Minimum Cost Spanning Trees & Applications

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Minimum spanning tree

Definition Properties Example Applications

A tree is a graph with the following properties:
The graph is connected (can go from anywhere to anywhere)

There are no cycles(acyclic)


Graphs that are not trees

Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)

Let G=(V,E) be an undirected connected graph.
A sub graph T=(V,E) of G is a spanning tree of G iff T is a tree. It is a tree (i.e., it is acyclic) It covers all the vertices V contains |V| - 1 edges A single graph can have many different spanning


Connected undirected graph

Spanning trees

A minimum cost spanning tree is a spanning tree which has a

minimum total cost.

A minimum spanning tree (MST) or minimum weight spanning

tree is then a spanning tree with weight less than or equal to the weight of every other spanning tree.
Addition of even one single edge results in the spanning tree losing its

property of acyclicity and removal of one single edge results in its

losing the property of connectivity.
It is the shortest spanning tree .

The length of a tree is equal to the sum of the length of the arcs on the


Possible multiplicity
There may be several minimum spanning trees of the same weight

having a minimum number of edges

if all the edge weights of a given graph are the same, then every

spanning tree of that graph is minimum.

If there are n vertices in the graph, then each tree has n-1 edges.

If each edge has a distinct weight then there will be only one, unique

minimum spanning tree.

Cycle Property: Let T be a minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph G Let e be an edge of G that is not in T and let C be the cycle formed by e with T For every edge f of C, weight(f) weight(e) If weight(f) > weight(e) we can get a spanning tree of smaller weight by replacing e with f

f 2 6

8 7

9 3 e 7

Replacing f with e yields a better spanning tree

2 6

4 9 3 7 e 7


Partition Property: Consider a partition of the vertices of G into subsets U and V Let e be an edge of minimum weight across the partition There is a minimum spanning tree of G containing edge e Proof: Let T be an MST of G If T does not contain e, consider the cycle C formed by e with T and let f be an edge of C across the partition By the cycle property, weight(f) weight(e) Thus, weight(f) = weight(e) We obtain another MST by replacing f with e

U f 2 5 8 7

7 9 8

U f 2 5 8

Replacing f with e yields another MST V 7 4 9

8 3


Minimum-cost spanning trees

If we have a connected undirected graph with a weight (or cost)

associated with each edge

The cost of a spanning tree would be the sum of the costs of its edges A minimum-cost spanning tree is a spanning tree that has the lowest



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A connected, undirected graph

A minimum-cost spanning tree

Applications of minimum spanning trees

Consider an application where n stations are to be linked using a

communication network.
The laying of communication links between any two stations involves a

The problem is to obtain a network of communication links which

while preserving the connectivity between stations does it with minimum cost.
The ideal solution to the problem would be to extract a sub graph

termed minimum cost spanning tree.

It preserves the connectedness of the graph yields minimum cost.

Applications contd
Suppose you want to supply a set of houses with:
electric power water sewage lines telephone lines

To keep costs down, you could connect these houses with a spanning tree ( for example, power lines)
However, the houses are not all equal distances apart

To reduce costs even further, you could connect the

houses with a minimum-cost spanning tree

Applications contd

Constructing highways or railroads spanning several cities

Designing local access network

Making electric wire connections on a control panel Laying pipelines connecting offshore drilling sites, refineries, and consumer markets

Applications contd
The phone company task is to provide phone lines to a village with 10

houses, each labeled H1 through H10.

A single cable must connects each home. The cable must run through

houses H1, H2, and so forth, up through H10.

Each node is a house, and the edges are the means by which one house

can be wired up to another.

The weights of the edges dictate the distance between the homes. Their task is to wire up all ten houses using the least amount of

telephone wiring possible.

Graphical representation of hooking up a 10-home village with phone lines

The two valid spanning trees from the above graph. The edges forming the spanning tree are bolded.

Problem: Laying Telephone Wire

Central office

Wiring: Nave Approach

Central office


Wiring: Better Approach

Central office

Minimize the total length of wire connecting the customers

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