A3D and A3D Max Integrated RC Design

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CADS A3D MAX & Analyse 3D

Integrated RC Design

Revision History
Date 15/04/09 Version 1.0 Description First release with A3D MAX v3.50 and Analyse 3D v3.70 Author Devi & Varadarajan

Analyse 3D and A3D Max Integrated RC Design

Copyright 2009 Computer and Design Services Limited

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INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 INTEGRATED RC DESIGN............................................................................................2 2.1 Initial requirements ..................................................................................................2 2.2 Creating design groups ............................................................................................2 2.2.1 Grouping Wizard............................................................................................... 2 2.2.2 Design Information............................................................................................5 2.2.3 Finish................................................................................................................7 2.3 Reviewing design results .........................................................................................7 2.3.1 RC Beam Design (RCBD).................................................................................8 Required end support condition if no column under is present ....................9 Select data for batch design.....................................................................10 2.3.2 RC column design (RCCD) .............................................................................12 2.3.3 RC pile cap design (RCPCD) ..........................................................................12 2.3.4 RC pad base design (RCPBD)........................................................................13 2.4 Printout..................................................................................................................14

Analyse 3D and A3D Max Integrated RC Design

Copyright 2009 Computer and Design Services Limited

1 Introduction
This document gives an overview of the integrated design facilities for reinforced concrete within CADS A3D MAX and CADS Analyse 3D. These options are available for users who have purchased the relevant CADS RC design products. Integrated design utilises the Design dialogs to enable the design and/or checking and reporting of multiple design objects (batch processing) as an efficient alternative to the export of single members and joints to the design programs.

1 Analyse 3D and A3D MAX Integrated RC Design

Copyright 2009 Computer and Design Services Limited

2 Integrated RC Design
2.1 Initial requirements
1. Create a structural model in A3D MAX/Analyse 3D including some or all members defined as RC member types 2. Define ultimate and serviceability load combinations. Note that all the RC designers require ULS load combinations but RCPBD additionally requires at least one SLS load combination for design. 3. Run the analysis. 4. Now you are ready to design the various RC elements using the corresponding CADS RC Design applications within A3D MAX/ Analyse 3D.

2.2 Creating design groups

The Design menu in A3D MAX/Analyse 3D allows you to create design groups. These design groups are collections of design objects. The nature of the object depends on the design application. RC column design objects are created from single analysis model vertical members which were previously defined as RC column member types. RC beam design objects are created from either single horizontal members or, more usually, a series of joined horizontal members which were previously defined as RC beam member types. RC pile cap and base design objects are created from supported nodes or joints in the analysis model. 2.2.1 Grouping Wizard

Select the objects which you wish to include in your design group. Then click on Design>Create group to open the Grouping Wizard.

S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Selection Vertical member Horizontal member Support Support

Design Group RC column group RC beam group RC pile cap group Base group

Kind of design object RC column object RC beam object RC pile cap object RC pad base object

RC design groups and objects in A3D MAX/Analyse 3D

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Typical selection for an RC beam group:

Typical selection for an RC column group:

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Typical selection for base and pile cap groups:

The Design Grouping Wizard consists of only three pages, with just a few simple inputs, most of which are defaults that will not need to be changed often. The opening page is shown below:

Collection of Design/Check objects This creates a group of objects to which design attributes can be assigned. This is the default setting in the wizard.

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Reference name This allows you to give a name to your group. Enter a name that reflects the nature of the design objects. This will make reading the results much easier. Names such as "Bases A1-5", "First Floor Beams" are typical examples. Annotation This gives you the ability to add brief notes to the group. Such notes can be regarded as an aide memoire for the designer but are not mandatory. 2.2.2 Design Information

The second page of the wizard (shown above) is where you enter information about how the objects are to be processed. Kind of objects there is a type of Design Object for each CADS design application and this setting tells A3D MAX/Analyse 3D which one to use for designing the objects in the group. Design code Currently only BS 8110 Amendment 3 is supported Which template this allows you to specify a particular template containing the design criteria appropriate to the type of object. Templates are a powerful tool allowing you to use most of the options within the individual designer applications. Normally the default template for the particular application is shown. The template itself is called defaults_BS [where BS = British Standard - anticipating forthcoming Eurocode (EC) versions]. The rest of the path (file location) will have been set up from your system settings so rarely needs changing. The table below shows what data is controlled by template and what is read from A3D MAX/Analyse 3D:-

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Design object RC column

Data from template Column properties: braced/unbraced Materials: aggregate size - main reinforcement - link reinforcement Design parameters

Data from A3D MAX / Analyse 3D Column properties: section depth/width - clear height - end fixities (based on depths of intersecting beams) Materials: concrete grade - aggregate type Analysis results

RC beam Span properties: top recess - offsets - covers Materials: - reinforcement - aggregate size - PSF concrete - PSF reinforcement Bar assembly settings Design parameters RC pile cap Design parameters Bases

Span properties: section - profile Materials: - concrete grade - modulus of elasticity - density of concrete - aggregate type Support properties Analysis results

Column dimensions Analysis results Column & base dimensions Concrete data


Reinforcement data Soil properties Analysis results

If the template is incorrect or set to the wrong location, the browse button alongside will open the File dialog to help you locate it. New This button opens the appropriate design application so that a new template may be created. Set the required design data and then Save the file, usually in the Template folder. Now close the design application and the path to the template will be displayed in the Which template .. field. Folder for detailed design data this input allows you to specify where the detailed design/check results will be saved. The path (location) shown depends on the application and is automatically retrieved by the Wizard from the current settings of the application. There is rarely any need to change it but you may do so by entering the path directly or using the File browser button to locate the folder.

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For RC beams, the explorer tree shows the analysis members which have been joined automatically to form design objects (beam strings). In the illustration above analysis members 17, 23 and 29 have been joined to form design object 4. Whether the design object is designed as a single span or several continuous spans is determined later in the process as explained below in section At this stage the Design group is about to be created but first you can go back to any part of the wizard and amend the settings if you wish. In most cases this is unnecessary and you can continue to select Finish.

2.3 Reviewing design results

Once the model has been analysed, any design object created can be either checked or designed. RC beams, columns and pile caps are `designed but userdefined RC Bases may also be checked as well as being auto designed. This process is controlled from the Design Results dialog. In this dialog select a design object or group and click on Design to activate the design process. The Results panel is the area in which the Design objects are listed together with a summary of the results from a check or design and related data. The Properties sub dialog allows you to modify the Template used for design and the Details file path for a selected whole group or individual design object. Additional properties are required to be defined for RC beam objects as explained below in section

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RC Beam Design (RCBD) Additional properties For RC beams it is necessary to define the RCBD batch process conditions to instruct the software how to handle the analysis data in design.

Click on the View/modify RCBD batch process conditions button in the Properties dialog to define the RCBD batch process conditions.

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Note: If you select more than one design object, the dialog heading will be changed to RCBD batch process conditions Multiple. If the included objects do not have the same conditions selected, the selections will be shown blank to indicate multiple design objects with varying properties are selected. You may select new options which will then be applied to all the selected design objects in place of the previous ones by clicking OK. Exiting the dialog by clicking Cancel will retain the properties specified previously.

Required end support condition if no column under is present

You can choose separately the required support condition at end1 and end2 for cases where there is no column or external support under (eg: support by another beam etc) from the options listed below. This choice is given because it is not possible for the RC Beam Designer program to always correctly judge whether an end node is effectively supported or is free and therefore whether the end span should be treated as a cantilever for design. For instance an end span with hogging moment envelope throughout may be a true cantilever or an `anchor span. Accept software default condition By default the program makes the following assumptions:i. If the left end has positive absolute maximum shear force, a knife edge support will be assumed at that end.

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If the right end has negative absolute maximum shear force, a knife edge support will be assumed at that end. If the left end has negative shear force, a cantilever support will be assumed at that end. If the right end has positive shear force, a cantilever support will be assumed at that end.



Assume simple (knife edge) support Assume free/cantilever condition Select data for batch design

There are 2 options available. You can choose to design with the moment and shear envelopes already calculated in A3D MAX / Analyse 3D or to use the member loads to recalculate the moment and shear envelopes within RCBD applying pattern dead and imposed loadings to the relevant sub-frame. Both options may be selected together if required. Rules for batch processing and the simple export of RC beams.

1. For integrated design (batch processing) you can create a design group containing a single member, a series of continuous members or a whole floor of RC beam members. The software will detect those analysis members which are approximately in line and create design objects (beam strings) accordingly. The member directions (end 1 and end 2 sequence) must be consistent throughout. The same criterion applies to single object export to RCBD. If necessary, member directions can be reversed easily using the Swap button in the Member editor followed by re-analysis and re-selection of the group. 2. Members that are physically joined end-to-end will be combined if their relative directions lie within the default directional tolerance of 5 degrees. 3 When exporting a single beamstring through direct export to RC beam designer, the following dialog box is displayed asking you to select the data for export (loads for subframe analysis and/or moment/shear envelopes).

In integrated RC beam design this data is specified in the RCBD batch process condition dialog as described above in section 4. In both integrated RC beam design and direct export to RCBD, the software intelligently detects an effective support at a node by inspecting the moment envelope as follows:-

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For all nodes: i Column supports (under) will be provided when modelled in A3D MAX / Analyse 3D.

For intermediate nodes without columns under: ii If the maximum absolute moment at the node is hogging and the shear envelope changes sign at the node, it is considered as an effective support and a knife edge support is introduced at the node. If the maximum absolute moment at the node is hogging and the shear envelope doesnt change sign at the node, it is considered to be unsupported and the consecutive members are joined together as one span or part thereof. If the maximum absolute moment at the node is sagging it is considered to be unsupported and the consecutive members are joined together as one span or part thereof.



For end nodes the program support conditions are assumed as specified in the RCBD batch process condition dialog in the properties page as described above in section

5. Batch processing and export to RC Beam Designer are designed for structures in which gravity (downward) loading is dominant. Application to structures with net upward loading will cause errors. RC beam design results

On completion of design the dialog displays results such as top bars, bottom bars and link bars at critical sections in three zones (left, middle and right) for each beam span along with any warnings that may be generated. The bars are called off in accordance with the Standard method of detailing concrete structures with the addition that main bar layers are designated L1, L2 etc. Any RC beam design object can be inspected in more detail by selecting it and pressing Details to open up the RC Beam Designer job file. Here changes (eg: section dimensions) may be made to investigate alternative solutions on a trial basis. However the changes and bar solution are not passed back to the Design & check results in the current version of the software as can be done for steelwork design.

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RC column design (RCCD)

On completion of design, the dialog displays results such as area required; area provided main reinforcement (number & diameter) and link reinforcement (diameter & spacing), utilisation-ratio and warnings if any. Any column design object can be inspected in more detail by selecting it and pressing Details to open up the RC Column Designer job file. Here changes (eg section dimensions, bar solution) may be made to investigate alternative solutions on a trial basis. However the changes and bar solution are not passed back to the Design & check results in the current version of the software as can be done for steelwork design. 2.3.3 RC pile cap design (RCPCD)

On completion of design the dialog displays results including selected top and bottom bar sets in both the X and Y directions. Any pile cap design object can be inspected in more detail by selecting it and pressing Details to open up the RC Pile Cap Designer job file. Here changes (eg section dimensions, bar solution etc) may be made to investigate alternative solutions on a trial basis. However the changes and bar solution are not passed back to the Design & check results in the current version of the software as can be done for steelwork design.

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RC pad base design (RCPBD)

On completion of design the dialog displays critical utilisation ratio and the governing mode or design criterion. Note: Check and Design options for bases are described in more detail in A3D MAX/Analyse 3D help file (Help Designing the Structure Base Design) 2.3.5 Errors and warnings

Errors and warnings are displayed in the All objects view of the Design & Check Results dialog as shown below.

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2.4 Printout
The design results displayed in Design & check results dialog can be output through the additional data available in the Printout layout dialog.

Typical outputs are shown below.

Typical output for RC beam:
Design Object Analysis members O/a depth x width (mm) Concrete grade Span Position Top bars Bottom bars Link bars

Group Reference plinth beam set1 1 17-29 600 x 400 G50 1 Left end Mid span Right end 2 Left end Mid span Right end 3 Left end Mid span Right end 2 18-30 600 x 400 G50 1 Left end Mid span Right end L1 2H16+2H16 L1 4H16 L1 2H20+2H25 L1 2H20+2H25 L1 4H16 L1 2H20+2H25 L1 2H20+2H25 L1 4H16 L1 2H16+2H16 L1 2H16+1H16 L1 3H16 L1 2H20+1H25 L1 4H16 L1 2H16+2H20 L1 4H16 L1 4H16 L1 4H16 L1 4H16 L1 4H16 L1 2H16+2H20 L1 4H16 L1 3H16 L1 3H25 L1 2H20+1H16 2H10-225 2H10-400 2H10-200 2H10-225 2H10-400 2H10-225 2H10-200 2H10-400 2H10-225 2H10-200 2H10-400 2H10-175

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Note: In top and bottom bar specifications `L' means `bar layer'. For bar curtailments and other details refer to CADS RC Beam Designer Reinforcement design data results for the relevant span.

Warnings / Errors
Design Member ref. object Group Reference plinth beam set1 4 5 35-36 39-40 Warnings / Errors

Area of reinforcement exceeds the maximum allowable given in clause Area of reinforcement exceeds the maximum allowable given in clause;Span / depth deflection criteria have not been satisfied

Typical output for RC column:

Design object Member ref Depth x Width Concrete Grade Main bars Area Provd. Area Reqd. Link bars Util. ratio

Group Reference First floor columns 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 5 6 9 10 13 14 500 x 500 500 x 500 500 x 500 500 x 500 500 x 500 500 x 500 500 x 500 500 x 500 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 10H40 10H40 10H40 10H40 10H40 10H40 10H40 10H40 12566 12566 12566 12566 12566 12566 12566 12566 10487 10487 10965 10965 10965 10965 10487 10487 H10 - 475 H10 - 475 H10 - 475 H10 - 475 H10 - 475 H10 - 475 H10 - 475 H10 - 475 0.850 0.850 0.880 0.880 0.880 0.880 0.850 0.850

Typical output for RC pilecap:

Design object Joint ref Pile Dia. Pile No Util. Ratio Width x Height x Depth Concrete Grade Bottom X bar Bottom Y bar Top X bar Top Y bar

Group Reference - Pile group1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 2 9 10 17 18 25 26 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.178 0.178 0.277 0.277 0.277 0.277 0.178 0.178 2300 x 800 x 500 2300 x 800 x 500 2300 x 800 x 600 2300 x 800 x 600 2300 x 800 x 600 2300 x 800 x 600 2300 x 800 x 500 2300 x 800 x 500 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 C40/50 5H25-130 5H25-130 7H25- 85 7H25- 85 7H25- 85 7H25- 85 5H25-130 5H25-130 8H16-250 8H16-250 9H16-225 9H16-225 9H16-225 9H16-225 8H16-250 8H16-250 3H16-250 3H16-250 4H16-170 4H16-170 4H16-170 4H16-170 3H16-250 3H16-250 8H16-275 8H16-275 9H16-250 9H16-250 9H16-250 9H16-250 8H16-275 8H16-275

Typical output for base:

Group Base Value (FOS) base J1 J2 J9* J10 J17 3.006 3.006 3.481 3.481 3.481 0.665 0.665 0.574 0.574 0.574 Sliding UR Critical comb. sls sls sls sls sls Value (FOS) 18.282 18.282 18.524 18.524 18.524 0.109 0.109 0.108 0.108 0.108 Overturning UR Critical comb. sls sls sls sls sls 0.630 0.630 0.971 0.971 0.971 Section design UR Critical comb. alt1 alt1 all all all 0.881 0.881 0.881 0.881 0.881 Reinforcement UR

* - Critical base for the group.

# - Base has failed design checks.

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