R. Miller (1823-1887) Governor of Arkansas, 1877-1881. b. Nov. 23, 1823 in Batesville, Ark. Was state auditor of Arkansas, 1856-66; 1866-68; 1874-77. Member of Western Star Lodge No. 2; Occidental Council No.1, R. & SM., Hugh de Payens Cornmandery No. 1, K.T., all of Little Rock, Ark. d. Nov. 29, 1887. Francis D. Millet (1846-1912) Artist and journalist. b. Nov. 3, 1846 in Mattapoisett, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1869; studied art in Antwerp under Van Lerius and DeKeyser. In 1873 he was secretary of the Mass. commission to the world's fair in Vienna, and a juror at that exhibition. He was a correspondent of the London Daily News during the Turkish-Russian War of 1877-78, and an illustrator for the London Graphic in 1878. In 1891, with Poultney Bigelow, he journeyed 1700 miles down the Danube for Harper's Magazine; and was war correspondent of the New York Sun, London Times and Harper's Weekly in the Philippines during the insurrection of 1899. He translated Tolstoy's Sebastopol in 1887. In 1908 he was on a special mission to Tokyo for the U.S. government. He painted historic murals for the Minn. and Wis. state capitols and the Baltimore customhouse. His A Cozy Corner and An Old Time Melody are in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y.C.; Between Two Fires in the Tate Gallery, London. Among his many portraits are Samuel L. Clemens and Charles Francis Adams, Jr. He was a member of Kane Lodge No. 454, New York City. He lost his life on the Titanic, April 15, 1912. The history of Satucket Lodge, East Bridgewater, Mass. carries this note on his burial: "When the steamship Titanic sank, after a collision with an iceberg, one of its best known passengers was an artist of international repute, Bro. Francis Davis Millet, formerly a resident of this town, and whose ashes were brought here to be interred in the family lot. By request of his lodge in New York, Masonic services were held by Satucket Lodge in the Unitarian Church on May 3, 1912, and many of us will remember the solemnity of the occasion because of the nationwide sorrow at the passing of many notable people in this marine disaster" (Mass. Proceedings p. 64, 1931). Jacob L. Milligan (1889-1951) U.S. Congressman to 66th, 72nd and 73rd Congresses (1920-21, 1923-35) from 3rd Mo. dist. b. March 9, 1889 in Richmond, Mo. Attended U. of Missouri, 1910-14; admitted to the bar in 1913, practicing at Richmond, and later at Kansas City. He served in WWI as a captain in the 6th Mo. Infantry and 140th Infantry, U.S.A., and was twice cited for bravery in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Member of Richmond Lodge No. 57, Richmond, Mo. receiving degrees on Jan. 1, Aug. 28, and Sept. 13, 1920. d. March 9, 1951. Charles M. Milliken (1888-1959) Major General, U.S. Army. b. Aug. 4,

1888 in Bridgewater, Maine. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1914; advanced through grades to major general in 1944. Served in WWI with the A.E.F. He was commanding general of the Central Signal Corps replacement training center at Camp Crowder, Mo. and post commander of same in 194546. He later commanded Camp Polk, La. and the training center at Fort Dix, N.J. Mason. d. Jan. 5, 1959. Charles F. Mills (1843-1915) Agriculturist and editor. b. May 29, 1843 at Montrose, Pa. Entered Union Army in senior year in school as private in 124th Ill. Volunteers and served throughout the war. He studied medicine and practiced in the Army to a limited extent. After the war he became a farmer and breeder of improved livestock; was editor and publisher of The Farm Home at Springfield, Ill. from 1890. He helped organize, and held offices, in many state and national live stock organizations. Was secretary of American Live Stock Assn.; secretary and president of American Berkshire Assn.; secretary of American Clydesdale Assn. Member of Tyrian Lodge No. 333, Springfield, Ill., being raised Sept. 24, 1880. d. Dec. 9, 1915. Clark Mills (1815-1883) Sculptor. b. Dec. 1, 1815 in Onondaga Co., N.Y. Orphaned at age of five. He ran away from a maternal uncle's home in 1828, and working as a laborer, reached New Orleans, La. and thence to Charleston, S. Car. Here he learned the stucco business. From this he learned a new method of making a cast of the human face which enabled him to make busts at reasonable prices. This led into marble cutting, and his first work was a bust of John C. Calhoun. He sculptored the equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C., and it was cast from cannon taken from the British in the War of 1812. He also made a replica of this statue for the city of New Orleans. His greatest work is perhaps the equestrian statue of George Washington in Washington, D.C., dedicated on Feb. 22, 1860. His statue of "Freedom" was placed atop the national capitol in 1863. He received the Entered Apprentice degree in Lebanon Lodge No. 7, Washington, D.C., May 4, 1849, but there is no record of other degrees being conferred. d. Jan. 12, 1883. Earl C. Mills (1870-1947) Imperial Potentate of the Shrine, 1932-33. b. Dec. 28, 1870 in Newton, Iowa. Graduate of Highland Park Coll., Des Moines, 1893 and 1899; of Drake U. in 1900. He practiced law at Des Moines from 1900. Member of Capital Lodge No. 110, Royal Arch Mason, Knight Templar and 33 AASR (SJ), all at Des Moines. d. April 16, 1947. Henry S. Mills Missouri pioneer merchant and banker. b. in Watertown, N.Y. When a youngster, his family came West through the Erie Canal, and

thence to New Salem, Ill.,where Henry clerked in a store at three dollars a month. He came to Arrow Rock, Mo. in 1837, opening a general store, and later a bank. Anthony O'Sullivan, q.v., the first grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, clerked in his store and bank. At that time Mills was secretary of Arrow Rock Lodge No. 55, and recommended O'Sullivan's petition for the degrees. He was district deputy grand master of the 15th Masonic district in 1856. Mills served as master of the Arrow Rock lodge in 1854, 1855, 1861, 1865 and 1870. He was on the committee that planned the present building occupied by the lodge. Robert Mills (1781-1855) Architect who designed the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. b. Aug. 12, 1781 in Charleston, S. Car. He studied architecture under Banjamin H. Latrobe, q.v. He designed several buildings in Philadelphia, including the wings of Independence Hall. In 1820 he returned to S. Car. where he became state architect. In 1830 he was called to Washington and appointed U.S. architect. He supervised the building of the U.S. Postoffice, Patent Office and Treasury buildings. He drafted the original design of the Washington Monument which included a circular colonnade or pantheon at the base, to place statues of the nation's illustrious dead, with vaults beneath for their remains. That part of his plan was never carried out. Washington had selected the site of the monument as a memorial of the American Revolution. Although often referred to as a Mason, no documentary evidence exists. It is claimed that in a speech he greeted Lafayette as "Illustrious Brother." d. March 3, 1855. Robert Q. Mills (1832-1911) U.S. Senator from Texas, 1892-99; U.S. Congressman, 1873-92. b. March 30, 1832 in Todd Co., Ky. He moved to Texas in 1849, studied law, and was admitted to practice in 1852 at Corsi206 William H. Milton cana, Texas. After a term in the state house of representatives, he enlisted in the Confederate Army and served throughout the Civil War, attaining the rank of colonel of the 12th Texas Infantry. He was wounded at both Missionary Ridge and Atlanta. Member of Corsicana Lodge No. 174, Corsicana, Texas. d. Sept. 2, 1911. Wilbur D. Mills U.S. Congressman to 76th through 86th Congresses from 2nd Ark. dist. b. May 24, 1909 in Ken-sett, Ark. He studied at Hendrix Coll. (A.B. degree), and Harvard Law School, and was admitted to the bar in 1934, practicing at Searcy. Member of Kensett Lodge No. 674, Kensett, Ark., since 1938; 32 and KCCH, AASR (SJ) at Little Rock and member of Scimitar Shrine Temple, Little Rock.

William H. Millspaugh Engineer, inventor, and manufacturer. b. Dec. 12, 1868 in Branchport, N.Y. He was president and organizer of the Sandusky Foundry & Machine Co., manufacturing large bronze tubular products. Sold company in 1929, retaining foreign business. He then organized Millspaugh, Ltd. of Sheffield, England, which he sold in 1946. He patented and developed suction rolls and paper making devices that established a new world record for speed and production of paper; also patented a -trifugal casting of metals which is leased to large companies and the U.S. government. Member of Science Lodge No. 50, Sandusky, Ohio; Sandusky City Chapter No. 72, RAM.; Sandusky City Council No. 26, R. & SM.; Erie Commandery No. 23, K.T.; 32 AASR (NJ) and Zenobia Shrine Temple, both at Toledo, Ohio. James Milnor (1773-1844) U.S. Congressman to 12th Congress, 181113. b. June 20, 1773 in Philadelphia, Pa. Attended U. of Pennsylvania, studied law, and admitted to the bar in 1794. He practiced in Philadelphiafrom 1797. He studied theology and was ordained an Episcopal minister. In 1814 he was assistant minister of St. Peter's in Philadelphia, and from 1816 until his death, rector of St. George's in New York City. He served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and is credited with unifying that jurisdiction and securing uniformity in the ritual. Received the degrees in Lodge No. 31, Pa. in 1795 and affiliated with Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia, on Sept. 6, 1796. d. April 8, 1844. Robert H. Milroy (1816-? ) Union Major General of Volunteers, Civil War. b. June 11, 1816 in Washington Co., Ind. Graduate of Norwich U. (Vt.) in 1843, and of law department of Indiana U. in 1850. He served in the Mexican War as a captain in the 1st Indiana Volunteers. He was a member of the constitutional convention of Indiana in 1849-50, and was appointed circuit judge in 1851. Early in the Civil War he entered the service as a captain of the 9th Indiana Volunteers and was commissioned brigadier general in 1862, and major general in 1863. In this capacity, he commanded the 2nd division of the 8th Army Corps when it was attacked by nearly the whole of Lee's Army on June 15, 1863, and possibly enabled General Meade to fight advantageously at Gettysburg. After the war he was appointed superintendent of Indian Affairs in Washington Territory and continued in that office until 1874. Affiliated with Prairie Lodge No. 125, Rensselaer, Ind. in 1863 and dimitted in 1866. William H. Milton (1864-1942) U.S. Senator from Florida, 1908-09. b. March 2, 1864 in Marianna, Fla. He served in the state lower house from 1889-91; studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1890. From 18901918 he was engaged in banking at Marianna. From 1894-97 he was U.S. surveyor general of Florida. He was

207 Francisco Xavier Mina mayor of Marianna, and president of the board of managers of the state reform school in that city. After his term as senator (appointed to fill out a term), he engaged in the real estate and insurance business in his native city. Member of Harmony Lodge No. 3, Marianna, Fla., receiving degrees on Aug. 21, 1906, June 8 and July 16, 1907. d. Jan. 4, 1942. Francisco Xavier Mina (1789-1817) Spanish revolutionary who fought for Mexican independence. b. in Dec., 1789 in Idocin, Spain. He abandoned a legal career to form a band of guerillas against Napoleon's invasion of Spain. He was captured and held prisoner from 1812-14. He then joined his uncle, General Espoz y Mina in the revolutionary movement to force Ferdinand VII, q.v., the anti-Mason to grant a constitution, and on its failure they emigrated to France in Oct., 1814. Young Mina then visited London where he met several Mexican patriots and resolved to assist in the liberation of Mexico. In 1817 he went to New Orleans where he gathered a force of adventurers and landed with about 500 men in Mexico in April, 1817. He fared well at first, defeating a division with his 300 men (many had deserted him), taking several forts and the city of Leon. When he captured Guanajuato, his men scattered for pillage, and were defeated when the enemy attacked. He was captured, court martialed, and executed with 25 companions on Nov. 11, 1817. Gould, in his Military Lodges states that he was a Freemason. If this was true, his membership might have been in either England, France or Spain, no record existing. Howard L. Mingos (1891-1955) Journalist, author. b. April 24, 1891 in Athens, Pa. Worked on staffs of Philadelphia Telegraph, Scranton Republican, New York Evening World, Evening Sun, and a special writer for New York Times. He contributed over1,000 articles to magazines and newspapers. An authority on aviation, he served in the air service, U.S. Army in WWI. He wrote The Zeppelins; The Birth of an Industry; The Air Is Our Concern; American Heroes of the War in the Air. He was the editor of the Aircraft Year Book, 1934-47 and the American Swedish. Monthly. Member of Waverly Lodge No. 301, Clarks Summit, Pa., receiving degrees on March 2, April 27, June 22, 1915. d. Dec. 29, 1955. Clement 0. Miniger (1874-1944) Founder, president, and chairman of board of Electric Auto-Lite Co. b. Nov. 11, 1874 in North East, Pa. He began as a coal mining operator; later was traveling salesman; and in 1911 organized Electric Auto-Lite Co. He was president and general manager of same from 1914-34, and chairman of board from 1934 until his death. He was a director of many other large corporations, including Bendix Aviation, Willys-

Overland Motors, Monro Auto Equipment Co., and Bingham Stamping Co. Member of Rubicon Lodge No. 237, Toledo, Ohio, receiving degrees, Jan. 18, June 14, July 12, 1915; Knight Templar and 32 AASR (NJ). d. April 23, 1944. W. Nels Minne President of Winona State Teachers College, Winona, Minn. since 1944. b. Dec. 6, 1901 at Catawba, Wis. Holds A.B., M.S., and Ph.D. from U. of Wisconsin. He was a chemistry and mathematics teacher at St. Olaf Coll., 1926-30, and department head and instructor at the Winona College, 1932-44. He served at one time as the grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota. Member of Winona Lodge No. 18, Winona, Minn. receiving degrees on Sept. 5, Oct. 15 and Nov. 13, 1946. John A. Minor General in the War of 1812. Member of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Va. 208 Charles B. Mitchel Augustus M. Minton Major General, U.S. Air Force. b. Oct. 21, 1911 in Mt. Carmel, Ill. Graduate of U. of Illinois in 1933 and Harvard in 1949. Was commissioned 2nd lieutenant in the Army Reserve and advanced to major general in Air Force in 1957. Was assigned to Alaskan Air Command, 1950-51; ATC, 1951-57 and since 1957 with Headquarters, USAF at Washington, D.C. Mason, National Sojourner, Hero of '76, Shriner. Sherman Minton U.S. Senator; Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court. b. Oct. 20, 1890 in Georgetown, Ind. Graduate of U. of Indiana, 1915, and Yale, 1916. Began law practice in New Albany, Ind., 1916, and for four years in Miami, Fla., returning to New Albany in 1928. Was U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1935-41. At end of term, he served a short while as administrative assistant to the President of the U.S. From 1941-49 he was judge of the U.S. circuit court of appeals, 7th circuit. From 1949-56 he was associate justice of the U.S. supreme court. He served as an Infantry captain in WWI. Member of DePauw Lodge No. 338, New Albany, Ind. Comte Honore G. V. R. Mirabeau (1749-1791) French revolutionary leader. Between 1774-80 he was imprisoned many times for intrigues. He lived for six years in England, 177480. He was perhaps the most important figure of the French Revolution in its first two years. His influence in the national assembly was achieved by oratory and personality. He believed strongly in a limited constitutional monarchy. He was elected president of the national assembly in 1791, but died soon after. His Masonic membership is debatable; some sources claim he was a Mason; others say he was an Illuminati, but not a Freemason.

Francisco de Miranda (see under de Miranda). John A. Mirt Journalist. b. Dec. 23, 1897 in Grove City, Pa. He entered newspaper work in 1912 as a cub reporter in Pittsburgh, and at the age of 21 became financial editor of the Pittsburgh Sun. He was on the editorial staff of the Chicago Jo-arr./4/ of Commerce, Chicago Evening Post, and Chicago Daily News. From 1946-49 he was chief of the Chicago bureau of Newsweek magazine. Since 1949 he has been assistant director of press relations of the American Medical Association. He was initiated in Standard Lodge No. 873, Chicago, in 1929 and was master in 1936; is a Royal Arch Mason and librarian for Chicago Scottish Rite Bodies. From 1951-56 he wrote an informative monthly bulletin entitled Masonry on Postage Stamps. The profits from this bulletin were given to the Illinois Masonic Home. Jehangeer Cursetjee Mistree (18741952) Indian businessman who was grand secretary of the Grand Lodge, Scottish Freemasons in India for 22 years, and the first Indian to hold this office. b. July 1874, he became a member of Rising Sun Lodge No. 506 (S.C.), Bombay, on Oct. 22, 1895, and was master of same in 1906. In 1934 the government gave him the title of "Khan Bahadur." He was honorary junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and honorary deputy 1st grand principal of the Grand Chapter of Scotland. d. 1952. Charles B. Mitchel (1815-1864) U.S. Senator from Arkansas, March 4July 11, 1861, withdrawing to be elected to the Confederate senate. b. Sept. 19, 1815 in Gallatin, Tenn. Graduate of the U. of Nashville in 1833, and Jefferson Medical Coll. (Pa.) in 1836. He moved to Washington, Ark. where he practiced medicine for 25 years. He served in the state legislature in 1848, and was receiver of public monies, 1953-56. He served in the Confederate senate until his death, 209 Charles B. Mitchell Sept. 20, 1864. Member of Mount Horeb Lodge No. 4, Washington, Ark. Charles B. Mitchell (1857-1941) Methodist Bishop. b. Aug. 27, 1857 in Allegheny City, Pa. Held six degrees from Allegheny Coll. (Pa.). Ordained to Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1882; he served churches in Burton, Marion, and Leavenworth, Kans.; and in Kansas City, Minneapolis, Cleveland, and Chicago until 1916, when he was made bishop. He served the St. Paul area which is composed of Wis., Min. and S. Dak. He was administrator for the church in the Philippines for four years. He retired in 1928. Received degrees in Albert Pike Lodge No. 219, Kansas City, Mo.; exalted in Webb Chapter No.

14, Cleveland, Ohio in 1903; and knighted in Oriental Commandery No. 12, Cleveland. 32 AASR (NJ) in Lake Erie Consistory, Cleveland on Feb. 20, 1903 and 33 in 1907. In 1926-27 he was grand prelate of the Grand Encampment, K.T. of the U.S. d. Feb. 23, 1941. David W. Mitchell Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Aug. 24, 1891 at St. Clairsville, Ohio. Attended Ohio Wesleyan U. and Harvard Business School. From 1911-17 he was with the Dollar Savings Bank of St. Clairsville, Ohio; and at the start of WWI he was commissioned in the Supply Corps of the U.S. Navy, advancing through grades to rear admiral, and retiring in 1949. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 1, Portsmouth, N.H. Fred T. Mitchell (1891-1953) President of Mississippi State College since 1945. b. July 4, 1891 in Clarksburg, Miss. Graduate of Peabody Coll. in 1927 and Cornell U. in 1931. Was employed by United Fruit Co. in Panama and Costa Rica from 1913-17, and later by Panama Canal Zone Commission. He then taught school in Arkansas (1919-26). He was professor and dean of students at Michigan State Coll. 1931-35. Affiliated with Carson Lake Lodge No. 658, Wilson, Ark. on Dec. 7, 1920, no record as to his former membership. Shriner. d. Dec. 5, 1953. Harry B. Mitchell (1867-1955) Chairman of U.S. Civil Service Commission from 1949. b. April 7, 1867 in Scotland. He was brought to the U.S. in 1880, beginning as a printer in 1887. He published weekly newspapers at Barker and Niehart, Mont. from 1892-96; was manager of the Daily Leader at Great Falls, Mont., 1896-1900, and editor of the Tribune, 1900-18. From 1918 he was in the livestock and dairying business. He served on the Civil Service Commission from 1933-49 and was president of same from 1949. Member of Euclid Lodge No. 58, Great Falls, Mont., he received degrees on June 22, July 27, and Sept. 14, 1905. d. Sept. 30, 1955. Henry L. Mitchell Former Governor of Florida. Member of Hillsborough Lodge No. 25, Tampa, Fla. and Tampa Chapter No. 17, R.A.M., Tampa. Mentioned in grand lodge proceedings, 1855, 1858 and 1866. Deceased. James W. S. Mitchell (1800-1873) Masonic author. b. in Kentucky. He was raised in Owen Lodge at Port - William (now Carrollton) Ky. in 1821; moved to Mo. in 1837, where he became grand master of the grand lodge, grand high priest of the grand chapter, and grand commander of the grand commandery. At St. Louis, in 1848, he established the monthly journal, Masonic Signet and Literary Mirror, which he moved to Montgomery, Ala. in 1852, where it lasted only a short time. He published The His- tory of

Freemasonry and Masonic Digest. The material in the latter volumes has been criticized as inaccurate and deficient in style. He died Nov. 12, 1873 in Griffin, Ga. In Mo. he was a member of Naphtali Lodge No. 25; charter member of St. Louis Chapter No. 8 (first grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Mo.); charter member of St. Louis Commandery No. 1, K.T. He dimitted from the chapter and commandery in late 1852. John Mitchell (1741-1816) First Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, AASR, 1801-16. b. in Ireland. He came to Pennsylvania before the Revolution and was deputy quartermaster general oC: the Continental Army with the rank of colonel until he resigned in 1780. In 1791 he moved to Charleston, S. Car. where he was active in the Society of Cincinnati. It is believed that he was initiated in an Ulster (Ireland) lodge. He was past master of Lodge No. 8 of Charleston, and in 1799-1800 was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina (Ancients). He received a patent from Barend Moses Spitzer which granted him the authority to establish a Lodge of Perfection and several councils and chapters. He received the 33 on April 2, 1795, becoming inspector general for S. Car. in that year. On May 31, 1801, he opened the Supreme Council 33 AASR. d. Jan. 23, 1816 (some sources say Feb. 23). John I. Mitchell (1838-1907) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1881-87; U.S. Congressman to 45th and 46th Congresses, 1877-81. b. July 28, 1838 in Tioga Co., Pa. Attended U. of Lewisburg, Pa. but did not graduate. He taught school from 1859-61; in the Civil War served in the 136th Regiment of Pa. Volunteers as a lieutenant and captain. He was admitted to the bar in 1864, practicing in Tioga Co. In 1870 he edited the Tioga County Agitator, and was a member of the state lower house from 1872-76. Member of Ossea Lodge No. 317, Wellsboro, Pa. d. Aug. 20, 1907. Samuel L. Mitchill (1764-1831) Scientist, physician and U.S. Senatorfrom New York, 1809-13; U.S. Congressman, 1801-04 and 1810-13. b. Aug. 20, 1764 in North Hempstead, N.Y. Graduate of U. of Edinburgh in medicine in 1786. Returning to N.Y. he studied law. In 1788 he was one of the commissioners to treat with the Iroquois Indians, and was present at the council held at Fort Stanwix. For a time was a professor at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N.Y.C., 1807-26, and an organizer and vice president of Rutgers Medical Coll., 1826-30. Mitchill was associated with Robert R. Livingston, q.v., in establishing a society for the promotion of agriculture and useful arts, and under its auspices made a mineralogical survey of N.Y. state. As a member of the state legislature of 1797, he advocated the act of 1798 which gave R. R. Livingston and Robert Fulton, qq.v., the exclusive right to navigate the waters of N.Y. by steam. In 1807 he

was on the first trip made by Fulton's Clermont. He was a founder of the Medical Repository and editor of it from 1797-1820. He was surgeon general of the state militia under Governor DeWitt Clinton, q.v. When Clinton Lodge No. 453 was warranted on Sept. 3, 1806 in Brooklyn, Mitchill was its first master, and in 1807 was grand steward of the Grand Lodge of New York. d. Sept. 7, 1831. Bartolome Mitre (1821-1906) President of Argentina, 1862-68; military leader, historian, poet. b. in Buenos Aires. As a fugitive from the Rosas regime, he lived as a journalist in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, establishing a brilliant military and journalistic career by the time he was 30. He returned to Argentina to support Urquiza and take part in the fight which ended the rule of Rosas. He was a member of the 1853 constitutional assembly and took an active part in the government from 1853-62. He defeated Urquiza at Pavon in 1861 and became president of Argentina the following 211 Marc A. Mitscher year. In alliance with Brazil and Uruguay, he conducted a successful war against Paraguay in 1865-70. He was a prolific writer, and the history of his country is covered in his works, which include Historia de Belgrano y de la Independencia Argentina and Historia de San Martain y de la Emancipacion Sad-Americana. The newspaper La Nacion was founded by Mitre. He was a member of Union del Plata Lodge, a 33 Scottish Rite Mason and grand master of Argentina in 1894. Marc A. Mitscher (1887-1947) Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Jan. 26, 1887 in Hillsboro, Wis. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1910, he was advanced through grades to rear admiral in 1941 and vice admiral in 1944. He was connected with naval aviation from 1915. He was a pilot on the first Navy trans-Atlantic flight in 1919; commanded the Naval Air Station at Anacostia, D.C.; executive officer of U.S.S. Langley; with Bureau of Aeronautics of Navy; executive officer of U.S.S. Saratoga. In WWII he was commanding officer of the U.S.S. Hornet in 1941-42, this ship being the Shangri-La from which American planes under General James Doolittle, q.v., took off on April 18, 1942 to bomb Tokyo and other Japanese cities. He was in command of the carrier Midway during the Battle of Midway; air commander of the Solomon Islands in 1943; commander of Task Force 58 of the Pacific Fleetthe greatest carrier task force in naval history at that timewhich operated against the Marshalls, Truk and Tinjan-Saipan. In 1945 he was chief of naval operations for air. A member of Biscayne Bay Lodge No. 124, Miami, Fla., he was raised on Jan. 29, 1919, receiving 32 AASR (SJ) at Miami on Feb. 14, 1919. d. Feb. 3, 1947.

Tom Mix (1880-1940) Movie actor; cowboy; soldier and adventurer. b. Jan. 6, 1880 in El Paso Co., Texas. In early life he was a cowboy in Texas, Arizona, Wyoming, and Montana. In the Spanish-American War, he served in the Army in the Philippines and also in the Boxer Rebellion in China. In the Boer War, he served with the British and was at the siege of Ladysmith. Returning to America he was sheriff of Montgomery Co., Kansas, and Washington Co., Okla. He then became deputy U.S. marshal and enforcement officer of Eastern Okla. and served three years with the Texas Rangers. From 1906-09 he was livestock foreman of the Miller Bros. "101" Ranch at Bliss, Okla. In 1929 he was with the Sells-Floto Circus. He won the national riding and roping contest at Prescott, Ariz. in 1909, and again at Canon City, Colo. in 1911. His motion picture career began in 1910. He was perhaps the best known actor of his day. He varied his motion picture making with tours with SellsFloto Circus until 1933, when he organized his own Tom Mix Circus and Wild West Show, making personal appearances in the U.S. and Europe. Mix was raised in Utopia Lodge No. 537 of Los Angeles, Calif. on Feb. 21, 1925, the first of a trio of famous motion picture celebrities to join this lodge. The others were Monte Blue and Richard Arlen, qq.v. Tom was so pleased to become a Mason that he paid ten years dues in advance. He was also a Royal Arch Mason and 32 AASR (SJ). Mix was a member of the "233 Club," taking an active part in conferring Blue Lodge degrees with that group of Mason-actors. He was killed Oct. 12, 1940 in an automobile crash in Arizona and buried with Masonic services on Oct. 16, 1940. Benjamin B. Moeur (1869-1937) Governor of Arizona, 1933-37. b. Dec. 22, 1869 in Decherd, Tenn. Received M.D. degree from Arkansas Industrial U. (now U. of Arkansas) in 1896. He began medical practice at Tempe, Ariz. in 1896. Member of Tempe Lodge No. 15, Tempe, Ariz. and received the 32 AASR (SJ) at Tucson on Nov. 20, 1919. d. March 16, 1937. Charles A. Moffett (1864-1949) President of Gulf States Steel Co. 192126. b. April 4, 1864 in Tallassee, Ala. Learned machinist's trade and was shop foreman for several iron companies. Became chief engineer of Republic Iron & Steel Co., superintendent of Birmingham Coal & Iron Co. and chief engineer of Southern Iron & Steel Co. He went with Gulf States Steel Co. in 1912 as works manager; was vice president and general manager, 1916-21. Member of Birmingham Fraternal Lodge No. 384, Birmingham, Ala., receiving degrees on July 11, 25 and Aug. 10, 1898, later serving as master; exalted in Mineral City Chapter No. 101, R.A.M. on June 23, 1903; knighted in Cyrene Commandery No. 10, K.T., Birmingham on Dec. 11, 1903 and served as commander. Received 32 AASR (SJ) June 2, 1899, KCCH in 1919, 33 (hon.) on Oct. 21, 1921, and sovereign grand inspector general in Alabama on Feb. 22, 1922. Active member of the Supreme Council on Oct. 22, 1927. d. Dec. 27, 1949.

August Christian Mohr (1847-1918) Lord-in-Waiting to the King of Norway and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Norway, 1917-18. Hal Mohr Motion picture producer and director. b. Aug. 2, 1894 in San Francisco, Calif. Has been in the motion picture industry since 1913. Since 1950 has been president of Balanscope, Inc. Was the winner of the Academy Award for Phantom of the Opera in 1935, and A Midsummer Night's Dream in 1943. Served as corporal U.S. Army in WWI. Mason. Edward J. Moinet (1873-1952) Federal Judge, Eastern Michigan from 1927. b. July 14, 1873 in Louisville, Ohio. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1895, admitted to the bar that year andbegan law practice at Ithaca, Mich. Member of St. Johns Lodge No. 105, St. Johns, Mich., receiving degrees on May 14, June 1, and June 11, 1903. Knight Templar and Shriner. d. Dec. 23, 1952. David Macbeth Moir (1798-1851) Scottish physician and author, known as "Delta" from the triangle he signed to his essays and poems. A contributor to Blackwood's Magazine, he wrote the Scottish novel, The Life of Mansie Wauch and Outlines of Ancient History of Medicine. Member of Canon-gate Kilwinning Lodge, Edinburgh. Francis, 2nd Earl of Moira (17541826) British soldier and colonial administrator. He was Francis RawdonHastings, his father being Sir John Rawdon and mother Lady Elizabeth Hastings, eldest daughter of the Earl of Huntingdon. In 1761 his father was created first Earl of Moira, and son Francis assumed the courtesy title of Lord Rawdon. He was educated at Harrow. At the start of the American Revolution, he was promoted from ensign to lieutenant in the 5th Foot and embarked for America in 1773. Attached to the regiment was Lodge No. 86 and it would seem probable that here was where he was initiated. In 1775 he was promoted to captain in the 63rd Foot. He was at the Battle of Bunker Hill, served as adjutant general in 1778, and was in command of the left wing at the Battle of Camden where he defeated General Gates in 1780. He was at Hobkirk's Hill in 1781. Irish by birth (b. Dec. 7, 1754), he raised a regiment of Irish volunteers in Philadelphia in 1777 when he was 23 years old. He championed the regency of the Prince of Wales in 1789, and in 1790 assumed the name of "Hastings" with its corresponding title in the English peerage. With Wellesley, he attempted to form a ministry in 1812. He was governor general of Bengal and commanderinchief of India from 1813-22. He carried 213

Andrew Mokronovsky on successful wars against the Gurkhas in 1816 and established British supremacy in central India. In 1819 he purchased the island of Singapore; was governor of Malta in 1824, Ma-sonically, he was perhaps the most famous man of English Freemasonry in the period which preceded the union of the two rival grand lodges in 1813. From 1790-1813, he was acting grand master to H. R. H. George, Prince of Wales, later George IV, q.v. In 1806-07 he was the 46th Grand Master Mason of Scotland. Had it not been for his intervention, and that of the 4th Duke of Atholl, q.v., the Unlawful Societies Act of 1799 would have caused the dissolution of English Freemasonry. When he left for India in 1813, his farewell banquet was graced by six noted Royal Arch Masonsthe Dukes of Sussex, York, Clarence, Kent, Cumberland, and Gloucester, qq.v., and he was appointed acting grand master of India by the Grand Lodge. On his way to that continent, he laid the first stone of a new Roman Catholic Cathedral in Mauritius. He was buried on the ramparts of the Island of Malta. He left a letter, in which, among other requests, he desired that his "right hand might be cut off" and buried with his wife at her death. This wish was complied with, and his hand now rests, clasped with hers, in the family vault at the old Kirk of Loudoun. Andrew Mokronovsky Polish general who succeeded Count Ignatius Potocky as grand master of Polish Freemasonry in 1783, serving until 1785. Comte Gabriel Jean Joseph Molitor (1770-1849) French soldier who was created Marshal of France and a peer in 1824. He served in the revolutionary and Napoleonic armies and distinguished himself at Essling and Wagram in 1809. He was governor general of Holland in 1811 and retired in1815, but was recalled to service in 1818, and commanded a corps in the French expedition to Spain in 1823. He was initiated in the lodge attached to the 60th Regiment of the Infantry of the Line. Mathias P. Moller (1855-1937) Founder and president of M. P. Moller Organ Works, Hagerstown, Md., manufacturers of Moller pipe organs. b. Sept. 29, 1855 in Bornholm, Denmark. He came to the U.S. in 1872 and began work in an organ factory in Erie, Pa. He settled in Hagerstown, Md. in 1880, where he established an organ works. He was also president of M. P. Moller Motor Car Co., Kinetic Engineering Co., and owner of the Hotel Dagmar. An active Lutheran, he was elected to the Maryland Synod 18 times, to the general convention of the Lutheran Church eight times, and to the World Lutheran Convention at Copenhagen in 1929. Mason. d. April 13, 1937. Henry Howard Molyneux (see 4th Earl of Carnarvon).

Jose Gregorio Monagas (1795-1858) President of Venezuela from 1851-55. He was placed in office by his brother, Jose Tadeo Monagas, q.v., who had been president from 1846-51, and also followed him with another term, 185558. The reign of Jose Gregorio was distinguished by his abolition of slavery in 1854. The Monagas family held a virtual dictatorship over Venezuela. Jose Tadeo's son, Jose Ruperto Monagas, q.v., was also president of Venezuela from 1869-70 and was overthrown by General Guzman Blanco, q.v. Jose Gregorio was a 33 AASR member and grand commander of the Supreme Council of Venezuela. Jose Ruperto Monagas Venezuelan General and President of Venezuela in 1868-70, following his father, Jos-6 Tadeo Monagas, q.v., as president on the latter's death. He was overthrown 214 Ora E. Monette by General Guzman Blanco, q.v. A 32 AASR in the Supreme Council of Venezuela. Jose Tadeo Monagas (1784-1868) President of Venezuela, 1846-51 and 1855-58. A Venezuelan general, he fought under Bolivar, q.v., in the War of Independence, 1812-21. He was military leader of the Venezuelans when the union with Greater Colombia dissolved in 1830. He was the choice of Paez as his successor to the presidency in 1846, but broke with Paez in 1847. The Monagas family held a virtual dictatorship in Venezuela. He arranged for his brother, Jose Gregorio Monagas, q.v., to succeed him as president when he retired from that office in 1851, but in 1855 he took over again from the brother. He revised the constitution in 1857, was overthrown by a revolution in 1858, and banished. He returned to power in 1868, but died soon after. He was a 32 AASR, in the Supreme Council of Venezuela. His son, Jose Ruperto Monagas, q.v., was president of Venezuela from the time of his father's death in 1868 until overthrown by General Guzman Blanco, q.v. in 1870. Bon Adrien Jeannot de Moncey (1754-1842) French General created Marshal of the Empire in 1804 and peer of France by Louis XVIII. He served in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic armies, and commanded the army which defeated the Spaniards in 1795. In 1804 he was created Duc de Conegliano. He commanded the National Guard in Paris in 1814, and defended the city against allied forces. He commanded a corps in the French expedition to Spain in 1823. He was a grand officer of the Grand Orient of France in 1814. Frank W. Mondell (1860-1939) U.S. Congressman to 54th and 56th

through 67th Congresses (1895-97 and 1899-1923) from Wyoming. b. Nov. 6, 1880 in St. Louis, Mo. He went to Wyoming in 1887, prospecting for coal. Largely through his efforts, the Cambria coal fields were developed and the town of Newcastle started. He was the city's first mayor and served four terms. When Wyoming became a state in 1890 he was elected to the state senate and served as president of that body. He served a total of 26 years in congress. From 192325 he was director of the War Finance Corp. Member of Newcastle Lodge No. 12, Newcastle, Wyo., receiving degrees on April 4, July 23 and Aug. 1, 1891. Exalted in Wyoming Chapter No. 1, Cheyenne, on Aug. 22, 1896. d. Aug. 6, 1939. Gaspard Monge (1746-1818) French mathematician who is considered the inventor of descriptive geometry. He was active in the establishment of the Ecole Polytechnique, where he taught descriptive geometry. He became the Comte de Peluse. The Bulletin of the International Masonic Congress of 1917 states he was a Freemason. Ralph M. Monk Vice President of Caterpillar Tractor Co. since 1950. b. Feb. 24, 1903 at Plymouth, Ill. Graduate of U. of Illinois in 1925 and 1927. Admitted to the bar in 1927 and practiced at Peoria, Ill. until 1938, when he became director of industrial and labor relations of Caterpillar and 1950, vice president. Received degrees in Peoria Lodge No. 15, Peoria, Ill. on Jan. 6, 13, 20, 1930. Knight Templar and Shriner. Ora E. Monette (1873-?) Organizer, founder and president of the Bank of America at Los Angeles in 1923. b. April 12, 1873 near Bucyrus, Ohio. Graduate of Ohio Wesleyan U. in 1895. He practiced law at Bucyrus, Ohio from 1896 until 1907, when he moved to Los Angeles. The original Bank of America later consolidated with the Bank of Italy, and later changed its name to Bank of America again. In the latter change he was 215 James Monroe vice president of the organization. Mason. Deceased. James Monroe (1758-1831) Fifth President of the United States. b. April 28, 1758 in Westmoreland Co., Va. He served in the American Revolution, leaving William and Mary College to do so. He fought under General Mercer and was at Harlem, White Plains, and Trenton, being wounded in the latter engagement. He rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. From 1783-86 he was a member of the Continental Congress, and practiced law at Fredericksburg, Va. He was U.S. senator from Virginia from 1790-94, and one of the negotiators of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. He was governor of Virginia from 1799-1802 and again in 1811. He became U.S. secretary of state from

1811-17, and during the same period was U.S. secretary of war from 181415. His presidential term from 1817-25 was marked with good feeling because of lack of vigorous factional quarrels. Florida was acquired in 1819, the Missouri Compromise enacted in 1820, and the Monroe Doctrine promulgated in 1823. While he was U.S. minister to France, his wife effected the release of Madam de Lafayette, wife of the Marquis de Lafayette, q.v., who was in prison expecting to be executed. He received the Entered Apprentice degree in Williamsburgh Lodge No. 6, Williams-burgh, Va. while he was a student at William and Mary Coll. This lodge was formerly No. 457, and 365 under the Grand Lodge of England. The date of his initiation is Nov. 9, 1775, and he was 17 at the time. Where he received his 2nd and 3rd degrees is not known. Two lines of thought prevailBoydon suggested that it might have been in the Williamsburgh lodge in 1776. John Dove thought that he received the remaining degrees in St. John's Regimental Lodge. The lodge records at Williamsburgh do not show they were conferred in 1776, althoughthey do show his payment of quarterly dues until Oct., 1780. Inasmuch as he left schooland Williamsburghin March, 1776, it seems more likely that St. John's lodge would be the answer. The proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia for 1825 show that he was made an honorary member of Washington Naval Lodge No. 4, Washington, D.C. On Oct. 6, 1817 he participated in the Masonic cornerstone laying of Central Coll. This school merged into the U. of Virginia in 1819. On June 8, 1819 Cumberland Lodge No. 8 of Nashville, Tenn. met, adopted resolutions and marched in a body to meet Monroe. Wilkins Tannehill (later to be grand master) delivered an address of welcome and Monroe was escorted into the town. Later that day he was "given a private reception by Masons." On June 24, 1819 Abraham Lodge No. 8 and Clark Lodge No. 51, both of Louisville, Ky. held a joint St. John's Day celebration, and had as guests President Monroe and General Andrew Jackson, q.v. He was present at the Masonic cornerstone laying of the city hall in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 22, 1820. He died July 4, 1831. On July 25, 1831 Richmond Randolph Lodge and lodges 10, 14 and 54 participated in a funeral procession in honor of Monroe in Richmond, Va. Jay R. Monroe (1883-1937) President of the Monroe Calculating Machine Co. from 1912. b. Jan. 6, 1883 in South Haven, Mich. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1906. He was employed by Western Electric Co. from 190612 in Chicago, Pittsburgh, and New York City. Raised in Hope Lodge No. 124, East Orange, N.J. on May 9, 1928. d. April 29, 1937. Almer S. "Mike" Monroney U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, from 1951; U.S. Congressman to 76th through 81st Congresses (1939-51). b. March 2, 1902 in Oklahoma City, Okla. Graduate of U. of Oklahoma in 1924. He was a reporter and political writer on the Oklahoma News, 1924-28. In 1945 he

received Collier's award for distinguished congressional service. Member of Oklahoma City Lodge No. 36, Oklahoma City, Okla., receiving degrees on March 24, April 21, May 19, 1928 and member of the Indian Consistory AASR (SJ) at McAlester. 6th Viscount of Montagu (Anthony Brown) Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England in 1732. He was installed "in the presence of many Persons of Quality, about 440 Brethren." He was one of the three Roman Catholics to serve as grand master of England (the others were Petre and DeGrey, qq.v.). John, 2nd Duke of Montagu ( ?- 1749) Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England, 1721-23. He was the first grand master from the nobility. He was installed June 24, 1721 and held office until Jan. 17, 1723 when Philip, Duke of Wharton, was elected. Andrew J. Montague (1862-1937) Governor of Virginia, 1902-06; U.S. Congressman to 63rd through 74th Congresses (1913-37) from 3rd Va. dist. b. Oct. 3, 1862 in Campbell Co., Va. Graduate of Richmond (Va.) Coll. in 1882 and U. of Virginia in 1885. He practiced law from 1885; and was U.S. district attorney, attorney general of Va.; and dean of the law school of Richmond Coll. He was U.S. delegate to Pan-American Conference at Rio de Janeiro in 1906; a trustee of the Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C. and of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. From 192024 he was president of the American Peace Society. Member of Roman Eagle Lodge No. 122, Euclid Chapter No. 15, R.A.M., and Dove Commandery No. 7, K.T., all of Danville, Va. Also Acca Shrine Temple at Richmond, Va. d. Jan. 24, 1937. Theodore G. Montague President of The Borden Co. (milk products) since 1937. b. April 22, 1898 at, La Crosse, Wis. He began as a clerk in 1919, became an executive of the Valencia Evaporated Milk Co. in 1926, and president of the Kennedy-Mansfield Dairy, Madison, Wis. from 192734. From 1934-37 he was vice president of The Borden Co., N.Y.C. He is chairman of The Borden Co., Ltd. and Drake Bakeries, Inc. He is also trustee and director of several large companies. In WWI he was in the Naval Air Service. Received degrees in Madison Lodge No. 5, Madison, Wis. on Oct. 15, Nov. 5, 1920, Jan. 15, 1921; dimitted Dec. 20, 1934. Sir Moses H. Montefiore (17841885) British Jewish philanthropist. b. at Leghorn, Italy of Anglo-Italian parentage. His family were Jewish merchants. He made a fortune in the London stock exchange and retired in 1824 to

devote himself to alleviating the hardships of other Jews. He made several trips to the Orient on behalf of his race, and in 1855 established a girls' school in Jerusalem. He obtained an edict from the sultan of Morocco giving equality to the Jews in 1864. In 1867 he interceded with Prince Carol of Rumania in behalf of the Moldavian Jews. Member of Moira Lodge No. 92, London, Montefiore Lodge No. 1017, London, is named in his honor. Xavier A. Montero Cuban artist. Member of Martires de la Lib ertad Lodge, Havana, Cuba. Baron de Montesquieu (see de Secondat). Carlos Montezuma (1867-1923) American Indian physician. b. in 1867 in Arizona of Apache parents, his father's name was Co-lu-ye-vah. He was captured in his youth by the Pima Indians, and sold for $30 to a Mr. C. Gentile. He was educated in the public schools of Chicago, Galesburg, Ill., Brooklyn, N.Y., and under private tutors at Urbana, Ill. He graduated from the U. of Illinois in 1884 at the age of 17, and received his M.D. degree from the Chicago Medical Coll. in 1889. He was a physician and surgeon with the Interior department from 1889-96, serving at several Indian agencies. From 1896-1914 he was at the Post Graduate Medical School, Chicago; was a medical instructor in Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago. He was the editor of the Indian magazine Wassaja and wrote several books on Indian welfare including The Indian of Today and Tomorrow; Let My People Go and Abolish the Indian. Bureau. Received degrees in Blaney Lodge No. 271, Chicago on Aug. 7, Sept. 25, and Dec. 4, 1907. Affiliated with Dearborn Lodge No. 310, Chicago on Nov. 11, 1914. d. Jan. 31, 1923. Joseph Montfort (1724-1776) Sometimes called "The first, the last, the only Grand Master of America," an honor which is warmly contested by others as belonging to (1) Henry Price of Mass., q.v. whose commission was dated April 30, 1733 and (2) Thomas Oxnard of Mass., q.v. whose commission was dated Sept. 23, 1743, b. in England, he was made a Freemason before leaving for America. He located in Halifax, N. Car. and became clerk of Edgecomb Co. court before Halifax Co. was created. He was commissioner of the Town of Halifax, member of the colonial assembly, colonel of the provincial troops, treasurer of the northern counties of the province, commissioner for the management of N. Car. affairs in England, and a member of the provincial congress which met in Newbern in April, 1775. His daughter, Mary, married Willie Jones, the first ex-officio governor of N..Car. It was from the Hon. and Mrs. Willie Jones that John Paul,father of the American Navy, took the name "John Paul Jones," q.v. Monfort promoted the

idea of building Masonic temples. It is said that his idea made such an impression on the London fraternity that its members were inspired to begin the erection of the first temple in London. Benjamin Franklin, in Philadelphia, urged the building of the first such temple in America and the building at Halifax, N. Car. is the second such structure in this country. This marked the end of the "tavern" stage of Freemasonry. The document issued by the Grand Lodge of England, by order of Henry, 5th Duke of Beaufort, q.v., and attested to by James Haseltine, grand secretary, is dated Jan. 14, 1771. It states, in part; "Know Ye that We, of the Great Trust and Confidence reposed in our Right Worshipful and well beloved Brother, Joseph Montfort, Esquire, of Halifax, in the Province of North Carolina, in America, Do hereby Constitute and appoint him the said Joseph Montfort, Provincial Grand Master Of and For America, with full power and authority in due form to make Masons & Constitute and Regulate Lodge as Occasion may Require." Montfort died March 26 (or 25th), 1776. He was reburied on the the grounds of Royal White Hart Lodge No. 2, Halifax, and on Feb. 13, 1911, a stone was unveiled at the new burial site stating, "The First, The Last, The Only Grand Master of America. Jacques Etienne Montgolfier (17451799) French inventor, who with his brother, Joseph Michel, q.v., built the first practical balloon. b. Jan. 7, 1745 at Vidalon-les-Annonay, France. He began practice in Paris as an architect, but his father requested that he return to Annonay to assist him in his business of paper manufacture. The two brothers assisted their father in the business until the latter retired. Meanwhile they developed and perfected the idea of balloons, by watching heat rise from a burning scrap of paper. Their first balloon ascent was made at Annonay on June 5, 1783 with the balloon staying aloft for ten minutes. Their success was at once reported to the Academy in Paris, and the brothers were invited to demonstrate their experiment in Paris. Jacques Etienne made the trip, and there constructed a blue balloon 74 feet high, colorfully decorated with signs, wreaths, and portraits. The passengers on this flight were a sheep, a cock, and a duck. The experiment took place at Versailles on Sept. 20, 1783 in the presence of a large audience. Etienne was presented to King Louis XVI and received the Cordon of St. Michel. A pension was allotted to Joseph, and letters of nobility were granted their old father. The Academy of Science bestowed the title of "corresponding member" on the two brothers. It was at this time that Etienne was made a Freemason in the Lodge of the Nine Sisters in Paris. He was raised by the architect, Soufflet, his name first appearing on the membership list of 1784. The two brothers continued their experiments, and in 1792 invented a hydraulic ram. They also introduced numerous improvements in paper-making. Their images are represented on a monument erected in their honor at Annonay.

Joseph Michel Montgolfier (17401810) French inventor, who with his brother, Jacques Etienne, q.v., invented the first practical balloon. Both had grappled for some time with the mystery of flying and were familiar with Joseph Priestley's Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air. Joseph had tinkered with parachutes and had dropped a sheep from a tower with a rig resembling a parasol. One day while staring at an engraving of the French and Spanish besieging the British at Gibraltar, he thought that although the allies were blocked by land and sea, they were not by air. He knew that smoke rose in air. Why couldn't he store enough smoke somehow to lift a man? On the spur of the moment, he sprang up, found some scraps of taffeta, and at once contrived a small spherical bag which when held over a flame for a moment floated to the ceiling. He appears to have been made a member of the Lodge of the Nine Sisters, at Paris, at a much later date than his brother, for his name first appears on the membership list in 1806, whereas Etienne became a member in 1784. Richard Montgomery (1736-1775) Major General in American Revolution, killed in the storming of Quebec. b. Dec. 2, 1736 in Swords, near Feltrim, Ireland. His father was a member of the British parliament. He was educated at Trinity Coll., Dublin, and entered the English Army at the age of 18 in the 17th Infantry. In 1757 he was ordered to Halifax, N.S., and soon after participated in the siege of Louisburg under Wolfe, the campaign around Lake Champlain, and the fall of Montreal in 1760. He then served in the campaigns of the West Indies, returning to New York in 1763, and then to England. He resigned his commission in 1772, and returned to America the following year, where he married Janet, daughter of Robert R. Livingston, the jurist, and thus became a brother-in-law of Robert R. (2nd), Henry Edward, and Morgan Lewis, qq.v., all prominent Freemasons and two (Robert R. and Morgan Lewis) being grand masters of New York. He settled on the Hudson near Rhinebeck. He was a delegate to the 1st provincial congress in N.Y.C. in 1775, and in the same year was made a brigadier general in the Continental Army. He was second in command to General Schuyler on the expedition to Canada, but because of 219 S. A. Montgomery the illness of Schuyler, he assumed command and captured St. John's, Chambly, and Montreal. At this time he was made major general and joined his 300 men with Benedict Arnold's, q.v., 600 for an assault on Quebec in Dec. 1775. He was killed with the first volley of British guns, while leading the assault on the fortified city. Carleton, the British commander and a Freemason, gave him burial within the city. In 1818 the remains were moved to St. Paul's churchyard in N.Y.C. and interred on July 8. As an early American martyr of the Revolution, he was toasted at Masonic meetings as "one of the three eminent Masons who fell in liberty's cause Montgomery, Warren and Wooster," qq.v. This toast was given in American

Union Lodge on June 24, 1779 (a Conn. military lodge). Lodges in Conn., Mass. and N.Y. have been named for him. In the original proceedings of the Grand Lodge of New York for June 4, 1819, the grand treasurer's account shows the following: "To cash paid for expenses for the funeral of brother Gen. Montgomery." The proceedings of this grand lodge in 1902 (p. 100) also list him as a member of Mount Vernon Lodge No. 3, Albany, N.Y. James R. Case in his Fifty Early American Military Freemasons believes that he was initiated in the traveling Lodge of Unity No. 18 under Irish registry, as this lodge was attached to his 17th Regiment of Foot. This lodge's chest fell into the hands of the Americans at the capture of Stony Point in 1779, along with other regimental impedimenta and was returned under a flag of truce by Samuel Holden Parsons, master of American Union Lodge. d. Dec. 31, 1775. S. A. Montgomery Vice President of Standard Oil of Indiana since 1956. b. March 14, 1896 in Osborn, Miss. Graduate of Mississippi A. & M. Coll. in 1917 and graduate study at Haryard, Has been with Standard Oil since 1919, first as a chemist, refinery manager, assistant general manager, and since 1956 vice president in charge of manufacturing; member of board of directors since 1951. Member of Piasa Lodge No. 29, Alton, Ill. since about 1921; 32 AASR (NJ) at Chicago, and member of Medinah Shrine Temple, Chicago. William, 3rd Viscount Montjoy (see 1st Earl of Blesington). Due de Montpensier (see Due de Chartres). Jose Montufar Costa Rican General and son of Dr. Lorenzo Montufar, q.v., one of the founders of the Scottish Rite in Central America. He died in Guatemala in a military action combating the dictatorship of Estrada Cabrera. Was a member of Union Fraternal Lodge No. 19. Lorenzo Montufar (1823-1898) Costa Rican lawyer and historian. He was rector of Santo Tomas U., and one of the founders of the Scottish Rite of Central America, and its first grand minister of state. Daniel J. Moody Governor of Texas, 1927-31. b. June 1, 1893 in Taylor, Texas. Student at U. of Texas, 1910-14. Admitted to the bar in 1914 and began practice at Taylor. He was attorney general of Texas from 1925-27. Since his governorship he has practiced law at Austin. In WWI he was an Army lieutenant. Member of Solomon Lodge No. 484, Taylor, Texas, receiving degrees in 1914. Also member of York, Scottish Rite bodies, and Shrine.

William H. Moody (1853-1917) U.S. Congressman; U.S. Attorney General; U.S. Secretary of Navy; U.S. Supreme Court Justice. b. Dec. 23, 1853 in Newbury, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1876, he studied law in the office of Richard H. Dana and was ,ad-mated to the bar in 1878, starting 220 A. Harry Moore practice at Haverhill, Mass. Elected to the 54th congress in 1897, he was subsequently reelected to the 55th through 57th congresses. He resigned from Congress in 1902 to become Secretary of the Navy under Theodore Roosevelt, q.v., holding that position until 1904, when he became attorney general, serving until 1906. He war associate justice of the U.S. supreme court from 1906-10, resigning due to ill health. Moody was raised in Saggahew Lodge of Haverhill, Mass. on Dec. 5, 1881; exalted in Pentucket Chapter, R.A.M., March 10, 1882, and knighted in Haverhill Commandery, K.T., June 16, 1882. He was a Scottish Rite member. d. July 2, 1917. Benjamin Mooers (1758-1838) Major General in War of 1812. b. April 1, 1758 in Haverhill, Mass. He entered the Revolutionary Army as an ensign, serving as lieutenant and adjutant until the end of hostilities. In 1783 he settled in the vicinity of Plattsburg, N.Y., then a wilderness, and for eight years was a member of the state legislature. As a major general of militia, he commanded at the battle of Plattsburg on Sept. 11, 1814. Although his lodge is not known, he is listed among the brethren who served in the Revolution, in the N.Y. proceedings of 1900 and in the list of War of 1812 soldiers in the same, 1901. d. Feb. 20, 1838. Horatio T. Mooers U.S. Foreign Service Officer. b. May 3, 1894 at Vassalborough, Maine. Graduate of Bowdoin Coll. in 1918 and studied in Belgium. Was appointed vice consul at Antwerp in 1919, and later assigned to Brussels; Edinburgh, Scotland; Horta, Azores; Lisbon, Portugal. He was consul at Lisbon, 1923-26, at Turin, Italy, 1926-28; Quebec, Canada, 192831; Cherbourg, France, and Toronto, Canada. He became secretary of legation and consul at San Jose, Costa Rica in 1927, and consul at Mexicali, Mexico, 1937-41. While on a special mission to Madagascar in 1941 he was captured by the Japanese at Manila, and interned for 21 months. Since the war he has served as consul in Haiti, France, and Mexico. Member of Somerset Lodge No. 34, Skowhegan, Maine, receiving degrees on Nov. 24 and Dec. 13, 1915. James E. Mooney Aviation executive, editor, and author. b. July 30, 1901 in Dansville, N.Y. Graduate of N.Y. State Teachers Coll. and Duquesne U. Was with public school systems in N.Y. and N.J. From 1927-38 was with educational and editorial departments of Charles Scribner's Sons. In 1939-40

he was acting president of Beaver Coll., and in 1940 president of U. of Tampa (Fla.). From 1938-40 he was editor of Youth's Digest, and is editor of Courage and Beaver Journal for advancement of education. He is the founder and past president of the Beaver Foundation for Advancement of Education. An aviation expert, he was advisor to Admiral Richard E. Byrd, 1950-57, and a representative on the Amundsen-Scott International Geophysical Year; an advisor of American Academy of Air Laws. He received the American Polar Explorers award in 1938, and the Naval Award of Merit in 1943; a mountain in the Queen Maude Range in Antarctica is named in his honor. He has written many books since 1920 in the fields of history and aviation. Mason. A. Harry Moore (1879-1952) U.S. Senator and Governor of New Jersey. b. July 3, 1879 in Jersey City, N.J. Began law practice at Jersey City in 1920. He was secretary to the mayor, city collector, and commissioner of Jersey City. Moore is the only man in the state's history to serve three terms as governor: 1926-28, 1932-35, 1938-41. He was elected to the U.S. Senate for the term 1935-41, but resigned in 1938. He was a professor of legal ethics at John Marshall Coll. of Law. A leader in state drives, he was active in youth work and was an authority on playgrounds. The A. Harry Moore School for Crippled Children was named in his honor by Jersey City. He was raised in Jersey City Lodge No. 74, June 10, 1909; received the Scottish Rite degrees (NJ) in May, 1926, and 33 on Sept. 27, 1939. d. Nov. 18, 1952. Alexander P. Moore (1867-1930) U.S. Ambassador and newspaper editor and publisher. b. Nov. 10, 1867 in Pittsburgh, Pa. In 1912 he married the famous actress and singer, Lillian Russell. He was in the newspaper business from 1878 as a reporter, city editor, managing editor, and publisher. He was part owner of the Pittsburgh Telegraph a n d Pittsburgh ChronicleTelegraph and managing editor of Pittsburgh Press. From 1904 he was editor-in-chief of the Pittsburgh Leader, and president of the Leader Publishing Co. In 1928 he purchased the New York Daily Mirror and the Boston. Advertiser. He was U.S. Ambassador to Spain in 1923-25, and to Peru, 1928-30. Member of Lodge No. 45, Pittsburgh, Pa., receiving degrees on May 29, July 31, and Sept. 25, 1889. Also member of Tancred Commandery No. 48, K.T., Pittsburgh. d. Feb. 17, 1930. Andrew Moore (1752-1821) U.S. Senator, 1799-1809, and U.S. Congressman, First through Fourth Congresses (1789-97). b. in 1752 in Rockbridge Co., Va. Studied law and admitted to the bar in 1774. Served in the Revolutionary War as a lieutenant under General Gates, q.v., at Battle of Saratoga, and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne. Resigned in 1779 with rank of captain; was commissioned brigadier general of Va. militia and made major general in 1808. Served in Virginia state senate and was

delegate to the Virginia convention that ratified the Federal Constitution. Memberof Bath Union Lodge No. 42, Warm Springs, Va. d. April 14, 1821. Andrew B. Moore (1806-1873) Governor of Alabama, 1857-61. b. March 7, 1806 in Spartanburg, S. Car. He moved to Perry Co., Ala. in 1826 where he taught school, studied law, and practiced as an attorney from 1833. He served many terms in the state legislature after 1839 and was three times speaker. From 1852-57 he was circuit judge. In 1861 he directed the seizure of all U.S. forts and arsenals before the secession of Ala., and thus greatly added to the equipment of the state troops. He was confined in Fort Pulaski in 1865, and after his release practiced law in Marion. Member of Marion Fraternal Lodge No. 34, Marion, Ala. d. April 5, 1873. Arthur J. Moore Methodist Bishop. b. Dec. 26, 1888 in Waycross, Ga. He entered the Methodist ministry in 1909 and was ordained in 1914. Was pastor of various churches until 1920; in San Antonio, Texas, 1920-26; and Birmingham, Ala., 1926-30. Elected bishop in 1930, he was in charge of missionary activities of the Methodist Church in China, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Belgian Congo, Poland, and Korea from 1934-40. In 1941 he was president of Wesleyan Coll. (Ga.). Mason, Knight Templar, and 32 AASR. Ben Wheeler Moore (1891-1958) Federal Judge, Southern District of West Virginia since 1941. b. Jan. 1, 1891 in Salyersville, Ky. He was a bank clerk from 1907-11, an auditor until 1914. He studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1915, and practiced at Charleston, W. Va. Raised Oct. 31, 1921 in Kanawaha Lodge No. 20, Charleston, W. Va. 33 AASR (NJ). d. Sept. 25, 1958. Charles C. Moore (1866-1958) Governor of Idaho, 1923-26. b. Feb. 26,1866 in Holt Co., Mo. From 1895-99 he was auditor and recorder of Holt Co., Mo., moving to St. Anthony, Idaho in the latter year. He was a member of the state legislature from 1903-06 and lieutenant governor 1919-22. From 1929-33 he was commissioner of the General Land Office. He received his degrees in Benevolent Lodge No. 38, St. Anthony, Idaho in 1903; the Scottish Rite degrees (SJ) in 1908; Shriner. d. March 19, 1958. Viscount Charles Moore Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1758. He was later the 6th Earl and 1st Marquis of Drogheda. Charles W. Moore (1801-1873) Masonic journalist who established the

Masonic Mirror at Boston, Mass. in 1825, which he edited until his death. b. March 29, 1801 in Boston. He was elected to receive the degrees in a Mass. lodge, but received courtesy degrees in Kennebec Lodge No. 5, Hallowell, Maine in June, 1822. He then affiliated with St. Andrews Lodge of Boston. He was high priest of St. Andrews Chapter in 1840 and grand high priest of Mass. in 1837. In 184143 he was grand master of the Grand Encampment K.T. of Mass. and R.I., and grand captain general of the Grand Encampment, K.T. of the U.S. in 1847. From 1844-62 he was secretary general of the Supreme Council AASR (NJ). d. Dec. 12, 1873. Cornelius Moore (1806-1883) Masonic journalist. b. Nov. 23, 1806 in Hunterdon Co., N.J. He was raised in Lafayette Lodge No. 79, Zanesville, Ohio, in March, 1837, and later served as master for four years. He was a member of the York and Scottish Rites. In 1845 he established the Masonic Review at Cincinnati, which continued to be a leading Masonic monthly for 50 years. He wrote several books including Outlines of the Temple. d. June 3, 1883. Edward Moore, Jr. Executive Vice President and Director of National Biscuit Co. since 1949. b. March 18, 1906 in St. Louis, Mo. He was a rancher at Sheridan, Wyo. from 1928-38; vice president of the Sheridan Press, 193038; and president of OutsenGage-Moore Corp., Cheyenne from 1939-42. Raised in Big Horn Mountain Lodge No. 43, Sheridan, Wyo. about 1931. Edward H. Moore (1871-1950) U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, 1943-49. b. Nov. 19, 1871 in Nodaway Co., Mo. Graduate of Kansas City School of Law in 1900. He practiced law in Oklahoma from 1901-19; gave up the profession to become an independent oil producer, farmer, and cattle raiser. He was a member of Okmulgee Lodge No. 199, and 32 AASR (SJ), at Guthrie, Okla. d. Sept. 2, 1950. Frank A. Moore (1844-1918) Justice Supreme Court of Oregon, from 1892. b. Nov. 5, 1844 in Ellsworth, Maine. Was superintendent of schools in Hardin Co., Iowa from 1872-76. Admitted to the bar in 1874, he practiced law at St. Helens, Oreg. from 1877. He was county judge of Columbia Co., Oreg. and a member of the state senate for four years. Raised in Montague Lodge No. 117, Eldora, Iowa in 1872. Affiliated with St. Helens Lodge No. 32, St. Helens, Oreg., soon after coming to Oreg. He was master of the lodge from 1883-85 and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Oregon in 1892. In 1900 he was grand commander of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Oregon. d. Sept. 25, 1918.

Gabriel Moore (1785-1845) U.S. Congressman, 17th through 20th Congresses (1821-29); U.S. Senator, 183137; and Governor of Alabama, 192931. b. in 1785 in Stokes Co., N. Car. Graduate of U. of North Carolina in 1810, studied law, and began practice at Huntsville, Ala. Member of Madison Lodge No. 21; attended the Grand Lodge of Alabama, Dec. 9, 1830, while governor. He moved to Caddo, Texas in 1843, where he died June 9, 1845. George Fleming Moore (18481930) Thirteenth Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite (SJ). b. Aug. 9, 1848 at Talladega, Ala. He was the first editor of The New Age Magazine, official publication of the Southern Jurisdiction, from 1904-14. He was raised in Rockford Lodge No. 137, Rockford, Ala., Nov. 22, 1873; later became a life member of Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 173 of Montgomery, Ala. Received the AASR degrees during the years 1880-84; elected KCCH in 1884; 33 honorary in Dec., 1884. Was crowned an active member in 1888, and elected grand commander in 1914, retiring from that position in 1921. d. Dec. 4, 1930. George G. Moore President of Galveston, Houston & Henderson R.R. Co., 1943-55. b. Aug. 4, 1878 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Began as a railway clerk at Cincinnati in 1897 and continued as stenographer and freight agent for various railroads until 1912, when he became superintendent of the G.H. & H. R.R. Co. at Galveston, Texas. In 1920 he became general manager, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Now retired. Raised Dec. 26, 1905 in Friends of Harmony Lodge No. 58, New Orleans, La. Member of San Felipe de Austin Chapter No. 1, Galveston Council No. 16, R. & S.M., and San Felipe de Austin Commandery No. 1, K.T. as well as El Mina Shrine Temple, all of Galveston, Texas. Harry T. Moore (1874-1955) Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. Oct. 4, 1874 in Delavan, Wis. Graduate of Hobart Coll. (N.Y.) in 1899 and Western Theol. Seminary, Chicago, 1902. Ordained deacon and priest in 1902,and served churches in Delavan, Wis., Fremont, Nebr., San Antonio, Texas, Chicago, and Champaign, Ill., and Dallas, Texas. He was coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Dallas from 1917-24, and bishop of Dallas, 1924-46. Was charter member of Pentagon Lodge No. 1080, Dallas, Texas, on Dec. 4, 1913 and also charter member of Highland Park Lodge No. 1150, Dallas, in 1922. In 1930 he was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Held AASR (SJ) membership at Dallas and was a 33 and Shriner. d. Oct. 6, 1955. James Moore In 1808 he compiled Masonic Constitutions or Illustrations of Masonry for the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. He was senior grand warden at the time. This was the first Masonic book published in the

U.S. beyond the seaboard, and was a compilation of Anderson, Preston, Webb, plus the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. Jesse H. Moore (1817-1883) U.S. Congressman and Union Brigadier General in Civil War. b. April 22, 1817 in St. Clair Co., Ill. Graduate of McKendree Coll. in 1842, he taught school until licensed as a Methodist minister in 1846. From 1854-56 he was president of Quincy Coll. (Ill.), and in 1862 resigned his pastorate at Decatur, Ill. to raise the 115th regiment of Ill. volunteers, which he commanded at Chickamauga and in subsequent battles. At one time led the 2nd Brigade of the Army of the Cumberland. Was brevetted brigadier general of volunteers in 1865, and returned to the pulpit in Ill. In 1868 he was elected to congress and served from 186973. In 1881 he was appointed U.S. consul in Callao, Peru, holding that office until his death. Member of Macon Lodge No. 8, Decatur, Ill. d. July 11, 1883. Sir John Moore (1761-1809) British General. b. in Glasgow, Scotland, he served in the American Revolution, 1779-83. In 1794 he assisted in the reduction of the French garrisons in Corsica, followed by service in the West Indies, Ireland, and Holland. He distinguished himself at Alexandria and Cairo in 1801, and became commander-in-chief of Portugal in 1808. He was ordered to expel the French from the peninsula; approaching Madrid, he found that 70,000 of Napoleon's troops had occupied that city and cut them off from retreat to Portugal. After a disastrous retreat through mountains in winter for 250 miles, he was attacked while embarking, and in the victory killed 2,000 French at La Coruna. However he fell mortally wounded (Jan. 16, 1809), and was buried in the ramparts of La Coruna, as related in Charles Wolfe's poem The Burial of Sir John Moore. He received his degrees in St. John's Lodge No. 211 (now 2) of Halifax, N.S., April 2, June 5, and June 26, 1781; and on Nov. 30, 1798 affiliated with Renfrew County Kilwinning Lodge No. 11 of Paisley, Scotland. Preston J. Moore National Commander of American Legion, 1958-59. b. Feb. 7, 1920 in Colton, Okla. and raised in Bartlesville. Has been an attorney at Stillwater, Okla. since 1949. Graduate of U. of Oklahoma. Served as a lieutenant in Air Force in WWII. Member of Pioneer Lodge No. 48, Stillwater, Okla. since 1943; 32 AASR in Guthrie, and member of DeMolay Legion of Honor. Robert Moore Privateer in the American Revolution. Member of Ionic Lodge, Steuben, Maine. Robert S. Moore (1857-1930) Shipbuilder. b. March 22, 1857 in San

Francisco, Calif. Graduate of U. of California in 1881. He was engaged in mechanical engineering from 1873, and became founder and chairman of the board of Moore Dry Dock Co. This firm built 65 steamships during WWI. He was chairman of the board of The Paraffine Cos., Inc., San Francisco, and president of the Pacific Securities Co. Raised in California Lodge No. 1, San Francisco, Calif. on Sept. 11, 1884. d. Feb. 16, 1930. Roy Moore (1887-? ) Newspaper publisher. b. Aug. 25, 1887 in McArthur, Ohio. Started as railroad and commercial telegrapher in 1902. In 1907 he was with the Associated Press, Cleveland, Ohio as a telegrapher, and then became bureau manager for International News Service at Cleveland, Columbus, and Chicago, Ill. Associated with the King Features Syndicate of N.Y.C., he was salesman, sales manager, and assistant general manager. With two others he organized the Brush-Moore Newspapers, Inc., with papers in Canton, Marion, Steubenville, East Liverpool, Salem, Marion, Portsmouth, and Ironton, Ohio. Owned a paper in Salisbury, Md., and radio stations in Canton and Portsmouth, Ohio. In 1943-44 he was campaign manager for John W. Bricker, q.v. Member of Trinity Lodge No. 710, Canton, Ohio and Knight Templar. Deceased. Samuel B. Moore Governor of Alabama, 1831. He came from Franklin Co., Tenn. to Jackson Co., Ala. and was elected a state senator from that county. In 1830 he was chosen president of the state senate and when Gov. Gabriel Moore, q.v., resigned to become U.S. senator, Samuel succeeded him as governor. He later moved to Pickins Co. and became senator from that county and was again elected president of that body in 1835-36. He was also county judge of Pickens Co., 1834-38. Member of St. John Lodge No. 35, Carrollton, Ala., and at one time secretary and senior warden. He is recorded as present at the Grand Lodge of Alabama on Dec. 7, 1830. Death date not known. 225 William J. B. MacLeod Moore William J. B. MacLeod Moore (1810-1850) Canadian Masonic author and soldier. b. Jan. 4, 1810 in Kildare, Ireland. Was educated at the Military College at Sandhurst, and commissioned in the 69th Regiment of Foot at the age of 20. His regiment served in the West Indies, Canada, Ireland, Malta, Burma, India, Bermuda, and Gibraltar. He received all three degrees in one evening (Aug. 17, 1827) in Glenkindel Lodge No. 333, Aberdeen, Scotland, in the house of the master, Major General Sir Alexander Leith. He was made a Mark Master and Royal Arch Mason in St. Macher's Chapter, Aberdeen, and installed "High Knight Templar" in Lodge No. 242, Boyle, Ireland. In 1847 he went to Malta and affiliated with St. John and St. Paul Lodge No. 349 (EC), becoming master of the same. Here he established

the Melita Encampment under England and Wales by warrant No. 37, dated May 10, 1850. Remaining in England until 1852, he then came to Canada, where he established the Hugh de Payens Preceptory in 1854, and was made provincial grand commander of Canada. At the formation of the Sovereign Great Priory, Moore was made grand prior of the Dominion of Canada in 1876. He was active in promoting the Red Cross of Constantine in Canada; he also organized the Scottish Rite in Canada, working under England. He wrote many Masonic volumes, and was considered the outstanding Canadian Freemason of his day. d. at Prescott, Canada in 1890. Sir Robert Moorsom British Admiral who distinguished himself at the Battle of Trafalgar. Member of Union Lodge, Whitby, England in 1798. Abraham Mora Colombian professor and business man. b. Jan. 8, 1902 in Pacho, near Bogota, Colombia. His family lost their property in a civilwar shortly after his birth. Educated in the American College for Boys, he later was professor there for 15 years and was director of the commercial dept. for nine years. He then organized commercial houses. Was manager of University City in Bogota for nine years. He is now manager and director of Prefabricac-iones Limitada; officer of Terrenos Valenzuela, S.A.; Heliaceros, S.A. and Equipos Andamios y Encofrados, S.A. A member of Leatad Lodge No. 10, he was raised on Feb. 10, 1943 and has served three terms as master of same. From 1950-54 he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Colombia. He is grand secretary general of the Supreme Council of Colombia, 33 since 1948. He has held many positions and received many honors in the symbolic and Scottish rites throughout the Americas. Gerardo Morales (see under Machado y Morales). Francis, 9th Earl of Moray (see Lord Doune). James, 7th Earl of Moray Ninth Grand Master Mason of Scotland in 1744. Sir Robert Moray (also Murray) (1600?-1673) Scottish soldier, philosopher, and alchemist; first president of the Royal Society and the first known initiate into speculative Freemasonry in England. His initiation, May 20, 1641, was by some members of the Lodge of Edinburgh serving in the Scots Army, which was then besieging Newcastle-on-Tyne. Moray was quartermaster general of that army. The record of his initiation appears in the History of the Lodge of Edinburgh: "At Neucastell the 20 day off May 1641.

The qwhilk day ane serten nomber off Mester and othere bing lafule conwined, doeth admit Mr. thie Right Honerabell Mr. Robert Moray Generall quarter Mr. to the 226 Amable 0. Moreaux Armie off Scotlan and the sam Bing aproven be the hell Mester off the Mesone off the Log off Edenbroth quherto they heawe set to ther handes or markes. A. Hamilton, R. Moray, Johne Mylln, James Hamilton." This was five years before the initiation of Elias Ashmole, q.v. The only further record of Moray's attendance at his lodge was in 1647, but in his correspondence, he constantly used his Mason's Mark, which was in the form of a pentalpha. He had the distinction of being the first president of the Royal Society and the leading member of that body during his lifetime. Knighted by Charles I, he was secretary of state of Scotland under Charles II, and was in great favor with that monarch; so much, in fact, that on his death (July 4, 1673), the king ordered him buried in the garden at Whitehall at his expense. He devoted much of his time to chemistry experiments and was the keeper of the king's laboratory. He is described in a 1753 history as being "a great admirer of the 'Rosy Crusians' and well versed in chemistry and experimental philosophy." Miguel Morayta (1833-1917) Spanish lawyer, philosopher, writer, and professor of history in Madrid. He was a deputy to the Cortes and at one time grand master of the Grand Orient of Spain. Francisco Morazan ( 1 799 - 1842 ) Central American statesman who was president of the Central American Federation from 1830-40. b. in Honduras. After that country gained its independence in 1821, he engaged in politics, and aided in organizing the new government. He led the army in victories over reactionaries in El Salvador in 1828 and Guatemala in 1829. He fled to Peru where he organized an army and invaded Costa Rica with the intention of reorganizing the federation, but was captured, court-martialed, and shot Sept. 15,1842. A Mason, a lodge was named in his honor and a future presidentBertrand, q.v., was initiated in it. Count Nikolay Semenovich Mordinov Russian admiral and statesman. Member of The Scull Lodge which opened in Moscow in 1809. Jean Victor Moreau (1763-1813) French General of Revolutionary and Napoleonic Armies. He commanded the army of the Rhine and Moselle in 1796 and drove the Austrians back to the Danube. In 1799 he commanded the army in Italy and was defeated at Cassano d'Adda. In 1800 he commanded the Army of the Rhine and won the battle of Hohenlinden. He

headed the Republican and Royalist conspiracy against Napoleon, q.v., and was exiled. He spent his exile near Trenton, N.J. between 1805-13, and while in this country visited Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C., on Dec. 27, 1806. He entered the Russian service and was mortally wounded at the Battle of Dresden, Aug. 27, 1813, dying Sept. 2. He is recorded as a member of the Loge Parfaite Union, Rennes, France, but when visiting Holland lodge registered as a member of Loge de Sincerite, no location given. Madame Cesar Moreau (?-1855) In 1854 she was installed as grand mistress of Adoptive Masonry in France. The adoptive lodge was connected with the regular Loge La Jerusalem des Valles Egyptiertnes. d. Jan. 11, 1855. Amable 0. Moreaux (1874-1942) Executive Director of Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Tidewater Association. b. Dec. 28, 1874 in Heron Lake, Minn. He was owner and editor of Rock County Herald, Luverne, Minn. from 1909. He did much to advance the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence project. Member of Ben Franklin Lodge No. 114, Luverne, Minn., receiving degrees on Feb. 5, 20 and March 7, 1913. Knight Templar and Shriner. d. June 26, 1942. Ben Moreell Admiral, U.S. Navy and executive. b. Sept. 4, 1892 in Salt Lake City. Graduate of Washington U., St. Louis, in 1913, holding many honorary degrees. Was engineer at St. Louis from 1913-17, entering the Engineer Corps of U.S. Navy in the latter year and advancing through grades to admiral in 1946, retiring that year. He was chief of Bureau of Yards and Docks from 1937-45, and chief of material division, Navy Dept., 1945-46. In 1946-47 he was president of Turner Construction Co., N.Y.C.; was president of Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. from 1947-52, and chairman of board since 1952. Member of Cornerstone Lodge No. 323, St. Louis, Mo., and National Sojourner. James T. Morehead (1797-1854) U.S. Senator, 1841-47, and Governor of Kentucky, 1834-36. b. May 24, 1797 near Shepherdsville, Ky. Admitted to the bar in 1818 and began practice in Bowling Green, Ky. Served in the state house, was lieutenant governor, and president of the state board of internal improvements. After his senatorial term he practiced law in Covington, Ky. He was a member of Russellville Chapter No. 8, R.A.M. of Russellville, Ky. and also Covington Chapter No. 35, Covington, Ky. d. Dec. 28, 1854. John H. Morehead (1861-1942) U.S. Representative to 68th through 73rd Congresses (1923-35), and Governor of Nebraska, 1913-17. b. Dec. 3, 1861 near Columbia, Iowa. Moved to Nebraska in 1884 and settled in Richardson Co., where he taught a country school, and later engaged in

farming and in the mercantile and banking business, at Barada. Moved to Falls City in 1895, serving as mayor of that city, and in the state senate. Was unsuccessful candidate for U.S. senate in 1918 and for governor in 1920. Member of Falls City Lodge No. 9, Falls City, Nebr., receiving degrees on June 28, Oct. 9, 1911 and Jan. 15, 1912. Member of Scottish Rite at Lincoln, Nebr. d. May 31, 1942. Albert P. Morehouse (1835-1891) Governor of Missouri, 1887-88. b. July 11, 1835 in Delaware Co., Ohio. Came to Nodaway Co., Mo., at the age of 21 with his father. He began as a teacher, studying law in the meantime. Admitted to the bar in 1860, he began practice in Montgomery Co., Iowa. Returned to Mo. when the Civil War broke out and was commissioned a first lieutenant in Kimball's regiment of enrolled militia. Was an ardent worker for the establishment of the Northwest Teachers Coll. at Maryville. Served in state legislature two terms, and elected lieutenant governor in 1884 on the ticket with J. S. Marmaduke, q.v. On Marmaduke's death in 1887 he became governor. After retirement in 1889, he devoted himself to farming. Member of Maryville Lodge No. 165, Owens Chapter No. 96, R.A.M., and Maryville Commandery No. 40, K.T., all of Maryville. The orders of Knighthood were conferred in Nov. and Dec., 1888. Committed suicide Sept. 23, 1891. Jose Maria Morelos (1765-1815) Mexican Catholic priest and patriot, who shares the honors with Hidalgo, q.v., as liberator of Mexico. b. Sept. 30, 1765 in Valladolid (now named Morelia in his honor), of poor parents, who soon died. At the age of 30 he had saved enough to enter the Coll. of San Nicholas in his home town, where Hidalgo was rector. Ordained to the priesthood in 1800, he became cure of Caracuaro and Nucupetaro. When Hidalgo proclaimed independence in 1810, Morelos joined him and was given command of the revolution in Southwest Mexico. Starting with 25 men from his parish, he swelled the number to 20,000 at one time, and gained virtual control of the entire 228 John Hunt Morgan area, succeeding Hidalgo as leader of the rebels. A series of defeats, first at the hands of Iturbide, q.v., on Dec. 24, 1813, and later at Puruaran, Jan. 15, 1814, forced him on the defensive. He proclaimed the first Mexican constitution at Apatzingan on Oct. 22, 1814. Was captured at Texmalaca on Nov. 5, 1815, taken to Mexico City, degraded from the priesthood, tried, and executed at San Cristobal on Dec. 22, 1815. Although no proof is offered, Gould in his Military Lodges states he was a Freemason. Mariano Moreno (1778-1811) Argentine patriot, jurist, and Freemason. He wielded the pen against the Spanish yoke and was named first secretary

in the 1810 junta. The following year he was sent to England to obtain support and recognition of Argentine's independence; he died at sea. Daniel Morgan (1736?-1802) Brigadier General in American Revolution. b. about 1736 in New Jersey. In 1754 he moved to Charleston, Va. and the following year began his military career as a teamster in Brad-dock's Army. Became acquainted with Washington in the French-Indian War. Settled on a grant of land east of Winchester, Va. in 1762, where he devoted himself to farming and stock raising, with periodic terms in the military service. He fought in Pontiac's War as a lieutenant; farmed from 1765-75; served in Lord Dunmore's War on the frontier in 1773; headed a rifle company of 96 men which arrived in Cambridge, Mass. in July, 1775. He stormed Quebec with Arnold, q.v., and his detachment made the greatest advance; he was captured, but exchanged. Served under Gates, q.v., in his campaign against Burgoyne and received much credit for victory at Freeman's Farm. In Nov. 1777 he joined Washington. He resigned his commission in 1799 in general resentment against con-gressional promotions. He was back again in Oct. the next year as a brigadier general in the Southern Army. He defeated Tarleton in the Battle of Cowpens with only 900 men, in one of the most brilliant military actions of any war. Twice again he retired to Va. during the war, each time due to rheumatism. In 1781 he was in command of all the light troops and cavalry in Lafayette's army. In 1795 he commanded the large army of Western Pa., as a major general. This army put an end to the "Whisky Insurrection." Member of Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Va. d. July 6, 1802. Ephraim F. Morgan (1869-1950) Governor of West Virginia, 1921-24. b. Jan. 16, 1869 in Marion Co., W. Va. Graduate of West Virginia U. in 1897, and began practice of law at Fairmont in 1898. Served as city attorney of Fairmont and judge of intermediate court of Marion Co. Was member of W. Va. public service commission, 1915-20, and solicitor for Dept. of Commerce 1927-33. He served in the 1st Va. Inf. in the Spanish-American War. Member of Fairmont Lodge No. 9, Fairmont, W. Va. receiving degrees on April 9, May 21 and Aug. 27, 1906. Also a 32 AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. Jan. 15, 1950. Frederic E. Morgan President of Principia, Elsah, Ill., a school for sons and daughters of Christian Scientists, organized from kindergarten through four years of liberal arts college; served as president 1938-54, and chairman of board since 1942. b. in St. Louis, Mo. Graduate of Washington U. (Mo.) in 1919, and Harvard in 1933. He was a rancher in Oregon until 1915, and has been with Principia since that time, serving as director of the school from 1919-38. Mason and 32 AASR (NJ).

John Hunt Morgan (1826-1864) Confederate Major General noted for his daring raids. b. June 1, 1826 in Huntsville, Ala. In 1830 he settled near Lexington, Ky. In the Mexican War he served as a 1st lieutenant in a cavalry regiment. At the opening of the Civil War he was engaged in the manufacture of bagging. He entered as a captain of Ky. volunteers, and joined General Simon Buckner at the head of the Lexington Rifles. In 1862-63 he commanded a cavalry force in General Bragg's Army. In a series of raids on Ky. he destroyed many millions worth of military stores, captured and burned railroad trains of supplies, tore up tracks, burned bridges, and thereby made it necessary for Union forces to garrison almost every town of importance in the state. Appointed major general in 1862; in 1863, headed a bold raid into Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana, but was captured and imprisoned in the Federal prison at Columbus, from which he escaped with six Confederate captains in Nov., 1863. He then undertook a raid in Tenn., and while near Greenville, Tenn., was surrounded and killed on Sept. 4, 1864. A member of Daviess Lodge No. 22, Lexington, Ky. (1846), he was buried in the Lexington cemetery with Masonic honors. Justin C. Morgan Federal Judge, Buffalo, N.Y. since 1956. b. July 8, 1900 in Buffalo, N.Y. Graduate of Colgate U. in 1921 and U. of Buffalo in 1924, being admitted to the bar in 1925, and practicing in Buffalo until 1956. From 1928-35 he was U.S. attorney for Western dist. of N.Y. Received degrees in Hiram Lodge No. 105, Buffalo, N.Y. in 1925; Scottish Rite membership at Buffalo; received 33 (NJ) in Sept., 1957. Past master of his lodge, past thrice potent master of Palmoni Lodge of Perfection, and in 1956 master of ceremonies of the Grand Lodge of New York. William Morgan (1774-? ) His disappearance in 1826 gave rise to the Anti-Masonic party, 141 Anti-Masonicnewspapers in the U.S., and almost killed Freemasonry in America. b. Aug. 7, 1774 in Culpeper Co., Va. He later lived at Lexington, Ky., and Richmond, Va. He served under Andrew Jackson, q.v., at the Battle of New Orleans, and in 1821 moved to York, Upper Canada where he became a brewer. In 1823 he was at Rochester, N.Y. and in 1826 took up residence in Batavia. He had visited lodges before coming to Batavia, but there is no evidence to show that he was ever initiated. He did receive the Royal Arch Degree at LeRoy, N.Y. on May 31, 1825. In Batavia he was denied admission to the local lodge, and when a petition for a Batavia chapter was drawn up, his signature appeared on it. On protest it was destroyed and a new one substituted, omitting his name. In anger, he contrived with a David C. Miller, owner of the local Republican Advocate, to publish an expose of Freemasonry. Miller was supposed to have received the E.A. degree in Albany, N.Y. The expose was entitled, Illustrations of Freemasonry by One of the Fraternity Who Had Devoted Thirty Years to the Subject. He was jailed several times for debts, petit larceny, etc., and on his last confinement was

released to Lotos Lawson. What happened from here, was, and continues to be, in the realm of speculation. The opponents of Masonry said he was drowned in the Niagara River; the other side said he was paid $500 to leave Batavia, taken to Canada, and released. On Oct. 7, 1827 a badly decayed body was found on the beach 40 miles from Fort Niagara. It was denied that the body was Morgan's and it was claimed by a Mrs. Monroe as that of her husband. Thurlow Weed remarked that "it was a good enough Morgan till after election." The Anti-Masonic movement had started and feeling ran high until it died out in 1835. Families, churches, and communities were split; Freemasons by the thousands publicly disavowed their memberships. Lodges and grand lodges went underground. In New York there were 500 lodges, but by 1834 there were only 49. This was the low point, and from there on recovery was fast and the growth permanent. By 1860 New York had 432 lodges and 25,000 members-10,000 more than in 1820. In 1831 a national Anti-Masonic convention was held with most of the states represented; it nominated William Wirt, q.v., of Maryland for president of the U.S. Willis E. Morgan Vice President of Burroughs Adding Machine Co. since 1953. b. June 3, 1905 in Phillipsburg, Kans. Graduate of U. of New Mexico in 1925, and Harvard in 1948. Began with Burroughs in 1935 as a junior salesman, advancing to senior salesman, sales supervisor, branch manager, division manager, sales manager, and general sales manager. Became a member of Albuquerque Lodge No. 60, Albuquerque, N.M. in 1926. Was master of Artesia Lodge No. 28, Artesia, N.M. in 1932. Presently a member of Sojourners Lodge No. 483, Detroit, Mich. Active in DeMolay work while residing in N. Mex. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. U.S. Secretary of Treasury, 1934-45. b. May 11, 1891 in New York City. Attended Cornell U. Was publisher of American Agriculturist from 1922-33. He served as conservation commissioner of N.Y., and also as chairman of Governor Roosevelt's agriculture advisory commission. For a short time he was governor of the Farm Credit Administration, and acting, and under secretary, of treasury. Active in Jewish charity projects. Member of Obed Lodge No. 984, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., receiving degrees on Sept. 19, 1921 and Jan. 16 and April 3, 1922. Stephen Morin Founder of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in America. There is virtually no per-sonal data on this man who is one of the Masonic "pioneers" of the Western world. Who he was, what he did, when and where he was born or died, is not known. On Aug. 27, 1761, he was empowered by a patent from the "Deputies General of the Royal Art, Grand Wardens, and officers of the Grand Sovereign Lodge of Saint John of Jerusalem" at Paris, to "multiply the Sublime Degrees of High Perfection and

to create Inspectors in all places where the Sublime Degrees are not established." There is even question as to who granted the patent (i.e. the grand lodge, the accepted rite, or a joint authority of both). At any rate he shortly sailed for the Americas and established bodies of the Scottish Rite in Santo Domingo and Jamaica. He appointed M. M. Hayes, q.v., a deputy inspector general for North America, and Hayes in turn appointed Isaac da Costa, q.v., a deputy for South Carolina, where in 1801 the Mother Supreme Council, AASR was created, and eventually spread throughout the U.S. Charles Morison (1780-1848) British soldier and surgeon. b. in 1780 in Greenfield, Scotland. His valuable Masonic library was given to the Grand Lodge of Scotland by his widow after his death. Carl Philipp Moritz (1757-1793) German Privy Councillor, professor and member of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin. b. Sept. 15, 1757 in Hamlen, Germany. Was author of several Masonic works including Book of Masonic Songs, and Contributions to the Philosophy of Life and the Diary of a Freemason. d. June 26, 1793. Halford J. Morlan Physician, author, sportsman and philanthropist. b. Sept. 20, 1880 in Enfield, Ill. Graduate of St. Louis U. in 1905 (M.D.). From 1905-34 he was a practicing physician and medical professor at Loyola U. He was editor of Outing, Outdoor Life, Outdoor America and Golfer's magazines. At one time he was the holder of the world championship in fly and bait casting. He established the Morlan Memorial Home for Children at Ludlow, Ill. In the Spanish-American War he organized E and H companies of the 9th Ill. volunteer infantry. Mason, 32 AASR (NJ), and Shriner. Received degrees in Hermitage Lodge No. 356, Albion, Ill. in Dec., 1904; affiliated with Pera Lodge No. 574, Pera, Ill., in 1906 and with Fairfield Lodge No. 206, Fairfield, Ill. in 1930. Dimitted April 7, 1958. Clarence J. Morley (1869-1948) Governor of Colorado, 1926-27. b. Feb. 9, 1869 in Dyersville, Iowa. Raised Aug. 24, 1891 in Black Hawk Lodge No. 65, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Affiliated with Trinidad Lodge No. 89, Trinidad, Colo. about 1895, and on March 8, 1902 affiliated with Union Lodge No. 7, Denver, Colo., serving as master in 1908. He belonged to the chapter, council and commandery as well as Scottish Rite and Shrine in Colorado. d. Nov. 15, 1948. Edgar A. Morling (1864-1932) Justice, Supreme Court of Iowa, 1925-32. b. April 21, 1864 in Boonville, N.Y. Graduate of Albany (N.Y.) Law School in 1886. Began his law practice in Boonville, N.Y., but moved to Emmetsburg,

Iowa in 1889. Member of Earnest Lodge No. 399, Emmetsburg, Iowa, receiving degrees on April 21, May 2 and 7, 1904. d. Oct. 15, 1932. Garrett, 1st Earl of Mornington (1735-1781) Musician and composer who was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1776-77. He was the father of six sons; the eldest was Richard Colley, 2nd Earl, q.v., and the fourth was Arthur, Duke of Wellington, q.v., the victor at Waterloo. The family name was Wellesley, anduntil about 1790, was spelled "Wesley." He was also 1st Viscount Wellesley of Dagan. Richard Colley, 2nd Earl of Mornington (1760-1842) Also 1st Marquis of Wellesley in Irish peerage. British diplomat, ambassador, foreign secretary, and lord chamberlain. b. in Dangen Castle, Ireland. The eldest son of Garrett, 1st Earl of Mornington, q.v., he was also the brother of Arthur, Duke of Wellington, q.v., of Waterloo fame. He served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 178283, five years after his father held that office. Educated at Oxford, he was a member of Parliament in 1784, lord of the treasury in 1786, and governor general of India from 1797-1805 under Pitt. In this capacity, he rendered the British power in India supreme. He was ambassador to Spain in 1809, foreign secretary, 1809-12, lord lieutenant of Ireland in 1821-28 and 1833-34, and lord chamberlain in 1835. He was an advocate of free trade and Catholic emancipation. David L. Morrill (1772-1849) Governor of New Hampshire 1824-27; U.S. Senator from New Hampshire, 1817-23. b. June 10, 1772 in Epping, N.H. Studied medicine, and practiced in Epsom, N.H. from 1793-1800. He then studied theology, was ordained in the Presbyterian church, and served as pastor in Goffstown from 1802 until 1811. In the meantime he resumed the practice of medicine in 1807, and continued in that profession until 1830. In 1831 he moved to Concord where he edited the New Hampshire Observer until 1833. He served in both branches of the state legislature, becoming speaker of the house, and president of the senate. A member of Bible Lodge No. 27, Goffstown, N.H., he was its master in 1818, and served for several years as the grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. d. Jan. 28, 1849. 232 Rob Morris Edmund N. Morrill (1834-1909) U.S. Congressman and Governor of Kansas, 1894-96. b. Feb. 12, 1834 in Westbrook, Maine. He was superintendent of schools in his home town in 1856, removing to Kansas in 1857. In that year he was elected to the first Free State legislature. In the Civil War he served in the 7th Kansas Cavalry. After the war he was county clerk, clerk of the district court, and state senator. From 1883-91 he was U.S.

congressman. Member of Hiawatha Lodge No. 35, Hiawatha, Kansas. d. in 1909. John Morrill Brigadier General in Civil War. Also fought in Mexican War. Member of Occidental Lodge No. 40, Ottawa, Ill. in 1854. Claude F. Morris (1869-1957) Justice, Supreme Court of Montana, 193446. b. Jan. 10, 1869 in Balls Co., Mo. Studied law while a clerk in U.S. department of agriculture in Washington, D.C., and was admitted to the bar in 1902. Moving to Montana, he entered the banking business, and served terms in both state legislative bodies. Received degrees in Alexandria Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va. on June 29, July 9 and 23, 1903, affiliating with Havre Lodge No. 55, Havre, Mont., on April 20, 1916 and with Helena Lodge No. 3, Helena, Mont. on Oct. 6, 1944. 32 AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. Sept. 28, 1957. George P. Morris (1802-1864) Journalist and author of the poem Woodman Spare That Tree. b. Oct. 10, 1802 in Philadelphia, Pa. Moving to New York City, he was writing for the New York Gazette at the age of 15. In 1823 he was one of the co-founders of the New York Mirror. In 1843 he cofounded the New Mirror; in 1845 founded the National Press, changing the name the following year to Home Journal, and editing it until a short time before his death. He wrote Briarcliff, a book founded onthe American Revolution; a volume of poems; and many other works. He is primarily remembered as a song writer. His were the lyrics to such songs as We Were Boys Together; Land Ho!; Long Time Ago; My Mother's Bible; Whip-poor-Will; and the well-known Woodman Spare That Tree. He was called "General," and held a brigadier general's commission in the N.Y. militia. He was a member of Concordia Lodge No. 304, and continued his membership in St. John's No. 1, N.Y.C. when the lodges combined on Dec. 12, 1839. d. July 6, 1864. James Morris Justice, Supreme Court of North Dakota, 1935-55, and twice Chief Justice. b. Jan. 2, 1893 in Bordulac, N. Dak. Graduate of U. of Cincinnati in 1916, he began practice at Cincinnati in that year, moving to Carrington, N. Dak., the following year. Served in WWI as a lieutenant in the Field Artillery. He was a judge at the major war crimes tribunal at Nurnberg, Germany in 1947-48. Member of Bismarck Lodge No. 5 and 32 AASR, both at Bismarck, N. Dak. Member of Shrine and National Sojourners. Luzon B. Morris (1827-1895) Governor of Connecticut 1893-95. b. in Newton, Conn. in 1827. Graduate of Yale in 1854 and 1858. Was a lawyer, legislator and judge of probate in Seymour and New Haven, Conn. In 1880 he was a member of the New York-Connecticut boundary commission. He was

Democratic candidate for governor in 1891, but was locked out of his office by a hold-over administration in an election dispute. He became a member of Hiram Lodge No. 1 of New Haven on March 22, 1866. Rob Morris (1818-1888) Masonic author, poet, and lecturer. Founder of the Order of Eastern Star. b. Aug. 31, 1818 near Boston, Mass. He first entered the ministry, but left it to engage in business. Moving to Mississippi, he was principal of Mount Sylvan Academy at Oxford. In 1856 he was president of Oldham College, La Grange, Ky. He adopted the name "Rob" early in his career so that he would not be confused with another "Robert Morris." Most of his life was spent in lecturing and promoting the welfare of the Order of Eastern Star. He had conceived of this system of adoptive Masonry in the winter of 1850 while confined to bed with rheumatism. He was initiated in Oxford Lodge No. 33 (now T. S. Gathright Lodge) of Oxford, Miss. on March 5, 1846, and received the second and third degrees on July 13th of that year. He later affiliated, in turn, with Mount Moriah Lodge No. 86, Black Hawk, Miss.; Pearl Lodge No. 23, Jackson, Miss. (secretary in 1849) ; Antiquity Lodge No. 113, Louisville, Ky.; and Fortitude Lodge No. 47, LaGrange, Ky. (master in 1861). In 1858-59 he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. He received the chapter degrees in 1848, and was high priest of Hickman Chapter No. 49, Hickman, Ky. in 1852; received the cryptic degrees in Natchez, Miss. in Feb., 1850, became a member of Rob Morris Council No. 18, Hickman, Ky., and was grand master of the Grand Council of Kentucky in 1854; knighted in Jackson, Miss. in 1850, he was commander of Robert Morris Commandery No. 8, Hickman, Ky. from 185557. He received the Scottish Rite degrees from Giles Fonda Yates at N.Y. about 1855. He was considered the "poet laureate" of Freemasonry, and his best known poem is The Level, Plumb and Square. He was the leading light in the "Conservator" movement to establish a uniform ritual. Other writings were Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry; History of the Morgan Affair; Code of Masonic Law; History of Freemasonry in Kentucky; Freemasonry in the Holy Land; and The Poetry of Freemasonry. d. July 31, 1888. Robert Morris (1734-1806) Signer of Declaration of Independence. b. Jan. 20, 1734 in Liverpool, England. He came to America about 1747, and engaged in business at Philadelphia. He was a member of the Continental Congress from 1776-78, and although he voted against the declaration, signed it. In 1780 he established a bank, procuring much needed provisions for the Continental Army, and became known as the "banker of the Revolution." From 1781-84 he was superintendent of finance; in 1782 organized the Bank of North America. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and a U.S. Senator from Pa. in 1789-95. For some years prior to 1784 he was in charge of the affairs of the Navy and sent the first American vessel ever to enter the port of Canton, China. He later lost his

fortune in western lands, and was imprisoned for a time for his debts. Washington visited him while in prison. The majority of research writers on declaration signers do not claim him as a Freemason. They include: Boyden, Case, Clarke, Haywood, Heaton, Roth and Vandever. Roth said he has often been mentioned as a Mason, but no definite proofs have been found. Claudy said his lodge membership is unknown, but it is believed that he received the degrees in one of the old Pennsylvania Lodges. He was presented with a Masonic apron by Washington in 1778, and is said to have worn it on several public Masonic occasions. Heaton said it had been claimed that he was made a Mason in an old lodge in Pennsylvania. d. May 8, 1806. Robert H. Morris (1700?-1764) Colonial Governor of Pennsylvania, 1754-56 and Chief Justice of New Jersey, 1738-64. b. about 1700 in Shrewsbury, N.J. It is said that as chief justice he "reduced the pleadings to precision and method, and possessed the great perfection of his office, knowledge and integrity in more perfection than had often been known before in the colonies." In speaking of him, Franklin said he was "eloquent, an acute sophister, and therefore generally successful in argumentative conversation." He was a member of the grand lodge of the "Moderns" in Pennsylvania in 1731. d. Jan. 27, 1764. Thomas Morris, Jr. Fourth Governor of Pennsylvania. Member of Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia, Pa., being initiated July 27, 1797. He was a steward of the lodge from 1824-31. William T. Morris (1884-1946) President and Director of American Chain & Cable Co., Bridgeport, Conn. from 1936. b. July 20, 1884 in W. Pittston, Pa. He was also director and president of the following: Centennial Development Co., Sormir Petroleum Corp., Colony Management, Inc., American Fabrics Co., Magazine Repeating Razor Co., Michigan Chemical Corp., and Pennsylvania Woven Wire Co. Member of America Lodge No. 132, Stratford, Conn., which drew charter members largely from American Chain Co. employees. d. Feb. 6, 1946. A. Cressy Morrison (1864-1951). Chemist and executive of Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., N.Y., 1906-30. b. Dec. 6, 1864 in Wrentham, Mass. President of American Institute of N.Y., 1930-31. President of R.O.T.C. Assn. of the U.S. in 1937. Discovered method of separating oxygen and nitrogen in magnetic field. Was active in promotion of American policy of protection. An advisor to the government in many fields including chemistry and labor. Made exhaustive survey of European wages and standards of living for congress in 1921. Author of several volumes including Man Does Not Stand Alone, The

Story of the Man Who Resembled Christ, and compiler of Encyclopedia, of Superstition (3 vols.). Mason. d. Jan. 9, 1951. James Morrison (1755-1823) Revolutionary Soldier and Quartermaster General of the Army in War of 1812. b. in 1755 in Cumberland Co., Pa. Served six years in the Revolution and was in Daniel Morgan's corps of riflemen, q.v. He engaged in business at Pittsburgh, Pa. after the war and became sheriff. In 1792 he moved to Lexington, Ky., where he achieved great wealth. He was land commissioner, representative in the legislature, supervisor of revenue, navy agent, president of the Lexington branch of the U.S. Bank, and chairman of board of trustees of Transylvania U. He was a member of Lexington Lodge No. 1, Lexington, Ky.; was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky in 1801-02. d. April 23, 1823. James H. Morrison U.S. Congressman, 78th to 85th Congresses from 6th La. Dist. b. Dec. 8, 1908 in Hammond, La. Graduate of Tulane U. in 1934. Was candidate for governor in 1939. Member of Livingston Lodge No. 160, Hammond, La. receiving degrees on July 12, Aug. 2, 1935 and Aug. 14, 1936. John T. Morrison (1860-1915) Governor of Idaho, 1903-04. b. Dec. 25, 1860 in Jefferson Co., Pa. Graduate of Wooster U. (Ohio) in 1887 and 1890, and Cornell Law School (N.Y.) in 1890. Entered law practice at Caldwell, Idaho in 1890. Helped organize the Coll. of Idaho and taught English and history there. Received degrees in Essene Lodge No. 22, Caldwell on Nov. 21, 28 and Dec. 9, 1891; master in 1896 and secretary in 1898. This lodge surrendered its charter and he affiliated with Boise Lodge No. 2, Boise, Idaho on March 6, 1900. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in Boise Consistory No. 2 on March 26, 1908. Entered El Korah Shrine Temple of . 235 Martin A. Morrison Boise on May 27, 1908. d. Dec. 20, 1915 and given Masonic burial on Dec. 24. Martin A. Morrison (1862-1944) U.S. Congressman to 61st through 64th Congresses (1909-17) from 9th Ind. Dist.; Member of U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1919-20; and chief consul for Civil Service Commission from 1925. b. April 15, 1862 in Frankfort, Ind. Graduate of Butler Coll. (Ind.) in 1883 and 1887, and of U. of Virginia in 1886. Began law practice at Frankfort, Ind. Grand master of Grand Lodge of Indiana in 1914. Received degrees in 1883 in Clinton Lodge No. 54, Frankfort, Ind. and was a member of Clinton Chapter No. 82, R.A.M.; Clinton Council No. 46, R. & SM.; and Frankfort Commandery No. 29, K.T. all of Frankfort. Also AASR (NJ) in Valley of Indianapolis and received 33 in 1916. d. in 1944.

Edwin P. Morrow (1878-1935) Governor of Kentucky 1920-24. b. Nov. 28, 1878 in Somerset, Ky. Graduate of Centre Coll. (Ky.), U. of Kentucky, and Cincinnati Law School. Was U.S. district attorney, 1911-15. Served as member of U.S. railroad labor board, and later, U.S. board of mediation. Served in Spanish-American War as lieutenant in 4th Ky. Vols. Member of Somerset Lodge No. 111, Somerset, Ky., receiving degrees on Jan. 11, Dec. 16, 1904 and April 18, 1905. Dimitted June, 1928. d. June 15, 1935. William W. Morrow (1843-1929) U.S. Congressman from California to 49th through 51st Congresses (188591) ; Federal judge, Northern District of Calif. 1891-97; and U.S. circuit judge of ninth circuit, 1897-1922. b. July 15, 1843 near Milton, Ind. As a youth he moved to Adams Co., Ill. in 1845, and to Santa Rosa, Calif. in 1859. He taught school and explored mining regions, served in the Civil War, and returned to Calif. as a Treasury agent. He then studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1869. A past high priest of his chapter, and past potentate of Islam Shrine Temple, San Francisco. Raised in Oriental Lodge No. 144, San Francisco, Calif. on Feb. 21, 1882. d. July 24, 1929. Jedidiah Morse (1761-1826) Anti-Mason. b. Aug. 23, 1761 in Woodstock, Conn. Graduate of Yale in 1783. His early work on American Geography and publication of books on same earned him the title of "father of American Geography." A minister of the Congregational Church, he was active in religious controversies most of his life. Took great interest in Christianizing the Indians. His sermons and activities did much to lay the groundwork for the "Morgan affair." d. June 9, 1826. Robert H. Morse President of Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 1931-50, and chairman and general manager since 1950. b. Dec. 6, 1878 in Chicago, Ill. Began with Fairbanks, Morse Mfg. Co. at Beloit, Wis. in 1895, in turn becoming assistant manager in Cleveland, Ohio, sales manager, and later president of Fairbanks, Morse Electrical Co. at Indianapolis, vice president, 1924-27, vice chairman, 1927-31, and then president. The company is one of the largest manufacturers of -railway supplies, diesel engines, scales, motors, pumps and machinery. His son, Robert H. Morse, Jr., q.v., is now president. Received first two degrees in Star of Cuba Lodge No. 742, N.Y.C. in 1902 and third degree by courtesy of Kilwinning Lodge No. 311, Chicago, on Sept. 27, 1928, affiliating with that lodge on Dec. 20, 1928 and dimitting Jan. 6, 1938. Former member of chapter, commandery and 32 AASR. Robert H. Morse, Jr. President of Fairbanks, Morse & Co., succeeding

his father, Robert H. Morse, q.v., in 1950. b. March 10, 1899 in New York 236 Jacob Morton City. Educated at Culver, Notre Dame, and Harvard. Employed by Fairbanks at Indianapolis, 1916-28; assistant to president of Central & Southwest Utilities, Dallas, Texas, 1928-30; vice president, treasurer of Inland Utilities, Kansas City, Mo. 1930-32; branch manager of Fairbanks at Cincinnati, 1932-34; Dallas, 1934-38; manager stoker division, 1938-39; branch manager, Boston, 1939-42; then assistant general sales manager, vice president and general sales manager, and vice president in charge of all company operations. Also president of Canadian Locomotive Co. and Canadian Fairbanks Morse Co., Ltd. Served with A.E.F. 18 months in WWI. Member of Mystic Tie Lodge No. 398, Indianapolis, Ind. Received York and Scottish Rite in Indianapolis and life member of Shrine. Wayne L. Morse U.S. Senator from Oregon from 1945. b. Oct. 20, 1900 in Madison, Wis. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1923, 1924; of U. of Minnesota in 1928 and Columbia U. in 1932. Taught at U. of Minn., Columbia U. and U. of Oregon until 1944. Was special assistant to U.S. attorney general, Pacific coast arbitrator for maritime industry, chairman of president's emergency board, member of National War Labor Board. Member of McKenzie River Lodge _ No. 195, Eugene, Oreg. Edouard Adolphe C. J. Mortier (1768-1835) Duc de Trevise. French soldier in Revolutionary and Napoleonic armies who was created a Marshal of France in 1804. He distinguished himself at Friedland in 1807, in Spain in 1808-09, in Russia in 1812, and in the defense of France in 1813-14. He was a member of the chamber of deputies in 1816, and later of the chamber of peers. He was premier of France in 1834-35, and was mortally wounded at the side of Louis Phillippe on July 28, 1835, by the bomb planted by Fieschi. Hewas an officer of the Grand Chapter General of France, and member of St. Napoleon Lodge. Charles Mortimer Physician to Mrs. Mary Washington and first mayor of Fredericksburg, Va. Member of Fredericksburg, Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Va. Philip Mortimer (1714-1794) Colonial rope maker and ship chandler of Middletown, Conn. who outfitted the ship Defense, the colony's first war vessel in 1743. He was the first candidate in St. John's Lodge No. 2, Middletown, and master in 1757 when the brethren "walked in order to church" in the first outdoor appearance of the Craft in Conn.

Charles, 15th Earl of Morton (see Charles Aberdour). George, 6th Earl of Morton Thirty-eighth Grand Master Mason of Scotland, 1790-91. Jacob Morton (1756-? ) Officer of the American Revolution, he was marshal of the parade at the installation of Washington as president. b. in 1756. He was a graduate of Princeton in 1778. He was major general of the 1st division, N.Y. militia for 30 years. He helped establish the first free school in 1806 and supported Clinton, q.v., and the Erie Canal. Socially prominent, he entertained both Washington and Lafayette in his home. He was master of St. Johns Lodge No. 1, N.Y.C. in 1788. Livingston, q.v., appointed him grand secretary of the grand lodge in 1788 and he served three years in that capacity. Was elected senior grand warden and then deputy grand master. When Livingston became minister to France in 1801, Morton succeeded him as grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York and presented the retiring Livingston with a jewel of office. Morton served as grand master until 1805. 237 James, 14th Earl of Morton James, 14th Earl of Morton Grand Master, Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) in 1741, and Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Scotland in 1739. Oliver P. Morton (1823-1877) U.S. Senator and Governor of Indiana. b. Aug. 4, 1823 in Saulsbury, Ind. Graduate of Miami U., Ohio in 1845, studied law and admitted to the bar in 1847, commencing practice at Centerville, Ind. Elected lieutenant governor in 1860, and upon election of Gov. Henry S. Lane to the U.S. senate, became governor of Indiana in 1861. He was elected governor in 1864. Served in the U.S. senate from 1867 until his death on Nov. 1, 1877. He was initiated July 11, 1854 in Hiram Lodge No. 54, Centerville, Ind. and no further degrees were conferred. Perez Morton (1751-1837) Patriot of American Revolution who delivered the funeral oration over the remains of General Joseph Warren, q.v., in April, 1776. b. Nov. 13, 1751 in Plymouth, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1771. He was a member of the committee of safety in 1775, and active in the administration of public affairs during the Revolution. Following the war, he studied law and became eminent in his profession. Was speaker of the Mass. house of representatives in 1806-11; attorney general, 1811-32. His father, grandfather, and wife were authors of note. Made a Freemason in Massachusetts Lodge of Boston on Dec. 21, 1778. d. Oct. 14, 1837.

Grover M. Moscowitz (1886-1i47) Federal Judge, Eastern District of New York from 1925. b. Aug. 31, 1886 in Hot Springs, Ark. Admitted to the bar in 1907, and began practice in Brooklyn. Was special deputy attorney general of N.Y. in charge of prosecution of election frauds in 1909, 1910, 1922, 1925. Member of Adytum Lodge No. 640, Brooklyn, N.Y., receiving degrees on Oct. 5, 26 and Nov.16, 1915. 32 AASR (NJ) and Shriner. d. March 31, 1947. William D. Moseley (1795-1863) First Governor of Florida, 1845-49. b. Feb. 1, 1795 in Lenoir Co., N. Car. He was graduated from the U. of North Carolina in 1818, studied law, and was admitted to practice in 1820. From 1829-36 he was a member of the N.C. state senate, and speaker of same four years. In 1834 he was unsuccessful candidate for governor of N.C. He moved to Monticello, Fla. in 1839, where he purchased a plantation, and served in the territorial legislature the following year. Was a member of St. John's Lodge No. 1, Wilmington, N.C. d. Jan. 4, 1863. Andrew Moses (1874-1946) Major General, U.S. Army. b. June 6, 1874 in Burnet Co., Texas. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1897, and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1929, and major general in 1935. In WWI he commanded the 156th Brigade, Field Artillery in U.S. and France, and was a member of the general staff, 1914-17. Following the war he was chairman of the joint board for redelivery of troop transports; commandant of cadets at Texas A. & M. Coll.; and director of the Army Air Coll. 1921-23 and 1928-29. He later commanded the Hawaiian - Dept., and coast and anti-aircraft defenses of the Panama Canal. From 1931-35 he was assistant chief of staff, War Dept. Initiated Aug. 7, 1897 in Robert E. Lee Lodge No. 431, Bertram, Texas and affiliated with Bertram Lodge No. 583, Bertram, on Nov. 12, 1923. d. Dec. 22, 1946. John Moses (1885-1945) U.S. Senator and three times Governor of North Dakota. b. June 12, 1885 in Strand, Norway. Attended high school and junior college in Oslo, and was graduated from U. of North Dakota in 1914, and 1915. Came to the U.S. in 1905, and was naturalized in 1914. 238 Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera Before being admitted to the bar in 1915, he worked as a clerk, section and farm laborer, and freight claim investigator. He practiced law in Hazen, N.D. from 1915-38. He served as governor from 1939-45 (three consecutive terms), and was elected to the U.S. senate for term 1945-51, but died shortly after taking office. He was a member of Meridian Lodge No. 116, Hazen, N. Dak.; received the 32 AASR (SJ) on March 29, 1929 at Bismarck; and K.C.C.H. in Oct. 1943. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of North Dakota in 1941-42. d. March 3,

1945. David N. Mosessohn (1883-1930) Planned and effected the reorganization of the garment industry in New York. b. in Ekaterinoslav, Russia, Jan. 1, 1883. He was brought to America at age of five with his brother Moses D. Mosessohn, q.v. His father was a rabbi who founded and edited The Jewish Tribune in Portland, Oreg. Graduate of U. of Oregon in 1902, he began law practice in Portland. Moving to New York in 1918, he published The Jewish Tribune from 1902, and was editor from 1927. He was executive director of Associated Dress Industries of America from 1918-23, and executive chairman and supreme arbiter from 1923. Member of Pacific Lodge No. 233, N.Y.C., receiving degrees on July 15, Aug. 12 and Nov. 16, 1920. d. Dec. 16, 1930. Moses D. Mosessohn (1884-1940) Lawyer, editor, and executive chairman of the Associated Dress Industries of America. b. Aug. 17, 1884 in Russia, son of a rabbi. Brought to America at an early age with his brother David N. Mosessohn, q.v. Graduate of U. of Oregon in 1905 and practiced in partnership with brother in Portland. Moved to New York City with brother in 1918, where he became active in the garment industry, and on his brother's death in 1930, succeeded him as executive chairmanand general counsel of Associated Dress Industries of America. He was publisher of the Jewish Tribune (founded by father) from 1903-31. Active in labor relations. Wrote Guide to American Citizenship. Affiliated with Pacific Lodge No. 233, N.Y.C. on Feb. 4, 1926 from Bethel Lodge No. 207 of N.J. d. Aug. 1, 1940. Prince de la Moskova (see under Michel Ney). Charles C. Moskowitz Theater and music company executive. b. Feb. 20, 1892 in New York City. Graduate of New York U. in 1914. He was vice president of Loew's, Inc. from 1942-57; treasurer, 1945-57, and director since 1934. Vice president and treasurer of 82 affiliated and subsidiary companies. President of Robbins Music Corp., Leo Feist Inc., Miller Music Corp. Raised in Pacific Lodge No. 233, N.Y.C. on Oct. 3, 1918. Knight Templar and Shriner. Edwin H. Mosier (1875-1952) Manufacturer of locks and safes. b. July 14, 1875 in New York City. Was president of Mosier Safe Co., N.Y.C. from 1922; Mosier Lock Co., Covington, Ky. from 1922; and Guardian Metals Co., Hamilton, Ohio from 1925. His name was originally Edwin C. Hyman; changed it to Mosier in 1934. Member of Centennial Lodge No. 763, N.Y.C., receiving degrees on May 25, June 8, 23, 1909. d. July 29, 1952.

Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera (1798-1878) President of United States of Colombia. A Colombian soldier and politician, he was president of New Granada, 1845-49. He headed the revolt of 1859-61, and assumed power in 1861. He called an assembly which created the United States of Colombia, and it voted him dictatorial powers. He was elected president for two-year, terms in 1863, and again in 1866, but was deposed in 1867 and banished for three years. American Masonic periodicals of the time style him as "the most zealous Freemason on the South American continent. Hunter H. Moss, Jr. (1874-1916) U.S. Congressman to 63rd and 64th Congresses (1913-17) from 4th W. Va. dist. b. May 26, 1874 in Parkersburg, W. Va. Graduate of West Virginia U. in 1896, he began law practice in Parkersburg that year. Served eight years as circuit judge. Member of Mount Olivet Lodge No. 3, Parkersburg, W. Va., he was initiated in 1902, passed in 1903, and raised in 1904. d. July 15, 1916. John E. Moss U.S. Congressman to 83rd through 85th Congresses from 3rd Calif. dist. b. April 13, 1913 in Carbon Co., Utah. From 1938-42 he was in sales, and a credit executive. Since 1945 he has been a real estate broker at Sacramento. Received degrees in Sacramento Lodge No. 40, Sacramento, Calif. in 1948. Friedrich Mossdorf (1757-1830?) German Masonic author. b. March 2, 1757 at Eckartsberge. He lived in Dresden, and was initiated in 1777. He took an active part in Freemasonry, and was a supporter of Fessler, q.v., and his reforms. He took exception to Krause's, q.v., The Three Most Ancient Records of the Masonic Fraternity, and as a result, the grand lodge commanded him to absent himself for an indefinite period from the lodges. He then withdrew his connections. His most valuable contributions were his additions to Lenning's Encyclopadie der Freimaurerei. Count Auguste Moszinsky. First grand master of the first grand lodge in Poland, organized in Warsaw in 1767. He was related to the reigning house of Saxony. This grand lodge was recognized by the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns). On June 24, 1770, he organized a festival to celebrate the establishment of the grandlodge. The king was present as was Podosky, the primate and archbishop of Gnesnowho supplied his own table-silver for the banquet. Charles S. Mott Vice President of General Motors, 1916-37, and Director since 1913. b. June 2, 1875 in Newark, N.J. Graduate of Stevens Inst. of Technology in 1897, and studied in Denmark and Germany. With the

Weston-Mott Co., in 1900, becoming president in 1903. Went with General Motors as a director in 1913. Served in the Navy in the Spanish-American War. He is president of the Mott Foundation, and has received national recognition for his work in aiding fatherless boys. He has spent more than $500,000 annually on youth activities, and has given $1,557,000 to the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation for building program at Flint College. Made a Mason in Faxton Lodge No. 697, Utica, N.Y. on Nov. 21, 1904; exalted in Washington Chapter No. 15, Flint, Mich. on June 25, 1908; greeted in Flint Council No. 56, R. & S.M. Oct. 19, 1908; and knighted in Genessee Valley Commandery No. 15 on Nov. 13, 1908. Member of Central City Scottish Rite Bodies at Syracuse, N.Y. and received 33 on Sept. 24, 1941. Samuel Mott (1736-1813) Soldier in French and Indian Wars and Revolution. He was an engineer in the Northern department during the Revolution and built the coast defenses of Conn. A militia general. Made a Mason in Lodge No. 7 in the 55th Foot Regiment at Crown Point in 1761. He became a charter member and master of St. James Lodge No. 23, Preston, Conn. in 1793 (now of Norwich, Conn.). Thaddeus P. Mott Soldier. He served as an officer in the Italian Army and during the Civil War fought with the Union. In 1869 he was appointed a major general in the Egyptian Army. Member of Holland Lodge No. 8 and Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M., both of New York City. Emmanuel de la Motta (see under "D"). Charles H. Mottier Vice President of Illinois Central Railroad since 1945. b. April 21, 1888 in Gibson City, Ill. Graduate of U. of Illinois in 1910 and 1923. Has been with the Illinois Central since 1911 as draftsman, masonry inspector, bridge designer, chief engineer. Received degrees in Gibson Lodge No. 733, Gibson City, Ill. on Jan. 16, 30 and April 3, 1911. Morgan M. Moulder U.S. Congressman to 81st through 85th Congresses from 11th Mo. dist. b. Aug. 31, 1904 in Linn Co., Mo. Admitted to the bar in 1928, and served as circuit judge. Received degrees in Linn Creek Lodge No. 152, Camdenton, Mo., March 13, Aug. 14, 1930, and Dec. 1, 1932; suspended in 1938; reinstated in 1939; suspended in 1941; reinstated in 1943; and suspended in 1945. George M. Moulton (1851-1927) Major General, Illinois National Guard; President of Western Life Indemnity Co. from 1890. b. March 15, 1851 in

Readsboro, Vt. He came to Chicago with parents in 1853. From 1870-1905 he was a builder of grain elevators and buildings. He became a major -in the 2nd Regiment of Ill. N.G. in 1886; in the Spanish-American War, he commanded it as a colonel. He was in charge of organizing the Havana police force in 1898-99, became brigadier general in 1903, and major general in 1907, when he retired. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1901; grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. in 1895; grand master of the Grand Council R. & S.M. in 1889; and president of the Illinois Masonic Homes. Was made a Mason in Covenant Lodge No. 526, Chicago, Feb. 26, 1875; high priest of Corinthian Chap-ter No. 69, R.A.M. in 1886; greeted in Siloam Council No. 53, Aug. 7, 1875; knighted in St. Bernard Cornmandery No. 35, KT., Sept. 1, 1875, and was grand master of the Grand Encampment of the U.S.; 33 AASR (NJ) on Sept. 20, 1887. Prominent nationally in Red Cross of Constantine. d. July 24, 1927. Sherman R. Moulton (1876-1949) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Vermont. b. June 10, 1876 in New York City. Graduate of Dartmouth in 1898 and Harvard in 1901. Practiced law in Burlington. Was judge of superior court of Vermont, 1919-26, and chief judge in latter year. Became associate justice, supreme court of Vermont in 1926, and was chief justice, 1938-49, retiring in 1949. Raised March 24, 1905 in Washington Lodge No. 3, Burlington, Vt. d. June 12, 1949. James Moultrie (1766-1836) One of founders of Mother Supreme Council, 33 Scottish Rite. A medical doctor, he was port physician, vice president of the medical society in South Carolina, and one of the physicians of the Charleston Dispensary. He was one of the founders, and first vice president and chairman, of the Constitution Committee of the S. Car. Historical Society. He was inducted into the Scottish Rite on August 3, 1802, and was one of the founders of the Mother Supreme Council. He was past master of Union Kilwinning Lodge in Charleston, and in 1802 was grand orator and keeper of the seals for the Charleston Lodge of Perfection. d. Nov. 20, 1836. Alexander Albert Mountbatten (see Marquess of Carisbrooke). Grant E. Mouser, Jr. (1895-1943) U.S. Congressman, 71st and 72nd Congresses (1929-33) from 8th Ohio dist. b. Feb. 20, 1895 in Marion, Ohio. Graduate Ohio State U. in 1917, and began law practice at Marion, Ohio that year. Served in WWI as 2nd lieutenant in Medical Corps. Received degrees in Clinton Lodge No. 155, Plattsburgh, N.Y. on July 1, Aug. 19, Sept. 2, 1919 and affiliated with Marion Lodge No. 70, Marion, Ohio on Dec. 5, 1919. Also a

member of Marion Chapter No. 62, R.A.M. and Marion Council No. 22, R. & S.M. of Marion. d. Dec. 21, 1943. Alexander Mouton (1804-1885) U.S. Senator from Louisiana, 1837-42 and Governor of Louisiana, 1842-46. b. Nov. 19, 1804 in Lafayette Parish, La. Graduate of Georgetown Coll. (D.C.), studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1825, practicing in Lafayette Parish, La. Served several terms in state house of representatives, beginning in 1827, and was speaker of same in 1831-32. In 1861 he was president of the state secession convention. Member of Hope Lodge No. 30, Vermillionville, La (now Lafayette, La.). d. Feb. 12, 1885. David Moyer Musician. b. April 29, 1895 in Philadelphia, Pa. Studied in America and Germany. Made a concert tour of the U.S. in 1905-06 as a child prodigy. Was on Euopean concert tours, 1913-14, and in the U.S. 1914-17. Served in Army in France, 1917-19. He has made many appearances as a soloist with leading orchestras in the U.S. and Europe. He did private teaching at Philadelphia from 1914-17, and since 1925 has been professor of piano at the Oberlin (Ohio) Conservatory. Received degrees in Charity Lodge No. 144, Lewisburg, Pa. in 1921, dimitting in 1935. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (17561791) Austrian composer who created more than 600 works during his short life, covering almost every known field of music. b. Jan. 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. His full name was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolf-gangus Theophilus Mozart, son of Leopoldalso a composer and a Freemason. When his father received his second degree in his own lodge, Wolfgang wrote Fellow Craft's Journey (Op. K468) to honor the occasion. As a child prodigy, he toured with his father and sister, composing his first published works at the age of seven. He was brought to London at the age of eight, playing before the royal family. In 1768, at the age of 12, he received an imperial commission to compose and conduct an opera, and was made concertmaster to the archbishop of Salzburg in 1769. That same year he was made a chevalier of the Golden Spur by the pope. Returning to Salzburg, he broke with the new archbishop, Hieronymus, who had attempted to hold him in ecclesiastical bondage. In 1782 he settled in Vienna as a teacher and composer. In spite of his position as royal chamber composer to Emperor Joseph II, q.v., he lived in poverty. On Dec. 5, 1784 he was proposed for membership in the lodge Zur Wohltatigkeit and was initiated on Dec. 14, becoming No. 20 on the lodge register. Ten days later he attended lodge Zur wahren Eintracht and on Jan. 7, 1785, he received the second degree in the latter lodge at the request of his mother lodge. On Dec. 1, 1785 his own lodge, Zur Wohltatigkeit united with the lodges Zu den drei Feuern and Zurn heiligen Joseph, to form a new lodgeZur neugekroentin,

Hoffnung (new crowned hope). This was by decree of Emperor Joseph II. For the occasion, Mozart wrote Opening Ode (Op. K483) and Closing Ode (Op. K484). The text includes: "Oh sing today beloved brothers/ Your song of jubilation,/ For Joseph's benevolence/ Has crowned anew our hope/ For in our hearts a threefold flame now gleams." Much of his greatest music was composed after his initiation; an impressing amount had Masonic connections. His greatest work is perhaps The Magic Flute, his last opera. It was first produced in Vienna in Sept., 1791, shortly before his death. Mozart felt that Freemasonry was being persecuted and this opera was intended to vindicate the aims of the institution. The overture contains three chords, played thrice to the rhythm of the three raps in the third degree (it belonged in the first degree at this time). The second act is laid in the temple of Isis and Osiris and the Masonic allusion is very striking. It was thought that the Craft was of Egyptian origin at that time. Here the high priest puts three questions: "Is he virtuous?, Is he charitable?, Can he be silent?", and the three chords are heard once again. In 1785 he wrote Die Gessellenreise (Journey of the Fellowcrafts), a Masonic song (Opus 468). On April 20, 1785 he wrote Maurerfreude (Opus 471), a short cantata which was performed on April 24 in a special lodge held that day to celebrate Von Born's discovery of the method of working ores by amalgamation. His last Masonic work was written for the dedication of a Masonic temple in Vienna on Nov. 15, 1791. The words were by Schikaneder, a member of the lodge, who also wrote the libretto for The Magic Flute. It is his Opus 623, written for two tenors and a bass with orchestral accompaniment. It was the last finished ished composition of which Mozart conducted the performance. It contains an appendix and a hymn for closing of the lodge, which was probably Mozart's farewell to the Craft. The words of the hymn, in part, are: "Today we consecrate this habitation for our temple, for the first time we gather within this new seat of knowledge and of virtue, and look, the consecration is completed. Oh! that the work were finished also that consecrates our hearts." Mozart was present when his good friend and fellow composer Franz Joseph Hayden, q.v., was initiated in Lodge Zur Wahrn Eintracht of Vienna on Feb. 4, 1785. It is a matter of speculation why Hayden was not taken into Mozart's own lodge, now consolidated as Zur Neugekronten Hoffnung (New Crowned Hope) with its auspicious membership that included a ruling prince, 36 counts, one marquis, 14 barons, 42 nobles, and other prominent men of Vienna. His death came under unusual circumstances while on a trip to Berlin, and it is thought he was poisoned by a man named Salieri. He was buried in an unknown grave. A lodge of mourning was held for him and the oration delivered there was published in 1792, and sold for the benefit of his family: "It has pleased the everlasting Master Builder to tear our beloved Brother from the chain of our brotherhood. Who did not know him? Who did not value him? Who did not love him, our worthy Brother, Mozart? Only a few weeks ago he stood in our midst, and with the magic tones added such beauty to the dedication of our Masonic Temple. Mozart's death brings irreparable loss to his art; his talents

which were apparent in his earliest youth have made him even then the greatest marvel of his time. Half Europe valued him. The great called him their favorite, Liebling, and we called him Brother. But while we must of necessity recall his powers in Art we must not forget the praise due to his great heart. He was a most enthusiastic follower of our Order. Love for his Brethren, sociability, enthusiasm for the good cause, charity, the true and deep feeling of pleasure when he was able by means of his talents to help one of his Brethren, these were the chief features of his character. He was husband, father, friend to his friends. Brother to his Brethren, these were the chief features of his character. Only the wherewithal was wanted to hinder him from making hundreds happy, as his heart bade him." 243 Alphonse Marie Mucha Alphonse Marie Mucha (1860-1932) Czech painter and illustrator. In 1923 he was elected sovereign grand commander of the Czech Supreme Council, AASR. John S. Muckle (1862-1929) Engineer and inventor. b. Dec. 12, 1862 in Philadelphia, Pa. Member of engineering firm of Muckle & Co., Philadelphia for 22 years. He was the inventor of high pressure fire pumping system, and of elevator door safety lock. Served in Navy in Spanish-American War as a lieutenant. Member of Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia, Pa., receiving degrees on May 22, June 26, 1902. d. March 20, 1929. Leo Mueffelman (1881-1934) German Masonic martyr. Studied in Rostock and Berlin, Germany, where he earned his doctorate on the thesis, The Problem of Freedom and Will. While on one of his trips abroad in 1933, he heard that the Nazis had arrested his closest Masonic colleagues. He hurried back to Germany to help them, but was arrested himself. After his release, broken in health as a result of torture and abuse, he died Aug. 23, 1934. He found his life's work in Masonry. The son of Dr. Ludwig Mueffelman, he was initiated by his father in Humanitas Grand lodge of Hamburg on Nov. 13, 1913 and was passed and raised in one day (May 20, 1915) while under arms. In 1921 he and his father founded the Lodge of the Ancient Charges and he was master in 1925. In 1930 he founded the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Germany. After the dissolution of the grand lodge by Hitler, one of the lodges, Ein Hashiloah continued, and eventually was incorporated into the Grand Lodge of Israel. Friederich von Mueller German poet. He was a friend of Goethe, q.v., and a member of Lodge Amelia at Weimar, being initiated in 1809. Helater served as the orator and deputy master of the lodge. He delivered the address to the lodge on the occasion of the 50th jubilee of the Grand Duke

Charles Augustus, q.v., of Saxe Weimar in 1825. Shortly thereafter he made another address to the memory of Goethe. Several selections by him were printed in the song book of his lodge. Friederich Muenter (1761-1830) Bishop of Seeland. Was professor of theology in the U. of Copenhagen. In 1794 he published the Statute Book of the Order of Knights Templar (in German), a valuable addition to the history of Templary. Frederick Augustus Conrad Muhlenberg (1750-1801) Lutheran minister; son of Henry M. Muhlenberg, founder of the Lutheran Church in America; member of Continental Congress, and first speaker of the first U.S. House of Representatives. b. Jan. 1, 1750 in Trappe, Pa. He was educated at Halle, Germany, returning to America in 1770, where he became his father's assistant. From 1773-76 he was pastor of the Christ German Lutheran congregation in New York City, but his sympathies with the patriots compelled him to leave. He then resided for a time with his father at Trappe, Pa., and in 1777 moved his family to New Hanover to take pastoral charge of that part of his father's field of labor, and soon afterward of the congregations at Oley and New Goshenhoppen. On March 2, 1779 he was elected to the 1st Congress, and in Aug. of that year he laid aside his pastoral office and entered on a political career. He was a member of Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia, Pa. as was his brother John P. G. Muhlenburg, q.v. He is recorded as a visitor to Lodge No. 8, Chester Co. Pa. on Dec. 24, 1788. d. June 4, 1801. John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg (1746-1807) Lutheran minister; son 244 Walter M. Mumma of Henry M. Muhlenberg, founder of the Lutheran Church in America; Revolutionary Major General; U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senator. b. Oct. 1, 1807 in Trappe, Pa. Educated at Halle, Germany, returning to America in 1766, where he was pastor of Lutheran churches in New Germantown and Bedminster, N.J. In 1772 he moved to Woodstock, Va., where there was a large concentration of German Lutherans. Peculiarly, he had to go to England to be ordained an Episcopal priest before he could collect titheswhich he did. An ardent patriot, and friend of Washington, he accepted a colonel's commission in the Army. In a very dramatic and eloquent sermon before his congregation, he ended with the words: "There is a time for all thingsa time to preach and a time to pray; but there is also a time to fight, and that time has now come." Then pronouncing the benediction, he went to the door of his church, ordered the drums beat for recruits, and 300 of the congregation responded. They became the 8th Va. Regiment, or "German Regiment," and fought with honor. He first went to the relief of Charleston,

S.C. He was present at the Battle of Sullivan's Island, becoming brigadier general in 1777. He was engaged at Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Stony Point, and Yorktown. At the close of the war he was made major general. Returning to Pa. he was elected a member of the Pa. council, and was vice-president of that state when Franklin was president. He was a member of the 1st U.S. Congress (his brother Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg, q.v., was its first speaker) and also served in the 2nd and 3rd congresses, serving from 1789-95. He was elected again and served from 1799-1801. In 1801 he was elected U.S. Senator from Pa., but resigned before congress met, to accept the appointment as supervisor of revenue for Pa. His statue is in the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C. He was a member of Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia, Pa. (as was his brother, Frederick A. C.), receiving his degrees, April 13-15-17, 1779, at the same time as General James Hogun, q.v., and General William Thompson, q.v. He is recorded as a visitor to Lodge No. 8, Chester Co., on two occasionsSept. 2, 1784 and Dec. 20, 1785. d. Oct. 1, 1807. Bey Ahmet Muhtar (1871-1934) Turkish diplomat who was ambassador to Russia, 1923-25, and ambassador to the United States from 1927-34. He became a member of Almas Shrine Temple, Washington, D.C., Dec. 11, 1931. Frank E. Mullen Radio executive. b. Aug. 10, 1896 in Clifton, Kans. Graduate of Iowa State Coll. in 1922. From 1923-26 he was radio editor of Stockman and Farmer, Pittsburgh, Pa., and in 1923 organized and conducted the first regular radio broadcasting service for farmers on station KDKA, Pittsburgh. From 192634 he was director of agriculture for the National Broadcasting Co. at Chicago, and in 1927 organized the National Farm and Home Hour. From 1934-39 he was manager of the department of information of Radio Corp. of America in N.Y.C.; and from 1939-46 -was vice president of National Broadcasting Co., and executive vice president, 1946-48. He is now chairman of the board of Scenic Backgrounds, Inc., president and director of Mullen-Buckley Uranium Corp., and a business consultant. Received degrees in Western Star Lodge No. 157, Presho, S. Dak. Member of Elmhurst Chapter No. 254, R.A.M., Elmhurst, Ill. and Illinois Commandery No. 72, K.T., Chicago. Walter M. Mumma U.S. Congressman to 82nd through 85th Congresses from 16th Pa. dist. b. Nov. 20, 1890 in Steelton, Pa. Graduate of State 245 Karl E. Mundt Forestry Academy (Pa.) in 1911, and with state forestry

department until 1916. He was with the sales department of Lehigh Portland Cement Co. until 1921, and in that year organized and was president of the Pennsylvania Supply Co. at Harrisburg. Member of West Shore Lodge No. 681, Camp Hill, Pa., receiving third on June 17, 1913; exalted in Perseverance Chapter No. 21, RAM.; greeted in Harrisburg Council No. 7, R. & SM.; knighted in Pilgrim Commandery No. 11, K.T. all of Harrisburg. 32 AASR (NJ) at Harrisburg and received 33 in Sept., 1957. Past master of his lodge in 1918, past potentate of Shrine, and member of Tall Cedars. Karl E. Mundt U.S. Senator from South Dakota since 1948; U.S. Congressman to 76th through 80th Congresses (1939-48). b. June 3, 1900 in Humboldt, S. Dak. Graduate of Carleton Coll. (Minn.) in 1923, and Columbia U. in 1927. From 1923-27 he was a teacher and superintendent of schools in S. Dak., and from 1927-36 was chairman of speech department of General Beadle State Teachers Coll. at Madison, S. Dak. He then entered the loan and investment business at Madison. He was the author of the Voice of America act passed by the 80th congress, and the congressional resolution leading to the creation of UNESCO division of the United Nations. Also coauthor of the Mundt-Nixon Anti-Communist Bill. He is co-founder of the National Forensic League, and was national president in 1933. Member of Evergreen Lodge No. 17, Madison, S. Dak. 32 and KCCH, AASR (SD) at Yankton, S. Dak.; Shriner and member of Eastern Star. Royal F. Munger ( 1894-1944 ) Newspaperman, author. b. July 25, 1894 in Chicago, Ill. Received doctorate from U. of Chicago in 1937. Was with the Chicago Daily News from 1921 as reporter, financial reporter,investment editor, vocational adviser, and financial editor. He wrote The Rise and Fall of Samuel Insult and A Square Deal for Labor. Served in WWI from private to lieutenant in Marine Corps, and was wounded at Attigny, France. In WWII he served as a Marine Corps captain, was reported missing in action March 25, 1944, and later declared legally dead by the Marine Corps. Member of Kenwood Lodge No. 800, Chicago, receiving degrees on Sept. 8, 22 and Oct. 27, 1919. Richard Munkhouse English cleric and Masonic author. Initiated in Phoenix Lodge of Sunderland, he united with lodge of Unanimity at Wakefield, where he was the rector of Saint John the Baptist's church. Dr. Munkhouse was an ardent admirer and defender of Freemasonry, and wrote A Discourse in Praise of Freemasonry (1805); An Exhortation to the Practice of Specific Virtues Which Ought to Prevail in the Masonic Character (1805) ; and Occasional Discourses on Various Subjects, With Copious Annotations (1805 in three volumes) which had many discourses on Masonic subjects.

T. C. C. H. Munster (1761-1830) Bishop of Copenhagen and Danish archaeologist. Initiated in 1784. Joachim Murat (17 6 7 ? -1815 ) French General and Prince; King of Naples. Was Napoleon's famous cavalry commander. He served in Italy in 1796-97 and Egypt, 1798-99, rising to general of division. He aided Napoleon in the coup d'etat of 1799, and the following year married Napoleon's sister, Maria Annunciata Bonaparte. He was appointed governor of Paris, and created marshal of France in 1804. In 1805 he was created prince and high admiral. He commanded the cavalry at the battles of Austerlitz (1805) and Jena (1806). In 1808 he became king of Naples under the title 246 Hardy Murfree Joachim I Napoleon, and was known as the "Dandy King." He joined Napoleon on his return from Elba, and was defeated by the Austrian Army at Tolentino in May, 1815, captured, and executed on Oct. 13, 1815. In 1803 he was appointed senior grand warden of the Grand Orient of France. When the fifth Supreme Council of the World was established at Naples, on June 11, 1809, by the supreme council at Milan, a concordat became necessary and was executed May 3, 1811, between the Grand Orient, which was created June 24, 1809, and the Supreme Council of Naples, whereby the latter should have sole control over the degrees beyond the 18th. Murat (then king) accepted the supreme command of both bodies. His son, Napoleon Lucien Charles Murat, q.v., was grand master of the Grand Orient of France. Napoleon Lucien Charles Murat (1803-1878) Prince of France and son of Joachim Murat, q.v. Napoleon Bonaparte was his mother's brother. He came to the United States in 1825, but made repeated efforts to recover his father's throne as King of Naples. He settled in France about 1848, and was created a senator after the coup d'etat of Dec. 2, 1851, and given formal recognition as prince of the imperial family. He was appointed grand master of the Grand Orient of France, -resigning the office in 1861. Harold H. Murchie (1888-1953) Chief Justice Supreme Judicial Court of Maine from 1947. b. March 8, 1888 in Calais, Maine. Graduate of Dartmouth, 1909, and Harvard in 1912. He practiced law at Augusta from 191214; Calais, 1914-33; and Calais and Bangor, 1933-40. He was a supreme court judge from 1940-49 before becoming chief justice. Served in both houses of the state legislature and was president of the senate in 1933. Grand master of the Grand Lodge of Maine in 1940-41 and 33 AASR (NJ). Initiated March 31, 1913 in Bethlehem Lodge No. 35, Augusta, Maine.

In 1916 affiliated with St. Croix Lodge No. 46, at Calais, serving as master in 1922. Exalted in Cushnoc Chapter No. 43, Augusta, May 22, 1913; affiliated with St. Croix Chapter No. 17, Calais in 1916. Greeted in Alpha Council R. & S.M. at Hollowell in 1914, and later member of St. Croix Council. Knighted in Trinity Cornmandery, K.T. in 1913, and later a member of Hugh de Payens Cornmandery. Received 32 in Portland in 1940, and 33 in 1941. d. March 7, 1953. John R. Murdock U.S. Congressman to 75th through 81st Congresses (1937-51) from 1st Ariz. dist. b. April 20, 1885 in Lewis Co., Mo. Graduate of Kirksville (Mo.) State Teachers Coll. in 1912, and State U. of Iowa in 1925. He was a country school teacher and high school principal from 1904-10, and an instructor in Tempe Teachers Coll. (Ariz.), 1914-32. Mason and member of Tempe Lodge No. 15, Tempe, Ariz., receiving degrees on Feb. 21, June 25 and 28, 1917; 32 AASR (SJ). Hardy Murfree (1752-1809) Revolutionary soldier. b. June 5, 1752 in Hertford Co., N. Car. In 1775 he was appointed captain in the 2nd Rgt. of the N. Car. line, and during the first part of the war served with his regiment with the main body of the Army under Washington. At the capture of Stony Point, Murfree commanded the N.C. battalion of picked men that took position immediately in front of the fort and opened fire to distract fire. It is said that three-quarters of the light infantry officers in that action were Masons, and often appeared in American Union Lodge. Murfree visited this lodge, June 24, 1779, at West Point. He was then sent to take part in the southern campaigns and served in Georgia under General Sumner. When the army disbanded 247 Arthur P. Murphy in 1783, he retired as a colonel and became a leading figure in the Society of the Cincinnati in his state. His early Masonic connection was with the Royal William Lodge No. 5 at Winton, N.C., which he served as master. He represented the lodge at the organization of the grand lodge at Tarborough in 1787, serving as junior warden pro-tern of the convention. When the grand lodge began to issue charters under its own registry, Murfree promptly filed a petition of American George Lodge No. 17 at Murfreesboro, Tenn., under the Grand Lodge of N. Car. and was its first master in 1789 and represented it at grand lodge session in 1790. d. July 6, 1809. Arthur P. Murphy (1870-1914) U.S. Congressman to 59th through 61st Congresses (1905-11) from 16th Mo. dist. b. Dec. 10, 1870 in Hancock, Mo. Graduate of Missouri School of Mines in 1887. He was a telegraph operator from 1888-93; was admitted to the bar in 1894. Member of Waynesville Lodge

No. 375, Waynesville, Mo., receiving degrees, July 27, Aug. 24, and Sept. 28, 1901. d. Feb. 1, 1914. Franklin Murphy (? -1920) Governor of New Jersey, 1902-05. Received degrees in Kane Lodge No. 55, Newark, N.J. in 1873; member of Damascus Commandery No. 5, K.T. of Newark and Mecca Shrine Temple, N.Y.C. d. Feb. 24, 1920. John Murphy (1786-1841) Governor of Alabama, 1825-29; U.S. Congressman, 1833-35. b. in Columbia, S. Car., he was graduated from South Carolina Coll. in 1808, and was a clerk in the state senate from 181017. In 1818 he moved to Ala. where he studied law and was admitted to the bar. Although original membership is not known, he was charter master of Alabama Lodge No. 51, Claiborne, Ala. and on June 12, 1821 was elected the first senior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Alabama. A member of Mon-roe Chapter No. 4, Claiborne, he was high priest; and grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Alabama in 1827-29. d. Sept. 21, 1841. J. Harvey Murphy (1882-1941) President of the Reformed Church in America, 1938-39. b. April 28, 1882 in Paterson, N.J. Graduate of Rutgers Coll. in 1906 and New Brunswick Theol. Sem. in 1909. Was ordained in Reformed Church in America in 1909; served as pastor in Philadelphia, Pa., Amsterdam, N.Y., Jersey City, N.J., and Hudson, N.Y. He was vice president of the general synod in 1928-30 and president, 1938-39. Mason. d. Sept 19, 1941. John K. Murphy Union Brigadier General in Civil War (brevet). Member of Montgomery Lodge No. 19, and Columbia Chapter No. 91, RA.M., Philadelphia, Pa. Christoph Gottlieb von Murr (17331811) German historian and archaeologist b. in Nuremberg. Among his works are Essay on the History of the Greek Tragic Poets (1760); Antiquities of Herculaneum (6 volumes, 177782). In 1803 he published an essay entitled On the True Origin of the Orders of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry With an Appendix on the History of the Order of Templars. Here he attempts to trace Freemasonry to the times of Oliver Cromwell, and maintained that it, and Rosicrucianism, had an identical origin and the same history until the year 1633, when they separated. Alfred P. Murrah Judge, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit since

1940. b. Oct. 27, 1904 in Johnston Co., Okla. Graduate of U. of Oklahoma in 1927. Was judge of U.S. District Court, 1937-40. Member of Capital City Lodge No. 518, Oklahoma City, Okla., receiving degrees on Jan. 22, 1931, March 31, May 9, 1932. 32 AASR (SJ). 248 Joseph S. Murrow Johnston Murray Twelfth Governor of Oklahoma, 1951-54. b. July 21, 1902 in Emet, Indian Terr. (Okla.), a son of W. H. "Alfalfa Bill" Murray, q.v. Graduate of Oklahoma City Coll. in 1946 and 1949, and admitted to the bar in 1946. A varied career includes that of a printer, reporter, advertising salesman in Okla.; farmer, cattle producer, guide interpreter, tool dresser and truck dispatcher in Argentina and Bolivia. From 1942-45 he was personnel director of Douglas Aircraft Co. at Oklahoma City. Received the degrees in Tishomingo Lodge No. 91, Tishomingo, Okla., Sept. 27, Dec. 21, 1923 and Jan. 25, 1924. Affiliated with Chikaaskia Lodge No. 109 on Aug. 13, 1931. Lindley Murray (1745-1826) Grammarian. b. April 22, 1745 in Swatara, Pa. Member of Society of Friends throughout life. His father was a successful merchant, and when Lindley rebelled against his training, allowed him to study law. During the Revolution Lindley took neither side, but retired for four years, just fishing and hunting near Long Island. Following the war he assembled a fortune in his father's business and due to his health, moved to Holdgate, England, where he devoted himself to intellectual pursuits. His English Grammar was used throughout England and America in the schools, and his name became a household word. He wrote The Power of Religion on the Mind, and many others. His latter years were devoted to the study of botany. He was a member of St. John's Lodge No. 2, N.Y.C. and served as a warden prior to 1771. d. Feb. 16, 1826. Reid F. Murray (1887-1952) U.S. Congressman to 76th through 83nd Congresses (1939-52) from 7th Wis. dist. b. Oct. 16, 1887 in Ogdensburg, Wis. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1916 (in agriculture). In his student days he was a railway agent. He later became county agricultural agent, district agricultural agent, and from 192227, professor of animal husbandry at U. of Wisconsin. He is owner and manager of Waupaca Cattle Credit Co., and a farmer and cattle raiser. Member of Manawa Lodge No. 276, Manawa, Wis. d. April 29, 1952. Sir Robert Murray (see under Moray).

William H. Murray (1869-1956) Known as "Alfalfa Bill," he was a colorful political figure in Oklahoma and was the 7th governor of that state, serving from 1931-34. b. Nov. 21, 1869 at Collinsville, Texas. He was elected to the Oklahoma constitutional convention and served as president of the same. He was instrumental in writing the state constitution (claimed to have written it). He was elected to the first state legislature and was its speaker. He received his Masonic degrees in Tishomingo Lodge No. 91, Tishomingo, Okla., being initiated Jan. 13, passed Feb. 10 and raised April 24, 1911. Received the Scottish Rite degrees in Indian Consistory (SJ) at McAlester on April 25, 26, 27, 1911. d. Oct. 15, 1956. Joseph S. Murrow (1835-1929) A Baptist missionary to the Seminole Indians, and "founder of Freemasonry in Oklahoma." b. June 7, 1835 in Georgia, he came to the Indian Terr. in 1857. His long career among the Indian tribes caused him to be known as "Father Murrow" and this was carried into his Masonic career, where the term was one of endearment. He was on the lookout for Masons at all times, both among the whites and Indians during this early period, with the idea of establishing a lodge. This was accomplished with the establishment of a lodge at Boggy Depot, which afterwards moved to the town of Atoka and is now known as Oklahoma No. 4. He received his degrees in Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 88, Linden, Tex. on Sept. 15, Oct. 20, Dec.15, 1867. He dimitted from it on Feb. 16, 1867 and affiliated with the above named lodge (Ok-la-ho-ma No. 217) at Boggy Depot under the jurisdiction of Arkansas. He was the second grand master of the Grand Lodge of Indian Territory in 1877-78; first high priest of Ok-la-ho-ma Chapter No. 2, R.A.M. at Atoka in 1880; and grand high priest in 1890. He was grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Indian Territory from 1880-1909, and after the consolidation with the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma, served as emeritus until his death on Sept. 9, 1929. Robert, 1st Baron of Muskerry Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1783. Harry W. Musselwhite (1868-1955) U.S. Congressman, 73rd Congress (1933-35) from 9th Mich. dist. b. May 23, 1868 in Branch Co., Mich. He learned the printer's trade and became a reporter, news and feature writer on papers in Detroit, Chicago, and St. Louis until 1905, when he became associated with the Grand Rapids Herald (Mich.) ; in 1915 he became owner and publisher of the Manistee Daily News-Advocate (Mich.). Received degrees in Grand River Lodge No. 34, Grand Rapids, Mich., June 2, Oct. 13 and 20, 1909. He affiliated with Malta Lodge No. 465, Grand Rapids, in 1912, and Manistee Lodge No. 228 in 1916. d. Dec. 14, 1955. Also 32 AASR (NJ), Knight Templar and Shriner.

Charles R. Musser Vice President of Wilson & Co., Chicago, meat packers since 1953. b. June 21, 1911 in Woodland, Ill. Started with Wilson & Co. in 1934. Was sales manager at Omaha; general sales manager at Sao Paulo, Brazil. Vice president of Frigorifico Wilson do Brasil in 1945-57, and since that date, president and general manager of same. Became vice president and general sales managerof Wilson & Co. in 1953. Member of Mizpah Lodge No. 302, Omaha, Nebr. George W. Musser (1862-1921) Justice, Supreme Court of Colorado, 1909-15. b. May 15, 1862 in Sacramento Valley, Calif. Graduate of Northern Indiana Normal School (now Valparaiso U.) in 1886. Admitted to the bar in 1891, he practiced at Colorado Springs, Colo. from 1893-1909 and 1915-21. Member of El Paso Lodge No. 13, Colorado Springs, Colo., receiving degrees on June 4, 18, and July 2, 1897; master of the lodge in 1901 and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Colorado in 1909-10. d. Aug. 7, 1921 and buried Masonically. Count Wassily W. Mussin-PushkinBruce Russian secret councillor and chamberlain of Emperor Alexander I, q.v. In 1814 he was elected to head the Directorial Grand Lodge of Russia. This lodge split the following year, due to differences, and he became the first grand master of the new grand lodge "Astrea." On Aug. 1, 1822, Alexander I sent an edict through Kochubey, closing all Masonic lodges in Russia. S. S. Lanskoy, q.v., grand master of the other grand lodge also received a copy of this edict. Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) Italian dictator and anti-Mason. A revolutionary from youth, he was many times jailed and was under constant police surveillance. Became editor of Avarai, the official Socialist paper of Italy, in 1912, and resigned in 1914 to establish his own Il Popolo d'Italia. He appealed for Italy to enter WWI with the allies and served as a private in that war. After the war he engaged in a campaign against Communism and organized the Fascio di Combattimento at Milan on March 23, 1919. This was the beginning of Fascism in Italy. It officially took the form of a political party in 1921. In 250 John Mylne 1922 he led the Fascists in a march on Rome, and when the cabinet resigned, Mussolini was summoned by the king to form a ministry. By gaining control over a number of ministries, changing the electoral law, and suppressing all opposition, he gained control of the government. In 1929 he

signed a treaty with the Roman church, ending a 59-year-old dispute. He conquered Ethiopia in 1936; withdrew from the League of Nations in 1937; conquered Albania in 1939; aided Franco in Spanish civil war; did away with the chamber of deputies in 1938; and entered WWII on side of Hitler in May, 1940. When the allies invaded Italy, he was deposed in July, 1943 and imprisoned. In a daring mission, the Germans rescued him in 1943. He was captured and killed by Italian partisans on April 28, 1945. At the time of Mussolini's rise to power, there were two grand lodges in Italy. He played one against the other, and finally the Roman church against what remained. He banned Freemasonry in Italy in 1923. Torrigiani, q.v., the grand master of the Grand Orient of Italy, died in prison on the island of Lipari, a martyr to the Masonic cause, and other grand officers suffered various punishments. Henry L. Myers (1862-1943) U.S. Senator from Montana, 1911-23; Justice, Supreme Court of Montana, 192729. b. Oct. 9, 1862 in Cooper Co., Mo. He practiced law at Boonville and West Plains, Mo. from 1885-93, and at Hamilton, Mont., 1893-1907. He was a state senator and district judge in Mont. Retired from supreme court bench in 1929 to resume practice of law. Received the degrees in Ionic Lodge No. 38, Hamilton, Mont., April 15, May 7, and Aug. 20, 1898 and on July 28, 1924 affiliated with Billings Lodge No. 113, Billings, Mont. d. Nov. 11, 1943. John Mylne Early Scottish Mason, probably operative. The mutual agreement of the Lodge of Scoon and Perth in 1688 says: "Since about 1193 (the lodge) had been located at Perth. Thither came from the North Country a Mason and man 'well experted in his calling', by name John Mylne, who having entered himself a freeman and burgess of the Burgh, was in due course made King's Master Mason and Master of the Lodge." 251

Conrad Nagel Actor. b. March 16, 1897 in Keokuk, Ia. Graduate of Highland Park Coll. (Des Moines) in 1914. Began stage career with the Princess Stock Co. in Des Moines and became identified with motion pictures in 1919, appearing in more than 150 pictures, both silent and talking. His principal plays include Midsummer Madness; What Every Woman Knows; Tess of the D'Urbervilles; Tin Hats; Quality Street; Dynamight; a n d others. He returned to the stage in 1933, and appeared in The First Apple; The Shining Hour; Skin of Our Teeth; The State of the Union; Tomorrow the World; For Love or Money; and others. He is a founder, ex-president and honorary life member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. In WWI he served as a

seaman on the U.S.S. Seattle. Member of Hollywood Lodge No. 355; Shriner. Sir Edmund Nagle British Admiral. Member of Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, London, being admitted in 1811. Sarkis H. Nahigian (1872-1948) World's largest dealer in oriental rugs. b. Sept. 28, 1872 in Harpoot, Armenia. Came to the U.S. and settled in Chicago. He started a frugal rug business, selling from door to door, and became president of Nahigian Brothers Rug Co., Chicago. On Feb. 23, 1848 Nahigian presented the world's largest oriental rug to the George Washington Masonic National Memorial at Alexandria, Va. It is a priceless meshed Persian rug 50 feet long and 30 feet wide containing over 54,000,000 handtied knots. He was a member of Park Lodge No. 843, Chicago, and received the 32 AASR (NJ) on April 20, 1911. Member of Medina Shrine Temple, Chicago on April 21, 1911. d. Sept. 12, 1948, a few months after he presented the famous rug to the National Memorial. Albinus Nance (1848-1911) Governor of Nebraska, 1879-83. b. March 30, 1848 in La Fayette, Ill. Studied at Knox Coll., Galesburg, Ill. Served in Union Army as a private in Civil War. Admitted to the bar in 1870 and practiced at Osceola, Nebr., until 1878, when he entered the banking business in that city. He was a member of the state legislature from 1875-79, and served as speaker of same in 1877-79. Member of Osceola Lodge No. 65, Osceola, Nebr. d. in 1911. Sir Charles James Napier (17821853) British Lieutenant General. He served in Portugal in 1810 and .against the U.S. in 1813. As a military resident of Cephalonia in 182233, he met Byron and declined offer to become commander of Greek Army. Began the conquest of Sind in 1842 and completed it by the victory of Hyderabad in 1843. He subdued the hill tribes in 1844-45 and resigned the government of Sind in 1847. He was the author of books on colonial administration and the government of India. He was made a Mason on June 16, 1807 in Doyle's Lodge of Fellowship, Guernsey, England, and in Nov. 1848 became an honorary member of Union Lodge Limerick, Ireland. 252 Napoleon Ill Francis, 7th Lord of Napier Thirty-seventh Grand Master Mason of Scotland, 1788-89. Frederic John Napier (see 1st Viscount Chelmsford).

Napoleon I (1769-1821) French military genius and Emperor of France, 1805-14. b. Aug. 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica. d. in exile May 5, 1821, on island of St. Helena. At one time he controlled most of Europe. His biographers have depicted him as a champion of the French people and a defender of democracy on one hand, and as an adventurer and despot who exploited the Revolution for personal gain, on the other. He possessed an unquestionable military genius and great administrative ability. This biographical sketch will confine itself to his Masonic associations, the main part being taken from Bro. J. E. S. Tuckett's research appearing in the A.Q.C. transactions of 1914. One source has it that he was initiated in an Army Philadelphe Lodge between 1795-98, and another places it at Malta between June 12-19, 1798. The former would seem to have preference, as authorities who have studied his movements state that the Malta initiation would be unlikely at that -time. In 1801 a prominent Ecossais member, Bro. Abraham, wrote "as proud now to number the immemorial Brothers Bonaparte and Moreau, q.v., among its members." The official report of a Masonic festival at Dijon in Nov. of that year described Masonic honors paid to Bonaparte and Moreau. Napoleon's four brothersJoseph, Lucian, Louis, and Jerome, qq.v., were Freemasons, as well as his stepson, Eugene Beauharnais, q.v., his brother-in-law Murat, q.v., and nephew, Jerome. Most of them held high Masonic rank. The Empress Josephine was friendly to Freemasonry and was initiated into adoptive Freemasonry in the Lodge Les Francs Chevaliers at Paris in 1804, with several ladies of her court, and became an active member as well as patroness of that rite. Those who were chosen by Napoleon for high honor and office in the state were usually Freemasons. Of the six, who, with the emperor himself, formed the Grand Council of the Empire, five were certainly Freemasons, including Arch Chancellor Prince Jean Jacques Regis Cambaceres, q.v., an enthusiastic and active Mason. Of the nine lesser imperial officers of state, six at least were active Masons. Of the marshals of France who served under Napoleon, at least 22 of the first 30 were Freemasons, many of them grand officers of the Grand Orient. The union of all the separate and often mutually hostile rites in one governing body was a project of Napoleon. As first consul of France, he threatened to abolish Freemasonry altogether unless this was accomplished. Late in 1804, at the request of Cambaceres, he interested himself in the reorganization of the Grand Orient, with the result that in 1805 it assumed control over the whole body of Freemasonry in the empire, with the emperor's brother, Joseph, as grand master, and Cambaceres and Murat as his deputies. Through Cambaceres, Napoleon assured the craft of his imperial protection, stating that he had instituted inquiry on the subject of Freemasonry, and that he perceived that their high moral aims and purposes were worthy of his favor. Napoleon III (1808-1873) Emperor of France, 1852-71. Son of Louis Bonaparte, q.v., and nephew of Napoleon I. Full name was Charles Louis

Napoleon Bonaparte. He became head of the Bonaparte family when Napoleon II died in 1832. He plotted a revolt in Strasbourg in 1836, but it was discovered and he was sent to America; he 253 Alfred Joseph Naquet returned in 1837 and formed another conspiracy, at Boulogne in 1840. This time he was arrested and condemned to life imprisonment. He escaped prison in 1846, and made his way to England, where he wrote social and military papers. After the revolution of 1848 he was welcomed to Paris, elected to the national assembly, and became president of the Republic, Dec. 10, 1848. He immediately began to acquire absolute authority, and by a coup d'etat made himself dictator in 1851, and emperor on Dec. 2, 1852. He sent Archduke Maximilian, q.v., to Mexico and dreamed of establishing a Catholic and French empire in America, but his plans were frustrated by Juarez, q.v., the Mexican people, and the U.S. Bismarck involved him in the Franco-Prussian War and he was deposed by the national assembly in 1871; he retired with family to England, where he died. He was a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of France. Alfred Joseph Naquet (1834-1916) French scholar, chemist and politician. He was a member of the chamber of deputies in 1871 and of the senate in 1882. He is known as the father of the French divorce law. He wrote among others, Principes de Chimie; Socialisme Collectiviste et Socialisme Liberal; and Temps Futurs. Bulletin of International Masonic Congress, 1917, states he was a Freemason. Viscountess of Narbonne Lady of French nobility who was initiated into adoptive Freemasonry in a lodge established in 1780 by the Lodge of Social Contract. The Princess de Lamballe, q.v., was grand mistress of the lodge at the time. Other contemporary initiates of the lodge were the Viscountess of Alfrey, Countess of Maille, and Abbe Bertolio, qq.v. Charles W. Nash ( 1 8 6 4 -19 4 8 ) Founder and President of The Nash Motors Co. (now American Motors).b. Jan. 28, 1864 in Dekalb, Co., Ill. A farmer until 1894, he entered the employ of the Flint Road Cart Co. in 1891, as a trimmer, advancing to superintendent and vice president, and then as general superintendent of its successor, the Durant-Dort-Carriage Co. He was president and manager of the Buick Motor Car Co. in 1910-16, and president of General Motors Co. 1912-16. In 1916 he organized The Nash Motors Co.; was president until 1932 and chairman of board from 1932. In 1937 the name was changed to Nash-Kelvinator Corp. Was also director of Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co. and Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis Railroad

Co. Mason. Member of Flint Lodge No. 23, Flint, Mich., receiving degrees on March 15, 1898, Feb. 23 and March 14, 1899. Became life member Dec. 5, 1939. d. June 6, 1948. Edgar Smiley Nash (1872-1935) Editor. b. July 6, 1872 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of Brown U. in 1894. From 1895-98 he was an editorial writer for the Philadelphia Record, and from 1898-1901 associate editor of the Saturday Evening Post. In 1913-18 he was district deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. d. Aug. 17, 1935. Frederick Nash (1781-1858) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1852-58. b. Feb. 9, 1781 in New Bern, N. Car. Graduate of Princeton in 1799. Practiced law at New Bern, and was judge of the superior court, 1818-24 and 1836. Became justice of supreme court in 1844, and chief justice after 1852 until his death, Dec. 5, 1858. Mason, he delivered an address before Eagle Lodge No. 71, Hillsboro, N. Car., at one time. George K. Nash (1842-1904) Governor of Ohio, 1900-04. b. Aug. 14, 1842 in Medina Co., Ohio. Left college without graduating, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. He edited the Ohio State Journal for a time, was judge of the supreme court from 188385, and then practiced law at Columbus. He became a member of Columbus Lodge No. 3, Columbus, Ohio, in 1900 while governor, and was a member of Ohio Chapter No. 12, R.A.M. d. in 1904. Mell Achilles Nash President of Oklahoma College for Women, 192743, and present chancellor of Oklahoma state system of higher education. b. July 20, 1890 in Tryon, Texas. Graduate of U. of Oklahoma and Central State Teachers Coll. (Okla.), and studied at U. of Mich. and Oklahoma Baptist U. He taught in rural schools, was high school principal and superintendent of schools until 1919, when he became chief high school inspector of Okla. He was state superintendent of public instruction of Okla. from 1923-27, when he resigned to become president of the Womens College. Member of Edmond Lodge No. 37, Edmond, Okla. since 1911; 32 AASR at Guthrie, Okla; member of Shrine and Eastern Star. Alexander Nasmyth (1758-1840) Scottish portrait and landscape painter. His studio was in Edinburgh and he was intimate with Robert Burns, q.v. He painted Burn's portrait which now hangs in the Scottish National Gallery. He is known as the "father of the Scottish landscape art" and invented the bowstring bridge in 1794. Became a member of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge of Edinburgh on Feb. 5, 1777.

Ernesto Nathan Italian politician who was at one time mayor of Rome. He was grand master of the Grand Orient of Italy in 1896. Arnold Naudain (1790-1872) U.S. Senator from Delaware, 1830-36. b. Jan. 6, 1790 near Dover, Del., wasgraduated from Princeton Coll. in 1806, and from medical department of U. of Pennsylvania in 1810. Began his medical practice in Dover, and was surgeon general of the Delaware militia in the War of 1812. Served in state house of representatives, 182327, and was speaker in 1826. He was state senator from 1836-39, and collector of the port of Wilmington, 184145. After his U.S. senatorship, he resumed practice of medicine in Wilmington, moving to Philadelphia in 1845. He was a member of Union Lodge No. 7, Dover, serving as master in 1817, and in 1823 we find him as master of Union Lodge No. 5 at Middletown. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Delaware in 1826, and served at one time as grand treasurer of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Delaware. d. Jan. 4, 1872. A. T. A. Naylor English Dean of Battle and honorary chaplain to King George VI, q.v. b. Dec. 27, 1889. Received B.A. from Emmanuel Coll., Cambridge in 1911 and M.A. in 1917. Was ordained in 1912 and served a church in Pudsey, near Leeds, until the outbreak of WWI, when he joined the British forces as a chaplain. He took part in the 2nd Battle of Ypres, Hill 60, Loos, and on the Somme, being both wounded and gassed. For - his service he was awarded the Order of the British Empire. From 1926-29 he saw service in the North China campaign, and from 1936-37 was senior chaplain of the 1st Expeditionary Force to Palestine. In WWII he was with the British troops at Dunkirk and did much to uphold their spirits, for which he received the D.S.O. In 1944 the Earl of Harewood, q.v., appointed him 3rd grand principal of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M., of England. He installed both the Duke of Devonshire, q.v., and the Earl of Scarbrough, q.v., as 1st grand principals of that rite. In 1947 he was appointed provincial grand master for Sussex. 255 William K. Naylor In 1947-48 he also headed the Royal Arch in that province. William K. Naylor (1874-1942) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Nov. 24, 1874 in Bloomington, Ill. Graduate of U. of Minnesota in 1898 and admitted to Minn. bar. Entered military service in Spanish-American War with 14th Vol. Minn. Inf. in 1898, and shortly entered regular army as a lieutenant. Served in WWI as colonel and brigadier general, and was chief of staff of the 33rd Division, participating in the Somme offensive, and in the Meuse-Argonne

with the 3rd Corps. After war taught in army service schools, universities, and Army War Coll. He was assistant chief of staff and director of military intelligence of the general staff from 192224. In 1924-26 he commanded the 15th Infantry in China. After commanding several military establishments in the U.S. he was retired on Nov. 30, 1938. Member of Triune Lodge No. 190 (charter member) of St. Paul, Minn. Received degrees in Sacketts Harbor Lodge No. 135, N.Y. on Oct. 24, 1898, Jan. 9, 23, 1899. 32 AASR. d. Aug. 3, 1942. Naymus Graecus A mysterious character referred to in most versions of the Old Charges. A legendary "curious Craftsman," said to be contemporary with both King Solomon and Charles Martel, q.v. The legend as set out in the ancient manuscript known as Grand Lodge Manuscript No. 1, dated 1583, states: "Curious Craftsmen walked about full wide in Divers Counties, some to learn more Craft and cunning and some to teach them that had but little cunning, and so it befell that there was one Curious Mason that hight Naymus grecus that had been at the making of Solomon's Temple and he came into France and there he taught the Science of Masonry to men of France. And there was one of the Regal line of Francethat bight Charles Martel, and he was a man that loved will such a Craft and drew to this Naymus grecus and Learned of him the Craft, and took upon him the Charges and manners." Subsequent manuscripts reproduce the legend, but with many variants in the spelling of the name. John Neagle (1796-1865) American portrait painter. b. Nov. 4, 1796 in Boston, Mass. Began painting coaches but in 1818 devoted himself to portrait painting entirely. He moved from Philadelphia to Lexington, Ky., Frandford, La., and New Orleans, but returned to Philadelphia. He is considered second only to Gilbert Stuart among American portrait painters. He was a powerful colorist, a skilful delineator of character and a vigorous draughtsman. His portrait of Gilbert Stuart hangs in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts; his Washington in Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Other important portraits were painted of Patrick Lyon, the blacksmith, Henry Clay, Mathew Carey, Dr. G. T. Bedell, and Bishop Meade of Va. He was made a Mason in Columbia Lodge No. 91, Philadelphia, April 22, 1839, and served as master of the lodge in 1841 and 1843. d. Sept. 17, 1865. Thomas Neal (1858-1940) President of General Motors Co., 1910-12. b. Sept. 27, 1858 at Corunna, Ontario. In 1884 was an organizer and secretary-general manager of the Acme White Lead & Color Works. Chairman of the board of General Motors, 191315, and chairman of Equitable Trust Co., Detroit. d. Oct. 6, 1940. Member of Oriental Lodge No. 240, Detroit, Mich., receiving degrees on Nov. 21, Dec. 12, 1882 and Jan. 16, 1883. Made

life member Jan. 20, 1925. Knight Templar. d. Oct. 6, 1940. Colin Neblett (1875-1950) Federal Judge of New Mexico, 1917-48. b. July 6, 1875 in Brunswick Co., Va. Graduate of Washington and Lee U. 256 Ward A. Neff in 1897, and began practice at Silver City, N. Mex. in 1898. Affiliated with Silver City Lodge No. 8, Silver City, N. Mex. Dec. 28, 1898 from Brunswick Lodge No. 52, Lawrenceville, Va. d. May 7, 1950. Matthew M. Neely (1874-1958) U.S. Senator, Representative, and Governor from West Virginia. b. Nov. 9, 1874 in Grove, W. Va. Graduate of West Virginia U. in 1901 and 1902; practiced law at Fairmont, W. Va. from 1902. Was a member of the 63rd through 66th congresses (1913-21) and 79th congress (1945-47); U.S. senator in 1923-29, 1931-41, and after 1949. He resigned from the senate in 1941 to be inaugurated governor of West Virginia, serving until 1944. Received the degrees in Friendship Lodge No. 56, West Union, W. Va., March 25, Dec. 27, 1899, and Sept. 8, 1900; later dimitted to Fairmont Lodge No. 9, Fairmont, W. Va. 32 AASR (SJ) in H. Byron Baguley Consistory AASR (SJ) and member of Osiris Shrine Temple at Wheeling, W. Va. d. Jan. 18, 1958. George N. Neff (1861-1933) President of Daily National Live Stock Reporter (St. Louis). b. June 6, 1861 in Winchester, Ind. Began as a reporter on the Corn Belt Farm Dailies, Inc. Became publisher of the Daily Drovers Journal (Chicago), the Daily - Journal Stockman (Omaha), and Daily National Live Stock Reporter. Member of Temple Lodge No. 299, Kansas City, Mo., receiving degrees on May 20, June 6, 30, 1899. d. May 4, 1933. Jay H. Neff (1854-1915) Publisher of the Daily Drovers Telegram (Kansas City), and part owner of the South Omaha Drovers Journal and the National Stock Yards Reporter (St. Louis). b. July 6, 1854 in Hartford City, Ind. Graduate of Asbury U. (now DePauw) in 1877. Practiced law two years at Peru, Ind., moving to Kansas City in 1881, where he practiced law for a time before entering the publishing field. The J. H. Neff Hall of the U. of Missouri Journalism School is named in his honor, and presented to the university by his son, Ward A. Neff. Member of Temple Lodge No. 299, Kansas City, being raised Dec. 9, 1892. 32 AASR (SJ) in Valley of Kansas City in 1893; KCCH in 1905; 33, honorary in 1909 and active member in 1911. d. Aug. 14, 1915.

Pat M. Neff (1871-1952) Governor of Texas, 1921-25; President of Baylor U. from 1932. b. Nov. 26, 1871 in McGregor, Texas. Graduate of Baylor U. in 1894 and 1898, and U. of Texas in 1897. Practiced law at Waco 18971921. Member of state house of representatives, 1901-05 and speaker of same, 1903-05. He created the Texas Historical Board and originated the Texas state park system. Member of U.S. Board of Mediation in 1927-29. President of Baptist general conference of Texas, and vice president of Southern Baptist convention, Washington, in 1933. Received degrees in Waco Lodge No. 92, Waco, Texas on Feb. 21, March 29, May 27, 1909 and in 1926 affiliated with Baylor Lodge No. 1235, Waco. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Texas in 1946. Member of Karem Shrine Temple, Waco. d. Jan. 20, 1952. Ward A. Neff (1891-1959) Newspaper publisher. b. Feb. 11, 1891 in Kansas City, Mo., the son of Jay H. Neff, q.v. Journalism graduate of U. of Missouri in 1913, he later presented the university with the J. H. Neff Hall in honor of his father. Began as a reporter on the Daily Drovers Telegram in Kansas City. He moved to Chicago in 1917. Is president of the Corn Belt Publishers, Inc. comprising the Chicago Daily Drovers Journal; Omaha Daily Journal-Stockman; St. Louis Daily Livestock Reporter; Kansas 257 James S. Negley City Daily Drovers Telegram; and Radio Station WAAF, Chicago. A fellow of Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity, and trustee of its Quill Endowment Fund, as well as honorary chairman of the golden anniversary celebration of that fraternity, 1959. Also honorary chairman of 50th anniversary celebration of Missouri School of Journalism, 1958-59. Life member of Temple Lodge No. 299, Kansas City, Mo.; 32* AASR (SJ) in Kansas City, Mo., on March 28, 1918 and member of Ararat Shrine Temple, Kansas City. d. July 11, 1959. James S. Negley (1826-1901) U.S. Congressman, financier, and Union Major General in Civil War. b. Dec. 22, 1826 in Liberty, Pa. (now Pittsburgh). Enlisted in Army at age of 17 and fought through the Mexican War. Following the war he engaged in the manufacturing business. He was elected brigadier general of the 18th Pa. Militia, and entered Civil War with it in April, 1861. Served through the war, taking part in many major battles, including Stone River and Chickamauga. He was U.S. Congressman in 1869-73, 1875-77, and 1885-87. After the war he engaged in the promotion and construction of railways and acted as president and vice president of several lines. Member of Lodge No. 45, Pittsburgh, Pa. d. 1901. John W. Neilson (1872-1943) General Grand High Priest, General

Grand Chapter, 1930-33. b. Nov. 14, 1872 in Paris, Iowa. Studied pharmacy at Iowa State U. and began as a drug clerk in Concordia, Kans., becoming partner in the business. Was director and secretary-treasurer of the Home Lumber & Coal Co., and director of Concordia Building and Loan Co., both of Concordia, Kans. Initiated in St. John's Lodge No. 113, Concordia, Oct. 6, 1899, was master in 1904, and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Kansas in 1926. Exalted in Concordia Chapter No. 45, R.A.M., he was high priest in 1905, and grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Kansas in 1915. Member of Zabud Council No. 4, Topeka, Kans., dimitting to become charter member of Hiram Council No. 10, Concordia in 1908, serving as charter master and grand master of the Grand Council of Kansas in 1914. Knighted in Concordia Commandery No. 42, commander in 1907 and grand commander of Grand Cornmandery, K.T. of Kansas in 1918. Member of Scottish Rite and Red Cross of Constantine. d. June 9, 1943. Donald M. Nelson Corporation executive. b. Nov. 17, 1888 in Hannibal, Mo. Graduate of U. of Missouri in 1911. Employed by Sears, Roebuck & Co. as a chemical engineer in 1912, advancing to manager of men's and boy's clothing department, general merchandise manager, vice president in charge of merchandising, 1930-39, and executive vice president and chairman of executive committee, 1939-42. He resigned in 1942 to become chairman of the War Production Board. In 1943-44 he was the president's personal representative to China and Russia. Member of Garfield Lodge No. 686, Chicago, Ill., receiving degrees, June 10, July 1, Aug. 26, 1913. - George B. Nelson (1876-1943) Justice, Supreme Court of Wisconsin, 1930-43. b. May 21, 1876 in Amherst, Wis. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1898 and George Washington U. in 1902. Practiced law at Stevens Point, Wis. from 1904-30. Received degrees in Waupaca Lodge No. 123, Waupaca, Wis., Aug 24, Sept. 14, Dec. 22, 1897. Affiliated with Evergreen Lodge No. 93, Stevens Point, Wis. March 21, 1905. 32 AASR (NJ) and Shriner. d. Jan. 10, 1943. Viscount Horatio Nelson (17581805) British Naval hero. Saw first service in the West Indies in 1780. 258 Samuel Nelson Served under Hood in taking Bastia and Calvi, losing his right eye in last engagement. He completed the reduction of Corsica in 1794 and was appointed commodore in 1796. With Jervis he gained victory over French and Spanish fleets off Cape St. Vincent in Feb., 1797, and was named rear admiral that year. Was shot through right elbow in attempting to take Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1797, and lost his arm by

amputation. Captured or sunk all but two frigates of the French fleet in Battle of the Nile, 1798. Blockaded Malta and Naples; and was created viscount in 1801. Won the Battle of Trafalgar with the French fleet in 1805, but was struck by a sharpshooter's musket ball that broke his spine, and he died as victory was completed with the annihilation of the enemy fleet. A writer in the Freemasons' Quarterly Review in 1839 claimed Nelson and his servant, Tom Allen, were Freemasons, but gives no evidence to support his claim. Hamon Le Strange, in his History of Freemasonry in Norfolk, says that among the furniture of the Lodge of Friendship No. 100, at Yarmouth, there is a stone bearing an inscription to Nelson. On one side of the stone is an inscription commemorating the foundation of the Lodge of United Friends No. 564 on Aug. 11, 1697, and on the other side the inscription: "In Memory of Bro. V. Nelson of the Nile, and of Burnham Thorpe, in Norfolk, who lost his life in the army of Victory, in an engagement with ye Combin'd Fleets of France and Spain, off Cape Trafalgar, Oct. 21, 1805. Proposed by Bro. John Cutlove." At the Masonic Hall, Reading, may be seen a framed print with a representation of a banner carried at Lord Nelson's funeral. It bears the following words: "We rejoice with our Country but mourn our Brother." It was carried at the funeral by York Lodge No. 256. John E. Nelson (1879-1951) Vice President and Director of Gulf Oil Corp. b. Aug. 30, 1879 in Helensburg, Scotland, coming to U.S. with parents the following year. Graduate of Westminster Coll. (Pa.) in 1900. He was a clerk in the Keystone National Bank, Pittsburgh, 1900-02, and secretary to Andrew W. Mellon, q.v., from 1902-08. In addition to his offices in the Gulf Corp. he was executive vice president and director of 27 subsidiary corporations and companies. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 219, Pittsburgh, Pa., receiving degrees on Dec. 17, 1914, Jan. 28, Feb. 25, 1915. d. Oct. 6, 1951. Martin A. Nelson Justice, Supreme Court of Minnesota since 1953. b. Feb. 21, 1889 in Hesper, Iowa. Graduate of St. Paul Coll. of Law in 1916. Practiced at St. Paul, 1916-19, and at Austin, Minn., 1919-44. He then served as district judge of the 10th district until appointed to supreme court bench in 1953. Received degrees in Spring Valley Lodge No. 58, Spring Valley, Minn. in June, 1912 and July, 1913 and in 1925 affiliated with Fidelity Lodge No. 39 at Austin, Minn. Roger Nelson (1735-1815) Brigadier General in American Revolution and U.S. Congressman, 1804-10, from Maryland. b. in Fredericktown, Md. He was severely wounded in the Battle of Camden and left for dead on the field. After the war he studied law and was admitted to the bar in Fredericktown. From 1810-15 he was judge of the 5th judicial circuit of Md. A member of

Hiram Lodge No. 28, Frederick, Md. he was junior warden of the Grand Lodge of Maryland in 1799, and deputy grand master from 1801-05. d. June 7, 1815. Samuel Nelson (1792-1873) Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, 1845-72. b. Nov. 10, 1792 in Hebron, N.Y. Graduate of Middlebury Coll. in 1813, studied law, and was admitted to the bar at Madison, N.Y. in 1817. Became associate justice, supreme court of N.Y. in 1831, and chief justice from 1837-45. Member of Solomon's Lodge No. 5, New York. d. Dec. 13, 1873. Thomas Nelson, Jr. (1738-1789) Signer of the Declaration of Independence. b. Dec. 26, 1738 in Yorktown, Va. Educated in England at Eton and Cambridge, and returned to the U.S. in 1761. Was a delegate in 1774 to the house of burgesses over which Peyton Randolph, q.v., presided. Elected to the Continental Congress in 1775, serving until 1777, when illness caused his resignation. He returned to congress in 1779 but health again sent him home. In the meantime he raised money to outfit regiments and gave freely of his personal fortune. He became governor of Virginia in June, 1781. At the siege of Yorktown, he commanded the Va. militia, and ordered artillery turned on his own house, which was supposed to be headquarters for Cornwallis. His Masonic membership has not been definitely established. It seems, however, that he visited Lodge No. 9 at Yorktown, Va. with Washington and LaFayette after the siege of Yorktown. Charles H. Callahan of Va. states that he was one time master of No. 9 at Yorktown, and that it was an army lodge. Roth in his Masonry and the Formation of Our Government says, "it is said he was a member of Harmony Lodge No. 2, N. Car." A. P. Anderson, in Virginia Masons Who Served in the Revolution, says he was a member of Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, and attended grand lodge in 1778. d. Jan. 4, 1789. Wilbur D. Nesbit (1871-1927) Newspaperman and author. b. Sept. 16, 1871 in Xenia, Ohio. He was a feature writer on the Baltimore Amer- ican, Chicago Tribune, and Chicago Evening Post, 1899-1912. He was author of The Trail to Boy/and (1904) ; The Gentleman Ragman (1906); The Land of Make-Believe and Other Christmas Poems (1907); A Friend or Two (1908) ; and Your Flag and My Flag. He wrote many Masonic poems, the best known of which is, I Sat in Lodge With. You. He was raised in Evans Lodge No. 524, Evanston, Ill., March 27, 1915. d. Aug. 20, 1927. James W. Nesmith (1820-1885) U.S. Senator from Oregon, 1861-67; U.S. Representative from Oregon, 1873-75. b. July 23, 1820 in N.B., Canada while his parents were visiting there from their home in Washington Co.,

Maine. Moved to Claremont, N.H. in 1828; to Cincinnati, Ohio in 1838, and to Oregon City, Oreg. in 1843. Studied law and admitted to the bar, but never practiced; engaged in agricultural pursuits and stock raising. Was elected judge of the provisional government of Oregon in 1845; was a captain in expeditions against hostile Indians in 1848 and 1853; U.S. marshal for Oregon from 1853-55, and colonel of volunteer troops of the Indian Wars. Was appointed superintendent of Indian affairs for Oreg. and Wash. Territories in 1857. The grand lodge proceedings of 1853 record him as a member of Salem Lodge No. 4, Salem, Oreg. d. June 17, 1885. Jeremiah Neterer ( 1 8 6 2 - 1 9 4 3 ) Federal Judge, Western District of Washington, 1913-34. b. in 1862 near Goshen, Ind. Settled in Bellingham, Wash. in 1890, where he practiced law. Served as city attorney, judge of superior court of Whatcom Co. and chairman of state Democratic convention in 1898. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Washington in 1910-11. d. Feb. 2, 1943. Walter A. Netsch Vice President of Armour and Co., 1946-1952. b. Jan. 13, 1892 in Manchester, N.H. Graduate of Dartmouth in 1914. Began with Armour as a clerk in 1914 at Manchester, N.H.; salesman, 1915-17; branch house manager at Lowell, Mass., 1917-19; sales manager in 260 Sir Cyril Louis Norton Newall dressed lamb and veal department; sales manager of that department, 1919-31; general manager of sheep, lamb and calf division, 1931-46; and vice president in charge of livestock buying, 194649. Vice president in charge of cattle, sheep and calf buying, dressed beef and lamb sales from Aug. 2, 1949 to 1952, when he retired. Received degrees in Bezaleel Lodge No. 100, Hanover, N.H. and affiliated with South Shore Lodge No. 1056, Chicago, Ill. Nicholas, 5th Viscount of Netterville Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1732. Paul Nettl Musician and author. b. Jan. 10, 1889 in Hohenelbe, Bohemia. Doctorate from U. of Prague, Vienna. Is professor of music at Indiana U. Received his degrees in Lodge Frelicht under the grand lodge Lessing zu den drei Ringen and is currently a member of Humanitas Lodge No. 1123, N.Y.C. Member of the Quatour Coronati Lodge, London, American Lodge of Research, N. Y., and Philalethes. Wrote Music and Freemasonry; Mozart als Freimauer and Mensch; and in 1957 Mozart and Masonry.

Keith Neville Governor of Nebraska, 1917-19. b. Feb. 25, 1884 in North Platte, Nebr. Graduate of St. John's Coll., Annapolis, Md. in 1905. He engaged in banking, ranching, and real estate business at North Platte. Received degrees in Platte Valley Lodge No. 32, North Platte, Nebr. on Sept. 8, Nov. 24, 1908, July 31, 1909; Exalted in Euphrates Chapter No. 15, R.A.M. in 1909, serving as high priest of same and receiving Order of Highpriesthood Dec. 11, 1912; Knighted in Palestine Commandery No. 13, K.T. on Jan. 17, 1910. Wendell C. Neville (1870-1930) Major General, U.S. Marine Corps and holder of Congressional Medal of Honor. b. May 12, 1870 in Portsmouth; Va. Educated at U.S. Naval Academy. Commissioned in Marine Corps in 1892, and advanced through grades to major general in 1920. In the SpanishAmerican War he was with the 1st Battalion at taking of Guantanamo Bay; commanded a company in the Boxer Campaign, China; participated in capture of Peking; in Philippine campaign; commanded the marines at the taking of Havana, Cuba in 1906; commanded 2nd Regt. of Marines at taking of Vera Cruz, Mexico in 1914. In WWI he was regimental and brigade commander, participating in occupation of Toulon, Battles of Soissons, St. Mihiel, Blanc Mont, Meuse-Argonne, march to the Rhine, and occupation of the Coblenz bridgehead. Received Congressional Medal of Honor for "distinguished conduct" at Vera Cruz in 1914. Mason, and past president of San Francisco Chapter No. 18, National Sojourners. d. July 8, 1930. Harry S. New (1858-1937) U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1917-23; U.S. Postmaster General, 1923-29. b. Dec. 31, 1858 in Indianapolis. Was with the Indianapolis Journal for 25 years as reporter, editor and publisher (18781903), and later president of the Bedford Stone and Construction Co. Member of the Indiana state senate from 1896-1900. Served as an officer in the Spanish-American War. He headed the postal service under both Harding and Coolidge. Member of Ancient Landmarks Lodge No. 319, Indianapolis; 32 AASR (NJ) and Murat Shrine Temple, all of Indianapolis. d. May 9, 1937. Sir Cyril Louis Norton Newall Marshal of the Royal Air Force in 1940. b. in 1886. A British administrator, he served in WWI, and from 192631 was deputy chief of the air staff. In 1931-34 he commanded the Royal Air Force in the Middle East and was chief of air staff from 1937-40. He was 261 Walter C. Newberry governor general of New Zealand from 1941-46. His titles include G.C.B.; 0.M.; G.C.M.G.; C.B.E.; A.M. In 1943 he was elected first grand principal in the Grand Chapter of England, and in 1953 was senior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of England.

Walter C. Newberry (1835-1912) Union Brigadier General in Civil War, and U.S. Congressman from Ill. in 1891-93. b. Dec. 23, 1835 in Sangerfield, N.Y. He engaged in mercantile pursuits in Chicago and Detroit, and enlisted as a private in the 81st Reg., N.Y. Vols. Promoted through grades to brigadier general (brevet) in 1865 for gallant services at Dinwiddie Court House, where he was severely wounded. Moved to Petersburg, Va. in 1865, and was mayor of that city in 1869-70. Moved to Chicago, Ill. in 1876, where he was postmaster in 1888-89. Member of Sanger Lodge No. 129, Waterville, N.Y. d. July 20, 1912. Harry K. Newburn University president. b. Jan. 1, 1906 in Cuba, Ill. Graduate of Western Ill. Teachers Coll. in 1928; State U. of Iowa in 1931 and 1933. Taught and was superintendent and principal of schools in Ill. until 1931, when he became associated with the U. of Iowa. He was president of the U. of Oregon from 1945-53; president of Educational Television and Radio Center, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1953-58; consultant of the Ford Foundation, 195859; and president of Montana State U. at Missoula since July 1, 1959. He was a member of the president's commission on higher education in 1946-47. Member of McKenzie River Lodge No. 195 of Eugene, Oreg. Eliphalet Newell Revolutionary patriot, said to be one of the members of the Boston Tea Party. He became a member of St. Andrew's Lodge, Boston, Dec. 11, 1777, and a charter member of King Solomons Lodge, Charlestown, Mass., when organized in Sept., 1783. George A. Newell (1846-?) General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1918-21. b. Jan. 11, 1846 in Medina, N.Y. and resided there all his life. Graduate of Yale in 1868, and was a Phi Beta Kappa. Admitted to the bar in 1869. Served as county clerk and treasurer of Orleans Co., N.Y. President of the Union National Bank of Medina. Raised in Medina Lodge No. 336, April 4, 1877, and served as master. Exalted in Orleans Chapter No. 175, Albion, N.Y., May 2, 1878, serving as high priest, but dimitting to become a charter member of Medina Chapter No. 281, and served as high priest of this chapter for 13 years. He was grand high priest in 1904. Greeted in Alpha-Omega Council No. 71, Albion, Nov. 22, 1878, he was master of same for ten years, and grand master in 1893. Knighted in Genessee Commandery No. 10, K.T., Lockport in 1879, he was commander in 1891 and 1893, and grand treasurer of the Grand Cornmandery of New York. Received 32 AASR (NJ) in Rochester in 1878 and 33 in 1895. Dropped from membership between 1930-33. Death date unknown.

G. Glenn Newell (1871-1947) Artist. b. in Berrien Co., Mich. Graduate of Albion (Mich.) Coll. in 1891, and student at National Academy of Design, 1897-99. His works hang in the National Gallery, Washington, D.C.; Youngstown (Ohio) Museum; Dallas (Texas) Museum; Detroit Museum of Art; Michigan State Teachers Coll.; and in other public and private collections. Won several national prizes, and was president of the Allied Artists of America, 1919-26, and New York Society of Painters, 1928-35. Raised in Dover Lodge No. 666, Dover Plains, N.Y. on June 29, 1916. Suspended NPD Sept. 18, 1941. d. May 7, 1947. 262 J. Lincoln Newhall Robert Newell (1807-1869) Western pioneer and "mountain man." b. March 30, 1807 near Zanesville, Ohio. Became a saddler's apprentice in Cincinnati and moved to St. Louis. Left St. Louis for the Rocky Mountains on March 17, 1829 with the SmithJackson-Sublett party of trappers. He was closely associated with William Craig, q.v., and Kit Carson, q.v. Went to Oregon in 1840, bringing the first wagons to the Columbia river. He was called "doctor" for his ability to make simple surgical operations in the wilds and for his knowledge of medicinal roots and herbs. He settled down to farming in Oregon first near the present town of Hillsboro and in 1844 near vicinity of Champoeg, on the Willamette. Here he stayed for nearly 20 years. Was active organizer of the Falls Association or Oregon Lyceum, at Oregon City, which was the earliest literary and debating society in Oreg. He was one of the three directors of the Oregon Printing Assn. which published The Spectator, in 1846. He owned and operated the first keel boats on the upper Willamette and made runs between Oregon City and Willamette Falls. Was a member of the legislative committee that formed the provisional government for Oregon, and served in every territorial legislature up to 1849, being speaker of two sessions. He was appointed Indian agent by President Polk in 1849. During the Calif. gold rush he spent some time in that state, served in the Indian War of 1855-56. When the great flood of 1861 washed out the Willamette valley, he moved to Lewiston, Idaho and his old friends, the Nez Perce Indians, deeded him five acres of land. Here he again became Indian agent. He is thought to have been a member of Multnomah Lodge at Oregon City sometime between its founding on Sept. 9, 1846 and the date when he appears as an officer in 1859. He was on the committee of Champoeg Lodge No. 27, Canby, Oreg. to fit up a lodge hall and was master of this lodge from 1859-62. It at one time met in his house. When he came to Lewiston, Idaho he became a member of Lewiston Lodge, U.D., which lasted from Dec. 23, 1862 to Dec. 1, 1865, when its charter was surrendered after most of its members had departed to other gold fields. Newell affiliated with the lodge on April 6, 1863 and is listed as one of the brothers to whom dimits were issued when the lodge was discontinued. The present Robert Newell lodge of Lewiston, Idaho, is named in his honor. d. Nov. 24, 1869.

William A. Newell (1819-1901) U.S. Congressman; Governor of New Jersey, 1856-60, and Governor of Washington Territory, 1880-84. b. Sept. 5, 1819 in Franklin, Ohio. Graduated from Rutgers Coll. grammer school in 1836, studied medicine and settled in N.J. He served in congress from N.J. from 1847-51, as a Whig, and again from 1865-67. In congress he served on committees of Revolutionary claims, foreign affairs, and war debts of the loyal states. He originated and procured the first congressional appropriation for life-saving stations on the N.J. coast, and was superintendent of those stations from 1861-63. From 1884-86 he was Indian commissioner for the Washington Territory. Was raised in Hightstown Lodge No. 41, Hightstown, N.J. on May 23, 1856. The proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Oregon for 1882 lists him as a visitor to the grand lodge sessions. d. Aug. 8, 1901. J. Lincoln Newhall (1870-1952) U.S. Congressman to 71st Congress (1939-41) from 6th Ky. dist. b. March 26, 1870 of American parents in Canada. With internal revenue department in Ky. from 1899-1905; director of music in public schools of Covington, Ky., 1913-29. Mason. d. July 26, 1952. 263 Chester 0. Newlun Chester 0. Newlun President of State Teachers College, Platteville, Wis. since 1943. b. March 27, 1888 in Vernon, Co., Wis. Graduate of State Normal School, La Crosse, Wis. in 1911; U. of Wisconsin in 1924, 1926, and Columbia U. in 1929. Was rural school teacher, principal and superintendent of schools in Wis. from 190428. From 1929-39 was professor and director of teacher training at the U. of Oklahoma. Received degrees in Marshfield Lodge No. 224, Marshfield, Wis. on April 16, May 14, June 9, 1926; dimitted Dec. 14, 1950 and affiliated with Melody Lodge No. 2, Platteville, Wis. on Feb. 6, 1951. Robert Newman American Revolutionary patriot. He was sexton of Christ Church, Boston, and he is credited by some as the one who hung the lanterns in the church steeple that started Paul Revere, q.v., on his famous ride the night of April 18, 1775. Other writers credit John Pulling, Jr., q.v., as having hung the lanterns. Newman was made a member of St. Johns Lodge, Boston, in 1783. He received the Royal Arch degree in St. Andrew's Chapter, Boston, Nov. 5, 1794 and the Knight Templar Order in that chapter on Nov. 5, 1794. He was sentinel of the council of the Order of the Red Cross from 1802-04. Nathaniel Newnham Lord Mayor of London, 1782-83. Member of Lodge of Emulation, London in 1788.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) English natural philosopher and mathematician. b. Dec. 25, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, England, credited with the invention of differential calculus in 1665 and integral calculus in 1666. He conceived the idea of universal gravitation after seeing an apple fall in his garden in 1665. Most learned scientist of his day. Member of parliament in 1689; 1701-02. There is no evidence that he was a Mason, but many of his close friends were, and he is often credited with membership. d. March 20, 1727. John W. Newton Vice President and director of Magnolia Petroleum Co., Beaumont, Texas, 1938-57. b. May 8, 1892 in Dallas, Texas. Graduate of Texas A. & M. Coll. in 1912. With Magnolia from 1914. Director of Texas Centennial of Statehood Commission in 1945-46. Member of board of directors of Texas A. & M. Coll. President of Norvell Wilder Supply Co. from May 1, 1957. Member of Tolerance Lodge No. 1165, Beaumont, Texas. Joseph Fort Newton (1880-1950) Clergyman and Masonic author. b. July 21, 1880 in Decatur, Texas. Graduate of Coe Coll. (Ia.) in 1912; Tufts Coll. in 1918; and Temple U. in 1929. Ordained to Baptist ministry in 1893. Pastor in Paris, Texas, and St. Louis, Mo. Founder and pastor of People's Church, Dixon, Ill., 1901-08; pastor of Liberal Christian Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1908-16; The City Temple, London, England, 1916-19; Church of the Divine Paternity, N.Y.C., 191925; Memorial Church of St. Paul, Philadelphia, 1925-30; St. James Church, Philadelphia, 1930-35; St. Luke and Epiphany, Philadelphia from 1938. He was raised in Friendship Lodge No. 7, Dixon, Ill., May 28, 1902, and later affiliated with Mt. Hermon Lodge No. 263, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Iowa from 1911-13. In 1944 he dimitted to Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in Iowa Consistory, Cedar Rapids, Iowa in Oct., 1909, and 33, honorary, Oct. 20, 1933. Grand prelate of Grand Encampment, K.T., U.S.A. in 1929. His Masonic book, The Builders, stands as the most notable writing of the century. He also wrote A Story and Study of Masonry (1914) ; The Religion of Masonry (1926) ; his autobiography River of Years (1944) contains many Masonic references. 264 Harry W. Nice He produced a score of other non-Masonic books. d. Jan. 24, 1950. Thomas W. Newton (1804-1853) U.S. Congressman to 29th Congress (1847) from Arkansas, filling vacancy caused by resignation of Archibald Yell, q.v. b. Jan. 18, 1804 in Alexandria, Va. He attended the local schools, and moved to Arkansas in 1820, settling in Little Rock. He moved to Shelby Co.,

Ky., for a time, but returned to Little Rock in 1837, and became cashier in a bank. He was a member of the state senate, 1844-48. He fought a duel with Col. Ambrose H. Sevier, which ended in one shot each and a draw with a reconciliation. Member of Alexandria Washington Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va. d. Sept. 22, 1853. Lord Br insle y Newtownbutler Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1757. Later was 2nd Earl of Lanesborough. Michel Ney (1769-1815) Marshal of France. Served in Revolutionary and Napoleonic armies. Commanded army on the Rhine in 1799, and created marshal of France in 1804. He won the victory of Elchingen in 1805, was created duo d'Elchingen, and later prince de La Moskova. Fought at Jena, Eylau, Friedland; and from 180811, in Spain. He commanded the rear guard in the famous retreat from Russia in 1812, and was engaged at Lutzen, Bautzen, and Leipzig in 1813, and the campaign for the defense of France the following year: After the Restoration, he was created a peer by Louis XVIII, but rallied to Napoleon during the Hundred Days, commanding the Old Guard at Waterloo on June 18, 1815. He was tried and condemned for treason by the chamber of peers, and shot on Dec. 7, 1815. Said to have been made a Mason in the Lodge of the Nine Sisers, Paris, about 1792. The bulletinof the International Masonic Congress, 1917, says he was initiated in 1801, but does not give lodge. Urban Niblo (1897-1957) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Nov. 20, 1897 in Galveston, Texas. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1919 and Mass. Institute of Tech. in 1928. Advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1944. Served in Army of Occupation, Germany, 1919, and then in Hawaii. An ordnance officer, he was chief of research at Springfield (Mass.) Armory, chief of small arms division Office Chief of Ordnance, 1932-35, and then served at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and Raritan Arsenal, at N.J. In WWII he was ordnance officer of II Corps; participated in initial landing in North Africa; landing at Salerno, Italy; and was chief ordnance officer of the Mediterranean Theater until VJ Day. From 1946-51 he was chief ordnance officer of the United Nations Command in Korea. Mason, member of National Sojourners, and Heroes of '76. d. Aug. 12, 1957. Harry W. Nice (1877-1941) Governor of Maryland, 1935-39. b. Dec. 5, 1877 in Washington, D.C. Admitted to Maryland bar in 1899 and practiced in Baltimore from that date. Served as judge of appeal tax court, states attorney, and member of Baltimore city council. Member of Landmark Lodge No. 127, Baltimore, he received the Scottish Rite degrees in Baltimore, Jan. 8, 1931.

Member of Boumi Shrine Temple, Baltimore. Attended the sesquicentennial of the Grand Lodge of Maryland at which time he said: "It is an honor to be a member of this fraternity. It is an honor to be a Marylander; and may the Almighty God on high descend upon us His richest blessing, so that you will go forth with a renewed vigor and determination to carry out His Divine command." d. Feb. 25, 1941. 265 Bradford Nichol Bradford Nichol (1841-1913) General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1897-1900. b. Dec. 5, 1841 in Nashville, Tenn. A merchant in Nashville for 40 years. Served in the C.S.A. in the Civil War as a lieutenant on the staff of General Bate. Raised Sept. 6, 1867 in Cumberland Lodge No. 8; exalted in Cumberland Chapter No. 1, Sept. 30, 1869; greeted in Nashville Council No. 1, R. & S. M. Nov. 9, 1869; knighted in Nashville Commandery No. 1, K.T. April 30, 1880all of Nashville. Was grand high priest in 1886; grand master of the grand council in 1887. d. Dec. 3, 1913. Philip N. Nicholas (1773-1849) Judge of the General Court of Virginia from 1823-49. b. in Williamsburg, Va. He became a lawyer at an early age and was appointed attorney general of Virginia before he was 21. For many years he was president of the Farmers' Bank of Virginia. He was a member of the "Richmond Junta," which largely influenced the Democratic party of that state. Member of Jerusalem Lodge No. 54, Richmond, Va. d. Aug. 18, 1849. Samuel Nicholas (1744-1790) First U.S. Marine Corps Officer. b. in Philadelphia. The son of a tavern owner, he spent early years at sea and might have possibly served as a marine in the Royal Navy, for he was named a captain of "marines" in 1775, and given the duty of recruiting and training the first corps. By this time he was the owner of the famous Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, the site of many table-lodge meetings. His first landing was to take the forts at Nassau in the Bahamas early in 1776. For this he was promoted to major, and as the corps expanded, he became to all intents and purposes the first commandant. His original recruits were drummed into the Tun Tavern with the inducement of a colorful uniform of red, white, black, and green_ During the winter of 1776-77, when the vessels of the Navy were laid up, the Marines reinforced Washington's little army, helped man the boats that crossed the Delaware at Trenton, and fought in the Battle of Princeton a week later. Marine detachments were assigned to all vessels of the Continental Navy, but were demobilized after the war. Their reorganization as a separate branch was effected later under the Federal government. After the war, Nichols renamed his tavern the "Conestoga Wagon," and it was a popular meeting place for veteran leathernecks. He sailed on several voyages to China as supercargo on merchant vessels owned by Stephen

Girard, q.v. He was a member of Lodge No. 13, Philadelphia, and on Jan. 24, 1783 he is recorded as the junior warden. d. 1790. Wilson C. Nicholas (1757-1820) Revolutionary officer; U.S. Senator from Virginia and Governor of Virginia. b. in Hanover, Va. about 1757. He was graduated from William and Mary Coll. In the Revolution he commanded Washington's life-guard until it was disbanded in 1783. He was a member of the convention that ratified the constitution of the U.S., and was elected U.S. senator in place of Henry Tazewell, serving from Jan. 3, 1800 until he resigned on Dec. 17, 1804. He -was governor of Virginia, 1814-17. He was appointed first master of Warren Lodge No. 33, Warren, Albemarle Co., Va. d. Oct. 10, 1820. Francis Nichols (1737-1812) Officer in American Revolution. b. in Crieve Hill, Enniskillen, Ireland in 1737. He came to America in 1769, and enlisted in the patriot army in Cumberland Co., Pa., in 1775. He was captured at Quebec, Dec. 31, 1775, and released in Aug. 1776. He subsequently rose to the rank of brigadier general. He was the first U.S. marshal of the eastern district of Pa. Member of . Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia, he is re266 Norman Nicholson corded as having visited Lodge No. 8, Chester Co., Pa. during the Revolution. d. Feb. 13, 1812. John C. Nichols (1896-1945) U.S. Congressman to 74th through 78th Congresses (1935-43) from 2nd Okla. dist. b. Aug. 31, 1896 in Joplin, Mo. Admitted to Okla. bar in 1926, and practiced at Eufaula from that time. He resigned from congress, July 3, 1943, to become vice president of Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc., Kansas City, Mo. Served in WWI. Member of Eufaula Lodge No. 1, Eufaula, Okla., receiving degrees on Sept. 1, 16, Oct. 19, 1939. Member of Indian Consistory No. 2, AASR (S.J.) at McAlester. Killed in airplane accident in Egypt, Nov. 7, 1945. Alfred 0. P. Nicholson (1808-1876) U.S. Senator from Tennessee, 184042 and 1859-61; Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1870. b. Aug. 31, 1808 in Williamson Co., Tenn. Graduate of U. of North Carolina in 1827, he abandoned the study of medicine for law, and was admitted to the bar in 1831, practicing at Columbia, Tenn; He edited The Western Mercury at Columbia from 1832-35; The Nashville Union in 1844-46; and The Washington Union in 1853-56. Member of the state house of representatives from 1833-39. He was appointed U.S. _ senator in place of Felix Grundy, q.v., serving from Dec. 25, 1840 to Feb. 7, 1842. He was president of the Bank of Tennessee in 1846-47, and printer to the 33rd congress, and to the senate in

the 34th congress. He declined a cabinet appointment by President Pierce in 1852. Was elected U.S. senator and served from 1859 until March 3, 1861, when he retired and was formally expelled on July 11 of that year for his connection with the secession movement. During the war he was twice arrested and imprisoned. Member of Columbia Lodge No. 31, Columbia, Tenn. d. March 23, 1876. James Nicholson (1737-1804) Commander-in-Chief of American Navy in Revolution. b. in Chestertown, Md. Received naval training, and was at the capture of Havana in 1762. Resided in New York from 1763-71, and in 1775 entered the Revolutionary Navy on the Defense, a Maryland ship. With this ship, he recaptured several vessels from the British, and in June, 1776 was given command of the Virginia of 28 guns. In Jan., 1777 he succeeded Commodore Esek Hopkins as commander-in-chief of the Navy and held that post until its dissolution. A blockade of the Chesapeake prevented the Virginia from leaving the bay and Capt. Nicholson and his crew joined the army and took part in the Battle of Trenton. Later the Virginia was stuck on a bar in an escape attempt, and was captured. He afterward commanded the frigate Trumbull of 38 guns. He was captured with his ship and crew and imprisoned until near the close of the war. Made a Mason in Lodge No. 7, Kent Co., Md. and on June 19, 1778 was admitted to Lodge No. 16, Baltimore, Md., "being before a regular ancient Master Mason." Lodge No. 7 was an "Ancient" lodge chartered by Pennsylvania at Chestertown, where he had resided. d. Sept. 2, 1804. He was a brother of Samuel Nicholson, q.v. Norman Nicholson President of Waterman Steamship Corp., Mobile, Ala. since 1944. b. Sept. 17, 1893 in San Francisco, Calif. Was an apprentice and petty officer on seagoing vessels from 1910-14; licensed officer, 1914-17; and master mariner, 1919-24. From 1924-31 he was port captain of Waterman Steamship Corp.; operating manager, 1931-33; vice president, 1933-37; and executive vice president, 1937-44. Member of Golden Gate Lodge No. 30, San Francisco, Calif.; Mobile Chapter No. 21, R.A.M.; Mobile Commandery No. 2, K.T. and 267 Oliver Nicholson Abba Shrine Temple, all of Mobile, Ala. Oliver Nicholson (1864-1952) New Zealand lawyer, financier, and philanthropist. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand, 191617. He was one of New Zealand's authorities on finance, and his advice was often sought by prime ministers. At the time of his death he was the oldest practicing lawyer in Auckland. He was chairman of the Bank of New Zealand; chairman of the directors of the New Zealand Insurance Co. He

owned a stable of racing horses. As a philanthropist, he was the prime mover of the Papakura Masonic Boys' Home and also of the building of the Masonic Temple in Auckland. In 1908 he was pro grand master of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand during the grand mastership of Lord Plunket, governor general. Ralph Nicholson Newspaper publisher. b. Feb. 12, 1899 in Greens Fork, Ind. Graduate of Earlham Coll. in 1920 and Harvard in 1941. Began as a carrier boy in 1912. Part time reporter for Richmond (hid.) Item; European correspondent for Philadelphia Public Ledger; vice president of Editorial Research Assn. (N.Y.); production manager of New York Evening Post; general manager of Japan Advertiser, Tokyo; production manager of New York Telegram; assistant business manager of Pittsburgh Press; manager public relations for General Motors, 1930-31; general manager of McFadden Newspapers, 1932; assistant publisher of New York Daily Mirror, 1932-33; general manager of Tampa Times, 1933-41 and director, 1933-51; president of New Orleans Item, 194149; president of The Charlotte Observer, 1951-53 and owner, president and publisher of the Dothan (Ala.) Eagle since 1956. Received degrees in Webb Lodge No. 24, Richmond, Ind. in 1920. Samuel Nicholson ( 1 7 4 3 -1813 ) Commander-in-chief of the U.S. Navy. A lieutenant under John Paul Jones, q.v., in the battle between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis. b. in Maryland in 1743, the brother of James Nicholson, q.v. He was appointed a captain, Sept 17, 1779, and early in 1782 commanded the frigate Deane of 32 guns, with which he took many prizes including three sloops of war. He retained his rank of captain after the reorganization of the Navy in June, 1794, and was the first commander of the famous frigate Constitution, whose construction he superintended. At the time of his death he was at the head of the Navy. Member of Lodge No. 17, Queenstown, Md. d. Dec. 29, 1813. Samuel D. Nicholson (1859-1923) U.S. Senator from Colorado, 192127. b. Feb. 22, 1859 in Prince Edward Island, Canada, he settled at Leadville, Colo. in 1881. He was a common laborer, but became a mine foreman. His savings were invested in mining prospects which eventually brought handsome returns. Was president and general manager of the Western Mining Co., and director of the Denver National Bank as well as banks at Leadville and Monte Vista. From 1893-97 he was mayor of Leadville. His will provided for a monument to be erected in Denver to the memory of Colorado pioneer miners. A large memorial window in the Colorado state senate chambers carries his portrait. Member of Leadville Lodge No. 51, receiving degrees on Jan. 20, Feb. 17, March 2, 1889 and was master of same in 1892. Exalted in Leadville Chapter No. 10, R.A.M. on March 25, 1889, later serving as Royal Arch Captain and Captain of Host. Knighted in Mt. of Holy

Cross Commandery No. 5, K.T. also of Leadville on June 5, 1889, later serving as Standard Bearer and Senior Warden. Received AASR (SJ) degrees in Colorado Con268 Alva J. Niles sistory No. 1, Denver in Nov. 1912. Became member of El Jebel Shrine Temple, Denver on May 30, 1894. d. March 24, 1923. Frank J. Nicht Newspaper executive. b. Feb. 23, 1889 in Auburn, N.Y. Was commercial manager of United Press, 1908-13; service and business manager of International News Service, 1917-19; sales manager of King Features Syndicate, 1919-43; and general sales manager of King Features, International News Service and International News Photos, 1943-56. Has been director of Hearst Corp. since 1956. Life member of White Plains Lodge No. 473, White Plains, N.Y. Emil Nichtberg Midget, 4 feet tall, weighing 98 pounds. Member of Universal Lodge No. 958, Chicago Ill. Christoph F. Nicolai (1733-1811) German writer, critic and bookseller. b. March 18, 1733 in Berlin. He was champion of German enlightenment (Aufklarung) and opponent of authority and orthodoxy in religion, the philosophy of Kant and Fichte, as well as the extravagance in contemporary literature. He was the literary associate of Lessing and Moses Mendelssohn, qq.v. He collaborated with the latter in the founding of the critical journal, Bibliothek der Schonen Wissenchaf ten and Fr eien Kunste, and in the literary review Brief e, die N eueste Literatur Betreffend. He was a member of Friend of Lessing Lodge. In 1782-83 he wrote An Essay on the Accusations Made Against the Order of Knights Templar and Their Mystery; with an Appendix on the Origin of the Fraternity of Freemasons. In it he advanced the theory that Freemasonry was conceived by Francis Bacon. d. in Berlin, Jan. 8, 1811. Henry F. Niedringhaus (1864-1941) U.S. Congressman to 70th through 72nd Congresses (1927-33) from 10th Mo. dist. b. Dec. 15, 1864 in St. Louis, Mo. Was district chairman, board of governors of Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children. Member of Occidental Lodge No. 163, St. Louis, receiving degrees on Jan. 11, 28, and Feb. 11, 1895. Imperial Potentate of the Shrine in 1916-17. d. Aug. 3, 1941. Alfonso Poletti Nieva President of the Mexican Allied Railroads and former president of the Masonic Interamerican Confederation. b. Sept. 26, 1897 in Mexico City. His father was a doctor of Italian nationality, and a

Mason. His mother was a Mexican. Due to family tragedy, he was forced to earn a living at the age of 11, being paid one cent an hour. While a youth he served in the Mexican revolution under the Carranza regime. He is an agent of the stock exchange and is employed by the Mexican National Railways. He has several industrial inventions to his credit. Initiated Aug. 11, 1927 in Union Lodge No. 6, and served twice as master and grand master of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico. Is a 33, sovereign grand inspector general, and active member of the Supreme Council of Mexico. Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) English nurse, hospital reformer, and philanthropist, known as "the Lady with the Lamp." She was first woman to receive British Order of Merit (1907). While she was still living, a group of Masons attached to the British Royal Artillery formed a lodge bearing her name, showing the esteem which soldiers held for her. It is Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 706, London, England. Alva J. Niles (1882-1950) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. April 5, 1882 in Whitehall, Ill. In 1803-05 he was treasurer of school land funds of Oklahoma Territory, and adjutant general of same, 1906-07. He was president of Oklahoma banks in Mountain View, Sentinel, and Okemah from 1908-14, and president of Security Na269 Hezekiah Niles tional of Tulsa from 1919-23. In oil production and investment business from 1923. Served as private in Spanish-American War. In Oklahoma National Guard from captain to brigadier general. In Mexican border service. In regular Army in WWI and became brigadier general in 1923. Member of Chikaskia Lodge No. 109, Blackwell, Okla., receiving degrees on April 8, May 6, June 3, 1903; affiliated with Albert Pike Lodge No. 162, Guthrie, in 1907 and with Delta Lodge No. 425, Tulsa, in 1916. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in Oklahoma Consistory, May 21, 1905; KCCH on Oct. 21, 1909 and 33 on Oct. 24, 1919. Shriner. d. Jan. 19, 1950. Hezekiah Niles (1777-1839) American Journalist. b. Oct. 10, 1777 in Chester Co., Pa. He learned the printing trade, and about 1800, became a member of an unsuccessful firm in Wilmington, Del. He then moved to Baltimore, Md., where for six years he edited a daily paper. He is chiefly known as the founder, printer and publisher of Niles' Register, a weekly journal published at Baltimore, which he edited from 1811-36, and which is considered so valuable as a source of American history that the first 32 volumes were reprinted. It was continued by his son until 1849, making a total of 76 volumes. He advocated the protection of national industry and was a champion of the "American system." The towns of Niles, Mich., and Niles,

Ohio were named in his honor. He was made a Mason in Warren Lodge No. 51 about 1812 (Md.), and served as master several terms. Was active in the grand lodge. He was past high priest of Phoenix Chapter No. 7, R.A.M., Baltimore, and was grand high priest of the grand chapter in 1818-19. d. April 2, 1839. Eugene D. Nimms (1865-1954) President of Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., 1919-30. b. April 3, 1865 in Fond du Lac, Wis. In lumber business at Humboldt, Nebr. and Greenfield, Kans. He made the "run" at the opening of the Cherokee strip, Okla. in 1893, and settled at Perry. In 1896 he was a founder of the Arkansas Valley Telegraph Co. and Pioneer Telephone & Telegraph Co., which merged in 1914 with the Southwestern Bell system, of which he was vice president and treasurer until 1919, when he became president. He later became a director of the First National Bank, St. Louis, Mo. Became charter member of Perry Lodge No. 78, Perry, Oklahoma, in 1894. Dimitted in 1906. d. Jan. 30, 1954. Robert H. Nisbet Landscape painter and etcher. b. Aug. 25, 1879 in Providence, R.I. His principal works are: Eve of St. John at National Arts Club, N.Y.; The Emerald Robe, Butler Art Institute, Ohio; Earliest Spring, Rhode Island School of Design; Promise of Spring, Rhode Island Hospital; Winter, Plantations Club, Providence, R.I.; The Hurrying River, Telfair Academy, Savannah, Ga. Represented by etchings in museums of Milwaukee, Detroit, Brooklyn, Library of Congress, National Museum, Smithsonian Inst., and New York Public Library. Winner of many national prizes and awards for painting and etching. Mason and 32 AASR. Grand master, Grand Lodge of Connecticut, in 1952-53. Raised in St. Luke's Lodge No. 48, Kent. Conn. June 29, 1911; master of same in 1916. Member of Ousatonic Chapter No. 33, RAM., New Milford; Hamilton Cornmandery, K.T.; 32 AASR (NJ) in Lafayette Consistory; Pyramid Shrine Temple; Buel Council No. 20, R. & S.M. Recipient of Champlain Medal of G. L. of Rhode Island in 1953; Pierpont Edwards Medal of G. L. of Connecticut in 1955 and Erasmus James Phillips Medallion of G.L. of Nova Scotia in 1958. 270 James Noble Harold A. Nisley Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Jan. 16, 1892 in Washington Court House, Ohio. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1917 and Mass. Inst. of Tech. in 1923. Advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1945, and retired in 1948, on physical disability. Served with Field Artillery in WWI, transferring to Ordnance Dept. in 1920. In WWII he was successively ordnance officer, Armored Force, Fort Knox, Ky.; chief automotive maintenance, field service, Ordnance Office; ordnance officer, Hdqrs., Ground Forces, Member of Fayette Lodge No. 107, Washington Court House, Ohio. Received first two degrees in own lodge in May, 1917 and

third by courtesy of Carthage Lodge No. 158, Carthage, N.Y., in summer of 1917. 32 AASR (SJ) at Gulfport, Miss. Former member of Hamasa Shrine Temple, Meridian, Miss. George S. Nixon (1860-1912) U.S. Senator from Nevada, 1905-12. b. April 2, 1860 in Placer Co., Calif. Entered employ of a railway company at age of 19, studied telegraphy, and was transferred to Nevada in 1881, where he served three years as a telegraph operator. He became the cashier of a bank at Winnemucca, Nev.; built an opera house in Reno and a theater in Winnemucca. He was also interested in mining and stock raising. Member of the state house of representatives in 1891. Member of Winnemucca Lodge No. 19, Winnemucca, Nev. d. June 5, 1912 and interred in the Masonic Cemetery at Reno, Nev. John Nixon (1733-1808) American Revolutionary leader. b. in Philadelphia, Pa. Succeeded to his father's business (shipping merchant), and in the French War became lieutenant of the company of which his father had been captain on its organization. In 1765 he signed the nonimportationagreement against the stamp act, and from that time onward was foremost in opposition to the crown. Member of the first committee of safety formed at Philadelphia, and a member of the committee which replied to the letter carried by Paul Revere, q.v. In May, 1776 he had charge of the defenses of the Delaware at Fort Island. In July 8, 1776 he read and proclaimed the Declaration of Independence to the people for the first time publicly, at the state house in Philadelphia. In Dec., 1776, having succeeded John Cadwalader, q.v., as colonel of the 3rd battalion of "The Associators," known as the "silk stockings," he marched with his battalion to Trenton, N.J. and remained with Washington's army until late in Jan., taking part in the Battle of Princeton, and with the troops at Valley Forge. In 1780, on the formation of the Bank of Pennsylvania to supply the Continental Army, he was made first director. He was one of the organizers of the Bank of North America in 1783, and was its second president from 1792 until his death on Dec. 31, 1808. His lodge is not known, but he is recorded as a visitor to American Union Lodge on June 24, 1779. Charles F. Noble (1872-1931) Pioneer oil producer of the mid-continent field, b. Dec. 1, 1872 in Ill. Studied at Park Coll. (Mo.), 1889-91. He was an oil producer and refiner from 1903, and president of the Creek Oil Corp. and San Juan Oil Syndicate. Member of Baxter Lodge No. 71, Baxter Springs, Kans. receiving degrees in June and Oct. of 1891. Expelled in 1905. Reinstated on June 7, 1920 and dimitted same day. d. Dec. 22, 1931.

James Noble (1785-1831) U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1816-31. b. Dec. 16, 1785 near Berryville, Va. Moved with his parents to Campbell Co., Ky. in 1795. He studied law, was admitted to the bar, and in 1811 moved to Brookville, Ind. Here he was a member of the convention to draft the constitution of the state in 1816, and a member of the first state house of representatives in 1816, which elected him to the U.S. senate. He served in the senate from 1816 until his death. Member of Harmony Lodge No. 11, Brookville, Ind. d. Feb. 26, 1831. Noah Noble (1794-1841) Governor of Indiana, 1831-37. b. Jan. 15, 1794 in Frederick Co., Va. He was sheriff of Franklin Co., Ind., a colonel in the Brookville (Ind.) militia, member of the state legislature and twice defeated for U.S. senator. He was the first petitioner in Harmony Lodge, Brookville, Ind. while U.D. from the Grand Lodge of Ohio, on June 7, 1817. He became master of Harmony Lodge No. 11 (under Grand Lodge of Indiana) in 1822. In 1829 he was grand marshal of the grand lodge and grand sword bearer in 1832. He transferred to Centre Lodge No. 23, Indianapolis, about 1834. d. Feb. 8, 1841. Edmund F. Noel (1856-1927) Governor of Mississippi, 1908-12. b. March 4, 1856 near Lexington, Miss. He read law under an uncle in 1875-76, and was admitted to the bar in 1877, practicing at Lexington after that date. He served in both houses of the state legislature, and was district attorney, 1887-91. Served as a captain in Co. K, 2nd Miss. Inf., in Spanish-American War. He was the first chairman of the first conference of governors which was held at Washington, D.C. in May, 1908. Member of Lexington Lodge No. 24, Lexington, Miss. d. July 30, 1927. Sterling Noel Managing editor of Baltimore News Post and American since 1956. b. March 28, 1903 in San Francisco, Calif. Studied at U. of California, Columbia U. and U. of Paris. Became member of editorial staff of San Francisco Bulletin in 1921. Thiswas followed by stints on the San Francisco News; Sacramento Union; New York Daily News; New York American; and Chicago Tribune (in Paris). He was with the New York Journal American from 1933-52, serving as make-up editor, night editor, Sunday editor, and managing editor. In WWII he was U.S. liaison officer with the French Navy, 1943-44, and participated in invasions at Corsica, Normandy, and Southern France. Author of I Killed Stalin; Few Die Well; Hydra-Head; Paris Affair; and other books, motion pictures and short stories. Mason and Knight Templar. Henry S. Nollen (1866-1942) President of Equitable Life Insurance Co.

of Iowa, 1921-39. b. Sept. 26, 1866 at Pella, Iowa. Graduate of Central Coll., Pella, Ia. in 1885. Began as a bookkeeper in bank at Pella at age of ten. Was professor of mathematics at Central Coll., in banking and public utilities, and from 1893-1913 was auditor and later secretary of Banker's Life Assn. of Des Moines, reorganizing the association from an assessment to legal reserve basis. He was vice president of Equitable Life from 1913-21; president, 192139; chairman of board, 1939-41; and trustee after 1941. Member of both York and Scottish Rites, 33 AASR (SJ), Red Cross of Constantine, C.B.C.S., chairman of Masonic Service Committee of Grand Lodge of Iowa from 1920, and grand treasurer of same in 1940-41. Received degrees in Capital Lodge No. 110, Des Moines on June 10, 23, 30, 1908. dimitting Feb. 8, 1921 to become a charter member of Moingona Lodge No. 633, Des Moines. d. April 24, 1942. Thomas H. Noonan (1865-1957) Justice, Supreme Court of New York, 1926-35. b. Dec. 17, 1865 in Ferris-burgh, Vt. Graduate of Middlebury (Vt.) Coll. in 1891 and admitted to the bar in 1894. He practiced at Buffalo until 1912, and was then deputy attorney general of N.Y., associate 272 Gunnar H. Nordbye judge of city court, Buffalo, and county judge of Erie Co., N.Y. Official referee of supreme court since 1936. Affiliated with DeMolay Lodge No. 498, Buffalo, N.Y. on Jan. 24, 1899 from Union Lodge No. 2 of Vermont. Served as master of DeMolay Lodge and in 1917-18 was grand sword bearer of the Grand Lodge of New York. d. Aug. 31, 1957. John Noorthouck (c. 1746-1816) Editor of the English Book of Constitutions, fifth edition, which was considered by far the best (1784). William Preston, q.v., had originally been chosen for the task by Grand Secretary Heseltine, and when the task was assigned to Noorthouck, a quarrel resulted between the two. In 1778, Noorthouck, treasurer of the Lodge of Antiquity, which he had joined in 1771, saw fit to report Preston to its master for having organized a procession to St. Dunstan's Church without a dispensation. The subsequent expulsion of Noorthouck from the lodge added fuel to the flames. The quarrel seems to have been healed since Noorthouck apparently became a member of Preston's Grand Chapter of Harodim. He was the son of a London bookseller, and worked as an index-maker, corrector of the press, and author. Peter Norbeck (1870-1936) U.S. Senator from South Dakota, 1920-36; Governor of South Dakota, 1917-21. b. Aug. 27, 1870 near Vermillion, S. Dak. Attended the U. of South Dakota, moved to Bloomington, and then Redfield, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits, and was a contractor and driller of

deep wells. Was a member of the state senate from 1909-15 and lieutenant governor in 1915-16. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Rushmore National Monument, and a member of its commission from the inception. Received 32 AASR (SJ) at Yankton, S. Dak. on June 22, 1919. Member of Yelduz Shrine Temple at Aberdeen. d. Dec. 20, 1936. Walter Norblad U.S. Congressman from Oregon to 79th through 85th Congresses from 1st Oreg. dist. b. Sept. 12, 1908 in Escanaba, Mich. Graduate of U. of Oregon in 1930, 1932; graduate study at Harvard Law School. Admitted to the bar in 1932 and practiced at Astoria. Member of Oregon legislature, 1935-37. Intelligence officer with 8th and 9th Air Forces in WWII. His full name is Albin Walter Norblad, Jr. His father is former governor of Oreg. Member of Harbor Lodge No. 183, Astoria, Oreg. Frank H. Norcross (1869-1952) Federal Judge, District of Nevada, 1928-45. b. May 11, 1869 in Reno, Nev. Graduate of U. of Nevada in 1891, 1911, and Georgetown U. (D.C.) in 1895. Admitted to Nevada bar in 1894. Served as district attorney for Was-hoe Co., member of Nevada assembly, and was a justice of the supreme court of Nevada from 1904-16, and chief justice of same from 1909-11 and 191516. Resumed private practice at Reno in 1917-27. Was an elector of New York U. Hall of Fame. Member of Reno Lodge No. 13; Reno Chapter No. 7, RA.M.; DeWitt Clinton Cornmandery No. 1, K.T.; Kerak Shrine Temple, all of Reno, Nevada. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in Reno Consistory, Dec. 20, 1901; KCCH, Oct. 19, 1905; 33 June 19, 1910. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Nevada, 1909-10. d. Nov. 4, 1952. Gunnar H. Nordbye Federal Judge of Minnesota since 1931. b. Feb. 4, 1888 in Urskog, Norway. Brought to U.S. by parents in 1888. Graduate of U. of Minnesota in 1912, and in practice of law at Minneapolis from 191222. Later served as judge of municipal court and judge of 4th judicial district. Member of Khurum Lodge No.112, Minneapolis, Minn., receiving degrees on Feb. 27, March 6, and March 12, 1914. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota in 1939. 33, honorary, AASR. Gustaf A. Nordin Executive Editor of Duluth Herald and News Tribune (Minn.) since 1956. b. April 24, 1911 in Duluth. Began as a reporter on Duluth News-Tribune. Was successively with Duluth Herald; United Press correspondent; editor and manager of Duluth Labor World (A.F. of L.) ; Washington correspondent for Northwest Publications, Inc.; bureau chief for same; managing editor of Duluth Herald and News Tribune, 1950-56. Member of Euclid Lodge No. 198, Duluth, Minn.

Thomas, 8th Duke of Norfolk Grand Master, Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) in 1729-30. Family is still the premier dukedom of England, ranking next after princess of the royal blood. Claude L. Norman British Brigadier General and Provincial Grand Master of Surrey. b. Feb. 19, 1876, in Somerset, son of Field Marshal Sir H. W. Norman. Educated in Marlborough Coll. and commissioned second lieutenant in British Army. Saw service on Northwest frontier of India, and afterwards in East Africa, Somaliland. Served in WWI, 1914-1918, where he was awarded the D.S.O. Retired from the Army in 1922. Was senior grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of England in 1930, and provincial grand master of Somerset since 1935. Past district second grand principal of Punjab; grand inspector general 33, in Ancient and Accepted Rite; past grand overseer in the Mark Grand Lodge of England; Knight Templar and provincial great constable of Somerset, Monmouth, and South Wales. William F. Norrell U.S. Congressman, 76th through 86th Congresses (1939-60) from 6th Ark. Dist. b. Aug. 29, 1896 at Milo, Ark. Educated in Arkansas A.&M. Coll., Coll. of the Ozarks, and Ark. Law School. Admitted to the bar in 1920 and began practice in Monticello. Member of Arkansas state senate for eight years and president of same for four years. Served in Quartermaster Corps during WWI. Member of Eureka Lodge No. 40, Monticello, Ark., Monticello Chapter No. 115, R.A.M., Alpha Council No. 59, R. & S.M., 32 AASR (SJ) at Little Rock and Sahara Shrine Temple of Pine Bluff, Ark. George W. Norris (1861-1944) U.S. Senator from Nebraska, 1913-43; U.S. Congressman, 1903-13. b. July 11, 1861 on farm near Clyde, Ohio. He taught school while studying law, and was graduated from Valparaiso U. (Ind.) in 1883. He continued teaching until he moved to Beaver City, Nebr. in 1885, where he practiced law. In 1899 he moved to McCook, Nebr. Elected as a Republican to 58th through 62nd congresses, becoming U.S. senator the next election. Received degrees in Beaver City Lodge No. 93, Beaver City, Nebr. on May 3, June 28, 1890. Member of Sesostris Shrine Temple, Lincoln, Nebr. d. Sept. 2, 1944. Caleb North (1753-1840) Revolutionary soldier. b. July 15, 1753 in Chester Co., Pa. He was a merchant at Coventry, Pa. at the beginning of the Revolution. He was a captain in the 4th Pa. battalion and served in the Canada campaign. On his return from Ticonderoga, he was promoted to major of the 10th regiment, and as such, rendered important service. After the Battle of Germantown he was promoted to lieutenant colonel of the 11th Pa.

regiment, and was in the Battle of Monmouth. In July, 1778 he was transferred to the 9th Pa. regiment and in Jan. 1781 to the 2nd regi274 Lord Bishop of Norwich ment, which took part in the Southern campaign. After the surrender of Cornwallis, he had charge of the British prisoners on their march from Va. to York and Lancaster, Pa. After the war he resumed business at Coventry, and subsequently moved to Philadelphia, where in 1819 he was chosen high-sheriff. From 1828 until his death he was president of the Society of Cincinnati in Pa., and was the last surviving field officer of the Pa. line. He was a member of Pennsylvania-Union Lodge No. 29 of the Pa. line, and is recorded as having visited Lodge No. 8, Chester Co., Pa. d. Nov. 7, 1840. Henry E. North Vice President of Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. from 1936-59. b. Jan. 20, 1889 in Kansas City, Kans. Was a civil engineer from 1910-13, becoming associated with Metropolitan in the latter year. He was first an agent, assistant manager, manager, superintendent of agencies, 1921-28, third vice president, 1928-33, second vice president, 1933-36, and vice president since 1936. Served overseas with U.S. Army in WWI. Member of Phalanx Lodge No. 31, Charlotte, N. Car. H. Clifford Northcott Methodist Bishop. b. Oct. 16, 1890 in Exeter, Ont., Canada, and brought to the U.S. the same year. Graduate of Northwestern U. (Ill.) in 1918, 1919, and Illinois Wesleyan U. in 1929. Ordained to Methodist ministry in 1919, and was pastor at Elmhurst, Chicago, Oak Park, Champaign, all in Ill. Consecrated bishop in July, 1948, and since that date has been bishop for Wisconsin area. Served as a chaplain in the A.E.F. of WWI. Member of Western Star Lodge No. 240, Champaign, Ill.; 32 AASR (NJ) in Madison, Wis.; 33 in Boston, Mass. Sir John Northcott Australian Lieutenant General. b. in 1890 at Crestwick, Victoria, Australia. Be-came governor of New South Wales in 1952, and at the same time grand master of the Grand Lodge of New South Wales. Since 1888 it has been the custom of the governor of N.S.W. to be grand master of that grand lodge. Others serving before him in this double capacity have been: the Earl of Jersey; Sir Robert William Duff; Admiral Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson; Lord Chelmsford; Lord Stonehaven; and Lord Gowrie. He was present at the Anzac landing at Gallipoli in WWI, and was later severely wounded. From 1923-25 he was on the staff of the Staff College, Camberley, England. Returning to Australia, he was director of supplies at Army headquarters, Melbourne. Spent time in U.S. and Canada and was director of military operations and intelligence of Australia. Deputy

chief of the Australian General Staff at outbreak of WWII. Holds titles of KCMG, CB, MVO, K.St. J. Lord Bishop of Norwich (Rt. Rev. Dr. Percy Mark Herbert). b. April 24, 1885 in Shrewsbury, England. Attended Rugby and Trinity Coll., Cambridge. Ordained in 1908. Became bishop suffragan of Kingston-onThames in 1922, first bishop of the See of Blackburn in 1926-42, and Bishop of Norwich from 1942. He was spiritual advisor of King George VI, q.v., and not only attended the King during his illness at Sandringham, but officiated at the funeral service held in the church after his death and prior to the transfer of the remains to London. He continued as advisor to Queen Mary. Was initiated in the Lodge of Rectitude No. 502 at Rugby in 1913, and later affiliated with Billings Lodge No. 4926 of Blackburn, and was master in 1930. Exalted in Rectitude Chapter No. 502, Rugby, and is past first principal. Has been provincial grand master of Norfolk and head of the Royal Arch in that province since 1943. 275 1st Earl of Nottingham 1st Earl of Nottingham (see 2nd Baron of Effingham). Amos Nourse (1794-1877) U.S. Senator from Maine, in 1857. b. Dec. 17, 1794 in Bolton, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1812. Was postmaster at Hallowell, Me., from 1822-41, and moved to Bath in 1845. He studied medicine and began practice at Bath. Was medical professor at Bowdoin Coll., Brunswick, Maine, 1846-54. He was elected to the senate to fill the vacancy caused by resignation of Hannibal Hamlin, serving from Jan. 16 to March 3, 1857. He was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Maine in 1832. Member of Jerusalem Chapter No. 4, Hallowell, he was high priest in 1827, deputy grand high priest in 1829. Received Order of High Priesthood in 1854. d. April 7, 1877. Nicolas Ivanovitz Novikov (17441818) Russian Masonic pioneer. b. April 27, 1744. A talented preacher and fighter for the rights of the oppressed. He wrote an instructive Masonic book, The Freemason. He began his Masonic career by preaching against the enslavement of the national intellect and failure to take advantage of the opportunity of education. It is probably that the Masonic ideal, as pictured by the writer Tolstoy in his War and Peace, was derived from Novikov. The Tsarina Catherine was influenced by his ideas and

admitted him to her intimate circle, but when she thought he would found schools, she ordered him arrested. She then waged war against the Masons wherever they could be found. Freemasonry arrived in Russia from Scotland about 1772, and Novikov was associated with it from about that date. After Masonry was banned, he formed the Society of the Friends of Learning, which was Masonic in its concepts. George C. Nowlan Canadian Minister of National Revenue since 1957. b. Aug. 14, 1898 in Havelock, N.S. Graduate of Acadia U. in 1920 and admitted to the N.S. bar in 1922; created Queen's Council in 1933. He has practiced law at Wolfville, N.S. from 1922. Was member of the N.S. legislature, 1925-33; member of House of Commons, from 1948; and member of Privy Council since 1957. Member of St. Georges Lodge No. 20, Wolf-vine, N.S. since 1925, and past master of same. 18 AASR at Halifax. Frank E. Noyes (1856-1941) Newspaper publisher. b. April 21, 1856 in Appleton, Wis. Learned typesetting in 1868, and studied law in 1879. Was associated with father in publishing the Marinette (Wis.) Eagle in 1884, and published the Marinette Eagle-Star from 1893. In 1919 he established the Ironwood (Mich.) Daily Globe, and in 1927 the Marshfield (Wis.) NewsHerald. Received degrees in Olive Branch Lodge No. 250, Marinette, Wis. (now defunct) on March 24, April 21, May 28, 1881. Dimitted Feb. 4, 1892 and affiliated with Marinette Lodge No. 182, Marinette, Wis. on May 5, 1898. 33 AASR, he was grand master of the Grand Council, R. & S.M. in 1909, and grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M., in 1914. He erected many historical and geographical markers and monuments. d. Nov. 28, 1941. Linwood I. Noyes Newspaper publisher. b. Dec. 9, 1894 in Marinette, Wis., the son of Frank E. Noyes, q.v. An engineering graduate of Mass. Inst. of Tech. in 1917, he first was an architectural engineer with Stone and Webster. In 1919 he was co-founder of the Ironwood (Mich.) Daily Globe, which he has published since that date. Also president and treasurer of Marinette (Wis.) Eagle-Star since 1932, and secretary of Marshfield (Wis.) News-Herald since 1927. Received degrees 276 Jonathan Nye in Marinette Lodge No. 182, Marinette, Wis., on June 13, 21 and July 5, 1917; affiliated with Ironwood Lodge No. 389, Ironwood, Mich. on Nov. 9, 1922; became life member July 5, 1957. William L. Nuessle (1878-1959) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of North Dakota. b. May 5, 1878 in North Boston, N.Y. Received degrees from U. of North Dakota in 1899, 1901. Admitted to the bar in 1901 and practiced at

Grand Forks, S. Dak. Was justice of supreme court of North Dakota from 1923-50, and chief justice in 1928-33-39-40-49. Received degrees on Oct. 3, 1904, Feb. 6 and March 6, 1905 in Bismarck Lodge No. 5, Bismarck, N.D. Member of both York and Scottish rites; 33 AASR (SJ) and member of El Zagal Shrine Temple. Served on trial commission of the grand lodge. d. March 30, 1959. Rafael del Riego y Nunez (see under del Riego). Jesse L. Nusbaum Archaeologist. b. Sept. 3, 1887 in Greeley, Colo. Graduate of Colo. Teachers Coll. in 1907 and Colo. State Coll. of Education, 1946. Made his first expedition to Mesa Verde, Colo. in 1906. For many years a photographer, explorer, excavator, and repairer of ruins of Cliff Dwellers in Southwest, and member and director of expeditions to Utah, Mexico, Yucatan, Guatemala, etc. Appointed archaeologist of National Park Service and archaeologist of Department of Interior in 1927. Superintendent of Mesa Verde National Park, 1936-39. Raised Aug. 17, 1911 in Montezuma Lodge No. 1, Santa Fe, N. Mex., and life member of same. 32 AASR (SJ) at Santa Fe and former member of Ballut Abyad Shrine Temple, Albuquerque. Monroe L. Nute President of Lions, International, in 1954. b. May 10, 1902 in York, Pa. Owner of Nute Motor Co., Kennett Square, Pa., established in 1931. Was international 3rd, 2nd, 1st vice president of Lions in 1951-53. Member of Kennett Lodge No. 475, Kennett Square, Pa. and 32 AASR (NJ) in Delaware Consistory. Gerald P. Nye U.S. Senator from North Dakota, 1925-45. b. Dec. 19, 1892 in Hortonville, Wis. Began as publisher of The Review, Hortonville, Wis. in 1911. After a stretch on Iowa newspapers, including the Des Moines Register and Leader, he moved to North Dakota and purchased the Fry-burg Pioneer. In 1919 he settled in Cooperstown, N. Dak. and became editor and manager of the Griggs County Sentinel Courier. He was appointed to the U.S. senate on Nov. 14, 1925. He was chairman of the Teapot Dome and munitions investigations. Now president of Records Engineering, Inc., Washington, D.C. Member of Northern Light Lodge No. 45, Cooperstown, N. Dak., receiving degrees on Jan. 3, Feb. 7, March 25, 1929. 32 AASR (SJ). James W. Nye (1815-1876) First U.S. Senator from Nevada, 1864-73. b. June 10, 1815 in De Ruyter, N.Y. Educated in Cortland Academy, Homer, N.Y., and studied law at Troy, N.Y., being admitted to the bar in Madison Co., N.Y. He was district at- torney and judge of Madison Co. Practiced law at Syracuse, N.Y. from 1848-1857. He was the first president of the Metropolitan

Board of Police, N.Y.C., 1857-60. In 1861 President Lincoln appointed him governor of Washoe (Nevada) Territory, and he served in that capacity until elected senator when Nevada gained statehood in 1864. Member of Hamilton Lodge No. 120, Hamilton, N.Y. Jonathan Nye (1781-1843) Second Grand Master, Knights Templar, U.S.A., 1829-34, and General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter, 1835-38. b. March 5, 1781 in 277 Ernest Nys Wareham, Mass. Was Unitarian minister. While serving a pastorate at St. Albans, Vt. in 1805, he received the third degree, and was master in 1807. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Vermont in 1814, serving three successive terms. Moving to Claremont, N.H., he affiliated with Hiram Lodge No. 9; served as its master. He became a Royal Arch Mason in Claremont, and was grand high priest of New Hampshire in 1822-32. He was also first grand master of the Grand Council, R. & S.M. of New Hampshire in 1823. d. April 1, 1843. Ernest Nys (1851-1920) Belgian jurist and member of the Hague Tribunal. He is known for his treatises on international law, and was the author of Idees Modernes Et FrancMaconerie. 278

Edison E. Oberholtzer (1882-1954) President of University of Houston (Texas) since 1945. b. May 6, 1882 in Patricksburg, Ind. Graduate of U. of Chicago in 1910, 1915; U. of Tulsa in 1921, and Columbia U. in 1934. Taught rural schools in Ind. from 1898-1901. Was superintendent of schools at Carbon, Ind., Evansville, Ind., Clinton, Ind., Tulsa, Okla., and Houston, Texas. Was part time president of the U. of Houston from 1927-45 and president since 1945. Holds many national honors in the field of education. Affiliated with Holland Lodge No. 1, Houston, Texas on Feb. 13, 1936 from Tulsa Lodge No. 71, Tulsa, Okla. 32 AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. June 18, 1954. Amedeo Obici (1877-1947) Founder and president of Planters Peanut Co. b. July 15, 1877 in Oderzo, Treviso, Italy. He came to the U.S. at the age of 11, and shortly after secured a job at a peanut stand. In 1906, with M. Peruzzi, he organized the Planters Peanut Co. and became president and manager. It was incorporated in 1908 and the name changed to Planters Nut

& Chocolate Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. with branches throughout the U.S. Member of Suffolk Lodge No. 30, Suffolk, Va.; 32 AASR and Shriner. d. in 1947. Edward F. O'Brien (1876-1945) Newspaper editor and publisher. b. April 25, 1876 in Adams, Mass. He was with newspapers of various cities until 1898, when he became a member of the 14th N.Y. Inf. and took part in the Spanish-American War. Was in the Philippines as a member of the 22nd U.S. Inf., 1898-1901. In 1902he became editor of the Manila Daily Freedom, and from 1903-05 published the Manila Sun. He was prosecuted for political writings, then pardoned after serving four months of a six months sentence. From 1906-11 he was telegraph editor of the New York Tribune; editor of the Havana (Cuba) Daily Post, 1911-12; and in 1928 founded Habana, which later merged as the Pan-American Review. Mason, 33 ASSR, Knight Templar, Shriner and Jester. d. Jan. 18, 1945. Jeremiah O'Brien (1744?-1818) Naval captain in American Revolution. Birth date is variously given as 1744 and 1740. His father, Morris, was a native of Cork, Ireland. He settled in Machias, Maine, where he engaged in the lumber business with his six sons, before the Revolution. When the English ship Margaretta sailed into the Machias harbor with two lumber sloops, O'Brien as captain, commandeered one of the sloops, and with 60 volunteers, including his brothers, captured the Margaretta. This was the first Naval engagement of the Revolution. He then captured the Diligence and her tender. Subsequently, he cruised the coast for a year and a half, taking several prizes. He was later captured while commanding the privateer, Hannibal, and was imprisoned six months on a guardship and sent to England, from where he escaped. He later became the collector of the port of Machias. He became a member of St. Andrew's Lodge, Boston, being raised on March 26, 1778. At least three of his brothers were Freemasons. Jeremiah, with his father, started Warren Lodge No. 2, 279 Joseph O'Brien East Machias. It was named for General Joseph Warren, q.v., and Jeremiah was its first junior deacon and senior warden in 1782-84. In 1802 he is listed as one of the subscribers to The Vocal Companion and Masonic Register, printed in Boston. At one time a congressional committee was being prodded by Irish politicians, the Knights of Columbus, and the Ancient Order of Hibernians, to erect a monument to his memory. When Admiral George W. Baird, q.v., appeared before the committee and informed them of his Masonic connections, the monument plan was dropped. In 1900 a U.S. destroyer was named for him. The O'Brien Rifles (from Maine) of the Spanish-American War was also named in his honor. Sources also differ on his death date. One gives it as Sept. 5, 1818 and another Oct. 5, 1818.

Joseph O'Brien Revolutionary War patriot and brother of Jeremiah O'Brien, q.v. He assisted in the capture of the British vessels at Machias, Maine, and later served as a private in the Revolutionary Army. Member of Warren Lodge No. 2, East Machias, Maine, which was founded by his brother, Jeremiah, and father, Morris. William S. O'Brien (1825-1878) Early California gold miner. b. in Abbeyleix, Ireland. He emigrated early in life to N.Y.C., where he acquired citizenship in 1845. Went to Calif. in 1849 and worked some time in the mines. In 1851 he was in the liquor business in San Francisco, and subsequently in the ship-chandlery business. In 1854 he entered into partnership with James C. Flood, his former associate in mining, and for 12 years they conducted a restaurant-saloon. Acquiring an interest in the silver mines of Nevada, they devoted themselves entirely to mining operations. O'Brien was one of the four principal stockholders of the mine onthe Comstock ledge called the Big Bonanza, which was discovered in 1874. He left a fortune of 15 to 20 million dollars. In 1853 he was secretary of Golden Gate Lodge No. 30, San Francisco, Calif. d. May 2, 1878. Daniel O'Connell ( 1 7 7 5 - 1 8 4 7 ) Irish national leader known as "The Liberator." b. Aug. 6, 1775. He united Irish Roman Catholics under the leadership of their priests into a league for urging Irish claims, and in 1823 originated the Catholic Association, and perfected its constitutional method of agitation for repeal of civil disabilities by mass meetings. He was elected a member of parliament in 1828. He took his seat only after the Catholic emancipation act of 1829, which was forced on Wellington and Peel by public opinion. He led the agitation for the abolition of tithes of the established church in Ireland, and opposed the movement against rent. He was lord mayor of Dublin in 1841, and revived the earlier demand for repeal of the union between Great Britian and Ireland. He recreated the Catholic Association in 1842, and was arrested for seditious conspiracy in 1843, being released the following year. He found his power broken by dissention, opposition by young revolutionaries, and distress from the po_ tato famine. O'Connell was raised in Lodge No. 189, Dublin, Ireland, in 1797, and served as master of the same in 1800. He later became a member of Lodge No. 13, Limerick, and a charter member of the lodge in Tralee. He once defined Freemasonry as "Philanthropy unconfined by sect, nation, colour or religion," and stated that he was "pleased to own himself a Mason." In 1800 he was selected by the grand lodge to explain to the grand master that the appointed district deputy grand master was disliked and should be removed. He fulfilled this delicate mission with success. Throughout the Seaton Rebel-

280 William F. O'Donnell lion, (1808-14), he acted as standing counsel for the Grand Lodge of Ireland. Little more is heard of him as a Freemason until 1837, when he wrote a letter to The Pilot, Dublin, to contradict a rumor that he still belonged to the Craft, stating that his objections to it were (1) that it might counteract the temperance movement, and (2) the wanton and multiplied taking of oaths. When this was reported to the grand lodge he was expelled by resolutions. Ironically the presiding deputy grand master had himself been made a Mason by Daniel O'Connell. W. Lee O'Daniel U.S. Senator and Governor of Texas. b. March 11, 1890 in Malta, Ohio. Attended school in Kansas. He was in farming, ranching, flour milling, and grain business until 1939, when he became governor of Texas, and served until 1941. He then served as U.S. Senator from Texas until 1949, and was not a candidate for reelection, but returned to farming. Member of Ninnescah Lodge No. 230, Kingman, Kansas, Worth Commandery, K.T., and Moslah Shrine of Fort Worth, Texas. Tasker L. Oddie (1870-1950) U.S. Senator from Nevada, 1921-33, and Governor of Nevada, 1910-14. b. Oct. 24, 1870 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Graduate of New York U. in 1895. He went to Nevada in 1898 and engaged in mining operations, being one of the original locators, and in charge of early development of the Tonopah Mines. He was district attorney of Nye Co., 1900-02, and member of the state senate, 1904-08. Member of Tonopah Lodge No. 28, Tonopah, Nev.; Knight Templar, 32 AASR and Shriner. d. Feb. 17, 1950. Benjamin B. Odell (1854-1926) Governor of New York, 1901-05; U.S. Congressman to 54th and 55th Congresses (1895-99) from 17th N.Y. dist. b. Jan. 14, 1854 in Newburgh, N.Y. Graduate of Columbia U. Was engaged in banking and commercial enterprises at Newburgh and N.Y.C. Was president and director of the Central-Hudson Steamboat Co. He declined renomination for governor. Member of Newburgh Lodge No. 309, Newburgh, N.Y., and master of same from 1886-88. Also a member of Highland Chapter No. 52, R.A.M., Hudson Commandery, K.T. of Newburg, and Kismet Shrine Temple, Brooklyn. d. May 9, 1926. Thor A. E. Odencrants Swedish professor and academical lecturer in scientific photography. b. in 1881. He is a noted lecturer on Masonic topics and holds one of the highest offices in the Grand Lodge of Sweden.

William H. Odenheimer (18171879) Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. Aug. 11, 1817 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1835, end studied at the General Theological Seminary, N.Y.C. Ordained deacon in 1838 and priest in 1841. Served as assistant rector, and later, rector of St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia. In 1859 he was elected as the third Bishop of New Jersey. During his episcopate, he confirmed nearly 20,000 persons. He resided in Burlington until 1874, when the state of N.J. was divided into two dioceses; he then established his see at Newark. He published many works, including The Devout Churchman's Companion; The True CatholicNo Romanist; Thoughts on Immersion; The Young Churchman Catechised; Essay on Canon Law; The Private Prayer Book; and many others. He became a member of Franklin Lodge No. 134, Philadelphia in Feb., 1858, and was knighted in Philadelphia Commandery No. 2, K.T., May 14, 1858. d. Aug. 14, 1879. William F. O'Donnell President of Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College since 1941. b. May 1, 1890 in 281 Juan O'Donoju Burnet, Texas. Graduate of Transylvania Coll. (Ky.) in 1911; Columbia U., 1932. He was high school principal in Carrollton, Ky., and later superintendent there. Member of Richmond Lodge No. 25, Richmond, Ky., since 1913; Carroll Chapter No. 55, Carrollton, Ky.; Richmond Council No. 71, R. & S.M.; Richmond Cornmandery No. 19, K.T.; 32 AASR and KCCH in Louisville; and Oleika Shrine Temple, Lexington, Ky. Juan O'Donoju (? -1821) Last Viceroy of Mexico and one time Minister of War for Spain. b. in Spain of Irish descendants. Entered the military service, and during the invasion of Spain by Napoleon in 1808, he was minister of war under the provisional government of Cadiz. Was imprisoned on restoration of Ferdinand VII, but later released and appointed adjutant to the king in 1820. A known liberal, he was appointed viceroy of Mexico, arriving at Vera Cruz, Aug. 3, 1821. He offered to give the country full selfgovernment and through Santa Anna, q.v., met with Iturbide, q.v., at Cordova and signed a treaty recognizing the independence of Mexico under the immediate rule of Ferdinand VII. O'Donoju and Iturbide were members of the first ruling junta. It is said that O'Donoju formed several Masonic lodges and established a Masonic paper, El Sol. d. Oct. 8, 1821. Hans Christian Oersted (17771851) Danish physicist, who, in 1819, discovered that a pivoted magnetic needle turned at right angles to a conductor carrying a current, thus founding the science of electromagnetism. In both his writings and his talks, he treated science in a popular vein, and

thus contributed to education. A Mason. Patrick O'Flynn (? -1818) Revolutionary War soldier. He owned the famous "The Sign of the Ship" tavernat the corner of Third and Market streets in Wilmington, Del., where he was host to such notables as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and his wife, Abigail, Louis Philippe, Aaron Burr, and Commodore Perry. The name of the tavern was later changed to "Happy Retreat." He was a State representative in 1806. Member of Lodge No. 14 (Pa. charter) at Wilmington, and master of the same in 1780. Aaron Ogden (1756-1839) Revolutionary War officer; U.S. Senator and Governor of New Jersey. b. Dec. 3, 1756 in Elizabeth, N.J. Graduated from Princeton in 1773 and was a tutor in Barber's Grammar School from 1773 until 1775, when he entered the Revolutionary Army as a lieutenant, later advancing to brigade major. He served as a colonel, in the War of 1799 with France, and in 1812 declined an appointment by President Madison as major general. Washington entrusted him with the delicate task of contacting Sir Henry Clinton in an effort to exchange Major Andre's life for the surrender of Benedict Arnold. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1784, practicing in Elizabeth. He served in the U.S. senate from Feb. 28, 1801 to March 3, 1803, and was governor of New Jersey in 1812. He was a trustee of Princeton Coll. from 1803 until his death. He was a member of Lodge No. 19, a military lodge of the Penn. Artillery about 1779, and later was a charter member and first junior warden of Military Lodge No. 36 of Pa. registry, whose warrant was dated May 25, 1782 and signed by officers of the New Jersey brigade. He was a captain at the time. He was a signer of the petition for warrant of Washington Lodge No. 41 (now No. 33) of Elizabeth, N.J., Dec. 28, 1818. d. April 19, 1839. His brother Matthias, q.v., commanded the 1st N.J. Reg., and Aaron served under him at one time. 282 James E. Oglethorpe He was a cousin of Francis B. Ogden, q.v. Francis B. Ogden ( 1783 -1857 ) American inventor. b. March 3, 1783 at Boonton, N.J., the son of Mathias Ogden, q.v., and cousin of Aaron Ogden, q.v. He served in the War of 1812, and was an aide-de-camp to General Andrew Jackson, q.v., at the Battle of New Orleans on Jan. 8, 1815. He is credited with having first applied the principles of the expansive power of steam and the right angular gear on marine engines. In 1813 he received a patent for low pressure condensing engines with two cylinders, with gears at right angles. The first engine of this construction was built in 1817. James Watt, who examined the plan, declared it would make "a beautiful engine."

The first screw propeller brought into practical use was by John Ericsson on the Thames River in May, 1837, and the vessel was called the Francis B. Ogden. At Liverpool Ogden built the first propeller boat to be used in the U.S.; it was named the Robert F. Stockton. Ogden was U.S. consul at Liverpool from 1829-40 and at Bristol from 1840-57. Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. d. July 4, 1857. Herschel C. Ogden (1869-1943) Newspaper publisher. b. Jan. 12, 1869 at Worthington, W. Va. Graduate of West Virginia U. in 1887. He established the Wheeling News in 1890; bought the Wheeling Intelligencer in 1904. He was president of the News Publishing Co., the Intelligencer Publishing Co., the Parkersburg Sentinel Co., the Parkersburg News Co., the Fairmont Newspaper Publishing Co., the Elkins Inter-Mountain, the Welch Daily News, the Williamson Daily News, the Hinton Daily News, the Point Pleasant Register and the Washington (N.C.) News. Received degrees in Wheeling Lodge No. 5, Wheeling, W. Va. on Jan. 7, July 5, Sept. 21, 1894. d. Jan. 31, 1943. Matthias Ogden (1754-1791) Colonel and brevet Brigadier General of American Revolution. b. Oct. 22, 1754 in Elizabethtown, N.J. He was the father of Francis B. Ogden, q.v., and brother of Aaron Ogden, q.v. He joined army under Washington at Cambridge, and accompanied Benedict Arnold, q.v., in his march through the Kennebunk woods in the winter of 1775, participating in the attack on Quebec, where he was wounded. He was made lieutenant colonel of the 1st battalion in 1776, and subsequently colonel of the 1st regiment of the N.J. Continental line, which he commanded until the close of the war. His brother, Aaron, served under him in this regiment, and both were members of Lodge No. 36 of Pa. registry, which was established in the N.J. brigade on May 25, 1782. He was taken prisoner in Nov., 1780. He originated and commanded the unsuccessful attempt to capture Prince William Henry (later William IV, q.v.), in March, 1782. Brevetted brigadier general Sept. 20, 1783. d. March 31, 1791. James E. Oglethorpe (1696-1785) Founder of Georgia, and British Major General. b. Dec. 31, 1696 in London. He entered the army at an early age, after a short time at Oxford, and was commissioned in the Guards about 1714. He was on the continent with the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene, and in the campaign against the Turks in 1716. He was elected to parliament in 1722 from Hazlemere, and continued as an M.P. for 32 years. Here he concerned himself with the unfortunate condition of the large number of debtors in London prisons and conceived the idea of establishing a colony for them where they could start life anew. Parliament granted 10,000 for this and a large sum was raised by subscription, Freemasons contributing heavily.

In 1733 the Grand Lodge of England passed a resolution which authorized charity for a society "enabling the trustees to send distressed brethren to Georgia, where they may be comfortably provided for." The new colony was named Georgia in honor of the monarch. In 1733 he led a band of 150 persons (35 families) to settle at the mouth of the Savannah River, made terms with the Indians, laid out the city of Savannah, was chosen first governor, and supervised its civic affairs. He returned to London in April, 1734, taking the Yamacraw Indian chief and several members of his tribe with him. He returned to Georgia in 1735 with about 300 more emigrants, among whom were the noted Methodist clerics, John and Charles Wesley. In the meantime a number of persecuted German Protestants had joined the colony. Having trouble with the Spanish, who were in possession of Florida, he hastened back to England and raised a regiment of about 600 men and was back in Georgia before the close of 1738. He repelled a Spanish attack in 1742 that was designed to throw the English out of the South. He returned to England in 1743 to answer charges made against him and was acquitted. Another trial in 1752 saw him acquitted again. In 1745 he was made major general and sent north against the forces of the pretender. In 1752 he resigned his charter to Georgia to the British government, and in 1754, retired from parliament. At the start of the American Revolution he was offered supreme command of the British forces in America, but he refused unless he was first given an opportunity to attempt to conciliate the difficulties. He was the only founder of an American colony to see the formation of the United States. In 1735 the Grand Lodge of England issued a warrant for the establishment of King Solomon's Lodge No. 1 at Savannah (now Solomon's No. 1). Oglethorpe was its first master and served for nine years. This lodge was organized by Oglethorpe in a low vale under the spreading branches of an oak, in Feb., 1734. On June 21, 1866 a chair was presented to the lodge, made from the oak under which the lodge was first convened. The lodge also has a Bible presented it by Oglethorpe in 1735. d. 1785. Frank T. O'Hair (1870-1932) U.S. Congressman to 63rd Congress (191315) from 18th Ill. dist. b. March 12, 1870 in Edgar Co., Ill. A graduate of DePauw U. in 1893, he began practice of law at Paris, Ill., in that year. Received degrees in Prairie Lodge No. 77, Paris, Ill. on March 9, Sept. 3, Oct. 8, 1898. d. Aug. 3, 1932. Geoffrey O'Hara Composer and lecturer. b. Feb. 2, 1882 in Chatham, Ont., Canada. Educated at Chatham Collegiate Inst. and by private teachers. He came to the U.S. in 1904, and became a naturalized citizen in 1919. A writer of operettas and songs, his first success was in 1913, when the famous Caruso selected his Your Eyes Have Told Me, and Al Jolson simultaneously featured Tennessee. He was a pioneer Army song leader in WWI and served as song leader at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. He wrote the wartime favorite K-K-K-

Katy. Is a charter member of American Society Composers, Authors, and Publishers, and member of the board in 1941. His operettas include Peggy and the Pirate; Riding Down the Sky; The Count and the Co-ed; The Smiling Sixpence; Rogues and Vagabonds; Lantern Land; Harmony Hall; The Princess Runs Away; Puddinhead the First; Our America; and The Christmas Thieves. He has composed more than 150 songs including Give a Man a Horse He Can Ride; There Is No Death; Leetle Bateese; Let's Get Together; I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked; He Smiled on Me; The Stranger; and many others. Member of Solomons Lodge No. 46, Somerville, N.J. (dimitted). 32 AASR (NJ) at Buffalo, N.Y. Was a contributor to the Masonic Outlook in 1920, and has compiled a Masonic song book in manuscript form. William T. S. O'Hara (1864-1940) General Grand High Priest, General Grand Chapter, R.A.M. in 1933-36. b. Jan. 20, 1864 in Cayuga Co., N.Y. He moved to Toledo, Ohio, with family in 1892. Graduate of Ohio Northern U. at Ada, Ohio in 1892, he taught in public schools, and in 1892 was admitted to the bar, practicing at Toledo until his death. Member of Social Lodge No. 217 in 1887 at Lena, Ohio; exalted in St. Paris Chapter No. 132, RA.M., of St. Paris, Ohio in 1886; charter member of Toledo Chapter No. 161, R.A.M. in 1894, high priest in 1896, and secretary from 1900-39. Was grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Ohio in 1909. Greeted in Toledo Council No. 33, R. & S.M. in 1893, he was master in 1897, grand master of the Grand Council, R. & S.M., of Ohio in 1914, and grand recorder of same from 1917 until his death. Knighted in Toledo Commandery No. 7, K.T. in 1893, commander in 1908; received 32 AASR (SJ) in Lake Erie Consistory, Cleveland, in 1894, and crowned honorary 33 in 1916. d. July 15, 1940. Sir Menus William O'Keffe British Major General of Army Medical Service. Graduate, M.D., M.Ch. at Queen's University of Ireland in 1880, entering Royal Army Medical Corps in 1881, advancing to surgeon general in 1915, and major general the same year, retiring in 1919. Was in the Egyptian campaign of 1882; the Tirah expedition of 1897-98; and the Mohammed campaign on the Northwest frontier. In WWII he was with the expeditionary force in France, serving throughout the war as deputy director of medical services, Fourth Army. In 1928 he was master of Motherland Lodge No. 3861 of London. Ben W. Olcott (1872- ) Governor of Oregon, 1919-23. b. Oct. 15, 1872 in Keithsburg, Ill. He went to Oregon at age of 19, and then to British Columbia, where he mined and prospected. He later returned to Ill. and was cashier of the bank at Keithsburg for six years. From 1904-07 he was a prospector and bank employee in Alaska, returning to Salem, Oreg. in the latter year. He was secretary of state of Oregon from 1911-19. Was an officer

of several banks and savings associations in Oreg. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. Member of Multnomah Chapter No. 1, Salem, Oreg. Archie J. Old, Jr. Major General, U.S. Air Force, and air commander and pilot on the first non-stop around the-world flight of three B-52's in 1957. b. Aug. 1, 1906 in Farmersville, Texas. Chemical engineering graduate of Texas U. in 1927. He was first a civil engineer with the Texas Highway Dept., 192731, and then owner of a retail automobile agency at Atlanta, Texas from 193639. Since that date he has been in the U.S. Air Force. In WWII he was group commander of the pioneer group assigned to operate from England. He commanded the force that bombed Schweinfurt, Germany on Oct. 14, 1943, and also commanded the force making the pioneer shuttle raid from England to Russia, to Italy, and then to England. Since the war he has been commander of the A.T.C. in Southwest Pacific; commander of East Pacific wing of same; commanding general of Atlantic division of M.A.T.S.; commander of 8th Air Force, Texas; commander of 7th Air Division, England; commander of 5th Air Division, French Morocco; commanding general of operations at headquarters, S.A.C., Omaha, Nebr.; commanding general of 15th Air Force, Calif. since 1955. Received degrees in Atlanta Lodge No. 463, Atlanta, Texas about 1930; now suspended. Ransom E. Olds (1864-1950) Pioneer in automobile field, who in 1886, built the first three-wheeled horseless carriage, and brought out a practical four-wheeled automobile in 1893. The Oldsmobile is named for him. b. June 3, 1864 in Geneva, Ohio. He received a high school education at Lansing, Mich. He was president of the Reo Motor Car Co. from 1904-24 and chairman of the board from 1924-36. He was the donor of Science Hall to Kalamazoo Coll., the engineering Building to Michigan State Coll., and the clubhouse to the affiliated women's clubs, and social welfare house to city of Lansing. Became a member of Capitol Lodge of S.O., No. 66, Lansing, Mich. on May 20, 1908; exalted in Capitol Chapter No. 9, R.A.M. on April 23, 1909; knighted in Lansing Commandery No. 25, K.T. on May 28, 1909; 32 AASR (NJ) in DeWitt Clinton Consistory, Grand Rapids in May, 1913 and crowned 33 on Sept. 15, 1925. Shriner. d. Aug. 26, 1950. William G. Oliphant President of Inland Waterways Corp. and Federal Barge Line. b. May 28, 1896 in New Orleans, La. Was with the Federal Barge Lines from 1922. He was president of the Inland Waterways Corp. which operated t h e government owned Federal Barge Lines from Jan., 1952 until July, 1953. It was then sold to the St. Louis Ship Building and Steel Corp., at which time he became president of the new company called the Federal Barge Lines, Inc., containing the former name, but under incorporation. He subsequently became chairman of the board until his retirement in June,

1958. He is now retained by that company as consultant. Member of Trowel Lodge No. 386, New Orleans, La. and past master of same. Member of Babylon Chapter No. 66, R.A.M. and past high priest of the same. Allen L. Oliver President General of Sons of American Revolution, 194647; lawyer. b. Jan. 19, 1886 at Jackson, Mo. Graduate of Southeast Mo. State Teachers Coll. in 1905; U. of Missouri in 1908 and 1909. Has practiced law at Cape Girardeau, Mo. since 1910. Active in Boy Scout work for 40 years, he received Silver Beaver in 1935. Was president of the Law Foundation, U. of Missouri, 1941-42; president of Mo. Chamber of Commerce, 1945-46. Twice served as president of Mo. Bar Association (1943-44 and 1952-53) and president of U. of Missouri Alumni Association, 1940-42. His mother, Mrs. R. B. (Marie) Oliver, designed the state flag of Missouri, accepted by the state legislature in 1913. Member of St. Marks Lodge No. 93; Wilson Chapter No. 75, R.A.M.; Cape Council No. 20, K.T.; and Cape Girardeau Commandery No. 55, K.T., all of Cape Girardeau, Mo. He was commander of his Commandery in 1929, and in 1948 received the certificate of merit from the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Missouri. He is a member of the Red Cross of Constantine at St. Louis and past master of the Missouri Lodge of Research. George Oliver (1782-1867) English clergyman, scholar and early Masonic author. b. Nov. 5, 1782 in Pepplewick, England. He was educated at Nottingham and became a schoolmaster. After taking the Orders in 1813, he became Vicar of Clee in 1815, and later Vicar of. Scopwick in Lincolnshire. He received the degree of D.D. in 1836, and became Rector of Wolverhampton. He is said to have been initiated by his father, Dr. Samuel Oliver, in St. Peter's Lodge, Peterborough, as a Lewis (son of a Mason). He later established a lodge at Grimsby and was master for many years. In 1813 he was appointed provincial grand steward, provincial grand chaplain in 1816, and deputy provincial 1944-45. Recalled grand master for Lincolnshire in 1833. He was probably the most prolific Masonic writer the Craft will ever know. From his study poured history, symbolism, law, morals, religion, ethics, facts and fancy in an endless river of informationand misinformation. He taught that Masonry began in the earliest periods of history, that it was given by Seth to his descendants and that after Noah, the art became divided into "pure" and "spurious," the "pure" coming down through the patriachs of the Old Testament to Solomon and thus to us. He insisted on giving Masonry a Christian character, and failed to see that the non-sectarianism of the Craft was its great attraction and the bond between its adherents. Had his beliefs persisted, there would have been no universality in Freemasonry. d. March 3, 1867.

George T. Oliver (1848-1919) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 190917. b. Jan. 26, 1848 in Donoughmore, Ireland during a visit abroad by his parents who were residents of Pittsburgh, Pa. A graduate of Bethany Coll. (W. Va.) in 1868, he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1871, practicing for ten years in Pittsburgh. He retired from his profession in 1881 and engaged in steel manufacturing until 1901, when he disposed of his interests and became publisher of the Pittsburgh Gazette-Times and the Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. He declined an appointment as U.S. senator in 1904. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 219, Pittsburgh, Pa. d. Jan. 22, 1919. George H. Olmsted Major General, U.S. Army; insurance executive. b. March 18, 1901 in Des Moines, Iowa. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy as a distinguished cadet, in 1922. Resigned from Army in 1923. Recalled in 1942 and made brigadier general on the General Staff Corps, China Theater,again in 1950; was major general and director of military assistance in office of Secretary of Defense. Organized Olmsted, Inc., a general insurance agency at Des Moines in 1923, and in 1927 purchased Travelers Mutual Casualty Co., and was its president and secretary to 1940. He is president of the United Security Insurance Co., Industrial Insurance Co., and Bankers Security Life Insurance, N.Y. An officer or director in many organizations, including Bell Aircraft, Morris Plan Corp., and International Bank. In 1931-32 he was president of the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce. Member of Pioneer Lodge No. 22, Des Moines, Iowa, receiving degrees Aug.12, 28, Sept. 9, 1922; 32 AASR (SJ) and Shriner. Louis A. Olney (1874-1949) Chemist and textile executive. b. April 21, 1874 in Providence, R.I. Graduate of Lehigh U. in 1896, 1908. Taught chemistry at Brown U. and was director of chemistry department of Lowell (Mass.) Textile Institute, 1897-1944. Was president of Stirling Mills, 191242; president of Wannalancit Textile Co., Lowell Lingerie Co., and Howes Publishing Co., N.Y.C. In 1944 the American Association of Textile Chemists established the L. A. Olney medal in his name, and he was the first recipient. It is presented for achievement in textile chemistry. Member of William North Lodge, Lowell, Mass., Knight Templar, 32 AASR (NJ) and Shriner. d. Feb. 11, 1949. Floyd B. Olson (1891-1936) Governor of Minnesota, 1930-36. b. Nov.13, 1891 in Minneapolis, Minn. Graduate of U. of Minnesota in 1915 and Northwestern Coll. of Law (Minneapolis) in 1915. Practiced law in Minneapolis. Was initiated Nov. 21, 1917 in Hennepin Lodge No. 4, Minneapolis, and received the 32 AASR at Minneapolis, April 2, 1920. d. Aug. 22, 1936.

Ralph J. Olson Major General, State Guard and business executive. b. March 3, 1904 in Marinette, Wis. Graduate of Ripon (Wis.) Coll. in 1926. After a time as a commercial survey supervisor and manager of the Milwaukee office of Wisconsin Telephone Co., he founded at Madison, Wis., in 1937, the R. J. Olson Glass Co., of which he is president. Served in WWII in Armored Force overseas from captain to colonel. Became colonel in Wis. National Guard in 1950, and since that date has been adjutant general and state director of Civil Defense with rank of major general. Member of Madison Lodge No. 5, Madison, Wis., 32 AASR (NJ) and potentate of Zor Shrine Temple, Madison, Wis. Emmet O'Neal U.S. Ambassador to Philippines, 1947-49; U.S. Congressman to 74th through 79th Congresses from 3rd Ky. dist. b. April 14, 1887 in Louisville, Ky. Graduate of Centre Coll., 1907, and Yale, 1908. Practiced law in Louisville, Ky. from 1910; since 1949 has been in private practice at Washington, D.C. He succeeded Ambassador Paul V. McNutt, q.v., as the U.S. representative to the Philippines. Member of Falls City Lodge No. 376, Louisville, Ky. Edward E. O'Neill (1893-1952) President of American-LaFrance Foamite Corp., Elmira, N.Y., 1939-52. b. Jan. 22, 1893, in Denver, Colo. He was a salesman with various companies from 1913-17. Became associated with fire extinguisher industry in 1917, and subsequently was employed by Pyrene Mfg. Co.. Toledo, Ohio; established the Firefoam Co. of Ohio, at Cleveland in 1919 and was vice president and general manager of Fire Equipment Co., Cleveland, 1922-26. He was then district manager of Foamite-Childs Corp. and with American-LaFrance from 1927. Member of Jesse L. Cooley Lodge No. 996, Elmira, N.Y., affiliating with Lakewood Lodge No. 601 (Ohio) on June 10, 1940. d. Nov. 11, 1952. Merlin O'Neill Vice Admiral and Commandant of the Coast Guard from Oct. 1949. b. Oct. 30, 1898 in North Kenova, Ohio. Graduate of Coast Guard Academy in 1921. Advanced through grades to rear admiral in 1946, and vice admiral in 1949. After six years on Coast Guard cutters, he taught at the academy until 1930. He then commanded the Cassin, the Apache, and was chief director of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve. In WWII he commanded the U.S.S. Leonard Wood on landings in Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Central Pacific. He was assistant chief of finance and supply of the Coast Guard, district commander of 5th district at Norfolk, Va., and assistant commandant of Coast Guard headquarters in Washington, D.C., (1946-49), before becoming commandant. Received degrees in Doric Lodge No. 205, Morgan City, La. on April 24, May 29, June 6, 1920; affiliated with Semper Paratus Lodge No. 49, Washington, D.C. on Dec. 5, 1935.

Fabian Onsari (1892-1956) Argentine politician, newspaper editor, and author. b. Jan. 20, 1892 in San Vicente, Buenos Aires, Argentine. Associated himself with the Argentine Liberal Party, Union Civica Radical, whose founder was Dr. Leandro N. Alem, grand master of Argentina in 1887. Onsari's first public office was that of councilor for the municipality of Avellaneda in 191828, and again 1936-40. In 1920 he was elected deputy of the Provincial Legislature for Buenos Aires, serving until 1926, when he was elected senator from the same province. He served until 1930, when a revolution headed by General Jose F. Uriburu exiled Onsari and other high officials of the Liberal party including the ex-president, Dr. Marcelo de Alvear. The political situation becoming normal, he returned from his island exile and was elected deputy of the National Congress for 1938-42, and reelected 1942-46. The latter term was not completed, as another revolutionary movement under General Rawson dissolved the congress. In his political party Onsari held all the offices from secretary to president, retiring from active political participation in 1945. In 1915 he was one of the founders of the newspaper La Libertad of Avellaneda, the most important daily of that zone, and collaborated in the editing of specialized magazines and periodicals. His writings included Ten Years of Legislative Study; Civil Pensions; The Modern City; National Hospital of Labor; The Defense of Civilization; and many others widely known on the American continent. Several of his writings have Masonic connotations, including Domingo F. Sarmiento, biography of former president of Argentina with Masonic documentations; Laical Action, an argument in defense of laical teaching in schools; and San Martin, Lautaro Lodge and Freemasonry. Was initiated in the Lautaro Lodge in Buenos Aires, March 23, 1921; was progrand master of the Grand Lodge of Argentina, 1926-28, and grand mas- -ter, 1928-45. Under his grandmaster-ship, he obtained unity of Argentine Masonry by uniting into one group the several grand lodges then working. Received 32 AASR, Nov. 10, 1925, and was an active member of Supreme Council of Argentina on June 15, 1928. Was elected general secretary of the AASR bodies in 1937, and served until 1940, when he became sovereign grand commander, an office which he held at his death. He attended many international Masonic conferences throughout North and South America, and was a familiar figure at the annual conferences of Grand Masters in Washington, D.C. Was a member of the Society of Blue Friars, a tribute to his Masonic literary ability, being the only one in South America. He died March 22, 1956, while preparing to leave for a Masonic conference at Havana, Cuba. Albert J. L. R. Operti (1852-1927) Artist and official photographer for Admiral Peary, q.v., on his polar expeditions. b. March 17, 1852 in Turin, Italy. Educated in Dublin, Ireland, and at Glasgow, Scotland. Graduated at Portsmouth Naval School and entered British naval marine service. He

resigned in 1868 to study art and sculpture. Became an artist, caricaturist, and scenic artist in New York theatres. He studied Arctic history and made two voyages to Arctic regions with Peary; was special correspondent for New York Hearld on these expeditions. He made the first casts of North Greenland Eskimos for the American Museum of Natural History. His historical pictures include Rescue of the Greeley Party; Farthest North; The Schwatka Search; Finding DeLong in the Lena Delta; Dr. Kane; and portraits of Peary, Ziegler polar ship, America, and mural paintings in American Museum of Natural History, N.Y., and Pittsfield, Mass. Museum. He painted the Arctic picture Farewell which he presented to his own lodge (Kane No. 454, N.Y.C.), known as the "explorers" lodge. He illustrated many books on the Arctic and was decorated by the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia. d. Oct. 29, 1927. Evarts W. Opie Major General, U.S. Army, newspaper publisher. b. Sept. 13, 1893 in Staunton, Va. Graduate of Staunton Military Academy. Started as a reporter, and is now general manager and publisher of The Evening Leader and The News-Leader, Staunton, Va. dailies. Commissioned in Virginia National Guard in 1911 and was captain in U.S. Army during WWI. Called to duty again in 1941 as a colonel of Infantry, he was advanced to brigadier general (temp.) in 1942, and retired as major general in 1946. Member of Staunton Lodge No. 13, Staunton, Va., receiving degrees in 1918. Member of Union Chapter No. 2, R.A.M., Staunton. Jules Oppert (1825-1905) An Orientalist. b. in Hamburg, Germany. He settled in France in 1847, becoming naturalized in 1854. Among his many works are Elements de la Grammaire Assyrienne and Babylone et les Babyloniens. The bulletin of the International Masonic Congress of 1917 states he was a Freemason. Harper M. Orahood (1841-1914) Colorado pioneer. b. June 3, 1841 in Columbus, Ohio. He joined an emigrant train for Colo. in 1860, and spent 10 years in mercantile business at Black Hawk and Central City. Was admitted to the bar in 1873. Served in Civil War with the Colorado Vol. Cay. and was colonel on staff of Governor McIntire in 1895. Member of Chivington Lodge No. 6, and later Black Hawk Lodge No. 11. 33 AASR (SJ). Grand master of the Grand Lodge of Colorado and grand commander, Grand Commandery, K.T. of Colorado. In 1901 he was commander of the department of Colorado and Wyoming of the G.A.R. d. Sept. 15, 1914. Alexander, Prince of Orange (see under Alexander). Albert Ordway Brigadier General (brevet) in Civil War. Member of

Lafayette Chapter No. 43, Richmond, Va. Miles O'Reilly (see Charles G. Halpine). Jose Maria Orellana (1872-1926) President of Guatemala, 1921-26. A Guatemalan general and politician, hewas broadminded, and was instrumental in calling a conference of the Central American republics. He was chosen provisional president in 1921, on the deposition of Carlos Herrera, and elected president in 1922, serving until his death in 1926. Initiated in Lodge Concordia No. 5. George B. Orlady (18 5 0 -19 2 6) Judge, Superior Court of Pennsylvania, 1895-1926. b. Feb. 22, 1850 in Huntingdon Co., Pa. Received M.A. from Pennsylvania State Coll. in 1911, M.S. in 1918; S.B. from Washington and Jefferson Coll. in 1870; M.D. from Jefferson Medical Coll. in 1871; also LL.D. from Washington and Jefferson in 1898. He practiced medicine from 1871-73, but took on the practice of law in 1875. Member of Mount Moriah Lodge N. 300, Huntingdon, Pa., receiving degrees on Aug. 9, Sept. 13, Oct. 11, 1875. Was master of his lodge in 1879 and grand master of Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in 1908-09. d. Sept. 9, 1926. Duc de Orleans (see Duc de Chartres). James B. Orman (1849-1919) Governor of Colorado, 1901-02. b. Nov. 4, 1849 in Muscatine, Iowa. Came to Colorado at the age of 20. He took the contract for building a section of the Kansas Pacific Railroad between Sheridan and Denver, and in that work was compelled to fight the Indians who resisted the coming of the "iron horse." Thereafter he spent many years in construction work, the most important contracts being with the Denver & Rio Grande, Colorado Midland, Florence and Cripple Creek, Canadian Pacific and Oregon Pacific. His Masonic memberships in Pueblo were: South Pueblo Lodge No. 31, receiving degrees on Jan. 17, March 6, April 17, 1879; exalted in Pueblo Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. on Aug. 23, 1879, dimitting in Sept. 1882 to become a charter member of South 290 Sir Norman A. Orr-Ewing Pueblo Chapter No. 12; knighted in Pueblo Commandery No. 3, K.T. on Dec. 23, 1879. Was also a member of the Scottish Rite and became member of El Jebel Shrine Temple, Denver on July 5, 1890. d. July 21, 1919. Ebenezer J. Ormsbee (1834-1924) Governor of Vermont, 1886-88. b.

June 8, 1834 in Shoreham, Vt. Admitted to bar in 1861. Served as a lieutenant and captain in 1st and 12th Vt. Vol. Inf., 1861-63. Was internal revenue collector of Vt., state's attorney, member of general assembly, and state senator. From 1891-93 he was U.S. land commissioner of Samoa. Member of St. Pauls Lodge No. 25, Brandon, Vt. d. April 3, 1924. Carey Orr Political cartoonist. b. Jan. 17, 1890 in Ada, Ohio. Graduate of Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. He was with the Chicago Examiner in 1912, and the Nashville Tennessean and American, 1912-17. Since 1917 has been with the Chicago Tribune. Was awarded the U.S. government gold medal in 1918, and three times recipient of the Freedoms Foundation award (1950-5253). He originated the cartoon character "Brain Trust," and helped pioneer daily color cartoons in the Chicago Tribune. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. James L. Orr (1822-1873) Governor of South Carolina; U.S. Congressman; U.S. Minister to Russia. b. May 12, 1822 in Craytonville, S. Car. Graduate of U. of Virginia in 1842, studied law, and practiced at Anderson, S. Car., where he also established and edited the Gazette. Member of the state legislature from 1844-57 and U.S. congressman 184959. Was speaker of the house in the 35th congress. He was opposed to secession and spoke strongly against it, but when his state voted to withdraw at the secession convention, he cast his lot with the South and organized a rifle regimentwhich he led in the field until elected to the Confederate senate in 1862. He was chosen governor of South Carolina under President Johnson's plan of reconstruction, and served until 1868. He was U.S. minister to Russia in 1872, and died at St. Petersburg, within two months after he had presented his credentials. Member of Hiram Lodge No. 68 and Burning Bush Chapter No. 7, R.A.M., both of Anderson, S. Car. He was grand master of South Carolina from 186568. d. May 5, 1873 in Russia. Joseph K. Orr (1857-1938) Twenty-fifth Grand Master of the Grand Encampment, K.T., U.S.A. b. Feb. 21, 1857 in New York City. Began with H. J. Libby & Co., dry goods, N.Y. in 1872, moving to Columbus, Ga. in 1873, where he was connected with J. Kyle & Co. until 1883, when he founded the J. K. Orr Shoe Company at Atlanta, Ga. and was president of same. Was grand commander of the Grand Commandery of Georgia in 1895, and elected to head the Grand Encampment, K.T. in 1919. He was the founder of the Knights Templar Loan Foundation that raised over three million dollars in nine years to help needy college students in the U.S. d. Sept. 18, 1938. Warren H. Orr Chief Justice, Supreme Com t of Illinois, 1933-39. b. Nov.

5, 1886 in Hannibal, Mo. Graduate of U. of Missouri in 1909 and 1911. Began practice of law in Hamilton, Ill. in 1911. Became justice of the supreme court in 1930, retiring in 1939 to enter private practice in Chicago. Member of Blackhawk Lodge No. 238, Hamilton, Ill. since 1912; Tecumseh Chapter No. 152, R.A.M., Hamilton and 32 AASR (NJ) at Quincy, Ill. Sir Norman A. Orr-Ewing British Brigadier General and 91st Grand Master Mason of Scotland in 1937-38. 291 Miguel de los Llanos Orrico Miguel de los Llanos Orrico Mexican General and Grand Commander of the Order of Constructor Masons for several years. Godlove S. Orth (1817-1882) U.S. Congressman from Indiana, 186371; 1873-75; 1879-82. b. April 22, 1817 near Lebanon, Pa. Admitted to the bar in 1839, he began practice in Indiana. Member of state senate from 184248 and president of same in latter year. In 1862 when a call for men was issued to defend Indiana from threatened invasion, he organized a company in two hours and was made its captain. Was placed in command of the U.S. ram, Hornet, with which he patrolled the Ohio River. His long service in the U.S. congress gave him great influence in that body. He was U.S. minister to Austria from 1875-77. Received degrees in 1861-62 in Perry Lodge No. 37, Lafayette, Ind. (now defunct) and dimitted in 1875. d. Dec. 16, 1882. Chase S. Osborn (1860-1949) Governor of Michigan in 1911-12. b. Jan. 22, 1860 in Huntington Co., Ind. Received B.S. from Purdue U. in 1880; M.D. degree from Detroit Coll. of Medicine in 1909. Began newspaper work on Lafayette (Ind.) Home Journal; later with Chicago Tribune. At one time or other he owned and edited the Florence (Wis.) Mining News; Miner and Manufacturer, Milwaukee; Sault Ste Marie News, (Mich.); and Saginaw Courier-Herald (Mich.). He has one of the longest biographies in Who Was Who. Was postmaster of Sault Ste Marie in 1889-93; state game and fish warden of Mich., 1895-99; commissioner of railroads for Mich., 1899-1903; regent of U. of Michigan, 1908-11. He was the discoverer of the source of a firefly's light; also discovered the Moose Mountain iron range of Canada and the Ndanga iron range of S.E. Africa. Jan. 22, 1941 was pro-claimed Chase Salmon Osborn Day in Mich. by the governor. Wrote a number of books, mostly of historical nature. Member of Hiram D. Fisher Lodge No. 222, Florence, Wis. Member of Sault Ste Marie Chapter No. 126, R.A.M.; Sault Ste Marie Council No. 69, R. & S.M.; Sault Ste Marie Commandery No. 45, K.T. Received Scottish Rite degrees in Detroit Consistory in Feb. 1897 and 33 AASR (NJ) Oct. 1, 1912. d. April 11, 1949.

Monroe Osborn (1887-1547) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Oklahoma. b. July 15, 1887 in Brownwood, Texas. Graduate of U. of Kansas in 1907, and admitted to Okla. bar the following year, practicing at Pauls Valley. Was justice of supreme court from 1933. Affiliated with Valley Lodge No. 6, Paul's Valley, Okla. in 1904; affiliated with Purcell Lodge No. 27, Purcell, Okla. in 1911. Dimitted March 7, 1916. d. June 20, 1947. Thomas W. Osborn (1836-1898) U.S. Senator from Florida, 1868-73. b. March 9, 1836 in Scotch Plains, N.J. He moved to N.Y. in 1842 with parents. Graduate of Madison U. (now Colgate) in 1860 and admitted to the bar in 1861. Served in Union Army in Civil War, with ranks from lieutenant to colonel. Settled in Florida; was a member of the state constitutional convention of 1868 and drew up the constitution that was adopted. First settled in Tallahassee, and later in Pensacola. Eventually settled in New York City, where he practiced law. Mason. d. Dec. 18, 1898. Henry Z. Osborne (1848-1923) U.S. Congressman from California to 65th through 67th Congresses (1917-23). b. Oct. 4, 1848 in New Lebanon, N.Y. Served in 192nd N.Y. Vol. Inf. in Civil War. He was a printer and newspaper man, with residences in N.Y.C., Cincinnati, Memphis, New Orleans, Austin, and Los Angeles. From 1898-1906 he was U.S. marshal of the southern district of Calif. He was the last Civil War veteran to serve in Congress. Although he was elected to the 68th congress, he died before it convened. In 1912-13 he was senior vice-commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. Was master of Southern California Lodge No. 278 in 1888, commander of Los Angeles Commandery No. 9, K.T. in 1891, and charter member of Al Malaikah Shrine Temple, all of Los Angeles. He was one of the nobles on the committee that selected the name of the Los Angeles Shrine. d. Feb. 8, 1923. John E. Osborne (1858-1943) Governor of Wyoming, 1893-95; U.S. Congressman from Wyoming, 1897-99. b. June 19, 1858 in Westport, N.Y. Studied medicine and graduated from the U. of Vermont in 1880. He moved to Rawlins, Wyo., where he engaged in the practice of medicine, and later was a livestock rancher. He was a member of the Wyoming territorial legislature in 1883-85. He was renominated for a second term as governor, but declined. He also declined to run for a second congressional term. From 1913-17 he was first assistant secretary of state. Member of Sisco Lodge No. 259, Westport, N.Y., and was a past high priest and past commander. d. April 24, 1943.

Oscar of the Waldorf (see Oscar Tschirky). Oscar I (1799-1859) King of Sweden and Norway, 1844-59. b. July 4, 1799, son of Charles XIV John, q.v., whom he succeeded on the throne. He married Josephine Beauharnais, granddaughter of Empress Josephine. In 1810 he became the Duke of Sodermanland. He sympathized with the liberals, and on his accession to the throne, introduced reforms such as freedom of the press and improvement of Sweden's economic position. In 1857-59 he relinquished the throne to his eldest son, Charles XV on account of ill health. In 1818 he was named deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Sweden by his father, and on his father's death in 1844, he became grand master and "vicarius salomonis" until his own death in 1859. Oscar II (1829-1907) King of Sweden and Norway, 1872-1905 and King of Sweden, 1905-07, after the union between the two countries had been dissolved. b. Jan. 21, 1829 in Stockholm, the son of Oscar I, q.v., and brother of Charles XV, whom he succeeded on the throne. He found the problem of preserving the union between Sweden and Norway increasingly difficult. He insisted on a peaceful solution, and gave up the throne of Norway in 1905 to Haakon VII, q.v. He served as mediator in several international disputes, wrote a play, poems, and a number of historical works. While his brother, Charles, was king from 1859-72, Oscar was pro grand master of the Grand Lodge of Sweden, and upon his accession to the throne became grand master. He was initiated, Dec. 7, 1848, in Erick's Lodge, and served as master of the same. He was deeply interested in Freemasonry and took an active part in the lodge work. During his term as grand master, an old palace, built in the middle of the 17th century, was acquired and rebuilt to serve as Freemasons Hall in Stockholm. It is still in use. George M. Osgoodby (1836-1908) General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1883-86, being second person to hold this office. b. in Nunda, N.Y. He was grand master of the Grand Council of N.Y. from 1877-80. d. Aug. 16, 1908. Camilo Osias Philippine government official. b. March 23, 1889 in Balaoan, La Union, Philippines. Attended Illinois State Coll. in 1908 and graduated from Columbia U. in 1910. Began as a public school teacher and became superintendent of schools in Bataan, Mindoro in 1917, and assistant director of education in 1918. Was professor at U. of Philippines from 191921. He has written many textbooks on Philippine history, biography, religion and education for the public schools. Was a member of the Philippine senate

from 1925-29 and served for a number of years as Philippine resident commissioner to the U.S. congress. Was a delegate to the Philippine constitutional convention and a member of several economic missions to the U.S. and Japan. Columbia U. awarded him a medal for service in 1929. Raised in Bagumbayan Lodge No. 4, Manila on Aug. 28, 1918; master in 1948 and grand master, Grand Lodge of Philippines in 1955. Member of Manila Chapter No. 2, R.A.M. and Almas Shrine Temple, Washington, D.C. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in 1938; KCCH in 1949; and 33, sovereign grand inspector general in 1952. Os-Ke-Non-Ton (Lewis Deer) Mohawk Indian baritone. Raised April 6, 1917 in Putnam Lodge No. 338, New York City, and received the 32 AASR (NJ) at Buffalo, N.Y. in April, 1923. Frank C. Osmers, Jr. U.S. Congressman to 76th through 86th Congresses from 9th N.J. dist. b. Dec. 30, 1907 in Leonia, N.J. A jeweler, gem expert, and appraiser, he was vice president of Frank C. Osmers Co., Inc. N.Y.C., 1925-39, and engaged in newspaper and magazine publishing and commercial printing at Englewood, N.J. from 1946. Served in the Infantry in WWII, advancing from private to major, and was in Philippines and Okinawan campaigns, and Korean occupation. Raised in Tilden Lodge No. 183, Dumont, N.J. on Nov. 12, 1937. National Sojourner. Count Alexander I. OstermannTolstoy (1770-1837) Russian Infantry General. He distinguished himself in the wars against Napoleon, especially at Eylau, Friedland, Bautzen, and particularly in the Battle of Borodino. Was a member of Les Amis Reunis Lodge (United Friends) at Petersburg, Russia. This was a French liberal lodge. Stanley W. Ostrander Vice President of Ford Motor Co. from 1952-57. b. Sept. 21, 1895 in Whittemore, Mich. Was with Weston Mott Co. & Buick at Flint, Mich., 1915-20; Marvel Carburetor Co., 1920-27; Chevrolet division, 1927-33; Pontiac division, 193348; and general manufacturing manager, 1945-48. From 1948-52 he was operations manager of Lincoln-Mercury division at Detroit. Retired in 1957. Member of Friendship Lodge No. 417; 32 AASR (NJ) and Moslem Shrine Temple, all of Detroit, Mich. Anthony O'Sullivan (18 0 8 -18 6 6) Early Missouri Mason. b. Nov. 29, 1808 in County Kerry, Ireland, emigrating to New York in 1838, where he lived one year, and then moved to New Orleans, La. for two years. He arrived at the historic Arrow Rock, Mo. on March 17, 1841, and there obtained employment in the store of H. S. Mills, the secretary of Arrow Rock Lodge No.

55. It was Mills that signed O'Sullivan's petition on April 4, 1846. He received the degrees on May 9, June 6, and June 20, 1846, and was master in 1850. O'Sullivan appears in Bingham's famous picture, The County Election, as one of the clerks of the election. The records show he attended every meeting of Arrow Rock Lodge until Sept. 20, 1851, when he dimitted, and moved to St. Louis; here, until his death in 1866, he was Missouri's most outstanding Freemason. Was high priest of St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R.A.M.; master of St. Louis Council No. 7, R. & S.M.; commander of St. Louis Commandery No. 1; received the Scottish Rite degrees in Chicago in 1852. He was grand secretary and grand lecturer of the Grand Lodge of Missouri from 1852-66; grand recorder of the Grand Council, R. & S.M. of Missouri from 1854-66; grand recorder of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Missouri from 1863-66; and grand secretary of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Missouri from 1864-66. Was made a 33 and in 1859, sovereign inspector general for "Missouri and bordering states." d. Aug. 11, 1866. Eleazer Oswald (1755?-1795) Revolutionary soldier and newspaper publisher. b. about 1755 in England, he came to America about 1770, to enlist in the American cause. He served under Benedict Arnold at Ticonderoga and Quebec, and became his secretary. Was made lieutenant colonel of artillery and was highly regarded as an artillery officer, distinguishing himself at Compo and Monmouth. Left the service in 1778 and joined William Goddard in the publication of Maryland Journal at Baltimore. He moved to Philadelphia and in April, 1782 began publication of the Independent Gazetteer, or the Chronicle of Freedom. From 1782-87 he was in New York City, publishing the Independent Gazette, or New York Journal Revived. In 1792 he went to England and then to France where he joined the Republican Army and commanded a regiment at Battle of Jemmapes. France sent him on a secret mission to Ireland to learn the condition of that country and the feasibility of the projected French invasion. From there he returned to America and died of yellow fever, shortly after his arrival in N.Y.C. (d. Sept. 30, 1795.) Member of Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia, Pa. Miguel Antonio Otero (1859-1944) Governor of Territory of New Mexico, 1897-1906 b. Oct. 17, 1859 in St. Louis, Mo. Educated in St. Louis U. and Notre Dame U. He was cashier of the San Miguel National Bank, Las Vegas from 1880-85, city treasurer, county clerk, and clerk of U.S. district court. He was treasurer of New Mexico, 1909-11 and U.S. marshal, Canal Zone, 191721. Was the author of Conquistadores of Spain and Buc- caneers of England, France and Holland; My Life on the Frontier; The Real Billy the Kid With New Light on the Lincoln County War; My Memoirs; and My Nine Years as Governor of the Territory of New Mexico. Raised in Chapman Lodge No 2, Las Vegas, N. Mex. on Nov. 30, 1891. Dimitted Jan. 21, 1915 and affiliated with Montezuma Lodge No. 1, Santa Fe, N. Mex. on May 3, 1915. 32 AASR

(SJ), Knight Templar and Shriner. d. Aug. 7, 1944. James H. Otey (1800-1863) Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Tennessee. b. Jan. 27, 1800 in Liberty, Va. Graduate of U. of N. Car. in 1820. While teaching school in Warrenton, N. Car., he was ordained deacon and priest in the Episcopal church. In 1827 he moved to Franklin, Tenn., later to Columbia, and finally to Memphis. Was known throughout the south as the "Good Bishop." He was opposed to secession, but later changed his views. He was resolved with a desire to establish a Christian school of higher education in the South, and devoted many years to this end. As a result the University of the South at Sewanee, Tenn. was organized. He became a member of Hiram Lodge No. 7, Franklin, Tenn., Dec. 11, 1826, and at one time served as grand orator of Grand Lodge of Tennessee. Was a member of Franklin Chapter No. 2, R.A.M. and Nashville Commandery No. 1, K.T. On Jan. 5, 1835 he was recorded as a visitor to the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. d. April 23, 1863. James Otis (1725-1783) American Revolutionary statesman, known for the phrase, "taxation without representation is tyranny." b. Feb. 5, 1725 at West Barnstable, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1743, and then studied law under Jeremiah Gridley, q.v. Began law practice at Plymouth, but moved to Boston in 1750. He was king's advocate general in 1760, when the royal customs collectors applied for writs of search and seizure. He thereupon resigned his office and appeared as counsel for the Boston merchants to oppose the issuance of the writs. He made a five-hour presentation, basing his opposition on principles of natural law, superior to acts of parliament, for which he has remained famous. He was in the Mass. legislature from 1761. He became insane about 1771, and lived at the home of his sister at Watertown. When he heard the rumor of the Battle of Bunker Hill, he stole away, borrowed a musket, and joined the minute men who were marching to the aid of the troops at Bunker Hill. He took an active part in that battle and made his way home again toward midnight. The last years of his life were spent at Andover. He had lucid intervals, and even tried cases on occasions. He was killed by lightning while standing in his front doorway on May 23, 1783. Made a Mason in St. Johns Lodge, Boston, Mass., March 11, 1752. Merrill E. Otis (1884-1944) Federal Judge, Western District of Missouri, 1925-44. b. July 7, 1884 in Nodaway Co., Mo. Graduate of U. of Missouri in 1906. Admitted to the bar in 1910 and began practice at St. Joseph, Mo. the following year. In 1926-27 he was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Received the degrees in Acacia Lodge No. 602, Columbia, Mo.on April 11, 25 and May 4, 1910. Affiliated with Zeredatha Lodge No. 189, St. Joseph, Mo. on June 11, 1912. 32 AASR (SJ) in St. Joseph Consistory on April 15, 1926; KCCH, Oct. 20, 1931; 33 on Oct. 24, 1941. d. Dec. 23, 1944.

Edward S. Ott Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Dec. 30, 1893 at Mt. Hermon, La. Graduate of Louisiana State U. in 1917, he was commissioned that year and advanced through the grades to brigadier general in 1942. Retired on disability in 1947. He was an instructor in service schools, 192537, and on the War Department general staff at Washington, D.C., 193942. He was then on staff of Army Ground Force; artillery commander of 91st Inf. Div.; commander of XV Corps artillery. Member of Franklin-ton Lodge No. 101, Franklinton, La. Degrees conferred by courtesy in Kansas and Hawaii between 1920-22. Member of Lawton Chapter No. 44, R.A.M., Lawton, Okla. President of Fort Sill Masonic Club, 1928-29. Nicolas Charles V. Oudinot (17911863) French general and Duc de Reggio. His father of the same name first held the title. He served in the Napoleonic armies, especially in the defense of France in 1813-14. In 1849 he commanded the expedition against -Rome and captured that city. The bulletin of the International Masonic Congress of 1917 states he was a Freemason. James Adolphus Oughton British Lieutenant General and 27th Grand Master Mason of Scotland, 1769-70. Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley (1825-1889) English musical theorist and composer of church music, anthems, oratorios. He was the author of Harmony in 1868, and Counterpoint, Canon and Fugue in 1869. He was interested in Freemasonry for nearly 40 years and was a grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England. Winfred Overholser Psychiatrist and superintendent of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D.C. b. April 21, 1892 in Worcester, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1912, and M.D. from Boston U. in 1916. In 1955 he received an honorary doctorate from Bonaventure U., the. only Franciscan U. in the world. He is one of America's leading figures in the field of psychiatry and mental health. Taught at Boston U. and is now professor of psychiatry of George Washington U. School of Medicine. Prominent in national mental health organizations. Mason; received 33, honorary (SJ) in 1957. Also awarded the coveted Gourgas Medal, highest decoration of the AASR, Northern Jurisdiction. Raised in Siloam Lodge, Westborough, Mass. in Jan., 1918. Member of Aleppo Shrine Temple, Boston, and National Sojourners at Bethesda, Md. Dimitted from Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M., N.Y.C., and Boston Commandery No. 1, Boston, Mass.

Lee S. Overman (1854-1930) U.S. Senator from North Carolina, 190330. b. Jan. 3, 1854 in Salisbury, N. Car. Graduate of Trinity Coll. (now Duke U.) in 1874. After teaching school for two years, he was private secretary to Gov. Zebulon B. Vance, and later to Gov. Thomas J. Jarvis. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1878, practicing at Salisbury from 1880. Served five terms in lower house of N. Car. and was speaker in 1893. Died in office; funeral services held in chamber of the U.S. senate. d. Dec. 12, 1930. Mason. John Overton (1766-1833) Tennessee jurist. b. April 9, 1766 in Louisa Co., Va. He moved to Kentucky before he was of age, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1787. Soon afterward he began practice in Nash-vile, Tenn., where he was an associate of Andrew Jackson, q.v., who was then district attorney. They formed a life-long friendship, and Jackson seldom took a legal step without consulting Overton. Before his death Overton became the wealthiest man in Tenn. He first established himself as as authority on titles, much confusion existing at that time in the district. He was appointed by Gov. Sevier, q.v., in 1804 to succeed Jackson as judge of the superior court, holding this post until 1810; elected judge of the supreme court of Tenn. in 1811, he held that position until his retirement in 1816. He was a member of Georgetown Lodge No. 3, Ky., and in 1812 became a charter member of Cumberland Lodge No. 8 of Nashville. In 1803 he is listed as a visitor to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. d. April 12, 1833. John H. Overton (1875-1948) U.S. Senator from Louisiana, 1933-48; U.S. Congressman, 1931-33. b. Sept. 17, 1875 in Marksville, La. Graduate of Louisiana State U. in 1895 and Tulane U. in 1897. Practiced Law at Alexandria, La. from 1898. Member of Oliver Lodge No. 84, Alexandria, La., receiving degrees, June 24, July 9, 16, 1902. Exalted in Keystone Chapter No. 44, R.A.M., Aug. 10, 1910, and knighted in Trinity Commandery No. 8, K.T., Jan. 19, 1911, all of Alexandria, La. d. May 14, 1948. Abraham Owen (1769-1811) American Colonel who was killed at the Battle of Tippecanoe. b. 1769 in Va. He emigrated to Ky. in 1785, and served in the Indian campaigns under Gen. James Wilkinson, q.v., in 1791. He was subsequently a magistrate, surveyor of Shelby Co. Ky., and a colonel of the first militia regiment raised in Ky. He was in the state legislature in 1798, a member of the state constitutional convention the following year, and in 1810, a state senator. He was the first to join Gen. Wm. H. Harrison, q.v., and was his aide-de-camp. A county in Ky. is named in his honor. He was a past master of Shelbyville Lodge No. 5, Shelbyville, Ky. d. Nov. 7, 1811.

D. T. Owen (1878-1947) Primate of the Church of England in Canada, and Archbishop of Toronto. b. July 29, 1878 in Twickenham, England. Graduate of Trinity Coll.; U. of Toronto in 1907 and 1916. Honorary degrees from several other universities. Mason and 33 AASR. d. April 9, 1947. John Owen (1787-1841) Governor of North Carolina, 1828-30. b. Aug. 1787 in Bladen Co., N. Car. Educated in U. of Nox th Carolina, and engaged in planting. He was in the state legislature from 1812-28. He exercised a wide influence in state politics and did much for education; urged prison reforms, and others. He was president of the convention that nominated William H. Harrison, q.v., for president, and he declined the nomination for vicepresident. A member of Phoenix Lodge No. 8, Fayetteville, N. Car., he received his degrees Feb. 21, May 5, 1809, and Dec. 5, 1810. Was suspended NPD on Nov. 7, 1823, but must have reaffiliated, for he was twice elected deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, serving in 1929-30. d. Oct. 9, 1841. Robert L. Owen (1856-1947) U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, 1907-25. b. Feb. 3, 1856 in Lynchburg, Va. Graduate of Washington and Lee U. in 1877. Began practice of law in 1880. From 1885-89 he was U.S. Indian agent for the Five Civilized Tribes. He was the organizer and president of the First National Bank of Muskogee, and was interested in real estate. In the senate, he drafted the Federal Reserve Act and the Farm Loan Act. Received degrees in Cherokee Lodge No. 10, Tahlequah, Okla. on April 8, July 8, Sept. 8, 1881 and was senior warden in 1883. Dimitted in 1884 and became charter member of Muskogee Lodge No. 28, Muskogee, Okla. on Nov. 7, 1888. 32 AASR (SJ). d. July 19, 1947. Member of Bedouin Shrine Temple, Muskogee. Walter C. Owen (1868-1934) Justice, Supreme Court of Wisconsin, 1918-34. b. Sept. 26, 1868 in Trenton, Wis. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1891, practicing law in Superior, Wis. from 1891-98, and then at Maiden Rock. He was a state senator, and attorney general of Wisconsin. Received degrees in Maiden Rock Lodge No. 196, Maiden Rock, Wis. in 1900; dimitted in 1920 to affiliate with Madison Lodge No. 5, Madison, Wis., Oct. 21, 1920. d. April 15, 1934. Joshua T. Owens (1 8 2 1-1 8 8 7) Brigadier General in Civil War. b. March 29, 1821 in Caermarthen, Wales. He emigrated to the U.S. with his parents in 1830, settling in Baltimore, Md. Admitted to the bar in 1852, he, with his brother Robert, established Chestnut Hill Academy for boys. Entered the Union forces as a private in 1861, and after three months service, organized and was placed in command of the 69th Pa. _Rgt. He participated

with his regiment in every battle fought by the Army of the Potomac from Fair Oaks to Cold Harbor, and was promoted to brigadier general of volunteers for meritorious conduct at the Battle of Glendale on Nov. 29, 1862. Mustered out of service in 1864, he returned to the practice of law, and in 1866 was elected recorder of deeds of Philadelphia. In 1871 he founded the New York Daily Register, a law journal, which became the official organ of the New York courts in 1873. He was the first master of William B. Schnider Lodge No. 419, Philadelphia. d. Nov. 7, 1887. 298 Thomas Oxnard Walter D. Owens (1903-1952) Insurance executive. b. May 16, 1903 in Jacksonville, Fla. Started in insurance business in Jacksonville, Fla. in 1922, and later in Orlando, Atlanta, Ga. and Charlotte, N. Car. Went with U.S. Casualty Co. in 1932, rising to vice president in 1935, and president from 1948. Was also vice president and director of the New Amsterdam Casualty Co. of N.Y.C. Member of Malta Lodge No. 641, Atlanta, Ga., receiving degrees Jan. 8, 22 and Feb. 12, 1930. d. June 23, 1952. G. Bromley Oxnam Methodist Bishop and former president of World Council of Churches. b. Aug. 14, 1891 in Sonora, Calif. Graduate of U. of Southern Calif. in 1913 and Boston U. in 1915, with graduate work in courses in universities in U.S., Japan, China, India, and England. Ordained to the Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1916, he served churches in Calif. and was professor in U. of Southern Calif. and Boston U. School of Theology until 1928, when he became president of DePauw U. at Greencastle, Ind. In 1936 he was elected bishop and served as resident bishop of Omaha area, 193639; Boston area, 1939-44; New York area, 1944-52; and Washington, D.C. area since 1952. He was president of American Fed. Council of Churches, 1944-46, and was one of the presiding officers at the organization of the National Council of Churches of Christ in U.S.A. at Cleveland, Ohio in 1950. In 1948 he became the first American president of the World Council of Churches,serving until 1954. In 1945 he was the representative of American churches at the enthronement of the Archbishop of Canterbury, q.v. He is the author of 16 books, the latest (1954) being I Protest. He was raised in Temple Lodge No. 47, Greencastle, Ind. on Nov. 22, 1929; exalted in Greencastle Chapter No. 22, R.A.M. on Feb. 2, 1931; knighted in Greencastle Commandery No. 11, K.T. June 2, 1931; received the 32 AASR on Dec. 5, 1929 and honorary 33 (NJ) on Sept. 28, 1949. Thomas Oxnard (1703-1754) Provincial Grand Master of North America. b. in Durham, England. He became a member of the First Lodge, Boston, on Jan. 21, 1736, and was master of the same. He was one of the founders of the Masters' Lodge, about Jan. 2, 1739. He was appointed deputy grand master in 1739, succeeding Tomlinson, q.v., as grand master.

His grand master's commission is dated Sept. 23, 1743, and was received in Boston, March 6, 1744. His original warrant specifically appoints him as provincial grand master of North America and gives him full power to constitute lodges in North America. This he did, most of them around Boston, Newfoundland, RI., Md., Conn. The honor of being the first provincial grand master for North America is also claimed by some for Henry Price of Mass. and Joseph Montfort of S. Car., qq.v. Price's commission was dated April 30, 1733 and Montfort's Jan. 14, 1771. Oxnard died June 25, 1754. 299

Charles F. Pabst Physician and dermatologist who originated the term "athlete's foot." b. Dec. 3, 1887 in N.Y.C. Received M.D. degree from Long Island Coll. Hospital in 1909. Has been chief of clinic for skin diseases at Greenpoint hospital since 1915. In WWI he was medical officer in charge of treatment of skin diseases at U.S. Naval Hospital, Norfolk, Va. An expert swimmer, he has saved several persons from drowning. In 1934 he gave the government an inexpensive, non-patented formula for fireproofing ships, clothing, and fabrics. He called attention to the widespread prevalence of ringworm infection on feet and started a campaign against bare feet. He pointed out the dangers of overexposure to the summer sun and gave the term "heliophobe" to individual whose skin will not tan. Raised in Aurora Grata Day Star Lodge No. 756, Brooklyn, N.Y. on Nov. 29, 1921. 32 AASR (NJ) Knight Templar and member of Kismet Shrine Temple, Brooklyn, N.Y. Frederick Pabst (1836-1904) President of Pabst Brewing Co. b. March 28, 1836 in Nicholausreith, Saxony. He came to the U.S. in 1848, and for some time was captain of the steamer Comet on the Great Lakes. He became a brewer in 1862 and was president of the Pabst Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. He was raised in Cleveland Lodge No. 211, Chicago, Ill. on Jan. 17, 1861 and petitioned Aurora Lodge No. 30, Milwaukee, for affiliation on June 26, 1866, being elected that date. d. Jan. 1, 1904. Fred Pabst, Jr. (1869-1958) President of Pabst Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. b. Nov. 3, 1869 in Milwaukee, the son of Frederick Pabst, q.v., founder of Pabst Brewing Co. Began as a brewer and director of the company in 1893. Was vice president from 1899-1905, vice president of Pabst Farms, Inc., president of Pabst Corp., 1921-32, vice president of Premier Pabst Corp., 1932-39, and chairman of board, 1939-54. Life member of Lafayette Lodge No. 265, Milwaukee. d. Feb. 22, 1958.

Charles N. Pace (1877-1954) President of Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn., 1934-48. b. Oct. 13, 1877 in Keosauqua, Iowa. Graduate of Iowa Wesleyan in 1899 and 1912. Entered Methodist ministry in 1899, serving churches at Sigourney and Knoxville, Iowa until 1912, and then at St. Paul and Duluth, Minn. until 1933, when he became district superintendent. Received degrees in Braden Lodge No. 168, St. Paul, Minn. on Oct. 14, 28, Nov. 6, 1915 and affiliated with Ionic Lodge No. 186, Duluth on Nov. 13, 1916. d. Dec. 19, 1954. Rustum Pacha. Governor General of Lebanon, who in the 1860's made a national park of the Bsharri grove of Lebanon cedars, and put a wall around it to prevent depredation and guard against fires. He was a Freemason. This is the largest existing grove of Lebanon cedars mentioned in Masonic ritual, and contains about 420 trees. Romualdo Pacheco (1 8 3 1-1 8 9 9) First native born Californian to become governor of that state, 1875; U.S. Congressman 1877-1878, 187983. U.S. minister to Central American States in 1890; Honduras and Guatemala in 1891, serving until 1893. b. Oct. 31, 1831 in Santa Barbara, Calif. as a Mexican citizen. His father, of the same name, a captain of the Santa Barbara garrison, was killed in a battle between the troops of Governor Manuel Victoria and Pablo de la Portill, not far from Los Angeles. Pacheco turned to nautical studies and then to ranching, after attending school in Hawaii. Among the public offices held by Pacheco were state senator, state assemblyman, county judge, state treasurer, and lieutenant governor. He retired from active life in 1893, and lived at Oakland. He was made a Mason in old San Luis Obispo Lodge No. 148, in 1863, and served as its marshal the same year. In 1865, when it voted to surrender its charter, he affiliated with Washington Lodge No. 20 at Sacramento, where he was occupying the office of state treasurer. No matter where he traveled, or what offices he held after that, he remained a member of this lodge the rest if his life. d. Jan. 23, 1899, and was buried with Masonic honors. He was also a member of Sacramento Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. Arthur J. Packard Hotel executive. b. Oct. 14, 1901 in Faribault, Minn. President of Packard Hotels Co., Graystone Hotels Co., Van Wert Hotels Co., and Arthur J. Packard Co. A director of Red Book Publishing Co. and several other firms. Raised in Mt. Zion Lodge No. 9, Mt. Vernon, Ohio in 1928. Member of Clinton Chapter No. 26, R.A.M., Mt. Vernon; 32 AASR (NJ) at Columbus and Aladdin Shrine Temple, Columbus, Ohio.

Francis H. Packer (1872-?) Sculptor. b. Feb. 13, 1873. Among his works are the statues of Chief Justice Thomas Ruffin and Ensign Worth Bagley, Raleigh, N.C. and of Attorney General George Davis, Wilmington, N.C.; "Monument to the Soldiers of the Confederacy" at Wilmington, N.C., and monuments to Nathanael Greene at Greensboro, N.C. and to Surgeon General E. B. Wolcott, Milwaukee, Wis.; the Alfred Benjamin Memorial Fountain, Kansas City, Mo.; and the T. E. Spunt Memorial, Wilmington, N.C. Designed medal commemorating Byrd Antarctic Expedition. Raised Dec. 14, 1917 in Henry Clay Lodge No. 277, N.Y.C. and dimitted Jan. 25, 1935. William F. Packer (1 8 0 7-18 7 0) Governor of Pennsylvania, 1857-61. b. April 2, 1807 in Howard, Pa. Apprenticed himself at age of 13 to a newspaper publisher, worked as a journeyman, and in 1827, became one Of the proprietors and editors of the Lycoraing Gazette, of which he was sole manager from 1829-36. Was one of the founders of The Keystone at Harrisburg in 1836. Served in state senate and house; was auditor-general of Pa., and president of Susquehanna Railroad. Made a Mason in Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia, and admitted to Lodge No. 106 of Williamsport, March 1, 1847. d. Sept. 27, 1870. Algernon S. Paddock (1830-1897) U.S. Senator from Nebraska, 187581, 1887-93. b. Nov. 9, 1830 in Glens Falls, N.Y. Taught school and moved to Omaha, Nebr. in 1857, where he began practice of law. Was a delegate to the first territorial convention in 1859, and secretary of the Territory of Nebraska from 1861 until territory was admitted as a state in 1867. During this time he was often acting governor. Was member of Federal commission having jurisdiction over elections in Territory of Utah from 1882-86. He later engaged in the brokerage business at Beatrice, Nebr. Member of Capitol Lodge No. 3, Omaha, Nebr. d. Oct. 17, 1897. Charles W. Paddock (1900-1943) Editor and athlete, who in 1920 was called "the world's fastest human." b. Aug. 11, 1900 in Gainesville, Texas. Graduate of Southern Calif. U. in 1922, and Ph.D. from U. of Paris in 1923. Began as newspaper man in 1914, and became vice president and general manager of the Star-News, Pasadena, Calif. He was also a columnist, syndicate feature writer, and short story writer. Served in WWI as second lieutenant in Field Artillery. Was winner of the 100 meter Olympic championship in 19 2 0; American champion, 1920-29; and Inter-Allied champion (100 and 200 meters) in 1919. Member of Carmelita Lodge No. 599, Pasadena, Calif., June 10, 1926. Killed June 22, 1943 in a Naval airplane crash near Sitka, Alaska.

Jose Antonio Paez (17 9 0-18 7 3) Venezuelan General who helped establish that country, and was three times president of same. b. June 13, 1790. He led in the struggle against Spain from 1810-23, and was chiefly responsible for bringing Venezuela into the new republic of Great Colombia. In 1829 he led a revolt against Bolivar, and in 1830 became the first president of the new Republic of Venezuela. He was president and dictator from 183146. In 1847 he led the revolt of the conservatives against President Monagas, q.v., but was captured and imprisoned until 1850. He went into exile in 1850, but returned in 1858 and was made minister to the U.S., holding that position until 1860. He was again proclaimed dictator in 1861, but in 1863 was forced to resign and go into exile again. He died in N.Y.C. on May 6, 1873. In 1925 the representative of the Venezuelan department of state in Washington, D.C. presented Paez's sword to General John J. Pershing, q.v. Paez was alsothe first grand master of Venezuela, and on the establishment of the Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Venezuela, May 1, 1840, he became its first sovereign grand commander, serving until 1843. He is also listed as an honorary member of the United Supreme Council for the Western Hemisphere in 1832. He was present at the Lodge Union y Concordia at Kingston, Jamaica, June 26, 1847. John Page (1744-1808) Governor of Virginia, 1802-05; U.S. Congressman to 1st through 4th Congresses, 1789-97. b. April 17, 1744 at "Roswell," Gloucester Co., Va. Graduate of William and Mary in 1763, where he was the intimate friend of Thomas Jefferson. Was with Washington on one of his western expeditions against the French and Indians. In the Revolution, he raised a regiment of militia to repel a British invasion; was a colonel in the Continental Army. He was lieutenant governor of Virginia when the war started. Page was a member of the state house of delegates for many years. Member of Botetourt Lodge No. 7, Gloucester, Va. d. Oct. 11, 1808. John Page (1787-1865) U.S. Senator and Governor of New Hampshire. b. May 21, 1787 in Haverhill, N.H. Received little education and became a farmer. In 1818 he was elected to the state legislature and served two years; served another term in 1835. Was U.S. senator in 1836-37, being elected to fill a vacancy. Elected governor of N.H. in 1839 and served until 1842. Member of King Solomon's Lodge No. 14, New London, N.H. d. Sept. 8, 1865. Bayard H. Paine (1872-1955) Jus_ tice, Supreme Court of Nebraska, 1930-48. b. April 27, 1872 near Painesville, Ohio. Graduate of Northwestern U. in 1894, and Nebraska Wesleyan U. in 1934 (honorary). Began law practice in 1904 at Grand Island, Nebr. He was at one time referee in bankruptcy, and district judge. Member of Ashler Lodge No. 33, Grand Island,

Nebr. from 1916. 32 AASR (SJ) and Knight Templar. d. April 19, 1955. Edward Paine Soldier of the American Revolution and founder of Painesville, Ohio. Member of Erie Lodge No. 47 (now 3) of Warren, Ohio, and its second master. Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814) Signer of the Declaration of Independence. b. March 11, 1731 in Boston, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1749. He studied theology and preached for a time, but finally took up law and practiced in Boston. He afterward removed to Taunton. He was a delegate to the provincial congress in 1774-75, and the Continental Congress from 1774-78, serving on important committees, and signing the Declaration of Independence. He was speaker of the Mass. house of representatives in 1777, and also attorney general of that state. From 1790-1804 he was judge of the supreme court of Mass. In 1780 he was a founder of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His son, Robert Treat Paine, Jr., q.v., was a poet. Paine is generally accepted as being a Mason. He was among those present at Roxbury, Mass. at a called meeting of the grand lodge, June 26, 1759. Some state that he was a member of Massachusetts Lodge, Boston. d. May 11, 1814. Robert Treat Paine, Jr. (1773-1811) Poet. b. Dec. 9, 1773 in Taunton, Mass., the son of Robert Treat Paine, q.v., signer of the Declaration of Independence. Graduate of Harvard in 1792. He wrote for several newspapers and became interested in the stage. When he married an actress, his father renounced him, and he was ex-eluded from fashionable society. He then studied law at Newburyport and practiced for a time in Boston. His writings were full of wit and sarcasm and have been called common-place and tawdry by some critics. There is no proof of his Masonic membership, but the name of "Massachusetts Lodge" creeps up in his biography as it does in his father's. The Gentleman's Pocket Register and Free-Masons Annual Anthology of 1813 carried a Masonic ode "written for, and sung at the anniversary of the Massachusetts Lodge, on the visitation of the Grand Lodge, 1796. By the late R. T. Paine, Jr. Esq." d. Nov. 13, 1811. Thomas Paine (1737-1809) Political philosopher and author who wrote Common Sense; Crisis, the Rights of Man; and The Age of Reason. b. in England of Quaker parents. He tried various occupations but finally went bankrupt. At the suggestion of Benjamin Franklin, he came to America in 1774, and became the editor of Pennsylvania Magazine. His 47 page pamphlet Common Sense, published in 1776, advocated absolute independence, and did much to concentrate sentiment in favor of immediate

independence in the colonies. He served for a time in the Continental Army as an aide to General Nathanael Greene, q.v., and following the war went to England and France. He was soon outlawed from England for his writings, urging the people to overthrow their monarchy. He fled to France and became a member of the National Convention and a French citizen. Again he offended the party in power (Jacobins), and was imprisoned. While in prison he wrote The Age of Reason. This was an attack on the Christian religion, and it alienated many of his former friends. Paine, himself, was a Deist. Returning to America in 1802, he became involved in political controversies and lived his last years in ostracism and relative poverty. Although Paine wrote An Essay on the Origin of Freemasonry, he was not a Freemason. This essay sought to trace Freemasonry to the Celtic Druids. He drew on Smith Dodd and Prichard for his references. Certain writers have made claims that he was a member of various lodges both in America and France. d. June 8, 1809. Gamaliel Painter (1743-1819) Revolutionary War soldier and principal founder of Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. b. May 22, 1743 in New Haven, Conn. He built the first house in Middlebury in 1773. In the Revolution he was a captain and quartermaster. In 1777 he was a delegate to the convention that declared the independence of Vt. Later he served in the state legislature and was a judge of the county court. He left $10,000 to Middlebury Coll. Member of Union Lodge No. 5, Middlebury, Vt. d. May 21, 1819. Lord James Paisley (see 7th Earl of Abercorn). Raimundo Andueza Palacio President of the Republic of Venezuela, 1890-92. Was 17th sovereign grand commander of the Supreme Council, 33, AASR from 1885-88. William Palfrey (1741-1780) Paymaster General in American Revolution. b. in 1741 in Boston, Mass. He was active in the movements that preceded the Revolution, and visited England in 1771. He was an aide to Washington from March until April, 1776, when he was appointed paymastergeneral with rank of lieutenant colonel. In Nov., 1780, he was appointed consul general to France by a unanimous vote of congress. Bound for France, he embarked in Dec. on a ship that was never heard from again. He became a member of St. Andrews Lodge, Boston, Jan. 26, 1761, and when Massachusetts Lodge was instituted, he became its charter secretary. From 1769-71 he was grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. d. Dec., 1780.

Tomas Estrada Palma (1835-1908) First President of Cuba. Cuban patriot who joined other Cuban Masons, such as Carlos Manuel de Cespedes and Ignacio Agramonte y Loinaz, in the war which followed the declaration of independence on Oct. 10, 1868. He freed his slaves to demonstrate espousal of his principles. He was betrayed and imprisoned in 1877-78. Next he was in exile in Honduras and the U.S. until 1902. When another uprising took place in 1895, he offered his services to that cause, and he became Cuban minister plenipotentiary to the U.S. When the country was turned back to its people in 1902, during Theodore Roosevelt's administration, Palma became the first president of the Republic. He was reelected in 1906, but petty politics caused serious internal disorders and he appealed to the U.S. The troubles were not cleared up, and he and his cabinet resigned in Sept. 1906. The U.S. again took over. d. 1908. He was initiated in a lodge in Bayamo, Cuba, in 1868. Charles S. Palmer (1858-1939) A chemist, who in 1900 invented the basic process for cracking oils to gasoline. He patented his process in 1907, and in 1916 sold his rights to Standard Oil Co. of Ind. b. Aug. 4, 1858 in Danville, Ill. Graduate of Amherst in 1879 and 1882, and of Johns Hopkins in 1886. Was professor of chemistry at U. of Colorado from 1887-92; president of Colorado School of Mines, 1902-03. He was then chief chemist of Washoe Smelter, Anaconda, Mont., associate editor of Engineering and Mining Journal, and consulting chemist for a number of companies. He defined chemical terms in Webster's International Dictionary in 1890. d. Nov. 30, 1939. Mason. Clyde E Palmer (18 7 6-1 9 5 7) Newspaper publisher. b. Aug. 24, 1876 in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Started as stenographer in Texarkana Gazette and News, Texarkana, Texas in 1894, and became publisher after 1909. In Arkansas he published the El Dorado News and Times, Hot Springs New Era and Sentinel Record, and was co-publisher of the Hope Star. He also owned radio stations in Texarkana, Hot Springs, and Camden. He was president of the Palmer Foundation, a philanthropic organization he endowed in 1944. Member of Border Lodge No. 672, Texarkana, Texas, receiving degrees on July 13, Sept. 21, Dec. 21, 1926. Member of Amrita Grotto. d. July 4, 1957. Elbridge W. Palmer (1886-1953) Book manufacturer and president of Kingsport Press at Kingsport, Tenn. from 1925. b. Dec. 4, 1886 in Meredith, N.H. Was with several printing concerns, including J. F. Tapley Co., of which he was president, before establishing the Kingsport Press. Was president of the National Society for Crippled Children from 1940-49; former director of Rotary International, and recipient of highest awards by Boy Scouts. Member of Orient Lodge, Norwood, Mass.; Lynn Bachman Chapter No. 195, R.A.M. and Kingsport Commandery No. 33, K.T., both of Kingsport, Tenn. and

Holston Council No. 101, R. & S.M. of Johnson City, Tenn. 32 AASR and Shriner. d. Nov. 18, 1953. George W. Palmer (1 8 3 5-1 8 8 7) Brigadier General (brevet) in Civil War. b. June 7, 1835 in Ripley, N.Y. Active in politics throughout his life, he supported Lincoln, and in 1861 was assistant clerk in the U.S. senate. Served in quartermaster general's office in Civil War, and afterward was appointed captain and provost marshal of the 31st district of N.Y. In 1864 he became military secretary to Gov. Reuben E. Fenton, and later commissarygeneral of ordnance of N.Y. state, with the rank of brigadier general. In 1868 he was quartermaster general. He practiced law in N.Y.C. from 1869. Member of Bunting Lodge No. 655, N.Y.C. d. Jan. 2, 1887. Henry E. Palmer (1841-1911) Western pioneer. b. July 31, 1841 in Centerville, Ohio. Received only a few months of formal education. Enlisted in Union Army in 1861 and rose to captain. He was chief of staff of Gen. P. E. Connor's command in the Powder River Indian expedition of 1865. He can be considered as a pioneer in several states: Wis. (1853); Neb. (1860); Colo. (1860); Kans. (1861); Wyo. (1865-66), where he was the first settler on Big Horn River; Mont. (1866); Idaho (1867). He was senior member of H. E. Palmer Son & Co., general insurance from 1869. Was commander of Neb. department, G.A.R. i n 1884-85. Affiliated with Macoy Lodge No. 22 (later changed to Plattsmouth Lodge No. 6) ; dimitted to Covert Lodge No. 11, Omaha. Affiliated with Nebraska Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. at Plattsmouth in Dec., 1869 and was grand high priest of Nebraska in 1884-85. Member of Mt. Zion Commandery No. 5, Plattsmouth, being knighted on Feb. 15, 1893. d. April 9, 1911. Henry L. Palmer (1819-1909) President of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.; Sovereign Grand Commander of Northern Supreme Council AASR for 30 years (1879-1909); Grand Master of the Grand Encampment, K.T., in 1865. b. Oct. 18, 1819 in Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Was admitted to the bar and practiced at West Troy, N.Y. until 1849, when he moved to he continued practice in Milwaukee. Was four times member of the state assembly, and speaker of same in 1853. Served two terms as state senator, and was county judge of Milwaukee Co., 1873-74. Raised in Evening Star Lodge No. 75, West Troy, N.Y. in 1841, and affiliated with Tracy Lodge (now Wisconsin No. 13) of Milwaukee in 1849. Served several terms as master of this lodge, and was twice grand master of Grand Lodge of Wisconsin (1852-53), (1871-72). Exalted in Apollo Chapter No. 48, Troy, N.Y., he was a charter member of Wisconsin Chapter No. 7, serving as high priest several years, and as grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Wisconsin in 1858-59. Was master of Wisconsin Council R. & S.M. several years and grand master of the Grand

Council of Wisconsin in 186364. Knighted in Apollo Commandery No. 15, K.T. at Troy, N.Y., he assisted in organizing Wisconsin Commandery No. 1 in 1850 and became its commander in 1853, serving nine successive years. He was grand commander of the Grand Commandery of Wisconsin for seven successive years, beginning in 1859. Received Scottish Rite degrees in 1863, including honorary 33. Crowned active 33 in 1864, and was grand commander from 1879 until a few days before his death, May 7, 1909. John M. Palmer (1817-1900) U.S. Senator from Illinois, 1891-97; Union Major General in Civil War. b. Sept. 13, 1817 in Eagle Creek, Ky., moving to Madison Co., Ill. in 1831. Read law and was admitted to the bar through the influence of Stephen A. Douglas, q.v. He practiced at Carlinville, Ill. He presided over the Bloomington convention that organized the Republican Party, where Lincoln made the famous "lost speech" that started him on the way to the White House. In 1861 he was elected colonel of the 14th Ill. Inf., and two years later hewas a major general commanding the 14th Army Corps. He was military governor of Kentucky for 14 months. After the war he settled in Springfield, Ill., and was governor of the state from 1869-73. While in the senate, he introduced the legislation that changed the election of senators and representatives from the state legislatures to a direct vote of the people. In 1896 he was a candidate for president on the Gold-Democratic ticket. He was raised Sept. 24, 1849 at the first meeting of Mt. Nebo Lodge U.D. at Carlinville, and during his life in that city, he held every office in the lodge except that of master. He once served as grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Illinois, and was the representative of the G.L. of Nevada near the G.L. of Illinois. By his own request he was buried in Carlinville, by Mt. Nebo Lodge No. 76. d. Sept. 25, 1900. John R. Palmer College president. b. Aug. 18, 1916 in Lake Forest, Ill. Graduate of Dakota Wesleyan U. in 1940 and Iliff School of Theology in 1945. Ordained a Methodist minister in 1943. Served churches at Lemon and Plankinton, S. Dak., Denver, Colo., and Hanna, Wyo. until 1952, when he became president of Westminster College, Salt Lake City. In 1956 he became president of Morning-side College, Sioux City, Iowa. Member of Morningside Lodge No. 615, 32 AASR (SJ), Abu Bekr Shrine Temple, all of Sioux City, Iowa. Joseph B. Palmer (1825-1890) Confederate Brigadier General in Civil War. b. Nov. 1, 1825. Became a member of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 18, Nashville, Tenn. in July, 1847, and served as master of same. Exalted in Pythagoras Chapter No. 23, R.A.M., he became high priest. Knighted in Nashville Commandery No. 1 in 1850, he later became a charter member of Murfreesboro Commandery No. 10 and commander of same. In 1872 he was

grand commander of the Grand Commandery of Tennessee. d. Nov., 1890. Santiago R. Palmer (1844-1908) Founder of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico on Sept. 20, 1885. b. Feb. 25, 1844 in San German, Puerto Rico. Was raised in 1866 in La Union Germana Lodge No. 8, of his native town. In 1874 he founded in San German the lodge Tercera Prudencia No. 28, and in 1877, the Adelphia Lodge No. 40 at Mayaguez. He was then appointed deputy of the grand master of the United Grand Lodge of Colon and Island of Cuba for the Island of Puerto Rico. With the help of Aurelio Almeida, he revived many lodges and established new ones. It was through his efforts that the old grand lodge surrendered its rights and the new grand lodge of Puerto Rico was formed, with Palmer as first grand master. At his death, the Roman Catholic church refused his body the rights of burial, and even a grave in the cemetery. He was imprisoned for a time at Fajardo and Mayaguez, and again in Morro Castle, because of his political beliefs, but was freed through the intervention of the Prince of Wales. d. March 31, 1908. Thomas W. Palmer (1830-1913)-U.S. Senator from Michigan, 1883-89; U.S. Minister to Spain, 1889. b. Jan. 25, 1830 in Detroit, Mich. Educated in U. of Michigan. He engaged in lumbering and agricultural pursuits. Was a member of the state senate in 187980. After his term as U.S. senator, he was not a candidate for reelection. He was president of the national commission of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1890-93. Retired to his Wayne Co. farm home near Detroit. Received degrees in Fidelity Lodges No. 32, Hillsdale, Mich., on June 6 and July 12, 1852 (no record of second degree), and transferred to Maxson Lodge No. 26 on Jan. 2, 1860. d. June 1, 1913. Baron of Panmure (see Fox-Maule Dalhousie). Lord Panmure William Ramsay Maule, Member of Parliament and Grand Master Mason of Scotland in 1808-09. Pasquale di Paoli (1725-1807) Corsican patriot. He commanded the Corsican forces in the expulsion of the Genoese in 1755 and continued the struggle for independence after the cession of Corsica by Genoa to France. When defeated in 1769, he took refuge in England where he was welcomed as a friend by Dr. Johnson, q.v., and pensioned. Boswell, q.v., wrote of him in his Account of Corsica in 1768. He was recalled to Corsica in 1789 as military governor, and led another revolt against France in 1793. With the help of the British, he expelled the French and turned the island over to England. He was disappointed in the hope of being viceroy, and retired to England in 1796.

Had he not been a Roman Catholic, he would have received burial in Westminster Abbey; instead a cenotaph with a medallion by Flaxman stands there to his memory. He became a member of the Lodge of the Nine Muses No. 325, Jan. 14, 1779, and a member of Prince of Wales Lodge No. 259, London in 1800. Paracelsus (1493-1541) A charlatan who established the "Paracelsist" school from which the founders of the Hermetic Freemasonry drew much of the cabalistic and mystical science. His full name was Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus Paracelsus de Hohenheim. Born in Germany, he devoted his life to the study of astrology, alchemy, magic, and medicine, and finally proclaimed himself to be the "monarch" of all such sciences. 307 George C. Pardee George C. Pardee (1857-1941) Governor of California, 1903-07. b. July 25, 1857 in San Francisco, Calif. Graduate of U. of California in 1879, 1882, and M.D. degree from U. of Leipzig in 1885. His practice was confined to diseases of the eye and ear. Served as mayor of Oakland, Calif. and regent of the state university. Member of Oakland Lodge No. 188 and past master of same. Also member of Oakland Chapter No. 36, R.A.M. d. Sept. 1, 1941. Guy B. Park (1872-1946) Governor of Missouri, 1933-37. b. June 10, 1872 in Platte City, Mo. Graduate of U. of Missouri in 1896. Began law practice at Platte City in 1896. He served as city attorney, county prosecuting attorney, and was circuit judge from 1923-33. Member of state constitutional conventions of 1922 and 1943-44. Member of Platte City Lodge No. 504, receiving degrees on April 24, May 9 and 23, 1904. Served as master in 1909-10. Exalted in Platte City Chapter No. 21, R.A.M., Feb. 17, 1909, and was high priest, 1911-13. Knighted in Belt Commandery No. 9, K.T. of Platte City, May 4, 1909; was commander in 1911. When Belt consolidated with Weston Commandery No. 2, Weston, Mo., in Jan., 1933, he continued his membership there. Member of St. Chrysostom Conclave, R.C.C. at Columbia, Mo. and Moila Shrine Temple of St. Joseph, of which he was a life member. d. Oct. 1, 1946. John Park (1754-1789) Soldier of American Revolution, and poet. b. April 7, 1754 in Dover, Del. Educated at the Coll. of Philadelphia. At the beginning of the Revolution he entered the Continental Army and served in the quartermaster's department. Was with Washington's army until close of hostilities, and attained the rank of lieutenant colonel. After the war he lived at Philadelphia, and later in Va. He published The Lyric Works of Horace, Translated Into English Verse. It was dedicated to Washington, and the

translation in rhymed verse is paraphrased by the substitution of American characters for the Roman worthies. Park was an original member of American Union Lodge in April, 1776, and past master of same. He later became a member of Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia. d. Dec. 11, 1789. Alton B. Parker (1852-1926) Chief Justice, Court of Appeals, N.Y. and Democratic candidate for president in 1904 against Theodore Roosevelt. b. May 14, 1852 in Cortland, N.Y. Graduate of Albany Law School (N.Y.) in 1873. Practiced at Kingston, N.Y. Was justice of supreme court of N.Y. from 1885-89; member of court of appeals from 1889. Resigned as chief justice of appellate court to accept Democratic nomination for presidency. Later returned to private practice. In 1919 he was president of the National Civic Federation. Member of Kingston Lodge No. 10, Kingston, N.Y. and past master of same. d. May 10, 1926. Arthur C. Parker (1881-1955) Archaeologist and museum curator. An American Indian whose name was Ga-Wa-So-Wa-Neh, a nephew of General Ely S. Parker, q.v., the Seneca chief. b. April 5, 1881 on Cattaraugus Indian Reservation, N.Y. Studied at Dickinson Sem. (Pa.) and Harvard, and had several honorary degrees. He was an archaeologist at Harvard's Peabody Museum; ethnologist at N.Y. State Library; archaeologist for N.Y. State Museum; and director of Rochester (N.Y.) Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1925-46. Was a consultant on Indian affairs under presidents Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, and Coolidge. From 1919-22 he was N.Y. state commissioner on Indian affairs. He was the author of 12 books and more than 300 articles on various museum and Indian subjects. He was an organizer of the Society of American Indians, 308 Ely S. Parker serving as secretary from 1911-15, in which year he became president. In 1911 he founded "American Indian Day," the second Saturday in May. He was founder and editor (1911-16) of the American. Indian Magazine. He fought for opportunity for the Indian to make good, demonstrate ability, and to take a place side by side with other Americans. He was associate editor of The Builder, 1923-24. He wrote many articles on Freemasonry and had just finished one for the American Lodge of Research at the time of his death; was working on another for The Philalethes, of which he was a life member. Among his other Masonic writings was American Indian Freemasonry (1919). Several of his books contain Masonic references, including Red Jacket; Last of the Seneca; Life of General Ely S. Parker. Member of John Hodge Lodge No. 815, Naples, N.Y. and honorary member of Ely Parker Lodge No. 1002, Buffalo. He was raised in Masters Lodge No. 5, Albany, N.Y. A member of both the York and Scottish rites, he was made honorary 33 on Sept. 16, 1924 (NJ), and was a member of the Royal Order

of Scotland. d. Jan. 1, 1955. Ben H. Parker University president and business executive. b. Nov. 3, 1902 in Oklahoma City, Okla. Graduate of Colorado School of Mines in 1924, 1932, and 1934. Was geologist with oil companies from 1924-31, when he became a teacher at the Colorado Sch. of Mines. He was president of same, 1946-50. He has been vice president of Frontier Refining Co. since 1942, and president of Gold Crest Mining Co., 1939-49. Member of Oklahoma City Lodge No. 36, Oklahoma City, Okla. and 32 AASR (SJ) in Rocky Mountain Consistory No. 2, Denver, Colo. Ely S. Parker (1828-1895) American Indian and Union Brigadier General in Civil War. b. on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation, N.Y. in 1828, he was the son of Seneca Chief, William Parker, and the grandson of the famous Red Jacket, q.v. His Seneca name was Hasanoanda which was changed to Donehogawa when he became a sachem and the eighth chief of the tribe. While working at Galena, Ill., as an engineer, he became the friend of U. S. Grant. On entering the Army, he became Grant's secretary (1863) and was present at the surrender of General Lee, writing the official document of surrender. He resigned from the army in 1869 to accept the appointment as commissioner of Indian affairs from President Grant. He retired in 1871, but subsequently held several positions in the city government of N.Y.C. An active Freemason throughout his life, he was raised in Batavia Lodge No. 88, Batavia, N.Y. in 1847, affiliating with Valley Lodge No. 109 of the same city, May 6, 1850. He dimitted from there on Sept. 6, 1858 to become a founder and first master of Miners' Lodge No. 273, Galena, Ill., serving from 185860. Dimitted from there in 1862 to become first master of Akron Lodge No. 527, Akron, N.Y. In 1861 he was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Illinois and grand representative of G.L. of Iowa near G.L. of Ill. Ely Parker Lodge No. 1002, Buffalo, N.Y. is named for him. Exalted in Hamilton Chapter No. 62, R.A.M. at Rochester, N.Y. on March 6, 1851, he became first high priest of Jo Daviess Chapter No. 51 of Ill., 1859-61. Knighted, April 22, 1853, in Monroe Commandery No. 12, K.T., Rochester, N.Y. and received the Cryptic degrees at Elmira N.Y. Ely S. Parker Council No. 60, R. & S.M. at Galena, Ill. was chartered in 1873 (now defunct). Parker's portrait was hung in Miners' Lodge at Galena, Ill., in 1873. d. Aug. 31, 1895. 309 Glenn Parker Glenn Parker Justice, Supreme Court of Wyoming from 1955. b. Nov. 25, 1898 in Murray, Iowa. Graduate of U. of Wyoming in 1922 and 1927. He taught school and was principal in Wyoming schools from 1922-26. Admitted to the bar in 1927, he practiced in Laramie. Served as city attorney, county attorney, and district judge. Member of Laramie Lodge No. 3,

Laramie, Wyo. 32 AASR (SJ) at Cheyenne. Homer C. Parker (1885-1946) U.S. Congressman, to 72nd and 73rd Congresses (1931-35) from 1st Ga. dist. b. Sept. 25, 1885 in Baxley, Ga. Graduate of Mercer U. in 1908. Practiced law in Statesboro, Ga. from 190827. He was comptroller general of Ga. in 1936-37 and comptroller general and insurance commissioner of Ga. 1941-46. Received degrees in Ogeechee Lodge No. 213, Statesboro, Ga. in 1915. Dimitted in 1938. d. June 22, 1946. Sir Horatio Gilbert Parker (18621932) Canadian author. b. in Ontario. He became the associate editor of the Sydney (Australia) Herald, from 188589, and wrote Round the Compass in Australia in 1892. Up to 1900 he devoted himself to the portrayal of Canadian woodsmen, Canadian life and character. He settled in London and became a Conservative member of parliament in 1900, and a champion of imperialism. He was in charge of the British propaganda in America in 1914-17. Among his writings are The World in the Crucible; Pierre and His People; Northern Lights; Right of Way; The Weavers; The Power and the Glory. His last book in 1928 was a Biblical story, The Promised Land. He became a member of Authors Lodge No. 3456, London, England, and was senior grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of England. Joel Parker (1816-1888) Governor of New Jersey, 1862-66; Judge, Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1880-88. b. Nov. 24, 1816 near Freehold, N.J. Graduate of Princeton in 1839; studied law, and settled in Freehold, N.J. Served in state assembly, as prosecuting attorney, and presidential elector. Was commissioned brigadier general of militia in 1857, and major general in 1861. He was elected as governor a second time in 1870, and, at the end of that term, became attorney general of the state. Raised April 24, 1857 in Olive Branch Lodge No. 16, Freehold, N.J. d. Jan. 2, 1888. John M. Parker (1863-1939) Governor of Louisiana, 1920-24. b. March 16, 1863. He was engaged in the cotton business at New Orleans from 1880; was president of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange in 1897 and Southern Commercial Congress in 1910. In 1916 he was the Progressive party's nominee for vice president of the U.S. He became a member of Louisiana Lodge No. 102, New Orleans on April 11, 1889. d. May 20, 1939. Joseph Parker Indian Chief and Grand Sachem of the Six Nations. Membership not known, but visited Friendship Lodge No. 153, Owego, N.Y. on June 24, 1853.

Myron M. Parker (1847-1929) Grand Master of District of Columbia, who was in charge of the Masonic ceremonies at the dedication of Washington Monument in Washington in 1885. b. Nov. 7, 1847 in Fairfax, Vt. d. March 24, 1929 in Washington, D.C. Sir Peter Parker (1721-1811) British Baronet and Admiral of the Fleet. b. in 1721. He became a post-captain in 1747, and in 1775 sailed on the Bristol, of 50 guns, to Charleston, S. Car. to cooperate with Sir Henry Clinton in his attack on that city. He arrived on June 28, 1776, and made an unsuccessful assault on Fort Moultrie, resulting in great loss of life and damage to his ships and final abandonment of the enterprise. He was subsequently knighted for his bravery in this battle. He aided Lord Howe in the capture of N.Y., commanded the squadron that took possession of R.I. in the latter part of 1776, and held the chief command on the Jamaica station from 1777-82. In the latter year he was made a baronet and subsequently was commander-inchief at Portsmouth, England. He was a member of parliament for Malden, and admiral of the "white." On the death of Lord Howe, he succeeded him as admiral of the fleet. He became a member of Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge No. 4 of London on Oct. 11, 1773 and was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of England from 1787 until his death on Dec. 21, 1811. Walter W. Parker (1889-1957) President of South East Missouri State Teachers College, Cape Girardeau, Mo. 1933-56. b. Jan. 17, 1889 in Howard Co., Ark. Graduate of Hendrix Coll., 1912 and 1929, and Columbia U. in 1915. Taught in Conway, Ark., Hendrix Academy, and Teachers College at Warrensburg, Mo. In 1928 he became president of State Teachers Coll., Alva, Okla. Received degrees in Corinthian No. 265, Warrensburg, Mo. in 1924; affiliated with Alva Lodge No. 105, Alva, Okla. in 1929, and on Feb. 26, 1935 affiliated with St. Marks Lodge No. 93, Cape Girardeau, Mo. d. Feb. 9, 1957. George A. Parks Territorial Governor of Alaska, 1925-33. b. May 29, 1883 in Denver, Colo. Graduate of Colo. School of Mines in 1906. Was mining engineer in Western U.S., Mexico, and Alaska, chief of field division of General Land Office, Alaska, 1920-23, and assistant superintendent of surveys and public lands of Alaska in 1924. Became territorial governor on appointment of President Coolidge,and was reappointed by President Hoover. Later, was district engineer for Alaska. Served as captain of engineers in WWI. Mason, 32 AASR (SJ) and Shriner. Peter Parley (see Samuel G. Goodrich).

Duke of Parma (see Jean Jacques Regis Cambaceres). Joseph W. Parmley (1861-1940) "Father of the Yellowstone Trail," the first 100 miles of same known as "Parmley Highway." b. Jan. 12, 1861 in Mifflin, Wis. Was a South Dakota dealer in western lands, and interested in abstract companies and Scranton Clay Products Corp. He was a member of the S.D. state legislature and state highway commissioner of S. Dak. Was active in promoting the Canada-Panama highway, better farming, good roads, and hydro-electric power. He was also the promoter of the International Peace Garden in Turtle Mountains, between N. Dak. and Manitoba. Raised in Devotion Lodge No. 76, Ipswich, S. Dak., Sept. 17, 1887. d. Dec. 15, 1940. Harvey Parnell (1880-1936) Governor of Arkansas, 1928-33. b. Feb. 28, 1880 in Cleveland Co., Ark. Began as clerk in hardware stores in Warren and Dermott, Ark., and from 1902-10 engaged in general mercantile business at Dermott, and later in farming. Served in lower house, 1919-20, and state senate, 1921-25. Was lieutenant governor, 1927-28. Made a Mason on April 30, 1906 in Branson Lodge No. 113, Tiller, Ark., and later affiliated with Dermott Lodge No. 659, Dermott. d. Jan. 16, 1936. John Parr Governor of Nova Scotia. Grand Master of Nova Scotia, 1786-91. Albion K. Parris (1788-1857) Governor, and U.S. Congressman and Senator from Maine. b. Jan. 19, 1788 in Auburn, Maine. Worked on the farm until age of 14, and graduated from Dartmouth in 1806. He then studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1809, practicing at Paris. Served as county prosecuting attorney, member of state assembly, and state senator. From 1815-19 he was U.S. congressman. In 1818 he was appointed as judge of the U.S. district court and moved to Portland. In 1819 he was a delegate to the state convention to draw up the constitution. He was governor of Maine from 182126; U.S. senator from 1826-28, when he resigned to become judge of the supreme court of Maine from 1828-36. In 1836-50 he was the second comptroller of the U.S. treasury. He became a member of Ancient Landmark Lodge No. 17, Portsmouth, Maine, March 15, 1809. d. Feb. 11, 1857. Lucian W. Parrish (1878-1922) U.S. Congressman from Texas to 66th Congress (1919-21) from 13th dist. b. Jan. 10, 1878 in Van Alstyne, Texas. Graduate of U. of Texas in 1906 and 1909. Began as a cowboy and earned money to pay for his education. Practiced law at Henrietta. In college he was the champion hammer thrower of the South. Member of Henrietta Lodge No. 454, Henrietta, Texas, receiving degrees on Sept. 8, Oct. 9, Nov. 8, 1917. d.

March 27, 1922. Claude V. Parsons (1895-1941) U.S. Congressman to 71st through 76th Congresses (1929-41) from 24th Ill. dist. b. Oct. 7, 1895 at McCormick, Ill. He taught and was county superintendent of schools in Pope Co., Ill., between 1914-30, and edited and published newspapers from 1924-30. Member of Stonefort Lodge No. 495, Stone-fort, Ill., receiving degrees on Feb. 25, March 4, 11, 1918. d. May 23, 1941. Lewis E. Parsons (? -1893) Provisional Governor of Alabama in 1865 by appointment of President Johnson. A New Yorker by birth, he settled in Talladega, Ala. in 1841 where he established a law practice. Was elected to lower house of state legislature in 1859 and in 1860 was a delegate to the Baltimore convention and supported Douglas for president. Although a Union man, he was well liked by his southern constituents and at the end of his term as provisional governor they elected him U.S. senator. The senate, however, refused to seat him. Received degrees in Clinton Lodge No. 38, Talladega, Ala., on July 30, Aug. 6, 27, 1843 and was senior warden in 1942 and 1852. Charter of this lodge forfeited in 1856. d. June 8, 1893. Samuel H. Parsons (1737-1789) Major General in American Revolution; on board that tried Major Andre; first judge of Northwest Territory. b. May 14, 1737 in Lyme, Conn. Graduate of Harvard in 1756, studied law, and admitted to the bar in 1759, first practicing in Lyme, Conn. Served 18 consecutive sessions in the state assembly, and was on the committee that originated the plan for forming the first congress, which met in N.Y., and was the forerunner of the Continental congress. Was appointed King's attorney in 1773, and moved to New London, Conn., where he was a member of the committee of correspondence. He was early a militia -officer. He joined Ethan Allan at Ticonderoga, participated in the Battle of Long Island in Aug. 1776, and was commissioned a brigadier general in that month. Served at Harlem Heights and White Plains, and was later stationed at Peekskill, N.Y., to protect the posts on the North River. He reinforced Washington in N.J. and built the fortifications at West Point. He was commissioned major general in 1780, and succeeded General Israel Putnam, q.v., in command of the Conn. line, serving until the close of the war. He then resumed law practice in Middletown, Conn., and in 1778 was appointed by Washington as the first judge of the Northwest Territory. He moved to Marietta, Ohio. When returning from treating with the Wyandotte Indians on Lake Erie, in the interests of the State of Conn., his boat overturned in the rapids of Big Beaver River on Nov. 17, 1789, and he was drowned. He was an important link in the American counterespionage service, and at one time was suspected of double dealing with the British, being so mentioned in the intelligence reports of Sir Henry

Clinton. One of his agents, perhaps by no coincidence, used the code name "Hiram." He received his first degree on May 18, 1863 in St. John's Lodge No. 2, Middletown, Conn. and on Oct. 23, 1765 was admitted a member of Hiram Lodge No. 1, New Haven, Conn. He was also an early member of American Union Lodge where he was listed as a Fellowcraft. Presumably, he was raised shortly thereafter, as he became master of that lodge when it was revived in his regiment of Putnam's division during the 1778-79 cantonment at Reddingthe Valley Forge of Conn. At Redding, Parsons was the titular master of American Union, but he was absent on inspection duties much of the time. On his return to Middletown, he was elected master of St. John's Lodge No. 2, Dec. 27, 1782, and was installed at a meeting held at Mrs. Abigail Shailer's on Feb. 10, 1783. An early member of St. John's Mark Lodge of Middletown, his mark was the twin stars of a major general. Donald B. Partridge (1891-1946) U.S. Congressman to 72nd Congress (1931-33) from 2nd Maine dist. b. June 7, 1891 in Norway, Maine. Graduate of Bates Coll., Lewiston, Maine in 1914. Was a high school principal from 1914-17, admitted to the bar in 1924. Raised in Whitney Lodge No. 167 and later affiliated with Oxford Lodge No. 18, Norway, Maine, servingas master of the latter in 1922. d. June 5, 1946. Theodore S. Parvin (1817-1901) Librarian. b. Jan. 15, 1817 at Cedarville, N.J. Graduated from Woodward Coll., Cincinnati in 1836, and moved to Iowa in 1838. He was private secretary to the first territorial governor of Iowa, Robert Lucas, q.v., and first librarian of Iowa Territory, purchasing the nucleus of what is now the state library. He served as district attorney, county judge, state registrar of lands, professor of natural science, and librarian of the State U. of Iowa. He is best known for his founding of the Iowa Masonic Library in 1844. He built the structure (now replaced) that was the only Masonic library building in the world. He was raised in Nova Caesarea Harmony Lodge No. 2 of Cincinnati, March 14, 1838; grand master of Iowa in 1852. With the exception of the year he was grand master, he was grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Iowa from 1844-1901. He was grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M., of Iowa, and later grand secretary; grand master of the Grand Council, R. & S.M. of Iowa in 1857; grand commander of the Grand Commandery, K.T., of Iowa in 1864. Active in the Grand Encampment, K.T., of the U.S., he served as grand recorder of that body from 1871-86. In 1859 he received the Scottish Rite and was made 33, and that same year, was sovereign grand inspector general for Iowa. d. June 28, 1901. Martinez Paschalis (1700?-1779) Founder of the Rite of Elected Cohens or Priests, a modification of Freemasonry. A German, he traveled

through Turkey, Arabia and Palestine, learning the Cabalistic teachings of the Jews. He established his rite in Paris. The rite was divided into classes and contained nine degrees. The first class represented the fall of man from virtue, and the second, his final restoration. It no longer exists. Later went to Santo Domingo, where he died. Samuel Pasco (1834-1917) U.S. Senator from Florida, 1887-99. b. June 28, 1834 in London, England. Family first moved to Prince Edward Island and later to Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1858 and 1872. He was principal of Waukeenah Academy (Fla.) from 1859-61. Served in the Confederate Army as private and non-commissioned officer from 1861-65. He was admitted to the bar in 1868, and practiced at Monticello, Fla. Was a member of the state house of representatives 1886-87, and speaker in latter year. He was a member of the Isthmian Canal Commission, 18991904. Member of Jefferson Lodge No. 33, Waukeenah, Fla., he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Florida from 1870-72; grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Florida, 1909; and grand master of the Odd-fellows in 1885. d. March 13, 1917. Khedive Ismail Pasha First grand master of the Grand Lodge of Egypt who, in 1879, presented the famous "Cleopatra's Needle" to the United States. It was originally erected in Heliopolis, Egypt, about 1500 B.C. Weighing 200 tons, its removal and re-erection was quite a problem. It was shipped under the direction of Comdr. H. H. Gorrige, a Mason, and on Oct. 9, 1880 the foundation stone of the monument's base was laid with Masonic ceremonies. Juan Jose Paso (1757-1833) Argentine patriot and member of the first junta. He had the honor of reading Argentine's declaration of independence in 1816. Was a member of Lautaro Lodge and Independencia Lodge formed in 1795. Martinez de Pasqually (see under de Pasqually). Otto E. Passman U.S. Congressman to 80th through 86th Congresses(1947-60) from 5th La. dist. b. June 27, 1900 near Franklinton, La. Is owner of Passman Equipment Co., Delta Furniture Co. of Monroe, La., and Commercial Equipment Co. of Fort Smith, Ark. Served as lieutenant in U.S. Navy in WWII from 1942-44, and was state commander of American Veterans of World War II, Inc. Member of Graham Surghnor Lodge No. 383, Monroe, La.; master from 193840, and grand master of Grand Lodge of Louisiana, 1944-45. Member of Monroe Chapter No. 18, R.A.M., Monroe

Council No. 8, R. & S.M., and Monroe Commandery No. 7, K.T. 32 AASR (SJ) at Shreveport; El Karubah Shrine Temple, Shreveport; Teflis Grotto, Monroe; Ouachita Conclave No. 98, Red Cross of Constantine, Monroe; Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and High Twelve. Antonio "Tony" Pastor (1837-1908) American actor and theater manager. b. in New York City, he was on the stage from childhood. He was experienced as a clown, ballad singer, and comedian. He opened Tony Pastor's Opera House, 201 Bowery, N.Y.C. in 1865, and moved to the Metropolitan Theater on Broadway in 1875. In 1881 he secured the Fourteenth Street Theater, thereafter known as Tony Pastor's. He developed legitimate vaudeville in his theaters. Member of New York Lodge No. 330, 32 AASR (NJ) and Mecca Shrine Temple, all of New York City. Walter W. Patchell Vice President of Pennsylvania Railroad since 1952. b. Nov. 28, 1897 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of Pennsylvania State Coll. in 1919. Has been with the Pennsylvania Railroad since 1915, as general superintendent, 1939-42; assistant to vice president in charge of operations, 1942-46; general manager of Western region, 1946-48; Central region, 194851; vice president in charge of real estate and taxation, 1952-53; vice president to reduce and eliminate losses 314 Edwin D. Patrick from passenger traffic, 1953-55; and vice president for research and development since 1955. Also vice president and director of West Jersey & Seashore R.R. Co.; director of Pittsburgh Testing Laboratories, American Contract & Trust Co. Member of E. Coppee Mitchell Lodge No. 605 in 1933. 32 AASR (NJ) at Pittsburgh as well as Syria Shrine Temple. Is a trustee of the grand lodge charity fund, Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. John Paterson (1744-1808) Major General of American Revolution; U.S. Congressman to 8th Congress (1803-05) from N.Y. b. in Hartford Co., Conn. Graduate of Yale in 1762, taught, practiced law, and was justice of peace at New Britain, Conn. In 1774 he settled at Lenox, Mass., and was a member of the first Provincial congress, which met at Salem in 1774; was also a member of the next congress, at Cambridge, in Feb. 1775. He raised a regiment of minute-men and marched for Boston 18 hours after the arrival of news of the Battle of Lexington. They constructed the first redoubt on the American line at Charlestown, and on the day of the Battle of Bunker Hill, defended it from a British attack. Paterson was then ordered to N.Y. and later to Canada to reinforce Benedict Arnold, q.v. Some of his men were engaged in the disastrous Battle of the Cedars, followed by Crown Point, Mount Independence, and Albany. In Nov. 1776, with only 200 men remaining of the

original 600, he joined Washington's forces at Newtown, Pa., and participated in the battles of Trenton and Princeton. Paterson was made brigadier general, Feb. 21, 1777, and attached to the Northern department. He fought at the Battle of Stillwater, and took part in the defeat of General Burgoyne. In Sept., 1783 he became major general. Paterson was first master of Washington Lodge No. 10, a traveling military lodge under Mass., which was later located at West Point, N.Y. Previous to this he was a charter petitioner of Berkshire Lodge No. 5, located at Stockbridge, Mass. and constituted by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts on March 8, 1777. d. July 19, 1808. William Paterson (1745-1806) Justice, U.S. Supreme Court; U.S. Senator; Governor of New Jersey. b. at sea in 1745. Graduate of Princeton in 1763, and admitted to the bar in 1769. Member of N.J. state constitutional convention of 1776, and attorney general of the state in that year. Was a delegate to the Continental Congress in 1780-81. He was U.S. senator in 1780, but resigned in March of the next year to become governor of N.J. In 1793 Washington appointed him to the U.S. supreme court, and he sat on that bench until his death on Sept. 9, 1806. A member of Trenton Lodge No. 5, Trenton, N.J., he received the first two degrees on May 17 and the third on Nov. 7, 1791. Wright Patman U.S. Congressman to 71st through 86th Congresses (192960) from 1st Texas dist. b. Aug. 6, 1893 near Hughes Springs, Texas. Graduate of Cumberland U. in 1916. Was a cotton farmer in Texas from 191314, and admitted to the bar in 1916, practicing at Hughes Springs. Served as assistant county attorney, district attorney, and member of lower house of Texas. Served in WWI as private and commissioned officer. Received degrees in Hughes Springs Lodge No. 671, Hughes Springs, Texas on Sept. 5, Oct. 7, Dec. 5, 1914, dimitting to Linden Lodge No. 192 in 1919. 32 AASR (SJ). Edwin D. Patrick (1894-1945) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Jan. 11, 1894 in Tell City, Ind. Student at Indiana U. and U. of Michigan. Commissioned second lieutenant in U.S. Army in 1917, and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1943. Served on Mexican Border in 1917-18, with the A.E.F. in WWI, and with Luxemburg Army of Occupation. In WWII he was on the staff of the 6th Army in South Pacific, and after 1943 chief of staff. Received degrees in 1915 in Tell City Lodge No. 623, Tell City, Ind. and dimitted in 1942. d. March 15, 1945. Mason M. Patrick (1863-1942) Major General, U.S. Army and first Chief of Air Service. b. Dec. 13, 1863 in Lewisburg, W. Va. Graduate of U.S. Military

Academy in 1886. Commissioned in 1886, and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1917, and major general in 1921. An engineer, he served with Engineering Corps on Mississippi River, raised the U.S.S. Maine, was assigned to the Great Lakes, Cuba and other places. Taught at West Point, and was in A.E.F. of WWI. Received his degrees in Orient Lodge No. 395, Wilmington, N. Car., on Oct. 21, Nov. 3, and Nov. lz, 1891, dimitting in Feb. 6, 1895. d. Jan. 29, 1942. Francis F. Patterson, Jr. (18671935) U.S. Congressman to 66th through 69th Congresses (1919-27) from 1st N.J. dist. b. July 30, 1867 in Newark, N.J. Began in newspaper office at age of 13, and later with Camden (N.J.) Courier. Edited the Philadelphia Record from 1890-94, and was owner and publisher of the Camden Post Telegram, 1894-1923. Raised Feb. 28, 1905 in Camden Lodge No. 15, Camden, N.J. d. Nov. 30, 1935. Frederick D. Patterson Negro educator and President of Tuskegee (Ala.) Institute, 1935-53; now emeritus and director of Phelps-Stokes Fund, N.Y.C. b. Oct. 10, 1901 in Washington, D.C. Graduate of Iowa State Coll. in 1923, 1927; Ph.D. from Cornell U. (N.Y.), 1932. Taught veterinary science at Virginia State Coll., 1923-26; director of agriculture, 1927-28. Head-ed veterinary division of Tuskegee Inst., 1928-33 and director of school of agriculture there, 1933-35. Consultant of federal government on education and health and member of three presidents' commissions on health, higher education and employment of handicapped. Member of Lewis Adams Lodge No. 67, Prince Hall, at Tuskegee Institute (Ala.);32 AASR (SJ) at same, receiving 33 on Oct. 16, 1939. Isaac L. Patterson (1859-1929) Governor of Oregon, 1927-30 term, dying in office. b. Sept. 17, 1859 in Benton Co., Oreg. Member of state senate, 1894-98; collector of customs, Portland, 1898-1907; again state senator 1919-21. Engaged in farming. Was raised, Dec. 22, 1881, in Salem Lodge No. 4, Salem, Oreg. d. Dec. 21, 1929. Malcolm R. Patterson (1861-1935) Governor of Tennessee 1907-11, and U.S. Congressman to 57th through 59th Congresses (1901-07) from 10th Tenn. dist. b. June 7, 1861 in Somerville, Ala. Graduate of Christian Brothers' Coll., Memphis, and studied at Vanderbilt U. Admitted to the bar in 1883, and practiced at Memphis. Served both as district attorney and judge of first circuit court of Shelby Co. Member of Memphis Lodge No. 118, Memphis, Tenn. d. March 8, 1935. Marion D. Patterson (1876-1950) Justice, Supreme Court of

Pennsylvania, 1940-50. b. Oct. 20, 1876 in Williamsburg, Pa. Taught school from 1895-1901 and admitted to the bar in 1904. Served as district attorney of Blair Co.; elected presiding judge of court of common pleas, 24th dist. Member of Juniata Lodge No. 282, Hollidaysburg, Pa., receiving degrees on Jan. 8, Feb. 2, March 12, 1900 and master of the lodge in 1906. d. Jan. 6, 1950. Matthew C. Patterson President of Dodge Division of Chrysler Corp. 316 Okey L. Patteson since 1956. b. May 30, 1900 in Lanarkshire, Scotland. Came to U.S. in 1921, and naturalized in 1929. Served as an apprentice mechanical engineer in Scotland. Was plant engineer for Dodge at Detroit, 1939-48; general works manager, 1948-55; vice president in charge of manufacturing, 1955; vice president and manager of car operations, 195556. He is also vice president of Chrysler Corp. since 1956. Became member of Acacia Lodge No. 477, Detroit, Mich. on Feb. 16, 1932. 32 AASR, member of Moslem Shrine Temple and Walter P. Chrysler Shrine Club, all of Detroit. Paul L. Patterson (1900-1956) Governor of Oregon in 1955. b. July 18, 1900 in Kent, Ohio. Graduate of U. of Oregon in 1923 and 1926. In private law practice at Hillsboro, 1932-52. Served as state senator. Was preparing to run for U.S. senator against Wayne Morse when he died Jan. 31, 1956. Mason. Robert E. Patterson Brigadier General, Civil War. Past commander of Kadosh Commandery No. 29, K.T., Philadelphia, 33 AASR (NJ) and member of Masonic Veterans Association. Robert U. Patterson (1877-1950) Major General, U.S. Army and Surgeon General, 1931-35. b. June 16, 1877 in Montreal, Canada, of American parents. Received M.D. and C.M. degrees at McGill U., Montreal, in 1898. Practiced medicine at Montreal, 1898-1900, and then at Belt., Mont., before being commissioned in U.S. Army in 1901. Advanced through grades to major general in 1931 and retired in 1935. He was dean of the school of medicine both at the U. of Oklahoma (1935-42) and U. of Maryland (after 1942). He served in the Spanish-American War in the Philippines and Cuba, as well as WWI. He affiliated with Acacia Lodge No. 18, Washington, D.C. on July 13, 1913;32 AASR (SJ) in Oklahoma Consistory on Jan. 21, 1937; KCCH Oct. 19, 1943 and 33, Oct. 24, 1947. d. Dec. 6, 1950. Roscoe C. Patterson (1876-1954) U.S. Senator from Missouri, 1929-35

and U.S. Congressman to 67th Congress (1921-23) from 7th Mo. dist. b. Sept. 15, 1876 in Springfield, Mo. Student at Drury Coll. and U. of Missouri, with LL.B. from St. Louis Law School (Washington U.) in 1897. Practiced law at Springfield, Mo. from 1897. Member of Solomon Lodge No. 271, Springfield, Mo., receiving degrees on April 14, May 18, and June 27, 1900. d. Oct. 23, 1954. Thomas M. Patterson (1839-1916) U.S. Senator from Colorado, 190107; U.S. Congressman. b. Nov. 4, 1839 in County Carlow, Ireland, coming to U.S. in childhood. Attended DePauw and Wabash Coll. and admitted to the bar, practicing at Denver. Was editor and owner of the Rocky Mountain News from 1890. He was the last territorial delegate from Colorado to the 44th U.S. congress (1875-77), and member of the 45th congress (187779). He received his degrees in Indiana and later affiliated with Denver Lodge No. 7, Denver, Colo. Also Scottish Rite member. d. July 23, 1916. Okey L. Patteson Governor of West Virginia, 1948-52. b. Sept. 14, 1898 in Dinges, W. Va. Graduate of Wesleyan Coll., Buckhannon, W. Va., and graduate study at Carnegie Tech. Began career in real estate and automobile business. Served as president of Fayette Co., court and sheriff of that county. Was executive assistant to governor of W. Va. in 1945. Since 1953 he has been general manager of the W. Va. Turnpike Commission. Member of McDonald Lodge No. 103, Mt. Hope, W. Va.; Sewell Chapter No. 24, Thurmond, W. Va.; and Mt. Hope Commandery No. 22, K.T., Mt. Hope, W. Va. Member of Beni Kedem Shrine Temple at Charleston, W. Va. John M. Pattison (1847-1906) Governor of Ohio, 1906-08; U.S. Congressman to 52nd Congress. b. June 13, 1847 in Clermont Co., Ohio. Enlisted in Union Army at age of 16. Graduate of Ohio Wesleyan U. in 1869 and admitted to the bar in 1872. Served in both branches of state legislature. From 1891 he was president of the Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. Member of Milford Lodge No. 54, Milford, Ohio. d. June 18, 1906. Robert E. Pattison (1850-1904) Governor of Pennsylvania, 1882-86, 1891-95. b. Dec. 8, 1850 at Quantico, Md. Admitted to the bar in 1872. From 1877-82 was comptroller of city of Philadelphia. Defeated for governor in 1902. Member and past master of Union Lodge No. 121, Philadelphia. d. 1904. Fred Patton Baritone. b. Oct. 2, 1888 in Manchester, Conn. Was concert and opera singer from 1919. From 1926-31 he was with the Cincinnati Opera Co.; 1925-30 with Philadelphia Civic Opera Co.; 1927-29

with the Metropolitan Opera Co. Appeared with the New York Philharmonic and the Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Minneapolis, San Francisco and Manhattan symphony orchestras. From 1932-46 he was professor of music at Michigan State Coll. Raised in Island City Lodge No. 568, Long Island City, N.Y. on Oct. 8, 1917, dimitting on Sept. 25, 1950. 32 AASR (NJ). John Paty (1807-1868) Said to have been for thirty years the most colorful shipmaster in the Pacific. He was a founding member of the French Lodge, Le Progres de l'Oceanie, in Honolulu. He first went to Hawaii from Mass. on the brig Avon, accompanied by his wife; was later themaster of the famous Don Quixote. A trusted advisor to the Hawaiian court, Paty was appointed the official representative of Hawaiian interests in Calif., and in 1846, commodore in the Hawaiian Navy, by King Kamehameha III, q.v. He was senior member of the firm Paty, McKinley & Co. He was a great friend of the Mexican governor, Manuel Micheltorena, q.v. In 1865 he celebrated his 100th voyage between Calif. and the islands. d. in Honolulu in 1868. Paul I (1754-1801) Emperor of Russia. b. Oct. 1, 1754, the son of Emperor Peter HI and Catherine the Great. He succeeded Catherine and ruled despotically, but inaugurated some reforms in the treatment of the serfs. Real name was Pavel Petrovich. He is said to have been a Freemason, and during the early part of his reign the order received some impetus, but later in his reign his protection turned towards the Knights of Malta through the influence of the Jesuits, and Freemasonry again languished. His son, Alexander I, q.v., (Aleksandr Pavlovich) succeeded him on the throne. Assassinated March 12, 1801. G. Stewart Paul Vice President of Western Union Telegraph Co. since 1954. b. June 4, 1905 in Johnson, Minn. -Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1928. Has been with Western Union since 1928, first as engineering apprentice, division engineering assistant, division traffic inspector, division traffic engineer, general traffic inspector, assistant general manager, assistant vice president. Member of Yerba Buena Lodge No. 403, Oakland, Calif.; Montclair Chapter No. 54, R.A.M. and Lebanon Commandery No. 31, K.T., both of Montclair, N.J.; and Salaam Shrine Temple of Newark, N.J. Willard S. Paul Lieutenant General, U.S. Army and President of Gettysburg College since 1956. b. Feb. 28, 1894 in Worcester, Mass. Graduate of Johns Hopkins U. in 1924 and 1942. Commissioned in 1917, advancing to major general in 1942 and lieutenant general in 1948. In charge of classification of all military personnel, General Staff as G-4, Hdqrs, Army

Ground Forces; in WWII he commanded the 26th Infantry Division; was G-1 of S.H.A.E.F.; deputy chief of staff, U.S. F.E.T.; assistant chief of staff G-1, and assistant director of O.D.M. President of Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa. since 1956. Initiated in 1919 in Sackets Harbor Lodge No. 135, N.Y. and affiliated with Matthew John Whittall Lodge, Shrewsbury, Mass. Received 32 AASR (NJ) at Syracuse, N.Y. and affiliated with Army Consistory No. 1, (SJ) at Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. National Sojourner and Hero of '76. William G. Paul Former president of Los Angeles Stock Exchange, now retired. b. Nov. 14, 1893 in Peru, Ind. Graduate of Stanford U. in 1917. Engaged in securities since 1919, and with the Los Angeles Stock Exchange since 1925. Is chairman of board of Association of Better Business Bureaus. Raised in Santa Barbara Lodge No. 193 in 1924 and affiliated with South Pasadena Lodge No. 367 in 1930; Member of Signet Chapter No. 57, R.A.M., Los Angeles Council No. 11, R. & S.M., Los Angeles Commandery No. 9, K.T. Received 33 AASR (SJ) in 1937 and was director of Scottish Rite degree work from 1931-56. Past sovereign of St. Gabriel Conclave No. 14, Red Cross of Constantine (1957), and past potentate of Al Maliakah Shrine Temple (1945). John Paulding (1758-1818) Major of American Revolution, who with two others, captured Major Andre. b. in 1758 in N.Y.C. He served throughout the Revolution, and was three times taken prisoner by the British. A few days after his escape from hissecond imprisonment, he, Isaac Van Wart, and David Williams were patrolling the east bank of the Hudson River, when they intercepted Andre, who was on the way back to the British lines after his interview with Benedict Arnold. They refused to be bribed by Arnold and later Congress struck a silver medal for each of them. The Eastern Argus of Portland, Maine, carried the following on March 3, 1818: "Died at Yorktown, N.Y., Major John Paulding, one of those distinguished Revolutionary patriots who received the thanks of the nation for the capture of Major Andre. His remains were accompanied to the grave by a corps of cadets from West Point, a lodge of the Masonic fraternity, and a great concourse of people." He was a member of Cortland Lodge No. 34, Cortland, Westchester Co., N.Y. He appears on the 1797-98 register of the lodge, so he was initiated sometime between 1793 (date of charter) and 1797. d. Feb. 18, 1818. Ben S. Paulen Governor of Kansas, 1925-29. b. July 14, 1869 in De Witt Co., Ill. Brought to Fredonia, Kans. when three months old, he was educated in the public schools, attended Kansas U., and took a course in business in St. Louis. He clerked in his father's store, and was in the mercantile business in Fredonia from 1890-1919, and president of the Wilson Co. Bank from 1918. Was mayor of Fredonia, 1900-04, member of state

senate, 1913-21, and lieutenant governor, 1921-23. Became a member of Constellation Lodge No. 95, Fredonia in Oct., 1891. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Kansas in 1921, and has also served as grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Kansas, R.A.M., and grand master of the Grand Council of Kansas, R. & S.M. On July 14, 1958 the Freemasons of Kansas honored him with a dinner on his 89th birthday. 319 Konstantin Pavlovich Konstantin Pavlovich (1779-1831) Russian Grand Duke. b. May 8, 1779, the second son of Emperor Paul I, q.v., and grandson of Peter III, q.v. Said to have been initiated into Freemasonry at the same time as his brother, Alexander I, q.v., and member of Loge Les Amis Rewnis (United Friends) of Petersburg. d. June 27, 1831. Pawnee Bill (see under Gordon W. Lillie). George Payne (? -1757) Second and fourth Grand Master of the Premier Grand Lodge of England in 171819, 1720-21, and the last commoner to hold that office. He lived at New Palace Yard, Westminster, England, where he died Jan. 23, 1757, leaving very little record of his personal life outside of the fact that he was, at the time, secretary to the tax office, with a good social and financial position. He was a member of the lodge which met at the "Horn Tavern" in Westminster, which is described in the 1738 Constitutions, as "the old Lodge removed from the 'Runner and Grapes,' Channel Row, whose constitution is immemorial." He was master of that lodge in 1723, and deputy master in 1725, when the Duke of Richmond was both master of the lodge and grand master. This lodge today is the Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge No. 4. In 1747 Payne was a member of the Old King's Arms Lodge (now No. 28). He was senior grand warden in 1724, and deputy grand master in 1735. In 1754 he was appointed a member of a committee to revise the constitutions. During his first term as grand master he asked brethren to bring to the Grand Lodge "any old Writings and Records concerning Masons and Masonry in order to shew the Usuages of Antient Times." Anderson, in 1738, noted that this resulted in the production of several copies of old charges. During his second term of office he himself producedthe Cooke M.S., and also compiled the general regulations which were published in Anderson's Constitutions of 1723. d. Jan. 23, 1757. Thomas H. Paynter (1851-1921) U.S. Senator and U.S. Congressman from Kentucky. b. Dec. 9, 1851 near Vanceburg, Ky. Admitted to the bar in 1872, and began practice at Green-up, Ky. Was prosecuting attorney of Greenup Co. from 1876-82. Served in the 51st through 53rd U.S. congresses (1889-95), resigning to become judge of the court of appeals of Ky. (1895-

1906). Elected U.S. senator, and served from 1907-1913; was not a candidate for reelection. He moved to Frankfort, Ky. in 1913, where he continued law practice, and also agricultural pursuits. Member of Greenup Lodge No. 89, Greenup, Ky. d. March 8, 1921. Miguel Paz Baraona President of Republic of Honduras, 1925-29. His government was known for its sound financial policy. He was initiated in Eureka Lodge of San Pedro Sula. James H. Peabody (1852-1917) Governor of Colorado, 1902-05. b. Aug. 21, 1852 in Topsham, Vt. Educated in public schools of Topsham, and settled in Colo. where he was first a bookkeeper, then a merchant, and from 1885, a banker. He was a candidate for reelection in 1904, but the Democratic candidate was seated for a short time and the legislature declared Peabody elected. He served as governor one day of this term and resigned in favor of the lieutenant governor. He became a member of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 15, Canon City, Colo. in 1878; Pueblo Chapter No. 3, R.A.M., Pueblo, in 1882; Pueblo Cornmandery No. 3, K.T., Pueblo, in 1883; Canon City Council No. 5, R. & S.M., Canon City in 1892; 32 AASR (SJ) in 1890 and 33 in 1899. He served as grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Colorado in 1896. d. Nov. 23, 1917. Hervey B. Peairs (1866-1940) General Superintendent, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. b. May 11, 1866 in Muskingum Co., Ohio. Attended high school in Vinland, Kans., and studied at U. of Kansas. Was with the Haskell Institute, Indian School at Lawrence, Kans., for many years from 1887, becoming superintendent and later, general superintendent for Indian Affairs. Member of Lawrence (Kans.) Lodge No. 6, receiving degrees on June 25, Sept. 24, Oct. 22, 1894. d. Sept. 2, 1940. Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827) Early American portrait painter. b. April 16, 1741 in Chestertown, Md. Began as a saddler in Annapolis, but turned to portrait painting. He lived in Boston in 1768-69, where he studied under J. S. Copley, and thence to London, England in 1770, where he studied under Benjamin West. He returned to Annapolis in 1774 and began painting portraits, moving to Philadelphia in 1776. Becoming interested in natural history, he established a museum in Philadelphia known as "Peale's Museum," and opened it to the public in 1802. This was the first such museum in America. A versatile man, he was also a silversmith, coach maker, harness maker, watch maker,. dentist, naturalist, taxidermist, politician. In the Revolutionary War he became a captain of volunteers and was present at the battles of Trenton and Germantown. In 1779 he was a member of the state

legislature. His greatest fame, however, came as a portrait painter, and he was for a long period the only such painter in the colonies. George Washington gave him 14 sittings. He executed the first portrait of Washington in 1772, when he was a Virginia colonel, and after that painted him repeatedly during the war, and afterward. Among the scores of portraits he executed werethose of Martha Washington, John Hancock, Robert Morris, Nathanael Green, Horatio Gates, Baron Steuben, Baron DeKalb, Benjamin Franklin, Peyton Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, Charles Carroll, Albert Gallatin, John Witherspoon, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, and Henry Clay. Peale was a Mason, according to the records of old Williamsburgh (Va.) Lodge (now No. 6). "Brother Peale" is referred to in several instances in the 1775 minutes in connection with his borrowing a portrait of Peyton Randolph, provincial grand master, from the lodge for the purpose of copying. d. Feb. 22, 1827. Norman Vincent Peale Protestant clergyman. b. May 31, 1898 in Bowersville, Ohio. Probably the best known Protestant minister in America. Graduate of Ohio Wesleyan U. in 1920; Boston U. in 1924; Syracuse U. in 1931; Duke U. in 1938. Ordained a Methodist Episcopal minister in 1922, he was pastor at Berkeley, R.I., and Brooklyn and Syracuse, N.Y., between 1922-32. Since 1932 he has been pastor of the Marble Collegiate Reformed Church, N.Y.C. He writes a regular question and answer feature for Look Magazine; is editor of Guideposts, an inspirational magazine; president of the National Temperance Society; a lecturer on public affairs and personal effectiveness; recipient of Freedom Foundation Award; among his books are the best sellers, A Guide to Confident Living and The Power of Positive Thinking. Member of Mid-wood Lodge No. 1062, Brooklyn, N.Y. he was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of N.Y., 1949-51. A 32 AASR (NJ) member in N.Y.C., life member of Crescent Shrine Temple, Trenton, N.J., and past imperial grand chaplain of the Shrine. Cromwell Pearce (1772-1852) General of War of 1812. b. Aug. 13, 1772 in Willistown, Pa. A farmer, he was a captain of militia in 1793-98, and became first lieutenant in 1st U.S. Infantry in 1799. Returning to civil life in 1800 he became first postmaster of West Chester, Pa., and a major general of militia in 1811. At the beginning of the War of 1812 he reentered the service as colonel of the 6th U.S. Infantry. He commanded his division after the fall of Gen. Montgomery Pike at York, and led his regiment at the capture of Fort George. Resigned from army in 1815 and became sheriff of Chester Co., Pa., and later, associate justice of the county court. Member of Lodge No. 50, Pa. d. at Willistown on April 2, 1852. Webster H. Pearce (1876-1940) President of Northern State Teachers College (Mich.), 1933-40. b. May 12, 1876 at Whitmore Lake, Mich. Graduate

of Michigan State Normal, Albion Coll., U. of Michigan. Was school superintendent, principal in public schools of Albion and Adrian, Mich., and professor of mathematics at Central State Teachers Coll., Mount Pleasant, Mich. From 1927-33 he was state superintendent of public instruction for Mich. Raised in Springport Lodge No. 184, Springport, Mich., on Jan. 10, 1900 and affiliated with Wabon Lodge No. 305, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. on Jan. 1, 1918. d. Oct. 9, 1940. Jack Pearl Comedian. Raised July 6, 1920 in St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York City. Robert E. Peary (1856-1920) Discoverer of the North Pole. b. May 6, 1856 in Cresson, Pa. Graduate of Bowdoin Coll. in 1877 and 1894. He entered the U.S. Navy as a civil engineer in 1881. From 1887-88 he was engineer in charge of the Nicaragua Canal surveys, and invented the rolling lock gates for the canal. He started his Artie explorations with a voyage to the interior of Greenland in 1886. In 1891-92 he made a voyage to northern Greenland; in 1893-95, a third voyage, which was intended toreach the North Pole, failed in its objective. In 1897 he was granted five years' leave of absence from the Navy and was presented with a ship, the Windward, by Lord Northcliffe, which had been used by a British expedition. On his fourth voyage of 1898-1902, he reached 84 17' N., the farthest north in the American Arctic. Granted another three years' leave in 1903, he sailed in the specially equipped Roosevelt in 1905-1906, and reached within 174 miles of the pole before being forced back. His final and successful expedition in 1908-09 reached the pole on April 6, 1909. When announcing the success of the expedition, he learned that Dr. Frederick A. Cook, who had been a surgeon on the 1891 expedition, had claimed he reached the pole on April 21, 1908a year before Peary. Cook's claim and Cook himself, were later discredited, and Peary's attainment recognized. A member of the explorers' lodge, Kane No. 454 of N.Y.C., he received his degrees, Feb. 4, 18, and March 3, 1896. To this lodge he presented the Masonic flag that was displayed at Independence Bay, Greenland, on May 20 and 25, 1895. On March 30, 1920 this lodge presented his widow with a special medal in honor of her distinguished husband. Peary also presented two specimens of the great meteorite weighing 90 tons, which he discovered in North Greenland, to the Grand Lodge of New York. d. Feb. 20, 1920. Austin Peay (1876-1927) Governor of Tennessee, 1923-27. b. June 1, 1876 in Christian Co., Ky. Student in Centre Coll., Danville, Ky. Settled in Clarksville, Tenn. in 1896, where he practiced law. Member of the lower house in 1901-03. Member of Clarksville Lodge No. 89, Clarksville, Tenn. d. Oct. 2, 1927.

Nilo Pecanha (1867-1924) President of Brazil, 1909-10. A Brazilian jurist and political leader, he was vice 322 Dom Pedro I president of Brazil from 1906-09; he succeeded President Alfonso Penna to the presidency on the latter's death, and completed the term until 1910. In 1917-18 he was foreign minister. A Mason. George W. Peck (1840-1916) Governor of Wisconsin, 1891-95, and author of the famous "Peck's Bad Boy" series. b. Sept. 28, 1840 in Henderson, N.Y. Served as a private in Civil War with Wis. Cavalry. In 1860 he bought a half interest in the Jefferson Co. Republican, Jefferson, Wis., and in 1866, started The Representative at Ripon. He later owned the La Cross Democrat until 1874, in which year he founded The Sun, moving it to Milwaukee in 1878, and calling it Peck's Sun. He was mayor of Milwaukee in 1890-91. Became noted for his humorous sketches, particularly for the Peck's Bad Boy series. His writings included: Peck's Bad Boy and His Pa; The Groceryman and Peck's Bad Boy; Peck's Boss Book; Peck's Uncle Ike and the Red Headed Boy; Peck's Bad Boy With the Circus, and Peck's Bad Boy With the Cowboys. Affiliated with Frontier Lodge No. 45, La Crosse, Wis. on Nov. 17, 1871 (no record of former lodge) and on Feb. 7, 1879 dimitted from that lodge and affiliated with Wisconsin Lodge No. 13, Milwaukee, Wis. on Aug. 19, 1880. d. April 16, 1916. Theodore S. Peck (1843-1918) Recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor in Civil War. b. March 22, 1843 in Burlington, Vt. Prepared for college and then enlisted in Union forces. Served in 1st Vt. Cavalry and 9th Vt. Infantry from private to captain, and was on staff of Army of the Potomac almost four years. He received the Congressional Medal of Honor "for distinguished gallantry in action at Newport Barracks, N.C., Feb. 2, 1864." He was adjutant general of Vermont from 1881-1900. Was in insurance business after 1868. A Mason, he wasgrand marshal of the Grand Lodge of Vermont for 10 years. d. March 15, 1918. Ferdinand Pecora Justice of Supreme Court of New York who presided over the special "racketeering crimes" sessions of 1936. b. Jan. 6, 1882 in Nicosia, Italy. Brought to U.S. in 1887, he became a naturalized citizen. Graduate of New York Law School in 1906 and admitted to the bar in 1911. Served N.Y. Co. as assistant district attorney and chief assistant district attorney. As a counsel to U.S. senate committee on banking and currency in 1933-34, he conducted an investigation into banking and stock market practices that led to the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission,

and served as one of its first members. Became associate justice of supreme court of N.Y. in 1935, serving until 1950, when he resigned to become unsuccessful candidate for mayor of N.Y.C. Member of York Lodge No. 197, N.Y.C., and past master of same. Dom Pedro I (1798-1834) Emperor of Brazil, and as Dom Pedro IV, was later president of Portugal. Name in full was Dom Antonio Pedro de Alcantara Bourbon, the second son of John VI, King of Portugal, of the house of Braganza. b. in Lisbon. He fled to Brazil in 1807 to escape the French. He was made regent of Brazil in 1821, but took sides with the Brazilians against the Portuguese, and declared the independence of that country on Sept. 7, 1822. He was crowned emperor on Oct. 22, 1822. At first he was a popular monarch, but his influence was weakened by despotic actions, and he abdicated in 1831, going to Europe. He was proclaimed king of Portugal, resigned in favor of his daughter, and waged a successful war against his brother Dom Miguel, the usurper. Initiated in Rio de Janeiro in 1821, he was at once elected grand master of the Grand Orient of Brazil. However, in 1822, he supressed Freemasonry. William Peet (1847-1934) Founder of Peet Brothers, soap manufacturers, now Palmolive-Peet. b. March 25, 1847 in Chattries, England, coming to America in 1862. He located in Kansas City, Mo. in 1872, where, with his brothers, Robert and Jesse, began the soap manufacturing business as "Peet Bros." and later "Peet Bros. and Co." In 1898 the name was again changed to Peet Bros. Mfg. Co., of which he was president. Mason. d. March 4, 1934. Henry I. Peffer President of Seagram Distillers Corp. b. Aug. 5, 1879 in New York City. With F. W. Thurston Co., Chicago, 1901-17, from salesman to vice president. Vice president of U.S. Industrial Alcohol Co. and president of U.S. Industrial Alcohol Sales Co. Organizer and president in 1925 of American Solvents and Chemical Corp., which consolidated with Rossville Alcohol and Chemical Corp., of which he became president and chairman of board. Mason, Knight Templar, and Shriner. William A. Peffer (1831-1912) U.S. Senator from Kansas, 1891-97. b. Sept. 10, 1831 in Cumberland Co., Pa. Began teaching at age of 15. Moved to San Francisco, Calif. in 1850, and then to St. Joseph Co., Ind., in 1853. In 1859 he moved to Morgan Co., Mo., and then to Warren Co., Ill. in 1862. During this time he was a farmer. Enlisted in Union Army as a private in 83rd Ill. Vol. Inf., and later became an officer. While in the army he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1865, first practicing at Clarksville, Tenn. In 1870

he moved to Fredonia, Kans. In addition to his law practice he owned the Fredonia Journal; later moved to Coffeyville, and edited the Coffeyville Journal. Received degrees in Keystone Lodge No. 102, Coffeyville, Kans. on April 21, May 19, Dec. 15, 1877; was secretary in 1879; dimitted June 2, 1886. d. Oct. 7, 1912. Peter Pelham (? -1751) Early American artist and engraver. b. in England. He was the first engraver and earliest known artist in New England, coming to America in the latter quarter of the 18th century. His earliest known work in America was a portrait of Cotton Mather dated 1727. He also kept a school in Boston where he taught drawing, painting, and needlework, as well as academic subjects. In 1748 he married the widow of Richard Copley, the mother of John Singleton Copley, the artist, to whom Pelham gave instructions. He became a member of St. John's Lodge, Boston, Nov. 8, 1738, and was secretary of the lodge from 1738-44. d. Dec., 1751. Carlos Pellegrini President of Argentina, 1890-92. b. in 1846 of Italian parents. He turned to politics after campaigning in Paraguay, and became successively representative, minister, and vice president. He was the prime mover in founding of the Argentina National Bank, and an outstanding economist and jurist. Mason. Charles Camille Pelletan (18461915) French journalist and politician. The son of Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan, q.v. The bulletin of the International Masonic Congress in 1917 states both were Freemascns. Pierre Clement Eugene Pelletan (1813-1884) French Senator and author. Member of the Corps Legislatif from 1864-76, and of the senate in 1876-84. He was the author of Les Droits de l'Homme; La Famille, La Mere, and Nouvelles Heures de Travail. He was the father of Charles Camille Pelletan, q.v. The bulletin of the International Masonic Congress in 1917 states both father and son were Freemasons. 324 William Y. Pemberton (1842-1922) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Montana, 1893-99. b. June 1, 1842 in Nashville, Tenn. Educated at the Masonic College, Lexington, Mo., and LL.B. from Lebanon (Tenn.) Law School in 1861. Practiced law at Versailles, Mo. from 1861-62 and at Helena, Mont. after 1865. Was a member of the Montana constitutional convention of 1884. From 1909-20 he was librarian of the state historical library. It is not known where he received his degrees, but on Feb. 20, 1897, he affiliated with

Helena Lodge No. 3, Helena, Mont. d. Aug. 26, 1922. Marquis of Pembroke (see Clare De Gilbert). Hugh Pendexter (1875-1940) Author. b. Jan. 15, 1875 in Pittsfield, Maine. He was on the staff of the Rochester (N.Y.) Post Express from 190011. After 1911 he devoted himself to writing. Among his books are The Scarlet Years; Rifle Rule; Flaming Frontier; Red Man's Courage; Log Cabin Men; The Blazing West; The Torch Bearers; Call of the Wilderness. He wrote about 45 historical novels. Member of Oxford Lodge No. 18, Norway, Maine. d. June 11, 1940. Edmund Pendleton (1721-1803) Revolutionary patriot and statesman. b. Sept. 9, 1721 in Caroline Co., Va. He had little formal education, and while employed as a clerk, studied law, and was licensed to practice in 1744. Elected to Virginia house of burgesses in 1752. In 1773 he was one of the committee of correspondence, and a member of the first Continental Congress. He attended, in company with George Washington, Peyton Randolph, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Harrison and Richard Henry Lee. As president of the Virginia convention, he was head of the government of the colony from 1775 until the creation of the Virginia constitution in 1776,and was appointed president of the committee of safety in that year. He drew up the celebrated resolutions by which the delegates from Va. to the Continental Congress were instructed to propose a declaration of independence, and his words were afterwards incorporated almost verbatim in the Declaration. On the organization of state government in Va., he was chosen speaker of the house, and with George Wythe and Thomas Jefferson, revised the colonial laws. In 1779, on the establishment of the court of appeals he became president of that body, serving until his death. He was an uncle of Nathaniel Pendleton, q.v. A member of Fairfax Lodge No. 43, Culpepper, Va., he is listed in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Virginia in 1800-01-02, and in 1803 in the death list. His name on the lodge record was Edward, but most Masonic historians agree that this was an error and should have been Edmund. d. Oct. 23, 1803. Nathaniel Pendleton (1756-1821) Revolutionary soldier; U.S. district judge; Constitution framer. b. in 1756 in Culpepper Co., Va., a nephew of Edmund Pendleton, q.v. Entered Revolutionary army at 19, and served with rank of major on staff of Gen. Nathanael Greene, q.v. He settled in Georgia, studied law, and became U.S. district judge. Washington suggested his name for secretary of state, but the proposition was opposed by Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton and Pendleton later became good friends, and the latter

acted as Hamilton's second in his duel with Aaron Burr. He was a delegate to the convention that framed the constitution of the U.S., but not being present on the last day of its proceedings, failed to sign it. He moved to New York City in 1796. Member of Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Ga. d. Oct. 20, 1821. John Penn (1741-1788) Signer of Declaration of Independence. b. May 17, 1741 in Caroline Co., Va. Studied law with his relative, Edmund Pendleton, q.v., and was admitted to the bar in 1762. In 1774 he moved to Greenville Co., N.C. where he became a distinguished lawyer. Chosen to Continental Congress of Sept. 8, 1775 to fill a vacancy, and was reelected in 1777 and 1779. When Cornwallis invaded N. Car., Penn was placed in charge of the public affairs of that state and given almost dictatorial powers. There is no proof of his Masonic membership other than a statement made by Col. William L. Taylor of Granville Co., that appeared in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina in 1912. He stated that his father and Penn had attended lodges together in N. Car. d. Sept. 1788. John Penn (1729-1795) Proprietary governor of Pennsylvania, and grandson of founder, William Penn. b. July 14, 1729 in London, England. Educated in Europe and sent to Pennsylvania, where on Feb. 6, 1753, he became a member of the provincial council with rank of "first member." He left the colony after Braddock's defeat, but returned as lieutenant governor, on Oct. 30, 1763. On the death of his father he sailed to England in 1771, leaving the government to the council, but in August, 1773, returned to Pa. as governor in his own right, and by deputation from his uncle. On June 30, 1775 the assembly provided for arming the province, and appointed a committee of safety, which thenceforth was supreme in Pa. Within a month after the Declaration of Independence was signed, a constitutional convention met and vested the supreme executive power in a council; Penn lost his power from this time until June 28, 1779, when the legislature of Pa. transferred to the state most of the proprietary property, and voted a remuneration for same. Sachse in his Old Masonic Lodges of Pennsylvania states that Penn was a member of the "first lodge" in Philadelphia. d. Feb. 9, 1795. James C. Penney Founder of the J. C. Penney Co., Inc., the world's largest department store chain, with more than 1700 stores in all 48 states, doing an annual sales of over one billion dollars. b. Sept. 16, 1875 in Hamilton, Mo. A graduate of Hamilton (Mo.) High School, he attended in 1949 the Masonic cornerstone laying of a new high school building at Hamilton, for which he and his sister gave more than half of the $250,000 cost. He holds honorary doctorates from eleven colleges and universities. He founded the J. C. Penney Co. in 1902, and is now honorary chairman of the board. Known as "the Golden Rule merchant," he quit using the word "employee," and

called each of his 90,000 workers an "associate," giving each a share in the profits in addition to a salary. After the 1929 stock market crash, Penney lost his fortune, and wound up beaten and despondent, at 56, in a sanitarium, but proved that his method was sound by borrowing money and staging a comeback in which he recouped his fortune. Penney has influenced great numbers of young people through his business operations, Christian youth movements, and by talks, articles, and letters. His own comeback from the depths of financial and mental depression was made possible by a sudden and dramatic rekindling of Christian faith within him. He received his degrees in Wasatch Lodge No. 1, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 28, May 19, and June 2, 1911. In 1955 he became a dual member of United Services Lodge No. 1118, New York City. He is a member of Utah Chapter No. 1, R.A.M., Utah Council No. 1, R. & S.M., and Utah Commandery No. 1, K.T., all of Salt Lake City. He has contributed generously to the retirement of the 326 James G. Percival bonds on the Masonic temple of that city. He received the 32 AASR (SJ) in Utah Consistory No. 1, April 23, 1936, KCCH, Oct. 24, 1941, and 33, Oct. 16, 1945. He has addressed many Masonic groups. In April, 1958 he was presented the gold distinguished service award by the General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, at Kansas City, Mo. Herbert J. Pennock (1894-1948) Member of Baseball's Hall of Fame. b. Feb. 19, 1894 at Kennett Square, Pa. He was an outstanding left-handed pitcher in the American League, and executive of Philadelphia National League club. He is among the rare few who made the jump from a prep school to major league baseball. He saw 22 years service with Philadelphia, Boston, and New York teams in the American League. He recorded 240 victories and 161 defeats, never losing a world series game. He won five in 1927, and pitched 71/2 innings without allowing a hit in the third game of that series. Member of Kennett Lodge No. 475, Kennett Square, Pa. d. Jan. 30, 1948. Sylvester Pennoyer (1831-1902) Governor of Oregon, 1886-94. b. July 6, 1831 in Groton, N.Y. Graduate of Harvard in 1854, he moved the following year to Oregon, where he engaged in lumbering. Was mayor of Portland in 1896. While governor, he received from secretary of state some suggestions made by President Cleveland, to which he replied: "I will attend to my business, let the President attend to his." Member of Willamette Lodge No. 2, Portland, Oreg. d. 1902. Samuel W. Pennypacker (18431916) Governor of Pennsylvania, 190307. b. April 9, 1843 in Phoenixville, Pa. Served as private in Civil War. Law

degree from U. of Pennsyl- _ vania in 1866. Was a judge of the court of common pleas No. 2 in Philadelphia from 1889-1902, and presiding judge from 1896-1902. He formed a collection of notable early Pa. imprints, and wrote a number of volumes on Pa. history. Member of Washington Lodge No. 59, Philadelphia. d. Sept. 2, 1916. Boies Penrose (1860-1921) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 18971921. b. Nov. 1, 1860 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of Harvard in 1881 and admitted to the bar in 1883, practicing in Philadelphia. He served in both houses of the Pa. legislature, and was speaker pro tern of the senate twice. Member of Rising Star Lodge No. 126, and Columbia Chapter No. 91, R.A.M., both of Philadelphia. d. Dec. 31, 1921. Claude D. Pepper U.S. Senator from Florida, 1936-51. b. Sept. 8, 1900 in Dudleyville, Ala. Graduate of U. of Alabama in 1921 and Harvard in 1924. Was instructor in law at U. of Arkansas, 1924-25, and admitted to Fla. bar in 1925, practicing at Perry. Later, practiced in Washington, D.C., Tallahassee, and Miami, Fla. Member of Jackson Lodge No. 1, Tallahassee, Fla. George W. Pepper U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1922-27; lawyer and author. b. March 16, 1867 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1887, 1889, 1907, with honorary degrees from many institutions. Practiced law in Philadelphia and was professor of law at U. of Pennsylvania from 1893-1910. He authored many books including In the Senate; Family Quarrels; Philadelphia Lawyer; A Voice From the Crowd. Made a Mason at sight by the grand master of Pa., Dec. 19, 1925, and affiliated with Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia. James G. Percival (1795-1856) American poet, physician, linguist, geologist, and botanist. b. Sept. 15, 1795 in Kensington, Conn. A man of great learning, he wrote his first poem at the age of 14, and was graduated from Yale in 1815, at the head of his class. After teaching a short time in Philadelphia, he studied medicine and botany, and was licensed to practice. Was appointed assistant surgeon of U.S. Army and professor of chemistry at West Point in 1824, but soon gave it up for medical practice in Boston. He later moved to New Haven, Conn. His best known poems are Prometheus and Cleo. He assisted in preparing the scientific words in the first edition of Noah Webster's Dictionary of the English Language. In 1835 he made a geological survey of Conn. In 1853 he was engaged by the American Mining Co. to survey their lead region in Wis., and the following year was appointed geologist of that state. Initiated, June 4, 1822, in Hiram Lodge No. 1, New Haven, Conn. d. May 2, 1856.

John Percival (1779-1862) Naval officer of War of 1812. b. April 3, 1779 in Barnstable, Mass. He left the merchant service in 1809 and entered U.S. Navy as sailing-master. During the war he displayed great courage in the capture of the British ship, Eagle. He commanded the U.S.S. Constitution as captain, in 1843-47, retiring in 1848. His rough and eccentric manners won him the soubriquet of "Mad Jack." Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. in 1816. d. Sept. 17, 1862. Bishop W. Perkins (1841-1894) U.S. Senator and Representative from Kansas. b. Oct. 18, 1841 in Rochester, Ohio. He prospected through Calif. and N. Mexico in 1860-62, served as sergeant of 83rd Ill. Regiment, and captain in 16th U.S. Colored Inf. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1867, beginning practice in Princeton, Ind., and moving later to Oswego, Kansas. Became editor of the Oswego Register in 1873. Servedin 48th through 51st U.S. congresses, 1883-91, and was appointed to fill vacancy in U.S. senate, serving from Jan. 1, 1892 to March 3, 1893. He then resumed law practice in Washington, D.C. Original lodge unknown, but admitted to Adams Lodge No. 63, Oswego, Kans. on April 12, 1870. Was senior deacon, 1871; junior warden, 1872. d. June 20, 1894. George C. Perkins (1839-1923) U.S. Senator and Governor of California. b. Aug. 23, 1839 in Kennebunkport, Maine. Went to sea at age of 12 as a cabin boy, and followed the sea for several years. In 1855 he shipped before the mast on a sailing vessel bound for San Francisco. In Calif. he engaged in mercantile pursuits in Oroville and later was in banking, mining, milling, farming, whale fishing, and operation of coastal steamships. He was elected to the state senate in 1869, and served for eight years. Served as governor of Calif. in 1879-83. In 1893 he was appointed to the U.S. senate to fill a vacancy caused by death of Leland Stanford, q.v., and was reelected twice, serving from 1893-1915, and was not then a candidate for reelection because of ill health. He received his degree in Oroville Lodge No. 103, Oroville, Calif. in Dec., 1859, before he had attained legal majority. He was master of the same in 1864-65, and grand master of the Grand Lodge of California in 1874. He later affiliated with Oakland Lodge No. 188, Oakland, Calif. He became a member of Franklin Chapter No. 20, Oroville, in 1860, and was high priest in 1866. In 1867 he was commander of Oroville Commandery, K.T. He later affiliated with Oakland Chapter, R.A.M., and Oakland Commandery, K.T. d. Feb. 26, 1923. Jacob Perkins (1766-1849) American born engraver and inventor. b. July 9, 1766 in Newburyport, Mass. He was apprenticed to a goldsmith, and at the age of 15, carried on the business of a goldsmith in his native town.

Here he invented a method of plating shoe buckles. When about 21 years old he was employed by the state of Mass. to make dies for copper coinage, and three years later, invented a machine for cutting and heading nails at one operation. He made improvements in bank note engraving by substituting steel for copper plates. After residing for some time in Boston and New York, he moved to Philadelphia in 1814, where he was associated with a firm of bank note engravers. In 1818 he went to England, and in 1819 established the firm of Perkins, Fairman, and Heath, for printing of bank notes. When the penny post was introduced in 1840, his firm (now Perkins, Bacon and Petch) printed the first British stamps the famous "Penny Black." In a letter written Dec. 3, 1839, they stated they would charge eight pence per thousand stamps, exclusive of paper. Perkin's original plates were used until the die was reengraved in 1855 by Wm. Humphrys. He also perfected engines and machines worked by steam power. He invented a "bathometer" to measure the depth of water and a "pleometer" to mark with precision the speed with which a vessel moved through water. He also constructed a gun using steam for propulsion, that would shoot a ball through 11 planks; he attached a tube on the barrel, which, when filled with balls, fell into the barrel and were discharged at the rate of nearly 1,000 per minute. He was a member of St. Peter's Lodge (now defunct), Newburyport, Mass., receiving his degrees on June 10, 15, 1794. In a book entitled Jacob Perkins, His Inventions, His Times and His Contemporaries, it is stated that he was a member of the Newburyport Commandery, K.T., and assisted in conferring the degrees of Red Cross and Knight Templar. d. July 30, 1849. Joseph Perkins (? -1824) Founder of the Missouri Fur Co. in 1820, in competition with the American Fur Co., which was headed by Pierre Chouteau, Jr. and Bartholomew Bert-hold, qq.v. Included in the founders of the Missouri Fur Co. were two other Freemasons, Joshua Pilcher and Moses B. Carson, qq.v. The first record of Perkins in Mo. was in 1804, when he was summoned as a member of the first grand jury in St. Louis. He was a member of the famous Louisiana Lodge No. 109 at St. Genevieve, Missouri Territory, and later a member of Missouri Lodge No. 1, of St. Louis. In 1814 he was in charge of an escort of 60 U.S. regular troops as a lieutenant. This detachment accompanied General William Clark, q.v., from St. Louis on several barges for Prairie du Chien, north on the Mississippi River. This place was then held by Indians and traders. Perkins and Clark established a fort there, and Perkins remained for some time in charge of the post. He was buried by Missouri Lodge No. 1 in St. Louis, Jan. 24, 1824. Randolph Perkins (1871-1936) U.S. Congressman to 67th through 74th Congresses (1921-35) from 6th N.J. dist. b. Nov. 30, 1871 in Dunellen, N.J. Admitted to the bar in 1893 and began practice at Jersey City. He was mayor of Westfield, N.J. in 1904-06, and member of state assembly, 190507. Raised

July 3, 1905 in Atlas Lodge No. 125, Westfield, N.J. Suspended NPD Dec. 3, 1934. d. May 25, 1936. Harris Perlstein President of Pabst Brewing Co., Chicago, 1932-56, and now chairman and director. b. Aug. 18, 1892 in New York City. Graduate of Armour Institute of Tech., Chicago, in 1914. Was employed as a chemist and engineer until 1918, when he became a partner in construction engineering firm in Chicago. From 1924-27 he was treasurer and director of Premier Malt Products Co., Peoria, Ill., and president of same from 1927-32. This company merged with Pabst in 1932, and he became president and director of same. He is also executive director of the U.S. Brewers Foundation. Received degrees in Kismet Lodge No. 1107, Chicago, Ill. on Feb. 8, 15, and March 4, 1924; it has since merged with Ancient Craft Lodge No. 907. 32 AASR (NJ) at Peoria, III. and member of Mohammed Shrine Temple, Peoria. Leslie N. Perrin President of General Mills, Inc., 1948-52, and director and member of executive committee since 1952. b. Aug. 22, 1886 in Chicago, Ill. Began as an accountant in Chicago; became vice president and director of Nye & Jenks Grain Co., 1911-19, and president in 1921. Was director of Chicago Board of Trade, 1919-22. In 1928 became Chicago and Kansas City director of grain purchases of General Mills; Minneapolis director of same and vice president, 1936-42; executive vice president and director, 1942-48. Member of Berwyn Lodge No. 839, Berwyn, receiving degrees on May 4, 25, and July 1, 1922. Shriner. Edward A. Perry (1833- ?) Governor of Florida, 1885-89, and Confederate Brigadier General in Civil War. b. March 15, 1833 in Richmond, Mass. Entered Yale, but left college in 1853, going to Ala., where he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1857. Settled in Pensacola, Fla. At the start of the Civil War he became a captain of a company and was made colonel of the regiment, which he commanded at the Battle of Seven Pines, and others around Richmond. Was wounded at Fraser's Farm, and again at second Battle of the Wilderness. Made brigadier general. After war he resumed law practice in Pensacola, The proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Florida list him as junior warden of Escambia Lodge No. 15, Pensacola, Fla. in 1861 and Master of Dawkins Military Lodge, Fla., in 1864. Eli Perry (1799-1881) U.S. Congressman, merchant and philanthropist. b. Dec. 25, 1799 in Cambridge, N.Y. Made his own living from the age of 15, and became a merchant in Albany, N.Y. He was mayor of Albany from 185665, a member of the state legislature, and U.S. congressman, 1871-75. Was noted for his large gifts to benevolent organizations, and his will provided that

at the decease of his widow, his estate, estimated at $400,000, should be divided among the charities of the Baptist church. Member of Masters' Lodge No. 5, Albany, N.Y. d. May 17, 1881. Madison S. Perry Former Governor of Florida. Listed in proceedings of 1855, Grand Lodge of Florida, as a member of Micanopy Lodge No. 29, Alachua Co., Fla. Matthew C. Perry (1794-1858) Commodore, U.S. Navy who was known as the "father of the steam Navy"; negotiated treaty with Japan, which was its first contact with Western powers. b. April 10, 1794 in Newport, RI., the son of Christopher R., a naval officer, and brother of Oliver Hazard, q.v. He entered the navy as a midshipman in 1809 and served on the schooner Revenge under his brother, Oliver. From 1810-13 he was on the flagship, President, training under John Rodgers. His diary gives an account of the chase of the Belvidera, when Rodgers fired the first hostile shot afloat in the War of 1812. He then cruised the seas of northern Europe with the President, destroying commerce, while 20 British ships were searching for him. In 1837 he commanded the Fulton, one of the first naval steamships. In 1843 he served on the African coast in suppression of the slave trade, and in 1846 commanded a squadron that captured Frontera, Tabasco, Laguna, and Tuxpam; the following year he cooperated with Scott in the siege of Vera Cruz during the Mexican War. In 1852 he was sent to Japan in command of a squadron to negotiate a treaty which would open up that country to commerce. Turning the treaty over to representatives of the emperor on July 14, 1853, he sailed to China, and returned to have the treaty signed on March 31, 1854, giving to the U.S. trading rights at two Japanese ports. Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. in 1819. d. March 4, 1858. Oliver C. Perry U.S. Naval hero of War of 1812. Often referred to as a Mason, but undoubtedly was not. His brother, Matthew G., q.v., was a member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. William S. Perry (1832-1898) Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Iowa. b. Jan. 22, 1832 in Providence, R.I. Graduate of Harvard in 1854. Ordained deacon in 1857 and priest in 1858. Served churches in Boston, Nashua, N.H., Portland, Me., Litchfield, Conn., and Geneva, N.Y. Elected bishop of Iowa and consecrated at Geneva, N.Y., on Sept. 10, 1876. As historiographer of the American church, he probably wrote more on the history of Episcopalianism than any other person. He was made a Mason at sight, Feb. 4, 1885, by the grand master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, and affiliated with Rising Star Lodge No. 126, Philadelphia on March 9, 1885, but

dimitted June 8, same year with no further record of him in Pa. d. May 13, 1898. John J. Pershing (1860-1948) General of the Armies. b. Sept. 13, 1860 in Linn Co., Mo. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1886, and LL.B. from U. of Nebraska in 1893. His wife and three daughters lost their lives in the burning of The Presidio (Calif.) on Aug. 27, 1915. He became brigadier general in 1906, major general in 1916,general in 1917, and general of the armies Sept. 3, 1919. Retired in 1924. He served in the Apache and Sioux campaigns; taught at West Point and U. of Nebraska; in Cuba campaign of Spanish-American War; in Philippines and in charge of operations against the Moros; military attache in Japan; with Kuroki's army in Manchuria; on general staff; pursued Villa into Mexico in 1916; commander-inchief of American forces in WWI and chief of staff, U.S. Army from 192124. Member of Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln, Nebr., receiving degrees on Dec. 4, 11, and 22, 1888. Received 50-year award on Jan. 5, 1939. On Sept. 30, 1941 he was made an honorary member of the Grand Lodge of Missouri and the certificate was presented to him by Harry S. Truman, then senator, at Walter Reed Hospital, Feb. 24, 1942. In 1919 he was made an honorary member of Stansbury Lodge No. 24, Washington, D.C. Exalted in Lincoln Chapter No. 6, R.A.M. March 28, 1894 and knighted in Mt. Moriah Commandery No. 4, K.T., Dec. 3, 1894, both of Lincoln, Nebr. In 1943 he laid a wreath on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Knight Templar rites. Received 32 AASR (SJ) at Wheeling, W. Va., April 9, 1920 and 33, in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, 1930. Member of Sesostris Shrine Temple, Lincoln and New York Court No. 30, Royal Order of Jesters. d. July 15, 1948. Seymour II. Person (1879-1957) U.S. Congressman to 72nd Congress (1931-33) from 6th Mich. dist. b. Feb. 2, 1879 in Livingston Co., Mich. Graduate of U. of Mich. in 1901 and practiced law at Lansing, Mich. from that date. Mason. d. April 7, 1957. Epitacio da Silva 'Pessoa (18651942) President of Brazil, 1919-22. Brazilian political leader and jurist. From 1924-30 he was a member of the Permanent Court of International Justice at The Hague. Mason. Peter the Great (1672-1725) Emperor of Russia, 1689-1725. Name was Petr Alekseevich; son of Alexis, he reigned jointly with his half brother, Ivan, from 1682-89, and afterwards alone. He founded the new capital of St. Petersburg in 1703 and introduced western civilization into Russia, raising it to a recognized place among European powers. He traveled widely and became impressed with the western world. After his return he established the

first Masonic lodge in St. Petersburg and placed his favorite councillor, General Lefort, q.v., as first master of the lodge. This information was presented in a document to Emperor Alexander I, q.v., by the last grand master of the Astera Grand Lodge in an effort to save Russian Freemasonry from being outlawed by that emperor. Dr. Ernest Friedrichs, however, in his Freemasonry in Russia and Poland states that Peter did not found the first lodge. Emil C. Peters Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Hawaii, 1922-25 and Associate Justice, 1935-49. b. Dec. 15, 1877 in San Francisco, Calif. Graduate of U. of California in 1900, and admitted to the Hawaiian bar in that year. He was deputy attorney general of Hawaii in 1903-05; attorney general, 1905-07. He was in private practice from 1925-35, and since 1949. Member of Honolulu Lodge No. 409, Honolulu, Hawaii. 32 AASR (SJ), Knight Templar, and Shriner. John S. Peters (1772-1858) Governor of Connecticut, 1831-33. b. in Hebron, Conn., he was a country physician for 40 years. Held many local offices and was a state legislator. Was lieutenant governor of Conn. from 1827-31. Member of Wooster Lodge No. 10, Van den Broeck Chapter No. 5, R.A.M. and Washington Commandery No. 1, K.T., all of Colchester, Conn. d. 1858. Matthew William Peters (17421814) English portrait painter, cleric, and member of the Royal Academy. b. in the Isle of Wight. He moved with parents at an early age, to Ireland. Attended Exeter and was graduated with law degree, but gave up that profession to become a rector. When he presented a painting of Lord Petre, q.v., as grand master, a special office of Grand Portrait Painter was created by the Grand Lodge of England for him, and he served as such from 1783 until his death in 1814. Other grand masters painted by Peters were the Duke of Manchester, the Duke of Cumberland, and George, Prince of Wales, qq.v. When the Prince of Wales's Lodge No. 259 was formed in 1787, Peters became the first secretary, serving until 1794. At that time he was chaplain to the Prince of Wales, who was master of the lodge. Peters was first provincial grand master for Lincoln. His paintings mentioned above burned in a fire in 1882. Eric Peterson General Secretary-Treasurer of International Association of Machinists since 1945. b. Sept. 3, 1894 in Dalarne, Sweden. Joined the I.A.M. in 1913 as an apprentice machinist and held offices in local and district lodges, becoming acting general vice president in 1937 and general yice president in 1940. Member of Deer Lodge No. 14, Deer Lodge, Mont. since

1918. Also member of Valley Chapter No. 4, R.A.M. and Ivanhoe Commandery No. 16, K.T., both of Deer Lodge; and Washington Council No. 1, R. & S.M. and Almas Shrine Temple, both of Washington, D.C. Hugh Peterson U.S. Congressman to 74th through 79th Congresses (1935-47) from 1st Ga. dist. b. Aug. 21, 1898 near Alley, Ga. Is editor of the Montgomery Monitor, Mount Vernon, Ga. Served in both houses of Ga. legislature. In 1948 he was assigned as advisor on military govern332 Samuel B. Pettengill ment in occupied Germany. Member of Aural Lodge No. 239 of Mount Vernon, Ga., since 1919 and master of same in 1921. J. Hardin Peterson U.S. Congressman to 73rd through 80th Congresses (1933-49) from 1st Fla. dist. b. Feb. 11, 1894 in Batesburg, S. Car. Law graduate of U. of Florida in 1914. Practiced at Lakeland from 1915. Member of Lakeland Lodge No. 91, Lakeland, Fla., receiving degrees on Feb. 25, March 2 (2nd and 3rd), 1918. Member of Lakeland Chapter No. 29, R.A.M.; Polk Council No. 11, R. & S.M.; Lakeland Commandery No. 21, K.T., all of Lakeland; 32 AASR (SJ) at Tampa; Royal Order of Scotland, Washington, D.C. and Almas Shrine Temple, Washington, D.C. John Peterson (1805- ?) Prince Hall Freemason who was the first colored school teacher in New York City. An Episcopal priest, he began teaching Sunday school at the age of 15. Member of Boyer Lodge No. 1, N.Y.C., which was sometimes referred to as the "African Lodge No. 1." His Masonic service was under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge. He was grand chaplain from 1855-58, grand secretary in 1859-60, and grand treasurer from 1860-69. Val Peterson Governor of Nebraska, 1947-53; U.S. Ambassador to Denmark since 1957. b. July 18, 1903 in Oakland, Nebr. Graduate of Wayne (Nebr.) State Teachers Coll. in 1927, and U. of Nebraska in 1931. Taught school at Carroll, Madison, and Kimball, Nebr. and was superintendent of schools at Elgin, Nebr. from 1933-39. From 1936-46 he was publisher of the Elgin Review at Elgin. In WWII in China-Burma-India theater, and discharged with rank of lieutenant colonel. In 1953 he was administrative assistant to the president of the U.S., and administrator of Federal Civil Defense Adm. from 1955-57. Received his degrees in Wayne Lodge No. 120, Wayne, Nebr., June 1, July 13, and Aug. 24, 1928, and in 1936 affiliated with Antelope Lodge No. 276, Elgin, Nebr. Member of Damascus Chapter No. 25, R.A.M. of Norfolk, and 32 AASR (SJ) at Omaha. Shriner and Jester. Name in full is Frederick Valdemar Erastus Peterson.

Robert Edward, 9th Lord Petre (1742-1801) One of the three Roman Catholics who served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England. He gave his official sanction to the publication of the first edition of Preston's Illustrations of Masonry in 1772, and in 1776 the earliest Freemasons' Hall of London was opened during his reign. He dedicated it to "Masonry, Virtue, Universal Charity, and Benevolence." Although considered as the head of the Catholics of England, Petre presided for five years over a branch of society against which the thunders of the Vatican had been unleashed in 1739, and again in 1751. Other Catholic grand masters were Alfred Brown, 6th Viscount Montagu (1732), and George Frederick Samuel, Earl de Grey and Ripon (1870-74), qq.v. Lord Petre presided over many Masonic meetings after his tenure of office had ended. The last of record was in 1791, when, in the presence of acting grand master, Lord Rawdan, he took the chair as past grand master. Records disclose that he expended about 5,000 annually for charity. Samuel B. Pettengill U.S. Congressman to 72nd through 75th Congresses (1931-39) from Ind. b. Jan. 19, 1886 in Portland, Oreg. Graduate of Middlebury (Vt.) Coll. in 1908 and Yale in 1911. Has been in law practice at South Bend, Ind. since 1911. Author of Hot Oil; Jefferson the Forgotten Men; Smokescreen; and For Americans Only. Received degrees in 1913 in South Bend Lodge No. 294, 333 Richard F. Pettigrew South Bend, Ind. and was master in 1922. Was appointed junior grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of Indiana in 1939, resigning when he was deputy grand master in 1943. Received 33 AASR (NJ) in 1939. Now a resident of Grafton, Vt. Richard F. Pettigrew (1848-1926) U.S. Congressman to 47th Congress from Territory of Dakota and U.S. Senator from South Dakota, 18891901. b. July 23, 1848 in Ludlow, Vt. He moved with parents to Dane Co., Wis. in 1854, and later to Evansville, Wis. Went to Dakota in 1869 as a government surveyor, and settled in Sioux Falls. Was admitted to the bar about 1871, and practiced law while engaged in government surveying and real estate business. Was a member of the territorial house of representatives in 1872. Several times a member of the territorial council; on the admission of South Dakota as a state, was elected as Senator. Member of Minnehaha Lodge No. 5, Sioux Falls, receiving degrees, Jan. 26, May 1 and July 18, 1874. d. Oct. 5, 1926. John H. Peyton (1778-1847) Early Virginia lawyer. b. April 3, 1778 in

Stafford Co., Va. A graduate of Princeton in 1797, he was admitted to the bar in 1799. He established a reputation as a criminal lawyer. Served many years in the state legislature, and became deputy U.S. attorney for Western Virginia. He declined appointments as a member of congress and as federal judge. Past master of Dumfries Lodge No. 50, Dumfries, Va. d. April 3, 1847. James I. Phelps (1875-1947) Justice, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, 1925-29 and 1935-38. b. June 20, 1875 in Newton, Texas. Graduate of U. of Texas in 1899. Began law practice at El Reno, Okla. Mason, 33 AASR (ST), Knight Templar, and Shriner. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma in 1932, potentateof India Shrine Temple, Oklahoma City, in 1927, and grand patron, Eastern Star of Oklahoma in 1926. d. Jan. 5, 1947. John B. Phelps General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1957-60. b. July 10, 1885 in Camden, S. Car. He began as a construction engineer with Bell Telephone System, serving that company for 21 years. In 1921 he retired and moved to Florida where he entered business for himself. He later became associated with the department of agriculture of the state of Florida. He is known as "Mr York Rite Mason" in Florida. Raised in Piedmont Lodge No. 417, Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 14, 1920, he is presently a member of Carnell Lodge No. 223, Miami. Exalted in Jerico Chapter No. 11, Miami, in 1922, he was high priest in 1927. Greeted in Adoniram Council No. 10, Miami, Oct. 29, 1926, he was master in 1929. Knighted in Simon of Cyrene Cornmandery No. 13, K.T. of Miami, he was commander in 1927. He served as head of the grand chapter in 1938, grand council in 1935, and grand commandery in 1935. Since 1942 he has been grand secretary and recorder of the three York Rites bodies. Was grand master general of Convent General K.Y.C.H. in 1953. Member of many other Masonic organizations. John S. Phelps (1814-1886) U.S. Congressman and Governor of Missouri, 1876-82. b. Dec. 22, 1814 in Simsbury, Conn. Studied law under his father, and after practicing a short time in - Conn., came to Mo. in 1837, locating at Springfield. After serving in the state legislature in 1840, he was elected as U.S. congressman in 1844, and served until 1863 in that body. In the Civil War he became a Union brigadier general of volunteers. In 1862 Lincoln appointed him as military governor of Arkansas. He distinguished himself at the Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark. He was a member of 334 Frank Phillips United Lodge No. 5, Springfield, his name first appearing in the 1857 proceedings. It is not known whether he was initiated in this lodge. On Aug. 15, 1850 he affiliated with Springfield Chapter No. 15, R.A.M., and

on its reorganization in 1867, was recommended as high priest. d. Nov. 20, 1886. Warren C. Philbrook (1857-1933) Justice, Supreme Court of Maine, 1913-29. b. Nov. 30, 1857 in Sedgwick, Maine. Graduate of Colby Coll. in 1882 and admitted to the bar in 1884. Served as mayor of Waterville and member of lower house. From 1909-11 he was attorney general of Maine. Member of Waterville Lodge No. 33, Waterville, Maine, and master of same in 1889-90. Charter member and past high priest of Teconnet Chapter No. 52, R.A.M., Waterville, and commander of St. Omer Commandery No. 12, Waterville, in 1894-95. Grand commander of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Maine in 1910. d. May 31, 1933. Philip IV (1268-1314) King of France, 1285-1314. Called "The Fair," he was anything but that. He persecuted the Jews, and particularly the Knights Templar. With the aid of his willing instrument, Pope Clement V, he succeeded in overthrowing the order. He died execrated by his subjects, whose hearts he had alienated by the cruelty, avarice, and despotism of his administration. Philip, Duke of Wharton (see under Wharton). Prince Philip (see Duke of Edinburgh). John W. Philip (1840-1900) Commodore, U.S. Navy. b. Aug. 26, 1840 in N.Y.C. Became commodore in 1898. During Civil War he was in the blockading service, and while executive officer of the Pawnee, was wounded in the leg in the Stone River fight. In 1877 he was on detached service with the Woodre Scientific expeditionaround the world. In the Spanish-American War he was in command of the battleship Texas, and was commander of the North Atlantic squadron. Member of Catskill Lodge No. 468, Catskill, N.Y. d. June 30, 1900. Emanuel L. Philipp (1861-1925) Governor of Wisconsin, 1915-21. b. March 25, 1861 in Sauk Co., Wis. He was a farmer, school teacher, telegraph operator, station agent, and train dispatcher until 1893, and in the lumber business until 1903. President of Union Refrigerator Transit Co. in 1897, and became owner and manager of same in 1903. Raised in Ironton Lodge No. 79, Ironton, Wis.; was a York Rite and Scottish Rite member. d. June 15, 1925.

Dayton E. Phillips U.S. Congressman to 80th and 81st Congresses (1947-51) from 1st Tenn. dist. b. March 29, 1910 in Shell Creek, Tenn. Graduate of National U. in 1933. In law practice in Carter Co., Tenn. Served overseas with Army in WWII (European theater). Raised Sept. 3, 1946 in Dashiell Lodge No. 238; exalted Sept. 26, 1946 in R. D. Keller Chapter No. 215, R.A.M.; member of Elizabethton Council No. 119 (now renamed B. E. Wooten Council), R. & S.M. and Carter Commandery No. 27, K.T., all of Elizabethton, Tenn. Frank Phillips (1873-1950) Honorary director and honorary chairman of board of Phillips Petroleum Co. b. Nov. 28, 1873 in Greeley Co., Nebr. Engaged in banking at Creston, Iowa in 1898-1903 and then moved to Bartlesville, Okla., where he organized and was president of the Citizens Bank & Trust Co., now the First National. He was in the oil production business from 1903-17. Was financial backer of Col. Arthur C. Goebel, who won the Dole prize for first successful flight to Hawaii in 1927. Became adopted member of Osage Tribe in 1930. Affiliated with Bartlesville (Okla.) Lodge No. 284 on April 10, 1906. Knight Templar; 33 AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. Aug. 23, 1950. Glenn R. Phillips Methodist Bishop. b. May 24, 1894 in Paulding Co., Ohio. Graduate of Ohio Wesleyan in 1915, and Garrett Bible Institute in 1917, 1933. Ordained minister of Methodist Episcopal church in 1920. Served as pastor in Southern Calif., Ariz. conference, 1920-25; North Hollywood, 192529; Phoenix, Ariz., 1929-30; Hollywood, Calif., 1930-48. Became resident bishop of Denver area in 1948. Member of Cahuenga Lodge No. 513, Hollywood, Calif.; Fidelity Chapter No. 96, R.A.M., Santa Maria, Calif.; Hollywood Commandery No. 56, K.T., Hollywood, Calif.; and 32 KCCH, AASR (SJ) in Denver, Colo. In 193435 he was grand prelate of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of California. Henry D. Phillips (1882-1955) Protestant Episcopal Bishop Southwestern Va., 1938-55. b. Jan. 16, 1882 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of U. of the South in 1904; 1906; Oglethorpe U., 1920; U. of Georgia, 1923. Ordained deacon in 1906 and priest in 1907. Served churches in LaGrange, Ga., Sewanee, Tenn., Columbia, S. Car., and was professor at U. of the South until 1938, when he became bishop of diocese of Southwestern Virginia at Roanoke. In 1906 he founded the LaGrange Settlement and Training School for Christian workers. Member of Richland Lodge No. 39, Columbia, S. Car. Received 32 AASR (SJ) in Columbia Consistory (S. Car.) on Feb. 13, 1925, dimitting from same Dec. 31, 1929. d. June 29, 1955.

Jesse S. Phillips (1871-1954) President of Great American Indemnity Co., 1926-32; chairman of board, 193350. b. May 4, 1871 in Allegany Co., N.Y. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1893, and admitted to N.Y. bar in 1894. In general law practice until 1921,when he became counsel for National Bureau of Casualty & Surety Underwriters. Raised in Andover Lodge No. 558, Andover, N.Y. on June 3, 1895, receiving 50-year Masonic award in 1948 from Grand Lodge of New York. d. Nov. 6, 1954. John Phillips U.S. Congressman to 78th through 84th Congresses (1943-1957) from 22nd Calif. dist. b. Sept. 11, 1887 in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Graduate of Haverford Coll. (Pa.) in 1910. Business analyst, organizer, and rancher at Banning, Calif. Vice president of Public Relations Research Association. Served in state senate in 1936-42. Served in Army in WWI. Member of San Gorgonio Lodge No. 668, Banning, Calif. Leon C. Phillips (1890-1958) Governor of Oklahoma, 1939-43. b. Dec. 9, 1890 in Worth Co., Mo. Graduate of U. of Oklahoma in 1916 and admitted to the bar that year, practicing at Okemah, Okla. Member of state legislature, 1933-38, and speaker of the house in 1935. Served as a private in the artillery in WWI. Member and past master of Okemah Lodge No. 234, Okemah, Okla. Received 32 AASR (SJ), Nov. 20, 1919 at Guthrie; KCCH, Oct. 20, 1925; and 33 on Oct., 1939. d. March 27, 1958. Orie L. Phillips Federal Judge. b. Nov. 20, 1885 in Viola, Ill. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1908. Admitted to New Mex. bar in 1910 and practiced at Raton. Member of N. Mex. state senate in 1920-23, resigning to become U.S. district judge of N. Mex. Commissioned U.S. circuit judge of 10th judicial circuit by President Hoover in 1929, and was chief judge of the 10th circuit, 1940-55. Mason, Knight Templar, and 32 AASR (SJ). Affiliated with Springer Lodge No. 45, Springer, N. Mex., on Jan. 26, 1911 from Viola Lodge No. 577, Viola, Ill. On May 17, 1917 he affiliated with Gate City Lodge No. 11, Raton, N. Mex. Thomas W. Phillips, Jr. (18741956) U.S. Congressman to 68th and 69th Congresses (1923-27) from 26th Pa. dist. b. Nov. 21, 1874 in New Castle, Pa. In the petroleum and natural gas business from 1897, and president of the T. W. Phillips Gas & Oil Co. Received degrees in Lodge of the Craft No. 433, New Castle, Pa. on April 19, May 17, June 21, 1898 and in 1919 became a charter member of Victory Lodge No. 694, Butler, Pa. d. Jan. 2, 1956. Wallace C. Philoon Major General, U.S. Army. b. Oct. 13, 1883 in Auburn, Maine. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1909, and advanced

through grades to major general in 1945, retiring that year. Served in China, on general staff of War Dept., as chief of staff of Panama Canal, Caribbean defense command, commanded Infantry Replacement Center, Ft. McClellan, Ala. in WWII, and was also with the Alaskan Dept. and provost marshal in office of chief of staff. Member of Tranquil Lodge No. 29, Auburn, Maine since 1905 and made honorary member May 4, 1955. John Phoenix (see George H. Derby). Fred L. Pick English Masonic author. b. May 12, 1898 in Blackpool, England. Served in Royal Field Artillery in WWI, after which he spent over 30 years in the National Health Insurance and National Health Services. In 1952 he was appointed provincial grand secretary for Lancashire (Eastern div.). He is the author of More Masonry Into Men and with G. Norman Knight, the joint author of The Pocket History of Freemasonry and The Freemasons' Pocket Reference Book. He has contributed extensively to Ars Quatuor Coronatorum and the Transactions of the Man-chester Association for Masonic Research, as well as other publications. He was initiated in the Vale of Catmos Lodge No. 1265, Clakharn in 1926; joined the Lodge of Friendship No. 277 in 1928 and was a founder of the Manchester Lodge for Masonic Research No. 5502 in 1934 and master of same in 1939. In 1937 he was elected a full member of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 and was master in 1944. In 1948 he was Prestonian lecturer. He is past grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of England; past assistant grand sojourner of Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of England; past grand overseer of Mark Grand Lodge of England; past assistant grand director of ceremonies of Allied Masonic Degrees; chief adept for Lancashire and Cheshire of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia; a Blue Friar (U.S.) and Fellow of the College of Rites. Lewis A. Pick (1890-1956) Lieutenant General, U.S. Army and Chief of Engineer Corps from 1949-53. b. Nov. 18, 1890 in Brookneal, Va. Graduate of Virginia Poly. Inst. in 1914 and commissioned first lieutenant in Corps of Engineers in 1917, advancing through grades to lieutenant general in 1951. Commanded an engineering company overseas in WWI, and then on duty tour of Philippines. District engineer at New Orleans 1925-28; commanded the General Staff School, Ft. Leavenworth, 1934-38; division engineer Missouri River division at Omaha, 1942-43; commander of advance sector, CBI theater, and in charge of construction of famous Ledo Road, 1943-45. After retirement in 1953 he became vice chairman of Georgia Pacific Plywood Co. His road in Burma was called "Pick's Pike." The Missouri River valley flood control plan is known as the Pick-Sloan plan. Member of Mackey Lodge No. 69, Rustburg, Va. 32 AASR (SJ) in Dalcho Consistory (Va.) on Nov. 6, 1919. d. Dec. 2, 1956.

337 John Pickard John Pickard (1858-1937) Archaeologist. b. Oct. 12, 1858 in Concord, N.H. Graduate of Dartmouth in 1883 and 1886, he studied at universities of Leipzig, Berlin, Munich, Athens, and Rome. Was professor of archaeology and art at U. of Missouri for many years. He was president of the Missouri state capitol decoration commission and a lecturer on art and Masonic subjects. He held his lodge and York Rite memberships in Columbia, Mo., and Scottish Rite in Kansas City, where he was master of Kadosh and a 33. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri; grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Missouri; grand master of the Grand Council, R. & S.M. of Missouri; grand patron of the Eastern Star of Missouri; president of Order of High Priesthood; president of Past Commanders' Association, and national head (grand sovereign) of the Red Cross of Constantine. Pickard was the leading influence and president of the Missouri Masonic Research Council, which developed later into the Missouri Lodge of Research. d. Nov. 25, 1937. Israel Pickens (1780-1827) U.S. Congressman from North Carolina to 12th through 14th Congresses (18111817) ; U.S. Senator from Alabama, 1826; and Governor of Alabama, 182125. b. Jan. 30, 1780 near Concord, N. Car. Graduate of Jefferson Coll., Canonsburg, Pa., in 1802, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. Member of N. Car. state senate in 1809. He was a member of Liberty Lodge No. 45, Wilkesborough, N. Car., and later of St. Stephens Lodge No. 81, St. Stephens, Ala. In 1824-25 he was grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Alabama. d. April 24, 1827. George E. Pickett (1825-1875) Confederate Major General of Civil War, famous for his charge at Gettysburg. b. Jan. 25, 1825 in Richmond, Va. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1846. He served in the war with Mexico, and was at the siege of Vera Cruz and in all battles that preceded the capture of Mexico City. Then served in Texas, and on frontier duty in Northwest Territory. He resigned from the army on June 25, 1861, going to Va., where he was made colonel in the state forces. In Feb., 1862 he was made brigadier general in Longstreet's division in the Army of the Potomac which became the Army of Northern Virginia. He was severely wounded at the Battle of Gaines's Mills on June 27, 1862. At the Battle of Fredericksburg, his division held the center of Lee's line. At Gettysburg on July 3, 1863, he made his famous charge with 4,500 men across half a mile of broken ground against the Union positions on Cemetery Ridge, only to be repulsed with the loss of threefourths of his division. He fought brilliantly at Five Forks, and after the war, returned to Richmond, where he engaged in the life insurance business. He was a member of Dove Lodge No. 51, Richmond, Va., and during the war, of a military lodge in his division, known as Old Guard Lodge No. 211. He was

also a member of St. Alban's Chapter and Richmond Commandery No. 2, K.T., both of Richmond. d. July 30, 1875. His funeral was attended by the Masonic fraternity. Allin H. Pierce Judge of U.S. Tax Court since 1955. b. Jan. 18, 1897 in Graceville, Minn. Graduate of Swarthmore Coll. in 1919 and U. of Chicago in 1923. Practiced law in Chicago, 1923-28, and with Bureau of Internal Revenue, 1928-35. He then practiced in N.Y.C., 1936-43, and Chicago, 194355. Received degrees in Ashlar Lodge No. 111, Fort Dodge, Iowa about 1819, and is presently a member of Barristers Lodge No. 48, Washington, D.C. Frederick E. Pierce (1862-1953) Major General, Volunteers. b. May 5,1862 in Glenwood, Iowa, moving with parents to Greenfield, Mass. Here he worked in the postoffice and as a bank teller. Became postmaster in 1894, holding position 21 years. He was treasurer of the Greenfield-Turners Falls Street Railway, and president of the Connecticut Valley Street Railway. Was also treasurer of the Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Co. for many years. Entered Mass. Volunteers in 1887 and served in Cuba during the SpanishAmerican War. He was promoted to major general and retired in 1913. Raised in Republican Lodge, July 15, 1886; exalted in Franklin Chapter, R.A.M., April 6, 1887; was high priest in 1891-93, and grand scribe of the Grand Chapter of Massachusetts in 1906. Greeted in Titus Strong Council R. & S.M., June 13, 1890; was master in 1912; knighted in Connecticut Valley Commandery No. 23, was commander in 1906-08. All the above bodies are in Greenfield, Mass. d. Sept. 14, 1953. Walter M. Pierce Governor of Oregon, 1923-27, and U.S. Congressman to 73rd through 77th Congresses (1933-43) from Oreg. b. May 30, 1861 in Grundy Co., Ill. He taught school in Ill. and Kans., and moved to Oregon in 1883, where he continued to teach, and was superintendent until 1890. In 1896 he was graduated from-law dept. of Northwestern U. (Ill.), and began practice at Pendleton, Oreg. After three years he entered banking and the power and light business; operated stock and wheat farms; and served in the state senate 1903-07, and 1917-21. Member of La-Grande Lodge, No. 41, LaGrande, Oreg. and member of both York and Scottish rites. William Pierce (1740-1806) Revolutionary soldier and delegate to Continental Congress in 1786-87. b. in Georgia about 1740. He entered the army at the start of the Revolution,and was aide-de-camp to General Nathanael Greene, q.v., and was presented a sword by congress, in recognition of his gallant services. He was a delegate to the Continental

Congress and to the convention that framed the constitution, but being opposed to the plan, he withdrew without signing the document. Was a member of Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Ga. at least as early as 1786. Henry Piercy Officer of American Revolution and aide-de-camp to Washington. He was present with him at every battle except Yorktown, having been carried off the field wounded the previous day. He commanded the Independent Blues of Alexandria, Va. at the funeral of Washington. Member of Alexandria Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va. Albert Pierson Major General, U.S. Army. b. July 10, 1899 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Commissioned in 1918, advancing through grades to brigadier general in 1943 and major general in 1950. In overseas service at Puerto Rico, Canal Zone, Philippines, New Guinea, Okinawa, and Japan. From 1943-45 was assistant division commander of 11th Airborne Div. in recapture of Philippines and occupation of Japan; commanding general South Sector, Hawaii; War Dept., general staff, 1940-42; chief military advisor to Philippines, 1951-54; chief of staff U.S. Army Forces in Far East from 1954. Member of Sojourners Lodge, Cristobal, Canal Zone. A. T. C. Pierson (1817-1889) Masonic author and "father of Freemasonry in Minnesota." b. Aug. 29, 1817 in Morris Plains, N.J. He came to Minn. in 1851, as employee of Indian Dept. of the U.S. Raised in Painted Post Lodge No. 117, N.Y., in 1851, he affiliated with St. Paul Lodge (then No. 1) in Feb., 1853, and became a charter member of Ancient Landmark Lodge No. 5, St. Paul, in Jan., 1854. Served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota from 1856-64, and was grand secretary in 1864 and again from 1876-89. Exalted in Elmira Chapter No. 42, N.Y., March 16, 1852, and affiliated with Minnesota Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. of St. Paul, as a charter member, on Dec. 21, 1853. Was first grand high priest of Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Minn. in 1859, and grand secretary 1860-65 and 1875-89. Organized Damascus Commandery No. 1, K.T., St. Paul, in 1856; was commander for nine years, grand captain general of the Grand Encampment, U.S.A. from 1862-68; and grand recorder of Grand Commandery of Minnesota, 1876-89. A personal friend of Albert Pike from 1851, he received the degrees of the Scottish Rite and the 33 in 1859. Wrote Traditions of Freemasonry in 1866. d. Nov. 26, 1889. William Pierson (1871-1935) Justice, Supreme Court of Texas, 192135. b. March 12, 1871 in Gilmer, Texas. Graduate of Baylor U. in 1896 and U. of Texas in 1898. Practiced law at Greenville, Texas. Served in house of representatives and as district judge. Member of Greenville Lodge No. 335,

Greenville, Texas, receiving degrees on May 23, Aug. 1, 29, 1899. d. April 24, 1935. Aristides S. Pietri Published first Masonic book in Puerto Rico in 1873, covering the first three degrees, with their secret work and baptismal ceremonies, and an explanation of the origin of symbols and ancient rites. In 1885 he published Historical Rsum of Ancient and Modern Freemasonry. Was several times master of Aurora Lodge under the United Grand Lodge of Colon and Cuba. Willem Pijper (1896-1947) Netherlands composer. He was of the opinion that good music during the initiation ceremonies was of great value and for that purpose, composed his Six Adagioshis last work. The first public appearance of this work after his death was conducted by a Roman Catholic, who could have had no idea of the Masonic trend of the composition. This was also the case of the Roman Catholic critic, who after having stated that this composition was quite different from the composer's former work, wrote of the Six Adagios: "For what purpose, for what liturgic ceremony were they intended? How could it be that this purpose took possession of the entire man, Pijper, to such an extent, and changed his spiritual horizon so thoroughly? When did this alteration start? At what pace did it develop? Fast or Slow? Were the motives strong enough to suppose that they would have been of lasting influence on Pijper's aesthetics? I hope that one of his friends keeps data which will serve as a starting point for this chapter of Pijper's biography, which will have to declare an evolution as remarkable from the psychological, as from the musicological point of view. . Then he writes a song which, familiarly speaking, has a head and a tail. We hear it, we understand it, because it could rise from each of us. And the rest does not matter. One or another accord, this or another instrument, this or another rhythm, it all seems of no importance since that melody goes the way we desire, even without knowing it. That is why I consider the Six Adagios a masterwork." Pijper died in 1947 at the age of 51 after a long illness. Albert Pike (1809-1891) Lawyer, poet, soldier, adventurer, author and 8th Grand Commander of the Southern Supreme Council, AASR. b. Dec. 29, 1809 in Boston, Mass. He entered Harvard in 1826, but financial problems prevented the completion of his education. Nevertheless, he became one of the leading intellectuals of that era by self-education. After a time as principal of a school in Newburyport, Mass., he set out for the partially explored regions of the West, traveling by stage to Cincinnati; by steamer to Nashville; on foot to Paducah; by keel-boat down the Ohio; by steamer up the Mississippi; and in 1831 he left with a caravan of ten wagons as one of a party of 40 men under Capt. Charles Bent, q.v., en route from St. Louis to

Santa Fe. He arrived at Taos on Nov. 10, 1831, having walked 500 miles from the Cimarron River, where his horse ran away. He remained at Santa Fe until Sept., 1832, and then started with a party down the Pecos River and into the Staked Plain, to the headwaters of the Brazos. Pike, with four others, then made their way to Fort Smith, Ark. Here he again took up the teaching profession, and in 1833 became associate editor of the Arkansas Advocate, purchasing the paper a year later. He then took up the study of law, and being admitted to the bar, sold the paper. In 1839 he contributed to Blackwood's Magazine, a poem, Hymns to the Gods, which established him as a poet of reputation. As a lawyer, he was recognized throughout the Southwest. In the Mexican War, he was commissioned a captain of cavalry in Archibald Yell's, q.v., regiment. After Yell's death, Pike had several differences of opinion with the new commander, which resulted in a bloodless duel between them, but ended his cavalry career. For the next few years he divided his time between the law and his writing, and his residence between New Orleans and Little Rock. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, he cast his lot with the Confederacy, and was named Indian agent and brigadier general of the area, which included the Indian Territory. Once again he differed with his superiors, and when accused of insubordination, he resigned, serving the rest of the war period as a judge of the Arkansas superior court. He practiced law in Memphis, Tenn. for two years before moving to Washington, D.C. at the beginning of his term as sovereign grand commander of the Southern Jurisdiction AASR. He was raised in Western Star Lodge No. 2, Little Rock, Ark in Aug., 1850, when he was 40. Two years later (Nov. 4, 1852), he became charter member and first master of Magnolia Lodge No. 60, Little Rock. On Oct. 4, 1880 he affiliated with Pentalpha Lodge No. 23, Washington, D.C. While in Arkansas he served on many grand lodge committees, including Masonic Law and Usage; Foreign Correspondence; Library; By-Laws, and was a trustee, and subsequently president, of St. John's College, established by that grand lodge. Exalted in Union Chapter No. 2, R.A.M. of Little Rock, Nov. 29, 1850, he became the first grand scribe of the Grand Chapter of Arkansas, and grand high priest in 1853-54. He was first commander of Hugh de Paynes Commandery No. 1, K.T. of Little Rock. Received the R. & S.M. degrees in Columbia Chapter, R.A.M., of Washington, D.C. On March 20, 1853 he received the AASR (SJ) degrees, 4-32 at Charleston, S. Car, from Albert G. Mackey, q.v., and received the 33 in New Orleans in 1857. The following year he was elected an active member, and sovereign grand commander (Jan. 3, 1859). In this position he did much for that rite. As one has said, "He found the Scottish Rite in a cabin and left it in a temple." He rewrote the AASR ritual, as well as many Masonic books, including Morals and Dogma. d. April 2, 1891, and is buried in the House of the Temple, Washington, D.C. William J. Pike (1864-1923) U.S. Consul. b. March 24, 1864 in

Scranton, Pa. He published and edited a weekly paper in Northern Pennsylvania until 1889, and then became a government clerk in Washington, D.C. Entered consular service in 1903, and became consul at Zittau, Germany; vice consul at Reichenberg, Bohemia; later consul at Reichenberg and Kehl; consul general at Coburg, Germany; and consul at St. Gall, Switzerland, and Strassburg, France. Received degrees in Lodge No. 338 of Pa. on Oct. 28, 1884, March 24, April 28, 1885. d. April 23, 1923. Zebulon Pike (1779-1813) Discoveror of Pike's Peak in Colorado, and brigadier general in War of 1812. b. Jan. 5, 1779 in Lamberton, N.J. His father, of the same name, was a captain in the Revolutionary Army, and when the son was a child, the family moved to Bucks Co., Pa., and then later to Easton. Young Pike was appointed an ensign in his father's regiment in March, 1799. He was killed at the attack on York, Canada, April 27, 1813. The younger Pike is often referred to as a Freemason, and his membership is given in Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia. This, however, was undoubtedly his father of the same name (1751-1834) as he was initiated Feb. 19, 1782 (young Pike would have been three years old at the time). In 1791 a "Zebulon Pike" was a petitioner to the Grand Lodge of New Jersey for a warrant for a traveling lodge in the Army, but this too must have been the father, as young Pike was but 12 at this time. Later records of Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia list "Zebulon Pike" as "removed" from the lodge. Marcele H. del Pilar (see under del Filar). Joshua Pilcher (? -1843) Founder of the American Fur Co. in 1820, together with two other Freemasons, Joseph Perkins and Moses B. Carson, qq.v. A Virginian, he was a relative of Thomas F. Riddick, q.v., the first grand master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, with whom he was associated in business for some time. In the fur trade he secured a thoroughknowledge of the geography and resources of the Northwest Territory. At the death of General William Clark in 1838, President Van Buren appointed him superintendent of Indian affairs in St. Louis and he filled this position until his death. He served as a second to Senator Thomas H. Benton, q.v., in his duel with Lucas. The pioneer St. Louis Lodge No. 111 became defunct following the War of 1812, and when its successor, Missouri Lodge No. 12, was formed under the Grand Lodge of Tennessee under date of Oct. 3, 1815, Pilcher was named charter master. Abraham E. Pinanski (1887-1949) Justice, Superior Court of Massachusetts, 1930-49. b. July 9, 1887 in Boston, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1908 and 1910. Member of Shawmut Lodge, Boston, Mass. d.

Oct. 5, 1949. George J. Pinckard (1829-1914) General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. & S.M. b. May 28, 1829 in Cambridge, England. A graduate of St. John's College at age of 19, he enlisted in English Army in 1848 and served in quelling the Sepoy mutiny in India. Came to America and was employed by the U.S. surveyors' dept. during the Civil War. He served ten years in the U.S. Navy, and later be-_ came a member of a bridge contracting firm. Raised in Aloha Lodge No. 72, New Orleans and served eight years as master. Was grand high priest of Louisiana in 1898 and grand treasurer from 1901. Grand master of his grand council in 1887-91. He received the 33 AASR (SJ), Nov. 28, 1892. He was one of the founders of the General Grand Council, representing Louisiana. d. Feb. 8, 1914. Joseph C. Pinckney (1821-1881) Union Brigadier General (brevet) in Civil War. b. Nov. 5, 1821 in N.Y.C. Member of Eureka Lodge No. 243, Metropolitan Chapter No. 40, R.A.M., Morton Commandery No. 4, K.T., and 32 AASR (NJ), all in N.Y.C. A member of the Elks, his funeral on March 4, 1881 was the first improvised funeral ever conducted by them. William B. Pine (1877-1942) U.S. Senator from Oklahoma. b. Dec. 30, 1877 in Scott Co., Ill. Taught school and was a farm machinery salesman in several central states. He then moved to Chanute, Kans., where he was in the oil producing business. He moved to Okla. in 1904, continuing in the oil industry. In 1909 he located at Okmulgee. Served in the U.S. senate from 1925-31. Was an unsuccessful candidate for governor in 1934. Mason, 32 AASR and Shriner. d. Aug. 25, 1942. Hazen S. Pingree (1840-1901) Governor of Michigan, 1896-1900. b. Aug. 30, 1840 in Denmark, Maine. Lived on father's farm until 14 years old; worked in a cotton factory at Saco, Maine, and then in a shoe factory at Hopkinton, Mass. He was a private in the Union Army in the Civil War, and prisoner of war for five months. After the war he went to Detroit and established a small shoe factory, which he developed into the largest shoe manufacturing business in the West. He attained prominence by his project of securing vacant lots for the cultivation of potatoes by the poor. Was mayor of Detroit, 1889-96. Member of Union Lodge of Strict Observance, No. 3, Detroit; 32 AASR (NJ); and Moslem Shrine Temple, all of Detroit. d. 1901. William Pinkney (1764-1822) U.S. Representative; U.S. Senator; U.S. Attorney General; U.S. Minister to England and Russia. b. March 17, 1764 in Annapolis, Md. Studied medicine, but turned to the practice of law in Harford

Co., Md. Was member of the state constitutional convention of 1788. Served in 2nd U.S. congress, 1791, and 14th congress, 1815-16. Was a commissioner at London under Jay's treaty from 1796-1804; attorney general of Md. and joint minister to Great Britain with James Monroe in 1806, and individually, 1807-11. Madison appointed him U.S. attorney general, and he served 1811-14. Was wounded at the Battle of Bladensburg, Md. on Aug. 24, 1814. Was minister to Russia, 1816-18, and U.S. senator 1819-22. He is presumed to have been made a Mason in Lodge No. 16, Baltimore, and was one of the petitioners, and first senior warden, of Amanda Lodge No. 12, Annapolis, Md. d. Feb. 25, 1822. Ciro Pinsuti Composer and singer. Initiated June 9, 1858 in Bank of England Lodge No. 263, London, England; was master of same in 1862. John Pintard (1759-1844) Philanthropist. b. May 18, 1759 in N.Y.C. Left Princeton to fight in the Revolution, but returned to receive his degree in 1776. He subsequently served on several military expeditions, and then became deputy commissioner of American prisoners in N.Y. under his uncle, Louis. After the war he entered the shipping business. He edited the N.Y. Daily Advertiser in 1802; founded the first savings bank in N.Y.C. Active in founding the N.Y. Historical Society, and American Bible Society (first secretary), and first sagamore of the Tammany Society. In 1805 he began with others, efforts that resulted in the formation of the free schools of N.Y.C. He was also active in the movement to build the Erie Canal, and was an associate of DeWitt Clinton, q.v. He projected the plan of the streets that now exist in the upper part of N.Y.C. He gave liberally from his own fortune to almost every worthy cause of the time. Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. d. June 21, 1844. 343 Pinto Alva S. Pinto (1872-1944) American physician who was one of the first three to volunteer to be bitten by infected mosquitos at Havana, Cuba in 1900, thus proving the manner of infection of yellow fever. b. May 29, 1872 in Chillicothe, Ohio. Received M.D. degree from Creighton U., Omaha, Nebr. in 1898. Enlisted as a private in the volunteers in 1898 for Spanish-American War, and served in Cuba and Philippines, resigning as a captain in the Medical Dept. in 1903. In WWI he served as major, and lieutenant colonel. He was health commissioner of Omaha from 1921. Member of Capitol Lodge No. 3, Omaha, Nebr. receiving degrees on May 24, 1897, May 11, June 29, 1903. Master of lodge in 1910. Exalted in Omaha Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. on Sept. 29, 1905; greeted in Omaha Council No. 1, R. & S.M. on Dec. 12, 1905; knighted in Mt. Calvary Commandery No. 1, Omaha on Dec. 12, 1905. d. Dec. 7, 1944.

Nathaniel Pitcher (1777-1836) Governor of New York, 1928-29. b. in Litchfield, Conn. He moved to Sandy Hill, N.Y. early in life. He was a member of the state legislature in 1806, and 1815-17, and of the state constitutional convention in 1821. U.S. congressman, 1819-23. He was lieutenant governor of N.Y. from 1826-28, and became governor on the death of Governor DeWitt Clinton, q.v. Served on a committee in the Grand Lodge of N.Y. The grand lodge records, however, fail to reveal his membership. d. May 25, 1836. John IL Pitchford (1857-1923) Justice, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, 1919-25. b. March 8, 1857 in Wallhalla, S. Car. Admitted to S. Car. bar in 1878, he practiced at Clayton and Gainesville, Ga. Moved to Ft. Smith, Ark. in 1890, and to Tahlequah, Okla. in 1896. Member of Cherokee Lodge No. 16, Tahlequah, Okla. d. March 2, 1923. Peter P. Pitchlyn (1806-1881) Choctaw Indian Chief. b. Jan. 30, 1806 in Hush-ook-wa, Noxubee Co., Miss. of a white father and Choctaw mother. His Indian name of Hatchootuekee means "snapping turtle." His father was commissioned by George Washington as an interpreter. Brought up as an Indian boy, he was given the benefit of a good education, being sent 200 miles to school in Tenn.; later attended the Columbia (Tenn.) Academy, and graduated from the U. of Nashville. He returned to Miss. to become a farmer; married, and was the first Choctaw to depart from the practice of polygamy. He also did great service to his tribe by enforcing the treaty on sale of liquor, and, as a reward, was made a captain and elected a member of the national tribal council of the five civilized tribes. In 1828 he headed the delegation sent to Indian Territory (Okla.) in 1828 to select the lands for their future homes, and to make peace with the Osage. He later immigrated, and built a cabin on the Arkansas River. Charles Dickens met Pitchlyn on a steamboat on the Ohio River in 1842, and mentioned him in his American Notes as an Indian chief. Actually, Pitchlyn did not become a chief until 1860. Dickens described him as a handsome man with black hair, aquiline nose, broad cheekbones, sunburnt complexion, and eyes that were bright, keen, dark and piercing. He favored the Union cause in the Civil War, although three of his own children, and many of his people, joined the Confederate cause. After 1860 he spent most of his time in Washington, D.C., representing his tribe, and pressing claims for lands sold to the U.S. in 1830. In addition to the treaty of 1820, he signed the treaty of Dancing Rabbit (Miss.) in 1830, treaty of Washington (1855), and was principal chief of treaty of Washington in 1866. He was an able orator, a Christian, and a man of much wisdom and tact. His lodge and chapter are not known, but he was probably a member of both in Washington, D.C. as he was knighted in Washington Cornmandery No. 1, K.T., Washington, D.C., May 27, 1854. His name is mentioned in the bylaws of that commandery in 1857, 1859, 1869, and 1893. In 1854 he addressed the Grand Lodge of Georgia "giving good evidence that he felt and understood

the true principles of the Order of Masonry; and also gave a very favorable account of the conditions of the Craft in his tribe, which he considered a convincing proof of their progress in civilization." He was also a Scottish Rite member, having received his 32 at the hands of Albert Pike, q.v., in the spring of 1860. A warm friendship developed between Pike and Pitchlyn and the bonds grew stronger after the Civil War. It was Pike's intention to elevate Chief Pitchlyn to the 33 as noted in a letter dated Dec. 7, 1865: "I hope you may remain in Washington until the 3rd Monday of Feb., when the Supreme Council meets there, and I shall propose you for election to the Honorary 33." d. Jan. 17, 1881 and was buried in the Congressional Cemetery in Washington. The Masonic rites were conducted by his friend, Albert Pike. Frederick W. Pitkin (1837-1886) Governor of Colorado, 1878-84. b. Aug. 31, 1837 in Manchester, Conn. Graduate of Wesleyan U. (Conn.), and Albany (N.Y.) law school. In 1860 he went west, practicing in Milwaukee, Wis. His health became impaired and he went to Europe, but returned in 1873 in what was thought to be a dying condition. He moved to Colo. and engaged in rough labor in the mines, regaining sufficient health to resume law practice. As governor, his prompt and fearless intervention in the riots of Leadville saved many lives and much destruction. Pitkin Co., Colo. is named in his honor. Affiliated with Independence Lodge No. 80, Milwaukee, Wis. on June 2, 1865 from Manchester, Conn. Excluded for NPD on Nov. 16, 1877 and suspended for same on Jan 2, 1878. Member of Wisconsin Chapter No. 7, aAm., Milwaukee and knighted in Wisconsin Cornmandery No. 1, K.T. on Nov. 25, 1865, being suspended from same on June 1, 1880. d. Dec. 18, 1886. Key Pittman (1872-1940) U.S. Senator from Nevada, 1913-40. b. Sept. 19, 1872 in Vicksburg, Miss. Educated by private tutors, and S.W. Presbyterian U. of Tenn. Began law practice in Seattle, Wash. in 1892, and joined the movement to the Klondyke in 1897, where he worked as a common miner two years. Here he served as counsel for miners, attacking the corruption of government officials at Dawson, and went to Nome in 1899, where he became first district attorney and one of the leading counsels for miners in their fight against the conspiracy to rob them of their mines. In 1901 he moved to Tonopah, Nev. Elected to fill an unexpired term in U.S. senate in 1912, and served from 1913-41. He was president pro tern-pore of the senate in 73rd through 76th congresses. Member of Tonopah Lodge No. 28, Tonopah, Nev., receiving 32 at Reno on Sept. 11, 1903. d. Nov. 10, 1940. William S. Pitts (1830-1918) Composer of The Little Brown Church in the Vale. b. Aug. 18, 1830 in Western New York. He was a music teacher, and later a country physician. The famous song was actually written before the

church was built. Pitts visited Bradford, Iowa in 1857, when he was living in Wisconsin, and the site where the church is now located so impressed him that he imagined it to be the perfect setting for a church. Five years later Dr. Pitts moved to Fredericksburg, Iowa, about 20 miles from the church site, and at that time the building was under construction. He became the teacher of a small singing school at Bradford. The song was first sung in the church before it was finished. It was published by the H. M. Higgins Co. of Chicago, and became immensely popular. It was sung by the Fiske Jubilee Singers throughout the country, and before the royal courts of Europe. The building was dedicated, Dec. 29, 1864, a few months prior to the publication of the songand appropriately had been painted brown. In later life Pitts moved to Clarion, Iowa, and then to Brooklyn, N.Y., where he died Sept. 25, 1918. He was buried in a spot he picked and namedRose Hill cemetery in Fredericksburg, Iowa. Six Freemasons were his pallbearers. Among his other songs were The 0/d Musician and His Harp; Allie Ray; Nellie Wildwood; Sabbath Bells, and Little Fred. He received his degrees in Bradford Lodge No. 129 at Nashua, (two miles southwest of the famous church) in Chickasaw Co., in the early 60's. He became first master of Mt. Horeb Lodge No. 333, Fredericksburg, Iowa, when constituted in 1874, and was made secretary soon after, holding the office as long as he lived there. Pius VII (1742-1823) Pope from 1800-23. Anti-Mason. Real name was Luigi Barnaba Chiaramonti. b. in Cesena, Italy. He ratified the concordat with France in 1801, and in 1804, visited Paris and crowned Napoleon emperor. Gradually he split with Napoleon, losing several provinces to the French in 1808. He was held prisoner by Napoleon at Savona and Fountainebleau from 1809-14, and reentered Rome in 1814. He restored the Jesuit order in 1814, and Aug. 13, 1814, issued an edict forbidding the meetings of all secret societies (especially the Freemasons and Carbonari), under heavy corporal penalties, to which were to be added, according to the malignity of the cases, partial orentire confiscation of goods, or a pecuniary fine. The edict also renewed the Bull of Pope Clement XII, q.v., by which the punishment of death was incurred by those who obstinately persisted in attending Masonic meetings. Pius IX (1792-1878) Pope from 1846-78, being the longest pontificate in history. Anti-Mason. Became archbishop of Spoleto in 1827, and on becoming pope, proclaimed political amnesty in 1846, to meet critical conditions in Papal States. After the insurrection of Rome in 1848, he was forced to flee to Gaeta, but was restored by the French in 1850. From then on he became an extreme reactionary. He proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854, and convened the Vatican Council in 1869, which promulgated the dogma of papal infallibility. He lost his temporal powers to Victor Emmanuel in 1870, and thus became the first "prisoner of the Vatican." About 1870, certain

irresponsible Masonic journalists reported that he was a Freemason. This must have been an attempt to discredit him with the Roman Catholics, for about this time his rule had become most obnoxious to Protestants in general, and Freemasons in particular. The story of his "Masonic membership" is still going the rounds after 89 years, but has been thoroughly discredited by more enlightened research. Among the statements madeand still being printedin the Masonic press are: that he was initiated in a Sicilian Lodge under the name of Giovinni Maria Mastai-Ferretti; that he was initiated into Los Hijas des Hiram Lodge (place not given) under the symbolic name of Savola; that he received the degrees while at Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1816; that he was initiated in Chile in 1823; that he affiliated with Lodge Eterna Catena of Palermo, Italy in 1839; that a document numbered 13715 issued by 346 George Plater Orient of Nurenberg, Grand Lodge of Bavaria certifies he was a Mason; that he received the 18 AASR; that he visited lodges in Spain; that he visited lodges in Argentina; that his photograph was made in full Masonic regalia; that a Bro. J. B. Nones of St. John's Lodge No. 1, N.Y., when at Tripoli, sat with the "late Roman Pontiff," Pius IX in a Masonic lodge; that his signature is in the visitors book of the principal lodge in Florence, Italy; that Masonic charges were pressed against him in 1874; that he was tried in absentia by the Grand Orient of Palermo and "excommunicated"; that said expulsion order was signed by King Victor Emmanuel II, "grand master of Italy. Louis Pizitz Merchant and philanthropist. b. April 3, 1868 in Poland. Came to the U.S. in 1892, and was naturalized in 1893. He rose from a house-to-house salesman at Swainsboro, Ga. in 1892, to chairman of the board of Louis Pizitz Dry Goods Co., Birmingham, Ala. in 1936. He is not only a Freemason, but an honorary knight commander of the Knights of Columbus, and recipient of the Knights of Columbus silver cup for services as city chairman in the K.C. drive in 1941. He is the founder, and past president, of the Young Men's Hebrew Association of Birmingham; founder and honorary life president of the Beth-El Hebrew Temple, Birmingham; founder of Ensley Negro Hospital, and fund chairman of the Tuskegee Institute (famous Negro college). He is a member of Birmingham Fraternal Lodge No. 384, Birmingham, Ala., being raised on April 26, 1920. Frederick W. Plaisted (1865-1943) Governor of Maine, 1911-13. b. July 26, 1865 in Bangor, Maine. Educated in St. Johnsbury (Vt.) Academy. He was the owner and editor of The New Age at Augusta, Maine from 18891914. He served as sheriff of Kennebec Co., postmaster of Augusta from 191423. Mason and 33 AASR (NJ), he was grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Maine in 1901, and grand commander of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of

Maine in 1902. d. March 4, 1943. Edward S. Plank (1875-1926) Member of the Baseball Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, N.Y. b. Aug. 31, 1875 at Gettysburg, Pa. He was one of the greatest "lefties" of the game. He was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1946, 20 years after his death. He never pitched for a minor league, going from Gettysburg Coll. to the Philadelphia American League team, where he played from 1901-14, and then to the St. Louis American League. He was one of the few pitchers to win more than 300 games in big league ball. In eight of the 17 seasons, he won 20 or more games. He was raised in Good Samaritan Lodge No. 336, Gettysburg, Pa., on Nov. 13, 1913; exalted in Good Samaritan Chapter No. 266, R.A.M., Dec. 17, 1915, and knighted in Gettysburg Commandery No. 79, K.T., all of Gettysburg. He remained a member of these bodies until his death on Feb. 24, 1926. George Plater (1736-1792) Sixth Governor of Maryland (1792), and member of Continental Congress. b. in 1736 in St. Mary's Co., Md. Graduate of William and Mary Coll. in 1753, he studied law and made a reputation as a successful Maryland lawyer. He was a member of the Md. convention at Annapolis, May 8, 1776, that invited the royal governor, Robert Eden, to vacate. He was then appointed to the council of safety to prepare the state for the coming conflict. He was a member of the Continental Congress from 1778-81, and president of the Maryland convention that ratified the U.S. Constitution in 1788. He was a member of the old lodge at Leonardtown, Md., when it was chartered June 6, 1759, and its first junior warden. He later served several terms as master. d. Feb. 10, 1792. Orville H. Platt (1827-1905) U.S. Senator from Connecticut, 1878-91. b. July 19, 1827 in Washington, Conn. Admitted to the bar in 1849, and practiced at Meriden, Conn. Was clerk of the state senate; secretary of state in 1857; state senator in 1861-62, and member of the lower house in 186469, serving as speaker in the latter year. Member of Meriden Lodge No. 77, and St. Elmo Commandery No. 9, K.T., both of Meriden, Conn. d. 1905. Thomas C. Platt (1833-1910) U.S. Senator from New York, 1881, and 1897-1903; U.S. Congressman to 43rd and 44th Congresses, 1873-77. b. July 15, 1833 in Owego, N.Y. Was a druggist from 1852-72, and president of the Tioga National Bank at its organization. Held lumber interests in Michigan. After being first seated in the U.S. senate March 4, 1881, he, and his colleague, Roscoe Conkling, resigned on May 16th in disagreement with President Garfield over Federal appointments in N.Y. He was secretary and director of the U.S. Express Co. in 1879, and president of same in 1880.

Member of Ah-wa-ga Lodge No. 587, Owego, N.Y. d. March 6, 1910. William P. Platt (1858-1926) Justice, Supreme Court of New York from 1915. b. May 16, 1858 in White Plains, N.Y. Began law practice at White Plains in 1879. Member of White Plains Lodge No. 473, White Plains, N.Y., being raised on Nov. 17, 1897. d. Nov. 2, 1926. Zephaniah Platt (1740-1807) Member of the Continental Congress, and founder of Plattsburg, N.Y. b. in Dutchess Co., N.Y. He received a classical education, studied law, and was a judge of the circuit court for many years. He was a delegate from N.Y. to the Continental Congress in 1784-86. Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. in 1803. d. Sept. 12, 1807. Alfred Pleasonton (1824-1897) Union Major General (brevet) in Civil War. b. June 7, 1824 in Washington, D.C. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1844, served in Mexican War, and subsequently on frontier duty. He was acting adjutant general to General William S. Harney during the Sioux expedition, and his adjutant general in the Seminole campaign, and operations in Kansas, Oregon, and Washington Territory. Entered Civil War as a major of 2nd Cavalry, and at the end of the Virginia peninsular campaign, became brigadier general of volunteers. He fought at Boonesborough, Stone Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville. He was breveted lieutenant colonel for action at Antietam, and major general of volunteers in June 1863. Was commander-in-chief of the cavalry in the Battle of Gettysburg. Transferred to Mo. in 1864, he drove the forces of General Sterling Price from the state. After retirement, he was U.S. collector of revenue, and later president of the Terre Haute and Cincinnati railroad. Member of Franklin Lodge No. 134, Philadelphia on Jan. 31, 1853. d. Feb. 17, 1897. Ignaz Joseph Pleyel (1757-1831) Austrian composer, chiefly of instrumental works, who composed Pleyel's Hymn, widely used in Masonic ritualistic work. b. June 1, 1757, the 24th son of the village schoolmaster at Ruppersthal, Lower Austria. He studied under Haydn, q.v., for several years, and then went to Italy, where he developed a taste for Italian opera. In 1789 he became musical director of the cathedral at Strasburg. In 1791 he was conducting in London. The tune of the Masonic funeral hymn is taken from the slow movement of his fourth quartet, opus 7, and first appeared as a hymn tune in Arnold and Callcott's Psalms in 1791. Since that time the tune has appeared in all the major denominational hymnals, and usually is associated with John Cennick's Children of the Heavenly King. In 1795 Pleyel went to Paris where he published music, and, in 1807, established a piano

factory which still bears his name. As far as known, he was not a Freemason. d. Nov. 14, 1831. Walter C. Ploeser U.S. Congressman to 77th through 80th Congresses (1941-49), from 12th Mo. dist. b. Jan. 7, 1907 in St. Louis, Mo. Has been in the insurance business in St. Louis since 1922. He founded the firm Ploeser, Watts & Co. in 1933, and has been president and director since that time. He organized the subsidiary, Marine Underwriters Corp. in 1935, and in 1938 founded the Insurance Institute of Missouri, of which he was president from 1938-40. Member of Algabil Lodge No. 544, St. Louis, 32 AASR and member of Moolah Shrine Temple, St. Louis. Member of the grand council, Order of DeMolay, and member of Legion of Honor of same. Robert Plot (1651-1696) A learned man and non-Mason, from whose writings we learn much of early 17th century Freemasonry in England. He was a professor of chemistry at Oxford, and later keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, to which position Elias Ash-mole, q.v., appointed him. His Natural History of Staffordshire, has a passage or two in it ridiculing Freemasonry. He gave much important information on the customs, organization, and ritual of the craft at that time and without his diatribe on the subject, we would know very little of Freemasonry at that early period. Charles S. Plumb (1860-1939) University professor and author. b. April 21, 1860 in Westfield, Mass. Graduate of Mass. Agricultural Coll. He wasan instructor in agriculture at the State Agricultural Experiment Station of N.Y., professor of agriculture at U. of Tennessee, and at Purdue U. From 1902-31 he was professor of animal husbandry at Ohio State U. He founded, published and edited until 1891, the Agricultural Science monthly magazine. He wrote many books on agriculture as well as the History of American Union Lodge No. 1, F. & A.M. of Ohio in 1934. Raised in Tippecanoe Lodge No. 492, La-Fayette, Ind., May 13, 1900. In 1902 he dimitted to Columbus Lodge No. 30, Columbus, Ohio. In 1915 he dimitted to University Lodge No. 631, Columbus, and was master the following year. Was a life member of Temple Chapter No. 155, R.A.M., and member of York Council No. 115, R. & S.M. Became a charter member, and made a Knight Templar, in Columbus Commandery No. 69, Jan. 31, 1920. Grand historian of Grand Lodge of Ohio from 1925. 33 AASR (NJ) in 1931. Member Aladdin Shrine Temple. d. March 4, 1939. Preston B. Plumb (1837-1891) U.S. Senator from Kansas, 1877-91. b. Oct. 12, 1837 in Delaware Co., Ohio. Learned the printing trade, and afterward purchased and edited the Xenia News. Moved to Lawrence, Kans.

in 1856, and was one of the five who organized and laid out the town of Emporia where he established the Kansas News in 1857. He studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1861. Served several terms in the state lower house. In the Civil War he entered the Union Army in 1862, and rose to a lieutenant colonel. Received degrees in Emporia (Kans.) Lodge No. 12 on April 14, June 23, Oct. 9, 1859. Member of Emporia Commandery No. 8, K.T. d. Dec. 20, 1891. Charles A. Plumley U.S. Congressman to 73rd through 81st Congresses (1934-51) from Vermont. b. April 14, 1875 at Northfield, Vt. Graduate of Norwich U. in 1896. Admitted to the bar in 1903, and began practice at Northfield, Vt. Was long-time president of the Northfield National Bank, and president of Norwich U. at Northfield from 1920-34. Was a member of the Vermont lower house, and speaker of same, from 1912-15. Member of DeWitt Clinton Lodge No. 15, Northfield, Vt. since 1896; King Solomon Chapter No. 7, R.A.M. at Montpelier, Vt.; Mount Zion Commandery No. 9, K.T. at Montpelier; 32 AASR (NJ) at Burlington, Vt.; Mount Sinai Shrine Temple at Montpelier; Tall Cedars at Washington, DC. William A. Plummer (1865-1925) Justice, Supreme Court of New Hampshire from 1913. b. Dec. 2, 1865 in Gilmanton, N.H. Graduate of Boston U. in 1889. Practiced law at Laconia, N.H. from 1889. Was member of state lower house two terms, and judge of the superior court of N.H. from 1907-13. Member of Mount Lebanon Lodge No. 32, Laconia, N.H., receiving degrees on July 1, Nov. 4, Dec. 8, 1891. Became member of Union Chapter, R.A.M. Dec. 29, 1892; Pythagorean Council, R. & S.M., June 14, 1900 and Pilgrim Commandery, K.T. June 1, 1894. Honorary member of Supreme Council AASR (NJ), 33 on Sept. 19, 1911. Was grand master of Grand Lodge of New Hampshire in 1906-07. d. Nov. 29, 1925. Charles P. Plunkett (1864-1931) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Feb. 15, 1864 in Washington, D.C. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1884, and advanced through grades to permanent rank of rear admiral in 1919. Retired in 1928. Was with Naval Intelligence in 1904-05; executive officer of Texas, Georgia and North Dakota between 1905-1910. Commanded the Missouri, Culgoa, Wabash, South. Dakota and North Dakota between 1911-15. In WWI he commanded the 14-inchnaval railway batteries operating with the French and American armies. After the war he commanded the U.S. destroyer force, and was chief of staff of Naval War Coll. His last assignment was the command of the 3rd Naval District and Navy Yard at N.Y., 192228. Became member of Anglo Saxon Lodge No. 137, N.Y.C. in 1924, and presented with life membership, Feb. 29, 1928. d. March 24, 1931.

Edward M. Plunkett (1886-1948) Vice President of S. S. Kresge Co. b. in Vernon, Mich. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1909 and 1910. He was a real estate representative of S. S. Kresge Co. from 1913, became vice president of same in 1942, and director in 1945. Received degrees in Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, Mich., Feb. 15, March 17, April 14, 1916. Knight Templar. d. March 13, 1948. William R. Poage U.S. Congressman 75th through 86th Congresses (1937-60) from 11th Texas dist. b. Dec. 28, 1899 in Waco, Texas. Graduate of Baylor U. in 1921, and 1924. Was instructor in geology at Baylor U., 1922-24; instructor in law, 192428. Admitted to Texas bar in 1924, and since practiced at Waco. Was member of lower house, 1924-28, and state senate, 1930-36. Has been American delegate to Inter-Parliamentary Union at Cairo, Rome, Stockholm, Dublin, Istanbul, Bern, Washington, Vienna, Helsinki, and Bangkok. Member of Baylor Lodge No. 1235, Waco, Texas, receiving the degrees shortly after he was 21. 14 AASR (SJ) at Waco. Richard H. Poff U.S. Congressman to 83rd through 86th Congresses from 6th Va. dist. b. Oct. 19, 1923 in Radford, Va. Graduate of U. of Virginia in 1948. Practiced law at Radford, Va. from 1949. In 1954 he was named as Virginia's Outstanding Young Man of the Year by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Member of McDaniel Lodge No. 86, Christiansburg, Va. since 1948. Member of Taylor Chapter No. 70, R.A.M. at Christiansburg; 32 AASR at Roanoke, Va., and Kazim Shrine Temple of Roanoke. George Poindexter (1779-1853) U.S. Senator, Congressman, and Governor of Mississippi. b. in Louisa Co., Va. Orphaned in early life, he became a lawyer at Milton, Va., and, in 1802, moved to Mississippi Territory where he attained note as a lawyer and politician. Was attorney general of the territory in 1803, and, in this capacity, conducted the prosecution of Aaron Burr. He killed Abijah Hunt, a merchant, in a duel, following a political argument. He was a member of the territorial legislature in 1805, and in 1807 elected to U.S. congress, serving until 1813. In congress he won a reputation as an orator. In 1813 he was appointed U.S. judge for Mississippi, over much protest. Was with Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans, and his enemies accused him of gross cowardice in later years. In spite of this, he was elected governor of Mississippi, 1819-21. He was appointed senator in 1830 to fill an unexpired term and served until 1835. He moved to Louisville, Ky. in 1835, but soon returned to his law practice in Miss. Member of Asylum Lodge No. 6, Woodville, Miss. according to the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi in 1822. d. Sept. 5, 1853.

Joseph B. Poindexter (1869-1951) Governor of Hawaii, 1931-42. b. April 14, 1869 in Canyon City, Oreg. Graduate of Washington U., St. Louis, Mo. in 1892. Entered law practice at Dillon, Mont. in 1892. He was county attorney, district judge, attorney general of Montana until 1917, when appointed U.S. district judge of Hawaii by President Wilson. Roosevelt named him governor of Hawaii in 1931. Received degrees in Dillon Lodge No. 16, Dillon, Mont., Sept. 23, 1915, March 3, 1916 and March 11, 1917. 32 AASR and Shriner. d. Dec. 3, 1951. Joel R. Poinsett (1779-1851) U.S. Secretary of War, and Minister to Mexico. Our traditional Christmas flower, the Poinsettia, is named in his honor. b. March 2, 1779 in Charleston, S. Car. His wealthy parents gave him an excellent education in private schools in the U.S., and, in medicine, at Edinburgh U., Scotland. He traveled widely in Europe and the Czar of Russia offered him a commission in the Russian Army. President Madison sent him to South America to inquire into the conditions and the prospects of their success in the struggle with Spain for independence. While in Chile the Spanish captured several American vessels, and Poinsett put himself at the head of a force given him by the Chilean government and retook the ships. Back in South Carolina, he served in the state legislature and was elected to U.S. congress in 1821-25. Here he advocated the cause of the South American republics and that of Greek independence. In 1822 he was sent on a special mission to Mexico during the reign of Iturbide, q.v. He returned to Mexico as U.S. Minister under President Adams in 1825, and served until 1829. During this time he negotiated a treaty of commerce. The Catholic church complained that he was interfering, but he justified his course in a pamphlet after his return. At the request of the Freemasons of Mexico, he sent for charters for five of their lodges, which subsequently established the Grand Lodge of Mexico. They were granted by the Grand Lodge of New York. He also introduced Royal Arch Masonry to Mexico. At his installation as deputy general grand high priest of the General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, April 3, 1830, he defended his actions in helping the Mexican brethren saying: "I have been most unjustly accused of extending our order and our principles into a neighboring country, with a view of converting them into an engine of political influence. In the presence of this respectable assembly of my brethren, and on the symbols of our order, which are spread around me, and the sacred book which is open before me, I solemnly aver, that this accusation is false and unfoundedand that if Masonry has anywhere been converted to any other than the pure and philanthropic purposes for which it was instituted, I have in no way contributed to such a perversion of its principles. And with the same solemnity I here declare, that if such evil councils were to prevail in this country, and Masonry be perverted to political use, which God forbid, I would sever the ties, dear as they are to me, which now unite me to my brothers." He is recorded as being a past master of

both Recovery Lodge No. 31, Greenville, S. Car., and of Solomons Lodge No. 1, Charleston, S. Car. In 1821 he was elected deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina. He was unable to serve as grand master due to his appointment as Secretary of War (1837-41) under Van Buren. In 1821 he was elected grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of South Carolina, holding office until 1341. He was elected deputy general grand high priest in 1829, 1832, and 1835. Upon the revival of Greenville Lodge No. 5, Greenville, S. Car. in 1849, he became its master despite his age. On his return from Mexico, he brought back a beautiful flowering shrub which had struck his fancy, developed, and improved it on his S. Car. plantation. He unwittingly immortalized his name in the plant world. Previously it had been called "painted leaf" and "Mexican fire plant." Now, it is officially Poinsettia pulcherrima. d. Dec. 12, 1851. Countess of Polignac French Countess, who was an early member of French Adoptive Freemasonry, a female organization which received quasiMasonic recognition from the Grand Orient of France. Other famous names, who were her contemporaries in this organization, were the Duchess of Chartres; Duchess of Bourbon; Princess Lambelle, Countess of ChoiseulGouffier and Marchioness of Contebonne, qq.v. Daniel A. Poling President of World Christian Endeavor Union; Editor of Christian Herald and Christian Endeavor World; lecturer, and author. b. Nov. 30, 1884 in Portland, Oreg. Graduate of Dallas (Oreg.) Coll. in 1904, and 1906, and many honorary doctorates. Was Prohibition candidate for governor of Ohio in 1912. Pastor of Marble Collegiate-Dutch Reformed Church, N.Y.C., 1922-30; Baptist Temple, Philadelphia, 1936-48. President of Greater N.Y. Federation of Churches, 1926-27, and of General Synod Reformed Church in America, 1929-30. A director of the J. C. Penney Foundation, the Presbyterian Ministers Life Insurance Fund, and trustee of Bucknell U. He is a major in the chaplain officer's reserve, U.S. Army. Since 1948 he has been chaplain of the Chapel of Four Chaplains, an inter-faith shrine, Philadelphia, which is a memorial to the four young clergymen of three faiths who gave up their lives in the sinking of the U.S.S. Dorchester in WWII. Dr. Poling's son, the Rev. Clark V. Poling, was one of those four heroic chaplains. He has flown nearly two million miles on religious missions, and in WWII visited every major theater, and was on every active front. When he joined the Lodge of the United Services No. 1118, N.Y.C. Dr. Poling said: "I arrived at the decision that Masonry is a vital and dynamic force in America, and in the world, for everything high and worthy to which my life has been long committed. And there is something more. Masonry occupies, in my opinion, a unique position of opportunity and obligation in the human order today. Particularly in our great American cities. Masonry, casting aside bigotry and intolerance, is the powerful friend of all the American freedoms. As I had not known and could

not know until I became a Mason, but as I long sensed, this brotherhood is freedom's friend. Reaching my conclusions, I could not escape the conviction that I owed something here; that, if I would be accepted, then surely I belonged! That my little weight should be, must be, committed to the unrelenting struggle of Freemasons against every form of man's enslavement, against every foe, however insidious, both within and without, every foe of our American freedom. Now I know that Masonry points the feet of men and directs their wills toward those highest objectives of moral, social, politicalaye, and spiritualachievement; those objectives that at last beyond time and space, center in the ultimate glory and wonder of man's immortal soul." Dr. Poling is a member of Cresent Shrine Temple, Trenton, N.J. and past imperial chaplain of the Shrine. Received 33 AASR (NJ) in 1959. James K. Polk (1795-1849) Eleventh President of the United States, 1845-49; Governor of Tennessee, 183941. b. Nov. 2, 1795 in Mecklenburg Co., N. Car. In 1806 his family moved to N. Car., where his father became a large landowner, farmer, and surveyor. Young Polk often accompanied his father on surveying expeditions, and worked on the farm. Graduated from U. of North Carolina in 1818. In 1819 he entered the law office of Felix Grundy, q.v., and attracted the attention of Andrew Jackson, q.v. An orator of note, he was named "Napoleon of the Stump." Served two years in the state legislature. Was U.S. congressman from 1825-39, withdrawing to become a candidate for governor. He was speaker of the house from 1835-39. His term as president saw Texas admitted to the Union; the War with Mexico; threatened war with England over the Oregon question; creation of the territorial governments of Oregon, New Mexico, and California, and the troubles of the rising question of slavery. On June 5, 1820, he petitioned, was elected, and initiated in Columbia Lodge No. 31, Columbia, Tenn. Was passed Aug. 7, and raised Sept. 4, 1820. He was elected junior deacon in Oct., 1820 junior warden, Dec. 3, 1821, and was active until his public duties called him to other fields. He received the Mark Master degree in Cumberland Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. of Nashville, Jan. 17, 1821, and at a stated meeting on the same date, his petition for Past, Most Excellent, and Royal Arch degrees was read and ordered to lie over for one month. At the next stated meeting on Feb. 1, he was permitted to withdraw his petition, obviously for the purpose of placing it with LaFayette Chapter No. 4, which had just been chartered in his home town of Columbia. He received these degrees, April 5, 22, and 24, 1825 in LaFayette Chapter, and was recorded as captain of the host, pro-tern, on Sept. 8, 1825. On June 24, 1840 (St. John's Day) he attended the Masonic procession to the Methodist church at Nashville, Tenn. with Cumberland Lodge 18, and Hiram Lodge 7. On May 1, 1847 he attended the Masonic cornerstone laying of the Smithsonian Institution, together with Vice President George M. Dallas, q.v. In his diary of this day, Polk wrote, "About 12 o'clock a

large procession, consisting of the military, Masons, the order of Odd Fellows, and citizens appeared at my door. . . . Delegations of the Masonic Lodges of Pennsylvania and Maryland were present, as also a large number of the Masonic Fraternity, and the Odd Fellows of the District of Columbia." On July 5, 1847 he was in Portsmouth, N.H. where his reception included a Masonic procession under the direction of the grand master. He died June 15, 1849. His remains were removed from their temporary resting place in the Nashville cemetery, May 22, 1850, and reinterred on the capitol grounds with Masonic ceremonies. When the General Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of the U.S. met in Nashville, Term. in 1874, his widow invited the members to her home for a reception. William Polk (1758-1834) Colonel in the American Revolution. b. July 9, 1758 in Mecklenburg Co., N. Car. He attended Queen's College at Charlotte, N. Car. until the beginning of the Revolution, and in April, 1775, was appointed a lieutenant in the 3rd S. Car. regiment. He made several expeditions, and captured the noted Tory, Thomas Fletcher, on one of them. He joined Washington as a major with the 9th N. Car. regiment in 1776, and was in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. On the staff of General Caswell, he was present at the Battle of Camden; promoted to lieutenant colonel of the 4th S. Car. Cavalry, he was attached to the command of General Sumter and saw much active service, notably at the Battle of Eutaw Springs, remaining on duty in that section until the end of the war. He was twice wounded. He was appointed brigadier general in the regular army, in 1812, by President Madison, but declined the commission. In 1824 he was one of the three commissioners of N. Car. appointed to receive Lafayette. In 1783 he was appointed surveyor general by the legislature, took up residence at French Lick Fort (now Nashville, Tenn.), and remained there until 1786. From 1811-19 he was director, and, later president, of the State Bank of N. Car. but resigned to devote more time to his 100,000 acres of land in Tenn. When president of the bank, he made Jacob Johnson, the father of Andrew Johnson, q.v., its first porter; to Samuel Polk, father of James K. Polk, he gave the agency for renting and selling portions of his land; to Andrew Jackson he furnished the necessary information from his surveys to enable him to secure valuable lands in Tenn. Thus three presidents were indebted to his efforts. A member of Hiram Lodge No. 40, Raleigh, he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina from 1799-1801. d. at Raleigh, Jan. 4, 1834. Arthur G. Pollard (1843-1930) General Grand High Priest, General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, 1903-06. b. Jan. 5, 1843 in Plaistow, N.H. In 1861 he entered the employ of A. G. Pollard Co. of Lowell, Mass., one of the largest department stores in that part of the country. In 1864 he was admitted as a partner, and, in 1885, purchased the entire business, and was

president of same. He was also president of the Union National Bank, Stoney Brook Railroad, and Lowell Hosiery Co. Raised Sept. 14, 1864 in Ancient York Lodge, Lowell, Mass., and master in 1877. Was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1897. Exalted in Mt. Horeb Chapter, Lowell, Jan. 15, 1866, he was grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Massachusetts in 1888-90. Greeted in Ahasuerus Council, R. & S.M. of Lowell, March 25, 1872, and knighted in Pilgrim Commandery No. 9, Lowell, Mass., March 4, 1866, serving as commander and trustee of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Massachusetts. Received 32 AASR (NJ) in 1877 and crowned 33 honorary, Sept. 17, 1895. In 1912 he was elected an active member of the Supreme Council, N.J. d. June 5, 1930. John G. Pollard (1871-1937) Governor of Virginia, 1930-34. b. Aug. 4, 1871 in King and Queen Co., Va. Graduate of Columbian (now George Washington) U. in 1893. Practiced law in Richmond, Va. for 25 years. Was attorney general of the state, and member of state board of education, 191317. In 1920-21 he was a member of the Federal Trade Commission. Initiated Oct. 21, 1911 in Lewis Ginter Lodge No. 317, Richmond, Va. d. April 28, 1937. William J. Pollard (1860-1913) Lawyer, and St. Louis Police Judge who originated the "Pollard Plan" for reforming drunkards. b. May 1, 1860 in Kingston, Mo. He was judge of the 2nd district police court of St. Louis from 1903. His "pledge plan" consisted of releasing accused drunkards on their signing of a total abstinence pledge for one year. It has been widely copied in the U.S. and abroad. It was enacted into the statutes of Great Britian by Parliament. He visited Great Britian in 1906, where he addressed meetings and explained the "Pollard Plan." The state of Vermont, and Victoria, Australia adopted the plan. President Taft appointed him to represent the U.S. at the International Congress on Alcoholism at London in 1909, and again at The Hague, in 1911. At the latter conference, 550 delegates and members signed a declaration praising Great Britian, Vermont and Victoria for recognizing and adopting the plan. Mason. Member of Itaska Lodge No. 420, St. Louis, receiving degrees Jan. 4, 6, 20, 1890. d. Dec. 12, 1913. James Ponder (1819-1897) Governor of Delaware, 1871-75. He conducted a mercantile business at Milton, Del. Was a state representative in 1856, state senator in 1864, and speaker of the senate in 1867. He was charter master of Endeavor Lodge No. 17 of Milton, Del., chartered June27, 1848, and past deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Delaware. d. Nov. 5, 1897.

Prince Jozef Antoni Poniatowski (1763-1813) Polish nobleman of Italian descent, and commander-in-thief of the Polish Army under Napoleon. b. in Warsaw. He fought against Russia and aided Kosciusko, q.v., in 179294. In 1800 he joined the French Army and became a marshal of France. He was active against the Russians; was wounded at Smolensk in 1812, and showed great valor at Leipzig. He was drowned in the Elster river during the retreat of the French troops from Leipzig on Oct. 19, 1813. He was a member of the United Brethren Lodge of Poland, and a lodge of sorrow was held in his honor. A large amount of money was collected on this occasion for soldiers in Polish hospitals, to be distributed without regard to rank or nationality. Count Ian Ponisky He founded a Scottish lodge in Warsaw, Poland in 1779 under a dubious warrant. It was called "Catherine under the Northern Star" in homage to "the enlightened Sovereign, Protectress of Freemasonry in Her Realm"i.e. Catherine II of Russia, q.v. It was recognized in Feb. 1780 by the Grand Lodge of England. Two sons of the all-powerful Russian ambassador at the Polish court, Count Stackelberg, joined this lodge. Herbert Poole (1885-1951) Scholar and Masonic author. b. in Godalming, England. He was ordained a priest in the Church of England in 1913, and became schoolmaster at King's School, Canterbury, and later at Christ's Hospital. Was an Infantry officer in WWI. Was initiated in the United Industrious Lodge No. 31; exalted in 1910 in Bertha Chapter No. 31. In 1936 he was appointed past assistant grand chaplain of the United Grand Lodge of England, and past grand standard bearer of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of England. In 1923 he became a full member of the Quatour Coronati Lodge, served as master in 1928, and was its secretary from 1948-51. He founded Winder Lodge No. 3984, and was its master in 1923. Among his published works are The Old Charges, dealing with Masonic ritual and secrets before 1717. His greatest work was editing the third edition of Gould's History of Freemasonry, completed just before his death. d. Feb. 14, 1951. Charles A. Pooley (1854-1932) Justice, Supreme Court of New York, 1911-24, and referee of the Supreme Court after 1925. b. Nov. 17, 1854 in Buffalo, N.Y. Admitted to the bar in 1879, and practiced at Buffalo, principally corporation and railway law. Raised in DeMolay Lodge No. 498, Buffalo, N.Y. on March 9, 1880. District deputy grand master of Grand Lodge of New York in 1893; on committee on constitution of same in 1916-17. d. Nov. 18, 1932. Ben Perley Poore (1820-1887) Journalist. b. Nov. 2, 1820 near Newburyport, Mass. in the ancestral homestead "Indian Hill Farm." After an apprenticeship at Worcester, Mass., he edited the Southern Whig at Atlanta,

Ga. at the age of 18. In 1841 he visited Europe as an attache of the American legation at Brussels, remaining abroad until 1848. After editing the Boston Bee and Sunday Sentinel, he entered on his life work as a Washington correspondent for the Boston Journal, signing his articles "Perley." He gained a national reputation for his reporting from the nation's capitol. He wrote many books including Campaign Life of General Zachary Taylor, which sold 800,000 copies; Rise and Fall of Louis Philippe; The Conspiracy Trial for the Murder of Abraham Lincoln; Federal and State Charters and others. He beganto edit the Congressional Directory in 1867, and made complications of various government publications. He was a member of St. Johns Lodge, Boston as early as 1847, and made a Knight Templar Dec. 21, 1866 in Newbury-p o r t Commandery, Newburyport, Mass. He received the Scottish Rite degrees 4-32 in France, and was made a 33, honorary by the Supreme Council (SJ), March 31, 1860. d. May 30, 1887. Alexander Pope (1688-1744) Early English literary giant. b. May 21, 1688 in London, the son of a Roman Catholic linen draper. An illness, at the age of 12, left him deformed and he further undermined his health by overstudy. He was a contemporary and collaborator of Addison and Swift. His first writing appeared in Tonson's Miscellany in 1709. He was a satirist, and at times rose to the heights of savage vindictiveness. With his friend Jonathan Swift, he published Miscellanies from 1727-32. Gained fame by his translations of the Iliad and the Odyssey. His Essay on Man, published in 1733, was a monumental work done under the influence of his friend Lord Bolingbroke. It attempted a systematic survey of human nature, and lines and couplets from it have become household quotations. He was both a Roman Catholic and Freemason, being a member of Lodge No. 16 meeting at the "Goat at the Foot of the Haymarket" tavern in London. Jonathan Swift was also a member of this lodge. It was constituted in 1729 and erased in 1745. d. May 30, 1744. James P. Pope U.S. Senator from Idaho, 1933-39. b. March 31, 1884 near Jonesboro, La. Graduate of Louisiana Poly. Inst. in 1906, and U. of Chicago in 1909. Admitted to the bar in that year, and began practice in Boise, Idaho. He was mayor and city attorney of Boise. In 1939 President Roosevelt appointed him a director of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Member of Boise Lodge No. 2, Boise, Idaho, receiving degrees Nov. 9, 23, 30, 1915. 32 AASR (SJ). John Pope (1770-1845) U.S. Senator from Kentucky, 1807-13; U.S. Congressman from Kentucky, 25th through 27th Congresses (1837-43); Third Territorial Governor of Arkansas, 1829-35. b. in Prince William Co., Va. Studied law, and moved to Springfield, Ky., practicing in Washington, Shelby,

and Fayette counties. He was a member of the state senate from 1825-29, and in 1813 was president pro-tern of the U.S. senate. A brother-in-law of the notorious anti-Mason, John Quincy Adams, q.v., he nevertheless supported Andrew Jackson, who appointed him territorial governor. In 1830 he challenged and fought a duel with Dr. John H. Cocke at the junction of the Mississippi and White rivers. Three shots were fired and a settlement arranged. The grand lodge proceedings of 1801 report him a member of Solomon's Lodge No. 5, Shelbyville, Ky., and, May 13, 1813, he was admitted a member of Daviess Lodge No. 22, Lexington, Ky. He served as grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky at one time. d. July 12, 1845. A. W. Noel Porter Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. Dec. 18, 1885 in Belary, India. Graduate of U. of Southern California in 1908, and 1915, and Iowa College in 1916. He came to the U.S. in 1902, and became a naturalized citizen in 1917. Ordained deacon and priest in 1911, he served churches in Los Angeles and San Jose, Calif. until 1925, when he became archdeacon of Calif.; bishop coadjutor of Sacramento in May, 1933, and bishop in Nov., of that year. Now retired. Member of San Jose Lodge No. 10, San Jose, Calif. Suspended NPD, July 7, 1930. George B. Porter Third Territorial Governor of Michigan, 1831-34. Initiated in Lodge No. 43, Lancaster, Pa., May 10, 1815, and master of same from 1819-21. James D. Porter (1828-1912) Governor of Tennessee, 1874-78. b. Dec. 7, 1828 in Paris, Tenn. Graduate of U. of Nashville in 1846 and 1849. Began law practice in 1850. Served in the Confederate Army in the Civil War, on the staff of Major General Cheatham. Was in state legislature, 1859-61, and circuit judge, 1870-74. From 1879-93 he was president of the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad. From 1893-97 he was U.S. minister to Chile, and chancellor of the U. of Nashville from 1901. Member of Paris Lodge No. 108, Paris, Tenn. d. May 18, 1912. James M. Porter Secretary of War under President Tyler. Member of Easton Lodge No. 152, Easton, Pa. Pleasant Porter (1840-1907) Creek Indian Chief, and General of that Nation. He was a member of Muskogee Lodge No. 1 at Eufaula, Okla. in 1878; became a member of Muskogee Lodge No. 28, Muskogee, Okla. at its organization in 1888. In 1886 Albert Pike conferred the 32 AASR (SJ) on four Indian chiefs, including Porter. The others were Peter Pitchlyn, Choctaw; Elias C. Boudinot, Cherokee; and Holmes Colbert, Sr., Chickasaw.

William D. Porter (1809-1864) Commodore, U.S. Navy. b. March 10, 1809, the son of David Porter, the naval officer who commanded the Essex in the War of 1812. He was appointed a midshipman in the Navy from Mass. in 1823. He served on the Franklin, Brandywine, Natchez, Experiment, United States, and Mississippi. He was placed on the reserve list in 1855, but restored to active duty as commander in Sept., 1859. At the start of the Civil War he was on the sloop, St. Mary's in the Pacific. He then commanded the Essex, which he named for his father's ship. He fought with this ship at Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, and ran it through the batteries on the Miss. to join the fleet at Vicksburg. He was made commodore on July 16, 1862. He bombarded Natchez, Vicksburg, and Port Hudson. Two of his sons were in the Confederate service. He was a member of St. John Lodge No. 11, Washington, D.C., being raised May 11, 1846. d. May 1, 1864. Garvasio Antonio de Posadas (1757-1833) "Supreme Administrator" of Argentina in 1814, resigning the following year. He was a member of the Lautaro Lodge. Thomas Posey (1750-1818) Officer of the Indian War, Revolutionary War, and War of 1812; U.S. Senator from Louisiana; Territorial Governor of Indiana. b. July 9, 1750 in Virginia. Was quartermaster of a division under Lord Dumore, and took part in the battle with the Indians at Point Pleasant in 1774. In 1775 he was a member of the committee on correspondence, and commissioned a captain in the 7th Va. regiment. In 1777 his company was with Daniel Morgan's, q.v., corps. Was in the battles of Bemis Heights and Stillwater, and led an expedition against the Indians in Wyoming valley in Oct. 1778. At the assault on Stony Point, he was the first to enter the fortress. He was present at the surrender at Yorktown. As a lieutenant colonel, he served under Wayne in Georgia. At the war's end he settled in Spottsylvania Co., Va., and was a colonel of militia and brigadier general in 1793 when he served with Wayne in the Indian campaigns in the northwest. He settled in Kentucky where he was a member of the state senate, and ex-officio lieutenant governor in 1805-06. When war was threatening in 1809, he was commis-sioned major general and given charge of organizing the Ky. forces. Soon afterward he moved to Louisiana, and, during the War of 1812, raised a company of infantry in Baton Rouge and was for a time its captain. He was U.S. senator from Louisiana, 1812-13, and in 1813 was named governor of Indiana Territory, continuing as such until its admission into the union. He was a member of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Va., his name appearing in the proceedings from 1800 through 1804, but disappearing after that. d. March 19, 1818.

Count Knut Carlsson Posse (17191771) A Lieutenant Colonel in Swedish Army. He was initiated in 1746 in a German lodge at Metz and raised the following year. He founded the lodge, St. Jean Auxiliaire in 1752 at Stockholm, Sweden under a charter issued him by Count Clermont Tonnere, the grand master of the Grand Lodge of France. This is the present lodge, Den Nordiska Forsta. J. Parke Postles (1840-1908) Awarded Congressional Medal of Honor in Civil War for gallantry at the Battle of Gettysburg. Entered Union army in 1861 as a private in Co. A., 1st Del. Regt. Vols. He was promoted to captain for gallantry at the Battle of Antietam, and in Feb. 1863 appointed to the staff of Gen. William Hughes, participating in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. He was appointed adjutant general of Delaware in 1879, and served until 1887. Raised in Eureka Lodge No. 23, Del., Dec. 9, 1878, and served as master in 1891. d. May 27, 1908. Hubert M. Poteat (1886-1958) Imperial Potentate of the Shrine, 195051. b. Dec. 12, 1886 in Wake Forest, N. Car. Graduate of Wake Forest Coll. in 1906, and 1908, with Ph.D. from Columbia in 1912. He was professor of Latin at Wake Forest Coll. from 1912. An accomplished organist, he ranked among the top ten pipe organists in America and was organist at the Baptist church for 40 years. In 1907 he won the Southern intercollegiate singles championship in tennis. Raised in Wake Forest Lodge No. 282, Feb. 18, 1908, he was master, 1913-15, and grand master of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina in 1923-24. He received the 33 AASR (SJ) on Oct. 21, 1927. A Royal Arch Mason, and Knight Templar, he was past sovereign of St. Titus Conclave No. 72, Red Cross of Constantine; member of Allied Masonic Degrees; past potentate of Sudan Shrine Temple and member of the board of directors, Masonic Service Association for many years. d. Jan. 29, 1958. Count Ignatius Potocki (1750-1809) Polish political leader who was one of the drafters of the constitution of May 3, 1791, and supported Kosciusko, q.v., in his rebellion. He was one of the three members of the Potocki family to become grand master of Polish Freemasonry. He served from Dec. 27, 1781 to 1783, when he left Poland as deputy for the Duchy of Warsaw in Vienna. Ignatius united the Polish lodges and obtained their recognition from several foreign jurisdictions. His work gave a definite and well-ordered organization to Polish Freemasonry for the first time. Count Stanislaus Felix Potocki (1745-1789) One of the three members of the Potocki family who became grand master of Poland. He was grand master for a short time in 1789.

Count Stanislaw Kosta Potocki (1757-1821) Polish political leader and one of the three members of the Potocki family who became grand master of Polish Freemasonry. He was an artillery general, and a broth-er of Ignacy, q.v., and collaborated with him and others in drafting the constitution of May 3, 1791. He, became head of the educational system in the Duchy of Warsaw in 1807, and in 1815 became minister of public instruction of the Polish cabinet. A member of United Friends Lodge at Petersburg, he became grand master of Polish Freemasonry on March 1, 1812, and retained his position until the dissolution of Freemasonry in that country. Henry C. Potter (1834-1908) Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. May 25, 1834 in Schenectady, N.Y. His father was bishop of Pennsylvania. Graduate of Union Coll., Trinity Coll. (Ont.), and U. of the South. Ordained priest in 1858, and served churches in Greensburg, Pa., Troy, N.Y., Boston, Mass., and N.Y.C.; from 1883-87 he was coadjutor bishop to his uncle, Horatio Potter, bishop of N.Y., becoming bishop of N.Y. himself in 1887. He served as grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York, and was a member of Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M., N.Y.C. In speaking of Freemasonry in 1901 he said: "Freemasonry is the most remarkable, and altogether unique, institution on earth. Will you tell me of any other that girdles the world with its fellowship and gathers all races and most ancient religions, as well as our own, into its brotherhood? Will you tell me of any other that is as old or older; more brilliant in its history; more honored in its constituency; more picturesque in its traditions? Today it lies in the hand of the modern man, largely an unused tool, capable of great achievements for God, for country, for mankind, but doing very little. For one, I believe that circumstances may easily arise, when the highest and most sacred of all freedoms being threatened in this land, Freemasonry may be its most powerful defender, uniting all minds and commanding our best citizenship. d. 1908. Eugene Pottier (1816-1887) French song writer and politician. Among his songs is the International, published in 1871, with music by Adolphe Degeyter, which was adopted as the rallying song of Communism. He was a member of the Paris Commune of 1871. In 1887 his poems were collected under the title Chants Revolutionnaires. The Bulletin of the International Masonic Congress of 1917 lists him as a Freemason. Jonathan Potts (1745-1781) A leading Revolutionary War surgeon. b. April 1, 1745 in Popodicken, Pa. He was a son of John Potts, founder of Pottstown, Pa. After classical education he went to Edinburgh, Scotland with Dr. Benjamin Rush for medical study, and on his return was awarded one of the first medical degrees given in this country by the Coll. of Philadelphia. He

was a member of the American Philosophical Society from 1768 until his death. He began his medical practice at Reading, Pa. In 1776 he was appointed surgeon for Canada and Lake George, and returned with General Gates, q.v., to Pa. In 1776 General Putnam, q.v., issued a general order that all officers in charge of any sick soldiers should "make return to Dr. Jonathan Potts, at Mr. John Biddle's in Market St." He was in service at the Battle of Princeton, and in April, 1777 was medical director-general of the Northern department with headquarters at Albany. It was here in 1777 that he was admitted to Masters' Lodge at Albany. In Nov. 1777 he returned to Reading on furlough and was then appointed director-general of the hospitals of the middle department. He was the first master of Lodge No. 24 at Reading, Pa. d. Oct., 1781. Norris Poulson U.S. Congressman to 78th through 83rd Congresses from12th and 24th Calif. dists. b. July 23, 1895 in Baker Co., Oreg. He was a farmer from 1916-23, and .a licensed certified public accountant from 1933. From 1938-42 he was a member of the state legislature. He resigned from congress in 1953 to become mayor of Los Angeles. Member of Baker (Oreg.) Lodge No. 47. 32 AASR (SJ). Cuthbert W. Pound (1864-1935) Justice, Supreme Court of New York and Chief Judge, New York Court of Appeals. b. June 20, 1864 in Lockport, N.Y. Educated at Cornell U. He served one term in the state senate, and was a member of the state civil service commission five years, being president of same from 1902-05. Appointed justice of supreme court in 1906, he served until 1915, when designated associate judge of the court of appeals, and was chief judge of same from 1932-34. Raised in Red Jacket Lodge No. 646, Lockport, N.Y. on May 27, 1891. d. Feb. 3, 1935. Roscoe Pound Former dean of Harvard Law School, internationally known for the vastness of his learning, and probably the greatest authority on Masonic jurisprudence. b. Oct. 27, 1870 in Lincoln, Nebr. Graduate of U. of Nebraska in 1888, 1889, and Ph.D. in 1897. Admitted to the bar in 1890, he practiced at Lincoln, Nebr. -from 1890-1901, and 1903-07. He taught in the law department of the U. of Nebraska from 1899-1903, and was dean of same, 1903-07. He was professor of law at Northwestern U., 1907-09, and U. of Chicago, 1909-10. He was professor of law at Harvard U. from 1910-47 and dean of same from 1916-36. He retired in 1947. Since 1950 he has been president of the International Academy of Comparative Law, and an advisor to ministry of justice, Republic of China since 1946. He has served on legal commissions throughout the world and has been honored by many countries. Among his many writings are: Readings on Common Law; Readings on Roman Law; Lectures on the Philosophy of Freemasonry; The Spirit of

Common Law; Law and Morals; Criminal Justice in America; Interpretations of Legal History; The Task of Law; New Paths of the Law; Masonic Jurisprudence; Masonic Landmarks; Masonic Addresses and. Writings, and many others. "Masonry" said Pound, "has more to offer the twentieth century than the twentieth century has to offer Masonry." He was raised in Lancaster Lodge No. 54, Lincoln, Nebr. in 1901, and was master of same in 1905. In 1907 he was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska. He left the state in 1908, and affiliated with Woodlawn Park Lodge No. 841, and then with a lodge in Belmont, Mass. He is an honorary past grand master of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska; recipient of the Gourgas Medal of the Scottish Rite (NJ) in 1940; deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1916; holder of the Henry Price Medal of Massachusetts and the distinguished service medal of Rhode Island. Terence V. Powderly (1849-1924) Second national head of the Knights of Labor, succeeding Uriah S. Stevens, q.v. b. Jan. 22, 1849 in Carbondale, Pa. Worked as a switch-tender, car repairer and machinist until 1877, then studied law, and was admitted to the bar. He was mayor of Scranton,. Pa. from 1878-84, being elected on the Labor ticket. He was general master workman of the Knights of Labor from 1879-93. This organization was the forerunner of our present labor organizations. From 1897-1902 he was U.S. commissioner general of immigration, and later was chief of division of information of bureau of immigration to distribute immigrants throughout the U.S. Author of Thirty Years of Labor and History of Labor Day. Mason. d. June 24, 1924. A. Clayton Powell, Jr. U.S. Congressman to 79th through 86th Congresses from N.Y.; a Prince Hall Freemason. b. Nov. 29, 1908 in New Haven, Conn. Graduate of Colgate U. in 1930; Columbia U., 1932; Shaw U., 1935. Has been a minister of the Abyssinian Baptist Church since 1937. In 1941 he was the first Negro elected to the N.Y. city council. He is the founder of People's Voice, and editor-in-chief and co-publisher. Author of Is This a White Man's War and Stage Door Canteen. Elmer N. Powell (1869-1946) A founder of the Kansas City School of Law, now part of the University of Kansas City. b. Sept. 19, 1869 in Farmington, Del. Graduate and valedictorian of U. of Kansas in 1895, and practiced at Kansas City, Mo. after that date. Was master in chancery, and referee in bankruptcy, of U.S. district court of Western Mo. Author of The Whip of Justice and The Real Mission of the Bankruptcy Court. Member of Ivanhoe Lodge No. 446, Kansas City, Mo., receiving degrees on June 23 (1st and 2nd) and July 30, 1904. d. Aug. 25, 1946.

Hampton 0. Powell President of The Lane Co., Inc., furniture manufacturers, since 1956. b. March 19, 1911 in Lynch Station, Va. Has been with The Lane Co. since 1927, beginning in the sales and advertising division, and successively staff credit and production departments, general administration, executive vice president and director from 1927-56. Member of Campbell Lodge No. 316 Altavista, Va.; 32 AASR (SJ) at Danville, Va. and Kazim Shrine Temple at Roanoke, Va. Paul S. Powell President of Kentucky Wesleyan College, Winchester, Ky. since 1937. b. June 26, 1891 in Nashville, Tenn. Graduate of Henderson Coll. (Ark.) in 1908; Vanderbilt U. in 1910 and 1913. Ordained to 361 Richard D. "Dick" Powell Methodist ministry in 1916, and was pastor at Drakesboro, Cloverpoat, Greenville, and Ashland, Ky.; Parkersburg, W. Va.; Fayette, Mo.; Morgan-field, Russellville, Hopkinsville, and Bowling Green, Ky. until 1937. Raised Jan. 17, 1914 in Cundiff Lodge No. 485, Drakesboro, Ky.; affiliated with Poage Lodge No. 325, Ashland, Ky. on Feb. 3, 1920; affiliated with Hopkinsville Lodge No. 37, Hopkinsville, Ky. on Sept. 15, 1930. Richard D. "Dick" Powell Actor. b. Nov. 14, 1904 in Mt. View, Ark. He started as a singer with a concert orchestra in Louisville, Ky.; two years as master of ceremonies and orchestra conductor in Indianapolis, and three years at same in Pittsburgh. He signed a long term contract with Warner Bros. in 1932, but purchased his release in 1939. He was then under contract to Paramount from 1940-43, and since that time has been free lance. He also appears on TV, and directed the legitimate stage production of the Caine Mutiny Court Martial in 1953. The following are but a few of his many motion pictures: Blessed Event; 42nd Street; Gold Diggers of 1933; Footlight Parade; Happiness Ahead; Flirtation Walk; Shipmates Forever; Thanks a Million; Colleen; Gold Diggers of 1937; Hollywood Hotel; Hard to Get; Naughty but Nice; etc. Member of Ascot Lodge No. 538, Los Angeles, Calif. William F. Powell (1848-1920) U.S. Minister to Haiti from 1897-1905, and Prince Hall Freemason. b. June 26, 1848 in Troy, N.Y. Graduate of N.J. Collegiate Inst. in 1865. He opened the first state school for the children of freedom following the Civil War at Alexandria, Va. He was a government bookkeeper from 1881-82. He was principal of school in 4th district of N.J. (Camden), and introduced manual training into the public schools. From 1897-1905 he was a U.S. charge d'affaires to Santo Domingo. He served as grand secretary of the United Grand Lodge of New Jersey, now known as the Prince Hall Grand Lodge. d. Jan. 23, 1920.

Tyrone Power, Sr. (1869-1931) American actor. Name in full was Frederick Tyrone Power. b. in London, the grandson of William Grattan Tyrone Power, an Irish comedian. His son, Tyrone Edmond Power, 1914-58 became a famous movie actor. He was leading man successively of Mrs. Fiske, Mrs. Leslie Carter, Julia Marlowe. His chief success was in poetic drama, or in heroic roles. After 1927 he was in moving pictures. His best role was the lead in Servant in the House, a New York stage production. He collapsed in a studio while making a movie, and died the next dayDec. 30, 1931. His son died similarly, collapsing on the set in Spain in 1958. Member of Howard Lodge No. 35, New York City. Llewellyn Powers (1836-1908) Governor of Maine, 1896-1900; U.S. Congressman from Maine, 1877-79, and 1901-08. b. Oct. 14, 1836 in Pittsfield, Maine. Law graduate of Union U. (Albany, N.Y.) in 1860. Began law practice in Houlton, Maine in 1861. Was prosecuting attorney, collector of customs, and member of state house of representatives. Member of Monument Lodge No. 96, Houlton, Maine. d. July 28, 1908. Herbert, Earl of Powis British Freemason. His titles include Earl of Powis, Viscount Clive, Baron Clive in the peerage of England; Baron Clive in the peerage of Ireland. His family held the ancient hereditary rights in the historical town of Shrewsbury, and the family seat across the border of North Wales where the Powis Castle stands. He is a commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire; B.A. from Oxford; deputy lieutenant of the County of Salop; former colonel of Her Majesty's Regular Army, and officer of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. In 1955 he was installed as grand superintendent of Shropshire for the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of England. He was also junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of England. Baptiste Powles An Oneida Indian Chief who received the three degrees in Manhattan Lodge No. 62, June 5, 1840. He is later recorded as a visitor to Apollo Lodge No. 13, Troy, N.Y. (Feb. 15, 1842). Daniel D. Pratt (1813-1877) U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1869-75. b. Oct. 26, 1813 in Palermo, Maine. Moved to N.Y.C. with parents, then to Fenner, and finally to Indiana in 1832. Graduate of Hamilton Coll., Clinton, N.Y. in 1831. In Indiana he taught school, and in 1834 settled in Indianapolis, where he studied law, and then practiced in Logansport. He was a member of the state house of representatives, and, in 1868, was elected to U.S. congress, but resigned before the congressional term, having been elected to the U.S. senate. In 1875 President Grant appointed him commissioner of internal revenue, and he served until 1876. Received the degrees in 1837 in Tipton

Lodge No. 33, Logansport, Ind., and was master of same in 1844. d. June 17, 1877. Harry H. Pratt (1864-1932) U.S. Congressman to 64th and 65th Congresses (1915-19) from 37th N.Y. dist. b. Nov. 11, 1864 in Corning, N.Y. He became associate editor of the Corning Daily Journal in 1882, and editor of same from 1906-19. He was postmaster of Corning from 1906-14. From 1923-28 he did public relations for the Erie Railroad, and published the Erie Railroad Magazine. Raised in Painted Post Lodge No. 117, Corning, N.Y. on April 18, 1905, dimitting on Aug. 29, 1924 to become a charter member of Corning Lodge No. 1038, same city. Was district deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York from 1912-14. d. Nov. 13, 1932. Joseph M. Pratt (1891-1946) U.S. Congressman to 78th Congress (194344) from 2nd Pa. dist. b. Sept. 4, 1891 in Paterson, N.J. Began as a stenographer and was successively salesman, sales manager, manufacturer and distributor. He was the owner of J. M. Pratt & Co. and Goehenauer Marine Co. Member of Eastern Star Lodge No. 186, Philadelphia, Pa. receiving degrees on Dec. 11, 1912, Jan. 8, April 16, 1913 and master of same in 1923. Past president of the Philadelphia Shrine Club. d. July 19, 1946. Edward Preble (1761-1807) Commodore, U.S. Navy. b. Aug. 15, 1761 in Portland, Maine, the son of General Jedediah Preble, q.v. He ran away at the age of 17 and shipped on a privateer. On his return he was appointed midshipman in the Mass. state marine. He was on the Protector in the Revolutionary War when it captured the British privateer Admiral Duff. He was later captured on the Protector and imprisoned on the ship Jersey in N.Y. After his release he was on the Winthrop and took a British armed brig. After the peace of 1783 he sailed around the world in the merchant marine. Upon the organization of the U.S. Navy, he was one of the first five commissioned lieutenants (Feb. 9, 1798). He commanded the Essex and the Constitution. He was in command of the American squadron to operate against the Barbary states. Several famous American naval officers were at this time under his commandBainbridge, Hull, Stewart, Decatur, and Somers. While blockading Tripoli with the Philadelphia, he ran aground and was captured. He was later released after Decatur, q.v., destroyed the Philadelphia in a daring feat. A treaty with Tripoli concluded his actions which ended the payment of tribute and the slavery of Christian captives. In 1806 Jefferson offered him a seat in the cabinet as head of the Navy, but ill health prevented his acceptance. He received the first degree in St. Andrews Lodge, Boston, May 8, 1783. On Jan. 3, 1786 he was elected to membership in Portland Lodge No. 1, Portland, Maine and in 1806 became a charter member of

Ancient Landmark Lodge No. 17, Portland. d. Aug. 25, 1807. Jedediah Preble (1707-1784) Pre-Revolutionary Brigadier General. b. in Wells, Maine in 1707. He began life as a sailor, and in 1746 became captain of a provincial regiment, settling in Portland about 1748. He was a lieutenantcolonel under General Winslow in Acadia in 1755; became colonel in 1758, and brigadier general on March 12, 1759. He was a representative on the general court for 12 years, and became a councilor in 1773. He was commissioned brigadier general by Mass. in 1774, and later major general, but refused the latter due to advanced age. He was a member of the state senate in 1780. Where he was initiated is unknown, but he was present at St. Johns Lodge, Boston in Dec. 1760, and was present at the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, June 24, 1783. He was a charter member of Portland Lodge No. 1, Portland, Maine in 1769, and served as treasurer of the same. d. March 11, 1784. George D. Prentice (1802-1870) American journalist. b. Dec. 18, 1802 in Preston, Conn. He was principal of a public school before he was 15. Graduate of Brown in 1823, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1829, but never practiced law. In 1825 he was editor of the Connecticut Mirror, and in 1828 he took charge of the New England Weekly Review, which he edited for two years before moving to Louisville, Ky. In 1831 hebecame editor of the Louisville Journal, a daily paper, which was the principal advocate of the Whig party in that region. He also furnished a column of wit and humor to the New York Ledger for several years. He was the author of Life of Henry Clay, and many poems. Member of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 106, Louisville, Ky., and buried Masonically. d. Jan. 22, 1870. George G. Prentice (1865-1941) Inventor and manufacturer. b. Oct. 23, 1865 in Oberlin, Ohio. In 1883 he assisted in building the first automatic machine for gumming, printing and folding envelopes. He was successively with Pratt & Whitney, Hartford; Yost Writing Machine Co., Bridgeport, and Garvin Machine Co., N.Y.C., until he organized and became owner and president of the George G. Prentice & Co., automatic turret machinery manufacturers, in 1896. He invented and patented typewriter improvements; designed and built a typewriter for printing on bound ledgers; improved and built Doremus automatic stamp cancelling machines; designed and built Prentice automatic multiple spindle turret machines; designed and built a steam turbine engine. Received degrees in St. John's Lodge No. 3, Bridgeport, Conn,. Oct. 23, Nov. 6 and Dec. 4, 1889. Dimitted Nov. 21, 1894 and no further record in Conn. d. Dec. 5, 1941.

Henning W. Prentis, Jr. President of Armstrong Cork Co., 1934-50, and Chairman of Board since 1950. b. July 11, 1884 in St. Louis, Mo. Graduate of U. of Missouri in 1903 and U. of Cincinnati in 1907. Was secretary to the president of U. of Missouri, 1903-05 and secretary of the U. of Cincinnati, 1905-07. He has been with the Armstrong Cork Co. since 1907. He was assistant manager of the insulation division at Pittsburgh; organizer and manager of the advertising department; general sales manager of the floor division; vice president and member of the board of directors from 1926; first vice president from 1929 until made president in 1934. Made a Mason "at sight" on Dec. 17, 1945. Member of Lamberton Lodge No. 476, Lancaster, Pa.; 32 AASR (NJ) at Harrisburg, Pa. and member of Lancaster Forest No. 27, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. Louis W. Prentiss Major General, U.S. Army Engineers. b. Sept. 30, 1899. Graduate of Colorado School of Mines in 1921, and various service schools. Commissioned in 1921, he advanced through grades to major general in 1954. In 1941-44 he was director of training of the Engineer Replacement Training Center, Ft. Belvoir, Va.; in 1944-45 was in office of chief engineer, communications zone, E.T.O.; acting chief engineer of U.S. forces in Frankfurt, Germany, 194546; district engineer, Omaha division of Missouri River, 1947-49; division engineer, Dallas, 1949-52; chief of personnel and administration, office of chief of engineers, 1952-53; and commanding general of Fort Belvoir, Va., 1954-56. Retired, and now executive vice president of American Road Builders Association. Member of Capitol Lodge No. 3, Omaha, Nebraska, and 32 AASR (SJ) at Dallas, Texas. Francis Preston (1765-1835) Major General of Militia in War of 1812, and U.S. Congressman from Va. to 3rd and 4th Congresses, 1793-97. b. Aug. 2, 1765 at Greenfield, Botetourt Co., Va. He was the father of William Campbell Preston, q.v. Graduate of William and Mary Coll. in 1783, he studied law under George Wythe and practiced with success in Va. At the beginning of the War of 1812, he enlisted with the appointment of colonel of volunteers, subsequently advancing to major general. He was frequently a member of the Virginia lower house and state senate. Member of Abingdon Lodge No. 48, Abingdon, Va. d. May 25, 1835. Prince H. Preston, Jr. U.S. Congressman, 80th through 86th Congresses (1947-60) from 1st Ga. dist. b. July 5, 1908 in Monroe, Ga. Graduate of U. of Georgia in 1930, and began practice of law at Statesboro. Served as a private in U.S. Army overseas for 20 months in WWII, being discharged as a captain in 1945. Member of Ogeechee Lodge No. 213, Statesboro, Ga., receiving degrees on March 3, April 10, 21, 1936; suspended in 1940 and restored in 1944.

William C. Preston (1794-1860) U.S. Senator from South Carolina, 1833-42. b. Dec. 27, 1794 in Philadelphia, the son of Francis Preston, q.v. Attended Washington Coll. (Washington and Lee) and South Carolina Coll. (U. of South Carolina); studied law at U. of Edinburgh, Scotland and under William Wirt, q.v. In England he was the friend and companion of Washington Irving, and was with Irving during many of his Sketch Book impressions of scenes in the British Isles. He returned to the U.S. in 1819, and was admitted to the Va. bar in 1820, moving to Columbia, S. Car. in 1822. After his senatorial term, he resumed law practice in Columbia, S. Car., and was president of South Carolina Coll. from 1845-51. He was a member of Abraham Lodge No. 8, Louisville, Ky.; Preston Lodge No. 281 of Louisville is named in his honor. d. May 22, 1860. William Preston (1742-1818) English Masonic author, known for his Illustrations of Masonry, which was first published in 1772, and ran through several editions. b. July 28, 1742 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He became a member of Lodge No. 111, constituted by the "Ancients" in 1763, and shortly thereafter this lodge transferred its allegiance to the "Moderns," being reconstituted as Caledonian Lodge No. 325 (now No. 134), and meeting at the Great Eastern Hotel, London. Preston became a joining member of the Lodge of Antiquity in June 1774, and was at once elected its master. He became deputy grand secretary of the grand lodge, and compiled an appendix to the Constitutions, which was issued in 1776. In 1777 the Lodge of Antiquity, under Preston's guidance, had a serious dispute with the "Moderns," which resulted in his suspension from the Order. It was soon rescinded, but other troubles followed, and the Lodge of Antiquity formed itself into a rival grand lodge, under the title of "Grand Lodge of England, south of the River Trent." For this, Preston was again expelled by the "Moderns." He was reinstated again in 1789. He left a sum of 300 as an endowment for the annual delivery of a lecture which has become known as the "Prestonian Lecture." Stephen Jones, his close personal friend, was the first lecturer, being appointed by the Duke of Sussex, q.v. Later Peter Thompson, Preston's last surviving pupil, became lecturer. Appointments were made irregularly, and after 1862, seemed to have ceased. They were revived on a new basis in 1925, the value of the endowment having increased. WWII caused their abandonment, but in 1947 they were again revived. Preston is buried in St. Paul's Cathedral. d. April 1, 1818. Henry Price (1697-1780) Sometimes called the "Father of Freemasonry in America." b. in London, England about 1697, he came to Boston, Mass. in 1723, where he was a tailor and keeper of a drygoods and clothing establishment. He was made a major in the governor's troop of guards in the

Massachusetts colony; the distinction of Cornet, or standard-bearer, was conferred upon him in 1733 by Governor Jonathan Belcher,q.v., the first known Freemason in America. Price retired from business in 1750 and devoted his time to land speculation, having large holdings in Mass., N.H., Conn., and R.I. An Episcopalian, he nevertheless paid pew rent in three other churches. He moved to Townsend in 1760, where he had a large estate, mills, and shops. At the age of 75, he married the third time, and subsequently had two children. Although too old for Revolutionary War service, he favored the colonies' cause. Where he was made a Mason is not known, but in 1730, when visiting in London, he was listed as one of the members of Lodge No. 75, which met at the Rainbow Coffee House. On April 13, 1733, when again in London, and being at that time provincial grand master of New England, he received a deputation of Masonic dignitaries. In 1734 his jurisdiction was extended to cover all of North America. Returning to Boston in 1733, he convened the craft and formed the first duly constituted Masonic body on this side of the ocean. He served as grand master of St. John's Provincial Grand Lodge at Boston in 1733-37, 1740-43, 1754-55 and 1767-68. He was charter master of the Masters' Lodge, and served as master of both the first and second lodges in Boston. He was killed at the age of 83, when his ax slipped while splitting rails; he was buried with the honors due a past grand master and retired major. In 1888 the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts removed the remains of its first grand master and reburied them with a monument to his memory. The "Henry Price" medal is the highest award of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. d. May 20, 1780. James H. Price (? -1943) Governor of Virginia, 1938-42. Imperial recorder of the Shrine, 1928-43. Member of Staunton Lodge No. 13, and later Lewis Ginter Lodge No. 317. Was past master, past high priest, past commander. From 1922-24 he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia; in 1939 a portrait of him was unveiled during the annual communication of that grand lodge. James R. Price Manufacturer of prefabricated homes; president of National Homes Corp., Lafayette, Ind., since 1944. b. Sept. 28, 1911 in Fowler, Ind. Was in real estate, mortgage, and insurance business at Lafayette before entering the home construction business. Received the degrees in 1934 in Benton Lodge No. 521, Fowler, Ind. Julian Price (1867-1946) President of Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co., Greensboro, N.C. from 1919. b. Nov. 25, 1867 in Richmond, Va. Was with Southern R.R. from 1887-1903; American Tobacco Co., 1903-05. He was president of the Atlantic & Yadkin R.R., and former president of the Federal Home Loan Bank at Winston-Salem. Mason and 33 AASR (SJ), he was past

potentate of Oasis Shrine Temple. d. Oct. 25, 1946. Malcolm Price President of Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa, 1940-50. b. July 6, 1895 in Carroll, Iowa. Graduate Cornell Coll., 1919, 1941, and U. of Iowa, 1927, 1929. He was a commercial chemist until 1921; a teacher and superintendent of schools until 1927; director of personnel, public schools of Detroit, 1929-40. Served as a lieutenant in the Infantry in WWI. Received degrees in Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 112, Mt. Vernon, Iowa on April 18, 22 and May 16, 1918. Dimitted March 1, 1927 and no further record in Iowa. Rodman M. Price (1816-1894) U.S. Congressman to 32nd Congress (185153) and Governor of New Jersey from 1854-57. b. May 5, 1816 in Newton, N.J., he attended Princeton and studied law. Was appointed purser in the Navy in 1850, serving for tenyears. He was in the Mexican War as an officer on the frigates Fulton and Missouri, and the sloop Cyane. He was the first American to exercise judicial functions in Calif., and was a delegate to the first constitutional convention of that state. He then returned to N.J. He is known as the father of the public school system of that state; and he established a ferry from Weehawken to N.Y. In 1861 he was a delegate to a peace conference in Washington, D.C., which tried to prevent the impending war. He was probably made a Mason in Calif., for in Dec., 1853, we find him affiliating with Union Lodge No. 11, Orange, N.J. d. June 7, 1894. Stephen Price American theatrical manager. Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. Sterling Price (1809-1867) Brigadier General of Mexican War; Confederate Major General; Governor of Missouri; U.S. Congressman. b. Sept. 11, 1809 in Prince Edward Co., Va. Moved to Charitan Co., Mo. in 1831, and was speaker of the lower house in 1840-44. Served as U.S. congressman, 1845-46, resigning in the latter year to raise the 2nd Missouri cavalry for the Mexican War. As its colonel, he joined Col. Doniphan under General Kearney, and marched from Ft. Leavenworth to Santa Fe. Made brigadier general on July 20, 1847, he moved to Chihuahua, where he was military governor. Defeated the Mexicans at Santa Cruz de Rosales in 1848. He was governor of Missouri from 1853-57, and state bank commissioner from 1857-61. As a major general of the state guard, he was joined by Generals McCulloch and Pearce to defeat General Lyon at Wilson's Creek in Southwest Mo., but fell back before General Fremont. He was driven from Springfield, Mo. toward Ft. Smith, Ark. by General Curtis, and was defeated at Pea Ridge, March 7, 1862. After participating in the engagements around Corinth and Tupelo, Miss., he was assigned to the Army of the West, and

then to the district of Tenn. Assigned to command the district of Arkansas, he was driven from Little Rock by General Steele, but later forced Steele to retreat. He made a raid into Mo. in Sept., 1864, and after many engagements, reached the Mo. River. After the surrender he went to Mexico, but returned to Mo. in 1866. He was a member of Warren Lodge No. 74 of Keytesville, Mo., and is recorded as being a visitor to the Grand Lodge of District Columbia in 1846. d. Sept. 29, 1867. Thomas M. Price Engineer and Vice President of Kaiser Frazer Corp., Kaiser Engineers, Henry J. Kaiser Co.; Vice President and Director of Kaiser Co., Inc., Permanente Cement Co. and Henry J. Kaiser Contractors. b. Jan. 14, 1891 in Madison, N. Car. Graduate of U. of North Carolina in 1912 and 1915. Price was in charge of construction of Panama Canal, 3rd locks, Pacific side; Hoover, Grand Coulee and Bonneville dams. Mason, 32 AASR and Shriner. Samuel Prichard An Englishman who published an expose of Freemasonry. Little is known of him except for this work, which was entitled, Masonry Dissected (with various subtitles). It contained a great deal of fact, but was mingled with an equal amount of falsehood. It passed through some 40 editions in 100 years, and was printed in many languages. Published at London in 1730, it was the first of such exposes, on which subsequent ones were founded. The same year, another volume was published entitled, Defence of Masonry, which was in answer to the former. It has been credited to Dr. Anderson, q.v., but subsequent research has discovered its author to be Bro. Martin Clare. The Abbe Larudan (French) issued a publication entitled Freemasons Crushed, in which he manufactured a wild tale about the death of Prichard. In short, he said Prichard was carried by forceat nightinto the Grand Lodge at London, put to death, his body burned to ashes, and all the lodges in the world informed of the execution. Copies of the early editions are very rare; of some there are none. Only three copies of the first edition exist, so far as known, and only four or five of the second edition. The only thing known about his membership is given on the title page of his work, in which he describes himself as a "late member of a constituted lodge." This is undoubtedly true. Vernon E. Prichard (1892-1949) Major General, U.S. Army. b. Jan. 25, 1892 in Smithland, Iowa. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1915, advancing through grades to major general (temp.) in 1942. Member of Vesper Lodge No. 223, Onawa, Iowa; 32 AASR (SJ) in T. S. Parvin Consistory (La.) on Sept. 1, 1915. d. July 10, 1949.

Sir Archibald Philip Primrose (see Lord Carrington). Aaron E. Prince College president. b. Jan. 1, 1887 in Fairfield, Ill. Graduate of LaGrange Coll. in 1918. D.D. at Ewing Coil., 1920. Ordained a Baptist minister in 1904. Served pastorates in Mo., Ill., Texas, and La. until 1944. Was president of Hannibal LaGrange Coll. from 1944-50. From 195152 he was pastor in Auckland, New Zealand, and in 1953 founded and was president of the Honolulu Christian Coll., Ho- nolulu, Hawaii. Raised in Charleston Lodge No. 35 in 1915; 32 AASR (NJ), 1920 in East St. Louis, Ill. Exalted in Marion (III.) Chapter No.100 in 1924. Member of Ainad Shrine Temple, East St. Louis, Ill. since 1920. John Prince (1751-1836) Clergyman and inventor. b. July 11, 1751 in Boston, Mass. He was apprenticed to a tinsmith, but prepared himself for college, and graduated from Harvard in 1776. He then studied theology, and from 1779-1836 was pastor of the First Unitarian Church in Salem, Mass. He was a friend of Count Rumford, and joined him in perfecting many inventions. He constructed and improved an air-pump which gave him a wide reputation. Member of Massachusetts Lodge of Boston, Jan. 11, 1779. d. June 7, 1836. L. Bradford Prince (1840-1922) Governor of New Mexico, 1889-93; Chief Justice, Supreme Court of New Mexico, 1879-82. b. in Flushing, N.Y. Graduate of Columbia U. in 1866. In New York he was a member of the state assembly from 1871-75; chairman of judiciary committee, having charge of impeachment of judges, in 1872; father of constitutional amendments of 1874; a member of senate, 1876-77. In 1878 he declined the governorship of Idaho. In N. Mex., in 1911, he was chairman of the first state constitutional convention. A prominent Protestant Episcopal layman, he was the originator of the American Church Building Fund, in 1880. An amateur archaeologist, he had one of the largest collections of American stone idols in existence. Raised Nov. 8, 1865 in Cornucopia Lodge No. 563, Flushing, N.Y. Was district deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York from 186877 and grand representative from 1889-93. Master of his lodge in 1868 and 1870. d. Dec. 7, 1922. Robert L. Prince Negro organizer of bogus lodges, being fought by legitimate Prince Hall Grand Lodges. John Proby (see Lord Carysfort). Mortimer R. Proctor Governor of Vermont, 1941-45. b. May 30, 1889 at

Proctor, Vt. Graduate of Yale in 1912. With Vermont Marble Co. and Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Served in WWI as a captain. Mason. Thomas Proctor (1739-1806) Colonel in American Revolution. b. in Ireland, he emigrated to Philadelphia with his father; was a carpenter by trade. Was commissioned a captain by the committee of safety, Oct. 27, 1775, to raise a company of artillery, and the following year his command was raised to a battalion, and he was made a major. In 1777 he was made a colonel, and ordered to raise an entire regiment of artillery. He fought at Brandywine; had part of his command captured at Bound Brook. He was appointed colonel in the Continental Army in 1779, and marched to Wyoming, N.Y. He was at the Battle of Newtown and made a foray against Bergens Neck that netted only a few head of livestock as "prisoners." Andre satirized him in the poem "Cow Chase"". . . Sons of distant Delaware, And Still remoter Hannon, And Major Lee with horses rare, and Proctor with his cannon." At the Battle of Trenton on Christmas night, 1776, he captured an entire British band (musical). He resigned from the army in 1781, after an argument with the president of Pa. In later years he became a brigadier general of Pa. troops and a major general of the Philadelphia militia. He applied to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania for a warrant to hold a lodge in the 1st regiment of artillery. It was granted, and on May 18, 1779 he became the first master of Lodge No. 19, A.Y.M. (now Montgomery Lodge No. 19). He had previously been a member of Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia. In 1783-84 he sat as senior grand warden, and as such, assisted in the institution of Alexandria Lodge in Virginia. He was grand marshal from 1796 until his death ten years later. In Dec. 1799 he was master of ceremonies at the Philadelphia ceremony commemorating Washington's death. He was buried with military and Masonic honors. d. March 16, 1806. Winston L. Prouty U.S. Congressman from Vermont to 83rd through 85th Congresses. b. Sept. 1, 1906 in Newport, Vt. He is a partner in Prouty & Miller Lumber Co. and a director of the National Bank of Newport. Member of Memphremagog Lodge No. 65, Newport. Henry Louis Frederick, Prince of Prussia (see under Frederick). Arthur Pryor (1870-1942) Band leader and composer. b. Sept. 22, 1870 in St. Joseph, Mo. He studied music under his father, who was also a band leader. He became widely known as a trombone soloist, and joined Sousa's, q.v., Band at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893. He made three world tours with Sousa, as premier trombone soloist, and also assistant conductor. He gave the first concert with his own band in N.Y.C. in 1903. He composed

band music, as well as three light operasUncle Tom's Cabin; Jingaboo; and On the Eve of Her Wedding Night. Mason, 33 AASR, and Shriner. d. June 18, 1942. Count Casimir Pulaski (1748-1779) Polish soldier who rendered valuable aidand his lifeto the cause of the American colonies. b. March 4, 1748 in Dodolia. He became involved in the Polish rebellion in 1768, and was elected commander-in-chief of the Polish forces. This eventually led to the intervention of Prussia and Austria, and ultimately to the partition of Poland in 1773. Pulaski's estates were confiscated, and he escaped to Turkey, and later to France, where in 1775, he met Benjamin Franklin and became interested in the American struggle for independence. He came to America in March, 1777 with a recommendation from Franklin, and was immediately attached to the staff of Washington. He fought at Brandywine, was commissioned brigadier general, and placed in charge of the cavalry. He took part in the Battle of Germantown, and fought at Haddonfield, N.J. under Wayne. He organized a corps of lancers in which even deserters and prisoners of war might enlist, and it became famous as "Pulaski's Legion." He foiled a British attack on Charleston, and while investing Savannah, was wounded in the thigh and taken aboard the U.S. brig Wasp, where he died. He was buried at sea, but a ceremony took place afterward in Charleston. A monument donated by the citizens of Savannah was erected to his memory, the corner stone being laid by Lafayette on his visit to the U.S. in 1924. The monument was not completed until 1855. There is no proof of Pulaski's Masonic membership. All references to it stem from after 1824, when the corner stone of the monument was laid with Masonic ceremonies, and Richard T. Turner, high priest of Georgia Chapter at Savannah, reported to his chapter that they had laid the corner stone of the monument to "Brother Count Pulaski." Other sources say he was affiliated with the Army Lodge in the Maryland Line. Casimir Pulaski Lodge No. 1167, meeting in Logan Square Masonic Temple, Chicago, is named in his honor, and a brochure issued by them, states in part, "Casimir Pulaski was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in Gould Lodge of Georgia on June 19, 1779 . . . was buried with Masonic honors." d. Oct. 11, 1779. Eugene C. Pulliam Newspaper publisher and a founder of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journalism fraternity. b. May 3, 1889, in Grant Co., Kansas. Attended Baker U. (Kans.) and DePauw U. (Ind.). He began as a reporter on the Kansas City Star in 1910. He was subsequently editor of the Atchison (Kan.) Champion; Franklin (Ind.) Star; and Lebanon (Ind.) Reporter. He is president of the Central Newspapers, Inc., Lebanon Newspapers, Inc., Vincennes Newspapers, Inc., Radio Station WAOV, Indianapolis Broadcasting Co. (Station WIRE), Star Publishing Co., Muncie Newspapers, Inc. (all of Indiana); and the Phoenix Newspapers, Inc. (Ariz). Received

degrees in 1916 in Franklin Lodge No. 107, Franklin, Ind., affiliating with Boone Lodge No. 9, Lebanon, Ind., in 1924. John Pulling, Jr. A boyhood friend of Paul Revere, q.v., and vestryman of the Old North Church of Boston. Some authors credit Pulling with hanging the lantern in the church steeple on the night of April 18, 1775, which started Revere on his ride. Others say it was Robert Newman, q.v., the sexton. Pulling was made a Mason in Philanthropic Lodge of Marblehead, Mass., but in 1761 affiliated with Revere's lodge, St. Andrew of Boston. Died in poverty. George M. Pullman (1831-1897) Inventor and founder of the Pullman Palace Car Co. b. March 3, 1831 in Chautauqua Co., N.Y. When 17 he joined an elder brother in the cabinet making business in Albion, N.Y. In' 1859 he moved to Chicago, and there built entire blocks of brick and stone buildings. In 1858 his attention was first directed to the discomfort of long distance railway traveling, and the following year, he remodeled two old day coaches of the Chicago and Alton into sleeping cars. In 1863 he built the prototype of the present Pullman car, at the cost of $18,000. It was named the Pioneer. The Pullman Palace Car Co. was organized in 1867. He also devised dining cars in 1868; chair cars in 1875; and vestibule cars in 1887. In 1880 he founded the industrial town of Pullman, near Chicago, where hebuilt the company's shops. Member of Renovation Lodge No. 97, Albion, N.Y. d. Oct. 19, 1897. Clare Purcell Methodist Bishop, 1938-56. b. Nov. 17, 1884 in Columbia, Ala. Graduate of Birmingham-Southern Coll., 1916, and Vanderbilt U., 1910. He served as pastor in the following Alabama cities: Wedowee, Madison, Owenton, Sylacauga, Hartselle, Talladaga, Tuscaloosa, and Jasper (190638). He served as chaplain with the 131st Inf. in the AEF in WWI. Presently president of Carraway Methodist Hospital, Birmingham, Ala. Received degrees in Talladega Lodge No. 261, Talledega, Ala. in 1916 and life member since 1948; Life member of Talledega Chapter No. 23, R.A.M. Member of Talladega Commandery No. 17, K.T and Alcazar Shrine Temple, Montgomery, Ala. William E. Purcell (1856-1928) U.S. Senator from North Dakota, 190711. b. Aug. 3, 1856 in Flemington, N.J. Admitted to the bar in 1880, and practiced in Flemington until he moved to Wahpeton, Dakota Territory, in 1881, where he continued law practice. Was appointed U.S. attorney for the territory in 1888, and served one year, having been elected a member of the constitutional convention to divide property and indebtedness between North and South Dakota. At one time was a member of Wahpeton Lodge No. 15,

Wahpeton, N. Dak. d. Nov. 23, 1928. Henry Purkitt (? -1846) One of the participants in the Boston Tea Party, Dec. 16, 1773, and a colonel of the American Revolution. Was a member of St. Andrew's Lodge, Boston. Received the Mark degree Jan. 31, 1798 and the Royal Arch degree Feb. 28, 1798, both in St. Andrews Chapter, Boston. He was made a Knight Templar in Boston Commandery, March 8, 1806, and an honorary member, Feb. 26, 1807. He was captain general in 1808-09; generalissimo, 1809-11, and treasurer, 1821-23. He was master of his lodge in 1804-06. d. March, 1846. Aleksander S. Pushkin (1799-1837) Russian poet. b. in Moscow. His Ode to Liberty, written in 1820 caused his exile to South Russia, but he continued to hold a government office. He was finally dismissed from public service because of his liberal views. In 1825 he was reinstated in good graces to write the life of Peter the Great, q.v. Among his works are: The Captive of the Caucasus; Boris Goditnov; Ode to Napoleon; Gypsies; The Queen of Spades; and The Captain's Daughter. Telepneff in his Russian Freemasonry. During the Reign of Alexander I credits Pushkin as being a Freemason. Was killed in a duel in 1837. Enoch Putnam Officer of American Revolution. He was a member of St. Andrews Lodge, Boston, as early as Feb. 13, 1777. He was treasurer of United States Lodge, Danvers, Mass. in 1776, and master of same between 1779 and 1782. Israel Putnam (1718-1790) Major General, Continental Army, Revolutionary War. b. Jan. 7, 1718 in Salem, Mass. He was one of the four original major generals of the Continentals, and the only one to serve the entire length of the war. He was the most colorful character of the Revolution, and his exploits were legendaryhis single handed encounter with a wolf he ran the gantlet successfully through a double rank of Mohawk Indianshe put out the fire at the Fort Edward powder househe was spared at the last minute from being burned at the stakehe sat out a powder keg duel until his opponent squirmed and ran awayhe immobilized the French vessels on the St. Lawrence by driving wedges in their ruddershe fought the Spaniards in Cubahe fought the wars against Pontiache explored bounty lands in the wilderness, and at the start of the Revolution he was to be found at Bunker Hill in his shirt sleeves. When Boston was under blockade from the sea he drove in a flock of sheep to feed the citizens, staying overnight with Grand Master Joseph Warren of Mass. No general was more popular among the soldiers. His speech and dress were both unusual. He was chief commander

at New York just before Washington' arrival and during the defeat in t e Battle of Long Island. He comma ded at Philadelphia in 1776, and in the highlands of the Hudson in 1777. In 1779 he was partially incapacitated by a paralytic stroke, but continued in the service, walking with a limp and talking with a lisp. He was poetically memorialized as "Putnam, scored with ancient scars, The living record of his country's wars." He is credited with being a member of a British military lodge meeting at Crown Point, N.Y., and was made a Mason there on June 7, 1758. However no source can be located for this fact and date. He is also credited with being a member of Hiram Lodge No. 1 at New Haven, Conn., but the history of that lodge does not list him. He did, however, visit Hiram lodge on many occasions, journeying about 40 miles to attend. He was also a frequent visitor to the lodge at Hartford, Conn. While in camp at Redding, Conn. in 1778-79, he was the guest of honor on those occasions when American Union Lodge had special events planned. Many lodges throughout the U.S. have been named in his honor. d. May 19, 1790. Israel Putnam, Jr. Son of Israel, q.v., the Major General of the Revolution, and his aide during the war. Member of Moriah Lodge No. 15, Canterbury, Conn. 372 James C. Putnam (1868-1956) A founder and first national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He participated in three Indian wars; the Spanish-American War; served under General Pershing, q.v., in the Fifth Cavalry (1890-91); worked on the Panama Canal; and served six years in the Missouri legislature as a representative from Howell Co. He was first national commander of the V.F.W., following its organization at Columbus, Ohio in 1899. A Mason, he was known as an excellent ritualist, and spent much time in the York Rite bodies. He was for many years prelate of Baldwin Commandery No. 4, Fayetteville, Ark. d. Oct., 1956. Rufus Putnam (1738-1824) Brigadier General, American Revolution, and "Father of Ohio." b. April 9, 1738 in Sutton, Mass., a cousin of Israel Putnam, q.v., the Revolutionary major general. Orphaned at an early age, he was almost self educated. Served an apprenticeship as a millwright. After service in the Indian Wars of 1757-60, he settled down to farming in New Braintree, Mass. In 1773, with his cousin Israel he explored and surveyed the Yazoo bounty lands on the Miss. During the Revolution he provedto be a resourceful engineer, constructing the siege works at Boston, Newport, New York City, and rebuilding the defenses at West Point. After the war he organized the Ohio Company of Associates, leading them into the Northwest Territory in 1788, and founded the city of Marietta, the first permanent city of the territory. He was appointed judge of the territory in 1790, and was general

of militia. He was named surveyor general of the United States in 1796, holding that position until 1803. In 1793 he negotiated a peace treaty with the Indians, where others had failed. In 1802 he presided at the Ohio constitutional convention. He received his degrees in American Union Lodge at West Point, N.Y., July 26, Aug. 26, and Sept. 6, 1879. When this famous traveling military lodge brought its altar to rest at Marietta, Ohio in 1790, and reorganized, he was junior warden, and later served as master seven different terms. During a visit to Philadelphia in 1792, he was made a Royal Arch Mason, and from 1797-99 was high priest of American Union Chapter. In 1808 he was unanimously elected as the first grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, but declined the honor due to his advanced age. d. May 1, 1824. 373

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