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Revenants Choice of warriors

A Revenant warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns to recruit your warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband may never exceed 15. Revenant King: Each Revenant warband must have one Revenant King: no more, no less! Necromancer: Your warband may include a single Necromancer if you wish. Revenants: Your warband may include up to three Revenants. Skeleton Swordsmen: Your warband may include up to three Skeleton Swordsmen. Skeleton Warriors: Your warband may include any number of Skeleton Warriors. Skeleton Dogs: Your warband may include any number of Skeleton Dogs.

Starting Experience
A Revenant King starts with 20 experience. A Necromancer starts with 8 experience. A Revenant starts with 8 experience.

Revenant King: Combat, Strength, Academic Necromancer: Academic Revenants: Combat, Strength

Equipment List
Dagger = 1st free/2gc Mace = 3gc Hammer = 3gc Axe = 5gc Sword = 10gc Double-handed Weapon = 15gc Spear = 10gc Light Armour = 20gc #Heavy Armour = 50gc Shield = 5gc Helmet = 10gc # = Can only be used by Revenants

Warband Special Rules

No flesh: Revenants and Skeletons have no flesh, and as a result they are immune to the effects of poison. In addition, any critical hits from bladed/peircing/missile weapons are treated as a normal wound. An arrow or bolt will suffer a -1 penalty to hit, as the projectile can easily glance off (or between) bones. The No Flesh rule has no effect against bludgeoning or unarmed combat. King of the bones: If the Revenant King dies or retires, the Revenant with the highest Leadership will become the Leader (if its a tie, choose the one with the most experience, or roll a die). Change the characters type to Revenant King, and he gains the Leader special rule.

1 Revenant King 90 gold crowns Profile M WS BS 5 4 0 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 5 A 2 Ld 9

Leader: Any warrior within 6 of the Revenant King can use his Leadership instead of his own. 0-1 Necromancer 35 gold crowns Profile M WS BS 4 3 3

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 3

A 1

Ld 7

Wizard: Necromancers are wizards and are able to use Spells of the Animated Inanimate. 0-3 Revenant 60 gold crowns Profile M WS BS 4 4 0

S 4

T 4

W 1

I 4

A 1

Ld 8

0-3 Skeleton Swordmasters 40 gold crowns Profile M WS BS S 4 4 0 3 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 6

Swordmaster: A Skeleton Swordmaster strikes at +1 Strength with bladed weapons. Skeleton Warriors 30 gold crowns Profile M WS BS 4 3 0

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 3

A 1

Ld 5

Skeleton Dogs 20 gold crowns Profile M WS BS 6 2 0

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 4

A 1

Ld 4

Pack size: You can recruit as many Skeleton Dogs as you wish. Experience: Skeleton Dogs are animals and do not gain experience.

Spells of the Animated Inanimate

1 = Reanimate Skeleton (Difficulty 6) At the spoken command of the Necromancer, the Skeletons rise to fight again. If sucessful, you may select a Skeleton that was taken Out Of Action this game to return to play. Place the model within 6 of the Necromancer. Due to the time taken for the bones to position themselves, the reanimated model cannot do anything for the duration of the turn in which he is being reanimated. 2 = Spell of Doom (Difficulty 9) The Necromancer whispers to the sleeping dead to rise up from the ground and seize his enemies. Choose one enemy model within 12". The model must immediately roll equal to or less than his Strength on a D6 or the dead emerging from the earth will rend him with supernatural power. If he fails, you may roll on the Injury table to see what happens to the unfortunate warrior. 3 = Spell of Awakening (Difficulty: Auto) The Necromancer calls the soul of a slain Hero back to his body and enslaves him with corrupt magic. If an enemy Hero is killed (ie, your opponent rolls 11-16 on the Serious Injury chart after the battle) then the Necromancer may raise him to fight as a Skeleton in his servitude. The dead Hero retains his characteristics/weapons/armour/skills, but he counts as a Henchman group on his own, and may not gain additional experience. He may only use weapons allowed by Skeletons. If the Hero has weapons or items that are not allowed, then they MUST be sold and replaced with weapons that he can use. The new Skeleton gains the No Flesh special rule. 4 = Bone Arrows (Difficulty 7) Bone arrows appear from thin air and circle around the Necromancer, shooting out to strike his foes. Unlike other spells, this cannot be cast whilst in hand-to-hand combat. The spell summons D6+2 arrows which the Necromancer can use to shoot against one enemy model. The arrows have a range of 24". Use the wizards own Ballistic Skill to determine whether he hits or not, but ignore movement, range and cover penalties. The arrows cause one S3 hit each. 5 = Fireblast (Difficulty 8) A bright flame leaps from the outstretched arm of the Necromancer and burns its victims with indescribable agony. The spell has a range of 8", hitting the first model in its path. The spell causes D3 Strength 4 hits on its target, and one Strength 3 hit on each model within 2" of the target (friend or foe). 6 = Reanimate Revenant (Difficulty 8) At the spoken command of the Necromancer, the Revenants rise to fight again. If sucessful, you may select a Revenant that was taken Out Of Action this game to return to play. Place the model within 6 of the Necromancer. Due to the time taken for the bones to position themselves, the reanimated model cannot do anything for the duration of the turn in which he is being reanimated.

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